Amsoft Business Control PDF
Amsoft Business Control PDF
Amsoft Business Control PDF
Amsoft Business Control =t=
soFT 1002
Reproduction or translation of any part of this publication without the written permission ol the
copyright owner is unlawful. Amshad and Quest lntemational Computer Technology reserve the
right to amend or a.lter the specification without notice. While every eflort has been made to
verily that this complex software works as described, it is not possible to test any program of this
complexity under all Inssible conditions. Therefore the program and this manual is provided "as
is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
soFT 1002
CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research lnc.
Amsoft Business Control
soFt 1002
Reproduction or translation ol any part ol this publication without the written permission of the
copyright owner is unlawful. Amstrad and Quest Intemational Computer Technolo$r reserve the
right to amend or alter the specification without notice. While every elfort has been made to
verify that this complex software works as described, it is not possible to test any program of this
complexity under all possible conditions. Therefore the program and this manual is provided "as
is" without waranty of any kind, either express or irnplied.
soFT 1002
CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research lnc.
1. Introduction 3
2, WhatisASCS? 4
3. General Operation 6
4. Systems Outline of ASCS 8
D. Disk Filee used in ASCS and their Contents ll
6. NornalRunning l3
6. I First Tine User Registration l3
Master Menu and Detailed Operating Instructions 15
7.1 Enter Stock Movements t7
7.2 Display/Amend Product Details 19
7.3 Print Stock File Listing 20
7.4 Calculate Stock Levels 20
7.5 Display Daybook Listing 20
7.6 Print Daybook Listing 2l
7.7 Vo Amend, Selling Prices 2l
7.8 Anend Product Groups 22
7.9 Amend Units of Sale 22
7.10 Print Groups and Units of Sale 23
7. I I Zeroiee Management Information 23
?.12 Print Price List 2/l
7.13 Amend Systen Parameters 24
?.14 End Progrcrn 26
8. Sample Reports 27
9. Error Messages 4L
10. BacLing up/Taking Copies of Disks +3
11. Notes and Checklist for First Time User 14
t2. Copyright Clause 46
Welcome to Amsoft Stock Control System runniug under CP/M*. This syetem is part
of an integrated b'usiness applications suite of programs, i.e. Ansoft Businesg
Control System, yet it can also b€ run by itselfifrequired.
Thie manual will show you how to use the system, and will also give you exanples,
firll reference and guiilance.
Ifyou are new to Computers or you are using the Stock Control system for the first
time, you may feel overwhelmed by the many components and manuals available but
don't worry. This manual will take you thmugh, step by step, explaining how to use
the Amsoft Stock Control System. Ifyou have registered with the customer support
Service (see enclosed Registration Card) you can get ancwers to your questions about
the Amsoft Stock Control System by calling Camberley (0276) ffif 89.
The best way to learn to use the Amsoft Stock Control System (ASCS) is to try it. Do
not be afraid tn experiment and make mistakee, you cannot hurt the Computer or the
ASCS program no matter what you type at the keyboard. As you practice you will
gain familiarity and confidence in using sone ofthe features ofASCS which will help
you in your business. Ifyou are a first time user and you have not had the benefit of
using an Amsoft Business System before, please refer to sections 10 and 11.
For first time users ofthe Amsoft Businese Control System (ABCS) we would like you
to register with us that you have purchased this package. You will need to run Amend
System Parameters (see S€ction 7.13) and by entering the title, serial number and
the name in System Parameters you will be asked to telephone Quest on Camberley
63189 to obtain your CHECKSUM number. When you have entered the correct
CHECKSUM you can proceed with operating this system without messages being
displayed on the screen stating that this is an unregistered package.
You can operate this system for a limitcd period oftime without entering anything in
the title serial number and name fielde in Anend System Paraneters, but ifyou
continue to operate without having registered yourself as a user with Quest, after a
period oftime the system will stop operating.
ASCS is a suite ofpmgrams thatwill enable you to easily and accurately record stock
details, provide control over orders placed and received, as well as provide
meaningfirl management information on up to 250 products.
ASCS ie one of the elements in Amsoft's Business Control System (ABCS) and
therefore integrates automatically with the Invoicing System. ASCS, however, has
been designed to run independently from the other systems in ABCS ifso desired, and
is a complete Stock Control System in its own right.
Major characteristics ofASCS are that postings, ie. issues, receipts, returns, etc. are
made directly to the hoduct File. You choose the product to be posted to, make the
posting, and immediately the entry is recorded to the hoduct File. Automatically the
Phyeical Stock is updated for the product, together with Turnover Quantity,
Turnover Value, hofrt Value, hofit % etc. Daybook Files are updated to provide the
audit trail. In ehort firll accounting contml is maintained.
You can view a product and associated postings on the screen at any time and produce
reports on demand. fire main reports are Stock File Listings and Stock Valuation.
Other reports provide complete auditable control over your product movementa as
well as providing reports that identift products where Stock is below R€-Order Level,
or below Minimum Stock, and it also reports on profitable products.
Reports from ASCS can be produced on any printer (sheet fed or continuous), have a
maximum of 80 characters to any print line, and can be produced on demand. The
various reports that can be obtained are as follows:
* Stock Valuation
* Turnover and Gross Profit
* Orders Outstanding
* Below Re-Order Level only
ZeroNegative only
* Products with a Turnover range from/to
* Products that have or have not moved from a certain ilate.
All reports above are range selectable from product to product, within product
group to product group.
Amsoft Stock Control System has evolved because users ofstock control systems have
many varied requirements. ASCS has been designed to satisfr most needs, and
perhaps pmvide a little more information than expected.
ASCS caters for up to 250 etock items, and for each stock iten Physical Stock is
calculated as a result ofreceipts, issues, transfers, returns to stock etc.
To aid the user Minimum Stock level and ReOrder level figures can be used to
prompt the user to re-order and to speed-up the search for items that need
To help with ordering,, additional assistance is provided for the user because he is
able to record orders placed on the supplier by quantity and actual order number.
This should enable the user to control those orders he has placed, but also there is a
facility to record those orders placed on him by his cugtomer. As these orders are
satisfied then they can be matched on an order number and deleted from the file
Free Stock is calculated by the value of Physical Stock less Customer Orders not yet
satisfred, plus orders placed on Suppliers not yet satisfied.
So ASCS will display information about each item ofphysical stock on the screen, like
how many, how many are on order, how rnany orders must be satisfied etr. In addition
the system will also remember the month and year ofthe last movement for each
stock item and it will tell you how many have been sold, i.e. turnover quantity (issues,
less returns plus or minus adjustments, etc.)
ASCS uses the Bame stock file as the one used in the Amsoft Sales lnvoicing Systcm
(ASIS) and therefore on the Stnck File there is a facility for Cost Price, Selling Price,
VAT Code, Discount % on Selling kice, Unit of Sale, and also a Product
Description.This information can be displayed on the screen, and like the
information in the previous paragraph is also printed to the various reports.
By using a Product Group Code each stock itcm can be further identifred into a
specific category. This two digit code will also be used to allocate a stock itcm to a
Branch or Department.When printing reports on product details these can be
produced by Product Group Code as well as overall for the whole stock file. The two
digit Product Gmup in the range 1-94 can be used via the Amsoft Sales Invoicing
System and Amsoft Sales ledger System i.e. Product Groups 1-94 are the same as
Contml Accounts 1-94 in the Sales l€dger Systcnr./Nominal Ledger bridge.
Remember, the user can select what information he wants to appear on the product
detail report and for which product group. It will alwayJ show Stock Code,
description, Prices, Free Stock, Minimum Stock level, Re-Order Level, Orders
situation etc', then the user can opt for the following additional information for each
stock item:
a) Tumover by *
* Sales Value
* Cost Value
In addition ASCS provides a full audit trait ofpostings, a daybook can be rlisplayed,
and a PRICE LIST can be printed.
Elfect on
Poeting Description Thnover PhysicdStock
Many ofthe tried and trusted program routines uEed in other Amsoft Softwsre have
been included in ASCS, therefore the operator will find it very easy to use, especially
ifthey have experience ofother Amsoft accounts syotems in this range.
Format I.cngth
3 PRODUCTGROIJP N 2 (inrange 1-94)
4 UNITOFSALE N 2 (in range 1-99)
5 SELLINGPRICE N 7 max. = 9999.99
6 COSTPRICE N ? max. = 9999.99
7 DISCOUNT% N 5 max. = 99.99
9 PHYSICALSTOCK N 5 max. = 99999.99
10 MINIMUMLEVEL N 5 max. = 99999
11 RE.ORDERLEVEL N 5 max. = 99999
In addition for each item, up to six Suppliers Ners and,/or Customer Orders can be
held on file and are created from Option 1 - Enter Stock Movements (see Section 7.1)
Supplier Order N 1
Customer Order N 1
Quantity N 5 max. = 30000
Price N 8 max. = 99999.99
Reference No. A/l.I 6
In addition on the display for each item the following information is also ehown:
Fotmat kngth
UnitOode N 2 Inrange 1-99
Description AAI 15
5.4 ProductGroups
Fomat Length
hoduct N 2 In range l-94
Description A/N 16
Ensure you have CP/I\{ in the computer and your pmgram and data disc are in their
Disc Drive(s). Type inABC followed by [ENTER].
