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PD 09-1055-0211 Redacted

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Date 11/18/08

Washington State Patrol

LDS_I_ _
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C051032PSC (7)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
December 31, 2008
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services I DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Security and Investigations Inc.
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner

Remarks: Extends period of performance for one month .

Contract Amount Position Signatur~ a,9d Date

Contract Amount
$843,950.00 Grants and Contracts Manager n. / h ·2 'i:k~1
$11,000 Business Office Manager //l...j:r/~ 7 -
Revised Total Budget Manager if I II ' /' Allot: DYes~o
$854,950.00 I ,J / '
Amount Vl 1.LJ.1. I /~ V UnanticipateQ Receipt: DYes ~No

Indirect Costs % Accounting Manager ;;;;Z ./"J IIlii//f(

Sub I' I'/.evenue Code' t Percent!
Master Index Fund Al PI Project M~jor. Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
G_~ Source Source
WAJ7 001 01* 00271 WAJ7 CE

Billable Contracts Only_ ...---

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only: DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to~ontraCI: DYes DNo

Overtime Allowed: DYes
------- AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: _ _ _ _ _--1
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typepf-R!lceipl: DRevenue 0 Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: ~ Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6103)
~ Accountant ~Budget Analyst o Other:_-_ _ _ _ _ _ __
PAGE 0?- __ _
11/ 20/ 200 8 22: 45


WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

\ Amendment 7

Th e above-referenced c~ntract
between the Washington State Pa
Security and Investigatio \s Inc. trol (WSP) and
(Contractor) is hereby amended
as follows:
a. The period of perfor~ance is ext
ended through December 31, 200
b. The maximom contr ct amount
is increased by $11,000 for a rev
contract amount of $ 54,950.00 ised maximum
c. This amendment is e*e ctiv e on
November 30, 2008.
All oth er terms and COnditi~nS
oft his Contract remain in full forc
e and effect.
THIS AMENDMENT is exe¢uted
by the persons signing below, wh
have the authority to execute this o warrant that they




! Pa ge 1 of 1
~" ~ .'


TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Amendment 7 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
DATE: December 3, 2008

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Security and Investigations Inc. Funding for this contract has been encumbered
under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification
Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 12, ext. 11052 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this


cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5/96) . An internationally accredited agency providing projessionallaw enforcement services

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

December 3, 2008

Ms. Priscilla Coy-Monahan

Security and Investigations Inc.
407 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020

Dear Ms. Coy-Monahan:

Subject: Amendment 7 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 596-4052.


. Enclosur~.
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
Period of ~ Amendment
Contract No. - 1.20illO
Contract Title: _J....-e..L"ldl.dL---/.d!D'JL1~~'-'U#Jt.Z.~--<LJ!LW.~.L·~::>-_ _ _ _~_
Other Party:


Grants and Contract Manager:

BFS Administrator:

Chief/Deputy Cnief:~ (Z~ Z -0 £)

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 7



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31,2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $11,000 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $854,950.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
11/20 /2008 22:45 4255720P~7 PAGE 01


407 HOW ELl, WAY
EDM OND S WA 9802 0
425- 672- 8787 PHO NE
425- 672- 0377 FAX

JeffHugdahl Sean Monal1an/Security & Investigations
(:OMPAN y:
f)A TR:
WSP 11/21/ 2008
360-596-4078 2
5n.NI)~R·S nnFr::luiNGr-;: NUMBRR.l

yOUR nnrliltBN cn NllM1H'iR:

;SP Contra ct No. C0510 Lpsc

Atnend ment 7 !


Mr. HuJh l, the following page is the signed copy of WSP Contra ct
COS1032PSC te.nd ment 7. The original is going out in the =il today.


11 /2 0/ 20 08 42 55 72 0[> 77 PAGE 0? .. _ _ _
22 :4 5

WSP Contract No, C0
\ Am en dm en t?
The above-referenced
Cdntract between the
Security and Investiga Washington State Pa
tiot1s Inc. (Contractor) trol
is hereby amended as (WSP) and
a. The period of perfor\
~ance is extended th
rough December 31 ,2
00 8.
b. The maximum contra
t amount is increased
contract amount of $
by $11,000 for a ~vised
c, This amendment is e1
tective on November 30
. I , 2008,
All ot he r terms and co
nditiJns of this Contra
ct remain in full force
a nd effect,
have the authority to ex eL te d by the persons signing below, wh
ecute this Amendmen o warrant that they
John R. Batiste, Chie





.Page 1 of 1 " '.
"" !.. .
WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 7



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31,2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $11,000 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $854,950.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 4:35 PM
To: 'Sean Monahan'
Subject: RE: WSP Contract No. C051032PSC Amendment 6
Attachments: sii amd 7.doc

Sean, the attached amendment will fund Mr. Kristof at WAJAC through December 31,2008. If you could sign this
amendment, fax it to me no later than Wednesday, November 26 and mail the original I'd appreciate it.

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 4:01 PM
To: 'Sean Monahan'
Subject: RE: WSP Contract No. C051032PSC Amendment 6

Sean, we've learned today that Region 1 will not be providing WSP with the funding for Mr. Melton's portion of the
contract. I've attached a revised amendment to continue funding Mr. Kristof at WAJAC for an additional 2
months. If you could sign this amendment, fax it to me and mail the original I'd appreciate it.

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:sean@cssow.org]

Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 2:39 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: WSP Contract No. C051032PSC Amendment 6

Mr. Hugdahl, I just faxed over the signed above mentioned Contract amendment. The original will go out
in the mail today. If you have time please let me know that the faxed was received. Thanks.

Sean Monahan
Security & Investigations, Inc.
425-672-8787 Phone
1-800-865-2880 Phone
425-670-1640 Fax

No virus found in this outgoing message.

Checked by AVG.
Version: 7.5.5241 Virus Database: 270.7.1/1688 - Release Date: 9124/20086:29 AM

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 3:46 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 11/18/2008 3:54:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number, 34379-07

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN, 900087242

Agency, 225
Agency Contract #' C051032PSC
Filed Date, 11/18/2008 3,54,00 PM
Start Date, 11/30/2008
Filed By, Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date, $849,950

Amendment Value: $ll,OOO
New Total Contract Value, $860,950

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:54 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 11/18/2008 3:54:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 64562

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 11/18/2008 3:54:00 PM
Start Date: 11/30/2008
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $849,950

Amendment Value: $11,000
New Total Contract Value: $860,950

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision., After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3


Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of

Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol

Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 900087242
Legal Name Security and Investigations Inc.
UBI 602293493
Address 407 Howell Way, Edmonds, WA USA 98020
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law
enforcement agencies through the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC). The
amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal
intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations
for one additional month.
Fund Source

Filing Number Federal State other Total

34379 - 00 $158,000 $158,000
34379 - 01 $32,000 $32,000
34379 - 02 $22,300 $22,300
34379 - 03 $86,500 $86,500
34379 - 04 $264,600 $264,600
34379 - 05 $264,600 $264,600
34379 - 06 $21,950 $21,950
This Filing $11,000 $11,000
Contract Total $860,950

Contract Dates

Page 2 of3

Filed Date Start Date End Date

11/30/2008 12/31/2008


Jeff Hugdahl (360)596-4052 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)596-4052 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The program anticipated completing a procurement for these services in time to allow this contract to end on
November 30; and new contracts providing services effective December 1. The procurement process is taking
longer than originally anticipated.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will plan on a longer time period for the procurement of these services in the future.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional month. WSP is required
to provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations andlor whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The services assist the State Patrol, federal agencies,
and local law enforcement by providing criminal intelligence analysis for law enforcement missions. The
contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military
Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. WSP is contractually obligated to the federal
government to provide these services. These services are critical to WSP to fulfill their mission of "enhancing
the safety and security of our state" which includes sharing information with other local, state and federal law
enforcement organizations. In light of the Personal Service contract freeze, this amendment was approved by
executive management, the deputy chief and chief.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSeiect=mnuFA. .. 11118/2008
Page 3 of3

WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.
The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at WAJAC while the agency conducts a competitive
procurement of these services. A new RFQQ for these services was issued on October 31, 2008; the agency
is currently conducting an evaluation of proposals but will not be completed with the procurement process by
the time this contract ends on November 30, 2008. Should this contractor become an apparent successful
proposer under the new RFQQ they will be placed under a new contract; this current contract will not be
extended after this amendment.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would be available beyond November 30, 2008.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would be available beyond November 30, 2008.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through December 31 , 2008 while the
agency conducts a competitive procurement of these services. A waiver was granted by the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security for the use of $1 million dollars of federal fiscal year 2008 funds to continue funding
contracted intelligence analysts; rather than continue to extend this contract the agency is conducting a new
procurement for these services and allowing all previous contracts for this service to expire.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
sii amd 7.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilingiPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFA... 1111812008
Date 9/26/08
Washington State Patrol
LOS / /
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 [gl Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
C051032PSC (6t
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
November 30, 2008
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services I DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Security and Investigations Inc.
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E~Maii Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Drake lAD Shawn Eckhart
Remarks: Extends~eriod of performance for two months for John Kristof only .

Contract Amount Position ...., Signature and}late

$822,000.00 Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
$21,950.00 Business Office Manager ;11/ / I
Revised Total
$843,950.00 Budget Manager "i 1'-. <:;" } _ , / I Allot: DYe~ ~o
Amount 'J-.t-.. 11.6(1 Unanticipated Receipt: DYes bJNo

Indirect Costs % Accounting Manag l' ~f/fiJ

/ Re\tenue Code/ / Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Sub \I-;-r--c-+-r-=FC=---T'=-,;-;c--'---j TAR Code
Object l Majotl...~ajor Sub Amount
l'GrolJll Source Source
WAJ7 001 01* 00271 WAJ7 CE

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNo AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime~lIowed: DYes ~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es ONo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: DRevenue 0 Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
--- -
Distribution: [gl Project Manager [gl Accountant [glSudget Analyst O-Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $21,950.00 for the services of

Contractor employee John Kristof at the Washington Joint Analytical Center. The
revised maximum contract amount is $843.950.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



Date Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 6 to WSP Contract No. COS I 032PSC

DATE: October 8, 2007

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed amendment between the Washington State
Patrol and Security and Investigations Inc. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under
the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.
Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract.

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider,
Budget and Fiscal Services, within fifteen days from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with
your assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact Ms. Cindy Haider at Micro 12, ext. 11071 if you have any questions or concerns
regarding this contract.

cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget and Fiscal Services
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Services Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000·323·001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing projessionallaw enforcement services

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

October 6, 2008

Ms. Priscilla Coy-Monahan.

Security and Investigations Inc.
407 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020

Subject: Amendment 6 to WSP Agreement No. C051032PSC

.Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed amendment of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596-4071.



L ~~R.cl4W~
1'"' Mr. Jeffre
Budget and Fiscal Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
®' Amendment
Contract No. :L.#-'-.-L-;--L!.f:-"''fJ-.....
o Recurring
Contract Title: _--I......t.:.....;r:L..<LIC.l_OdL.!.!Utc.qc.a<""'-.....t:jf.C.l.'LI-'y....u.~LS!.JC!....:.-"-'"'~ _ _ _ __
Other Party:
o Receivable
Amount: o Other:

Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

Management Services Bureau Director: ---Qsf:.;..;."---q-'--'-'(1--~11-------~--

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 1:23 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agenc y 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decisio
n: 9/15/2008.

This e-mai l is being sent becau se you were ident

ified as the perso n to be conta cted after
a decis ion was made by OFM on this filing .

Decis ion: Appro ved

By: Susan Johns en
Filin g Numbe r: 34379 -06

Contr actor Legal Name: Secur ity and Inves tigati

ons Inc.
Contr actor TIN: 90008 7242

Agenc y: 225
Agenc y Contr act #: C0510 32PSC
Filed Date: 9/15/2 008
Start Date: 9/30/2 008
Filed By: Jeff Hugda hl

Contr act Value To Date: $828,0 00

Amend ment Value : $21,95 0
New Total Contr act Value : $849,9 50

Decis ion comm ents:

Pleas e retain the Filin g Numbe r listed above

for any later query purpo ses or to assis t
with filing an amend ment to the contr act in
the PSCD system . If you have any quest ions or
conce rns about this filing , pleas e conta ct OFM
at ofm.c ontra cting@ ofm.w a.gov or at
360-7 25-52 57 or 360-7 25-52 62.

Thank You
Offic e of Finan cial Manag ement I WA state Perso nal Servi ces Contr acts

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $21,950.00 for the services of

Contractor employee John Kristof at the Washington Joint Analytical Center. The
revised maximum contract amount is $843,950.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Security & Imlestigations, Inc. 407 Howell Way
Edmonds, WA 98020
425-672-8787 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax

September 25, 2008

Jeff Hugdahl
Washington State Patrol
Budget & Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia, WA 98504-2602

Dear Mr. Hugdahl:

Included with this letter is the updated signed copy of WSP Contract No. C051032PSC Amendment 6
that omits funding for Dan Melton in Region 1. Please return the fully executed amendment to me here
at our main office located at the address listed above in Edmonds. If the budget allows for another
extension after November 2008 for John Kristof at WAJAC please send the contract amendment to
me directly via fax at 425-<i72-0877 or e-mail to sean@cssow.org. If other areas become available
again please let us know. Thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve WSP. We are sorry to
have lost the services for Region 1.


Sean Monahan
Security & Investigations, Inc.
09/24/ 2008 07:10 425672 087 7 PAGE 01


EDM OND S WA 9802 0
425- 672- 8787 PHO NE
425- 672- 0877 FAX

Jeff HugdahJ. . Sean Monahan/Security & Investigations
WSP 9/24/2 008
360-596-4078 2

YOtJl{ Rp,FfiRBNCr: NUM"UT\,Rl
WSP Contract No. C0510 2PSC

o URGnN'r 0" FOR R,wmL o I'l.n,\SH COMMENT o PLEASE REPLY o pl.EASn ltECYCl.11

Mr. H the following page is the signed copy of WSP Contract No,
C051032PSC A1mendmcot 6. The origmal is going out in the mail today,
09/24/2008 07:10 4255720877

WSP Con~ract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 6

The above-referenced C ntract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigatiors Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of perfortnance is extended through November 30,2008.

b. The maximum contrlct amount is increased by $21,950.00 for the servic~s

Contractor employe~ John Kristof at the Washington Joint Analytical Center. The
revised maximum cdntract amount is $843.950.00.

c. This amendment is lffective on September 3D, 2008.

All other terms and condi~ions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.
THIS AMENDMENT is ex~cuted by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to exe9ute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief i

I Date



Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:37 PM
To: 'jkristof@leo.gov'; 'cmelton 1@1eo.gov'
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Attachments: SII amd 6.doc

Attached is an amendment to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for
two additional months.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 596-4078, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Hugdahl. Jeff (W5P)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 1:23 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 9/15/2008.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number, 34379-06

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN, 900087242

Agency, 225
Agency Contract #' C051032PSC
Filed Date, 9/15/2008
Start Date, 9/30/2008
Filed By, Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date, $828,000

Amendment Value: $21,950
New Total Contract Value, $849,950

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Monday, September 15, 20084:19 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/15/2008 4:19:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 63848

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN, 900087242

Agency, 225
Agency Contract #, C051032PSC
Filed Date, 9/15/2008 4,19,00 PM
Start Date, 9/30/2008
Filed By' Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date, $828,000

Amendment Value, $43,900
New Total Contract Value, $871,900

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process, Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed, Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing t please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3


P5CD . Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 900087242
Legal Name Security and Investigations Inc.
UBI 602293493
Address 407 Howell Way, Edmonds, WA USA 98020
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through the Washington Joint Analytical
Center (WAJAC). The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing
uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law
enforcement organizations for two additional months.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34379 - 00 $158,000 $158,000
34379 - 01 $32,000 $32,000
34379 - 02 $22,300 $22,300
34379 - 03 $86,500 $86,500
·34379 - 04 $264,600 $264,600
34379 - 05 $264,600 $264,600
This Filing $43,900 $43,900
Contract Total $871,900

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

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09/30/2008 11/30/2008


Jeff Hugdahl (360)596-4052 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)596-4052 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for two additional months. WSP is required
to provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations andlor whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The services assist the State Patrol, federal agencies,
and local law enforcement by providing criminal intelligence analysis for law enforcement missions. The
contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military
Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.
The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment

State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively

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Page 3 of3

procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at WAJAC. This amendment is funded by dollars
remaining from the state's 2007 LETPP allocation. Although the state has determined that $1 million dollars of
federal fiscal year 2008 funds are available to continue funding contracted intelligence analysts, using these
funds for this purpose requires a waiver to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's grant guidance
document. This waiver was requested in April 2008 and is still pending.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would be available beyond September 30, 2008.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through November 30, 2008. Although
the state has determined that $1 million dollars of federal fiscal year 2008 funds were available to continue
funding contracted intelligence analysts, we require a waiver to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's
grant guidance document to allow that use. This waiver was requested in April 2008 and is still pending.
Because this waiver request has not been granted we cannot extend this contract beyond the two months of
remaining funding, Should the waiver not be granted this contract will terminate with no further extensions on
November 30, 2008.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
Funding was made available for two additional months by leaving an agency employee position also funded
by this grant vacant. A number of contracts providing these services statewide will cease work and/or
terminate pending the waiver decision noted above, and the decision by local jurisdictions to continue
providing funds for local LETPP allocation - funded contracts.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
SII amd 6.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the c'¥'tract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

. .

http://contracts.ofin. wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF ... 9/1512008

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $43,900.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $865,900.00. .

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Date 11/9/07
Washington State Patrol
Budget 8.·ilU Fiscal Services Contract Notih-,ction Form
o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 [gl Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C051032PSC (5)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
June 7, 2005 September 30, 2008
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelliqence Analyst Services I DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Security and Investigations Inc.
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Zeller lAD 8hawn Eckhart

Contract Amount Position .. ...;md Date

Previous Grants and Contracts ':\M \.1'
Contract Amount
\ "'<;
$264,600 Business Office Man ter \ flf /
Revised Total
$822,000 Budget Manager
II h(./ '1 /1 ufantiCiPated Re~:~:; B~:~~
Accounting Manager
Indirect Costs %
Sub Revenue Code PercenU
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
GrouR Source Source
8186 001 020 00272 8186 CE
uu A ,~
"". n'm
'-"'=":":' '-":-

Billable Contracts Onl~_

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage on~ DNo

Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo special~ _ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo ___________ _oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNo ~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYe~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Co~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: - - - - - - - 1
Primary Org Code: __________ Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: DRevenue 0 Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: [gl Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
[gl Accountant [glBudget Analyst o Othef:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
09/23/2007 08:45 4255720877

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Amendment 5



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $264,600 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $822,000,

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



Date Date

Page 1 of l'

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Amendment 5 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
DATE: October 26,2007

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Security and Investigations Inc.. Funding for this contract has been encumbered
under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification
Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment
• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc; Mr. Shawn Eckhart, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000·323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing fJlVfessiollallaw enforcement services

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

October 26, 2007

Ms. Priscilla Coy-Monahan

Security and Investigations Inc.
407 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020

Dear Ms. Coy-Monahan:

Subject: Amendment 5 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Mr. J rey R. H gdahl

Budget and Fi al Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

D New
Contract No. """I_U

Contract Title: -,.--LP...Lt.JM~...L.~tL.L£¥l~L-4(4t.~¢l.........l£..~d:!GL_-­

Other Party:
Amount: Other:

Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:
/ 7

Management Services Bureau Director: __--&b"-_I~-'-'I7____________

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 5



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $264,600 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $822,000.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief


Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 10:35 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 9/26/2007.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number' 34379-05

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

~ontractor TIN, 900087242

Agency' 225
Agency Contract #' C051032PSC
Filed Date, 9/26/2007
Start Date, 9/30/2007
Filed By, Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date, $563,400

Amendment V~lue, $264,600
New Total Contract Value, $828,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

09/23/ 2007 08:45 425572 0877 PAGE 01


EDM OND S WA 9802 0
425- 672- 8787 PHO NE
425- 672- 0877 FAX

Jeff Hugdah1 Sean Monah an
WSP Budget & Fiscal Services 9/24/z 007
360-664-0657 2


Amend ment 5# COS1 03zPSC


hlx, H1.1gdahl, the following page is Amend ment S to contra ct COSI0

3zPSC The
original wiU go out in the mail today. .Th.allk you,


Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 3:35 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/26/2007 3:35:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 58691

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 9/26/2007 3:35:00 PM
Start Date: 10/1/2007
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $563,400

Amendment Value: $264,600
New Total Contract Value: $828,000

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

PS CD '. . .
Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed star! date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 900087242
Legal Name Security and Investigations Inc.
UBI 602293493
Address 407 Howell Way, Edmonds, WA USA 98020
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through regional intelligence centers co-
located with local law enforcement jurisdictions; or at the Washington Joint Analytical
Center. The amendment allows the contractor for provide continuous services for the
next federal fiscal year.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34379 - 00 $158,000 $158,000
34379 - 01 $32,000 $32,000
34379 - 02 $22,300 $22,300
34379 - 03 $86,500 $86,500
34379 - 04 $264,600 $264,600
This Filing $264,600 $264,600
Contract Total $828,000

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

10101/2007 09/30/2008

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Page 2 of3


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The agency only recently learned that it would receive additional federal funding for these services; the
agency has yet to receive the funding agreernent from the Military Department but is proceeding in
anticipation of the agreement.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will continue to work with the Military Department in order to secure funding earlier in order to
facilitate the filing process.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional year. WSP is required to
provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from usingWSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.

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Page 3 of3

The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services. Additionally, the agency has conducted seven procurements for these
services over the past 2.5 years, and is finding it increasingly difficult to identify qualified contractors to
provide these services. The agency is currently in the process of conducting another procurement to provide
these services to local jurisdictions where services are not currently being provided.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond September 30,2007.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through September 30, 2007 when the
agency received an extension of funding from the Military Department. The agency's intent is to continue to
conduct procurements for the services as contractors terminate services at different locations throughout the
state. The agency has almost continuously been conducting procurements for these services since in
inception of the project in 2005.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
This contract has been funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program (LETPP) federal fiscal year 2004 funds provided to WSP through the Washington State
Military Department. The agency was recently notified that it would receive federal fiscal year 2007 funds from
this grant program.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
SII amd 5.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

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Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Friday, September 21,2007 11 :13 AM
To: 'dmelton@ci.everett.wa.us'
Cc: Zeller, Kevin (WSP)
Subject: Criminal intelligence analyst contract extension
Attachments: SII amd 5.doc

Mr. Melton-

Attached is an amendment to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for
one additional year.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 5



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $264,600 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $822,000.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Date 10/27/06
Washington State Patrol
d t ana FIscaI S '
ervlces Con tract Na t'f
IICaLion Farm
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 IZI Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C051032PSC (4)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
June 7, 2005 September 30, 2007
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Security and Investigations Inc.
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
wSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas

Remarks: Extends period of performance for one vear.

Contract Amount Position --. • Signature an~ D~te

Contract Amount
$292,800.00 Grants and Contracts Manager /~4/~ ~/
$264,600.00 Business Office Manager II1A~
1/# - /
Revised Total
$557,400.00 Budget Manager I~ V'~ ~ JdJl7 -::I.. ,,~~ (til- Allot: DYes DNo
nllcipa d Receipt: DYes DNo
Accounting Manager"-" \ /
v ~'(J-I
Indirect Costs %
Sub V Revenue Code
Fund AI PI Project TAR Code Percent!
Master Index Object Major Major Sub Amount
Group Source Source
SIS6 001 020 00270 SIS6 CE

Billable Contracts OnlY .---

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage O~ DNo
Sid Mileage Rate: DYes DNo ~- per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes ONo oluntary OIT: DYes DNa
Special Rules: DYes DNo
Prorate Leave to Contract: DYe~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNa
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNa
Contract Pays Only ~es ONo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
TypeftR§ipt: ORevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expend iture
Distribution: IZI Project Manager IZI Accountant
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
[ZiBudgel Analyst D Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
09/25/2005 09:49 4255720877 PAGE 02

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30,2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $264,600.00 for a revised

maximum contract amount of $557.400.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


Date Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 4 to WSP Contract No. C05I032PSC

DATE: November 3, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Security and Investigations Inc. Funding for this contract has been encumbered
under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification
Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this lOCo

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this
cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600. Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540· www.wsp.wa.gov

November 3, 2006

Ms. Priscilla Coy-Monahan

Security and Investigations hic.
407 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020

Dear Ms. Coy-Monahan:

Subject: Amendment 4 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fisc Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Contract No.

Contract Title: --'A~:tU'L..L.ffl:;LL~o/G~-fi(d:~~L0.rD6..t:.·~:;L--­

Other Party:


Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

Management Services Bureau Director: -,till-·

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract betvveen the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $264,600.00 for a revised

maximum contract amount of $557,400.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1


425-672-8787 PHONE
425-672-0877 FAX

Jeff Hugdahl
C:()Ml~J\NY: oATJI..l
WSP Budget and FisaU. Services 9/26/2006
FAX NUMBI£R. TO']'I\1. NO. or Pi\(iTi.."i INC1.UDTNG G()VliR:
360-664-0657 2


Secutity Contract Atuendtncnt



Jeff, attached is signed amendment #4 to conttact # C051032PSC. I will send d1C

original in the mail today as requested Thanks.

Sean Mona1=!, SIS VP.

ICtTCr< HF1U!: ANI) '1'YI)I~ RE'j'URN AnnRE~~l

09/25/2005 09:49 4255720877 PAGE 02

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30,2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $264,600.00 for a revised

maximum contract amount of $557.400.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is exec:uted by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm .contracting@ofm.wa.gov

Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 20067:28 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Dale Approved - Decision: 9/28/2006.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34379-04

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 9/28/2006
Start Date: 9/30/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $298,800

Amendment Value: $264,600
New Total Contract Value: $563,400

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofrn.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 10:59 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/28/2006 10:58:00 AM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 53414

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 9/28/2006 10:58:00 AM
Start Date: 10/1/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $298,800

Amendment Value: $264,600
New Total Contract Value: $563,400

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3


Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 900087242
Legal Name Security and Investigations Inc.
UBI 602293493
Address 407 Howell Way. Edmonds. WA USA 98020
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To extend and fund the contract for criminal intelligence analyst services for one
additional year.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34379 - 00 $158.000 $158.000
34379 - 01 $32.000 $32.000
34379 - 02 $22.300 $22.300
34379 - 03 $86.500 $86.500
This Filing $264.600 $264.600
Contract Total $563,400

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
10/01/2006 09/30/2007


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/2812006
Page 2 of3

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The agency only recently learned that it would receive additional federal funding for these services, and was
unable to file the amendment in time.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will continue to work with the Military Department in order to secure funding earlier in order to
facilitate the filing process.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law
enforcement agencies through regional intelligence centers co-located with local law enforcement
jurisdictions; or at the Washington Joint Analytical Center. The amendment allows the contractor for provide
continuous services for the next federal fiscal year.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the u.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.
The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, replace and train up any
other contractor.

http://contracts.ofin. wa.govIPSCDlFiJing/PrintFilingSurnmary.aspx?menuSelect==mnuFAF ... 9/28/2006

Page 3 of3

Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services. Additionally, the agency has conducted four procurements for these services
over the past 1.5 years, and is finding it increasingly difficult to identify qualified contractors to provide these
services. The agency is currently in the process of conducting another procurement to provide these services
to local jurisdictions where services are not currently being provided.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not inclUded in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond September 30, 2006.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through September 30, 2006 when the
agency received an extension of funding from the Military Department. The agency's intent is to conduct a
procurement for the services provided through this contract and issue a new competitively procured contract
once this contract expires on September 30,2007.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
This contract has been funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program (LETPP) federal fiscal year 2004 funds provided to WSP through the Washington State
Military Department. The agency recently received federal fiscal year 2006 funds from this grant program.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
ssi amd 4 0906.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/28/2006
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:38 AM
To: 'dmelton@ci.everelt.wa.us'
Cc: Huntley, Keith (WSP); Ladines, Lance (WJAC)
Subject: Criminal intelligence analyst contract extension
Attachments: ssi amd 40906.doc

Attached is an amendment to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for
one additional year.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized indiVidual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Friday, September 29, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of the
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30,2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $264,600.00 for a revised

maximum contract amount of $557.400.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Date 6/2/06
Washington State Patrol
d t ana IscaIServlces ContractN o ff
Ileaf Ion Form - /-/-
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 181 Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
C051032PSC (:3)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date

June 7,2005 September 30, 2006
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Security and Investigations Inc.
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

. Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Extends period of performance for four months.

Contract Amount Position Signature an<J.Date

Contract Amount
$206,300.00 Grants and Contracts Manager ~ /h /(7 /7jL. %
$86,500.00 Business Office Manag)f rJj) flfJ If
r'd; '(fld1 AA·fife
Revised Total 'j d, Allot: DYes DNo
$292,800.00 Budget Manager / I.
Amount '--' v /I lJlian1ic' ed Receipt: DYes DNo
.L.f-- ~.-- (JII
Indirect Costs % Accounting Manager It7 fb .'/7
Sub Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
SIS4 001 020 00270 SIS4 CE
vvn~~ vv v'v

Mileage Allowed:
Std Mileage Rate:
Billable Contracts Only
- Mileage O~ DNo ---
~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo
Prorate Leave to Contract: Dye~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
. Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only ~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure

----Distribution: _.{gJ ProjectManager 181 Accountant - I8lSudgetAnalyst D Other:---''--'-'_ _ _ _---'__

300-365-522 (R 6/03)
OS/25/2006 09:52 4256720p 7 7 PAGE 02

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $86,500.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



Date Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 3 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

DATE: June 13, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Security and Investigations Inc.. Funding for this contract has been encumbered
under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification
Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment
• The fmal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540

June 13, 2006

Ms. Priscilla Coy-Monahan

407 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020

Dear Ms. Coy-Monahan:

Subject: Amendment 3 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your
records. -- ------- -----

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fi al Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

June 7, 2005 - 0 New

Period of September 30, 0 Amendment
Contract No. C051032PSC (3) Performance: --=2::. :0'-"0-=-6_ _ _ _ _ 0 Recurring
Contract Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Other Party: Security and Investigations Inc.
o Payable
o Receivable
Amount: $292,800.00 o Other:

Scope of Work: Extends and adds sufficient funds for 4 additional months.
Funded via LETPP FFY04 grant from the Military Department.

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

Management Services Bureau Director: ____WJLL-"---_____________

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $86,500.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, June 07,20067:46 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 6/2/2006.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34379-03

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 6/2/2006
Start Date: 5/31/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $212,300

Amendment Value: $86,500
New Total Contract Value: $298,800

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofrn.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 1:47 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 6/2/2006 1:47:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 51746

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN, 900087242

Agency' 225
Agency Contract #' C051032PSC
Filed Date, 6/2/2006 1,47,00 PM
Start Date, 5/31/2006
Filed By, Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date, $212,300

Amendment Value, $86,500
New Total Contract Value, $298,800

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process, Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed, Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at.ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262. '

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 oD


Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 900087242
Legal Name Security and Investigations Inc.
UBI 602293493
Address 407 Howell Way, Edmonds, WA USA 98020
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To continue providing criminal intelligence analyst services for four additional months.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34379 - 00 $158,000 $158,000
34379 - 01 $32,000 $32,000
34379 - 02 $22,300 $22,300
This Filing $86,500 $86,500
Contract Total $298,800

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
05/31/2006 09/30/2006


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDfFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAFiL.. 6/2/2006
Page 2 of3

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
Despite the agency's efforts to resolve funding issues with the Military Department well in advance of the filing
period, the agency received notification of the funding extension during the afternoon of May 31, 2006 and
was unable to file the amendment in time.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will continue to work with the Military Department in order to secure funding earlier in order to
facilitate the filing process.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint federal, state and local
law enforcement environments such as joint and regional criminal intelligence centers. This contract is funded
through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (federal
fiscal year 2004 funds) provided to WSP through the Washington State Military Department. WSP's funding
agreement with the Military Department was originally scheduled to end on April 30, 2006; the Military
Department had extended the period of performance of the funding agreement through May 31, 2006. The
Military Department extended the period of performance once again at the request of the agency through
November 30, 2006.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.
The contract provides two criminal intelligence analysts (Dan K. Melton and John L. Kristof) to intelligence
centers service federal, state and local juridictions. Mr. Melton provides services to the Region 1 intelligence
group (Everett); Mr. Kristof provides services to the Washington Joint Analy1ical Center in Seattle. Both
contractor employees were select through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor
employee qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the

http://contracts.ofin. wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAFil... 6/2/2006

Page 3 of3

intelligence center where the contractor employee would provide services. Both contractor employees have
been providing services to their respective centers over the last several months and have been integrated into
their center's work processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, replace
and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
It is not efficient to conduct a competitive procurement solely for four months of contract performance.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services. Additionally, the agency has conducted four procurements for these services
over the past year, and is finding it increasingly difficult to identify qualified contractors to provide these
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond April 30, 2006. The contract has been amended to
extend the period of performance through May 31, 2006 when thOe agency received an extension of funding
from the Military Department.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond April 30, 2006. The contract has been amended to
extend the period of performance through May 31, 2006 when the agency received an extension of funding
from the Military Department.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
This contract is funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program (federal fiscal year 2004 funds) provided to WSP through the Washington State Military
Department. WSP's funding agreement with the Military Department was originally scheduled to end on April
30, 2006; the Military Department had extended the period of performance of the funding agreement through
May 31,2006. The Military Department extended the period of performance once again at the request of the
agency through November 30, 2006.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
SII amd 3 0506.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAFil... 6/212006
0512512005 09:52 4255720877


425-672-8787 PHONE
425-672-0877 FAX

'1'0: P'R.OMI
Jeff Hugdahl Scan Monahan
WSP Budget and Fiscal Serviccs 5/25/2006
r:AX NUMBb:R: 'I'{H'AI. NO. OP 111\C:8$ I NCLUDlNC; COVER:
360-664-0657 2

11.11: YOUR ItlUil~RI1N<:P. NUMBIiIt:

Sccucity Contract Amendment


Jeff. attached;s signed amendment #3 to contract # C051 032PSC. I will send the
original in the mail today as requested. Thanks.

Scan Monalmn, SIS VP.


05/25/2005 09:52 4255720877 PAGE 02

WSP Contract No, C051032PSC

Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc, (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a, The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006,

b, The maximum dollar amount is increased by $86,500,00,

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
FW: FIAT Training Page 1 of4

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:30 AM
To: 'Sean Monahan'
Cc: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: RE: Contract # C051 032PSC Extension

We still haven't received an extension to the funds for your contract from the Military Department. In anticipation
of an extension, I've attached an amendment to this e-mail that will extend your contract and provide funding
through September 30, 2006.

Please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the amendment, fax the amendment to my
attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the amendment with the original Signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal
Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive the amendment via fax no later than
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. local time.

If we do not receive an extension to your contract's funds the contract will end at midnight on May 31, 2006. I will
inform you of the status of this extension via e-mail no later than noon on May 31, 2006. Should the funding for
your contract lapse, it is our intent to enter into a new contract for your services as soon as funding can be

Please let me know if you have any questions concerning this e-mail.

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:smonahan@pro-network.biz]

Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 11:54 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: Contract # C051032PSC Extension

Mr. Hugdahl.Please let me know if you have any information regarding the renewal of the criminal analyst
services we are providing the will end 5-31-06. Thanks.
Sean Monahan
Security & Investigations, Inc.
425-672-8787 ext 12.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:04 PM
To: smonahan@pro-network.biz
Cc: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov
Subject: RE: Contract Maximum Contract # C051032PSC

Sean, the Military Department has extended current funding through May 31, 2006; beyond that we're still
waiting for word. Attached is an amendment to your contract to extend it and provide funding through the
end of May. If this is OK with you, please sign and date the amendment, fax it back to me at (360) 664-
0657, and send the document with the original signature to my attention at WSP Budget and Fiscal
Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602.

FW: FIAT Training Page 20f4

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:smonahan@pro-network.biz]

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:24 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: Contract Maximum Contract # COS1032PSC

Mr Hugdahl, can you update me on the status of our contract renewal. Our current contract is set
to expire 4-30-06. Will there be openings for new applicants? I sent this to Lieutenant Huntley and
he is out of the office until next Tuesday. Thanks.

Sean Monahan
Connnunity Support Solutions
425-672-8787 ext 12 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax .

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 3:29 PM
To: smonahan@pro-network.biz
Cc: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov
Subject: FW: Contract Maximum Contract # COS1032PSC

Sean, please have someone authorized for your firm sign the attached amendment, fax the
amendment to me at (360) 664-0657, and mail the amendment with the original signature
to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602.

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:smonahan@pro-network.biz]

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:20 AM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: Contract Maximum Contract # COS1032PSC

Lietenant Huntley, Our contract specifies a maximum amount of 152,000.00$. June 2005 through
December 2005 we have been reimbursed for 111042.60$
which leaves us with 40957.42$ remaining through April 30, 2006. At the current rate our contract
maximum will be reached the first week of March 2006. Please
let us know what we need to do to make sure Dan Melton and John Kristof will be able to
continue after the 152,000.00$ maximum has been reached. If you could
also update us on the potential openings coming up that would be great as one of the initial six
applicants we submitted last spring is now interested. On another note
I have spoken with Dan and John and they are both planning on attending next weeks FIAT
training. Thanks.

Sean Monahan SIS, Inc.

425-672-8787 ext 12 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 3:24 PM
To: smonahan@pro-network.biz
Subject: RE: FIAT Training

FW: FIAT Training Page 3 of4


The deadline for submitting proposals is now closed; however, we may be opening it up
again early next year. I'll keep you posted.

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol
Washington Joint Analytical Center
(360) 704-2422

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:smonahan@pro-network.biz]

Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:09 PM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: RE: FIAT Training

Keith, we have another officer interested in the criminal Analyst positions. Are the positions
now full for this contract period?

Sean Monahan
Connnunity Support Solutions
Connnunity Builders
Security & Investigations Inc.
Professional Network Inc.
Accounts Receivable
425-672-8787 ext 12 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov [mailto: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov]
Sent: Monday, December 05,20053:20 PM
To: ; smonahan@pro-network.biz
Subject: FW: FIATTraining

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Pat~ol

Washington Joint Analytical Center

(360) 704-2422


FW: FIAT Training Page 4 of4

From: Huntley, Keith (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December OS, 2005 2:54 PM
To: Alaina Corona (acorona@spokanepolice.orgl; (astanares, Donald; Duane
Clarke (c1arked@ci.pasco.wa.us.l; Gibson, Shawna; Joslin, William; Knapp, Ron;
Melton, Dan; Mike Chamness ;
msweeney@spokanepolice.org; Smith, Gary; Thurston, Bob; Tomaso, Doug
Cc: 'BK.Palmer@METROKC.GOV'; Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: FIAT Training

I just learned that the LETPP 06 grant guidance (The grant we are funded from)
will require all contracted analysts to show proof of completion of FIAT training
as well as completion of the Intelligence Analyst Training Program (FLETC).

I encourage all of you to sign up for this training as it may affect your ability to
contract with the WSP next year. I will find out more about the other training
they mention and,give you details of when and where it's offered.

Thank you and stay tuned,

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol

Washington Joint Analytical Center

(360) 704-2422


WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended. as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $86,500.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Date 4/12/06
Washington State Patrol
LDS - /- /-
BU d1get an ... t-IscaI S '
ervlces Con tract N01t'fIl-dfIon Form
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 [gJ Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C051032PSC (2)
Contract Start Date contract End Date AFRS End Date
6/7/2005 5/31/06
Contract Title ·
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Security and Investigations Inc.
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax · BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Extends~eriod of performance for one month.

Contract Amount Position · . Signature and~ate

Contract Amount ./11 </, f;-Qf) Grants and Contracts Manager
/ fAr/.? '7Jd.. , 0
Amount d:l. 1'60 Business Office Manager IYIA I ~IJ .-:./
Revised Total
Amount :J 0 r; ("!t!O Budget Manager ;JV~ jfJ! jJ;' t] '-. 'k n(fJ./ Allot: DYes DNo
anl!c a eo ReceipJ: DYes DNo
........ \ lJ -(Jf/

Accounting Manager
Indirect Costs %
Sub Y Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
SIS4 001 020 00270 SIS4 CE
. " 'V.
nn< n~n 1M 1\ IA rl=

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed:
Std Mileage Rate:
DYes DNo Mileage O~DNO -----
DYes DNo ~_ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo
Prorate Leave to Contract: Dye~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only ~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typ~eipt: o Revenue o Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure

Distribution: [gJ Project Manager [gJ Accountant [gJBudget Analyst D Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

300-365-522 (R 6/03)
04/12 /2006 13:33 425672 0877 PAGE 02

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol

(WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended
as follows:
a. The period of performance is extended through May 31, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $22,300.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force
and effect.
THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons Signing below, who
warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



Date Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

DATE: April 21, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Security and Investigations Inc. Funding for this contract has been encumbered
under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification
Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:
• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.
• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment
• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforce~nt services
Governor Chief

General Administrative Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

April 21, 2006

Ms. Priscilla Coy-Monahan

Security and Investigations Inc.
407 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020

Dear Ms. Coy-Monahan:

Subject: Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fisc Services

Budget 'and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face.Sheet

Period of
Contract No. Performance:
~~~~~--, --~~~~~~

Contract Title: --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4- ____________

Other Party:


Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager: -~-...7k3,-,,-~Z-l-V-----;I~%-'+-_____________________

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

Management Services Bureau Director: -------tft-lTf'--------------------

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through May 31,2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $22,300.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief


Date Date

Page 1 of 1
t-'Abt. 111
04/12/2006 13:33 4256720877


425-672-8787 PHONE
425-672-0877 FAX


Jeff Hugdahl Sean Monahan

WSP Budget and Fiscal Sctv.ices 4/12/2006
FAX" NUM15'"('R;! TOTAL NO. OP PA<.j!,~" INCl.U1)lN(", GOV!i.R:
360-664-0657 2


Security Contract Amendment



Jeff, attached is the signed amendment to contract # COS1032PSC. I will send

the origirul in th" mail today as requested. Thanks.

Sean Monahan, SIS VP.


04/12/2006 13:33 4256720877

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a, The period of performance is extended through May 31,2006.

b. The'maximum dollar amount is increased by $22,300.00.

All other terms and conditions Of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief


Date Date

Page 1 of 1
FW : FIAT Training Page 1 of 4

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Sean Monahan [smonahan@pro-network.biz]

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:04 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: Contract Maximum Contract # C051032PSC

Thank you for the update. I will sign and fax back to you today and send the original in the mail.

Sean Monahan
425-672-8787 ext 12 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:04 PM
To: smonahan@pro-network.biz
Cc: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov
Subject: RE: Contract Maximum Contract # COS1032PSC

Sean, the Military Department has extended current funding through May 31,2006; beyond that we're still
waiting for word. Attached is an amendment to your contract to extend it and provide funding through the
end of May. If this is OK with you, please sign and date the amendment, fax it back to me at (360) 664-
0657, and send the document with the original signature to my attention at WSP Budget and Fiscal
Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602.

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:smonahan@pro-network.biz]

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:24 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: Contract Maximum Contract # COS1032PSC

Mr Hugdahl, can you update me on the status of our contract renewal. Our current contract is set
to expire 4-30-06. Will there be openings for new applicants? I sent this to Lieutenant Huntley and
he is out of the office until next Tuesday. Thanks.

Sean Monahan
Community Support Solutions
425-672-8787 ext 12 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 3:29 PM
To: smonahan@pro-network.biz
Cc: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov
Subject: FW: Contract Maximum Contract # COS1032PSC

Sean, please have someone authorized for your firm sign the attached amendment, fax the

FW: FIAT Training Page 2 of4

amendment to me at (360) 664-0657, and mail the amendment with the original signature
to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602.

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:smonahan@pro-network.biz]

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:20 AM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: Contract Maximum Contract # COS1032PSC

Lietenant Huntley, Our contract specifies a maximum amount of 152,000.00$. June 2005 through
December 2005 we have been reimbursed for 111042.60$
which leaves us with 40957.42$ remaining through Apri130, 2006. At the current rate our contract
maximum will be reached the first week of March 2006. Please
let us know what we need to do to make sure Dan Melton and John Kristof will be able to
continue after the 152,000.00$ maximum has been reached. If you could
also update us on the ~otential openings coming up that would be great as one of the initial six
applicants we submitted last spring is now interested. On another note
I have spoken with Dan and John and they are both planning on attending next weeks FIAT
training. Thanks.

Sean Monahan SIS, Inc.

425-672-8787 ext 12 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06,20053:24 PM
To: smonahan@pro-network.biz
Subject: RE: FIAT Training


The deadline for submitting proposals is now closed; however, we may be opening it up
again early next year. I'll keep you posted.

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol
Washington Joint Analytical Center
(360) 704-2422

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:smonahan@pro-network.biz]

Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:09 PM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: RE: FIAT Training

Keith, we have another officer interested in the criminal Analyst positions. Are the positions
now full for this contract period?

Sean Monahan
Connnunity Support Solutions
Connnunity Builders

FW: FIAT Training Page 30f4

Security & Investigations Inc.

Professional Network Inc.
Accounts Receivable
425-672-8787 ext 12 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov]
Sent: Monday, December OS, 2005 3:20 PM
To: smonahan@pro-network.biz
Subject: FW: RAT Training

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol

.Washington Joint Analytical Center

(360) 704-2422


From: Huntley, Keith (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 2:54 PM
To: Alaina Corona (acorona@spokanepolice.orgl; Castanares, Donald; Duane
Clarke (clarked@ci.pasco.wa.us.); Gibson, Shawna; Joslin, William; Knapp, Ron;
Melton, Dan; Mike Chamness
msweeney@spokanepolice.org; Smith, Gary; Thurston, Sob; Tomaso, Doug
Cc: 'SK.Palmer@METROKC.GOV'; Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: FIAT Training

I just learned that the LETPP 06 grant guidance (The grant we are funded from)
will require all contracted analysts to show proof of completion of FIAT training
as well as completion of the Intelligence Analyst Training Program (FLETC).

I encourage all of you to sign up for this training as it may affect your ability to
contract with the WSP next year. I will find out more about the other training
they mention and give you details of when and where it's offered.

Thank you and stay tuned,

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol

FW: FIAT Training Page 4 of4

Washington Joint Analytical Center

(360) 704-2422


WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through May 31,2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $22,300.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: olm .contracting@ofm.wa.gov

Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 9:26 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 4/12/2006.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34379-02

Contractor Legal Name: security and Investigations· Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 4/12/2006
Start Date: 4/30/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $190,000

Amendment Value: $22,300
New Total Contract Value: $212,300

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2: 17 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 4/12/2006 2:17:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 51102

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 4/12/2006 2:17:00 PM
Start Date: 4/30/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $190,000

Amendment Value: $22,300
New Total Contract Value: $212,300

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracti.ng@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of2


P5CD .. Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Amendment is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.

Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol

Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 900087242
Legal Name Security and Investigations Inc.
UBI 602293493
Address 407 Howell Way, Edmonds, WA USA 98020
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To provide continued criminal intelligence analyst services.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34379 - 00 $158,000 $158,000
34379 - 01 $32,000 $32,000
This Filing $22,300 $22,300
Contract Total $212,300

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
04/30/2006 05/31/2006


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 4/12/2006
Page 2 of2

None Identified
Filing Justification
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
It is not efficient to conduct a competitive procurement solely for one month of contract performance.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Option to extend the contract was included in the solicitation. List what optional periods: The option to extend
the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not know if funding for this
project would continue beyond April 30, 2006.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
This contract is funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program provided to WSP through the Washington State Military Department. WSP's funding
agreement with the Military Department was scheduled to end on April 30, 2006; the Military Department has
extended the period of performance of that funding agreement through May 31, 2006.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
See above.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
ssi amd 2.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF ... 4112/2006

Washington State Patrol DateD.:l J~
BUd1get and· FIseaIS ervlees
. Con t raetN o t'f
Ilcation Form LDS _/-2J_
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 j(I Payable D Other:
WSP contract Number other Contract Number AIR Number
/IJ ~-I(I~.2 P5 t:
Contract Sta/~/" Contract En~~~ AFRS End Date
/. 7 ;< tl ~~ '~
£c. . CFDANo, I QFSR
.-- 44i.:H' 5J-Mi-r:<
Contract Title ,/;../.

L. r/
r.An./M 7:. ... DYes DNo
Contractor Name
, :I.:. ; / ~ /~
'"-..... A. >4' J;;r
Contractor Contact Add~S
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone . Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Acc..j!nt NamA,

~4.. ' " ~

WSP Project ~age% WSP Section/Division/Bureau

BFS BUdgZlyst '-~iI.
rJlf!t ~c.., ::DIb ~-:. A. -.dAA<::::

Remarks: /

Contract Amount Position /l / Signature and,Pate

$ 1'2.100 Grants and Contracts Manager
t/ftJ- v/
Contract Amount
$ ,;;;,oeo Business Office Manager oJtlI
Revised Total
$ 11t!, I'()O Budget Manager I II V" I/ll
I J£-41~i?~~
. A . nantici Allot: DYes
eceipt: DYes

Indirect Costs %
Accounting Manager ~)/)_//
v Revenue Code
Master Index Fund AI Project Sub Percent!
PI Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
~/1cf :fC

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only: DYes oNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage Rate <!: per mile

---- ---------
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo • u, untary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leavetoco~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo

Overtime Allowed: DY No Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT : DYes DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary 9!Jl- e: Other Org Codes:
Type of Receipt: DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: ~roject Manager 5}Accountant ~udget Analyst D Other:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
03/02/2005 15:41 4255720877

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations, Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

• The maximum contract amount is increase by $32,000 to $184.000.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



Date Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: ML Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 1 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

DATE: March 15, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Security and Investigations Inc.. Funding for this contract has been encumbered
under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification
Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this· contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.
• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment
• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this


cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000~323·001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administrative Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 753·6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

March 15, 2006

Mr. Sean Monahan

Security and Investigations
407 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020

Dear Mr. Monahan:

Subject: Amendment 1 to WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Mr.:Je ey R. H
Budget and Fis al Services

Budget'and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face.Sheet

. . Period of
ojg Amendment

Conti-act No. <::O~//1$.7P.1((i ) Performance: 6#5""0 ~O Recurring

~::~~::e c/:'::?.:t#~$
. Q-P ble
o Receivable
Amount: /Itt/, tJtJ~ D Other:
Scope of Work:

rh :iP;:!f.f;~
Grants and Contract Manager: _ _ _ -'..;.,[==""(-§LdE1~~'-/-~
_ _.;:,L~~-----'-----

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

Management Services Bureau Director: ~__£f.!L...<."--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations, Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

• The maximum contract amount is increase by $32,000 to $184,000.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 10f 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 2:58 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 2/28/2006 1:48:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34379-01

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 2/28/2006 1:48:00 PM
Start Date: 2/28/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $158,000

Amendment Value: $32,000
New Total Contract Value: $190,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of2

PS CD .. .
Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Amendment is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision

Contractor Information
TIN 900087242
Legal Name Security and Investigations Inc.
UBI 602293493
Address 407 Howell Way, Edmonds, WA USA 98020
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To provide continued criminal intelligence analyst services.
Fund Source

Filing Number Federal State Other Total

34379 - 00 $158,000 $158,000
This Filing $32,000 $32,000
Contract Total $190,000

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

02/28/2006 04/30/2006


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCD/Filing/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=rnnuFAF... 2/28/2006
FW: FIAT Training Page 1 of3

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 3:29 PM
To: 'smonahan@pro-network.biz'
Cc: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: FW: Contract Maximum Contract # C051 032PSC

Sean, please have someone authorized for your firm sign the attached amendment, fax the amendment
to me at (360) 664-0657, and mail the amendment with the original signature to me at WSP Budget and
Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602.

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:smonahan@pro-network.biz]

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 10:20 AM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: Contract Maximum Contract # C051032PSC

Lietenant Huntley, Our contract specifies a maximum amount of 152,000.00$. June 2005 through December
2005 we have been reimbursed for 111042.60$
which leaves us with 40957.42$ remaining through April 30, 2006. At the current rate our contract maximum
will be reached the first week of March 2006. Please
let us know what we need to do to make sure Dan Melton and John Kristof will be able to continue after the
152,000.00$ maximum has been reached. If you could
also update us on the potential openings coming up that would be great as one of the initial six applicants we
submitted last spring is now interested. On another note
I have spoken with Dan and John and they are both planning on attending next weeks FIAT training. Thanks.

Sean Monahan SIS, Inc.

425-672-8787 ext 12 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06,20053:24 PM
To: smonahan@pro-network.biz
Subject: RE: FIAT Training


The deadline for su.bmitting proposals is now closed; however, we may be opening it up again early next
year. I'll keep you posted.

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol
Washington Joint Analytical Center
(360) 704-2422

From: Sean Monahan [mailto:smonahan@pro-network.biz]

FW: FIAT Training Page 2 of3

Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:09 PM

To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: RE: FIAT Training

Keith, we have another officer interested in the criminal Analyst positions. Are the positions now full for this
contract period?

Sean Monahan
Connnunity Support Solutions
Connnunity Builders
Security & Investigations Inc.
Professional Network Inc.
Accounts Receivable
425-672-8787 ext 12 Phone
425-672-0877 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Keith.Huntley@wsp.wa.govl
Sent: Monday, December OS, 2005 3:20 PM
To: smonahan@pro-network.biz
Subject: FW: FIAT Training

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol

Washington Joint Analytical Center

(360) 704-2422


From: Huntley, Keith (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December OS, 2005 2:54 PM
To: Alaina Corona (acorona@spokanepolice.org); Castanares, Donald; Duane Clarke
(c1arked@cLpasco.wa.us.); Gibson, Shawna; Joslin, William; Knapp, Ron; Melton, Dan; Mike
Chamness ; msweeney@spokanepolice.org; Smith, Gary;
Thurston, Bob; Tomaso, Doug
Cc: 'BK.Palmer@METROKC.GOV'; Hugdalil, Jeff (WSP); Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: FIAT Training

I just learned that the LETPP 06 grant guidance (The grant we are funded from) will require
all contracted analysts to show proof of completion of FIAT training as well as completion of
the Intelligence Analyst Training Program (FLETC).

I encourage all of you to sign up for this training as it may affect your ability to contract with
the WSP next year. I will find out more about the other training they mention and give you
details of when and where it's offered.

FW: FIAT Training Page 3 of3

Thank you and stay tuned,

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol

Washington Joint Analytical Center

(360) 704-2422


WSP Contract No. C051032PSC
Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Security and Investigations, Inc. (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

• The maximum contract amount is increase by $32,000 to $184,000.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Date 5/27105
Washington State Patrol
BUd1get anu ,'IscaI S ·
ervlces Con t ract No ff
I I(;~tlon Form -/-/-
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 [gJ Payable o Other:
. WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C051032PSC .

Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date

DOE April 30, 2006
Contract Title CFDANo. I QFSR
Criminal IntelliQence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Security and Investigations Inc.
Contractor Contact Address
407 Howell Way, Edmonds WA 98020
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Priscilla Coy-Monahan (425) 672-8787 90-0087242
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
(425) 672-0877 Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
8GT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Reimbursed at an hourly rate up to the maximum contract amount; travel costs in addition to the maximum
contract amount must be authorized by WSP in advance. Hourly rate: Dan K. Melton $60.00
John L. Kristof $60.00
Contract Amount Position Signat~e and Date
Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manager
//1 YI'(~ %7
$ Business Office Manag~5J/1.44 f/ I\IU1
VI '?"I T .1: l~\
Revised Total
$152,000 Budget Manager.,/}f}, vf~l / III
/,d1(,I, A."'~'~Cllot:
n iC)P1 t DYes ~o
eceipt: DYes No

Indirect Costs %
Accounting ManagJ t( (( ..-'~tv/)VL-
Sub '-"'Revenue Code
Master Index Fund AI PI Project TAR Code PercenV
Object Major Major Sub Amount
Group Source Source
SIS4 001 020 00270 SI84 '9( '£ lOt)

Mileage Allowed:
Std Mileage Rate:
Billable Contracts Only
Mileage O~ DNo---
~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo

Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYe~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo

Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only ~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typept-ReCeipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
-- Distribution: [gJ Project Manager
300·365-522 (R 6/03)
[gJ Accountant !:8JBudget Analyst o Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ __
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

407 Howell Way tax purposes)

98020 90-0087242

WSP Investigative Assistance Division

PO Box 2347 I WA 98507-2347

PO Box 42602


Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


WSP Personal Service Contract Page1of10

Exhibit A


1. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall provide
criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to provide the
following products:
• Raw intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written Intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Dan K. Melton Region 1 Regional Intelligence Center (Everett)
John L. Kristof Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle)

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance;
and must provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst
Notebook application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from
the date of contract execution.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice conceming race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 10

_ fATEMENT OF WORK (Continue,,",

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or
federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential I nformation for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managElrial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
th is Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into the
Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of this
Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below hour for
services provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Hourly Rate

Dan K. Melton $60.00
John L. Kristof $60.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These rates
are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual is
available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 10

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contracf' means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontracf' means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is obligated
to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

'WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. ASSignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 10

GENE ...-\L TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Ce.. .. iinued)

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW. .

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permissi9n of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make
a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding to all
parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by negligent
acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 10


withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract, the
Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by statute, ,
regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its organization's "
structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting procedures,
practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to WSP and all
expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the
following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The aSSignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 10

. 2112102
GENE •.• -\L TERMS AND CONDITIONS (C<.. •••inued)

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty·free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract , Page70f 10


29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it is
determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall-comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP _ The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
ariSing out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 10


management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 10

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C051032PSC
(Contract) or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal
statutes ("Confidential Information").

Coniidentiallnformation includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types ofinformation.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title

JUN 0 3 2005

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 10

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C051032PSC
(Contract) or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal
statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I"agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidentiallriformation.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

~ L. /</?/J7t)r-
Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 10

t 1



JUN 0 3 2005 1,

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C051032PSC
(Contract) or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal
statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidentiallriformation.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor E

Printed Name and Title

Date / /

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 10

j \) ~ ~ ~ 7..'U'US

TO: Sergeant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

DATE: June 14, 2005

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Security and Investigations Inc. Funding for this contract has been encumbered
under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification
Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The fmal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro II, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Mary Thygesen, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, ACcounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing projessionallaw enforcement services

General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 0 01ympia, WA 98504-2600 0 (360) 753-6540

June 14, 2005

Ms. Priscilla Coy-Monahan

Security and Investigations Inc.
407 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020

Dear Ms. Coy-Monahan:

Subject: WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Mr.3e y R. Hu
Budget and Fisc Services

cc: Sergeant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division
Budget and Fiscal Services .
Contract Routing Face Sheet

ew '
Period of Amendment
Contract No. Co-s-Icfo.<e sc.... Perfonnance: R~curring
Contract Title:· -:-..I.C.<:!A!!I!mmM~"L:I---=.7,i:!!.".:.!:~':':(/'~·3~e1~<e.~-!A:!!II!!!"+'r25r~.:Se~nA~·ces.=-_ _ _ _ _ _ __
. Other Party: S't "",nf.. ti/IIJ );",myJi;,(IS ::z;, c
7 ~yable
o Receivable

o Other:
Scope of Work: _-.::::r~'..:.!'e::./I.1-"et:.!"!,!«'So...-..J<c!f.!!ML.!!..!)~!39Lf~c"'!:!l;J.L!!'~f{L.t-+,k~~P.1<:l"O!!!Iwt1!..ll!e/~ka:a...J~~n.llle?fO~2..=-_
&,~~., I'(I~eU. C:Jt ;..., e_H- ""no C2?2J.n 1(..,&1-- GJ ~ A'J't\;.C I... ~GfH...

Grants and Contract Manager: _ _ ""72f-?Zr-::.'-f....J.-I~--:~f-d~______--:-____

Business Office Manager:

Management Setvices Bureau Director: _~pP~
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Tuesday, June 07,20053:18 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 5/27/2005.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34379-00

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 5/27/2005
Start Date: 5/27/2005
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value: $158,000

Decision Comments: OFM Policy lS.20.30.b requires that competitive contracts of $20,000
or more be advertised in a major daily newspaper in Washington state. Please ensure all
future applicable contracts are so advertised.

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

Search - Current Exclusions

EPLS Search
I Resources

... ..... .. . .... > Search Help

> Advanced Search Search Results for Parties > Public User's Manual

> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

> Exact Name and SSNfTlN Partial Name: security or and or investigations > Acronyms

> MyEPLS State: WASHINGTON > Privacy Act Provisions

Save to MyEPLS > News

View Cause and Treatment Code

Descriptions Your search returned no results. Reports

> Reciprocal Codes

Procurement Codes
L - -_ _ -II.
........ > Advanced Reports
:> Nonprocurement Codes

Archive Search - Past Exclusions

Agency & Acronym Information

:> Agency Contacts '--_ _-'I.

> Advanced Archive Search
:> Agency Descriptions
> Multiple Names
:> State/Country Code Descriptions


Contact Information

> Debar Maintenance > Email: support@epls.gov

:> Administration
:> Upload Login > Phone: 1-866-GSA-EPLS

http://www.epls.gov/epls/search.do 9/2112007
Personal Service Contr, ,~isk Assesment
Page 1 of4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
WSP Contract Number
BFS Contracts Specialist



2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision Comments
Fundingsource (account coding) and Amount L.e:7"PP tl4..7 ,,, ~ / ""-
Has an authorized manager approved the
expenditure? ~esO~o
Type of appropriation (federal, state, other) CIr, /
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties list System been ~es ONo
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? /..1M
• AQency resources o Yell 0 No
• Other public (Qovernmental) resources o Ye!/l.J No
Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performedlis performed by WSP
o Yes I}?No
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? o Yes U No /vI'A
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
proceed with the contract?
o Yes 0 No J/
Is contractor a current or former state employee? OYesMNo
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board o Yes !)dNo
• If former, provide last date of employment.
Payments . .'
g:cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate method(s) of Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? Fixed Price
o Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contra ,~isk Assesment
Page 2 of4

If the contra~(; ,funded, is the Contractor a

subrecipient vendor?~
If a subrecipient, are audits required? If yes, evaluate
coverage provided by existing and anticipated audits.
DYes ONo


1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

~ Competitive 0 Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

JS Formal (>$20,000) 0 Informal «$20,000)

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintained. J- / /
+A R~()& r.t4f:"tv

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting

4. Advertised? gVes 0 No 0 N/A (less than $20,000)

If yes, where and w~as the a~vj'rtise~ placed) f...- /I

:fg DA.i't ~("uI'4,u,f UI7~~
Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? l&Yes 0 No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? 0 Ves I)J-No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?O Ves 0 No Alp

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point =O. Unknown, risk point =5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contra ,~isk Assesment
Page 3 of4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= Lower Risk; Yes = HiQher Risk ?
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 = Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 = Medium Risk q .
>$100,000 = High Risk
Complexity of services ~
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s) did you use? What
experience do you have with the method(s)?
Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3·5)
~Time and. materials (Hourly) (score 3·5)
Fixed Price (score 1·3))
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1·3)
Procurement method:
~ Competitive (score 1 to 3)
Sole Source (score 3 to 5)
2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of funding 'J
Length of time in business ~
Experience and past performance Il
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition good or poor?)
Board of Directors (for Non·profits only - do they take an active role in the
Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?)
Organizational changes (is orQanization stable or does it have frequent turnover?) ~
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?) 1
Legal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) ~
BackQround of individuals (do yoU have resumes?) ;;t

3. Total Risk Points

D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the termS of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
~Yes ONo

2. Does Ibe risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?
~es ONo
Personal Service Contra .~isk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
]8fVes 0 No
4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity periodic reports
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation X
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetinQs, etc.) }I
Maintain other periodic contract with
contractor (telephone, email, etc}

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
example, A 133 audits)7
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure appropriate spendinQ of state funds?
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed? .

Is corrective action necessary? Were

questioned costs resolved?
Are audit findinQs, if a~ resolved?


An';L activities need follow-up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
Follow-up on audit findinQs needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 11 :43 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 5/27/2005 11 :43:00 AM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 46382

Contractor Legal Name: Security and Investigations Inc.

Contractor TIN: 900087242

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051032PSC
Filed Date: 5/27/2005 11:43:00 AM
Start Date: 5/27/2005 Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value: $152,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

.. Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Reference Number: 46382
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision Date:
Contractor Information
TIN 900087242
Legal Name Security and Investigations Inc.
UBI 602293493
Address 407 Howell Way, Edmonds, WA USA 98020
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
Service Description CF Technical Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint federal,
state and local law enforcement environments such as joint and regional criminal intelligence
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
This Filing $152,000 $152,000
Contract Total $152,000

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
05/27/2005 04/30/2006


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to address and
which makes the services necessary. .

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilinglPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew 5/27/2005
Page 2 of3
The Washington Joint Analytical Center is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies by organizing and disseminating threat
information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies, first responders, and key decision makers throughout
the state, allowing real-time, accurate, two-way flow of intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies including the
FBI; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; the Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several
local law enforcement agencies. Nine Regional Intelligence Centers (RIGs) are being created to provide criminal intelligence
services in an effort to prevent terrorism. The RIGs are located regionally throughout Washington State, and are comprised
of representatives of local and state law enforcement agencies. The RIGs serve to provide regionally-focused intelligence
analysis products, and well as a conduit for information to and from the WAJAC.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities or operations
and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State Legislature.
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State Homeland Security
Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of Washington and approved by the
Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the
Military Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available WITHIN YOUR
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees from performing
the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL, STATE OR
FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the service more efficiently or
more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees from performing
the services in the proposed contract.
Competitive Solicitation Process
Advertisement Information
Name of the newspapers the advertisement was published in: The RFQQ was also published on the internet at WSP's
website, announced through the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs to their member organizations, and
advertised on the Law Enforcement Analyst Mailing List website (http://www.leanalyst.info/).
Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 90. This document was posted on the Internet.
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or the scores, but
rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation process or what differentiated this
contractor from others.
The contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work experience and
proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of local jurisdictions that will be receiving the services.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
Gary L. Smith (dba Northern Watch) William J. Joslin (dba Joslin Consulting) Kelly Miller Dan L. Collier (dba Collier &
Associates) Ronald Knapp (dba Shadow Enterprises) Leah J. Belshay (dba Analysis Contracting Services) Crystal L. Van
Meter Shawna Gibson Robert C. Orth (dba Strait Solutions) Michael R. Chamness Mike Sweeney (Matrix Public Sector
Services) William J. Giannetti Robert C. Thurston Science Applications Intemational Corporation Security and Investigations
Inc. Setrecon Inc.
Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection committee made the
award decision, etc).
Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence Unit and
Washington Joint Analytical Center staff to score vendor education, training and work experience. Cost points were awarded
based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all vendors. Proposed consultant team
members were separated by work location availability; the highest scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP
and local jurisdictions participating the regional intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant team
members would work. The final selection was based on the outcome of these interviews.
Reasonableness of Cost

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew 5/27/2005
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
For proposed consultant team members, the average hourly rate was $48.04 per hour. The contractor proposed $60 per
hour. Although the hourly rate was higher than the average, it was comparable to other non-sole proprietors submitting
proposals for these services.
sii0505.doc - 102400kb
amendment 1 to RFQQ No C050836PSC.doc - 60928kb
RFQQ No. C050836PSC.doc - 188416kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew 5127/2005


General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 0 01ympia, WA 98504.2600 0 (360) 753·6540

May 27, 2005

Ms. Priscilla Coy-Monahan

Security and Investigations, Inc.
407 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020

Dear Ms. Coy-Monahan:

Subject: WSP Contract No. C051032PSC, Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

Enclosed are two originals of the referenced contract between the Washington State Patrol and
your firm. Once an approved individual for your firm has signed these originals, please retum
both originals to my attention at the following address:

Budget and Fiscal Services

Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia W A 98504-2602

Please have Mr. Melton and Mr. Kristof each complete and sign Exhibit C, Contractor Employee
Nondisclosure Agreement, and return them with the signed original contracts.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the contract number referenced
above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this contract. If you need
further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


M~/{~~. Hugd
Budget and Fiscal

cc: Sergeant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

and Inc.
Contractor Number (mandatol)l,
407 Howell Way tax purposes)
Edmonds W A 98020 90·0087242

WSP Address
WSP Investigative Assistance Division
PO Box 2347 WA

PO Box 42602
WA 98504-2602


Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 10

Exhibit A


1. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall provide
criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to provide the
following products:
• Raw intelligence classification and analysis
. • Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written Intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Dan K. Melton Region 1 Regional Intelligence Center (Everett)
John L. Kristof Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle)

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance;
and must provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst
Notebook application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from
the date of contract execution.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under, this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 10

;ATEMENT OF WORK (Continue. _

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or
federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees-to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidentiallnformatidn. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into the
Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of this
Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below hour for
services provided by the Contractor Ernployee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Hourly Rate

Dan K. Melton $60.00
John l. Kristof $60.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These rates
are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual is
available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 10

\ '.
Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contracf' means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontracf' means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is obligated
to perform pursuant to this Contract. .

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

'WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments PrOhibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal SelVice Contract Page 4 of 10


its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative <;lispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the altemative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make
a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding to all
parties to this Contract.

. 12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by negligent
acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 10


withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified.in this Contract.

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract. .

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract, the
Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by statute,
regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its organization's
structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting procedures,
practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to WSP and all
expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the
following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 10


21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be ''works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, ihall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor. < •

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 10


29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it is
determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct aSSignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furniShed by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 10


management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage_ upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 10

I, .

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C051032PSC
(Contract) or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal
statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 10

Consultant Name: ~~Ijt~Ht.,.(4~~~~~~~--;---­ Number: __I-,~<--_
RFQQ No. C050386PSC, C .

One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted
with the Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and
Assurances were signed by a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.

K 4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

>( Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 4, 2005.

Proposal contains:

Letter of Submittal

Certifications and Assurances (Exhibit A to the RFQQ)

The Consultant's response to Exhibit C, Questionnaire

Resume(s) for proposed Consultant Team Member(s)

x Waiver and Authorization to Release Information for proposed Consultant Team

Member(s) (Exhibit E)

The Consultant's Quotation (Exhibit D)

At a minimum, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed Consultant Team Member:

Has a two year college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical
analysis or a related field (two years experience as a criminal intelligence analyst or
as a commisSioned law enforcement officer may substitute for each year of college);

Has two years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis,
or five years work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer


iDAd /( /4,4/1
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Criminal Intelligence Analyst

Services Proposal
RFQ # C050836PSC


Security and Investigations Inc.

407 Howell Way
Edmonds, W A 98020
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Services Proposal
RFQ # C050836PSC

Letter of Submittal
To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to submit a proposal for the Criminal Intelligence
Analyst Services. Security and htvestigations htc. has been in business for seven years providing
Security and htvestigation Services in the Greater Puget Sound for the State of Washington. All
our investigators are retired Seattle police officers with quality training as well as years of hands-
on experience. Their experience includes a myriad of law enforcement experience and training
ranging from intelligence work and homicide investigation to explosives detection and disposal.
This is an energetic group looking forward to taking on new challenges and responsibilities. Their
dedicated service to our community continues through their work with our company.

As per your submittal requirements, the following information is included:

I. The contact information is as follows:

Security and Investigations Inc. (principal place of business)
407 Howell Way, Edmonds, WA 98020.
Telephone -- 425.672.8787
Fax - 425.672.0877

2. Security and Investigations htc. is an S Corporation. The company was organized as this
entity in 1999

3. Our Principal Officers are:

a. Priscilla Coy-Monahan _ President
b. Sean Monahan - Vice President
c. Address and phone information for both is the same as above.

4. Our tax ID number is 90-0087242 . Our UBI IS 602-293-493.

5. At this present time, we have no current or former state employees on our governing

Once again, thank you for the opportunity to submit our company for consideration. These
services are vital to the safety of our communities and workers. We are confident that our
experienced officers will be able to provide the highest level of service and quality attention .
. /~,ll /7 /

. '. ' ;/h
SCI - on~~
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Services Proposal
RFQ # C050836PSC

Certifications And Assurances



I/we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance with
these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. I/we declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However,
I/we may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 60 days following receipt, and it may be
accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of certainty
in key terms) at any time within the 60-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, I/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the
state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract,
and who was assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these
assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5. I/we understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of
this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and I/we claim no proprietary right to
the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have
not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her prior
to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7. I/we agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation
contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. Ifthere are
any exceptions to these terms, I/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached
tO~iS dOCr/tit. /]
8. /~o btten(pv~a~~ cl~ or wil be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to
'su~ 't ¢r ,npt ttl ubm' Va propo I for the purpose of restricting competition.
ilf/I/ /
' \ t.::" ~I
! )~! '


TiWO Date

Wa'Shington State Patrol Page 10 RFOO No. C050386PSC

Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Services Proposal
RFQ # C050836PSC

The Consultant's Response

1. Team Member Qualifications:
The following are the names of the team members who would be involved. Each
has extensive education and work experience in the appropriate fields. A resume
for each is included with the questionnaire. Each resume provides the education,
work experience and specialized training information required.
a. Dan K. Melton
b. Benny J. DePalmo
c. Duane Paul Lewis
d. John L. Kristof
e. Kennedy C. Conder
f. Drew R. Dowd

Each of these men either presently has the ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook,
Penlink and Microsoft Office software or is willing to be trained/take classes for
these applications.

2. Here is the availability for each of the team members:

a. Dan K. Melton - King, Pierce, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom Counties
b. Benny J. DePalmo ~ King, Pierce, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom Counties
c. Duane Paul Lewis - King, Pierce, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom Counties
d. John L. Kristof-King, Pierce, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom Counties
e. Kennedy C. Conder - King and Pierce Counties
f. Drew R. Dowd - King, Pierce, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom Counties

3. The past several years, Security & Investigations, Inc. has provided services for
DSHS and DCFS in Region 4. During this time, we have been responsible for the
security of five building and the employees and clients who frequent these facilities.
Our responsibilities range from site security, client/social worker safety to internal
and external theft problems.

While working in this region, we conducted a surveillance operation that resulted in

the conviction of an employee for theft and the recovery of several thousand dollars
worth of stolen state computers and equipment. This was accomplished while still
carrying out our regular duties and maintaining normal interactions with the
employees and clients.

We have also performed work for the Division of Developmental Disabilities located
in Buckley, W A. On several occasions when they have had to dismiss employees and
the safety of other employees became an issue, we maintained a presence on campus
and ensured that a safe and viable working situation existed.

We are a company that consists of retired Seattle police officers. We have a myriad of
law enforcement experience and training ranging from intelligence work, homicide
investigation to explosives detection and disposal. We are energetic and look forward
to taking on new challenges and responsibilities.
Feel free to contact the following business references:
a. Department of Social and Health Services
Division of Child and Family Services.
Judy Smith - Manager
1700 E. Cherry st.
Seattle, WA 98122
b. Department of Social and Health Services
Rainier School- Department of Developmental Disabilities
Neal Crowley - Manager
2120 Ryan Rd.
Buckley, WA 98321
c. Department of Social and Health Services
Division of Child and Family Services
Diane Chesterfield
101 South King St.
Seattle, WA 98104

4. Here is the required information required under section 4:

a. We worked fur DCFS as Armed Security Guard Service under contract
number 97-001-9780.
b. Not applicable.
c. Not applicable.
d. Not applicable.

5. The waivers for each of the team members are attached.

Thank you for your cousideration.

Dan K. Melton

OBJECTIVE: To obtain meaningful employment & continue contributing to my community

in a positive manner.


1975 Bachelor of Arts - Public Administration University of Puget Sound
1972 Assoc. of Applied Arts - Criminal Science Shoreline Comm. Coil.

1 Sept. 2001 Manager Security & Investigations Inc.
Manage fourteen security officers working at four different DSHS
offices in Seattle insuring a safe work place for the social workers.
support staff & their clients and families when they come to the office
for services. Insure that the officers are on time & conversant with
DSHS policies & procedures.

1999 200 1 Background Investigator Seattle Police Dept.

Assist the Personnel Office of the Police dept. back grounding
potential civilian employees. This was a temporary position while the
Dept. was in a hiring mode after a period of inactivity in that area.

1984 1998 Detective Seattle Police Dept. assigned to the Criminal Intelligence
Section where I worked traditional & non-traditional organized crime
problems in the Northwest. During this time I also worked on cases
involving domestic telTorism. I received training in criminal analysis
work and used it in various investigations.

19781984 Detective Seattle Police Dept. assigned to the Crimes Against Persons
Section. Homicide & Assault Unit. I worked various homicide. assault &
sexual cases while assigned to this area.

19701978 Detective Seattle Police Dept. assigned to the Juvenile Section &
Crimes Against Property Section. While assigned to these units I
worked general crimes involving follow up & court prosecutions.
References for Dan K. Melton:

Michael R. Germann

Allan R. Lorette

Charles E. McClure

Respectfully submitted,

Dan K. Melton
Benny J. DePalmo

DOB 11-29-42

EDUCATION: High School Diploma 1960

Two Years College Equivalency - Police Science S.C.c. 1969

EMPLOYMENT: Seattle Police Department March, 28, 1967 to March 30, 1993
610 - 3rd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104

PROMOTIONS: Seattle Police Academy September 5, 1967 to December 1, 1967

Police Officer from December 1, 1967 to January 12, 1972

Detective from January 12, 1972 to October 5, 1977

Patrol Sergeant from October 5, 1977 to February 4, 1980

Detective Sergeant from February 4, 1980 to March 30, 1993


Patrol Officer, Downtown Corridor - Seattle

December I, 1967 to July 1, 1970

Patrol Division - South Precinct July 1, 1970 to August 10, 1970

Traffic Division - Special Enforcement Unit - Downtown Seattle

August 10, 1970 to March 10, 1971

Traffic Division - D W I Detail - Downtown Seattle

March 10, 1971 to January 12, 1972

Detective, Investigations Bureau, Burglary and Theft Unit

January 12, 1972 to March 6, 1974
Benny J. DePalmo - Page 2

Detective Investigations Bureau, Homicide Unit

March 6, 1974 to October 5,1977

Sergeant, Patrol Division, Pct. -1

October 5, 1977 to January 18, 1978

Detective/Sergeant Narcotics Section

February 4, 1980 to April 18, 1984

Detective/Sergeant Fugitive/Feiony Warrant Unit

April 18, 1984 to March 30, 1993


10171 Expelt Court Testimony - Washington State Justice

Training Center - Seattle

1972 Crime Scene Investigation and Processing - Seattle

1175 Death Investigation - Southern Police Institute

University of'Louisville - Louisville, Kentucky

1978 Spec:lil Weapons and Tactics (S. W. A. T. Training - Seattle

1979 Mid-management School - Seattle, Washington

. .

1981 Narcotics Investigator .School - Federal Drug Enforcement

Administration - Seattle, Washington

1982 Drug Identification and Processing - Seattle, Washington

1983 Advanced First Aid and Emergency Medical Technician

Training - Seattle Fire Department

1990 National Sheriff Association - Transportation and Prisoner

Extradition - Newport, Oregon

1991 Prisoner Transportation, Officer Safety, and

Intergovernmental Relations - Seattle
Benny J. DePalmo - I'age 3


Death Investigation Instructor and Crime Scene Investigation,

Washington State Criminal Justice and Training Center 1977

Acting Lieutenant - Seattle Police Narcotics Unit - 1983

Acting Lieutenant - Seattle Police Fraud and Explosive Unit - 1990

1991 and 1992

Narcotics Instructor - Washington State Patrol Academy

Shelton, Washington - 1988

Narcotics Instructor - Search and Seizure Techniques

Washington State Criminal Justice and Training Center 1982

Special Weapons and Tactics (S. W. A. T.) Commander

and Instructor. Washington State Criminal Justice and Training
Center - Fort Lewis, Washington - 1979

Mid-management Supervisor Instructor, Washington State

Criminal Justice and Training Center - Seattle - 1988, 1989, 1990
and 1991


Qualified Expert in the following weapons:

- 38 Cal. Revolver
- 9 MM Automatic Pistol
- 9 MM Automatic Machine Gun
- Police Baton
- 12 Ga. Shotgun


The Washington State Council ofPoIice Officers

National Sheriff Association
Extradition and Transportation Officers
National Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs

James Deschane
Seattle Police Assistant Chiefi'Ret

Michael Gennann
Seattle Police CaptainJRet.

Donald Cameron
Seattle Police Detective SergeantlRet.
Duane Paul Lewis


• April 2000 to current:

Self-Employed: contracting with various security companies. Security
detail for jewelry representatives.

• February 2002 to July 2003:

Cell Therapeutics: Bodyguard for CEO and family

• July 2003 to December 2004:

Department of Social & Health Services: Security for Regional Office

• December 1969 to January 1995:

Seattle Police Department:

o Police Officer
• Tactical Operations
• Dignitary Protection
• Defensive Tactics Instructor at Washington State Criminal
Justice Training Center
o Detective
• Narcotics Unit
• Felony Warrant & Fugitive Apprehension Unit


• March 1966 to March 1968:

United State Marine Corps
o Viet Nam
o Corporal/Squad Leader


Dan Bryant, retired Assistant Chief from the Seattle Police Departnlent

Ed Joiner, retired Assistant Chief from the Seattle Police Department

Tim Carlin, Fred Meyer Jewelry Representative

.1.1840 SE 184 th , Renton, WA 98055 206-369-0150 mobile #
John L. Kristof


Retired as a Senior Detective from the Seattle Police Department. Conducted investigations on
major fraud, employee theft, arson and bomb cases while assigned to the Fraud and Explosives
Unit for over fourteen years. Employed by The Hartford Insurance Company as a Special
Investigator assigned to a five state area conducting investigations into suspected fraudulent
claims including arson and organized crime issues. Experienced in the private sector with
building security and conflict resolution with the State of Washington division of Child
Protective Services. Proficient in various Microsoft office applications.


To obtain an investigative/analyst position that is interesting, meaningful and which utilizes my

professional experience and expertise.


• Twenty-eight years of police experience.

• Nineteen years of investigative experience; specializing in fraud, internal theft, arson,
explosion and fraudnlent claims.
• Experienced in the preparation of criminal and civil cases, and their filing, with the King
County Prosecutors Office, State Attorney General's Office, US Attorney General and
corporate lawyers.
• Certified as an expert witness in fraud and employee theft cases.
• Instructor, Western Washington Criminal Justice Training Center and Seattle Police
• Instructor, FBI Post Blast Investigation Academy.
• Extensive training with interview techniques and years of practical application.
• Investigated, obtained charges and testified in over five-hundred criminal cases.
• Extensive experience with testifying in civil hearings and trials relating to insurance
• Experience in tracking and tracing business and personal financial records.
• Eight years of experience in bnilding secnrity and conflict resolution techniques during
Child Protective Services interviews and hearings.


6197 to present: Employed by PNI on a contract basis to the State of Washington DSHS Child
Protective Services. Provided building and personal secnrity to employees and conducted
conflict resolution during client interviews, meetings and hearings.

2/99 to 8104: Employed by The Hartford Insurance Company as a Special Investigator.

Responsible for investigating suspicious claims in a five state area. Reported and made
recommendations on findings and, if criminal, coordinated the investigation with the law
enforcement agency having jnrisdiction. I was also responsible for training of new adjustors in
fraud awareness and detection. Responsible for analyzing organized crime trends as they
pertained to insurance fraud and generating reports to senior administrators.

5/98 to 2/99: Employed as a civilian contractor for the Seattle Police Department. Responsible
for the evaluation of the candidate and recommendations as to their fitness for employment.

5/69 to 12/97: Employed by the Seattle Police Department in various capacities including Liaison
Officer between SPD and the US Secret Service, K9 Officer and various undercover
assignments. The last fourteen years of my career were spent as a Senior Detective with the
Fraud and Explosives Unit. In this capacity I was responsible for the investigation of major fraud
and white collar crimes reaching into seven figure amounts. I was responsible for investigating
all reports of internal theft involving City of Seattle employees and elected officials. I was in the
Bomb Squad and am an expert in explosive detection, investigation and devices. I conducted
numerous arson investigations and was involved in multi-jnrisdictional task forces involving the
King County Prosecutors Office, FBI, IRS, US Secret Service, ATF, Washington State Attorney
General's Office and the Washington State Insurance Commissioners Office.

George Marberg-Retired Seattle Police Lieutenant

Michael Dougherty-Special Investigator The Hartford Insurance Company

PO Box 665
Castle Rock, CO 80104
1-800-811-4832 ext 48227
303-263-9511 cell

AI Gerdes-Investigator Jefferson County Medical Examiners Office

Kennedy C. Conder

Dates Work Experience

1/98 to 8/01 Commander, Seattle Police Department Domestic Violence Unit

Duties included leading and managing a detective unit, representing the
Department, interacting with other members of the crintinal justice
community, writing policies and procedures, perfonning the duties of
the Captain in his/her absence
4/97 to 1198 Operations Lieutenant, Seattle Police Department North Precinct
Implemented Community Oriented and Problem Solving Policing,
Supervised School Team and Community Police Team Officers,
managed Precinct budget, precinct wide adntinistrative duties
9195 to 4/97 Watch Commander, Seattle Police Department North· Precinct
Lead and manage 60 police officers, attend community meetings,
provide training, perform Acting Captain duties
10194 to 9195 Supervisor, Seattle Police.Department Anti Violence Team
Created, supervised and wrote policies/procedures for a pro-active unit
responsible for monitoring chronically violent youthful offenders,
partnered with Department of Corrections, State and County Juvenile
Probation Staff
1194 to 10194 Supervisor, Seattle Police Department SWAT Unit
Plan and execute search warrant service, supervise responses to
hostagelbarricaded person situations, coordinate dignitary protection
details with United States Secret Service, supervise training and
respond to requests for support by other units
4/93 to 1194 Detective, Seattle Police Department RobberylDomestic Violence
Investigate crimes against persons, prepare cases for presentation to the
Prosecutors' Office, prepare and serve search warrants
8/89 to 4/93 Instructor. Washington State Criminal Justice Training Academy
Lead instructor of Defensive Tactics, TAC Officer for recruit classes,
created curriculum, assisted with other blocks of instruction
4185 to 8/89 Officer, Seattle Police Department SWAT Unit
Respond to hostagelbarricaded person situations, serve high risk arrest
and search warrants, pro-active plain clothes patrol related to specific
high risk violent crimes, train other agencies, part time driver/security
officer for the Mayor of Seattle
4182 to 2/85 Detective, Seattle Police Department Narcotics and Vice Section
Investigate complaints of Narcotics and Vice activity, prepare cases for
presentation to the prosecutors' office, prepare and serve search and
arrest warrants
4180 to 4/82 Officer, Seattle Police Department Special Patrol Unit
Plain clothes pro-active patrol, support detectives
sn7 to 4180 Officer, Seattle Police Department West Precinct Patrol
Foot beat and vehicle uniformed patrol, Field Training Officer, Co-
authored first field training manual
12n3to 12n6 Officer, University of Washington Police Department
Uniformed foot and vehicle patrol, "Blue Blazer" patrol in University
of Washington dorntitories, Filed Training Officer
Education, Training and Memberships
• Bachelor of Arts, ·Political SciencelPsychology, University of
Washington, 1972
• Continuous Law Enforcement training
• Member of American Association of Law Enforcement Trainers
• . Executive Board member for King County V AWA Stop Grant
• Treasurer and Board member for the Greater Puget Sound
Domestic Violence Conference
• Member of the City of Seattle's domestic Violence Council

• Worked with State Coalition to create model Domestic Violence
Offender Probation Protocol
• Lectured state wide one the Law Enforcement a~d Corrections
SMART Partnership Program
• Created and managed Department of Corrections Seattle Police
Department Domestic Violence Unit Partnership designed to hold
batter's accountable through coordinated efforts
• Created and managed Seattle Police Department's Domestic
Violence Fugitive Apprehension Team
• Presented at National Training Center on Domestic and Sexual
• Primary delegate to Tashkent Uzbekistan Police Department
For U. S. State Department delegation on Domestic Violence

• Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper (Retired)
• Seattle Police Chief Herb Johnson· (Retired)
• Seattle Police Assistant Chief Michael OMahony (Retired)
• Seattle Police Assistant Chief Harv Ferguson (Retired)
• Seattle Police Assistant ChiefW. D. Bryant
• Seattle Police Deputy Chief John Diaz
• Seattle Police Captain Neil Low
• W. Randy Fillingam, Supervisor Washington State Department of
• Steven Marrs, Washington State Department of Corrections
• Judith Shoshana, Seattle City Attorney, Domestic Violence Unit
• Additional references available upon request

Dennis P. Nordlund, D.D.S.

Captain Michael Sanford

Seattle Police Department
610 5th Ave.
Seattle, W A 98104

Assistant ChiefW. D. Bryant, (Retired)

Drew R. Dowd

Washington State Patrol Contract Position


August, 2001 - December 2004 Security and Investigative Services Lynnwood, Wa.
Security Officer
• Facility, Stqffand Client Security
(Left Employment December 2004 due to state budget cuts)
Job Responsibilities:
~ Site Security
~ Provide for the safety of staff and clients

July 1970 - October 2000 Seattle Police Department Seattle Wa.

Patrolman and Firearms Instructor
• October 17. 2000:
Retired from Seattle Police Department
30 years of service: 17 years in patrol and 13 years in Training Division
• February 1987 thru October 2000 Training Division: Firearms Training Unit
Seattle Police Department Range Staff and Firearms Instructor
Training and Oualifications:
State Certified Firearms Instructor
~ W.S.C.J.T.C. (Washington State Criminal Justice
Training Commission) Firearms Instructor's School
~ State Certified Instructor.
W.S.C.J.T.C. Instructor Development School
Certified Armorer and Instructor
~ Glock Armorer and Instructor's Class.

Job Responsibilities
~ Conducted police department firearms training and qualification
~ Oversaw daily operations of the range facility i.e. opening and closing of facility,
security, check-in, safety and usage verification
~ Operated range retail facility and customer service counter
~ Public Relations
~ Conducted firearms training for the W.S. C.J.T.C.
~ Coordinated range facility use with numerous local, state and federal agencies

• September 9, 1999 thru March 9, 2000

Acting Sergeant ofSeattle Police Firearms Training Unit
• October 1970 thru February 1987
Seattle Police Uniformed Patrol Officer
Job Responsibilities:
~ Worked East and West precincts: Both Morning and Night Shifts
~ Worked relief squads, permanent district cars and foot beats
Drew R. Dowd
1976-1994 Washington Mutual Seattle, Wa.
Armed Security Guard
• Armed lobby guard
• Provided security for staff and patrons

July 1970-0ctober 1970 City of Seattle Seattle, Wa.

Seattle Police Academy Cadet
• Seattle Police Academy Class # 65


September 1972-1973 North Seattle Community College Seattle, Wa.

Associate of Arts Police Science
• AADegree

September 1963- 1965 Western Washington University Bellingham, Wa.

College Attendance

1) Michael German

Telephone Number:

2) Richard Hinz

Telephone Number:

3) C.l. Zentner

Telephone Number:
Exhibit E
To whom it may concern:

I autho rize you to fumish the Washington State Patrol with any
and all information that you
have conce rning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record
, my criminal history record,
includ ing any arrest records, any information contained in invest
igatory files, any intemal affairs
invest igatio ns and discipline, including any files which are deeme
d to be confidential and/or
sealed , my medical records, my psychological testing analysis
and recommendation, my
militar y servic e records, and my financial status. Inform ation
of a confidential or privileged
nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washi ngton State Patrol
in determining my qualificalions. I
under stand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Sectio
n 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974) , and waive these rights with the understanding that information
furnished will be used by
the Wash ington State Patrol.

I hereb y releas e to you, your organization, and others from any liability
or damag e which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photo copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the origina


To be compl eted by the applicant:

DAI {//IJ ! !(/ /l/t f11e l-fo }J

Applic ant Name (First, Middle, Last)

<J.AAJ /( J?1CL /lo; J

Other name s ~ou have been know by, including prior marriage(s)
or nickname(s)

Addre ss City State Zip Code

Socia l Secur ity Number

c/5 / /1L/ £./
Date of Birth

Applic ant Signa ture
rt JI - :J/~9/()I

Washington State Patrol . Page 11. RFQQNo. C050386PSC

Exhibit E
To whom it may concern:

I autho rize you to fumish the Washington State Patrol with any and all
information that you
have conce rning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record
, my criminal history record,
includ ing any arrest records, any information contained in invest
igatory files, any intemal affairs
invest igation s and discipline, including any files which are deeme
d to be confidential and/or
sealed , my medical records, my psychological testing analysis
and recommendation, my
militar y servic e records, and my financial status. Information of
a confidential or privileged
nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in

determining my qualifications.
under stand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Sectio
n 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974) , and waive these rights with the understanding that infonmation
furnished will be used by
the Wash ington State Patrol.

I hereb y releas e to you, your organization, and others from any

liability or damage which may
result from fumishing the information requested.

A photo copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the origina


To be completed by the applicant:

A lieant Name First. Middle, Last

Other name s

Addre ss State

Date of Birth

Washington State Patrol Page 14 RFQQ No. C050386PSC

Mar c~ U5 08:2S p p. 1

Exhibit Ei
To whom it may concern:

I author ize you to furnish the Washington State Palrol with any
and all information that you
have conce rning me. my work. my reputation. my driving record
. my criminal history record,
includ ing any arrest records, any information contained in investi
gatory files, any internal affairs
invest igation s and discipline, including any files which are deeme
d to be confidential and/or
sealed , my medical records, my psychological testing analysis
and recommendation, my
militar y servic e records, and my financial status. Inform ation
of a confidential or privileged
nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washi ngton Stale Patrol
in determining my qualificalions. I
under stand my rights under Tille 5, United States Code, Sectio
n 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that inform
ation furnished will be used by
the Washi ngton State Patrol.

I hereby releas e to you, your organization, and others from any

liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photoc opy of this authorization shall be as valid as the origina


To be completed by the applicant:

e-.~UA,uE. ~v'- Lev0\~ I

....6P.e!icant Name (First, Middle
, Last)
ilL cwfI
Other names you have been know b),', including prior marriage(s)
or nickname(s)

Addre ss CilL Slate Zif> Code

oq - "2.3 - \cr4 (P
Social Secur itv Number

Date of Birth

~ ~ ~ ,. ~." 3-30-2.0o~
Aoolic ant Signat ure Date

Washington State Patrol Page 14 RFQQ No. C050386PSC

Exhibit E


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to fumish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you
have concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record,
including any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any intemal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andfor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my
military service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged
nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualificalions. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from fumishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be compleled by Ihe applicanl:

---.J ;;'//1 L /(/f/S70F

Applicant Name. (First, Middle, last)

Other names you have been know by, includillg prior marriaQe(s) or nickname(sl

Address City State Zip Code

Social Security Number

Date of Birth

~cant Signature . {/
3 3/ o..s-

Washington State Patrol Page 14 REQQ No. C050386PSC

Exhibit E
To whom it may concern:

I autho rize you to fumish the Washington State Patrol with any and
all information that you
have conce rning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record
, my criminal history record,
includ ing any arrest records, any information contained in invest
igatory files, any internal affairs
invest igatio ns and discipline, including any files which are deeme
d to be confidential and/or
sealed , my medical records, my psychological testing analysis
and recommendation, my
militar y servic e records, and my financial status. Information of
a confidential or privileged
nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in

determining my qualifications. I
under stand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Sectio
n 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974) , and waive these rights with the understanding that information
furnished will be used by
the Wash ington State Patrol.

I hereb y releas e to you, your organization, and others from any liability
or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photo copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the origina


To be compl eted by the applicant:

Applic ant Name (First. Middle, Last)

Other name s you have been know by, including prior marriage(s)
or nickname(s)

Addre ss City State Zip Code

Socia l Secur ity Number Date of Birth

Signa ture

Washington State Patrol Page 14 RFOO No. Cil50386PSC

Exhibit E


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you
have concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record,
including any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
s~~led, my '!ledical records, my psych?lg~i~l}estillg atl~!~;ti~a!'l~f~;~mfl1~~\~~~",\1lY .
military service records, and my finanCial status. Information of a confidentlalor"jjnvileged
nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualificalions.
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

P"i2..c..\}-J k"'K \.bl.:sf\

Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last)

Other names YOU have been know by, includina prior marriage(s) or nickname(s)

Address City State Zip Code

Social Security Number Date of Birth

Applicant Signature
ot.l -0 I - 0'::;:-

Washington State Patrol Page 14 RFQQ No. C050386PSC

Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Services Proposal
RFQ # C050836PSC

The Consultant's Quotation



The evaluation process is designed to award this procurement not necessarily to the Consultant of
least cost, but rather to the Consultant whose proposal best meets the requirements of this RFQQ.
However, Consultants are encouraged to submit proposals which are consistent with State
government efforts to conserve state resources.

A. Identification of Costs (SCORED)

Identify the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed team members. If the hourly rate differs from
each individual, please identify the specific rate for each proposed team member.

Hourly rate for services: $ CoD .00

B. Basis for Determing Rates.

1. The hourly rate must include all costs associated with providing services, including Consultant
Team Member salary and benefits, industrial insurance, and federal and state taxes.

2. You should base your hourly rate on providing services at a maximum of forty (40) hours per

3. The worksite, office supplies, personal computer, and communications shall be provided to
the Contractor. Any such goods and/or services shall remain the property of WSP.

4. All costs associated with training for i2's Analyst Notebook application, Penlink and Microsoft
Office Suite are solely the responsibility of the Consultant.

5. When services are required by WSP at locations other than the Consultant Team Members
worksite, WSP will reimburse Contractors for authorized lodging, subsistence and business
vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual
is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

B. Computation. The score for the cost proposal will be computed by dividing the lowest average
hourly rate received by the Consultant's average hourly rate. Then the resultant number will be
multiplied by the maximum possible points for the cost section.

Washington State Patrol Page 13 RFQQ No~ C050386PSC

Washington State Patrol 6/12/20094:25:57 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

WSP Contract No.1 C090550 ~~~.. I

PSC Program Information: Program IiAD
IInvestigative Assistance Division
Category FJ-Personal S~~i,ces Program:
Amendment No. Program Contact: Bureau: IISB
Title "!c""r"'im"'i'"n"'al"'A'"n-a"'IY-s'"
t -"'W~.~A"J"'A"'C-­ ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff

Other partyloperational Application;

Other No.1. Processing Status:

Start Date I"j"'.1t':/1'"'5"'12"'O"'09::'. End Date 9130/2012 Amendment
Amountl$335~000 User 10 ICH AmdAmount
i ($79.000)

Contract Status I"ctive, Amd Status ICom"l~ted

Contract Notes: Date document was sent to:
Analyst Kathleena Almquist. See C090433PSC for
. Word Processing
RFQQ. Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 1/8/2009
BFS Review 1/15/2009
Chiefs Office 1/20/2009
Transmittal Letter 1/27/2009
Mailed to Other Part 1/812009
Received Back 1/15/2009
Distributed 1/27/2009

AmdAmount I $335.000
Amd Status !Completed
Date document was sent to:
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC 12/17/2008
BFS Notification 12/17/2008
BFS Review 1/1612009
Chiefs Office 1/20/2009.
Transmittal Letter 1/27/2009
Mailed to Other Part 1/812009
Received Back 1/15/2009
Distributed 1/27/2009
Personal Service Cont'u.:t Risk Assesment
Page 1 of4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

~C~O~N~T,-"R~A~C!.'TO~R~NA~M~E=-_ _--+----"¥u,,,;[l£.<>I.&...\--ttfll{1-Lu.:.!l.:lli!.N..~---bCi.::\1~eMlLftlI'\')~U\S+­
WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
18I Yes DNo

WSP Contract Number

BFS Contracts Specialist


2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision Comments
Fundinq source (account codinq) and Amount 001 - (")1* -nna')( IDA"\ J?
Has an authorized manager approved the
'6QI Yes 0 No
Type of appropriation (federal, state, other)
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties List System been ~Yes DNo
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? L0'7P+ IDMPc Ad- dTa..b'~
• Agency resources "@Yes 0 No V

• Other public(governmental) resources ~Yes DNo

Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performedlis performed by WSP
DYes Is;;I No
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? DYes 0 No Nlt:\
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
proceed with the contract?
DYes 0 No
Is contractor a current or former state employee? DYes [NNo
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board DYes DNa
approval? (I),fA
• If former, provide last date of employment. 1\\ p,.
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate method(s) of ~ Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? Fixed Price
o Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contr .. .;t Risk Assesment
Page 2 of 4

If the contract is federally funded, is the Contractor a

subrecipient or vendor? t-JO
If a subrecipient, are audits required? If yes, evaluate
DYes D No
coveraqe provided by existinq and anticipated audits. N\P,

1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

15'J Competitive D Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

[)Q Formal (>$20,000) D Informal «$20,000)

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintained.
-;L., (""*=0, e:\: £:, I.

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting
\0 I",

4. Advertised? !Sa Yes D No D NIA (less than $20,000)

If yes, where and when was the advertisement placed?

112[12S I12a:sl':Ic0crb-1 Elee.koN~t- £ws,,,-,,,ss So(..,{.;O!\l.S

Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? ~ Yes D No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? D Yes ~ No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor? DYes D No NIA

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point =O. Unknown, risk point = 5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contro"t Risk Assesment
Page 3 of 4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= =
Lower Risk; Yes Higher Risk d.--
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 Medium Risk
>$100,000 High Risk 'f
Complexity of services 3
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s) did you use? What
experience do you have with the method(s)?
D Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
~ Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
Fixed Price (score 1-3))
D Performance Based (valuation of deliverabies) (score 1-3) 3
Procurement method:
Competitive (score 1 to 3)
D Sole Source (score 3 to 5) I
2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of funding .1
Length of time in business 4
Experience and past performance I
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
proof?) \
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition good or poor?) 3
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the
organization?) ~

Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?)
Organizational changes (is organization stable or does it have frequent turnover?)
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?)
Legal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) \
Background of individuals (do you have resumes?) I

3. Total Risk Points

D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
~Yes D No
2. Does the risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?
ijl Yes D No
Personal Service Contr.. ~t Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
IZIYes 0 No
4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity periodic reports lfe<;
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation Lfo~
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetings, etc.) -
Maintain other periodic contract with
contractor (telephone, email, etc.) 'fe<;
Other: t...u.. "" s m~-h!VII 5 LD,\.\{" I()i\e. pre>

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
example, A 133 audits)? 1\.)\11
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure appropriate spending of state funds? NIA
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed? f\) IPc
Is corrective action necessary? Were
questioned costs resolved? (\)1 A
Are audit findings, if any, resolved? ~)JA


Any activities need follow-up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
Follow-up on audit findings needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

Search· Current Exclusions EPl.S Search Resources

'--_ _--.llill > Search Help

> Advanced Search Search Results for Parties > Public User's Manual

> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

Exact Name: Almquist, Kathleena Maria > Acronyms

> Exact Name and SSNfflN
SSNITIN :;.. Privacy Act Provisions
As of 23-0ec-2008 7:08 PM EST > News
> Recent Updates
Save to MyEPLS
View Cause and Treatment Code Rnports
Descriptions Your search returned no results.

> Reciprocal Codes

'--_ _--'1111
> Advanced Reports
> Procurement Codes Back New Search Printer-Friendly
> Recent Updates
> Nonprocurement Codes > Dashboard

Agency & Acronym Information Archive Search" Past Exc!tlsitms

:;.. Agency Contacts

> Agency Descriptions
L -_ _ --11111
> Advanced Archive Search
:;.. State/Country Code Descriptions
> Multiple Names
> Recent Updates

> Debar Maintenance Contact infonYv3t!On

:;.. Administration
> Email: §:!,W.QQI1@.soo!s,QQY
> Upload Login

> Phone: 1-866-GSA-EPLS


https://www.epls.gov/epls/search.do 1212312008
Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm. contracting@ofm.wa.gov

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 3:19 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 1/9/2009.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after a decision was made by OFM on
this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 39081-00

Contractor Legal Name: Larm, Doug

Contractor TIN: 300369267

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090550PSC
Filed Date: 1/9/2009
Start Date: 1/15/2009
Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $335,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist with filing an amendment to the
contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at
ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts


Page I of I

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:34 AM
To: 'McMullen, Jan S. (OFM),
Subject: RE: WSP Filings in PSCD

Yes - to all four contracts.

I thought that I had incorporated the language under Reasonableness of Cost but will ensure for future filings.
This is the last of the filings that are associated to a recent RFOO.

Thank-you for your assistance,

Cindy no!de,'"
WSI' Co1"llrm:ls
cindy. haider@wsp.wa.w

From: McMullen, Jan S. (OFM) [mailto:Jan.McMullen@OFM.wA.GOVl

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:25 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: WSP Filings in PSCD
Importance: High

Does the following apply to all of your recent filings for criminal analyst services? (one James
Ward and three Doug Larm).

WSP considers this to be a convenience contract where the contractor provides services on an as-needed
basis and the dollar value referenced is a maximum amount available, because it cannot be known if the
total dollars will be used?

It would be appreicated if you would include this language, when applicable, in future filings.

As soon as I have your response to this e-mail, I will start to process your most recent filings.
Thank you. Jan

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm. contracting@ofm.wa.gov

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 10:30 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 1/9/2009 10:30:00 AM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 64974

Contractor Legal Name: Larm, Doug

Contractor TIN: 300369267

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090550PSC
Filed Date: 1/9/2009 10:30:00 AM .
Start Date: 1/15/2009 Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $335,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during processing and to access the filing in
the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in
PSCD. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofmwa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision

Contractor Information
TIN 300369267
Legal Name Larm, Doug
UBI 602632122
Address 4227 South Meridian Suite C366, Puyullap, WA USA 98373
Contract information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint
federal, state and local law enforcement environments such as joint and regional
criminal intelligence centers.
Fund Source

Filing Number Federal State Other Total

This Filing $335,000 $335,000
Contract Total $335,000

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

01/15/2009 09/30/2012


Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wspwa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees

Page 2 of3

None Identified
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to
address and which makes the services necessary.
The Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau
of Investigations (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies
by organizing and disseminating threat information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies,
first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, two-way fiow of
intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies includes the FBI; US Immigration and Customs
Enforcement; the Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law
enforcement agencies. The Contractor's criminal analyst services are critical to the efforts of WAJAC in an
effort to prevent terrorism.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's office. This contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security. WSP is contractually obligated to the federal government to provide these services.
These services are critical to WSP to fulfill their mission of "enhancing the safety and security of our state"
which includes sharing information with other local, state and federal law enforcement organizations. In light
of the Personal Service contract freeze, this contract is approved by Deputy Chief Paul S. Beckley.
Other PubHc Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency emploYE\es
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Competitive Solicilation Process
Advertisement Information
Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 6
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or
the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation
process or what differentiated this contractor from others.'
The Contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work
experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of panel members from
the WAJAC as well as a written assignment.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
Network Transport Engineering Nighthawk Analytical Dan K. Melton Michael R. Chamness Chad R. Melton
KSNK Enterprise Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services Intelligence Acumen Operational Applications Inc.

Page 3 on

Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection
committee made the award decision, etc).
Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence
Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center to score vendor education. training. leadership and work
experience. Cost points were awarded based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate
proposed for all vendors. The highest scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local
jurisdictions participating in the regional intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant
team member would work. The final selection was based on the outcome of these interviews and written
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
The hourly rate is comparable to other contractors submitting proposals for these services. Work is assigned
by Task Orders on an as-needed basis. Contract references maximum amount available.
Operational090550.doc - 153600kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

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Date .1.@lli!.
Washington State Patrol
LDS ' /
Budjget an dFIsca IS ervlces Contract NotlTIcatlon Form - -7-

o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 I2J Payable o Other:

WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C090550PSC (1)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
JANUARY 1!?2009 SEPTEMBER 30, 2009
Contract Title CFDANo. I QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Operational Applications Inc. (Doug Larm)
Contractor Contact Address
4227 South Meridian Suite C366, Puyallup WA 98373
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Doug Larm 253-226-9564 30-0369267
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
doug.larm@operationalapplications.com TANYA PIERCE
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
~ ll1 \., ~,J- .l( 0...*k \P e tvn f\.\f'f'\1O. U ; 6t-
Contract Amount v Position Sig)Jllju%-ayd Date
t ~//'~
$ Grants and Contracts Manager/l
Contract Amount
$ Business Office Mana~eV I ~, If! (j / ___
IJ:~ tl1 ,/n,
Revised Total Allot: DY~NO
$79,000 Budget Manager
~j Un nticipated Receipt: DYes ~~

.7" r6-<j 7" 1/)v/d9

Accounting Manager V J.
Indirect Costs %
Sub J.. Revenue Code
Master Index Fund AI PI Project TAR Code Percent!
Object Major Sub
Grou Source Source

WAJ8 001 01* 00271 WAJ8 CE 100%

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage on~ DNo -----
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R -:Ii per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYe~ ----------- AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only~eS DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: I2J Project Manager I2J Accountant I2JBudget Analyst I2J Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090550PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Operational Applications Inc.

Period of Performance January 15, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Kathleena Almquist) shall provide

criminal intelligence analyst services during the time of the period
of performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor's Employee during this Task Order is
the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $48.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C090550PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $79,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name a'nd Mr. Doug Larm, (253) 226-9564

Telephone Number:


• 'tUfe

Printed Name and Title


Page 1 of 1 -
Date 1/8/09
Washington State Patrol
d t an dFIscaI S Cont ractNff
ervlces o Ilca Ion r Form LDS
- -r-
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 IZI Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
January 162009 September 30,2012
Contract Title CFDA No. I QFSR
Criminal Intellillence Analyst Services DVes DNo
Contractor Name
Operational Applications Inc. (Doug Larm)
Contractor Contact Address
4227 South Meridian Suite C366, Puyallup WA 98373
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Mr. Doug Larm 253-226-9564 30-0369267
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
doug.larm@2j:leralionalapplications.com Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner
Remarks: R~quires separate task orders - do not encumber.
Analyst Kathleena Almquist

Contract Amount Position ......., Signaturelnd Date

Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manager
AfW.<J rO~ 16
$ Business Office Manape~, / (Lff'V fill / -
Revised Total
$335,000 Budget Manager
if nt,
';;J / ~ Unanticipated AllotDV~o " No
Receipt: DVes

Indirect Costs
Accounting Manager r.; "- (; ~ /'
% ',/IV
Sub I ~venue Code PercenV
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major --/t.1ajor Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
WAJ8 001 01" 00271 WAJ8 CE 100%

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DVes DNo Mileage Only: DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DVes DNo Special Mileage R per mile
Travel Authorized: DVes DNo oluntary OIT: DVes DNo
Special Rules: DVes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract:

Overtime Allowed:
----- AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
Contract Pays Only~eS DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type...of-R!jCeipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
---Distribution: [:8J Project Manager IZI Accountant ~Budget Analyst IZI Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
WSP Contract No.
Other Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
Operational Applications Inc.
Contractor Address _ Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373
Contact Name Contact Telephone
Mr. Doug Larm 253-226-9564
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address
. WSP Contact Information
WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
WSP Investigative Assistance Division
Lieutenant Randy Drake
PO Box 2347,01 moia WA 98507-2347
(360) 704-2393
(360) 704-2973
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts Manager Olympia WA 98504-2602
(360) 596-4052
(360) 596-4077
E-mail Address

Contract Start Date I Contract End Date I Maximum Contract Amount

January 15, 2009 September 30, 2012 $335,000
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
181 Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
181 Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
181 Additional Exhibits as specified: Exhibit C, Contractor Emplovee Nondisclosure AQreement
This Contract, including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing
below warrant that they have read and understand this Contract and have the authority to enter into this Contract.
Date Cootr;ialor Signature Date
WSP SiVa:r ~Z/j ~. (-2./-0,( '-..Mu· d{JWo<lltl9
Printed Name and Title ¥(l..V-\. ~. ad<~ f1'r(ff(ed Name and Title
John R. Batiste, Chief 1>e..ouJ..r/\ 7jJv,,~J' lJdtl6 /.A .u./ ;J~sl./>Pdr

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:

• Raw intelligence classification and analysis

• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies
• Effective communication to help others learn, understand and apply specific criminal
intelligence analysis principles, techniques or information.
• Effective identification, collection, organization and documentation of criminal
intelligence data and information in ways that make the information most useful for
subsequent assessment, analysis and investigation.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Kathleena Almquist WAJAC

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must maintain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent; profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice conceming race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performanc;e may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is
not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge; publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

5. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Inilial- 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9130/10 10/1/10 - 9/30/11 10/1/11 - 9130/12
Kathleena Almquist $48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 30f11


When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SMM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SMM website:

6. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01,1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 11

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any Claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
inforrnation that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise speCified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page6of11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notic;e or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable. .

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 11

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

WSP personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 11

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or knowledge in
connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number (Contract) or its performance may
consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under either
chapter 42.56 RCW or other state or federal statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail
addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or information identifiable to
an individual that relates to any of these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential Information for
any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell,
disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without the Washington State Patrol's express written
consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to
Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the Contractor, I shall
surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Vendor for its disposition according to the
terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97,
violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

KdllilepNl AIW10!1iJ3;k- I \Vl\ell109.Mc-e AYlo..l,,"z::J-

Printed Namec and Title I 6

Date I

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 11 of 10

WSP RFQQ No. _ _ _ _~
Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596·4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

January 27, 2009

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications Inc
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C090550PSC and Task Order No.1

WSP Agreement No. C090551PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed with this letter are two fully executed originals of the referenced agreements
and task orders between you and the Washington State Patrol. Please keep these
originals for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number are the agreement numbers
referenced above; please use these numbers on all correspondence regarding these
agreements. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596-4071.



. (L~d.~
.f'Mr. Jeffr#R. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

['ig New
( \ ') Period of D Amendment
Contract No. COg o5sorse< Performance: \ )'0/0'1- q/~(oq D Recurring

Contract Title: -->"C.l..f.J..('O"~!;,,"'r....

c. \J..-..>o:td.l!.<""'W~h!.}J6f"Q.....)!..LC-'-(?--.1.:b,-"",{j"-'('.'J.!(J,"",s"-t-~S",,e....!.r-,,-v,,,.C""es''---_ _ _ _ __
Other Party: Q?eJ!\~LvU\..-~ Aswhcg-tol\JS ~D~.
I}Q Payable
o Receivable
Amount: 4! 19 cx:o i
D Other:

Scope of Work: --=.Tu.s\£ oede'\ Ir,}o. \

Grants and Contract Manager: ~;:a=f--P'E1~,-"7j(,---,-&-,,' UL.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

BFS Administrator:
( 7

Management Services Bureau Director: _--ff-==..:....-_I{'--vJ


~ (-21-0~
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Contract No.
Contract Title:
Other Party:


Grants and Contract Manager:

BFS Administrator:~
_~:=L._7;f_+---_~7I:L-ZP"=~~'-C..l9,---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
----c 7 7

:-P Ir·VO
Management Services Bureau Director: --I-~-'--AI---'-------~--------

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C090550PSC and Task Order No.1

DATE: January 27, 2009

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract and task order between the
Washington State Patrol and Operational Applications, Inc. for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Ms.
Kathleena Almquist. Funding for this contract will be encumbered under separate task orders.

Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this contract has a copy
of this contract to ensure the payment documents are filled out correctly.

The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number noted
above; please use this number on all correspondence and payment documents associated with this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget and Fiscal
Services, at Micro 12, ext. 11071.

r I Attachment
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget Section
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Assistance Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000·323·001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
page I at:,

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 20088:39 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Cindy, for your files ......... .

From: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:35 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Cc: Ma~i, Bob (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts


Paul Beckley
Deputy Chief
Washington State Patrol
SerDice With Humility

From: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:28 PM
To: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Cc: Maki, Bob (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Deputy Chief Beckley,

Since these are personal service contracts, not a request to hire FTEs the request needs to go through BFS to
solicit an exemption from OFM. To process this request from Captain Braniff, BFS needs your approval (As the
Acting Chief) to "approve the requested exemption and provide purchase approval."

If you approve, Mr. Maki's shop will handle.


Captain Marc Lamoreaux

Human Resource Division
(360) 704-2324

From: Hattell, Curt (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 20084:11 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Subject: Fw: WAJAC - Analysts

page L ot ~

Marc, please advise on next steps.

Captain Curt Hat\ell

Office of Professional Standards
(360) 704-2333

Note: To ensure compliance with all administrative requirements and retention guidelines, please delete any e-
mails regarding OPS cases after your review. When responding to any e-mails regarding OPS cases please
delete the sent e-mail immediately.

From: Beckley, Paul (WSP)

To: Hatteli, Curt (WSP)
Sent: Mon Dec 22 16:09:34 2008
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts
They need to be run through HRD in the proper format for submission to DOP.

Paul BecWey
Deputy Chief
Washington State Patrol
8ertJice W'itk Humility

From: Hatteli, Curt (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:23 PM
To: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Chief, I am walking into this movie when it is almost over. This looks like something that should
have your approval. Please let me know if this is something I can do or if it needs your
blessing. Thanks, Curt

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22,20082:17 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Hatteli, Curt (WSP)
Cc: Gurley, Traci (WSP)
Subject: Re: WAJAC - Analysts


AC approved it; however, we have all erased the email and Cindy Haider needs a copy in the file.
Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)

To: Hatteli, Curt (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Mon Dec 22 13:43:222008
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts
Acting Assistant Chief Hat\ell - We are unsure if this got forwarded to AC Ursino last week for approval, and with

Page 3 ot)

Geri out today I am hoping you can check or give your approval. Acting Captain Drake needs to get this process
moving and we just need the AC's approval forwarded to Jeff Hugdahl and Bob Maki to make it happen. These
are grant funded contract analysts who will work at the WAJAC. If you need any more info, just give me or Randy
a call.

Thanks, Traci

From: Maki, Bob (W5P)

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 8:40 AM
To: Drake, Randy (W5P); Haider, Cindy (W5P); Braniff, Tim (W5P)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (W5P)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

Randy: The Chief doesn't necessarily need to see the contracts. He just needs to approve the exemption
of them from the spending freeze and provide purchase approval..

You can forward this to him and ask that he review/approve and forward to me/JeffHugdahl. We'll
take it from there.

Thx, Bob

From: Drake, Randy (W5P)

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 6:27 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (W5P); Braniff, Tim (W5P)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (W5P); Maki, Bob (W5P)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

Jeff and/or Bob,

Captain Braniff is on vacation for the remainder of the year. I have provided answers to the questions as per
Cindy Haider's email found below. I do not have a copy of the contracts. Cindy, do you know if AC Ursino
has received these contracts?

1. Purpose

The Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) is in the process of hiring a total of six intelligence analysts (1
Lead Analyst and 5 Intelligence Analysts). The Lead Analyst position has already been approved. These are
contractor positions. Background investigations will be required due to the nature and sensitivity of
information available to analysts.

2. Fund Source and Amount

Contractors will be paid with funds from the Department of Homeland Security's State Homeland Security
Grant. One million dollars has been allotted to fund these positions.

3. Does the purchase ....

• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?

The project provides a critical component (intelligence analysts) to Washington State's Statewide
Integrated Intelligence System Plan (SWlIS). The spirit and intent of the SWIIS is to protect the citizens of
Washington State by providing an intelligence capability focused on terrorism prevention .

• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?


Page 4 ot)

• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?

Federal funds are available to fund the hiring of these contractors. An investment justification submitted to
the Department of Homeland Security specifies that these funds will be used to fund intelligence analysts

• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a project will
encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?

The WSFC enhancement project is dependent upon the acquisition of intelligence analysts and
continuation of the contracting process including background investigations on successful proposers.

4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

If not approved, the WSP will not be able to successfully secure the services of the above-described
proposers and will not be in compliance with the WSP's own contractor proposal requirements.

Lt. Randy Drake, 88

Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center
Work: 206-262-2418

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wed 12/17/2008 2:52 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Maki, Bob (WSP)
Subject: WAJAC - Analysts

Captain Braniff,

The chosen candidates for the Criminal Intelligence Analysts to be located at WAJAC with the effective dates of
January 15, 2009 through September 30,2012 are the following:

Ms. Kathleen Almquist, Operational Applications Inc.

Ms. Kia Graham, Operational Applications Inc.
Ms. Sara Lacy, Operational Applications Inc.
Mr. John Kristof, Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services
Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen

Due to the recent spending freeze please pass these pending personal services agreements to Assistant Chief
Ursino for his approval. If he approves these contracts he needs to forward to either Jeff Hugdahl or Bob Maki for
DC Beckley's approval. They will need the following questions answered:

1. Purpose
2. Fund Source and Amount
3. Does the purchase ....
• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?
• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?
• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by'a grant?
• Meet a miSSion-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a
project will encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?
4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

Once approval through the chain of command has been received the contract can be then be processed and
routed for signature as well as the approval may be needed by HRD to complete the background check.

Page) 01 )

Please let me know if you have any questions.

('indy Ilaider
IFS/' ('{)nrmus
3rjlJ-596-·.fI}7 I
cindy, haider@wsp. wa. gOY

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 11 :54 AM
To: 'Doug Larm Operational Applications'
Subject: Analysts Contracts
Attachments: OperationaI090550.doc; task order C090550PSC.doc; OperationaI090551.doc; task order
C090551 PSC.doc; OperationaI090552.doc; task order C090552PSC.doc

Hello Doug,
Yesterday I mailed the envelope containing contracts and task orders for the three analysts. As much as I double
checked my "crossing my t's and dotting my i's" I inadvertently put the wrong Start Date.

I have attached the corrected contracts and task orders and would appreciate if you would print out two pages of
the first page of each contract and two each of the task orders. The first page of each contract will replace the
incorrect page on the contracts you will be receiving.

Please let me know if you have any questions and sorry for any inconvenience
Hope you are doing well in this continuing Washington winter weather.

Take care,
Cindy Haider
ITSI' ('ori/meL'
3n{}-5vf}-407 J
cindy. haider@wsp. wa. W

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090550PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Operational Applications Inc.

Period of Performance January 15, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Kathleena Almquist) shall provide

criminal intelligence analyst services during the time of the period
of performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor's Employee during this Task Order is

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$48.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C090550PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $79,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm, (253) 226-9564

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
WSP Contract No.
Other Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
Operational A~ications Inc.
Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373
Contact Name Contact Telephone
Mr. Doug Larm 253-226-9564
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address
WSP Contact Information
WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
WSP Investigative Assistance Division
Lieutenant Randy Drake
PO Box 2347, Olvmpia WA 98507-2347
(360) 704-2393
(360) 704-2973
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Admin istrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts Manager Olympia WA 98504-2602
1360) 596-4077
E-mail Address
jeff. hllgdahl@wsp.wa.gov

Contract Start Date I Contract End Date I Maximum Contract Amount

January 15, 2009 September 30, 2012 $335,000
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
~ Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
~ Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
~ Additional Exhibits as specified: Exhibit C, Contractor Employee Nondisclosure AJlreement
This Contract, including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties Signing
below warrant that they have read and understand this Contract and have the authority_ to enter into this Contract.
WSP Signature Date Contractor Signature Date

Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


_ WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

January 8, 2009

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications Inc
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373

Dear Mr. Larm:

Subject: WSP Agreement No's. C090550PSC, C090551 PSC, and C090552PSC

and Task Orders No.1

Enclosed are two sets each of the referenced agreements and task orders between the
Washington State Patrol and your organization. Once an approved representative of
your organization has signed these originals, please return all originals to the following:

Ms. Cindy Haider

Budget and Fiscal Services
Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602

One fully executed original of each will be returned to you for your records. The
Washington State Patrol contract tracking numbers are referenced above; please use
these numbers on all correspondence regarding these agreements. If you need further
assistance, please contact Ms. Haider at (360) 596-4071.



c~~~. ~V\
~ 'Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services
---- ,---

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090550PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Operational Applications Inc.

Period of Performance January I, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Kathleena Almquist) shall provide

criminal intelligence analyst services during the time of the period.
of performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor's Employee during this Task Order is
the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$48.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C090550PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $79,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm, (253) 226-9564

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
WSP Contract No.
Other Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
Operational Applications Inc.
Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373
Contact Name Contact Telephone
Mr. DouQ Larm 253-226-9564
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address
WSP Contact Information
WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
WSP Investigative Assistance Division
Lieutenant Randy Drake
PO Box 2347,01 mpia WA 98507-2347
(360) 704-2393
(360) 704-2973
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Admin istrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts Manager Olympia WA 98504-2602
(360) 596-4052
(360) 596-4077
E-mail Address
jeff. hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov

Contract Start Date I Contract End Date I Maximum Contract Amount

January 1, 2009 September 30,2012 $335,000
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
I:8J Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
I:8J Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
I:8J Additional Exhibits as specified: Exhibit C, Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement
This Contract, including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing
below warrant that they have read and understand this Contract and have the authority to enter into this Contract.
WSP Signature Date Contractor Signature Date

Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:

• Raw intelligence classification and analysis

• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies
• Effective communication to help others learn, understand and apply specific criminal
intelligence analysis principles, techniques or information.
• Effective identification, collection, organization and documentation of criminal
intelligence data and information in ways that make the information most useful for
subsequent assessment, analysis and investigation.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Kathleena Almquist WAJAC

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be aSSigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must maintain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is
not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

5. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Initial - 9/30109 10/1/09 - 9/30/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 10/1/11 - 9/30/12
Kathleena Almquist $48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3. of 11


When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

6. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01,1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 11.

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon Signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP. Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 1J

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are deClared to be severable. .

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 11

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to retum within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

WJ)P Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 11



I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C090550PSC or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of 11

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

----"---"-----_._-------_.. __.._ - - - - _.._"_.._-_......_-_.._-----------" ..- . ..- .._. __ _---
From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Sent: Monday, December 22, 200811:26AM
To: 'Doug Larm Operational Applications'
Subject: WSP RFOO C090433PSC

Mr. Larm,
Congratulations; the following have been selected as Apparent Successful Proposers for this procurement

Ms. Sara Lacy

Ms. Kathleen Almquist CO'ToSf>-D psc
Ms. Kia Graham

The Start Date for these contracts will be January 15, 2009. Two original contracts and Task Order No.1 for
each will be mailed out to you for signature within the next two weeks. Please sign all sets and mail all sets back
