Iwscff 2019
Iwscff 2019
Iwscff 2019
Olivier L. de Weck*
This paper provides a summary of key concepts in satellite constellation reconfiguration. This
includes a review of the literature over the last 15 years from the author’s perspective and its
applicability to the next generation of mega constellations such as OneWeb, Starlink, and the
next generation of Earth Observation constellations (such as TROPICS). We provide a new h-
T diagram to visualize satellite constellation reconfigurability at the system level. Particular
emphasis in the future will be placed on the potential of electric propulsion and actively using
perturbations such as atmospheric drag and J2-effects in a future proliferated Low Earth Orbit
(LEO) environment. Amongst different methods for designing for reconfigurability we discuss
real options, we review optimization algorithms such as Simulated Annealing (SA) as well as
the auction algorithm as a means for optimizing constellation reconfigurability. A particularly
useful way to reconfigure is to switch between drifting and repeating ground track (RGT)
orbits to improve revisit statistics over key points of interest, a concept known as ReCon.
Rsat = Re + h
=cos-1(Re/Rsat) Smin=ceil [π/β]
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Room 33-410, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Figure 2 shows the theoretical minimum number of satellites Smin required per orbital plane,
along with the actual number for a selected number of constellations.
Figure 2: Minimum number of satellites per orbital plane (zero elevation angle)
The total number of satellites in the constellation then depends additionally on the number of
orbital planes. A reference satellite constellation design module was developed and bench-
marked [3,4], see Figure 3, for circular and hybrid constellations. Classic satellite constellations
are static, that is the number of satellites does not change over the life of the constellation and
the orbital elements of each satellite - their two line elements TLE - are frozen (except for
natural perturbations such as atmospheric drag). In Fig. 3 the arrow A à B indicates the possi-
bility of reconfiguring a constellation from a configuration A to B.
RECONFIGURABILITY Benchmarking of Constellation Module
There are a number of reasons why 10
satellite constellations should be re- Legend
configurable: o Walker
Staged deployment over
Orbital Altitude [km]
time to phase a satellite Iridium
constellation during devel- 3
10 n=4
opment or as a function of A
evolving demand [3] B n=2
• Preferential revisit statistics Walker dominates
by favoring certain points n=1
SOC dominates
of interest (POI) on Earth in Curves: ε=0
terms of coverage [17,18]
• Compensating for defunct 10
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
satellites to self-repair the
Number of Satellites
constellation (this could
be accomplished by a Figure 3: Optimization of static satellite constellations
combination of the first
two aspects).
This paper provides and overview of past and ongoing research in satellite constellation
reconfiguration and sets out a few directions for future work. Figure 4 shows the original GPS
deployment schedule which was executed by the U.S. Air Force in three phases between 1975
and 1984. The constellation was placed in 12-hr orbits (h=20,200 km) with initially 6 satellites
(phase 1) then 11 satellites (phase 2) and finally 24 satellites for full operational capability after
1984. In this case the deployment of the constellation in phases was pre-planned.
The main difference between Fig. 4 (GPS) and Fig. 5 (on-demand stage deployed configu-
ration) is that in the former case the stages of deployment are pre-programmed and are known
at the start, while in the second case the reconfiguration may or may not be triggered depend-
ing on an uncertain variable (in this case subscriber demand), which is set of real options.
The second major reason why satellite constellations may want to reconfigure is to im-
prove the revisit statistics (guaranteed maximum time between adjacent ground passes)
[17,18]. One way to do this is to switch between a so-called regional observation mode
(ROM) that uses repeating ground-track orbits and a global observation mode (GOM). Given
the large number of variables involved, which are a mix of discrete and continuous variables
the design space for reconfigurable constellations tends to be large and complex. Figure 6
shows the application of simulated annealing (SA) to reconfigurable satellite constellation op-
timization. In order to apply SA it is necessary to define an appropriate fitness function.
As the number of satellites grows the optimal reconfiguration of a constellation from a config-
uration A to a configuration B (see Fig. 7 left), becomes challenging. One way to optimally
solve the problem is through the so called auction algorithm [5] (see Fig. 7 right). In this algo-
rithm we have, on the left side, existing satellites TA in constellation A (each with their own
Two Line Elements TLE) and new to-be launched satellites TB- TA. On the right side we have
TB slots to be populated in constellation B. Each assignment from the left side to one of the
open slots on the right side has a “cost” in terms of ΔV. For example, ΔV1j is the cost of moving
the first satellite from A to the j-th slot in constellation B.
