Long-Run Performance Following Private Placements of Equity: James S. Linck, and Lynn Rees
Long-Run Performance Following Private Placements of Equity: James S. Linck, and Lynn Rees
Long-Run Performance Following Private Placements of Equity: James S. Linck, and Lynn Rees
6 • DECEMBER 2002
Public firms that place equity privately experience positive announcements effects,
with negative post-announcement stock-price performance. This finding is incon-
sistent with the underreaction hypothesis. Instead, it suggests that investors are
overoptimistic about the prospects of firms issuing equity, regardless of the method
of issuance. Further, in contrast to public offerings, private issues follow periods of
relatively poor operating performance. Thus, investor overoptimism at the time of
private issues is not due to the behavioral tendency to overweight recent experi-
ence at the expense of long-term averages.
* Hertzel is at Arizona State University, Lemmon is at the University of Utah, Linck is at the
University of Georgia, and Rees is at Texas A&M University. We thank Kent Daniel, Steve
Foerster, Ludger Hentschel, Sherry Jarrell, Srini Kamma, Ed Kane, Ajay Khorana, S. P. Kothari,
Wayne Mikkelson, Jim Nelson, Cliff Smith, two anonymous referees, Rick Green and Ren6
Stulz (the editors), and seminar participants at the American Graduate School of International
Management, the University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Georgia Tech, the University
of Miami, the University of Rochester, Texas A&M University, the University of Western On-
tario, the 1997 Financial Management Association Meetings, and the 1998 Southern Finance
Association meetings for helpful comments. Greg Durham, Lalitha Naveen, and Jerry Chen
provided valuable research assistance. Hertzel acknowledges financial support from the Dean's
Council of 100 Faculty Summer Grant Program and the Jack B. Furst Private Equity Research
Program. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the authors.
' See, for example, Asquith and MuUins (1986), Masulis and Korwar (1986), and Mikkelson
and Partch (1986).
2596 The Journal of Finance
'' This finding has potentially important implications for the widely used practice in the
appraisal industry of relying on discounts from private placement studies as an estimate of the
illiquidity discount used when valuing minority interests in private firms. See Koeplin, Sarin,
and Shapiro (2000) and Bajaj et al. (2001) for recent discussions of this practice.
2598 The Journal of Finance
^ Our sample period ends in 1996 because we need at least three years of post-announcement
data for most of our analyses.
Long-Run Performance following Private Placements of Equity 2599
Table I
Sample Characteristics of Equity Private Placements
from 1980 to 1996
Through Dow Jones News Retrieval Service searches, we identified 952 announcements of eq-
uity private placements over the 1980 to 1996 period for firms covered on the CRSP monthly
stock files (NYSE/AMEX/Nasdaq) at the year-end prior to the private placement announce-
ment. We eliminated observations with a price less than two dollars at the time of the an-
nouncement, and those where the firm had a previous private placement in the last three years,
leaving a sample of 619 private placement announcements from 1980 to 1996. Panel A reports
the distribution of sample firms across two-digit SIC codes, and Panel B reports various sample
characteristics of the private placement and the private placement firms. Significance of the
announcement period return is based on the market model standardized residual method with
Scholes-Williams (1977) betas.
% of
SIC Code N Sample
Chemicals and allied products 28 88 14.2
Electric and electronic equipment 36 60 9.7
Holding and other investment offices 67 59 9.5
Instruments and related products 38 49 7.9
Industrial machinery and equipment 35 47 7.6
Business services 73 37 6.0
Health services 80 30 4.8
Oil and gas extraction 13 21 3.4
Communication 48 20 3.2
Banking 60 20 3.2
Engineering and management services 87 14 2.3
Motion pictures 78 13 2.1
Wholesale trade-durable goods 50 12 1.9
Other 149 24.2
Total 619 100.0
N^ Mean Median
Dollar proceeds (millions) 581 $12.7 $4.5
Fraction placed (% of shares after private placement) 493 21.2% 13.9%
Market value of equity (millions) 619 $188.6 $31.9
Book-to-market 591 0.43 0.26
Discount (% of market price at month-end prior to event) 404 16.5% 13.4%
Announcement period abnormal return: Days - 3 to 0° 619 2.4% 0.7%
Discount adjusted annc. period abnormal return: Days - 3 to 0° 398 15.2% 3.7%
" Announcement period return significantly different from zero at the one percent level. Sig-
nificance based on the market model standardized residual method with Scholes-Williams (1977)
'' Number of observations varies across statistics due to differing disclosures in the private
placement announcements. Number of "discount adjusted annc. period abnormal return" ob-
servations is lower than the number of discount observations because insufficient data was
available to calculate the fraction placed.
