Excel Piglet Manual
Excel Piglet Manual
Excel Piglet Manual
00 MP March 09 KK March 09 Live 1st Issue – For review and implementation
Revision By Date Verified Date Status Description
STENT EXCEL PIGLET MANUAL...............................................................................1
Contents:................................................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 3
2 Assumptions...................................................................................................... 3
3 Axes.................................................................................................................... 3
4 Loads.................................................................................................................. 4
5 Set up................................................................................................................. 5
6 Step 1 – Title.................................................................................................... 5
7 Step 2 - Scope................................................................................................. 5
8 Step 3 – Soil Details.......................................................................................6
9 Step 4 – Pile Details....................................................................................... 6
10 Step 5 – Loading Cases – Loads / Deflections......................................7
11 Step 6 – Loading Cases – Loading Type..................................................7
12 Step 7 - Pile Group Geometry..................................................................8
APPENDIX A - ASSUMPTIONS....................................................................10
A1 Cap is Rigid.................................................................................................. 10
A2 Cap is Fully Flexible..................................................................................10
A3 No Load Transferred From Cap Underside to Ground......................11
A4 Soil Stress Strain Is Linear....................................................................11
A5 No Pile Carries More Than Limiting Load (If Set)............................12
B1 Coordinates................................................................................................. 13
B2 Loads (or deflections)..............................................................................15
APPENDIX C - SOIL PARAMETERS.............................................................18
C1 Preliminary Pile Tests...............................................................................19
C2 From Stent “PIGLET data base”............................................................21
C3 From Site Investigation In-situ and Laboratory Tests..................22
C4 From The PIGLET Manual.......................................................................22
APPENDIX E - CONCRETE YOUNG’S MODULUS.....................................24
APPENDIX F - FIXED AND FREE HEAD PILES........................................25
1 Introduction
The intention of this document is to make the use of PIGLET excel version
understandable; it is a PIGLET for dummies, written by dummies!
2 Assumptions
The assumptions that PIGLET makes are outlined below, see Appendix A for
more details:
1 Rigid cap is completely rigid.
2 Flexible cap is “fully flexible”.
3 No load is transferred between the underside of the cap and the
4 Stress Strain relationship of the soil is linear.
5 Any particular pile can carry NO additional load after it reaches
its individual limiting load (if set).
3 Axes
My to z
Mx to z
Tx to y
Figure 1 Definition of axes, force directions and moment rotations used by PIGLET
4 Loads
All loads must be specified at the axes origin. The pile cut off must be the
plane defined by z = 0. So you have three choices:
1 The x and y origins are chosen to suit the load application point and
the pile coordinates set accordingly.
2 The origin is set to suit the pile layout and the cap loads
transferred accordingly.
3 Origin is set “elsewhere” and pile coordinates and cap loads are
transferred accordingly.
See Appendix B which deals with transferring pile coordinates and cap loads
from load application point to axis origin.
5 Set up
The excel spreadsheet requires the “Fortran dynamic link library” (ouch!
that is the .dll file) to be stored in one of two specific locations.
The paragraph below is extracted from the “Read Me” sheet in the PIGLET
excel workbook.
In order for Excel to find the DLL file, the directory must be set to that
containing Piglet5-1.dll. The simplest way of achieving this is to keep a copy
of this file in the same directory as the Piglet spreadsheet, and to open the
spreadsheet file by going through the full 'File: Open' procedure (not just
double-clicking on the file name). This resets the directory in which Excel
will look for the DLL to the current one. Alternatively, you can store the
DLL in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10, which is always
searched, and then can open any PIGLET Excel file by double-clicking on it.
6 Step 1 – Title
7 Step 2 - Scope
surface or a sleeved length through soft soil), for vertical and lateral
Appendix E details values of Young’s modulus relative to concrete cube or
cylinder strength.
Finally cell C23 requires piles to be pinned or fixed into the pile cap.
Typically where the pile layout is two dimensional and the piles are
reinforced into the cap with steel spaced in two dimensions then the piles
are “fixed”. For other situations {(one dimensional layout and/ or reinforced
with a central bar(s)} the piles are “free”. See Appendix F for diagramatic
For a fully flexible cap (items 3 and 4) the loads or deflections for each pile
are allocated for each load case in the Pile Group data section, see section
Columns C and D are pile shaft and base diameters, (DOS version used to ask
for radii).
Columns E and F are the x and y coordinates, remember that PIGLET y axis
is across the page and x axis up. Also the coordinates origin (x,y,z) = (0,0,0)
must be the point of load application. Refer to Appendix B for details on how
to transfer coordinates.
Column G is the embedded length - that is the length of pile between the
underside of the free length and the toe, this can be different for each pile,
Columns H and I give the rake of the piles in the x to z and y to z planes
respectively, these are angles measured from the z axis in radians positive
implying a pile lying between x and z (or y and z).
Columns J and K are named “profile switches”. These apply to Scopes 2 and 3
only, and allow the programme output to be varied. If they are set to
0 Or blank - the programme computes pile head loads and
1 The programme computes moment profiles down the pile.
2 The programme computes moment and deflection profiles
down the pile.
Please note that the output is the moment (or deflection) profile in one
plane, either x-z or y-z, thus they are not necessarily the maximum.
Note also that these are the lateral deflection profiles are the free field
lateral deflections, as such they do not allow for interaction between other
A1 Cap is Rigid
PIGLET assumes that the pile cap is completely rigid, that is any pile
deflection is proportional to its distance from the rotation axis.
In reality the pile cap will deflect under loads to some degree, an
exaggerated effect of cap flexibility is given below.
When a fully flexible cap is specified, PIGLET completely ignores any effect
of the pile cap, hence loads must be given as vertical loads at the piles
themselves. Any load specified in section “Load Cases” is ignored.
Note settlement will be induced in the piles surrounding the pile being
loaded, even if they themselves are not loaded: see Figure A3 overleaf.
PIGLET makes no allowance for the bearing of the pile cap on the ground. In
reality for a cap cast on the ground there will be some transfer of load, this
will have the effect of reducing settlement and pile load, and so it is
conservative to ignore it.
PIGLET adopts a linear relationship between stress and strain for the pile
soil interaction. This means that the relationship between load and
settlement is linear. It is therefore important to consider which part of the
pile behaviour you are trying to model in PIGLET. See Figure A4 overleaf, as
can be seen the PIGLET line would be different if a good correlation were
required at 75% DVL or 100% DVL.
Settlement (mm)
75% DVL
4 100% DVL
PIGLET at 100% DVL
The application of a linear response results in very high corner loads. Thus
PIGLET allows a modified linear response whereby the user can specify a
pile’s ‘ultimate’ load. If this is done PIGLET then performs an incremental
elastic analysis until the specified ultimate load is reached on any pile, the
load contribution from that pile is then held at its ultimate load and the
incremental elastic analysis continued. This results in a non-linear group
B1 Coordinates
x x x' x
x' δy
δy y'
y' φ
φ δx
y y y
To translate the x, y and z coordinates to the x’ y’ and z’ coordinates in the
example in figure B1 the value of δx should be subtracted from all the
original x values, and δy should be subtracted from all the original y values.
For examples where δz ≠ 0,
(xi’, yi’, zi’) = (xi - δx, yi – δy, zi – δz)
The direction of one axis is taken as being vertical, (the z axis here), thus
this section deals with rotation in one plane only (x-y). Rotation in two planes
is so unlikely that it is not considered here.
To rotate the axes the coordinates are best written in polar form, see
graphical representation in Figure B2 below:
To perform both operations as follows:
On the original coordinates perform one operation to arrive at
intermediate coordinates,
In all of the above the z coordinate has been ignored, however a similar
approach may be used to translate or (extremely unlikely) rotate in
directions that include a z component.
Px Px Px' Px
δy Py'
Py' φ
φ δx
Py Py Py
To translate the loads from the x, y and z coordinates to the x’, y’ and z’
coordinates in the example in figure B3 the values of P x, Py and Pz remain
unchanged. The effect of the loads being offset from the new centroid will
be to induce additional moment, thus:
My to z’ = My to z + Pz δy
Mx to z’ = Mx to z + Pz δx
Tx to y’ = Tx to y + Py δx - Px δy
Px’ = Px
Py’ = Py
Pz’ = Pz
To rotate the load axes the loads (both forces and moments) are best
written in polar form, see graphical representation in Figure B2 overleaf:
(Px, Py) = (Pxy , αP)
where Pxy = √ { Px² + Py²}
αP = tan-1[Px / Py]
Note that care to avoid excel errors for values of Py = 0
(Mx to z, My to z) = (Mxy , αM)
where Mxy = √ { (Mx to z)² + (My to z)²}
αM = tan-1[(Mx to z) / (My to z)]
Note that care to avoid excel errors for values of My to z = 0
Px or Mx to z
Px' or Mx to z'
Pxy or Mxy
Py' or My to z'
αP or
αM φ
Py or My to z
To perform both operations proceed as follows:
On the original loads perform one operation (translation or rotation)
to arrive at intermediate loads,
On the intermediate loads perform the second operation (rotation or
translation) to arrive at the final loads.
It is possible that the loads may be specified on axes that are not at 90
degrees to one another, if this is the case you will have to resolve them into
loads acting on axes at 90 degrees to one another and then into the
directions indicated in figure 1 in section 3.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
100 10 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.5
As described in section 8 there are four main methods for estimating these
parameters. The methods, in order of preference, are:
Settlement (mm)
75% DVL
4 100% DVL
PIGLET at 100% DVL
From figure C2 it is apparent that before any refinement of soil parameters
it is necessary to decide exactly what load you are attempting to model. The
full working load would be a conservative approach. However if you are
considering a structure where achieving full load is very unlikely a lower
value may be used. (E.g. at Stratford City we used a value half way between
75% and 100% SWL.)
Once the load has been chosen it is a simple task to modify the soil vertical
shear modulus (start value, gradient and base value) and possibly the
concrete Young’s Modulus until a good fit is achieved.
In order to achieve similar results to the DOS version for pile groups it has
been found (at Stratford City) that higher values of soil shear moduli are
required. Below are Mark Randolph’s e-mailed comments on this issue 20 th
March 2008:
“The original DOS version of PIGLET used an approximate approach for analysing vertical pile groups,
which tended to overestimate the stiffness of large pile groups (see Figure 19 of the attached 1994
paper). The new version of PIGLET uses an approach based on published work of Mylonakis and Gazetas
(see my Rankine lecture, Geotechnique 2003), and now approaches an asymptote equivalent to a shallow
raft foundation for very large (or wide) groups. This reduces the pile group stiffness by as much as 25
to 30 % for groups of around 400 piles.
So, the increased settlements are a result of a new kernel algorithm for vertical loading, which I believe
is more accurate than previously. It is probably also worth drawing your attention to a Geotechnique
publication my Mandolini, A. & Viggiani, C. (1997). Settlement of piled foundations Geotechnique 47, No. 4,
791–816, who concluded that measured pile group settlements tended to be predicted best using a G0
value for the shear modulus (i.e. small strain stiffness). I suspect the old version of PIGLET worked OK
by overpredicting stiffness but most designers used medium to large strain modulus values for the soil.
The new version is believed to be more accurate, but for large groups a small(er) strain shear modulus
might be more appropriate.
Apologies for this rather long response, but it is not an easy problem to be really confident with.
Thus for the Excel PIGLET programme the initial stiffness of the soils
inferred by the first load increment in the pile test should be used. See
Figure C3 below (be careful to ignore seating deformations if apparent.):
Settlement (mm)
0.6 Reality
PIGLET at 100% DVL
Initial Pile Response
Figure C3 “Real” Pile test result showing grade of initial pile response
We are in the process of generating a data base for all pile tests and
PIGLET analyses to relate used and measured parameters to site
investigation data for varying soil types. The hope is that we will arrive at a
position where we can, with better justification, calculate the anticipated
pile settlement and pile group settlement. The reason for this is that the
advice given in the PIGLET manual, (see section C4), appears to be
inaccurate, and is likely to vary for different pile installation types.
See appendix D for information that is required for the data base.
There are some recommendations given in the PIGLET manual, they are as
For cohesive soils
For vertical loads 200 ≤ G/su ≤ 400
For lateral loads 100 ≤ G/su ≤ 200
For Granular soils
Randolph: G = N MPa
Wroth et al: G = 4 N0.77 MPa
Below the water table the shear modulus increases at 1 to 5 MPa/m
for loose to dense sand.
In soft rocks the effects of pile installation must be taken into account,
refer to Wakeling 1970 and Randoph and Wroth 1978b.
The value of shear modulus attained from some recent preliminary pile tests
have proved to be greater than the upper bound suggested by the Piglet
For this reason it is necessary to develop our own advice based on actual site
Therefore for any preliminary pile test the following data should be
Pile type: CFA; LDP (dry, polymer, bentonite); Driven
Pile size: Pile cross sectional dimensions, and length
Pile strata: Summary of soils over twice pile length (if possible)
SPT/Cu: Plots for area of pile test
Shear Modulus: Back calculated shear modulus, Go, m and Gb for DOS
Shear Modulus: Back calculated shear modulus, Go, m and Gb for Excel
Comparison: Of results of group analysis using DOS and Excel
BS5400 : Part 4 : 1990 Steel, concrete and composite bridges Part 4. Code
of practice for design of concrete bridges.
Table 35 gives:
Characteristic Strength Static Modulus
Cube Cylinder Mean Range
20 16 25 21 to 29
25 20 26 22 to 30
30 25 28 23 to 33
35* 28* 29* 24* to 34*
40 32 31 26 to 36
45* 36* 32* 27* to 38*
50 40 34 28 to 40
60 50* 36 30 to 42
* Interpolated values
Further information is available on
Creep and Shrinkage (Ec long term) in Appendix C BS5400 : Part 4 :
Typically where the pile layout is two dimensional and the piles are
reinforced into the cap with steel spaced in two dimensions then the piles
are “fixed”. For other situations {(one dimensional layout and/or reinforced
with a central bar(s)} the piles are “free”.
Examples are illustrated below: