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John Powell Warner

Contact Information:
4456 Friar Tuck Lane
Sarasota, FL. 34232
Cell: (941) 914-5241
Home: (941) 706-4288
e-mail: john.p.warner@gmail.com

University of Kentucky 2010
Ph.D in Anthropology

University of Kentucky 2004

MA in Anthropology

University of Central Florida 1994

BA in Anthropology

Teaching Positions and Employers:

Adjunct Faculty
University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee
College of Arts and Sciences
8350 N. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Fl. 34243

Adjunct Faculty
Eastern Kentucky University
Department of Anthropology, Sociology, and Social Work
223 Keith Building
Richmond, KY. 40475
(859) 622-1644

Teaching Assistant and Graduate Student Instructor
University of Kentucky
Department of Anthropology
211 Lafferty Hall
Lexington, KY. 40506
(859) 257-2710

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Courses Taught at University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee:
1. ANT 2000 – Introduction to Anthropology - This class served as an introductory survey into the
development of the four sub-fields of anthropology with special emphasis placed on the holistic nature of
the discipline, and the methods employed by each sub-field.

2. ANT 2410 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology – This class introduced students to the data, methods,
and theory associated with cultural anthropology. The role played by kinship, settlement patterns, ritual,
and subsistence patterns in cultural development were of special interest. The material for this course was
delivered in a combination of both on-line formats and in-class lectures.

3. ISS 3300 – Introduction to Social Science Methodology – This course introduced the fundamentals of
method-based social science research to upper division undergraduates enrolled in the Interdisciplinary
Social Sciemnce program. Among the methodologies examined in detaile were particpipant observation,
interviewing, feminist approaches, and historical approaches.

Courses Taught at Eastern Kentucky University:

1. ANT 201 – Physical Anthropology – This course introduced students to issues related to the intersection
between human biology and culture, with a special emphasis placed upon areas of human evolution and
adaptation. Some of the specific topics covered in this course include human evolution, adaptation to
diverse environments, contemporary human variation, and the perception of race.

2. ANT 365 –Monkeys, Apes, and Humans – This class examined primatology from a primarily cultural
anthropological perspective, with special emphasis placed upon what primatology studies can and cannot
tell us about prehistoric human organization, behavior, and culture. Specific topics covered in this class
include taxonomic systems, primate evolution and social organization, and primate communication.

3. ANT 365 – Human Evolution – The primary focus of this course was the field of paleoanthropology and
the study of hominid evolution, with a special emphasis placed upon the relationship between hominids and
their environment. Specific topics covered in this class include adaptation and evolution, osteology and
taxonomy, tool industries, and philosophical/methodological differences between the scientific method and
intelligent design.

Courses Taught at the University of Kentucky:

1. ANT 101- Introduction to Anthropology – This class served as an introductory survey into the
development of the four sub-fields of anthropology with special emphasis placed on the holistic nature of
the discipline, and the methods employed by each sub-field.

2. ANT 160 - Cultural Diversity in the Modern World – This course provided an in-depth examination of
contemporary cultural diversity within the modern world. Topics such as race, subsistence economies,
cultural development, and political systems were examined in detail.

3. ANT 161 - The World of Peasants - This class examined the political economy that surrounds the
formation of peasant societies from both an archaeological and contemporary perspective. The historical
development of peasant society, the world economy, and peasant/state relations were among the topics
covered in this class.

4. ANT 241 – Origins: Old World Civilization – This course examined the development of societies within
the Old World, with a special emphasis placed upon those from Mesopotamia and Egypt. Some of the
specific topics explored include the agricultural revolution, the functional and symbolic use of monumental
architecture, the urban condition, and the development of writing and markets.

5. ANT 242 – Origins: New World Civilization – This course explored the diverse development of societies
within the New World with a special emphasis placed upon the various cultures of Central and South

Curriculum Vitae - Warner Page 2

America. Some of the specific topics explored include the importance of ceremony and ritual, the
development of social stratification, and the complex meaning behind mortuary systems.

Courses Taught at the University of Kentucky (Continued):

6. ANT 312 – Comparative Civilization – This class used a comparative approach in discussing the
development of civilization throughout the world – with a special emphasis on the formation of urbanism
and state society. Prehistoric economic organization, the role of agriculture and state development, and the
meaning of space and architecture were covered in this course.

Grants and Awards:

$160,000 - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. "Ritual Performance
and the Politics of Everyday Space in Jequetepeque, Peru.” Written as project co-director and
collaborator with Dr. Edward Swenson.

$11,995 - National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant “Processes of
Urbanization and Sociopolitical transformation at the site of Cañoncillo, Peru.” Written as co-
principle investigator with Dr. Tom Dillehay.

