Global Social Media
Global Social Media
Global Social Media
Human communication and interaction have been practiced for ages. The earliest known
form of communication is by written messages delivered by hand from one person to another or
also known as letters. The earliest form of postal service dates back to 550 B.C. which became
widespread in the future (Hendricks, 2013). An agency in the U.S. Department of Defense which
is called Pentagon’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) builds a project about
building a network that could allow scientists at different locations to share information and
work together on scientific projects and could function even if part of the network were disabled
or destroyed by a disaster such as a nuclear attack. The original ARPANET, a network, consisted
of four main computers, one each located at the University of California at Santa Barbara,
University of California at Los Angeles, the Stanford Research Institute, and the University of
Utah. Each of these computers worked as a server on the network. According to the journal
entitled "The Internet and World Wide Web"; by 1984, ARPANET had more than 1,000
individual computers linked as hosts or servers. Today, more than 550 million hosts connect to
the Internet. The Internet is a widely used research tool, providing society with access to global
millions of individuals, industries, political agencies, and educational institutions. Each of the
networks on the Internet provides resources that add to the great number of goods, services, and
The creation of the World Wide Web and the increase in instantaneous connectivity of
the Internet is considered as the starting period of social media. The rise of the Internet would
open up many possibilities and uses that can be developed in the future. If we go back in the ‘70s
and ‘80s, CompuServe presented an instantaneous communication with people living miles
away. Individuals on CompuServe could only send and receive text messages, which were
known as emails although the speed of the connection before is much slower than today (Das,
2016). As the world became rapidly connected, in the 1990s, personal computers had grown in
popularity in developed nations, and people started realizing the potential that a connected world
may have.
Social media or social networking is an online platform for people to share, discuss or
publish their issues, interest, and opinions. It also serves to connect users with their friends,
family, and acquaintances. Social media is used to share or exchange information, ideas, images,
videos, and audio through a particular network. The first successful social medium called was founded in 1995. The website worked in the form of providing virtual
reunions of classmates from years ago (Das, 2016). After several years, the online marketplace
and search engines become popular. Back in the 90s, Yahoo! was the most used search engine
and its popularized email services. In addition, it also gave rise to the chat service called Yahoo
Messenger. It promoted casual chatting and the concept of ‘chat rooms. However, unlike today,
chatting was not quite popular in the early 2000s because not all people have access to the
internet. Friendster was formed in 2002 and became popular in its starting period. The
fundamentals of it lay in providing ‘Circles’, or common interests where users with common
interests could join, share, discuss and make friends. Some unexpected reasons like flawed
management practices led to its notable downfall. This was soon followed by a social medium,
LinkedIn. It was formed in 2003 and was aimed particularly at business users to form
professional networks and business connections. Several years later, Facebook, Twitter, and even
YouTube took social media further. With millions of users around the globe, connecting with
people, expressing emotions, sharing ideas and discovering information was never been so easy.
However, despite the popularity of these social media platforms, it affects the daily life of a
person and changes the culture or norms in society. Being connected online reduces your time to
be physically contacted to your family or friends. These changes brought a difference in the
This paper will discuss what is global social media and how it can affect our culture.
2. Discussion
The emergence of wireless links and knowledge to computer and technology opened a
global platform for communication to exist nationally and even internationally among nations
Governments use social media to expand their influence and reach to new and diverse
audiences to present their agenda. Also, social media allows its audience to reach and comment
making for the government easy to observe their people's thoughts and needs. These online
platforms amass millions of users as of today and each of them has a specific target of an
audience and that reduces the competition between them. Social Networking Sites (SNS) are
basically internet-based tools that facilitate communication and content exchange in multiple
2.1.1 Facebook
Facebook is a social networking site that enables you to share announcements, requests
for feedback, questions, and links with an interested community that also gives people a place to
share information. It was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommate and
fellow Harvard University student Eduardo Saverin. This network was extended beyond
educational institutions to anyone with a registered email address. The site remains free to join
and makes a profit through advertising revenue (Phillips, 2007). The site's features have
continued to develop during 2007. Users can now give gifts to friends, post free classified
advertisements and even develop their applications. After some new improvements and
development, Facebook, nowadays, becomes a norm in the society that for a person to be
connected, he/she should have a Facebook account. As of 2019, it has 2.41 billion monthly
2.1.2. Twitter
Twitter is a microblogging service. it was launch in 2006. By the beginning of 2013, the
platform claims to have more than 200 million active users, who post over 400 million tweets per
day (Twitter, 2013). Twitter is a free social media site that allows people to share information, in
the real-time news feed. Users can post their experiences and thoughts called "tweets", which are
limited to 280 characters. Twitter allows the free exchange of ideas nationally and globally,
between people interested in similar areas of expertise, as well as providing the opportunity to
engage in critical debate. Nowadays, Twitter is more popular for its trending posts. People use a
hashtag before a word or a phrase so that people interested in the topic can seek related post
2.1.3. YouTube
YouTube is the largest video content provider in the world. (Zhu, 2012). It was founded
in 2005. As of 2019, it has around 2 billion active users. According to public statistics, more than
48 hours of video content is uploaded every minute and 3 billion views are generated every day.