to my attention at the address listed on the cover letter that will be enclosed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank-you and Merry Christmas!

iV:,;P IiFVQ C(lorJIll([/or
ci}u(v. haider({{.:h,·Sp. wa.g-oj:

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 2:20 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: Analyst

That sounds great Thanks.

Lieutenant Randy Drake

Washington State Patrol I ntelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC)
Cell: 360-239-0359

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wed 12/17/20082:16 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: Analyst

Just to confirm the Start Date for the 5 new Analysts - 1/151097

As per my conversation with S9t Jarmon I will wait for you to contact me on Friday when you are ready for me to
send out the final notifications.


("iwiv Huider
?FS'P Conlracts
cindy. haider@w~J2. wa. gov

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 11 :26 AM
To: 'Doug Larm Operational Applications'
Subject: WSP RFQQ C090433PSC

Mr. Larm,
Congratulations; the following have been selected as Apparent Successful Proposers for this procurement.

Ms. Sara Lacy

Ms. Kathleen Almquist
Ms. Kia Graham

The Start Date for these contracts will be January 15, 2009. Two original contracts and Task Order No.1 for
each will be mailed out to you for signature within the next two weeks. Please sign all sets and mail all sets back
to my attention at the address listed on the cover letter that will be enclosed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank-you and Merry Christmas!

Gill!).' Huillo-
WS!' RFQQ C·OO!'rJifWi()1"
ciJu{V, IUJi£ief\r/lvsp. "H'a.gol<

· .
No. Company TIN UBI POC Title POC First POC Last Address City State Zip Phone Fax E-mail Tm Title Tm First Tm Last
1 Network Transport Engine, 602580868 Me. Micheal Dorsey 3300 NE 11 Ridgefield WA 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167 Mr. Nicholas Jones
2 Nighthawk Analytical 602117883 Me. Harry Hansen 27306 SE I Sammami, WA 98075 (206) 940-0235 nighthawkanal:t!ical@Mr. Harry Hansen
3 Dan K. Melton 602559115 Me. Dan Melton Mr. Dan Mellon
4 Michael R Chamness 602111069 Me. Michael Chamness 8280 NE B Bainbridge WA 98110 (360) 551-2183 mchamnes@leo.gov Mr.! Michael Chamness
5 Chad R. Melton 602558289 Me. Chad Melton 206) 661-7851 (206) 262-2014 chd.melton@gmailco Me. Chad Melton
6 KSNK Enterprise 20-0674694 602373741 Me. Kenneth Crow PO Box 77 Issaquah WA 98027 (425) 837-0229 (425)837-0229 kcrow@ais-seattle.ccMr. Ken Crow
7 Kristof Analysis & Investig, 5 602877420 Mr. John Kristof 7326 46th, Seattle WA 98115 (206) 262-2382 (206) 473-8736 jkristof@leo.gov Ms. John Kristof
8 Intelligence Acumen Me. James Ward 7008 258tr Graham WA 98338 (253) 232-6378 James. Ward@Juno.( Mr. James Ward
9 Centra Technology Inc. 52-1405842 Ms. Eileen O'Sullivan 25 Burlingt Burlington MA 1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osullivane@centram'Ms. Amy Kanawi
9c Centra Technology Inc. Ms. Olivia Goodman
9d Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Nathan Miller
ge Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Michael Steinberg
9f Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Evan Waidley
9g Centra Technology Inc. Ms. Victoria Allen

lOa Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Larm 4227 Soutt Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564 doug.larm@o(2eratior Mr. Dennis Gerber
10b Operational Applications Ms. Sara Lacy
10c Operational Applications Ms. Kathleen Almquist
10d Operational Applications Ms. Kia Graham
10e Operational Applications Ms. Neoma Skye
11 The Confluence Group Inc 20-4527781 602589963 Mr. Luis Vega 2829 Ruck Everett WA 98201 (425) 212-3500 (425)212-3535 Ivega@confluenceca'Mr. David Malinowski
11a The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Brinkley Harrell
11b The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Bob Korter
11c The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Francisco .olivarez
11d The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Carlos Alvarez
11e The Confluence Group Inc Ms. Alice Switzer

No. Company TIN UBI POC Title POC First POC Last Address City State Zip Phone Fax E-mail Tm Title Tm First Tm Last
1 Network Transport Engine, 602580868 Mr. Micheal Dorsey 3300 NE 11 Ridgefield WA 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167 Mr. Nicholas Jones
8 Intelligence Acumen Me. James Ward 7008 258tl" Graham WA 98338 (253) 232-6378 (Mr. James Ward
9 Centra Technology Inc. 52-1405842 Ms. Eileen O'Sullivan 25 Burlingt Burlington MA 1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osullivane@centram'Ms. Amy Kanawi
9a Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Steve Mazel
9b Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Scott Whippo
10 Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Lanm 4227 Soutt Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564 doug.larm@oQeratiorMr. Bill Evans

Responsive Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost Pis (. Eval 1 Eval2 Eval3 Quest Rav Quest (70 Ref 1 Ref2
Yes $44.00 $44.00 $44.20 $44.20 $44.10 13.54 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 56.00 45.00 50.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 38.00 40.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 0.00 0.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 41.00 47.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 47.00 42.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 44.00 44.00
.Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 6.00 6.00 7.00 .6.33 44.33 44.00 45.00
Yes $37.50 $39.00 $40.56 $42.18 $39.81 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00
Yes WITHDR EW $48.34 $50.76
50.00 50.00
$53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 47.00 47.00
Yes $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.67 53.67 50.00 0.00
Yes $48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 50.00 46.00
Yes $48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 50.00 46.00
Yes $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.33 51.33 0.00 43.00

Responsh Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost Pis (15)

Eval1 Eval2 Eval3 Quest Rav Quest (70 Ref 1 Ref 2
Yes $51.00 $51.00 $52.00 $52.00 $51.50 17.48
Yes 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 45.00 50.00
$40.50 $42.12 $43.80 $45.56 $43.00 20.93
Yes 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 28.00 50.00 50.00
$58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00 $64.50 13.95
8.00 7.00 8.00 7.67 53.67 50.00 50.00

Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 p Total Seo"

47.00 47.33 14.20 83.74
37.00 38.33 11.50 58.44
0.00 0.00 0.00 46.94
49.00 45.67 13.70 67.64
45.00 44.67 13.40 74.34
28.00 38.67 11.60 58.54
47.00 45.33 13.60 69.88
47.00 49.00 14.70 78.70

45.00 46.33 13.90 60.17

44.00 31.33 9.40 74.33
46.00 47.33 14.20 67.91
0.00 32.00 9.60 70.31
42.00 28.33 8.50 71.10

Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 p Total Seor,

47.00 47.33 14.20 56.20
47.00 49.00 14.70 42.70
50.00 50.00 15.00 68.67

Threat Defined:

The primarily Latino gang MS-!3 has recently been reported as expanding its
influence throughout the United States; Oregon, Alaska, and California are all
listed as areas of operation for MS-13. By geographical analysis alone, this
constitutes a threat to Washington State. However, Washington State
demographics include an exceptionally large Latino population, heavily
concentrated in the Yakima region.

MS-13 members have been known to specifically target Police officers.

Officers should be aware that members may not b~ deterred by the uniform-
they may be encouraged to assault or kill. Extreme caution is advised when
encountering/confronting a potential member.

Threat Points ofInterest:

• MS-!3 announces its arrival through violence against rival gang members,
including murder, rape, and assault.
• Members are heavily recruited from middle schools and high schools.
• MS-13 members are often tattooed with the gang's symbols.
• MS-!3 funds its operations through activities including car theft, armed robberies,
drug sales, firearm sales, and home-invasions.

Awareness and Prevention:

• Police should be aware of any dramatic increases in levels of criminal activities as

MS-13 announces its arrival via violence.
o When obtaining witness accounts or video evidence, note any descriptions
which include Latinos wearing blue/white jerseys or bandannas. Note any
tattoos which reflect the attached symbols ofMS-13.
• Informing the population of the high risk will increase awareness and counteract
terrorism created by the gang amongst the population.
o Once MS-!3 has established itself in a community, the community is
afraid to tell Police about MS-13 activities and members. By alerting the
population before they are established, MS-!3 may find greater resistance
and police awareness as they attempt to bolster membership and fear
• School should be afforded greater concentrated efforts, as MS-13 recruits its
members by offering skip parties, drugs, sex, and alcohol.
o School officials should be informed regarding the increase in gang activity
and be on the lookout for students discussing MS-13 activities. Students
suddenly found to be truant should be questioned specifically if possible.
Members are also often beaten into the gang; as such, students who appear
to have unexplained injuriesfbruises should be questioned, or their parents
• MS-13 gang members conduct surveillance of targets and areas with potential for
criminal activities.
o Police officers and the public should be on the lookout for personnel
matching the profile discussed above conducting suspicious surveillance
activities, i.e. searching/recording the location of security cameras,
inquiring as to the presence/frequency of police patrols, etc.

Potential Terrorism Applications:

• MS-13 is associated with trafficking both weapons and drugs across the Mexican
border. Washington State shares a border with Canada, and as s\lch is prone to
similar illegal cross border activities as MS-13 moves in with the skills and
knowledge already acquired from their activities along the Mexican border.
o As MS-13 bring larger amounts of weapons and drugs into the area, crime
and terrorist organizations may take advantage of the gang's activities as a
middle man for acquiring weapons for terrorist activities in the
Washington State area to prevent detection of their own operations.
o This is especially possible as gang members become more successful in an
area. MS-13 as a gang is currently a small scale terrorist group, instilling
fear in the public and showing aggression towards the community just as a
terrorist organization does.

Priority Intelligence Requirements:

1.0 Is MS-13 operating in Washington State?

lJ. Are criminal activities reportedly being conducted by individuals
matching the profile of an MS-13 gang member?
1.2 Is there an increase in criminal activities in Latino communities?
2.0 Are terrorists utilizing gangs to prepare and conduct terrorist activities in
Washington State?
l i Do currently suspected terrorist organizations still require
weapons/members to conduct operations?
2.2 Are current members of suspected terrorist organizations open to
incorporating/involving members outside their typical member profile?

Additional Actions I would take

This notice would have pictures of MS-13 tattoos and typical apparel attached.
This notice would be disseminated to all law enforcement agencies in Washington
State, including border security organizations.
I would include the sources of the information and information regarding their
I would create a one page fact sheet on what to look for/ask about when confronted
with a potential MS-13 activity/member.
I would send information requests to the border patrol organizations along the
Mexican-US border to inquire about MS-13 tactics, techniques and procedures for
smuggling weapons/drugs.
~~\<tL<J Mfl'.~u(S{-
Vendor Name q;el]j-hQ~lQ \ ~1jC<d\ONS Vendor Number \0

Evaluator Name ~"," ••t... t

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

Signature /.?uL rt ;JL

, Date_utlL---,'_1L -_o=--::f3__

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. \ for ·30 A
r:;;'c\av;SZt\ \!.,j-l~~",- M~~+
Reference Name _ _ _ ~:r->-"c>~",--",-_c,,,,,,,,,-,-\~,-=-,~:..:G:::."=-=-_-,-C!..!~=':-I"O,-,-I)-t-·_
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: ql?'-ZI.(O-Gfot:tb


2. Why did they choose tl1e proposed Analyst? Score: 10

Nc:.o'> .se.kcA-~d Jr ~\,;:~k&"

3. Proposed Analyst performpnce s. expectations ~ Score: 10

"- +-k boQ.S.; ):'iI-e. $<!C-/\. ---"-" {'

7. itu~~~os~Analyst (friendly, dve~~al, etc.) Score: \0

:t:" v 1:. S e.e I\. , LA,)

e ~-0 f\or G/o.J. €-
nb'\ (30 MSj le-fJ+
\'\'70 1\ : 2-0 ""~j

:r-'ct ~k~l- krvp ~ .j G'\. j'yo..~A- a"'i0~'

"",-«-",,,I ~~ """:'<b" 1 5~
Vendor Name LfU(LtD!\JG [ A.W IrCG-b~(\JS Vendor Number JSl

Evaluator Name {2,.c-J1 Ur. . . kr

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a memberof the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under conSideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the

7! /
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
~Ih my Wmpl"??:~O,"
Signature ~ ~ {.lk- Date rHtf-t7~
Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. z... for ~ -\-h ~~""- A-\M-f().M"!:. +
Reference Name fu ~ c.l~~ Z-J.1...oJ ar J...S llV'-t>l.JoC)
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone:'20"2..- zgb - 1 Bb~
1. r'hat did th~roposed An our com..l2§.ny? /' /score:.---:'\L......_
S S c:::.c....;\"\"""U A..... I~O'" (....<:... (

2. Why did they choose the proposed Analyst? Score: \0

3. ..£roposed Analyst pertor ance vs. expectapono/

;-t:t r c:::.. )( C-o!:.e:£~ e.. ~"f,'DAf.

6. Score:_-.-l-+,_

7. """"....",de of J¥oJlosed AI].alyst (fri ndly. advers~rial. etc.)

7.1'ert,d 1l4. ~ ~or /L I

c .... ll
~-IM\e..w Mrnlbv <>+- .
Vendor Name Cf~OrJc..l ~plt1c+;ON:S Vendor Number jQ.

Evaluator Name ~",j~l cwL

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my complet evaluation sheet.

Signature - -'!>. .,.=I. . C~=- ~.!'-. .:!JL:. .: : ~: : : . .______

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1. ~at d~ proposed fo<rialyst do for your c

S :f-- t-' r () c.~,,:> I

2. Score: 10

3. roposed A aly t performance vs. expec~a~°Xe. ~-o Score: tD

6. i\t:2fty of the propose~ 11~t to meet schedules and deadlines Score: e

7. of P!pposed Analyst (friendly, adver~rial, etc.) l Score: 8

0 tvit.lf~
-(., l\~ p&~SS"'OI'\.e>....._
Vendor Name Of Q5{'L:\\OOcJ 1\t>9 Ii ~o...--\-;Ot0S ~c Vendor Number--.l1L

Team Member Name Kdb' €R t\l (\,1 en <b v i st-

!jg Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
D Proposed for Both

Evaluator Name ___..J--=,..,...'-!'(M1Il==-""lfi"''-' :..S""'' -----''5mA==''"W'-' '--'' Pc'--_ __


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my complet d evaluat n sheet.

Signature ---:;4""'"~...jL~====------- Date_--"l.U+(.>....II1>j-{6'b''--_

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements,

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page I 00

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
~e Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
GIYes D No
~the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
MYes D No
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) te

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
DYes D No
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
DYes D No

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include infonnation on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent infonnation. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 3 00

Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name Cfesa\sQ(Wo,\ f\2I2Lcg 'h Vendor NumberJIL

Team Member Name KcAbJesN MCf\~v'\S±

!'lI Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
o Proposed for Both
~ }.--.-'
' -/-{--"'.<"",c,_C_._\~":...':...v'-_V'<_·'~___'_ _ __
Evaluator Name _ _ _ _


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would' place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my partiCipation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

c _ _~2,--_
Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date_ _I_/...:;:...:/_f_;;_~I_~_

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

,WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 1 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
~.s e Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
~Yes ONo
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
'ikYes 0 No
A If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) G

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
DYes ONo
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
DYes 0 No
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services. identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC _ Page 3 oD

Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name OeHa.~ ~l: CCL-h'O-"lS :f-.vc. Vendor NumberJQ..

Team Member Name Ko,I\:I,J ~ \j\ro~;;J

J2g Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

D Proposed for Both r

o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
_II /
Evaluator Name t./& l! '- JA{2.,!VLO~
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the informatio w or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed ev eet.

Signature ---z:frL-hq....--T';,,?-{;A.4<4-':::..l.---- I......;.y_-_u_f_


Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 1 of)

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
~heTeam Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
~Yes 0 No
..Q!? the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
IITYes 0 No
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include infonnation on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent infonnation. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst rvices Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
DYes DNo
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
DYes DNo

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
.intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 30f3

Evaluation Score Sheet
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Exhibit B


One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted
with the Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances
were signed by a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.

@ 4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

@ Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00pm on November 14, 2008.

@ The Consultant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington.

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any
proposed Consultant Team Member(s):

Has previously served as an intelligence analyst for a minimum of two (2) years either in
a Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement
intelligence unit; or, has a Bachelor's degree or higher college degree in criminal justice,
law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field that substitutes for the work
experience requirement; arid

Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline

proficiency in intelligence analysis and production. .

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates
that any proposed Consultant Team Member: .

Has four years of progressively responsible work experience in either in a Federal

intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit;

Possess a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; or, an Associates'

degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or related field from an
accredited college or university; and

Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline

proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed
Consultant Team Members does not exceed $50.00.

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services the hourly reimbursement rate for
proposed Consultant Team Member does not exceed $60.00.

@ The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for every
Consultant Team Member proposed for work. The form is Signed by each respective
proposed Consultant Team Member.

@ Proposal provided 90 days of acceptance of its terms from the due date of proposals.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

@ operational
APplications Inc
Submitted In Response to State of WashingtonlWashington State Patrol
Request for Qualifications/Quotations (RFQQ) No. C090433PSC

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

Nuv 14 200a
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Table of Contents

Section Page

Table of Contents..................................................................... ........................... 2

1.0 - Letter of Submittal............... ........................................................................ 3

2.0 - Certifications and Assurances (Exhibit A to RFQQ)... .......................................... 5

3.0 - Response to Questionnaire (Exhibit C to RFQQ)....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... 6

3.1 - Team Members Qualifications/Experiences with Resumes ................................. 6

3.2 - Team Member Qualifications/Experiences: Lead Service with Resume........... ... 27

3.3 - References........................................................................................... 34

. 3.4 - Related Information................................. ................................................. 40

. 3.5 - Waiver and Authorization to Release Information....................................... ..... 40

4.0 - Quotation (Exhibit D to RFQQ) .......................................................................... 41

5.0 - Waiver and Authorization to Release Information (Exhibit E to RFQQ) ....................... 42

Tab A - Team Member's Certificates of Intelligence Analyst Training ................................ .48

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

2 @ operatlonal
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 1.0


Ms. Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator

Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia, Washington 98504-2602

Operational Applications Incorporated is pleased to submit this proposal in response to the

State of WashingtonlWashington State Patrol Request for Qualifications/Quotations (RFQQ)
Number C090433PSC soliciting consultants that can provide criminal intelligence analyst
services at the Washington Joint Analytical Center housed in the Seattle Field Office of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Operational Applications Incorporated is currently a sole-proprietorship company established in

2006. As an emerging consulting enterprise, Operational Applications focuses on effects-based
planning and operations bringing vision, innovation and solutions to contemporary intelligence
and analytical challenges. The approach offered under this proposal encompasses a six-
member team-based criminal intelligence analyst service involving military intelligence expertise
under wartime operations, law enforcement experience, counterintelligence credentials,
intelligence operations' planning -proficiency and extensive operational training in all-source and
single source intelligence disciplines supporting fusion analyses.

Operational Applications Incorporated will administratively support the proposed six-member

criminal intelligence analyst team with a project management expert to ensure the contract
business processes do not encumber or distract from the daily work performances expected of
the intelligence analysts. This single-point-of-contact offers WSP with the maximum flexibility in
achieving streamline efficiency in financial reimbursements and contract administration.
Further, there is no cost impact to WSP for this administrative project management.

As a team concept, the proposed criminal intelligence analyst-lead service is empowered by

Operational Applications Incorporated as the company's Director of Intelligence Operations to
gain and maintain continuity of operations with the company's analysts. This approach provides
WSP with maximum intelligence production efficiency and knowledge management.

Submitted this day by Doug Larm, Proprietor, Operational Applications Incorporated:

s i g n a t u r .__- - -

Title PI2(;i::ff/XfAfT Date (DDIMMIYY)

y/u; -,.,tJILIJ;£/~t{ I?/;~f'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

3 @
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 1.0


1.1 - Attachment

Mr. Doug Larm, Proprietor

Operational Applications Incorporated
4227 South Meridian
Mailing Address Suite C366
Puyallup, Washington 98373
13405 159'h Street Court East
Physical Address
Puyallup, Washington 98374
Telephone Number (253) 226-9564
E-Mail Address doug.larm@operationalapplications.com
FederallD Number or EIN30-0369267
USI 602632122
Consultant Status Sole Proprietorship

Operational Applications Incorporated is proud to identify the company·employees proposed for

work as criminal intelligence analysts: .

Bill Evans Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Service

Dennis Gerber Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Sara Lacy Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Kathleen Almquist Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Kia Graham Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Neoma Skye Criminal Intelligence Analyst

Submitted this day by Doug Larm, Proprietor, Operational Applications Incorporated:


Title i?a/~wl Date (DDIMMIYY)

~tB ~/jtrJPI2t~ 1Jj;Ij&t

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

4 @ operationai
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 2.0


l!we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance
with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. l!we declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However,
l!we may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 90 days following receipt, and it may be
accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of
certainty in key terms) at any time within the 90-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, I/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the
state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract,
and who was assisting ih other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these
assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5. I/we understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of
this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and I/we claim no proprietary right to
the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have
not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her
prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7. I/we agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation
contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. If there are
any exceptions to these terms, I/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached
to this document.

8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to
submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

9. I/we certify that neither the Proposer nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in any
contract resulting from this procurement by any federal department or agency. Further, if
awarded a contract the Proposer agrees not to enter into any arrangements or other contracts
with any party that is on the "General Service Administration List of Parties Excluded from
Federal Procurement or Non-procurement Programs" which can be found at www.epls.gov.

Sigoot,mof_=, ~___
Title jl;ti:-.f/j)ri'Ai/ Date (DDIMMIYY)

Sou;:- -;MO;¥/tqtJ-< ($If;/df'

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit A)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

5 @ operational .
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0


3.1 - Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst


Our team members possess special qualifications, unique personal attributes and measurable
knowledge, skills and abilities required to succeed in supporting intelligence efforts by local,
regional and federal agencies. Our team-based approach integrates individual skills, training
and experiences into a high performing, mature and cohesive work unit focused on common
. goals: collaborate, cooperate, communicate and achieve. Our team-based approach benefits
Washington State by building a stronger workplace community ready to initiate professional
criminal intelligence analytical service and support at the start of contract work beginning day
. one.

All of the Operational Applications intelligence analysts meet, and with most of the
requirements, exceed the minimal standards established by the RFQQ. A further enhancement
of our team-based approach is our demonstrative work history, training and experience
surpassing the Department of Justice Minimum Criminal Intelligence Training Standards
Findings and Recommendations dated October 2007. For example, our proposed team
cumulatively consists of:

• Direct interrogation experience dealing with suspected terrorists

• Extensive intelligence support to US military combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
• Comprehensive knowledge, understanding and experience with federal, state and local
law enforcement agencies and with private businesses and public organizations security
• Consisterit and proven work history in intelligence analysis, collection management and
dissemination, and in using advanced analytical techniques, processes and assessment
• Well-rounded experience with international, national, strategic, operational and tactical
level intelligence agencies, organizations and systems
• Over 57 years of direct, relevant work experience in collecting, interpreting, analyzing,
and processing raw data and information from multiple sources, disciplines and agencies
• Substantiated expertise in writing, collating, and disseminating intelligence reports, daily
. briefs and periodic assessments
• Proven background in developing web-based information and knowledge portals
• Credentialed counter-intelligence special agents
• Operational insights and established contacts with other fusion center analysts, security
specialists, and officials in other state, local and federal agencies, private industry and
public resources
• Full spectrum of experience at adapting and utilizing military intelligence analytical tools
and methodology to non-traditional military operations such as combating terrorism and
organized crime
• Power users and program experts in Microsoft Office applications, software
programming languages, visualization and geographic information programs
• All team members possessing current federal level security clearances based on
favorable background checks

.Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

6 @ Qperatlonal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.1.1 - Dennis Gerber

Background: Dennis Gerber is a professional intelligence operations

analyst with an extensive law enforcement background encompassing
over twenty-four years in Washington State culminating with thirteen
years as Renton Police Commander. As a former King County Regional
Intelligence Analyst, he merged law enforcement operational insights with
ongoing intelligence research, investigations and special projects. He
assisted other regional intelligence analysts with research, investigative
leads and liaison with outside individuals, organizations and agencies.
He established contacts with fusion center analysts, security specialists,
and officials in other state, local and federal agencies, private industry
and public resources to obtain and exchange information. He analyzed
information to determine relevance, significance and applicability to ongoing King County law
enforcement operations. He developed additional clarifying information in order to provide
precise, specialized or customized information to meet both stated and unrealized analytical
needs of the county. He researched, reviewed, interpreted and integrated a variety of finished
and unfinished intelligence into a structured, multi-layered analytical product enhancing King
County's situational awareness and understanding of contemporary and potential terror acts
and emerging organized crime activities against regional jurisdictions, critical infrastructure,
services and the county at large.

• Formal education: Master in Public Administration and MBA; BAin Political Science
(application courses in statistical analysis and research)
• National security work experience: three years as a King County regional intelligence
analyst supporting the Washington Joint Analytical Center
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: two years as adjunct instructor for
Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs basic intelligence course (Role of
Intelligence Analyst); completed WASPC basic intelligence course, Foundations of
Intelligence Analysis Training and Drug Intelligence Analysis in 2006
• Microsoft Office software proficiem;y over fifteen years daily proficiency in
substance, organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication
developed through Microsoft Office suite applications

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

7 @ Qperatlonal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Dennis Gerber's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an MEETS Requirement Served three years as an intelligence analyst supporting
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two King County Regional Intelligence Group
years either in a federal intelligence agency,
the military or state and/or local law
training to ensure baseline proficiency by i Association of and Police two
years as adjunct instructor for basic WASPC intelligence course I of
Intelligence Analyst); completed the Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training.
sponsored by IALEIA and LEIU, the Drug Intelligence Analysis training through the
National Drug Intelligence Center and i2 Analysts Notebook training in 2006; also
completed Law Enforcement Intelligence Toolbox training sponsored by the School
of Criminal Justice. Michigan State University and the Department of Homeland
years i
Office products stand-alone and networked environments; demonstrable
proficiency using PowerPoint. Access/Excel and Word for intelligence and criminal
investigative presentations, studies, analyses, and briefings

a current
security cle~rance level security clearance

Resume: Dennis Gerber is a dedicated intelligence analyst combining extensive law

enforcement background with three years of specialized experience in searching, extracting and
analyzing raw data and information for relevance, significance and applicability to King County's
regional intelligence work objectives. His background enables him to bridge the intelligence
.gaps with detectives, sheriffs and other investigative officers throughout statewide law
enforcement agencies. He is suited to provide the intelligence analyst team with case
management awareness and with coordinating information needs arising from project activities.
Over the last three years as an intelligence analyst, he has conducted research using various
organizations internal databases and shared resulting data in order to clarify, substantiate or
discover investigative leads.

• Professional Experience

Intelligence Analyst, King County Sheriff's Office/Criminallnvestigations Division, 2005~9/08

Performed as one of three intelligence analysts supporting the Washington Joint Analytical
Center's Regional Intelligence Group 6. Responsible for infusing an all crimes approach with
emerging analytical processes to determine potential links and connections to terrorism,
organized crime and all other criminal acts. Collected information, synthesized relevant data
and established situational evidence into potential criminal investigative facts in order to
determine trends and provide intelligence feedback.

Investigator, Yarmuth, Wilsdon & Calfo PLLC, 2002-2005

Performed as an Investigator for a Seattle-based attorney's firm. This firm focused on trial and
appellate work, dispute resolution, and counsel and advice in both civil and white-collar criminal
cases. As an Investigator, worked on illegal satellite piracy for DircTV, utilizing the Digital
Millennium Act. Also worked on the illegal downloading and file sharing of copyrighted music for
the Recording Industry Association of America (RIM) under the Federal Copyright Act.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services -

8 @ Qperationai .
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

Police Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Patrol Services Division, 1995-2000

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for all motorcycle officers, accident

reconstruction investigators, fatality accident investigations, animal control and parking
enforcement. Commanded 21 man multi-agency Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT).
Commanded one offour SWAT teams implemented during the 1999 World Trade Organization
conference in Seattle. Provided venue security for Heads of State and world diplomats.
Provided leadership and direction for law enforcement action under extreme riot like conditions.
Implemented and managed Police Services contract for the City of Newcastle. Interim Police
Chief for the City of Newcastle overseeing all aspects of the police department. Worked closely
with the Newcastle City Manager and council members.

Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Administrative Services Division, 1993-1995

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for coordinating and providing all aspects of
training for the police department. Commanded the department's crime prevention program that
provided numerous community outreach programs. Commanded the Drug Abuse Resistance
Education (DARE) and Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT) programs. This
required a close working relationship with all educators and school administrators alike. These
programs provided drug and gang training to thousands of school children. Supervised all
recruitment for the agency and provided all background investigations on new police
candidates. Provided research and development on new equipment and technologies.
Directed a volunteer staff of over 50 personnel.

Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Patrol Operations Division, 1989-1993

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for First Watch, Second Watch and Third
. Watch patrol shifts, directing over 60 uniformed officers. Commanded the K-9 Units as well as
the Bicycle Patrol Unit. Served as an Administrative Member on the Renton Police Department
Review Board. Participated in the oversight and review of all officer-involved shootings, motor
. vehicle accidents and other problematic officer-involved incidents.

Acting Deputy Chief, City of Renton Police Department, Support Services Bureau, 1992-1993

Performed as Bureau Commander responsible for the Administrative Services Division,

Auxiliary Services Division and the Records Division. Support Services Bureau responsibilities
included Training, Crime Prevention, DAR.E., Recruitmer)t, Records, Jail, Evidence, and
Accreditation (Both State & National). Served as an Administrative Member on the Renton
Police Department Review Board.

Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Auxiliary Services Division, 1987-1989

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for Jail, Inmate Health and Welfare, Weapons
Permits, Fingerprints and Evidence. Commanded a jail that provided over 30 outside agency
contracts for jail services. This included federal, state, tribal and local agencies. Responsible
for providing and processing all weapon permit requests as well as providing background
investigations on weapon permit applicants. Provided fingerprint processing on all bookings
and arrests as well as all school teachers within the district as required by law and all other
license applicants such as masseuses. Responsible for the evidence collection and proceSSing
of all crime scenes.

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• Education

Master of Public Administration/MPA, City University, Seattle, WA, 1982

Master of Business Administration/MBA, City University, Seattle, WA, 1982

Bachelor of Arts - Political Science, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, 1979

• Job-Related Training

Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, Executive Level Certificate, Seattle,

NW Law Enforcement.Executive Command College, Port Ludlow, WA, 1995

Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy, Quantico, VA, 1994

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3.1.2 - Sara Lacy

Background: Sara Lacy is a West Point graduate and a professional

intelligence analyst with over ten years of military intelligence experience
encompassing human intelligence, counter-intelligence and technical
aviation operations in support of Army intelligence programs in Iraq,
Korea, Germany and stateside assignments. She has performed as a
senior intelligence analyst with responsibility for cross-functional
intelligence cycle processes including synchronizing requirements,
analyzing raw data and disseminating timely information in a clear and
understandable format. As a senior intelligence officer supporting Army
operations in Iraq, she has tracked Iraqi ground forces, analyzed the Sara Lacy
placement of units, and provided substantive input to the senior military
. collection manager for synchronizing tactical reconnaissance operations and national
intelligence assets in northern Iraq. This support, called Operation Northern Watch, enforced
the no-fly zone after the first Gulf War in 1991. She was responsible for identifying, confirming
and informing US Air Force and Allied pilots on potential surface-to-air missile or anti-air attack
sites. She developed a fusion process merging Top Secret human intelligence reports with
databases of other intelligence agencies mindful of emerging information security protection
reqUirements unfolding through her innovative use of classified, highly controlled inforrnation.
She quickly developed a professional rapport with foreign military liaisons and was so
successful in developing intelligence briefs for Turkey's General Staff Officers she was selected
by-name to repeat her short-tour assignment. As a result, the US and Allied military forces were
able to identify and quickly target hostile military positions in northern Iraq thereby saving the
lives of many transiting pilots.

• Formal education: BS in Spanish/German with minor in environmental engineering;
slated to complete BS in Information TechnologyNisual Communication spring 2009
• National security work experience: over ten years in US Army intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: graduate of US Army military intelligence
officer basic course; selected to perform as an observer/controller in US Army Europe
training center responsible for coaching, teaching and mentoring junior and senior
intelligence officers in all aspects of intelligence operations
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over ten years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications--considered expert/power-user; proficient in
MS Visio and Project; skilled in HTML and Javascript; and able to program in Java and

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Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Sara Lacy's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an EXCeEOS Requirement Over ten years progressive military intelligence service
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two with two years analytical support to Operation Northern Watch and military combat
years either in a federal intelligence agency, service in Iraq from Jan - Dec 2004
the military or state and/or local law
enforcement intellIgence unit
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCeeDS Requirement. Completed US Army military intelligence basic officers
training to ensure baseline proficiency course; adjunct observer/controller in Army Europe training center responsible for
coaching. teaching and mentoring junior and senior intelligence officers in all
aspects of intellifience operations
Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office EXCEEOS Requirement. Expert/power-user with ten years hands-on experience
Suite applications with Microsoft Office products in stand-alone and networked environments;
demonstrable expertise using PowerPoint, Access/Excel and Word for intelligence
presentations, studies, analyses, and briefings; and proficient in MS Visio, Project,
skilled i':l HTML and Javascript and able to program in Java and C+

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement. Possesses current Defense Oepartment Top
security clearance Secret/Special Background Investigation-level security clearance

Resume: Sara Lacy is an innovative thinker and a professional intelligence analyst with over
ten years experience including wartime intelligence operations. She has performed as a
national level intelligence analyst responsible for producing country studies and other strategic
intelligence reports, as an operational level intelligence analyst responsible for finding,
identifying and locating hostile military air attack sites in northern Iraq, and as a tactical level
intelligence analyst in Korea responsible for analyzing problematic indications and warning
associated with ongoing US Forces peacekeeping operations on the Korean peninsula. Her
background supports critical work requirements for assessing information needs, identifying
analysis techniques, identifying risks, evaluating alternative solutions, identifying information
. gaps and establishing work priorities. Her wartime service contributes significant intelligence
experience in writing, collating and disseminating analytical reports, daily briefs and periodic

• Professional Experience

Company Commander [Captain (CPT), Military Intelligence (MI)), 345th MI Battalion, Military
Intelligence Reserve Command, Jasper, AL, 2/07-3/08

Commanded the Theater Ground Intelligence Center (TGIC) support company. Responsible for
providing two combat-ready multi-discipline intelligence fusion teams which supported wartime
operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. The TGIC fusion teams are responsible for maintaining
situational awareness and situational understanding on emerging conditions existing within
assigned countries of studies in our region. We developed and maintained intelligence
preparation of the battlefield products, analytical assessments, and developed indications and
warning. Further, a major fusion team responsibility was to find and screen data potentially
indicating the presence or activities of terrorist groups that may have been operating in our
assigned region.

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Intelligence Staff Officer [CPT/Mil, 3451h MI Battalion, Military Intelligence Reserve Command,
Fort Gordon, GA, 7106-2/07

As the Intelligence Officer, responsible for ensuring personnel security and physical security of
classified documents within the battalion's area of responsibility. As part of ensuring personnel
security my team conducted preliminary investigations for personnel requesting security .
clearances, as well as starting the process for periodic reviews for personnel already in
possession of a valid security clearance. My team provided oversight for the maintenance of two
different locations secured for use with processing, transmitting and storing Secret classified
information. I conducted regular inspections to ensure that the storage facilities conformed to
published regulations and reported monthly on the status of all classified documents and
systems in these two facilities. Provided oversight for two subordinate units that maintained
Secret classified document storage safes outside of these facilities and ensured that their
procedures and storage equipment also conform.ed to published regulations.

Intelligence Staff Officer [CPT/Mil, 5041h MI Brigade, Fort Hood, TX, 1/03-4/05

As an Intelligence Officer, served in Iraq from January to December 2004. Responsible for daily
reporting of personnel accountaOility for more than 2000 Soldiers and civilians stationed in
numerous cities, operating bases and enclaves positioned throughout Iraq. Coordinated the
Rest and Relaxation (R&R) program for the entire Brigade, ensuring that no unit fell below 90%
strength. Responsible for all casualty reporting within the Brigade. This report included all
Soldiers listed as Wounded In Action (WIA), Killed in Action (KIA) and Missing in Action (MIA).
My team tracked the movement of Soldiers and/or remains until final destination in the US.

Intelligence Staff Officer [CPT/Mil, 41h Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Ansbach, Germany 9/01-

Two days before 9/11, I assumed staff duties as the senior intelligence officer in the brigade
with responsibility for keeping the commanders and senior officers informed on emerging
events, indications and warning and potential applications to our mission readiness. As the
senior brigade intelligence officer, performed as the commander'S representative during the
. Force Protection Working Group meetings. These meetings, developed in the days following
9/11, focused on force protection measures for three US military installations located in
Germany. These installations housed US military forces and family members as well as serving
as the garrison command locations for divisional units. Responsible for establishing the force
protection plans for these installations, for determining physical security guard rotations and for
standardizing operating procedures for guard forces at five different locations in the German
community. Additionally responsible for coaching, teaching and mentoring other intelligence
officers in the intelligence process and cycle with special emphasiS on intelligenCe production
and dissemination focused on Army aviation operations during assignment as an
observer/controller at the largest combat maneuver training center in Germany.

Intelligence Staff Officer [CPT/Mil. Iraqi Ground Forces Order of Battle Section, Operation
Northern Watch 3/01-7/01 and 4/02-5/02

Responsible for tracking Iraqi Ground Forces, analyzing the placement and movement of units,
providing input to the collection manager to facilitate the use of Tactical Reconnaissance and
National assets in Northern Iraq. Conducted weekly meetings with the senior intelligence officer
responsible for collection management as well as providing a "focus" meeting before each
mission in order to emphasize speCial interest ground targets. These meetings were important

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because national intelligence assets would exploit these targets. Provided detailed information
about the disposition, strength and location of Iraqi ground forces. Responsible for supporting a
section of political and military analysts coordinating with foreign military embassies in Turkey in
order to maintain situational awareness of any political situation that might adversely, or
positively, impact Allied aviation missions over Northern Iraq. Conducted daily mission briefs for
the senior commanders and staff as well as detailed intelligence briefings for the pilots.
Exploited multiple national agency databases and monitored different classified message traffic
to synthesize current, real-time information on national imagery products. These products were
extremely useful in conjunction with various intelligence reports and data feeds to help visualize
the ground order of battle situation for the other staff members.

Platoon Leader [LieutenantlMI], B Company, 102nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 2nd Infantry
Division, Camp Essayons, Republic of Korea, 1/99-1/00

Platoon leader or officer-in-charge of a 10 Soldier team of intelligence analysts known as an

Analysis and Control Team (ACT). The ACT mission is to provide immediate, timely analysis of
battlefield events and information to a senior commander. Assisted in the development of Army
intelligence doctrine for the forming, fielding and deploying of an ACT. Responsible for
developing training framework for the ACT that transformed into a multi-discipline extension of
an Army ground command unit in order to conduct missions in peacetime, conflict and war
against threats ranging from regional powers, warring factions, and guerilla teams. As a platoon
leader for one of the first Army ACT teams, I was responsible for creating a training structure for
the team to later include unmanned aerial vehicle imagery specialists.

• Education

University of Phoenix, BS Information TechnologyNisual Communication, spring 2009; Fort

Lewis, WA

United States Military Academy at West Point, BS Spanish/German with minor in environmental
engineering; West Point, NY, 1998

• Job-Related Training

Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course, Fort Huachuca, AZ, 1998

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3.1.3 - Kia Graham

Background: Kia Graham is a professional intelligence analyst with

over five years of military intelligence experience encompassing regional
fusion analyses including support to wartime operations in Iraq as well as
direct analytical support to over 100 strategic interrogations of high-value
human intelligence targets as a senior intelligence analyst with Joint
Task Force Guantanamo Bay-Cuba. She has progressive experience in
intelligence positions ranging from a supervisor of human intelligence
collection operations to lead intelligence analyst in a fusion analysis
section. She assisted in the creation and facilitation of an Intelligence
Information Upload Project with US Southern Command. This effort Kia Graham
proved critical to the management and archive storage of all information
related to detainees at Guantanamo Bay-Cuba. She possesses comprehensive knowledge of
Defense Department and Intelligence Community organizations, missions and functions. Her
experience has proven invaluable in providing her with context in understanding and working
with the inter-relationship maze associated with national and Defense Department intelligence

• Formal education: slated to complete BA in Intelligence Studies with a focus on
Terrorism in summer 2009; currently maintaining 4.0 GPA
• National security work experience: over five years in intelligence with positions in
tactical and national level organizations including as an intelligence analyst supporting
US Special Operations in Iraq in 2004-2005; experience as lead intelligence liaison with
federal law enforcement agencies, major military commands, international committees,
and other government agencies
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: graduate of US Army Counter-Intelligence
Special Agent course and Joint Interrogation certification course; completed US Army
Intelligence Support in Counter-Terrorism course and US Army basic intelligence analyst
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over five years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications

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Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Kia Graham's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an EXCEeDS Requirement. Over five years progressive military intelligence service
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two in positions of tactical and national strategic organizations including as an
years either in a federal intelligence agency, intelligence analyst in Iraq and as a strategic analyst of all-source and finished
the military or state and/or local law intelligence products addressing transnational, international terrorism and terror-
enforcement intelligence unit related activities in support of Joint Task Force Intelligence and Interrogation
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCeeOS Requirement. Completed US Army Counter-Intelligence Special Agent
training to ensure baseline proficiency Course, Intelligence Support in Counter-Terrorism Course and US Army basic
intelligence analyst course; completed joint intelligence training on asymmetric
warfare intelliQence analysis course
Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office eXCeeDS Requirement. Considered product Power-user; over five years hands-
Suite applications on experience with Microsoft Office products in stand-alone and networked
environments; demonstrable profiCiency using PowerPoint, AccessfExcel and Word
for intelligence and criminal investigative presentations, studies, analyses, and

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level. MEETS Requirement. Possesses current Defense Department Top
security clearance Secret/Special Background Investigation-level security clearance

Resume: Kia Graham is a US Army Reserve Counter-Intelligence Special Agent with over five
years of progressive wartime intelligence operations experience. She has supported over 100
strategic interrogations of high-value human intelligence targets as a senior intelligence analyst
with Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay-Cuba. She has created and disseminated over 100 in-
depth all-source analytical products to law enforcement, intelligence agencies and foreign
governments in her wartime support role. Her professional experience and innovative mind
enabled her to exceed the required analytical production rate three-fold. She has liaised on a
daily basis with the US military criminal investigative task force, combatant commands, Federal
Bureau of Investigation and other governmental agencies as well as with Defense Department
and Justice Department. One of her most significant wartime service contributions included the
development of over thirty terrorist targeting packets in support of collection operations and
direct action missions which resulted in the apprehension of al-Qaeda operatives, foreign
fighters, and members of the former Saddam regime.

• Professional Experience

Lead Intelligence Analyst, Fusion Analysis Section, Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
10106 - 02/08

Consistently provided timely and accurate analysis of all-source information and finished
intelligence products addressing transnational, international terrorism and terrorism-related
activities to support Joint Task Force intelligence and interrogation operations. Created and
disseminated over 100 fused in-depth all-source intelligence analysiS products to law
enforcement, intelligence agencies and foreign government services. Maintained situational
awareness and understanding of emerging events described in message traffic and intelligence
products. Liaised on a regular basis with criminal investigative task force, combatant
commands, Federal Bureau of Investigation, other governmental agencies and a myriad of other
Defense Department and Justice Department organizations.

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Intelligence Analyst, Fusion Analysis Section/Gulf States Regional Team, Joint Task Force-
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 01/06 -10/06

Provided relevant, accurate and timely analytical support to ten human intelligence collection
teams assigned to the Gulf States region. Attended weekly coordination meetings and was a
contributing analyst to collection strategy sessions. Provided analytical comments on over 30
in-production intelligence information reports. Created intelligence summaries for over 80
intelligence information reports created by the Gulf States team. She reviewed and updated
over 100 detainee analytical support packages. Liaised with respective regional commands;
maintained collaborative processes with other fusion analysis sections.

Human Intelligence Collection Operations Supervisor/Intelligence Analyst, Interrogation

Control Element North Africa/Europe Regional Team, Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, 07/04 -11/05

She was responsible for intelligence reqUirements management. Provided analytical input for
over 50 interrogation control plans. Performed liaison and coordination planning with federal
law enforcement agencies, major military commands, international committees and other
governmental agencies. She developed all-source analytical products in support of North
Africa/Europe Regional Team's collection efforts. Assisted in the creation of and facilitation for
an Intelligence Information Upload Project. This project managed and archived relevant
detainee intelligence information. Selected to teach this project to senior officers. Served as a
senior military analyst for a visiting foreign delegation from an African Union member state.
Provided assessments, analyses and informational updates on selected high-value detainees.

Intelligence Operations Supervisor/Intelligence Analyst, Joint Special Operations Command

Task Force 6-26, Iraq, 11/04 - 05/05

She performed specialized duties as a counter-terrorism analyst and as the Intelligence

Operations Manager for a Joint Special Operations team. Provided analytical support to answer
time-sensitive and critical priority information requirements. Developed over 30 terrorist
targeting packets in support of collection operations and direct action missions. This support
resulted in the apprehension of al-Qaeda operatives, foreign fighters and members of the former
Saddam regime. Generated over 2,000 intelligence-based assessments in support of tactical
planning. Developed and maintained· an all-source intelligence database in support of future
targeting operations. Performed collection management functions to include handling requests
for information, disseminating intelligence to internal and external agencies and generating
analytical evaluations. Lead liaison officer with federal law enforcement agencies and military
magistrates. Established document exploitation priorities and supervised accountability of all
captured enemy media, equipment and currency. Managed all movement of detainees and
associated case evidence. Daily briefed the command and staff on all operational and
intelligence collection operations.

• Education

American Military University, BA in Intelligence Studies with a focus on Terrorism in summer

2009; Fort Lewis, WA

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• Job-Related Training

Joint Interrogation Certification Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Huachuca,
AZ, Oct 2008

US Army Counter-Intelligence Special Agent Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School,
Fort Huachuca, AZ, Jul 2008

Intelligence Support in Counter-Terrorism Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort
Huachuca, AZ, Jun 2004

Intelligence Analyst Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Huachuca, AZ, Sep

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3.1.4 - Kathleena Almquist

Background: Kathleena Almquist is an intelligence analyst with over

four years of US Army military intelligence experience and training; with
fifteen months operational experience in support of Operation Iraqi
Freedom as a member of Third Stryker Brigade Second Infantry
Division's brigade level intelligence team based out of Fort Lewis,
Washington. She will graduate with high honors and receive an
Associate in Arts and Sciences degree next month, with concentrations
in writing intensive and multicultural investigative courses. She has
received military training from the Department of Defense in intelligence
analysis and mobile warning analysis. She has completed programs in Kathleena Almquist
security management and is a graduate of the US Army Counter-Intelligence course.

• Formal education: AAS - Dec 2008 (elements of Asian Language and Culture,
intensive writing, and mathematical reasoning)
• National security work experience: over four years in US Army Intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: completed intelligence training such as the
Mobile Warning Analysis Course from the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center and
US Army Counter-Intelligence course
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over four years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications

Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminallnteliigence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant ReqUirements Kathleena AlmqUist's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an EXCEeDS Requirement. Over four years progres~ive military intelligence service .
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two including over 2 years active analytical support for 3-2 Stryker Brigade in garrison,
years either in a federal intelligence agency, military _combat service in Mosul, Baghdad, and Baqubah Iraq from Jun 2006 - Sep
the military or state andlor local law 2007, and current reserve service since Feb 2008
enforcement intelliaence unit
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCeEOS Requirement. Completed US Army military intelligence advanced
training to ensure baseline profiCiency individual training course; intelligence training in Mobile Warning Analysis-
indicators and warning analysis; and US Anny Counter-Intelligence course
Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office MEETS ~equirement Over four years of daily PowerPoint, Access/Excel and
Suite applications Word use for intelligence presentations, studies, analyses. and briefings

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement Possesses current Defense Department Top
security clearance Secret/Special Background Investigation-level security clearance

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Resume: Kathleena Almquist is a US Army Reserve Military Intelligence Sergeant with over 4
years of military intelligence service. Her experience includes all-source intelligence analysis at
. the tactical level while interacting and sharing information with adjacent commands and
specialized organizations. She is confident, resourceful, and intelligent, and exceeds
expectations and reqUirements when accomplishing tasks. As a professional intelligence
analyst, she is capable of making timely decisions with minimal supervision. Additionally, she
communicates complex ideas in an understandable, effiCient, and professional manner. She
has demonstrated the ability to create, integrate, and improve intelligence products and
procedures. Her technical expertise covers a range of intelligence functions including human
intelligence, signals intelligence, and imagery intelligence. She uses her exceptional analytical
abilities, coupled with excellent written and oral communications skills, to translate information
into a synthesized intelligence product.

• Professional Experience

Intelligence Sergeant [Sergeant (SGT), Military Intelligence (MI)], 301 51 Maneuver

Enhancement Brigade (US Army Reserve), Fort Lewis, WA, 2/08 - Present

Incorporating lessons learned and knowledge acquired from real world analysiS experience into
reserve intelligence analysis training and operations. Coordinating related intelligence training.
Oversees the implementation and improvement of information, operations, communications,
and personnel security procedures for the brigade. Improved security readiness immensely, with
a vast change in security awareness and a higher level of respect for security regulations and
requirements. Created and implemented Standard Operation Procedures for derogatory
information reporting and clearance processing and tracking.

Intelligence Sergeant [Specialist (SPC)/MI], 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Mosul,
Baghdad, and Baqubah, Iraq, 06/06 - 09/07

Evaluated all-source intelligence in support of counter-insurgency operations for 15 months in

Mosul, Baghdad, and Baqubah, Iraq, as the Intelligence Operations Noncommissioned Officer
in the Brigade Tactical Operations Center, contributing to exemplary mission planning and
execution. Analyzed and disseminated human, signal, and imagery intelligence of immediate
value to eight separate battalions with over four thousand soldiers, resulting in the neutralization
of numerous explosive devices and the capture of several hundred terrorist and insurgent high
value targets. Continually coordinated the production of intelligence products, and the analysis
and dissemination of current operational intelligence. Prepared and conducted thousands of
intelligence .updates to both the Brigade Deputy Commanding Officer and the Commanding
Officer, providing the necessary extensive, accurate situational awareness needed to make
decisions regarding current and future operations. Designed a daily intelligence product fusing
national, local, and special agency human intelligence reporting in a summarized and graphical
format thereby improving the platform for answering the Brigade Commanding Officer's priority
intelligence requirements. Adapted all daily intelligence operations and products to succeed in 3
separate and distinct operational environments, contributing to the security of 3 large cities in
Iraq, including Baghdad, with a population of 6.5 million. Assumed the role of S2 Battle Captain
while training and preparing incoming S2 Battle Captains and Noncommissioned Officers during
the Relief in Place and Transfer of Authority in both Mosul and Baghdad, Iraq.

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Intelligence Analyst [SPC/MI], 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team - Fort Lewis, WA, 12/04-
06/06, 09/07 - 02/08

Assisted both the Brigade Security Manager and Brigade Special Security Officer in fields as
varied as Physical Security, Information Security, Operational Security and Personnel Security.
Coordinated training for 8 battalion intelligence teams, resulting in an efficient, knowledgeable,
and compliant organization. Trained 5 soldiers to continue security operations following the
transition of all experienced intelligence analysts from the S2, ensuring the continuous security'
standards within the 3'd Stryker Brigade, 2 nd Infantry Division. Established a system for tracking
security issues, including derogatory information handling, requests for Personnel Security
Investigations, and mandatory security awareness training for the Brigade.

• Education

Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, WA, Associate's Degree - 12/2008, Major: Four-Year

Troy University, Troy, AL, 9 hours - 10/2007, Major: Political Science

• Job-Related Training

Mobile Warning Analysis Course, Joint Military Intelligence Training Center, Fort Lewis, WA,

Intelligence Analyst Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 2004

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3.1.5 - Neoma Skye

Background: Neoma Skye is a senior intelligence professional with

over fifteen years of progressive and diversified intelligence, counter-
intelligence, force protection and law enforcement liaison experience.
She has demonstrated expert proficiency in database research, query
creation and interpretation, and in organizing link and timeline analyses
in order to substantiate analytical conclusions. She has extensive
experience in creating and briefing over 200 force protection and
situational and threat assessment reports for deploying military
personnel. Her detailed integration for analytical mapping of terrorism
events was acknowledged as an innovative training method and was
adopted into the required intelligence briefing procedures. She has Neoma Skye
served as a senior Intelligence analyst for the Joint Task Force-
Homeland Defense where she provided counter-terrorism expertise in developing scenario
inputs for mUlti-agency exercises. She has led a small training team focused on anti-terrorism
and force protection tactics, techniques and procedures and was responsible for teaching
intelligence analysis methods, report writing skills and presentation techniques. She has
revised operating procedures, policies and plans; created new office forms and tracking
spreadsheets; enhanced document archiving techniques to an online collaboration library and
managed access for users of shared server files.

• Formal education: BS in Business Management (application courses in statistical
analysis and research)
• National security work experience: over 15 years in military intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: US Army credentialed Counter-Intelligence
Special Agent; completed advanced intelligence training such as Intelligence in
Combating Terrorism, Criminal Intelligence Analysis, Anti-Terrorism, Signals
Intelligence, and numerous Analysis Software Programs
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over fifteen years daily proficiency in
substance, organization, style and correctness in all forms of written and graphic
communication developed through Microsoft Office suite applications

Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Neoma Skye's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an EXCEEDS Requirement. Over 15 years progressive military and Defense
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two Department intelligence experience including three years as a defense contractor
years either in a federal intelligence agency, intelligence instructor and counter-terrorismlforce protection consultant
the military or state and/or local law
enforcement intelligence unit .

Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCeEOS Requirement. Specialized US Army training in security, terrorism,
training to ensure baseline proficiency counter-terrorism and force protection; credentialed Counter-Intelligence Special

Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office EXCEEDS Requirement. Considered product Power-user with over 15 years of
Suite applications daily PowerPoint. Access/Excel and Word use for intelligence presentations,
studies, analyses, and briefings in stand-alone and networked environments

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement Possesses current Defense Department Top
security clearance Secret/Special Background Investigation-level se~urity clearance

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Resume: Neoma Skye is a US Army Reserve Military Intelligence Sergeant with over 15 years
of military intelligence service including three years of defense contracting intelligence support.
She is a credentialed US Army Counter-Intelligence Special Agent. Her analytical experience
includes situation-specific, non-traditional terrorism and asymmetrical threats. She served as a
team leader for the US Army Pacific's Homeland DefenselForce Protection analysis team
responsible for fusing and interpreting intelligence, analysis and reports from numerous military,
civilian and government sectors. Additionally, as the team leader, she was responsible for
developing innovative methods for obtaining information. Her fused intelligence summary was
produced using standard military and agency analytical collaboration techniques along with non-
traditional intelligence information· providers such as private security companies supporting local
retail and critical infrastructure. She researched, authored and disseminated daily analytical
reports summarizing potential terrorism related incidents and possible impacts on military
operations. In addition to situation-specific analyses, she produced general capability threat
assessments. She assisted senior military officers in writing intelligence outlook reports for
specific countries or political regions. These in-depth country reports included biographies,
conventional military threats, terror-related threats and socio-economic conditions. She was
responsible for creating and maintaining a tracking database of terrorism and counter-terrorism
incidents. This spreadsheet was used by the US Army for long-term threat analysis and was
incorporated in the intelligence portion of the senior commander's annual force protection and
risk assessment report.

• Professional Experience

Senior Counter-Intelligence Agent, 373,d Military Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve),
Tl,lmwater, WA, 1/08 - Present

Serves as Counterintelligence team leader in a Reserve Component Military Intelligence

Company. She is responsible for individual and team-based multi-discipline intelligence·
collection and counterintelligence support for operational and tactical military operations. She is
responsible for mission execution, training, personnel and logistics readiness of her team and
other subordinates ensuring they are prepared for world-wide deployments in support of the
nation's effort to fight terrorism. She also assists with coordination of mission_related training for
intelligence personnel to increase their understanding of intelligence operations, processes and
systems. Due to her analytical background and instruction skills, her peers and senior leaders
often acknowledge her as a subject matter expert within the company on counterintelligence
analysis and systems training.

Senior Counter-Intelligence Agent, 500th Military Intelligence Brigade, Schofield Barracks, HI


Developed 2-hour in-depth security briefing (to include topics on subversion and espionage,
operational security and terrorism awareness) for yearly training requirement. Presented briefing
over 20 times to over 1800 soldiers and civilians within six months. Assisted in personal security
background investigations, national security crime investigations, vulnerability assessments,
and other authorized counter-intelligence operations. Reviewed and edited counterintelligence
reports for accuracy, content and validity. Developed course curriculum and conducted
beginning and advanced counter-intelligence investigation and counter-terrorism analysis
training for Army Reserve soldiers. Served as Counterintelligence Special Projects NCO and
assisted senior executives with personnel management analysis, reports reviews and liaison
with subordinate counterintelligence offices. Designed, coordinated, and executed two separate
soldier knowledge and skills competitions for Hawaii and the Pacific Region; winners advanced

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to national region competition. Organized a filing and documentation system in the training
section in order to increase processing and tracking of training requests and completions for
500 solders in subordinate units. Requested by Special Security Office to tailor existing MS
Access database to meet changing needs of security section and allow for tracking of security
clearance information and training records for over 800 soldiers and civilians in the unit. As the
Brigade counter-intelligence and training representative, attended planning conference for Joint
US, Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada counter-intelligence/human intelligence exercise.

Training Developer 1 Intelligence Instructor (Corporate), The Sytex Group, Incorporated,

Camp H.M. Smith, HI, 12/04-04/05

Conducted training development analysis through panels and surveys to ascertain end-user
needs, increase usability and determine relevance of training materials and testing criteria.
Developed and revised job qualification requirement handbooks, training modules and exams
for nine Pacific Command intelligence watch officer positions. Redesigned training website
.homepage to include designing webpage materials, links and graphics.

Counter-Terrorism and Force Protection Analyst (Corporate), Science Applications

International Corporation, 205'" MI BN Analysis & Control Element, Ft. Shafter, HI, 10103-11/04

Led and instructed a five-person Anti-terrorism 1 Force Protection team; prepared and instructed
soldiers in beginning and advanced counterintelligence methods, use of technology systems,
analytical tools and methods, and presentation 1 reporting skills. Performed the collection,
analysis. processing and dissemination of information derived from multiple resources to answer
intelligence requirements specifically focused on the homeland defense, force protection, and
asymmetric threats posed by foreign intelligence services, unconventional warfare forces,
terrorist organizations and other extremist groups. Performed research and analysis on terrorist
groups in the US Pacific Command's Area of Responsibility (USPACOM AOR) for Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield purposes to support US Army Pacific's (USARPAC) operational
planning directives. Compiled and presented over 200 country intelligence and situational
awareness and force protection briefings, project status briefings, special situational reports and
threat assessment decision briefs for deploying USARPAC personnel and senior staff.
Researched,compiled and updated weekly force protection, threat and incident reports for 33
countries in support of USARPAC deployed forces within the USPACOM AOR. Served as
counterintelligence watch officer at the USARPAC Crisis Action Center; provided weekly
incident threat briefings and force protection reports to combined directorate watch office
personnel. Collaborated with general intelligence analysts to developed country update
briefings, assess recent events or political changes in relation to terrorism threats. Gathered
intelligence and developed country-specific reports and briefings of terrorist threats in the
USPACOM AOR to support Anti-terrorism 1 Force Protection and counter-terrorism operations.
Completed 160 hours of USPACOM AOR-specific intelligence operations and analysis training

Counter-Intelligence Agent, US Army Pacific (USARPAC), Intelligence Directorate, Fort

Shafter, HI, 9/01-10103

Developed and maintained USARPAC Counter-intelligence/Counter-terrorism incident database

and conducted comparative statistical analysis and research to facilitate threat reporting and
force protection assessments. Wrote counterterrorism input scenarios for multi-agency
exercises and provided intelligence support to USARPAC and PACOM exercises. Performed

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as the USARPAC liaison to the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force-Pacific (JTTF-P); facilitated the
smooth transfer of intelligence and community threat awareness reporting responsibilities from
the Joint Rear Area Coordination-Hawaii to the JTTF-P. Established working relationships with
over 20 JTTF-P member agencies including Honolulu Police Department, State Civil Defense,
US Attorney's Office 1 Anti-terrorism Task Force, Department of Public Safety, US Secret
Service, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE), TSA, FBI and Defense
Department's sister intelligence agencies. Assisted Defense Department analysis team at JTTF-
P in daily counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism analysis and reporting. Ensured maximum
intelligence sharing between Defense Department, state, local and foreign agencies by creating
and updating web-based open-source intelligence products; maintained website dissemination
lists and new member enrollments to maximize dissemination. Served as the HUMINT
operations cell officer for one of the region's largest military exercises, coordinating three
HUMINT team's collection operations, creating intelligence reports and submitting requests for
information to ~upport exercise-related intelligence analysis and production. Completed a 40
hour Collection Management overview training course, integrating knowledge into daily
intelligence gathering abilities and production tasking requests.

Senior Counter-Intelligence Agent, 3681h Military Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve),
Fort Shafter, HI, 10/95-10101

Served as a senior team leader for assigned counter-intelligence personnel. Conducted initial
and refresher training on counter-intelligence operations, report writing and analysis for
subordinates and peers. Selected as primary briefer for all security-related briefings to outside
units and senior personnel. Attended both Basic and Advanced level Non-Commissioned
Officers Courses for military intelligence disciplines. Completed Basic course as Honor
Graduate and Advanced course with cumulative score of 95%. Acknowledged by instructors in
both courses for superior research ability, analytical approach to problems and small group
. leadership skills. Completed counter-intelligence special agent course that taught the basic
skills, concepts, principles and techniques required to perform tactical and strategic counter-
intelligence investigations and operations. As Honor Graduate exceeded course standards by
graduating in the top 10% of the class and was certified by the Department of the Army as a
credentialed Counter-Intelligence Special Agent.

Electronic Warfare & Signals Intelligence Analyst 1 Cambodian Linguist, US Army, 733 rd
Military Intelligence Battalion, Schofield Barracks, HI, 9/92-12194

Excelled as Mission Manger and linguistic expert during a highly volatile Southeast Asian
political situation of global interest. Continually recalled outside normal working hours to guide
mission efforts and translate messages. Kept US policy makers informed, allowing them to
make intelligent and timely decisions regarding US foreign policy to Southeast Asia. Performed
as a signals intelligence analyst for Southeast Asia Air Operations section, writing over 100
national-level and critically sensitive reports. Served on a special intelligence project committee
composed of national level experts. Provided valuable advice and linguistic expertise, ensuring
a successfu'I'conclusion to the project. Honored as the first junior enlisted soldier to certify as
an intelligence analyst in newly created joint-service analysis branch and further trained three
senior non-commissioned officers to assume analyst positions. Performed research and
analysis with continual adherence to US Army and Joint intelligence time-sensitive reporting
requirements, regulations and handbooks. Trained and mentored both Army and Air Force
personnel on the use of joint service computer programs, intelligence analysis and reporting

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• Education

University of Phoenix, Maui, HI, Bachelors Degree - 3/01, Major: Business Management

Advanced Non-Commissioned Officers Course, US Army Intelligence School, Fort Huachuca,


• Job-Related Training

The Starlight Operator's Course (Information Visualization System), 40 Hrs, Battelle

Corporation, Fort Shafter, HI, 2004

ArcGIS (Geographic Mapping) Software Certified User Course, 40 Hrs, Battelle Corporation,
Fort Shafter, HI, 2004 .

National Intelligence Familiarization Conference, 40 hrs, Intelligence and Security Command,

Washington, DC, 2003

Anti-Terrorism Officer's Course - ATIFP Level II, 40 hrs, United States Army Military Police
School, Ft. Leonard Wood, MS 2003

Intelligence Analysts' Online Tools, 32 hrs, Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific, San
Diego, CA, 2002

Criminal Intelligence Analysis Training Course, 40 hrs, The Alpha Group Center, Montclair, CA,

Mobile Collection Managers Course, 40 hrs, Joint Military Intelligence Training Center,
Washington, DC, 2002

Intelligence in Combating Terrorism Course, 80 hrs, US Amy Intelligence Center and School,
Fort Huachuca, AZ, 2002

Pacific Intelligence Analysis Curriculum, 40 Hrs, Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific, San
Diego, CA, 2001

US Army Counter-Intelligence Special Agent Course, 6 weeks, US Army Intelligence Center &
School, Fort Huachuca, AZ, 1997

US Army Signals Intelligence Analyst Course, 16 weeks, US Air Force, 3480'h Technical
Training Wing, Goodfellow Air Force Base, TX, 1992

US Army Cambodian Basic Language Course, 47 weeks, Defense Language Institute, Presidio
of Monterey, CA, 1992

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3.2 - Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst'

Lead Service

3.2.1 - Bill Evans

Our intelligence analyst-lead service is a strong and visionary leader. Our approach is to have
our senior intelligence analyst lead by doing, coaching, teaching and mentoring. He has a
proven track record for transformational leadership-motivating a team to be efficient and
effective in an emerging and challenging environment.

Background: Bill Evans is a professional senior intelligence analyst

and intelligence supervisor with over twenty years of US Army military
intelligence experience and training; with over four yearsas a counter-
intelligence specialist overseas and in support of First Corps'
intelligence staff at Fort Lewis, Washington. He possesses a BA in
Political Science and is a Distinguished Graduate of the US Army's
Basic Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence, and Advanced Intelligence
Analysis and Operations courses. He has received advanced military
training as a strategic counter-intelligence officer and is a graduate of
several Department of Defense strategic operations and plans courses. Bill Evans
He has completed extensive special training programs in security
management, interviewing and interrogation, terrorism and counter-terrorism. At Fort Lewis, he
supervised a large group of intelligence analysts handling a myriad of complex issues and
provided expert input to First Corps' intelligence program management and policy decisions.
He planned and directed intelligence analytical activities to support First Corps'mission and
work priorities. He determined goals and objectives; prepared short and long-range work plans
and schedules. He assisted the First Corps' senior intelligence staff officer and military brigade
commander by identifying, prioritizing and establishing deadlines of work to be completed by
subordinate intelligence analysts. He provided direction and guidance to analysts in resolving
issues and other problems encountered during assigned projects. He reviewed intelligence
reports, daily briefs and periodic assessments for relevance, significance, validity and potential
applications to countering terrorism acts and organized crimes against Fort Lewis, First Corps
and Defense Department jurisdictions, critical infrastructure, services and the Army community
at large. In this capacity, he supported the Army's chain of command in developing First Corps'
intelligence policies and procedures to accomplish necessary improvements for enhancing
routine or highly specialized intelligence work performance requirements.

• Formal education: BA in Political Science (application courses in statistical analysis
and research)
• National security work experience: over twenty years in US Army intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: US Army credentialed Counter-Intelligence
Special Agent; completed advanced intelligence training such as Intelligence in
Combating Terrorism, Strategic Approaches to Counter-Intelligence, Advanced
Applications of Intelligence Techniques, Senior Cryptologic Course at National Security
Agency and Reserve Component National Security Course at the National Defense
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over ten years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications

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Meets or Exceeds RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Service Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Bill Evans' Qualifications

Four years of progressively responsible EXCEEDS Requirement. Over 20-years distinguished progressive military
work experience in either a federal intelligence service with over four years as counter-intelligence special agent at
intelligence agency, the military or state Fort Lewis and with over two years experience supervising investigative activities
and/or local law enforcement intelligence of 100 US Army Special Agents overseas

Possess a

i use years
Suite applications hands-on experience with Microsoft Office products in stand-alone and networked
environments; daily proficiency using PowerPoint, Publisher, Binder, AcCess/Excel
and Word for intelligence presentations, studies, analyses, and briefings

I security clearance since 1989; revalidated in 2008

Resume: Bill Evans is a professional intelligence analyst, a credentialed Counter-Intelligence

Special Agent, and a US Army Reserve Military Intelligence Officer with over 20 years of military
service. His experience includes management and staff assignments at the tactical, operational
and strategiC levels in locations around the world including Egypt, Germany and Africa. He is
personable, persuasive, and confident in interacting with joint, national and international
agencies. He has a demonstrated ability to design and implement organizational, operational
and management problem solving techniques. His technical expertise covers a wide range of
intelligence functions including counter-intelligence, human intelligence and signals intelligence.
He uses his exceptional analytical abilities, coupled with excellent written and oral
communications skills, to translate information into an actionable intelligence product.

• Professional Experience

Battalion Commander [Lieutenant Colonel (LTe), Military Intelligence (MI)], 373'd Military
Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve), Tumwater, WA, 8/07 - Present

Bill Evans commands a Reserve Component Military Intelligence Battalion. He is responsible

for providing combat-ready multi-discipline intelligence collection and counterintelligence
support for operational and tactical military operations. He is responsible for mission execution,
training, personnel and logistics readiness of four subordinate companies; ensures soldiers 8rocl
units are maintained at a high state of readiness and prepared for world-wide deployments in
support of the nation's effort to fight terrorism. He also coordinates specialized mission-related
training opportunities for intelligence personnel to increase their understanding of intelligence
operations, processes and systems. Ultimately, he is responsible for the morale, welfare, and
professional development of all assigned and attached soldiers. He maintains liaison with
active component and reserve component Army organizations, and joint and national
intelligence agencies. Further, he develops and maintains community-based relations

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Senior Intelligence Operations/Research Specialist [LTC/MI), 201 st Military Intelligence

Brigade, Fort Lewis, WA, 7/04 - 09/07

Led and trained functional teams in the analysis and correlation of single source information into
a timely, synthesized intelligence product to support of Army and Joint Force military decision
makers across the full spectrum of military operations. Directed the research, analysis, and
production of information pertaining to terrorist activities, indications and warnings of regional
conflicts, pOlitical instability and emerging military technologies throughout the Pacific-theater.
Provided guidance and oversight in the production of daily intelligence read files and weekly
update briefings for Senior Military Executives. Planned, prepared and supervised intelligence
support to training exercises in Korea, Japan and Thailand. Formulated training strategies to
test and integrate complex intelligence procedures. Worked extensively with intelligence and
operations planners, systems and networking technicians, and simulations specialists to
develop exercise concepts, design intelligence architectures, and build and test databases.
Deployed and led Intelligence Support Elements during these joint and international exercises.
Coordinated intelligence operations and training with intelligence professionals from Thailand,
Japan, and Korea. Served as an instructorl facilitator for a US Army Pacific Command Subject
Matter Expert Exchange Program with the Royal Thai Army.

Joint Counter-lntelligence/Human Intelligence Officer [Major (MAJ)/MI), Combined Joint

Task Force - Horn of Africa, Camp Lemonier, Djibouti, 6/03 - 6/04

Directed regional counter-intelligence and human intelligence activities for a 1,BOO-person task
force with the mission to detect, disrupt and defeat transnational terrorist groups posing an
imminent threat to the US, its allies or their interests. Provided staff supervision of counter-
intelligence operations, investigations, collections and analysis for the task force. Synchronized
all Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Operations counter-intelligence units and activities in an
area equal in size to 50% of the US and including the countries of Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan,
Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen. Conducted senior executive-level claSSified and highly
sensitive briefings on terrorist and foreign intelligence collection activities. Planned and
executed the conversion of the task force's local confidential informant registry into a centralized
source operations database, resulting in improved functionality and compatibility within the
CENTCOM Theater of Operations. Routinely liaised with host nation and coalition intelligence
and security professionals, US Embassy country teams, and other US intelligence and law
enforcement agencies including the FBI, CIA, DIA and Defense Human Intelligence Service. His
interpersonal skills and subject matter expertise led to strengthened relationships with
Djiboutian, French and German officials and facilitated an increase in the intelligence
exchanges between the parties.

Counter-Intelligence Officer [MAJ/MI), 502nd Military Intelligence Battalion, Fort Lewis, WA,
1/02 - 5/03

Directed the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of information derived from
human resources to answer intelligence requirements specifically focused on asymmetric
threats posed by foreign intelligence services, unconventional warfare forces, terrorist
organizations and other extremist groups. Experienced at adapting and utilizing military
intelligence analytical tools methodology and tools to non-traditional military operations such as
combating terrorism. Ensured the fusion of human intelligence with technical intelligence
sources to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intelligence product. Established and
maintained databases on threat capabilities, intentions, and friendly vulnerabilities; prepared
threat estimates for contingency plans and operations; and coordinated analytical support for

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major training exercises. Provided technical advice and assistance to commanders on counter-
intelligence and human intelligence capabilities, operations and training. Worked with staff
professionals to integrate counter-intelligence considerations into operations security,
information operations and force protection plans. Commanded a detachment of 39 reservists
providing intelligence in support of the Global War on Terrorism. Planned and executed
specialized training to prepare these soldiers for follow-on deployments to US Central
Command Headquarters, Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa.

Regional Operations Manager, Northwest Protective Services, Inc., Tacoma, WA, 3/98 - 6/02

Managed operations for a 175-person division providing unarmed security services to

commercial, residential and industrial clients. Conducted assessments of client facilities,
developed site instructions and implemented security operations in accordance with contractual
agreements. Oversaw staffing, training and scheduling of personnel by the human resources
and customer service departments. Served as a liaison between the corporation, the division
and the clients on all security related issues. Prepared and presented security
recommendations, negotiated service rates, and prepared contracts for clients.

Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Officer [Captain (CPT)/Mll, 368th Military

Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve), Tumwater, WA, 3/98 - 12/01

Directed the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of information derived from
human resources to answer intelligence requirements specifically focused on asymmetric
threats posed by foreign intelligence services, unconventional warfare forces, terrorist
organizations and other extremist groups. Experienced at adapting and utilizing military
intelligence analytical tools methodology and tools to non-traditional military operations such as
combating terrorism. Ensured the fusion of human intelligence with technical intelligence
sources to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intelligence product. Established and
maintained databases on threat capabilities, intentions, and friendly vulnerabilities; prepared
threat estimates for contingency plans and operations; and coordinated analytical support for
major training exercises. Provided technical advice and assistance to commanders on counter-
. intelligence and human intelligence capabilities, operations and training. Worked with staff
professionals to integrate counter-intelligence considerations into operations security,
information operations and force protection plans. Trained personnel on various intelligence
functions with specific emphasis on analysis and production, counter-intelligence techniques
and procedures, and human intelligence operations.

Intelligence/Counter-lntelligence Officer [CPT/Mil, US Army Intelligence and Security

Command, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 8/94 - 2/98

Coordinated strategic and operational intelligence, counter-intelligence, and information warfare

concepts, .doctrine, material development and training issues with the US Army Intelligence
Center and School. Participated in requirements determination boards and provided subject
matter expertise to the development of concepts which identified and defined the roles,
functions and operational employment of military intelligence assets for the US Army in 2010.
Supervised the interactions between US Army organizations and civilian contractors on the
development of counter-intelligence automation initiatives including software development
decisions, acceptance testing, and site surveys for· the Department of Defense Counter-
intelligence Integrated Information System. Planned, coordinated and executed specialized joint
and national intelligence agency training courses to expand the professional development of US
Army intelligence officers.·Managed an Adjunct Faculty Program to enhance the relevance of

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the institutional instruction by bringing senior intelligence professionals from strategic military
units and national intelligence and law enforcement agencies to present information briefings on
current operations to students and faculty. Expanded the program to include senior executives
from the Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Managed the US Army Counter-intelligence Badge arid
Credentials Program on behalf of the Department of the Army. Assumed command of the
organization for 60 days.

Counter-intelligence/Intelligence Officer [CPT/Mil, 205th Military Intelligence Brigade,

Frankfurt, Germany, 7/91 - 7/94

Commanded 100 counter-intelligence specialists dispersed among seven cities in central and
southern Germany. Supervised the conduct of personal security background investigations,
national security crime investigations, vulnerability assessments, and Qther authorized counter-
intelligence operations. Reorganized personnel and assets to more efficiently handle an
increased investigation workload, resulting in a 50% reduction in pending investigations and
increased support to community security agencies. Recognized by the Defense Investigative
Service and the Commanding Generals of V Corps and US Army Europe for top quality and
quantity of investigations. Provided counter-intelligence support to the protection of US
personnel, organizations and facilities through the collection and reporting of threat information,
and liaison with US and German intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Trained and
deployed personnel to provide counter-intelligence, security and intelligence support to
peacekeeping operations in Turkey and Croatia. Served as an Adjunct Faculty Instructor for
courses at the NATO School and German Army Signal School. As a counter-intelligence
research and analysis specialist, directed the processing, analysis and dissemination of
intelligence and security information pertaining to threats posed to soldiers, family members and
installations by foreign intelligence services, terrorist organizations and extremist groups.
Established and maintained databases on indigenous, transnational and international terrorists
groups operating on the European continent, as well as in the Middle East and North Africa.
Developed comprehensive profiles on terrorist organizations and key personalities to increase
situational understanding of their methods of operation and target selection. Provided threat
assessments to protective details escorting VIPs traveling throughout Germany. Prepared and
presented weekly counter-intelligence and intelligence briefings to Senior Military Executives.
Maintained routine liaison with French, German and Canadian military intelligence agencies.
Served as a primary planner for the US ceremonies commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the
Normandy Invasion. Coordinated the transportation of personnel and equipment to France,
ceremonial support and logistics for five National and countless local French village ceremonies,
and lodging for approximately 2,500 ceremonial participants. Worked closely with military police,
law enforcement agenCies and the US Secret Service on security operations for the national
ceremonies that were attended by foreign heads of state and dignitaries including President

Student [CPT/Mil, US Army Intelligence Center and School, Fort Huachuca, AZ, and US Army
Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 7/90 - 6/91

Attended the Military Intelligence Officer Transition Course (MIOTC), the Military Intelligence
Officer Advanced Course (MIOAC), the Counter-intelligence (CI) Officer, the Intelligence in
Combating Terrorism (lCT) Course and the Combined Arms and Services Staff School (CAS3).
The Military Intelligence Officer training curriculum covered subjects necessary to fully
understand military and national Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (lEW) organizations,
systems and operations. As the Honor Graduate for MIOTC and MIOAC, exceeded course

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standards by achieving cumulative scores of 99.31 % and 99.35%. The CI Officer Course taught
the basic skills, concepts, principles and techniques required to manage and perform tactical
and strategic CI investigations and operations. Graduated the CI Officer Course with a
cumulative score of 98.46% and was certified by the Department of the Army as a Counter-
intelligence Special Agent. The ICT curriculum covered the skills and knowledge required to
conduct comprehensive terrorist threat assessments. It included detailed information on the
dynamics of terrorism, ideological motivations, terrorism structures and linkages, and terrorist
tactics, goals and strategies. CAS3 is a rigorous staff officer's management training program
designed to improve student's ability to: analyze and solve military problems; interact and
coordinate as a member of a staff; write and brief effectively; and understand Army
organization, operations, and procedures.

52, Intelligence and Security Officer [CPT/Mil, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, Fort
Lewis, WA, 5/89 - 6/90

Advised the commander on all aspects of intelligence and security. Duties included directing,
supervising and coordinating the planning, collection, analysis, production and dissemination of
all source intelligence; supervising and performing intelligence preparation of the battlefield; and
informing the commander and subordinate units on the enemy situation, their capabilities,
weather and terrain. Trained personnel assigned to the intelligence staff to become superior
analysts. Developed and published intelligence handbooks and created intelligence products.
As the Battalion's Security Manager, had overall responsibility for information systems security,
personnel and information security, physical security, crime prevention, and classified material
control and accountability. Conducted training for and inspections of subordinate units' security
programs. Achieved scores in excess of 90% on every higher-headquarters directed inspections
of intelligence and security programs. Served as the Intelligence Oversight Officer.

• Education

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Bachelor's Degree - 8/85, Major: Political Science

Command and General Staff Officers Course, US Army Command & General Staff College, Fort
Leavenworth, KS,2005

Combined Arms and Services Staff School, US Army Command & General Staff College, Fort
Leavenworth, KS, 1991

. Military Intelligence Officer Transition Course, Military Intelligence Officer Advanced Course, US
Army Counter-intelligence Special Agent Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort
Huachuca, AZ, 1991

Infantry Officer Basic Course, US Army Infantry Center & School, Fort Benning, GA, 1986

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• Job-Related Training

Reserve Component National Security Course, 80 hrs, National Defense University, Fort
McNair, Washington, DC, 2008

Senior Cryptologic Reserve Officers Course, 80 hrs, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD,

Military Intelligence BrigadelBattalion Pre-Command Course, 80 hrs, US Army Intelligence

Center & School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 2008

Intelligence Collection Battle Management Course, 32 hrs, Joint Intelligence Training Activity
Pacific, Fort Lewis, WA, 2005

Theater and National Support to the Combined Joint Task Force CJ2X, 40 hrs, Joint Military
Intelligence Training Center, Fort Lewis, WA, 2004

Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation (Basic & Advanced), 40 hrs, John E. Reid &
Associates, 1999 & 1995 .

Special Counter-intelligence Training Seminar on Advanced Applications of Intelligence

Techniques, 40 hrs, Phoenix Consulting Group, Inc., Huntsville, AL, 1997

Army Operations Security Course, 40 hrs, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Department of
the Army, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 1997, 1996 (40 hours)

Strategic Approaches to Counter-intelligence, 32 hrs, National Counter-intelligence Center,

Washington, DC, 1997

Joint Military Planners Course, 40 hrs, Director of Operations, Joint Staff, Washington, DC,

Army Military Planners Course, 40 hrs, Director of Operations, Army Staff, Washington, DC,

Supervisor Development Course, 40 hrs, Army Training Support Center, Fort Eustis, VA, 1996

Joint Counter-intelligence Staff Officers Course, 40 hrs, Defense Intelligence Agency, Fort
Lewis, WA, 1995

Company Commander's Course, 80 hrs, 7th Army Training Command, Vii seck, GE, 1992

Intelligence in Combating Terrorism, 80 hrs, US Amy Intelligence Center and School,· Fort

US Army Counter-intelligence Special Agent Course, 8 weeks, US Army Intelligence Center &
School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 1991

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3.3 - References

Operational Applications Incorporated grants permission to WSP to contact each and every
listed reference.

3.3.1 - Dennis Gerber

Sergeant Ray Green (retired King County Sheriff's Office)



Telephone Number
Fax Number

Sergeant Green was my direct supervisor during my three years as an intelligence analyst in the
Type service provided King County Regional Intelligence Group

Don Perrson (Renton City Councilman); retired Deputy Chief, Renton Police Department
Name .

538 Renton Avenue South

Address Renton, Washington 98055

Telephane Number
Fax Number
Supported Don Perrson as a police commander; I supervised over 100 full-time personnel;
Type service provided conducted employee training, workflow coordination, scheduling, evaluation and discipline

Oenis Law (Mayor. City of Renton)

Renton City Hall
1055 South Grady Way
Renton. Washington 98055

Telephone Number
Fax Number
Supported Denis Law on city, community and Rotary projects
Type service provided

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Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.2 - Sara Lacy

COL Todd O'Bradovich, Commander, 345'" MI Battalion
. Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment
34SIh Military Intelligence Battalion
Fort Gordon, Georgia 30905

Telephone Number
Fax Number
Peliorrned as company commander under COL O'Sradovich's battalion command
Type service provided

COL Steve Carney, Executive Officer, 504 MI Brigade

158 Harmon Drive
Address Northfield, Vermonl 05663

Telephone Number
Fax Number
Performed as the brigade personnel and administrative officer under COL Carney during
Type service provided deployment to Iraq

COL Joseph McNeill, Executive Officer, 50410 MI Brigade

208 Turtle Creek Drive
Address Killeen, Texas 76542

Telepho~e Number
Fax Number
Perfonned as the brigade personnel and administrative officer under COL McNeill during
Type service provided garrison command in Texas and during brigade deployment to Iraq

- Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

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3.3.3 - Kia Graham

Ron Compton, analyst

JOint Intelligence Group
Joint Task ForceMGuantanamo Bay

Telephone Number

Fax Number

Co-worker with Ron Compton in both Guantanamo Bay Cuba and Iraq. He was an analyst on
the Gulf States regional team within the Interrogation Control Element (ICE), while I was on the
Type service provided
North Africa/Europe regional team

CW3 Richard Sundstrom, master analyst

Company A
373 Military Intelligence Battalion
Tumwater, Washington 98511

Telephone Number

Fax Number

Mentor since I was a private; we both deployed to Korea in 2004 and to Guantanamo Bay
Type service provided

SFC David Schoonmaker


Company A
373 Military Intelligence Battalion
Tumwater, Washington 98511

Telephone Number

Fax Number

I am assigned to Company A, 373 MI Battalion and SFC Schoonmaker is the company First
Sergeant; he is the unit senior Non-Commissioned Officer and I support him as one of the
Type service provided
company's Non-Commissioned Officers

Crimina-Ilnteliigence Analyst Services

36 @ operationai
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.4 - Kathleena Almquist

MAJ Jon Clausen, Brigade 52 (Senior Intelligence Officer)

4103 Cavalry Court
Address leavenworth. Kansas 66048

Telephone Number
Fax Number
MAJ Clausen depended upon me for timely intelligence products, thorough analysis, and my
ability to identify and fill infonnation gaps before pushing products and information on to others.
Type service provided MAJ Clausen relied on my team to convey intelligence to him and the brigade command group
while they were operating in and around Iraq

MAJ Michael Edwards, Brigade S2X (Senior Counter-Intelligence Officer)

8408 205th Street Court East
Address Spanaway, Washington 98387

Telephone Number
Fax Number
Major Edwards served as the Brigade S2X: the counterintelligence hub of the Stryker Brigade.
He often utilized many of my intelligence products, requested analysis to corroborate HUMINT
Type service provided
r~porting, and observed my work ethic in a real world environment

Sergeant Robert Flores, Brigade S2 Non-Commissioned Officer

96 University Apartments
Address Charleston, Illinois 61920

Telephone Number
Fax Number
As my direct supervisor during my deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 2006 -
2007, Sergeant Robert Flores observed my professional perfonnance, attitude, and leadership
Type service provided abilities in an operational environment. SGT Flores relied on me to relay accurate, complete,
and timely intelligence products to intelligence professionals and commanders at the brigade
level; higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

37 @ Qperatlonal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.5 - Neoma Skye

Colonel Gary Royster, US Anny retired; Deputy Director of Intelligence, Joint Inter-Agency Task
.Name Force West

Address Camp HM Smith, Hawaii 96861

Telephone Number

Fax Number
COL Royster was my senior supervisor while working in the USARPAC G-2 as the JTTF-P
Type service provided liaison and can attest to my diligence, analytical and briefing skills, and overall job performance

Lieutenant Colonel Gary Smith, US Army retired; Intelligence Analyst, South Sound Regional
Name Intelligence Group, Tacoma Police DepartmentfPierce County Sheriffs D~partment

Tacoma Pollee Department

3701 South Pine Street
Tacoma, Washington 98409

Telephone Number

Fax Number

LTC Smith was my immediate supervisor while working in the USARPAC G-2 as the JITF-P
Type service provided
liaison and can attest to my liaison, analytical and briefing skills, and overall job performance

Vance Whippo; First Sergeant, 37311J Military Intelligence Battalion


702060 Drive Northeast

Address Marysville, Washington 98270

Telephone Number

Fax Number

First Sergeant Whippo is my senior leader in my current US Army Reserve unit (37311J MI BN, B
Type service provided Co.) and .can attest to my leadership, training skills and general professionalism

Criminal Inteliigence Analyst Services

38 @ operationai
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ. No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.6 - Bill Evans

Brigadier General Leslie A Purser, Commanding General
Name Military Intelligence Readiness Command

8831 John J Kingman Rd

Address Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060

Telephone Number

Fax Number
I serve as a commander under Brigadier General Purser and am responsible for providing multi-
discipline intelligence and counterintelligence support for contingency operations worldwide.
Type service provided Responsible for the management, training, and readiness of 290 authorized personnel and
millions of dollars in organizational equipment

Lieutenant C%nel Roger Fortier, US Army retired; fonner Chief G2 Plans, First Corps, Fort
Name Lewis

.. 8703 109th ST CT SW
Address Lakewood, Washington 98498

Telephone Number

Fax Number
I supported LTC Fortier by directing the research, analysis, and production of information
pertaining to terrorist aC?tivities, indications and warnings of regional conflicts, political instability
and emerging military technologies throughout the Pacific-theater. Provided guidance and
Type service provided oversight in the production of daily intelligence read files and weekly update briefings for Senior
Military Executives. Planned, prepared and supervised intelligence support to training exercises
in Korea, Japan and Thailand. Formulated training strategies to test and integrate complex
intelligence procedures

Colonel Harvey Crockett, US Army retired; former G2, First Corps, Fort Lewis
Elk Grove, California 95758
Telephone Number

Fax Nurnber
I supported COL Crockett as the Senior Intelligence Research and Analysis Specialist for the
Corps Intelligence Directorate during several multi-agency and multi-national intelligence
operations in Korea and Japan. Led and trained functional teams in the analysis and correlation
Type service provided of Single source infonnation into a timely, synthesized intelligence product to support of senior
military decision makers. Developed professional and personal relationships with foreign
military officers to foster to enhance bi-lateral partnerships and increase security cooperation

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

39 @ operatlonal .
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.4 - Related Information

3.4.1 - Prior contractual work with Washington State

Operational Applications Incorporated has successfully provided criminal intelligence analytical

services from July 2006 to September 2008 under a WSP task order generated by RFQQ No.
C060226PSC. Doug Larm performed as the intelligence analyst with the Seattle Police
Department under provisions of this state contract. Additionally, Dennis Gerber, an independent
contractor at the time, provided criminal intelligence analytical services under the same task
order from 2005-2008 as a King County Regional Intelligence Group analyst.

3.5 - Waiver and Authorization to Release Information

Original-signed copies of one Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form is

submitted from each proposed team member. They are attached in Section 5 of this proposal.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

40 @ operatiOnal
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 4.0


4.1 - Identification of Costs

Hourly rate for criminal intelligence analyst services:

Analyst Initial - 9/30109 10/1/09 - 9130/10 10/1/10-9/30/11 10/1/11-9/30/12

Dennis Gerber $50 $52 $54 $56
Sara Lacy $50 $52 $54 $56
Neoma Skye $50 $52 $54 $56
Kia Graham $48 $50 $52 $54
Kathleena Almquist $48 $50 $52 $54

Hourly rate for criminal intelligence analyst-lead service:

Lead Anal Initial- 9/30109 10/1/09 - 9/30/1 0 10/1/10-9/30/11 1011111-9/30/12

Bill Evans $60 $63 $66 $69

4.2 - Basis for Determining Rates

Operational Applications submits hourly rate quotations as including all costs associated with
providing services, including team member salaries and benefits, industrial insurance and
applicable federal, state and local taxes.

Out year hourly rate increases is based on Amendment 1 to RFQQ No. C090433PSC dated
October 31, 2008. This amendment allows up to a 5% annual increase. Operational
Applications proposes an under 5% average increase for each federal fiscal year starting
October 1, 2009.

Operational Applications understands WSP will reimburse for a maximum one hundred seventy-
three (173) hours per month for each team member providing services under contract resulting
from this RFQQ.Further, Operational Applications acknowledges provisions for worksite, office
supplies, personal computer and communications shall be provided to the team members and
any such goods and/or services obtained, developed and/or provided shall remain the property

Operational Applications understands when team member services are required by WSP at
locations other than the worksite, WSP will reimburse for authorized lodging, subsistence and
business vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates.
These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM) available
at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

Washington State Patrol RFQQ No.C090433PSC (Exhibit D)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

41 @ operational
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I <luthorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

AoDIicant Name(First, Middle, Last)

Other names YOU have been know by, including prior marriage(s) or nickname(s)

Address City \ State ZiD Code

Social Securitv Number' Date of Birth

