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BSBHRM405 Assessment

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BSB50215 Diploma of Business




Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

This Assessment Booklet provides you with information and your assessment tasks for this
unit. A requirement of your qualification, from which the unit of competence is taken, is the
application of the concepts you have been learning.
The assessment activities are an important part of your course as they provide an
opportunity to apply what you have been learning and they give both you and your trainer
feedback on your progress.

Please read this section carefully before commencing the assessment tasks.


If you can demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge within this unit, you should
speak to a trainer/assessor about this and apply for recognition of prior learning.


Prior to Assessment
You must be advised of your rights before and after the assessments including the right to
Assessors must provide you with all relevant information relating to the assessments prior to
commencement and of the appeals procedure that can be utilised if you wish to appeal
against the assessment outcome or make a complaint.

Submitting Assessments
Each part of this assessment booklet needs to be carefully completed and you are required to
attain a ‘satisfactory’ mark for each of the assessment activities. Full details of what is
required have been detailed in instructions before each assessment task.

You must submit assessment tasks with the cover sheet provided at the end of this Booklet.
You must attach one cover sheet per assessment upon submission, ticking the relevant
assessment box. Ensure you sign the form after completion.

Assessments should be submitted on or before their due date. Extensions for individual
assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances. Consultation on this must
occur prior to the due date and extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate.
Extensions will be confirmed to you in writing.

Plagiarism and Referencing

You are reminded that plagiarism will not be tolerated. Information, ideas etc. quoted or
paraphrased from another source, must be acknowledged with “quotation marks” around
the relevant words/sentences or ideas and cited at the end of the document. Sources of
information, ideas etc. must be provided in alphabetical order by author’s surname (including
author’s full name, name of document/ book/internet etc. and year and place of publishing)
or may be included in brackets in the text.

The evidence you submit will be assessed and you will be given written feedback. Each
assessment task will be marked as either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory and once all
assessments have been marked you will be given an outcome of Competent or Not
Competent for the unit of competence. Upon demonstrating competence, you will be
awarded this unit. If you are assessed as Not Competent, you will be given some suggestions
for improvement and asked to redo your assessment.

In the event you are deemed Unsatisfactory, you will be allowed two (2) further attempts at
an assessment within the timeframe of this course.
As part of the assessment process, you must abide by any relevant assessment policies as
provided to you. If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or this assessment is unfair,
you should be offered the opportunity to discuss all options that are available to you to
complete the assessment.

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Reasonable Adjustment
RTOs and Trainers/Assessors are obliged by law to make reasonable adjustment to ensure
maximum participation of students with disability in teaching, learning and assessment
activities. This includes:
• ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible;
• providing additional support where necessary; and
• offering a reasonable substitute within the context of the course where a student
cannot participate.

Reasonable adjustment is defined in section 4(1) of the Employment and the Disability
Discrimination Act as ‘an adjustment to be made by a person is a reasonable adjustment
unless making the adjustment would impose an unjustifiable hardship on the person’.
Reasonable adjustment as it applies to participation in learning and assessment activities may
• customising resources or activities within a training package or accredited course;
• modifying a presentation medium;
• providing additional support;
• providing assistive or adaptive technologies;
• making additional information accessible both before enrolment and during the
course; and
• monitoring these adjustments to ensure that the student’s needs continue to be met.
An individual’s access to the assessment process should not be adversely affected by
restrictions placed on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements
specified in the training package. Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in
assessment for people with disabilities. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment
process or context that meet the individual needs of the person with a disability, but do not
change competency outcomes.
The assessment process must:
 Provide for valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment
 Provide for judgement to be made on the basis of sufficient evidence
 Offer valid, authentic and current evidence.

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Within this qualification are units of competency that form the basis of your assessments.
These can be located in your Unit Outline Booklet.

AQF Specifications for Assessments in Diploma Qualifications

This assessment is set in accordance with the criteria for AQF Level 5. As stated in the AQF
specification for the Diploma qualifications must be designed and accredited to enable
graduates to demonstrate the learning outcomes expressed as knowledge, skills and the
application of knowledge and skills specified in the level 5 criteria and the Diploma

Students at this level will have specialised knowledge and skills for skilled/paraprofessional
work and/or further learning.

Students at this level will have technical and theoretical knowledge in a specific area or a
broad field of work and learning.

Students at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills
to select and apply methods and technologies to:
• analyse information to complete a range of activities
• provide and transmit solutions to sometimes complex problems
• transmit information and skills to others

Students at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement
and defined knowledge responsibility in known or changing contexts and within broad but
established parameters


There are three (3) forms of assessment or evidence gathering methods for this unit of
competency. You are required to complete and submit all the assessments.

Assessment 1. Written Questions

This assessment consists of seventeen (17) short to medium answers based questions to
assess your knowledge of this unit. You must answer all questions. Most questions require
short answers although some questions require a more detailed response. You should
provide typed responses. You may use various sources of information including: text books,
learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and must list your sources.

Assessment 2. Case Study Based Portfolio Project

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Students are required to develop an individualised portfolio of all the necessary
documents/templates required at HRM level while recruiting, selecting and inducting staff for
a case study based organization. Students can use the recruitment and selection policy for
the case study based company and after reviewing it, have to develop the portfolio for them
containing templates required while recruiting, selecting and inducting staff. Various
Appendices attached in the Appendix section of the Learner's guide will help the students

Students must record their answers in a separate A4 document and submit by attaching to
their cover page.

Assessment 3. Project for Developing a Recruitment, and Selection Plan for a Case study
based company.
In this Assessment task, students will plan for recruitment and selection for a given case
scenario. This will cover areas like
● developing a schedule for recruitment activities
● writing a job description and job advertisement, that reflects role requirements,
organisational needs and compliance with legislation
● identifying a selection panel and questions for interview to be added to the interview
guide template provided.


Assessment 1, Written, will begin in Week 1 and is due in Week 4 (First week of the new unit)
Assessments 2, Portfolio Project, due in Week 4 (First week of the new unit)
Assessment 3, Case Study Project, due in Week 4 (First week of the new unit)

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Assessment 1: Written Questions

This assessment consists of seventeen (17) short to medium answers based questions to
assess the student’s knowledge of BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and
induction of staff.

Instructions for Students

Students must answer all questions. Most questions require short answers although some
questions require a more detailed response. Students may use various sources of information
including: text books, learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and they must
list their sources.

Q1. List down 5 important tasks to be undertaken by a Human Resources Manager
before advertising any job position. (Max. 250 words).