2600 The Journal of Finance
million for public issues, representing 17.4 percent of total shares outstand-
ing after the issue. Thus, although private placements are of significantly
smaller dollar value, the fraction of shares sold is slightly larger than that
in a typical seasoned public issue. The mean (median) market value of
equity of our sample firms is $188.6 ($31.9) million. The mean (median)
book-to-market ratio is 0.43 (0.26).^ Thus, the sample is skewed towards
small, low book-to-market firms. We control for size and book-to-market
effects in our empirical analysis.
The private placements in our sample are sold at a mean (median) dis-
count of 16.5 percent (13.4 percent), measured relative to the share price
at the end of the month prior to the announcement date.'' The table also
reports that the mean four-day {-3,0} announcement period return is 2.4 per-
cent, significant at the one percent level.^ This translates to a four-day
discount-adjusted abnormal return of 15.2 percent, significant at the one
percent level.'' These findings are consistent with previous studies of pri-
vate placements, which also find that private placements are associated
with positive announcement period returns and are issued at substantial
® We define the book-to-market ratio as the firm's book value of equity divided by its market
value of equity, measured at the fiscal year end prior to the equity issue announcement. We
hand-collected the book equity from Moody's Manuals for 66 of our sample firms that did not
have sufficient information on COMPUSTAT.
'' When the discount is measured as of the month-end after the private placement announce-
ment, the mean (median) discount is 16.9 percent (15.9 percent).
^ Abnormal returns are measured using residuals from the market model with Scholes-
Williams (1977) betas estimated over the period beginning 200 days and ending 51 days prior
to the announcement.
^ As recognized by Wruck (1989), the observed announcement effect is a measure of the
information effect net of placement costs. We follow Wruck's procedure, as developed from Bra-
dley and Wakeman (1983) and calculate the information effect (the discount-adjusted abnormal
return) as AiJ'^'"'' = [1/(1 - a)][AR] + [a/(l - aMP^ - Po)/Pb], where AR is the abnormal stock
return, a is the ratio of shares placed to shares outstanding after the placement, P^ is the
market price at the end of the day prior to the event window, and PQ is the placement price.
Long-Run Performance following Private Placements of Equity 2601
= ( - ) i BHAR,^,,,, (2)
where iJ^^ is the portfolio return for month t, Rf^ is the risk-free interest
rate, (R^^ - Rf^) is the excess return on the market, SMBt is the difference
in returns between a portfolio of "small" and "big" stocks, and HMLt is the
difference in returns between a portfolio of "high" and "low" book-to-market
'" Studies of puhlic issues hegin measuring returns after the issue date. In the case of pri-
vate placements, we measure performance heginning at the announcement date hecause the
completion date is often not reported. In many cases, the private placements have already been
completed at the time of the announcement.
2602 The Journal of Finance
stocks. If tbe model adequately describes returns, then the expected value of
tbe intercept, a, which measures tbe montbly abnormal return, is zero un-
der the null hypothesis of no abnormal performance. As sbown by Fama and
French, however, the three-factor model is unable to completely describe tbe
cross section of expected returns, particularly for small, low book-to-market
stocks (which comprise a large part of our sample). Thus, we follow Mitchell
and Stafford (2000) and also estimate the intercept relative to the expected
intercept. The expected intercept is computed as the average intercept ob-
tained from 1,000 calendar-time portfolio regressions for random portfolios
with the same size and book-to-market composition as the sample firm port-
folios.^^ The test statistic is then estimated as follows:
t = , (4)
where d is the intercept for the sample firm calendar-time portfolios, E{d) is
the average intercept from 1,000 calendar-time portfolio regressions for the
random portfolios, and se is the estimated standard error of the intercept
from the regression in equation (3). We estimate the calendar-time portfolio
intercept and adjusted intercept for both equal- and value-weighted portfolios.
