Report On The Procedures/practices To Minimize The Boiler Tube Leaks in The Thermal Power Stations
Report On The Procedures/practices To Minimize The Boiler Tube Leaks in The Thermal Power Stations
Report On The Procedures/practices To Minimize The Boiler Tube Leaks in The Thermal Power Stations
Creep failures-Overheating
Short-term Overheat Failure results in a ductile rupture of the tube metal, It is characterized by
“fish mouth” opening in the tube where the fracture surface is a thin edge.
Causes: Short-term overheat failures are most common during boiler start up. Failures result
when the tube metal temperature is extremely elevated from a lack of cooling steam or water
Long-term Overheat Tube metal often has heavy external scale build-up and secondary cracking.
Super heater and reheat super heater tubes commonly fail after many years of service, as a result
of creep.
During normal operation, alloy super heater tubes will experience increasing temperature and
strain over the life of the tube until the creep life is expended. Furnace water wall tubes also can
fail from long-term overheat.
Fatigue is a phenomenon of damage accumulation caused by cyclic or fluctuating stresses, which
are caused by mechanical loads, flow induced vibration.
components are subjected to cyclic temperature and flow fluctuations restrict
thermal expansion.
Fatigue is classified in two categories, corrosion fatigue and thermal fatigue.
Corrosion fatigue, ―the fluctuations in circulation of water in the boiler tube
Thermal fatigue: frequent starts and stops Typically occurs at areas such as header ligaments,
welded attachments , tube stub welds, circumferential external surface cracking of water wall
tubes in supercritical units, and fabrication notches.
Erosion and corrosion
Erosion is metal removal caused by particles striking the metal’s surface.
Various mechanisms, such as fly ash erosion, soot blowing erosion, falling slag erosion, and coal
particle erosion can cause erosion on the boiler tubes.
Fly ash erosion, is a significant boiler tube failure concern, occurs in the regions with high local
flue gas velocities, with high ash loading, and with abrasive particles such as quartz
Corrosion: Deterioration and loss of material due to chemical attack.
There are two basic categories in boiler tubes: • Internal corrosion: hydrogen damage, acid
phosphate corrosion, caustic gouging, and pitting • External corrosion: water wall fireside
corrosion, super heater (SH)/re heater (RH) fireside corrosion, and ash dew point corrosion
Alignment of coils/ panels Uniform spacing between coils/ panels
Uniform spacing between coil & wall at the front, rear, left and right
Erection of clamps, attachments, supports and hangers
Quality of site weld joints
Thruness of coils & panels
Completion of all attachment welding before Hydro test
Removal of temporary supports/ structures
a) Design aspects
1) The boiler design was changed with the problems faced and based on the experience in
the units 4, 5, 6 units of 500 MW.
2) Increased the space between coils and within tubes in the coil for freely and easily
inspection of tubes during the overhauls. Reduced the height of the coil. Changed the
thickness of tubes.
3) Furnace size increased
4) NTPC is preparing the specifications on their own.
b) Operational aspects
5) Strictly following the design operational parameters especially on the MS, RH
6) Daily discussing maximum MS, RH and temperatures and time in the daily DPM.
7) Hydraulic test not conducting on the boiler after attending the tube. NTPC is conducting
the RT on each joint of tube repair done.
8) Admitting pegging steam in the deaerator during the units start up for proper mixing of
chemicals adding in the boiler.
9) Oxygen content in the flue gas maintaining around 3.5% at APH inlet.
10) All auto loops are in service and the unit is running on CMC mode
11) Strict monitoring on the boiler chemistry both online and offline.
12) Performing Water wall soot blowing once in a day
13) LRSB operation as and when required.
c) Maintenance aspects
14) Following the OEM instructions for equipments maintenance.
15) At regular intervals, monitoring the performance of the plant i.e. boiler efficiency and
Heat rate etc.
16) Putting shrouds in the areas more prone to the erosion.
17) Reducing the flue gas velocity by putting the obstructions like mesh, fins etc in the path
and maintain the average flue gas velocity throughout flue gas path.
18) Each failed tube sending for failure analysis at their lab at Noida and following the
remedial measures to avoid the reoccurrence of the tube failures.
19) Maintaining the history of tube leaks and their rectification records.