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J. H. Mohn
H. M. Hodgens il
H. E. Munson*
W. E. Pooke

United Technologies Corporation

Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Engineering Division
P.O. Box 2691, West Palm Beach, Florida 33402

TRW, Bearings Division, Jamestown, New York

s_. February 1984

Interim Report for Period August 1981 -July 1983 DTIC


L. Approved for Public Release: Distribution Unlimited NOV 1 3 1984

Aero Propulsion Laboratory B

Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories
Air Force Systems Command "Original cot color
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45=3 plates: All DTICrpd'•+ >

ions will be in black and


_84 10 23 017

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Pjoject Engineer Chief, Lubrication Branch
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______________________________EFORE__COMPLETING BEFORE INSTRUCTIONS


Improvement of the Corrosion Resistance Interim Report for Period
of Turbine Engine Bearings August 1981 - July 1983
I P&YVA/GPD/FR.17952
J. H. Mohn H. E. Munson* F33615-81-C-2023
W. E. Poole H. M. Hodgens II *TRW Bearings Div.

United Technologies Corporation AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft 3048-06-12
Engineering Division
P.O. Box 2691, West Palm Beach, FL 33402
Aero Propulsion Laboratory (POSL) February 1984
AF Wright Aeronautical Laboratories (AFSC) 13. NUMBER OF PAGES
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 163
"14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(If different from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (oi thi, report)




Approved for public release; distribution unlimited

17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abetrect entered In Block 20, It different from Report)


19. KEY WOROS (Ccntinue on reveree aide it necesaay and identify by block number)
Corrosion Resistance Test M50 Nickel Sputter Coating
Wear Resistance Test CRB7 Corrosion Resistant Bearings
Rolling Contact Fatigue Test MRC2001 Corrosion Resistant Alloys
Hot Hardness Test RSR565 Corrosion Resistant Coatings
Rolling Contact Bearings Armoloy Corrosion Resistant Surface Treatments
20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side It necesesay and Identify by block nmiber)

20. Abstract

-This technical report encompasses the work accomplished in the first phase of a two-phase program
aimed at developing an alternate material, fabrication technique, or material treatment for turbine
engine mainshaft bearings with improved corrosion resistance compared to state of the art VIM-VAR


-During Phase 1, five corrosion-resistant, bearing candidates (armoloy-coated M50, nickel sputter-
coated M50, wrought CRB7, RSR565 and MRC2001) identified as the most promising were subjected
to rolling contact fatigue, corrosion, hot hardness and wear screening tests. The phase concluded with
selection of MCR2001 as the single most promising candidate for full-scale bearing fabrication and
testing. In Phase II that candidate will be subjected to further full-scale bearing life and performance
tests and a corrosion-resistant verification test.




This interim technical report describes exploratory development work performed by the
Pratt & Whitney Engineering Division under United States Air Force (USAF) Contract F33615-
81-C-2023, improvement of the Corrosion Resistance of Turbine Engine Bearings. P&WA was
assisted in this effort by TRW Bearings Division of TRW, Inc. The report covers the period
from August 1981 to July 1983.

k This program is sponsored by the Aero Propulsion Laboratory of the Air Force Wright
Aeronautical Laboratories (AFWAL), Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 45433 under
project 3048, "Fuels, Lubrication and Fire Protection," Task 304806, "Aerospace Lubrication,"
work unit 30480612, "Improvement of the Corrosion Resistance of Turbine Engine Bearings."
Mr. J. W. Artuso is the USAF AFWAL/POSL Project Engineer. The Pratt & Whitney Program
Manager and Principal Investigator are J. H. Mohn and W. E. Poole, respectively. Test Al
specimen preparation and material testing was conducted at TRW Bearings Division under the
direction of Mr. A. T. Galbato, Manager of Research and Development.

This document is submitted in compliance with CLIN 0002 and CDRL Sequence
Number 5.

Appreciation is extended to the following for their valuable assistance in this program:
P. Allard (P&WA), J. W. Broch (P&WA), J. N. Fleck (TRW), B. McCoy (TRW), J. R. Miner
(P&WA), D. Popgoshev (NAPC), and R. F. Spitzer (TRW).

Accession For
Unannounced I]

Availability Codes
SAvail dnd/or
4f Dist Special




Section Page

IINTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ..................................... 1

4II TECHNICAL DISCUSSION .............................................. 2

SA. Background........................................................ 2
B. Corrosion Investigation ............................................ 2
C. Candidate Selection ............................................... 67

III FUTURE WORK......................................................... 144

A. Endurance Tests.................................................. 144

B. Performance Test................................................. 144
C. Corrosion Resistance Verification Tests........................... 147


A. Corrosion Mechanism Investigation ............................... 148

B. Initial Candidate Screening....................................... 148
C. Initial Testing .................................................... 148
D. Mechanical Property Evaluation .................................. 149
E. Selection of One Candidate....................................... 149

IREFERENCES........................................................... 150



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"Figure Page

1 Dark Staining of Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Cage at Rolling Element-

Cage and Race-Cage Contact Loci (Main Shaft Bearing C, Stored in
MIL-C-11796B Preservative) ..................................... 5

2 Heavy, Dark Staining of Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Cage Generally Con-

forming to Thick-Thin Preservative Boundary Morphology (Accessory
Bearing, Similar to Accessory Bearing E Stored in MIL-C-11796B
Preservative) .......................................................................... .. 7

3 Light Violet Staining of Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Cage at Rolling Ele-

ment-Cage Contact Loci (Accessory Bearing F, Stored in
MIL-C-11796B Preservative) ...................................................... .. 9

S4 SEM Photomicrograph and XES Spectra of Light Violet-Stained Re-

gion (Area F) and Unstained Region (Area G) of Silver-Plated
AISI 4340 Steel Cage Material (Accessory Bearing F) ..................... 11

5 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Light Brown Stained and

Unstained Areas of Silver Plating on AISI 4340 Cage Material (Main
Shaft Bearing C) ..................................................................... 12

6 Heavy, Dark Staining of Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Cage Analyzed Via

SEM, XES, Figure 7 (Accessory Bearing E, Stored in MIL-C-11796B
Preservative) ........................................................................... 13

7 SEM Photomicrograph and XES Spectra of Dark Stain on

Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Cage Material (Accessory Bearing E) ............ 15

I~8 AES Spectra of Stained Region of Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Steel Cage
Material from Main Shaft Bearing C, Stored in MIL-C-11796B Preser-
vative, Showing Variation of Chemical Composition With Depth ........ 16

9 Thick-Thin Preservative Boundary Morphology As Seen Through Plas-

tic Skin-Pack (Main Shaft Bearing N) ......................................... 17
10 Dark Black Stains of M50 Steel Conforming to Rolling Element
Race Contact Morphology (Accessory Bearing F) ............................ 18

11 SEM Photomicrographs of Stained and Unstained Areas of M50 Steel

Race (Main Shaft Bearing B). Indicated Areas are Examined Further
in Figure 12 ........................................................................... 19

12 SEM Photomicrographs of Indicated Area in Figure 11 and Photo-

graphs of XES Spectra from Light and Dark Areas, Emphasizing Dif-
ficulty of Analyzing Lightest Stains ............................................. 20

13 AES Spectra of Stained Region of M50 Steel Ball from Main Shaft
Bearing C, Stored in MIL-C-11796B Preservative, Showing Variation of
Chemical Composition With Depth .............................................. 21


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Figure Page

14 SEM Photomicrographs, XES Spectra, and Chlorine X-ray Map of :

Adsorbed Dendrites Comprised of Sodium, Potassium, and Calcium

Chloride on an M50 Steel Ball; the Result of Handling Ball Without

Gloves or Suitable Protective Film on Hands ................................ 22
15 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Lightly Stained M50
Bearing Material (Main Shaft Bearing C) Which Appears to Follow
the Grain Boundary Morphology (Arrows) .................................... 24

16 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Dark Black Stains on

M50 Steel Roller Showing Apparent Enrichment of Alloying Elements
(Cr, Mo, V) Relative to Iron in Location of Corrosive Attack ........... 25

17 Typical Appearance of Service-Rejected Bearing Does Not Suggest

Corrosive Attack (Mainshaft Bearing J, Service in MIL-L-7808J Oil) .. 27

18 Pitting Attack of Functional Surfaces of Service-Rejected Bearing

(Main Shaft Bearing J, Service in MIL-L-7808 Oil) ........................ 29

19 Pitting Attack of Ball in Figure 18 (Mainshaft Bearing J, Service in

M IL-L-7808J Oil) ..................................................................... 31

20 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Indentations (Main Shaft

B earing J) ............................................................................... 33

21 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Locations of Embedded

Particles and Probable Autocatalytic Pitting Attack Initiated at Those
Locations (Main Shaft Bearing K) .............................................. 34

22 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Area of Pitting Attack

(Main Shaft Bearing K) ............................................................. 35

23 Section of Cage Examined Via SEM, XES and MET Analyses for
Thin Dark Stains (Accessory Bearing H) ...................................... 37 1

24 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Thin, Dark Stains of 1

Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Steel Showing "Mudcracked" Morphology and
High Sulfur Content in Locations of Corrosive Attack (Accessory
Bearing ............................................................................. . 39

25 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of "Mudcracked" Morpholo-

gy of Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Steel Cage and Damaged Bower 315
Steel Outer Race (Main Shaft Bearing K) .................................... 40

26 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of M50 Steel Roller Ex-

posed to Service and Storage Environments (Accessory Bearing G) .... 41


Figure Page

27 SEM Photomicrographs, XES Spectra, and X-ray Maps of "Mud-

cracked" Region of Figure 26 Showing Relative Enrichment of Alloying
Elements Due to Leaching Away of Iron Corrosion Products ............. 42

28 Corrosion of Main Shaft Bearing D Inadequately Preserved During

Delay in Assem bly ................................................................... 43

29 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of "Mudcracking" Corrosion

of M50 Steel, Nonfunctional Surfaces (Main Shaft Bearing D) .......... 44

30 SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Pitting Attack of M50

Steel Outer Race Along Phase Boundary (Main Shaft Bearing D) ...... 45

31 Specimens (M50 Steel at Top; Silver-Plated Coupon at Bottom) Ex-

posed to MIL-L-23699 Oil (Contaminated at Left; Control at Right) at
140'F for 24 Hours .................................................................. 49

32 Specimens (M50 Steel at Top; Silver-Plated Coupon at Bottom) Ex-

posed to MIL-L-7808J Oil (Control at Left; Contaminated at Right) at
140'F for 24 Hours .................................................................. 51

33 Specimers (M50 Steel at Top; Silver-Plated Coupons at Bottom) Ex-

posed to MIL-C-15074C Oil (Contaminated at Left; Control at Right)
at 140'F for 24 H ours ............................................................... 53

34 Specimens (M50 Steel at Bottom; Silver-Plated Coupon at Top) Ex-

posed to 0.0005 Wt% Sulfur (as Trityl Thiol) in Mineral Oil at 140*F
for 24 H ours ........................................................................... 55

35 Specimens (M50 Steel at Bottom; Silver-Plated Coupon at Top) Ex-

posed to 0.0020 Wt% Sulfur (as Trityl Thiol) in Mineral Oil at 140OF
for 24 H ours ........................................................................... 57

36 Specimens (M50 Steel ac Bottom; Silver-Plated Coupon at Top) Ex-

posed to 0.0100 Wt% Sulfur (as Trityl Thiol) in Mineral Oil at 140°F
for 24 H ours ........................................................................... 59

37 Specimens (M50 Steel at Bottom; Silver-Plated Coupon at Top) Ex-

posed to 0.0005 Wt% Chloride (as Trityl Chloride) in Mineral Oil at
140°F for 24 Hours .................................................................. 61

38 Specimens (M50 Steel at Bottom; Silver-Plated Coupon at Top) Ex-

posed to 0.0020 Wt% Chloride (as Trityl Chloride) in Mineral Oil at
140*F for 24 Hours .................................................................. 63

39 Specimens (M50 Steel at Bottom; Silver-Plated Coupon at Top) Ex-

posed to 0.0100 Wt% Chloride (as Trityl Chloride) in Mineral Oil at
140/F for 24 Hours .................................................................. . 65


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Figure Page

40 Diagrammatic Representation of the Radio Frequency (RF) Diode

Sputtering Cham ber .................................................................. 71

41 SEM Photomicrograph of a Cross-Sectioned "As-Received" Armoloy-

Coated M50 Test Specimen ....................................................... 75

42 SEM Photomicrograph of the Surface of a Typical VIM-VAR M50

Baseline Test Specimen and Coating Substrate Specimen ................. 76
S43 SEM Photomicrograph v the Surface of a Typical "As-Received"

Armoloy-Coated M50 Test Specimen ........................................... 76

44 SEM Photomicrograph of the Surface of a Typical Polished Armoloy-
coated M 50 Test Specimen ...................................................... 77

45 Planar Target Radio Frequency (RF) Diode Sputtering System ......... 78

46 SEM Pbotomicrograph of a Cross Section of Sputtered Nickel on M50

Bearing Stock .......................................................................... 79
47 SEM Photomicrograph of the Surface of a Typical Nickel Sputter-

Coated M 50 Test Specimen ........................................................ 80

48 Microstructure Photographs ........................................................ 84

49 The Top Photo Depicts an Overall View of the Rolling Contact Fa-
tigue Rig; the Bottom Photo is a Closeup View of Specimen and Test
R olls ....................................................................................... 85

50 Weibull Plot of Baseline M50 Rolling Contact Fatigue Test Results ... 88

51 Weibull Plot of Nickel Sputter Coated M50 Rolling Contact Fatigue

Test Results ............................................................................ 89

52 Weibull Plot of 'As-Received' Armoloy-Coated M50 Rolling Contact

Fatigue Test Results .................................................................. 90

53 Weibull Plot of Polished Armoloy-Coated M50 Rolling Contact Fatigue

Test Results .......................................................................... . 91

54 Weibull Plot of MRC2001 Rolling Contact Fatigue Test Results ........ 92

55 Weibull Plot of CRB7 Rolling Contact Fatigue Test Results ............. 93

56 Weibull Plot of RSR565 Rolling Contact Fatigue Test Results .......... 94

57 Weibull Plot of RSR113 Rolling Contact Fatigue Test Results .......... 95



Figure Page

58 Composite Weibull Plot of Candidate and VIM-VAR M50 Rolling

Contact Fatigue Test Results ..................................................... 97

59 EDXR Analysis of Nickel Sputter-Coated Bar Outside of Roller Track

(N ote N ickel Lines) ................................................................... 98

60 EDXR Analysis of Nickel Sputter-Coated Bar Roller Track (Nickel

H as Been Lost) ...................................................................... 99

61 SEM Photo of Roller Track on Nickel Sputter-Coated Bar HN-2

(Note Flaking) Magnification: 50X ................................................ 100

62 SEM Photo of Roller Track on Nickel Sputter-Coated Bar HN-2.

Magnification: 200X ........................................ 101

63 SEM Photo of Roller Track No. 3 on Chrome-Plated Bar HA-5 (Note

Pebbled Surface Outside of Roller Path) Magnification: 50X ............. 102

64 SEM Photo of Roller Track No. 3 on Chrome-Plated Bar HA-5 (Note

Smeared Surface) Magnification: 200X .......................................... 103

65 SEM Photo of Roller Track No. 6 on Chrome-Plated, Subsequently

Polished, Bar HA-3. Magnific,,tion: 50X ........................................ 104

66 SEM Photo of Roller Track No. 6 on Chrome-Plated, Subsequently

Polished, Bar HA-3. Magnification: 20UX ....................................... 105

67 EDXR Analy.is of Chrome-Plated, Snbsequently Polished, Bar HA-3

Outside of Tr'.ck (Note Iron Lines) ............................................. 106

68 EDXR Analysis of Chrome-Plated, Subsequently Polished, Bar HA-3

in Track 1 (Note That Iron Is Present but Chrome Is Thicker than in
67) ......................................................................................... 107

69 EDXR Analysis of Chrome-Plated Bar HA-5 Outside of Track .......... 108

70 EDXR Analysis of Chrome-Plated Bar HA-5 in Track 3 .................. 109

71 SEM View of Typical Spall M50 Reference Test Bar (H-4). Magnifica-
tion: llO X .............................................................................. 110

72 SEM View of Spall in Chrome-Plated Test Bar (HA-i). Magnification:

72X ........................................................... ............................ 110

73 SEM View of Spall in CRB7 Test Bar (HC-2). Magnification: 72X .... ill
74 SEM View of Spall in RSR565 Test Bar (HR-i).
Magnification: 72×. 1i
75 SEM View of Spall in RSRII3 Test Bar (HB-2). Magnification: 72X . 112


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Figure Page

76 SEM View of Spall in MRC2001 Test Bar (HE-2). Magnification: 72X 112

77 Corrosion Test Fixture With Four Pairs of Specimens ..................... 113

78 A Corrosion Test Setup ............................................................. 114

79 M50 Reference Specimens 5 and 6 .............................. 115

80 Stained and Pitted End Surface M50. Magnification: 400X .............. 116

81 Stained and Pitted OD Surface M50. Magnification: 300X ................ 116

82 Chrome-Plated Specimens 19 and 20 After Corrosion Test (Arrows 4

Point to Corroded Areas) ........................................................... 117
83 Schematic of Wear Test Apparatus .............................................. 126

84 Closeup photograph of Wear Test Rig Showing Wick Lubrication ...... 126

85 Sample Traces of Vibration Data From Wear Tests ........................ 128

86 Sample Traces of Vibration Data From Wear Tests ........................ 129

87 Bar Chart Showing Mass Change of Stationary Specimens TJsed in

Candidate Versus Candidate Wear Tests ....................................... 132

