AFS LOGICWALL® CodeMark Certification PDF
AFS LOGICWALL® CodeMark Certification PDF
AFS LOGICWALL® CodeMark Certification PDF
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Product description
AFS LOGICWALL is a permanent formwork system for load-bearing reinforced concrete walls designed by a Professional Engineer in
accordance with AFS Designer 2015 Edition (October). LOGICWALL comprises:
Galvanised cold-formed steel studs at 146mm centres, the studs having large lipped penetrations in their web element to
facilitate placement of reinforcing steel and flow and subsequent bond of concrete fill.
CSR Cemintel CeminSeal® 6mm fibre-cement boards bonded each side to the flanges of the studs with an adhesive
Reinforcing steel.
Concrete fill.
AFS LOGICWALL types are as follows, the numerical values representing the thickness of the wall in millimetres, and “D” indicating
double layer of reinforcing steel:
1. AFS120
2. AFS150
3. AFS162
4. AFS200
5. AFS200D
6. AFS262D
Certificate holder
CSR Building Products Ltd - AFS Structural Systems, Triniti 3, 39 Delhi Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Tel: 1300 727 237,
The purpose of construction site audits is to confirm the practicability of installing the product; and to confirm the appropriateness and accuracy of installation instructions
This Certificate of Conformity is issued by an accredited certification body under arrangement with JAS-ANZ. The ABCB does not in any way warrant, guarantee or represent that
the Product the subject of this Certificate of Conformity conforms with the BCA, nor accepts any liability arising out of the use of the Product. The ABCB disclaims to the extent
permitted by law, all liability (including negligence) for claims of losses, expenses, damages and costs arising as a result of the use of the product(s) referred to in this Certificate.
It is advised to check that this Certificate of Conformity is currently valid and not withdrawn, suspended or superseded by a later issue by referring to the ABCB website,
This is to certify that
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4) Volume One Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision C1.12(d) in respect of the fibre-cement formwork board.
5) Volume One FP1.4 in respect of weatherproofing at serviceability wind pressures of up to +0.68 kPa / -1.27 kPa.
6) Volume One FP 5.2 and FP5.5.
7) Volume One JP1 in respect of wall configurations shown in AFS Designer 2015 Edition (October), Section G and Section L
contributing to the thermal resistance of the building fabric as.follows:
a) R-Value for basic AFS Logicwall element, determined in accordance with AS/NZS 4859.1:2002 (including Amendment 1) not
including air-films, air-spaces and additional insulation and linings as follows:
i) AFS120 – R 0.123 m .K/W
ii) AFS150 – R 0.144 m .K/W
iii) AFS162 – R 0.152 m .K/W
iv) AFS200 – R 0.179 m .K/W
v) AFS250 – R 0.213 m .K/W
b) all wall types having a surface density in excess of 220kg/m .