Energy Reports: Omar Ellabban, Abdulrahman Alassi
Energy Reports: Omar Ellabban, Abdulrahman Alassi
Energy Reports: Omar Ellabban, Abdulrahman Alassi
Energy Reports
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Research paper
• EAM for distributed PV systems has been implemented based on real data.
• ToU-NB-BB scheme achieves the maximum saving compared with other metering schemes.
• 89% probability of getting PV-LCOE less than the retail rate has been achieved.
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Article history: Photovoltaic (PV) systems, like most renewable energy resources, are characterized by large initial
Received 23 October 2018 capital investments by the energy user. The high upfront cost (for which many residential customers
Received in revised form 23 January 2019 are unwilling to take risks) is and will remain one of the main obstacles that need to be tackled in
Accepted 11 February 2019
order to achieve a faster and a greater deployment of the distributed PV technology in the residential
Available online xxxx
sector as a local generation source. Understanding the economics of the residential PV installation is a
Keywords: key aspect to determine whether the financial investment in this sector is economically feasible and
Economic Adoption Model reasonable or not. Thus, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive economic analysis to encourage
Sensitivity analysis residential consumers to be PV adopters. The main purpose of this work is to present an Integrated
Profitability analysis Economic Adoption Model (IEAM) for distributed PV systems. This IEAM is composed of four modules:
Monte Carlo analysis
(1) economic assessment of four different proposed electricity retail tariff structures; (2) profitability
Feed in tariff
analysis of these proposed electricity retail tariff structures based on the most common economic
Net metering
indicators: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Discounted Payback Period (DPBP),
and Profitability Index (PI); (3) sensitivity analysis of different variables which strongly affect the PV
system profitability; and finally, (4) Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) probability distribution based
on the Monte Carlo Analysis (MCA). The model is implemented using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
based on a real dataset for one year of PV generation and residential load consumption for 54
customers in the Ausgrid’s electricity network, New South Wales (NSW), Australia (as case study)
under the current market arrangements and PV support policies. The model can be easily adapted to
any location by changing the generation and load profiles and the relevant economic assumptions and
electricity regulatory policies. The outcomes of this IEAM should guide the decision makers in different
distribution networks in designing their retail tariff structure and PV support policies and to conduct
economic feasibility analysis for residential and commercial PV projects with different sizes in different
locations within their networks. Also, the IEAM answers the investment profitability questions for the
household owners under real integrated system uncertainty.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
2352-4847/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326 311
cover the institute electricity needs, the IRR for this choice was prediction methodology has been developed and tested on the
32% and the payback period is 3 years. Tarigan et al. (2015) Australian market by the authors of this work In Alassi et al.
simulates a techno-economic feasibility study of installing a grid- (2018). The cost distributions and outlook of a distributed PV
connected PV system in a typical residential in Surabaya. This system are mainly attributed to country-specific developments
study concludes that, without any financial support from the such as local demand, local economy indicators (such as: nom-
government, a grid-connected PV system is not financially viable inal discount rate, interest rate and inflation rate), the level of
to meet the entire electrical need of a typical residential house in market maturity and local experience and incentives (subsidy
Surabaya. In Kazem et al. (2017), a techno-economic feasibility increment/decrement). Therefore, it is very difficult to give a
analysis of 1 MW PV grid-connected system in Oman is presented. value range of the used economic indicators.
The assessment results show that, the PV system is economically On the other hand, by reviewing the literature, one can find
feasible and shows great promise for the city of Adam. In Edalati many similar techno-economic studies, based on the similar eco-
et al. (2016), a technical and economic assessments (based on nomic indicators used in this study with similar methodology,
NPV, PBP, IRR and LCOE) of grid-connected PV power plants which has been conducted for a variety of energy resources
in Iran has been conducted based on recent a statistical data and energy storage devices, such as: tidal energy, wind energy,
and not on real nor experimental projects. The study concludes nuclear energy, fuel cells and batteries, (Segura et al., 2017; Cali
that, the LCOE for PV power plants is higher than the average et al., 2018; Kharitonov and Kosterin, 2017; Nelson et al., 2005;
selling price of the electricity; therefore, the solar PV systems may Löbberding and Madlener, 2019) and (Masebinu et al., 2017).
reach the grid-parity only for peak prices. In Kumar (2015), an Segura et al. (2017) presents an economic assessment for tidal
economic assessment models (based on NPV, PBP and IRR) for a energy technologies based on NPV, IRR, DPBP and LCOE. Cali et al.
residential PV system is conducted. The result of the assessment (2018), implements a techno-economic analysis for an offshore
screens the economic feasibility of PV systems. Koumparou et al. wind farm based on NPV, LCOE, DPBP, and IRR. Kharitonov and
(2017), present a methodology to identify the appropriate net- Kosterin (2017) investigates the investment performance criteria
metering scheme for the Mediterranean region (Cyprus, Greece, (NPV, LCOE, IRR, DPPB and basic engineering-economic parame-
Spain, Slovenia, Portugal and France) given the particularities and ters of nuclear reactors characterizing a Nuclear Power Plant prof-
local conditions and real system where flat rate electricity tariffs itability and competitiveness at the microeconomic level. An as-
is only considered. The main conclusion of this work is that, for sessment of the economic benefits of using grid-connected Fuel-
the time being, net-metering schemes should be considered as a Cell Systems is presented in Nelson et al. (2005) and Löbberding
transition policy from the FiT schemes towards policies closer to and Madlener (2019) based on NPV, payback period, benefit-to-
the market involving dynamic cost-reflective pricing. Honrubia- cost ratio and the cost of electricity. A techno-economic viabil-
Escribano et al. (2018) performs a comprehensive assessment ity and environmental benefits of using Battery Energy Storage
of the economic performance of a PV system (based on NPV, (BES) with three different technologies (lithium ion, lead acid and
IRR and PBP) with different topologies in seven EU countries sodium sulfur) has been implemented based on NPV, LCOE, IRR
with the largest PV development. The main conclusion of this and payback period in Masebinu et al. (2017).
work is that, the direct replication of PV systems that were Like other countries around the world, the international and
successful in a particular country should be avoided due to the domestic concerns regarding GHG emissions and energy secu-
large amount of parameters involved in the economic perfor- rity have encouraged the successive Australian governments to
mance assessment. Akter et al. (2017), proposes the inclusion increase the renewable energies share in the Australian power
of a generalized tariff structure in its economic evaluations of a generation mix replacing fossil fuel based generation. Since, the
residential building with solar photovoltaic and battery energy electricity generation accounting for 33% of Australia’s GHG emis-
storage systems, which allow residential consumers to choose the sions, Australia has committed to a Renewable Energy Target
right one based on their different perspectives of the investments. (RET) that delivers 20% of Australia’s energy needs by 2020.
Chapman et al. (2016) discusses the successes, failures and im- The RET aims to reduce GHG emissions from electricity gener-
pacts of Australian residential solar PV policy from 2001 to 2012 ation by providing certificates for renewable energy generation.
specially the different FiT levels, across two distinct types; gross Small systems (<100 kW) are provided with upfront payment
and net, with a conclusion that this potential inequity of these deductions, while large systems are provided with certificates
policies warrants further research. Net metering (NM) allows the based on MWh generated. The RET has played a key role in
PV system owners to offset their energy consumed within their facilitating Australia’s renewable energy deployment, it fueled the
premises with energy produced from their locally installed PV rapid deployment of household rooftop PV system installations
system and to sell surplus electricity to their electricity service across Australia, (Byrnes and Brown, 2015) and (Commonwealth
provider at a rate equal, less or greater than the retail rate Government of Australia, 2015). Additionally, feed-in tariffs (FiT)
according to the country and network operator policy. Different were introduced in 2008 by most Australian state governments
net metering (fully or partially) and Net Billing (NB) policies has to encourage residential sector and small businesses (<10 kW) to
been discussed in Christoforidis et al. (2016), Dufo-López and install solar PV technology, where, a household gets a premium
Bernal-Agustín (2015) and Comello and Reichelstein (2017). payment for the electricity supplied to the electricity grid, this
These studies addressed the profitability analysis of a PV sys- FiT can be a gross or a net FiT, (Zahedi, 2010) and (Poruschi
tem during its lifetime based on the common economic indicators et al., 2018). Moreover, Australia has the highest average solar
(NPV, PBP, DPBP, IRR and PI) based on estimated or average radiation per square meter of any continent in the world ranging
operating values, mostly without considering the real generation from 1500 to 1900 kWh/m2 /yr and more hours of sunlight per
and consumption data, real market economic parameters, differ- day, (Geoscience Australia and BREE, 2014), which leads to high
ent financing mechanisms, different tax schemes, the effect of PV electricity yield ranging from 1200–1600 kWh/kWp/yr (with
variation of different system parameters, different metering and an average 1460 kWh/kWp/yr) at Australia compared with other
retail tariffs schemes, in addition to the associated investment countries, (Talavera et al., 2010). As a result, Australia became one
risk and the expected monthly saving from such investment. of the top ten countries for total solar installed capacity in 2015
Furthermore, in order to understand the cost distribution and and this continued in 2016, (Anon, 2017c). By the end of 2017,
the cost outlook of the different components of a distributed Australia’s total solar PV capacity exceeded 6.4 GW with close
PV system in different countries, a generic market-based cost to 1.8 million installations, the amount of rooftop PV capacity
O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326 313
installed during 2017 is estimated to have reached over 1 GW, 2. Model description
(Anon, 2018a). The Australasian cumulative installed PV power,
from 2006–2016, is distributed among four sub-markets, where, This section contains a detailed description for the proposed
almost 90% of the cumulative installed capacity by 2016 comes IEAM to provide an integrated residential PV system economic
from the residential sector, (IEA-PVPS, 2017). The average number adoption model. The model should be able to: economically eval-
of Australian households with solar PV systems reached 18.7%, uate different retail tariffs under different metering schemes by
and exceed 30% in some states, (Stock et al., 2017). Solar PV elec- computing the PV system monthly saving for different tariff sce-
tricity systems produced about 2.6% of Australia’s total electricity narios; calculate the life time profitability of the residential PV
generation in 2016, while renewable electricity represents 16.3% system based on the traditional financial indicators (NPV, IRR,
PI and DPBP); compute the LCOE of the PV system; conduct
