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Bauhaus: Walter Gropius Expressionist Monument To The March Dead

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The Bauhaus Dessau

1921/2, Walter Gropius's Expressionist Monument to the March Dead

Typography by Herbert Bayer above the entrance to the workshop block of the Bauhaus, Dessau, 2005

 Staatliches Bauhaus (help·info), commonly known simply as Bauhaus, was a school in Germany

that combined crafts and the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publicized and taught. It
operated from 1919 to 1933. At that time the German term  Bauhaus, literally "house of
construction" (help·info) stood for "School of Building".Germany's defeat in World War I, the fall of the German
monarchy and the abolition of censorship under the new, liberal Weimar Republic allowed an upsurge of radical
experimentation in all the arts, previously suppressed by the old regime. Many Germans of left-wing views were
influenced by the cultural experimentation that followed the Russian Revolution, such as constructivism. Such influences
can be overstated: Gropius himself did not share these radical views, and said that Bauhaus was entirely apolitical. [2] Just
as important was the influence of the 19th century English designer William Morris, who had argued that art should meet
the needs of society and that there should be no distinction between form and function. [3] Thus the Bauhaus style, also
known as the International Style, was marked by the absence of ornamentation and by harmony between the function of
an object or a building and its design.
History of the Bauhaus

The Bauhaus, a German word meaning "house of building", was a school founded in 1919 in Weimar, Germany by architect Walter
Gropius. The school emerged out of late-19th-century desires to reunite the applied arts and manufacturing, and to reform education.
These had given birth to several new schools of art and applied art throughout Germany, and it was out of two such schools that the
new Bauhaus was born.
Gropius called for the school to show a new respect for craft and technique in all artistic media, and suggested a return to attitudes to art
and craft once characteristic of the medieval age, before art and manufacturing had drifted far apart. Gropius envisioned the Bauhaus
encompassing the totality of all artistic media, including fine art, industrial design, graphic design, typography, interior design, and


The school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar in 1919 as a merger of the Grand Ducal School of Arts
and Crafts and the Weimar Academy of Fine Art. Its roots lay in the arts and crafts school founded by the Grand
Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach in 1906 and directed by Belgian Art Nouveau architect Henry van de Velde.[8]
When van de Velde was forced to resign in 1915 because he was Belgian, he suggested Gropius, Hermann Obrist and August Endell as
possible successors. In 1919, after delays caused by the destruction of World War I and a lengthy debate over who should head the
institution and the socio-economic meanings of a reconciliation of the fine arts and the applied arts (an issue which remained a defining
one throughout the school's existence), Gropius was made the director of a new institution integrating the two called the Bauhaus. [9] In
the pamphlet for an April 1919 exhibition entitled "Exhibition of Unknown Architects", Gropius proclaimed his goal as being "to create
a new guild of craftsmen, without the class distinctions which raise an arrogant barrier between craftsman and artist." Gropius'
neologism Bauhaus references both building and the Bauhütte, a premodern guild of stonemasons.[10] The early intention was for the
Bauhaus to be a combined architecture school, crafts school, and academy of the arts. In 1919 Swiss painter Johannes Itten, German-
American painter Lyonel Feininger, and German sculptor Gerhard Marcks, along with Gropius, comprised the faculty of the Bauhaus.
By the following year their ranks had grown to include German painter, sculptor and designer Oskar Schlemmer who headed the theater
workshop, and Swiss painter Paul Klee, joined in 1922 by Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky. A tumultuous year at the Bauhaus, 1922
also saw the move of Dutch painter Theo van Doesburg to Weimar to promote De Stijl ("The Style"), and a visit to the Bauhaus by
Russian Constructivist artist and architect El Lissitzky.[11]

From 1919 to 1922 the school was shaped by the pedagogical and aesthetic ideas of Johannes Itten, who taught the
Vorkurs or 'preliminary course' that was the introduction to the ideas of the Bauhaus. [9]


The Bauhaus Dessau

Gropius's design for the Dessau facilities was a return to the futuristic Gropius of 1914 that had more in common with the International
style lines of the Fagus Factory than the stripped down Neo-classical of the Werkbund pavilion or the Völkisch Sommerfeld House.[16]
The Dessau years saw a remarkable change in direction for the school. According to Elaine Hoffman, Gropius had approached the Dutch
architect Mart Stam to run the newly founded architecture program, and when Stam declined the position, Gropius turned to Stam's
friend and colleague in the ABC group, Hannes Meyer.
Meyer became director when Gropius resigned in February 1928, and brought the Bauhaus its two most significant building
commissions, both of which still exist: five apartment buildings in the city of Dessau, and the headquarters of the Federal School of the
German Trade Unions (ADGB) in Bernau. Meyer favored measurements and calculations in his presentations to clients, along with the
use of off-the-shelf architectural components to reduce costs, and this approach proved attractive to potential clients. The school turned
its first profit under his leadership in 1929.

