Complete Magnetic Filtration Mini-Catalog
Complete Magnetic Filtration Mini-Catalog
Complete Magnetic Filtration Mini-Catalog
P.O. Box
1749 Ann Arbor, MI
phone (800) 237-1165 or (734) 665-8777
fax (800) 252-1730 or (734) 665-4332
Magnetic Filtration
Cuts consumable media
spend Reduces environmental
Extends fluid life
Why use magnetic filtration?
Magnetic filtration
Product number Flow rate Contam. capacity Max. operating pressure Connection
US gallons/min. gallons/min. psi ″ NPT
MM5/1.0 18 15 2.2 174 1
MM10/1.0 26 22 4.4 174 1
MM20/1.5 40 33 8.8 174 1½
Higher flow, higher contamination. Applications
with less magnetic contamination e.g. grinding Inline/offline filtration
medium, para-magnetic steel, carbide. Harsh Manually cleaned
chemical environments. Full stainless steel construction
11000 Gauss high-intensity
magnet Temp range: 41° to
Product number Number of Maximum flow rate Contam. capacity Max. operating pressure
cores US gallons/min. gallons/min. lbs psi
FM1.5M/NPT 3 66 55 6.6 145
FM2.5/NPT 6 132 110 13.2 145
Higher flow, higher contamination. Non-stop
Inline/offline filtration
operations. Harsh chemical environments.
Automated self-purging (air
operated) Full stainless steel
construction Temp. range: 41° to
Multiple units can be grouped for higher capacity
Highest flow, highest contamination. Non-stop
Offline filtration system
Automated self -cleaning
Product number Flow rate Contam. Max. Non-stop filtration
capacity operating
pressure Full stainless steel construction
US gallons/min. gallons/min. lbs psi (PTFE coated as an option)
AF4 106 106 17½ 145 Touch-screen programming
AF8 211 211 35 145 Supplied as a turnkey package
AF12 317 317 52¾ 145 Temp range: 41° to 158°F.
Made to order.
• Patented design
• Easy installation
• Unique dual flow technologyTM – maximises collection capability
• Operates at up to 290psi bar
• Removes both magnetic and non-magnetic contamination
• Minimal pressure drop
• In-line connections
• Ideal for use in harsh chemical environments
Typical applications
Using fully filtered fluids, free from ferrous particles provides:-
• With carbide or cast iron materials
• Improved surface finish
• General machining operations
• Cost savings on disposable filtration media
• Inks/paints
• Extended fluid lifespan
• Wash systems
• Reductions in waste disposal
• Diesel/gasolene
• Longer lasting tools and machinery
• Slurry/glazes
Filtramag+ Components
A world leader in magnetic technology
Technical Data
FM1.5+/ANSI FM1.5+ unit with 4,000 magnet cartridge, cleaning tool & cleaning tray
FM2.0+/ANSI FM2.0+/ANSI unit with 4,000 magnet cartridge, cleaning tool & cleaning tray
FM1.5+/ANSI /11K FM1.5+/ANSI unit with 11,000 magnet cartridge, cleaning tool & cleaning tray
FM2.0+/ANSI /11K FM2.0+/ANSI unit with 11,000 magnet cartridge, cleaning tool & cleaning tray
Magnetic Performance
Maximum Pressure 290psi Materials
Magnetic Performance Standard option 4,000 gauss, Housing 304 Grade Stainless Steel
high intensity option 11,000 Lid 304 Grade Stainless Steel
gauss Tube 316 Grade Stainless Steel
Surface finish External–powder coated
Magnet material Rare earth neodymium iron Sealing Viton O-ring
boron NdFeB
Magnet grade N35 (Standard option) Mesh strainer 304 Grade Stainless Steel
N45 (High intensity option) Swing bolts High tensile steel
Temperature 23 to 176F Cleaning Tool Stainless steel
Mesh strainer 0.02inches and 0.04inches aperture size
options (FM2.0+/ANSI only)
Flow Ezy Filters, Inc.
P.O. Box 1749
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
phone (800) 237-1165 or (734) 665-8777
fax (800) 252-1730 or (734) 665-4332
e-mail: web
Compact magnetic filter
Removes ferrous contamination from all industrial fluids
Environmentally responsible – waste can be
recycled Efficient – collects all ferrous
contamination Economical – no consumables
Micromag compact magnetic filter
Unmatched capacity
Fluid continues to flow
when filter is fully loaded
Micromag is compact in size but has massive holding
with contamination
capacity. No filter can match its capability with the units
holding 900g, 1800g and 3800g of contamination
respectively, resulting in less downtime and increased
Clean fluid
Styrene Acrylo
return slots
Nitrile (SAN)
filter housing
‘Rare earth’
high- intensity
magnetic core
with stainless
steel cover
aluminum lid
Using the supplied cleaning tool, a fully contaminated core
can be cleaned in under 30 seconds leaving only metallic
particles, which can be easily disposed of or recycled.