~~~I~ic~a~nt~S~~~alna~t~ur~e~______________________~D~a~te~_____________________ !

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminallnteliigence Analyst Services

42 @ Qperatlo,nal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the-Washington State Patrol in determiningmy qualifications.
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

licant Name First, Middle, Last

Other names ou have been know b

Address State Zi

Date of Birth

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Crimirial Intelligence Analyst Services

43 @ Qperational
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed. my medical records. my psychological testing analysiS and recommendation. my military
service records. and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5. United States Code. Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974). and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization. and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

Applicant Name (First. Middle. Last)

Other names

Address Zi Code

! f//, ' . ,((
I c.~, 1 f~ 1-L lk"'~'V Jr '

Washington State Patrol RFOO No,C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

44 @ operationai
APplications InC
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested .

. A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

Other names


Social Securit Number Date of Birth


Washington State Patrol RFQQ No.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

45 @ operational-
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in tletermining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:


Date of Birth

i I "\00 D~
I Applicant Signature Date

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

46 @ Qperatlonal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authoriz:e you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status .. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

. . .-- ... ,,-t-e. ~

ADDIicant Name (First, Middle, Last)

-i"::c,u_ , ..\'~ \ \..L'i

Other names you have been know by, includina prior marriaQe(s) or nickname(s)

Address City State Zio Code.

.22. IV l' \.t £ . A..{ 8 Et2 n L: z...

Date of Birth

--2-;';'- ~
~~L~h~,. , ..
....-:. .. ---- /i -.1--;;: .~ ",.-.::;; // J v (: v fi ,,("--/ l-sf:.",-' ;JIfJ 0",\> I
ADDIicant STclnature Date

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

47 @ Qperatio,nal
Applications Inc
;;CAUTl~]O![N~:~N~O~T~T!O~BE~US~E~OLF~O:R:...._ _ _ _~TH~I:S~IS~AN~I~M~P~O~RT~AN!Q1T1RE=C=O~RO=-._ _ _ _ _ _~AI«=~AL=T:ERA=TI~O:NS~I~N~S~HAO~·~E~D~AR~iE2A~S
r I •


.~_._-2.._2~_ WEEKS, 2006/ /COMBAT LIFE SAVER



I (Include upgrades)


I! 5-16

Washington State Patrol 6/12/20094:25:06 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

WSP Contract No.IC090433 Program Information:

I IInvestigative Assistance Division

Category P~Personal 5ervic~~ Program:
Amendment No. Program Contact: Bureau: 115B
Title "IL~e-a"'d"'I"nt~e"'lA'"n-a":'ly-s"'t"'S-vcs-.- - - ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff

Other Party IOp~!~~io_nal Applications

Other No.1 Processing Status:
Start Date 1'"1':':12~/17.5"'/2::;0"'08;:" End Date 9/30/2012
Amountl$532,000 User ID fCH AmdAmount L ($99,000)

Contract Status IActive Amd Status !ComPleted

Date document was sent to:
Contract Notes:
Word Processing
10/23 - Posted to WEBS. 12/10/08 - Chosen
candidate Bill Evans of Operational Applications Inc. Attorney- General ....
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 10/21/2008
BFS Review 11712009
Chiefs Office 1/8/2009
Transmittal Letter 1/14/2009
Mailed to Other Part 12/16/2008
Received Back 11712009
Distributed 1/14/2009

Amendment ~
Amd Amount 1i-~$5:':3"'2~,0:;:00;:-
Amd Status ICompleted
Date document)lvas sent to:
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 10/21/2008
BFS Review 11712009
Chiefs Office 1/8/2009
Transmittal Letter 1/14/2009
Mailed to Other Part 12/16/2008.
Received Back 117/2009
Distributed 1/14/2009

AmdAmount $0
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 1 of 4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Mana ger
completed contract training?
'is} Ves DNo

WSP Contract Number

BFS Contracts Specialist


1. Description of Services:
b9 nA es;c('.Im\ j",\-QI\;SQ"lC'e.

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision I Comments
Funding source (account cod in!]) and Amount COl nlJ!- OOd-.'J1 Lt)~\.R:
Has an authorized manager approved the
expenditure? J:8.Ves 0 No
Type of appropriation (federal. state, other)
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties List System been i'jg Ves 0 No
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? l,Ds(l '+ U)I'I.sre., f() ()~. 0 1, i. 61e
• Agency resources E$Ves 0 No '-'

• Other public (governmental) resources ~Ves DNo

Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performed/is performed by WSP
o Ves [sg No
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? DVes DNo NI~
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
DVes DNo
proceed with the contract? (\)IA
Is contractor a current or former state employee? o Ves !iii No
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board DVes DNo
approval? N l/lr
• If former, provide last date of employment. 1\., II\,.
Payments -
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate method(s) of ~ Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? o Fixed Price
o Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 2 of4

If the contract is federally funded, is the Contractor a

subrecipient or vendor? NO
If a subrecipient, are audits required? If yes, evaluate
DYes D No
coverage provided by existing and anticipated audits. \-lIt'<


1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

tgJ Competitive D Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

I)!] Formal (>$20,000) D Informal «$20,000)

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintained.
'";L<-\ c± -£ \9

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting
\')1 Pt

4. Advertised? DYes D No D N/A (less than $20,000)

If yes, where and when was the advertisement placed?

\naS - \I1QShi0tF'N Fled-COMe /6vS,Ne9S Sola-hiJl\)S

Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? 1:81 Yes D No
5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? DYes !;)g No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor? DYes D No (\) \ '"

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point =O. Unknown, risk point = 5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 3 of4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= Lower Risk; Yes = Higher Risk .:J
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 = Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 = Medium Risk
>$100,000 = High Risk If!
Complexity of services .3
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s) did you use? What
experience do you have with the method(s)?
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
o Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
o Fixed Price (score 1-3))
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1-3) _\
Procurement method:
o Competitive (score 1 to 3)
o Sole Source (score 3 to 5) \

2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of fundinQ d.
Length of time in business '-f
Experience and past performance I
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
proof?) I
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition Qood or poor?) "-
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the
organization?) -
Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?) -
Organizational changes (is organization stable or does it have frequent turnover?) -
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?) \
Legal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) \
Background of individuals (do you have resumes?) I

3. Total Risk Points

I :n
D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
tiQ Yes 0 No
2. Does the risk assessment form the basis of the monito ring plan?
@Yes 0 No
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
DYes 0 No
4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity periodic reports \.lps
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation ...'Eh
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetings, etc.)
Maintain other periodic contract with
contractor (telephone, email, etc.) ,-?",,-
Other: ML,. ~~ G'N>ohNn<; Id,\U Int>,e,flC>

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
example, A133 audits)? \\."\11\..
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure appropriate spendinQ of state funds? .101 f.\..
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed? NJflr
Is corrective action necessary? Were
questioned costs resolved? "i\.' IA.
Are audit findinQs, if any, resolved? Jv 'r-,.


Any activities need follow-up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
Follow-up on audit findings needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

Search - Current Exclusions

EPLS Soarch
1 Resources

> Search Help

'--_ _-'III Search Results for Parties ::> Public User's Manual
> Advanced Search
::> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

> Exact Name and SSNITIN Exact Name: Evans, William Eugene ::> Acronyms
SSNITIN ::> Privacy Act Provisions
As of 23·Dec·2008 7:10 PM EST > News
::> Recent Updates
Save to MyEPlS
View Cause and Treatment Cede Reports
Descriptions Your search returned no results.
> Reciprocal Codes > Advanced Reports
> Procurement Codes Back New Search Printer-Friendly
> Recent Updates
::> Nonprocurement Codes > Dashboard

Agency & Acronym !nformation Archive Search - Past Ex:c!usions

> Agency Contacts

> Agency Descriptions
> Advanced Archive Search
> State/Country Code Descriptions
> Multiple Names
> Recent Updates

> Debar Maintenance

Contact Infomlatlon

> Administration
> Email: ~Dort@eRjlLQ9'y
> Upload Login
§'ill iscoll1 m~r:t~?@.f,l.Rls ,QOV

> Phone: 1·866·GSA·EPLS


https:llwww.epls.gov/epls/search.do 12/23/2008
Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 8:34 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 12/29/2008.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after a decision was made by OFM on
this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 39067-00

Contractor Legal Name: Larm, Doug

Contractor TIN: 300369267

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090433PSC
Filed Date: 12/29/2008
Start Date: 111/2009
Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $532,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist with filing an amendment to the
contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at
ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 1 of2

PSCD Filing
Personal Service Contracts Database

Home Queues Admin Search Contact Us Links Help

Filing ~ummary Qrjgina! FHinQ.Summarv FilinQ Justification Original Filing Justification Correspondence t\ttact.Lment~

Currently Processing To Maitl Correspondence

Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Reference Number: 64809
DBtl); Sy;
Legal Name:Larm, Doug
Status: 1;>.t:;C!20UB ,j;:';' \:1cfvlu'k',

SpCD:fiC P; (;;j!i>:n 0: "'!;;(,~;

Qun-stlon: Sl.atm; ~;
In Process ~ Being
q, '1 q i:W,;,'t-','" ~~) 11"1,,' qJ ,",<)" ,'i'-':'iC,' ~'~:~~:; !h~ ~,v/\ j(\C ('P: "C
1';l(~Ht'~b\(:;" (,\i;;"r t!,' :,qpp::- "'2; ~'IJu~tS of' if'.!;' Jf.\,~ f( ;,'1" ",;",,('1

In Process - Request

Further Info

~ Created Correspondence

'2f! New Question An::;\Af!:C,' 8131.",; 8y:

t'2I New Comment I-;:/~ ·r2Y Y ) i\n('y H,{ ,;f-'~

I\iilI Saved Question

£:.~ Responded Question


http://contracts.ofm. wa.gov/PSCD/Correspondence/Modi/:YQuestion.aspx?menuSeiect=mnuVProc&subMenuSeiect=mnuVPC... 12/31/2008

Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 20f2

'-! t'F.

F!r:'l·'1f';lll M~"f1JlD2rr"{~rit

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FiIiJJ9.....!iummary OriQina! FilinQ Summary Filing Justification Original Filing Justification Correspondence Attachments

Currently Processing To Main Correspondence

Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Agency: WSP

Reference Number: 64809

D~t0: By:
Legal Name:Larm, Doug
Status: 1?i;3(;i2i)();'; Jan ["iclViql:i:);':


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'i:Zf! New Question
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flI New Comment

I'ii!l Saved Question

~. Responded Question


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Filinq Summary Q.riQinal Filing Summary Filing Justification Original Filing Justification Correspondence Attachments

Currently Processing To Main Correspondenc.e

Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Agency: WSP
Reference Number: 64809

Legal Name:Larm, Doug Dr"to: 13)"

Status: :;<,(; ;in'" '/{;\' ;/k"!1



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IIJiI Saved Question

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Queues Admin Search

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Filing_~mmary Original Filing Summary Filina Justification Oriainal Finna Justification Correspondence Attachments

Currently Processing To Main Correspondence

Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Agency: WSP
Reference Number: 64809
D,}tf): o.y:
Legal Name:Larm, Doug
Status: 1.":< Yi<!!)O;-J ,.I~~r· ,\'ic",t;< ]'-,."



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8 New Comment

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flll~lLl11ma!y Qriqinal Filing Summary B!lng, Justification Oriqinal FilinQ Justification Correspondence Attachments

Currently Processing To Mai" Correspondence

Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Agency: WSP

Reference Number: 64809

:.);&1:0: By:
legal Name:Larm, Doug

Status: 12<Y!-';:Y' j;'lI'l h~Cf,/:,:l:en

0. Regnrdinq

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Page 1 of 1 .

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:39 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

1. Purpose

The Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) is in the process of hiring a total of six intelligence analysts (1
Lead Analyst and 5 Intelligence Analysts). The Lead Analyst position has already been approved. These are
contractor positions. Background investigations will be required due to the nature and sensitivity of
information available to analysts.

2. Fund Source and Amount

Contractors will be paid with funds from the Department of Homeland Security's State Homeland Security
Gran!. One million dollars has been allotted to fund these positions.

3. Does the purchase ....

• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?

The project provides a critical component (intelligence analysts) to Washington State's Statewide
Integrated Intelligence System Plan (SWIIS). The spirit and intent of the SWIIS is to protect the citizens of
Washington State by providing an intelligence capability focused on terrorism prevention.

• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?


• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?

Federal funds are available to fund the hiring of these contractors. An investment justification submitted to
the Department of Homeland Security specifies that these funds will be used to fund intelligence analysts.

• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a project will
encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?

The WSFC enhancement project is dependent upon the acquisition of intelligence analysts and
continuation of the contracting process including background investigations on successful proposers.

4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

If not approved, the WSP will not be able to successfully secure the services of the above-described
proposers and will not be in compliance with the WSP's own contractor proposal requirements.

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Monday, December 29, 20084:28 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 12/29/20084:28:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 64809

Contractor Legal Name: Larm, Doug

Contractor TIN: 300369267

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090433PSC
Filed Date: 12/29/20084:28:00 PM
Start Date: 1/1/2009 Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $532,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during processing and to access the filing in
the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in
PSCD. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3


Personal Service Contracts Database

Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By: Cindy Haider
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 300369267
Legal Name Larm, Doug
DBA Operational Applications Inc
UBI 602632122
Address 4227 South Meridian Suite C366, Puyallup, WA USA 98374
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide lead criminal intelligence analyst services at
joint federal, state and local. law enforcement environments such as joint and regional
criminal intelligence centers.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
This Filing $532,000 $532,000
Contract Total $532,000

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
12/29/2008 01/01/2009 09/30/2012


Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current Stale Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees

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Page 2 of3

None Identified
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to
address and which makes the services necessary.
The Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau
of Investigations (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies
by organizing and disseminating threat information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies,
first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, Mo-way flow of
intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies includes the FBI; US Immigration and Customs
Enforcement; the Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law
enforcement agencies.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governo~s office. The contract is funded through federal law Enforcment
Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security. An investment justification submitted specifies that these funds will be used to fund intelligence
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Competitive SoliCitation Process
Advertisement Information

Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 6
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or
the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation
process or what differentiated this contractor from others.
The Contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training,
leadership, work experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of panel
members from the WAJAC as well as a written assignment.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
NeMork Transport Engineering Intelligence Acumen Operational Applications
Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection
committee made the award decision, etc).

Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence
Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center to score vendor education, training, leadership and work

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Page 3 of3

experience. Cost points were awarded based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate
proposed for all vendors. The highest scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local
jurisdictions participating in the regional intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant
team member would work. The final selection was based on the outcome of these interviews and written
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
The hourly rate is comparable to other contractors submitting proposals for these services.
LeadAnalysto90433.doc - 153088kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

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Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Exhibit B


@ One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted
with the Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances
were signed by a person author.ized to legally obligate the Consultant.

@ 4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

@ Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00pm on November 14, 2008.

@ The Consultant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington.

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any
proposed Consultant Team Member(s):

. Has previously served as an intelligence analyst for a minimum of two (2) years either in
a Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement
intelligence unit; or, has a Bachelor's degree or higher college degree in criminal justice,
law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field that substitutes for the work
.experience requirement; and

Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline

proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.' .

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates
that any proposed Consultant Team Member: .

Has four years of progressively responsible work experience in either in a Federal

intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit;

Possess a Bachelor'$ degree from an accredited college or university; or, an Associates'

degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or related field from an
accredited college or university; and

Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline

proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed
Consultant Team Members does not exceed $50.00.

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services the hourly reimbursement rate for
proposed Consultant Team Member does not exceed $60.00.

@ The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for every
Consultant Team Member proposed for work. The form is signed by each respective
proposed Consultant Team Member.

@ Proposal provided 90 days of acceptance of its terms from the due date of proposals.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

@ operatlonal
APplications Inc
Submitted In Response to State of WashingtonlWashington State Patrol
Request for Qualifications/Quotations (RFQQ) No. C090433PSC

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

NUV 14 (oOB
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Table of Contents

Section Page

Table of Contents... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2

1.0 - Letter of SubmittaL...................................................................................... 3

2.0 - Certifications and Assurances (Exhibit A to RFQQ)... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5

3.0 - Response to Questionnaire (Exhibit C to RFQQ)................................................. 6

3.1 - Team Members Qualifications/Experiences with Resumes ................................. 6

3.2 - Team Member Qualifications/Experiences: Lead Service with Resume........... ... 27

3.3 - References ............... ,.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ...... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 34

3.4 - Related Information... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ......... ...... ...... ...... ... ............. 40

3.5 - Waiver and Authorization to Release Information............................................ 40

4.0 - Quotation (Exhibit D to RFQQ) .......................................................................... 41

5.0 - Waiver and Authorization to Release Information (Exhibit E to RFQQ) ....................... 42

Tab A - Team Member's Certificates of Intelligence Analyst Training ................................ .48

Criminal thtelligence Analyst Services

2 @. operatlonal
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 1.0


Ms. Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator

Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia, Washington 98504-2602

Operational Applications Incorporated is pleased to submit this proposal in response to the

State of WashingtonlWashington State Patrol Request for Qualifications/Quotations (RFQQ)
Number C090433PSC soliciting consultants that can provide criminal intelligence analyst
services at the Washington Joint Analytical Center housed in the Seattle Field Office of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Operational Applications Incorporated is currently a sole-proprietorship company established in

2006. As an emerging consulting enterprise, Operational Applications focuses on effects-based
planning and operations bringing vision, innovation and solutions to contemporary intelligence
and analytical challenges. The approach offered under this proposal encompasses a six-
member team-based criminal intelligence analyst service involving military intelligence expertise
under wartime operations, law enforcement experience, counterintelligence credentials,
intelligence operations' planning -proficiency and extensive operational training in all-source and
single source intelligence disciplines supporting fusion analyses.

Operational Applications Incorporated will administratively support the proposed six-member

criminal intelligence analyst team with a project management expert to ensure the contract
business processes do not encumber or distract from the daily work performances expected of
the intelligence analysts. This single-point-of-contact offers WSP with the maximum flexibility in
achieving streamline efficiency in financial reimbursements and contract administration.
Further, there is no cost impact to WSP for this administrative project management.

As a team concept, the proposed criminal intelligence analyst-lead service is empowered by

Operational Applications Incorporated as the company's Director of Intelligence Operations to
gain and maintain continuity of operations with the company's analysts. This approach provides
WSP with maximum intelligence production efficiency and knowledge management.

Submitted this day by Doug Larm, Proprietor, Operational Applications Incorporated:

Title fJl2(JtIt>Mlr Date (DDIMMIYY)

5J ~ -lliIl;£!&t-/I{ I~~r

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

3 @ Qperational
_ APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 1.0


1.1 - Attachment

Mr. Doug Larm, Proprietor

Operational Applications Incorporated
4227 South Meridian
Mailing Address Suite C366
Puyallup, Washington 98373
13405 159'" Street Court East
Physical Address
Puyallup, Washington 98374
Telephone Number (253) 226-9564
E-Mail Address doug.larm@operationalapplications.com
FederallD Number or EIN30-0369267
UBI 602632122
Consultant Status Sole Proprietorship

. Operational Applications Incorporated is proud to identify the company·employees proposed for

work as criminal intelligence analysts:

Bill Evans Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Service

Dennis Gerber Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Sara Lacy Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Kathleen Almquist Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Kia Graham Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Neoma Skye Criminal Intelligence Analyst

Submitted this day by Doug Larm, Proprietor, Operational Applications Incorporated:

Signature . ;/"IMU~--

Title jJlli:%llJG;V7"" Date (DDIMMIYY)

~ t8 --i!ZtJI>/Zt~ IJ/ilj&!

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

4 @ operationai
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 2.0


I/we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance
with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract{s):

1. IIwe declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However,
IIwe may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 90 days following receipt, and it may be
accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of
certainty in key terms) at any time within the 90-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, IIwe have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the
state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract,
and who was assisting in other than his or her Official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these
assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5. IIwe understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of
this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and IIwe claim no proprietary right to
the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have
not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her
prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer orto any competitor.

7. IIwe agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation
contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. If there are
any exceptions to these terms, IIwe have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached
to this document.

8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to
submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

9. IIwe certify that neither the Proposer nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in any
contract resulting from this procurement by any federal department or agency. Further, if
awarded a contract the Proposer agrees not to enter into any arrangements or other contracts
with any party that is on the "General Service Administration List of Parties Excluded from
Federal Procurement or Non-procurement Programs" which can be found at www.epls.gov.

Signature of Proposer

Title ,PilPf'/j)ri'1f//" Date (DDIMMfYy)

SOu:- -14O;4(I~/tJ~ (#lId!'

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit A)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

5 @ Qperational .
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0.


3.1 - Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst


Our team members possess special qualifications, unique personal attributes and measurable
knowledge, skills and abilities required to succeed in supporting intelligence efforts by local,
regional and federal agencies. Our team-based approach integrates individual skills, training
and experiences into a high performing, mature and cohesive work unit focused on common
. goals: collaborate, cooperate, communicate and achieve. Our team-based approach benefits
Washington State by building a stronger workplace community ready to initiate professional
criminal intelligence analytical service and support at the start of contract work beginning day

All of the Operational Applications intelligence analysts meet, and with most of the
requirements, exceed the minimal standards established by the RFQQ. A further enhancement
of our team-based approach is our demonstrative work history, training and experience
surpassing the Department of Justice Minimum Criminal Intelligence Training Standards
Findings and Recommendations dated October 2007. For example, our proposed team
cumulatively consists of:

• Direct interrogation experience dealing with suspected terrorists

• Extensive intelligence support to US military combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
• Comprehensive knowledge, understanding and experience with federal, state and local
law enforcement agencies and with private businesses and public organizations security
• Consistent and proven work history in intelligence analysis, collection management and
dissemination, and in using advanced analytical techniques, processes and assessment
• Well-rounded experience with international, national, strategic, operational and tactical
level intelligence agencies, organizations and systems
• Over 57 years of direct, relevant work experience in collecting, interpreting, analyzing,
and processing raw data and information from multiple sources, disciplines and agencies
• Substantiated expertise in writing, collating, and disseminating intelligence reports, daily
briefs and periodic assessments
• Proven background in developing web-based information and knowledge portals
• Credentialed counter-intelligence special agents
• Operational insights and established contacts with other fusion center analysts, security
specialists, and officials in other state, local and federal agencies, private industry and
public resources
• Full spectrum of experience at adapting and utilizing military intelligence analytical tools
and methodology to non-traditional military operations such as combating terrorism and
organized crime
• Power users and program experts in Microsoft Office applications, software
programming languages, visualization and geographic information programs
• All team members possessing current federal level security clearances based on
favorable background checks

. Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

6 @ Qperatlonal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.1.1 - Dennis Gerber

Background: Dennis Gerber is a professional intelligence operations

analyst with an extensive law enforcement background encompassing
over twenty-four years in Washington State culminating with thirteen
years as Renton Police Commander. As a former King County Regional
Intelligence Analyst, he merged law enforcement operational insights with
ongoing intelligence research, investigations and special projects. He
assisted other regional intelligence analysts with research, investigative
leads and liaison with outside individuals, organizations and agencies.
He established contacts with fusion center analysts, security specialists,
and officials in other state, local and federal agencies, private industry
and public resources to obtain and exchange information. He analyzed
information to determine relevance, significance and applicability to ongoing King County law
enforcement operations. He developed additional clarifying information in order to provide
precise, specialized or customized information to meet both stated and unrealized analytical
needs of the county. He researched, reviewed, interpreted and integrated a variety of finished
and unfinished intelligence into a structured, multi-layered analytical product enhancing King
County's situational awareness and understanding of contemporary and potential terror acts
and emerging organized crime activities against regional jurisdictions, critical infrastructure,
services and the county at large.

• Formal education: Master in Public Administration and MBA; BA in Political Science
(application courses in statistical analysis and research) .
• National security work experience: three years as a King County regional intelligence
analyst supporting the Washington Joint Analytical Center
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: two years as adjunct instructor for
Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs basic intelligence course (Role of
Intelligence Analyst); completed WASPC basic intelligence course, Foundations of
Intelligence Analysis Training and Drug Intelligence Analysis in 2006
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over fifteen years daily proficiency in
substance, organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication
developed through Microsoft Office suite applications

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Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Dennis Gerber's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an MEETS Requirement Served three years as an intelligence analyst supporting
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two King County Regional Intelligence Group
years either in a federal intelligence agency,
the military or state and/or local law
enforcement intelligence unit
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXC~EOS Requirement. Completed basic intelligence analyst training sponsored
training to ensure baseline proficiency by Washington Association of Sheriff's and Police Chiefs (WASPC); served two .
years as adjunct instructor for basic WASPC intelligence course (Role of
Intelligence Analyst); completed the Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training.,
sponsored by IALEIA and LEIU, the Drug Intelligence Analysis training through the
National Drug Intelligence Center and i2 Analysts Notebook training in 2006; also
completed Law Enforcement Intelligence Toolbox training sponsored by the School
of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University, and the Department of Homeland
Secu~in 2007 and cOrl1pleted Call An~s Trainina throuah Pen-Link in 2008
ProfICient in the use of Microsoft Office EXCEEDS Requirement. Over fifteen years hands-on experience with Microsoft
Suite applications Office products in stand-atone and networked environments; demonstrable
proficiency using PowerPoint, Access/Excel and Word ,for intelligence and criminal
investigative presentations, studies, analyses, and briefings

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement. Possesses a current De~artment of Justice Top Secret
security cle~rance level security clearance .

Resume: Dennis Gerber is a dedicated intelligence analyst combining extensive law

enforcement background with three years of specialized experience in searching, extracting and
analyzing raw data and information for relevance, significance and applicability to King County's
regional intelligence work objectives. His background enables him to bridge the intelligence
gaps with detectives, sheriffs and other investigative officers throughout statewide law
enforcement agencies. He is suited to provide the intelligence analyst team with case
management awareness and with coordinating information needs arising from project activities.
Over the last three years as an intelligence analyst, he has conducted research using various
organizations internal databases and shared resulting data in order to clarify, SUbstantiate or
discover investigative leads.