Also, YouTube connects with major online social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and
Google+. YouTube serves as a popular social network on its own, connecting registered users
through subscriptions that notify subscribers of the social and content updates of content
providers (Zhu, 2012). YouTube can also identify what's the popular video right now. YouTube
is commonly known for its music provider because artists or singers upload their work on it to
gain popularity. These videos on YouTube can be converted into audio by some video converter
sites so you can be able to download the audio format of your favorite music.
2.1.4 Instagram
Instagram is a social networking site used to share photos, videos, and messages. It was
launched in 2010. People use Instagram to celebrate big events, share everyday moments, keep
in touch with friends and family, build communities of support and meet others who share
similar passions and interests. Instagram allows users to capture photos or videos anywhere they
are at any time and share it with their followers globally. There are almost 500 million users can
access the app daily. Through Instagram, marketers, and businessmen can interact with their
customers by sharing photos and videos and leaving comments as a way of sharing information;
receiving comments and likes as a way of gaining feedback from customers. It has been used as a
marketing tool by many global business companies (Lim & Yazdanifard, 2014). Therefore, the
social networking site that best fits the marketing strategy is Instagram.
These social media sites are the product of growing technology and also modernization.
Nowadays, usage of social media has been an important part of one’s daily life from shopping to
electronic mails, education and business tool. Social media plays an essential role in changing
people’s lifestyles. However, social media can abuse society by invading people’s privacy, it can
also provide false information that can mislead people. Proper use of social is beneficial but
2.2. Number of People using Social Media
Global digital growth shows no sign of slowing, with a million new people around the
world coming online every day. Currently, 45 percent of the world’s population are now social
Figure 1. Top countries based on number of Facebook users as of July 2019 (in millions)
In the graph shown above, millions of people use Facebook, especially in India and
United States, where the population is dense. Philippines is also among the top countries with 68
Figure 2. Facebook users in the United States as of August 2019, by age group and gender
As of August 2019, female users aged 25 to 34 years were the biggest group of Facebook
users in the United States, accounting for 12.4 percent of the social network's user base. Men of
the same age group accounted for 11.8 percent of Facebook users in the United States (Clement,
Figure 3. Number of social network users worldwide from 2010 to 2021 (in billions)
According to Statista 2019, the estimated number of people using social media is 2.65
billion in 2018 and it will increase to 2.96 billion by 2020. It shows that people are gradually
Figure 4. Popular social networks worldwide as of July 2019, ranked by number of active users
(in millions)
Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts and
currently sits at almost 2.38 billion monthly active users. Sixth-ranked photo-sharing app
Instagram had 1 billion monthly active accounts. It seems that Facebook and YouTube are more
As of 2018, the average daily social media usage of internet users worldwide estimated to
136 minutes per day, up from 135 minutes in the previous year. Currently, the country with the
most time spent on social media per day is the Philippines, with online users spending an average
of four hours and one minute on social media each day. On the other hand, the daily time spent
with social media in the U.S. was just one hour and 57 minutes.