Enter the date and, ifvalid, the Master Menu will be displayed (See Section 7.)
To become registered, follow the procedure to get the Master Menu (see Section 7),
Enter the TITLE, NAME. and Serial No. (TITLE will be displayed on all screen
displays, and NAME will be printcd at the top of all reports')
You tell us the number on the screen, we give you the CHECKSUM (PA$S
NUMBER). You enter the PASS NUMBER followed by [ENTERI, and you are now
registered and the system will run smoothly.
Just in case you need to repeat the exercise at any time in the future, keep an exact
record ofyour TITLE, NAME and PASS NUMBER.
From this point on, select the option required by entering the number followed by
[ENTER] and refer to the following s€ctions ofthe manual for inebuction in their uee.
1.3 Enter the TYPE of Stock Movement followed by [ENTERI, this is in the
range 1-9. The description ofthe type selected is displayed below TYPE
on the screen and will correspond to the following:
1.5.1 When entering a RECEIPI you may use the Cost Price displayed
to override the Cost Price on the Stock File (LATEST COST
PRICE) or average the Cost hice (Enter 'L' or 'A' as applicable
under the prompt 0). If [ESC] is pressed the calculation will
default to the COST? Literal entered as a Svstem Pararneter. (see
1.6 15 ITEMS or Stock Movements can be displayed on the screen before
updating the Files.
1.7 If yoo h.u" less than 15 ITEMS or Stock Movements, to update the frles
press [ESC] instead ofentering an IIEM Number.
[ENTERI to accept the ITEMS or Stock Movements onto the frle or 1-15 to
correspond to an individual line on the screen that can be changed.
Press [ESG] to ignore all the information on the screen and return to step
A maximum of6 customers or supplier orders are allowed in the sytem for
any item at any one time.
Ifthisis exceeded during the update stage (1.8) the procesb will stop to
prompt you and any order after that number will not be accepted. Type
BNTERI to accept remaining movements.
r/t crY
{e r95,09
l. uNl] 0r irLr I
6. [SlouNr t
r0. Nr-0.0rr Lr!r L
To Add a Product
Select the ITEM no. to be allocated and in response to the prompt
Then complete lines 1-10 on the left hand side of the screen above for an
example. See Section 5 for maximum values in eachfield.
To Change a Product
Enter the Item Number to be changed and after a short time the current data held for
the product will be displayed. Change each field as required by selecting the line
number against the field. Enter 0 for details of Customer and Supplier Order
Numbers, Free Stock (i.e. Physical Stock & Supplier Orders - Customer Orderr),
Customer Order Quantity, Supplier Order Quantitity, Customer Value, Supplier
Order Value etc.
Notc Cugtomer and Supplier orders can only be changed or deleted at this point.
They must be entered using movements types 8 and 9.
(3 I (
To Delete a Product
Enter the Itcm Number and wait while the system reads in the Product details from
disk and displays the information on the screen. To delete the itcm type in 'D'.
Note A product can only be deleted where its Physical Stock level is zero. Any
orders remaining on the item will be lost when product is deleted.
This routine enables the user to select the exact listing required from the Stock File.
A range ofproducts can be printed or [ENTER] twice gives the complete file.
A range of product groups can be printed or [ENTER] twice gives the complete set of
groups l-94.
The selection can be used to give a combination ofboth products and groups.
Irur!s ( r.o. !. )
sI0a[ !rvt!s {i.s.!.) f0i rNr 6r0uPs/PR0DrJcrs srrrarrt
INt LtVtrs rlrr 3t trr r0 rurr0vrr erY r0R rNE Pr00ucrs Drvr!rD
rrr€RED r0r s01F or rNt l€vrts (r,0.1. I i.s.L.)
7.5 DisplayDaybooklisting
This routine enables the user to display the transactions from the Daybook File, with
14 lines per screen.
[EI{TER] to continue will prompt the ueer to the next screen or [ESC] will return you
to the Menu.
This routine enables the user to print out all transactions on the Daybook File in the
same format as the screen display in section ?.5.
t,AS DAYBOOK LISTING 0.K. Y/N will be displayed after printing the
Daybook. N followed by [ENTER] will produce another Daybook Listing ifthere has
been a paper wreck or similar misadventure.
This routine enables all Selling Prices to be increased or reduced by a percentage (e.g.
- 10 will result in a decrease of 107o and 10 will result in an increase of 1070) for the
selected Products/Product Groups.
If you want all Product Groups changed simply press [EI{TER] in response to the
PRoDUCT GR0UP ? prompt.
The printer will report on the action taken.
This option enables the user to set up product Gmup Codes in the range 1-94 together
with a 15 character description for each group code.
IESCI will return you to the Menu.
7.9 AmendUnitsofSale
This routine enables the user to set up Units of Sale in the range l-99, together with a
15 character description for each code.
This routine enables you to get a complete listing of hoduct Codee and Units ofSale,
together with their deecriptions that have been set up in Sections 7.8 and ?.g.
7.ll ZetoiseManagementlnfomation
The scrcenwill ehow:
This enablee you to zeroise mangement information for every product (f\lnover
Quantity, Turnover Value, Cost ofSalee) for the select€d Products/Product Groups.
sl|rr ? .
This routine enables the user to print all products on a hice List by simply pressing [-
El{lERl four times in nespotrse to the above pmmpts. A selective price list can be
printed by specifting the exact amounts and product groups required.
! ---------- 0rD ----''---- I t ---------- r€r ---------- l
The screen shows all the parameters which the system requires to run successfully.
Enter these parameters as required on instruction from the user and note carefully
the following instructions.
1 NAME - 30 Characters: User Name. This will print at the top of all reports.
2 LINEI - Format Character I on the Stock Listing. Default 46.
3 LINE2 - Forrnat Character 2 on the Stock Listing. Default 61.
4 COST - 'A'will default to Average Cost Price being calculated on receipts.
'L'is latest Cost hice.
5 CIIRI - Format Character 1(1-255 only). Default 45.
6 CIIR2 - Format Character 2 (1-255 only). Default4S.
7 LINES - Number oflines per page, normally66.
8 PAUSE - Y for us€ with sheet fed printers.
I TITLE - The screen title (30 characters).
10 REG - This is the Registration Nurnber on the label ofthe program disk.
The program closes all files and terminatee processing, aftcr a few seconds the
following display is shown.
Remove your data disks; ifnecessary replace the system disk and then type IENIERI.
Remember it is wiee to BACKIIP your data disks if poating or end of month mutines
have been used.
El'lRLL 9TEl.lE r:H'll4E POHO FIXTUFE9 EFCH 7.99
l1 PNPF'/ lIEEO5 gEEOS PFI]I(ETg 8.94
tl liriLrL I FL'_rl.lER 3EE05 gEEO! FER 1Bq E.6A
I 5I I ERCH 3l
a2 2 PSCKETS 0F 2 52
53 3 P6CKET9 53
4 34 4PER5 14
J 55 5 PER 19 55
56 5 PER 29 56
7 tr? ? PER 59 37
a 58 I PER tAO
9 59 9 PER D6Y
1l 6t €,1
t2 62 L2
l3 63 13
l4 64 t4 64
l6 t6
t7 t7
!8 6E 18 58
t9 69 t9 69
?l ?L
7? 22 72
73 73
24 74 24 74
e7 7tr e5
aE zb 76
77 2?
2A 78 2A 78
29 79 29 79
3l 81 3t
.t2 8t
A2 a2
A2 83
34 84
34 84
35 85
36 86 36
87 37
38 88 38 aa
39 89 39 E9
91 4l 9l
4? 92 42 92
43 43
44 94 44 94
45 95
46 46 96
4? 47
4A 48 98
49 49 99
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The ABC master disc is supplied in vendor format, and should not be used as a work
disc. A working copy should be made by copying the files onto a new blank disc, and
then copying the system and boot sectors from your CP/M system disc to the newly
copieddisc. To create a working copy follow steps 1 to 5 below.
1. If you are not already in CP/IvI, load your CP/M system disc into drive A then
type lcpm[ENTER].
2. With your CP/M system disc in disc drive A and new blank disc in drive B, type
3. When requested replace the CPiM system disc in drive A with the ABC master
disc and follow the prompts on the screen.
4. Type SYSGEN [ENTER], follow the screen prompts, and insert your CP/I\,I
system disc (Source) and newly copieddisc (Destination) asrequested.
