MODULE 2: Types of Vaccine and Adverse Reactions
MODULE 2: Types of Vaccine and Adverse Reactions
MODULE 2: Types of Vaccine and Adverse Reactions
Types of vaccine
and adverse reactions
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
There are many types of vaccines. Different types or formulations affect how they are used, how they are
stored, and how they are administered. If they are to be safe and effective, it is vital to be familiar with the
different types and to know how to handle them.
Different vaccines can cause different adverse reactions, and it is important to recognize what these may
be. Can you identify the contraindications for vaccination and know which present an additional risk?
What special considerations should you make when immunizing pregnant women or immunocompro-
mised clients?
This module will explain the different types of vaccine and the main routes of administration. You will
learn about the main vaccine reactions and the importance of understanding contraindications – as ignor-
ing these could lead to vaccine reactions. Finally, you will look at public concern over vaccines and consider
some rumours about vaccine safety that have been disproved by research.
Module outcomes
By the end of this module you should be able to:
1 Explain the modes of action of live attenuated vaccines, conjugate vaccines, subunit vaccines, and
toxoid vaccines,
2 List types of vaccine components, including adjuvants and preservatives, and explain their
3 Explain the difference between live attenuated and inactivated vaccines,
4 Identify the contraindications for vaccination that may present an additional risk.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Types of vaccine
In module 1 we have learned that vaccines are used to prevent serious illnesses and that regulatory authori-
ties have strict requirements for safety before they are approved for use.
Vaccines require rigorous follow-up once approved for use to assess types and rates of adverse events. The
development of more effective and even safer vaccines as well as developing vaccines for more diseases
that are serious is always ongoing.
There are many types of vaccines, categorized by the antigen used in their preparation. Their formulations
affect how they are used, how they are stored, and how they are administered. The globally recommended
vaccines discussed in this module fall into four main types.
Types of Vaccine
– Tuberculosis (BCG)
– Oral polio vaccine (OPV)
– Measles
– Rotavirus
– Yellow fever
Combination vaccines
Some of the antigens above can be combined in a single injection that can prevent different diseases or that
protect against multiple strains of infectious agents causing the same disease (e.g. combination vaccine
DPT combining diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus antigens). Combination vaccines can be useful to over-
come logistic constraints of multiple injections, and accommodate for a children’s fear of needles and pain.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
The table lists the rare, more severe adverse reactions of these vaccines. Note the frequency of the adverse
reactions to get an idea of how low or high the possibility of an adverse event is. Also read the Comments
to understand additional context details on the adverse events.*
Question 1*
Which of the following statements is correct (Several answers possible see also table on next
* The answer to all questions can be found at the end of this manual (page 202).
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Tuberculosis (BCG)28
In the past BCG osteitis has been
reported in connection with
BCG osteitis very rare
certain vaccine batches but now
occurs very rarely.
Vaccine- associated
very rare An essential component of the
Oral polio vaccine paralytic poliomyelitis
at 0.0002 – global polio eradication campaign
(OPV)29 (VAPP) in vaccinees
0.0004% despite adverse reactions.
and their contacts
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
The table lists the rare, more severe adverse reactions of these vaccines. Note the frequency of the adverse
reactions to get an idea of how low or high the possibility of an adverse event is. Also read the Comments
to understand additional context details on the adverse events.
paralytic poliomyelitis
polio vaccine None known IPV is more expensive than OPV and an
(VAPP) in vaccinees
(IPV)29 injectable vaccine. Many lower- and middle-
and their contacts
income countries use OPV.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Question 2*
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
Subunit vaccines
Immune response
■■ Subunit vaccines, like inactivated whole-cell vaccines do not contain live
components of the pathogen. They differ from inactivated whole-cell vac-
cines, by containing only the antigenic parts of the pathogen. These parts
are necessary to elicit a protective immune response.
■■ This precision comes at a cost, as antigenic properties of the various poten- Conjugate
tial subunits of a pathogen must be examined in detail to determine which
particular combinations will produce an effective immune response within the correct pathway.
