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Pulp Capping

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ENDODONTICS (D3000 — D3999)


PRIMARY TEETH policies, the initial opening into the
PROCEDURE D3110 canal, sealing of the access
Pulp cap — direct (excluding final PROCEDURE D3230 opening and routine post-operative
restoration). Pulpal therapy (resorbable filling) — visits are considered part of, and
1. Delta considers all applications anterior, primary tooth (excluding included in the fee for, completed
of direct pulp capping to be part of, final restoration). endodontic treatment.
and included in the fee for, the 4. Incomplete endodontic
restoration. treatment is not a benefit of Delta
Pulpal therapy (resorbable filling) — programs. In the date of service
2. Delta considers cement bases to posterior, primary tooth (excluding
be included in the fee for column of the claim form, please
final restoration).
restorations. indicate the date that the
ENDODONTIC THERAPY endodontic treatment was
Pulp cap — indirect (excluding final PLAN, CLINICAL 5. When endodontic therapy is
restoration). PROCEDURES AND FOLLOW- provided in conjunction with
Delta considers all applications of UP CARE) — GENERAL overdentures (complete or partial),
indirect pulp capping to be part of, GUIDELINES the treatment is the financial
and included in the fee for, the 1. Delta considers test films taken responsibility of the patient.
restoration. as part of root canal therapy to be 6. When root canal procedures are
part of, and included in the fee for, performed on primary teeth that
PULPOTOMY have a permanent successor, a
the complete endodontic
procedure. This does not apply to a member of Delta’s consultant staff
diagnostic film taken to ascertain will determine the appropriate
Therapeutic pulpotomy (excluding the presence of pathology. allowance which will generally be
final restoration) — removal of pulp based on the dentist’s fee for
coronal to the dentinocemental 2. Although submission of x-ray
documentation is not generally pulpotomy.
junction and application of
medicament. required in conjunction with root 7. When root canal therapy is
canal therapy, any exceptional performed without the use of a
1. This procedure is covered under
circumstances (such as unusual solid core material (often referred to
Delta programs for primary teeth.
difficulty or retreatment) should be as the Sargenti method), the root
2. Delta considers this procedure to thoroughly documented. canal procedure and the
be part of, and included in the fee subsequent restoration are not
for the complete endodontic payable by Delta or the patient.
DOTTIE 8. Delta considers endodontic
PROCEDURE D3221 retreatment by the same
Pulpal debridement, primary and dentist/dental office within two
permanent teeth. years to be included in the cost of
the initial root canal.
Delta considers this procedure to
be the equivalent of palliative
treatment, procedure D9110.
Under Delta’s processing policies,
procedure D3221 is not considered
a separate procedure when
performed by the same provider or
the same dental office on the same
day that the root canal is completed. “Come on, Joey. That’s the maintenance
man, not the dentist.”

1/05 ENDODONTICS (D3000 — D3999) 2.23

Anterior (excluding final restoration). — GENERAL GUIDELINE RECALIFICATION
Delta considers endodontic PROCEDURES
PROCEDURE D3320 retreatment procedures to include
Bicuspid (excluding final restoration). the removal of posts, silver point PROCEDURE D3351
and old root canal filling material, Apexification/recalcification — initial
PROCEDURE D3330 and any procedures necessary to visit (apical closure/calcific repair of
Molar (excluding final restoration). prepare the canals and place the perforations, root resorption, etc.)
canal filling, as well as the root
PROCEDURE D3331 canal therapy. Claims for additional PROCEDURE D3352
Treatment of root canal obstruction; allowances due to extraordinary Apexification/recalcification —
non-surgical access. circumstances will be individually interim medication replacement
Please describe the nature and evaluated by Delta’s consultant (apical closure/calcific repair of
duration of the treatment. staff. The consultant will base his perforations, root resorption, etc.)
or her determination on the written
PROCEDURE D3332 report and radiographs submitted PROCEDURE D3353
Incomplete endodontic therapy; with the claim. Apexification/recalcification — final
inoperable, unrestorable or fractured visit (includes completed root canal
tooth. PROCEDURE D3346 therapy — apical closure/calcific
Retreatment of previous root canal repair of perforations, root
Delta considers procedure D3332
therapy — anterior. resorption, etc.).
to be the equivalent of procedure
D9110. Claims for additional APICOECTOMY/
allowances due to extraordinary PROCEDURE D3347
circumstances will be individually Retreatment of previous root canal
evaluated by Delta’s consultant therapy — bicuspid. PROCEDURE D3410
staff. The consultant will base his or
Apicoectomy/periradicular surgery
her determination on the PROCEDURE D3348 — anterior.
documentation submitted with the Retreatment of previous root canal
claim. 1. Delta defines this service as the
therapy — molar. excision of the apical portion of the
PROCEDURE D3333 root of a previously endodontically
Internal root repair of perforation treated anterior tooth to remove
defects. diseased periapical tissue.
Delta considers procedure D3333 to 2. For retrograde filling, see
be the equivalent of procedure procedure D3430.
Apicoectomy/periradicular surgery
— bicuspid (first root).
1. Delta defines this service as the
excision of the apical portion of the
root of a previously endodontically
treated bicuspid to remove
diseased periapical tissue.
2. For retrograde filling, see
procedure D3430.
3. For additional roots, see
procedure D3426.

X-rays required

2.24 ENDODONTICS (D3000 — D3999) 1/05

Apicoectomy/periradicular surgery PROCEDURES
Endodontic endosseous implant.
— molar (first root).
1. Please submit x-rays. PROCEDURE D3910
1. Delta defines this service as the
excision of the apical portion of the 2. Procedure D3460 describes a Surgical procedure for isolation of
root of a previously endodontically smooth and/or threaded pin implant tooth with rubber dam.
treated molar to remove diseased which extends through the root Delta considers this procedure to
periapical tissue. canal into periapical bone to be part of, and included in the fees
stabilize a mobile tooth. for, the related services provided
2. For retrograde filling, see
procedure D3430. 3. See “Implants — General on the same date.
Guidelines” in this section,
3. For additional roots, see PROCEDURE D3920
immediately preceding procedure
procedure D3426.
D6010. Hemisection (including any root
removal), not including root canal
PROCEDURE D3426 PROCEDURE D3470 therapy.
Apicoectomy/periradicular surgery
Intentional reimplantation (including
(each additional root). PROCEDURE D3950
necessary splinting).
1. Please submit an operative Canal preparation and fitting of
This service is not a benefit of most
report. The consultant staff will preformed dowel or post.
Delta programs.
determine Delta’s allowance. Delta considers this service to be
2. When more than one additional part of, and included in the fee for,
root is involved, please use a completed endodontic therapy
separate line for each additional and/or placement of the post.
root, and indicate the tooth
number. PROCEDURE D3999
Unspecified endodontic procedure,
by report.
Retrograde filling — per root.
Please enter a complete description
When more than one root is of service and clinical reason.
involved, please submit an x-ray for
review by Delta’s consultant staff,
and use a separate line for each

Root amputation — per root.

By report
X-rays required

1/05 ENDODONTICS (D3000 — D3999) 2.25

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