^^ The specific criterion for mimicking the size and book-to-market characteristics of the
sample portfolio is to choose nonevent firms in the same size and hook-to-market quintiles as
the sample firms, based on NYSE breakpoints.
Long-Run Performance following Private Placements of Equity 2603
Table II
Long-Run Returns Following Private Placements to Investors
Not Participating in the Private Placement
Through Dow Jones News Retrieval Service searches, we identified 952 announcements of eq-
uity private placements over the 1980 to 1996 period for firms covered on the CRSP monthly
stock files (NYSE/AMEX/Nasdaq) at the year-end prior to the private placement announce-
ment. We eliminated observations with a price less than two dollars at the time of the an-
nouncement, and those where the firm had a previous private placement in the last three years,
leaving a sample of 619 private placement announcements from 1980 to 1996. Panel A reports
huy-and-hold returns for the sample firms, and buy-and-hold adjusted returns for the sample
firms relative to control firms, for the three-year period following the private placement an-
nouncement. The buy-and-hold return (BHR) is the BHR for the firm (sample or control) beginning
the month after the private placement announcement through the end of the three-year period
following the announcement, or until either the sample or match firm delists, whichever is
sooner. The buy-and-hold adjusted return (BHAR) is the difference between the BHR on the
sample firm and that of the control firm (and relative to investing in, and rolling over. Treasury
bills). Cross-sectional i-statistics are reported in brackets. The p-values (reported in parentheses)
are based on bootstrap procedures and represent the percentile ranks of the mean return for the
issuing firms relative to the 1,000 mean returns from randomly selected matched portfolios. Panel B
reports results from calendar-time portfolio regressions where the dependent variables are event
portfolio returns, Rp, in excess of the Treasury bill rate, R/-. Each month, we form portfolios of all
sample firms that have announced a private placement in the previous three years. The three fac-
tors, from Fama and French (1993), are the excess return on the market {R,,, - Rf), the return
difference between a portfolio of "small" and "big" stocks {SMB), and the return difference be-
tween a portfolio of "high" and "low" book-to-market stocks (HML). The intercept (a) measures
the monthly abnormal return, given the model. The adjusted intercept {Adj a) measures the
difference between the event portfolio intercept and the average intercept from 1,000 random
samples of nonevent firms in the same size and book-to-market quintiles as the sample firms, based
on NYSE breakpoints. Calendar months with less than 10 observations in the event portfolio are
excluded. The ^-statistics are reported in brackets, and the number of monthly observations is
reported in parentheses. The Implied 3-year AR [(1 + Intercept)^'' - 1] is the estimated average
buy-and-hold return from earning the intercept return every month for 36 months.
(not reported) yield similar inferences. Finally, the table also shows that the
sample firms returned less than a contemporaneous investment in Treasury
C.2. Book-to-Market
There is some evidence that the magnitude of underperformance is lower
for firms in the highest quartile of book-to-market. The mean three-year
buy-and-hold abnormal returns relative to the size- and book-to-market-
matched control firms in each book-to-market quartile (lowest to highest)
are -36.36 percent, -21.80 percent, -22.18 percent, and -14.86 percent,
significantly different from zero at the five percent level in all but the high-
est book-to-market quartile. However, an F-test cannot reject the hypothesis
that the abnormal returns are equal across the book-to-market quartiles.
Our finding that high book-to-market issuers appear to have slightly less
underperformance is consistent with similar results documented for public
issuers by Spiess and Affleck-Graves (1995).
Table III
Association between Announcement Period Return
and Long-Run Returns following Private Placements
of Equity from 1980 to 1996
The table reports the Spearman rank correlations between the announcement period returns
and the three-year buy-and-hold raw returns and abnormal returns. The buy-and-hold adjusted
return {BHAR) is the difference between the buy-and-hold return on the sample firm and that
of the control firm based on size- and industry-matched control firms. The discount-adjusted
announcement period return = [1/(1 - a)][AR] + [a/(l - a)\[{P^ - Po)IPb\, where AT? is the
announcement period abnormal stock return (day - 3 to day 0) based on market model resid-
uals, a is the ratio of shares placed to shares outstanding after the placement, P^ is the market
price at the end of the month prior to the event, and PQ is the placement price. The p-values are
reported in parentheses.