But Meyer also generated a great deal of conflict. As a radical functionalist, he had no patience with the aesthetic program, and forced
the resignations of Herbert Bayer, Marcel Breuer, and other long-time instructors. As a vocal Communist, he encouraged the formation
of a communist student organization. In the increasingly dangerous political atmosphere, this became a threat to the existence of the
Dessau school. Gropius fired him in the summer of 1930.[17][Dubious] The Dressau city council attempted to convince Gropius to return as
head of the school, but Gropius instead suggested Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Mies was appointed in 1930, and immediately
interviewed each student, dismissing those that he deemed uncommitted. Mies halted the school's manufacture of goods so that the
school could focus on teaching. Mies appointed no new faculty other than his close confidant Lilly Reich. By 1931, the National
Socialist German Workers' Party was starting to gain influence and control in German politics. They gained control of the Dressau City


In late 1932, Mies rented a derelict factory in Berlin to use as the new Bauhaus with his own money. The students and faculty
rehabilitated the building, painting the interior white. The school operated for ten months without further interference from the
Nazi Party. In 1933, the Gestapo closed down the Berlin school. Mies protested the decision, eventually speaking to the head of
the Gestapo, who agreed to allow the school to re-open. However, shortly after receiving a letter permitting the opening of the
Bauhaus, Mies and the other faculty agreed to voluntarily shut down the school. [18]

The Bauhaus was the most influential modernist art school of the 20th century, one whose approach to teaching,
and understanding art's relationship to society and technology, had a major impact both in Europe and the United
States long after it closed. It was shaped by the 19th and early 20th centuries trends such as Arts and Crafts
movement, which had sought to level the distinction between fine and applied arts, and to reunite creativity and
manufacturing. This is reflected in the romantic medievalism of the school's early years, in which it pictured itself
as a kind of medieval crafts guild. But in the mid 1920s the medievalism gave way to a stress on uniting art and
industrial design, and it was this which ultimately proved to be its most original and important achievement. The
school is also renowned for its faculty, which included artists Wassily Kandinsky, Josef Albers, László Moholy-
Nagy, Paul Klee and Johannes Itten, architects Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and designer
Marcel Breuer.

Bauhaus and Vkhutemas

Vkhutemas, the Russian state art and technical school founded in 1920 in Moscow, has been compared to
Bauhaus. Founded a year after the Bauhaus school, Vkhutemas has close parallels to the German Bauhaus in its
intent, organization and scope. The two schools were the first to train artist-designers in a modern manner.[4] Both
schools were state-sponsored initiatives to merge the craft tradition with modern technology, with a Basic Course
in aesthetic principles, courses in color theory, industrial design, and architecture.[4] Vkhutemas was a larger
school than the Bauhaus,[5] but it was less publicised outside the Soviet Union and consequently, is less familiar to
the West.[6]

With the internationalism of modern architecture and design, there were many exchanges between the Vkhutemas and the Bauhaus. [7]
The second Bauhaus director Hannes Meyer attempted to organize an exchange between the two schools, while Hinnerk Scheper of the
Bauhaus collaborated with various Vkhutein members on the use of colour in architecture. In addition, El Lissitzky's book Russia: an
Architecture for World Revolution published in German in 1930 featured several illustrations of Vkhutemas/Vkhutein projects there.
3. The Bauhaus school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar. In spite of its name, and the fact that its
founder was an architect, the Bauhaus did not have an architecture department during the first years of its
existence. Nonetheless it was founded with the idea of creating a 'total' work of art in which all arts, including
architecture would eventually be brought together. The Bauhaus style became one of the most influential currents
in Modernist architecture and modern design.[1] The Bauhaus had a profound influence upon subsequent
developments in art, architecture, graphic design, interior design, industrial design, and typography.

The school existed in three German cities (Weimar from 1919 to 1925, Dessau from 1925 to 1932 and Berlin
from 1932 to 1933), under three different architect-directors: Walter Gropius from 1919 to 1928, Hannes Meyer
from 1928 to 1930 and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe from 1930 until 1933, when the school was closed by its own
leadership under pressure from the Nazi regime.

