Brain-Computer Interface Review: Szilárd BULÁRKA Aurel Gontean
Brain-Computer Interface Review: Szilárd BULÁRKA Aurel Gontean
Brain-Computer Interface Review: Szilárd BULÁRKA Aurel Gontean
Abstract— Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a device that silicon sensor placement for ECoG, fMRI play a key role.
allows direct communication path between central nervous Todays BCI requirements are: good temporal and spatial
system and external devices without peripheral nerves resolution, mobility, user friendliness, ethical, discreteness,
dependency. Brain-Computer Interface and its applications robustness. fMRI and fNIR are used mainly as research tools
reached beyond medical applications, it is used to enhance, because the imaging process of those is time-consuming and
improve, restore or replace functions or it can be used as a the mobility of the user is highly restricted. For modern BCIs
research tool. Stakeholders of the field have developed future EEG and ECoG offers optimal performances and mobility.
plans and the ethical in research. the multidisciplinary nature of ECoG is a highly invasive method and involve higher costs
Brain-Computer Interface is based on neuroscience, signal
but the silicone based sensors offer higher signal to noise ratio,
processing, biomedical sensors, and hardware. This paper aims
to present briefly the current state and the future of Brain-
better spatial resolution, ease of use and most of them offer
Computer Interfaces. The future works of the author are based discreteness. ECoG is mainly used in replace and restore
on hardware approach using System-On-Chip combined with applications. Thanks to its noninvasiveness EEG is preferred
novelty memristor crossbar memory, which can be used to for most of the applications, nowadays dry electrodes offer
emulate axons and neurons directly in the hardware. ease of use and discreteness. Using novelty signal processing
techniques the performance of EEG systems has been
Keywords—Brain-Computer Interface,BCI, state of the art, BCI increased in the last years. The appearance of medical graded
applications, neuroscience, computational neuroscience gadget EEG headsets like EPOC by Emotiv, Muse by
Interaxon, etc. have opened a new application area in the field
I. INTRODUCTION of entertainment and mental state monitoring for BCI. The
reduced cost and the performances offered by most of these
The brain-computer interface is a device that allows direct devices offer the possibility to young scientists to contribute to
communication path between the brain and external devices research. Because the field of BCI research is a young and
without peripheral nerves dependency. .In the early days BCI growing, BNCI Horizon 2020 [1] is a Coordination and
was more a science fiction topic, nowadays thanks to the huge Support Action founded within the European Commission's
advancements in neuroscience, signal processing, Framework Programme 7 to facilitate the communication and
computational neuroscience, sensors etc. BCI is a growing collaboration between stakeholders. BNCI Horizon 2020 have
area of research. Since Hans Berger has recorded the neuron proposed a roadmap which includes the current state and a
firing process in 1924 using electroencephalography, (EEG) guideline for future applications. The BCI Awards [2] donated
unlocked the possibility to investigate schizophrenia and other by g.tec offer a good overview of outstanding and innovative
brain diseases. Nowadays among EEG we can monitor the research projects in the field of BCI research. On the other
brain waves using various novelty noninvasive methods like hand, the BCI Awards offer a good dataset for benchmarking.
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Functional
Near-infrared Spectroscopy Imaging (fNIR) and invasive
methods like Electrocorticography (ECoG). In the early days
of BCI, the main applications were focused on motor
rehabilitation. Nowadays BCI is used beyond medical
applications like entertainment, military, research tool, etc.
The reasoning why most of the BCI applications are motor
related is strongly correlated why animals need brains.
According to Daniel Wolpert, the need for a brain is related to
movement. The studies of squids can argue with D. Wolpert's
Figure. 1. Emotiv EPOC 16 chanel EEG headset (left), 128 chanel 3D neural
hypothesis. Squids use their brain to swim and to find their probe for ECoG by Neuro Nexus (right)
attachment place, after the attachment to the bottom of the
ocean, it digests its own brain. Thanks to neuroscience a lot of
the brain was reverse engineered. The 10/20 electrode II. CURRENT STATE OF BCI
placement for EEG offer satisfactory spatial coverage for most In the early days, BCI was mainly used in medical
of the applications, but for sophisticated applications like applications. Nowadays as the performances, the discreteness