• Professional Experience

Intelligence Analyst, King County Sheriff's Office/Criminallnvestigations Division, 2005~9/08

Performed as one of three intelligence analysts supporting the Washington Joint Analytical
Center's Regional Intelligence Group 6. Responsible for infusing an all crimes approach with
emerging analytical processes to determine potential links and connections to terrorism,
organized crime and all other criminal acts. Collected information, synthesized relevant data
and established situational evidence into potential criminal investigative facts in order to
determine trends and provide intelligence feedback.

Investigator, Yarmuth, Wilsdon& Calfo PLLC, 2002-2005

Performed as an Investigator for a Seattle-based attorney's firm. This firm focused on trial and
appellate work, dispute resolution, and counsel and advice in both civil and white-collar criminal
cases. As an Investigator, worked on illegal satellite piracy for DircTV, utilizing the Digital.
Millennium Act. Also worked on the illegal downloading and file sharing of copyrighted music for
the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) under the Federal Copyright Act.

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Police Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Patrol Services Division, 1995-2000

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for all motorcycle officers, accident

reconstruction investigators, fatality accident investigations, animal control and parking
enforcement. Commanded 21 man mUlti-agency Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT).
Commanded one of four SWAT teams implemented during the 1999 World Trade Organization
conference in Seattle. Provided venue security for Heads of State and world diplomats.
Provided leadership and direction for law enforcement action under extreme riot like conditions.
Implemented and managed Police Services contract for the City of Newcastle. Interim Police
Chief for the City of Newcastle overseeing all aspects of the police department. Worked closely
with the Newcastle City Manager and council members.

Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Administrative Services Division, 1993-1995

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for coordinating and providing all aspects of
training for the police department. Commanded the department's crime prevention program that
provided numerous community outreach programs. Commanded the Drug Abuse Resistance
Education (DARE) and Gang Resistance Education. and Training (GREAT) programs. this
required a close working relationship with all educators and school administrators alike. These
programs provided drug and gang training to thousands of school children. Supervised all
recruitment for the agency and provided all background investigations on new police
candidates. Provided research and development on new equipment and technologies.
Directed a volunteer staff of over 50 personnel. .

Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Patrol Operations Division, 1989-1993

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for First Watch, Second Watch and Third
Watch patrol shifts, directing over 60 uniformed officers. Commandedlhe K-9 Units as well as
the Bicycle Patrol Unit. Served as an Administrative Member on the Renton Police Department
Review Board. Participated in the oversight and review of all officer-involved shootings, motor
. vehicle accidents and other problematic officer-involved incidents.

Acting Deputy Chief, City of Renton Police Department, Support Services Bureau, 1992-1993

Performed as Bureau Commander responsible for the Administrative Services Division,

Auxiliary Services Division and the Records Division. Support Services Bureau responsibilities
included Training, Crime Prevention, DAR.E., Recruitment; Records, Jail, Evidence, and
Accreditation (Both State & National). Served as an Administrative Member on the Renton
Police Department Review Board.

Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Auxiliary Services Division, 1987-1989

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for Jail, Inmate Health and Welfare, Weapons
Permits, Fingerprints and Evidence. Commanded a jail that provided over 30 outside agency
contracts for jail services. This included federal, state, tribal and local agencies. Responsible
for providing and processing all weapon permit requests as well as providing background
investigations on weapon pennit applicants. Provided fingerprint processing on all bookings
and arrests as well as all school teachers within the district as required by law and all other
license applicants such as masseuses. Responsible for the evidence collection and processing
of all crime scenes.

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• Education

Master of Public Administration/MPA, City University, Seattle, WA, 1982

Master of Business Administration/MBA, City University, Seattle, WA, 1982

Bachelor of Arts - Political Science, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, 1979

• Job-Related Training

Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, Executive Level Certificate, Seattle,

NW Law Enforcement. Executive Command College, Port Ludlow, WA, 1995

Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy, Quantico, VA, 1994

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3.1.2 - Sara Lacy

Background: Sara Lacy is a West Point graduate and a professional

intelligence analyst with over ten years of military intelligence experience
encompassing human intelligence, counter-intelligence and technical
aviation operations in support of Army intelligence programs in Iraq,
Korea, Germany and stateside assignments. She has performed as a
senior intelligence analyst with responsibility for cross-functional
intelligence cycle processes including synchronizing requirements,
analyzing raw data and disseminating timely information in a clear and
understandable format. As a senior intelligence officer supporting Army
operations in Iraq, she has tracked Iraqi ground forces, analyzed the Sara Lacy
placement of units, and provided substantive input to the senior military
. collection manager for synchronizing tactical reconnaissance operations and national
intelligence assets in northern Iraq. This support, called Operation Northern Watch, enforced
the no-fly zone after the first Gulf War in 1991. She was responsible for identifying, confirming
and informing US Air Force and Allied pilots on potential surface-to-air missile or anti-air attack
sites. She developed a fusion process merging Top Secret human intelligence reports with
databases of other intelligence agencies mindful of emerging information security protection
requirements unfolding through her innovative use of classified, highly controlled information.
She quickly developed a professional rapport with foreign military liaisons and was so
successful in developing intelligence briefs for Turkey's General Staff Officers she was selected
by-mime to repeat her short-tour assignment. As a result, the US and Allied military forces were
able to identify and quickly target hostile military positions in northern Iraq thereby saving the
lives of many transiting pilots.

.• Formal education: BS in Spanish/German with minor in environmental engineering;
slated to complete BS in Information TechnologyNisual Communication spring 2009
• National security work experience: over ten years in US Army intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: graduate of US Army military intelligence
officer basic course; selected to perform as an observer/controller in US Army Europe
training center responsible for coaching, teaching and mentoring junior and senior
intelligence officers in all aspects of intelligence operations
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over ten years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications--considered expert/power-user; proficient in
MS Visio and Project; skilled in HTML and Javascript; and able to program in Java and

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

-@Operatlonal -
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Sara Lacy's Qualifications

Must have previously selVed as an EXCEEDS Requirement Over ten years progressive military intelligence selVice
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two with two years analytical support to Operation Northern Watch and military combat
years either in a federal intelligence agency, selVice in Iraq from Jan - Dec 2004
the military or state and/or local law
enforcement intelli"gence unit
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCEEDS Requirement. Completed US Anny military intelligence basic officers
training to ensure baseline proficiency course; adjunct observer/controller in Army Europe training center responsible for
coaching. teaching and mentoring junior and senior intelligence officers in all
aspects of intelligence operations
Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office EXCEEOS Requirement. Expertlpower-user with ten years hands-on experience
Suite applications with Microsoft Office products in stand-alone and networked environments;
demonstrable expertise using PowerPoint, Access/Excel and Word for intelligence
presentations, studies, analyses, and briefings; and proficient in MS Visio, Project,
skilled i':1 HTML and Javascript and able to program in Java and C+

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement. Possesses current Defense Department Top
security clearance Secret/Special Background Investigation-level security clearance

Resume: Sara Lacy is an innovative thinker and a professional intelligence analyst with over
ten years experience including wartime intelligence operations. She has performed as a
national level intelligence analyst responsible for producing country studies and other strategic
intelligence reports, as an operational level intelligence analyst responsible for finding,
identifying and locating hostile military air attack sites in northern Iraq, and as a tactical level
intelligence analyst in Korea responsible for analyzing problematic indications and warning
associated with ongoing US Forces peacekeeping operations on the Korean peninsula. Her
background supports critical work requirements for assessing information needs, identifying
analysis techniques, identifying risks, evaluating alternative solutions, identifying information
. gaps and establishing work priorities. Her wartime service contributes significant intelligence
experience in writing, collating and disseminating analytical reports, daily briefs and periodic

• Professional Experience

Company Commander [Captain (CPT), Military Intelligence (MI)]. 34S'h MI Battalion, Military
Intelligence Reserve Command,Jasper, AL, 2107-3/08

Commanded the Theater Ground Intelligence Center (TGIC) support company. Responsible for
providing two combat-ready multi-discipline intelligence fusion teams which supported wartime
operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. The TGIC fusion teams are responsible for maintaining
situational awareness and situational understanding on emerging conditions existing within
assigned countries of studies in our region. We developed and maintained intelligence
preparation of the battlefield products, analytical assessments, and developed indications and
warning. Further, a major fusion team responsibility was to find and screen data potentially
indicating the presence or activities of terrorist groups that may have been operating in our
assigned region.

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Intelligence Staff Officer [CPTlMI], 345th MI Battalion, Military Intelligence Reserve Command,
Fort Gordon, GA, 7/06-2/07

As the Intelligence Officer, responsible for ensuring personnel security and physical security of
classified documents within the battalion's area of responsibility. As part of ensuring personnel
security my team conducted preliminary investigations for personnel requesting security .
clearances, as well as starting the process for periodic reviews for personnel already in
possession of a valid security clearance. My team provided oversight for the maintenance oftwo
different locations secured for use with processing, transmitting and storing Secret classified
information. I conducted regular inspections to ensure that the storage facilities conformed to
published regulations and reported monthly on the status of all classified documents and
systems in these two facilities. Provided oversight for two subordinate units that maintained
Secret classified document storage safes outside of these facilities and ensured that their
procedures and storage equipment also conform.ed to published regulations.

Intelligence Staff Officer [CPTlMI], 504th MI Brigade, Fort Hood, TX, 1/03-4/05

As an Intelligence Officer, served in Iraq from January to December 2004. Responsible for daily
reporting of personnel accountability for more than 2000 Soldiers and civilians stationed in
numerous cities, operating bases and enclaves positioned throughout Iraq. Coordinated the
Rest and Relaxation (R&R) program for the entire Brigade, ensuring that no unit fell below 90%
strength. Responsible for all casualty reporting within the Brigade. This report included all
Soldiers listed as Wounded In Action (WIA), Killed in Action (KIA) and Missing in Action (MIA).
My team tracked the movement of Soldiers and/or remains until final destination in the US.

Intelligence Staff Officer [CPT/MI], 4th Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Ansbach, Germany 9/01-

Two days before 9/11, I assumed staff duties as the senior intelligence officer in the brigade
with responsibility for keeping the commanders and senior officers informed on emerging
events, indications and warning and potential applications to our mission readiness. As the
senior brigade intelligence officer, performed as the commander's representative during the
. Force Protection Working Group meetings. These meetings, developed in. the days following
9/11, focused on force protection measures for th~ee US military installations located in
Germany. These installations housed US military forces and family members as well as serving
as the garrison command locations for divisional units. Responsible for establishing the force
protection plans for these installations, for determining physical security guard rotations and for
standardizing operating procedures for guard forces at five different locations in the German
community. Additionally responsible for coaching, teaching and mentoring other intelligence
officers in the intelligence process and cycle with special emphasis on intelligence production
and dissemination focused on Anmy aviation operations during assignment as an
observer/controller at the largest combat maneuver training center in Genmany.

Intelligence Staff Officer [CPTlMI], Iraqi Ground Forces Order of Battle Section, Operation
Northern Watch 3/01-7/01 and 4/02-5/02

Responsible for tracking Iraqi Ground Forces, analyzing the placement and movement of units,
providing input to the collection manager to facilitate the use of Tactical Reconnaissance and
National assets in Northern Iraq. Conducted weekly meetings with the senior intelligence officer
responsible for collection management as well as providing a "focus" meeting before each
mission in order to emphasize special interest ground targets. These meetings were important

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Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

because national intelligence assets would exploit these targets. Provided detailed information
about the disposition, strength and location of Iraqi ground forces. Responsible for supporting a
section of political and military analysts coordinating with foreign military embassies in Turkey in
order to maintain situational awareness of any political situation that might adversely, or
positively, impact Allied aviation missions over Northern Iraq. Conducted daily mission briefs for
the senior commanders and staff as well as detailed intelligence briefings for the pilots.
Exploited multiple national agency databases and monitored different classified message traffic
to synthesize current, real-time information on national imagery products. These products were
extremely useful in conjunction with various intelligence reports and data feeds to help visualize
the ground order of battle situation for the other staff members.

Platoon Leader [Lieutenant/Mil, B Company, 102nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 2nd Infantry
Division, Camp Essayons, Republic of Korea, 1/99-1/00

Platoon leader or officer-in-charge of a 10 Soldier team of intelligence analysts known as an

Analysis and Control Team (ACT). The ACT mission is to provide immediate, timely analysis of
battlefieid events and information to a senior commander. Assisted in the development of Army
intelligence doctrine for the forming, fielding and deploying of an ACT. Responsible for .
developing training framework for the ACT that transformed into a multi-discipline extension of
an Army ground command unit in order to conduct missions in peacetime, conflict and war
against threats ranging from regional powers, warring factions, and guerilla teams. As a platoon
leader for one of the first Army ACT teams, I was responsible for creating a training structure for
the team to later include unmanned aerial vehicle imagery specialists.

• Education

University of Phoenix, BS Information TechnologyNisual Communication, spring 2009; Fort

Lewis, WA

United States Military Academy at West Point, BS Spanish/German with minor in environmental
engineering; West Point, NY, 1998

• Job-Related Training

Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 1998

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3.1.3 - Kia Graham

Background: Kia Graham is a professional intelligence analyst with

over five years of military intelligence experience encompassing regional
fusion analyses including support to wartime operations in Iraq as well as
direct analytical support to over 100 strategic interrogations of high-value
human intelligence targets as a senior intelligence analyst with Joint
Task Force Guantanamo Bay-Cuba. She has progressive experience in
intelligence positions ranging from a supervisor of human intelligence
collection operations to lead intelligence analyst in a fusion analysis
section. She assisted in the creation and facilitation of an Intelligence
Information Upload Project with US Southern Command. This effort Kia Graham
proved critical to the management and archive storage of all information
related to detainees at Guantanamo Bay-Cuba. She possesses comprehensive knowledge of
Defense Department and Intelligence Community organizations, missions and functions. Her
experience has proven invaluable in providing her with context in understanding and working
with the inter-relationship maze associated with national and Defense Department intelligence

• Formal education: slated to complete BA in Intelligence Studies with a focus on
Terrorism in summer 2009; currently maintaining 4.0 GPA .
• National security work experience: over five years in intelligence with positions in
tactical and national level organizations including as an intelligence analyst supporting
US Special Operations in Iraq in 2004-2005; experience as lead intelligence liaison with
federal law enforcement agencies, major military commands, international committees,
and other government agencies
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: graduate of US Army Counter-Intelligence
Special Agent course and Joint Interrogation certification course; completed US Army
Intelligence Support in Counter-Terrorism course and US Army basic intelligence analyst
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over five years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications

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Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Kia Graham's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an . EXCeeDS Requirement. Over five years progressive military intelligence service
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two in positions of tactical and national strategic organizations including as an
years either in a federal intelligence agency, intelligence analyst in Iraq and as a strategic analyst of all-source and finished
the military or state and/or local law intelligence products addressing transnational, international terrorism and terror-
enforcement intelligence unit related activities in support of Joint Task Force Intelligence and Interrogation
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCEEDS Requirement. Completed US Anny Counter-Intelligence Special Agent
training to ensure baseline proficiency Course, Intelligence Support in Counter-Terrorism Course and US Anny basic
intelligence analyst course; completed joint intelligence training on asymmetric
warfare intelligence analysis course
Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office EXCeeDS Requirement. Considered product Power-user; over five years hands~
Suite applications on experience with Microsoft Office products in stand-alone and networked
environments; demonstrable proficiency using PowerPoint, Access/Excel and Word
for intelligence and criminal investigative presentations, studies, analyses, and

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level. MEETS Requirement. Possesses current Defense Department Top
security clearance Secret/Special B.ackground Investigation-level security clearance

Resume: Kia Graham is a US Army Reserve Counter-Intelligence Special Agent with over five
years of progressive wartime intelligence operations experience. She has supported over 100
strategic interrogations of high-value human intelligence targets as a senior intelligence analyst
with JointTask Force Guantanamo Bay-Cuba. She has created and disseminated over 100 in-
depth all-source analytical products to law enforcement, intelligence agencies and foreign
governments in her wartime support role. Her professional experience and innovative mind
enabled her to exceed the required analytical production rate threecfold. She has liaised on a
daily basis with the US military criminal investigative task force, combatant commands, Federal
Bureau of Investigation and other governmental agencies as well as with Defense Department
and Justice Department. One of her most significant wartime service contributions included the
development of over thirty terrorist targeting packets in support of collection operations and
direct action missions which resulted in the apprehension of al-Qaeda operatives, foreign
fighters, and members of the former Saddam regime.

• Professional Experience

Lead Intelligence Analyst, Fusion Analysis Section, Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
1 0106 - 02/08

Consistently provided timely and accurate analysiS of all-source information and finished
intelligence products addressing transnational, international terrorism and terrorism-related
activities to support JointTask Force intelligence and interrogation operations. Created and
disseminated over 100 fused in-depth all-source intelligence analysis products to law
enforcement, intelligence agencies and foreign government services. Maintained situational
awareness and understanding of emerging events described in message traffic and intelligence
products. Liaised on a regular basis with criminal investigative task force, combatant
commands, Federal Bureau of Investigation, other governmental agencies and a myriad of other
Defense Department and Justice Department organizations.

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Intelligence Analyst, Fusion Analysis Section/Gulf States Regional Team, Joint Task Force-
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 01/06 - 10/06

Provided relevant, accurate and timely analytical support to ten human intelligence collection
teams assigned to the Gulf States region. Attended weekly coordination meetings and was a
contributing analystto collection strategy sessions. Provided analytical comments on over 30
in-production intelligence information reports. Created intelligence summaries for over 80
intelligence information reports created by the Gulf States team. She reviewed and updated
over 100 detainee analytical support packages. Liaised with respective regional commands;
maintained collaborative processes with other fusion analysis sections.

Human Intelligence Collection Operations Supervisor/Intelligence Analyst, Interrogation

Control Element North Africa/Europe Regional Team, Joint Task Fbrce-Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, 07/04 - 11/05

She was responsible for intelligence requirements management. Provided analytical input for
over 50 interrogation control plans. Performed liaison and coordination planning with federal
law enforcement agencies, major military commands, international committees and other
governmental agencies. She developed all-source analytical products in support of North
Africa/Europe Regional Team's collection efforts. Assisted in the creation of and facilitation for
an Intelligence Information Upload Project. This project managed and archived relevant
detainee intelligence information. Selected to teach this project to senior officers. Served as a
senior military analyst for a visiting foreign delegation from an African Union member state.
Provided assessments, analyses and informational updates on selected high-value detainees.

Intelligence Operations Supervisor/Intelligence Analyst, Joint Special Operations Command

Task Force 6-26, Iraq, 11/04 - 05/05

She performed specialized duties as a counter-terrorism analyst and as the Intelligence

Operations Manager for a Joint Special Operations team. Provided analytical support to answer.
time-sensitive and critical priority information requirements. Developed over 30 terrorist
targeting packets in support of collection operations and direct action missions. This support
resulted in the apprehension of al-Qaeda operatives, foreign fighters and members of the former
Saddam regime. Generated over 2,000 intelligence-based assessments in support of tactical
planning. Developed and maintained an all-source intelligence database in support of future
targeting operations. Performed collection managementfunctions to include handling requests
for information, disseminating intelligence to internal and external agencies and generating
analytical evaluations. Lead liaison officer with federal law enforcement agencies and military
magistrates. Established document explOitation priorities and supervised accountability of all
captured enemy media, equipment and currency. Managed all movement of detainees and
associated case evidence. Daily briefed the command and staff on all operational and
intelligence collection operations. .

• Education

American Military University, BA in Intelligence Studies with a focus on Terrorism in summer

2009; Fort Lewis, WA

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• Job-Related Training

Joint Interrogation Certification Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Huachuca,
AZ, Oct 2008

US Army Counter-Intelligence Special Agent Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School,
Fort Huachuca, AZ, Jul 2008

Intelligence Support in Gounter-Terrorism Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort
Huachuca, AZ, Jun 2004

Intelligence Analyst Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Huachuca, AZ, Sep
2003 .

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3.1.4 - Kathleena Almquist

Background: Kathleena Almquist is an intelligence analyst with over

four years of US Army military intelligence experience and training; with
fifteen months operational experience in support of Operation Iraqi
Freedom as a member of Third Stryker Brigade Second Infantry
Division's brigade level intelligence team based out of Fort Lewis,
Washington. She will graduate with high honors and receive an
Associate in Arts and Sciences degree next month, with concentrations
in writing intensive and multicultural investigative courses. She has
received military training from the Department of Defense in intelligence
analysis and mobile warning analysis. She has completed programs in Kathleena Almquist
security management and is a graduate of the US Army Counter-Intelligence course.

• Formal education: AAS - Dec 2008 (elements of Asian Language and Culture,
intensive writing, and mathematical reasoning)
• National security work experience: over four years in US Army Intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: completed intelligence training such as the
Mobile Warning Analysis Course from the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center and
US Army Counter-Intelligence course
• Microsoft Office software profiCiency. over four years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications

Meets or Exceeds MinimumRFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Kathleena Almquist's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an EXCEEDS Requirement. Over four years progressive military intelligence service
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two including over 2 years active analytical support for 3-2 Stryker Brigade in. garrison,
years either in a federal intelligence agency, military ,combat service in Mosul, Baghdad, and Baqubah Iraq from Jun 2006 - Sep
the military qr state and/or local law 2007, and current reserve service since Feb 2008
enforcement intelligence unit
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCEeDS Requirement. Completed US Army military intelligence advanced
training to ensure baseline proficiency individual training course; intelligence training in Mobile Warning Analysis-
indicators and warning analysis;·and US Army Counter-Intelligence course

Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office MEETS ~equirement Over four years of daily PowerPoint. Access/Excel and
Suite applications Word use for intelligence presentations, studies, analyses, and briefings

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement Possesses current Defense Department Top
security clearance Secret/Special Background Investigation-level security clearance

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Resume: Kathleena Almquist is a US Army Reserve Military Intelligence Sergeant with over 4
years of military intelligence service. Her experience includes all-source intelligence analysis at
. the tactical level while interacting and sharing information with adjacent commands and
specialized organizations. She is confident, resourceful, and intelligent, and exceeds
expectations and requirements when accomplishing tasks. As a professional intelligence
analyst, she is capable of making timely decisions with minimal supervision. Additionally, she
communicates complex ideas in an understandable, efficient, and professional manner. She
has demonstrated the ability to create, integrate, and improve intelligence products and
procedures. Her technical expertise covers a range of intelligence functions including human
intelligence, signals intelligence, and imagery intelligence. She uses her exceptional analytical
abilities, coupled with excellent written and oral communications skills, to translate information
into a synthesized intelligence product.

• Professional Experience

Intelligence Sergeant [Sergeant (SGT), Military Intelligence (MI)], 301 st Maneuver

Enhancement Brigade (US Army Reserve), Fort Lewis, WA, 2/08 - Present

Incorporating lessons learned and knowledge acquired from real world analysis experience into
reserve intelligence analysis training and operations. Coordinating related intelligence training.
Oversees the implementation and improvement of information, operations, communications,
and personnel security procedures for the brigade. Improved security readiness immensely, with
a vast change in security awareness and a higher level of respect for securitY regulations and
requirements. Created and implemented Standard Operation Procedures for derogatory
information reporting and clearance processing and tracking.

Intelligence Sergeant [SpeCialist (SPC)/MI], 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Mosul,
Baghdad, and Baqubah, Iraq, 06/06 - 09/07

Evaluated all-source intelligence in support of counter-insurgency operations for 15 months in

Mosul, Baghdad, and Baqubah, Iraq, as the Intelligence Operations Noncommissioned OffiCer
in the Brigade Tactical Operations Center, contributing to exemplary mission planning and
execution. Analyzed and disseminated human, Signal, and imagery intelligence of immediate
value to eight separate battalions with over four thousand soldiers, resulting in the neutralization
of numerous explosive devices and the capture of several hundred terrorist and insurgent high
value targets. Continually coordinated the production of intelligence products, and the analYSis
and dissemination of current operational intelligence. Prepared and conducted thousands of
intelligence .updates to both the Brigade Deputy Commanding Officer and the Commanding
Officer, providing the necessary extensive, accurate situational awareness needed to make
decisions regarding current and future operations. DeSigned a daily intelligence product fusing
national, local, and special agency human intelligence reporting in a summarized and graphical
format thereby improving the platform for answering the Brigade Commanding Officer's priority
intelligence requirements. Adapted all daily intelligence operations and products to succeed in 3
separate and distinct operational environments, contributing to the security of 3 large cities in
Iraq, including Baghdad, with a population of 6.5 million. Assumed the role of S2 Battle Captain
while training and preparing incoming S2 Battle Captains and Noncommissioned Officers during
the Relief in Place and Transfer of Authority in both Mosul and Baghdad, Iraq.

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Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

Intelligence Analyst [SPC/MI]. 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team - Fort Lewis, WA, 12/04-
06106, 09107 - 02/08

Assisted both the Brigade Security Manager and Brigade Special Security Officer in fields as
varied as Physical Security, Information Security, Operational Security and Personnel Security.
Coordinated training for 8 battalion intelligence teams, resulting in an efficient, knowledgeable,
and compliant organization. Trained 5 soldiers to continue security operations following the
transition of all experienced intelligence analysts from the S2, ensuring the continuous security'
standards within the 3rd Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. Established a system for tracking
security issues, including derogatory information handling, requests for Personnel Security
Investigations, and mandatory security awareness training for the Brigade.

• Education

Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, WA, Associate's Degree -12/2008, Major: Four-Year

Troy University, Troy, AL, 9 hours -10/2007, Major: Political Science

• Job-Related Training

Mobile Warning Analysis Course, Joint Military Intelligence Training Center, Fort Lewis, WA,

Intelligence Analyst Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 2004

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Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.1:5 - Neoma Skye

Background: Neoma Skye is a senior intelligence professional with

over fifteen years of progressive and diversified i.ntelligence, counter-
intelligence, force protection and law enforcement liaison experience.
She has demonstrated expert proficiency in database research, query
creation and interpretation, and in organizing link and timeline analyses
in order to substantiate analytical conclusions. She has extensive
experience in creating and briefing over 200 force protection and
situational and threat assessment reports for deploying military
personnel. Her detailed integration for analytical mapping of terrorism
events was acknowledged as an innovative training method and was
adopted into the required intelligence briefing procedures. She has Neoma Skye
served as a senior Intelligence analyst for the Joint Task Force-
Homeland Defense where she provided counter-terrorism expertise in developing scenario
inputs for mUlti-agency exercises. She has led a small training team focused on anti-terrorism
and force protection tactics, techniques and procedures and was responsible for teaching
intelligence analysis methods, report writing skills and presentation techniques. She has
revised operating procedures, policies and plans; created new office forms and tracking
spreadsheets; enhanced document archiving techniques to an online collaboration library and
managed access for users of shared server files.

• Formal education: BS in Business Management (application courses in statistical
analysis and research)
• National security work experience: over 15 years in military intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: US Army credentialed Counter-Intelligence
Special Agent; completed advanced intelligence training such as Intelligence in
Combating Terrorism, Criminal Intelligence Analysis, Anti-Terrorism, Signals
Intelligence, and numerous Analysis Software Programs
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over fifteen years daily proficiency in
SUbstance, organization, style and correctness in all forms of written and graphic
communication developed through Microsoft Office suite applications

Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Neoma Skye's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an EXCeeOS Requirement. Over 15 yeats progressive military and Defense
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two Department intelligence experience including three years as a defense contractor
years either in a federal intelligence agency, intelligence instructor and counter-terrorism/force protection ,consultant
the military or state and/or local law
enforcement intelligence unit
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCEEDS Requirement. Specialized US Army training in security, terrorism,
training to ensure baseline proficiency counter-terrorism and force protection; credentialed Counter-Intelligence Special
Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office EXCEEDS Requirement. Considered product Power-user with over 15 years of
Suite applications daily PowerPoint, Access/Excel and Word use for intelligence presentations,
studies, analyses, and briefings in stand-alone and networked environments

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement PO$sesses current Defense Department Top
security clearance Secret/Special Background Investigation-level se~urity clearance

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Resume: Neoma Skye is a US Army Reserve Military Intelligence Sergeant with over 15 years
of military intelligence service including three years of defense contracting intelligence support.
She is a credentialed US Army Counter-Intelligence Special Agent. Her analytical experience
includes situation-specific, non-traditional terrorism and asymmetrical threats. She served as a
team leader for the US Army Pacific's Homeland Defense/Force Protection analysis team
responsible for fusing and interpreting intelligence, analysis and reports from numerous military,
civilian and government sectors. Additionally, as the team leader, she was responsible for
developing innovative methods for obtaining information. Her fused intelligence summary was
produced using standard military and agency analytical collaboration techniques along with non-
traditional intelligence information providers such as private security companies supporting local
retail and critical infrastructure. She researched, authored and disseminated daily analytical
reports summarizing potential terrorism related incidents and possible impacts on military
operations. In addition to situation-specific analyses, she produced general capability threat
assessments. She assisted senior military officers in writing intelligence outlook reports for
specific countries or political regions. These in-depth country reports included biographies,
conventional military threats, terror-related threats and socio-economic: conditions. She was
responsible for creating and maintaining a tracking database of terrorism and counter-terrorism
incidents. This spreadsheet was used by the US Army for long-term threat analysis and was
incorporated in the intelligence portion of the senior commander's annual force protection and
risk assessment report.

• Professional Experience

Senior Counter-Intelligence Agent, 373rd Military Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve),
Tumwater, WA, 1/08 - Present

Serves as Counterintelligence team leader in a Reserve Component Military Intelligence

Company. She is responsible for individual and team-based multi-discipline intelligence'
collection and counterintelligence support for operational and tactical military operations. She is
responsible for mission execution, training, personnel and logistics readiness of her team and
other subordinates ensuring they are prepared for world-wide deployments in support of the
nation's effort to fight terrorism. She also assists with coordination of mission_related training for·
intelligence personnel to increase their understanding of intelligence operations, processes and
systems. Due to her analytical background and instruction skills, her peers and senior leaders
often acknowledge her as a subject matter expert within the company on counterintelligence
analysis and systems training.

Senior Counter-Intelligence Agent, 500'h Military Intelligence Brigade, Schofield Barracks, HI


Developed 2-hour in-depth security briefing (to include topics on subversion and espionage,
operational security and terrorism awareness) for yearly training requirement. Presented briefing
over 20 times to over 1800 soldiers and civilians within six months. Assisted in personal security
background investigations, national security c:rime investigations, vulnerability assessments,
and other authorized counter-intelligence operations. Reviewed and edited counterintelligence
reports for accuracy, content and validity. Developed course curriculum and conducted
beginning and advanced counter-intelligence investigation and counter-terrorism analysis
training for Army Reserve soldiers. Served as Counterintelligence Special Projects NCO and
assisted senior executives with personnel management analysis, reports reviews and liaison
with subordinate counterintelligence offices. Designed, coordinated, and executed two separate
soldier knowledge and skills competitions for Hawaii and the Pacific Region; winners advanced

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to national region competition. Organized a filing and documentation system in the training
section in order to increase processing and tracking of training requests and completions for
500 solders in subordinate units. Requested by Special Security Office to tailor existing MS
Access database to meet changing needs of security section and allow for tracking of security
clearance information and training records for over 800 soldiers and civilians in the unit. As the
Brigade counter-intelligence and training representative, attended planning conference for Joint
US, Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada counter-intelligence/human intelligence exercise.

Training Developer 1 Intelligence Instructor (Corporate), The Sytex Group, Incorporated,

Camp H.M. Smith, HI, 12/04-04/05

. Conducted training development analysis through panels and surveys to ascertain end-user
needs, increase usability and determine relevance of training materials and testing criteria.
Developed and revised job qualification requirement handbooks, training modules and exams
for nine Pacific Command intelligence watch officer positions. Redesigned training website
homepage to include designing webpage materials, links and graphics.

Counter-Terrorism and Force Protection Analyst (Corporate), Science Applications

International Corporation, 205 th MI BN Analysis & Control Element, Ft. Shafter, HI, 10103-11/04

Led and instructed a five-person Anti-terrorism 1 Force Protection team; prepared. and instructed
soldiers in beginning and advanced counterintelligence methods, use of technology systems,
analytical tools and methods, and presentation 1 reporting skills. Performed the collection,
analysis, processing and dissemination of information derived from multiple resources to answer
intelligence requirements specifically focused on the homeland defense, force protection, and
asymmetric threats posed by foreign intelligence services, unconventional warfare forces,
terrorist organizations and other extremist groups. Performed research and analysis on terrorist
groups in the US Pacific Command's Area of Responsibility (USPACOM AOR) for Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield purposes to support US Army Pacific's (USARPAC) operational
planning directives. Compiled and presented over 200 country intelligence and situational
awareness and force protection briefings, project status briefings, special situational reports and
threat assessment decision briefs for deploying USARPAC personnel and senior staff.
Researched,compiled and updated weekly force protection, threat and incident reports for 33
countries in support of USARPAC deployed forces within the USPACOM AOR. Served as
counterintelligence watch officer at the USARPAC Crisis Action Center; provided weekly
incident threat briefings and force protection reports to combined directorate watch office
personnel. Collaborated with general intelligence analysts to developed country update
briefings, assess recent events or political changes in relation to terrorism threats: Gathered
intelligence and developed country-specific reports and briefings of terrorist threats in the
USPACOM AOR to support Anti-terrorism 1 Force Protection and counter-terrorism operations.
Completed 160 hours of USPACOM AOR-specific intelligence operations and analysis training
courses ..

Counter-Intelligence Agent, US Army Pacific (USARPAC), Intelligence Directorate, Fort

Shafter, HI, 9/01-10103

. Developed and maintained USARPAC Counter-intelligence/Counter-terrorism incident database

and conducted comparative statistical analysis and research to facilitate threat reporting and
force protection assessments. Wrote counterterrorism input scenarios for multi-agency
exercises and provided intelligence support to USARPAC and PACOM exercises. Performed

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as the USARPAC liaison to the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force-Pacific (JTTF-P); facilitated the
smooth transfer of intelligence and community threat awareness reporting responsibilities from
the Joint Rear Area Coordination-Hawaii to the JTTF-P. Established working relationships with
over 20 JTTF-P member agencies including Honolulu Police Department, State Civil Defense,
US Attorney's Office 1 Anti-terrorism Task Force, Department of Public Safety, US Secret
Service, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE), TSA, FBI and Defense
Department's sister intelligence agencies. Assisted Defense Department analysis team at JTTF-
P in daily counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism analysis and reporting. Ensured maximum
intelligence sharing between Defense Department, state, local and foreign agencies by creating
and updating web-based open-source intelligence products; maintained website dissemination
lists and new member enrollments to maximize dissemination. Served as the HUMINT
operations cell officer for one of the region's largest military exercises, coordinating three
HUMINT team's collection operations, creating intelligence reports and submitting requests for
information to \lupport exercise-related intelligence analysis and production. Completed a 40
hour Collection Management overview training course, integrating knowledge into daily
intelligence gathering abilities and production tasking requests.

Senior Counter-Intelligence Agent, 368'h Military Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve),
Fort Shafter, HI, 10/95-10101

Served as a senior team leader for assigned counter-intelligence personnel. Conducted initial
and refresher training on counter-intelligence operations, report writing and analysis for
subordinates and peers. Selected as primary briefer for all security-related briefings to outside
units and senior personnel. Attended both Basic and Advanced level Non-Commissioned
Officers Courses for military intelligence disciplines. Completed Basic course as Honor
Graduate and Advanced course with cumulative score of 95%. Acknowledged by instructors in
both courses for superior research ability, analytical approach to problems and small group
leadership skills. Completed counter-intelligence special agent course thattaught the basic
skills, concepts, principles and techniques required to perform tactical and strategic counter-
intelligence investigations and operations. As Honor Graduate exceeded course standards by
graduating in the top 10% of the class and was certified by the Department of the Army as a
credentialed Counter-Intelligence Special Agent.

Electronic Warfare & Signals Intelligence Analyst 1 Cambodian Linguist, US Army, 733'd
Military Intelligence Battalion, Schofield Barracks, HI, 9/92-12/94

Excelled as Mission Manger and linguistic expert during a highly volatile Southeast Asian
political situation of global interest. Continually recalled outside normal working hours to guide
mission efforts and translate messages. Kept US policy makers informed, allowing them to
make intelligent and timely decisions regarding US foreign policy to Southeast Asia. Performed
as a signals intelligence analyst for Southeast Asia Air Operations section, writing over 100
national-level and critically sensitive reports. Served on a special intelligence project committee
composed of national level experts. Provided valuable advice and linguistic expertise, ensuring
a successfu·l·conclusion to the project. Honored as the first junior enlisted soldier to certify as
an intelligence analyst in newly created joint-service analysis branch and further trained three
senior non-commissioned officers to assume analyst positions. Performed research and
analysis with continual adherence to US Army and Joint intelligence time-sensitive reporting
requirements, regulations and handbooks. Trained and mentored both Army and Air Force
personnel on the use of joint service computer programs, intelligence analysis and reporting

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• Education

University of Phoenix, Maui, HI, Bachelor's Degree - 3/01, Major: Business Management

Advanced Non-Commissioned Officers Course, US Army Intelligence School, Fort Huachuca,


• Job-Related Training

The Starlight Operator's Course (Information Visualization System), 40 Hrs, Battelle

Corporation, Fort Shafter, HI, 2004

ArcGIS (Geographic Mapping) Software Certified User Course, 40 Hrs, Battelle Corporation,
Fort Shafter, HI, 2004 .

National Intelligence Familiarization Conference, 40 hrs, Intelligence and Security Command,

Washington, DC, 2003 .

Anti-Terrorism Officer's Course - ATIFP Level II, 40 hrs, United States Army Military Police
School, Ft. Leonard Wood, MS 2003

Intelligence Analysts' Online Tools, 32 hrs, Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific, San
Diego, CA, 2002

Criminal Intelligence Analysis Training Course, 40 hrs, The Alpha Group Center, Montclair, CA,

Mobile Collection Managers Course, 40 hrs, Joint Military Intelligence Training Center,
Washington, DC, 2002

Intelligence in Combating Terrorism Course, 80 hrs, US Amy Intelligence Center and School,
Fort Huachuca, AZ, 2002

Pacific Intelligence Analysis Curriculum, 40 Hrs, Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific, San
Diego, CA, 2001

US Army Counter-Intelligence Special Agent Course, 6 weeks, US Army Intelligence Center &
School, Fort Huachuca, AZ, 1997

US Army Signals Intelligence Analyst Course, 16 weeks, US Air Force, 3480 Technical

Training Wing, Goodfellow Air Force Base, TX, 1992

US Army Cambodian Basic Language Course, 47 weeks, Defense Language Institute, Presidio
of Monterey, CA, 1992

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3.2 - Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst"

. Lead Service

3.2.1 - Bill Evans

Our intelligence analyst-lead service is a strong and visionary leader. Our approach is to have
our senior intelligence. analyst lead by doing, coaching, teaching and mentoring. He has a
proven track record for transformational leadership-motivating a team to be efficient and
effective in an emerging and challenging environment.

Background: Bill Evans is a professional senior intelligence analyst

and intelligence supervisor with over twenty years of US Army military
intelligence experience and training; with over four yearsas a counter-
intelligence specialist overseas and in support of First Corps'
intelligence staff at Fort Lewis, Washington. He possesses a BA in
Political Science and is a Distinguished Graduate of the US Army's
Basic Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence, and Advanced Intelligence
Analysis and Operations courses. He has received advanced· military
training as a strategic counter-intelligence officer and is a graduate of
several Department of Defense strategic operations and plans courses. Bill Evans
He has completed extensive speCial training programs in security .
management, interviewing and interrogation, terrorism and counter-terrorism. At Fort Lewis, he
supervised a large group of intelligence analysts handling a myriad of complex issues and
provided expert input to First Corps' intelligence program management and policy decisions.
He planned and directed intelligence analytical activities to support First Corps'mission and
work priorities. He determined goals and objectives; prepared short and long-range work plans
and schedules. He assisted the First Corps' senior intelligence staff officer and military brigade
commander by identifying, prioritizing and establishing deadlines of work to be completed by
.subordinate intelligence analysts. He provided direction and guidance to analysts in resolving
issues and other problems encountered during assigned projects. He reviewed intelligence
reports, daily briefs and periodic assessments for relevance, significance, validity and potential
applications to countering terrorism acts and organized crimes against Fort Lewis, First Corps
and Defense Department jurisdictions, critical infrastructure, services and the Army community
at large. In this capacity, he supported the Army's chain of command in developing First Corps'
intelligence poliCies and procedures to accomplish necessary improvements for enhancing
routine or highly specialized intelligence work performance requirements.

• Formal education: BA in Political Science (application courses in statistical analysis
and research)
• National security work experience: over twenty years in US Army intelligence
• Specialized intelligen·ce analysis training: US Army credentialed Counter-Intelligence
Special Agent; completed advanced intelligence training such as Intelligence in
Combating Terrorism, Strategic Approaches to Counter-Intelligence, Advanced
Applications of Intelligence Techniques, Senior Cryptologic Course at National Security
Agency and Reserve Component National Security Course at the National Defense
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over ten years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications

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Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

Meets or Exceeds RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Service Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Bill Evans' Qualifications

Four years of progressively responsible EXCeeDS Requirement. Over 20-years distinguished progressive military
work experience in either a federal intelligence service with over four years 85 counter-intelligence special agent at
intelligence agency, the inilitary or state F.ort Lewis and with over two years experience supervising investigative activities
andlor locall'aw enforcement intelligence of 100 US Army Special Agents overseas
Possess a bachelor's degree MEETS Requirement SA in Political Science

Must have completed intelligence -analyst EXCeEDS Requirement Specialized US Army training in security, terrorism,
training to ensure baseline proficiency counter-terrorism and advanced interviewing and interrogation techniques;
credentialed Counter-Intelligence Special Agent
Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office EXCEEDS Requirement. Considered product Power-user with over ten years
Suite applications hands-on experience with Microsoft Office products in stand-alone and networked
environments; daily proficiency using PowerPoint, Publisher, Binder, AcCess/Excel
and Word for intelligence presentations, studies, analyses, and briefings

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret leve:l MEETS Requirement Possesses Defense Department Top Secret/Spe.cial
security clearance Background Investigation-level security clearance since 1989; revalidated in 2008

Resume: Bill Evans is a professional intelligence analyst, a credentialed Counterclntelligence

Special Agent, and a US Army Reserve Military Intelligence Officer with over 20 years of military
service. His experience includes management and staff assignments at the tactical, operational
and strategic levels in locations around the world including Egypt, Germany and Africa. He is
personable, persuasive, and confident in interacting with joint, national and international
agencies. He has a demonstrated ability to design and implement organizational, operational
and management problem solving techniques. His technical expertise covers a wide range of
intelligence functions including counter-intelligence, human intelligence and signals intelligence.
He uses his exceptional analytical abilities, coupled with excellent written and oral
communications skills, to translate information into an actionable intelligence product.

• Professional Experience

Battalion Commander [Lieutenant Colonel (LTCl. Military Intelligence (MI)]. 373,d Military
Intelligerice Battalion (US Army Reserve), Tumwater, WA, 8/07 - Present

Bill Evans commands a Reserve Component Military Intelligence Battalion. He is responsible

for providing combat-ready multi-discipline intelligence collection and counterintelligence
support for operational and tactical military operations. He is responsible for mission execution,
training, personnel and logistics readiness offour subordinate companies; ensures soldiers and
units are maintained at a high state of readiness and prepared for world-wide deployments in
support of the nation's effort to. fight terrorism. He also coordinates specialized mission-related
training opportunities forinteliigence personnel to increase their understanding of intelligence
operations, processes and systems. Ultimately, he is responsible for the morale, welfare, and
professional development of all assigned and attached soldiers. He maintains liaison with
active component and reserve component Army organizations, and joint and national
intelligence agencies. Further, he develops and maintains community-based relations

Criminallnteiligence Analyst Services

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Senior Intelligence Operations/Research Specialist [LTC/MI], 201st Military Intelligence

Brigade, Fort Lewis, WA, 7104 - 09/07

Led and trained functional teams in the analysis and correlation of single source information into
a timely, synthesized intelligence product to support of Army and Joint Force military decision
makers across the full spectrum of military operations. Directed the research, analysis, and
production of information pertaining to terrorist activities, indications. and warnings of regional
conflicts, political instability and emerging military technologies throughout the Pacific-theater.
Provided guidance and oversight in the production of daily intelligence read files and weekly
update briefings for Senior Military Executives. Planned, prepared and supervised intelligence
support to training exercises in Korea, Japan and Thailand. Formulated training strategies to
test and integrate complex intelligence procedures. Worked extensively with intelligence and
operations planners, systems and networking technicians, and simulations specialists to
develop exercise concepts, design intelligence architectures, and build and test databases.
Deployed and led Intelligence Support Elements during these joint and international exercises.
Coordinated intelligence operations and training with intelligence professionals from Thailand,
Japan, and Korea. Served as an instructorl facilitator for a US Army Pacific Command Subject
Matter Expert Exchange Program with the Royal Thai Army.

Joint Counter-Intelligence/Human Intelligence Officer [Major (MAJ)/MI], Combined Joint

Task Force - Horn of Africa, Camp Lemonier, Djibouti, 6/03 - 6/04

Directed regional counter-intelligence and human intelligence activities for a 1,aOO-person task
force with the mission to detect, disrupt and defeat transnational terrorist groups posing an
imminent threat to the US, its allies or their interests. Provided staff supervision of counter-
intelligence operations, investigations, collections and analysis for the task force. Synchronized
all Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Operations counter-intelligence units and activities in an
area equal in size to 50% of the US and including the countries of Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan,
Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen. Conducted senior executive-level classified and highly
sensitive briefings on terrorist and foreign intelligence collection activities. Planned and
executed the conversion of the task force's local confidential informant registry into a centralized
source operations database, resulting in improved functionality and compatibility within the
CENTCOM Theater of Operations. Routinely liaised with host nation and coalition intelligence
and security professionals, US Embassy country teams, and other US intelligence and law
enforcement agencies including the FBI, CIA, DIA and Defense Human Intelligence Service. His
interpersonal skills and subject matter expertise led to strengthened relationships with
Djiboutian, French and German officials and facilitated an increase in the intelligence
exchanges between the parties.

Counter-Intelligence Officer [MAJ/MI], 502nd Military Intelligence Battalion, Fort Lewis, WA,
1/02 - 5/03

Directed the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of information derived from
human resources to answer intelligence requirements specifically focused on asymmetric
threats posed by foreign intelligence services, unconventional warfare forces, terrorist
organizations and other extremist groups. Experienced at adapting and utilizing military
intelligence analytical tools methodology and tools to non-traditional military operations such as
combating terrorism. Ensured the fusion of human intelligence with technical intelligence
sources to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intelligence product. Established and
maintained databases on threat capabilities, intentions, and friendly vulnerabilities; prepared
threat estimates for contingency plans and operations; and coordinated analytical support for

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major training exercises. Provided technical advice and assistance to commanders on counter-
intelligence and human intelligence capabilities, operations and training. Worked with staff
professionals to integrate counter-intelligence considerations into operations security,
information operations and force protection plans. Commanded a detachment of 39 reservists
providing intelligence in support of the Global War on Terrorism. Planned and executed
specialized training to prepare these soldiers for follow-on deployments to US Central
Command Headquarters, Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa.

Regional Operations Manager, Northwest Protective Services, Inc., Tacoma, WA, 3/98 - 6/02

Managed operations for a 175-person division providing unarmed security services to

commercial, residential and industrial clients. Conducted assessments of client facilities,
developed site instructions and implemented security operations in accordance with contractual
agreements. Oversaw staffing, training and scheduling of personnel by the human resources
and customer service departments. Served as a liaison between the corporation, the division
and the clients on all security related issues. Prepared and presented security
recommendations, negotiated service rates, and prepared contracts for clients.

Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Officer [Captain (CPT)/MI], 368th Military

Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve), Tumwater, WA, 3/98 - 12/01

Directed the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of information derived from
human resources to answer intelligence requirements specifically focused on asymmetric
threats posed by foreign intelligence services, unconventional warfare forces, terrorist
organizations and other extremist groups. Experienced at adapting and utilizing military
intelligence analytical tools methodology and tools to non-traditional military operations such as
combating terrorism. Ensured the fusion of human intelligence with technical intelligence
sources to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intelligence product. Established and
maintained databases on threat capabilities, intentions, and friendly vulnerabilities; prepared
threat estimates for contingency plans and operations; and coordinated analytical support for
major training exercises. Provided technical advice and assistance to commanders on counter-
. intelligence and human intelligence capabilities, operations and training. Worked with staff
professionals to integrate counter-intelligence considerations into operations security,
information operations and fon::e protection plans. Trained personnel on various intelligence
functions with specific emphasis on analysis and production, counter-intelligence techniques
and procedures, and human intelligence operations,

Intelligence/Counter-Intelligence Officer [CPT/MI], US Army Intelligence and Security

Command, Fort Huachuca, AZ, 8/94 - 2/98

Coordinated strategic and operational intelligence, counter-intelligence, and information warfare

concepts, .doctrine, material development and training issues with the US Army Intelligence
Center and School. Participated in requirements determination boards and provided subject
matter expertise to the development of concepts which identified and defined the roles,
functions and operational employment of military intelligence assets for the US Army in 2010.
Supervised the interactions between US Army organizations and civilian contractors on the
development of counter-intelligence automation initiatives including software development
decisions, acceptance testing, and site surveys for· the Department of Defense Counter-
intelligence Integrated Information System. Planned, coordinated and executed specialized joint
and national intelligence agency training courses to expand the professional development of US
Army intelligence officers.·Managed an Adjunct Faculty Program toenhimce the relevance of

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the institutional instruction by bringing senior intelligence professionals from strategic military
units and national intelligence and law enforcement agencies to present information briefings on
current operations to students and faculty. Expanded the program to include senior executives
from the Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Managed the US Army Counter-intelligence Badge arid
Credentials Program on behalf of the Department of the Army. Assumed command of the
organization for 60 days.

Counter-intelligence/Intelligence Officer [CPT/MI], 205th Military Intelligence Brigade,

Frankfurt, Germany, 7/91 - 7/94

Commanded 100 counter-intelligence specialists dispersed among seven cities in central and
southern Germany. Supervised the conduct of personal security background investigations,
national security crime investigations, vulnerability assessments, and Qther authorized counter-
intelligence operations. Reorganized personnel and assets to more efficiently handle an
increased investigation workload, resulting in a 50% reduction in pending investigations and
increased support to community security agencies. Recognized by the Defense Investigative
Ser\tice and the Commanding Generals of V Corps and US Army Europe for top.quality and
quantity of investigations. Provided counter-intelligence support to the protection of US
personnel, organizations and facilities through the collection and reporting of threat information,
and liaison with US and German intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Trained and
deployed personnel to p·rovide counter-intelligence, security and intelligence support to
peacekeeping operations in Turkey and Croatia. Served as an Adjunct Faculty Instructor for
courses at the NATO School and German Army Signal School. As a counter-intelligence
research and analysis specialist, directed the processing, analysis and dissemination of
intelligence and security information pertaining to threats posed to soldiers, family members and
installations by foreign intelligence services, terrorist organizations and extremist groups.
Established and maintained databases on indigenous, transnational and international terrorists
groups operating on the European continent, as well as in the Middle East and North Africa.
Developed comprehensive profiles on terrorist organizations and key personalities to increase
situational understanding of their methods of operation and target selection. Provided threat
assessments to protective details escorting VIPs traveling throughout Germany. Prepared and
presented weekly counter-intelligence and intelligence briefings to Senior Military Executives.
Maintained routine liaison with French, German and Canadian military intelligence agencies.
Served as a primary planner for the US ceremonies commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the
Normandy Invasion. Coordinated the transportation of personnel and equipment to France,
ceremonial support and logistics for five National and countless local French village ceremonies,
and lodging for approximately 2,500 ceremonial partiCipants. Worked closely with military police,
law enforcement agencies and the US Secret Service on security operations for the national
ceremonies that were attended by foreign heads of state and dignitaries including President

Student [CPT/MI], US Army Intelligence Center and School, Fort Huachuca, AZ, and US Army
Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 7190 - 6/91

Attended the Military Intelligence Officer Transition Course (MIOTC), the Military Intelligence
Officer Advanced Course (MIOAC), the Counter-intelligence (CI) Officer, the Intelligence in
Combating Terrorism (lCT) Course and the Combined Arms and Services Staff School (CAS3).
The Military Intelligence Officer training curriculum cov.ered subjects necessary to fully
understand military and national Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (lEW) organizations,
systems and operations. As the Honor Graduate for MIOTC and MIOAC, exceeded course

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standards by achieving cumulative scores of 99.31 % and 99.35%. The CI Officer Course taught
the basic skills, concepts, principles and techniques required to manage and perform tactical
and strategic CI investigations and operations. Graduated the CI Officer Course with a
cumulative score of 98.46% and was certified by the Department of the Army as a Counter-
intelligence Special Agent. The ICT curriculum covered the skills and knowledge required to
conduct comprehensive terrorist threat assessments. It included detailed information on the
dynamics of terrorism, ideological motivations, terrorism structures and linkages, and terrorist
tactics, goals and strategies. CAS3 is a rigorous staff officer's management training program
designed to improve student's ability to: analyze and solve military problems; interact and
coordinate as a member of a staff; write and brief effectively; and understand Army
organization, operations, and procedures.

52, Intelligence and Security Officer [CPT/MI], 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, Fort
Lewis, WA, 5/89 - 6/90

Advised the commander on all aspects of intelligence and security. Duties included directing,
supervising and coordinating the planning, collection, analysis, production and dissemination of
all source intelligence; supervising and performing intelligence preparation of the battlefield; and
informing the commander and subordinate units on the enemy situation, their capabilities,
weather and terrain. Trained personnel assigned to the intelligence staff to become superior
analysts. Developed and published intelligence handbooks and created intelligence products.
As the Battalion's Security Manager, had overall responsibility for information systems security,
personnel and information security, physical security, crime prevention, and classified material
control and accountability. Conducted training for and inspections of subordinate units' security
programs. Achieved scores in excess of 90% on every higher-headquarters directed inspections
of intelligence and security programs. Served as the Intelligence Oversight Officer.

• Education

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Bachelor's Degree - 8/85, Major: Political Science

Command and General Staff Officers Course, US Army Command & General Staff College, Fort
Leavenworth, KS,2005

Combined Arms and Se.rvices Staff School, US Army Command & General Staff College, Fort
Leavenworth, KS, 1991

. Military Intelligence Officer Transition Course, Military Intelligence Officer Advanced Course, US
Army Counter-intelligence Special Agent Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort

Infantry Officer Basic Course, US Army Infantry Center & School, Fort Benning, GA, 1986

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

32 @ operational
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

• Job-Related Training

Reserve Component National Security Course, 80 hrs, National Defense University, Fort
McNair, Washington, DC, 2008

Senior Cryptologic Reserve Officers Course, 80 hrs, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD,

Military Intelligence Brigade/Battalion Pre-Command Course, 80 hrs, US Army Intelligence

Center & School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 2008

Intelligence Collection Battle Management Course, 32 hrs, JOint Intelligence Training Activity
Pacific, Fort Lewis, WA, 2005

Theater and National Support to the Combined Joint Task Force CJ2X, 40 hrs, Joint Military
Intelligence Training Center, Fort Lewis, WA, 2004

Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation (Basic & Advanced), 40 hrs, John E. Reid &
Associates, 1999 & 1995 .

Special Counter-intelligence Training Seminar on Advanced Applications of Intelligence

Techniques, 40 hrs, Phoenix Consulting Group, Inc., Huntsville, AL, 1997

Army Operations Security Course, 40 hrs, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Department of
the Army, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 1997, 1996 (40 hours)

Strategic Approaches to Counter-intelligence, 32 hrs, National Counter-intelligence Center,

Washington, DC, 1997

Joint Military Planners Course, 40 hrs, Director of Operations, Joint Staff, Washington, DC,

Army Military Planners Course, 40 hrs, Director of Operations, Army Staff, Washington, DC,

Supervisor Development Course,AO hrs, Army Training Support Center, Fort Eustis, VA, 1996

Joint Counter-intelligence Staff Officers Course, 40 hrs, Defense Intelligence Agency, Fort
. Lewis, WA, 1995

Company Commander's Course, 80 hrs, 7th Army Training Command, Vilseck, GE, 1992

Intelligence in Combating Terrorism, 80 hrs, US Amy Intelligence Center and School,-Fort


US Army Counter-intelligence Special Agent Course, 8 weeks, US Army Intelligence Center &
School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 1991

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

33 @ opelJt1o,nal
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3 - References

Operational Applications Incorporated grants permission to WSP to contact each and every
listed reference.

3.3.1 - Dennis Gerber

Sergeant Ray Green (retired King County Sheriffs Office)


Telephone NUmber

Fax Number


Sergeant Green was my direct supervisor during- my three years as an intelligence analyst in the
Type service provided King County Regional Intelligence Group

Don Perrson (Renton City Councilman); retired Deputy Chief, Renton Police Depam:nent
538 Renton Avenue South
Address Renton, Washington 98055

Telephone NUmber

Fax Number
Supported Don Perrson as a police commander; I supelVised over 100 full-time personnel;
Type service provided conducted employee training, workflow coordination, scheduling, evaluation and discipline

Denis Law (Mayor, City of Renton)

Renton City Hall
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, Washington 98055

Telephone Number

Fax Number
Supported Denis Law on city, community and Rotary projects
Type service provided .

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.2 - Sara Lacy

COL Todd O'Bradovich, Commander, 345'" MI Battalion
. Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment
34Slh Military Intelligence Battalion
Fort Gordon, Georgia 30905

Telephone NUmber
Fax Number

Performed as company commander under COL O'Bradovich's battalion command

Type service provided

COL Steve Carney, Executive Officer, 504'" MI Brigade

158 Hannon Drive
Address Northfield, Vennon! 05663

Telephone NUmber
Fax Number .

Performed as the brigade personnel and administrative officer under COL Carney during
Type service provided deployment to Iraq

COL Joseph McNeill, Executive Officer, 504 MI Brigade

208 Turtle Creek Drive
Address Killeen, Texas 76542

Telephone Number
Fax Number
Performed a's the brigade personnel and administrative officer under COL McNeill during
Type service provided garrison command in Texas and during brigade deployment to Iraq

- Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

35 @ Qpel'Jtional
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.3 - Kia Graham

Ron Compton. analyst


Joint Intelligence Group

Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Bay

Telephone Number

Fax Number

Co-worker with Ron Compton in both Guantanamo Bay Cuba and Iraq. He was an analyst on
the Gulf States regional team within the Interrogation Control Element (ICE), while I was on the
Type service provided
North Africa/Europe regional team

CW3 Richard Sundstrom, master analyst

Company A
373 Military Intelligence Battalion
Tumwater, Washington 98511

Telephone Number .

Fax Number

Mentor since I was a private; we both deployed to Korea in 2004 and to Guantanamo Bay
'Type service provided

SFC David Schoonmaker

Company A
373 Military Intelligence Battalion
Address Tumwater, Washington 985_11

360-786-0771 .

Telephone Number

Fax Number
I am assigned to Company A, 373 MI Battalion and SFC SchoQnmaker is the company First
Sergeant; he is the unit senior Non-Commissioned Officer and I support him as one of the
Type service provided
company's Non-Commissioned Officers

Crimina-I Intelligence Analyst Services

36 @ operational
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.4 - Kathleena Almquist

MAJ Jon Clausen, Brigade S2 (Senior Intelligence Officer)

4103 Cavalry Court
Address Leavenworth, Kansas 66048

Telephone Number
Fax Number

MAJ Clausen depended upon me for timely intelligence products, thorough analysis, and my
ability to identify and fill information gaps before pushing products and information on to others.
Type service provided MAJ Clausen relied on my team to convey intelligence to him and the brigade command group
while they were operating in -and around Iraq

MAJ Michael Edwards, Brigade S2X (Senior Counter-Intelligence Officer)

8408 205th Street Court East
Address Spanaway, Washington 98387

Telephone Number
Fax Number
Major Edwards served as the Brigade S2X: the counterintelligence hub of the Stryker Brigade.
He often utilized many of my intelligence products, requested analysis to corroborate HUMINT
Type service provided
r~porting, and observed my work ethic in a real world environment

Sergeant Robert Flores, Brigade S2 Non-Commissioned Officer

96 University Apartments
Address Charleston, Illinois 61920

Teleph,one Number
Fax Number
As my direct supervisor during my deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 2006 -
2007, Sergeant Robert Flores observed my professional performance, attitude, and leadership
Type service provided abilities in an operational environment. SGT Flores relied on me to relay accurate, complete,
and timely intelligence products to intelligence professionals and commanders at the brigade
level; hiQher, adjacent. and subordinate commands

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

37 @ Qperatlonal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.5 - Neoma Skye

Colonel Gary Royster, US Anny retired; Deputy Director of Intelligence, Joint Inter-Agency Task
.Name Force West

Camp HM Smith, Hawaii 96861

Telephone Number

Fax Number
Email .