■■ Often a response can be elicited, but there is no guarantee that immunological memory will be
formed in the correct manner.
* The answer to all questions can be found at the end of this manual (page 202).
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Key point
Rather than introducing a whole-cell vaccine (either inactivated or attenuated) to an immune
system, a subunit vaccine contains a fragment of the pathogen and elicits an appropriate
immune response.
Acellular Same as tetanus and Acellular pertussis-containing vaccines are less reactogenic
pertussis diphtheria toxoid in terms of mild-to-moderate reactions than wP-containing
(aP)30 vaccines. vaccines. See “More about Pertussis vaccine”.
Hepatitis B
Very rare Reports of severe anaphylactic reactions are very rare.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Because the price of wP is considerably less than aP, where resources are limited and the vaccine is well accept-
ed by the local population, wP vaccine remains the vaccine of choice. In countries where a higher rate of adverse
reactions after immunization with wP prevents high vaccination coverage, aP is recommended instead, at least
for booster injections.30
In 1986, a hepatitis B vaccine produced by recombinant technology was licensed, and a second followed in 1989.
The recombinant technology expressed HBsAg in other microorganisms and offered the potential to produce un-
limited supplies of vaccine.
Although both the plasma-derived and recombinant hepatitis B vaccines are safe and highly effective in protect-
ing against acute hepatitis disease as well as chronic disease, including cirrhosis and liver cancer, competition
among the various hepatitis B vaccine producers drove down the price (see figure). When the price of both the
plasma-derived and recombinant hepatitis B vaccines was relatively similar, the recombinant gradually replaced
the plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Polysaccharide vaccines
Some bacteria when infecting humans are often protected by a polysaccharide (sugar)
capsule that helps the organism evade the human defense systems especially in
infants and young children.
Polysaccharide vaccines create a response against the molecules in the pathogen’s
capsule. These molecules are small, and often not very immunogenic. As a conse- Conjugate
quence they tend to:
1. Not be effective in infants and young children (under 18–24 months),
2. Induce only short-term immunity (slow immune response, slow rise of antibody levels, no
immune memory).
Examples of polysaccharide vaccines include Meningococcal disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis
groups A, C, W135 and Y, as well as Pneumococcal disease.
Haemophilus influenzae Hib vaccine has not been associated with any rare,
None known
type b conjugate (Hib)65 more severe adverse reactions.
Key point
Conjugate vaccines can prevent common bacterial infections for which plain polysaccharide
vaccines are either ineffective in those most at risk (infants) or provide only short-term pro-
tection (everyone else).
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Question 3*
Which of the following statements is incorrect:
Toxoid vaccines
Toxoid vaccines are based on the toxin produced by certain bacteria (e.g. tetanus BACTERIA
or diphtheria). Tetanus toxoid (TT)
Diphtheria toxoid
The toxin invades the bloodstream and is largely responsible for the symptoms
of the disease. The protein-based toxin is rendered harmless (toxoid) and used
as the antigen in the vaccine to elicit immunity.
To increase the immune response, the toxoid is adsorbed to aluminium or calcium salts, which serve as
* The answer to all questions can be found at the end of this manual (page 202).
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Combination vaccines
Licensed combination vaccines undergo extensive testing before approval by national regulatory authori-
ties to assure that the products are safe, effective, and of acceptable quality.
Combination vaccines consist of two or more antigens in the same preparation. This approach has been
used for over 50 years in many vaccines such as DTwP and MMR. Combination products simplify vaccine
administration and allow for the introduction of new vaccines without requiring additional health clinic
visit and injections.
Potential advantages of combination vaccines include:
■■ Reducing the cost of stocking and administering separate vaccines,
■■ Reducing the cost of extra health care visits,
■■ Improving timeliness of vaccination (some parents and health-care providers object to adminis-
tering more than two or three injectable vaccines during a single visit because of a child’s fear of
needles and pain, and because of concerns regarding safety),
■■ Facilitating the addition of new vaccines into immunization programmes.