1) Identify vacancy and evaluate need

2) Develop position description
3) Develop recruitment plan
4) Select search committee
5) Post position and implement plan

Q2. Briefly explain the difference between the terms 'Recruitment' and 'Selection'. (Max.
words: 350)

 Recruitment means announcing job opportunities to the public in such a way

that a good number of suitable people will apply for them. Recruitment can
be defined as searching for and obtaining a pool of potential candidates with
the desired knowledge, skills and experience to allow an organization to
select the most appropriate people to fill job vacancies against defined
position descriptions and specifications.
 The purpose of the recruitment process is to find the widest pool of
applicants to provide the greatest opportunity to select the best people for
the required roles in an organization.
 Acquiring the best applicants for a role can be a competitive advantage for an
organization whereas ineffective recruitment and selection can result in
enormous disruption, reduced productivity, interpersonal difficulties and
interruptions to operations, customer service and long term costs.
 Selection means choosing from that number, those applicants who are most

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likely to succeed in the jobs. Once a pool of candidates has been identified
through the recruitment process the most appropriate candidate, or
candidates are identified through a selection process including but not
limited to interviewing, reference checking and testing.  The purpose of the
selection process is to ensure that the best person or people are appointed to
the role or roles using effective, fair and equitable assessment activities
Q3. Consultation is one very important element in the whole recruitment planning
process. List down key elements of effective consultation. (Max. 200 words).

Developing a plan is the key to any good and effective consultation exercise. The
consultation plan should include a communication plan that clearly sets out the
purpose and desired outcome, objectives, issues, audience, key messages and
strategy for communication throughout the consultation period.
When developing a consultation plan, consider:
 Tailoring the consultation process to available resources and political
expectations (time, expertise and budgets)
 Involving people who are committed, who are effective at listening and
 Considering the relevance of any council LGA consultation policy
 Proactively thinking about any potential cross-over with any consultation
occurring around the same time - including under other legislation -
and integrating with other consultation when appropriate
 Following any agreed consultation process included in the triennial
agreement when preparing, reviewing or changing a regional policy
 Identifying and understanding your audience
 Identifying and planning for consultation with tangent when, including an
understanding of any additional or specific requirements under Treaty of
Waitangi settlements. This should include a plan to identify who the relevant
kiwi authorities are and, once identified, should consider their capacity to be
able to consult and the different timeframes for agreement/approval by the
relevant kiwi authorities
 The form and type of feedback needed in responding to input from
 Being flexible and prepared to change the consultation approach as required,
particularly as issues arise that need to be addressed more thoroughly
 Having a strategy to manage media involvement in consultation
 Considering what worked well and why in previous consultation exercises.
It is important to meet councilors overseeing the plan development process, to
check that they are happy with the consultation and communication process. Clear
messages from identified and well-informed spokespeople are essential when issues

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are raised by the community that may be controversial.

Q4. Briefly explain what methods you would use to determine the requirements of a job
role. (Max. words: 350)

Methods of Job Analysis

Several methods exist that may be used individually or in combination. These
Review of job classification system
Incumbent interview
Supervisor interview

 Expert panels
 Structured questionnaires
 Task inventories
 Check lists
 Open-ended questionnaires
 Incumbent work logs
A typical method of Job Analysis would be to give the incumbent a simple
questionnaire to identify job duties, responsibilities, equipment used, work
relationships, and work environment. The completed questionnaire would then be
used to assist the Job Analyst who would then conduct an interview of the
incumbent(s). A draft of the identified job duties, responsibilities, equipment,
relationships, and work environment would be reviewed with the supervisor for
accuracy. The Job Analyst would then prepare a job description and/or job

Q5. Identify and briefly explain any three legislation which should be considered while
planning for recruitment. (Max. words: 350).
Relevant weblinks: https://www.fairwork.gov.au/

Q6. Briefly explain which advertising channels would you choose, and why, to advertise a

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particular job? (Max. words: 450)

Internal applicants
When an individual resigns, is promoted, retires or is terminated, or even when a
firm gains new investment, relocates or expands geographically, the first port of call
for the vacancy that this creates is internal applicants. In some companies a job may
not even make it beyond this channel. When this happens, it makes the pool of jobs
very private (as we will look at later in the tenth channel below) but even where
external applicants are allowed to compete, it is estimated that the internal
applicants win the job around 50% of the time, as employers feel “safer” with
someone they know.

Referrals from existing employees

Especially in situations of growth and expansion, getting employee referrals is an
extremely popular channel for many organizations. Of course, to benefit from this as
an outsider, you have to have contact with an individual inside the organization and
this means successfully seeking out a suitable and appropriate person (by carefully
researching who this may be) and then putting yourself forward for a suitable
vacancy. Once again we cover this further in the Networking channel below.

Employer web sites

In this age of the Internet, it is not just the big companies that have web sites. In the
US alone it is estimated that there are over 350,000 employer web sites which
directly and specifically advertise available job openings. Such a number may be
difficult to track but this is an increasingly popular way for employers to attract and
hire the right candidate.

Internet Job Boards

Internet Job boards are now many and various and are estimated to number around
1500 or so, with the largest of these (such as CareerBuilder or Monster, for example)
boasting millions of resumes being available to employers. Although some are
general, many of these Internet job boards specialize. This may be functionally (for
HR, Accounting or Sales people for example) or even be industry/sector specific
(such as Government, Energy-related or Non-Profit jobs for example). The main
problem with this channel is duplication of jobs on multiple boards and the challenge
of finding the right person (the needle) in a sea of applicants (the giant haystack).

Newspapers were a powerful source of jobs in past decades but have diminished
rapidly in the last 10-15 years as the Internet has become such a powerful force.
However, premium newspapers and some regional ones still carry job adverts and

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therefore remains a strong job-source channel for some.

Trade magazines
Like newspapers, trade magazines were used much more frequently for job
advertisements in the past but much less so in the modern world. However, the
trade magazine job advert decline has been less dramatic and they have been more
successful in also making jobs available to their subscription bases via electronic
means. This has meant that certain jobs (like professional engineers or accountants)
can still be advertised frequently in trade journals.

Social media sites (such as LinkedIn)

Although social media sites still do not necessarily play a primary role as a job
advertisement channel (with the exception of LinkedIn perhaps which has a strong
recruitment portal like a job board designed within it) they do nonetheless often play
an important secondary role. This is in supporting employer efforts to advertise their
jobs in general and candidate efforts to find out which employers may be in hiring
mode. In addition, employers are increasingly looking at applicants’ profiles on social
media sites such as Face book in order to look for suitability and consistency with the
résumés they have been sent.

Traditional agencies (including headhunters)

It is estimated that there are less than half the number of traditional recruitment
agencies that were around as little as fifteen years ago as direct channels and web
recruiters have taken their place. However, agencies still flourish as a channel in the
professional and managerial job vacancy market and dominate in the high end or
well-paid jobs where so-called “head-hunting” is involved, or a longish search for the
one candidate that best fits the job.