88 Wear Test Bars Showing Representative Scars on MRC2001, CRB7,

and M50 Material (Scale Magnification Approximately 2.5X) ........... 133 4

89 Sections of Wear Test Bars Showing Representative Scars -.n M50,

Armoloy-Coated M50 and RSR565 Material. (Latter Two Bars Were
Also Subjected to Hot Hardness Tests) ......................................... 133
90 Rotating Wear Test Bars Showing Representative Tracks on M50 and
MRC2001 Specimens (Scale Magnification Approximately 3x) ........... 134

e1 Rotating Wear Test Bars Showing Representative Tracks on MRC2001

and CRB7 Specimens (Scale Magnification Approximately 3X) .......... 134

92 SEM Photograph of the Bottom of a Typical Wear Scar on an M50

Stationary Bar. Magnification: 100X ............................................. 135

93 SEM Photograph of the Bottom of a Typical Wear Scar on an

MRC2001 Stationery Bar. Magnification: 10Ox ............................... 135

34 SEM Photograph of the Bottom of a Typical Wear Scar on a CRB7

Stationary Bar. Magnification: 10OX ............................................. 136



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Figure Page

95 Wear Scars on M50, Armoloy-Coated M50, CRB7 and RSR565 Run

Against Silver-Plated Steel. (The RSR565 Specimen Was Discolored
Subsequent to the W ear Test) ..................................................... 136

96 Rotating Wear Test Bars, Silver-Plated AMS 6515 Steel, Showing

Representative Wear Tracks. Scale Magnification Approximately 3X ... 137

97 Metallographic Examination of Cross Section of Wear Track on a

Silver-Plated Steel Bar. Magnification: 400X .................................. 138

98 Schematic of Hot Hardness Test Apparatus ................................... 139

99 Plot of Normalized Hardness Versus Temperature for Candidates and

VIM-VAR M50 Baseline Material ................................................ 141

100 Typical Indentations on Hot Hardness Test Specimens .................... 142

101 Schematic of TRW's Model A Test Rig ........................................ 145

102 Schematic of Test Rig for Performance Testing Aircraft Turbine En-
gine Thrust Bearings ................................................................. 146


Table Page

1 Storage Preservatives ................................................................ 46

2 History and Analysis of Used Engine Oils .................................... 47

3 Oil Analysis Results After Engine Water Washdown ....................... 47

4 List of Potential Candidates ...................................................... 69

5 Armoloy-Plated Bearing Applications ........................................... 70

6 Preliminary Task 2 Candidate Selection ....................................... 73

7 Heat Treatment of M50 ................... ...................................... 80

8 Heat Treatment of MRC2001 ..................................................... 81

9 Heat Treatment of CRB7 .......................................................... 81

10 Heat Treatment of RSR565 ....................................................... 82

11 Heat Treatment of RSR405 ....................................................... 82

12 Heat Treatment of RSR113 ....................................................... 83

13 Metallurgical Parameters of Alloy Candidates, RSR113 and VIM-VAR

M50 Baseline .......................................................................... 83

14 Rolling Contact Fatigue Test Results ........................................... 96

15 VIM-VAR M50 Corrosion Test Data ............................................ 117

16 Nickel Sputter-Coated M50 Corrosion Test Data ........................... 119

17 Armoloy-Coated M50 Corrosion Test Data ..................................... 119

18 CRB7 Corrosion Test Data ......................................................... 119

19 RSR565 Corrosion Test Data ...................................................... 120

20 MRC2001 Corrosion Test Data .................................................... 120

21 RSR113 Corrosion Test Data ...................................................... 120

22 Task 3 Ranking Summary .......................................................... 125

23 Wear Test Data ....................................................................... 130

24 Wear Test Results Summary ....................................................... 131


LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

25 Hot Hardness Test Data ............................................................
26 Summary of Hot Hardness Test Results .......................................
27 Task 4 Ranking Summary ..........................................................




The objective of this "Improvement of the Corrosion Resistance of Turbine Engine

Bearings Program" is to provide a bearing which is significantly more corrosion resistant than
VIM-VAR (vacuum induction melt, vacuum arc remelt) M50 state of the art bearings.

Improved bearing corrosion resistance can be achieved with either the use of a new
corrosion resistant alloy, or by surface treating, or coating state of the art M50 with a protective
covering. This 37-month, two-phase program will investigate all three met'iods: alloys, coatings
and surface treatments. In Phase i, appropriate bearing materials, surface treatments, and
coatings were identified. Screening tests were performed on the most promising candidates. The
single most promising candidate was selected for full-scale bearing fabrication and testing to be
accomplished in Phase II.

The Phase I effort was broken into five tasks which will be discussed in detail in this
report. Task I began with a study of the corrosion mechanism which was a continuation of an
ongoing effort at P&WA. In Task I, 17 candidates with potential for improving bearing
corrosion resistance were identified for consideration. The 17 candidates included corrosion
resistant alloys such as CRB7 (AMS5900) and BG42 (AMS5749), coatings such as the
proprietary chrome plating process called Armoloy, and surface treatments such as nickel
sputter-coated M50. Of these, the five most promising were selected based on available data and
perceived material properties. The five highest potential candidates were Armoloy-coated M50,
nickel sputter-coated M50, wrought CRB7 and powder metallurgy RSR565 and MRC2001. Task
III ranked the five candidates based on rolling contact fatigue and corrosion resistance tests.
From these test results, the three best candidates, Armoloy-coated M50, CRB7 and MRC2001
were selected for further evaluation. In Task IV, these three candidates were evaluated for wear
resistance and hot hardness characteristics. Based on the property test results and criteria
established in Task II, the most promising candidate MRC2001 was selected in Task V for full-
scale bearing development and testing.

Phase II which will be included in the final report will consist of Task VI through IX. Task
VI will consist of bearing fabrication. Twenty 35 millimeter bore size MRC207S endurance test
bearings will be fabricated from the MRC2001 material and baseline VIM-VAR M50. Full
engine size MRC2001 demonstration bearings will be fabricated. These performance demonstra-
tion bearings will duplicate the in-service 110 millimeter size TF30 No. 4 high-rotor thrust
bearing which is the same geometry as the P&WA Joint Technology Demonstrator Engine
(JTDE) No. 3 high-rotor thrust bearing. Bearing rolling contact fatigue (RCF) life tests will be
conducted in Task VII. Task VIII will evaluate the performance characteristics of the full-scale
bearing in a rig at 16,000 rpm (1.76 million DN*) and other conditions simulating actual engine
operation. Although the speed exceeds normal TF30 high rotor operation, the testing will be
used as partial substantiation for Bill-of-Material approval of the MRC2001, provided
satisfactory RCF and performance are demonstrated. The use& .•ndurance test bearings will be
subjected to corrosion tests in Task IX, using various oil fornimulations to be supplied by the
USAF. The purposs. of these tests is to provide confirmation that improved corrosion resistance
will be retained even after extensive operation.

*DN = Bore diameter in millimeters X rpm




Current engine bearings have proven to be reliable and durable but are often rejected for
further use and discarded upon engine overhaul inspection long before their durability limits
have been reached. This is due to environmental effects which degrade the bearing condition.
Corrosion has been found to be the major cause of this premature bearing rejection (References
1 and 2). The expense and increased bearing usage caused by thesp rejections is unacceptable
due to escalating labor and material costs and the increasing manufacturing lead time required
to meet the higher overall bearing demand.

Current turbine engine bearings are made from AISI M50 steel. This material, originally
developed as a tool steel, was selected for turbine engine bearing use because of its good rolling
contact fatigue life and high hot hardness. In its current form, VIM-VAR M50 performs well but
is sensitive to corrosion. The corrosion problem can be addressed in two ways: (1) development
of corrosion resistant bearings or (2) development of corrosion inhibitors for lubrication systems
and storage preservatives. Two recent investigations have addressed corrosion inhibitors for
lubrication systems (References 3 and 4). The goal of the "Improvement of Corrosion Resistance
of Turbine Engine Bearings" program is to provide a bearing which is significantly more
corrosion resistant than M50 state of the art bearings.


1. Technical Approach

Corrosion is the most significant cause of gas turbine engine bearing field service rejection.
Bearings rejected for corrosion have not expended their theoretical fatigue life. This effective
reduction in bearing life results in higher maintenance costs associated with the inspection,
repair and premature replacement of bearings.

The purpose of the corrosion mechanism investigation was to determine:

a) The requisite conditions for the corrosion of stored and service bearings
b) The main sources of corrosion contaminants
c) The predominant corrosion mechanism.

During the corrosion investigation, representative samples from bearings rejected from
both storage and service environments for corrosion were studied. The rejected bearings were
analyzed for the morphology of the corrosive attack and for the chemical species present in the
corrosion products. Bearing preservatives and used engine oils were also analyzed for
contaminants that might cause or accelerate corrosion of the various bearing materials.

The possibility of corrosion by galvanic attack was also explored. A galvanic cell could
greatly increase the rate ol corrosion. It consists of two dissimilar metals immersed in a
conductive solution. To address this possibility, the galvanic potential of silver M50 and silver
AISI 4340 couples in an aqueous sodium chloride solution were measured and the bearing
environments were analyzed for reactive chemical species which readily dissociate in water

- 74.:
Accelerated corrosion tests of bearing materials in contaminated oils were also conducted
to support hypotheses generated during the investigation.

2. Analyses of Corroded Bearings

Representative storage and service corrosion-rejected turbine engine bearings from two
advanced turbofan engine types in the current USAF inventory were selected as candidates for
study. A wide sampling of bearings from storage was possible due to a related P&WA study
which was in process at the time of this investigation. Conversations with P&WA field
representatives and other knowledgeable personnel led to the conclusion that the field samples
received, though few in number, are typical of the majority of field rejects for corrosion.

1) Stored Bearings

Main and accessory bearings which were rejected from storage due to corrosion were
analyzed for the morphology of the corrosive attack and chemical species present in corrosion
products by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES),
microprobe, metallography (MET), and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) methods. Bearings
examined included:

Bearing Condition Preservative Type

A New MIL-C-11796B Mainshaft

B New MIL-C-11796B Mainshaft
C New MIL-C-11796B Mainshaft
D Used NA Mainshaft
E New MIL-C-11796B Accessory
F New MIL-C-11796B Accessory
G Used MIL-C-15074C Accessory
H Used MIL-C-15074C Accessory

All of the above bearings were of identical construction in terms of materials; balls and
races being composed of M50 steel with silver-plated AISI 4340 cages. Used bearings exhibited
characte, tics of both storage and service environments, and provided valuable information in
establi'shijig differences and similarities of corrosion morphology and mechanisms. They are
discussed further in Section IIB.2.3).

Corrosive attack of the silver-plated cages (AISI 4340 steel) during storage was manifested
as stains affecting relatively large areas and ranging from very light violet to duik black in color.
The morphologies of the stains generally correspond to rolling element cage contact loci and
thick-thin preservative contours shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Light and dark areas (staining) associated with the thick-thin preservative contours
probably only reflect the varying quantities of reactive species being made available from the
corresponding volume of preservative to the silver surface. Similar logic can be applied to the
rolling element cage contact loci where a thicker meniscus of preservative is often formed.




IT~ 00




FE 352760

Figure 2. Heavy, Dark Staining of Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Cage Generally Conforming
to Thick-Thin Preservative Boundary Morphology (Accessory Bearing, Similar
to Accessory Bearing E Stored in MIL-C-11796B Preservative)
The lightest stains observed exhibited a violet tint (Figure 3) and SEM and XES analyses
(Figure 4) identifed only silver and chlorine suggesting a silver halide compound. Similar
analyses of slightly darker stains, light brown in color, revealed sulfur and chlorine contamina-
tion. The light brown color is attributed to the presence of sulfur as silver sulfide shown in
Figure 5. Still darker, almost black stains, sometimes with a purple tint, were characterized by
much higher XES spectra for sulfur shown in Figures 6 and 7.

4 7


i nmm ll
I' NNn I n lnl~
-,. lll ~' 'lll • •I~ib a - . .



FE 352814

Figure 3. Light Violet Staining of Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Cage at Rolling Element-
Cage Ccntact Loci (Accessory Bearing F, Stored in MIL-C-11796B



4 I m" ri im H i"1


U) -






LL z

2 a




4 44


Mag 800X Mag 800X

Stained Silver Plate Unstained Silver Plate


XES Spectra of Stained Silver Plate XES Spectra of Unstained Silver Plate
Note Absence of S

FD 230894

Figure 5. SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Light Brown Stained and
Unstained Areas of Silver Plating on AISI 4340 Cage Material (Main Shaft
•! Bearing C)




Mag lOX XES Spectra of Stained Region

SEM Photomicrograph of Stained Cage Denoted at Left

FD 230895

Figure 7. SEM Photornicrographand XES Spectra of Dark Stain on Silver-Plated

AISI 4340 Cage Material (Accessory Bearing E)

AES analysis of medium to dark stains formed at ball-cage contact points (Figure 1)
revealed sulfur to be the contaminant present in highest concentration, followed by chlorine,
oxygen, carbon, iron and possibly calcium. Ion sputtering of the stained surface rapidly reduced
the intensities of all contaminants, restoring a bright, virtually contaminp Efree silver surface as
shown in Figure 8. The high intensity for sulfur relative to oxygen and •ne rapidity with which
the contaminants were removed by ion sputtering indicates the stain to be a thin film of silver
sulfide, approximately 1000 to 2000 angstroms thick.

A comparison of the free energies of formation for oxides and sulfides at 25"C reveals silver
sulfide to be more stable than silver oxide (protective film on bright, unstained silver), a
characteristic that b'.comes more pronounced at elevated temperatures. Thermodynamics,
therefore, favors the substitution of sulfur for the oxygen in the protective silver oxide film if
sulfur is available in a reactive state (not S04' 2 ). Reactive organic sulfur (as organic thiols,
sulfides, disulfide, etc.) and inorganic sulfur (S0 3 2 , S 2 , H 2 S, HS-, S- 2 ), if water is present
in solution with the preservative, are the primary corrodents responsible for staining and
corrosion of the silver-plated components of stored bearings. Their presence in preservative
media is probably due to the failure of refining techniques to remove these petroleum impurities
down to the levels which would preclude visible staining of silver.

The next most important contaminant in terms of corrosive attack of stored silver-plated -
bearing components is chlorine, present in preservatives as chlorinated hydrocarbons, solvated
chloride ions (if water is present in solution with the preservative), and chloride ions and
compounds adsorbed to metal surfaces (improper handling).


Fe Fe Fe
dN r•



AES Spectra of Discolored Region on

S Ag Plated AISI 4340 Steel Cage
Before Sputtering


dN S Ag

AES Spectra of Discolored Region on

Ag Plated AISI 4340 Steel Cage After
Ar Ion Sputtering for 20 min at
2 KV, 30 MA

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Electron Energy, eV

FD 230887

Figure 8. AES Spectra of Stained Region of Silver-Plated AISI 4340 Steel Cage 2
Material from Main Shaft Bearing C, Stored in MIL-C-11796B Preservative,
Showing Variation of Chemical Composition With Depth


$ 4146C

---.--- a
Silver chloride, like silver sulfide, is more stable than the oxide at room temperatures
which favors the substitution of the chloride for the protective oxide and results in staining.

Sources of chloride contamination are believed to include standard petroleum contami-

nants (as chlorinated hydrocarbons and solvated chloride ions) and improper handling
procedures such as failure to use gloves or protective film when handling bearings.

Carbon and calcium contaminants are probably due to entrapment of the saponified
(agents: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, lithium, and/or aluminum) hydrocarbon
preservative in the corrosion product. Carbon might also have migrated the short distance from
an adjacent corroding ball or roller. Similarly, the source of iron as a contaminant in the stained
silver plate is probably other steel components of the bearing itself. The presence of oxygen only
reflects the lack of complete conversion of the silver oxide film to sulfide and/or chloride.

Corrosive attack of stored M50 steel races and rolling elements was several orders of
magnitude less severe in appearance than that of the associated silver-plated cages. However,
even the lightest corrosive attack of the functional surfaces of the M50 steel components was
considered much more e..trious than the piated cages due to the potential catastrophic failure of
these parts from progressive spalling initiated at such sites. Corrosive attack of the M50 steel
components varied from widespread, extremely light ctains, barely discernible to the eye (and
invisible to standard macrocameras, SEM and XES), to very heavy, black or brown stains and
pitting. The lightest stains generally conformed to the thick-thin preservative boundary
morphology, and heavier stains to the race-rolling element contact morphology as shown in
Figures 9 and 10.

FD 230896

Figure 9. Thick-Thin Preservative Boundary Morphology As Seen Through Plastic

Skin-Pack (Main Shaft Bearing N)

Mag 3 1/2X Corrosion of Inner Race

-Mag 6X Corrosion of Roller

FD 230892

Figure 10. Dark Black Stains of M50 Steel Conforming to Rolling Element -Race

Contact Morphology (Accessory Bearing F)


~ - 2
SEM and XES analyses of the lightest stains observed proved fruitless (Figures 11 and 12)
due to the stronger background emissions of the base material through the stains (films less
than 3000 angstroms composed of light elements) and noise. AES analysis of lightly stained
areas of two separate mainshaft bearings (A, E) which had beer protected in MIL-C-11796B, a
cosmoline-type preservative revealed almost identical results. Both unstained as well as as
stained areas usually exhibited spectra fnr oxygen, carbon, calcium, sulfur, and chlorine with
phosphorous, nitrogen, nickel, sodium, zinc, aluminum, and silicon observed in some locations as
well. This layer of contaminants was rapidly removed by ion sputtering leaving a bright, clean
base metal surface in unstained locations and a slightly thicker layer of oxygen containing
material with some carbon ai.d calcium in stained areas as shown in Figure 13. Total thickness
of the layers in the stained regions was estimated to be less than 1000 angstroms.