It is very important, however, that combination vaccines are carefully tested before introduction. For
instance, adjuvants in a combination vaccine could reduce the activity of one antigen and excessively
increase the reactivity of another antigen. There could also be interactions with other vaccine components
such as buffers, stabilizers and preservatives.
With all combinations, manufacturers must therefore evaluate the potency of each antigenic component,
the effectiveness of the vaccine components when combined to induce immunity, risk of possible reversion
to toxicity, and reaction with other vaccine components.
Key point
No evidence exists that the administration of several antigens in combined vaccines over-
whelms the immune system, which has the capability of responding to many millions of
antigens at a time. Combining antigens usually does not increase the risk of adverse reactions.
In fact, it can lead to an overall reduction in adverse reactions.
With all combinations, manufacturers must, however, evaluate the potency of each antigenic
component, the effectiveness of the vaccine components when combined to induce immunity,
risk of possible reversion to toxicity, and reaction with other vaccine components.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Question 4*
Can you identify which five antigens are included in the pentavalent vaccine
Components of a vaccine*
Vaccines include a variety of ingredients including antigens, stabilizers, adjuvants, antibiotics, and
They may also contain residual by-products from the production process. Knowing precisely what is in
each vaccine can be helpful when investigating adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) and for
choosing alternative products for those who have allergies or have had an adverse event known or sus-
pected to be related to a vaccine component.
Antigens are the components derived from the structure of disease-causing organisms, which are recog-
nized as ‘foreign’ by the immune system and trigger a protective immune response to the vaccine.
You have already learned about antigens on the chapter “Types of vaccine“.
Stabilizers are used to help the vaccine maintain its effectiveness during storage. Vaccine stability is
essential, particularly where the cold chain is unreliable. Instability can cause loss of antigenicity and
decreased infectivity of LAV. Factors affecting stability are temperature and acidity or alkalinity of the
vaccine (pH). Bacterial vaccines can become unstable due to hydrolysis and aggregation of protein and
carbohydrate molecules. Stabilizing agents include MgCl2 (for OPV), MgSO4 (for measles), lactose-sorbitol
and sorbitol-gelatine.
Adjuvants are added to vaccines to stimulate the production of antibodies against the vaccine to make it
more effective.
Adjuvants have been used for decades to improve the immune response to vaccine antigens, most often
in inactivated (killed) vaccines. In conventional vaccines, adding adjuvants into vaccine formulations is
aimed at enhancing, accelerating and prolonging the specific immune response to vaccine antigens. Newly
developed purified subunit or synthetic vaccines using biosynthetic, recombinant, and other modern tech-
nology are poor vaccine antigens and require adjuvants to provoke the desired immune response.
Chemically, adjuvants are a highly heterogeneous group of compounds with only one thing in common:
their ability to enhance the immune response. They are highly variable in terms of how they affect the
immune system and how serious their adverse reactions are, due to the resulting hyperactivation of the
immune system.
* The answer to all questions can be found at the end of this manual (page 202).
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Today there are several hundred different types of adjuvants that are being used or studied in vaccine
Aluminium salts are generally recognized as safe, however, they can cause sterile abscesses and nodules at the
site of injection. The formation of a small granuloma is inevitable with alum-precipitated vaccines.
To ensure safe vaccination it is important that aluminium salts are administered intramuscularly and not subcutane-
ously. Subcutaneous administration can result in necrotic breakdown and cyst and abscess formation. To ensure
the proper handling of intramuscular injections, it is critical to ensure that vaccination staff has been well trained.
Antibiotics (in trace amounts) are used during the manufacturing phase to prevent bacterial contami-
nation of the tissue culture cells in which the viruses are grown. Usually only trace amounts appear in
vaccines, for example, MMR vaccine and IPV each contain less than 25 micrograms of neomycin per dose
(less than 0.000025 g). Persons who are known to be allergic to neomycin should be closely observed after
vaccination so that any allergic reaction can treated at once.