18/6/2 Walker constellation in MEO to a GEO Walker constellation at 21/7/3 requires less
than 2 km/s and may be feasible.
Figure 9: top - Regional Observation Mode, bottom - Global Observation Mode
Figure 10 describes a concept of operations (ConOps) over the life cycle of ReCon. First, sat-
ellites are launched into a GOM orbit which is a default mode when there is no specific target
to observe. When a target of interest is identified on the ground, the satellites switch to ROM
and observe the target with increased access. In this mode the satellite changes altitude to
move to a repeating ground track (RGT) orbit. Such orbits meet the following condition.
Ground tracks repeat themselves when an Earth nodal day and one period of a satellite orbit
make a ratio of two integers. This synchronization ratio, or the RGT ratio, is defined by:
where a satellite makes NS revolutions around the Earth while the Earth rotates around its axis
ND times, i.e., in ND days. Similarly, TS is the orbital period of a satellite and TD is the Earth
nodal day. For orbital elements, n is the mean motion of a satellite; dM/dt (=n+Δn ) is the per-
turbed mean motion; ωE is the rotation rate of the Earth; dω/dt is the drift rate of the argu-
ment of perigee; and dΩ/dt is the nodal regression rate. When perturbations up to J2 terms are
considered calculations are more complex, see [17,18] for details.
A number of possible ROM (RGT) orbits that are sun-synchronous are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Sun-synchronous RGT Orbits (altitude shown is hRGT)
Figure 11: Sample results of ReCon optimization for GOM and ROM
The constellations corresponding to the configurations in Paths A (solid line) and B (dashed
line) are shown in Figure 12. It can be seen that for Path A going from 3 satellites (3/3/1) to
eventually a (18/3/1) constellation improves revisit time to about 0.75 hrs (#9). In path B the
endpoint is constellation #12 with a 24/6/1 constellations with a 30 min (0.5 hr revisit time).
Figure 12: Walker constellations shown for ReCon (i: T/P/R in Walker notation)
This kind of reconfiguration from ROM to GOM mode is currently actively being considered
for both reconfigurable civilian and military Earth Observation missions.
CONCLUSIONS (incl. h-T diagram)
Rather than designing satellite constellations only for a static mission design point, the idea of
reconfigurability has been proposed and intensely researched over the last 15 years. Reconfig-
uration can be done for several reasons such as staged deployment (phasing a constellation
into existence either in a pre-planned or dynamic fashion), to give preferential coverage to
certain points on Earth and also to compensate for on-orbit satellite failures or to manage pro-
pellant consummation at the constellation level. We have developed a better understanding of
the different kinds of satellite constellation reconfigurations and can now visualize those on
an h-T chart, see Figure 13. Reconfigurations in the h-T chart are horizontal (same orbit, but
different number of satellites), or vertical (same number of satellites but different orbits).
Satellite Constellations
(3) GPS
Orbital Altitude [km]
Staged Deployment
SD1 (1) Globalstar (4) OneWeb
1000 (1) Iridium
#1 #9 #12 (4) Starlink
GOM Path A
Path B GOM SD2 (2)
(5) ReCon SD3
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of Satellites in the Constellation T [-]
A diagonal reconfiguration path on the h-T diagram indicates that both the orbit and the num-
ber of satellites is changing. This is the most aggressive type of reconfiguration. The numbers
in parentheses in Fig. 13 indicate the following types of constellations.
1 – Classic static constellation (Iridium, Globalstar). These constellations were launched in
the 1990s and early 2000s and have a few dozen satellites. They are not reconfigurable.
2 - Flexible staged deployment strategy (real options) with altitude change. This type of re-
configuration allows to both change the altitude and number of satellites at the same time.
SD1, SD2 and SD3 shown in Fig. 13 correspond to Stages 1, 2 and 3 in Fig. 5.
3 – Pre-planned staged deployment (see GPS phase 1, 2 and 3). This is a pre-planned staged
deployment (see Fig. 4 for GPS) with no inherent reconfigurability after orbital insertion.
4 – New generation of Mega-constellations (OneWeb, Starlink, etc..). These constellations
will have hundreds or thousands of satellites and will need to consider multiple levels of re-
configuration, including repositioning within a plane to compensate for failed satellites.