Mag 10OX Mag 10ox

Stained Area Unstained Area

FD 230897

Figure 11. SEM Photomicrographs of Stained and Unstained Areas of M50 Steel Race
(Main Shaft Bearing B). Indicated Areas are Examined Further in
Figure 12

Of the contaminants encountered, chlorine, sulfur. ar"; oxygen (present in corrosion

products as chlorides, sulfides, and oxides) are considered the primary corrodents.

Chlorides are believed to be present in the storage environment as chlorinated hydrocar-

bons, solvated chloride ions (if water is present in solution with preservative), and chloride ions
or compounds adsorbed to metal surfaces. Sources of this contamination include standard
petroleum impurities and incorrect handling techniques shown in Figure 14.



4- .


0)(D (1,0

0- t


f Co CO
w( D
Cf) 0


.0 .2 7



co CA-

-S "Si. a' D to

a) CL~~' -
750eV 1450eV

AES Spectra of Discolored Region on Al

M50 Steel Ball Prior to Sputtering

Ca O Ca0Cr Fe Fe Fe

.I I I I I I I I I I

750eV 1450eV
AES Spectra of Discolored Region on
M50 Steel Ball After Ar Ion
Sputtering for 35 min at 2 KV, 30 MA




Fe Mo /Cr Fe Fe
O/ oo
-- 1
I I I I I I !
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Electron Energy, eV

FD 230888

Figure 13. AES Spectra of Stained Region of M50 Steel Ball from Main Shaft Bearing
C, Stored in MIL-C-11796B Preservative, Showing Variation of Chemical
Composition With Depth


t 4146C

Mag 50x Mag 2000X

Surface of Contaminated Ball Enlarged Area Showing Dendrite
Indicated Area Enlarged at Right Network of Chloride Crystals

XES Spectra of Dendrite Chloride X-Ray Map of Above Area

FD 230899

Figure 14. SEM Photomicrographs,XES Spectra, and Chlorine X-ray Map of

Adsorbed Dendrites Comprised of Sodium, Potassium, and Calcium Chloride
on an M50 Steel Ball; the Result of Handling Ball Without Gloves or
Suitable Protective Film on Hands


.. i ".... A.. i
Reactive sulfur (as organic thiols, sulfides, disulfides, etc., and if water is present, as 3-2

SOD , H2S, HS-, and S- 2) is undoubtedly a preservative contaminant, the result of residual
petroleum impurities during manufacture or reduction of sulfate/sulfonate corrosion inhibiting

Oxygen is available to the bearing surface via water dissolved in the preservative and by
penetration of air through bearing packaging and preservatives.

Carbon ma) be present as a normal alloy constituent or due to entrapment of the

hydrocarbon preservative in the corrosion product. Similarly, the alkali metals, lithium, sodium,
and potassium plus magnesium, calcium, and possibly aluminum are frequent saponification
components in greases and preservatives and may also be entrapped in the corrosion product.
Corrosion inhibiting additives often contain barium, phosphorous, nitrogen, zinc, and sulfur as
well. Nickel and silicon are the only two elements for which a plausible explanation cannot
readily be found other than impurities in the preservative. Nickel is an alloying element of AISI
4340 steel and could find its way into the preservative if the integrity of the silver plate were
breached. Silicon as a substituent of silicones may be present as a vendor proprietary ingredient
.4or from contamination with ordinary sand (SiO 2).

I; Corrosion corresponding to slightly darker stains of the M50 material (mainshaft bearing
C) which was amenable to SEM, XES analyses, appeared to follow the grain boundary
morphology (Figure 15). Localized stress concentration in the lattice structure along the grain
K boundary, i.e., grain boundary energy, rather than transgranular differences of chemistry, is
believed to be a primary mechanism responsible for initiating autocatalytic pitting corrosion
along grain boundaries in the storage environment.

The most severe corrosive attack of M50 components in storage was manifested by dark
black stains usually conforming to rolling element-race contact morphologies (Figure 10). SEM
photomicrographs of these stains revealed severe mudcracking and spalling of the mudcracked
corrosion product. XES analysis of these mudcracked reg.ons typically revealed enrichment of
the alloying elements (Cr, Mo, and V) relative to iron except in locations of spalling in which
fresh unaffected surface was exposed. (Figure 16). This is probably due to the leaching out of the
more soluble iron corrosion products or, similarly, precipitation of less soluble alloying element
corrosion products due to the decreasing concentration gradient of the attacking media from the
bottom of a local pit to the surface of the alloy.

The mudcracking effect may represent the final stages of autocatalytic pitting corrosion
initiated along grain boundaries (compare 200X photos in Figures 15 and 16) and producing a
trench-shaped crevice (crack) which ultimately spalls, exposing fresh surface to further attack.
This type of corrosion of functional bearing surfaces, if undetected, can result in failure.

Contaminants present in the corrosion products of the most severely attacked areas were
essentially the same as those described previously, implying involvement of the same
mechanism but under more severe conditions or for a longer duration.


4 -,Z

- -C -1

A.PS 26E N

Mag00X ag 040XH

I it.

K Mag 2000X
£ ~FD 230889

Figure 15. SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of Lightly Stained M50 Bearing
Material (Main Shaft Bearing C) Which Appears to Follow the Grain
Boundary Morphology (Arrows)



x 0w




cv cl

C) W)



2) Service Bearings

Analyses of service-rejected bearings for corrosion were conducted on three main shaft
bearings employing SEM, XES, microprobe, and MET techniques. Two of the bearings
possessed similar material construction, i.e., M50 steel balls and races. Quantitative XES
analysis of the third bearing, however, revealed the inner race base metal to have a composition
similar to M50 steel, whereas the outer race and rollers exhibited spectra similar to that of
Bower 315, a high temperature carburizing grade, alloy steel. In each case, the cage material was
the standard silver-plated AISI 4340 steel. The three bearings are listed below:

Outer Race and

Bearing Condition Oil Type Roller Material

J Used MIL-L-7808J Mainshaft M50

K Used MIL-L-7808J Mainshaft Bower 315
L Used MIL-L-7808J Mainshaft M50

Other than minor physical damage, such as indenting, scratches, and wear, the silver-
plated cages of the service-rejected bearings exhibited virtually no evidence of detrimental
effects from the service environment, including corrosive attack of the silver plate.

Corrosive attack of M50 and BOWER 315 steel rolling elements and races of service
bearings was less evident than that of stored bearings (Figure 17). Staining of the alloy surface
was not encountered. Rather, the morphology of the corrosive attack of these bearing
components was confined to almost microscopic pitting which, though widespread, was difficult
to see except at higher magnification (Figures 18 and 19).

On examination, the most common functional surface condition encountered with the
rejected service bearings was indentation from contaminants entrained in the oil. Aluminum
and silicon (probably as oxides) were the usual contaminants associated by SEM and XES
analyses with indentations (Figure 20)., The relatively higher proportion of aluminum
encountered suggests contamination with residuals from some manufacturing process as
opposed to common sand or dust contamination, since the silicon/aluminum ratio for most
sands is greater than 1:1.

Corrosion-like morphologies were found in the regions of some indentations (Figure 20). In
the absence of static exposure to a relatively corrosive environment (storage with MIL-C-
11796B), it is postulated that corrosive attack is more readily initiated at locations of physical
damage rather than at grain boundaries. Small particles embedded in functional surfaces
provide relatively large areas of closely conforming surfaces which are very amenable to capillary
adsorption of water in the system (and attendant reactive species). Thus, an area of physical
damage is casily converted to a site for autocatalytic pitting attack as seen in Figures 21 and 22.

XES analysis revealed little evidence of contamination of the corrosion site by potentially
reactive species. This is to be expected, -nce the corrosion damage was probably experienced
during a period of extended idleness when water condensed from the air and/or oil in the
bearing housing, and corrosion products (scale) along with contaminants were dislodged and
entrained in the oil upon subsequent engine operation. In addition, bearings are generally
inspected only after thorough cleaning. The rejected service bearings examined in this program
had been packaged in MIL-L-8188 oil during shipment to prevent further corrosion, all of which
served to mask the chemical species responsible for the corrosion.



41111 1 iW


FE 352762

Figure 17. Typical Appearance of Service-Reje.cted Bearing Does Not Suggest Corrosive
Attack (Mainshaft Bearing J, Service in MIL-L-7808J Oil)

The morphology of service-related corrosion sites was similar to that of the freshly exposed
material of a recent spall in a region of storage-related corrosion. This suggests that after
initiation, a similar mechanism of corrosion is at work in both the stored and service bearing,
but the physical environment of the service bearing subsequently dislodges the corrosion
product (scale).

3) Stored, Service Bearings

Bearings which exhibited characteristics of both service and storage environments are
described in this section.


414I6C -'~.
4 T

Mag 5X
Pitting Attack of Ball

Mag 3 3/4X
• Pitting Attack of Outer Race
FD 230890

Figure 18. Pitting Attack of Functional Surfaces of Service-Rejected Bearing (Main

Shaft Bearing J, Service in MIL-L-7808 Oil)

FE 352766

Figure 19~. Pitting Attack~I of Ball in rligure 18r (Ma~insilaft B('arini, 4,. Service in yjjt-
L- 7808 Oil)



Mag 200X
Indented Region of M50 Outer Race XES Spectra of Dark Spot
Note High Aluminum Content

Mag 200X
Indented Region of M50 Inner Race Showing XES Spectra of Indicated Area
Corrosion - Like Pitting Morphology Note High Silicon Content

FD 236801

Figure 20. SEM Photomicrograpfks and XES Spectra of Indentations (Main Shaft
Bearing J)



- .- - ~
•, , ,, • •,•.,,,.,,,,., .. ,,:,,,



0A .34-E


00 C -Y

0) -4- o

Cu cCU- 0
0 04- to0
cm 0) 4) .0

Z.- 01 z-


<E cm



0 <

x E4

LL yj
CO4~ cm-.4 - -~-..-,





S Cdl


co~ 0


Originally considered as corrosion-rejected bearings from service, examination via SEM,
XES, and MET analyses revealed evidence of corrosive attack that could not be explained on
the basis of previous experience with service bearings and the hypotheses generated as a result
of this experience. A review of the history of these bearings showed that all had seen a storage
environment of one sort or another.

All of the used bearings examined were of similar material construction, i.e., M50 steel
balls and races with silver-plated AISI 4340 steel cages.

For the most part, corros;en of the silver-plated AISI 4340 steel resembled that of bearings
subjected to a storage environment. The cage of one accessory bearing exhibited a feature not
previously encountered with silver plating, i.e., mudcracking. Examination of thin, dark stains
of the cage (Figure 23), via SEM and XES analyses, revealed heavy muderacking and pitting
(spalling) similar to that seen on M50 steel components subjected to a severe storage
environment (Figure 24). Mudcracking of the silver plate is not serious in terms of precipitating
a failure of the cage, but spalls can cause indenting of functional surfaces (Figure 25), and may
progress to flaking of the silver plate.

Corrosive attack of the silver plate leading to the mudcracking morphology may be due to
autocatalytic pitting attack involving formation of an aqueous sulfur concentration cell during
storage. Incorrect handling ýskin moisture) and saturation of the preservative due to
condensatioi are the most probable sources of woter contamination.

SEM apd XES analyses of M50 steel components revealed characteristics of both storage
anct service environments. They exhibited the mtdcracking and spalling corrosion typical of
storage, as well as, the indenting, scratches, wea±, and embedding of silicon and aluminum
(oxide) particles representative of parts exposed to service (Figures 26 anid 27).

The history of mainshaft bearing D (Figure 28) is somewhat unique. The b-aring,
presumably protected with the slhort-term preservative oil MIL-C-15074C, was es.senibled into
its housin., and left in a horizontal position foz approximately six months before the assembly
was completed and the engine run. This was sufficient time for the oil to dtain, concentrating a
corrosive mixture of absorbed particles of dust, waLer, salt, etc., on Ihe surfac., of a puddle in the
outer race, leaving the remainder of the bearing exposed to the aniosphere (i.e., equivalent to
storage without a preservative). Inspection of the bearing at teardown revealed extensive attack
of the bearing iruluding an elliptical zone of heavy pitting in the outer race. The pitting
corresponded to the interface of the preservative puddle, air, and M50 steel.

Mudcracki',g (characteristic of a storage environment) was the predominant corrosion

morphology in nonfunctional areas (Figure 29). Pitting (more typical of the service environ-
ment) was found on functional burfaces (Figure 30). These observations tend to verify the
hypotbe.is that the corrosion mechanisms (not rates or modes of-initiation) of stored and service
bearings are simila7 (compare Figure 29 with Figure 16, and Figure 30 with Figures 20 and 22).


FE 352756

Figure 23. Section of Cage Examined Via SEVI, XES and MET Analyses for Thin
Dark Stains (Accessory Bearing H)


. . . m. m = -mmmm .m~ ll -• -- .... . ,r.,LyL-~~l" - l~l • ••••
4 0

0- 0

0 (DI





0 z

I:a' 0

- ~CO r
- -6


0)M- UO C3-

- x

0 0.

> a)

C C2



ii~ma-WO41*114 =0
S0 -

0- -

= -6 2
4- t;- x p








IL 0


(n~~~~" 4 4. -- -i
'-4-'~ ~ ~- ~ - -- -cc
_ -__ __. __-____


Mag 200X Mag 2000X

Roller Surface Showing Scratches, Indenta- Embedded Particle in Roller Surface
tions, and Mudcracking Corrosion

XES Spectra of M50 Base Material XES Spectra in Location of Embedded

Particle Above

FD 236806

Figure 26. SEM Photomicrographs and XES Spectra of M50 Steel Roller Exposed to
Service and Storage Environments (Accessory Bearing G)



2 .2





x 0
00 E





V cc


1 42
K (N


Mag 1 1/2X Mag 1 3/4

Typical Appearance of Corrosion Pitting Corrosion at Preservative-Atmosphere

of Non-Functional Surfaces Phase Boundary on Outer Race Surface

FD 230891

Figure 28. Corrosion of Main Shaft Bearing D Inadequately Preserved During Delay in

3. Analyses of Preservatives and Used Engine Oils

To determine the source of reactive species responsible for the corrosion of bearings, short-
term preservative MIL-C-15074C, long-term preservatives MIL-C-11796B and MIL-C-16173D,
and engine oils MIL-L-7808 and MIL-L-23699 were analyzed.

1) Storage Preservatives

Samples of storage preservative from three freshly opened mainshaft bearing skin-packs
(MIL-C-11796B or MIL-C-16173D), as well as, samples of a long-term preservative (MIL-C-
11796B) and a short-term preservative (MIL-C-15074C) were analyzed for sulfur, chloride and
water content with the following results as listed in Table 1.

i ~414W4

Mag 6OX Mag 200X
Corrosion of Non-Functional Surface


Mag lox Mag 60X
Crescent Shaped Pitting Attack
Seen in Figure 28


'i 9 Mag 40OX

XES Spectra in Location at Left

FD 236809

Figure 30. SEM Photomzicrographs and XES Spectra of Pitting Attack of M50 Steel
030 Outer Race Along Phase Boundary (Main Shaft Bearing D)


Preservative Bearing Sulfur Chloride Water
MIL-C.11796B M 0.56W% ?0.0028W% Not Run
(or MIU-C-16173D)
MIL-C-11796B N 0.20W% 2_O.OO24W% 0.14V%
(or MIL-C-16173D)
MIL-C-11796B A 0.13W% :0.0023W% 0.12V%
(or MIL-C.16173D)
MIL.C-11796B N/A 0.30W% 2:0.0024W% 0.09V%
MIL-C-15074C N/A 0.14W% :0.0013W% 0.06V%

W% = Weight percent

V% Volume percent

Despite the lower mobility of ions and water in the viscous preservatives, these levels of
contaminants are expected to cause corrosion of bearings based on tests conducted at
P&WA/GPD and the Navy (Reference 5), where corrosion of M50 steel was observed in oils
contaminated with only 0.0003 weight percent (W %) chloride and 0.0600 W % water.

2) Service Oils

Similar efforts were made with the service environment fluids (MIL-L-7808 and
MIL-L-23699 oils). Requests to the Air Force and Navy have resulted in samples of used engine
oils from a variety of sources (Table 2). Unfortunately, analyses of these oils for the reactive
species sulfur, chloride, and water were frustrated because the levels of these contaminants were
at or below the threshold of detectability of the available analytical instruments. Because of the
lack of resolution, the data remains incomplete, except that the chloride concentration for all of
the oils is probably less than 0.0005 W % (5 ppm).

Higher levels of water contamination were encountered, but no significant trend could be
established. Results of oil analyses from water wash tests of a test engine indicate that
condensation during cool down and changes of weather are more significant contributors to the
water content of the oil than the water washing procedure (Table 3).

4. Galvanic Cell Tests

Galvanic corrosion could multiply the rate of attack above that of crevice or pitting
corrosion alone. With the use of dissimilar metals (silver plate vs M50 and AISI 4340 steel) in
bearing construction, the confirmed presence of several potentially reactive chemical speces
that readily dissociate in water solution and water contamination of preservatives and oils, all of
the elements required for galvanic corrosion are present. In a bearing, a local galvanic cell coula
be formed by interposing between the steel components and the silver plate, condensation water
in petroleum solution containing dissolved ions from the surrounding environment.



