With Diclosure On Transition To The Pfrs For Ses, See Below Example in No.18
With Diclosure On Transition To The Pfrs For Ses, See Below Example in No.18
With Diclosure On Transition To The Pfrs For Ses, See Below Example in No.18
* With diclosure on Transition to the PFRS for SEs, See Below Example in No.18
2 Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash - Use when composition are Petty Cash, Cash on Hand and Cash in Bank
Cash & Cash Equivalents - use when there is moneymarket (3months or below term) included
3 Receivables Accounts Receivable or Trade Receivables - use when purely receivable from customers
Accounts and Other Receivable or Trade and Other Receivables - use when the compositions are receivables from
customers, receivables from employees, etc.
4 Inventory Merchandise Inventory - use when the Company's business industry is trading (supermarket, grocery, etc.)
Inventory - use when the Company's business industry is Manufacturing, or Trading & Manufacturing, or the composition
includes Office supplies inventory
5 Prepayments Prepaid Expenses - use when pertaining only to advance payment of expenses (insurance, rent, etc.
Prepaid Income Tax - use when it pertains only to creditable income tax/overpayment of tax
Prepayments - used when the compositions are prepaid expenses and prepaid (income) taxes
6 Property and Equipment Use "Property, Plant and Equipment" if there is a plant (normally used in manufacturing company) if not " Property and
Equipment" only
Disclose current year (2019) movements of Property and Equipment only no need for the previous year (2018)
Itemize the useful lives of Property and Equipment on the Significant Policy if there are 2 or more classification of P&E
Make sure the account name used in the significant policy is the same in the PPE notes.
7 Other Current Asset & Other Noncurrent Assets Use Other Current Asset/Other Noncurrent Assets if there are two or more composition if not use the account name of the
amount referring to. (e.g. Security Deposit)
Accounts Payable and Other Payables - use when the comp0osition are accounts payable, taxes payable (except income tax
payable should be separate line item) and government regulatory payable (e.g. sss, philhealth, HDMF contribution/loan etc.)
9 Related Party Transactions Due from/to related party/ies (afficiates, officers, stockholders) should be presented as separate line item in the statements of
financial position
10 Equity PLEASE check with the client if there were increase in ACS, increase in subscription, dividend. It is UNFORGIVABLE if our
Firm processed the SEC requirement of the client and yet the changes were not reflected in the related account.
Capital Stock or Share Capital, any will do just make sure consistent in using the account name
APIC of Share Premium, any will do just make sure consistent in using the account name (If Share Capital was used, use
Share Premium)
Double Check the number of stockholders with the latest (2019 or 2020) GIS
12 Sales/Revenue/Income You may use "Rental Income" if purely earned from leased-out of properties
Use single statement of "Statements of income and Retained Earnings", if the only changes to equity in the current period or
13 Statements of Income and Retained Earnings any comparative period presented in the financial statements arise from profit or loss, payment of dividends, corrections of
prior period errors, and changes in accounting policy
15 Leases Recognition of Rental Income - A lessor shall recognize all lease receipts as income in profit or loss in the period in which
they are earned.
Recognition of Rental Expense - A lessee shall recognize all lease payments as expense in profit or loss in the period in which
they are incurred.
16 Statements of Changes in Equity Do not show the Authorized Capital Stock, Par Value, Number of Shares.
This should just be disclosed in the Notes to FS.
Please avoid unnecessary disclosures. Do not include an accounting policy when there is no such account in the FS.
17 Excessive Disclosures
Exception: Retirement Benefits , Related Party Transactions and Relationships and Provisions and Contingencies.