■■ Used during the manufacturing phase to prevent bacterial contamination of tissue culture cells
in which viruses are grown,
■■ Usually only trace amounts appear in vaccines, for example, MMR and IPV vaccines each con-
tain less that 25 micrograms of neomycin per dose,
■■ Persons known to be allergic to neomycin should be closely observed after vaccination so any
allergic reaction can be immediately treated.
Preservatives are added to multidose vaccines to prevent bacterial and fungal growth. They include a
variety of substances, for example Thiomersal, Formaldehyde, or Phenol derivatives.
■■ Very commomly used preservative. Thiomersal is an ethyl mercury-containing compound,
■■ It has been in use since the 1930ies and no harmful effects have been reported for doses used in
vaccination except for minor reactions (e.g. redness, swelling at injection site),
■■ It is used in multidose vials and for single dose vials in many countries as it helps reduce storage
■■ Thiomersal has been subjected to intense scrutiny, as it contains ethyl mercury. The Global
Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety continuously review the safety aspects of Thiomersal. So
far, there is no evidence of toxicity when exposed to Thiomersal in vaccines. Even trace amounts
of thiomersal seem to have no impact on the neurological development of infants.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
■■ Used to inactivate viruses (e.g. IPV) and to detoxify bacterial toxins, such as the toxins used to
make diphtheria and tetanus vaccines,
■■ During production, a purification process removes almost all formaldehyde in vaccines,
■■ The amount of formaldehyde in vaccines is several hundred times lower than the amount known
to do harm to humans, even infants. E. g., DTP-HepB + Hib “5-in-1” vaccine contains less than
0.02% formaldehyde per dose, or less than 200 parts per million.*
Question 5*
Which of the following answers is incorrect?
❒❒ A. Thiomersal prevents bacterial growth and therefore make vaccines more durable,
which is particularly helpful for storing and use of multi-dose vials.
❒❒ B. Aluminium salts primarily serve to prevent bacterial contamination of tissue culture cells.
❒❒ C. Adjuvants serve to enhance the immune response.
❒❒ D. Stabilizers make a vaccine more stable towards temporary changes in temperature
and pH.
Route of administration
The route of administration is the path by which a vaccine (or drug) is brought into contact with the body.
This is a critical factor for success of the immunization. A substance must be transported from the site of
entry to the part of the body where its action is desired to take place. Using the body’s transport mecha-
nisms for this purpose, however, is not trivial.
Intramuscular (IM) injection administers the vaccine into the
muscle mass. Vaccines containing adjuvants should be injected
IM to reduce adverse local effects.
Subcutaneous (SC) injection administers the vaccine into the
subcutaneous layer above the muscle and below the skin.
Intradermal (ID) injection administers the vaccine in the top-
most layer of the skin. BCG is the only vaccine with this route of
administration. Intradermal injection of BCG vaccine reduces the
risk of neurovascular injury. Health workers say that BCG is the
most difficult vaccine to administer due to the small size of new-
borns’ arms. A short narrow needle (15 mm, 26 gauge) is needed for BCG vaccine. All other vaccines are
given with a longer, wider needle (commonly 25 mm, 23 gauge), either SC or IM.
Oral administration of vaccine makes immunization easier by eliminating the need for a needle and syringe.
Intranasal spray application of a vaccine offers a needle free approach through the nasal mucosa of the
* The answer to all questions can be found at the end of this manual (page 202).
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
In 2003, a cold attenuated reassortant live intranasal vaccine was licensed in the
Bell’s palsy (a one-sided
US. This vaccine differs in formulation and manufacturing from adjuvanted inacti-
paralysis of facial muscles)
vated intranasal vaccine. Bell’s palsy was not observed in clinical trials of the cold
after intranasal immuniza-
attenuated reassortant live intranasal vaccine. As of 6 July 2006, with over four mil-
tion with the vaccine.
lion vaccine doses distributed, a total of five Bell’s palsy cases have been reported
to the adverse event reporting system of the US. A causal association between
these reported cases and the vaccine has not been established.