_. • ;; -- i• - -- • m @ - 4 ., .', . • .
.- .

Total Time
Engine On
Time Oil Oil Sulfur Chloride Water
Base (hours) Type (hours) (W%) (W%) (V%)
366TH TFW - 7808 501 <0.002 <0.0005 0.01
Mt. Home AFB - 7808 62 <0.002 <0.0005 0.02
- 7808 311 <0.002 <0.0005 0.01
- 7808 248 <0.002 <0.0005 0.01

Oceana NAS 1173 23699 - <0.002 <0.0005 0.03

VA 1581 23699 190 <0.002 <0.0005 0.02 -1
902 23699 473 <0.002 <0.0005 0.03 -A-
578 23699 578 <0.002 <0.0005 0.05

27th AGS 1734 7808 268 <0.002 <0.0005 0.025

Cannon AFB 951 7808 18 0.002 <0.0005 0.010
NM 964 7808 13 0.002 <0.0005 0.16
1210 7808 263 <0.002 <0.0005 0.015

48th TFW 652 7808 652 0.003 Not Run 0.02 J

Lakenheath 493 7808 493 <0.002 Not Run 0.01
RAFB 489 7808 489 <0.002 Not Run 0.01
England 369 7808 117 <0.002 Not Run 0.01

20th TFW - 7808 48 <0.002 Not Run 0.01

RAFB, Upper - 7808 106 <0.002 Not Run 0.01 J
Heyford - 7808 297 <0.002 Not Run 0.01
England - 7808 498 <0.002 Not Run 0.01

48th TFW 2328 7808 562(TSO) 0.002 Not Run 0.12

Lakenheath 1052 7808 468(TSO) <0.002 Not Run 0.10
RAFB 655 7808 - <0.002 <0.0005 0.10
England 922 7808 649(TSO) 0.002 Not Run 0.03

PWA-GPD 7808 144 <0.001 Not Run 0.015

7808 - Not Run Not Run 0.015


Engine Test Material Rate of Volume-Percent
Conditions Duration Ingested Ingestion Water in Oil
Before After
Idle 5 hr Water 10 gal/min 0.015 0.03
Idle 10 min Water + B&B 3100" 2.5 gal/min 0.04 0.02
Windmill 2 min Water I- B&B 3100 2.5 gal/min 0.02 0.02
Static Overnight - - 0.02 0.04
*B&B 3100 - Concentrated liquid compound for cleaning gas paths in turbine

engines (FSN 6850.181-7647).



To measure the galvanic potential of the silver-M50 and silver-AISI 4340 couples, samples
of M50 and AISI 4340 steels were plIced one at a time in a 3 W% sodium chloride solution
coupled across a high impedence, high resolution voltmeter to a silver electrode also immersed
in the salt solution. The potential generated for the M50 silver couple rose rapidly to
approximately -0.23 vdc then more slowly, finally stabilizing around -0.550 ± 0.015 vdc after
45 minutes. A similar performance of the AISI 4340 - silver couple was recorded with a final
reading of -0.575 ± 0.010 vdc.
Thus, the possibility for galvanic corrosion between the steel components and the silver-

plating of bearings was confirmed.

5. Accelerated Corrosion Tests

Tests were conducted to evaluate the effects of various concentrations of sulfur and cloride
ions in oil on M50 steel and silver-plated coupons.

Elemental sulfur along with several short chain organic mercaptan compounds dissolved in
a neutral medium (water saturated mineral oil) were evaluated in simple qualitative tests for
corrosive attack (staining) of silver .lated coupons. Water-saturated mineral oil mixtures
evaluated included: Sulfur, sulfur dissolved in carbon disulfide, carbon disulfide (control), sulfur
dissolved in c.'rbon tetrachloride, carbon tetrachloride (control), thioacetamide, sulfanilic acid,
ethanethiol, 2-mercaptoethanol, benzenethiol, and thiophene. Of the mixtures tested, only those
containing elemental sulfur and thioacetamide would stain silver plate within a 24-hour period
at room temperature. 2-mercaptoethanol had to be heated to 180*F before it would attack the
silver during a similar interval.

Mixtures which produced relatively rapid attack of the silver plate, however, inevitably
presented miscibility problems with oils. Therefore, tests were first conducted to evaluate the
ability of MIL-C-15074C, MIL-L-7808J, and MIL-L-23699C oils to counteract the corrosive
effects of saturation with water, chloride ions, and reactive sulfur. The oils were saturated with
these contaminants by first emulsifying water, thioacetamide, and sodium chloride (to an
equivalent of 0.1000 W% water, 0.0100 W% chloride, and 0.0100 W% sulfur), allowing time for
equilibrium and phase separation, then decanting of the saturated oil over M50 steel/silver
plated coupon pairs. Specimens exposed to the contaminated oils, along with controls, were then
placed in an oven at 1400F for 24 hours. Results indicated MIL-L-23699C oil was superior
followed by MIL-L-7808J then MIL-C-15074C (Figures 31 through 33). The silver-plated
coupons exhibited stains ranging from very light (MIL-L-23699) to very heavy (MIL-C-15074C).
The M50 steel components were unaffected, indicating the need for longer duration tests.

M50 steel and silver plated pairs were also tested by immersion in dry mineral oil solutions
containing tritylthiol (triphenymethyl mercaptan) at 0.0100 W%. 0.0020 W% and 0.005 W%
sulfur concentrations and solutions containing trityl chloride (chlorotriphenylmethane, triphe-
nylmethyl chloride) at the same levels of chloride concentration. Samples were again placed in
an oven at 140°F for 24 hours. Results indicated that the silver plate was the most susceptible
material to attack by both chloride ions and reactive sulfur down to the lowest concentrations
tested, sulfur producing the heaviest stains. M60 steel was unaffected by the reactive sulfur and
all but the highest concentrations of chloride ions (Figures 34 through 39).


1r ia' IAt amp-,

J ___________ ,~

- 3i

FE 352627

Figure 31. Specimens WM50 Steel at Top; Silver-Ptated Coiupon a! Boticm) Exposcd to
MIIL-L-23699 Oil (Contaminated at Left; Control at R~ight) at 140'F for 24

FE 352625

Figure 32. Specimens (M50 Steel at Top; Silver-Plated Coupon at Bottom) Exposed to
MIL-L-780&J Oil (Control at Left; Contaminated at Right) at 1400 F for 24


I. r. 352623

Figure 33. Specimens (IM50 Steel at Top; Silver-Plated Coupons at Bottom) Exposed
to MIL-C-15074C Oil (Contaminated ait Left; Control at Right) at 140' F for
24I Hn'trs



FE 352760

Figure 34. Specimens (M50 Steel at Bottom; Silver-Plated Coupon at Top) Exposed to
0.0005 Wt% Sulfur (as Trityl Thiel) in Mineral Oil a! 1400 F for 24 Hoursj


~ ~-~----- ~----~
44 ~ ~-- --

-' -


FE 352751$W~

Figure- 35. Spcmn (M5 Ste at botm t-e-ldCopna o)Epsdt

-- ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ - ~ ~- ~ F- -
352740 -

L 7 --

FE 352726

Figure 37. Specimens (M50 Steel at Bottom; Silver-Plated Coupon at Top) Exposed to
0.0005 Wt% Chloride (as Trityl Chloride) in Mineral Oil at 140°F for 24





FE 352725

Figure 38. Specimens (M50 Steel at Bottom; Silver-Plated Coupon at Top) Exposed to
0.0020 Wt% Chloride (as Trityl Chloride) in Mineral Oil at 140°F for 24


Z.,- FE 3572

Fiue3.Secmn M0Ste tBto; ivrPaedCuo tTo)Epsdt

41i1 . ........:.
6. Corrosion Investigation Conclusions

e The results of the studies indicate that water, chloride ions, reactive sulfur and
oxygen are the principal contamhaants responsible for corrosion of bearings.

- Temperature and temperature cycles also contribute to the corrosion problem

as they affect reaction rates and the saturation level of contaminants in oils
and preservatives.

• Random instances where improper handling procedures are employed are also
contributing factors in that they impact the above conditions.

• The principal sources of the contaminants include:

Water Condensation in the lubrication system and preservation

processing operations
Improper handling procedures
Chloride ions - Improper handling procedures
Engine ingestion of humid, salt laden air
Occur as a standard petroleum contaminant
Reactive sulfur - Occurs as a standard petroleum contaminant
Possible result of a reduction of sulfur compound in
bearing corrosion inhibitors
Oxygen - Air in lube system
Also occurs dissolved in water and oil
Corrosion mechanisms responsible for the attack of bearings in storage and
service are similar in nature and include pitting and intergranular corrosion.


1. Initial Screening
Increased bearing corrosion resistance can be achieved by using corrosion resistant alloys
or by providing a protective coating or surface treatment to existing alloys. With either
approach, bearing performance should at least equal the state of the art bearing alloy; VIM-

VAR M50. In the initial screening and subsequent testing, candidates had to show superior
corrosion resistance, as well as, equivalence in rolling contact fatigue, hot hardness and wear
resistance compared to a VIM-VAR M50 baseline.

For the initial screening, the material reference resources and (in the absence of hard data)
the metallurgical experience of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, TRW Inc. and material supplier
contacts were surveyed.
For preliminary consideration, a list of 28 candidates with potential for rolling element
bearing application was compiled. The list included some materials which were lacking in
certain state of the art turbine engine bearing properties. These materials were included to
insure that consideration was given to materials which potentially might benefit from coatings,
surface treatment or other material processing.

Even as the preliminary list was being generated, the candidates with the greatest and
least potential for success were being identified. The first culling reduced the list of 28

candidates to 17 candidates. This ranking was based on obvious and inferred risks and
deficiencies with respect to basic bearing material properties.

The list of 17 candidates is presented in Table 4. The list includes 8 alloys and 9 coatings.
Seven of the eight alloys (MRC2001, RSR405, BG42, CRB7, WD65 and 14-4 Mo) are high
chrome martensitic steels. Studies conducted in the past several years (Reference 6 and 7) have
shown that high chrome stainless steels, potentially suitable for high temperature, high
performance bearings, can be developed. These steels achieve corrosion resistance by forming a
passive iron-chrome oxide film at the surface. They may be hardened by conventional heat treat
techniques. Some of these alloys are currently used in rolling element bearings.

Powder metallurgy is an alternate processing technique with the potential for significant
alloy modifications and microstructural improvements. Potential benefits include finer and
more uniformly distributed carbides, better homogeneity of alloying elements, and improved
material utilization due to near net shape forming.

Four of the alloy candidates considered were powder processed materials; MRC2001,
RSR405, WD65 and CRB7 (CRB7 was also considered in wrought form). MRC2001 is an
experimental alloy being developed for rolling contact bearing use and it had shown excellent
corrosion resistance in preliminary tests at TRW. These tests ranked MRC2001, CRB7, WD65,
and M50 in corrosion resistance and included tests identical to the corrosion screening tests
performed in Task III of this program, as well as more severe salt spray tests. The properties of
MRC2001, including hot hardness, were expected to exceed VIM-VAR M50. RSR405 is a high
chrome, potential bearing alloy which was investigated in a related P&WA program,
"Application of Rapidly Solidified Alloys" Contract F33615-76-C-5136. Rolling contact fatigue
test results from this program showed life equal to M50. In an earlier program (Contract
F33615-75-C-2009), P&WA demonstrated that powder processed CRB7 (AMS5900) had a
rolling contact fatigue life (RCF) at least equal to, and in most cases better than, M50 in single
ball tests. A concurrent rolling contact fatigue bar test performed by the USAF also showed
CRB7 to be at least equal to M50.

All the powder processed materials incorporated a degree of risk in that all were unproven
experimental bearing alloys and the process development and qualification procedures required
for production use of powder metallurgy bearings may exceed the 3- to 5-year introduction goal.

BG42 (AMS5749) is another stainless steel that is potentially suitable for high perfor-
mance bearing applications. PWA has experience with BG42 bearings in the exhaust nozzle air
motor for an Air Force FlOO.engine. In this application, the BG42 bearings operate dry and at a
very high temperature, about 7000F. This environment differs radically from that of a mainshaft
bearing but it did demonstrate suitability of BG42 for production and for high temperature
applications. Rolling contact element life tests comparing VIM-VAR BG42 and VIM-VAR M50,
(Reference 6) showed fatigue life at least equal to VIM-VAR M50.

The commercial availability and excellent preliminary rolling contact fatigue results for
both CRB7 and BG42 made those two high chrome alloys prime candidates for use in high
performance corrosion resistant bearings. Both alloys have demonstrated hot hardness equal to
M50, (Reference 8 and 9). In addition, these alloys are commercially available in wrought form .
as is the currently used VIM-VAR M50.

N e NC4

C4 C

to 4040c

z ~

z -

E-4 ~ A-4

q V6 - 4L

-q CID C

Q 0 M 4.0

<e c'o e

Q .) ~ -

C~ci.-1~ - ~) c~ 69
AISI 440C is a common high carbon stainless steel which is widely used in bearing
applications, but is not suitable for gas turbine use because of poor hot hardness characteristics.
14-4 Mo is a modified form of 440C. It has a molybdenum addition which improves the
secondary hardening characteristics and hot hardness. The alloy is commercially available, but
has not had extensive development testing for rolling contact bearing applications.

An alternate approach to achieve corrosion resistance is a protective coating or surface

treatment applied to existing bearing materials. Coatings and surface treatments have the
distinct advantages of being applicable to existing bearings and requiring a minimum amount of
strategic elements. A successful coating or surface treatment must adhere to the substrate
bearing material and endure millions of rolling contact stress cycles without impairing bearing
performance. Conventional electroplates and electroless nickel have failed due to inadequate
adhesion, allowing peeling and chipping to occur in the contact area (Reference 10). Three
modern coating techniques were considered in this program, i.e., sputter coating, proprietary
plating and black oxide coating processes. Chemical vapor deposition processes were not
considered because the high substrate temperatures required would have adversely affected
substrate hardness.

Ion implantation is a surface treatment that creates a surface alloy by injectilig ions into a
substrate. Depending on the ions and the substrate material the resulting surface alloy can have
significantly improved corrosion resistance (Reference 5). The improved corrosion resistance of
Cr, Cr + Mo and Cr + P ion implanted M50 specimens vs baseline M50 has been demonstrated
by a joint Naval Air Propulsion Center/Naval Research Laboratory program. The improved
corrosion resistance was achieved without expense to the substrate bulk properties. By joint
USAF and P&WA agreement ion implantation was not considered as a candidate to avoid
duplication of effort and to allow as broad a survey as possible of other potential candidates.

Two proprietary plating processes were considered. Armoloy and Noblizing have both
shown potential for use in rolling contact bearing applications (Reference 10). Both of these
processes deposit a thirn (0.00005 to 0.00025 in.) coating of hard, dense chromium.

TRW Bearings Division has had good experience with Armoloy including ball bearings of
both 52100 and M50 steel in a variety of applications including an experimental gas turbine
engine. A partial listing of Armoloy-plated bearing applications is shown in Table 5.


Bearing Base Material Application Environment

7203 52100 Ice Cube Machine Water
R4 52100 Flow Meter Sour (NaClS) Crude
7224/7228 62100 Stirring Motor Polyethylene
R1907E101 M50 Exp Gas Turbine Engine MIL.L-78O"
9109UK108 MS0 Ezp Gas Turbine Engine MIL-L-7808
2065 52100 Simulated Control Rod De-Ionized Water
Mechanism (Nuclear)

Sputtering is a physical vapor deposition technique. The coating chamber is evacuated to

eliminate atmospheric gases, then back-filled with argon to low pressure, 1 to 30 X 10-3 torr.
Figure 40 is a schematic representation of the RF diode sputtering process. An application of an
RF potential of sufficient voltage to the target creates a plasma and accelerates positive argon
ions to the target which is the coating material source. This ionic bombardment ejects (sputters)
atoms from the target surface with safficient energy to traverse the chamlber and impact and
bond to the substrate.



IIII 1 - Atl.I
3 B3

13.56 MHz
Rf potential Water cooled target holder

"6 in. dia sputtering target

rpm Substrate
. I

Rf bias
(% of target potential)

Schematic - not to scale

FD 270313

Figure 40. DiagrammaticRepresentation of the Radio Frequency (RF) Diode Sputtering


Adhesion is achieved by promoting interdiffusion. This may be accomplished by

controlling substrate temperatures, which for bearing applications must be below the tempering
temperature, and sputter etching of the substrate to remove impurities.

Almost all compounds and elements can be deposited by sputtering. P&WA has exteasive
experience with protective and wear resistant coatings including TiC on 440C and 52100 balls
(not rolling element bearing applications, however). Selected initial candidate coating materials
are from two classes of materials: (1) hard, wear resistant materials (chrome, chrome carbide,
titanium carbide) and (2) the relatively soft, lubricating materials (gold, silver). Corrosion
protection is achieved by enveloping the substrate M50 with a protective coating.

An oxide coating was also considered initially. In one study (Reference 11), bearings
created with a commercial black oxide coating and operated in a water environment showed
significantly improved corrosion and wear resistance compared to noncoated bearings.

The natural oxide coating on steels confers a degree of passivity to the base material. This
protection has been improved upon by several commercial processes which develop a thicker,
stronger oxide film. These films do not provide much protection by themselves, but protective
oils are retained by the porous coating.

Future turbine engines will require improved fracture toughness to accommodate

anticipated higher rotor speeds. CBS1000M is a high temperature, secondary hardening,


carburizing steel with reported improved fracture toughness over M50. f-owa.,er, it has only 1%
by weight. of chrome compared to 4% for M50. It was included for consideration as an alloy
which would provide an added benefit over M50 with the application of a corosion resistant
coating or surface treatment.

2. Initial Candidate Selection

State of the ait turbine engine bearings are made from AlSI M50 steel. The material was
selected for turbine engine use due to its gooi rolling contact fatigue li_'%, (RCF) life and high
hot hardness.

In addition to superior corrosion resistance, any candidate selected for material property
testing was required to be at least potentially equivalent in rolling contact fatigue, hot hardness
and wear resistance.

All the material property data collected from literature searches and material supplier
contacts was compiled for the 17 initial candidates. This initial ranking did not penalize an
otherwise worthy candidate because of a lack of data. In order to allow a wider variety of
candidates to be considered for basic material property evaluation, the secondary categories of
frugal use of strategic elements, cot, other mechanical properties and potential for 3- to 5-year
use were not weighed. It was decided that these criteria wouli be used to discriminate between
otherwise equal candidates once back-to-back property data were available.

Given the lack of rolling contact fatigue data on coated candidates, it was assumed that
fatigue life for a coated candidate would be the same as that of the substrate. For each category
of RCF, corrosion resistance, wear and hot hardness a candidate was judged to be either better
thsn (+), equal to (o) or less than (-) M50. A negative in any category was cause for elimination.
Table 6 summarizes the results.

The remaining candidates were subdivided into four categories:

(a) State of the art corrosion resistant alloys

(b) Advanced powder processed corrosion resistant alloys
(c) Sputtered coatings (over M50 or CBS1000M)
(d) Proprietary chrome plating processes (over M50 or CBS1000M).

It was decided that risk to the. program would be minimized and potential benefit
maximized, if at least one candidate from each category were represented in the final list of five

Consideration was given in each category as to which candidate would provide the
maximum information by tying into existing data. There appeared to be little difference
between the chemically similar alloys CRB7 and BG42. Wrought CRB7 was choseis over BG42
because unexplained and disappointing wear data existed on powder processed CRB7
(Reference 7). It was felt that wear data on wrought CRB7 would provide additional data which 3Z
might help in determining whether the pro-ess or the material was the cause of the wear.

Corrosion Wear Hot
Candidate Process RCF Resistance Res. Hard
BG 42 Wrought 0 + o 0

CBS 1000M Wrought 0 + (with 0 0


CRB7 Powder 0 + - (Ref 7) 0


CRB7 Wrought 0 + 0 0

MRC2001 Powder r, + 0 0
RSR405 Powder 0 + 0 0


WD 65 Powder - (Ref 8) + 0 0

14-4 Mo Wrought - (Ref 12) + 0 0

Armoloy p)itting 0 + 0 0

Black Oxide Salt Bath 0 + - (Ref 11) G

Chrome Sputtor 0 + 0 0

Chrome Carbide Sputter 0 + 0 0


Gold Sputter 0 4- 0 0

Nickel Sputter 0 + 0 0

Nobilizing Plating 0 + 0 0

Silver Sputter 0 + 0 0
Titanium Sputter 0 + 0 0
Carbide Coating

Armoloy and Nobilizing were viewed as essentially equal in every respect. Armoloy was
chosen because of TRW Bearing Division's previous experience with the process.

The corrosion resistance of all thv sputtered coating candidatbs was judged equal,
However, it was felt that th- elemental metallic coatings could achieve adequate adhesion at
lower gubstrate eemperatvxes conpared to either 1iC or CrC, Sputtered elemental chlome was
eliminated trom coabiderntion beciuse a chrome coating, Armoloy, was already represented.
Sputtered nickel was chJeen over .ovd becatize of the availability and initial costs of target
meteriai. Silver wan. eliminated because. f the potental otz galvan•v uttack at local dgfects.
Nidkel, bei=, closer to steel in the galvanic series, sh.-ulZ wininlize this potential problem.

M50 was chosen over CBS1000M as the substrate material because hack-to-back
comparison with the M50 baseline would provide a means of isolating coating effects on
property data.

RSR405 and MRC2001 are both experimental powder processed high chrome stainless
4 - steels. Existing data indicated both had RCF life at least equal to M50 and with 19% and 15%
chrome respectively both were expected to exhibit excellent corrosion resistance. MRC2001 waG
selected as the fourth candidate. It was in a more advanced state of development compared to
RSR405 and existing preliminary wear- and corrosion test results were very promising.

To arrive at a fifth candidate, all categories were reviewed again. Two candidates curfaced
as leading contenders: BG42 and RSR405. BG42 was initially selected over RSR405 because it
was a readily available, lower risk, 15% chrome alloy with demonst, ated corrosion resistance,
whereas RSR405 was an experimental alloy with good potentral but which required additional
development. However, in subsequent discussions with the Air Force, it was decided that the
Improved Corrosion Resistance Turbine Engine Bearings Program would be better served with
RSR405, given its higher chrome content (19%), its unique rapid solidification rate powder
processing and its encouraging RCF data.

Early in the course of the Program RCF testing, the RSR405 candidate experienced several
premature spalls. RCF testing on this candidate was Euspended and later examination revealed
surface and subsurface aluminum oxide inclusions. There was also some evidence that the
interdif fusion layer that existed between extrusion can material and the consolidated powder
material after it has been extruded was not completely machined off during RUF specieian

The source of the aluminum oxide inclusions was traced to a crucible in which the alloy
was melted during powder fabrication. In the interim period between the original candidate
selection and the mechanical property testing, additional test results had become available f:om
both an on-going P&WA Bearing Material Improvement Program and a Defense Advanced
Research Project Agency (DARPA) sponsored program. In the DARPA program, "Applicetion
of Rapidly Solidified Alloys" (F33615-76-C-5136), RSR565, an experimental tool steel, had
"demonstrated superior RCF life compared to both M50 and RSR405. Also, preliminary data
from the internal P&WA program, indicated that RSR565 had superior hardf:ess retention
characteristio, co>mpared to RSR405. RSR565, while not stainless by definition, was also
expected to exhibit improved corrosion resistance compared to M50 because of its higher
chrome and alloy content. RSR565 was readily available in form and quantity for Phase I
evaluation, therefore, the Air Force program office was requested to, and did, approve the
"substitutionof RSR565 for the RSR405 candidate.

As part of 6n ongoing P&WA material development program, an experimental high chrome

RSR material, 1RSR113, was also evaluated for rolling contact fatigue life and corrosion
resistance and the results are included as a part of this report.

3. Test Specimen Fabrication

1) Armoloy-Coated MSO

Armoloy is a proprietary electro chemical hard chrome plating process. The coating
thickness is self-limiting. The coating thickness range is 0.00005 to 0.00025 which reportedly is
controllable to 0.0001.



L' ,-,, -.
The coating thickness of the specimens used in th;s program ranged froin 0.00008 to
0.00009 in. in the as-received cnnaition. An SEM photoinicrograph ijf a cross sectioned Armoloy-
coated sp-cimen is presented in Figure 41.


Nickel Pl/t9 Applied

For Edge Retention
Substrate Armoloy
During Coating

FD 270302

41. SFigure Armoloy-Coated

S'EM Photomicrograph of a Cros&-Sectioned "As-Received"
M50 Test Specimen

The Armoloy coating as received had a coarser sverage surface finish (9.2 micro inch) than
either the VIM-VAR M50 wbstrate (4.6 micro inch avg) or the other candidates test ipecimens
(4.6-5.4 micro inch avg) used in this program. To determiue qualitatively what effect this
coarsened surface finish would have on RCF life, the Armoloy test bars were split into tw') test
lots. One lot was left in the as-received condition and the secord lot was hand-polished on a
coarse natural cellulosic fiber wheel using an iron oxide polishing compound to an average
surface finish of 5 4 micro inch.

SEM photon'icrographs of the surfaces of an M50 test bar prior to cGating. an as-received
Armoloy cating and a polished Armoloy coating are presented in Figures 42, 43, and 44


X!52 ý... . . . =
1 '"4"1) 16;l
• I I I 1 1 I ll lq . . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~X'
- a 1000x ~ ~ --- - -

Mag ooox D206

Figure 43. SEM Photomicrograph of the Surface of a Typical "As-Received" Armoloy-

Coated M50 Test Specimen

Mag 1 00OX
Fl)270305 •
Figure 44. SEM Photomicrograph of the Surface of a Typical Polished
M50 Test Specimen

The Armoloy coating was applied by the Armoloy Co. of Dekalb, Illinois.
Within a half-
hour after processing, all Armoloy test bars were subjected to a stress relief
cycle of 425°F for 4
hours. A post processing bake is not a standard requirement in the proprietary
Armoloy process.
It has been TRW experience, however, that AIS1 52100 bearings suffered
a reduction in RCF life
after armoloy processing unless they were post process baked.

2) Nickel Sputter-Coated M50

The nickel sputter coating was applied by the Pratt & Whitney Government
Division, Materials Development Laboratory.
A cryopumped RF diode sputtering system which employs a one kilowatt
RF power supply
was used to sputter coat nickel over a VIM-VAR M50 substrate.
Substrate temperatures
typically did not exceed 400*F. The substrates were coated while rotating
at one rpm one inch
below a water cooled, sputtering target. The target, a flat disk 15.24 cm
in diameter and 0.95 cm
thick (6.00 in, diameter by 0.375 in. thick) was machined from commercial
quality Ni-200 plate
stock. Standard XES analysis run on a sample of this material revealed
no trace elements
present in excess of 0.1 weight percent concentration.

The RF sputtering system is sho vn in Figure 45 and the coating chamber

illustrted in Figure 40. was previously

The substrates were cleaned just prior to fixturing in the coster,

or stored in a clean
the container
freshly cleaned underThe
surface. an argon gas procedure
until use to
cleaning prevent contamination of
produced the most satisfactory
results was as follows:
(a) Three five-minutg ultra-sonic baths in clean
(b) A five-minute ultra-sonic bath in soap/water freon.


wi e loys a .oneko tRp
(c) Clean tap water rinse.
(d) A two-minute ultra-sonic bath in clean ethyl alcohol.
(e) Rinse in reagent grade ethyl alcohol.
(f) Forced warm air dry.

FD 270314

Figure 45. Planar Target Radio Frequency (RF) Diode Sputtering System

"Four experimental coating cycles were run in the RF diode coater to obtain process
parameters which would yield coatings with the desired characteristics. Once these parameters
were finalized, coating of the actual bearing material began. All thirty of the bearing stock test
specimens were coated using the following procedures:

(a) The loaded chamber was pumped down to the low 10"6 torr range.

(b) The chamber was back-filled with argon gas to approximately 6 X 10. torr.

(c) A plasma was established by applying 3Kv RF to the target.

(d) A bias voltage of 100v RF was applied to the substrate for the first ten
minutes of deposition to assure a good coating bond.

(e) After ten minutes the bias voltage was removed from the substrate. The
deposition process was continued to complete a full two-hour coating

The thickness of the sputtered deposit was determined from a scanning electron
microscope photomicrographs of polished cross sections of coated trial specimens. Measure-
ments taken from these photos showed that a two-hour deposition cycle would yield a coating
approximately 0.000045 (11,300 angstroms) thick as illustrated in Figure 46.



Nickel Plate Applied for Edge

Retention of Sputtered Coating
During Polishing

Sputtered Nickel

M50 Bearing Material


Etched With Villela's

FD 270311

Figure 46. SEM Photomicrographof a Cross Section of Sputtered Nickel on M50

Bearing Stock

The nickel coating appeared shiny and virtually defect-free to the unaided eye. Scratches,
nicks and other defects which were present on the original bearing surfaces were mirrored by the
thin nickel coating. Figure 47 illustrates the typical as-coated surface finish of test specimens
used in this study.

Coating adhesion was determined using a SEBASTIAN 1 adherence tester on a witness tab
which was coated along with the first M50 test specimen. The coating on this tab did not debond
within the 10,000 psi limit of this tester, but the epoxy used to bond the witness tab to the tester
loading mechanism failed at 9820 psi halting the test sequence.

The hardness of the bulk M50 bearing material was measured before and after coating
experiments using a ZWICK microhardness tester with a diamond pyramid indenter under a
5Kg load. The as-received bulk hardness was found to be 739HV (RC 61.8) and the hardness
after nickel coating was 800 HV (RC 64). This indicates that the hardness of the bulk material
was virtually unaffected by the RF diode sputtering process.


Mag 1000)
FD 27O299

Figure 47. SEM Photomicrograph of the Surface of a Typical Nickel Sputter-Coated

M50 Test Specimen

3) VIM-VAR M50 Baseline

VIM-VAR M50 (Fe-4.25Cr-4.25Mo-1.OV-0.8C-0.25Mn) is a lean molybdenum type,

through hardened high speed steel. It possesses high strength and high hot hardness and is
considered the state of the art high performance turbine engine bearing material. However the
material has low corrosion resistance. All the VIM-VAR material used in this program was the
same heat lot (Altech Metals heat lot 46734). The baseline M50 test bars and coating candidate
substrate bars were processed identically. The M50 heat treatment schedule is presented h.
Table 7.


Temperature *F
Preheat 1550
Austenitize 2025
Quench 1100
Martemper 350
Air Cool
Temper 1000
Temper 1000
Temper 1000

4) MRC201 Candidate

MRC2001 (Fe-15.2Cr-6.74Mo-1.81V-1.51C-0.32Mn-O.lSi) is a martensitic, high carbon,

corrosion resistant and oxidation resistant alloy steel. The powder for this program was
fabricated from vacuum melted prealloyed material which was atomized in a nitrogen gas
atmosphere. The powder for the test specimens was encapsulated and hot outgassed at
approximately 10-4 torr. It was then extruded at 1950*F and a 14 to 1 reduction ratio. The
MRC2001 heat treatment schedule is presented in Table 8.


SI II1[11• :l~:,• - -- =- ---.

Temperature 'F
Preheat 1500
Austenitize 2150
Martemper 350
~ Wash
Air Cool
Deep Freeze -110
Liquid Nitrogen -320
Temper 1000 4
Deep Freeze -110
Liquid Nitrogen -320
Temper 1000
Temper 1000

5) Wrought CR07 Candidate

CRB7 (Fe-14.OCr-2.A7Mo-1.06V-1.11C-0.43Mn-O.29Si) is a patented, corrosion resistant

-~ secondary hardening tool steel with reported high temper resistance, hot hardness and wear
resistance (Reference 8). The alloy was developed by the Carpenter Steel Division 01f the
Carpenter Technology Corporation for improved hot workability compared to 14-4 Mo and

Wrought 0.520 inch diameter round stock was purchased from Carpenter Steel Co. (heat
Lot 83434).

The CRB7 heat treatment schedule is presented in Table 9.


Temperature TF


Air Cool

Deep Freeze -110

Liquid Nitrogen -320
Temper 1000
Deep Freeze -110
Liquid Nitrogen -320
Temper 1000
Temper 1000

6) RSR5o t Candidate

RSR565 (Fe-9Cr-2Mo-.V-4Co-lC-0.2Mn-0.2Si) is a powder metallurgy, corrosion resistant

secondary hardening tool steel developed on A/F contract F33615-76-C-5136. The alloy was
designed to give adequate corrosion resistance to a lubricated bearing via the 9% Cr addition
while minimizing the number of grain boundary chromium rich carbides so prevalent in 14 %Cr
bearing steels. The 4% Co addition was designed to raise the marteesitic start (MS)
temperature so complete transformation of austenite to martensite would occur without cold
treatment. The alloy had superior rolling contact fatigue properties when compared to M50 tool
steel in preliminary APL conducted teats. The test material for this program was made at

P&WA by direct extrusion of prealloyed RSR140 mesh powder at 17000F and a 20:1 reduction
ratio. The RSR565 heat treatment schedule is presented in Table 10.


Temperature *F
Austenitize 2100
Air Cool
Liquid Nitrogen -320
Temper 1000
Air Cool
Liquid Nitrogen -320
Temper 1000
Air Cool
Liquid Nitrogen -320

7) RSR405

RSR405 (Fe-19Cr-2Mo-IV-1.25C-0.2Mn-0.2Si) is a powder metallurgy, ultra high chromi-

urn tool steel developed on USAF contract F33615-76-C-5136. The alloy was designed so that it
would have more corrosion resistance than any other commercially available tool steel due to its
very high chromium content. It was hoped that rapid solidification, powder metallurgy
processing would help minimize an expected massive chromium rich carbide network at the
prior austenite grain boundaries. The alloy had similar rolling contact fatigue properties when
compared to M50 tool steel in APL conducted tests. The test material for this program was
made at P&WA by direct extrusion of prealloyed RSR140 mesh powder at 1700OF and a 20:1
reduction ratio. The RSR405 heat treatment schedule is presented in Table 11.


Temperature F
Austenitize 2100
Air Cool
Liquid Nitrogen -320
Temper 400
Air Cool
Liquid Nitrogen -320
Tempor 400
Air Cool

8) RSR113

RSR113 (Fe-14Cr-4Mo-1V-2Co-IC-lCb-0.2Mn-0.2Si) i8 a powder metallurgy modified J

version of the CRB7 tool steel developed by Carpenter Technology. The alloy was designed so it
would contain more beneficial wear resistant MC and M 2C type carbides than are present in the
CRB7 tool steel. This was achieved by increasing the molybdenum and columbium content of
the alloy while adding cobalt to partially offset the reduction in MS temperature. This alloy has
superior corrosion resistance due to its high chromium content. The alloy was not tested in
rolling contact fatigue and wear prior to incorporation in this program. The test material for this
program was made at P&WA by direct extrusion of prealloyed RSR -140 + 325 mesh powder at
1750°F and a 12:1 reduction ratio. The RSR113 heat treatment schedule is presented in
Table 12.