5. Type B00TGEN [ENTER], follow the screen prompts, and insert your CP,A'I
system disc (Source) and newly copieddisc (Destination) as requested.
You should now have a working copy of the master disc. Keep the original in a safe
place and only use the copy.
To makebackup copies ofyour ABC data discs,.follow steps 6 to 8below.
6. Ifyou are not already in CP,&I, load your CP/lvI system disc into drive A then
type lcpm[ENTER].
7. With your CP/M system disc in disc drive A and new blank disc in drive B, type
8. When requested replace the CP/M system disc in drive A with the ABC data disc
and follow the prompts on the screen.
11.2 EnteringValues
Enter the whole number and press [ENTER], the program will insert decimal places
and zeros as required.
e.g. 99 IENTEBI for goods value will be displayed as 99.00,99.9 IENTER] will be
displayed as99.00.
Make sure you read Section 10 on Taking Copies ofDisks. Remember to take regular
copies ofdisksjust in case things go wmng, like spilling coffee on discs or someone
kicking the plug out ofthe wall inthe middle ofyou making a posting.
You can always go back to your backup' disks and start again from the time you took
the lastcopy.
This Software product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Quest
International Computer Technology Ltd. Lawful users of this program are hereby
licensed only tn read the program from this mediun intn rnemory ofa computer solely
for the purpose ofexecuting the program. Lawful users must not use this program in
any manner competitive with, or detrirrental to, the commercial interests of Quest
International Computer Technology Ltd, nor will they be allowed to copy or duplicate
this product in any way other than a perronal duplicate for backup purposes only.
Copyright in the whole and every part of this document is owned by Quest
International Computer Technology Ltd. no reproduction ofthis document is to be
made without the authority ofQuest International Computer Technology Ltd.
Reproduction or translation of any part of this publication without the written permission of the
copyright owner is unlawful. Amstrad and Quest International Computer Technology resewe the
right to amend or alter the specification without notice. While every effort has been made to
verily that this complex software works as descriH, it is not possible to test any progam of this
complexity under all possible conditions. Therefore the program and this manual is provided "as
is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
ReFoduction or translation of any pan of this publication without the written permission of the
copyright owner is unlawful. Amstrad and Quest lntemational Computer Technolo$f reserve the
right to amend or alter tlr€ specification without notice. While every effort has b€en made to
verify that this complex soltware works as descriH, it is not possible to test any program ol this
complexity under all possible conditions. Therelore the program and this manua.l is provided "as
is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
ASIS is a suite ofprograms that will enable you to easily produce Invoices and Credit
ASIS is one ofthe elements in Amsoft's Business Control System (ABC) and therefore
integrates automatically with the Sales Ledger System as well as through to the
Nominal/General Ledger System. ASIS also uses the same product File as the one
used in the Stock Control System (ASC$. ASIS, however, has been designed to run
independently from the other systems in the ABC system if so desired, and is a
complete Sales InvoicingSystem in its ownright.
Major characteristics of ASIS are that Invoices and Credit Notes can be produced
quickly and accurately. Repetitive typing is eliminated because the customer
name/address is taken from the Customer File, product information from the Pmduct
File and posting to the Sales Ledger is automatic. In most cases the operator is simply
le{t with the task ofkeying in the Account Number, Product Code and Quantity.
All arithmetic functions are also performed, including the calculation of VAT, and
full accounting control is maintained.
Informative screen displays, together with comprehensive error trapping routines
make this system easy to use but 'user friendly'. Also included are facilities for
re-printing Invoices/Credit Notes in case there is a 'paper wreck' or if the
Invoice/Credit Note is not quite correct because an ibem has been omitted.
Reports from ASIS can be produced on any printer (sheet fed or continuous), have a
maximum of80 characters to anyprintline, andcan be produced on demand.
TorunASISyou need an Amstrad CPC464withtwo disc drives and a printer.
Amsoft CP,&I Systems are noted for their speed, ease of use, reliablity, user
friendliness and quality ofsystems design.
Displays on the Monitor together with responses keyed in on the console keyboard
enable you to operate the ASIS system.
The normal flow willbe:
Amend System Parameters
{ At the start
Create Customer Details ofthe System
Create Products on Product File
Amend Tables, ifnot using
pre-printed stationery
Amend VAT Rates
Reset Invoice/Credit Note Number
Create/Amend/Delete Stock Records As required
Print Stock Listings
Display Customer Details
Enter Invoices/Credit Notes
Print Daybook Frequently
Update Sales Ledger
Zeroise VAT Summary and clear Daybook
(only if not using the Amsoft Sales
Ledger System, ASLS)
J Zeroise
Zeroise Turnover Value, Quantity, etc. Movements
The object ofthe system is to produce Invoices and Credit Notes for up to 200 Accounts
from 250 Products. Meaningful reports are available on demand, yet the system is
flexible enough to give user control over when and how to process the information.
The Sales Invoicing System program is 'loaded in' from a diskette and requires about
100K ofdisc space ondrive A. The data frleswillbe on the drive B disc.
Invoices and Credit Notes are created from Despatch Instructions. The Product File
is updated immediately whereas the Sales Ledger is updated as an Option from the
Master Menu (see Section 7.7). This means that any enquiries on a Product either
through the display shown on the Monitor or through the printer are up to date.
The VAT Summary is primarily an aid to support and agrees with the Daybook
Listing and control totals produced in the Summary to Nominal reports. It is not
essential but with the facility for analysis over 10 VAT Codes the system is capable of
handling multiple VAT rates.
The user decides when to produce Invoices and Credit Notes and if pre-printed
stationery is not used the user's name/address etc. together with a message can be
input to the system and printed at the top right hand side ofeach Invoice or Credit
Note (see Amend Tables Section 7.12). Pre-printed Invoices and Credit Notes are
available and can be used with this program (see Amend System Parameters Section
7.13 item STAT).
Single sheet feeding printers can also be used, and paused between pages to insert
letterheads etc. (see Amend System Parameters Section 7.13 item PAUSE).
A11 reports are carefully formatted so that they do not overllow in an uncontrolled
manner from one page to the next and stationery length can be set to any length from
9" to 60" (see Amend System Parameters Section 7.13 item LINES).
Operatortypes in:
ProductFile Sumnary/Nominal
Physical Stock General Ledger
Turnover Quantity
Control Accounts
Gross Profitetc. \
Transactions File
Add Posting record
to the {ile for
t/ \ Control Accounts
File in Range l-94
Product Group Codes
from the Product
the Sales/Debtors File
Goods and Tax Values
accumulated for various
Tax Rates
All reports are on demand and where necessary are range selectable e.g. fron
Product No., to Product No. Reports can be prematurely terminated by pressing the
* TABLES FILE is used for plain stationery where the user wants to put his
company's details onto the Invoice orCredit Note.
As each Invoice/Credit Note is produced and the Product File updated the various
Control Accounts required for controlling the Sales Ledger, i.e. Control Accounts in
the range l-94, Sales Revenue, VAT Output, Sales LedgerControl are updated.
The Product Group Code on the Product File is in the range 1-94 and directly relates
to the Control Accounts l-94 used in the SalesiDebtors Ledger. These same Control
Accounts can be allocated to NominaliGeneral Ledger Accounts, therefore there is
complete integration from the Product File through to NominaliGeneral Ledger via
Product Groups and Control Accounts both in the ranse 1-94
In addition, on the display for each item the following information is also shown.
Control Account No. In range 1-94, obtained from Product Group Code on the
Product File.
Ensure you have CP/1\{ in the computer and your program and data discs are in their
Disc Drive(s). TtTe in A B C followedby [ENTER].
The screen for ASIS system will bedisplayed.
Enterthe date and, ifvalid, the Master Menu will be displayed (see Section 7.)
Ifyou do not register your purchase and you continue using an unregistered
program disc, after a period of time the program will simply stop running and
you will not be able to continue. Plenty of time is allowed, however, for you to
contact Quest and obtain your CHECKSUM (PASS NUMBER) see below.
From this point on, select the option required (press [ENTERI) and refer to the
relevant sections ofthe manual for instruction in their use.
r(coL\_' . I L l\!oi(l
l.l The screen for input oflnvoice Header Details is displayed and the Account
Number is prompted for. Select the required Account Number. The name and
address ofthe customer is displayed in the appropriate box.
N.B. Ifthe account number is not currently in use, a message to the effect will
be displayed and you will have to re-select a current account.
1.3 Delivery Name and Address may also be completed and any item on the
screen nay be amended by entering 1-15, then IENTER].
1.4 Ifyou are happy with the Header Details, press [ENTER] to continue to the
Invoice Line Section.
1.5 To complete each Invoice Line simply enter the Product No. and then the
The effect of entering the Product No. followed by IENTERI is that the
Product Description, Tax Code, Price and 7o Discount is automaticallv
obtained fiom the Product File anddisplayed on the screen.