The GACVS continues to review the safety of vaccines administered by the intranasal route.
Key point
Manufacturers usually recommend the route of administration that limits best adverse reac-
tions of the respective vaccine.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
A contraindication to vaccination is a rare condition in a recipient that increases the risk for a serious
adverse reaction. Ignoring contraindications can lead to avoidable vaccine reactions. Most contraindica-
tions are temporary, and the vaccination can be administered later.
The only contraindication applicable to all vaccines is a history of a severe allergic reaction after a prior
dose of vaccine or to a vaccine constituent. Precautions are not contraindications, but are events or condi-
tions to be considered in determining if the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. Precautions stated
in product labelling can sometimes be inappropriately used as absolute contraindications, resulting in
missed opportunities to vaccinate.
Contraindications to vaccines*
Anaphylaxis after
Childhood previous dose or
Pregnancy immuno- Comment
vaccine severe allergy to
vaccine component
Further information available at http://
* Includes symptomatic HIV/AIDS (but for most LAV vaccines, asymptomatic or properly treated HIV infection is not a
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Key point
True contraindications are rare. Misconceptions about their frequency can lead to missed
opportunities to vaccinate and decrease immunization coverage, or conversely increase the
risk of adverse reactions, both of which reduce public confidence in the safety of the vaccine.
Anaphylaxis is a very rare allergic reaction (one in a million vac-
The Brighton Collaboration case
cinees), unexpected, and can be fatal if not dealt with adequately. definition and guidelines for anaphy-
Vaccine antigens and components can cause this allergic reaction. laxis are available on their website:
These reactions can be local or systemic and can include mild-to-
severe anaphylaxis or anaphylactic-like responses (e.g. generalized
urticaria or hives, wheezing, swelling of the mouth and throat,
breathing difficulties, hypotension and shock). Reports of anaphy-
laxis are less common in low- and middle-income countries compared to high-income countries, probably
because of reduced surveillance sensitivity and as the event may not be recognized (i.e. death attributed
to another factor).
Misdiagnosis of faints and other common causes of collapse, such as anaphylaxis, can lead to inappropriate
treatment (e.g. use of adrenaline and failure to recognize and treat other serious medical conditions).
Usually at the time or soon after Usually some delay between 5 – 30 minutes
injection after injection
Bradycardia Tachycardia
Transient hypotension Hypotension
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Key point
Each vaccinator who is trained in the treatment of anaphylaxis should have rapid access to an
emergency kit with adrenaline, and be familiar with its dosage and administration.
Measles vaccines, a live attenuated vaccine, are among the most safe and effective vaccines. They should be
given routinely to potentially susceptible, asymptomatic, HIV-infected children, adolescents and young adults.
Only those with severe clinical symptoms of HIV infection are contraindicated for vaccination. These people often
do not develop a protective immune response and are at increased risk of severe complications.
Given the high risk of measles at 9 months of age, WHO recommends that infants infected with HIV receive an early
dose of measles vaccine at 6 months of age, followed by a routine dose at 9 months (or according to the routine
immunization schedule). Earlier age of vaccination is recommended because HIV-infected infants exhibit a better
seroconversion rate at 6 months than at 9 months of age, possibly because of increasing HIV-associated immunode-
ficiency with age.
HIV-infected infants vaccinated at 6 and 9 months should receive a third measles vaccination (or second opportu-
nity) to prevent the proportion of unprotected children in the population from reaching dangerous levels. Recent
studies suggest waning immunity among HIV-infected children, making this recommendation especially impor-
tant in regions with high HIV prevalence.31
The potential risks of live vaccines need to be weighed against the benefits in immunocompromised clients
who may be particularly vulnerable to the vaccine-preventable disease. Concerns are that they may not
respond adequately to subunit and inactivated vaccination and that LAV vaccines are potentially pathogenic.