Product data
Standard machine filtration. smaller
wash stations. Non-chemical
Manually cleaned
SAN bowl
Temp range: 41° to 122°F.
Product number Flow rate Contam. capacity Max. operating pressure Connection
US gallons/min. gallons/min. psi ″ NPT
MM5/1.0 18 15 2.2 174 1
MM10/1.0 26 22 4.4 174 1
MM20/1.5 40 33 8.8 174 1½
Ancillary equipment
Filtrama C
Larger filter for higher contamination Automated self-cleaning filter requiring Modular, stand-alone system. Automated
capacity and flow rates. Precision no user intervention. Inline self-cleaning, non-stop filtration.
grinding machines and fine finishing applications. Offline applications. Delivers ‘dry cake’
operations. contamination.
Arduous environments. Inline
Eclipse Tools North America Inc.
442 Millen Road, Unit #9, Stoney Creek, Ontario, L8E 6H2, Canada
T 1-800-260-2124 F 1-800-260-1410
fully automated
magnetic filter
Fully autonomous
Let operators do what they're good at: operating expensive and critical
machinery. Automag can run 24/7 continuously without the need for
operator intervention.
No loss of fluid
Automag, when used with a purged fluid cleaning device, produces
a dry ‘cake’ of contamination that can be recycled. Unlike cartridge
filters no fluid is thrown away with contaminated filter media.
No maintenance
The only moving part in the Automag system is the magnetic core
shuttle. The magnetic cores are encased in stainless steel tubes;
fluid does not come into contact with any moving parts.
Sub-micron filtration
Automag removes sub-micron magnetic contamination, improving surface
finish and overall machined accuracy.
PLC compatible
All Automags can be supplied with a fully programmed PLC that can
communicate with machine tools or auxiliary equipment. This also allows
multiple Automags to operate in parallel.
Automag self-purging magnetic filter
The Automag magnetic filter from Eclipse Magnetics Automag magnetic filters
uses powerful ‘rare earth’ magnetic material to improve
the quality, efficiency and performance of manufacturing are used effectively in
and finishing processes. these applications:
The fully automatic, self purging unit effectively removes ■ Grinding, honing & lapping machines
all magnetic debris, down to sub-micron size, from cutting ■ CNC machinery
fluids and oils. This ensures clean fluid is available at the
■ Fine finishing operations
cutting face resulting in an enhanced surface finish and
reduced final- inspection scrap. ■ Industrial part washing
■ Post drill head operations
The filter does not use consumables, unlike cartridge and
bag filters, operates without user intervention and ■ Circular saw sharpening
requires only ■ Pump protection
a small amount of compressed air to operate the ■ Pre-filtration
cleaning process. Running costs are extremely low.
■ Quenching operations
Payback can be calculated in months rather than
years. in the following sectors
■ Machine tools
Automag can also benefit many other manufacturing
applications – from industrial part washing systems to ■ Manufacturing
vehicle pre-paint body washing stations and any other ■ Automotive
applications that rely on a clean supply of filtered
■ Hydraulic
■ Marine
6 and 12 core units are supplied. ■ Oil
■ Transport
■ Water
■ Yellow & white goods
Magnetic cores
The magnetic cores are made using ‘rare earth’ neodymium iron boron
– currently the strongest permanent magnet material available.
When configured with pole concentrators, high-intensity
magnetic fields
are generated which are capable of attracting even sub-micron
sized particles.
The purge valve is automatically opened as part of the
cleaning process. This redirects the fluid into a contamination
collection tank. A fixed amount of fluid is allowed through the
Automag, purging the contamination into this tank where it can
be recycled and reclaimed.
Magnetic coolant roller
The magnetic coolant roller should be used to separate the
How it works
fluid and contamination output by the Automag’s purging
Contaminated fluid is fed into the inlet feed tray where it
spreads evenly. The fluid passes the adjustable baffle plate
and onto the magnetic roll which attracts and holds the
Reduced fluid waste and disposal costs
The contamination is removed by the coolant filter in the
The contamination particles follow the rotation of the roll
form of a semi-dry metallic cake which can be recycled.
around to the cleaning scrapper blade. This wipes off
any collected contamination allowing it to fall freely into
The extracted fluid can be re-used.
a collection bin.
Product data
Cleaning is continuous.
Pump Pump
Solids Solids
Product data
Higher flow, higher contamination.
Non-stop operations
Automated self-cleaning (air
Harsh chemical environments
operated) Full stainless steel
Temp. range: 41° to 158°F.
Multiple units can be grouped for higher capacity
Ex stock
Product Number of cores Flow rate Contam. capacity Max. operating pressure
number US gallons/min. gallons/min. lbs psi
AM6/NPT 6 119 99 3 145
AM12 12 238 198 6¼ 145
Arduous environments.