School Growth Client Kit School Growth Client Kit: A List of The Best Conservative News Sites On The Web
School Growth Client Kit School Growth Client Kit: A List of The Best Conservative News Sites On The Web
School Growth Client Kit School Growth Client Kit: A List of The Best Conservative News Sites On The Web
A List of the
News Sites on
the Web
Dr. Steve Turley
Internationally recognized
scholar, speaker, and
YouTube influencer
Fake News Antidote: A List of the Best Conservative News Sites on the Web
In the midst of the fake news so often and so regularly spewed out by
left-wing activists disguised as journalists, I’m often asked what
conservative news sites I frequent.
I’ve also noticed that this question has become more poignant since
Matt Drudge’s bizarre turn to the left. This is because historically the
Drudge Report has been the number one conservative news
aggregate website that was instrumental in getting the word out on
Donald Trump back in 2016.
In fact, after Trump successfully won the election, there was a news
piece entitled “How Matt Drudge Won the 2016 Election”, which
underscored the influence of the alternative media on world events.
The piece noted that we are, in fact, transitioning from an old media
context that largely lectures its constituents on news events and
interpretations to a new network society wherein the constituents are
active participants in what constitutes a news event and its variant
interpretations. In the new cyber-news sphere, we get to choose what
news media we trust most; the old days of three major network news
organizations that held a collective monopoly over news and
information are over!
And all of sudden, you realized that Drudge was actually pushing a
far-left spin on the news, which of course was thoroughly anti-
Now, I need not say, but this has been very, very disappointing to
say the least. The loss of Drudge is a significant loss no question,
and we really don’t know what turned him. But as things stand, it is
clear that Drudge has dropped any sense of support and loyalty to
the nationalist populist cause.And so his turncoat coverage has not
gone unnoticed, and it has not gone unpunished. According to the
Washington Times, the Drudge Report has seen a 15 percent drop
in viewership between July and October of 2019: he’s gone from
96 million monthly views to 77 million.*
Fake News Antidote: A List of the Best Conservative News Sites on the Web
Here’s some web sources and stats: Whatfinger News, which links to
unabashedly conservative sites, has seen their viewership grow by an
astonishing 40 percent in the same timeframe. The Liberty Daily,
which is seeking to position itself as over against the fledgling
Drudge Report, has seen its viewership grow by an even more awing
72 percent in the same timeframe! Another example is the Rantingly,
a pro-Trump news aggregate site, that’s seen their viewership grow
by a whopping 316 percent year over year. NewsAmmo and Gab
Trends are the two youngest of the emerging rightwing alternatives
to Drudge, they also saw enormous growth over the last several
But isn’t it interesting that this professor failed to mention the fake
news coverage that literally DEFINED the whole Russian-Collusion
hoax? Drudge was on the frontlines predicting that Trump would be
indicted. There was virtually no difference between Drudge’s
coverage of the Russian collusion hoax and Rachel Maddow’s
Cited in
Fake News Antidote: A List of the Best Conservative News Sites on the Web
We can see it in the very language that they use. Are the people
crossing the southern border ‘undocumented workers’ or ‘illegal
immigrants’? Are the rebels in whatever country ‘freedom fighters’ or
‘terrorists’? The simple fact of the matter is that more and more
populations are recognizing that whatever news they get is coming
from a worldview, and they would rather have news presented from a
worldview that corresponds with their own.
Cited in
Fake News Antidote: A List of the Best Conservative News Sites on the Web
The College Fix A great resource not just on the cultural Marxist
insanity infesting college campuses, but also on the growing
number of colleges closing their doors for good.
The Babylon Bee This site is just fun! If you’re looking for a good
laugh at all things liberal and politically correct, you can’t do better
than the Babylon Bee.
Fake News Antidote: A List of the Best Conservative News Sites on the Web
I know; if you are like me, I found myself scoffing at the very
notion several years back. I mean, take a look around you, and all
we see is cultural rot! A new conservative age? Yeah, right!
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