Wm ,
Temperature °F
Austenitize 2130
Air Cool
Liquid Nitrogen -320
Temper 925
Air Cool
Liquid Nitrogen -320
Temper 925
Air Cool
Temper 925
Air Cool

All the alloy candidate test bars and the baseline M50 test bars were centerless ground at
TRW to final size (0.5 inch diameter) and finish (4-6 micro inch) using a 20 inch, 100 grit,
A100M5 wheel rotating at 1300 rpm.

The metallurgical parameters of CRB7, MRC2001, RSR565, RSR113 and the VIM-VAR
M50 baseline material are summarized in Table 13.



Rockwell ASTM
Candidates Chemistries Hardness % Retained Grain
Material C Cr V Mo Mn Co Si Nb 09 Rc Austinite Size
CRB7 1.11 14.0 1.06 2.07 0.43 - 0.29 - - Cb 62.5 3% 9.1
0.31 62.9

MRC2001 1.51 15.2 1.81 6.74 0.32 - 0.1 - 28ppm - 62.6 3% 12+
RSR565 1 9 1 2 - 4 - - - - 62.6 4% 5-8

RSR113 1 13.8 1.09 3.95 0.31 1.95 0.3 1.02 - - 62.5 27* 13-14
63.2 9**

VIM-VAR M50 0.80 4.25 1.0 4.25 0.25 - - - 62.1 3% 8.9

Base Mat'l 62.3

SEM photomicrographs of the M50 baseline, alloy candidates and RSR113 microstructure
are shown in Figure 48.

4. Phase I Test Results

1) Rolling Contact Fatigue Testing

through performance testing on RCF-;1 rolling contact fatigue testing machines (Figure 49),

produced by Polymet Corporation, Cincinnati, Ohio. This type of RCF test is widely used
throughout industry to reliably ?ank candidate mate.rials.


I.I 4146C

liltlll lK

Alloy Carbide Size and Distribution in a Tempered Evenly Dispersed Alloy Carbides of the MC and
Martensitic Matrix Is Typical of Wrought Ingot M6 C23 Type in a Matrix of Tempered Martensite.
Metallurgy. Magnification : 400X Magnification: 1000X
C RB 7 RSR565

IAlloy Carbides of Varying Size, Typical of High Evenly Dispersed Alloy Carbides in a Tempered
Chromium-Carbon Martensitic Stainless Steel Produced Martensitic Matrix. Magnification: 40OX
Srby Ingot Metallurgy. Magnification: 40X

I RSR1 13

Evenly Dispersed Alloy Carbides In a Tempered

MartensitIc Matrix. Magnification: 400X FD 270312

Figure 48. Microstructure Photographs


- -'-. I iii
.- X+1
I' I ql m +m , + _+:9.+.-
,;_. .•,__

ri -1


, FD 216723
Figure 49. The Top Photo Depicts an
S...$• I• View of the Rolling Contact Fatigue Rig,
l Overall
the Bottom Photo is a Closeup View of Specimen and Test Rolls


The RCF-1 Tester, utilizes test specimens (0.50 in. diameter rods, 3 in. long) mounted in a
precision chuck, rotating at 7000 rpm. The rotating test rod is diametrically loaded in rolling
contact by two large contacting rollers (or loading disks) pendulum supported, and mechanically
loaded against the test rod. The test load is continuously monitored by a strain analyzer. A
fatigut spall is detected by an adjustable velocity vibration pickup with an automatic shutdown
feature which senses the v-ibration increase associated with spalling. Lubrication was provided
with gravity flow, once through lubricant system using MIL-L-23699 fluid. Total test specimen
revolutions are automatically counted..

The loading disks (composed of CVM M50 steel. Rc 61-64, 7.5 in. dia by 0.5 in. thick, ancl
with a 0.25 in. contact radius) exert a maximum Hertz stress test load on the tcst rod of
, 733,650 psi.

• I A minimum of twenty (20) rolling contact fatigue tests were produced for each candidate
and reference M50 material.

Figures 50 through 57 are individual Weibull plots of the RCF test results. A data
summary sheet and composite Weibull are presented in Table 14 and Figure 58, respectively. Of
particular note is the outstanding performance of the VIM-VAR M50 reference material.
Compared to other RCF studies conducted on 0.5 inch diameter rod specimens, the M50
dAc,monstrated both a steep Weibull slope and a high L10 life. Confidence numbers were
generated for the L10 and L50 lives using L. G., Johnson's technique (Reference 12). A 95
percent or greater confidence number (a 2 a confidence level) is indicative of a high degree of

None of the candidates were shown to a high degree of confidence to be inferior to the M50
LIO RCF life although all but MRC2001 had a lower measured L10 life. All candidates had a
higher measured L50 life and three candidates (MRC2001, Armoloy-coated M50 and CRB7) had
to a high degree of confidence superior L50 lives compared to MrO. However, the maximum
spread in either the L10 and L50 life relative to M50 was 38%. The M50 used in this program
was from one heat lot. Given the variability of RCF life between different heat lots and between
different hardness values in one heat lot, a 38% difference in RCF life is not considered

Three nickel sputter-coated bars and five Armoloy-coated M50 bars were subjected to
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDXR) analysis following
the fatigue endurance testing of those bars. The purpose of these evalualions was three-fold:

(a) Determine physical characteristics of roller tracks;

(b) Evaluate integrity of surface treatment in tracks;
(c) Determine uniformity of surface treatments.

The results of the SEM and EDXR analyses are as follows:

(a) Sputtered nickel does not stand up under the contact pressures of this
tests. See Figures 59 through 62.

(b) The chrome plating applied by Armoloy Corporation tends to have a

pebbly surface. See Figures 63, 64 and 43.

(c) The pebbly surface of (b), above, can be removed by polishing. Compare
Figures 62, 64 and 43 with Figures 65, 66 and 44. However, EDXR

examinations 4_4 polished chrome surfaces show some iron. See Figures 67
through 70.

(d) The chrome plating, polished or unpelished, did not flake or crack under
rolling contact.

Figures 71 through 76 are SEM photographs of typical fatigue spalls from RC test bars of
M50 and five candidate materials. (Nickel sputter-coated M50 is omitted here because the
nickel coating h/as disintegrated from the contact zone before fatigue failure). The photos
demonstrate that the same type of failure mechanism was at work in all materials. Failure
initiated at a point, then progressed in a somewhat fan-shaped pattern in the direction of
rolling. In Figures 71 and 76, flaking started near the bottom cf the photos and progressed
toward the top. In Figure 72, failure initiated at the top of the photo. tn Figires 73, 74, and 75,
spalling progressed from left to right. All show fw-ther cracks developing from the spalls. In ear.h
case the time lapse from the start of flaking until rig rotatior, stopped was ýi matter of seconds.



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00 -


P-0EIca ia


1 41W,






030 r,45,






o co






E 0 co

_3 0

a ~0 ~- ~i ~Q o c



8 ~ A



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40 CO
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CM 0


W) t

0 co




coo QR



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cc 6

0~ ~~ *C 0)c -0

II-~s o91:

R!0 31-- :W 1




C¶J CC14

N Al


f Cj



co C14 -


P9180 IIO~
~ N N 95
Candidate Life Stress Cycles - 106 Life Ratio to M60 Confidence Relative to M50
Matcrial L1 0 L1o Weibull Slope L10 L50 L1 o L50
Armoloy-Coated 5.8 20.9 1.47 0.68 1.31 90% 96%
M5W - Polished Inferior Superior

Armoloy-Coated 5.6 18.0 1.60 0.66 1.13 90% 85%

MS0 - Inferior Superior

Nickel Sputter- 8.0 17.6 2.37 0.94 1.11 No Significant 85%

Coated Difference Superior

MRC2001 8.6 21.9 2.01 1.01 1.38 No Significant 98%

Extruded Difference Superior

RSR113 6.2 21.5 1.52 0.73 1.35 90% 98%

Inferior Superior

4 RSR565 6.5 19.0 1.82 0.78 1.24 80% 94?'

Inferior Superior

CRB7 6.4 21.6 1.56 0.75 1.36 80% 98%

Inferior Superior
Reference M50 8.5 15.9 2.98 1


k- I
[!i 4146C
,-1 11





.~ 0

0. -o



-I I I I I I I i -

c0 2

LXO 1-D f

~~2~ 2's 21

E M.
;, .: _ r - - , . _. ••

Figure 59. EDXR Analysis of Nickel Sputter-Coated Bar Outside of Roller Track (Note
Nickel Lines)

V. I

Figure 60. EDXR Analysis of Nickel Sputter-Coated Bar Roller Track (Nickel Has
Been Lost)

!i ,
S6 99


Figue Trck
6. SM nPotoof SputerCoaed ar
Ncke Rlle N-2

Manfcain 20

4146 RI
ii K

Figure 63. SEM Photo of Roller Track No. 3 on Chrome-Plated Bar HA-5 (Note
Pebbled Surface Outside of Roller Path) Magnification: 50X



_ _ _ _ _ _ __45___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ &_ _ _ _ _ _ '


k j

Figure 64. SEM Photo of Roller Track No. 3 on Chrome-Plated Bar HA-5 (Note
Smeared Surface) Magnification: 200X




Figure 66. SEM Photo of Roller Track No. 6 on Chrome-Plated, Subsequently Polished,
Bar HA-3, Magnification: 200X


9 4146C

A ~ 4~~X77
-' A


Figure 67. EDXR Analysis of Chrome-Plated, Subsequently Polished, Bar HA-3 Outside
of Track (Note Iron Lines)

- I•k

106 ;

-Oý S ~ - - A
•.•i•Figure 68. EDXR Analysis of Chrome-Plated, Subsequently Polished, Bar HA-3 in
!•" Track 1 (Note That Iron Is Present but Chrome Is Thicker than in Figure

107 VC

Figure 69. EDXR Analysis of Chrome-Plated Bar HIA-5 Outside of Track


Fiur 70 EDX Anlsso hoePae a A5i rc





Fiue7.SMVe fTpclSalM0RfrneTs a H4.Mgiiain


Figure 71. Spall

SEM View ofTyca in0 Test Bar (HA-4). Magnification:72



Figure 75. SEM View of Spall in RSR113 Test Bar (HB-2). Magnification: 72X

Figure 76. SEM View of Spall in MRC2001 Test Bar (HE-2). Magnification: 72X

112 -

2) Corrosion Resistance Testing

Material specimens approximately 0.500 inch diameter by 0.0500 inch long were cleaned in
two successive washings in separate baths of toluene, ethanol, hexane and acetone, in that order.
The specimens were allowed to drain between solvent baths. After the final bath the specimens
were air dried at 650C for ten minutes.

Specimens were installed in fixtures, Figure 77, so that they could be tested in pairs. The
cylindrical surface of one specimen was pressed against the flat surface of another. Each pair
consisted of like materials. Four pairs were installed in each of six fixtures so that 24 pairs of
specimens were tested at a time. Typically, there were three pairs of samples of one material
tested simultaneously; these three pairs were spread among the six fixtures so that there was no
more than one pair of a particular material in a single fixture.

Figure 77. Corrosion Test Fixture With Four Pairs of Specimens 9

Using ASTM D665, synthetic seawater three parts per million (ppm) by weight of
chlorides were added to MIL-L-7808H oil. The water content of the lubricant was then adjusted
to 600 ppm by weight total by the addition of distilled water. The fixtured test specimens were
immersed in the doped lubricant at room temperature and were allowed to soak for one hour,
during which the doped lubricant was agitated periodically. The specimens were then removed
from the lubricant and allowed to drain for thirty minutes at ambient temperature.
Corrosion test cells were prepared which consisted of a one-liter glass bottle fitted with a
rubber stopper. A 100 ± 1 ml portion of distilled water was added to each cell. The fixtured test
specimens were then hung in the test cells Figure 78 using a corrosion resistant suspension. The
cells were loosely closed with a rubber stopper and placed in an oven set at 650 C ± 10C for 8
hours. The cell was then placed in a refrigerator set at 30C ± 20C for 16 hours. This procedure
was repeated an additional 13 times. After 14 days of therhial cycling, the specimens were
prepared for inspection by cleaning with hexane and acetone and a second set of 24 specimen
pairs were subjected to the same test.




Figure 78. A Corrosion Test Setup

Results may be summarized as follows:

(a) M50 steel reference specimens experienced the most severe corrosion;

(b) All other materials and coatings were significantly better than the
reference M50 in resisting corrosion at the contact between specimens;

(c) All coatings appeared to have occasional flaws and corrosion at these flaws
was quite marked;

(d) Changes in specimen weight during the course of corrosion testing were

(e) Many specimens experienced significant corrosion at the contact between

the plastic holder and the specimen. This was particularly the case with
vertical members of a pair;

(f) Several vertical specimens experienced corrosion on the upper flat surface,
but at a distance from the contact with the horizontal specimen; specimens
which were so affected were two M50 reference, one nickel-coated, one
chrome-plated, two RSR565, two-hipped 2001, and two-extruded 2001. In
each case, the corrosion was miniscule compared to the corrosion in the
contact area.

Figures 79 through 81 show corrosion in the contact meniscus area on specimen serial
numbers 5 and 6. These were reference M50 steel specimens.


Figure 79. M50 Reference Specimens 5 and 6



•. r •
- - ~
-~- -' - --- ~---,-~--- ~ lz


(5 2

Figure 80. Stained and Pitted End Surface M50. Magnification: 400X


4 ~Figure 81. Stained and Pitted OD Surface M50. Magnification: 300X 7

t Figure 82 shows corrosion in the contact meniscus area on specimen numbers 19 and 20.
These specimens were chrome plated by Armoloy Corporation. Arrows point to the corrosion
indications. The horizontal specimen has a large mark which is not corrosion, but relates to the
plating process. Corrosion data are presented in Tables 15 through 21.


Figure 82. Chrome-Plated Specimens 19 and 20 After Corrosion Test (Arrows Point to
Corroded Areas)


Corrosion in
Serial Miniscus Area Weight Corrosion in
& Number Material Orientation (Square Inch) Change Other Areas
1 M5O Vertical 0.0100 +0.00016 Severe
2 M50 Horizontal 0.0090 +0.00008 Severe
3 M50 Vertical 0.0135 -0.00003 Severe
4 MS0 Horizontal 0.0115 +0.00011 Severe
5 M50 Vertical 0.0225 -0.00003 Severe
6 MS0 Horizontal 0.0200 +0.00005 Incidental
51 MS0 Vertical 0.000009 -0.00008 Severe
52 M50 Horizontal 0.000007 -0.00003 Severe
53 M50 Vertical 0.000009 +0.00003 Severe
54 MS0 Horizontal 0.000007 +0.00010 Severe
55 M50 Vertical 0.000009 -0.00010 Severe
56 M50 Horizontal None +0.00022 Incidental
AVERAGE 0.0072 +0.00004


~-- -7!,


Corrosion in
Serial Miniscus Area Weight Corrosion in
Number Material Orientation (Square Inch) Change Other Areas A
10 Nickel-Sputtered Horizontal None +0.00004 None
11 Nickel-Sputtered Vertical None +0.00003 None
12 Nickel-Sputtered Horizontal None 0.00000 Incidental
57 Nickel-Sputtered Vertical None +0.00012 Slight
58 Nickel-Sputtered Horizontal None +0.00014 None
59 Nickel-Sputtered Vertical None +0.00022 Slight
60 Nickel-Sputtered Horizontal None +0.00026 Slight
61 Nickel-Sputtered Vertical None +0.00028 None
62 Nickel-Sputtered Horizontal None -0.00002 Severe
AVERAGE None +.00010


Corrosion in
Serial Miniscus Area Weight Corrosion in
Number Material Orientation (Square Inch) Change Other Areas
19 Chr. P1. Vertical 0.0005 +0.00004 Slight
20 Chr. Pl. Horizontal 0.0015 +0.00010 None
21 Chr. Pl. Vertical None +0.00016 Incidental I
22 Chr. Pl. Horizontal None +0.00008 Slight
23 Chr. PI. Polished Vertical None +0.00002 Slight
24 Chr. PI. Polished Horizontal None +0.00008 Slight
71 Chr. Pl. Vertical None +0.00036 None
72 Chr. PI. Horizontal None +0.00035 None
73 Chr. Pl. Vertical None +0.00042 None
74 Chr. Pl. Horizontal None +0.00035 Slight
75 Chr. Pl. Polished Horizontal +0.00032 None
76 Chr. P1. Polished Vertical None +0.00039 None
AVERAGE 0.00017 +0.00022


Corrosion in
Serial Miniscus Area Weight Corrosion in
Number Material Orientation (Square Inch) Change Other Areas
25 CRB7 Vertical None -0.00008 Incidental
26 CRB7 Horizontal None +0.00004 None
27 CRB7 Vertical None -0.00006 Slight
28 CRB7 Horizontal None +0.00002 Slight
29 CRB7 Vertical None +0.00004 Slight
30 CRB7 Horizontal None -0.00008 None
77 CRB7 Vertical None +0.00012 None
78 CRB7 Horizontal None +0.00010 Slight
79 CRB7 Vertical None +0.00026 None
80 CRB7 Horizontal None +0.00026 Slight
82 CRB7
CRB7 Vertical
Horizontal None
None +0.00036
+0.00026 Slight