Announcement Announcement Period
Period Return Return
Buy-and-hold raw return -0.08 -0.19
(0.04) (0.00)
Buy-and-hold adjusted return
Size and industry benchmark 0.01 -0.03
(0.82) (0.58)
Size benchmark 0.00 -0.08
(0.91) (0.12)
Size and book-to-market benchmark -0.01 -0.02
(0.75) (0.72)
'^ The ratio of operating income to total assets is computed as (COMPUSTAT item #13 +
COMPUSTAT item #62)/(COMPUSTAT item #6). The ratio of net income to total assets is
computed as (COMPUSTAT item #172)/(COMPUSTAT item #6). Table IV also reports the market-
to-book equity ratio, computed as (COMPUSTAT item #25 * COMPUSTAT item #199)/
(COMPUSTAT item #60), and the ratio of capital and R&D expenditures to total assets, computed
as (COMPUSTAT item #128 + COMPUSTAT item #46)/(COMPUSTAT item #6). Only 511 of our
619 sample and control firms have complete data on COMPUSTAT for sales, assets, and oper-
ating income in the year prior to the private placement announcement.
2608 The Journal of Finance
Table IV
Operating Performance around Private Placements
from 1980 to 1996
Panel A reports median operating performance for the sample firms and Panel B reports the
samples' median industry-adjusted operating performance (defined as the sample median less
the median for the sample firms' industries). Year represents the firm's fiscal year relative to
the year of the private placement (year 0 is the year of the private placement), N is the number
of ohservations with available COMPUSTAT data, OIBD/assets is operating income before de-
preciation (COMPUSTAT item #13) plus interest income (COMPUSTAT item #62) deflated by
fiscal year-end total assets (COMPUSTAT item #6). ROA is net income (COMPUSTAT item
#172) divided by fiscal year-end total assets. CE + RD/assets is capital expenditures (COM-
PUSTAT item #128) + research and development expenditures (COMPUSTAT item #46) divided
by total assets. If CE or RD is missing from COMPUSTAT, their values are set equal to 0. M/B,
market-to-book, is the number of shares outstanding (COMPUSTAT item #25) multiplied by
fiscal year-end price (COMPUSTAT item #199) divided by book value of equity (COMPUSTAT
item #60), Sample firms are those that privately placed equity from 1980 to 1996,
"•'' Significantly different from zero at the one percent and five percent levels, respectively,
based on Wilcoxon rank sums test (two-sided).
Ritter (1997), and include interest income because many issuers temporarily
invest some of the proceeds in interest-earning instruments prior to invest-
ing in operating assets.
In sharp contrast to public issues, Table IV shows that private equity
issues tend to follow periods of relatively poor operating performance. Panel A
shows that operating performance of firms issuing equity privately declines
over the four-year period leading up to and including the year of issue. Also
noteworthy is evidence that the median sample firm has a negative ROA in
Long-Run Performance following Private Placements of Equity 2609
tbe two years prior to tbe issue and tbe year of tbe issue. Panel B presents
industry-adjusted performance relative to the median firm in the same two-
digit SIC industry and shows that botb OIBD/Assets and ROA for the me-
dian issuer are substantially lower than the industry median in each of the
three years prior to the issue and in tbe year of tbe issue. Taken togetber,
tbese results rule out tbe bebavioral explanation that the poor post-
announcement stock-price performance reflects the tendency for investors to
overweight recent operating performance in forming expectations of future
performance. Rather tban overweighting tbe recent poor performance, our
evidence suggests that investors may be too optimistic about the potential
tbat operating performance will improve in tbe future.
Tbe post-issue operating performance is consistent witb tbis view. Table IV
sbows tbat operating performance remains weak after tbe private equity
issue. Botb OIBD/assets and ROA for tbe median issuer are substantially
lower tban tbe industry median in eacb of tbe tbree years after tbe issue. To
provide additional evidence on tbe post-issue operating performance, we fol-
low Barber and Lyon (1996) and matcb eacb sample firm to a control firm on
the basis of industry (two-digit SIC), total assets, and operating perfor-
mance (OIBD/assets) at the end of the year preceding the private place-
ment. ^^ The results (not presented in a table) further support the view that
the poor post-issue stock-price performance reflects investor disappointment
about tbe failure to reverse tbe poor operating performance prior to the
issue. Specifically, OIBD/assets for tbe median issuer is lower tban that of
the median control firm in tbe year of and the years following the private
placement announcement. The differences are statistically significant in years
0, 1, and 2 relative to tbe year of tbe private equity issue. Tbe results are
similar for tbe return on assets (ROA) measure, i"*
Lougbran and Ritter (1997) report tbat public equity issues are preceded
by a positive and significant stock-price run-up, and tbat issuing firms bave
bigber tban average market-to-book ratios at the time of issuance. This evi-
dence suggests tbat tbe ex post operating performance deterioration is not
impounded into market prices at the time of issuance. To shed light on the
•'' Specifically, for each sample firm, we find the set of COMPUSTAT firms with the same
two-digit SIC as the sample firm, that have stock prices greater than two dollars, and have
total assets between 25 percent and 200 percent of the sample firm. If no firms meet the above
criteria, control firms are selected from the set of firms with total assets between 90 percent
and 110 percent of the sample firm without regard to industry. From the resulting set of firms,
we select the firm that has the closest operating performance to that of the sample firm in the
year prior to the private placement announcement. We also matched on one-digit SIC code with
similar results.
'•* We also checked whether the poor operating performance was driven by newly listed firms
that have yet to report positive earnings as discussed in Section II.C. Although we find that
newly listed firms do have lower operating performance relative to their industries than do the
established firms, both subsamples (newly listed and established) show similar patterns in
operating performance: Both groups perform significantly worse than their industries and their
Barber and Lyon (1996) matched counterparts before and after the private placement
2610 The Journal of Finance
'^ The capital expenditure results are also consistent with the idea that managers invest in
negative NPV projects to increase the size of the organization under their control (Jensen and
Meckling (1976)). This argument, however, cannot explain the stock-price run-up prior to the
issue unless the market incorrectly views these as profitahle investments.
'^ We also examine whether corporate control activity in these firms can explain the pre-
issue stock-price run-up. Only 12 of our 619 sample firms experience any corporate control
activity over the year preceding the private equity issue. We find that the pre-issue run-up
remains even after removing these firms from the sample, indicating that control activity can-
not explain the pre-issue run-up of these firms.
Long-Run Performance following Private Placements of Equity 2611
Table V
Pre-Announcement Period Returns to Investors
Not Participating in the Private Placement
Panel A reports the buy-and-hold return for the sample firms, and the buy-and-hold adjusted
returns for the sample firms relative to control firms, for the one-year period ending the month
prior to the month preceding the private placement (e.g., month - 1 3 through month -2). Panel
B reports the same for the two-year period ending the month prior to the month preceding the
private placement (e.g., month - 2 5 through month -2). The buy-and-hold adjusted return
{BHAR) is the difference between the BHR on the sample firm and that of the control firm.
Cross-sectional i-statistics are reported in brackets. Wilcoxon p-values are reported in paren-
theses. Panel C reports results from calendar-time portfolio regressions where the dependent
variables are event portfolio returns, Rp, in excess of the Treasury bill rate, iJ^. Each month, we
form portfolios of all sample firms that announce a private placement within the following year
(excluding the current and next month). The three factors, from Fama and French (1993), are
the excess return on the market (i^,„ - Rf), the return difference between a portfolio of "small"
and "big" stocks {SMB), and the return difference between a portfolio of "high" and "low"
book-to-market stocks {HML). The intercept {a) measures the monthly abnormal return, given
the model. The adjusted intercept {Adj a) measures the difference between the event portfolio
intercept and the average intercept from 1,000 random samples of nonevent firms in the same
size and book-to-market quintiles as the sample firms, based on NYSE breakpoints. Calendar
months with less than 10 observations in the event portfolio are excluded. The t-statistics are
reported in brackets, and the number of monthly observations is reported in parentheses. The
implied 1-year AR [(1 -t- Intercept)'^ - 1] is the total buy-and-hold return from earning the
intercept return every month for 12 months.
°''' Significantly different from zero at the one percent and five percent levels, respectively.
2612 The Journal of Finance
the period prior to the issue and improved, albeit weak, performance fol-
lowing the issue. These results are consistent with the idea that investors
are disappointed when performance does not improve significantly follow-
ing the equity issue. Our results suggest that the source of investor over-
optimism may be related to expectations about tbe payoffs from tbe firms'
current and future investments. Consistent with this, we find that issuing
firms bave high levels of capital expenditures in the years preceding tbe
equity issue.