During a global online user survey in February 2019, a share of respondents stated that
social media had increased their access to information, ease of communication, and freedom of
Social media is an important part of our life because it promotes the connection and
relationship of our culturally diverse world. Social media links people around the world
regardless of diversity and geographical boundaries thus bringing people from different cultures
together in the “global village.” Online networking, entertainment, and journalism and opinion
writing have become a part of everyday life. Through the power of social media, organizations
and individuals can reach audiences in large numbers not previously accessible through
traditional media channels. Social media has become impossible to ignore in today’s
technological society.
2.3.1 Education
from school or library. The emergence of technology enables us to use social networking sites
that improve our communication and information gathering. The use of social networks
Facebook, wikis, and blogs provide a huge amount of material on a wide range of subjects. Even
textbooks or e-books, and research materials are uploaded and available online for easier access.
Users can have many social media tools at their fingertips by using their computers and mobile
devices, and these tools have become quite widespread. They have changed the way of learning
through providing free courses on their websites and, furthermore, they allow students to interact
with instructors and other students to gain and share their knowledge. For example, you can find
tutorials on YouTube for free about any subject you want if ever you didn't understand the lesson
from your teacher. In data gathering, you can provide an online survey for your respondents from
social media. That way, you can gather much more data than meeting them personally which
takes a lot of time. Learning nowadays is much easier compared to before. Students are more
dependent on online materials because they can be found easily, just a click from Google. The
culture of our education is reshaping and changing depending on the influence of globalization
and technology.
2.3.2 Entertainment
Mass Media activities have been significant at any point of time of history in informing,
educating or entertaining the people all over the world. Every media had their share of effects on
society and has been responsible in their way for changes in socio-economic and cultural aspects.
The new media technologies include the Internet, multi-media, mobile phones, gaming &
animation, and many others. Back then, without the internet, the only entertainment of people in
society is watching TV, texting, playing outdoor games which are popular with the kids, or
anything not related to the computer. Young people are also active outdoors but since the internet
was introduced and different social media applications have appeared, they tend to stay indoors
and use gadgets like mobile phones and computers. Mobile phones occupy an almost
indispensable place in young people's lives, not as a means of social differentiation but as a
necessary part of social communication through the maintenance of key social networks (Ravi,
2012). Also, most people tend to post their daily activities such as eating or walking outside.
They also capture it and post it on Instagram so if you notice, in some restaurants, some people
take photos of their food first before eating it unlike before. In terms of music, music genres are
widely diverse unlike before wherein the popular genres are love song and ballad. Now, there are
hip-hop, pop, and Asian countries like Korea and Japan have develop their music and entered the
world chart of music. Gaming is also developed in the virtual world and its influence is
increasing. Teens are the most active audience in this part and this is one of the reasons why
3. Conclusion
Since the emergence of technology and globalization, social media became an essential
part of the world. Social media is an online interaction or communication of people around the
globe wherein they can share thoughts, experiences, ideas, information, videos, audio and images
on the World Wide Web. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and
Instagram aim to serve as a platform for people to share, discuss or publish their issues, interest,
and opinions. It also serves to connect users with their friends, family, and acquaintances in real-
time. Currently, about half of the population is active on these social media sites and still
increasing every year. This means that being connected online is already a part of the daily life of
a person. Even in education, students and teachers are using social media sites for homework and
lecture materials. In business, social networks are already an effective platform for
advertisements, announcements or promotion of the products and services. Users can give
feedback in real-time and companies can use it to improve their services. The online market is
already emerging and people see it as beneficial and convenient. Also, social media is available
globally so if you use it, think carefully because your audience is the whole world.
Convenience and easier connections are some of the advantages of social media. These
things also improve and develop over the years. Technology has a great impact on our culture
that some things are already replaced and buried in the past. For example, in our education, some
teachers use materials that are available on the internet unlike before where teachers and students
use an old textbook. Students are also staying in library to borrow books and finish their
homework or research. Now, books in printed form are also available in soft copy uploaded
online so anybody can access it. In terms of entertainment, before social media, children like to
play outside with their friends. Now, most children at an early age stay indoor to play online
games. Some of them are being addicted to it which is harmful to its health. If privacy is such a
big issue before, now people like to talk and share their daily activities online. Some of them do
this to gain followers and become famous online. Social media has its own merits and demerits,
if properly use, you can benefit from it. The culture is reshaping as the world changes and adapts
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