Standard. Leave and Licence .Agreement
Standard. Leave and Licence .Agreement
Standard. Leave and Licence .Agreement
1. Shri ----------------------------------------
AND WHEREAS the LICENSEE has offered to take for occupation the
Licensed Premise only on Leave and Licence Basis only after
ascertaining and confirming and satisfying themselves about the title
of Licensors and the Legality of the Construction of the Licensed
Premises and the representations made by the Licensors for a period of
05 (Five) years with effect from the date of execution and
registration of this Agreement. The Licence Fees/compensation for the
occupation of the Licensed premises per month is fixed at
Rs.------------ (Rupees ------------------------ Only per month) to be
payable in advance (with agreed tax deductions referred to in this
agreement) on or before 7th of each month on advance basis.
5. Occupation :
fixtures, furniture’s, etc. and the Licensors being satisfied about the complete
removal of the Licensee, from the Licensed premises and after adjustment of
dues, if any, including pertaining to outstanding electricity bills, water
charges, losses / breakage of the Licensed premises etc. which the Licensee is
lawfully liable to pay.
The Licensee shall use and keep the Licensed premises in good
condition at their own cost during the period used by the Licensee
and deliver back the same in good condition as it was at the time
of their occupation, to the Licensors on the determination or
That the Licensee shall not make any structural changes, additions or
alterations in the Licensed premises without first obtaining the
written consent and permission of the Licensors and statutory
authorities. However, the Licensee shall be free to install its own
furniture and fittings, false ceilings, wooden partitions, paintings,
interiors and decorations and can install and use Computers, Air
conditioners, Air/water coolers, Electric stove and all other types of
electric gadgets in the Licensed Premises without damaging the
Licensed Premises only to the extent permitted by the law for the
time being in force, and on obtaining necessary permissions from
the concerned authorities and with the due advance intimations to
the Licensors. The Licensee shall be further authorized to remove
and take away the aforesaid furniture, remove all fixtures and
appliances upon termination / early determination of the LEAVE
AND LICENCE Agreement.
The Licensee their agents, servants, and /or representatives shall not
create or cause encumbrance, nuisance and annoyance to any
other person(s) and shall not use the Licensed premises for any
illegal purposes or as a public house and shall not use, permit or
suffer upon the Licensed premises or any part thereof, anything
which may become a nuisance or annoyance or cause damage to
the Licensors or other occupants in the said building or the
occupiers in the neighboring premises. The Licensee shall not do
any illegal acts in the said premises or cause it to be done. If the
Licensee commits breach of any of the conditions under this Leave
and Licensed Agreement, the Licensor will have every right to
terminate the said Leave & Licence Agreement with the written
notice and the Licence shall stand determined on the date of the
receipt of the said notice.
It is also agreed that the Licensors shall have the right to inspect the
Licensed premises with or without workmen and/or experts at all
reasonable times/business hours with prior intimation to the
Licensee to ascertain the condition of the Licensed premises
without disturbing the working culture of the Licensee & the
Licensee shall extend co-operation to Licensors for inspection of
Licensed premises. The Occupation of the Licensed Premises is
the Licensee shall pay the Licensors the monthly Licence fee hereby
reserved at the time and in the manner hereinbefore prescribed.
To carry out any repairs in the Licensed premises at its own costs,
which may not otherwise amount to addition and/ or alteration
thereby causing structural changes and with the prior written
permission of the Licensors.
The Licensee shall keep the licensed premises in good condition and
shall not cause any damage thereto.
The Licensee shall not sub-let, assign, transfer or part with right of the
Licensed premises or any portion thereof to occupy to any third
party except as specified in clause 15.5 of the instant agreement.
That the Licensors shall not be liable and responsible to pay anyone
on behalf of the Licensee in any manner for the outstanding of the
Licensee which the Licensee is otherwise liable to pay.
The LICENSORS shall bear and pay all present and future taxes,
duties, cess, surcharges, sewage and water tax, levies, property
tax, outgoings assessments payable, other statutory levies &
charges payable to the government, local bodies, as may be
required in respect of the licensed premises. However, LICENSEE
That, if the LICENSORS at any time during the Licence period sells or
transfers its rights or interest in the Licence premises as a whole
or in part thereof, then the LICENSEE shall have no objection to it,
subject to the LICENSORS making/providing the same
arrangement with the prospective transferee(s) on the same terms
and conditions contained herein. The LICENSORS shall inform the
LICENSEE at least 30 days in advance of any such sale/Transfer.
The LICENSEE shall have the right to allow any of its associates or
company to make use of the premises or any part thereof however
it is agreed and understood that the use of the premises by the
subsidiary/wholly owned divisions of LICENSEE shall not amount to
subletting or parting with the occupation of the Licensed premises
in any manner, subject to the following conditions:
1. No independent right of any sort whatsoever shall be
created or deemed to have been created in favors of any such
subsidiary/wholly or partly owned Company /Group Company/
Solicits/division of the LICENSEE or in favour of any third party.
2. The LICENSEE shall be responsible and liable for the
performance of the obligations as laid down in the Agreement.
3. The subsidiary, wholly or in part/divisions, which may
function from the Licensed premises shall be set up only to the
matters connected with the business of the LICENSEE and for no
other purpose.
If at any time during the term of the Licence, the Licensed
property is damaged or destroyed on account of war, riots, fire,
earthquake, any act of god or for any reason whatsoever, so as to
render the Licensed premises (or part thereof) unfit for the use of
the LICENSEE then, and in such event, the Licensors shall not be
18. Jurisdiction :
In case of any difference or dispute arising between the parties
herein on any of the terms and conditions contained herein, such
difference or dispute shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of
the Courts at Mumbai, where the Licensed premises are situate,
which Court shall have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try
any such dispute and or issues those may arise out of this instant
If to the LICENSORS:
If to the LICENSEE:
Schedule I
The Said Premises consisting of total wall to wall carpet area as follows:
Shop no. : _________ Sq. Ft.
Total : _________ Sq. Ft.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the LICENSORS and the LICENSEE have signed this
LEAVE AND LICENCE in the presence of the following witness: