Chapter 2 - Metabolism & Bioenergetics (Part 2) PDF
Chapter 2 - Metabolism & Bioenergetics (Part 2) PDF
Chapter 2 - Metabolism & Bioenergetics (Part 2) PDF
• Simple explanation:
Cori cycle - the phases in the metabolism of carbohydrate.
How does the reaction take place
- In cell -
The explanation:
4a. At the same time that enzymes are being activated for glycogen
breakdown, glycogen synthetase enzyme must be inactivated.
Glycogenesis must be "switched off" and glycogenolysis "switched
5. Glucose-6-phosphate is the final result of the
initial stimulation by epinephrine or other
hormones such as glucagon. If this happened to a
muscle cell, then the glycolysis pathway is the next
step in the sequence. If this happened to a liver cell
stimulated by glucagon, then glucose is produced to
enter the blood stream.
Cori cycle (Lactic acid cycle)
Discoverers = Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Cori
Biochemical pathway that recycles lactate
produced by muscle during anaerobic
glycolysis. The lactate is released to the blood,
taken up by the liver & converted back to glucose,
which is released again to be used by muscle.
Even though not as much ATP can be furnished by glycolysis alone, it is a significant
source of ATP when muscular activity continues for any length of time. The final
limiting factor in continued muscular activity is the build up of lactic acid. The lactic
acid eventually produces muscular pain and cramps which force discontinuation of
activity. Usually before this happens and after activity has ceased, lactic acid diffuses
out of the muscle cells and into the blood where it enters the liver.
The body is very efficient in that lactic acid is sent in the blood (5) to the liver which
can convert it back to pyruvic acid (6) and then to glucose through
gluconeogenesis (8). The glucose can enter the blood (9) and be carried to muscles
and immediately used. If by this time the muscles have ceased activity, the glucose
can be used to rebuild supplies of glycogen through glycogenesis (10)
This recycling of lactic acid is referred to as the Cori Cycle. The Cori cycle also
operates more efficiently when the muscular activity has stopped. At this time the
oxygen debt can be made up so that the citric cycle and electron transport chain also
begin to function again. In order for most of the lactic acid to be converted to glucose,
some must be converted to pyruvic acid and then to acetyl CoA (7). The citric acid
cycle and electron transport chain must provide ATP to "fuel" the gluconeogenesis of
the remainder of the lactic acid to glucose.
The drug metformin can cause lactic acidosis in patients with renal failure
because metformin inhibits the hepatic gluconeogenesis of the Cori cycle,
particularly the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex 1. The build up of
lactate and its substrates for lactate production, pyruvate and alanine, lead
to excess lactate. Normally, the excess lactate would be cleared by the
kidneys, but in patients with renal failure, the kidneys cannot handle the
excess lactic acid.
Fatty Acid Degradation
Fatty Acetyl-
acid CoA
Fatty acid degradation is the process in which fatty acids are broken down
into their metabolites, in the end generating acetyl-CoA, the entry molecule
for the citric acid cycle, the main energy supply of animals.
Myocardial metabolism. CPT, carnitine-palmitoyl-transferase; IMM, inner
mitochondrial membrane; OMM, outer mitochondrial membrane; PDH, pyruvate
dehydrogenase. Free-fatty-acid oxidative pathway in red. Glucose oxidative
pathway in blue.
Liver Cell
Triacylglycerol Gluconeogenesis
Glucon eogenesis Glucose
Other Tissues
Acids Fatty acid oxidation Acetyl-CoA
In blood via
CO2 + H2O
Perilipin: mobilization of TAGs (precursor), and release of
ATGL co-activator (CA).
ATGL: Adipose triglyceride lipase. Hydrolysis of one FA
from TAG to produce DAG
+ FA.
HS-lipase: Hormone sensitive lipase. Hydrolysis of FA
from DAG to produce MAG +
MAG lipase: Hydrolysis of remaining FA from MAG to
produce glycerol and FA.
FA degradation
of and
release Activation β-
from and oxidatio
adipose transport n
tissue into
Lipolysis of and release from adipose tissue
In the process of degradation, FA are stored in fat cells.
The breakdown of this fat is known as LIPOLYSIS.
The products of lipolysis, free fatty acids are released into the bloodstream
and circulate throughout the body
During the breakdown of triacylglycerols into fatty acids, more than 75%
of the fatty acids are reconverted to triacylglycerol even in cases of
starvation and exercise.
1. Propionyl-CoA carboxylated using a bicarbonate ion into D-methylmalonyl-
CoA in a rxn involves a biotin co-factor, ATP and the enzyme propionyl-CoA
2. D-methylmalonyl-CoA converted into L-methylmalonyl CoA by
methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase.
3. L-methylmalonyl-CoA undergoes intracellular rearrangement, which is
catalysed by methylmalonyl-CoA mutase to form succiniyl-CoA.
4. Succinyl-CoA CONVERT INTO ACETYL COA… and then enter CA cyle.
• Also catabolized by B-oxidation, BUT 2 additional enzymes
(isomerase & novel reductase) required to handle the cis double bonds
What is…
For most organisms, the pentose phosphate pathway takes place in the
cytosol; in plants, most steps take place in plastids
As RBCs age, enzyme activities involved in glucose metabolism
diminish, including G6PD, reducing energy production and ability to
protect cell membrane integrity and hemoglobin from oxidation
The reactions of fatty acid biosynthesis and steroid biosynthesis
utilize large amounts of NADPH.
As a consequence, cells of the liver, adipose tissue, adrenal
cortex, testis and lactating mammary gland have high levels of
the PPP enzymes.
In fact 30% of the oxidation of glucose in the liver occurs via the
The only source of NADPH in RBCs is via the PPP, in which G6PD is
the rate-limiting step
Additionally, erythrocytes utilize the reactions of the PPP to generate
large amounts of NADPH used in the reduction of glutathione.
Glucose 6-Phosphate, Glu 6-P, which comes
from other pathways, glycolysis.
Enzyme lactonase
It starts with Glucose 6-Phosphate, Glu 6-P, which comes from
other pathways, glycolysis for example.
2) Serine and 3)
Glycine Inter conversion of serine and
Serine is be converted to pyruvate by serine dehydratase.
4) Cystine
Amino acids that form α-ketoglutarate
(Glutamine, Proline, Arginine, Histidine)
1) Glutamine: Oxidative
oxidative deamination by
glutamine dehydrogenase Α-ketoglutarate
2) Proline:It is oxidized to glutamate. Glutamate is then oxidatively deaminated to form α-
1) Phenylalanine and
2) Tyrosine
• The three ketone bodies are acetone, acetoacetic acid and beta-
hydroxybutyric acid.
In humans, two
amino acids are
• Leucine
• Lysine
In humans, five
amino acids are
both ketogenic and
• Isoleucine
• Phenylalani
• Threonine
• Tryptophan
• Tyrosine
• Ketone bodies are produced mainly in the mitochondria of
liver cells.
Figure 8.14
Quick Review
Acetyl CoA is the gateway molecule for all energy
Acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetate to form
citrate in the first step of the TCA cycle
The TCA cycle produces
Two energized coenzymes
Two molecules of CO2
Small amount of energy as GTP
Electrons from hydrogen atoms in coenzymes enter
the electron transport chain
Protons are used to form ATP during the electron
transport chain
Metabolism Adapts during Feasting or Fasting
Figure 8.15
Quick Review
Ingestion of excess kilocalories
Anabolic metabolism
Fasting or starvation
Catabolic metabolism