^' See Barclay, Hoiderness, and Sheehan (2001) for an investigation of the entrenchment
Long-Run Performance following Private Placements of Equity 2613
'^ In the two-state Myers and Majluf (1984) framework employed by Hertzel and Smith
(1993), managerial overoptimism might be thought of as managers incorrectly determining that
they are in the good state.
'" For completeness, we note that, when measured relative to the discounted price at which
they purchase shares, private placement investors earn normal returns in the three-year
post-announcement period. Unfortunately, this finding is not conclusive. On the one hand, it
can be interpreted as evidence that discounts reflect true value. Alternatively, it may be the
case that private placement investors do require compensation (and build such into the dis-
count) but they too, as may be the case for outside investors and managers, are overoptimistic
about the future prospects of the firm. In this scenario, evidence that private placement
investors only earn normal post-announcement returns suggests that they have overpriced
the issue.
2614 The Journal of Finance
V. Conclusion
We examine post-announcement stock-price performance for a sample of
firms that sell equity tbrougb private placements. We find that, despite hav-
ing a positive stock-price reaction at tbe announcement, firms tbat issue
equity privately significantly underperform relative to several benchmarks
over tbe tbree-year period following tbe offering. Tbis finding is inconsistent
witb tbe underreaction bypotbesis. Furtbermore, we know of no bebavioral
tbeory tbat can explain wby investors would systematically react in tbe wrong
direction to an announcement as we bave documented bere.
The negative post-announcement performance we document for private
placements is similar to tbe long-run underperformance documented for ini-
tial public offerings and seasoned equity offerings (Ritter (1991), Lougbran
and Ritter (1995), and Spiess and Affleck-Graves (1995)). Taken togetber,
tbe evidence suggests tbat investors are too optimistic about tbe prospects of
firms tbat issue equity, regardless of tbe form of issuance (IPO, seasoned, or
private placement).
Private equity issues tend to follow periods of poor operating performance.
Thus, our evidence is not consistent with the behavioral explanation that
tbe poor long-run performance results from tbe tendency of investors to over-
weigbt recent experience wben forming expectations. Firms tbat issue eq-
uity privately tend to invest more tban a control group, botb before and
after tbe issue. Tbis evidence suggests tbat managers and investors may be
too optimistic about tbe investment opportunities of firms tbat issue equity
^^ See Sheehan and Swisher (1998) for an investigation of the returns earned by different
types of private placement investors and Krishnamurthy et al. (1999) for some evidence of
factors that influence the choice between a public and a private equity issue.
Long-Run Performance following Private Placements of Equity 2615
Finally, our results are inconsistent with theories that have been ad-
vanced previously to explain the positive stock-price reaction to private place-
ment announcements. Our results also provide a challenge for earlier
explanations of private placement discounts. We leave the puzzling announce-
ment effect and uncertain nature of private placement discounts for future
B. Bootstrapping Procedure
To measure the statistical significance of the buy-and-hold abnormal re-
turns, we follow Barber and Lyon (1997) and report ^-statistics from a cross-
sectional t-test. However, because the post-announcement periods overlap
across firms and the distribution of buy-and-hold returns is skewed, infer-
ences made from cross-sectional ^statistics may be inappropriate. To ad-
dress this concern, we combine our control firm approach with a bootstrapping
procedure similar to that used by Ikenberry, Lakonishok, and Vermaelen
(1995), except that we couple our bootstrapping procedures with the matched
control firm approach consistent with our abnormal return calculations. Spe-
cifically, for each sample firm, we compute the three- and five-year buy-and-
hold return beginning the month after the private placement announcement.
We then randomly select with replacement a control firm that is in the same
size decile at the year-end prior to the private placement announcement.
After forming our first matched portfolio, we estimate the three- and five-
year buy-and-hold returns for each firm, and use the cross-sectional mean
(median) of these returns as our first return observation. We repeat this
procedure 1,000 times to obtain 1,000 matched-portfolio return observa-
tions. This procedure yields empirical distributions of returns (one for three-
year and one for five-year holding periods) under the null hypothesis of no
2616 The Journal of Finance
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