Routine childhood vaccinations – except BCG vaccination72 – are not contraindicated in children with
asymptomatic HIV-infection; however, timing of vaccination may be earlier or more frequent in this
In symptomatic HIV/AIDS, LAV vaccines are contraindicated, e.g. measles and yellow fever vaccines
should not be given.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Close follow-up of infants known to be born to HIV-infected mothers and who received BCG at birth is recom-
mended in order to provide early identification and treatment of any BCG-related complication.
In settings with adequate HIV services that could allow for early identification and administration of antiretroviral
therapy to HIV-infected children, consideration should be given to delaying BCG vaccination in infants born to
mothers known to be infected with HIV until these infants are confirmed to be HIV negative.
Infants who demonstrate signs or reported symptoms of HIV-infection and who are born to women
known to have HIV infection should not be vaccinated.
Inactivated influenza vaccine is now recommended for pregnant
women in many industrialized countries because of evidence of ben-
efit to the mother and the infant. LAV vaccines pose a theoretical risk
to the fetus and are generally contraindicated in pregnant women.
An additional vaccination recommended for pregnant women is
seasonal inactivated influenza vaccine. It is considered safe and is
recommended for all pregnant women during the influenza season.
This recommendation is motivated not only by the potential severe
course of influenza during pregnancy, but also to protect infants against influenza during their vulnerable
first months of life73. WHO’s Strategic Advisory Committee of WHO
SAGE Meetings: Information related
(SAGE) has recently discussed seasonal influenza vaccination and
to influenza immunization:
recommended pregnant women as the most important risk group
for seasonal influenza vaccination. SAGE also supported the recom-
mendation, in no particular order of priority, of vaccination of the cines/SAGE_information
following targeted populations: 77
■■ Healthcare workers,
■■ Children 6 to 59 months of age,
■■ The elderly,
■■ Those with high-risk conditions.
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
Worldwide, all countries are committed to “elimination” of maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), i.e. a
reduction of neonatal tetanus incidence to below one case per 1000 live births per year in every district.
As of 2012, 35 countries have yet to eliminate MNT.
All women of childbearing age, either during pregnancy or outside of pregnancy, should be vaccinated
against tetanus to protect themselves and their newborn babies. Neonatal tetanus is almost always fatal
and is completely preventable by ensuring that pregnant women are protected through vaccination.
Benefits of vaccinating pregnant women usually outweigh potential risks when the likelihood of disease
exposure is high, when infection would pose a risk to the mother or fetus, and when the vaccine is unlikely
to cause harm. This should be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
People of all ages can get tetanus. But the disease is particularly common and serious in newborn babies. This
is called neonatal tetanus. Most infants who get the disease die. Neonatal tetanus is particularly common in rural
areas where most deliveries are at home without adequate sterile procedures. WHO estimated that neonatal
tetanus killed about 128,000 babies in 2004.74
Tetanus can be prevented by immunizing women of childbearing age with tetanus toxoid, either during pregnancy or
before pregnancy. This protects the mother and – through a transfer of tetanus antibodies to the fetus – also her baby.
People who recover from tetanus do not have natural immunity and can be infected again and therefore need to
be immunized. To be protected throughout life, an individual should receive three doses of DTP in infancy, fol-
lowed by a booster containing tetanus toxoid (TT) – at school-entry age (4–7 years), in adolescence (12–15 years),
and in early adulthood.
The table below demonstrates the duration of protection against tetanus in women who missed the TT vaccina-
tion as infants and then received catch-up immunization during their childbearing years (usually taken to be from
15 to 49 years).
MODULE 2: Types of vaccine and adverse reactions
You have now completed the learning for this module. These are the main points that you have learned.
RRThe differences between and the modes of action of live attenuated vaccines, inactivated vaccines,
conjugate vaccines, subunit and toxoid vaccines and combined vaccines.
