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Artificial Intelligence Technologies Effect on the Legal Profession.

Technology is advancing day by day. Technologies that automate typical legal

responsibilities for example creating standard contracts, have existed before. However, they have

not been entirely integrated into practice as of yet. Over the recent years, there have been

increasing claims and pressure on law firms to reduce fees. This has led to the to further research

and development of legal technologies to increase efficiency in the profession. Besides, the

pressure to improve accessibility to justice through reducing structural barriers and financial

limitation affecting minorities has enhanced the development of numerous easily available legal

technologies. As technology is advancing to higher level processes, the likelihood for their

incorporation in the legal field is also rising. Previously, the technological revolution endangered

to replace mostly clerical work. This paper will illustrate how lawyers today are threatened by

the rise of artificial intelligence in their field of profession.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is more accurate and effective as compared to human

intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the capacity of computers to perform tasks that are

presumed to require intervention of human intelligence (Hu and Huafeng, 46). For instance,

transcribing audio tapes, flagging outliers, etc. Basically, computers are programmed to operate

under a set of rules such as deductive rules. Such type of rules follows a step by step procedure

till the end result is attained. The application of deductive rules in automated legal process

encompass use of automated document assembly used to create standard legal documents such as
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criminal clearance certificates. The automated document assembly utilized relevant personal

information of a client to create the certificate instantly. On the other hand, an automated system

can provide relevant list of cases from a specific court that cite a particular statute. Therefore,

court processes can be modeled as simplified to produce accurate results in a timely manner

using data-driven rules. Artificial intelligence performs more sophisticated legal processes as

compared to human intelligence capacity. Supervised machine learning is a process of estimating

the correlation between a set of input varies and the subsequent outputs. In the legal process,

models can be developed to predict the accuracy and outcome levels of justice against

judgements in the courts. The models use consistent pattens to produce results. Besides, there are

various proven automated document software that are used to determine relevance of documents

using seed set inputs (Srivastava, 134). Algorithms can be used to indicate bias in a court process

by comparing actual sentences and race-neutral sentencing. Besides, data-driven algorithms are

used in more sophisticated and complex processes in the judiciary. In essence, artificial

intelligence has helped the judicial system by improving the effectiveness and competence of

routine legal activities. Most judicial systems are employing AI in the legal processes displacing

the positions of law makers.

Technology adoption into the judiciary is influenced by the quality and abilities of the

advancing technologies. The demand of technology is growing since they simplify the court

process. There have been growing claims that lawyers and law firms are relatively expensive.

Cooperates are directing their resources to technological systems because they are cheap and

efficient as compared to law firms (Girasa, 114). Dating back to the evolution of technology,

disruptive theory can be used to explain this phenomenon. As the clerical tasks and low-level

activities and service were being replaced by technology then, so will be legal tasks be replaced
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by the advancing technology. This is because automated intelligence application has been proven

to be reliable, improves efficiency, as well as they better serve the client. The adoption of the

expanding technologies is growing day by day into the legal realm (Girasa, 165). In addition, the

demand of the market to the rapid adoption is colossal thus, posing a great threat to the legal


As technology use in the legal profession is growing, the demand of AI to lawyers is

posing a significant threat in some situations, while in some settings lawyers are more

significant. In situations of drafting legal documents can be done using the automated data driven

rules. In such situation lawyers may not be approached for any help. However, in cases that

needs more supplicated drafting using features of the law or citing specific incidences, it

becomes more challenging for AI. The creativity as well as the flexibility needed to write such

documents cannot be defined by either deductive rules or data-driven rules. In some

circumstance, where explicit rules need to be applied the AI cannot be used to make critical

judgments. Despite there limitations, various companies are working to develop more

sophisticated software to close the gap. Automated lawyering is generally used today to analyze

documents or instance IBM’s Debater System. Besides, artificial intelligence is used in the

courts to resolve minor disputes ranging from e-commerce complaints to parking (Barfield, at.

el., 89). New technologies help the lawyers to analyze overlaps between specified preferences of

two parties and can reach a solution without the involvement of a third party. Thus, the

developments of such systems could replace the lawyer’s responsibility and even judges, since

its apparently feasible economically than to hire an attorney. New technologies provide

consumer protection and enables accessibility to quality services. Artificial intelligence

eliminates human error in the legal system and also standardizes services in different cases,
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although not all. Law provides that the customer should prevented from getting legal services

from unqualified individuals.

In conclusion, the employment of technology in the legal processes is an alarming

question that is seen to threaten the legal professionals. From the above discussion, we can

deduce that the increase in utilization of the artificial intelligence in the legal system reduced the

client’s costs. This is apparent with the associated little expenses in regards to quality and

credibility to results. The discussion has also illustrated the various applications of artificial

intelligence that can be used in the legal process. Besides, the discussion has elucidated the

effects of different automations on the legal profession. With the increasing innovation of

technology, the legal professionals are growing fear for their roles and responsibilities in the

legal system. Although, the artificial intelligence system has taken some percentage of the roles

of the legal field, the commitment of the technological staff is progressively developing new

software to take on new legal roles. What will be the fate of the legal professionals in the coming

decade? Truly, the ever-evolving technology is changing the world and many industries, the

legal field is one of them.

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Barfield, Woodrow, and Ugo Pagallo. Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial

Intelligence. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.

Summary: This book addresses the topic of Artificial Intelligence and its applications on the legal

field. It also gives insights on the various technologies that are being used currently by

the law professionals.

Relevance: it will give a blueprint on how to the artificial intelligence application in the legal

field will impact the legal professionals.

Girasa, Rosario J. Artificial Intelligence as a Disruptive Technology Economic

Transformation and Government Regulation. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

Summary: This book addresses the new technologies with a close look on the Artificial

Intelligence. The book gives various insights how artificial intelligence is a disruptive

technology. It proceeds to highlight the various benefits of artificial intelligence in

various industries.

Relevance: it will give an outline on the effects of artificial intelligence and why its application

in law will be more subtle than dramatic.

Hu, Teng, and Huafeng Lu. “Study on the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Legal

Profession.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Economics,

Management, Law and Education (EMLE 2019), 2019,

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Summary: This source addresses the effects of artificial intelligence on the legal practitioners. It

deduces the role of law professionals and substantiates it to the role of the new

technologies. Besides the sources helps us understand the practice of law as a societal

activity that encompass multitude of events. It deduces on the role of new technology in

the legal field.

Relevance: it will give a better understanding about the role of new technologies in contrast to

the role of law professionals. It also will help the research with the applications and

projections of artificial intelligence in the field of law

Srivastava, Rishabh. “Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Industry: A Boon or a Bane for

the Legal Profession.” International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology,

vol. 64, no. 3, 2018, pp. 131–138., doi:10.14445/22315381/ijett-v64p224.

Summary: This book discourses the topic of new technologies and its application on the legal

industry. It gives insights on the background of new technologies in the legal field. It also

sheds light on what can be possible with the emerging new technologies (present and

future technologies).

Relevance: it will give an illustration of the application of new technologies in the legal field. It

will support the thesis statement of the research by understanding the present and future

technologies being applied in the legal industry.

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Work Cited

Barfield, Woodrow, and Ugo Pagallo. Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence.

Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.

Girasa, Rosario J. Artificial Intelligence as a Disruptive Technology Economic Transformation

and Government Regulation. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

Hu, Teng, and Huafeng Lu. “Study on the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Legal

Profession.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Economics,

Management, Law and Education (EMLE 2019), 2019, doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.191225.184.

Srivastava, Rishabh. “Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Industry: A Boon or a Bane for the

Legal Profession.” International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 64,

no. 3, 2018, pp. 131–138., doi:10.14445/22315381/ijett-v64p224.

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