AVERAGE None +0.00010

Corrosion in
Serial Miniscus Area Weight Corrosion in
Number -Material Orientation (Square Inch) Change -Other Areas
31 RSR65 Vertical None -0.00021 Incidental
32 RSR665 Horizontal None -0.00006 Severe
33 RSR565 Ver cal None 0.00000 Slight
34 RSR565 Horizo.ntal None -0.00006 Incidental
35 RSR565 Vertical None 0.00000 Slight
36 RSRS65 Horizontal None 0.00000 Incidental
83 RSR565 Vertical None +0.00013 Incidentalf
84 RSR565 Horizontal None +0.00005 None
85 RSR565 Vertical None +0.00010 None
86 RSR565 Horizontal None +0.00010 Slight
AVERAGE None +0.00000


Corrosion in
Serial Miniscus Area Weight Corrosion in
Number Material Orientation (Square Inch) Change Other Areas
37 2001-Hipped Vertical None -0.00004 Incidental
38 2001-Hipped Horizontal None -0.00002 None
39 2001-Hipped Vertical None -0.00013 Incidental
40 2001-Hipped Horizontal None -0.00008 Slight "
41 2001-Hipped Vertical None -0.00014 Incidental
42 2001-Hipped Horizontal None -0.00022 None
87 2001-Hipped Vertical None +0.00035 Slight
88 2001-Hipped Horizontal None +0.00030 None
89 2001-Hipped Vertical None +0.00034 Incidental
90 2001-Hipped Horizontal None +0.00025 Slight
AVERAGE None +0.00005

43 2001-Extruded Vertical None -0.00034 Incidental

44 2001-Extruded Horizontal None 0.00000 None
45 2001-Extruded Vertical None -0.00027 Severe
46 2001-Extruded Horizontal None -0.00007 Incidental
91 2001-Extruded Vertical None +0.00042 Incidental
92 2001-Extruded Horizontal None +0.00046 Incidental
AVERAGE None +0.00002


Corrosion in
Serial Miniscus Area Weight Corrosion in .
Number - Material Orientation (Square Inch) Change Other Areas
47 RSR113 Vertical None -0.00042 Slight
48 RSRl13 Horizontal None -0.00034 None
93 RSR113 Vertical None +0.00026 Slight
94 RSR113 Horizontal None +0.00026 Slight
95 RSR113 Vertical None +0.00024 None
96 RsR113 Horizontal None +0.00018 Slight
97 RSR113 Vertical None +0.00026 Slight
98 RSR113 Horizontal None +0.00036 None
-AVERAGE . None A+0.00007

- M:777- 777

3) Selection of the Three Candidates for Hot Hardness and Weer Tesing

(a) Selection Criteria

At the conclusion of the RCF and corrosion testing, all candidates were ranked according 2.
to the following criteria. Z_

(1) Corrosion resistance13

(2) Rolling contact fatigue

(3) Hot hardness

(4) Wear resistance

(5) Mechanical properties, i.e., strength, HCF, etc.

(6) Adhesion (coatings only) A-

(7) Ability for application without affecting substrate properties (coatings and
surface treatments only)

(8) Suitability for production incorporation in 3 to 5 years

(9) Cost

(10) Frugal use of strategic elements

(11) Environmental impact.

(b) Candidate Ranking

A point value was assigned to each criteria based on the criteria's relative importance with
respect to a state of the art turbine engine bearing application. The candidate ranked best
received the maximum point value. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th ranked candidates received 80%,
60% 40% and 20% respectively. Where rank between candidates could not be established the
candidates were awarded the same point value. Failure to demonstrate superiority in corrosion
resistance and at least equivalence in rolling contact fatigue life, hot hardness and wear
resistance to the M50 baseline was cause to eliminate a candidate from further consideration.
Additionally, a coated candidate was eliminated from further consideration ' either the coating
or coating process was found to be deleterious to the M50 substrate mechanical properties or if a
coating failed to adhere during property testing.

(1) Rolling Contact Fatigue - 15 Points Maximum

No significant differences between candidates or between candidates and the M50

baseline. Points were not awarded for this criteria.

(2) Corrosion Resistance - 15 Points Maximum

All candidates were judged superior to M50. MRC2001, RSR565, CRB7 and the nickel
sputter-coating had virtually no corrosion and were judged equal. Armoloy-coated M50, while
superior to M50, was slightly less corrosion resistant than the other four candidates as follows:


* MRC2001 - 15 points
* RSR565 - 15 points
CRB7 - 15 points
Nickel sputter-coated M50 - 15 points
* Armoloy-coated M50 - 12 points.

(3) Hot Hardness -15 Points Maximum

(4) Wear Resistance - 15 Points Maximum

Points were not awarded pending hot hardness and wear resistance test results

(5) Coating Adhesion - 15 Points Maximum

All alloy candidates were awarded maximum points. The Armoloy-coated candidate did
not exhibit any sign of cracking or peeling under rolling contact. The nickel sputter-coated
candidate was eliminated from further consideration because it failed to adhere under rolling
contact as follows:

• RSR565 - 15 points
MRC2001 - 15 points
CRB7 - 15 points
Armoloy-coated M50 - 15 points
• Nickel sputter-coated M50 - 0 points.

(6) Coating Application Without Affecting Substrate Properties -15 Points Maximum

All alloy candidates were awarded the maximum points. Both coating processes expose the
substrate to conditions which, while not demonstrated in this program, could be deleterious to
the substrate material properties, i.e., Armoloy-hydrogen embrittlement; nickel sputtering -
elevated substrate temperatures as follows:

• CRB7 -15 points

• MRC2001 - 15 points
• RSR565 - 15 points
* Armoloy-coated M50 - 12 points
• Nickel sputter-coated M50 - 12 points.

(7) Other Mechanical Properties (High Cycle Fatigue, Strength, Fracture Toughness,
etc.) - 10 Points Maximum ,-.

Lacking data to the contrary all candidates were judged equivalent to M50 and points were e __
not awarded for this criteria. VA

(8) Three- to Five- Year Production Incorporation - 10 Points Maximum Candidates C

Were Ranked in the Following Order:

CRB7 - 10 Points

Wrought CRB7 is an existing commercially available bearing alloy.


Armoloy-coated M50 - 8 Points

S4kArmoloy is an existing commercially available plating process. However before being

qualified for production turbine engine bearing applications, the process would require some
4 development to ensure process uniformity.

MRC2001 - 6 Points

C MRC2001 is fabricated using a commercially available powder processing technique,

however the powder consolidation processes will require development.

••RSR565 - 4 Points

Both the powder fabrication and consolidation processes will require development and the
powder fabrication capacity would limit early usage.

Nickel Sputter-Coated M50 - 2 Points

"The sputter coating process would require considerable development. The processing
capacity is very limited and the impact of the process on substrate properties is not defined.

(9) Cost - 10 Points Maximum

I. Candidates were ranked in the following order:

Armoloy-Coated M50 - 10 Points

The Armoloy-coated candidate was considered the least costly of the candidates. The
plating process and associated process controls would result in a modest increase in cost
compared to uncoated M50 material.

CRB7 - 8 Points

CRB7 has a higher chrome content and a lower machinability compared to M50.

MRC2001 -6 Points

("The powder fabrication and consolidation processes as well as higher chrome and alloy
content would increase costs over the above candidates.

-4 :RSR565 - 4 Points
i RSR565 contains 4 % Cobalt and has a higher chrome content than M50. The RSR powder
fabrication process is also somewhat more costly than other powder fabrication techniques.

Nickel Sputter-Coated M50 - 2 Points

The coating process and associated quality control would require added costly manual


(10) Frugal Use of Strategic Elements - 5 Points Maximum

Nickel Sputter-Coated M50 - 5 Points

(4.25Cr, 0.8C, 1.OV, 4.25 Mo, 0.24 Mn, Fe)

Armoloy-Coated M50 -- 4 Points

(4.25Cr, 0.8C, 1.OV, 4.25Mo, 0.24Mn, Fe)

CRB7 - 3 Points

(14.0Cr, 1.11C, 1.06V, 2.07Mo, 0.43Mn, 0.29Si, Fe)

MRC2001 - 2 Points

(15.2Cr, 1.51C, 1.81V, 6.74Mo, 0.32Mn, 0.1Si, Fe)

RSR565 - 1 Point

(9Cr, 1C, lV, 2Mo, 4Co)

(11) Environmental Impact - 5 Points Maximum

The Armoloy-coated M50 candidate was rated fifth because of the attendant treatment
and disposal of the chrome plating baths. The first four candidates are rated in order of their
anticipated energy consumption as follows:

Nickel Sputter-Coated M50 - 5 Points

CRB7 - 4 points
MRC2001 - 3 points
RSR565 - 2 points
Armoloy-Coated M50 - 1 point.

Based on the above evaluations MRC2001, Armoloy-coated M50 and CRB7 were selected
as the three most promising candidates for wear resistance and hot hardness testing. A summary
of the ranking criteria results is presented in Table 22.

4) Wear Resistance Testing

Rolling contact bearings are subject to some sliding contacts which promote wear. A ball
rolling on a raceway under angular contact, a roller contacting the flanges of the guiding race,
balls or rollers pushing against cage pockets, and raceway shoulders contacting cage bores or
0.D.'s are all examples of sliding action. Thus, a bearing material must accept sliding with
minimum wear.

To evaluate wear resistance of candidate materials, a cross cylinder wear apparatus was
used. Figure 83 shows the rig schematically, while Figure 84 is a photograph of the rig.
Essentially, a half-inch diameter cylinder was rotated against a fixed half-inch diameter rod,
with axes inclined 90 degrees to each other. In representing the sliding effect of a ball on a race,
or a roller against raceway flanges, cylinders of the same material were run against each other. In
representing the action of bearing steel against cage material, a silver plated AMS6415 bar was
rotated against a bar of the candidate material. Because aircraft bearing contacts are lubricated,
wear tests were conducted in the presence of MIL-L-7808 oil.


v C
tot L

c~= In

0-3 E4 =0Iw

gOL 0 ~0 o


0o IoCM Lo

vaI In c 4





144 In


-41-4----- - - -
Stationary Specimen

Rotating Specimen

FD 216726

Figure 83. Schematic of Wear Test Apparatus

Figure 84. Photograph of Wear Test Rig Showing Wick Lubrication


Test conditions may be summarized as follows:

* Specimen size - 0.500 + 0.0015 inch diameter X 3 inches long

• Surface finish - 4 to 6 micro inch, except Armoloy-coated M50*
* Rotating speed - 1200 rpm
"* Applied load - 25 pounds on load arm
"* Lubrication - MIL-L-7808 oil, applied by contacting wick
"* Duration - 5 minutes per test.

The effective load on the contact was 53 pounds, due to mechanical advantage of the rig
and weight of the load arm. This resulted in a maximum Hertz stress at the start of a test of
340,000 psi. Stress reduced rapidly, but at an indeterminate rate as wear increased the contact

The rotating bar produced an elliptical wear scar on the stationary bar. When like
materials were run together, this scar became practically round. When silver plated bars were
run against test bars, the scars on the test bars were very small and elliptical in shape. Before
and after each test, both rotating and stationary bars were weighed, to the nearest 0.0001 gram,
to determine change in mass.

An accelerometer was mounted on the load arm, directly above the contact between the
two bars. The output of the accelerometer, as charted by a Brush recorder, produced a measure
of the stick-slip behavior of the materials (Figures 85 and 86).

Wear test changes in mass are presented in Table 23 and summarized in Table 24. The
most significant changes were those of the stationary specimens when like materials were run
against each other; the changes in stationary specimen mass are shown graphically in Figure 87.

Based on this weight loss data, materials may be ranked in the following order:

"* MRC2001 (best, with least material loss)

"* M50 Baseline
"• Armoloy-coated M50
"• CRB7 a
"• RSR565.

The difference in performance between the M50 reference material and the Armoloy-
coated M50 is believed to be the slightly rougher, pebbly surface of the Armoloy coating; the
chrome surface of the rotating bar cut through the chrome surface of the stationary bar and then
tended to abrade the M50 base material.

Changes in mass of rotating bars were all small, with little difference between materials.
When silver plated AMS6415 bars were run against test materials, mass changes in test bars and
silver plated bars were very small, but with generally greater changes occurring in the rotating,
silver plated bars than in the stationary bars. Silver plate had been applied to the AMS6415
steel 0.0005 to 0.0015 inch thick per AMS2412, corresponding to the normal processing of steel |
cages. While these data provide little means of contrasting wear resistance in the test materials,
they demonstrate that silver plate is an effective boundary lubricant.

Reference Section 11, C.3.1), paragraph 3


M50OvsM50 Run 5

- - -- - -- -

Armoloy Coated M50 vs Armoloy Coated M50 Run 3

MRC2001 vs MRC2001 Run 4

CRB7 vs CRB7 Run 3

t Figure 85. Sample Traces of Vibration Data From Wear Tests


M50 vs Ag-Plated AMS 6415 Run 2

Armoloy Coated M50 vs Ag-Plated AMS 6415 Run 5

MRC2001 vs Ag-Plated AMS 6415 Run 2

vsA-Plated AMS 6415 Run 2 I
RR 565 vs Ag-Plated AMS 6415 Run 3

___ FD 270309

Fijgure 86. Sample Traces of Vibration Data From Wear Tests



M50 vs M50 M50 vs Silver Plated AMS 6415

Test No. Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating
1 0.0040 gm 0.0020 gm (gain) 0.0007 gm (gain) 0.0029 gm
2 0.0049 0.0008 (gain) 0.0010 0.0026
3 0.0055 0.0003 0.0002 0.0031
4 0.0112 0.0020 0.0001 0.0012
5 0.0087 0.0007 0.0002 0.0045
6 0.0112 0.0006 (gain) 0.0002 0.0024

Armoloyed M50 vs Armoloyed M50 Armoloyed M50 vs Silver Plated AMS 6415
Test No. Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating
1 0.0121 gm 0.0008 gm 0.0003 gm 0.0027 gm
2 0.0193 0.0050 0.0001 0.0037
3 0.0142 0.0002 0.0001 0.0028
4 0.0174 0.0022 0.0009 0.0040
5 0.0135 0.0062 0.0005 0.0034
6 0.0161 0.0046 0.0009 (gain) 0.0026

CRB7 vs CRB7 CRB7 vs Silver Plated AMS 6415

Test No. Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating
1 0.0415 gm 0.0034 gm 0.0002 gmn 0.0012 gm
2 0.0317 0.0017 (gain) 0.0001 (gain) 0.0006
3 0.0407 0.0031 0.0005 0.0015
4 0.0314 0.0004 (gain) 0.0003 0.0033
5 0.0400 0.0046 0.0003 (gain) 0.0002
6 0.0508 0.0019 (gain) 0.0011 0.0027

MRC2001 vs MRC200I MRC2001 vs Silver Plated AMS 6415

Test No. Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating
1 0.0062 gm 0.0028 gm 0.0006 gm 0.0026 gm
2 0.0011 (gain) 0.0008 (gain) 0.0001 (gain) 0.0030
3 0.0038 0.0011 (gain) 0.0002 0.0020
4 0.0040 0.0038 (gain) 0.0011 (gain) 0.0007
5 0.0043 0.0023 0.0023 0.0027
6 0.0001 (gain) 0.0009 (gain) 0.0012 0.0049
7 0.0047 0.0023
8 0.0034 0.0017

RSR565 vs RSR565 RSR565 vs Silver PlatedAMS 6415

Test No. Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating Wt. Loss Stationary Wt. Loss Rotating
1 0.0438 gm 0.0004 gm 0.0003 gm 0.0003 gmn (gain)
2 0.0346 0.0008 (gain) 0.0009 0.0037
3 0.0684 0.0046 (gain) 0.0005 (gain) 0.0034
4 0.0535 0.0010 (gain) 0.0015 0.0002
5 0.0532 0.0023 (gain) 0.0002 0.0020
6 0.0527 0.0001 (gain) 0.0013 (gain) 0.0034


• •i- 4
- I


Candidate vs Candidate

Weight Loss
Candidate Stationaw Element Rotating ElementI
MRC2001 0.0032 Gram Average (-) 0.0003 Average
M50 0.0076 Gram Average (+) 0.0001 Average
Armoloy-Coated M50 0.0154
0.0394 Gram Average (-) 0.0012
0.0032 Average

RSR565 0.0510 Gram Average (+) 0.0014 Average

S~Candidate us Silverplated 4340

MRC2001 0.0005 Gram Average 0.0026

M50 0.0002 Gram Average 0.0028
Armoloy-Coated M50 0.0002 Gram Average 0.0032
CRB7 0.0003 Gram Average 0.0016
RSR565 0.0002 Gram Average 0.0021

t Figures 88 and 89 are photographs of wear test bars, or sections of wear bars, showing
representative wear scars on the stationary specimens. It was necessary to use some of the bars
for hot hardness tests following completion of wear tests. The Armoloy-coated specimen and the
RSR565 specimen in Figure 89 were sectioned from the original bars and heated; thus the wear V
) scars are somewhat darkened. The M50 reference bar, as shown in Figure 89, was sectioned to
permit insertion into our Scanning Electron Microscope. These photos demonstrate the
difference in size of wear scars on the several materials.

of Figures 90 and 91 are photographs of rotating wear test bars, showing difference in width

of the tracks. These widths correspond to diameters of the wear scars on the stationary bars with
which they were associated.

Figures 92, 93 and 94 are SEM photographs of representative wear scars on the stationary
bars of M50, MRC2001 and CRB7, respectively.