COL Royster was my senior supervisor while working in the USARPAC G-2 as the JTTF-P
Type service provided liaison and can attest to my diligence, analytical and briefing skills, and overall job perfonnance

Lieutenant Colonel Gary Smith, US Army retired; Intelligence Analyst. South Sound Regional
Name Intelligence Group, Tacoma Police DepartmentlPierce County Sheriffs D~partment

Tacoma Police Department

3701 South Pine Street
Tacoma, Washington 98409

Telephone Number

Fax Number


L Te Smith was my immediate supelVisor while working in the USARPAC G-2 as the JTTF-P
Type service provided
liaison and can attest to my liaison, analytical and briefing skills, and overall job periormance

Vance Whippo; First Sergeant, 373'u Military Intelligence Battalion


702060 Drive Northeast

Address Marysville, Washington 98270

Telephone Number .

Fax Number


First Sergeant Whippo is my senior leader in my current US Army Reserve unit (373 MI BN, B

Type service provided Co.) and_can attest to my leadership, training skills and general professionalism

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

38 @ Qperatlonal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ. No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.6 - Bill Evans

Brigadier General Leslie A. Purser, Commanding General

Name Military Intelligence Readiness Command

8831 John J Kingman Rd

Address Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060

Telephone Number
Fax Number
I serve as a commander under Brigadier General Purser and am responsible for providing multi-
discipline intelligence and counterintelligence support for contingency operations worldwide.
Type service provided Responsible far the management. training. and readiness .of 290 authorized.personnel and
millions .of dollars in .organizational equipment

lieutenant Colonel Roger Fortier, US Army retired; former Chief G2 Plans·, First Corps, Fort
Name Lewis

.. 8703 109th ST CT SW
Address Lakewood, Washington 98498

Telephone Number
Fax Number
roger. fortier@us.anny.mil
I supported LTC Fortier by directing the research, analysis, and production of infonnation
pertaining to terrorist a~ivities, indications and warnings of regional conflicts, political instability
and emerging military technologies throughout the Pacific-theater. Provided guidance and
Type service provided oversight in the production of daily intelligence read files and weekly update briefings for Senior
Military Executives. Planned, prepared and supervised intelligence support to training exercises
in Korea, Japan and Thailand. Formulated training strategies to test and integrate complex
intelliaence orocedures

Colonel Harvey Crockett, US Army retired; former G2, First Corps, Fort Lewis
Elk Grove, California 95758
Telephone Number
Fax Number
I supported COL Crockett as the Senior Intelligence Research and Analysis Specialist for the
Corps Intelligence Directorate during several,multi-agency and multi-national intelligence
operations in Korea and Japan. Led and trained functional teams in the analysis and correlation
Type service provided of single source information into a timely, synthesized intelligence product to support of senior
military decision makers. Developed professional and personal relationships with foreign
military officers to foster to enhance bi-Iateral partnerships and increase securitY cooperation

Criminallnteliigence Analyst Services

39 @ Qperatlonal .
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.4 - Related Information

3.4.1 - Prior contractual work with Washington State

Operational Applications Incorporated has successfully provided criminal intelligence analytical

services from July 2006 to September 2008 under a WSP task order generated by RFQQ No.
C060226PSC. Doug Larm performed as the intelligence analyst with the Seattle Police
Department under provisions of this state contract. Additionally, Dennis Gerber, an independent
contractor at the time, provided criminal intelligence analytical services under the same task
order from 2005-2008 as a King County Regional Intelligence Group analyst.

3.5 - Waiver and Authorization to Release Information

Original 'Signed copies of one Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form is
submitted from each proposed team member. They are attached in Section 5 of this proposal.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services ~ Operational

40 ~ APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 4.0


4.1 - Identification of Costs

Hourly rate for criminal intelligence analyst services:

Analyst Initial - 9/30/09 10/1109 - 9/30/10 10/1/10-9/30/11 1011/11-9/30/12

Dennis Gerber $50 $52 $54 $56
Sara Lacy $50 $52 $54 $56
Neoma Skye $50 $52 $54 $56
Kia Graham $48 $50 $52 $54
Kathleena Almquist $48 $50 $52 $54

Hourly rate for criminal intelligence analyst-lead service:

.Lead Anal Initial - 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9/30/10 10/1/10-9/30/11 1011/11-9/30/12

Bill Evans $60 $63 $66 $69

4.2 - Basis for Determining Rates

Operational Applications submits hourly rate quotations as including all costs associated with
providing services, including team member salaries and benefits, industrial insurance and
applicable federal, state and local taxes.

Out year hourly rate increases is based on Amendment 1 to RFQQ No. C090433PSC dated
October 31, 2008. This amendment a.llows up to a 5% annual increase. Operational
Applications proposes an under 5% average increase for each federal fiscal year starting
October 1, 2009.

Operational Applications understands WSP will reimburse for a maximum one hundred seventy-
three (173) hours per month for each team member providing services under contract resulting
from this RFQQ.Further, Operational Applications acknowledges provisions for worksite, office
supplies, personal computer and communications shall be provided to the team members and
any such goods andlor services obtained, developed andlor provided shall remain the property

Operational Applications understands when team member services are required by WSP at
locations other than the worksite, WSP will reimburse for authorized lodging, subsistence and
business vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates.
These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM) available
at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

Washington State Patrol RFQQ No.C090433PSC (Exhibit 0)

Criminal I ntelligence Analyst Services

41 @ operatlonal
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

D ~11-' .,..; ,"'> t:.... G- e(!..~E:(!..

Applicant Name(First, Middle, Last)

Other names-vou have been know by, includina prior marriaae(s) or nickname(s)

Address City \
State Zip Code

Social Security Number' Date of Birth

,\ ,""

Aoolicant Sianature
Ie JLnL 1/-IZ-7oo"l\"

Washington State Patrol RFQQ No.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

42 @ Qperational .. .
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are· deemed to be confidential and/or.
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the-Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I.
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol:

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

licant Name First, Middle, Last

Other names

Address Cit State Zi

Date of Birth

Washington State Patrol RFQQ No.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Crimin"al Intelligence Analyst Services

43 @ Qperatlonal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature. may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested ..

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To becomp/eted by the applicant:

I h(J (\jJl(1( Gnzd/\{tWl

AOOlicant NamelFirst, Middle, Last)

Other names vou have been know by, inciudinQ prior marriaQe(s) or nickname(s)

Address C(tv State Zip Code

· iY3 r-t.bhUlW1 Iq ),I::;

Social Securitv.Number Date of Birth .


Washington State Patrol RFOO No.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

44 @ operatlonal
APplications InC
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may .
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State "Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested .

. A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

~~\\.pPv'\o. \\i'\ 1.h r, A\MI~I'lt"''''

Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last)

Other names you have been know by, including prior marriage(s) or nickname(s)

Address City State Zip Code

O~~ \q 'i',"-\
Social Securitv Number Date of Birth

1J,-w hi-nllJ. $ 21/ /,'\ ) \2 iJ,1}" LJ_~

Applicant Signature~ Date

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

45 @ operational-
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whci~ it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and disCipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be I,Jsed to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

/\ ir::i")fv\A- 1'--' . , i s::_ Sk\.-1':7

APPlicant Name(First, Middle, Last)

11\ IflYI1A- I
1\ A AY·TI-<::."'ctCs- 0. t'\..l"""DAAA RI L0 ' IJ =' Iv'" .R nolaN
Other names yOU have been know by, includina crior marriaae(sl or nickname(sl
tM.4'1O 2;"-' \

Address City State Zip Code

Social Security Number Date of Birth

tDu.~~~;, 0 II /'-..\00 Dg
Applicant SianaturP Date

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

46 @ Qper,tlo,nal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status .. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included. .

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

W \LL \ ~,,"'II'--\ Ie ,-,G ;. . I\.)·~ t:'-.JA..-vS.
Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last)

~~'U.. ~::; \ \...l..'i .

Other names you have been know by, including prior marriage(s) or nickname(s) .

Address City State Zip Code.

Social Security Number Date of Birth

· - r/ /"
. . ~
/L-i.. ·--(.ct· -b__ ,---<~/ 1: ~-'i::. ..... ,.... -.:J // IV' C v f-t.-Vi 13d 7J£J Or;
Applicant Signature Date

Washington State Patrol RFOO NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

47 @ Qperatlo,nal
APplicatIons Inc
~ational1!lefen5e Wnibersitp
Wasbington, 11B.<!J:.

aitJarbs tbis
LTC William E. Evans
for successfuUy compCeting the
Reserve components NationaiSecuriiy Course
presented by the Joint Reserve Affairs Center
.. 14 July - 25Jufy 2008

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Cofone(,.LLS. Anny Nationaf Guard .Lieutenant Genera~U.S. Marine Corps
Director President
,~~ telligence Training ActiVity PaC}fl ,

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ThIS IS to certIfy that

MAJ WilliamE. Evans

has satisfactorily completed the

Intelligence Collection Battle Management Course

Given the 25 th - 28 th October, 2005

.. ~ -.
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./ /' . "j,,~
~ , J • l, Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific
~ ~'",,. .J 3955 North Harbor Drive· San Diego, CaJifOl'nia 92101
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The Five Day ,.'".
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Special Counterintelligence Training Seminar

i%~ Advanced Applications of Intelligence Technologies ::;

\. ''';
Conducted at Fort Drum, New York, 21 - 25 July 1997
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Director of Training t*{.~.,. ""*
Phoenix Consulting Group, Incorporated

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Sponsored by
National COllnterintelligence Ce:r.ter
Washington, D.C

Miello!'! 1- vVnjzul':;pl1tk, Ulrt!ctor

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This is to certify that

has successfully completed

The HQOA Operations Security Officer Course

25-29 August 1997
- //
.. . Fort Huachuca, Arizona ,~ ~ I ./

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Mobile Joint Counterintelligence Staff Officers Course
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.~ ~-------------------
Date 1/22/09
Washington State Patrol
LDS / /
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
C090433PSC (2)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
January 20, 2009 September 30,2012
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services I DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Operational Applications Inc.
Contractor Contact Address
4227 South Meridian Suite C366, Puyallup WA 98373
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Mr. Douq Larm 253-226-9564 30-0369267
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
douQ.larm@operationalapplications.com Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner

Contract Amount Position Signatu.w ,lnd Date

12. -frll/Ir »?

Contract Amount
$532,000 Grants and Contracts Manager . /). /~

Manag~r ~~ ~~ 'fj fL
Amount $ Business Office "' - "'"
Revised Total \A I . L/ I,e. II
$532,000 Budget Manager r L----, Allot: DYes~No
~ 1..-/ () IUnalticipated Receipt: DYes ~No

Indirect Costs % Accounting Manager " <~d t/;;7/t; f

Sub Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Object M jor Major Sub TAR Code
GrOt!!j Source Source
00) Olk

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage on~ DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R -:r per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNo ~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtim~Allowed: DYes ~. Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost. es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: _ _ _ _ _--1
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typepf-Rllceipt: DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure

Distribution: ~ Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
~ Accountant ~Budget Analyst ~ Other: Captain Braniff
WSP Contract No. C090433PSC
Amendment 1

Q~n.eN''-''* 6-v-t d= k
WASHINGTON STATE PATROL I" ~ ~ Ord '" .,. I ,-(£',5
CONTRACT AMENDMENT .",,",wdN"hJ\- ',< ~

\kO J- .
The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol and ( ,__ . __ ._.. _.
Applications Inc. is hereby amended as follows:

Paragraph 5. Fees is revised and replaced by the following:

WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Initial - 9/30/09 10/1/09 9/30/10 10/1110 - 9130/11 10/1/11 9130/12
Bill Evans $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP
will reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business
vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement
rates. These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual
(SAAM). This manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM
website: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/policy/saamintro.htm

This Amendment takes effect on January 20, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and in effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they have the
authority to execute this Amendment.



Governor Chief

General Administration Building· PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596-400() • www.wsp.wa.gov

January 28, 2009

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applicatioris Inc.
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373

Subject: Amendment 2 to WSP Agreement No. C090433PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed amendment of the referenced agreement
between you and the Washington State Patrol. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596-4071.



c· d.~~
}'Mr. J~ R. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services


: I GrlQCZ

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C090433PSC
DATE: January 28, 2009

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed amendment between the Washington State
Patrol and Operational Applications Inc, Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst Bill Evans.

The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number noted
above; please use this number on all correspondence associated with this contract. If you need
further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget and Fiscal Services, at Micro 12, ext.

Cd.,t( JRH:clh
/p-' I Attachment
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323.001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
( 'J-') Period of [29 Amendment
Contract No. CoS d-I 6 3 e5 C- Performance: Ib,o!oQ-'1/3ofc-,- 0 Recurring
ContractTitle: Lta (\ Cci('f'!tVCI \ :.t...M \I'8'wt<> fh,a lIe ~\-
Other Party: q-{' m :\'1()!\)a\ hff IJC/1:1-sorV S
. 18 Payable
o Receivable
Amount: dt 6<3d..., oeo 0 Other:

Scope of Work: W.;I., fevlSes''ik t-eQs S~ I,ec£pk $<0 bQ5«-

at:~::C .~::-~~=~ '\~:~~'8~d~mf (r~s, M1CtCkg

Grants and Contract Manager:

Management Services Bureau Director: _Vf¥--,--_\-+{~_r\_,-0_q_________

WSP Contract No. C090433PSC
Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol and Operational
Applications Inc. is hereby amended as follows:

Paragraph 5. Fees is revised and replaced by the following:

WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contrac.tor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Initial- 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9130/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 10/1111 - 9130/12
Bill Evans $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP
will reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business
vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement
rates. These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual
(SAAM). This manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM
website: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/policy/saamintro.htm '

This Amendment takes effect on January 20, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and in effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they have the
authority to execute this Amendment.



John R. Batiste, Chief

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 1:44 PM
To: 'Doug Larm Operational Applications'
Subject: Amendment 1
Attachments: AmdBillEvans.DOC

Hello Doug,
Attached is the amendment we had discussed for the contract for Bill Evans. Please print out 2 sets, sign both
sets, and mail both sets to my attention at the following:

Washington State Patrol

Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98506

Let me know if you have any questions - have a great day

WSP Contracr.'·
360-596-./0; J
cindy. haider@wsp. wa. gOl'

WSP Contract No. C090433PSC
Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol and Operational
Applications Inc. is hereby amended as follows:

Paragraph 5. Fees is revised and replaced by the following:

WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Initial- 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9130/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 10/1/11 - 9130/12
Bill Evans $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP
will reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business
vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement
rates. These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual
(SAAM). This manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM
website: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/policy/saamintro.htm

This Amendment takes effect on January 20, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and in effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they have the
authority to execute this Amendment.



John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date
Washington State> Office of Financiai Management> PSCD Page 1 of2

Personal Service Contracts Database
Queues Search Contact Us Help

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Originailling Summary F!!ioq Jus~if!G;)tion Correspondence Attachrnents

Currently Processing To Main Correspondence

Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Agency: WSP

Reference Number: 64809

Legal Name:Larm, Doug



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0" Analyzed

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http://contracts. ofm. wa. gOYIP SCD/Correspondence/M odif,rQuesti on.aspx?menuSeiect=mnuVProc&sub MenuSelect=mnuVPC... 12/3 012 008
Date 12/16/08
Washington State Patrol
IlcarIon Form
LDS ---1-'--,'-..
d t an dF'Isca IS ervlces
. Cont ractN o tT
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
C090433PSC (1)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
January 1, 2009 September 30, 2009
Contract Title CFDA No. QFSR
Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Operational Applications Inc.
Contractor Contact Address
4227 South Meridian Suite C366, Puyallup WA 98373
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Mr. Doug Larm 253-226-9564 30-0369267
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
doug.larm@ojJerationalapplications.com Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner

60.00 X 173 X 9 X 1.05 =$98,091.00
Contract Amount Position Signature, and Date
Contract Amount $ Grants and Contracts Manager
I d6r1l. ZhL '7/")
$ Business Office Manager/Itt, ~~(j /v
'I, /'

Revised Total
$99,000 Budget Manager YL!.. LL Y/OI...J DYes,~~o Allot

. wJ!r
Amount -' Unanticipated Receipt: DYes !SINo

. "V
Accounting Manager
Indirect Costs % c.7 ~ - I'P;'
/Re..\onue Code
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Sub
Object Maj~~
TAR Code Percent!

(n 11-:- \( 00\ 01* COd. 'J I I,{Vdf? CE 100%

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo . . Mileage on~ DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo SpeCial Mileage R per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo .
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract

Overtime Allowed:
------ AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
Contract Pays Only ~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:

Typ~eipt DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure

Distribution: ~ Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
~ Accountant ~Budget Analyst ~ Other: Captain Braniff
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090433PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Operational Applications Inc.

Period of Performance January 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Bill Evans) shall provide lead criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor's Employee during this Task Order is
the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $60.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C090433PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $99,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm, (253) 226-9564

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Clef

1-1-0 9
~'--- • Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

IE! New
Period of 0 Amendment
Contract No. CD90't33 PSG Performance: IIJ!09-Cf /30/oq 0 Recurring
Contract Title: _"",Le,,-,G;ud,-,-,C-,cl...C;ffiL!lli'I NC!",.~r_~-"",,,-,\Q,,,1"-lI+'tlf"'-"N~~€-""--"(W;,~w\"-I,\(,,,,5,,,-t-~5e=.1.Y-"-v,,-,,C.,,-f5"'--_ _ __
Other Party: QfO to ±30nml ~f \rrd;\ON s "1N (' .
~ Payable
o Receivable
Amount: At 9 C1) ,CC() 0 Other:
Scope of Work: \SO\- 7 <is k GhUQ J'
~lc<\burses ~ (Pom f-tr rolf

Grants and Contract Manager:

BFS Administrator: ~ ~5

Management Services Bureau Director: _...jYlf-L.f=----_'...;..f_'l:_105

Date 12/16/08
Washington State Patrol
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form LDS cc::o+!=,;-

o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 [gl Payable o Other:

WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
January 1, 2009 September 30, 20')..
Contract Title CFDA No. QFSR
Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services I DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Operational Applications Inc.
Contractor Contact Address
4227 South Meridian Suite C366, Puyallup WA 98373
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Mr. Doug Larm 253-226-9564 30-0369267
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
doug .Iarm@operationalapplications.com Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner
Remarks: Requires separate task orders - do not encumber.

Contract Amount Position Signature an/d Date

Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manage~ . tJ..,,;,/!L /'l.zh~ rj{'-;
$ Business Office Man gar/,!::,Y//UI tI!// - "
Revised Total

Indirect Costs % Accounting Manager ~ L ::::> I¢'flill'

~evenue Code
Sub PercenV
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Maj~ r I Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Grou),-./ Source Source
ODl Dl *" CE 100%

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage On~ DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R '1)" per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNo ~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYe~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Co~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: ___________ Other Org Codes:
TypeftReCeipt: DRevenue 0 Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
- Distribution: [gl Project Manager [gl Accauntant [glBudget Analyst ~ Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Other Contract No.
Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Contract is between the of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
NAME Contractor As (DBA)
Contractor Address Federal Employer
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
WA 98373

Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Contact Address

Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
and Contracts WA 98504-2602

When the boxes are

Contract by reference:
Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
i I Exhibit Nondisclosure
This Contract and any other incorporated by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, the subject matter of this Contract shan be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing
have read and to enter into this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide lead criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:
• Quality control for intelligence analyst services and provide expert input to
the fusion center's investigative, program management and policy
• Plan intelligence analytical activities to support WAJAC's mission and work
• In coordination with management team, assist in determining goals and
objectives; preparing short and long-range work plans and schedules.
• Identify, prioritize and establish deadlines for intelligence analyst services.
• Review intelligence reports, daily briefs and periodic assessments for
relevance, significance, validity and potential applications to countering
terrorism acts and organized crimes against regional jurisdictions, critical
infrastructure, services and the community at large.
• Attend and provide high-level intelligence briefings on current or ongoing
• Support WAJAC's chain of command in developing policies and
procedures to accomplish necessary improvements for enhancing routine
or highly specialized intelligence work performance requirements.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Bill Evans WAJAC

b. Task Orders. Work shall be aSSigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must maintain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
··must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


- - _...... __ •.. _. __ ._..

· ,jTATEMENT OF WORK (Continue",

narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a

physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is
not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this ContraCt and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

WSP Personal Service Contract Page30f11


5. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee SFY08 Rate SFY09 Rate SFY10 Rate SFY11 Rate
Bill Evans . $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00

. When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

6. I~surance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01,1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page4of11

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the altemative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. . Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor sha!1 destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personriel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. SubcQntracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page8of11

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
ariSing out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11

notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 100111

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C080065PSC or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, Violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

W,l..'-I>f-A-1 £. MJfyYj Lff1f4 AfrA<...YST

Printed Name and Title i

12 - <J."l- o~

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of 11


TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C090433PSC and Task Order No. I

DATE: January 14,2009

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract and task order between the
Washington State Patrol and Operational Applications, Inc. for Lead Criminal Intelligence
Analyst Mr. Bill Evans. Funding for this contract will be encumbered under separate task orders.

Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this contract has a copy
ofthis contract to ensure the payment documents are filled out correctly.

The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number noted
above; please use this number on all correspondence and payment documents associated with this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget and Fiscal
Services, at Micro 12, ext. 11071.

cJ-~ JRH:clh
f>" Attachment
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget Section
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Assistance Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000·323·001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing projessionallaw enforcement services

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

January 14, 2009

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications Inc.
4227 South Meridian Ste C366
Puyallup WA 98373

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C090433PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed with this letter are two fully executed originals of the referenced agreement
and task order between you and the Washington State Patrol. Please keep these
originals for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number are the agreement numbers
referenced above; please use these numbers on all correspondence regarding these
agreements. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596-4071.



1 C~d.~
~, Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services·


_ c·-~J '::;~-~\

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

m New
Period of 0 Aniendment
Contract No. (o9O-fs:;, fE',c, Performance: \ 11ID'1- q (,,01 \~ 0 Recurring
Contract Title: ko ~ C-, rr-:!Nu [ 'tp ,td\'80,) ee Me.~,:; t 5l'.('v(tes

Other Party: 0fe,-v..A-ioNU ~ I\qf \ I e(j bOf\)5 ~)e.

J)g Payable
o Receivable
Amount: ~ 52>~ ceo 0 Other:

Scope of Work: ~'b-1)\I'fS 5e.fQ.rili hsk oqies-s.

Grants and Contract Manager:
e --. j

BFS Administrator:

Management Servlces Bureau D'Irector: c..,A) \/' i 101.
Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Doug Larm Operational Applications [doug.larm@operationalapplications.com]

Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 8:22 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: WSP RFQQ C090433PSC

Ms Haider/L T Drake:

Signed copies of contract task order mailed this morning.

Additionally, I have included Ms Kia Graham's background investigation paperwork in a closed
envelope within the mailer addressed for LT DRAKE - CONFIDENTIAL.

As an FYI, fingerprint cards received and applicants are reporting in this week for completion along
with DOL abstracts.

Thank you.

Doug Larm
Operational Applications Incorporated

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

December 16, 2008

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications Inc
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373

Dear Mr. Larm:

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C090433PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed are two sets of the referenced agreement and task order between the
Washington State Patrol and your organization. Once an approved representative of
your organization has signed these originals, please return all originals to the following:

Ms. Cindy Haider

Budget and Fiscal Services
Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602

One fully executed original of each will be returned to you for your records. The
Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is referenced above; please use this
number on all correspondence regarding this agreement. If you need further
assistance, please contact Ms. Haider at (360) 596-4071.



, , J
C~~ ~~~

. ~, Mr. Jeffrey ~ Hugdahl

Budget and Fiscal Services


Page 1 of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Maki, Bob (WSP)

Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 3:34 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

You have the green light on this one ..... proceed.

From: Maki, Bob (WSP)

Sent: Friday, December 05,20083:33 PM
To: Ursino, Brian (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

In response to Tim's note: there is no need for D/C approval in this case.

He asked me to screen these for him and proceed with the procurements which were obviously critical.
Since he is on leave (and this one is a no brainer), I will have Cindy Haider move forward with it.

Resp, Bob

From: Ursino, Brian (WSP)

Sent: Friday, December OS, 2008 3:26 PM
To: Maki, Bob (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: WAJAC - Analysts


Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)

To: Ursino, Brian (WSP)
Sent: Fri Dec 05 15:17:01 2008
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts
NC Ursino

Approved for quarter-final approval, then it will need to go back to BFS for semi-final approval, then to the DC for
Final Approval.

1. Support the Intelligence Gathering/Sharing Infrastructure at the WSFC.
2. WAJ8 (Federal Grant)
3. 3a.-Yes, 3b.-No, 3c.-Yes, 3d.-No
4. The WSFC will not be able to function.


Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 200812:54 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: Lead Analyst

Lt - Please provide the budget code for the Bill Evans contract.

CiiJdv Haider
IVSP ('oniracls
J{jO-59!i-/07 !
cindy. haider@wsp. wa. gQJ-'

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (W5P)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 15, 20087:55 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: B. Evans Contract

These look good to me. Thank you.

Lieutenant Randy Drake

Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC)
Cell: 360-239-0359

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Mon 12/15/20085:24 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: B. Evans Contract

Please review the attached contract and Task Order at your earliest convenience. If there aren't any changes I
will mail out originals to Mr. Doug Larm for signature.

('in(/F i {aider
JfS/' Contract.,
cindv.haider~. WQ,gQ}'

WSP Contract No.
Contract No.
Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.

I Number
4227 South Meridian Suite C366

Contact Fax

WSP Manager Name and Title WSP Manager Address

WSP Investigative Assistance Division
Lieutenant Randy Drake


, I i i
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or repres,enl:aticJns, oral or
otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the The parties signing

Date Date

i and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide lead criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:
• Quality control for intelligence analyst services and provide expert input to
the fusion center's investigative, program management and policy
• ·Plan intelligence analytical activities to support WAJAC's mission and work
• In coordination with management team, assist in determining goals and
objectives; preparing short and long-range work plans and schedules.
• Identify, prioritize and establish deadlines for intelligence analyst services.
• Review intelligence reports, daily briefs and periodic assessments for
relevance, significance, validity and potential applications to countering
terrorism acts and organized crimes against regional jurisdictions, critical
infrastructure, services and the community at large.
• Attend and provide high-level intelligence briefings on current or ongoing
• Support WAJAC's chain of command in developing policies and
procedures to accomplish necessary improvements for enhancing routine
or highly specialized intelligence work performance requirements.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Bill Evans WAJAC

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must maintain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a

physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is
not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 11 ..


5. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee SFY08 Rate SFY09 Rate SFY10 Rate SFY11 Rate
Bill Evans $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

6. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 11

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the SpeCial Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnity, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP P.ersonal Service Contract Page 6 of 11 .

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract arid for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable effortsto advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 11

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attomey's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all clairns
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the .Contractor under the terrns of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11

notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 11



I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C080065PSC or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 HCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal S"ervice Contract Page 11 of 11

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, December 05,20089:01 AM
To: 'Doug Larm Operational Applications'
Subject: RE: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

You are welcome. I hope to have the paperwork sent out by middle of next week. Lt Drake will be in contact with
Mr. Evans regarding the background check and possible polygraph.

Happy Holidays to you too!

Cindy Haider
iY"'P RFQQ ('()orr/illoio!'
cil?dv. haider@wsp. wa, gQ\i
From: Doug Larm Operational Applications [mailto:doug.larm@operationalapplications.com]
Sent: Friday, December 05,20085:14 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (W5P)
Subject: Re: W5P RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Ms Haider:
Thank you for the great news!
I will comply with a quick-turnaround for signatures.
Again, thank you for the great news!
Happy Holidays!
Doug Larm.

--- On Thn, 12/4/08, Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov <Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov>wrote:

From: Cindy .Haider@wsp.wa.gov <Cindy .Haider@wsp.wa.gov>
Subject: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC
To: doug.1arm@operationa1app1ications.com
Date: Thursday, December 4,2008,3:08 PM

Mr. Larm,
Congratulations; your candidate Mr. Bill Evans has been selected as the Apparent Successful Proposer
for the Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst. The Start Date for this contract will be January 1, 2009. Two
original contracts and Task Order No.1 will be mailed out to you for signature. Please sign both sets
and mail both sets back to my attention at the address listed on the cover letter that will be enclosed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Cindy Haider
IV.'>P RFQQ COilrdii1uim'
cjl1dy. fzaldeJ'({!.}H;sp. 1·1:(t. go F

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 3:08 PM
To: 'Doug Larm Operational Applications'
Subject: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Mr. Larm,
Congratulations; your candidate Mr. Bill Evans has been selected as the Apparent Successful Proposer for the
Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst. The Start Date for this contract will be January 1, 2009. Two original
contracts and Task Order No.1 will be mailed out to you for signature. Please sign both sets and mail both sets
back to my attention at the address listed on the cover letter that will be enclosed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank-you, .

Cilldy llaider
IJ'S!' RFQQ Coordinator
eiI7l6'. haider@wsp.wa.gov

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (W5P)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 3:06 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Re: Lead

Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Thu Dec 04 14:38:56 2008
Subject: Lead

Are you planning on a start date of January 1, 2009 for Bill Evans?

CiYidF Haider
WSP Conlraers
360-596--11)7 !

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 11 :28 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: Notification of Lead


I was unable to reach all the analyst-lead applicants by phone so I sent each an email. I will provide them with any
feedback they might want at the upcoming interview analyst interviews. Mr. Ward and Mr. Jones have been
scheduled for interviews for the Criminal Intelligence Analyst position.

Lieutenant Randy Drake

Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC)
Cell: 360-239-0359

. .. ... ......,,- .............•. ... •....•..................•..........................................•.......•• •.•............ ... ..................... . ...................

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wed 12/3/2008 5:10 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: Notification of Lead

Lt - Please let me know once you have called the three lead candidates regarding the status. I will then send out
the formal notification via email.


Cindv Haider
WSI' Contmas
360-596--/07 I
cindy. hGider@wsp. WG. gov

b \\ l:vO,J~ s
Vendor Name O~{> Y'h-\-i DNa \ ~hcGbor\)s Vendor Number -LQ

Evaluator Name _ ___ ~c_._"..._J_'1"*-_-"~=--_,,,-_t-,-(.,..:::=-_____

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed ev tion sheet.

Signature ----tL-----=:!::.l.<=~~~'__~~=
_ _ _ _ __ Date I {- (q -t:JB

Please provide a raw score of 0-1 0 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
.approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. _l_ for _ _~
__-_,_'_\_ _2-,.'-'.-0..._(\..--="::>=--_______

Reference Name _--=Bc....,_G_,_....:L=-=e~s=__'_I_\_=-e...=--_-'P___"'=lA"_'r_'O.....-"'e-r"'--_ __

Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: 103-'gDb- 5"0,-/3

1. yst do for you~ company? Score: to

"""M.oIt H..~ ~ c..~ D,t- 'L.i:>oj

2. nalyst? Score: \. 0

3. Score: I C>

6. sed Analyst to meet schedules and deadlines Score: l-o

7. proposed Analyst ( \b
eve..... ("'<...
'b, \ \ EAI~{\) s
Vendor Number --.lQ.
Vendor Name ~fL ~Q:
Evaluator Name et f'-
{J l
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also

authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
wHh romp?:,",,:,~:-

Signature ~ rl&-- Date II~ (q -oS

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average prod uct.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed forWSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. ~ 2v....,.,::.
"Z- for --~~~~~~~~-----------------

Reference Name L+e- (205-0- "For+t'€./"

Point of Contact Name ___________________ Phone: z.n- "~b - \522-

1. Wha~ the pr0g;.ed Anlllyst do ~r your 9-"rr~a£? -£ f\.( Score: \ 0

2 ~\\'y\I:. a. ~ t:.
'a \__..1"\ I l: 0 'f' C< "'" ~


3. Score: \0


7. Score: LV

\h,\\ ~s
Vendor Name QfQfg~Nli..1. '\>@\ i eq±>orJ:;; Vendor Number JQ.

Evaluator Name e<. ('. ~ Dro-.-l~

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed uation sheet.

Signature _1.=::~k.~_~-=--:"'W-=.
______ Date---.:./-,-I--,-(-.!.q_-_pu
Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No.3. for ~:- \ \ 2v . . (\. ~

Reference Name C, l ~-\.a.n ~ L..c oc. .\4...-t+

Point of Contact Name __________________ Phone: q/(P- 6.00- ~ttt,7

1. Score: \ '0

Score: \D

3. nce vs. expect tions Score: /D

c= t

6. Score: 10

7. Score: !b

Vendor Name O~HQ,,\s \Jf\)J ~\ i e.c...:I4QI'\)S Vendor Number--1a.

Team Member Name J2, ',\\ fM\,,1:-.ls

o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
I3J Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
o Proposed for 80th
Eval uator Name _ _--=s-:'-LA.:.cM---'<!!;:;;..'SL------"S....<.;;?-Ht'-'-'--'--'-'-I'Vl--"-+"--_ __


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the info ation by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my complete evaluatio heel.

Signature _ _---,,~=~-?'"""'=::::...------_

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page I on

Evalmition Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
DYes D No
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
DYes D No
A If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 20f3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is tl)E(Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
r:;tYes 0 No
DO~Gertificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
/0Yes ONo

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) e

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 3 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet .
Vendor Name f2@e>CL-hIThlCL\ ~?L CCLt,QNS J,J\}C' Vendor NumberJl2

Team Member Name %,\\ S\J'lU\lS

o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
181 Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
o Proposed for Both
Evaluator Name _ _ .~_-,I~'
12'"--,,,,'-.:(_'_~---"!-"-k'-"f'Lr.=-:,,-,--f....~==-,_ _ __


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

Date _ _f_I_I_1f_/'_O_Y_

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the reqUirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page I of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
DYes D No
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
DYes D No
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ ~o. C090433PSC Page 20f3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
.!¥he Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
;ISJ. Yes 0 No
~e certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
,rYeS ONo

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) ?

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 3 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet -
Vendor Name qJeS'o.."'wrJ ~p!iC<i..boNS Vendor NumberllL-

Team Member Name -];,-'-1,;)-,-','l..l'---i.(,.,,,..,,rauN,,,s=..'_ _ _ _ __

o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
gj Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
o Proposed for Both /.'! L \
Evaluator Name ~ ,.....,¥::i@M,Ot----J
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests, In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In antiCipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation pro.cess or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the infor ti w or regulation, I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed eva I sheet '

Signature ---6""-~I----7''+-b''-''''''I.L--I-----

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire, Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the reqUirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC . Page I of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminallntelligen e Analyst Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst ervices?
DYes DNo
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the laimed experience?
DYes 0 No
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminallntelli ence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services und the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such pers nne!. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experi ce and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, I enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national securit or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis tr. ining
• Ability to use Microsoft Office S . e software

B. Please provide resumes' for the pro sed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills relat to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information/Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training wih the resumes'.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst .Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience
Raw Score (1'10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
~e Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
;O\Yes D No
,g},the certiftcates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
~Yes DNo

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualiftcations of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include infonnation on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent infonnation. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst ead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 3 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
No. Compa ny TIN UBI pac Title pac First pac Last Addres s City State Zip
1 Network Transport Engine Phone Fax Tm Title Tm First
602580868Mr. Micheal Dorsey 3300 NE l' Ridgefield WA
E~mail Tm Last
2 Nighthawk Ana[ytical 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167 Mr.
602117883Mr. Harry Hansen 27306 SE i Samma mi, WA Nicholas Jones
3 Dan K. Me[ton 98075 (206) 940-0235 nighthawkanaly:tical@ Mr.
602559115Mr. Dan Melton Harry Hansen
4 Michael R. Chamness 602111069Mr. Michael Chamness 8280 NE B Bainbridge WA Mr. Dan Me[ton
5 Chad R. Me[lon 98110 (360) 551-2183 mchamnes@leo gOY Mr.,
602558289Mr. Chad Me[ton Michae[ Chamness
WA 4
6 KSNK Enterprise 20-0674694 602373741Mr. Kenneth Crow PO Box 77 Issaquah WA Mr. Chad Me[ton
7 Kristof Ana[ysis & [nvestig ' 98027 (425) 837-0229 (425)837·0229 kcrow@ais-seattle.ccMr
602817 420
Mr. John Kristof 7326 46th. Seattle WA
. Ken Crow
8 Intelligence Acumen 98115 (206) 262-2382 (206) 473-8736 jkristof@[eo.gov Ms.
Mr. James Ward 7008 258tr Graham John Kristof
WA 98338 (253) 232-6378
9 Centra Techno[ogy Inc. 52-1405842 Ms. EBeen O'Sullivan 25 Burlingt Bur[ington MA Mr. James Ward
1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osullivane@centram, Ms.
9c Centra Techno[ogy Inc. Amy Kanawi
9d Centra Technology Inc. Ms. Olivia Goodman
ge Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Nathan Miller
9f Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Michael Steinberg
9g Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Evan Waid[ey
Ms. Victoria Allen
10a Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Larm 4227 Soutt Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564
10b Operational Applications doug.larm@oQeratior Mr. Dennis Gerber
10c Operational Applications Ms. Sara Lacy
10d Operational Applications Ms. Kath[een Alrilquist
10e Operational Applications Ms. Kia Graham
11 The Confluence Group Inc 20-4527781 602589963 Mr. Luis Vega Ms. Neoma Skye
2829 Ruck Everett WA 98201 (425) 212-3500 (425)212-3535 [vega@confluenceca[Mr
11a The Confluence Group Inc . David Malinowski
11b The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Brink[ey Harrell
11c The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Bob Karter
11d The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Francisco .olivarez
11e The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Carlos Alvarez
Ms. Alice Switzer

No. Company TIN UBI pac Title POC First pac Last Address City State Zip
1 Network Transport Enginee Phone Fax E-mail Tm Title Tm First Tm Last
602580868 Mr. Micheal Dorsey 3300 NE 1. Ridgefie[d WA 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167
8 Intelligence Acumen Mr. James Ward 7008 258tr Graham Mr. Nicholas Jones
WA 98338 (253) 232-6378
9 Centra Technology Inc. 52-1405842 Ms. Eileen O'Sullivan Mr. James Ward
25 Burlingt Burlington MA 1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osullivane@centram'Ms.
9a Centra Technology Inc. Amy Kanawi
9b Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Steve Mazel
10 Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Larm Mr. Scott Whippo
4227 Soutt Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564 doug.larm@oQeratior Mr. Bill Evans

Responsive Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost Pis (. Eval 1 Eval2 Eval3 Quest Ray Quest (70 Ref 1
Yes Ref 2
$44.00 $44.00 $44.20 $44.20 $44.10 13.54 8.00
Yes 8.00 8.00 8.00 56.00 45.00 50.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00
Yes 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 38.00 40.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00
Yes 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 0.00 0.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 600
Yes 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 41.00 47.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 7.00
Yes 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 47.00 42.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 44.00 44.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 6.00
Yes 6.00 7.00 .6.33 44.33 44.00 45.00
$37.50 $39.00 $40.56 $42.18 $39.81 15.00 7.00
Yes WITHDREW 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 50.00 50.00
$48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Yes $50.00 35.00 47.00 47.00
$52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 8.00 8.00
Yes 7.00 7.67 53.67 50.00 0.00
$48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71 6.00
Yes 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 50.00 46.00
$48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71 7.00
Yes 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 50.00 46.00
$50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 7.00
No 7.00 8.00 7.33 51.33 0.00 43.00

Responsh Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost Pts (15)

Evall Eval2 Eval3 Quest Rav Quest (70 Ref 1 Ref 2
Yes $51.00 $51.00 $52.00 $52.00 $51.50 17.48
Yes $40.50 $42.12 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 45.00 50.00
$43.80 $45.56 $43.00 20.93
Yes $58.39 $61.31 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 28.00 50.00 50.00
$64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00 $64.50 13.95
8.00 7.00 8.00 7.67 53.67 50.00 50.00
Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 p Total Scorl
47.00 47.33 14.20 83.74
37.00 38.33 11.50 58.44
0.00 0.00 0.00 46.94
49.00 4S.67 13.70 67.64
4S.00 44.67 13.40 74.34
28.00 38.67 11.60 58.54
47.00 4S.33 13.60 69.88
47.00 49.00 14.70 78.70

4S.00 46.33 13.90 60.17

44.00 31.33 9.40 74.33
46.00 47.33 14.20 67.91
0.00 32.00 9.60 70.31
42.00 28.33 8.50 71.10

Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 pi Total Scon

47.00 47.33 14.20 56.20
47.00 49.00 14.70 42.70
SO.OO 50.00 15.00 68.67




One (1) eriginal Letter ef Submittal and Certificatiens and Assurances was submitted with the
Censultant's propesal. Letter ef Submittal and Certificatiens and Assurances were signed by
a persen autherized to. legally ebligate the Censultant.

4 separately-beund cepies ef the propesal were submitted.

Propesal was submitted en er befere 4:00 p.m. on November 14, 2008 .

./ The Censultant is licensed to. do. business in the State ef Washingten.

Fer Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, the prepesal clearly demenstrates that any
propesed Censultant Team Member(s):
Has previeusly served as an intelligence analyst fer a minimum ef two. (2) years either in a
Federal intelligence agency, the military, er State and/or lecallaw enfercement intelligence
unit; er has a Bacheler's degree er higher cellege degree in criminal justice, lawenfercement,
statistical analysis er a related field that substitutes fer the werk experience requirement; and
Has provided preef ef cempletien ef Intelligence Analyst Training to. ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and productien.
Fer Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services, the propesal clearly demenstrates that any
propesed Censultant Team Member
Has feur years ef pregressively respensible werk experience in either in a Federal intelligence
agency, the military, er State and/or lecallaw enfercement intelligence unit; and
Pessess a Bacheler's degree frem an accredited cellege er university; er, an Asseciate's
degree in criminal justice, law enfercement, statistical analysis er related field from an
accredited cellege er university; and
Has provided proef ef cempletien ef Intelligence Analyst Training to. ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and productien.
Fer Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services the heurly reimbursement rate fer prepesed
Censultant Team Members dees net exceed $50.00.

Fer Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services the heurly reimbursement rate fer propesed
Censultant Team Members dees not exceed $60.00.

The prepesal centains a Waiver and Autherizatien to. Release Infermatien ferm fer every
Censultant Team Member prepesed fer werk. The ferm is signed by each respective
propesed Censultant Team Member.

Prepesal provided 90 days fer acceptance ef its terms frem the due date ef propesals .

.Washingten State Patrol Page 13 RFQQ No.. C090433PSC

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Voler ,egist;-alion
D!SC!3;mer i {f)200 (' Washing!,)!) StE.te Department of Reve iii€' and its !;cBn$!)rs. Ai! ngtn$ reserve(j [S",cretary of State)

http://dor.wa.gov/contentldoingbusiness/registermybusinesslbrdIResults.aspx?RequestTy ... 11114/2008

Eile [dit !£iew Insert FQ!Tl1at 10015 actions tielp
. > . A'
'" X :',;
~B.eply .';iReply to AU , ,*For~ard 'JJ --oJ .~ -~
~ ~,
Message Tracking 1
From: Haider, Cindy (WSP) Sent: Mon 11/24/20082:05 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
8ce: Drake, Randy (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (W5P); 'nighthawkanalytical@comcast.net'; ';
'mchamnes@leo.gov'; ' 'kcrow@ais-seattle.com'; 'jkrlstof@leo,gov'; 'James H. Ward';
Subject: RFQQ #C090433PSC

Per Section 3.1.1 , First Tier Evaluation, of the referenced Request for Quallfications/Quotation, the top proposers for WAJAC
Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services are the following'

Mr. 8ill Evans, Operational Applications

Mr. Nicholas Jones, Network Transport Engineering, Jnc
Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen

Per Section 3.1.1 , First Tier Evaluation, of the referenced Request for Qualifications/Quotation, the top proposers for WAJAC
Criminal Intelligence Analysts are the following:

Ms. Kathleen Almquist, Operational Applications

Mr. Michael Chamness
Mr. Ken Crow, KSNK Enterprise
Mr. Denriis Gerber, Operational Applications
Ms. Kia Graham, Operational Applications
Mr. Harry Hansen, Nighthawk Analytical
Mr. Nicholas Jones, Network Transport Engineering, Inc
Mr. John Kristof, Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services
Ms. Sara lacv. Ooerational Aoolications

l$Jstartj ; :. ~:)l Sent items ~ Microsoft o.J I...J RFQQ #C090433PS[ -... I
_.;..~ CONTRACTXP : Databas ..• ..Jij frmContract2
Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, November 24,20082:05 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ #C090433PSC

Per Section 3.1.1, First Tier Evaluation, of the referenced Request for Qualifications/Quotation, the top proposers
for WAJAC Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services are the following:

Mr. Bill Evans, Operational Applications

Mr. Nicholas Jones, Network Transport Engineering, Inc
Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen

Per Section 3.1.1, First Tier Evaluation, of the referenced Request for Qualifications/Quotation, the top proposers
for WAJAC Criminal Intelligence Analysts are the following:

Ms. Kathleen Almquist, Operational Applications

Mr. Michael Chamness
Mr. Ken Crow, KSNK Enterprise
Mr. Dennis Gerber, Operational Applications
Ms. Kia Graham, Operational Applications
Mr. Harry Hansen, Nighthawk Analytical
Mr. Nicholas Jones, Network Transport Engineering, Inc
Mr. John Kristof, Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services
Ms. Sara Lacy, Operational Applications
Mr. Chad Melton
Mr. Dan Melton
Ms. Neoma Skye, Operational Applications
Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen

These top proposers will be contacted to schedule an interview.


Cindy Haider
lIFQQ CoordinalO(
cindv.haiderf(.{.w.lp. wa.go\'

Washington State Patrol

Request for Qualifications/Quotations No. C090433PSC

Amendment 1

October 31, 2008

Project Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

RFQQ Proposals:
Due date: No later than 4:00 p.m. PST on November 14, 2008
Send to: Ms. Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator
Mailing Address:
Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602
Physical Address:
210 - 11'h Avenue SW, Room 116
Olympia WA 98501

The following is an amendment to RFQQ No C090433PSC. All other terms and conditions of
the RFQQ that have not been revised by this amendment remain in full force and effect.

a. Vendor Questions and Answers. Per Section 2.2, Consultant Questions and Answers,
below are questions posed by potential consultants responding to this RFQQ, and the
Washington State Patrol's responses to those questions.

1. Question: Will all six (6) criminal intelligence analysts be located at the Washington
Joint Analytical Center in Seattle?
Answer: Yes.
2. Question: Will the total salary and benefits cap of $50 and $60 respectively, remain
unchanged during the multi-year contract?
Answer: You may propose up to a 5% increase for each federal fiscal year
starting October 1, 2009.
3. Question: For estimating the per hour cost, the RFQ uses 173 hours a month. This
exceeds the usual eight hour work day. Will the analysts be required to work 173
hours a month?
Answer: 173 hours is recognized by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
as an average number of work hours during one month, and is the maximum
number of billable hours that a contracted intelligence analyst or lead analyst
can work. The position will typically work a 40-hour work week.

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jC090433PSC 15 1-10
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ICriminallntelli~ence Analyst Services

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Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services A

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iRFOO il jOpen -::.1
Thf' F:,~'st DDte is the d2lt(~ thc-; hie: wi:! nost 1"0 i'~I(,; hid Cuil:~:·ld,:\r', The fnactive Date is the
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1"3!j3'i:W008:::J fIT3;f14~i=120--0-8ij--'y
make certain the inaetl"l£, date
r>icas::~ ;~; r.urect
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lCindy Haider <1360 )[596 -1 4071 extl
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Adams Research Support Services
Asotin 1
ie-lear A II ChOkes I

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Total number of records = 525

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Total number of minority and woman owned records = 8

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RFQ Criminal Intelligence AD ,t Services C090433PSC Page 1 of3

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, October 31, 200811:27 AM
To: 'Hempel, Walt'
Cc: Hickey, Christopher; Schleifer,Geoff; Johnson, Lisa
Subject: RE: RFQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services C090433PSC

173 hours is recognized by the Homeland Security for the hours wcrked in one month The position Will typlcal'y
work a 40-hr work week depending on special circumstances

Cin',iv Haider
TfSl' II FQQ ( 'uordinqlor
kin,ely, haider@}1IJ]2JVJ],gov

From: Hempel, Walt [mailto:hempelw@centratechnology,com]

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:32 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Hickey, Christopher; Schleifer,Geoff; Johnson, Lisa
Subject: RE: RFQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services C090433PSC

CENTRA Technology, Inc. is considering this RFQ. We request that the following questions be

I.Fo r estimating the per hour cost, the RFQ uses 173 hours a month. This
exceeds the usual eight hour work day. Will the analysts be required to work
173 hours a month?

From: Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Cindy .Haider@wsp.wa.gov]

RFQ Criminal IntelJigence AD -~t Services C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 1:51 PM

To: Hempel, Walt
Cc: Hickey, Christopher; Schleifer,Geoff
Subject: RE: RFQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services C090433PSC

Please see below for answers to your questions.

Thank-you for the inquiry,

Cin{~r Hoider
nsp Rl'{)(J CwrdillIJtor
r;JIl@j1fJ.ider~ wa. gov

From: Hempel, Walt [mailto:hempelw@centratechnology.com]

Sent: Tuesday, October 28,2008 10:39 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Hickey, Christopher; Schleifer,Geoff
Subject: RFQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services C090433PSC

CENTRA Technology, Inc. is considering this RFQ. We request that the following questions be

1. Will all six (6) criminal intelligence analysts be located at the Washington Joint Analytical
Center in Seattle? Yes

2. Will the total salary and benefits cap of $50 and $60 respectively, remain unchanged during the
multi-year contract? They may propose up to a 5% increase for each federal fiscal year starting
October 1, 2009

RFQ Criminal Intelligence AI' '~t Services C090433PSC Page 3 on

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, October 31, 20089:33 AM
To: 'Craig Dudley'
Subject: RE: RFOO No. C090433PSC
Attachments: C090433PSC.doc

Attached per your request.. .

Cindy j-foid('F
IPS}' RF(}Q Coordinulor
cindy. haider@wSQ.wa.gQY

From: Craig Dudley [mailto:craigadudley@yahoo.comj

Sent: Thursday, October 30,20087:18 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ No. C090433PSC


I am interested in the following announcement; could you please send me the information?

RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Thank you.

Craig A. Dudley

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, October 31,20089:37 AM
To: 'nighthawkanalytical@comcasl.net'
Subject: RFQQ
Attachments: C090433PSC.doc

Harry - attached as requested.

Happy Halloween

Ciil(/ V I-!";!r, Ie r
W\}' flFQQ Coordinator
cindy haider@J1~]lJ:!l-'LgQV

RFQ Criminal Intelligence Ar . 'st Services C090433PSC Page I of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 200810:51 AM
To: 'Hempel, Walt'
Cc: Hickey, Christopher; Schleifer, Geoff
Subject: RE: RFQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services C090433PSC

Please see below for answers to your questions.

Thank-you for the inquiry,

('l})(.(i" ffdide(
frS'/' RFi)Q Coordinalor
cilj[i;Jiaider@J1~Juy'(L gov

From: Hempel, Walt [mailto:hempelw@centratechnology.com]

Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:39 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Hickey, Christopher; Schleifer,Geoff
Subject: RFQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services C090433PSC

CENTRA Technology, Inc. is considering this RFQ. We request that the following questions be

1. Will all six (6) criminal intelligence analysts be located at the Washington Joint Analytical
Center in Seattle? Yes

2. Will the total salary and benefits cap of $50 and $60 respectively, remain unchanged during the
multi-year contract? They may propose up to a 5% increase for each federal fiscal year starting
October 1, 2009

Page 1 01'2

Haider, Cindy (W5P)

From: Theresa L. Escott [theresa.escott@odominus.com]

Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 1:04 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: Theresa Escott re: CIAS

Thank you Cindy for your reply. I have a Master's Degree, but not the Intelligence Analyst Training I think they
get at the FBI school :(
Keeping my eyes out for other contracts
Best Regards,

From: Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov [Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov]

Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 11:02 AM
To: Theresa L. Escott
Subject: RE: Theresa Escott re: CIAS

This contract's minimum requirements are the following:

1.4.2 CJ'iminallntelligence Analyst Services: At a minimum, each proposed Consultant Team Member
proposed for criminal intelligence analyst services must meet the following requirements:
• Work Experience and/or Education: Must have previously served as an intelligence analyst
for a minimum of two (2) years either in a Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State
and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit. A Bachelor's degree or higher college degree
in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field may be substituted
for the work experience requirement.
• Specialized Training: Must have completed Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
• Must be proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite applications.
• Must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance and pass a criminal
history background check conducted by WSP. Proposed Consultant Team Members may be
required to pass a polygraph examination.

1.4.3 Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services: At a minimum, each proposed ConSUltant Team
Member proposed for criminal intelligence analyst-lead services must meet the following
• Work Experience: Must have four years of progressively responsible work experience in
either in a Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement
intelligence unit.
• Education: Possess a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; or, an
Associate's degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or related field
from an accredited college or university.
• Specialized Training: Must have completed Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
• Must be proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite applications.
• Must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance and pass a criminal
history background check conducted by WSP. Proposed ConSUltant Team Members may be
required to pass a polygraph examination.

Page 20f2

Intelligence Analyst Training is defined by: Intelligence Analyst Training - Training received for the position of
Intelligence Analyst in accordance with Minimum CriminaiJntelligjlnc!1_ TrainingJilimgardJ;jQL!-aw
Enforcement and Other Criminal Justice A9-~ncies in the United.St!WJ; dated October 2007 as published
by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice.

Thank-you for your inquiry,

(-imh ! !aider
rv,')'}' Commc{s

From: Theresa L. Escott [mailto:theresa.escott@odominus.com)

Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 3:26 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Theresa Escott re: CIAS

Question ref. min requirements on Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Service contract.
I did not attend the FBI school for CIA and do not have this credential.
I have 16 112 years of prior law enforcement. Does this count for this
Theresa Escott
Description Of Opportunity
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Date Posted Date Closed
10/23/2008 11/1412008
Estimated Value Contact Name
3,000,000 Cindy Haider
Contact Phone Contact Email
(360) 596-4071 cindy .haider@wsp.wa.gov

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 9:33 AM
To: 'Ashley Hunsberger'
Subject: RE: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC


The specialized training is a requirement. Please see Minimum Criminal Intelligence Training Standards for Law
Enforcement and Other Criminal Justice Agencies in the United States dated October 2007 as published by the Bureau of
Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice to see if this applies to your current experience.

Cindy Haider
WSP Contracts

-----Original Message-----
From: Ashley Hunsberger [mailto:ashley.m.hunsberger@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 24,20083:29 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Re: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

Hello Cindy,

Thanks for the response. I was a bit confused because I have never applied for a job in this manor. I do however have
another question regarding the analysis training. I have been working at the National Geospatiallntelligence Agency
(NGA) here in the DC area for 2.5 yrs while finishing my BA. I have had training courses, and have produced multiple high
level intelligence briefs and received multiple awards for them, but have not had "specialized training" other than on the job
training. Will this be a problem or can my resume and work experience make that a non issue?

Ashley Hunsberger

From: <Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov>
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 6: 15 PM
To: <ashley.m.hunsberger@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

> Hi Ashley,
> The business license won't be required until after a candidate has
> been chosen the Successful Proposer. There is a 10-day grace period.
> Please refer questions regarding the business license to
> http://www.dol.wa.gov/mls/mlsinfo.htm. If you have further questions
> regarding the RFQQ and the requirements please send them to me by email.
> This is the preferred method as to ensure answering questions correctly.
> If need be after all I can give you a phone call.
> Thank-you - have a great afternoon
> Cindy Haider
> RFQQ Coordinator
> cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov
> -----Original Message---
> From: Ashley Hunsberger [mailto:ashley.m.hunsberger@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 24,20082:17 PM
> To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
> Subject: Re: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

> Good afternoon Cindy,
> My name is Ashley Hunsberger and I recently received the notice for
> RFQQ No. C090433PSC . I am a bit confused. In this RFQQ, it says I
> must have a business license for Washington State, and be a
> consultant. I am not sure if I can get a business license for
> Washington as I do not live there yet,
> (currently I live in Virginia) and do not own a business. I have a few
> questions about this RFQQ and if you have time would like to speak to
> you about it.
> I can be reached at 703.475.0602.
> Thank you,
> Ashley Hunsberger
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Hunsberger, Ashley M." <Ashley.M.Hunsberger@nga.mil>
> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 12:45 PM
> To: <ashley.m.hunsberger@gmai1.com>
> Subject: FW: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC
» -----Original Message-----
» From: Ackerman, Matt (GA) [mailto:Mackerm@GA.WA.GOV] On Behalf Of GA
» Customer Service
» Sent: Friday, October 24,2008 12:32 PM
»To: Hunsberger, Ashley M.; GA WEBS Customer Service
» Subject: RE: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC
» Hi Ashley,
» You can obtain the RFQQ by logging into WEBS, searching in "search
» opportunities" for "my counties" and "my commodity codes". There you
> will
» find the solicitation and can download the document.
» Matt Ackerman
» WEBS System Manager
» General Administration I Office of State Procurement
» Phone: 360.902.7400 I Email: mackerm@ga.wa.gov
» -----Original Message-----
» From: Hunsberger, Ashley M. [mailto:Ashley.M.Hunsberger@nga.mil]
» Sent: Friday, October 24,20089:23 AM
» To: GA WEBS Customer Service
» Subject: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC
» Good morning,
» I would like to obtain a copy of the RFQQ for No. C090433PSC.
» Thank you,
» Ashley Hunsberger
» National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Imagery Analyst Latin
» America Division Venezuela Branch
» (703) 262-4454
» -----Original Message-----
»From: Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.govl
» Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 5:53 PM
»To: Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov
» Subject: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC
» The Washington State Patrol (WSP) has released a Request for
» Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) to solicit proposals from Consultants
> to
» provide criminal intelligence analyst services at a regional criminal
» intelligence center serving Washington State. Proposers must be able
> to
» obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance and pass a
> criminal
» history background check conducted by WSP and/or local law
> enforcement.
» You may obtain a copy of the RFQQ from the Washington's Electronic
» Business Solution (WEBS) webscustomerservice@ga.wa.gov. Proposals
» are due by 4:00 p.m., local time, on Friday, November 14, 2008 at the
» address listed below.
» WSP is an equal opportunity employer and minority and women-owned
» businesses are encouraged to reply.
» Please reference RFQQ No. C090433PSC in any communications regarding
» this RFQQ. For further information contact:
» WSP Budget and Fiscal Services
» ATTN: Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator
»210 -11th Avenue SW, Room 116
» PO Box 42602
» Olympia WA 98504-2602
»Fax: (360) 596-4077
» e-mail: cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

- -.. _._-._._.--.._ .••..- •.._.. _...•..._------_•.•.....-._ ......•...•..
From: Cassidy, Joseph F. Jr [JOSEPH.F.CASSIDY.JR@saic.com]
Sent: Monday, October 27,20089:52 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ


From: Cindy.Haider@wsp,wa,gov [mailto:Cindy,Haider@wsp.wa,gov]

Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 12:38 PM
To: Cassidy, Joseph F. Jr
Subject: RFQQ

Mr. Cassidy,
Attached is the RFQQ as requested.

Cindy Haider
n·:',? Coordinator
cindy. haider@wsp. wa.gQ.l'

Page 1 of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Amy Kanawi ]

Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 20082:44 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ and Centra


Just so you ar.e aware this is what I received via CENTRA when I applied at the following sites:

(CENTRA Technology, Inc. is seeking Criminal Intelligence Analysts to provide intelligence support tl
in Seattle, Washington.


lQ~29+ 12Yo3<15.9.%).1\00&pg= I &seQ.=.2.


"We received your resume and are considering your qualifications for our
current staffing needs. We will contact you if your qualifications
match our position requirements. You are also welcome to apply to
future j.<JI:J.l)().s.ti.[\g~ if a specific opportunity interests you. We
appreciate your interest in exploring career opportunities with us and
value your interest in becoming a member of our team. Note: This is an
automated message and should only be used for resume submissions."
CENTRA Technology, Inc.

So this is what I was calling about, not the RFQQ to contract employees for the position. Thank you for)


Amy Kanawi

--- On Tue, 11/4/08, Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov <Cindy.Haidet@wsp.wa.gov>wrote:

From: Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov <Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov>

Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 4: 14 PM

Amy - attached is the Washington State Patrol's Request for Qualifications/Quotations (RFQQ) for Criminallnte'

Page 2 of2

those via the email posted.