of the Australian total electricity generation (Jaeger-Waldau,
a sensitivity analysis for the variables affecting the PV system
2017). Moreover, the small scale PV installed capacity is expected
profitability the most, considering all the policy and regulatory
to surge to 44 GW by 2040 representing 31% of the Australian
issues in the distribution network and produce probabilistic dis-
power mix and the Australia’s electricity system will become one
tribution of its profitability based on MCA. The proposed IEAM
of the most decentralized in the world, with around 45% of power is structured into four different modules; Fig. 1 illustrates the
generating capacity located behind the meter (BNEF, 2017). structure and the different modules of the proposed IEAM. This
Therefore, Australia has been selected to validate the developed model is implemented using Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet based of
IEAM for distributed PV systems. real data for a complete year of PV generation and residential load
To the best authors’ knowledge, no integrated economic as- consumption for 54 customers in the Ausgrid’s electricity net-
sessment study of the distributed PV system is presented in work, NSW, Australia. However, the model can be easily adapted
the literature, which takes into account all the variables around for any location by updating the PV system parameters (tech-
the PV system (technical, economic, financial and environmental) nical, economic, financial and environmental), generation and
based on real market conditions and derived from real generation load profiles and retail tariffs and metering schemes (distribution
and consumption data. In addition, the sensitivity of different sys- network regulations). These four different modules are described
tem variables affecting its profitability and the variability distri- as follows:
bution of the system inputs and outputs has not been thoroughly
investigated yet. 2.1. Economical assessment of different electricity retail tariff struc-
The main contribution of this paper is to develop an Integrated tures
Economic Adaption Model (IEAM), which provides a holistic eco-
nomic assessment framework for distributed PV systems under Electric utility companies have developed exciting Dynamic
real integrated uncertainty and can be used by both the house- Pricing Plans (DPPs) to encourage consumers to change their
consumption patterns. In many regions, consumers can choose
hold and the utility decision makers. The developed model is
between different electricity pricing schemes such as Time of
easy to use, modify, adapt to different operating conditions, policy
Use (ToU) and Flat Rate (FR). Through DPPs, the consumers are
and regulatory variations. The proposed IEAM is developed and
encouraged to efficiently manage their energy consumption while
validated based on real PV generation and consumption data
attempting to flatten the overall load profile. Thus, DPPs are
from a real distribution network to serve as a full economic beneficial for both consumers and utilities through saving costs
assessment framework for distributed PV systems covering all the and reducing peak-to-average ratio, respectively. Therefore, it
aspects of a PV system (technical, environmental, economic and is essential to consider all possible tariff structures in order to
financial). The IEAM considers all the policy and regulatory issues conduct the cost–benefit analysis (Pillaia and Naserb, 2018).
in any distribution network through its four modules; economic Furthermore, in order to encourage households and small
assessment of different retail tariff structures as the first module, business owners to install PV systems in their premises, differ-
profitability analysis as the second module, sensitivity analysis as ent countries had implemented FiT for paying a premium price
the third module and probability distribution analysis based on for the generated electricity from PV systems in residential and
Monte Carlo Analysis (MCA) as the fourth module. The proposed commercial sectors under different Net Metering (NM) policies.
IEAM can be used by the household to economically assess the The output of a PV system can be recorded into two different
different metering schemes offered by the distribution network configurations, as illustrated in Fig. 2 (Zahedi, 2010), known as;
operator, to financially optimize the installed PV system size Net Billing (NB) and Net Metering (NM). In case of NB, the PV
according to the desired monthly saving, export rate and the pay- system owner, which has two meters installed at his premises,
back period and to estimate the effects of varying the different PV injects all his PV system generated electricity into the grid and
system variables based on its profitability under real integrated gets FiTNB (FiTNB can be equal to, below or above the retail tariff)
uncertainty. Also, the IEAM can be used by utility decision makers and imports his local electricity consumption from the grid with
to design their retail tariffs, to conduct profitability analysis for the retail tariff. In NB, the balance (imported electricity minus ex-
ported electricity) is done in monetary terms. However, in case of
different residential and commercial PV projects with different
NM, the PV system owner, which has one bidirectional meter in-
sizes and to estimate the effect of different incentives on the PV
stalled at his premises, injects the surplus PV generated electricity
system profitability under real integrated uncertainty.
(the PV system generated electricity minus the local consumed
This paper is organized as follows; Section 2 presents a de-
electricity) into the grid and gets FiTNM (FiTNM is normally equal
tailed description for the proposed IEAM and its four differ-
to the retail tariff) and the balance (imported electricity minus
ent modules. Section 3 presents the model validation based on exported electricity) is done in energy terms (kWh), this exported
the Australian case study of the Ausgrid’s electricity distribution energy typically varies from 10% to 50% of the total production of
network, New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Where the input the PV system and depends on the local consumption profile and
parameters for the four different modules of the IEAM are defined the installed PV system capacity, (Poruschi et al., 2018). The NB
based on: the Ausgrid’s customer load and generation profiles, will be used in this study; however, there are many NB and NM
retail and FiT tariff structures, PV support policies and current (fully or partially) policies used by different countries which have
market arrangements. Then, the results of this IEAM are pre- different economic impact on the PV system profitability, the
sented and discussed in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 presents the following two approaches will be used in this study, (Dufo-López
main conclusion of this study. and Bernal-Agustín, 2015):
314 O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326
Fig. 1. Structure of the developed Integrated Economic Adoption Model for a distributed PV system.