Web Recruiters
Web recruiters have grown rapidly in the past decade or so and are essentially
researchers for employers who want to “find” a certain type of applicant for a job.
Such jobs may be in scarce supply through other channels or be quite specialized or
need very particular skills to be successful. Web recruiters tend to work with Internet
Job boards to help narrow down their searches and then produce a short-list of
possibly suitable applicants.

Q7. Interview questions are one of the important areas to be considered during the
selection process. For the following types of questions, please provide one example
question against each type.
Type of Question Example Question
Behavioural Describe a situation where others you were working with

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on a project disagreed with your ideas. What did you do?
Open Ended If you could have the perfect job, what would it be?
Closed Ended If you could have the perfect job, what would it be?
Technical What are your IT strengths and weaknesses?
Hypothetical Do you need constant guidance or can you work independently?
Q8. List down the various activities involved in scheduling the job interviews. (Max.
words: 400)

Planning the interview

 When preparing for the interviews with job candidates, make sure you:
 Review the job description and discuss it with all stakeholders
 Prepare a list of standard questions, focusing on the candidate’s skills,
abilities and past work performance, ensuring you adhere to the human right
 Determine measurable criteria for comparing the candidates
 Select an interviewing style, such as a one-on-one or panel interview
 For panel interviews, have panel members discuss how they will run the
 Re-review the candidate’s resume
 Set appointments with reasonable time limits
 Arrange to conduct the interview in a quiet space
 If applicable, prepare any tests required and ensure they clearly relate to the
skills required in the job

Determining the interview questions

 Bear in mind the two main types of interview questions:
 Closed-ended or direct questions that focus on facts
 Open-ended questions, which generally fall into one of the following
 Hypothetical—that is, “what if” questions about a situation that has not
 Behavioral—that is, questions that ask the candidate to describe past
behavior when they handled a real situation
 Open-ended questions will be the most relevant as they allow you to assess
the candidate’s ability to communicate in a non-structured way. This can
create opportunities for you to probe into many important aspects of the
person’s experience and skills.

Conducting the interview: Your roadmap

 Use the following as a basic roadmap to steer you through the interview:
 Start the interview on time
 Introduce yourself and panel members (if applicable) and explain your role(s)

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 Offer the candidate water to drink and establish a rapport
 Give a high-level overview of the interview process and the job
 Begin the interview questions and keep track of relevant information
 Use open-ended questions
 Ask the candidate if they have any questions or comments about the job or
 Explain the follow-up process, including reference checks and the timing of
any job offer and start date

Conducting an interview: Do’s and don’ts

 Interviewing is an art. That said, it is a good idea to follow these rules:
 Do have a thorough understanding of the candidate’s background
 Do stay focused on the candidate
 Do ensure consistency in the questions you ask each candidate
 Do express curiosity and interest—and ask more questions if necessary to
better understand the person’s perspective
 Do not take over the conversation. Permit the candidate to talk as long as it is
relevant to the interview
 Do not let the candidate veer away from the focus of the interview
 Do not ask questions about the candidate’s religion, gender, sexual
orientation or any other area of potential discrimination
 Do not allow your personal biases to affect your opinion of the candidate
 Do not take notes about your opinion of the candidate—simply record their
 Do not oversell the job
 Do not permit unnecessary interruptions

Interview follow-up
 Following the interview, you will need to embark on a number of tasks:
 Complete the interview assessment template as soon as possible
 Review test results, if applicable
 Meet with stakeholders to review and discuss the interview assessments and
test results
 Conduct reference checks and discuss what you learn with all stakeholders
 Contact the winning candidate to negotiate an offer
 Assuming the winning candidate accepts, contact the other candidates to
explain the decision and answer any questions

Q9. List down steps to establish written employment contract. (Max. 300 words).

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 Introduction
 Intention to create legal relations
 Letters of Comfort
 Offer
 Acceptance
 Consideration
 Capacity
 Business Capacity
 Formal Requirements
 Contractual Terms

Q1 List down key activities in a typical induction process (Max. 250 words)..
 An overview describing and demonstrating where facilities and people are
 Showing the employee where they fit into the team and how their role fits in
the organization.
 Health and safety information.
 Details on the values and history of the organization. 
 A clear outline of the job/role requirements.

Q.11 Describe what happens during the short-listing process. (Focus on major pints) (Max.
400 words)

 First, speaking and writing (the sending parts of the communication process)
are highly visible, and are more easily assessed than listening and reading
(the receiving parts). And reading behavior is assessed much more frequently
than listening behavior; that is; we are more often tested on what we read
than on what we hear. And when we are tested on material presented in a
lecture, generally the lecture has been supplemented by readings.
 Second, many of us aren’t willing to improve our listening skills. Much of this
unwillingness results from our incomplete understanding of the process and
understanding the process could help show us how to improve. To
understand the listening process, we must first define it.
 Through the years, numerous definitions of listening have been proposed.
Perhaps the most useful one defines listening as the process of receiving,
attending, and understanding auditory messages; that is, messages
transmitted through the medium of sound. Often, the steps of responding
and remembering are also included.

Q.12 a. Imagine you are participating in interview process to be held for hiring a
Marketing staff for your marketing department. Why do you think it is important to

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make sure that the candidate is comfortable during the interview? (Max. 100 words)

 Marketing Managers are responsible for designing and implementing

strategies that promote the company and engage customers. They combine a
solid knowledge of market research analysis with experience in the entire
marketing funnel. Look for candidates with an expertise in organic and paid
campaigns who can generate sales for your company.
 During the hiring process, evaluate whether candidates understand your
needs and are ready to manage all advertising challenges. Employees in
marketing positions demonstrate enthusiasm and energy, along with a desire
to apply innovative techniques. Opt for candidates who enjoy working in fast-
paced environments and can juggle different tasks at once.

b. Of the various steps/stages involved in any interview process, briefly describe the
interview close stage. (Max. 100 words).

 It's not always quick and easy to get hired. The job interview process can be
lengthy. Being interviewed once and getting a job offer is typically a thing of
the past. Today, many companies have an involved interview
process starting with screening interviews, which often take place on the
phone, followed by in-person interviews, second interviews, and even third
 In addition to a hiring manager, you make meet with managers, employees,
and other staff. How hiring is handled depends on the employer and the
systems they have in place for screening and evaluating potential new hires. 

Q.13 Briefly describe some steps, maximum four, to be taken immediately after an
interview so that correct biases and deviations from agreed procedures and
negotiation for preferred candidate could be accounted for. (Max. 400 words).