Question 1
Complete each statement by choosing the correct option from the list below:
Question 2
❒❒ A. The oral polio vaccine (OPV) never causes paralysis in vaccinated children because the
polioviruses in the vaccine have been inactivated.
❒❒ B. Live attenuated vaccines may pose a risk to people whose immune system is deficient or
❒❒ C. Many live attenuated vaccines require strict adherence to the cold chain in order to main-
tain their efficacy.
❒❒ D. Tissue cultures in which live attenuated vaccines are grown may become contaminated
with other pathogens.
❒❒ E. Live attenuated vaccines induce a weak immune response and therefore always contain
adjuvants to enhance the immune response to the vaccine.
❒❒ F. Inactivated vaccines are more immunogenic than live attenuated vaccines and a single
dose usually produces long-lasting immunity.
Question 3
❒❒ A. Live attenuated vaccines include: BCG, OPV, Measles, Rotavirus, whole-cell Pertussis and
Yellow fever vaccines.
❒❒ B. Osteitis has in the past been reported in connection with certain vaccine batches of BCG
vaccines, but now occurs very rarely.
Question 4
Complete each statement by choosing the correct option from the list below:
2. The effectiveness of some live attenuated vaccines can be maintained during storage by the
addition of .
a antibiotics d preservatives
b formaldehyde e stabilizers
c adjuvants
Question 5
Complete each statement by choosing the correct option from the list below:
a oral d intradermal
b intranasal spray e intramuscular
c subcutaneous
Assessment solutions
Question 1
Correct answers:
1. Live attenuated measles vaccine, contains living organisms that have been weakened under labora-
tory conditions. It stimulates an immune response almost as strong as an infection with wild-type
2. Killed antigen vaccines, such as inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), are considered to be very safe and
stable and have no risk of inducing the disease.
3. Conjugated vaccines such as Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (Hib) and pneumococcal con-
jugate vaccines can provide protection from common bacterial infections in infants.
4. Recombinant technology is used to produce protein-based subunit vaccines such as acellular pertus-
sis (aP) vaccine, by using other organisms (e.g. yeast cells) to express the desired vaccine antigens.
Question 2
Answers B, C, and D are correct.
Answer A: Polio is among the five vaccines that are recommended by WHO are produced using Live
attenuated vaccine technology: Tuberculosis (BCG), Oral Polio Vaccine, Measles, Rotavirus, Yellow Fever.
Answer E: Live attenuated vaccines stimulate an excellent immune response. Adjuvants are therefore not
critical elements of them.
(To revise information on Live attenuated vaccines go to the “Live attenuated vaccines” on page 41).
Question 3
Answers B, C, D, and E are correct:
Answer A: whole-cell Pertussis is an inactivated vaccine. More information on the “Inactivated whole-
cell vaccines” on page 44.
Question 4
Correct answers:
1. Aluminium salts used in vaccines as adjuvants can occasionally cause a sterile abscess at the injec-
tion site.
2. The effectiveness of some live attenuated vaccines can be maintained during storage by the addition
of stabilizers.
3. The addition of trace amounts of antibiotics prevents bacterial contamination of tissue culture cells
in which vaccine viruses are grown.
4. Thiomersal is the most common of the preservatives used to prevent bacterial and fungal growth in
multidose vaccines.
5. The polioviruses used in manufacturing IPV are inactivated by treatment with formaldehyde.
6. The immune response to some vaccines is enhanced by the addition of adjuvants.
Question 5
Please note that the vaccine must be given by the same route as in the clinical trials that led to its approval.
Correct answers:
1. Vaccines that contain aluminium salts must be administered by intramuscular injection to reduce
the risk of nodule/abscess formation.
2. BCG is the only routine EPI vaccine given to infants by intradermal injection.
3. Current rotavirus vaccine should only be given by the oral route.
4. Combined diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccines should only be given by the intramuscular route.
5. A needle-free method of giving flu vaccine is administration by intranasal spray.
6. Measles vaccine should be injected into the subcutaneous layer.