This document provides a table listing various types of medicines categorized by their classification. The table includes the medicine name, form, example brand names, and dosages. It covers over-the-counter medicines, prescription-only medicines, controlled medicines, psychotropic medicines, narcotics, precursors to narcotics, and other specified medicines. The table contains over 100 medicine examples in total across the 8 categories.
This document provides a table listing various types of medicines categorized by their classification. The table includes the medicine name, form, example brand names, and dosages. It covers over-the-counter medicines, prescription-only medicines, controlled medicines, psychotropic medicines, narcotics, precursors to narcotics, and other specified medicines. The table contains over 100 medicine examples in total across the 8 categories.
This document provides a table listing various types of medicines categorized by their classification. The table includes the medicine name, form, example brand names, and dosages. It covers over-the-counter medicines, prescription-only medicines, controlled medicines, psychotropic medicines, narcotics, precursors to narcotics, and other specified medicines. The table contains over 100 medicine examples in total across the 8 categories.
This document provides a table listing various types of medicines categorized by their classification. The table includes the medicine name, form, example brand names, and dosages. It covers over-the-counter medicines, prescription-only medicines, controlled medicines, psychotropic medicines, narcotics, precursors to narcotics, and other specified medicines. The table contains over 100 medicine examples in total across the 8 categories.
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