Thank-you for inquiring,


IV,';!' II rQQ ('()"rriillu/ol

cindy hGiderffj),J1'~/2.. WG. gQ)I

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Job in Seattle 98101, Washington US Page 1 of3

Job Tools
Centra Technology



Job Summary Criminal I ence al Company Tools

Centra Technology About the Job Yif:;Y'J.._~ttLJJJb?_ a.t ~t1.Ls_~Qml
Location CENTRA Technology, Inc. is seeking Criminal Intelligence Analysts to provide
Seattle, WA 98101 intelligence support to the Washington Joint Analytical Center, the state intelligence
Industries fusion center in Seattle, Washington. The opportunity is located at the WAJAC in
Government and Military Seattle. Candidates must possess entry intelligence experience including: Contact Informal
Job Type
Full Time • Two years of experience in intelligence support to operational or tactical level Centra Technology
Employee military operations, a Federal government intelligence agency, or a state or local
Relevant Work law enforcement intelligence unit andlor a Bachelor's degree or higher in criminal
Experience justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field;
2+ to 5 Years
• Completion of an Intelligence Analyst Training course that includes the
Education Level intelligence cycle, intelligence analysis and the production of intelligence reports;
Bachelor's Degree
• Effective writing skills for both current and strategic intelligence reports including
Career Level fast turnaround of adhoc RFls;
Experienced (Non- • Designing, planning and implementing intelligence research projects;
• Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite;
Salary • Ability to work in a diverse working environment alongside law enforcement
officers, criminal intelligence analysts and liaison officers from state, local and
federal agencies; and
lob Reference Code • Hold or be able to obtain a federal top secret security clearance, pass a criminal
history background check and pass a polygraph examination if required.

Other experiences desired but not required include:

• Knowledge of the transnational and domestic terrorism threats;
• Background in financial crimes, or critical infrastructure protection;

httn' I Ii ()hvi ~W. m ()n ,Ier. com/Get!0 h.asDx?.J 0 hID=77 069793 &J 0 bTi tle=Criminal +Intelligence+ Anal yst&q=Criminal +Intelligence... 11/412008
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Job in Seattle 98101, Washington US Page 2 00

etc., or ability to learn new software applications quickly;

• Knowledge of or experience working with Federal, state or local law .enforcement
agencies; and
• Experience working in operational intelligence centers.

All applicants must have strong organization and communication skills. As', we provide
services for US Government customers in the national security arena, all CENTRA
employees must apply for and receive security clearances. Therefore, US citizenship is
required for all positions.
CENTRA Technology, Inc. is a rapidly growing small company providing systems
engineering and analytical services to Federal, state and local government and
commercial customers. We have main offices in Burlington, MA and Arlington, VA.
CENTRA Technology, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

We offer a full range of benefits, including competitive salary, comprehensive health plan
including dental coverage, company-paid life & disability insurance policies, 401 (k) plan
with company match and profit sharing, ESOP, incentive bonuses, relocation assistance
and a generous educational reimbursement program.

If you would like to apply for this position, please e-mail your resume to
[e.cruiler2@centralechnologYccom. Please reference job code WA-CI in the subject

You are Applying to: Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Centra

'Technology, Seattle, WA 98101
Minimize -

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httn' I I;~h";,.,,, n1~nd,.r r~n1 In,., T~h ",nY? Tnh Tn=770hq7ql~Jn h Titl~=C:riminB I+T nt.e lli lIence+ Analvst&q=Criminal +Intelligence... 11/4/2008
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Job in Seattle 98101, Washington US Page 3 of3

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this employer.

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httn'//;nh,,;pw mnnstpr "nm/GetJnh.asnx?.TnhTD=77069793&JobTitie=Criminal+Intelligence+Analyst&q=Criminal+Intelligence... 11/4/2008

ole ~dit YJew [nsert FQrmat lools 6ctions tlelp
: , ~ [eply l_~ Reply to All ~:~ For~ard (~~,.::d,: 't ,;};;; -{3 X , .;it. .. '.J> • A; ~~) ~!

From: Haider, Cindy'(WSP) Sent: FrllOJ24J200a 3:04 PM ~ 4 of 24 - Clipboard • X

To: Haider, aOdy (WSP)

Bee:: 'doug.larm@seattle.gov'j- 'isa.pal1n!~HQ~DHS.GOit; 'PET,ER.t::. WALSH@salc.oom'; [~!.~';t~' ~J l.:~Cle.~_~I,I...,
'Gerald.D.Oean@vscg.mn'; 'sarah.l.getty@salc.com'j'ashley.m.hunsberger@nga.mil· Click an item to paste:
Subject: FW: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC
'[1 'ashley.m.hunsberger@n.. ...:J
A correction to the WEBS address below; it should read hllps:I/fortress,wa,gov/gafwebs/
Thank-you. '~dJ 'sarah.l.getty@saic.com·

~tJ 'Geratd.D.Dean@uscg.mil·
),0(J .. 5,(i6·4:)7 }

::-l~ ·PETER.K.WALSH@saic.com'

From: Haider, Cindy (lNSP)

Sent: Thursday, October 23,20082:53 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (lNSP)
Subject: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

The W.lshingtol1 St.1te P.nl"lIl (WSP) h,lS Tele.lSed a Re<llIest fOJ"

Ollali1icationsi Quot.)tioll (RFOQ) to so-licit IHolH)sals f'-I)m Consult.lIlts hlllnwide
cl'imin . d Intelligence <'I1Ii'llyst $elvices at .1 regional criminal intelligence center
selVing W<lShington State. Proposers must be ahle t~J(!,~:,_,,,t,J,7""~~~~! '." :,·..i';;";:'l~~·i:t\,:;l~kpaneagain, dick
level secUlity cle,U,lllce and [)<lSS ~ criminal hist{HY ~;,\<':l!SUfi\ilde~kiria.,.-{Wspy\, ,1 1, ~ . , ;,",vX ,! on the Edit menu or
WSP andiO!' l(Jocal law enfMcement. i ... FW: P.FQQ W5f> Nc·, (O:~(i4:~'3f-'5C ':-ice.
I _ .., A(o)tf6ctlor, t.;,_ the WEEd edJle~5 below: it ;;1";10!JJ8-le~9 !
You m..y oht"lin a (;(JoIIY (Jof the RFOQ hom the Washht)t':)(f(, jlfps1!!f~liJds:~~j\'joviq.J!'.'I,:t.$i ~.
, '--- - - -.-------'-.-.-.. -.---~--,.,.- ..-.-.,
-- ,

_ _

d;startJ ! ;,,;'8 Sent Ite~5 - Microsoft 0.:.: ,-.::1 _FYI:_ R_f-Q9'wSP' Nb. co... tel's ,MkrosoFt-Office-Ac~ess 3:03 PM
. ., . K
Eie fdit !/JeW Insert FQrmat loots actions tl,/p

,.. 4B.eply "41 Reply to Al! ' ~ib-For~ard <:.~ c.. .-¢
'" ;0 " X
.;. l~;
,,,"''' Halder, andy (WSP) Sent: _Thu 10(23/2000 4:37 PM
To: Haider.. Cmdy (W5P)
Bee: '!,ETER,K,WAtsH@saic;com';'Gerald:o,Dean@UScg.mif; 'sarah.l,getty@saic,(om'
Subject: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

The Washington $' .... te P.JtroIIWSPI 1I,1s rele.lsed ., Request f.01 Olh. . lificmions'-Ouotation IRFQO) to solidt IHOPO$;~ls
110111 COlisult.lllts 1(1 provide climin;.ll iutelligellce .lllalyst selvices at a le!.li~)("ll climini11 intelligence ceutel servin:.!
W.lshiu!JtOIi State. Plul~osels I1111S1 be .,hle to oht.lin it fed·eH .... 1 Top Sec-let level security cle.u,lllce ,11HI p''ISS ,1
crilllilhli history h<lckUhHIlHI check conducted by WSP <11111:01 10(:<11 hlW enf(II'Cel1lent.
You Ilhly oht.lin .1 COl'Y of the RFOO flom the W,lshiligtou'S Electl ollic Busilless Solution (WEBSI
wehscustomelselvice'&~~J-..l.W,.... l!ov. P1oIH>s-als ,ue due by 4:00 I).m .. local time, Olt Flid,lY. NovelUhel 14.2008 ,... t the
.... ,hhess listed below.

WSP is .111 'EHlu .... 1 01)IJottunity em(Jluyer and mhHuity and womell-owned bllsinesses .ue encom.,getl to reilly.

PleMe I efelellce RFOO No. C090433PSC ill <lily cOlllmullic.ltions req<l:ldhHJ this RFOO. FtU fl1lther infol"ln.ltiol)

WSP Budget <lud Fisc,ll Services

ATTN: Cindy Haidel. RFOO Co~mlin.ut)l
2"10 _11 th Avenue SW, R(Ioom 116
PO Box ... 2602
Olyllll)i~... WA 98504-2:602
F,"'JX: (360) 5964077
e-IlI.1il: diHly.h,litlel@wsl>.W<l.90v

:i) Sent Items" Miq,"" !I J ru=QQ wSP No. Cm _~ CONTRACTXP : D" ,J ~:,:="·jl=f~'m~C~o~"=.="=t~2_ _JI cb="'",-"R~'Q~Q,,- _ __

4:37 PM
file !;,dit ~ew insert FQ.I'mat Iools 8,ctlol1s tlelp
; , ~B.eply ";'$ Reply to AU " r;)For~ard _:it ~
't' :.; "
,-' X ~ . .R ~ ',~i fj
From: HaldetJ andy (WSP) Sent: Thu 10/23/2008 2:53 PM
To: HalderJ anqy (WSP)
Bee: tiugdah1J.Jeff (WSP); Drake J Randy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)j 'Iisa.palmeri@HQ.DHS.GOV'; ·tloLig.Jami~attIe.gov~ 'ashley.m.tJ.msberger@nga.mil'
Subject: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

The W....shilHJton S1.lte P'ltl 01 lWSPI1.<lS released a Request fOI Ou.llificationsfOuot.ltioli tRFOO) 10 solicit ",Iopos.lls
froll1 Conslllt.lllts to plovide climinal illtelli.gellce <In<llysl selvices at al-eyioll<ll Cl'iminill intelligence center selviu9
Washington State. PI oposels mllst he able to oht.liu ,1 fedelal T (II> Seclet level security cle.lrance <lnll IhlSS .1
clhnin.ll hiS1GIY h.lckYlolltHI check conducted by WSP antl:'ol local I;)w enforcement.
You ItMy obtnin il copy of the RFQO tlolllthe WMhiu9tou's Elecuonic Business Solution {WEBS}
wehSCtlstollleISIHVice;(l~".l.W ... l!<lV. ProllOS.lls .ue <llIe by -1-:00 p.m •• 10C.ll time. 011 Fliday. I~ovemhel 14.2008 -.It the
.llhhess listed helow.

WSP is ,111 eqtl<ll oPI'oltlllli1Y elllilloyel' and min'Hity tlIHI women-owned huslnesses <ue encom,lijed 10 reply.

Please fetefence RFOO No. C0'90433PSC ill any c.Htulltmic.ltions relJ.lldiuy this RFOO. FOI fmthel illfol'lll<ltion

WSP Budget and Fiscal SelVices

ATTN: Cindy Haidel. RFOO Coontin'ltol
210 _11th AvelHle SW. Room 116-
PO Box .t26-02
Olympia WA 98504_2:602
Fax: (36-0) 5%-4077
e-mail: cindy.h<lidel,\!!;wsll.W~1.90v

~fsta~tIJ \~~jl sentItems' - Mier ... II '..:::! RFQQ WSP No. C... I
~;J CO~TRACTXP: 0 ... 'jj1 frmContract2 IuRFQQ 2:53 PM
Page 1 of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, October 23,20083:55 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Re: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

The uscg and saic addresses would be great

Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Thu Oct 23 15:53:23 2008
Subject: FW: RFQQ W5P No. C090433PSC

I have included·in the below email the three contacts you previously sent. The following are names that have
been directly contacted in the past:



Do you wish to have the proposal directly sent to anyone from this list as well?

Cim6' Haider
H:;,)T Cumruels
cindy. haider@ws[!. wa. gov

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 2:53 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

The Washington State Patrol (WSP) has released a Request for Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) to solicit
proposals from Consultants to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at a regional criminal
intelligence center serving Washington State. Proposers must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level
security clearance and pass a criminal history background check conducted by WSP and/or local law
You may obtain a copy of the RFQQ from the Washington's Electronic Business Solution (WEBS)
webscustomerservice@ga.wa.gov. Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m., local time, on Friday, November 14,
2008 at the address listed below.

WSP is an equal opportunity employer and minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to

Page 2 of2

Please reference RFQQ No. C090433PSC in any communications regarding this RFQQ. For further
information contact:

WSP Budget and Fiscal Services

ATTN: Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator
210 _11th Avenue SW, Room 116
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602
Fax: (360) 596-4077
e-mail: cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov

Page 1 of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 3:59 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Re: RFOO WSP No. C090433PSC

Also include:

Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Thu Oct 23 15:53:23 2008
Subject: FW: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

I have included in the below email the three contacts you previously sent. The following are names that have
been directly contacted in the past:



Do you wish to have the proposal directly sent to anyone from this list as well?

Cindy Haider
HiSI' C'on/raels
cindy. haider@wsp. wa. gov

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 2:53 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ WSP No. C090433PSC

The Washington State Patrol (WSP) has released a Request for Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) to solicit
proposals from Consultants to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at a regional criminal
intelligence center serving Washington State. Proposers must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level
security clearance and pass a criminal history background check conducted by WSP and/or local law
You may obtain a copy of the RFQQ from the Washington's Electronic Business Solution (WEBS)
webscustomerservice@ga.wa.gov. Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m., local time, on Friday, November 14,
2008 at the address listed below.

Page 2 of2

WSP is an equal opportunity employer and minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to

Please reference RFQQ No. C090433PSC in any communications regarding this RFQQ. For further
information contact:

WSP Budget and Fiscal Services

AnN: Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator
210 _11th Avenue SW, Room 116
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602
Fax: (360) 596-4077
e-mail: cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, October 23,20088:43 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)


Here are three contacts for the RFQQ. I have an analyst working on additional contacts right now.

IALEA (Association of Analysts)


Military Contact

Ashley Hunsberger
Imagery Analyst
Latin America Division
Venezuela Branch
(703) 262-4454

Lieutenant Randy Drake

Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC)
Cell: 360-239-0359

REPORT :: Bid Information Detail .' Washington's @)lectroniC Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Search - Bid !D: 5140 Active Date: 10/23/2008

Customer Ref #: C090433PSC Inactive Date: 11/14/2008
Bid Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Solicitation Type: RFQQ
Bid Contact: Cindy Haider Public Bid: Yes
Bid Organization: Patrol, State Estimated Value: 3,000,000

Vendor Details: Bid Commodities:

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded 9836 Research Support Services
@Work Solutions Inc 10/23/2008 Bid Counties:
3T Interactive, LLC 3T Interactive, LLC 10/23/2008 ALL
5 Circles Enterprises LLC 5 Circles Research 10/23/2008
A Customer's Point of View, Inc. 10/2312008
Abacus Associates, Inc, 10/23/2008
Abacus Research, LLC jO/23/2008
ABS Communications, INC MW 10/23/2008
Advanced Planning Solutions, Inc 10/23j2~O~
Advancement Consulting 10/23/2008
Aelera Consulting Corp Aelera Corporation 10/23/?008
Affiliated Computer Services, Inc 10/23/2008
Affiliated Information Resources, Inc, Affiliated Information 10/23/2008
Resources, Inc.
Aldrich Kilbride & Tatone LLC 10/23/2008
Alison Peters Consulting W 10123/2008
Amble Consulting 10/23/2008
American Institutes for Research 10/23/2008
American Occupational Institute, 10/23/2008
American Occupational Institute, 10/23/2008
American Safety Council 10/23/2008
Amreli Technology 10/23/2008
Andrea C. Archer Consulting Archer Consulting Group 10/23/2008
Angel Flight Marketing Services 10/23/2008
Anthro·Tech, Inc. 10/23/2008
APCO Worldwide APCO Worldwide 10/23/2008
Apian Software 10/23/2008
Apperson Print Management 10/23/2008
Services, Inc.
Applied Communications Applied Communications
Applied Management & Planning 10/23/2008
Applied Measurement Professionals, 10/23/2008
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's: @Iectronic Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Appl,ied:,Res'earch Nrirthwe'st, 'LLC 1.o12~/Z.od8·· .
Applied Technical Systems Inc. ATS 1.012312.0.08
ARP~ISEI';90rpoiat~d. 10i2:l12.oQ8
Arkansas Foundation for Medical 1.012312.0.08
Art Anciers'on Associates Art Anderson Associates 1012312068 .
Assist'ants At Their Best 1.012312.0.08
ath,ens corpciration 1.012312.0.08
Avason Partners 1.012312.0.08
Bahnsen Technology Services 1.012312.0.08
Barney & Worth, Inc. 1.012312.0.08
Barrister Global SerVices. Network 1.012312.0.08
Bavendam Research Inc, 1.012312.0.08
B_e9~er':Gql1~tJltln~ 1.012312.0.08
Beckwith Consulting Group Beckwith Consulting 1.012312.0.08
'8eh,~~I~~r',R~$~~it~h :Cerlet;" (nc., lo/!/:l/:2dOe; .•
Behavioral Health Concepts, Inc. 1.012312.0.08
Berkeley. polic~r~ssociatel? SPA 10123i~o.oe
Better World International Better World 1.012312.0.08
Bi6:Aquatics Intemational LLC l.o1231:2QCl8
Blakey Consulting 1.0/2312.0.08
BLJ Marketing M 1.0123/2.0.08
Blue tnc blue research 1.0/2312.0.08
BNResearch 1.012312.0.08
Bogard & Associates 1.0/2312.0.08
Boise State University BSU Social Science 1.0123120.08
Research Center
Bolden Research 1.0/2312.0.08
BootLeg Enterprise, Inc. 1012312.0.08
BoozAlien 1.0/2312.0.08
Bosma: ResE9arch Inte'mational, Inc. 145579400 1.0123/2.0.08
BrandSolutions, Inc. 1.0/2312.0.08
Bryan -&' Bryan AssoCiates w 1.0123/2.0.08
Burger, Carroll & Associates, Inc. Burger, Carroll & 1.0/2312.0.08
Associates, Inc
Business-Process Partners LLC 1.0/2312.0.08
C:al Coast Data Entry, Inc. 1.0/2312.0.08
Caldwell Enterprises (Sale 1.012312.0.08
Call Quest 1.012312.0.08
Campbell Delong Resources, Inc. 1.0/2312.0.08

Page 2
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's@lectroniC Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Criticallllnes$ and Trauma 10/23/2008
Foundation, Inc.
criticalpath consulting criticalpath consulting 10/23/2008
Cultivate Marketing 10/23/2008
Cultural Entrepreneurs 10/23/2008
Cunningham Environmental W 10/23/2008
Consulting, Inc.
CyberData, Inc. 10/23/2008
Cynergy Systems LLC 10/23/2008
D.J. Case & Associates same 10/23/2008
DAB Paralegal Services, Inc. 10/23/2008
Data Nexus, Inc. 10/23/2008
Data Recognition Corporation 10/23/2008
DataStat, Inc. 10/23/2008
DatStat Inc. 10/23/2008
David Coronado, Indedpemndent 10/23/2008
Health Care Consultant
Davis Y. Ja & Associates Davis Y. Ja & Associates 10/23/2008
DO and 0 Consultants 10/23/2008
Deborah E. peterman & Associates, Peterman & Associates W 10/2312008
Desautel Hege Communications, MW 10/23/2008
Dickason Consulting.com 10/23/2008
Digital Research, Inc. DavidsonwPeterson 10/23/2008
Doe & Associates W 10/23/2008
DOlFIN DOlFIN 10/23/2008
DR Solutions D.R Solutions 10/23/2008
OS Consulting 10/23/2008
DSN, Inc. 10/23/2008
Duck Creek Associates, Inc. 10/23/2008
Dun and Bradstreet D&B 10/23/2008
dxResearch dxResearch 10/23/2008
dxResearch 10/23/2008
Dye ~anagement 10/23/2008
Dynamic Workforce Solutions, LLC Dynamic Works Institute 10/23/2008
Eagle Point 10/23/2008
EB Jacobs, llC 10/23/2008
EchoStor Technologies Same 10/23/2008
Page 4
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's @leClroniC Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Canmark Technologies Ltd Cann'lark Technologies 10/23/2008
Carolyn Browne Assodates 'w 10/2312008
Carr.ie M. Kuehn Evergreen Data Services W 10/23/2008
Cascaqe 'Economics LLC 10j2~12608
Cascade Legal Copying & 10/23/2008
Technologies LLC
Ca~cadi~ c<:msu,ltrng::Group, 'Inc 10j2~1;2608 ,
CBN Secure Technologies 10/23/2008
ce, Consulti'ng CC Consulting W 10)23/20Q8
Cedar River Group, LLC 10/23/2008
Center for the. Support of Families W 1Q123/2008
CENTRA Technology, Inc. CENTRA Technology, Inc. 10/23/2008
Ch,abot ,Con,sulting Richard Chabot 1Q/23{2008
Chandola Law Firm LLC 10/23/2008
Chri$t1i,in J'.' ste~art"Cbn's(Jiting' 16123/2008
Christmas Covell, PhD 10/23/2008
Chrysalis Consulting Group'; -Inc 10'/;2312008
CIC Research, Inc. CIC Research, Inc. 10/23/2008
Cl,e:arwater Rf:!search, ;,tnc. 10/23/2008
Coda Consulting Group, Inc. 10/23/2008
Cdgnition IT, Inc· 10/23/2008
Collaborative Communication 10/23/2008
CQmmunication Resources, MW 10/23/2008
Northwest LL,C.
Communications Center, Inc. CCI 10/23/2008
COmmunity Attributes 1012312008
Community Support Solutions Community Builders 10/23/2008
Computer Sciences Corporation esc 1012312008
Concurrent Technologies 10/23/2008
Conkling Fiskun'l &,MqCormick Tom Eiland 10/2372Q08
Consortium of Business Continuity CBCP 10/23/2008
Professionals, Inc
Cornelius & Associates, Inc. Collegiate Project 10/23/2008
Cornerstone Strategies, Inc. 10/23/2008
Corporation for a Skilled Workforce 10/23/2008
Counterpoint Consulting 10/23/2008
CPS,Human Resource Services 10/23(2008
Credential Inc. 10/23/2008
Criterion Health, .Inc. 10/23/2008
Page ,3
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's (e)lectronic Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name OBANarne OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Gard Strang Aldridge Edwards, Inc. Gard & Gerber 10/23/2008
Gardner Johnson, lie 10/23/2008
Gene Fusch and Associates Gene Fusch and 10/23/2008
General Administration General Administration 10/23/2008
Generations Center 10/23/2008
Geologies Corporation SAME AS ABOVE 10/23/2008
Gibbons & Riely PLLC RE-SOLVE 10/23/2008
Gilbert Consulting 10/23/2008
Global Education Services 10/23/2008
Global Information and GloballCTek 10/23/2008
Communications Technologies LLC
Global Insight (USA) Inc. 10/23/2008
Global Remote Sensing, LLC 10/23/2008
Global Systems Integration, LLC Carol E Carpenter 10/23/2008
Globalwise Inc. 10/23/2008
GMA'Research Corporation Same 10/23/2008
Godbe Corporation Godbe Research 10/23/2008
Golder Associates Inc. Golder Associates Inc, 10/23/2008
Goldstein Law Office, PLLC Goldstein Law Office, 10/23/2008
Graber and Company, LLC Graber and Company 10/23/2008
Great Lakes Marketing Associates Great Lakes Marketing 10/23/2008
Group Four, Inc. 10/23/2008
Guaranteed Returns 10/23/2008
Hanagriff and Associates Impact same 10/23/2008
Hardwick Research W 10/23/2008
Hastings Communication Services, 10/23/2008
HATZMAN Group LLC HATZMANGroup M 10/23/2008
HBMG, Inc. nla M 10/23/2008
Health & Behavioral Risk Research 10/23/2008
Health Improvement Partnership Health Improvement 10/23/2008
Health Management Associates Inc. 10/23/2008
Health Management Systems, Inc. 10/23/2008
Health Systems Research, Inc 10/23/2008
HealthiLong-Term Care Strategy 10/23/2008
HealthcareData.com,LLC 10/23/Z008
Hebert Research, Inc. 10/23/2008

Page 6
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's @lectroniC Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

ECOLUTION 10/23/2008
Econom'ic Consultants'Oregon LTD ECONorthwest 101~3)iooa .
Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. 10/23/2008
EDAW, Inc.. 10i23/.200B
Educatibnal: pOli'cy :lnl'provement Educational Policy iQ)23/~908
center . Improvement Center:
Edvance Research, Inc. Edvance Research, Inc. 10/23/2008
Edvantia, Inc.. 10/23/2008
Elw~ygesearch, Inc. 10/23/2008
EMC Research Inc EMC Research 10/23/2008
Emergence Consutling LLC Cheri Baker 10/2312008
EMT Associates, Inc. 10/23/2008
Encore Legal Solutions, Inc. Encore Discovery 10/23/2008
Solutions, Inc.
Envirobidnet 10/23/2008
EnviroVision Corp. w 10/23/2008
Epiq Systems Epiq Class Action and 10/23/2008
Claims Solutions
eSchool Solutions" Inc. eScheal Solutions 10/23/2008
evantec corporation 10/23/2008
Evergreen Solutions LLC Management Consulting W 10/23/2008
FAAVM Canada FAAVM Canada 10/23/2008
FaGilify .M~i1'ageme·nt Eiigineering,. 10/23(200&
. Inc, . ,

Federal Engineering, Inc. 10/23/2008

Fe:d¢ral'SoU'rces . . )b@l/i,Oqs
Federal Sources, Inc. 10/23/2008
FedSource~, Inc. 10/2312poB
Fernandes @ Associates, Inc. 10/23/2008
Fieldware, LLC Offenderlink 10/23/2008
Fieldworker Products Limited 10/23/2008
FLT Consulting, Inc. w 10/23/2.008
Foley Research Inc. 10/23/2008
Foresight Consultants 10/23/2008
FourThought Group, Inc. FourThoughtGroup, Inc. 10/23/2008
Fred Morris Fred Morris Consulting 10123/200B
Full Capacity Marketing, Inc 10/23/2008
G&D Consulting 10/23/2008

Page 5
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's @lectroniC Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBA Name OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

JMS & Associates, Inc, 10/23/2008
Joanne J Greenberg Hydrologic Services W 10/23/2008
Jones Advertising Inc. Jones Advertising Inc. 10/23/2008
Just Trust Solutions 10/23/2008
Justrite Printing and Design Center, MW 10/23/2008
Katz & Associates Katz & Associates 10/23/2008
Kauffman & Associates, Inc. MW 10/23/2008
Kaye Kendrick Entriprises, LLC Kaye Kendrick 10/23/2008
Enterprises, LLC
Keep the Change n/a 10123/2008
Keystone University Research KeyStone Research 10/23/2008
Corporation Corporation
KH Consulting Group 10/23/2008
Kittinger Associates 10/23/2008
Klima Consulting 10/23/2008
Knowledge Wave International, Inc 10/23/2008
KTA Consulting KTA Consulting 10/23/2008
L & R Copy Service, Inc. 10/23/2008
L. G. Verellen Consulting 10/23/2008
Laing Communications 10/23/2008
LAN Resources LLC LAN Resources 10/23/2008
Land Development Engineering & M 10/23/2008
Surveying, Inc,
Lane'Powell PC 10/23/2008
Leadership Inc. W 10/23/2008
LeCroy & Milligan Associates, Inc. 10/23/2008
Leonard Guss Associates Inc 10/23/2008
Leonti and Associates Leonti and Associates 10/23/2008
LexisNexis Risk & Information LexisNexis Risk & 10/23/2008
Ana:lytics Group Inc. Information Analytics
Group Inc.
LexisNexis, a division of Reed 10/23/2008
Elsevier Inc.
Library Asso'ciates 10/23/2008
Light Heavy Industries, LLC 10/23/2008
Lindekugel Consulting 10/23/2008
Logic20/20, Inc. Logic20/20, Inc. 10/23/2008
Loislaw Aspen Publishers 10/23/2008
Luther Consulting, LLC 10123/2008
LYRA Biological LYRA Biological 10/23/2008
Macduff/Bunt Associates 10/23/2008

Page 8
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's @lectroniC Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded . Awarded

HendrCks~n Consulting 1012312008
Herrera Communications Herrera Communications 1012312008
Hazel Associates, LLC 1012312008
High I~pact Data 1012312008
HiIIi'&' Knowltb'n Rockey Hill & Knowlton 1012312008
Hinrichs, Proudfoot & Skov, Inc. Good Company 1012312008
Hi~p'a~Jc America Group Hispanic America Group 1012312008 .
Histion, LLC Histion 1012312008
Hornby Zeller Associate;; 10123120.08
iBridge LLC Desh Urs 1012312008
tCF In~orporated, L.L.C. ICF International 1012312008
IFES 1012312008
Ilium Associates,. Inc. MW 1012312008
IMPACT Solutions, LLC 1012312008
Industrial Economics, Incorporated 1012312008
Informa Research Services, Inc. 1012312008
Information Insights Infonnation Insights 10123/2008
Information Matters, LLC Information Matters 1012312008
InfoSearch International Corporation InfoSearch International 1012312008
Insight Policy Research, Inc. 1012312008
Integrated Warehousing, Solutions 1012312008
Intermountain Environmental, Inc. 1012312008
inVentiit Health 1012312008
Investigation Consultants Group, ICG. LLC 1012312008
Invoke-8otutions Inc. 1012312008
INX,'inc. 1012312008
IsaaK Associates 1.012312008
iSKY 1012312008
Isom'orphic 1012312008
Issues & Answers Network, Inc. 1012312008
JADES Corporation Majority Opinion Research 1012312008
Jamatrix Ent. CapitolWay.com 1012312008
James Lee Witt Associates, LLC 1012312008
James McCafferty 1012312008
Jane Wood Jane Wood 1012312008
JBL Associates, Inc. 1012312008
JBS I'nternational, Inc. 1012312008
Jennifer K. Purcell 1012312008
JJ's For All Occasions 1012312008

Page 7
REPORT:: Bid Information Detail Washington's @)lectroniC Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Mountain View Ventures, Inc. DigitalCare, Inc. 10/23/2008
MuniServices Company, LLC 10/23/2008
MWWGroup 10/23/2008
Nancy L. Sundt Alternative Legal Services W 10/23/2008
& Judgment Recovery
NanoReg, Inc. NanoReg 10/23/2008
National' Research Center, Inc. 10/23/2008
Natipnal Research Corporation NRC+Picker Group 10/23/2008
National Training Group 10/23/2008
NERA Economic Consulting 10/23/2008
New Orleans Teleport, Inc nla 10/23/2008
Nick of Time LLC Nick of Time LLC 10/23/2008
Ninthlink Ninthlink 10/23/2008
Noflatlines Consulting 10/23/2008
None 10/23/2008
Northern Economics, Inc. 10/23/2008
Northwest Academy for Exceptional 10/23/2008
Northwest Certified Surveys, Inc. Gilmore Research Group 10/23/2008
Northwest Economic Associates Northwest Economic 10/23/2008
Associates, a division of
Northw.est Heritage Consultants, Northwest Heritage 10/23/2008
LLC Consultants
Northwest Professional Consortium, NPC Research 10/23/2008
Northwest Regional Educational NWREL 10/23/2008
Northwest Research Group, Inc. W 10/23/2008
Northwest Resource Associates Northwest Adoption 10/23/2008
Exchange & Ca"scadia
Northwest Survey & Data Services 10/23/2008
Northwest Virtual Assistant 10/23/2.008
NOVO 1, Inc. 10/23/2008
NSC Consulting SPLASH Marketing 10/23/2008
NW Collaborations 10/23/2008
O. T. P. Enterprises O. T. P. Enterprises 10/23/2008
Oce' North America, Inc. 10/23/2008
Odominus Investigative Solutions, W 10/23/2008

Page 10
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail washington's@lectronic Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Macro International Inc. 1012312008
madison advisors 10/23/2008
Majie Consulting Group Majic Consulting Group 10/2312008
Majo,rity Opinion Research 10/23/2008
Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 10/23/2008
Managed Care Consulting, Inc. Community Health 10/23/2008
Management Engineering 10/23/2008
Associates, LLC
Marine Resources Consultants Marine Resources 10/23/2008
Mark Damian Duda and Associates Responsive Management 10/2312008
Markert Decisions, LLC 10/23/2008
Market.DeCisipns Corpor~tion 10/:23/2008
Market Trends, Inc. 10/23/2008
MarketFitz, Inc, MarketFitz 10/23/2008
Mary Campbell & Associates LLC Mary Campbell & 10/23/2008
Associates LLC
Mason'tillma'n':Associates, Ltd. 10/23/2008
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. 10/23/2008
Mat~ ,Lorenz & Associates 10/23!~Q08
Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 10/23/2008
McGee & Evers Consulting, Inc. 10/23/2008
Mellon Investor Services Mellon Investor Services 10/23/2008
Mercer Human Resource Consulting 10/23/2008
Merit Research Corporation Merit Research 10/23/2008
Merlin ,Biological Dianna Lysgaard-Rutz . 10/23/2008
Meta Medica Supplies Inc. 10/23/2008
Metritrech, Inc. 10/23/2008
MGA & Associates Paralegal MGA & Associates 10/23!2008
Services Paralegal Services
Michael Luis & Associates 10/23/2008
Michelle Marie Frank MAS Solutions & Servic'es 10/23/2008
Michig,an Peer Review Organization MPRO 10/23/2008
Micra-busters 10/23/2008
Milepost CQrlsulting, Inc. W 10/23/2008
Milestone Technology, Inc. 10/23/2008
MJMCKay Corporation 10/23/2008
Moore & Associates, Inc. 10/23/2008
More V-6ices Inc. 10!23I200il
Moss Adams LLP 10/23/2008
Moth~rs Of Military Support 10/23/2008

Page 9
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's @Jiectronic Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Professional Information Research 10/23/2008
Professional Telephone Services, Pro·Tel, Inc. 10/23/2008
Program and Policy Insight, LLC 10/23/2008
Prospect Management Enterprises 10/23/2008
PRR, Inc. MW 10/23/2008
Prud~ntiallnformation Corporation Cal! Centers 24x7 10/23/2008
Public Health Foundation PHFE Management 10/23/2008
Enterprises, Inc. Solutions
Public Health Institute 10/23/2008
Public Safety Consultants, Inc Same 10/23/2008
Pugel Sound Center Foundation for Pugel Sound Center for 10/23/2008
Teaching, Learning and Technology Teaching, Learning and
Pulsar Research & Consulting 10/23/2008
Pytrus Systems, LLC 10/23/2008
QSI;Ccinsulting, Inc. 10123/2008
Quadrant Solutions, LLC Quadrant Solutions, LLC 10/23/2008
Qualis Health 10/2312008
Quantum Consulting, Inc. 10/23/2008
Questar Data Systems, Inc. 10123/2008
Radarworks Radarworks 10/23/2008
Rain Networks 10/23/2008
Real Estate Aristocrats 10/23/2008
REDA Intemational, Inc. 10/23/2008
Redhill Group, Inc. Strategic Consulting & 10/23/2008
Redish & Associates, Inc. 10/23/2008
Research Horizons LLC Phoenix Marketing 10/23/2008
ResearchWorks, Inc. 10/23/2008
RHO International Douglas Edison, Business 10/23/2008
& Leadership
Periormance Consulting
Richard Hill Associates 10/23/2008
Rinaldi & Associates W 10/23/2008
RMC Consultants, Inc 10/23/2008
RMC Research Corporation same 10/23/2008
RNR Consulting 10/23/2008
RosEl-Campbell, Inc. 10/23/2008
Runzheimer Jntemtional Ltd. 10/23/2008
S & F Networking Associates LLC 10/23/2008

Page 12
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's @Iectronic Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Office of Minority and Women's OMWBE 10/23/2008
Business Enterprises
Ojeda ~usiness Ventures, LLC 10/23/2008
OPEN MINDS 10/23/2008
Opinion'Dynamics Corporation .1 Q/23/2008
Opinion Research Northwest 10/23/2008
Opinion Works Opinion Works 10/23/2008
Organizational Research Services W 10/23/2008
Organizational Resource Group, Inc. Organizational Resource 10/23/2008
Group (ORG)
Oyate Consultants Oyate 10/23/2008
Pacific Biodiversity Institute 10/23/2008
Pacific Data Centers, Inc. 10/23/2008
Pacific Market Researqh 10/23/2008
Pacific Research & Consulting Douglas A. Orr, Ph.D. 10/23/2008
P~c.ific Resea'rCh ,and EValuation 10/23/2008
Pacific Software Technology 10/23/2008
Pa(~dise"CommuriicatiPns Paradise Communications 10/23/2008
Paragon Investigations/CrypTEC 10/23/2008
Forensic INC
Parametric Marketing. LLC 10/23/2008
Par~er Corporate Services, Inc. Action Cleaning, Whatcom 10/23/2008
Security Agency,
Merchant Patrol Security
Parker LePla, Inc. Parker LePla 10/23/2008
Pearson Achievement Solutions Pearson Education 10/23/2008
Peg us Research Inc. 10/23/2008
Pemerl & Associates 10/23/2008
Perceptive Market Research 10/23/2008
Performance Assessment Network, 10/23/2008
Inc. '
pesha & pesha, ltd e-mmigration.net 10/23/2008
Piurek Inc. Piurek & Associates 10/23/2008
Pla,tinum Resources; :LL~ platinum Resources, LLC 10/2312008
port 'ol',gig, he!r~or:cb,~poratioil: tFirbor works 10/2312008
Portland State University Executive Leadership 10/23/2008
Pi~~t\~~'r .Bi.u;iitlj;l::;$-:Nly 10l2~qq08
Praxis'HR, 1.1.C. Praxis HR 10/23/2008
Print Operation's Group 10/23/2008
Professional Data Systems, Inc. 10/23/2008

Page 11
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Washington's @Iectronic Busi.ness Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Straka Marketing 10/23/2008
Strategica, Inc. 10/23/2008
Substantia 10/23/2008
Sugar Hill Research & Consulting, 10/23/2008
Susan ,Cooley Computer Services 10/23/2008
Switzer Associates ... Leadership 10/23/2008
SWMG Productions, Inc. nFocus Software 10/23/2008
Synergy Business Services 10/23/2008
Sysix Technologies 10/23/2008
Systea Scientific, LLC Systea Scientific, LLC 10/23/2008
SystemaTech Technical 10/23/2008
Management Services
T. S. Marshall & Associates, Inc. 10/23/2008
T.J. Peitz Sound Vision Video 10/23/2008
Talent Strategy Inc. MacKay Edge 10/23/2008
Assessment Group
Talonya Adams 10123/2008
Team Telearn Inc. 10/23/2008
TechLine Communications, Inc. TechLine 10/23/2008
Communications, Inc.
TechnoMetrica, Inc, 1012312008
Thalia Syracopoulos W 10/2312008
The Active Group 1012312008
The Alford Group 1012312008
The Center for Research & Public 10/23/2008
The Connections Group 10/23/2008
The Frause Group The Frause Group 10/23/2008
The Frause Group Same 10/23/2008
The Goodenough Company 1012312008
The Henne Group 10123/2008
The Hotchkiss Group LLC 1012312008
The HSM Group, Ltd. 10/2312008
The· Institute for Advanced 10123/2008
The Law Office of Tim Spellman, 10/2312008

Page ' 14
REPORT:: Bid Information Detail Washington's @Iectronic Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName QMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

S.Stetitz ·,10/23/2,008
Safety Research Corporation of 10/23/2008
Sage Environmental' W 10/23/2008
Sage Media & Communications, Inc. 10/23/2008
Sage $olut,i'ons, LLC 10/23/2008
Sandy Webb 10/23/2008
SatisFaction Strategies, LLC 10/23/2008
School Synergy 10/23/2008
Scontrino·Powell Scontrino & Associates 10/23/2008
SDSU - Social Science Research 10/23/2008
Search Associates & Consultants 10/23/2008
Seattle Southcenter Courtyard by 10/23/2008
Select,'Assess & Train LLC 10/23/2008
Senture, lLC Senture 10/23/2008
Sharp Consulting Group LLC 10/23/2008
Sharp Hartwig Inc. 10/23/2008
Shawn'Laurel Moore 10/23/2008
Siboney Consultants, LLC 10/23/2008
Sierra Jhformation SelVices Sierra Information 10/23/2008
Smart Data Strategies 10/23/2008
smith enterprise's 10/23/2008
SMS Research & Marketing SMS 10/23/2008
Services, Inc.
Social & EconomJe: Sciences 10/23/2008
Research Cenfer@-WSU
I .
Social Solutions Inc 10/23/2008
Socia,1 Solutions:Gb~:' I,n't M 1.01?312008
Softmart Government Services, Inc. 10/23/2008
SOli'rrtsr ~esearc:h"Gtoup .. ~ 0!23iiQCJ8
Solutions Consulting Group LLC Public Knowledge, LLC 10/23/2008
S<?lutior)s .In'Surveys 10/2312008
Sound Answering and Business Sound Telecom 10/23/2008
Services, Inc.
Sound'GIS W 10/23/20Q8
SparrowHawk Consulting Company, 10/23/2008
Sport Business Inte'rests 10/2312008
SRA1,LLC Strategic Research 10/23/2008

Page 13
REPORT:: Bid Information Detail Washington's @lectroniC Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Company Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

Zuercher Technologies LLC 10/23/2008

. Vendor Summary:
Total Minority Owned 5
Total Minority & Woman Owned 8
Total Woman Owned 27
Total Vendors 525

Page 16
REPORT :: Bid Information Detail Wasllington'S@lectroniC Business Solution 10/23/20082:15 PM

Comp~ny Name DBAName OMWBE Notified Requested Responded Awarded

The Lewin Group, Inc. 1012312008
The Mountain~WhiS:per-Light, Inc. 10123/20Q8
The NTI Group, Inc. 1012312008
The Pentimento Group, Inc The Pentimento Group, 1012312008
The Research Department, Inc. TRD Frameworks 1012312008
Thistle Editorial Thistle Editorial 10/23/2008
Thompson,Corporation of Cypress 'Consulting 1012312008
ThomTech Design, Inc. 1012312008
Timberline Total Solutions, L.L.C, 1012312008
tmdgroup, Inc 1012312008
Traffic Count Consultants, Inc W 1012312008
Trident Security Associates,LLC 1012312008
Uncommon Solutions 1012312008
Unique Style Communications Unique Style 1012312008
Upstream Northwest, Inc. 1012312008
Urban Analytics, Inc. W 1012312008
Usersp,ace Corporation 10/23i2008
vCustomer Corporation 1012312008
Y~rbena lp!2312008
Virtual, Independent Paralegals Deposition Digest and 1012312008
Transcription by Trish
Vi,si6nary Integration Professionals, .1012312(}08
VT Halter Marine, Inc. VTHM 1012312008
Wfildron &. Oomp'any 1012312008
Walter'R. McDonald & Associates, 1012312008
Ward Consulting 1012312008
Washington Policy Center 1012312008
Wenatchi Group, Inc, Wenatchi Group, Inc. 1012312008
West Publishing Corporation West Group 1012312008
WestEd 10i23J2008
We~tern Watershed Analysts 1012312008
Westshare Services, Inc. Westshare Services, Inc. W 1012312008
White Shield Technologies, LLC 1012312008
Wonderlic, Inc. 1012312008
ZapThink, LLC 1012312008
Zenuevo, LLC Kirk Stork 1012312008

Page 15
Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ITO Web Support

Sent: Friday, October 24,200810:08 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ

This RFQQ has been posted to the vendor page.

Nancy Davis
Washington State Patrol
lTD Web Support
(360) 705-5147

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 2:25 PM
To: ITD Web Support
Subject: RFQQ

Would you please post this on the WSP vendor page at http://www.wsp.wa.gov/business/vendor.htm?

The project schedule is:

Issue Request for Proposals October 23, 2008

Consultant Questions Due October 31, 2008
Issue Addendum to RFQQ (if applicable) November 5, 2008
Proposals Due November 14, 2008
Announce First Tier Apparent Successful Proposers November 24, 2008

Please let me know when it's been added to the webpage.


Cindy Haider
WS!' Contract.,
cindy, haider@wsD. wa. gov

Page 2 of4

Lieutenant Randy Drake

Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC)
Cell: 360-239-0359

--- _.. __._._----_•..•.......•. •.... _

- _ __
..........•.•- ....•..•.... •. ..
From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Sent: Mon 10/20/2008 12:24 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ for Senior Intel Analyst

If I'm understanding you, the minimum requirements are ..

Intel Analyst - 2 years experience (a 2 year degree can sUbstitute for experience); and intel analyst specialized
Le~d - 4 years experience, 4 year degree, and intel analyst specialized training.

Cindy, please us the attached as the final and develop the procurement schedule. When this goes into WEBS,
the commodity code will be 9836, Survey and Research Services. I'd like this posted on WSP's procurement
page, too.

LTD, please give Cindy an e-mail list and she'll let them know how to get the RFOO.

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 6:08 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Cc: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ for Senior Intel Analyst

Jeff and Cindy,

Overall, this looks pretty good to me.

Somewhere in the edits I lost the Intel Analyst requirement for an Associate's degree or two years of experience.
This was in the original RFOO in addition to the language specifying that a Bachelor's degree can be substituted
for the work experience. I think this is an important requirement that should be included here. I added that to this
revision ... for your approval. If you agree, the language will need to be placed on Exhibit B too.

There were only a couple of other grammar/typo edits I made.

If we want the applicants to come to the interview with two or three examples of products they have produced,
then when do we tell them that?

Finally, I am compiling a small list of potential contractors who have inquired about these opportunities. I will get
that to you early this week. For my information, where will this RFOO be formally posted?

Thanks for your help and patience.

Lieutenant Randy Drake

Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
. -WashiRgton State Fusion Center (WSFC)
Cell: 360-239-0359

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, October 23,200810:00 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: Re: RFQQ

Approved - move forward.

Captain Timothy P. Braniff

Investigative Assistance DiviSion
Washington State Patrol

--"-"~-".-"'- . ." " - " ..

'--'" ............_.- .........•........ -...•- _
............... ......•••.............•

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

To: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Sent: Tue Oct 2117:38:072008
Subject: RFQQ

Captain· Please review the final draft of the attached RFQQ. If I may have your approval by Thursday, October
23, I will post it to WEBS (Washington's Electronic Business Solution) that afternoon.

Lt - All the requirements should be in order. As for the definition of Intelligence Analyst Training it is defined on
Page 5, Section 1.6 under Definitions. Please see the first page of the RFQQ that provides the schedule layout;
let me know if you have questions regarding the dates. I will need names and email addresses of the additional
contacts by Thursday as well.

I will be out of the office Wednesday, October 22, but will be back in on Thursday morning.


Cindy Haider
WSP COiUrac!s
cindy haider@wsp. wa. gov

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090433PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Operational Applications Inc.

Period of Performance January 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Bill Evans) shall provide lead criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor's Employee during this Task Order is
the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$60.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C090433PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $99,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm, (253) 226-9564

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Washington State Patrol

Request for Qualifications/Quotations No. C090433PSC

Project Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

Estimated Schedule fot Procurement Activities:

Issue Request for Proposals October 23, 2008
Consultant questions due October 31, 2008 .
Issue addendum to RFQQ (if applicable) November 5, 2008
Proposals due November 14 2008
Announce first tier apparent successful proposers November 24, 2008
Conduct proposer interviews December 1, 2008
WSP reserves the fight to revise the above schedule.

Expected Time Period for Contract: December 15, 2008 through September 30,

Consultant Eligibility: This procurement is open to those consultants that satisfy the
minimum qualifications stated herein, and that are available to work in Washington

Contents of the Request for Qualifications/Quotation:

1. Introduction
2. General Information for Consultants
3. Evaluation and Award
4. Exhibits
A. Certifications and Assurances
B. Checklist for Responsiveness
C. Questionnaire
D. Quotation
E. Waiver and Authorization to Release Information
F. Sample Contract
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................•............................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose ............................. ,........................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Background ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Minimum Qualifications .............................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Period of Performance ............................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Definitions..... .............. ..... ...... ... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ................................ ................................ 5

2. General Information for Consultants ............................................................................................... 5

2.1 RFQQ Coordinator. .................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Consultant Questions and Apswers................................................................................. ... 5
2.3 Submission of Proposals ............................................................................................... ... 6
2.4 Proprietary Information/Public Disclosure ................................................................................. 6
2.5 Revisions to the RFQQ .............................................................................................................. 6
2.6 Minority & Women-Owned Business Participation ................................................................... 6
2.7 Acceptance Period ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.8 Responsiveness ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.9 Most Favorable Terms ............................................................................................................... 7
2.10 Contract and General Terms & Conditions ................................................................................ 7
2.11 Costs to Propose .................................................................................................................... 7
2.12 No Obligation to Contract... ..................................................................................................... 7
2.13 Rejection of Proposals....... ............................. ....... .................. ............. .................... ......... 7
2.14 Commitment of Funds .......................................................................................................... 7
2.15 Insurance Requirements ............................................................................................................ 7
2.16 Background Checks ................................................................................................................. 7

3. Evaluation and Contract Award ...................................................,................................................... 8

3.1 Evaluation Procedure .............................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Notification to Proposers ........................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Debriefing of Unsuccessful Proposers ................................................................................... 8
3.4 Protest Procedure .................................................................................................................... 9

4. Proposal Format .............................................................................................................................. 10

4.1 Proposal Contents ................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Letter of Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................ 10

5. RFQQ Exhibits ................................................................................................................................ 10

Exhibit A Certifications and Assurances
Exhibit B Checklist for Responsiveness
Exhibit C Questionnaire
Exhibit D Quotation
Exhibit E Waiver and Authorization to Release Information
Exhibit F Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose. The Washington State Patrol, hereafter called "WSP," is initiating this Request for
Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) to solicit proposals from Consultants that can provide criminal
intelligence analyst services at the Washington Joint Analytical Center.

1.2 Background. The Washington Joint Analytical Center is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local,
regional, and federal agencies by organizing and disseminating threat information and other
intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies, first responders, and key decision makers
throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, wo-way flow of intelligence information.
WAJAC participating agencies including the FBI; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; the
Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law enforcement

1.3 Objectives. WSP anticipates filling one (1) Crimioallntelligence Analyst - Lead position; and five
(5) Criminal Intelligence Analyst positions through this procurement.

1.3.1 Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services: The first objective of this RFQQ is to contract with
vendor(s) to provide a local presence at WAJAC in order to provide the following products:
o Raw intelligence classification and analysis
o Daily intelligence briefings
o . Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
o Periodic intelligence assessments
o Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies
o Effective communication to help others learn, understand and apply specific criminal
intelligence analysis principles, techniques or information.
o Effective identification, collection, organization and documentation of criminal intelligence data
and information in ways that make the information most useful for subsequent assessment,
analysis and investigation.

1.3.2 Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services: The second objective of this RFQQ is to contract
with vendor(s) to provide a local presence at WAJAC in order to provide the following products:
o Provide quality control for intelligence analyst services and provide expert input to the fusion
center's investigative, program management and policy decisions.
o Plan intelligence analytical activities to support WAJAC's mission and work priorities
o In coordination with management team, assist in determining goals and objectives; preparing
short and long-range work plans and schedules.
o Identify, prioritize and establish deadlines for intelligence analyst services
o Review intelligence reports, daily briefs and periodic assessments for relevance, significance,
validity and potential applications to countering terrorism acts and organized crimes against
regional jurisdictions, critical infrastructure, services and the community at large.
o Attend and provide high-level intelligence briefings on current or ongoing projects
o Support WAJAC's chain of command in developing policies and procedures to accomplish
necessary improvements for enhancing routine or highly specialized intelligence work
performance requirements.

Washington State' Patrol Page 3 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

1.3.3 Task Orders. The purpose of this RFQQ is to identify qualified firms, place those firms who have
successfully completed the RFQQ process under contract, and to negotiate separate task orders
with contracted firms for specific services and maximum task order amounts. The award of a
contract as a result of this RFQQ is not a guarantee of work.

1.4 Minimum Qualifications.

1.4.1 Business License: The Consultant will be required to have a license to conduct business in
Washington State within ten business days of your announcement as an "Apparent Successful
Proposer" oryou will not be awarded a contract under this RFQQ. You may apply for a business
license at Washington State Department of Licensing office or online through the Department of
Licensing's Master License Service located at http://www.dol.wa.gov/mls/mlsinfo.htm.

1.4.2 Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services: At a minimum, each proposed Consultant Team Member
proposed for criminal intelligence analyst services must meet the following requirements:
• Work Experience and/or Education: Must have previously served as an intelligence analyst
for a minimum of two (2) years either in a Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State
and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit. A Bachelor's degreeor higher college degree in
criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field may be substituted for
the work experience requirement.
• Specialized Training: Must have completed Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
• Must be proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite applications.
• Must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance and pass a criminal
history background check conducted by WSP. Proposed Consultant Team Members may be
required to pass a polygraph examination.

1.4.3 Criminal Intelligence Analyst- Lead Services: Ata minimum, each proposed ConsultantTeam
Member proposed for criminal intelligence analyst-lead services must meet the following
• Work Experience: Must have four years of progressively responsible work experience in
either in a Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement
intelligence unit.
• Education: Possess a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; or, an
Associate's degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or related field
from an accredited college or university.
• Specialized Training: Must have completed Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
prOficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
• Must be profiCient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite applications.
• Must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance and pass a criminal
history background check conducted by WSP. Proposed Consultant Team Members may be
required to pass a polygraph examination.

1.4.4 WSP reserves the right to contract with multiple Consultants to ensure agency requirements are

1.4.5 WSP reserves the right to reject any proposed ConSUltant team member for any reason.

Washington State Patrol Page 4 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

1.5 Period of Performance. The period of performance of any contract resulting from this RFQQ is
tentatively scheduled to begin on or about December 15, 2008 and to end on September 30,
2012. Work is assigned through task orders detailing the Contractor Team Members providing
services; the location of the services; and the maximum dollar amount for the task order period of

Task orders and contracts resulting from this RFQQ are funded through a U.S. Department of
Homeland Security grant award to Washington State. The award of any work through task orders
is contingent on continued federal funding for the project.

1.6 Definitions.' Definitions for the purposes of this RFQQ include:

Consultant - Individual or company submitting a proposal in order to attain a contract with WSP.
Consultant Team Member - An employee of the Consultant who is proposed for work under any
contract resulting from this RFQQ.
Contractor - Individual or company whose proposal has been accepted by the WSP and has
been awarded a fully executed, written contract.
Intelligence Analyst Training - Training received for the position of Intelligence Analyst in
accordance with Minimum Criminal Intelligence Training Standards for Law Enforcement and
Other Criminal Justice Agencies in the United States dated October 2007 as published by the
Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice.
Proposal - A formal offer submitted in response to this solicitation.
Request for Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) - Formal procurement document in which a
service or need is identified but the evaluation of responses is limited to an analysis of the firm's
qualifications, experience and ability to perform the specified services and their costs.

WSP - The Washington State Patrol is the agency ofthe State of Washington that is issuing this

2. General Information for Consultants

2.1 RFQQ Coordinator. The RFQQ Coordinator is the sale paint of contact in WSP for this
procurement All communication between the Consultant and WSP upon receipt of this RFQQ
shall be with the RFQQ Coordinator, as follows:

Name Ms. Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator

Mailing Address Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602
Physical Address 210-11'" Avenue SW, Room 116
Olympia WA 98501
Fax Number (360) 596-4077
E-Mail Address cindY.haider@)wsp.wa.Qov

Any other communication will be considered unofficial and non-binding on WSP. Consultants are
to rely on written statements issued by the RFQQ Coordinator. Communication directed to parties
other than the RFQQ Coordinator may result in disqualification of the Consultant. The use of
facsimile transmission or e-mail communications with the RFQQ is acceptable except for the
submission of proposals; see Section 2.3 below.

Washington State Patrol Page 5 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

2.2 Consultant Questions and Answers. A Bidders Conference will not be held. Specific questions
concerning this RFQQ should be submitted in writing via e-mail or fax to the RFQQ Coordinator at
the address specified in Section 2: 1 of this RFQQ. Questions must be received by the RFQQ
Coordinator no later than 4:00 p.m. local time on October 31,2008.

2.3 Submission of Proposals. Consultants are required to submit four (4) copies of their proposal.
One copy must have original signatures and three copies can have photocopied signatures. The
proposal, whether mailed or hand delivered, must arrive at WSP no later than 4:00 p.m. local
time on November 14, 2008.

The proposal is to be sent to the RFQQ Coordinator at the address noted in Section 2.1. The
envelope should be clearly marked to the attention of the RFQQ Coordinator. Consultants mailing
proposals should allow normal mail delivery time to ensure timely receipt of their proposals by the
RFQQ Coordinator. Consu ltants assume the risk for the method of delivery chosen. WSP
assumes no responsibility for delays caused by any delivery service. Proposals may not be
transmitted using electronic media such as facsimile transmission or via' e-mail. Late proposals
will not be accepted and will be automatically disqualified from further consideration. All proposals
and any accompanying documentation become the property of WSP and will not be returned.

2.4 Proprietary Information/Public Disclosure. Materials submitted in response to this competitive

procurement shall become the property of WSP. All proposals received shall remain confidential
until the contract, if any, resulting from this RFQQ is signed by the Chief of the Washington State
Patrol and the apparent successful Contractor; thereafter, the proposals shall be deemed public
records as defined in RCW 42. 56.

Any information in the proposal that the Consultant desires to claim as proprietary and exempt
from disclosure under the provisions of RCW 42. 56 must be clearly deSignated. The page must
be identified and the particular exception from disclosure upon which the Consultant is making the
claim. Each page claimed to be exempt from disclosure must be clearly identified by the word
"Confidential" printed on the lower right hand corner of the page.

WSP will consider a Consultant's request for exemption from disclosure; however, WSP will make
a deciSion predicated upon Chapter 42.56 RCW and Chapter 143-06 of the Washington
Administrative Code. Marking the entire proposal exempt from disclosure will not be honored.
The Consultant must be reasonable in designating information as confidential. If any information
is marked as proprietary in the proposal, such information will not be made available until the
affected proposer has been given an opportunity to seek a court injunction against the requested

A charge will be made for copying and shipping, as outlined in RCW 42.56.120. No fee shall be
charged for inspection of contract files, but twenty-four (24) hours' notice to the RFQQ
Coordinator is required. All requests for information should be directed to the RFQQ Coordinator.

2.5 Revisions to the RFQQ. In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFQQ,
addenda will be provided to all who received the RFQQ. For this purpose, the published
questions and answers and any other pertinent information shall be provided as an addendum to
the RFQQ. WSP also reserves the right to cancel or to reissue the RFQQ in whole or in part,
prior to execution of a contract.

2.6 Minority and Women's-Owned Businesses Participation. The State of Washington

encourages partiCipation in all of its contracts by firms certified by the Office of Minority and
Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE). However, no preference will be included in the
evaluation of proposals, no minimum level of MWBE participation shall be required as a condition
for receiving an award, and proposals will not be rejected or considered non-responsive on that
basis. Bidders may contact OMWBE at (866) 208-1064 to obtain information on certified firms
and the certification process.

Washington State Patrol Page 6 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

2.7 Acceptance Period. Proposals must provide 90 days for acceptance by WSP from the due date
for receipt of proposals.

2.8 Responsiveness. All proposals will be reviewed by the RFQQ Coordinator to determine
compliance with administrative requirements and instructions specified in this RFQQ. The
Consultant is specifically notified that failure to comply with any part of the RFQQ may result in
rejection of the proposal as non-responsive. WSP also reserves theright, however, at its sole
discretion to waive minor administrative irregularities.

Consultants may propose more than one Consultant Team Member in response to this RFQQ.
However, the submission of Consultant Team Members meeting the reqUirements of this RF QQ
with Consultant Team Members who do not meet those requirements may result in WSP holding
the entire proposal as non-responsive.

2.9 Most Favorable Terms. WSP reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of
the proposal submitted. Therefore, the proposal should be submitted initially on the most
favorable terms which the Consultant can propose. There will be no best and final offer
procedure. WSP does reserve the right to contact a Consultant for clarification of its proposal.

The Consultant should be prepared to accept this RFQQ for incorporation into a contract resulting
from this RFQQ. Contract negotiations may incorporate some or all of the Consultant's proposal.
It is understood that the proposal will become a part of the official procurement file on this matter
without obligation to WSP.

2.10 Contract Terms & Conditions. The apparent successful contractor will be expected to enter into
a contract which is substantially the same as Exhibit F. In no event is a ConSUltant to submit its
own standard contract terms and conditions in response to this solicitation. The Consultant may
submit exceptions as allowed in the Certifications and Assurances section, Exhibit A to this
solicitation. WSP will review requested exceptions and accept or reject them at its sole discretion.

2.11 Cost to Propose. WSP will not be liable for any costs incurred by the Consultant in preparation
of a proposal submitted in response to this RFQQ, in conduct of interviews, or any other activities
related to responding to this RFQQ.

2.12 No Obligation to Contract. This RFQQ does not obligate the State of Washington or WSP to
contract for services specified herein.