Figure 95 is a photograph of representative wear scars on M50, Armoloy-coated M50,

CRB7 and RSR565, run against rotating silver plated AMS6415 bars. All scars are very small, as
would be indicated by weight loss data on Table 23. Wear scars on MRC2001 from this test were
apparently destroyed when the bar was sectioned to make hot hardness test specimens.

Discoloration of the RSR565 bar was caused by a hot hardness test.



S.... !! !! !!!!!__a!!

4 0.080

0.050-- - - -

a 0.040


12 0.020

0 0.010


F~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Fiue8.Br hr hwn asCag fSainr pcmn sdi

Caddt[essCniaeWa et 132
- fmu JI J I" -IIi


Figure 88. Wear Test Bars Showing Representative Scars on MRC2001, CRB7, and
M50 Material (Scale Magnification Approximately 2.5X)

Figure 89. Sections of Wear Test Bars Showing Representative Scars on M50, Armoloy-
Coated M50 and RSR565 Material. (Latter Two Bars Were Also Subjected
to Hot Hardness Tests)




Figure 90. Rotating Wear Test Bars Showing Representative Tracks on M50 and
MRC2001 Specimens (Scale Magnification Approximately 3X)


I -W'

I #N

04~~~~~~ Staioar Br.Magifcaio: OO


R ~~Figure 94. SeMr Photorapo f the, Bottomofat Typica Weard RScr56 n

on against

Silver-Plated Steel. (The RSR565 Specimen Was Discolored Subsequent to

the Wear Test)

Figure 96 is a photograph of two representative silver-plated bars used in the wear test.
One of these bars was sectioned and the wear track was examined metallographically. Figure 97
shows a section across the wear track; there are still traces of silver in the bottom of the track.


Figure 96. Rotating Wear Test Bars, Silver-Plated AMS 6515 Steel, Showing
Representative Wear Tracks. Scale Magnification Approximately 3x

Recordings of vibration data from the early part of one run from each of the ten sets of
runs were shown previously on Figures 85 and 86. These recordings, which include some
variations in chart speed and recorder attenuation, do not demonstrate the wide divergence
which is found in the weight loss data. The fact that contacts were lubricated probably
minimizes the effect of stick-slip.

5) Hot Hardneas Testing

Hardnesses of the five test materials, VIM-VAR M50, Armoloy-coated VIM-VAR M50,
MRC2001, CRB7 and RSR565 were determined at room temperature, 400*F, 500 0 F, 600°F and
-i 800 0 F, in a standard Detroit Testing Brinell machine set up for hot hardness testing. Details of
the equipment are shown schematically in Figure 98. The furnace is insulated to minimize heat
transfer away from the test zone. The controller holds specimen temperature to within 50 F.

Hardness test specimens were 0.5 inch diameter cylinders, 0.5 inch long with ends ground
fiat and parallel. These specimens were prepared from wear test bars. Care was taken in
preparing specimens to prevent overheating or cold working of the surfaces.


iii i i ii~iiii~ I!II IBan]inm IIII l I Iia I!


of Cross Section of Wear Track on a Silver-

Figure 97. Metallographic Examination
Plated Steel Bar. Magnification: 400X

In performing a hot hardness test, a specimen and the 5 mm diameter chromium cm bide
indenter were installed in the preheated furnace and held at test temperature for 20 minutes.
During this stabilization of conditions, the indenter was positioned adjacent to, but not
contacting, the upper end of the specimen. Then a 750 kilogram load was applied for precisely
20 seconds, forcing the 5 mm diameter indenter into the end of the test specimen. After removal
of load, the specimen was removed from the oven and allowed to air cool.

The impression of the indenter was then measured to the nearest 0.025mm with a standard
Brinell Microscope. Two measurements were made, at 90 degrees to each other, and the average
taken. Brinell hardness was then calculated by the formula:

(D - I
7rDT d'- &)

where: P = Load in kilograms •

D = Diameter of ball in millimeters
d = Diameter of impression in millimeters.

- - .1

,4oTranslte Shieldf

ig7 S imen
S": 5 mm Ball"
Stellite Block


-. Transite Insulator
]-• 8 In. Table
9 1
- ", Elevating Screw

FD 216729

Figure 98. Schematic of Hot Hardness Test Apparatus a ahtmeaue eut r

Four hot hardness tests were made with each material at each temperature. Results are
') presented in Table 25 and summarized in Table 26. A normalized plot of average hardness
values converted to approximate Rockwell "C" equivalents, is presented in Figure 99. Figure 100
is a photograph of two representative test specimens, showing indentations.

Bearing hardnesses are usually presented as readings on the Rockwell "C" scale. A

Rockwell Hardness Tester is not able to function at high temperature, so it is necessary to

convert Brinell hardness readings to Rockwell "C" values by approximate methods. In
S~Equivalent presenting Rockwell
Hardness"C" values in
Numbers forTable 25 and
Brinell FigureNumbers
Hardness 99 we have
forused the table,
Steel", "Approximate
from ASM's Metals
Handbook, Volume 1. The room temperature hardness values obtained in this test are slightly,
but consistently, lower than hardnesses reported earlier using a Rockwell Hardness Tester.

Performance of all materials in the hot hardness test was quite comparable, with much of
the small scatter probably due to resolution of the indentation measurement. We should expect fl
M50 and Armoloy-coated M50 to produce identical readings, for instance, but we see variations

of up to 1.0 on the Rockwell "C" scale. Both MRC2001 and RSR565 have as high or higher
hardness Values than M50 over the entire temperature range. CRB7 exhibited lower hardness
values than M50 at some temperatures, but these differences are small, particularly after the
data is normalized to account for initial room temperature hardness.



,7rf ll III i-Ii/ - l{~-tpW

(Hardness values in BHN, with averages converted to approximate Rockwell "C" equivalents. Indentation diameters in millime-

Room Temperature 400°F 500°F 600OF 800OF

Dia. BHN Dia. BHN Dia. BUN Dia. BHN Dia. BHN
MS0 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.25 601 1.25 601 1.30 555
(Reference) 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.225 626 1.30 555
1.15 712 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.275 578 f
1.20 653 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.25 601 1.30 555
668 653 627 620 561 4

(60.9) Rc) (60.0 Rc) (58.7 Rc) 58.3 Rc) 55.1 Re)

Armoloy 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.25 601 1.275 578
Coated 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.25 601 1.30 555
M50 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.30 555
1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.25 601 1.30 555
653 653 646 614 561
(60.0 Rc) (60.0 Re) (59.7 Rc) (58.0 Rc) (55.1 Rc)
MRC2001 1.175 682 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.275 578
1.15 712 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.275 578
1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.275 578
1.15 712 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.275 578
690 653 653 633 578
(62.1 Rc) (60.0 Rc) (60.0 Rc) 59.0 Rc) (56.0 Re)
CRB7 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.225 626 1.25 601 125 601
1.20 653 1.225 626 1.22.5 626 1.275 578 1.25 601
1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.25 601 1.25 601
1.20 653 1.20 653 1.25 601 1.25 601 1.275 578
653 640 627 595 595
(60.0 Rc) (59.3 Rc) (58.7 Rc) (57.0 Rc) (57.0 Re)

RSR565 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.275 578
1.15 712 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.225 626 1.300 555
1.175 682 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.275 578
1.20 653 1.20 653 1.20 653 1.225 626 1.275 578
Average 675 653 646 626 572
(61.3 Rc) (60.0 Rc) (59.7 Rc) (58.6 Re) (55.7 Rc)



Brinell Hardness (Brinell 650 Rc 60)

Candidate RM 400 F 5000 F 600°F 800 0F
M50 (Ref) 668 653 627 620 561
Armoloy-Coated MS0 653 653 646 614 561
MRC2001 690 653 653 633 578
CRB7 653 640 627 595 595
RSR565 675 653 646 626 572

4149C 4I~C 140


Initial Hardness

-M so 60.9 R,
1 -mm ~Armoloy 6.
* -CoaedMS 60.0F1%
-*-MRC 2001 62.1 1%
'-'0.- RSR565 61.3 1%



IU -4


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Temperature -O

FD 270300

Figure 99. Plot of Normalized Hardness Versus Temperature for Candidates and VIM-
'VAR M50 Baseline Material


K-ý n
~ - 4I I I I I I I




Figure 100. Typical Indentations on Hot Hardness Test Specimens 4

6) Selection of the single best candidate for Phase Ht evaluation.T

In order to be considered for Phase II evaluation a candidate, as a minimum, had to

demonstrate equivalence to M50 in hot hardness and wear resistance.

(a) Hot Hardness - 15 points maximum.

tCRB7 demonstrated superior hot hardness compared to M50. All other candidates were a

judged equal to M50.


(b) Wear Resistance - 15 points maximum. -

The only candidate to demonstrate wear resistance equal to or better than the M50 '
baseline was MRC2001.

Table 27 summarizes candidate ranking at the conclusion of Phase I property testing.

Based on the above results, the USAF program office was requested to and did approve
MRC2001 as the single best candidate to be carried into Phase 11 full-scale bearing development
and testing. -


g(. 0 U) V)

cc a

wi-lo wz LL 0 E .a
E 4)
50f o E LI0

coo N# 0





CU l)0*)-


V:V ot

r- r-

hae sal barng FUTURE WORK
In Phase II, full scale bearing life, performance and corrosion resistance demonstrations
will be performed to substantiate the MRC2001 candidate selection.


Twenty each MRC2001 and M50 baseline MRC2075 ball bearings will be fabricated and
endurance tested. The MRC2075 bearing design has a 35 mm bore and a 72 mm outside
diameter. The bearings will conform to ABEC Grade 5 standards and will be assembled with a
molded Nylon snap-in cage.

The twenty bearing MRC2001 lot and twenty bearing VIM-VAR M50 Lot will be
concurrently tested to provide a direct life comparison.

Bearings will be tested for fatigue endurance in Model A machines, as shown schematically
in Figure 101. Test conditions will be:

* Speed - 5500 rpm

* Load - 1975 lb Radial
* Lubrication - MIL-L-7808
* Temperature - No heat added

Each lot of bearings will be tested until at least ten inner rings have failed and unfailed
bearings have run at least as long as the 10th failure. Loading has been selected to provide
approximately 450,000 psi maximum Hertz stress at the inner race contact. Fatigue endurance
life at the L10 level, as calculated by the AFBMA method without multiplying factors, is 39 hr.
We estimate that testing can be suspended at approximately 2000 hr, representing an estimate
of L50.

Temperatures of outer rings, oil-in, and scavenge oil will be measured by chromel-alumel
thermocouples and recorded on a multiple point recorder. A chip detector is incorporated in
each test head and automatically stops testing when there is a spall. 4


One performance bearing will be fabricated from MRC2001. The bearing selected for the
performance demonstration test is the TF30 No. 4 ball bearing; it is also used to support the
high rotor of an advanced demonstrator engine. This bearing is a 110 mm bore by 175 mm
outside diameter split inner ring angular contact ball bearing.

The MRC2001 performance bearing will be tested for 100 hr, or failure, at 16,000 rpm (1.76
X 106 DN) with load varying from 2500 lb to 5000 lb. The rig to be used for the performance test
is shown schematically in Figure 102.

U. ......... 144





Z:31 M







146. -

The test bearing shall be subjected to a performance test under the following conditions:

'Speed - 16,000 rpm

Load - Variable, 2500 to 5000 lb Axial

Z_ Lubricant - MIL-L-7808G
Lubricant Quantity - 1.25 ± 0.12 gal per min delivered under the inner I
Lubricant Temperature -240 to 2601F oil-in
Duration - Failure or 100 hr, whichever comes first.
Test monitoring will include outer race temperature, oil-in temperature, oil out tempera-
ture, rig vibration and scavenge oil chip detectors.

Post-test evaluation will include photographic documentation of overall appearance and

condition. Scanning electron and optical microscopy will be used as required for specific areas.
Post-test measurement of guide land clearance, internal diametral clearance and contact angle,
ball and race finish and ball diameter will be made for comparison with pretest measurements to
g •identify wear if any occurs.


Twenty spalled endurance test bearings. 10 MRC2001 bearings and 10 M50 bearings, will
be corrosion tested with five different, Government supplied, test oils. There will be two tests
per test oil. Use of an endurance bearing design with a anap-in cage facilitates this type of test
program by allowing repeated assembly and disassembly for inspection at various stages of test.
Thus, the raceways and balls can be readily inspected and documented after endurance testing
and prior to the final corrosion test and again after the corrosion test.

The full-scale corrosion resistance verification tests will follow the same procedure used in
the candidate screening tests.

The back-to-back MRC2001 and M50 corrosion test results will be quantified and
documented photographically.

Il~lIII I I II I lii i ...



Analyses of bearing materials subjected to corrosive attack both by service and storage
environments indicate that once corrosion of the steel is initiated, it proceeds by a common
mechanism, i.e., autocatalytic pitting corrosion, in both environments. Bearing operation can
mechanically remove the corrosion products, thus changing the visual appearance. Superficially,
therefore, there appears to be different mechanisms for storage and service bearing corrosion.
Corrosive attack of new steel bearing surfaces during storage probably initiates at or is more
rapid along grain boundaries due to stress concentrations at thL _e interfaces. The corrosive
attack then progresses to autocatalytic pitting corrosion, characterized by mudcracking
morphology and typically exhibiting higher X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) intensities for
the alloying elements. By contrast, corrosive attack of steel surfaces of bearings exposed to a U6
service environment is probably initiated directly by autocatalytic pitting corrosion at sites of
physical damage. These areas usually appear rough and pitted especially in locations of bearing
functioning, and are characterized by more normal XES spectra.

Silver-plated bearing components seem more susceptible to initial attack by reactive

species present in storage and service environments, particularly sulfur. The possibility of
accelerated attack due to galvanic potential between silver-plated materials and bearing steels
has also been shown.

The presence of reactive species in sufficient concentration to cause corrosion of bearing

components has been confirmed in preservatives and is suspected in engine oils.


Using literature searches, material supplier contacts and available experience, 17

candidates were identified which had potential application to aircraft bearings. These
candidates were ranked using all available data and perceived material properties. The five most
promising candidates were:

1. Armoloy-coated VIM-VAR M50

2. CRB7 in wrought form
3. MRC2001 conventional powder process material
4. RSR565 rapid solidification powder process material
5. Nickel sputter-coated VIM-VAR M50.


The five selected candidates were evaluated in rolling contact fatigue and corrosion
resistance. Rolling contact fatigue results indicated no significant difference existed between the
selected candidates and VIM-VAR (vacuum induction melt, vacuum arc remelt) M50. Post RCF
inspection indicates that the nickel sputter-coated VIM-VAR MS0 candidate coating failed to
adhere during RCF testing.


- -4.
4 *~f' '~,7
Compared to the VIM-VAR M50 baseline, all candidates showed superior corrosion
resistance with CRB7, MRC2001, RSR565 and sputter nickel-coated VIM-VAR M50 having
virtually no corrosion. Based on criteria established in Task 2 and RCF and corrosion test
results, three candidates were selected for further evaluation. These were:

1. Armoloy-coated VIM-VAR M50

2. CRB7
3. MRC2001.


The three selected candidates were tested for wear resistance and hot hardness. All were
considered equivalent to VIM-VAR M50 in hot hardness. Only MRC2001 was considered equal
to or better than VIM-VAR M50 in wear resistance.


Using established criteria, MRC2001 was evaluated as the single most promising candidate
to be carried into Phase II, full-scale bearing development and testing.



1. Cunningham, Jr., J. S. and M. A. Morgan, "Review of Aircraft Bearing Rejection

Criteria and Causes," Lubrication Engineering, Vol. 35, 8, pp 435-441, Aug. 1979

2. P&WA Internal Correspondence, Memo, H. L. Hess to L. M. Mazer, "Bearing

Design System" 21 April 1980

3. Warner, P. A., G. C. Brown, R. J. Meehan, and W. J. Purvis, "Corrosion

Inhibiting Engine Oils" AFWAL TR-81-4028

4. Brown, C. and F. Feinberg, "Development of Corrosion Inhibited Lubricants for

Gas Turbine Engines and Helicopter Transmissions," ASLE 80-AM-6C-3

5. Valori, R., G. K. Hubler, and D. Popgoshev, "Ion Implanting Bearing Surfaces for
Corrosion Resistance," ASME Paper 82-LUB-23

6. Parker, R. J. and R. S. Hodder, "Rolling Element Fatigue Life of AMS 5749

Corrosion Resistant High Temperature Bearing Steel," ASME paper 77-Lub-3

7. Brown, P. F. and J. R. Potts, "Evaluation of Powder Processed Turbine Engine

Ball Bearings," AFAPL-TR-77-26

8. Philip, T. V. "A New Bearing Steel; A New Hot Work Die Steel,"
Metal Progress, Feb. 1980

9. Johnson, B. L., "A Stainless High Speed Steel for Aerospace Applications,"
Metal Progress, Sept 1964

10. Nimos, N. J., D. E. Hahn, and R. E. Maurer, "Research Report on Functional

Testing of Armoloy, Nobilizing and Electroless Nickel Coating in Rolling
Contact," SKF Industries, Inc., Report AL76MOO1

11. Wensel, R. G., "Testing of Unlubricated Water Immersed Carbon-Steel Ball

Bearings," Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, AECL-5824

12. Parker, T. D. "14%Cr-4%Mo the Stainless Bearing and Tool Steel," Climax
Molybdenum Co., 1962

13. Johnson, L. G. "The Statistical Treatment of Fatigue Experiments," Elsivier

Publishing Co., 1964J



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