5 – Regional to Global Constellation Reconfiguration ReCon (ROM ßReConàGOM type
reconfigurability). Path A is shown from #1 to #9, Path B from #1 to #12, see also Fig. 12.
Recent developments and announcements suggest that there is a new wave of satellite constel-
lations coming and renewed interest reaching well into the early 2020s [11-14]. For example,
OneWeb is launching a constellation with 648 satellites (not counting spares), Starlink (Space
X) plans to deploy initially 1,600 satellites and amazon has recently announced a constella-
tion with over 3,000 satellites (Project Kuiper). At this large number of satellites, embedded
autonomy and reconfigurability will be essential features.
We see the following topics as the next frontier for satellite constellation reconfiguration re-
search. This research will require both modelling and simulation, but also online experimenta-
tion and validation with existing satellite constellations:
• Large satellite launches per orbital plane with large launchers (e.g. 36 satellites per
launch as in OneWeb), versus on demand replacement of one or two satellites with
dedicated small launchers. What is the optimal launch strategy?
• Peer-to-peer tasking in satellite constellations where satellites in the same and across
planes can auto-plan observations and uplinks and downlinks and send each other
tasks dynamically, potentially bypassing ground stations. Bidding mechanisms (such
as the auction algorithm) in satellite constellations, eventually moving to federated
satellite systems (FSS). Application of reconfigurability to constellations of nanosat-
ellites for Earth Observation [6-10].
• High performance computing (HPC) for mega-constellations. How can we use surro-
gate models to handle reconfigurability for hundreds or thousands of satellites? How
can we visualize reconfigurations in mega-constellations? How to handle the recon-
figuration of hybrid constellations that may contain a mix of LEO and GEO or circu-
lar and elliptical orbits [4]?
• Autonomous collision avoidance due to space debris [11]. This is related to the
emerging field of space traffic management and what some call proliferated LEO.
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[4] Underwood J., de Weck O.L., Chan S., Samuels A., Shah N. “Optimization of Hybrid Sat-
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[9] Paek S., Kronig L., de Weck O., “Satellite Constellation Design for the SOLVE Mission
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chanics Meeting, AAS 16-360, CA, February 14-18, 2016
[10] Le Moigne J., Dabney P., de Weck O., Foreman V., Grogan P., Holland M., Hughes S.,
Nag S., “Tradespace Analysis Tool for Designing Constellations (TAT-C)”, Paper
#3108, 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Fort
Worth, Texas, July 23–28, 2017
[11] Foreman V.; Siddiqi A.; de Weck O., “Large Satellite Constellation Orbital Debris Im-
pacts: Case Studies of OneWeb and SpaceX Proposals”, AIAA-2017-5200, AIAA Space 2017,
Orlando, Florida, 12-14 September 2017
[12] Foreman V., Siddiqi A., de Weck O.L., “Enabling Technologies for Modern Low Earth
Orbit Constellations”, Paper DY3-2, Council of Engineering Systems Universities Sympo-
sium, CESUN 2018, Tokyo, Japan, 20-22 June 2018
[13] Foreman V., Siddiqi A., de Weck O., “Advantages and Limitations of Small Satellites in
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ence, Logan Utah, 4-9 August, 2018
[14] Foreman V., Siddiqi A., de Weck O., “From International Space Station to International
Constellations: A new paradigm for cooperation for Earth Observation?”, IAC-
18.B1.1.2, 69th International Astronautical Conference IAC, Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October
[15] Paek S.W., de Weck O., Smith M.W., “Concurrent Design Optimization of Earth Obser-
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[16] Paek, S.W., Kronig, L.G., Ivanov, A.B. and de Weck, O.L., “Satellite constellation de-
sign algorithm for remote sensing of diurnal cycles phenomena”, Advances in Space Re-
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[17] Paek, S.W.; Kim, S.; de Weck, O., “Optimization of Reconfigurable Satellite Constella-
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[18] S.W. Paek, R.S. Legge and M.W. Smith, “Reconfigurable Satellite Constellations
for Geospatially Adaptive Earth Observation Missions”, 7th International Workshop on Satel-
lite Constellations and Formation Flying (IWSCFF), Lisbon, Portugal, March 15 2013
Selected Nomenclature