Ishfaq@Baya Friend On Shakespeare PDF
Ishfaq@Baya Friend On Shakespeare PDF
Ishfaq@Baya Friend On Shakespeare PDF
“So long as amen can breathe or eyes can see, Shakespeare’s Sonnets comprise a
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.” collection of 154 poems replete with themes like
(Sonnet 18, line 13-14) love, beauty, mortality, time and its destructiveness.
Background Scholars have classified these Sonnets into three
“Elizabethan mind was much influenced by categories. Sonnet 1-126 are addressed to a young
the philosophy of Plato who assured it that there man, the Fair Youth; 126-152 to a mysterious lady
was a permanent and eternal Being which was the probably, Shakespeare’s mistress, popularly known
reality; on the other hand, the change, mutability, as the Dark Lady of Shakespeare’s Sonnets; and the
was only phenomenal, illusory and unreal. The last two sonnets are fairly free adaptations of two
daimonic Plato told the Elizabethan poets of the classical Greek poems. The Sonnets addressed to the
permanence, but they saw only mutability all Fair Youth have further been divided on the basis of
around. Therefore, they questioned themselves: the recurring theme: the poet urging his friend to
could mutable things be mad eternal? And they marry and have children. These sonnets are 17 in
found the answer: only in art could beings be number and have been classified as Procreation
eternal…Shakespeare was also certainly and Sonnets. In these sonnets, the poet urges his friend
morbidly aware of the destructiveness of Time. In to marry and have children, thereby passing on his
Sonnets 12, 15-19, 39, 60, 63-65, 100, 115-116, 123- exceptional beauty to the coming generations.
124 and 126, and some other sonnets, he has Sonnets 18-126 express poet’s love for the Fair
expressed his utter concern over the corroding Youth.
action of Time over the beauty of his friend, the Fair G. W. Knight found that Time and Death are
Youth.” (Sarkar, 78-79) recurrent themes both of the plays and the Sonnets