1. Build A Picture Of Exactly What You Need

If you don’t have a proper idea of the type of person that you need in terms of skills,
experience and personality, then how are you supposed to determine a candidate’s
suitability? Before the interview make a checklist of all the requirements for the role
and then tailor your questions and means of assessing the individual so that you can
evaluate all of the factors.

2. Provide the candidate with all the relevant information

If you want to see the best that a candidate can offer, then it is important that you
allow them to fully prepare. This means that you must let them know exactly what to
expect, such as how and where the interview is going to be held, how long the
interview will be and who will be present at the interview. 

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3. Prepare for the interview
Taking into account the checklist that you have put together of all the qualities you
are looking for; prepare a list of questions that will help to assess the candidate’s
suitability in relation to these factors. Though some of the questions will be more
generic or related to the specific role, try to tailor some questions towards the
individual and their background.

4. Introduction
Begin your interview with an informal chat to break the ice, for example you could
ask them how their journey was and what they have planned for the day, to help
them warm to you and relax. You can also use this time to introduce them to the
relevant people and provide them with a brief breakdown of the structure of the
interview, how long it will last etc.

Q.14 To reach a consensus when there are deviations and biases, what should structure
communication be used for? (Max. 200 words).

 Bias is the tendency to have an opinion, or view, that is often without

considering evidence and other information.
 Biases can be learned implicitly within cultural contexts. People may develop
biases toward or against an individual, an ethnic group, a nation, a religion,
a social class, a political party, theoretical paradigms and ideologies within
academic domains, or a species. Biased means one-sided, lacking a neutral
viewpoint, or not having an open mind. Bias can come in many forms and is
related to prejudice and intuition.
 In science and engineering, a bias is a systematic error. Statistical bias results
from an unfair sampling of a population, or from an estimation process that
does not give accurate results on average.

Q.15 Briefly explain the steps to obtaining a reference for a candidate. Include the steps
you would follow for a telephone interview. (Max. 500 words).

 Be prepared with a list of core questions to ask each applicant and specific
questions related to their application. Make notes during your conversations
so you can review later.
 Explain to the applicant the process that you're currently conducting and
what the next step will be, for example that you will be back in touch if you'd
like to organize an in-person interview.
 Arrange a timetable for candidate interviews that allows you time between
interviews to summaries your thoughts. Be prepared for the interviews as
you want to create a professional impression of your company.

Q.16 Briefly describe the concept of human resources life cycle and how recruitment and
selection play an important role in the cycle. (Max. 250 words).

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 The employee life cycle is a concept in human resources management that
describes the stages of an employee's time with a particular company and
the role the human resources department plays at each stage. Some models
of the employee life cycle have five stages, while others have six or more.

Recruiting and on boarding

 Recruiting is the process of hiring a new employee. The role of the human
resources department in this stage is to assist in hiring. This might include
placing the job ads, selecting candidates whose résumés look promising,
conducting employment interviews and administering assessments such as
personality profiles to choose the best applicant for the position. In a small
business where the owner performs these duties personally, the HR person
would assist in a support role. In some organizations, the recruiting stage is
referred to as "hiring support." On boarding is the process of getting the
successful applicant set up in the system as a new employee.

Q.17 List down any 8 set of documents required for recruitment, selection and induction.

 Volunteers come into organizations with different motives and expectations,

and with a diverse range of backgrounds, interests, skills and experiences.
Having a clear outline of how you find, appoint and induct your volunteers
will help you to get the best match for your organization. It also helps to
make your volunteers feel valued.

A recruitment policy helps to ensure that you are clear about:
1. What volunteer-based services you are providing
2. How you will bring volunteers into your organization
3. What kinds of volunteers you plan to recruit
4. How they will be involved.

It also outlines your approach to finding volunteers. For example, the purpose of
your policy might be to ensure that
1. Volunteer positions are filled with the best possible candidate
2. Ensure all selections are fair and equitable/based on merit
3. Recruitment and selection processes adhere to the Equal Opportunity Policy
4. A standard approach is adopted for the recruitment of all volunteer positions.

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Assessment 2: Case Study Based Portfolio Project

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for

Performance objective
Students are to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to support the recruitment,
selection and induction process for the given case study based company.

Question 1:
Prepare a comprehensive and professionally looked portfolio of templates to be used by the
HR department of JMC Spatial Pty Ltd, while recruiting, selecting and inducting new staff
members. The details on the company's Recruitment & Selection policy is explained in the
provided case study document. Your trainer will provide you with the copy of JMC’s
Recruitment & Selection policy.

The portfolio must have the following templates, although you may choose to develop some
new but relevant templates of your choice:

A. Job Description for a particular job role (of your choice)

B. Job Advertisement for a particular job (of your choice)
C. Employment Contract for a chosen job role
D. Induction Check list for a chosen job role
E. Sample Interview questions for two different jobs (Student can choose any two jobs
to develop questions on)
F. General Employment Form
G. Letter of Offer to successful applicants
H. Notice to Unsuccessful applicants
I. Sample questions to be asked of referees
J. Evidence of advising of management & work team of new appointment

Question 2: Presentation
a) Deliver a 10-15 minute presentation on the portfolio of templates created for JMC
Spatial Pty Ltd.

b) Please submit your Ppts to your trainer a week before your presentation day. You
trainer will assign you your presentation day.

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c) There will be a short Q&A session at the end of your presentation. Any gaps
submitted in the assessment or noticed during the presentation will be examined in
the Q & A session of the presentation.


Operations Manager
Remote Work Option: No
Travel: <25%.

Job Description
The Operations Manager shall be present full-time at the company’s primary Columbia,
South Carolina location with one-hundred percent (100%) dedication to the performance and
operations related to the company’s obligation for all functions of the contract, including the
authority to make decisions and resolve problems on behalf of the company. The Operations
Manager serves as the primary liaison between the company and the customer for the life of
this contract. The Operations Manager works in conjunction with the Implementation Project
Manager and Technical Coordinator to deliver high quality, large scale, multi-channel, contact
center services.
The Operations Manager has responsibility for project functions such as workforce
management, customer service operations, and inbound and outbound systems and
infrastructure. He or she manages the planning and delivery of contractual requirements,
manage corresponding resources, ensuring that project outcomes are delivered timely and
consistently with quality and proficiency. He or she participates in and contribute to the
management of key project functions such as contract management, financial management,
and client relationship management.
Job Advertisement
We need to reach the higher no. of applicant to have the best guy for this opportunity. So,
we go to use the wide range of media e.g. newspapers, magazine and the recruitment

Employment Contract
An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and employee that sets out
terms and conditions of employment. A contract can be in writing or verbal.
Induction Checklist

Prior to your employee starting work

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It’s a good idea to start planning early for your employee’s first day, as there are a few things
you’ll need to organize.
Ensure you have:
 Told the employee before their first day where, when and who they should report to and
whether they need to bring any tools or equipment
 Organized building and it access as well as any uniforms (if necessary)
 A returned, signed copy of the letter of engagement (or employment contract)
 A completed tax file number declaration form (unless declined by employee)
 A completed superannuation choice form

 The employee’s bank account details

 The employee’s emergency contact details
 A copy of any licenses held by the employee needed for the job e.g. Drivers license,
forklift license
 Given the employee a copy of the fair work information statement
 If a working visa is required – a copy of the employee’s passport and visa – you will need
to do a visa check
It’s a good idea to ask the employee to sign a register or return a signed copy of the Fair
Work Information Statement and any relevant business policies or procedures as proof that
they were provided to the employee. This may help avoid disputes in the future.
Also, make sure you keep all staff paperwork in secure personnel file.
For more information about what you need to know when hiring a new employee, as well as
inducting staff

On the first day (or soon after)

To ensure your employee gets off to a good start, it’s important that they feel welcomed,
well-informed and equipped to do their job.

Orientation and housekeeping:

 Introduce the new employee to other staff
 Show the new employee the kitchen/meal, toilet facilities and where to store
personal items (bags, jackets etc.)
Ensure you have:
 Given the employee copies of relevant business policies or procedures e.g. Codes
of conduct and work health and safety policies or procedures.
 Discussed:
 The history of the business and its role
 Who the employee reports to

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 The employee’s duties and what training will be provided
 Performance expectations and when and how performance will be reviewed
 Hours of work and the procedure for recording hours of work
 Meal breaks
 The applicable award or enterprise agreement, and where to find a copy
 The payment method, first pay date and how pay slips are distributed
 Any workplace policies and procedures including:
• uniform or dress code (if any)
• procedure if the employee is sick or running late
• procedure for applying for leave
• rules regarding personal calls, visitors and/or use of social media at work
• Any bullying, harassment and anti-discrimination policies.
 Completed A Workplace Health And Safety Induction
You need to provide your employees with a safe workplace. This can include discussing
evacuation plans, pointing out first aid officers and emergency wardens and briefing staff on
safety procedures.

Sample Interview Question

Sample question for operational manager
 Describe the main daily tasks for an Operations Manager.
 What is budget planning and how do you handle it step-by-step?
 What is your experience with logistics management?
Behavioral Management Interview Questions
 If I were to interview the people who have reported to you in the past, how would
they describe your management style?
 If I were to interview your reporting staff members, how would they describe your
strengths and weaknesses as a manager and supervisor?

Employment application form JMC PTY

Please read our guidance notes before you fill in this application form.
Please type into the grey boxes to complete the form

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Post applied for:      

Job reference number:      

Where did you see the post advertised?      

Personal details

Title:       Surname:       First names:      

Previous surnames if they have changed through deed poll or by marriage:      

National insurance number:      

Contact address:


Please tick this box if you have lived at a different address in the last 5 years:      

Home phone:      

Work phone:      

Mobile phone:      

Can we ring you at work? Yes No

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Do you need a work permit or sponsorship Yes No I do not know

If you currently hold a work permit or visa, please give details including its type and expiry date:      

Are you applying to job share? Yes No

Please note that the definition of job sharing is an arrangement where two employees voluntarily share
and responsibilities
of one full-time post with the pay and benefits divided between them according to the time each works.

Please answer the following two questions only if they apply to your application
Do you hold a current driving license? Yes No Do you have the use of a car?
Yes No

Data Protection Act 1998

Your personal details will be treated as confidential and kept for no longer than necessary. If your applica
is successful, your application and monitoring forms will become part of your personal records. Some of
information may be held on a computer database.

Serial Number:      

Letter of offer to unsuccessful applicants

Once your preferred candidate has accepted your job offer, you can use the below template
letter to notify the unsuccessful applicants.
This template has been color coded to assist you to complete it accurately. You simply need
to replace the <red> writing with what applies to your employee and situation.
Provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants
Some applicants will contact you to find out why they were unsuccessful. It’s a good idea to
keep the notes you’ve taken from the selection process to help you answer any questions
you get.
It’s important to remember that it’s unlawful to not employ someone because of a
discriminatory reason, such as their race, age or family or career’s responsibilities.

Sample question for referees.

 How long have you known [name] and in what capacity [that is, as
manager/supervisor; colleague; friend; parish priest; etc.]?

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 As far as you know, has [name] ever had any health problem(s), including alcohol or
drug abuse, which may affect their work with children, young people or vulnerable
persons? If so, can you describe the circumstances?
 As far as you know, has any complaint ever been made against [name] for any form of
sexual misconduct or harassment? If so, can you describe the circumstances?

Evidence of advising
For new posts 3-5 working days from receipt of verified Role Description
Or the email about the staff hired from the recruitment staff.

Assessment 3: Project for Developing a Recruitment, and Selection Plan for a Case study
based company.

In this assessment task, you will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to assist in
planning for recruitment and obtaining approval for your plans. You assessment is based on a
simulated business called CoffeeVille.

Assessment description
In this Assessment task, you will plan for recruitment and selection.
● develop a schedule for recruitment activities
● write a job description and job advertisement, that reflects role requirements,
organisational needs and compliance with legislation
● identify a selection panel and questions for interview to be added to the interview
guide template provided.

As a part of the consultation process, you are to obtain approval and develop these in
accordance with organisational requirements.

1. Review the CoffeeVille simulated business documentation (which will be provided to
you by the assessor).
2. Identify the role requirements for the position of café manager by reading the scenario
and consultation notes (provided in Appendix 1).
3. Prepare a recruitment schedule (using the template provided in Appendix 2) for the
recruitment of a new café manager.

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The schedule should clearly support the organisational goals, be ordered logically to
reflect the human resources life cycle and include:
○ human resources functions and personnel required to complete recruitment
○ a schedule which clearly indicates the different stages of recruitment and steps to
be undertaken
○ Timelines for each of the stages/steps.
4. Develop a job description for the role required (using the template provided in
Appendix 3) in line with the CoffeeVille scenario and simulated business documents.
The job description must comply with EEO and anti-discrimination legislation and
5. Write a job advertisement for the position (using the template provided in Appendix 4)
in line with CoffeeVille’s policies and procedures and suitable for the types of
advertising media identified in the consultation notes.
6. Develop an interview guide (using an editable, electronic version of the template
provided in Appendix 5).
The interview guide must identify the selection panel (in accordance with the
CoffeeVille scenario) and contain five questions which evaluate the applicable selection
criteria identified from the consultation notes. The questions must not breach EEO or
anti-discrimination legislation.
The five questions should cover the following categories:
○ work history (two questions)
○ education and training (one question)
○ personality, motivation and character (two questions).
7. Seek approval from Emma Belcastran (your assessor) and make necessary amendments
if required by Emma to the:
○ recruitment schedule
○ position description
○ job advertisement
○ interview guide.
8. Submit all documentation (original and amended versions) as per specifications below.
Keep copies for your records.


