Concept, Practices, and Issues in Fiscal Management in The Education Sector
Concept, Practices, and Issues in Fiscal Management in The Education Sector
Concept, Practices, and Issues in Fiscal Management in The Education Sector
The scope of fiscal management is not just to study the composition of public
revenue and public expenditure. It covers a full discussion of the influence of
government fiscal operations on the level of overall activity, employment, prices and
growth process of the economic system as a whole.
These refer to three objectives of budget policy, i. e., the use of fiscal instruments:
Thus, the function of the allocation branch of the fiscal department is to determine
what adjustments in allocation are needed, who shall bear the cost, what revenue and
expenditure policies to be formulated to fulfill the desired objectives.
The function of the distribution branch is to determine what steps are needed to
bring about the desired or equitable state of distribution in the economy and the
stabilization branch shall confine itself to the decisions as to what should be done to
secure price stability and to maintain full employment level.
All schools are expected to have the finance policy which must cover certain aspects.
According to Van Rooyen the finance policy must consist of the following aspects: the
school’s vision and mission statements including organization structure for financial
management, issuing of receipts, petty cash, deposits, requisitioning for payment, approval
and authorization of expenditure, payment for an acquisition, record filing,
accountability/providing feedback and auditing.
School finance- why so important? It is because a high quality education is vitally
important for productive citizenship, and is a guaranteed right for all children in most state
constitutions and requires an adequate level of resources, levels not present in many places
—particularly low property wealth areas. Given limited levels of resources and the mission
to provide all children with high quality learning opportunities, making effective and
efficient use of resources is crucial to success.
Fiscal management practices should be implemented in ways that promote and
sustain the integrity of the school and the community, with schooling institutions earning
the trust of citizens, and citizens practicing civic responsibility. Crucial here is the
avoidance of conflicts of interest, and of the appearance of conflicts of interest.
A school fiscal management system should use available resources in ways that most
directly and effectively meet the educational needs of students. Resource allocations and
expenditures should be justifiable in terms of their expected impact on teaching and
Fiscal management practices should support the provision of high quality learning
environments, opportunities, and experiences that recognize the needs of individual
students and work toward the attainment of high levels of achievement for all students.
Fiscal management practices should ensure that all schools and programs are
provided with sufficient resources to provide a quality education to all students. Policies
and practices should also ensure the fair distribution of resources to students taking into
account the individual needs of students and the diverse and unique circumstances of
schools and school districts.
Parents and community members have a major stake in how schools and districts use
public resources to educate their students and support their communities. Accordingly,
fiscal management systems should offer and encourage opportunities for significant
involvement in the process of creating, implementing, and monitoring budgets.
School-based financial management activities include but are not limited to the
fiscal planning, budgeting
cashiering and disbursement
accounting and recording
asset and liability management, and
physical and financial reporting.