Lesson Plan SCP TL
Lesson Plan SCP TL
Lesson Plan SCP TL
Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.
Lesson Overview
Grade Level 8th Math
Estimated Time Needed 50 minutes
The students will begin by picking up their work for the day. We will
discuss our objectives and goals and they will begin working on their
focus problem. We will review the focus problem and then the students
will begin the differentiated assignment. We will collect the data as a
Lesson Description class and then the students will work in groups to complete the scatter
plot and trend line. Based on the groups trend lines, they will be making
predictions. Groups will then jigsaw and have a conversation about
who’s predictions are more accurate.
The students will be able to construct a scatter plot from collected data. They
will calculate a line of best fit and make predictions.
Scatter Plot
Trend Line
Lesson Procedures
This template is built on A step-by-step description of the Describe how each stage Cite specifically what
the traditional “Madeline scope and sequence of lesson of the lesson will be resources for this activity
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)
activities, with estimated time on task
noted in parentheses for each step. In
other words, completely describe the
flow of the lesson-the content to be
managed, including role
presented, and the strategies to be
of teacher and learners will be used, and
used. Include actual words you will
(who is doing what at describe in detail how
use and questions you will ask
each point), location (e.g., they will be used.
students. Consider items such as:
Hunter” lesson structure. parts of the lesson that might be
classroom, computer lab, Note who will be using the
outside), and any special tool and in what ways.
difficult, and how you will know
considerations, such as Note any safety
whether you can go on; how to
for differentiated considerations needed.
ensure that students completely
understand directions before
releasing them to work independently;
and what students will do if they finish
their work early.
Focus/Anticipatory Set The students will begin 1. Ms. Brenda Daley
(motivational hook) A part of the routine of the working on their focus created the Focus
Include questions you will students is to come in, grab a problem (this is the problem.
ask. calculator and begin working on routine set since week 2. Ti-84 Calculators
Note if this will be their focus problem for the day. It 1) at their desk.
is projected onto the promethean All students and
facilitated in whole group
board. For this particular day, it is The teacher will review teachers are using
or Teacher Guided asking students to apply their both resources.
the focus problem with
Groups. knowledge of scatter plots and the students on the
trend lines to write a descriptor Promethean board
sentence of the information. (6 asking students to walk
minutes) her through the finding
a trend line and writing
The student’s environment is a descriptor sentence.
something they have become
accustomed to. My mentor
teacher and our co-teacher has
found that this allows the students
to be as prepared and ready for
The students are not used to an interactive, differentiated, group work setting in class. This could cause a
challenge for behavior. Also, I do not know for sure how long this lesson will take, as the class is small and well
My plan B is to have students work on their scatter plots and trend lines packet from the day before, and the
two practices sets in schoolology.
Pre: 6/10 answered the mc question correctly but they were unable to tell me in a sentence what they
knew about scatter plots and trend lines.
Formative: The teacher will be giving the students a similar two question assignment as they were given
for the post assessment. This will be an exit ticket to measure the student’s abilities and knowledge of
scatter plots and trend lines.
Summative: The students will be taking a 10 question quiz the Thursday in Schoology.