Archaeological Field and Laboratory Work:

July 2014 through Director: Proyecto Jatanca, Peru
August 2014 Excavation within monumental architecture, architectural mapping, regional
mapping, ceramic analysis

July 2012 through Co-Director (with Dr. Edward Swenson): Proyecto Cañoncillo, Peru
August 2012 Excavation within domestic zones, mapping, and ceramic analysis

June 2011 through Co-Director (with Dr. Edward Swenson): Proyecto Cañoncillo, Peru
August 2011 Excavation within monumental core and domestic zones, mapping, ceramic
analysis, regional survey and hinterland surface collection

June 2010 through Co-Director (with Dr. Edward Swenson): Proyecto Cañoncillo, Peru
August 2010 Excavation within monumental core and domestic zones, mapping, ceramic
analysis, and regional survey

July 2009 through Co-Director (with Dr. Edward Swenson): Proyecto Cañoncillo, Peru
August 2009 Excavation within monumental core, mapping, and ceramic analysis

June 2008 through Co-Director (with Dr. Edward Swenson): Proyecto Cañoncillo, Peru
August 2008 Excavation, ceramic analysis, and surface collection

June 2007 through Co-Director (with Dr. Edward Swenson): Proyecto Cañoncillo, Peru
August 2007 Excavation, total station mapping, and ceramic analysis

July 2004 through Director: Proyecto Jatanca, Peru

August 2005 Dissertation research in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru
Regional survey, mapping, excavation, ceramic analysis, surface collection

June through August Lower Jequetepeque Valley Project, Pacasmayo Peru

1997, 1998, 1999 Directed by Dr. Tom Dillehay and Dr. Alan Kolata
Survey, excavation, and ceramic analysis

August 1997 Proyecto Cerro Guitarra, Zaña Valley, Peru

Directed by Dr. Jack Rossen – Ithaca College

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Household excavation within a pre-ceramic site

Archaeological Field and Laboratory Work (Continued):

September 1995 Research Assistant Dr. Tom Dillehay - University of Kentucky
through May 1996 Archaeological data entry, research, and general laboratory work

June-August 1995 Research Assistant for Dr. Mary Powell - University of Kentucky
Computer entry of burial records for the N.A.G.P.R.A. program.
Human osteological analysis

April-May 1995 Field Assistant for the Caracol Project, Caracol Belize
Directed by Dr Arlen and Dr. Diane Chase - University of Central Florida
General field and laboratory work

February-June 1993 Field Assistant for the Caracol Project, Caracol Belize
Directed by Dr. Arlen and Dr. Diane Chase - University of Central Florida
General field and laboratory work

2012 Swenson, Edward and John P. Warner
“Crucibles of Power: Forging Copper and Forging Subjects at the Moche Ceremonial Center of
Huaca Colorada, Peru.” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology31(3): 314-333..

2009 Dillehay, Tom, Edward Swenson, Alan Kolata, John P. Warner, and Paige Silcox
“Descripción de Sitios arqueológicos del Jequetepeque, Peru.” In, Paisajes Culturales en el Valle
del Jequetepeque: Los Yacimientos Arqueológicos. Eds. Tom Dillehay, Alan Kolata, and Edward
Swenson. SIAN:Lima, Peru (Distributed via Univesity of Pittsburgh Press).

Site Reports Authored/Co-Authored:

Swenson, Edward, Jorge Chiguala-Azabache, and John P. Warner
2013 Informe Sobre la Investigación Arqueológica del Proyecto Jatanca/Huaca Colorada en el Valle
de Jequetepeque, Campaña de 2012. Technical report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de
Cultura. Lima, Peru.

Swenson, Edward, Jorge Chiguala-Azabache, and John P. Warner

2012 Informe Sobre la Investigación Arqueológica del Proyecto Jatanca/Huaca Colorada en el Valle
de Jequetepeque, Campaña de 2011. Technical report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de
Cultura. Lima, Peru.

Swenson, Edward, Jorge Chiguala-Azabache, and John P. Warner

2011 Informe Sobre la Investigación Arqueológica del Proyecto Jatanca/Huaca Colorada en el Valle
de Jequetepeque, Campaña de 2010. Technical report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de
Cultura. Lima, Peru.

Swenson, Edward, Jorge Chiguala-Azabache, and John P. Warner

2010 Informe Sobre la Investigación Arqueológica del Proyecto Jatanca/Huaca Colorada en el Valle
de Jequetepeque, Campaña de 2009. Technical report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de
Cultura. Lima, Peru.