• Net Billing Simple (BN-S): at the end of the billing period, with the initial installation, payback times tend to be relatively
if the imported electricity cost is higher than the exported long depending on the local tariff rates and incentives. Therefore,
electricity cost, the PV system owner must pay the grid the objective of this module is to provide the reader with a com-
operator for the difference between the two terms. If the prehensive understanding of the profitability analysis for the PV
cost of the energy imported is higher than cost of energy investment throughout its lifetime. The economic assessment is
exported, the PV owner receives no compensation. made using traditional economic indicators based on discounted
• Net Billing with Buy Back (NB-BB): at the end of each billing cash flows analysis, such as NPV, IRR, PI and DPBP. In addition,
period, the PV system owner pays the grid operator for all the LCOE is also computed. These economic indicators will be
imported electricity (at retail rate) and the grid operator calculated for the four proposed retail tariff structures from the
purchases any exported electricity at a certain FiT rate using previous module to benchmark their profitability. The different
a buy-back scheme. economic indicators are explained as follows.
Net Present Value (NPV) is a very important parameter in deter-
In both cases, the PV system owner may be required to pay the mining the economic feasibility of an investment as it represents
daily supply charges for grid connectivity according to Ausgrid’s the net profit generated. A project is economically viable if the
electricity network operator. NPV is positive, therefore, the project is economically justified if
In this IEAM, the two different retail tariff structures, which its NPV>0 and rejected if its NPV<0. When comparing multiple
are the FR and ToU tariffs, are combined with two different NB projects, the one with the highest NPV is the best option to make
schemes, which are NB-S and NB-BB, to propose four different the investment decision. The NPV calculation relies on the initial
retail tariff structures: (i) Flat Rate-Net Billing Simple (FR-NB-S), investment, the total accumulated cash flow and the discount
(ii) Flat Rate-Net Billing with Buy Back (FR-NB-BB), (iii) Time of rate. The NPV is the sum of present values of all cash inflows (rev-
Use-Net Billing Simple (ToU-NB-S), (iv) Time of Use-Net Billing enues) and outflows (costs) related to the investment (discounted
with Buy Back (ToU-NB-BB). Collectively, and based on the real cash flow over the lifetime of the project), thus accounting for
PV generation and load profiles, the cost balance between the the time value of money and the NPV is given by, Caamaiio and
imported and exported electricity is calculated on hourly basis to Lorenzo (1996), Nofuentes et al. (2002) and Talavera et al. (2007):
compute the monthly saving in the electricity bill (as percentage)
for the four proposed retail tariff structures for a household with
PV system compared with normal household. ∑
NPV = (It − Ot ) (1)
t =0
2.2. Profitability analysis of different electricity tariff structures
Where, I represents the discounted cash inflows, O represents
While costs of PV systems have declined rapidly, it is still diffi- the discounted cash outflows, and L is the lifetime of the project.
cult to determine the economic benefits of making an installation The project inflows (revenues) are the direct economic benefits
especially for the household owner who will personally finance of the project; in case of a subsidized PV system, it consists
his rooftop PV insulation. With the majority of costs being born of a onetime capital subsidy (S0 ), that may be provided by the
O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326 315
Fig. 2. Net Billing and Net Metering scheme for residential sector (Camilo et al., 2017).
government to promote renewable energy installation, and two size, used technology, market maturity level and other conditions,
operational components; savings from deferring purchases of typically ranging from 1%–5%.
grid electricity (Qd ) at the retail price (P r ) and sales of surplus Annual financing cost (Ft ) refers to the reimbursement of the
electricity to the grid (Qe ) at the FiT (PFiT ), as represented by: PV system installation loan, if there is one. The house owner may
decide to get a loan to finance the PV system installation partially
∑ Qd Pr + Qe PFiT or in total, which is incorporated by Equity and debt ratios in this
I = S0 + (2)
(1 + da )t study, therefore, the annual loan payment should be included in
the system costs (outflows). For each year, the loan payment will
Where, da is the actual discount rate, which is derived from consist of some principal P(t) and interest on this principal for
the nominal discount rate (dn ) and the annual inflation rate (g) t years at specified interest rate il . The amount of the nth year
by: principle P(t) and interest I(t) can be given by, Singh and Singh
da = (dn − g)/(1 + g) (3)
Pl (t)
Most of PV system revenue depends on its energy delivery, P (t) = (6)
(1 + il )t
EPV . The useful energy generated by a PV system is a function of
many parameters, such as: the nominal power of the PV system, I (t) = Pl (t) − P (t) (7)
the average global solar irradiance at the installation location,
where, Pl (nt ) is the value of tth loan payment, which is given by:
the PV array orientation, the environmental conditions (possible
shadowing, temperature, soiling, snow, etc.) and the different
system components efficiencies (i.e. PV array and inverter). The Pl (t) = Pl (1)(1 + e)t−1 , for t = 1 to N (8)
effects of all these parameters are combined into one variable
where, e is escalation in the annual loan installment (%) and N is
called the Performance Ratio (PR), (Chabot, 1998). The PR is a
the loan repayment period (years). It has been assumed that the
measure for the degree of PV system utilization, it describes the
annual loan payment is due at the end of each year; therefore, the
relationship between the actual and theoretical energy output of
household can do the loan payment from the earning of selling
a PV system. Typical ranges of the PR have evolved from 50%–75%
surplus PV electricity to the grid. Therefore, the financing cost can
in the late 1980s, via 70%–80% in the 1990s, to >80% nowadays,
be giving by:
with some systems reaching 90%, (van Sark et al., 2012; de Lima {
et al., 2017) and (Cherfa et al., 2015). Therefore, the PV system Pl (t) , t = 1 to N
output can be given by: Ft = (9)
0, t = N + 1 to L
Gdt(β0 )
Epv = Pnom . .PR (4) Typically, in most countries with active distributed PV grid
integration, the PV systems installed at domestic sites are con-
where Pnom is the nominal installed power of the PV system, Gstc is sidered non-taxable (for personal use/hobby) as they are not in
the solar irradiance under standard test conditions (1 kW/m2 ) and the nature of a business or profit making scheme.
Gdt(β0 ) is the solar irradiance at optimum position and is typically Finally, as the PV system owner is supplied in part by the PV
available from the Solar Radiation Atlas. system and in part by the distribution network, the NPV must
The project outflows (costs) can be divided into one-time take into account the respective payments (supply charge cost or
and reoccurring costs. The one-time costs include the PV system grid connection cost) for the distribution network operator and
installation I0 = CkWp .Pnom , (where, CkWp is the system initial this cost should be part of the retail tariff. This supply charge
cost per kWp), while reoccurring costs include operations and cost may vary depending on the tariff scheme and the user
maintenance (OM t ) and financing (Ft ). A one-time VAT tax on the consumption level, (Vilaça Gomes et al., 2018).
system (T0 ) may be included depending on the installation area, The Profitability Index (PI) is an investment assessment tech-
as well as the required payment of VAT on income from oversold nique which is defined as the ratio between its net present value
electricity (Tt ). The discounted lifetime cost (outflows) for a PV and its initial investment cost (benefit cost/ratio) and is given by:
system is given by:
∑ OMt + Ft + Tt PI = (10)
O = I0 + T0 + (5) I0
(1 + da )t
The NPV is an absolute measurement in cash while the PI is
The annual OM t cost is normally given as a percentage of the a relative measurement, which can be used to compare several
PV system initial cost, this percentage depends on PV system investments with different cost and to rank the relative returns.
316 O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326
Fig. 4. Aggregated generation and load of 54 customers at Ausgrid distribution network, July 2012 to June 2013.
long lifetime and payback period. MCA produces a probability 3.1. Load and generation profiles
distribution of different outcomes for the main economic perfor-
mance indicators (such as the LCOE) providing a more accurate Ausgrid provides a free dataset called ‘‘Solar home electricity
projection as a result (Jeon and Shin, 2014) and (da Silva Pereira data’’, which can be used by organizations and individuals for a
et al., 2014). The purpose of this module is to demonstrate a variety of purposes, including research, policy-making and pro-
complete MCA for a residential PV system owner given the cur- viding information about solar PV system performance. This data
rent market conditions and support policies under real integrated has been sourced from 300 randomly selected solar customers in
system uncertainty. MCA answers the question: ‘‘what is the Ausgrid’s electricity network area that were billed on a domestic
probability of getting a LCOE (for the local installed PV system) tariff based on net-billing scheme for the period from 1 July 2010
that is less than the current electricity retail rate?’’. Therefore, to 30 June 2013. The chosen customers had a full set of actual
five input variables have been selected which exhibit random data (collected every half-hour), which went through some data
variability and represented with probability distributions, these quality checking and resulting in excluding customers on the high
and low ends of household consumption and solar generation
variables are; PV system installation cost, operation and main-
performance, (Anon, 2013). The Ausgrid dataset includes: the in-
tenance annual cost, average annual solar irradiance, electricity
stalled PV capacity (kWp), the solar PV generation (kWh) and the
retail price and FiT. Other studies has considered other variables
residential energy consumption (kWh) recorded every half hour
such as: tax refund rate, market risk premium, risk free rate and
for each of the 300 customers. Out of these 300 customers, a clean
foreign exchange rate, which are not affecting the distributed PV
dataset for 54 customers without any load and/or generation
system in the Australian market, (Jeon and Shin, 2014). Applying
abnormalities as described In Ratnam et al. (2015). Fig. 4 shows
all the possible probability distribution for these five variables the aggregated PV generation and load of these 54 customers over
and running the MCA for ten thousand iterations, the probabil- a one year period based on half-hour intervals daily real measure-
ity distribution of the LCOE, which is cheaper than the current ments from July 2012 to June 2013. The peak load occurred on 12
electricity retail price, can be obtained. Eventually, this module January 2013, which was recorded as the hottest day in summer
produces the probability distribution of the LCOE (or any other 2013 in NSW as recorded by the bureau of meteorology, also,
economic indicator) due to randomly varying a selection of PV the observed zero load point corresponds to changes in daylight
system input parameters by using MCA. saving time on 3 October. Fig. 5 illustrates the average monthly PV
generation and load, shown by season over the day based on half-
3. Model verification—Australian case study hour generation and consumption measurements. This dataset
has been used in this work to provide the average PV system
installed capacity, the average hourly, weekly, monthly and yearly
Following the description of the proposed IEAM and the de-
load and PV generation profiles for a typical Ausgrid residential
termination of the main inputs and outputs of its four different
modules in the previous section, this section presents the applica-
tion of the proposed IEAM for the Ausgrid’s electricity distribution 3.2. Tariff structures
network, NSW, Australia, under the current market arrangements
and PV support policies. Ausgrid’s network supplies electricity to The Australian electricity retailers provide different DPP op-
more than 1.7 million customers and covers an area of 22,275 tions to the consumers. These DPPs include three different tariffs
km2 which includes some of the most densely populated and such as ToU, FR and FiT. Figure 6 shows the three different tariff
fastest growing areas in NSW. Ausgrid supports the installation structures; the FR and FiT which are constant though the day
and connection of small scale PV systems. As of 2017, around and the latter is negative as the consumers are paid, while the
108,000 solar customers are connected to its network. The follow- third structure, which is the ToU scheme is divided into three
ing subsections include the technical, environmental, economic different rates: peak, shoulder and off-peak. Table 1 illustrates the
and financial parameters of a residential PV system connected NSW residential energy price, in Ausgrid Distribution Zone (Anon,
to the Ausgrid’s network under the current market arrangements 2017a). Through these DPPs, the customers are encouraged to
and PV support policies, (Ausgrid, 2017). achieve financial benefits by utilizing the offered incentives.
318 O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326
Fig. 5. Ausgrid average monthly PV generation and load per customer during the day, July 2012 to June 2013.
The NSW Solar Bonus Scheme (SBS) began in 2009 initially 3.3. PV system technical parameters
offering a FiT to eligible customers for all PV generation (based
on net-billing scheme) at a rate of a 60 Australian cent/kWh with The PV technical system parameters include, the peak installed
NB, reduced to 20 c/kWh after October 2010. The SBS 60 and capacity (kWp), the expected life time of the PV system and the
SBS 20 schemes ended on December 2016. From April 2011, all annual system degradation rate. In the current study, the peak
generation received an amount set by electricity retailer in the installed capacity is the average installed PV system capacity for
the 54 customers at Ausgrid distribution network. Most solar
range of 6–12c/kWh and it is not compulsory for retailers to offer
panels manufacturers offer a standard 25-year warranty, guar-
this FiT, (Anon, 2017d) and (Jacobs, 2017). The current study
anteeing that their energy output will remain at 80% of capacity
is using a FiT of 9 Australian cent/kWh and this FiT is applied
for 25 years. Moreover, recent solar inverters carry 10–15 year
only in the retail tariff structures with buy back, as indicated in warranty, which means that the solar inverter should be replaced
Table 1. There is no grid costs associated with the existence of once during the lifetime of the PV system and the replacement
the PV system, however, there is daily supply charge for every cost is normally included in the annual system operation and
customer based on his tariff scheme, and in this work the daily maintenance cost. The PV system degradation rate defines the
supply charge is included in the tariff calculation. percentage of system output reduction from year to year and
O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326 319
Table 1
NSW residential energy price, AusGrid distribution zone, September 2017, (Anon, 2017a).
Tariffs Time periods of the day Electricity prices Daily supply charge
(Australian Cents/kWh) (Australian Cents/Day)
Flat rate 24 h 28.52 83.39
Peak 2pm–8pm on working weekdays 53.01
Time of
Shoulder 7am–2pm, 8pm–10pm working weekdays, 23.79 96.85
Use (ToU)
7am–10pm on weekends & public holidays
Off peak All other times 14.42
Solar feed-in tariffs 24 h 9 –
Table 2
Technical, economic and financial parameters for the average residential PV system at Ausgrid.
Parameter Value Dimension
PV system technical information
Peak installed capacity 2.45 kWp
PV system life time 25 year
PV system degradation rate 0.5 %/year
PV system economical information
Cost/Wp 1.72 AUD
O&M cost/Wp /year 1% of the capital cost per Wp AUD
PV system financial information
Annual inflation rate 2.5 %
Nominal discount rate 10.29 %
Electricity and O&M cost escalation rate 2.5 %
Loan interest 8.5 %
Loan period 15 Year
Equity and debt ratio 50% to 50% %
Amortization period 5 Year
Tax 0 %
Fig. 7. Solar Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) in three different cites at NSW, Jul 12–Jun 13.
it is approximately range from 0.1%–1% depending on the solar of incentives which reduce the price to consumers by a further
panel technology. The Australian Energy Council has used 0.5% as 60–70c/Wp , depending on installation area, therefore, the average
a constant degradation rate, (IEA-PVPS, 2017). watt cost is considered as 1.72 AUD/Wp , (Anon, 2017d).
Fig. 8. Average monthly load, local generation, exported energy and exported rate per each of the dataset Ausgrid’s customers.
3.6. PV system environmental parameters represented in Fig. 6 and Table 1 for the AusGrid distribution net-
work service provider in NSW, Australia, an economic assessment
The PV system environmental parameters include solar irradi- of the four proposed retail tariff structures (FR-NB-S, FR-NB-BB,
ance level, location and tilt angle and temperature. The combina- ToU-NB-S and ToU-NB-BB) has been conducted with the results
tion of Australia’s dry climate and latitude gives it high benefits illustrated in Figs. 8 to 11.
and potential for solar PV energy production. The Solar Global Fig. 8 illustrates the total monthly average customer load,
Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) is the most important parameter local generation, exported energy and the export rate, where
in calculating PV system generated electricity, Fig. 7 shows the the exported energy is the local generated energy which is not
average monthly solar irradiance all over a year in different cities used locally and exported into the distribution network and
at NSW, (Morrison and Litvak, 0000). the export rate is the ratio between the exported energy and
the local consumed energy from the local generated energy.
4. Results The average annual local load and generation are 6944 and
3363 kWh/customer, respectively. The average PV yield is 1373
This section details the results of applying the proposed IEAM kWh/kWp which is in agreement with average PV yield in Aus-
under current prices, regulation and irradiation conditions tralia (1400 kWh/kWp), (Anon, 2017d). The export rate changes
throughout Austigrid distribution network, NSW, Australia. The monthly ranging from 20%–50%, however, the average annual
results of the different four modules of the IEAM will be presented export rate is 39%. Thus, almost two thirds of the local generated
and discussed as follows. energy (based on 2.45 kWp average PV system size for the given
data) is consumed locally. Fig. 9 shows the average monthly
4.1. First module electricity cost per customer without local PV generation for ToU
and FR schemes, respectively.
Using the annual generation and consumption real data rep- Fig. 10 shows the average monthly saving for the four pro-
resented in Figs. 4 and 5 and the retail prices and tariff schemes posed scenarios, where the saving is high during the summer
O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326 321
Fig. 10. Percentage average monthly saving for different scenarios (Ausgrid).
Fig. 11. Percentage average annual saving for different scenarios (Ausgrid).
Table 3 are varied from 7.6 to 10.75 years depending of the proposed
Summary of economic indicators value for profitability analysis of the
retail tariff scenarios, with the ToU-NB-BB scheme giving the
presidential PV system.
Economic indicator Proposed retail tariff scenarios
highest NPV, project and Equity IRR, profitability index and short-
est payback period. It is noted that, all schemes are profitable
within the Ausgrid network and the details of the different eco-
NPV (AUD) 2842.39 4419.88 3421.33 4998.83
Project IRR (%) 14 17 15 18 nomic indicator for the different proposed retail pricing schemes
Equity IRR (%) 17 23 19 25 are illustrated in Fig. 12 and summarized in Table 3.
PI (Unitless Ratio) 1.68 2.05 1.82 2.19
DPBP (years) 10.75 8.28 9.67 7.61
Fig. 12. Economic indicators for the profitability analysis of a residential PV system: (a) net present value; (b) project and equity internal rate of return; (c) profitability
index and (d) discounted payback period.
Fig. 13. Impact on the Net Present Value associated with variation of key parameters ± 10%, ranking the inputs from the highest significant impact to the least.
Fig. 14. Impact on LCOE with variation of key parameters ± 10%, ranking the inputs from the highest significant impact to the least.
O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326 323
Fig. 15. Levelized cost of electricity sensitivity with variation of average annual solar irradiance and initial investment cost per watt.
4.4. Fourth module install PV systems and reduce their electricity purchases from the
distribution network. However, the payback from PV system is re-
The LCOE calculation is highly sensitive to the following five alized over a long term and PV system owners could be uncertain
variables: installation cost, O&M cost, average annual solar ir- about many factors that impact the system payback over such
radiance, electricity retail price and FiT. Therefore, these vari- a long period. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to
ables have been modeled to have random variability with differ- develop an intensive IEAM for distributed photovoltaic systems.
ent probability distributions as follows. Anon (2018a) and IEA- The model is implemented using MS Excel Spreadsheet based on
PVPS (2017). Also, Table 4 summarizes the assumed probability a real case study with one year real load and generation data from
distributions for these five variables. Ausgrid distribution network (NSW, Australia). The developed
IEAM is composed of four modules: economic assessment of four
• A wide variety of factors can influence the installation cost, different proposed electricity retail tariff schemes; profitability
such as; equipment quality, installer experience, and roofing
analysis of these proposed tariffs schemes; sensitivity analysis
conditions. Therefore, in this study, the installation cost
of different variables which strongly affect the distributed PV
per kW is assumed to be randomly linearly varied, from
system profitability; and finally, LCOE probability distribution
500–2500 AUD.
