English Communicative (Code No. 101) Syllabus CLASS - X (2018-19)
English Communicative (Code No. 101) Syllabus CLASS - X (2018-19)
English Communicative (Code No. 101) Syllabus CLASS - X (2018-19)
CLASS – X (2018-19)
This section will have two unseen passages of a total of 700-750 words as per the
details below :
Q.1: A Factual passage 300-350 words with eight Very Short Answer Type (VSA)
Questions. 8 marks
Q. 2: A Discursive passage of 350-400 words with four Short Answer Type Questions
of eight marks to test inference, evaluation and analysis and four VSA to
test vocabulary and comprehension (two VSA for vocabulary and two for
comprehension) 12 marks
Writing :-
Q. 3: Formal Letter (Complaints / Inquiry / Placing order / letter to the editor) in
about 100-120 words. The questions will be thematically based on the Main
Course Book. 8 marks
Q.4: Writing a short Story based on a given outline or cue/s in about 200-250
words. 10 marks
Grammar :-
The Grammar syllabus will include the following areas in class X.
1. Tenses
2. Modals
3. Use of passive voice
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4. Subject – verb concord
5. Reporting
(i) Commands and requests
(ii) Statements
(iii) Questions
6. Clauses:
(i) Noun clauses
(ii) Adverb clauses
(iii) Relative clauses
7. Determiners
8. Prepositions
The above items may be tested through test types as given below:
Q. 5: Gap filling with one or two words to test Prepositions, Articles, Conjunctions and
Tenses . 4 marks
Q. 6: Editing or Omission 4 marks
Q. 7: Sentences Re-ordering or Sentence Transformation in context. 4 marks
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Prescribed Books: Published by CBSE, New Delhi
1. Main Course Book .
2. Workbook .
3. Literature Reader .
a. The Diary of a Young Girl (1947) by Anne Frank ( uploaded on CBSE website)
b. The Story of My Life (1903) by Helen Keller ( unabridged edition)
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Literature Reader
1. Two Gentlemen of Verona 4. A Shady Plot
2 Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger 5. PatolBabu
3. The Letter 6. Virtually True
1. The Frog and the Nightingale 2. Ozymandias
3 . The Rime of Ancient Mariner
4. Not Marble, nor the Gilded Monuments 5. Snake
1. The Dear Departed 2. Julius Caesar
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WORK BOOK* – Suggested Break-up of Units for the purpose of classroom teaching
only – NOT FOR TESTING (see the following note).
1 Determiners 8 Comparison
2 Tenses 9 Avoiding Repetition
3 Subject-Verb Agreement 10 Nominalization
4 Non-Finites 11 Modals
5 Relatives 12 Active and Passive
6 Connectors 13 Reported Speech
7 Conditionals 14 Prepositions
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Class - X
English Communicative 2018-19 (Code No. 101)
SAQ 30-40
Testing competencies/ VSAQ 1 100-120 words
Typology words Marks
learning outcomes Mark Words (HOTS)
2 marks
8 marks 10 marks
Reading Conceptual understanding,
Skills decoding, analyzing,
12 04 --- --- 20
inferring, interpreting and
Creative Expressing an opinion,
Writing reasoning, justifying,
Skills and illustrating, appropriacy
Grammar of style and tone, using
appropriate format 12 --- 01 01 30
and fluency. Applying
con¬ventions, using inte-
grated structures with
accuracy and fluency
Literature Recalling, reasoning,
Textbook appreciating, applying
and literary conventions,
Extended extrapolating, illustrating
Reading and justifying etc.
Texts Extracting relevant 04 04 01 01 30
information, identifying
the central theme and
sub themes, understanding
the writer’s message and
writing fluently.
28 x 01 08 x 02 02 x 08 = 02 x 10 = 80
= 28 marks = 16 marks 16 marks 20 marks marks
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