The changes of venue and leadership resulted in a constant shifting of focus, technique, instructors, and politics.
For instance: the pottery shop was discontinued when the school moved from Weimar to Dessau, even though it
had been an important revenue source; when Mies van der Rohe took over the school in 1930, he transformed it
into a private school, and would not allow any supporters of Hannes Meyer to attend it.

2. Key Ideas
The motivations behind the creation of the Bauhaus lay in the 19th century, in anxieties about the soullessness
of manufacturing and its products, and in fears about art's loss of purpose in society. Creativity and
manufacturing were drifting apart, and the Bauhaus aimed to unite them once again, rejuvenating design for
everyday life.

Although the Bauhaus abandoned much of the ethos of the old academic tradition of fine art education, it
maintained a stress on intellectual and theoretical pursuits, and linked these to an emphasis on practical skills,
crafts and techniques that was more reminiscent of the medieval guild system. Fine art and craft were brought
together with the goal of problem solving for a modern industrial society. In so doing, the Bauhaus effectively
leveled the old hierarchy of the arts, placing crafts on par with fine arts such as sculpture and painting, and
paving the way for many of the ideas that have inspired artists in the late 20th century.

The stress on experiment and problem solving at the Bauhaus has proved enormously influential for the
approaches to education in the arts. It has led to the 'fine arts' being rethought as the 'visual arts', and art
considered less as an adjunct of the humanities, like literature or history, and more as a kind of research science.
Concepts and Styles

Central to the school's operation was its original and influential curriculum. It was
described by Gropius in the manner of a wheel diagram, with the outer ring representing the vorkurs, a six-month preliminary course, initiated by
Johannes Itten, which concentrated on practical formal analysis, in particular on the contrasting properties of forms, colors and materials. The two
middle rings represented two three-year courses, the formlehre, focused on problems related to form, and werklehre, a practical workshop instruction
that emphasized technical craft skills. These classes emphasized functionalism through simplified, geometric forms that allowed new designs to be
reproduced with ease. At the center of the curriculum were courses specialized in building construction that led students to seek practicality and
necessity through technological reproduction, with an emphasis on craft and workmanship that was lost in technological manufacturing. And the basic
pedagogical approach was to eliminate competitive tendencies and to foster individual creative potential and a sense of community and shared purpose.
The creators of this program were a fabulously talented faculty that Gropius attracted. Avant-garde painters Johannes Itten and Lyonel Feininger, and
sculptor Gerhard Marcks were among his first appointments. Itten would be particularly important: he was central to the creation of the Vorkurs, and his
background in Expressionism lent much of the tone to the early years of the school, including its emphasis on craft and its medievalism. Indeed, Itten's
avant-gardism and Gropius's social concerns soon put them at odds. By the early 1920s, however, Gropius had won out; Itten left and was replaced by
Lázlsó Moholy-Nagy, who reformed vorkurs into a program that embraced technology and stressed its use for society. Other important appointments
included Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Georg Muche, and Oskar Schlemmer.
In 1925, the Bauhaus moved to the German industrial town of Dessau, initiating its most fruitful period. Gropius designed a new building for the
school, which has since come to be seen as a landmark of modern, functionalist architecture. It was also here that the school finally created a
department of architecture, something that had been conspicuously lacking in an institution that had been premised on the union of the arts. But by 1928
Gropius was worn down by his work, and by the increasing battles with the school's critics, and he stood down, turning over the helm to Swiss architect
Hannes Meyer. Meyer headed the architecture department, and, as an active communist, he incorporated his Marxist ideals through student
organizations and classroom programs. The school continued to build in strength but criticism of Meyer's Marxism grew, and he was dismissed as
director in 1930, and after local elections brought the Nazis to power in 1932, the school in Dessau was closed.
In the same year, 1932, it moved to Berlin, under the new direction of architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, an
advocate of functionalism. He struggled with far poorer resources, and a faculty that had lost some of its brightest stars; he also tried to remove politics
from the school's ethos, but when the Nazis came to power in 1933, the school was closed indefinitely.
The Bauhaus influence travelled along with its faculty. Gropius went on to teach at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, Mies van der
Rohe became Director of the College of Architecture, Planning and Design, at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Josef Albers began to teach at Black
Mountain College in North Carolina, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy formed what became the Institute of Design in Chicago, and Max Bill, a former Bauhaus
student, opened the Institute of Design in Ulm, Germany. The latter three were all important in spreading the Bauhaus philosophy: Moholy-Nagy and
Albers were particularly important in refashioning that philosophy into one suited to the climate of a modern research university in a market-oriented
culture; Bill, meanwhile, played a significant role in spreading geometric abstraction throughout the world.

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