based on MCA due to random variations of a certain set of the
• Solar irradiance is subjected to many changes daily, monthly,
distributed PV system input variables.
seasonally and annually due to different climatic conditions
The following findings have been obtained (based on Ausgrid
and sun related conditions. Therefore, the average annual
cleaned dataset with the current retail and FiT tariffs, 2.45 kWp
solar irradiance is represented by normal distribution, with
average PV system size and 39% average annual export rate):
2000 (kWh/m2 /year) as mean and 150 as standard deviation
(STD) to cover all the possible variations in solar irradiance ◦ ToU-NB-BB achieves the maximum saving (40%) and FR-
across NSW. NB-S achieves the minimum saving (26%) out of the four
• The annual O&M cost per kW/year is assumed to be ran- proposed retail tariff scenarios; getting financing compen-
domly linearly varied between 1%–5% of the total initial cost
sated for the exported electricity to the grid will increase
of a PV system.
the saving by 21.3% and 19.8% for the FR and ToU schemes,
• The residential retail tariff is assumed to randomly vary
linearly from 0.1–0.35 AUD/kWh.
◦ All retail tariff scenarios are profitable, and the ToU-NB-BB
• The FiT is assumed to linearly vary from 0–0.15 AUD/kWh.
achieves the highest NPV, project and equity IRR and PI,
Applying all the possible probability distribution for the five and shortest payback period. The profitability analysis re-
variables and running the MCA for ten thousand iterations fol- sulted in LCOE equal to 0.1959 AUD/kWh which is 31% less
lowing the steps illustrated in Fig. 3 using Microsoft Excel, the than the flat rate at Ausgrid (28.52 Australian Cents/kWh),
probability distribution of the LCOE can be obtained as illustrated the payback period of the PV system is varied from 7.6 to
in Fig. 16, where for 89.19% of the probability distribution, a 10.75 year depending of the proposed retail tariff scenarios.
LCOE less than the current retail rate can be achieved under ◦ The NPV of a PV system is very sensitive to the varia-
the wide range of variation in the five selected input variables tion on the solar irradiance and the initial cost; while,
which proves the system profitability under real integrated sys- the LCOE is very sensitive to solar irradiance and retail
tem uncertainty. Also, MCA has been conducted to other output tariff. Therefore, the extended sensitivity analysis using
variables NPV, PI and DPBP The results mean values are presented main influencing parameters is important to predict the
here, respectively, to provide the reader with additional analytic market behavior corresponding to potential climatic and/or
insights: 4,724.7253 AUD, 1.7683 and 9.6237 year. economical variations.
◦ Taking all the possible probability distribution into ac-
5. Discussion and conclusions count: PV system installation cost, operation and mainte-
nance annual cost, average annual solar irradiance, elec-
Due to falling PV systems cost and rising electricity tariff rates, tricity retail price and FiT simultaneously, the probability
it is becoming increasingly attractive for residential consumers to distribution of getting a LCOE from the local installed PV
324 O. Ellabban and A. Alassi / Energy Reports 5 (2019) 310–326
Table 4
MCA inputs variation range and their recommended probability distribution functions.
Parameter Distributions method Variability range Units
Solar irradiance Random (Gaussian) Mean: 2000, STD: 150 kWh/m2 /Year
Installation costs Linear 0.5–2.5 AUD/Wp
Annual operation and maintenance cost Linear 1%–5% % of initial cost/Wp/year
Electricity retail Tariff Linear 0.1–0.35 AUD/kWh
Feed in Tariff Linear 0.05–0.15 AUD/kWh
Fig. 16. Probability distribution of getting levelized cost of electricity less than the current retail rate.
system less than the current retail rate is 89.19%, which and evaluates the investment risk (through the sensitivity and
validates the system profitability under real integrated un- the probability distribution modules under real integrated uncer-
certainty. tainty). This in turn encourages further distributed PV penetration
level in the distribution network, which result in different bene-
The presented analysis in this paper mainly target standalone fits for the network operator such as reduce the severity of peak
PV systems, which are widely used on a global scale. Though, an electricity demand, reduce network distribution losses, reduce
emerging trend for distributed scale consumers in some countries CO2 emissions, provide firm capacity to the distribution network
(e.g. in USA and Australia) is to increase their PV system size (the with high degree of reliability at a high level of penetration
2017 average residential PV system size in Australia increased to and reduce the length of peak electricity demand which in turn
6 kW), to and couple it with distributed energy storage units to will reduce the stress in the distribution network and wholesale
increase their PV self-consumption and minimize export to the
grid. This trend is a result of lowering the FiT for the exported
energy by some distribution network operators, which makes it
more economically attractive for customers to maximize their
self-consumption rate rather than exporting their surplus PV
This publication is supported by Iberdrola S.A. as part of its
energy at lower rates. For such systems, an extended version
innovation department research activities. Its contents are solely
of the presented IEAM could be developed to take into account
different energy storage integration scenarios. the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent
Collectively, the developed IEAM is of primordial importance the official views of Iberdrola Group.
for understanding and implementing the economic feasibility
study for any residential PV system under real integrated un- References
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