On any Invoice Line you may choose to override any field shown on the screen
by simply pressingthe [ESC] key to'goback a stage'.
N.B. The Product Group Code is also obtained from the Product File, it is not
displayed, but it is printed on the Invoice/Credit Note. This Product Group
Code, i.e. in range 1-94 is used for updating the Control Accounts in the Sales
Ledger System (ASLS) together with the overall Nominal/General Ledger
Control Accounts.
1.6 You may enter flee text as an Invoice Line by simply entering a Product
Number of'?'followed by [ENTER]. You may then enter 39 characters oftext
ner line.
1.8 To finalise the input oflnvoice Lines press the [ESG] key when the cursor is
positioned on the screen awaiting a Product Code.
1.9 You may change any Invoice Line by selecting the Invoice Line Number, and
you may also delete lines by selecting the Invoice Line Number and using
[ESG] in response to the Product Code Prompt.
l.l0 When you are happy with the Invoice body, press [ENTER] to continue to the
bottom ofthe Invoice section.
l.ll Enter the Customer Discount percentage as required, and the Settlement
Discount percentage as required, and finally press [ENTER] to print the
Press [ENTER] ifyou want zero discount o/c
l.l2 After the Invoice has been printed, you may reprint it by entering 'P', accept
the Invoice and update files by pressing [ENTER], or you may press [ESC] to
change the Customer and Settlement Discount or to return to any section of
the Invoice and amend any detail.
N.B. Simply, printing the Invoice/Credit Note does not update the files
automatically because after printing an Invoice/Credit Noteyou may want to
go back and change something. You can go back by using the IESCI key,
making the correction and then reprinting. Only when you are entirely
happy with the Invoice/Credit Note should you then press [ENTER] to update
all the files, i.e. Daybook, Product File, VAT Summary, Nominal or General
Ledger Control Accounts.
,. Pr0DUtr !€r^r!s
LrSrrttur!^ra ?t.1r.t{
r/oerr 5l.ll
z c.0.5.
l t6.92
5 v^!ur t.r. !t{.et
I?l r-ra r0 r0
Using this option, Products may be added, deleted, amended, or their details simply
Amending a Product
Selectthe relevant Product Code and the Product Details will be displayed.
Select the numbers identifying the fields you wish to change, amend the items and
when complete press [ENTER] to update the Stock File with the Amendedentry.
Deleting a Product
Select the Product to be deleted and the Product Details are displayed.
You may still recover the Product ifyou have pressed 'D' by using the [ESC] key after
the fields on the screen for the deleted product are cleared. Press [ENTER] to confirm
the deletion.
[ENTER] must be pressed to save any new Product or amendment to an existing
Product or confirm a deletion. The [ESC] key will reverse any addition, amendment
or deletion instruction.
Press [ESG] at end to clear the screen and put the cursor alongside I T E ll ? and press
[ESC] again to takeyou back to the Master Menu.
EnterStart and End Product followed by [ENTER] or press [ENTER] twice to print all.
[ESC] for Start Product will take you back to the Master Menu.
will be displayed.
N followed by IENTER] will produce another Daybook Listing if there has been a
'paper wreck' for example.
Yfollowed by [ENTER] will send you back to the Master Menu.
Atendofupdate on the screen will be displayed the values for Goods and VAT.
I c25112222?2
Lrsr iovrirrr 0rrr I li,r1,3{
lrrfNr(oDr I D
9 oPrr rrrr I r
r?l .1' - '9' r0^rEirD, !
rrrEr,l0!po^rE, !
0i rorrLrrrt
This is three numeric digits with a maximum of 200.
To setup a new ACCOUNT, tyae in the number followed by [ENTER].
Each ofthe five lines ofthe Name & Address has a maximum of30 characters. The
maximum number of characters allowed for the complete name and address is 85
To set up a new NAME & ADDRESS type in 1 followed by [ENTER]. This will place
the cursor in a position so that you can tlTe in the first character at the start of the
first line. When you have completed the line press [ENTER], and the cursor will
automatically skip down to the next line ofinput.
Pressing [ESC] at the end ofany input line on the Name and Address will cause the
program to skip automatically to TELEPHONE.
This is a 1 digit numeric field. The description associated with each code is set up in
Option 12 - AMEND TABLES/VAT RATESi CLASSIFICATION. The description is
_ displayed on the screen when you are ENTERING INVOICES andior CREDIT
NOTES and can be used for credit rating, credrt limits, reminder for special terms or
discounts etc. In fact you can use this code together with its description in a number of
different ways. This field is a reminder code for the Account.
This is a 1 digit alphanumeric code, and is used to produce an alphabetic listing of
accounts in Option 10 - PRINT ALPHABETIC LISTING.
Input an alpha character in the range A-Z followed by [ENTERI. Pressing [ESG]
without entering an alphacode will cause a default to Z.
Open Item
Each account may be operated as an Open Item account (Y) or a Balance Brought
Forward account (N) All accounts default to open item on creation. (See Sales Ledger:
Run Month End Routine).
By pressing 1-9 followed by [ENTER] then the cursor is moved to a position where the
selected field can be changed.
[ESCI will clear the screen and take the cursor up alongside the ACCOUNT on the
screen. Another [ESC] will take you back to the Master Menu for you to select the
next oDtion.
IENTERI or [ESC] will clear the screen of customer details and move the cursor
alongside the ACCOUNT.
[ESC] in response to ACCOUNT rvill take you back to the Master Menu.
r^rrs / ar^!!Et a^irrrLrr 6rrDtr trrrrr
Classification entries 0-9 are displayed on the screen and the contents or code
description may be changed as required. (These correspond to the classification code
for the customer). Simply enter the line number to be altered followed by IENTERI.
Now enter the Classification Description for the chosen code followed by IENTERI.
The cursor will go back to the prompt at the bottom ofthe screen, where a further
[EilTER] will update the information displayed on the screen tothe ilisc.
VAT Bates may be altered as required (10 rates are available).
Simply enter the line number to be changed followed by [ENTER] and the contents of
the VAT Code freld may be entered in the range 00.0l%o tn 99.997a. [ENTER] again
will send the cursor to the prompt at the bottom of the screen. IENTERI will then
update the information on the screen to a disc.
VAT PRECISION is used in the system to control the accuracy of the split of Goods
and VAT on a posting, in the Sales Ledger System (ASLS).
When set to, say 0.09 the VAT amount on an Invoice Line may be within plus or
minus 0.08 of the Computer calculated amount, otherwise a warning will be
displayed (while posting).
VAT Rates may not be altered if GOODS or VAT entries are outstanding for that
N.B. The value in the GOODS column does not include VAT Values.
1.rrrr a^isrrrrr GrrD€r crrri€
l.srr1 fi irr0 rllNrx 7 DArs
t?l'l -,r'r0 a
The screen shows all the parameters which the system requires to run successfully.
Enter these parameters as required on instruction fiom the user and note carefully
the following instructions.
1. NAME 30 Characters : User Name which will be printed at the top of all
2. PRNT Graphic character on Invoice or Credit Note. Set to 45.
3. STTol 25 characters which are used to describe the terms ofsettlement
4. STVo2 30 characters which describe the settlement discount amount
1 1 The serial number printed on the label of the Master Program
E. 89 8.SA E. i1E
tz.E l a.E4 B. EE
5 ;J.E& ,-i.BB S. BE
Bi €. i8 rir. BE
9 F.
':ltl '11.
r-li B. Ei
.?,FIT TI:ITFL.E -T :t4.:46. 1f 3,48f,, 9:
F t1 RI4EFIlRl.l EL.E[TF]qHILlli L.T0, FllEPIlriH HtlLlqE , ',iT tlTEl,lflll rlrlLlRF:E , l;Lt I LOF T_rFtj
CLr85 €rlH
f' i FLEET IlEti HoSPITBL,NEI.I EttFtD, F|_EET. HrtltTl. rllrl:, -:lEq
E rl E[,llFRrr.-r , 1!3 t]ttII F]rlFt!. FLFERgHIT, HFl.lTS, Cr-|lf, ]1,t8
F 1: FtlTEFl EF.EllEFrY,2 ltrLrTH ST, FLoEFSHTIT . HrlNTS. tt52 6FF
F 1{ FrlEllSf'PnU[H HDI'IE I l'1PPr]1,,EI'lF Tr , ?521 lr.IHi9]lEFD, FffENE0ErtLrcH. HBHT5. GLr52 6tit!
P 4 PoLRtlDs FL.rlF.l9TS.HI6H 5T.l.lItl0g'lR, EEFI!:i,llI l1 PFT
T 1:.T THE FIUR IRAET9EEEi, FF;II'ILEY Rt]E[t , I::Fi4EEF:LE f , SLIRRE'/, 6U 14 2'I".
r'l 5 r.lonTT0H !,toHt)EP!r LTft,:1524 Lt:lHDol{ RrtFD, [r]t'1EEpLEy, !,rLrpRE?. CU 13 zl,tE
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3:a9 -.237 AE
l4rll.loff? Tr:r FEIt,FY E.16 Trl E.[A
L,lEEKElloB 8.39 T'l l. l0
TEL CttltEEPLEr' { [t7E ) 5E:1,]4
GflNOg TOTffL 1194 . F:B
129 52X7 Ea
nPEHIltrj HrlLrR.j , -
iH!RCH I,rDNBSY lcr FFIIAflY 8.38 Trl 5.Q4
CHLIPCH HILL uEEKEflr{l B.3rj TLI 7. rlB
SEFYF; TEL CSi1BERLEf i 8376:1 5BZ1-14
r,0r:rt'9 T0TRL ? 1.47
vttT stt4l,tFRY PLLIS L/FT. 11.87
toDE FFTEI f Gollog lf !'ffT f
B L -A.BBZ 7.r.8? tl.6t
C'10t15 T0TffL 489. A5
liFT 5!t4t4ffP / FLI-|5 !Ftr. 54.77
L'00E EFTE': f Gr:'005 lt 1,'E I l
B tx. BE7. 37Er.58 i4.77
3 4. BA7. ?€,45 4.BS
f -ITEtl-l FE f----- t EEr'R I FT I Dll----l fnT f--PPICE--f r-1,+1T'l-l f-- r.rnLlrE --l
2 7B LFEEE BILIL-1UET E 17 , t1'7 IB. BB 15!. Er1
3 78 Er't8LL EnLr-1tET B lq. E6 87. i:: I
7 2E OFFFI'OIL5 E 1.. .t.J Iq.BE t,i. er;
93 lrEH FPtrtrtcT 1 q i.4l 18. BE
93 llEl,l FR0C,IICT 2 q 1. 21 7. BS 7 -r:?
93 NEI'I PEDDUIT 3 z :j.41 5. 60 1E " :J,1
FL.L ITEll5 FFO',/E - LIHE Tr--rTfiLli - Illr:tLlt'E Frlr 0VEFTELL t,I-ilr:ll-lllT irF 1Ll.BE:;
I]NiD:i TNTFL. jtEt. ,14
oaTE 24.11.e4 L'lUEr pEF 495 TERI4g iF PRYI,IENT, - 3q OFYg FF:I:II.I BffTE
r -lTEl'l-l Prj t----- DESCP I PT I r'fl----l IJFT [--PRICE--I f-AflTY-l f-- VRLUE --l
7O LFRIIE BOUAUET B 17. 89 5. S8 ?F,,9q
3 7q SMBLL B']USLIET B '],69 6.BA 52.33
7 2O OFFFI]DILg 1.4:!
93 HEI,] PROOUCT 1 B 2.29 F,.46 1?. i7
9? HEI.] FEOOLICT 2 B. Srj 28.98 t3.48
93 l.lEl,l PRoDUTIT : s :-1, 34 32.48
tn00s rrtrFrL. '!8,1. E-!
Ill!'0I[E T!-"i , -
Lt0l.I Hr-.,HF1.1 r.iu 1E .liL
PEiIIiTF:BT I0ll llLlllErEP
:;i9 5i3: ii:
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DflTE !A.11,84 NlF BEF 437 -rrtHllffE? I|FLE ETRFTT!: r:rll 5TH JfriltlFrF'l l:{EE
Rr-:c'lur.lT lB frluR EEF t:f,:5.r,rtl
t -ITEl4-f Pr: t----- 0Egr-rE I PT I Fl'l--- -f \rtlT C--PPII€--] f-6llTY-l t-- '''FL!€ --l
offTE 26. 11.84 0!P EEF 586 FeOf4PT PFYI€HT 0F THIi ltllrfrlfF !,1!lljltr
fiL:Ctr-lllT 1: r'rluE REF 236137 EE I]FEFTLY IiPPECISTEO
f -ITEi4-l PG f----- 0ESCPIFTIDt{----l 1.rAT r--PPICE--l f-DtrT\'-f f-- irRL!-rF --'l
6 ?E TI-ILIP BiILB! r.35 2'1. AE 2:'. 3l
7 e6 DSFF|I0I L9 E 20,q4 14. ?r
6IA PLffSTIT I']RTEE LILL IEE L-l |,Eq IE. B8 t 5. :.JE
ll IB PDPFI' SEEr-:; B 4.94 t. ELI 1. r:2
88101234 9B TIHEELFBPFL'I] B 1 .6S 19.4"r
93 |]FRI!EH sET E t28.64 158.90 l5:+81.'::E
FLL ITElls frBl"/E - LIHE T'lTFLi-r - Illl:Lr_rtlE RH nr,,Ffi.'ll L tlItrLI,HT frF 1l.UBll I
r-'00r! TITFL t 5.4E7. E6
'l'frT ErJhflflFY PLUS 'r'FT. ! . i185. 3t
EFTE? f '1.r00,r lf \lqT '!
Ll 15.94': lF4,:;i. i6 ,r;1ier.:ji
HEl,l FfrBt:, IJflI€ERLEY
HFIIT!; rlul8 4r.l-
6Lr I : :-rEF..
I a29 523? E€,
I'tor{offY Tr:r FPlofiY 8.3q rr:'
{EEI{EHDS 8.30 m ;,3A
TEL f.rrrBEFLEY /.8?74\ -aqtl.]4
RLL rTEtli ffAD".rE - LII|E T.JT r - Ilrcll.rtiE Fl{ t9ERffLL SlSCrOr-ltlT OF 18.4914
Ir'tIid n'it.hin ? d.r'-r=. 1.56:i '-lirrflrnt 'rill tre -rl lqr,|Pd -r: 1.99
700 Product Not On File Product Code not set-up, re-select or exit
and set up the Product.
702 Product File Full You have reached the Product File Limit
and cannot set up any more Product codes.
Delete'dead' Products from the fi le.
704 Please take the Daybook You have tried to update the Sales Ledger
Listing first before taking a Daybook Listing. Take a
Daybook Listing hrst.
709 Daybook contains postings Too many Invoices on the Daybook File.
(CLEAR) Run the update to the Sales Ledger and
then continue. Clear Daybook, see Section
7L0 Name and address exceeds Name and address may onlybe 81-85
maximum 85 characters characters long in total (dependingon the
number ofAddress lines used). Correct
and retry.
712 99
Code must be between 1 and Re-enter in the range 1-99
774 Account may not be deleted An account may only be deleted when all
balances are zero and no transactions
exist for it.
7I7 Rate may not be changed You may not change the VAT % rate while
the goods total remains non-zero. If
necessary to do so, then Print VAT Report
and zeroise VAT totals in section 7.11.
719 'Open Item' must be 'Y' or 'N' Enter'Y'foropen Item account or'N'to
operate the Account in Balance Brought
Forward mode
995 Set up printer type ENTER to The system parameter option has been set
continue to make the printer pause in between each
page. Check printer and paper are ready
then type [ENTER]
The ABC master disc is supplied in vendor format, and should not be used as a work
disc. A working copy should be made by copying the files onto a new blank disc, and
then copying the system and boot sectors from your CP/M system disc to the newly
copieddisc. To create a working copy follow steps 1to Sbelow.
l. Ifyou are not already in CP,A{, load your CP/M system disc into drive A then
type lcpm[ENTER].
2. With your CP/M system disc in disc drive Aand new blank disc in drive B, type
3. When requested replace the CP/M system disc in drive A with the ABC master
disc and follow the prompts on the screen.
4. Type SYSGEN IENTERL follow the screen prompts, and insert your CP/M
system disc (Source) and newlycopied disc (Destination) as requested.
5. Type B00TGEN [ENTER], follow the soeen prompts, and insert your CP/M
system disc (Source) and newly copieddisc (Destination) asrequested.
You should now have a working copy ofthe master disc. Keep the original in a safe
place andonly use the copy.
Ifyou are not already in CP/M, load your CPiM system disc into drive A then
type I c pm [ENTER].
7. With your CP/M system disc in disc drive A and new blank disc in drive B, type
When requested replace the CP/M system disc indrive A with the ABC data disc
and followthe prompts on the screen.
To go back a stage or to cancel an error on input use the ESCAPE key. The ESCAPE
key can be freely and repeatedly used to'back out'ofany situation and return to the
Master Menu.
ESCAPE will be signified by [ESC] throughout this manual.
You can always go back to your'back-up'discs and start again flom the time you took
the lastcopy.
This Software product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Quest
International Computer Technology Ltd. Lawful users of this program are hereby
licensed only to read the program from this medium into memory ofa computer solely
for the purpose of executing the program. La*{ul users must not use this program in
any manner competitive with, or detrimental to, the commercial interests of Quest
International Computer Technology Ltd., nor will they be allowed to copy or
duplicate this product in any way other than a personal duplicate for backup
Copyright in the whole and every part of this document is owned by Quest
International Computer Technology Ltd. No reproduction ofthis document is to be
made withoutthe authority ofQuest International Computer Technology Ltd.
z^ ?tl
Published by AMSOFT, a division of at
Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc
Brentwood House
I 69 Kings Road
Reproduction or translation ol any part of this publication without the wdften p€rmission ol the
copyright owner is unlawful. Amstrad and Quest Intemational Computer Technologr reserve the
right to amend or alter the specilication without notice. While every eflort has been made to
verify that this complex software work as descriH, it is not possible to test any program of this
complexity under all possible conditions. Therefore the program and this manual is provided "as
is" teithout warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
Reproduction or translation ol any part ol this publication without the written permission ol the
copyright owner is unlawful. Anstrad and Quest lntenntiona.l Computer Technologr reserve the
right to amend or alter the specification without notice. While every eflort has been made to
verily that this complex software works as described, it is not possible to test any progam ol this
complexity under all possible conditions. Therefore the prognm and this manual is prwided "as
is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
1. Introduction 3
2. WhatisASLS 4
3. General Operation b
4. Systems Outline 7
Welcome to the Amsoft Sales Ledger System running under CP/M+. This system is
part of an integrated business applications suite of programs, i.e. Amsoft Business
Control System, yet it can alsobe runby itselfifrequired.
This manual will show you how to use the system, and will also give you examples,
full reference and guidance.
Ifyou are new to Computers or you are usingthe Sales/Debtors Ledger System for the
first time, you may feel overwhelmed by the many components and manuals
available but don't worry. This manual will take you, step by step explaining how to
use the Amsoft Sales l,edger System. Ifyou have registered with the customer help
service (see enclosed card) you can get answers to your questions about the Amsoft
Sales l.edger by calling QUEST on Camberley (0276) 63189
The best way to learn to use the Amsoft Sales Ledger System (ASLS) is to try it. Do
not be afraid to experiment and make mistakes, you cannot hurt the Computer or the
ASLS Program no matter what you type at the keyboard. As you practice you will
gain familiarity and confidence in using some ofthe features ofASLS which will help
you in your business. Ifyou are a first time user and you have not had the benefit of
using an Amsoft Business System before please refer to sections 10 and 11.
For first time users ofthe Amsoft Business Control System (ABC) we would like you
to registerwith us that you have purchased this package. You will need to run Amend
System Parameters (see section 7.13) and enter the title and the name in System
Parameters. You will be asked to telephone Queston Camberley 63189 to obtainyour
CHECKSUM number. When you have entered the correct CHECKSUM you can
proceed with operating this system without messages being displayed on the screen
statingthat this is an unregistered package.
You can operate this system for a limited period of time without entering anything in
the title and name fields in Amend System Parameters, but ifyou continue to operate
without having registered yourself as a user with Amsoft, a{ter a period of time the
system will stop operating.
ASLS is a suite of programs that will enable you to easily and accurately record
details ofyour Customer Accounts.
ASLS is one ofthe elements in Amsoft's Business Control System (ABC) an therefore
integrates automatically with the Invoicing System as well as the NominaVGeneral
Ledger Systems. ASLS, however, has been designed to run independently from the
other systems in the ABC system ifso desired, and is a complete Sales/Debtors Ledger
System in its own right.
Major characteristics of ASLS are that individual accounts can be either Open Item
or Balance Brought Forward and that postings, i.e. invoices, credit notes, payments
received, etc. are made to customer accounts in a similar way to writing in a ledger.
You choose the account to be posted to, make the posting, and immediately the entry
is recorded to the account. Automatically the Balance Outstanding is updated for the
account, overall Control Accounts for the whole ledger are updated, Daybook Files
are updated to provide the audit trail, and the Value Added Summaries are also
automatically updated. In short full accounting control is maintained.
You can view an account and associated postings on the screen at any time and
produce reports on demand. The main reports are Statements of Account for your
customers in a 'Balance Brought Forward' or 'Open ltem' format, with the debt aged
over four months. Other reports provide complete auditable control over your
customer accounts as well as providing reports that identify good and badpayers, non
buying customers etc.
Reports from ASLS can be produced on demand. The various reports that can be
obtained are as follows:
N.B. The difference between'Open ltem' and ' Balance Brought Forward'
Accounts is as follows:
a) On the 'Balance Brought Forward' accounts, when running the
Month-End procedure, outstanding transactions are consolidated each
month into past month balances. i.e. unpaid transactions are not shown
individually if they are older than the current month. All cash allocation
facilities available in Open Item Accounts are available to balance
Brought Forward Accounts.
b) On the 'Open ltem' Accounts, when running the Month-End procedure,
transactions are retained on frle, and printed on customers' statements, all
the while there is a balance on the transaction still to be matched off'
Transactions are aged up to ten months. Overall age analysis of each
customers' accountremains as 0 to 3 * months'
Displays on the Monitor together with responses keyed in on the conole keyboard
enable you to operate the ASLS system.
The object of the system is to produce a complete and accurate Balance Brought
Forward Sales Ledger, for up to 200 Accounts and 1000 Transactions per month.
Meaningful reports are available on demand for current debtor analysis, yet the
system is flexible enough to give the user control over when and how to process the
The Sales Ledger program is 'loaded in'from a diskette and requires about 143K of
disc space on drive A. The data files will be on drive B disk.
Postings from source documents e.g. Invoices, Credit Notes, Joumals etc., are posted
to the appropriate Accounts and are updated immediately. This means that any
enquiries on an Account either through the display shown on the Monitor or through
the printerare up to date. Postingr can be made at any time.
The Balance Outstanding on an Account is broken down over current month, and
months 1, 2 and 3. Payments can be allocated to these months so that an accurat€
Aged Debt Analysis is presented at the bottom ofStatements and also on a separate
report called Aged Debtors Report.
Accurate overall control ofthe ledger is maintained via control accounts.
a) Sales Ledger Control has a total ofall Balances Outstanding from every
credit customer account. It is therefore the total amount of money owed.
b) Sales fuvenue is the total value ofgoods sold excluding tax.
Proofofoverall control is shown when the value for Sales Ledper Control is eoual to
Sales less Money Received.
i.e. a=(b+c)-(d+e)
Itis normal to post the control totals at the end of each month to a NominaVGeneral
Ledger, andre-setthem back tozero for the start of nextmonth's trading.
The VAT Summary is primarily an aid to support and agree with the Daybook
Listing and control totals produced in the Summary to Nominal reports. It is not
essential but with the facility for analysis over l0 VAT Codes the system is capable of
handling multiple VAT rates.
The user decides when to produce Statements and if the user does not want
pre-printed stationery then the user's name/address etc., together with a message
can be input to the system and printed at the top right hand side ofeach Statement
(see Amend Tables Section 7.12). Pre-printed Statements are available and can be
usedwiththis progtam (see Amend System parameters Section 7.13 item STAT).
Single sheet feeding printers can also be used, and paused between pages to insert
letterheads etc. (see Amend System Pararneters Section 7.13 item PAUSE).
All reports are carefully formattedso that they do not overflow in an uncontrolled
manner from one page to the next and stationery length can be set to any length from
9"to 60" (see Amend System Parameters Section 7.13 item LINES).
10) Value Added Tax Value Added Tax Up to 10 Value Added Tax
File Summary Rates with Accumulation of
Goods and VAT Values.
Input Description of Procedure
Transactions File and Clear all transactions from the frle leaving a
Audit blank frle ready for the next month.
VAT File Option to set to zero the values for Goods and
NominaVGeneral Ledger File Option to set to zero the values for Control
Accounts inthe range 1-94 and the overall
Nominal/General Ledger Control Accounts in
range 95-99.
AccountNo. lnraneel-200
lnrange l-zuu
1-200 l=Invoice,
Tlansactions$pe In range 1-7 3=Payment
Reference No. 1 6Alphanumeric l4=CashTransaction
Reference No. 2 6Alphanumeric | 5=Journal Dr.
Date DD.MM.YY. | 6=Journal Dr.
Amount 999999.99 | 7=Cashtufund
Tax/DiscountAmount 999999'99 | 8=Cash Reallocation
Month-AgeofDebt In range 0-3
Nominal/Control Account In range 1-94
Field Field Characteristics
Ensure you have CP/1\4 in the computer and your program and data discs are in their
Diskdrive(s). Type in A B C followed by IENTERI.
The screen for ASLS will be displayed.
Enter the date and, ifvalid, the Master Menu will be displayed (see Section 7.)
Ifyou do not register your purchase and you continue using an unregistered
progtam disc, after a period of time the program will simply stop running and
you will not be able to continue. Plenty of time is allowed, however, for you to
contact QUEST and obtain your CHECKSUM (PASS NUMBER) see below.
You tell us the number on the screen and your program and serial number and we
will give you the CHECKSUM (PASS NUMBER). You enter the PASS NUMBER
followed by [ENTER], and you are now registered and the system will run smoothly.
Just in case you need to repeat the exercise at any time in the future, keep an exact
record ofyourTITLE, NAME and PASS NUMBER.
The frrst time user should also read Sections 10 and 1 I .
3. Prjrr DrYs00(,
From this point on, select the option required by entering the number followed by
[ENTER] and refer to the following sections ofthis manual for instruction in theiruse.
N.B. ([ENTER]) means press the blue ENTER key, ([ESCI) means press the red ESC
? trlrall r--v^r--l cr
15.00t 17.55 ?.6t 10
1.1 Enter the ACCOUNT NUMBER (This may be in the range 1-200). If the
ACCOUNT is not in use or the code you input is invalid, an error message
will be displayed and the Account asked for again.
Press [ESC] to return to the MENU.
1.3 Press [ESC] to return to Step 1.1 Enter the POSTING TYPE (This may be in
the range 1-8) 1 = INVOICE, 2 = CREDIT NOTE, 3 =- PAYMENT,
The description of the TYPE selected is displayed and on the right of the
screen a display conesponding to the TYPE is shown.
1.4 Enter REFERENCE 1 (typically Invoice Number, Cash Book Reference, etc.)
Press [ESC] to return to Step 1.3
Press [ESG] to return to Step 1.4.
1.7 Enter the AMOUNT (max 999999.99). This is the Gross Amount, i.e. for
Invoices, Credit Notes, etc. It includes VAT, whereas for Payment or Cash
Reversal transactions it includes Settlement Discount.
Press [ESC] to return to Step 1.6.
1.8 If the POSTING TYPE is 3 (PAYMENT) or 7 (CASH REVERSAL), continue
from Step 1.17.
1.9 Enter the Month Number in the range 0-3, that the posting relates to. If
IENTERI is pressed by itself the MOMH will be made eqqal to 0
Press [ESC] to return to Step 1.7.
is displayed at the right hand side ofthe screen, the cursor being positioned at
the top left ofthe box against 1.
l.l2 Enter the VAT Code followed by [ENTER] (the rate is displayed). Enter the
Goods Value followed by [ENTER].
Press [ESC] to return to step 1.11 (for that line!)
f.13 Press [ENTER] and the VAT Amount will be automatically calculated and
displayed, otherwise enter the VAT Amount. If this is at variance with the
computer calculated amount (see VAT PRECISION Section 7.12), the
difference will be displayed at the bottom ofthe screen and the cursor will be
positioned alongside the VAT R^ATE. Press [ENTER] to accept any variance
andcontinue, otherwise press [ESCI to re-enterthe VATAmount.
1.14 Enter the Control Account [ENTER] will set the Control Account for this line
equal tothe Control Account at Step 1.10).
' l.l7 Continue from 1.8 ofthis section, where it only relates to Payments or Cash
Reversals (i.e. PostingType 3 or 7).
1. rrrrr Postrr65
crr!rr Llilr r/000.00
The above screen is displayed when either a type 3 - Cash, type 7 - Cash
reversal or type 8 - Cash Re-allocation posting is entered. The value entered
in the Amount field is the total amount to be allocated, i.e. the cash receipt
amountplus settlement discount amount. The amount ofsettlement discount
is also entered, as shown, so as to appearon the customer's next statement.
-This prompt enable account details to be displayed and cash to be allocated against
specific account items. Enter D, press [ENTER].
- enter M, press [ENTER] to allocate the cash automatically to specific months. Select
the month to be allocated, either 0,1,2, or 3, press [ENTER], the balance allocated
against the month will then be displayed, and the balance left still unallocatedwill be
displayed at the top ofthe screen. (Note: C may be used insteadofO for current month;
T may be used to allocate across all outstanding months shown. To cancel an entry,
just enterthe month number again).
The above screen display shows details ofthe transactions in the customer's account.
The value of the cash posting to be allocated and the balance remaining after each
allocation are shown at the top of the screen. The value of each transaction in the
account and the balance still outstanding are displayed on the left ofthe screen; the
balance after the current cash is posted and the amount allocated are displayed on the
right ofthe screen.
The following options are available on Screen 2 for allocatingthe cash:
- Enter a value 1 to 12 to select the appropriate item on the screen. The prompt
'A [ [ o c a t e A m o u n t - - >' is then displayed (seebe]ow).
- enter the amount to be allocated against the selected item. If allocating cash
(posting type 3), the amount entered cannot exceed the balance outstanding on the
transaction, shown on the right ofthe screen. Ifreversing cash (posting type 7), then
the amount entered cannot exceed the matrhed amount of the transaction, i.e.
Amount lessthebalance shown on the rightofthe screen. (Note: minus values may be
entered to adjust allocationsjust made, i.e. they may not exceed the amount showing
under Allocated). If [ENTERI is pressed on its own, instead of entering an amount,
then the selected item is automaticallv cleared in full.
-Enter M, press [ENTER] to select a month to be allocated on the screen. Then enter a
month - 0 to 9 ('A'for all months), press [ENTER]. The sytem will autornatically
match-offevery item on the current screendisplay inthe monthselected.
- Enter F to display further transactions from the customer's account on the screen.
enter B to go back to the previous display. (Note: B is limibed to ten backward
- Enter I, press [ENTER] to ignore all allocationsjust made, and return to screen 1.
- Press [ENTER] on its own, to update the files with the allocationsjust made. If any
part of the cash posting is still unallocated then the operator is informed and asked to
confirm. If cash is over-allocated, then processing may not continue and allocations
must be corrected.
- Before the customer's account is updated, a check is performed to make sure there is
enough room on the Audit file for each ofthe allocations made. Ifthere is not, an error
message is displayed; the operator should either reject the cash posting (I-Ignore
above) or adjust the number of allocations made. (Note: at any time a count ofthe
number ofallocations made and the amount ofaudit file soace available can be seen
at the bottom leftofthe screen.)
1. Posting type 8 is useful for making allocations at any time either ofcash already
stored in the sytem or of non-cash items, e.g. credit-notes and credit
adjustments. Use a type 8 posting, also, to make adjustments to allocations, for
example, to correct wrongly matched items.
2. Up to one hundred individual allocations can be entered on a single cash posting
on screen 2. The operator is informed if this value is exceeded and he has the
choice of either abandoning the cash posting altogether or accepting the
allocations as they stand and retainingthe cashbalance as unallocated.
'Aged Debt s ( Y / N )'- The Month-End routine (see main instruction manual
- section 7.3) has the extra option, in open-item, to consolidate transactions
any time without ageing any balances. This is a ueeful facility should the
transaction file become full and additional space is required for further
postings. Select this option at any time - all matched transactions will be
removed from file.
5. Customers credit limit is setun in the Amend Customer Details routine and
shown printed on the Trasacti-ons and Aged Debts reports. It is also checked
when entering postings. Enter customer credit limit in multiples of f,100
(maximum value allowed f, 999,900.00.
Invoices and credit notes can be aged up to ten months old, for an open-item
account, when entering postings. Enteravalue inthe range 0-9.
The above screen format is used for all three followins functions.
To ADD an Account
Select the Account Number to be allocated to the Customer and enter it in resoonse to
the prompt ACC0UNT? followed by IENTERI.
If the Account is currently unused only N / A will appear as the DATE OF LAST
MOVEMENI"I.Ifthe account is alreadyused, details will be displayed on the screen.
Fill in Account details as required by selecting the number against the field you wish
to create, i.e. 8 for ALPHA CODE. For a new account it is recommended you start at
line I and at the end ofeach line press [ENTER] and the prornpt will automatically
move down to the next line. Ifthere are less than 5 lines on the name and address, to
skip to line 6 simply press [ESC] at the start ofthe first blank line. If the cursor is at
lines 6, 7 or 8 or 9 then pressing [ESG] will move the cursor to the line at the bottom of
the screen where you can press IENTERI to update or press [ESG] to cancel the
previous entries.
To CHANGE an Account
Enter the Account Number, details of which you wish to change, and current data
held against the account will be displayed. Change each field as required by selecting
the number shown against that field description as described above when adding an
If youADD or make any amendments, to save that addition or change, press [ENTER]
to update the Disk with the new details. If [ESG] is pressed all amendments are
0r3rs {Y/r )
This routine cannot be run if the Daybook Listing and Audit Trail have not been
taken (see Section 7.8).
This routine will Age Debts and clear the transactions in preparation for the next
period's processing. This option will enable the VAT Summary to be zeroised
(normally on Quarterly Basis), the Nominal Summary to be cleared (normally
monthly) and the Turnover Value maintained against each Account to be cleared
(norrnally annually). Enter Y or N foryourchoice followed by IENTERI.
Whilst this routine is beingrun the following message is also displayed on the screen,
where'nnn'(max. no. ofaccounts) is the actual account being processed at thattime:
Last Movement The date of the last Invoice Posting made to the Account
(automatically updated within the program when Entering
Postings, see Option I Section ?.1-6).
Classification Account Classification (0-9) i.e. Export, Stop Credit etc. May be
used as required, (see Classification Table - Section 7.12 )
To display the Postings attached to the Account press [ENTER] in response to the
prompt at the base of the screen. Maximum number of transactions per screenfirl is
17, and there can be 'n' number ofscreens for an Account. To get to the next screenful
of transactions for the chosen Account simply press BNTERI.
You may alternate between screen displays by pressing [ESC] at the conclusion of
eacn screen page.
N.B. The value in the AMOUNT column is the gross value of the transaction an the-
refore includes VAT and Settlement Discount Values.
t trrt
!'lrrrr'rtrr€ Yl LL !rsr
'N'followed by [ENTER] will print limited customer account details like Account No.,
first line of name/address, total balance outstanding, current month's balance
outstanding only, togetherwith all transaction details.
Y' followed by [ENTER] will print all customer account details together with all
transaction details.
NOTE: This selection may take some time to run because of the alpha sorting
The Control Accounts maintainedbythe system (95-99) are printed together with the
Sales Revenue Accounts 1-94. A full listing may be produced, enter Y, or only those
Accounts with non-zero balances, enter N.
Control Account 96, i.e. Sales Revenue mustbe equal to thetotal ofAccounts 1-94.
The ten VAT Rates are printed showingthe Goods Value andVATvalue againsteach
code,(0-9). These values are held by the system until cleared during the month end
routine (optional). Normally this report would be printed every quarter as the VAT
Return from the Sales Ledger.
All postings (except 3 and 7 - Cash) are printed showing the values assigned to
Control Accounts and VAT Codes, thus enablingthese totalsto be proved ifrequired.
At the end ofthe Audit List, displayed on the screen will be the message I S A U D I T
LI ST 0K ( Y/N) ? followed by [ENTER] will cause the Audit Listtobe re-printed, Y
followed by [ENTER] will enable the program to continue.
Y to Summarised will have one print line per customer account and only 20
characters ofthe first line ofthe name/address.
N to Summarised will have two print lines per customer account with a fuller
name/address as well as the telephone number of the account in case you want to
'phone to hasten payrnent ofthe outstanding balance.
Accounts will be reported on with a Last Movement Date on the Customer File equal
to or older than the Date inDut via the keyboard.
r2. r^srr!,
r^s-r5 trl r0irrr! Irl rr_ rrrrs lrl rrrs!|l ||^||0rs t(]
Ciassification entries 1-9 are displayed on the screen and the contents or code
description may be changed as required. (These correspond to the classification code
for the customer.) Simply enter the line number to be altered followed by [ENTER].
Now enter the Classification Description for the chosen code followed by [ENTER].
The Cursor will go back to the prompt at the bottom ofthe screen, where a further
[ENTER] will update the information displayed on the screen to the disc.
r0r0rY to rRrDrr 3.3, r0P 6.te
rrL !^isErLrY {e276) 5rz1l{
(-.I 'r'
VAT Rates may be altered as required (10 rates are available).
Simply enter the line number to be changed followed by [ENTERI andthe cgntents of
the VAT Code field may be entered in the range 00.017o to 99.997o. [ENTER] again
will send the cursor to the prompt at the bottom of the screen. [ENTER] will then
update the information on the screen to a disc.
VAT PRECISION is used in the system to control the accuracy ofthe split of Goods
and VAT on a posting.
When set to, say 0.09 the VAT amount on an Invoice Line may be within plus or
minus 0.08 of the Computer calculated amount, otherwise a warning will be
displayed (while posting).
VAT Rates may not be altered if GOODS or VAT entries are outstanding for that
I?t r, - 11,
Two digit Control Accounts (CL) can be specifically allocated to three digit Nominal
(General) Ledger Accounts bridging and updating to the Nominal (General) Ledger.
The overall Control Accounts are shown (95-99) and their Nominal Codes may be
amended to your coding structure. Sales revenue control AJCs (l-94) Nominal Codes
may also be changed togethcr with their descriptions. Simply enter the Control
Account in range 1-94 followed by [ENTER], enter the three digit Nominal (General)
Ledger Account associated with the Control Account followed by IENTER] and enter
the Description followed by [ENTER]. More than one Control Account (CL) can be
allocated to one Nominal (General) LedgerAccount andvice versa.
Summaryof Controls
The Summary to Nominal Control Report has 5 overall Control Accounts (95-99) into
which postings are accumulated. To help you understand these controls below are
details ofwhere they are accumulated
DebitorCredit values are taken from the posting type.
I 2 J 4 6
Inv L;r. Pment Cash Jnl Jnl
Note Disc Tran Dr. Ur. Cash
Sales Ledger Control + +
Sales Revenue + +
VAT Output + +
Bank account
Discount Payable
Complete control over the system is maintained via the Nominal Ledger, atthe endof
each month.
The Sales l,edger Control value is posted tothe CurrentAssets sectionofthe Nominal
I*dger. The Nominal Ledger Code selected will show the total sum outstanding at
any one time.
The total Sales Revenue Account may be posted to the Nominal Ledger or the
breakdown ofthat Account (i.e. Analysis Heads 1-94).
The VAT OUTPUT amount is posted to the VAT Nominal code.
The BANK ACCOUNT amount is posted to the Bank Current Account Nominal
Systems Parameters
- Displayed on the screen is:
i0 'rrrar' ro uro^rt
NAME 30 Characters: User Name. This will print atthe top ofall reports
LINES Lines per page. Normally 66 but ifyour printer is adding 1 line to page
overllows set this to 65. Do not set to less than 64 or statements will be
PAUSE YArl if printer is to be paused between pages (e.g. with single sheet fed
N.B. PRNT, CHRI and CHR2 are graphic print characters used to
improve the appearance of reports. These print characters can be
identified where CHRI and CHR2 are the horizontal print lines
above and below the name and address on the Statement.
PRNT is the character printed at the end of CHR1 and CHR2.
Different printers require different ASCII values for these
characters therefore they are under the control ofthe end user.
REG. This is the Registration Number ofthe label ofthe program disk.
Remove your data discs, ifnecessary replace the system disc and then type IENTER].
Remember it is wise to BACKUP your data discs if posting or end of month routines
have been used.
PEF. 1. ftlll T 1,rr-r fPFtTEl:l f-- ErrLrL,S --l f--- VFjT ---l Ct'l-f f--- D,Elrf PlFTIf,.lr.l ---:!
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The ABC master disc is supplied in vendor format, and should not be used as a work
disc. A working copy should be made by copying the files onto a new blank disc, and
then copying the system and boot sectors from your CP,il\'I system disc to the newly
copied disc. To create a working copy follow steps I to 5 below.
- 1. Ifyou are not already in CP/II, load your CP/M system disc into drive A then
type lcpmIENTERI.
2. With your CP/M system disc in disc drive A and new blank disc in drive B, type
3. When requested replace the CP/M system disc in drive A with the ABC master
disc and follow the prompts on the screen.
4. Type SYSGEN IENTERI, follow the screen prompts, and insert your CPM
system disc (Source) and newly copieddisc (Destination) as requested.
5. Type BOOTGEN TENTER], follow the screen prompts, and insert your CP/M
system disc (Source) and newly copied disc (Destination) as requested.
You should now have a working copy ofthe master disc. Keep the original in a safe
place and only use the copy.
Tomakebackup copies ofyour ABC data discs, follow steps 6 to 8 below.
6. If you are not already in CPIM, load your CP/M system disc into drive A then
type lcPm[ENTER].
?. With your CP/M system disc in disc drive A and new blank disc in drive B, type
8. When requested replace the CP/M systemdisc in drive Awith the ABC data disc
and follow the prompts on the screen.
It is recommended that you make backup copies ofyour data discs regularly.
This Software product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Quest
International Computer Technology Ltd. Lawful users of this program are hereby
licensed only to read the progtam from this medium into memory ofa computer solely
for the purpose ofexecuting the program. Lawful users must not use this program in
any manner competitive with, or detrimental to, the commercial interests of Quest
International Computer Technology, nor will they be allowed to copy or duplicate
this product in any way other than a personal duplicate forbackup purposes only.
Copyright in the whole and every part of this document is owned by Quest
Intirnational Computer Technology. No reproduction ofthis document is to be made
without the authority ofQuest International Computer Technology.