DeSantis 'Zoombombing' Filing
DeSantis 'Zoombombing' Filing
DeSantis 'Zoombombing' Filing
Technology Specialist, and a national legal services report service, counsel for the
First, counsel for the Secretary does not know whether an electronic platform
such as Zoom can simultaneously accommodate all counsel for the parties spread
throughout the State and indeed country; witnesses spread throughout the country;
and members of the public who might be interested in attending these open court
proceedings. Second, counsel for the Secretary does not know whether this type of
electronic platform can maintain undisrupted two-way video and audio between the
Court, counsel in separate locations conducting examination, and any counsel in yet
other locations who might wish to object in real time. Third, counsel for the
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Secretary expects that examination concerning exhibits might be difficult even after
best efforts to resolve objections beforehand. Fourth, counsel for the Secretary is
concerned about the availability of support staff to assist with any malfunctions
during an ever more restrictive COVID-19 quarantine. Fifth, counsel for the
platforms like Zoom.1 The FBI seemingly shares these concerns, especially for a
As the Court has scheduled a hearing today to discuss trial logistics, counsel
for the Secretary propose the following alternative for the Court’s consideration:
See, e.g., Danny Hakim & Natasha Singer, New York Attorney General Looks Into
Zoom’s Privacy Practices, N.Y. Times (Mar. 30, 2020) available at
zoom-privacy.html; Chasity Maynard, SG Senate falls victim to “Zoom bombing,”
The Independent Florida Alligator (Mar. 31, 2020) available at
See Luke Barr, After 'Zoom bombings', other incidents, FBI warns of
videoconferencing hijacking amid coronavirus, ABC News available at
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This approach relies on two tested technologies: the Court’s electronic filing system
and the telephone. This approach also makes available exhibits for all parties in a
manner that avoids confusion during direct and allows for the court reporter to
accurately reflect objections in real time, if any. And this approach allows the
Counsel files this proposal as a Notice so that the Court can consider the
Secretary’s concerns and proposal in written form, the Secretary can (hopefully)
streamline her presentation during the telephonic hearing scheduled for Thursday,
April 2, 2020, and the other Parties (or the Court) can allay the Secretary’s concerns
where possible.
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Respectfully submitted:
The undersigned certifies that the foregoing complies with the size, font, and
formatting requirements of Local Rule 5.1(C), and that the foregoing complies with
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I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served