You must submit a completed:

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● recruitment schedule using Appendix 2
● job description using Appendix 3
● job advertisement using Appendix 4
● interview guide using Appendix 5.
● any amendments made following consultation made to the:
○ recruitment schedule
○ position description
○ job advertisement
○ interview guide.

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Appendix 1: Simulated Business Scenario
Background to scenario

CoffeeVille is a family-owned and run café located in Melbourne. CoffeeVille aims to serve
quality food and fair trade coffee at a city pace. The café is currently open 7 am–5 pm,
Monday to Friday.
CoffeeVille has been experiencing consistent growth in sales and numbers of customers over
the last two years. This growth has led to a need for a second floor manager who is able to
manage customer complaints, take responsibility for higher level café operations and
manage staff performance.

The current manager, Joe Belfone, works four days a week. Joe is a good manager, but when
he’s not there on Fridays, the café does not run as smoothly. The owners of the café have
also decided to start opening on Saturdays, and would like to have at least one manager
working from Monday to Saturday.

Owners Emma and Rufus Belcastran have provided you with the task of recruiting a full-time
or part-time café manager (working Tuesday–Saturday or Wednesday–Saturday).
Recruitment, selection, and induction processes must be undertaken in accordance with
relevant external standards, such as legislation and codes of practice, and internal standards,
such as organisational policies and procedures.

You will need to review organisational documentation and undertake preliminary research
into hiring a café manager.

You will need to recommend the tasks and timelines required for recruitment and selection,
provide a job description and advertisement for the role and, finally, provide an interview
guide template to the owners for approval.

The new staff member needs to be appointed within six months.

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Consultation notes
The following are recorded notes from consultations that you’ve undertaken with

Rufus Belcastran – Owner

Rufus has expressed that he would like to:
● interview ASAP and is happy to negotiate a suitable time for interviews
● attract an applicant through referral from staff or patrons.

Rufus would like a café manager who is available for an immediate start, who lives
locally and who has at least five years’ experience in:
● managing staff
● barista training
● motivating staff

● induction and in-house training

● performance appraisals.

Rufus would also like to hire an individual with a qualification that is relevant to
operating/managing a small business.
Rufus is available any time for interviews.

Emma Belcastran – Owner

Emma wants to spend the minimum on advertising the position and generally
prefers to try advertising on the shop window or through word of mouth. She
really wants the manager to start some time in the next six months.
In terms of the salary, Emma explains that ideally they want to hire someone who’s
available for a full-time work week (38 hours) at $24.50 an hour.
Emma is available to conduct interviews on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and
Fridays, but she requires at least 48 hours’ notice.
Emma also mentions that it’s really important to ensure that anyone of any age,
gender, cultural background feels welcome to apply. Emma says: ‘We’ve tended to
write ads in the past with extremely formal English and sophisticated wording and I
feel like it has limited our applicant pool to people with university degrees. I want
to move away from that kind of advertising to attract someone with the right skills,
not someone with a PhD.’
When you write the advertisement, put my name and email as the contact details
for submitting the applications.
Emma would be looking for the following in the new café manager:

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● an understanding of fair trade principles
● a qualification that is relevant to operating/managing a small business
● exceptional communication skills
● staff management experience including:
○ performance management
○ training
● strong understanding of coffee products
● sales and customer service skills
● sustainability and community building experience
● ability to develop and implement café policies and procedures
● ability to manage vendors and maintain inventory
● ability to run staff meetings.

Joe Belfone – Current Café Manager

Joe would prefer to promote an existing staff member who understands the needs
of the café and requires limited training. Plus, an internal staff member would be
able to start immediately which would be a big help to Joe. Joe would like to utilise
CoffeeVille’s Facebook page to advertise the position.
Joe is available after 3pm, when he finishes work, for interviews, or Tuesdays
around 11am when café is quiet.
Joe would be looking for the following in the new café manager:
● CoffeeVille product knowledge
● at least three years’ experience in:
○ managing staff, including training
○ performance appraisals
● must be highly motivated
● excellent communication and interpersonal skills
● excellent management and leadership skills
● good organisational skills
● an understanding of food and beverage operations
● must be available to work four weekdays and Saturday each week
● social media savvy especially with Facebook and Twitter
● bilingual skills desirable (particularly Italian, Greek or Chinese)

The new manager would need to be able to perform the following duties:

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● coordinating the café schedule, covering different shifts if necessary
● serving as the lead customer service contact at the café, including answering
questions, welcoming customers, and other communications
● responsibility for keeping café area clean, neat and orderly
● Ordering any supplies needed for the café.

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Appendix 2: Recruitment schedule

Recruitment activities – Recruitment Schedule
Summary (including information in support of new position)

Person Budget and/or resources

Milestone: Action and/or objective Time required
responsible (where applicable)
Development Job Description 2 days HR Manager

Finalize selection criteria 2 days HR Manager

Discuss and Approve Recruitment Strategy with owner or store 1-2 hours HR Manager
Generate Position Approval Form and Submit to Finance for 1 day HR Manager
Budget Review and Approval

Develop Ad and Advertising Sources - Print Media - Non-Print 1 day HR Manager

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Media - Web Sources
Approve Ad and Submit for Placement in Selected 2 hours HR Manager
Recruitment Sources
Qualified Candidates are Invited to Campus for Personal 2 days HR Manager
Interview(s) with Committee Members and/or Hiring Manager
Generate interview questionary 1 day HR Manager

Conduct an interview and finalize the selection 3 days HR Manager

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Appendix 3: CoffeeVille job description template

Job title: Café Manager

Salary: $24.50 an hour.

Hour’s full-time worker (38 hours)

Location: a family-owned and run café located in Melbourne.

About Coffeeville:
Coffeeville is a family-owned and run café located in Melbourne. Coffeeville aims to
serve quality food and fair trade coffee at a city pace. The café is currently open 7
am–5 pm, Monday to Friday.

Purpose of position:
Coffeeville has been experiencing consistent growth in sales and numbers of
customers over the last two years. This growth has led to a need for a second-floor
manager who is able to manage customer complaints, take responsibility for higher
level café operations and manage staff performance

Responsibilities and Duties

● Coordinating the café schedule, covering different shifts if necessary

● Serving as the lead customer service contact at the café, including answering
questions, welcoming customers, and other communications
● Responsibility for keeping café area clean, neat and orderly
Ordering any supplies needed for the café.

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Academic and Trade Qualifications

Essential Desirable
e.g. Certificate in Office Administration e.g. Advanced Excel course

● bilingual skills desirable

• An understanding of fair trade (particularly Italian, Greek or
principles Chinese)
• A qualification that is relevant to
operating/managing a small
• Exceptional communication skills
• Strong understanding of coffee
• Sales and customer service skills
• Sustainability and community
building experience
• Ability to develop and
implement café policies and
• Ability to manage vendors and
maintain inventory
• Ability to run staff meetings.

Work Experience and Skills

Essential Desirable
e.g. Minimum two years general e.g. Experience working within a
administration/ reception experience manufacturing environment

 At least five-year experience • At least three years’ experience

o Managing staff, including
o Performance appraisals

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Personal Qualities and Behavioural Traits

e.g. Written and verbal communication
e.g. Attention to detail

● Must be highly motivated ● Good organisational skills

● Excellent communication and ● An understanding of food and
interpersonal skills beverage operations
● Excellent management and ● Must be available to work four
leadership skills weekdays and saturday each week
● Social media savvy especially with
Face book and Twitter

Employee name: Rufus Belcastran

Signature: Rufus Belcastran Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Manager name: Joe Belfone
Signature: Joe Belfone Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Performance review period: dd/mm/yyyy

Next review date: dd/mm/yyyy

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Appendix 4: Job Advertisement template
Selected advertising channel/s
Face book and café window

 newspaper classifieds  Facebook  café noticeboard

 classifieds online  café window  industry


Reasons for selected advertising channels:

Easily accessible and are with low cost

Job ad – Café Manager

 Café Manager
 Melbourne
 $24.50/hour
 Immediate start
Coffeeville is a family-owned and run café located in Melbourne. Coffeeville aims
to serve quality food and fair trade coffee at a city pace. The café is currently open
7 am–5 pm, Monday to Friday.
Coffeeville has been experiencing consistent growth in sales and numbers of
customers over the last two years. This growth has led to a need for a second-
floor manager who is able to manage customer complaints, take responsibility for
higher level café operations and manage staff performance.
Skills required
● Coffeeville product knowledge
● At least three years’ experience in:
○ managing staff, including training
○ performance appraisals
● Must be highly motivated
● Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
● Excellent management and leadership skills
● Good organisational skills

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● An understanding of food and beverage operations
Must be available to work four weekdays and Saturday each week

Please email your confidential CV to Emma Belcastran at

EmmaBelcastran@thussthuss.com for further information.

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Appendix 5: Interview guide template

Job title: Café Manager

Date and time of


Selection panel:

● Each member of the panel should make notes (on a separate sheet) and score each applicant. Scores should then be added up and used
when making a decision.
● The panel should also decide which questions will be asked by each member of the panel.

Scoring – applicant’s answers should be scored as follows:

No answer given or answer Good answer. Relevant
Some points covered, not all relevant.
0 completely irrelevant. No examples 2 4 information. All or most points
Some examples given.
given. covered. Good examples.
A few good points but main issues Some points covered. Relevant Perfect answer. All points
1 missing. No examples/irrelevant 3 information given. Some examples 5 addressed. All points relevant.
examples given given. Good examples.

Weighting – questions can be weighted 1 (low importance) or 2 (high importance) to reflect their overall importance to the position.

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Questions and weighting

Question Questions Applicant’s responses Weight Score

categories (1-2) (0-5)
<Complete in Assessment Task 1>

Work 1. WHAT EXPERIENCE DO YOU I have worked as a coffee manager at Dunkin

history HAVE IN THIS FIELD OR FOR CAFE Donuts and have knowledge about cash register
MANAGER POSITION? management, handling customer complaints and
I’ve enjoyed the experience immensely during the
three years that I worked.

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Question Questions Applicant’s responses Weight Score
categories (1-2) (0-5)
<Complete in Assessment Task 1>

2. As cafe manager, what is your I believe in delegating responsibility and authority.

management style? I want to give each person the chance to grown and
reach for the stars, not be hobbled by low
expectations or some ceiling I’ve put into place.

I believe in building a team. Each member of the

team should be clear on their role, know where
they fit in and feel they can depend on and lean
upon others in the team to achieve group goals.

I believe in real-time feedback. If you do something

wrong, you should know it immediately. If you do
something right, you should hear about it right
away. The further removed feedback is in time, the
less effective it is.

Education 3. What have you done to Everyone should learn from his mistake. I always try
and training improve your knowledge for café to consult my mistakes with my kith and kin
manager position in the last year? especially with elderly and experienced person

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Question Questions Applicant’s responses Weight Score
categories (1-2) (0-5)
<Complete in Assessment Task 1>

Personality, 4. Tell me about yourself I’m a bit quite person who would like to focus on
motivation the task that need to be done and tried to get it
and done before dead line and prepared to face any
character uncertain task.
5. What do you consider to be My belief on me is my biggest strength.
your best strength?

Total score (skills and knowledge)

Follow up questions Applicant answer Weigh

t Total

How much notice do they have to About two weeks


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When can they start? Dd/mm/yyyy

What are your salary expectations? Around $xxxxx/annually

Total score (additional)

Referee contact details:

Now give the applicant an opportunity to ask any questions that they might have and answer them.

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Ending the interview:
● Thank the applicant for attending the interview.
● Let them know what happens next i.e. when you will be making your decision and how you will be letting them know the
results (applicants who have attended the interview should be made aware of your decision either way).

<In Assessment Task 1, insert the steps that will be taken to make the decision and inform applicants>

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Assessment 1: Written Questions

Student’s Name: Kamran Siraj

Assessor’s Name: Kateryna Poznyak

Date of Assessment:
BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of
Unit of Competency:
Feedback to Student:

Student’s overall
 Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory
performance is:
Is re-assessment
 Yes  No

Assessor’s Signature: Assessment 2: Case StudyDate:

Student’s Signature: Date:
Student’s Name: Kamran Siraj

Assessor’s Name: Kateryna Poznyak

BSBHRM405 Assessment Guide V1
Date of Assessment:
44 | P a g e
BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of
Unit of Competency:
1 Portfolio:
□ Job Description for a particular job role (of your choice)
□ Job Advertisement for a particular job (of your choice)
□ Employment Contract for a chosen job role
□ Induction Check list for a chosen job role
□ Sample Interview questions for two different jobs (Student can choose any two jobs to
develop questions on)
□ General Employment Form
□ Letter of Offer to successful applicants
□ Notice to Unsuccessful applicants
□ Sample questions to be asked of referees
□ Evidence of advising of management & work team of new appointment
2. Presentation:
□ Delivered a 10-15 minute presentation on the portfolio of templates created for JMC
Spatial Pty Ltd.
□ Submitted PowerPoint slides to your trainer a week before presentation day.

