True: A, B, C
False: D,E
Voluntary effort is not essential, a paraplegic woman can have a normal
True: A
False: B,C, D, E
A maternal, not paternal, first-degree relative is a high-risk feature.
Foetal macrosomia, not foetal microsomia, and polydraminios are high-risk
features for abnormal glucose tolerance.
True: C, E
False: A,B,D
Every pregnant woman is screened for syphilis, therefore this is a fair
question. Wassermann reaction and VDRL are not specific tests and with
successful treatment they usually become negative. The reason for
continued screening is that early treatment can protect the foetus.
4. Binovular twins
a. May occur as a result of fertilsiation of a single ovum
b. Are more common in women under the age of 35 years.
c. Are more common in tall women,
d. Have a separate chorion and amnion
e. Are at increased risk of twin-twin transfusion
True: C, D
False: A, B, E
5. Maternal mortality
a. Is defined as the death of a woman associated with pregnancy or
with childbirth within 28 days of that event.
b. In England the incidence is 8-6 per 10,000 births.
c. The most common cause is haemorrhage
d. Includes deaths associated with therapeutic termination.
e. The majority of anaesthetic deaths in the last triannual report
were associated with epidurals.
True: D
False: A, B, C, E
Defined as death occurring within 42 days. The missing zero in B makes
it false – important to read the question carefully.
6. Pulmonary embolism
a. Is the commonest cause of maternal death.
b. Three quarters occur following delivery
c. Is more common following an operative delivery
d. Is preceded by signs of a deep venous thrombosis in the majority
of cases.
e. A ventiliation-perfusion scan is contraindicated during pregnancy.
True: B, C
False: A, D, E
Pregnancy induced hyptertension/pre eclampsia is the commonest cause
of maternal death.
True: A, E
False: B, C, D
The presence of pre-eclampsia may lead to early delivery to avoid
complications; it is not spontaneous and this is the key word in the stem,.
Gestational diabetes is associated with polyhydramnios which may lead to
preterm delivery but diabetes itself does not cause preterm labour. This
is an example of reading too much into the question.
True: A, B, E
False: C,D
9. Physiology of pregnancy
a. Cardiac output increases by up to 40%.
b. A systolic injection murmur can occur
c. Glomerular filtration rate decreases by 40%.
d. The vital capacity of the lungs rises towards term
e. Hypochloryhdria occurs because of regurgitation of alkaline chyle
from the intestine
True: A, B, E
False: C, D
Glomerular filtration rate increases by 40%. The vital capacity decreases
due to splinting of the diaphragm.
10. Breech presentation at 38 weeks gestation
a. Complicates 3% of all labours
b. 40% will be a frank or extended breech
c. Is associated with higher risk of foetal abnormality
d. May be associated with a uterine abnormality
e. More commonly presents as a footling breech in primigravidae.
True: A, C, D
False: B, E
60% of breech babies will be frank or extended at 38 weeks. The
incidence of footling breach increases with increased parity.
True: A, B, D, E
False: C
High dose broad spectrum antibiotics should be given before an
evacuation is performed.
True: A, B
False: C, D, E
Prolonged use of the oral contraceptive pill protects against ovarian
carcinoma. It is more common among social classes I and II. Hormone
replacement therapy does not appear to increase the risk.
True: A, B, D
False: C, E
Almost 40% of pregnant women will demonstrate asymptomatic vaginal
colonisation. The growth of candida is increased at the end of the luteal
phase. Oestrogen-containing oral contraceptives predispose to candida
True: C
False: A, B, D, E
One of the advantages of a transvaginal ultrasound is that it does not
require a full bladder. It can be performed during menstruation or during
vaginal bleeding from a miscarriage. The transvaginal ultrasound can
detect a foetal head from 5 weeks gestation onwards.
True: A, B, E
False: C, D
B causes confusion. Candidates assume that all cycles were anovulatory
and hence a woman could not become pregnant. In fact, she will ovulate
occasionally. Con genital uterine abnormality accounts for 5%.
Karyotyping should be performed to look for balanced translocations.
True: C, E
False: A, B, D
Dysfunctional bleeding by definition is diagnosed when no cause can be
found. Hence, anovulation and leiomyoma are false. A curettage is a
diagnostic procedure. An intrauterine contraception device is associated
with an increased menstrual blood loss. A Mirena IUCD could be used
here. One would not normally fit a standard IUCD in a woman who already
has heavy periods.
18. In vitro fertilization (IVF)
a. Is associated with a multiple pregnancy rate of 14-24%
b. The success rate is the same for a 32 year old as it is for a 40
year old
c. Egg collection requires laparoscopy.
d. Is associated with a lower incidence of congenital abnormalities
than spontaneous pregnancies.
e. Legally, no more than three embryos can be transferred at any one
True: A, E
False: B, C, D
The success falls significantly after the age of 38 years. Egg collection
can be performed using vaginal ultrasound guided needle aspiration. Local
anaesthesia and sedation are used.
True: C, E
False: A, B, D
Invasion though the basement membrane signifies invasive carcinoma.
CIN 3 is asymptomatic and does not present with blood stained discharge.
All false
Pelvic endometriosis can rarely be associated with hydronephrosis and
rectal bleeding but these are not characteristically associated with it.
True: C
False: A, B, D, E
Hepatic cirrhosis may lead to clotting disorders which could possibly lead
to post menopausal bleeding but really this is pushing it too far! (their
words not mine – Saz)