Swenson, Edward, Jorge Chiguala-Azabache, and John P. Warner

2009 Informe Sobre la Investigación Arqueológica del Proyecto Jatanca en el Valle de Jequetepeque,
Campaña de 2008. Technical report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Cultura. Lima, Peru.

Swenson, Edward, Jorge Chiguala-Azabache, and John P. Warner

Curriculum Vitae - Warner Page 4

2008 Informe Sobre la Investigación Arqueológica del Proyecto Jatanca en el Valle de Jequetepeque,
Campaña de 2007. Technical report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Cultura. Lima, Peru.

Site Reports Authored/Co-authored (Continued):

Warner, John P.
2006 Informe Sobre la Investigación Arqueológica del Proyecto Cañoncillo en el
Valle de Jequetepeque, Campaña de 2004-2005. Technical report submitted to the Instituto
Nacional de Cultura. Lima, Peru.

Dillehay, Tom D., Alan L. Kolata, Edward Swenson, Jeff Stvan, and John P. Warner
1999 Informe Sobre la Investigación Arqueológica del Proyecto Pacasmayo en el
Valle de Jequetepeque, Campaña de 1999. Technical report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de
Cultura. Lima, Peru.

Dillehay, Tom, John P. Warner, José Iriarte, and Alan Kolata

1998 Informe sobre la investigación arqueológica del Proyecto Pacasmayo en el valle de
Jequetepeque. Technical report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Cultura. Lima, Peru.

Papers Presented:
Warner, John P.
2014 Discussant for the session, Recent Advances in the Archaeology of of Pachacamac, Panquilma
and the Lurin Valley in the Peruvian Central Coast. 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology. Austin, Texas.

Warner, John P. and James M. Crandall

2013 “A Cross-Compound Spatial Analysis of the Compounds of Jatanca.” Paper presented at the
Society for Amazonian and Andean Studies, Southeastern Conference. Orlando, Florida.

2012 “Examining the Norcosteño Model at the Late Formative Period North Coast Site of Jatanca,
Jequetepeque Valley, Peru.” Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology. Memphis, Tennessee.

Spence-Morrow, Giles and John P. Warner

2011 “Modeling Urban Ceremonial Performance in Late Formative Peru: The Case of Jatanca.” Paper
presented at the Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies November 14th-16th .
Vienna, Austria.

Swenson, Edward and John P. Warner

2011 “Nuevos Hallazgos en La Huaca Colorada, Valle de Jequetepeque, La Libertad.”
Taller International sobre Patrimonio Cultural y Desarrollo Turístico.” Municipalidad
Provincial de Pacasmayo, San Pedro de Lloc, La Libertad, Peru.

Swenson, Edward and John P.Warner

2011 “Moche Relational Ontologies and the Politics of Metallurgical Production at Huaca Colorada.”
San José de Moro Archaeological Speakers Series. Chepén, La Libertad, Peru.

Warner, John P.
2011 “The Plaza/Ramp/Platform Complex at Jatanca: Recognizing Horizontal and Vertical
Differentiation of Community Structure in Monumental Architecture.” Paper presented at the 76th
Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Sacramento, California.

Swenson, Edward and John P. Warner

2010 “Crucibles of Power: Metallurgical Production, Religious Transformation, and Political Authority
in Jequetepeque Peru.” Paper presented at Society for Amazonian and Andean Studies.
Gainesville, Florida.

Curriculum Vitae - Warner Page 5

Swenson, Edward and John P. Warner
2010 “Arqueología y educación: una experiencia en Pueblo Viejo.” Paper presented at Programa del
Curso de Actualización Internacional Sobre Patrimonio Cultural y Dessarrollo Turistico. San
Pedro de Lloc, Peru.

Warner, John P.
2010 “The Selective Representation of the Past in Architecture: An Example from the North Coast of
Peru.” Paper Presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. St.
Louis, Missouri.

Warner, John P.
2008 “Social Memory, Cultural Archaism, and the Politics of Spatial Production: The Compounds of
Jatanca, Peru.” Paper Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Warner, John P.
2007 “An Examination of the Plaza/Ramp/Platform Complexes of Cañoncillo, Peru.” Paper presented
at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Austin, Texas.

Warner, John P.
2006 “New Investigations in Cañoncillo Peru: Urban Architectural Development on the North Coast of
Peru.” Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. San
Juan, Puerto Rico.

Symposia Organized/Co-organized:
2011 From the Ciudadelas of Chan Chan to the Platforms of Farfán: Papers in Honor of Carol J.
Mackey. 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Sacramento, California.
Co-organized with Dr. Robyn Cutright.

2006 New Approaches to the Study of Andean Urbanism. 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Co-organized with Dr. Edward Swenson.

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