A Regular ASME Design Checklist - Deconeq Engineering Group
A Regular ASME Design Checklist - Deconeq Engineering Group
A Regular ASME Design Checklist - Deconeq Engineering Group
Here a short checklist is provided which is a minimum to a design according to the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII-1. For more detailed process, or speci c design condition, contact posts
deconeq Engineering Group design team or simply send an email to info@deconeq.com .
Dimple Jacket Pressure Drop M
1. Document/Drawing No. and Revision
2. ASME Code Edition and Addenda
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3. Code Cases
4. Units: SI/U.S. Customary
5. Design- operational data
6. MDMT (Minimum Design Metal Temperature)
7. Materials of construction
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8. Main dimensions of the equipment or component
9. Applicable Loads
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10. Check permissible S- value listed in applicable Code Section
11. Services Restrictions
12. Nameplate data, location of nameplate
13. Check if National Board registration is required
14. Check if CRN- Registration is required for application or installation in Canada
15. Identi cation of joints
16. Assignment WPS to joints and preparing the welding methids
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7/8/2019 A Regular ASME Design Checklist - deconeq Engineering Group
4. Corrosion Allowance:
1. Wall thickness, plate and pipe
2. Misalignment
3. Tapered transitions
4. Staggered longitudinal joints
5. Out-of-roundness for internal pressure
6. Out-of-roundness for ext. pressure calculated + data transfered to prod./QC
6. Inspection Openings:
7. Check whether design calculations have been made for all presure bearing parts:
1. Shell, conical reducer section(conical reducer section shall also meet the requirements of Appendix 1-5
and/or 1-8)
2. Dished heads, conical heads Compensation of openings(large openings see also App. 1-7 or 1-10)
3. Flanges (App. 2 or ASME B16.5)
4. Covers, at heads
5. Bolts
6. Tube sheets: applicability and use od UHX(otherwise, see also TEMA)
7. Expansion joint (see also EJMA)
8. Nozzle attachment welds(allowable stresses in welds)
9. External pressure
10. Jacketed vessel Appendix 9
11. loadings e.g. vessel supports
12. shell sections and heads extreme bre elongation
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