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Lesson Plan SCP TL

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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.

Name of Teacher Candidate Hannah O’Neill

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 8th Math
Estimated Time Needed 50 minutes

The students will begin by picking up their work for the day. We will
discuss our objectives and goals and they will begin working on their
focus problem. We will review the focus problem and then the students
will begin the differentiated assignment. We will collect the data as a
Lesson Description class and then the students will work in groups to complete the scatter
plot and trend line. Based on the groups trend lines, they will be making
predictions. Groups will then jigsaw and have a conversation about
who’s predictions are more accurate.

8.11.A: construct a scatterplot and describe the observed data to

address questions of association such as linear, non-linear, and no
Content Area Standards
8.5.D: use trend line that approximates the linear relationship between
bivariate sets of data to make predictions.

Technology Standards N/a

The students will be able to construct a scatter plot from collected data. They
will calculate a line of best fit and make predictions.

 Scatter Plot
 Trend Line
 Outlier

Technology Resources Ti-84 Graphing Calculator

The students will be using a graph constructed by the teacher, stickers,

Other Resources
and their knowledge of scatter plots and trend lines.

Lesson Procedures
This template is built on A step-by-step description of the Describe how each stage Cite specifically what
the traditional “Madeline scope and sequence of lesson of the lesson will be resources for this activity
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)
activities, with estimated time on task
noted in parentheses for each step. In
other words, completely describe the
flow of the lesson-the content to be
managed, including role
presented, and the strategies to be
of teacher and learners will be used, and
used. Include actual words you will
(who is doing what at describe in detail how
use and questions you will ask
each point), location (e.g., they will be used.
students. Consider items such as:
Hunter” lesson structure. parts of the lesson that might be
classroom, computer lab, Note who will be using the
outside), and any special tool and in what ways.
difficult, and how you will know
considerations, such as Note any safety
whether you can go on; how to
for differentiated considerations needed.
ensure that students completely
understand directions before
releasing them to work independently;
and what students will do if they finish
their work early.
Focus/Anticipatory Set The students will begin 1. Ms. Brenda Daley
(motivational hook) A part of the routine of the working on their focus created the Focus
Include questions you will students is to come in, grab a problem (this is the problem.
ask. calculator and begin working on routine set since week 2. Ti-84 Calculators
Note if this will be their focus problem for the day. It 1) at their desk.
is projected onto the promethean All students and
facilitated in whole group
board. For this particular day, it is The teacher will review teachers are using
or Teacher Guided asking students to apply their both resources.
the focus problem with
Groups. knowledge of scatter plots and the students on the
trend lines to write a descriptor Promethean board
sentence of the information. (6 asking students to walk
minutes) her through the finding
a trend line and writing
The student’s environment is a descriptor sentence.
something they have become
accustomed to. My mentor
teacher and our co-teacher has
found that this allows the students
to be as prepared and ready for

Once the teacher sees the

progress being made on the
problem, we will discuss as a
class and review the problem. (4

Questions that will be asked:

What is a trend line?
How do I find a trend line?

Rather than ask such questions

that can be determined concretely
from their notes. I would ask the
students to have an open dialogue
about everything they know about
trend lines and then have them tell
me their misunderstandings about
a trend line. I would hope to
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)
engage in student lead class
discussion for the hook of the
class. This is allowing me to
gauge their readiness for the

The roles of the student 1. Worksheet

Students will be working The students will pick up the are to work with their created by Hannah
on this and Content-input notes for the day as well as a group to create a O’Neill, inspired by
(Could include content calculator as they walk in the scatter plot and an assignment on
outline, presentation, door. (2 minutes) measure a trend line TPT.
using their calculator
questioning, modeling,
and notes from the
examples) Include The class will participate in a previous day. 2. TI-84 Calculators
questions you will ask. short student lead conversation
Note if this will be about trend lines. The teacher will be 3. Poster Boards
facilitated in whole group monitoring the room. and
or Teacher Guided The students will begin working Answering any
Groups. on their focus problem for questions, the students
Wednesday 1/29. The problem may have with guiding
(Whole Group) will be projected on the board. questions.
(6 minutes)

The Teacher will review the

problem with the students
asking for student’s input for
each step. (4 minutes)

The Teacher will begin going

over the assignment for the
day. Students will find their own
height in inches and shoe size
in centimeters. (10 minutes)

The Students will complete a

scatter plot using the classes
data in groups. They will as a
group find a trend line and
make predictions. (20 minutes)

The Students will then jigsaw

and look at other group’s
predictions (since they all have
different trend lines, their
predictions should all differ.)
The process of allowing the
students to participate in a
jigsaw will allow the students to
communicate and compare
their trend lines to others given
the same original data.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)

The students will then be given

an exit ticket after working on
the project. They will have
homework from the day before
that the students will be able to
work on if they have free time.
(the remainder of class)

This should only take one class


The students will be in groups,

assigned to them by the teacher. Students will be
Teacher Guided Groups
working in groups
Delineate what you will be
The teacher will have to work engaging in 1. TI-84 Calculator
doing with EACH group
more one-on-one based with the discourse.
you meet with for this
students who struggle with 2. Worksheet
lesson. Note if this will be focusing more so than the work. Teacher will be
facilitated over more than All of the students are capable of monitoring the room 3. Notes
one class period. Include the work. and answering
questions you will ask.
unknown questions.
The teacher will monitor and let
peer discussions happen and only
step in when there is a need or
students ask.

Workstations/Independent Students are 1. TI-84 Calculator

Work The students will not partake in engaging in scholarly
Delineate what students workstations. Rather they will be discourse. 2. Worksheet
will be doing in each in groups of 3 or 4 and creating a
workstation or describe scatter plot based on the data Teacher is monitoring 3. Notes
collected as a class.
the independent work. and answering any
Once every group has made their unknown questions.
scatter plot and found a trend line,
they will make a prediction about
Lebron James’ shoe size and
Ariana Grande’s height. My
students have shown a particular
interest into basketball considering
it is their basketball season.

After every group has made their

predictions, one student will
remain at the group, and the other
students will disperse to other
tables. The students will then
compare and contrast their
predictions to other groups and
see who had the closest
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)

1. The past two days you learned

about scatter plots and trend lines.
Today we were able to create one
in groups based on our own data.

2. Was anyone’s predictions better

than the other? Was there a
wrong answer?
Students are at their
3. There are no wrong answer, desks listening.
Describe how you will
only more accurate ones. Scatter
close the lesson: 1) No resources will be
plots and trend lines are going to Teacher is at the
Closing statement 2) be what your quiz is over on used at this time.
front of the room
Reflection question 3) Thursday, STUDY! commanding
Concluding statement.

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations

Special Education Students There will be no accommodations made for the SPED Students.
English Language Learners There will be no accommodations made for ELL’s.
The gifted and talented students will be separated and used as peer tutors
Gifted and Talented throughout the lesson.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)
Potential Challenges/Plan B

The students are not used to an interactive, differentiated, group work setting in class. This could cause a
challenge for behavior. Also, I do not know for sure how long this lesson will take, as the class is small and well

My plan B is to have students work on their scatter plots and trend lines packet from the day before, and the
two practices sets in schoolology.


Pre: 6/10 answered the mc question correctly but they were unable to tell me in a sentence what they
knew about scatter plots and trend lines.

Formative: The teacher will be giving the students a similar two question assignment as they were given
for the post assessment. This will be an exit ticket to measure the student’s abilities and knowledge of
scatter plots and trend lines.

Summative: The students will be taking a 10 question quiz the Thursday in Schoology.

Notes and Credits


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