Feedback to Student:

Student’s overall
 Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory
performance is:
Is re-assessment
 Yes  No

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Student’s Signature: Date:

Assessment 3: Project

Student’s Name: Kamran Siraj

Assessor’s Name: Kateryna Poznyak

Date of Assessment:
BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of
Unit of Competency:

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Feedback to Student:

Student’s overall
 Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory
performance is:
Is re-assessment
 Yes  No

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Student’s Signature: Date:

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Final Assessment Summary & Feedback
Student’s Name: Kamran Siraj SCSB16774
Date of
Assessor’s Name: Kateryna Poznyak Completion:
Unit of Competency: BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Student Results
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Not Completed

1. Assessment 1   

2. Assessment 2   

3. Assessment 3   
Feedback to Student:

Result:  Competent  Not Competent

Is re-assessment required:  Yes  No

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Student’s Signature: Date:

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This Assessment Cover Sheet needs to be completed and attached to each assessment upon submission.
Ensure you tick the relevant assessment and sign after completing the entire form.

Student’s Name: Kamran Siraj

Student’s ID: SCSB16774

Contact Number:

Email: Kamran_siraj@hotmail.com

Assessor’s Name: Kateryna Poznyak

Qualification: BSB51915 – Diploma of Leadership and Management

Unit of Competency: BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
☐ 1. Written Questions
Assessment: ☐ 2. Case Study
☐ 3. Project
Due Date: Date Submitted:
If your assessment is being submitted after the due date, please attach a copy of the written confirmation
of extension received from the Assessor.
Declaration: I have kept a copy of my assessment submission and have read and
understood the following information provided at the beginning of this
assessment (please tick):
☐ General assessment information
☐ Submitting assessments
☐ Assessment results
☐ Plagiarism and referencing

I declare this assessment is my own work and where the work is of others,
I have fully referenced that material.

Name (please print) Signature Date

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Revised Assessment Mapping
Unit Code: BSBHRM405

Name: Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

Performance Criteria Assessment 1 Assessment 2: Assessment 3:

Theoretical Questions Case Study Project
1 Plan for recruitment
1.1 Obtain approval to fill position, clarify Q.1 & Q.2 Task 2 Q.7
time lines and requirement for
1.2 Assist in preparing job descriptions Q.1, Q.2, Q.4 Q1. A Q.4
that accurately reflect the role
requirements, according to organisational
policies and procedures, legislation,
codes, national standards and work
health and safety (WHS) considerations
1.3 Consult with relevant personnel about Q.1, Q.2, Q.3 Task 2 Q.7
job descriptions and workforce strategy
1.4 Assist in ensuring that job descriptions Q.1 & Q.2 Q1.A Q.4
comply with legislative requirements and
reflect the organisation's requirements
for a diverse workforce
1.5 Obtain approvals to advertise position Q.1 & Q.2 Task 2 Q.7
2 Plan for selection
2.1 Choose appropriate channels and Q.6 Q.1.B Q.5
technology to advertise vacancies and/or
identify potential talent pool
2.2 Advertise vacancies for staffing Q.6 Q.1.B Q.5
requirements according to organisational Task 2
policies and procedures
2.3 Consult with relevant personnel to Q.7 Q.1.E Q.6, Q.7
convene selection panel and develop
interview questions
2.4 Assist in ensuring that interview Q.8 Q.6
questions comply with legislative
2.5 Assist in short-listing applicants Q.11 Task 2 Q.3

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2.6 Schedule interviews and advise Q.8 Q.6
relevant people of times, dates and
3 Support selection process
3.1 Participate in interview process and Q.12 A & B Task 2 Q.6
assess candidates against agreed
selection criteria
3.2 Discuss assessment with other Task 2 Q.6
selection panel members
3.3 Correct biases and deviations from Q.13 & Q.14 Q.6
agreed procedures and negotiate for
preferred candidate
3.4 Contact referees for referee reports Q.15 Q1. I
3.5 Prepare selection report and make Task 2 Q.6
recommendations to senior personnel for
3.6 Advise unsuccessful candidates of Q.1.H
outcomes and respond to any queries
3.7 Secure preferred candidate's Q1. C
3.8 Complete necessary documentation Q.17 Q.1.A-G
according to organisational procedures,
observing confidentiality and privacy
4 Induct successful candidate
4.1 Provide successful candidate with Q.9, Q.17 Q.1.C
employment contract and other Q.1.G
4.2 Advise manager and work team of Q.1.J
new appointment
4.3 Advise managers and staff of Q.10 Q.1. D
candidate's starting date and make
necessary administrative arrangements
for pay and employee record keeping
4.4 Arrange successful candidate's Q.10, Q.17 Q.1.
induction according to organisational
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
BSBHRM405 Assessment Guide V2 May 2017
51 | P a g e
 prepare job descriptions Q.1.A Q.4

 use job descriptions to support Q.1.B Q.4

sourcing, selecting and appointing
suitable staff

 use different advertising channels Q.1 Q.1.B Q.5

to promote vacancies and/or
establish a potential talent pool

 consult with managers to gain Q.3, Q.13 Q.1.E Q.6, Q.7

approvals Task 2

 develop selection criteria and Q.7, Q.11 Task 2 Q.6, Q.13

interview questions in
consultation with relevant

 schedule interviews and advise Q.8 Q.6

relevant people of times, dates
and venues

 participate in interviews and other Q.11, Q.12 A & B Task 2 Q.8 a

selection techniques including
assessing candidates against
selection criteria to short list them

 obtain referees' reports Q.15 Q.1 I

 prepare and distribute a selection Q.1 H

report including feedback to give
unsuccessful candidates

 advise unsuccessful candidates of Q.1 H Q.8 b

the results

 secure preferred candidate’s Q.9 Q.1 C

agreement and provide an

BSBHRM405 Assessment Guide V2 May 2017

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employment contract

 advise other staff of the successful Q.10 Q.1.D & J

candidate and arrange induction.

Knowledge Evidence
 identify documentation required Q.17 All Q.9
for recruitment, selection and

 explain human resources life cycle Q.16 Q.3

and the place of recruitment and

 identify legislation relevant to Q.5 Q.1 A Q.4, Q.6

recruitment, selection and
induction of staff

 describe channels and technology Q.6 Q.1 B Q.5

to advertise vacancies

 explain a range of interviewing Q.7 & Q.13 Q.6

techniques and other selection
processes and their application.

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