2.13 Rejection of Proposals. WSP reserves the right at its sole discretion to reject any and all
proposals received without penalty and not to issue a contract as a result of this RFQQ.

2.14 Commitment of Funds. The Chief of the Washington State Patrol or those with authority
delegated by the Chief of the Washington State Patrol are the only individuals who may legally
commit WSP to the expenditures of funds for a contract resulting from this RFQQ. No cost
chargeable to the proposed contract may be incurred before receipt of a fully executed contract.

2.15 Insurance Requirements.

2.15.1 Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all applicable
workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health and safety laws, statutes,
and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not be held responsive in any way for
claims filed by the Contractor or their employees for services performed under the terms of this

Washington State Patrol Page 7 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

2.15.2 Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto liability and, if
necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less than $500,000 per
accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any Auto." Business auto coverage
shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later edition, or substitute liability form providing
equivalent coverage. The Contractor shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance
meeting contract requirements at the request of WSP.

2.16 Background Checks. At its own discretion, WSP may complete background checks on any
proposed Consultant team member. You must submit a Waiver and Authorization to Release
Information form (Exhibit E) for all Consultant Team Member(s) proposed for work from any
contract resulting from this RFQQ.

Consultants shall comply with WSP instructions on submitting fingerprints and other information to
WSP in order to complete these background checks. Failure of a Consultant, Consultant Team
Members or Consultant subcontractors to cooperate with WSP and other law enforcement
agencies during the background check process will result in WSP's rejection of the Consultant's

3. Evaluation and Contract Award

3.1 Evaluation Procedure. Responsive proposals will be evaluated strictly in accordance with the
requirements stated in this solicitation and any addenda issued. Proposals will be evaluated on a
two tier evaluation system: the first tier is an initial evaluation of proposals by an evaluation team;
the second tier consists of proposed Consultant Team Member interviews.

3.1.1 First Tier Evaluation. The first tier is an initial evaluation of proposals by an evaluation team
consisting of both WSP, federal and other law enforcement agencies to determine the top
proposed Consultant Team members for each of the two services procured under this RFQQ.

Items in Exhibit B, Checklist for Responsiveness, marked "mandatory" must be included as part of
the proposal for the proposal to be considered responsive; however, these items are not scored.
Items marked "scored" are those that are awarded points as part of the evaluation conducted by
the evaluation team. Based on scores from the first tier evaluation, WSP will select the top-
scoring Consultant Team Members as finalists for the second tier evaluation.

The following weighting and points will be assigned to the proposal for both Criminal Intelligence
Analyst Services and Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services for evaluation purposes:

Section Possible Points

Consultant Team Member Education 25
Consultant Team Member Work Experience 45
Consultant Team Member References 15
Hourly Rate 15
Total Possible Points 100

3.1.2 Second Tier Evaluation. Top scoring Consultant Team Members selected during the first tier
evaluation shall be interviewed by WAJAC member agencies; the second tier evaluation may
involve a written examination and the submission of sample work products for evaluator review.
The second tier evaluation will determine the Consultant Team Members that will be accepted for
work under contracts resulting from this RFQQ. Commitments made by the Consultant at the oral
interview, if any, will be considered binding.

3.2 Notification to Proposers. Firms whose proposals have not been selected for further
negotiation or award will be notified via FAX or bye-mail.

Washington State Patrol Page 8 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

3.3 Debriefing of Unsuccessful Proposers. Upon request, a debriefing conference will be
scheduled with an unsuccessful Proposer. The request for a debriefing conference must be
received by the RFQQ Coordinator within three (3) business days after the Notification of
Unsuccessful Consultant letter is faxed/e-mailed to the Consultant. The debriefing must be held
within three (3) business days of the request. Discussion will be limited to a critique of the
requesting Consultant's proposal. Comparisons between proposals or evaluations of the other
proposals will not be allowed. Debriefing conferences may be conducted in person or on the
telephone and will be scheduled for a maximum of one hour.

3.4 Protest Procedure. This procedure is available to Consultants who submitted a response to this
solicitation document and who have participated in a debriefing conference. Upon completing the
debriefing conference, the Consultant is atlowed five (5) business days to file a protest of the
acquisition with the WSP Budget and Fiscal Services Administrator at the address below:

WSP Budget and Fiscal Services

ATTN: Administrator
Mailing Address: Street Address:
PO Box 42602 210 - 11th Avenue SW, Room 116
Olympia WA 98504-2602 Olympia, Washington 98501
Phone: (360) 596-4043 Fax: (360) 596-4078

Consultants protesting this procurement shall follow the procedures described below. Protests
that do not follow these procedures shall not be considered. This protest procedure constitutes
the sole administrative remedy available to Consultants under this procurement.

All protests must be in writing and signed by the protesting party. The protest must state the
grounds for the protest with specific facts and complete statements of the action(s) being
protested. A description of the relief or corrective action being requested should also be included.
All protests shall be addressed to the WSP Budget and Fiscal Services Administrator. Only
protests stipulating an issue of fact concerning the following subjects shall be considered:

• A matter of bias, discrimination or conflict of interest on the part of the evaluator;

• Errors in computing the score;
• Non-compliance with procedures described in the procurement document or WSP policy.

Protests not based on procedural matters wiIJ not be considered. Protests will be rejected as
without merit if they address issues such as: 1) an evaluator's professional judgment on the
quality of a proposal, or 2) WSP's assessment of its own and/or other agencies needs or

Upon receipt of a protest, a protest review will be held by WSP. The Chief of WSP or an
employee delegated by the Chief of WSP who was not involved in the procurement will consider
the record and all available facts and issue a decision within five business days of receipt of the
protest. If additional time is required, the protesting party will be notified of the delay. In the event
a protest may affect the interest of another Consultant which submitted a proposal, such
Consultant will be given an opportunity to submit its views and any relevant information on the
protest to theWSP Budget and Fiscal Services Administrator.

The final determination of the protest shall:

• Find the protest lacking in merit and uphold WSP's action; or
• Find only technical or harmless errors in WSP's acquisition process and determine the WSP
to be in substantial compliance and reject the protest; or
• Find merit in the protest and provide options to WSP, including correcting errors and
reevaluating all proposals; reissuing the solicitation document; or making other findings and
determining other courses of action as appropriate.

Washington State Patrol Page. 9 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

If WSP determines that the protest is without merit, WSP will enter into a contract with the
apparently successful contractor(s). If the protest is determined to have merit, one of the
alternatives noted in the preceding paragraph will be taken.

-Washington State Patrol - Page 10 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

4. Proposal Format

4.1 Proposal Contents. Proposals must be submitted on eight and one-half by eleven (8 1/2 x 11)
inch paper with tabs separating the major sections of the proposal. The five major sections of the
proposal are to be submitted in the order noted below:

o Letter of Submittal;
o Certifications and Assurances (Exhibit A to this RFQQ);
o The Consultant's response to Exhibit C, Questionnaire;
o The Consultant's Quotation (Exhibit D); and
o A Waiver and Authorization to Release Information (Exhibit E) signed by proposed Consultant
Team Members

Proposals must provide information in the same order as presented in this document with the
same headings. This will not only be helpful to the evaluators of the proposal, but should assist
the Consultant in preparing a thorough response.

4.2 Letter of Submittal Requirements. The Letter of Submittal and the attached Certifications and
Assurances form (Exhibit A to this RFQQ) must be signed and dated by a person authorized to
legally bind the Consultant to a contractual relationship, e.g., the President or Executive Director if
a corporation, the managing partner if a partnership, or the proprietor if a sole proprietorship.
Along with introductory remarks, the Letter of Submittal is to include by attachment the following
information about the Consultant and any proposed subcontractors:

1. Name, address, principal place of business, telephone number, and fax number/e-mail
address of legal entity or individual with whom contract would be written.
2. Legal status of the Consultant (sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership,
limited liability partnership, corporation, or limited liability company) and the year the entity was
organized to do business as the entity now substantially exists.
3. If the Consultant is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership,
corporation, or limited liability company, the name, address, and telephone number of each
principal officer (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Chairperson of the Board of Directors,
4. The Consultant's Federal Employer Tax Identification number or Social Security number, and
the Washington Uniform Business Identification (UBI) number issued by the State of
Washington Department of Revenue.
5. Identify any State employees or former State employees employed or on the Consultant's
governing board as of the date of the proposal. Include their position and responsibilities
within the Consultant's organization. If following a review of this information, it is determined
by WSP that a conflict of interest exists, the Consultant may be disqualified from further
consideration for the award of a contract.

6. Identify the Consultant Team Members proposed for work for Criminal Intelligence Analysis
Services; and/or Criminal Intelligence Analysis - Lead Services.

5. RFQQ Exhibits
Exhibit A Certifications and Assurances
Exhibit B Checklist for Responsiveness
Exhibit C Questionnaire
Exhibit D Quotation
Exhibit E Waiver and Authorization to Release Information
Exhibit F Sample Contract

Washington State Patrol Page 11 RFQQ No. C090433PSC



IIwe make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance with
these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. I/we declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However,
I/we may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 90 days following receipt, and it may be
accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of certainty
in key terms) at any time within the 90-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, I/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the
state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract,
and who was assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these
assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5. I/we understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of
this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and IIwe claim no proprietary right to
the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have
not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her prior
to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7. I/we agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation
contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. If there are
any exceptions to these terms, I/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached
to this document.

8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to
submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

9. I/we certify that neither the Proposer nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in any
contract resulting from this procurement by any federal department or agency. Further, if awarded
a contract the Proposer agrees not to enter into any arrangements or other contracts with any
party that is on the "General Service Administration List of Parties Excluded from Federal
Procurement or Non-procurement Programs" which can be found at www.epls.gov.

Signature of Proposer

Title Date

Washington State Patrol Page 12- RFQQ No. C090433PSC

due to inaction on the part of the Proposer, or (b) litigated and such litigation determined that the
Proposer was in default.

D. Submit full details of the terms for default including the other party's name, address, and phone
number. Present the Consultant's position on the matter. WSP will evaluate the facts and may,
at its sole discretion, reject the proposal on the grounds of the past experience. If no such
termination for default has been experienced by the Consultant in the past five years, so indicate.

5. Waiver and Authorization to Release Information (MANDATORY) - Any proposed Consultant

Team Member must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance, and must pass a
criminal history background check conducted by WSP. Please provide one Waiver and Authorization
to Release Information form (Exhibit E) for each Consultant team member proposed. This form must
be signed by the respective Consultant team member.

Washington State Patrol Page 15 RFQQ No. C090433PSC



One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted with the
Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances were signed by
a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.

4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 14,2008.

The Consultant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington.

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any
proposed Consultant Team Member(s):
Has previously served as an intelligence analyst for a minimum of two (2) years either in a
Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence
unit; or has a Bachelor's degree or higher college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement,
statistical analysis or a related field that substitutes for the work experience requirement; and
Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any
proposed Consultant Team Member
Has four years of progressively responsible work experience in either in a Federal intelligence
agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit; and
Possess a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; or, an Associate's
degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or related field from an
accredited college or university; and
Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed
ConSUltant Team Members does not exceed $50.00.

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed
Consultant Team Members does not exceed $60.00.

The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for every
Consultant Team Member proposed for work. The form is signed by each respective
proposed Consultant Team Member.

Proposal provided 90 days for acceptance of its terms from the due date of proposals.

Washington State Patrol Page 13 RFQQ No. C090433PSC



1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services (SCORED).

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information
on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant
accomplishments and any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion
or other proof of specialized intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services


A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information
on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant
accomplishments and any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion
or other proof of specialized intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

3. References (SCORED) - List names, addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers/e-mail
addresses of three business references for which work has been accomplished and briefly describe
the type of service provided. The Consultant must grant permission to WSP to contact the
references. Do not include current WSP staff as references.

4. Related Information (MANDATORY)

A. If the Consultant contracted with the State of Washington during the past 24 months, indicate the
name of the agency, the contract number and project description and/or other information
available to identify the contract.

B. If the Consultant's team member was an employee of the State of Washington during the past 24
months, or is currently a Washington state employee, identify the individual by name, the agency
previously or currently employed by, job title or position held and separation date.

C. If the Consultant has had a contract terminated for default in the last five years, describe such
incident. Termination for default is defined as notice to stop performance due to the Consultant's
non-performance or poor performance and the issue of performance was either (a) not litigated

Washington State Patrol Page 14 RFQQ No. C090433PSC



The evaluation process is designed to award this procurement not necessarily to the Consultant of
least cost, but rather to the Consultant whose proposal best meets the requirements of this RFQQ.
However, Consultants are encouraged to submit proposals which are consistent with State
government efforts to conserve state resources.

A. Identification of Costs (SCORED)

Identify the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed Consultant Team Members for services
through September 30, 2009; and each of the three optional years of a contract resulting from this
RFQQ. If the hourly rate differs for each individual, please identify the specific rate for each
proposed Consulta!1t Team Member.

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, WSP will accept proposals for hourly rates up to
$50.00; submission of a proposal with an hourly rate in excess of $50.00 for these services will
result in the rejection of your proposal as non-responsive.

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services, WSP will accept proposals for hourly rates up to
$60.00; submission of a proposal with an hourly rate in excess of $60.00 for these services will
result in the rejection of your proposal as non-responsive.

Period Initial - 9/30/09 1011/09 - 9/30/10 10/1/10 - 9/30/11 10/1/11 - 9130/12


B. Basis for Determining Rates.

1. The hourly rate must include all costs associated with providing services, including Consultant
Team Member salary and benefits, industrial insurance, and federal and state taxes.

2. WSP will reimburse for maximum one hundred and seventy-three (173) hours per month for
each Consultant Team Member providing services under contracts resulting from this RFQQ.

3. The worksite, office supplies, personal computer, and communications shall be provided to
the Contractor. Any such goods andlor services shall remain the property of WSP.

4. When services are required by WSP at locations other than the Consultant Team Members
worksite, WSP will reimburse Contractors for authorized lodging, subsistence and business
vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual
is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

C. Computation. The score for the cost proposal will be computed by dividing the lowest average
hourly rate received by the Consultant's average hourly rate. Then the resultant number will be
multiplied by the maximum possible points for the cost section.

Washington State Patrol Page 16 RFQQ No. C890433PSC

Exhibit E


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you
have concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record,
including any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my
military service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged
nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications.
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

Applicant Name (First, Middle, Liast)

Other names you have been know by, including prior marriage(s) or nickname(s)

Address City State Zip Code

Social Security Number Date of Birth

Applicant Signature Date

Washington State Patrol Page 17 . RFQQ No. C090433PSC .



WSP Contract No.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
~overned by chapter 39.29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)

Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number

(mandatory, for tax purposes)

Contact Name Contact Telephone

Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address

WSP Contact Information

WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address

Telephone I Fax I E-mail Address

WS P Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address

Telephone I Fax I E-mail Address

Contract Start Date I Contract End Date I Maximum Contract Amount
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
~ Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
~ Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
~ Additional Exhibits as specified: Exhibit C, Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement
This Contract, including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing
below warrant that they have read and understand this Contract and have the authority to enter into this Contract.
WSP Signature Date Contractor Signature Date

Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


.WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 10

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:
• Raw intelligence ciassificationand analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• . Weekly and monthly written intelligen<;e bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies
• Effective communication to help others learn, understand and apply specific
principles, techniques or information.
• Effective identification, collection, organization and documentation of data and
information in ways that make the information most useful for subsequent
assessment, analysis and investigation.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 2. of 10

WSP RFQQ No. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.56 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Initial Rate FFY10 Rate FFY11 Rate FFY12 Rate

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 3 of 10

WSP RFOO No. _ _ _ __

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 4 of 10

WSP RFQQ No. ---,_ _ __
Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or section
of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

Ex_hibit F, Sample Contract Page 5 of 10

WSP RFOO No. _ _ _ _ _ __
its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgment in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the Contractor
shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to, Title VII of
the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and Chapter
49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature by
the Chief of WSP or deSignee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in compliance
with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52 RCW
throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute Board
in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.
Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 6 of 10
WSP RFQQ No. _ _ _ __
15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys,

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 7 of 10

WSP RFQQ No. _----,,_ __
studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical, fire
or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for any
of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The Contractor
shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Terminat10n for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has a
reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 8 of 10

WSP RFQQ No. _ _ _ _----,.
WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is not
taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 9 of 10

WSP RFQQ No.. _ _ _ __
32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page10of10

WSP RFQQ No. _ _~~_
Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or knowledge in
connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number (Contract) or its performance may
consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under either
chapter 42.56 RCW or other state or federal statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail
addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or information identifiable to
an individual that relates to any of these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential Information for
any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell,
disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without the Washington State Patrol's express written
consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to
Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my emplqyment with the Contractor, I shall
surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Vendor for its disposition according to the
terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97,
violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 11 of 10

WSP RFQQ No. _ _ _ __
Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, October 14,20081:42 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: Analyst position

Attachments: WSP RFQQ No. C070844PSC.doc


:070844PSC.doc (2 ..

-----Original Message-----
From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Sent: Wednesday, October 08,200810:47 AM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: RE: Analyst position

This is the last (or close to the last) procurement document we did for the analysts - that should help. What we all need to
keep in mind is this needs to be revised to meet the latest demands in DHS's grant guidance document for intel analysts:

"In order to be hired as an intelligence analyst, staff and/or contractor personnel must meet at least one of the following
• Successfully complete training to ensure baseline proficiency in intelligence analysis and production within six months of
being hired; and/or, • Previously served as an intelligence analyst for a minimum of two years either in a Federal
intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit.

All intelligence analyst training should be in accordance with Global's Minimum Criminal Intelligence Training Standards for
Law Enforcement and Other Criminal Justice Agencies in the United States, which outlines the minimum categories of
training needed for intelligence analysts. These include subject-matter expertise, analytic methodologies, customer-service
ethics, information handling and processing skills, critical thinking skills, computer literacy, and objectivity and intellectual
honesty. A certificate of completion of such training must be on file with the SM and must pe made available to
Preparedness Officers upon request."

-----Original Message-----
From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Sent: Wednesday, October 08,20088:19 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: FW: Analyst position


Can you provide me with some sample documents to assist region three with their endeavors to advertise for their

Thank you, Tim

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Mansfield [mailto:SBMansfi@co.lewis.wa.us]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 8:50 AM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Mike Whelan; John Didion; Dan Kimball; Casey Salisbury
Subject: Analyst position

Tim, I enjoyed the visit and sharing of information yesterday. You were very helpful and I appreciate your commitment to
the WAJC program. If you could send me the position description and anything else you have that would help guide us
through the process to hire a analyst for region 3 I would appreciate it.
Thanks again

Sheriff Steve Mansfield

Lewis County Sheriffs Office
345 West Main Street
Chehalis, WA 98532
Phone: (360) 740-1300
Fax: (360) 740-2723
Web Page: http://www.co.lewis.wa.us

Washington State Patrol 6/12/20094:27:33 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

WsP Contract No.IC09055i~~- Ipsc Program Information: Program IIAD

Category P-P~rson~i ,Se~vic~s Program: !Investigative Assistance Division

Amendment No. Program Contact: Bureau: 118B

TitlerIC~.r~im~in-a:"1A::"'n-a':'ly-s":'(--::W':':A~J:':A'::C~-- ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff

Other partyloperati?nal A~Plic~tiO~;

OtherNo.' Processing Status:

Start Date ""-1"'/1"'5"'/2"'0"09""· End Date I 9/30/2012
Amount I $0 User 10 ICH AmdAmount I ($79,000)

Contract Status IActive, Amd Status ICompleted

Contract Notes: Date document was sent to:
Analyst Kia Graham. See C090433PSC for RFOO.
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr JOe
BFS Notification 1/8/2009
BFS Review 1/15/2009
Chiefs Office 1/20/2009
Transmittal Letter 1/27/2009
Mailed to Other Part 1/812009
Received Back 1/15/2009
Distributed 1/27/2009

AmdAmount I $335,000
Amd Status ICompleted
Date document was sent to:
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC 12/17/2008
BFS Notification 12/17/2008
BFS Review 1/1612009
Chiefs Office 1/20/2009
Transmittal Letter 1/27/2009
Mailed to Other Part 1/812009
Received Back
I 1115/2009
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a g
Personal Service Cont._.:t Risk Assesment
Page 1 of4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
'!jZl Yes DNo

WSP Contract Number

BFS Contracts Specialist


1. Description of Services:
<::nrn-,N:Q,\ M~'\"g<'!JC;,e &wl.pt- 1.121\::\ A-C,

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision . I Comments
Fundinq source (account codinq) and Amount 01.1- - L (A)"",~ R .
,..", I - C!')!) ')
Has an authorized manager approved the
I)a Yes 0 No
Type of appropriation (federal, state, other)
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties List System been gJ Yes 0 No
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for th is work? lOSP"t-' [JI\8P (', un+- UrQ~b{p
• Agency resources I2'l Yes 0 No \J

• Other public (qovernmental) resources 5il Yes 0 No

Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performed/is performed by WSP
DYes I2'l No
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? DYes DNo 1\11 A
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
DYes DNo
proceed with the contract? 1-,.11A
Is contractor a current or former state employee? DYes ~No
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board DYes DNo
approval? ~\f.'\-
• If former, provide last date of employment. 1-..11 A
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate method(s) of ~ Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? Fixed Price
o Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Conb_..t Risk Assesment
Page 2 of4

If the contract is federally funded, is the Contractor a

subrecipient or vendor? NO
If a subrecipient, are audits required? If yes, evaluate
coveraqe provided by existing and anticipated audits.
o Yes ONo rv)Pr

1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

ft;I Competitive 0 Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

~ Formal (>$20,000) 0 Informal «$20,000)

Please document JNhere competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintained.
;k> CD~d {.; \Q .

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting

4. Advertised? tll> Yes 0 No 0 N/A (less than $20,OQO)

If yes, where and when was the advertisement placed?

\DfQ,s - U2r;:;}i!106ioN f1erk0l\11 c, ~v.s\ !VfSS ~Iob OD!S

Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? ~ Yes 0 No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? 0 Yes ~ No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?O Yes 0 No I

I\) A

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point O. Unknown, risk point 5. =
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contra.;t Risk Assesment
Page 3 of4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= =
Lower Risk; Yes Hi!jher Risk J,
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 Medium Risk
>$100,000 High Risk Lf
Complexity of services 3
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s) did you use? What
experience do you have with the method(s)?
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
~ Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
Fixed Price (score 1-3))
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1-3) 3
Procurement method:
fB Competitive (score 1 to 3)
Sole Source (score 3 to 5) I
2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of funding
Length of time in business 4
Experience and past performance I
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
proof?) .\,-
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition !lood or poor?) 3
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the
Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?)
Organizational chan!jes (is organization stable or does it have frequent turnover?)
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?) \
Legal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) \
Background of individuals (do you have resumes?) I

3. Total Risk Points


D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contract.

1". Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
ElYes 0 No

2. Does the risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?
~Yes ONo
Personal Service Conb u.:t Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
r>IJ Yes 0 No
4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity periodic reports \(L">
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation 'fe.s
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetinQs, etc.)
Maintain other periodic contract with
contractor (telephone, email, etc.) lf~_s
Other: M-\. ~ ~ -wi " i"N' & ,I: ,~ (o,'\-h. ll(l,.SPc:.,

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients offederal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
example, A 133 audits)? N 1fT
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure appropriate spend ina of state funds? 1\1\'"
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed? \'V I p,.
Is corrective action necessary? Were
questioned costs resolved? Kll...
Are audit findings, if any, resolved? ~\9<


Any activities need follow-up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
Follow-up on audit findinas needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

Set-l.rch Current Exclusions


EPLS Search
I Resources

'----___III > Search Help

> Advanced Search Search Results for Parties > Public User's Manual

> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

EXact Name: Graham, Kia Marie > Acronyms
> Exact Name and SSNrrlN
SSNITIN > Privacy Act Provisions
As of 23·Dec-2008 7:09 PM EST > News
> Recent Updates
Save to MyEPLS
View Cause and Treatment Code
Descriptions Your search returned no results.
"---_ _--1111
> Reciproca I Codes > Advanced Reports
> Procurement Codes Back New Search Printer-Friendly
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> Nonprocurement Codes > Dashboard

Agency & Acronyrn Information ArchIve Search - P:3:st Exclusions

"---_ _--1111
> Agency Contacts
> Agency Descriptions
> Advanced Archive Search
> State/Country Code Descriptions
> Multiple Names
> Recent Updates

> Oebar Maintenance Contaet !nformatien

> Administration
> Email: ~gQ!l@§..QJ§,g.Q.'t
> Upload Login
> Phone: 1-866-GSA-EPLS

https:llwww.epls.gov/epls/search.do 12/23/2008
Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 3:20 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 1/9/2009.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after a decision was made by OFM on
this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 39082-00

Contractor Legal Name: Larm, Doug

Contractor TIN: 300369267

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090551 PSC
Filed Date: 1/9/2009
Start Date: 1/15/2009
Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $335,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist with filing an amendment to the
contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at
ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:34 AM
To: 'McMullen, Jan S. (OFM)'
Subject: RE: WSP Filings in PSCD

Yes - to all four contracts.

I thought that I had incorporated the language under Reasonableness of Cost but will ensure for future filings.
This is the last of the filings that are associated to a recent RFQQ.

Thank-you for your assistance,

('indy Haider
WSP Contracis
360-596--I(J7 I
cindy. haider@wsr. wa. gov

From: McMullen, Jan S. (OFM) [mailto:Jan.McMullen@OFM.wA.GOVl

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:25 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: WSP Filings in PSCD
Importance: High

Does the following apply to all of your recent filings for criminal analyst services? (one James
Ward and three Doug Larm).

WSP considers this to be a convenience contract where the contractor provides services on an as-needed
basis and the dollar value referenced is a maximum amount available, because it cannot be known if the
total dollars will be used?

It would be appreicated if you would include this language, when applicable, in future filings.

As soon as I have your response to this e-mail, I will start to process your most recent filings.
Thank you. Jan

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 10:53 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 1/9/2009 10:53:00 AM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 64978

Contractor Legal Name: Larm, Doug

Contractor TIN: 300369267

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090551 PSC
Filed Date: 1/9/2009 10:53:00 AM
Start Date: 1/15/2009 Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $335,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during processing and to access the filing in
the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in
PSCD. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3


Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 300369267
Legal Name Larm, Doug
UBI 602632122
Address 4227 South Meridian Suite. C366, Puyullap, WA USA 98373
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint
federal, state and local law enforcement environments such as joint and regional
criminal intelligence centers.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
This Filing $335,000 $335,000
Contract Total $335,000

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
01/15/2009 09/30/2012


Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State 'Employees

Page 2 of3

None Identified

Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to
address and which makes the services necessary.
The Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau
of Investigations (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies
by organizing and disseminating threat information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies,
first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, two-way flow of
intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies includes the FBI; US Immigration and Customs
Enforcement; the Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law
enforcement agencies. The Contractor's criminal analyst services (Analyst Kia Graham) are critical to the
efforts of WAJAC in an effort to prevent terrorism.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's office. This contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security. WSP is contractually obligated to the federal government to provide these services.
These services are critical to WSP to fulfill their mission of "enhancing the safety and security of our state"
which includes sharing information with other local, state and federal law enforcement organizations. In light
of the Personal Service contract freeze, this contract is approved by Deputy Chief Paul S. Beckley.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Competitive Solicitation Process
Advertisement Information

Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 6
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or
the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation
process or what differentiated this contractor from others.
The Contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work
experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of panel members from
the WAJAC as well as a written assignment.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
Network Transport Engineering Nighthawk Analytical Dan K. Melton Michael R. Chamness Chad R. Melton
KSNK Enterprise Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services Intelligence Acumen Operational Applications Inc.

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=rnnuFiling. .. 1/9/2009
Page 3 of3

Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection
committee made the award decision, etc).
Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence
Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center to score vendor education, training, and work experience. Cost
points were awarded based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all
vendors. The highest scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local jurisdictions
participating in the regional intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant team member
would work. The final selection was based on the outcome of these interviews and written assignment.
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
The hourly rate is comparable to other contractors submitting proposals for these services. Work is assigned
by Task Orders on an as-needed basis. Contract references maximum amount available.
Operational090551.doc - 153600kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

Date 1/8/09
Washington State Patrol
LOS -,' ;-
d t an dFIsca IS ervlces Cont ract NotT
Bulge Ilcaf Ion Form -
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 IZI Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
C090551 PSC (1)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
JANUARY 152009 SEPTEMBER 30, 2009
Contract Title CFDANo. I QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Operational Applications Inc. (Doug Larm)
Contractor Contact Address
4227 South Meridian Suite C366, Puyallup WA 98373
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Doug Larm 253-226-9564 30-0369267
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
douQ.larm@)operationalapplications.com TANYA PIERCE
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name

Contract Amount Position ....., Signatu~ and Date
Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manager ') ()'" /' ./A,./7 ~ /,
$ Business Office Manager / V./, I'
() ~/
Amount 1-1
Revised Total
$79,000 Budget Manager
~rl ,... '").,j I 0'1
I Allot: DY~~~o
Unanticipated Receipt: DYes No

Indirect Costs %
Accounting Manager '" T/,
,/ v7 ~t/JU ~
Sub . ( ~evenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Majo'" .J Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
WAJ8 001 01' 00271 WAJ8 CE 100%

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed:
Std Mileage Rate:
DNo Special Mileage R
Mileage Only: DNo
per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract· DYes DNO _____________ ------ AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
DYes DNo
Overtim~ DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes·
TypeftRllceipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: IZI Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6103)
IZI Accountant IZIBudget Analyst IZI Other: Captain Braniff
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090551PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Operational Applications Inc.

Period of Performance January 15, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Kia Graham) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor's Employee during this Task Order is
the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$48.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C09055lPSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $79,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm, (253) 226-9564

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief

M tM4IdlJ1

JJtlQ ~ )rtc:>I.dG,1I/
Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Washington State Patrol
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
January 1$2009 September 30,2012
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Operational Applications Inc. (DoUQ Larm)
Contractor Contact Address
4227 South Meridian Suite C366, Puyallup WA 98373
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Mr. Doug Larm 253-226-9564 30-0369267
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
doug.larm@operationalapplications.com Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner
Remarks: Requires separate task orders - do not encumber.
Analyst Kia Graham

Contract Amount Position /1 , Signat.!l) e.,and Date

Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manager rn/flfkl7. ~ ~
$ Business Office Manage /fJ.
7" /1/ IJ -/
Revised Total
$335,000 Budget Manager
I J6.. 1/) I lnanticiDaied Re:';:~:: B~~~6
Accounting Manager
Indirect Costs %
Sub f Revenue Code !
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Object MaJ~L Major Sub TAR Code Amount
Group Source Source
WAJ8 001 01* 00271 WAJ8 CE 100%

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only: DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNo ____________ --------- AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYe~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
C~tract Pays Only OIT Co~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: _ _ _ _ _-1
Primary Org Code: __________ Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure

Distribution: ~ Project Manager I8J Accountant I:8JBudget Analyst I:8J Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Other Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
I Washington, and the Contractor i below,
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)

4227 South Meridian Suite C366


WSP Investigative Assistance Division
PO Box 2347 WA 98507-2347

PO Box 42602

End Date Contract Amount

When the boxes below are marked with an X, the Exhibits are
Contract by reference:
Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
Exhibits as Exhibit C,
the attached Terms
terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other
regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to


Printed Name
John R. Batiste, Chief
GENERAL 2/20/02

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 1)

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:

• Raw intelligence classification and analysis

• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies
• Effective communication to help others learn, understand and apply specific criminal
intelligence analysis principles, techniques or information.
• Effective identification, collection, organization and documentation of criminal
intelligence data and information in ways that make the information most useful for
subsequent assessment, analysis and investigation.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Kia Graham WAJAC

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must maintain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intOXicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is
not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

5. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Initial- 9/30109 10/1/09 - 9130/10 10/1/10 - 9/30/11 10/1/11 - 9130/12
Kia Graham $48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00

WSP Personal Service Contract Page30f11

STATEMENT OF WOR K (Cont inued )

local worksite, WSP will

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the
business vehicle
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, sUbsistence and
approv ed reimbu rseme nt rates. These
mileage costs at current State of Washington
e Manua l (SAAM). This
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrativ
websit e:
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM

6. Insurance Requirements.
comply with all
a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times
e, and occup ational health
applicable workers' compensation, occupational diseas
applica ble. WSP will not
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent
or their employees
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor
for servjces performed under the terms of this contract.
in business auto
b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall mainta
insura nce with a limit not less
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability
arising out of "Any
than $500,0 00 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability
or later
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA
0001, 1990
The Contra ctor
edition, or sUbstitute liability form providing equivalent coverage.
Policy insura nce meetin g contract
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSPf'ersonal Service Contract
Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP ·Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Titie VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy of return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jOintly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract - Page 6 of 11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During' the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The aSSignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor. .

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid proVision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any SUbcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 11 -

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
. violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page.9 of 11

to the Contractor under the terms of this
31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP
to the Contractor under the terms of
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP
ct. The Contractor shall be
this Contra ct shall be used only for the performance of this Contra
Contractor by WSP resulting from the
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the
that property in accordance with sound
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer
of WSP property, the Contractor shall
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damag e
r loss or damage. upon the termination
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any furthe
WSP property to the WSP Project
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contra ct.
ct shall not preclude WSP from
32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contra
r of any other rights under this
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waive
ized representative of WSP and
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an author
attached to the original Contract.

Page 10 of 11
WSP Personal Service Contract
Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or knowledge in
connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number (Contract) or its performance may
consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under either
chapter 42.56 RCW or other state or federal statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail
. addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or information identifiable to
an individual that relates to any of these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential Information for
any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell,
disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without the Washington State Patrol's express written
consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to
Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the Contractor, I shall
surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Vendor for its disposition according to the
terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97,
violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signaturof Con~tor Employee

\Lt'C\. M G\1i..b.O..I1!1 ) IVltel \i g.ekl CL A-nQl'j'bt

Printed Name and Title i


Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 11 of 10

WSP RFQQ No. _ _ _--,_

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C09055I PSC and Task Order No. I

DATE: January 27, 2009

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract and task order between the
Washington State Patrol and Operational Applications, Inc. for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Ms.
Kia Graham. Funding for this contract will be encumbered under separate task orders.

Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this contract has a copy
of this contract to ensure the payment documents are filled out correctly.

The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number noted
above; please use this number on all correspondence and payment documents associated with this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget and Fiscal
Services, at Micro 12, ext. 11071.

Cf.+I JRH:c1h
f' .Attachment
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget Section
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Assistance Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000·323-001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

January 27,2009

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications Inc
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C090550PSC and Task Order No.1

WSP Agreement No. C090551 PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed with this letter are two fully executed originals of the referenced agreements
and task orders between you and the Washington State Patrol. Please keep these
originals for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number are the agreement numbers
referenced above; please use these numbers on all correspondence regarding these
agreements. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596-4071.



l C~d,··~{A
t'''Mr. JeffrJyJR. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Period of
Contract No.
Contract Title:
Other Party:


Scope of Work: _'----(,--"-"".:.2s""k"-'.O,LlclLl..'-"Q....£_I'o"-""Q'-'..--'\~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Grants and Contract Manager:

BFS Administrator:

Management Services Bureau Director: _a:5ff-'7'-'-_l_lvD


c;f/Depu~: =-_-L/_,-'=2"-"_---=o~1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

l2?1 New
Period of 0 Amendment
Contract No. C,f"29055 I £~ Performance: ,ltofiYl-q/ooltCl. 0 Recurring
Contract Title: ---"Ccd-'.·\11<f'1"'-'tvtI,,,,,,-,,.J..\_-:Lv~u~"-'\..l i"-C'''''es''----_ _ _ _ __

Other Party: q'fm±'cC\lO. \ ~ ",CQ'--\"orVS :(.",c,.

~ Payable
J' 0 Receivable
Amount: ~ 03S:, oro 0 Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager: , t

BFS Administrator: ~ Ibh9

7 I

Management Services Bureau Director: --t012:::>'--\L---!'/-"W'-"'------------

~e ~ ,,'2.(-09
WSP Contract No.
Other Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
Operational Applications Inc.
Contractor Address Contra~tor Federal Employer Identification Number
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373
Contact Name Contact Telephone
Mr. Doug Larm 253-226-9564
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address
WSP Contact Information
WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
WSP Investigative Assistance Division
Lieutenant Randy Drake
PO Box 2347,01 mpia WA 98507-2347
(360) 704-2393
(360) 704-2973
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Admin istrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts ManaQer Olympia WA 98504-2602
(360) 596-4052
(360) 596-4077
E-mail Address
jeff. hUQdahl@wsp.wa.gov

Contract Start Date I Contract End Date IMaximum Contract Amount

January 15, 2009 September 30,2012 $335,000
ATIACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
~ Exhibil A, Statement of Work.
~ Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
~ Additional Exhibits as specified: Exhibit C, Contractor Employee Nondisclosure AQreement
This Contract, including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing
below warrant that they have read and understand this Contract and have the authority to enter into this Contract.
WSP Signature Date Contractor Signature Date

Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


WSP Personal Service Contract Pag.e 1 of 11

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090551PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Operational Applications Inc.

Period of Performance January 15, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Kia Graham) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor's Employee during this Task Order is
the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $48.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C090551PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $79,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm, (253) 226-9564

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 11 :54 AM
To: 'Doug Larm Operational Applications'
Subject: Analysts Contracts
Attachments: OperationaI090550.doc; task order C090550PSC.doc; OperationaI090551.doc; task order
C090551PSC.doc; OperationaI090552.doc; task order C090552PSC.doc

Hello Doug,
Yesterday I mailed the envelope containing contracts and task orders for the three analysts. As much as I double
checked my "crossing my t's and dotting my i's" I inadvertently put the wrong Start Date.

I have attached the corrected contracts and task orders and would appreciate if you would print out two pages of
the first page of each contract and two each of the task orders. The first page of each contract will replace the
incorrect page on the contracts you will be receiving.

Please let me know if you have any questions and sorry for any inconvenience
Hope you are doing well in this continuing Washington winter weather.

Take care,
C'indy 11aidCl'
IPSI' (:()nlrru:I.\
cindy, hai!l£r@wsp. wa. gov

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

January 8, 2009

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications Inc
4227 South Meridian Suite C366
Puyallup WA 98373

Dear Mr. Larm:

Subject WSP Agreement No's. C090550PSC, C090551 PSC, and C090552PSC

and Task Orders No.1

Enclosed are two sets each of the referenced agreements and task orders between the
Washington State Patrol and your organization. Once an approved representative of
your organization has signed these originals, please return all originals to the following:

Ms. Cindy Haider

Budget and Fiscal Services
Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602

One fully executed original of each will be retumed to you for your records. The
Washington State Patrol contract tracking numbers are referenced above; please use
these numbers on all correspondence regarding these agreements. If you need further
assistance, please contact Ms. Haider at (360) 596-4071.



C~ct '\U~
~)Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services

- Enclosures
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090551PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Operational Applications Inc.

Period of Performance January I, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Kia Graham) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time ofthe period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor's Employee during this Task Order is
the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$48.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C090551PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $79,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm, (253) 226-9564

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
rage 1 or J

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:39 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Cindy, for your files ...

From: Beckley, Paul (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:35 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Cc: Maki, Bob (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts


Paul Beckley
Deputy Chief
Washington State Patrol
Service With Humility

From: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 20084:28 PM
To: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Cc: Maki, Bob (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Deputy Chief Beckley,

Since these are personal service contracts, not a request to hire FTEs the request needs to go through BFS to
solicit an exemption from OFM. To process this request from Captain Braniff, BFS needs your approval (As the
Acting Chief) to "approve the requested exemption and provide purchase approval."

If you approve, Mr. Maki's shop will handle.


Captain Marc Lamoreaux

Human Resource DiVision
(360) 704-2324
.. _---_ _--_.

From: Hattell, Curt (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:11 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Subject: Fw: WAJAC - Analysts

Page 1. ot :,

Marc, please advise on next steps.

Captain Curt Hattell

Office of Professional Standards
(360) 704-2333

Note: To ensure compliance with all administrative requirements and retention guidelines, please delete any e-
mails regarding OPS cases after your review. When responding to any e-mails regarding OPS cases please
delete the sent e-mail immediately.

From: Beckley, Paul (WSP)

To: Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Sent: Mon Dec 22 16:09:34 2008
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts
They need to be run through HRD in the proper format for submission to DOP.

Paul Beckley
Deputy Chief
Washington State Patrol
Serrnce WitA Humility

From: Hattell, Curt (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:23 PM
To: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Chief, I am walking into this movie when it is almost over. This looks like something that should
have your approval. Please let me know if this is something I can do or if it needs your
blessing. Thanks, Curt

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2: 17 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Cc: Gurley, Traci (WSP)
Subject: Re: WAJAC - Analysts


AC approved it; however, we have all erased the email and Cindy Haider needs a copy in the file.
Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

From: Braniff, lim (WSP)

To: Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Mon Dec 2213:43:222008
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts
Acting Assistant Chief Hattell- We are unsure if this got forwarded to AC Ursino last week for approval, and with

Page 3 of 5

Geri out today I am hoping you can check or give your approval. Acting Captain Drake needs to get this process
moving and we just need the AC's approval forwarded to Jeff Hugdahl and Bob Maki to make it happen. These
are grant funded contract analysts who will work at the WAJAC. If you need any more info, just give me or Randy
a call.

Thanks, Traci

From: Maki, Bob (WSP)

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 8:40 AM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP); Haider, Cindy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

Randy: The Chief doesn't necessarily need to see the contracts. He just needs to approve the exemption
ofthem from the spending freeze and provide purchase approval..

You can forward this to him and ask that he review/approve and forward to me/Jeff Hugdahl. We'll
take it from there.

Thx, Bob

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 6:27 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Maki, Bob (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

Jeff and/or Bob,

Captain Braniff is on vacation for the remainder of the year. I have provided answers to the questions as per
Cindy Haider's email found below. I do not have a copy of the contracts. Cindy, do you know if AC Ursino
has received these contracts?

1. Purpose

The Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) is in the process of hiring a total of six intelligence analysts (1
Lead Analyst and 5 Intelligence Analysts). The Lead Analyst position has already been approved. These are
contractor positions. Background investigations will be required due to the nature and sensitivity of
information available to analysts.

2. Fund Source and Amount

Contractors will be paid with funds from the Department of Homeland Security's State Homeland Security
Grant. One million dollars has been allotted to fund these positions.

3.. Does the purchase ....

• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?

The project provides a critical component (intelligence analysts) to Washington State's Statewide
Integrated Intelligence System Plan (SWIIS). The spirit and intent of the SWIIS is to protect the citizens of
Washington State by providing an intelligence capability focused on terrorism prevention .

• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?


Page 4 ot j

• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?

Federal funds are available to fund the hiring of these contractors. An investment justification submitted to
the Department of Homeland Security specifies that these funds will be used to fund intelligence analysts .

• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a project will
encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?

The WSFC enhancement project is dependent upon the acquisition of intelligence analysts and
continuation of the contracting process including background investigations on successful proposers.

4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

If not approved, the WSP will not be able to successfully secure the services of the above-described
proposers and will not be in compliance with the WSP's own contractor proposal requirements.

Lt. Randy Drake, 88

Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol Inteliigence Section
Washington State Fusion Center
Work: 206-262-2418

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wed 12/17/2008 2:52 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Maki, Bob (WSP)
Subject: WAJAC - Analysts

Captain Braniff,

The chosen candidates for the Criminal Intelligence Analysts to be located at WAJAC with the effective dates of
January 15, 2009 through September 30,2012 are the following:

Ms. Kathleen Almquist, Operational Applications Inc.

Ms. Kia Graham, Operational Applications Inc.
Ms. Sara Lacy, Operational Applications Inc.
Mr. John Kristof, Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services
Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen

Due to the recent spending freeze please pass these pending personal services agreements to Assistant Chief
Ursina for his approval. If he approves these contracts he needs to forward to either Jeff Hugdahl or Bob Maki for
DC Beckley's approval. They will need the following questions answered:

1. Purpose
2. Fund Source and Amount
3. Does the purchase ....
• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?
• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?
• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?
• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a
project will encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?
4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

Once approval through the chain of command has been received the contract can be then be processed and
routed for signature as well as the approval may be needed by HRD to complete the background check.

Page:> 01:>

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Cindy Haider
I'VSP C'ontI'i1US
cindy. haider@wsp. wa. gQJI

Page 1 of 4

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Greene, Geri (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, December 23,2008 10:06 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP); Gurley, Traci (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Hi Cindy!

Please see the below e-mail from A/C Ursina that will serve as approval for WAJAC Analysts.

Geri Greene
Investigative Services Bureau
Phone: (360) 704-2979
Fax: (360) 586-1628
E-mail: geri.greene@wspowa.gov

From: Ursina, Brian (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:00 AM
To: Greene, Geri (WSP)
Subject: WAJAC - Analysts

Off chance? Are you kidding me? Yea, I'm pretty sure I got that e-mail and sent it to Bob Maki with my approval
last week. We even had a conversation about these not having to go through the DOP process because they are
contract positions. If they don't have it, this e-mail can serve as my approval.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

- - - - - - -----_._--_._._.. _.._.__......_.----
From: Greene, Geri (WSP)
To: Ursina, Brian (WSP)
Sent: Tue Dec 23 09:56:19 2008
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts
Hey there - On the off chance you're monitoring your blackberry -

Did you, by any chance, see an e-mail come through to you for approval on the WAJAC analysts?
Apparently we just need approval to be sent to Bob Maki or Jeff Hugdahl. Thanksl

Geri Greene
Investigative Services Bureau
Phone: (360) 704-2979
Fax: (360) 586-1628
E-mail: geri.greene@wsp.wa.gov

Page 2 of 4

From: Gurley, Traci (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:22 AM
To: Greene, Geri (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Geri - I'm unsure if you saw any of these e-mails - but by chance did you get cc'd on the
approval e-mail we are looking for?

Curt has not answered us.

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22,20082:17 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Cc: Gurley, Traci (WSP)
Subject: Re: WAJAC - Analysts


AC approved it; however, we have all erased the email and Cindy Haider needs a copy In the file.
Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)

To: Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Mon Dec 22 13:43:222008
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts
Acting Assistant Chief HaUell - We are unsure if this got forwarded to AC Ursino last week for approval, and with
Geri out today I am hoping you can check or give your approval. Acting Captain Drake needs to get this process
moving and we just need the AC's approval forwarded to Jeff Hugdahl and Bob Maki to make it happen. These
are grant funded contract analysts who will work at the WAJAC. If you need any more info, just give me or Randy
a call.

Thanks, Traci

From: Maki, Bob (WSP)

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 8:40 AM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP); Haider, Cindy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC- Analysts

Randy: The Chief doesn't necessarily need to see the contracts. He just needs to approve the exemption
of them from the spending freeze and provide purchase approval..

You can forward this to him and ask that he review/approve and forward to me/JeffHugdahl. We'll
take it from there.

Thx, Bob

Page 3 of 4

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 6:27 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Maki, Bob (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

Jeff and/or Bob,

Captain Braniff is on vacation for the remainder of the year. I have provided answers to the questions as per
Cindy Haider's email found below. I do not have a copy of the contracts. Cindy, do you know if AC Ursino
has received these contracts?

1. Purpose

The Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) is in the process of hiring a total of six intelligence analysts (1
Lead Analyst and 5 Intelligence Analysts). The Lead Analyst position has already been approved. These are
contractor positions. Background investigations will be required due to the nature and sensitivity of
information available to analysts.

2. Fund Source and Amount

Contractors will be paid with funds from the Department of Homeland Security's State Homeland Security
Grant. One million dollars has been allolted to fund these positions.

3. Does the purchase ....

• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?

The project provides a critical component (intelligence analysts) to Washington State's Statewide
Integrated Intelligence System Pla~ (SWIIS). The spirit and intent of the SWIIS is to protect the citizens of
Washington State by providing an intelligence capability focused on terrorism prevention.

• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?


• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?

Federal funds are available to fund the hiring of these contractors. An investment justification submitted to
the Department of Homeland Security specifies that these funds will be used to fund intelligence analysts.

• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a project will
encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?

The WSFC enhancement project is dependent upon the acquisition of intelligence analysts and
continuation of the contracting process including background investigations on successful proposers.

4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

If not approved, the WSP will not be able to succe'ssfully secure the services of the above-described
proposers and will not be in compliance with the WSP's own contractor proposal requirements.

Lt. Randy Drake, 88

Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrollntel!igence Section
Washington Stale Fusion Center
Work: 206-262-2418

Page 4 of4

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wed 12/17/2008 2:52 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Maki, Bob (WSP)
Subject: WPJAC - Analysts

Captain Braniff,

The chosen candidates for the Criminal Intelligence Analysts to be located at WAJAC with the effective dates of
January 15, 2009 through September 30, 2012 are the following:

Ms. Kathleen Almquist, Operational Applications Inc.

Ms. Kia Graham, Operational Applications Inc.
Ms. Sara Lacy, Operational Applications Inc.
Mr. John Kristof, Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services
Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen .

Due to the recent spending freeze please pass these pending personal services agreements to Assistant Chief
Ursino for his approval. If he approves these contracts he needs to forward to either Jeff Hugdahl or Bob Maki for
DC Beckley's approval. They will need the following questions answered:

1. Purpose
2. Fund Source and Amount
3. Does the purchase ....
• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?
• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?
• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?
• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a
project will encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?
4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

Once approval through the chain of command has been received the contract can be then be processed and
routed for signature as well as the approval may be needed by HRD to complete the background check.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Cilldv Haider
IV"'!' COl1lraCIS
cindy. haider@wsQ. wa. gQJ'

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, December 17,20082:53 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Maki, Bob (WSP)
Subject: WAJAC - Analysts

Captain Braniff,

The chosen candidates for the Criminal Intelligence Analysts to be located at WAJAC with the effective dates of
January 15, 2009 through September 30,2012 are the following:

Ms. Kathleen Almquist, Operational Applications Inc.

Ms. Kia Graham, Operation!!1 Applications Inc.
Ms. Sara Lacy, Operational Applications Inc.
Mr. John Kristof, Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services
Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen

Due to the recent spending freeze please pass these pending personal services agreements to Assistant Chief
Ursino for his approval. If he approves these contracts he needs to forward to either Jeff Hugdahl or Bob Maki for
DC Beckley's approval. They will need the following questions answered:

1. Purpose
2. Fund Source and Amount
3. Does the purchase ....
• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?
• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?
• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?
• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a
project will encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?
4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

Once approval through the chain of command has been received the contract can be then be processed and
routed for signature as well as the approval may be needed by HRD to complete the background check.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Cindy llaiJa
IYSP Contracts
360-596-·lIJ7 !
cindy. haider@11'sp. 11'a. gov

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 20082:20 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: Analyst

That sounds great. Thanks.

Lieutenant Randy Drake

Washington State Patrol I ntelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC)
Cell: 360-239-0359

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wed 12/17/20082:16 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: Analyst

Just to confirm the Start Date for the 5 new Analysts - 1/151097

As per my conversation with Sgt Jarmon I will wait for you to contact me on Friday when you are ready for me to
send out the final notifications.


OIll:!V Naider
If':"'!' COi1in":I,,
cindy. haider@ws/2. wa. gov

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 11 :26 AM
To: 'Doug Larm Operational Applications'
Subject: WSP RFQQ C090433PSC

Mr. Larm,
Congratulations; the following have been selected as Apparent Successful Proposers for this procurement.

Ms. Sara Lacy

Ms. Kathleen Almquist
Ms. Kia Graham <:'.0905 (0 I ,os <!...

The Start Date for these contracts will be January 15, 2009. Two original contracts and Task Order No.1 for
each will be mailed out to you for signature within the next two weeks. Please sign all sets and mail all sets back
to my attention at the address listed on the cover letter that will be enclosed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank-you and Merry Christmas!

('ind, !fulder
Jf,')'P RFUQ Cooruin{i/{)F
ciJu(v. iwider(i{!ll-'sp. W{I.gO)'

15 December 2008


SUBJECT: New Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) group in Duplin, North Carolina

1. OVERVIEW: Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) is a Latino gang considered to be one of

America's most dangerous gangs due to its predisposition for violence. Murder, rape and
assault are typical acts of violence utilized by its members and are involved in a large
variety of criminal activities. A majority ofMS-13 members are El Salvadorian, but
contain a large number of other CenJral American members. Groups of MS-13 have
migrated and settled allover the US, originating in Los Angeles, CA in the late 1980s.

2. SITUATION: A new Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) group has reportedly emerged in

Duplin, NC and has begun acts of violence typical ofMS-13, to include murder. Reports
indicate there are at least seven known members of this group. Typical MS-J3 tattoos on
their chest and legs have identified some members of the Duplin MS-J3 and indicate their
dedication to violence and veteran status within the group. Reports also indicate
members of MS-13 conducted area surveillance within Duplin, possibly in preparation of
a planned murder. This behavior is typical of gangs, terrorists and members of organized
crime groups before the acts of violence are ensued.

3. IMPLICATION: There are many MS-13 groups operating within WA State,

especially in areas with a high Hispanic population. The up-rise in gang violence in WA
and the emerging of new MS-13 groups nation-wide may be an indication of larger
eruptions of gang violence in the future. Standard customs, operating procedures and
typical modus operandi of MS-J3 groups outside of WA may help glean significant leads
to the arrests, and possible dismantling, of MS-J3 groups within our state.

a. Contact with the Duplin County Sheriff's office to continue flow of information
is required. Information concerning MS-13 groups in W A may enable insight to key
aspects to look for within the newly emerging Duplin MS-13 group. Further information
and updates of the Duplin MS-13 activities will gain WAJAC insight in the group and
unveil unknown information regarding local MS-13 groups.
b. Organizational Charts should be created and maintained to help show the
connections, organizational structure, areas of operation and growth rates of MS-13
groups, especially within WA State.
c. Liaison and reporting channels should be established and maintained with
other Fusion Analysis Centers and Law Enforcement Agencies regarding information
pertaining to MS-13.
d. Pattern-trend analysis should be conducted to help follow and trends the local
groups have created in order to deter future MS-13 operations and violence out-breaks.
e. Infonnation briefings should be prepared and conducted to help get the
communities involved in the recognition ofMS-13, the severity/implication of their
activities, and the proper reporting channels to further leads for LEAs.

5. For further infonnation regarding this subject, please contact either William Evans or
Kia Graham at the WAJAC, phone 425-446-1948 .

Kia Graham
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
WA Joint Analysis Center
IS Qec . .?-OO&

Vendor Name
ca ts;)$ Vendor Number JQ

Evaluator Name ~(\" , " ~ ~kc

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests" In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my complete aluation sheet.

Signature --p...:jJj~/:::::.!:,---!~-E::.{,~>:::::~------
Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. -iJfor \<''\ 0..... 0ro.-lp- M.
Reference Name _ _-=-=
__ -'G~~VV'-!....:f'p::...-b-'--i\'--'-________
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



7. Score: J0
G ~"\.G..J,,",-
~ 0-
Vendor Name O€e~M~ \ A~hcQ}-zo:S I. Vendor Number -.lQ

Evaluator Name __-'-' \:::::...=,-,,,~~=--,+-_-,,,U=,-=

.......=-:~:Jo.._ _ _ _ __
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return .all copies of the proposals
with my comple~~:atJh/J. ~

Signature L~ 1M£- Date I I-I q-tJ lJ

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. ~ for _ _~~...-'.\~tA..~_~Gr=~a..=-k!..:..:",":=.:.."V\~_ _ _ _ _ __
Reference Name k~ c..-ko..,..d .s......f'..J..Siv-oM
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: 3(.,<::> -"2.. (; q -LfZ.SI

2. Why id they choose the proposed Analyst? Score: 10


6. Score:~

7. tr ude of 'proposed Analyst (friendly, adversarial, etc.) Score:

OS(~ 't- v<::-.
~\ u.. <2xo.J"\.CUv--.
Vendor Name Cfera..bQ!\ICI \ ~(2li CTIO)S Vendor Number \0
Evaluator Name ~ "')..., I/'C.... L
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my complete waluation sheet.

Signature _t::::.=.2!I==-L-L1JL=:===-
Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No . .$ for _~-,-,-~-,--~___G_,-r_o...-,-~_(1.._M-=-_________
Reference Name _ _ b-,-~o..J~~i,-,J"",-_--,S~c""'-!h....!-"o"'O:JI'\~'M:..!-"'~"-"k,,",,,r____
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: 3"'>-"J1?{;.- 011'

1. What did the proposed Analyst do for your company? Score: _ __

2. Why did they choose the proposed Analyst? Score:_ __

3. Proposed Analyst performance vs. expectations Score: _ __

6. Ability of the proposed Analyst to meet schedules and deadlines Score: _ __

7. Attitude of proposed Analyst (friendly, adversarial, etc.) Score: _ __

\ 0; !lD C>d/\~w~ (1\.0 rv--... ehrN/

/10 4n Sw-er / " ,.

tl/-z \
- (\7) a.1I Swer I{\.o M a. c-h ~ /'-L.-
Vendor Name O?QJQ..~ON('~ ~\;en-t~NS ';;(4'K. Vendor Number--.lQ..

Team Member Name K, 0.- G-s-Q..bCU'D.

I}g Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
o Proposed for Both
r, ~
Evaluator Name _---'.j""AvVtc:.:.0l!:1f:...5""'-_y;""-'=z:.:cl2--::...!:ltl"";fIl~f/_ _ _ __


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluatio sheet.

Signature --~~:::::'~!4::::::=-------- l r/..;..{q'fl_a_cB_ __


Please provide a raw score of 0-1 0 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements:

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page I of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Is tj(e Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
gYes ONo
D9'lhe certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
o Yes 0 No
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'. .

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) ---<7=~--


WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC_ Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
DYes DNo
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
DYes DNo

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the'
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include infonnation on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent infonnation. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page.30f3

Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name C1{e5CLhoNu..1 G1f9hc:cdwNS 1a)~. Vendor NumberJrr

Team Member Name \:( ',Q,., Gdor, to

~ Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
o Proposed for Both
~ C"--'---
Evaluator Name ,/ .e C ( Vt (L..~r-


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

I I,-,I_7,--,II-.::;c"",y

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor'S response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional proc!uct.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the reqUirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o =; The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page I of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
~e Team Member Proposed for Criminallnte[ligence Ana[yst Services?
~Yes DNo
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
~es DNo
A. [f you are submitting a proposal for Criminal [ntelligence Ana[yst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. [n particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement. statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Abi[ity to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'. .

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qua[ifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) -:::J.-

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
ence Analyst-Lead Services
2. Team Memb er Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intellig
t Lead Services?
Is the Team Membe r Propos ed for Criminal Intelligence Analys
DYes DNo
experie nce?
Do the certificates of comple tion/pro of of training match the claimed
DYes 0 No

t-Lead Services, identify

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analys
s under the potential contract, indicating the
Consultant Team Membe r(s) who will provide service
In particu lar please provide information on
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel.
nce and training in the following areas:
proposed Consu ltant Team Membe r experie
ment, statisti cal analysis or a related field.
• Formal educat ion in criminal justice, law enforce
l intellige nce analys is
• Work experie nce in national security or crimina
• Specialized intellig ence analysis training
• Ability to use Micros oft Office Suite software

r(s), which include information on the

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Membe
nce, significant accomplishments and
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experie
tion or other proof of specialized
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of comple
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Membe r Qualific
Raw Score (1-10)

Page 3 of3
Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name DQ~Y"-~~J ~L(,!l.1o(\)s ~e. Vendor NumberJ.Q.

Team Member Name K; V. Gm to Q co

~ Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
)ceLt! .
o Proposed for Both ~
Evaluator Name ~ {V2M,Q.J
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the inform' y law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evalu"'...:"'.n ......

Signature ----,.£'--Pv.f----7,.",.h"'-'=-='---- Date.-.:h-,-'1~--,-IfllL----=.clf_

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product. _
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page I of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
~Yes DNo
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
~es DNo
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such perSonnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
' . Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intel1igence analyst training with the resumes'. .

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) "']

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page20f3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
DYes DNo
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
DYes 0 No
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who 'willprovide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 3 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
No. Company UBI POC Title POC First POC Last Address City State Zip Phone Fax E-mail Tm Title Tm First Tm Last
1 Network Transport Engine, 602580868 Mr. Micheal Dorsey 3300 NE 11 Ridgefield WA 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167 Mr. Nicholas Jones
2 Nighthawk Analytical (i02117883Mr. Harry Hansen 27306 SE 'Sammami, WA 98075 (206) 940-0235 nighthawkanall'!ical@ Mr. Harry Hansen
3 Dan K. Melton 602559115 Mr. Dan Melton Mr. Dan Melton
4 Michael R. Chamness 602111069 Mr. Michael Chamness 8280 NE B Bainbridge WA 98110 (360) 551-2183 mchamnes@leo.gov Mr.: Michael Chamness
5 Chad R. Melton 5 602558289 Mr. Chad Melton c Mr. Chad Melton
6 KSNK Enterprise 602373741 Mr. Kenneth Crow PO Box 77 Issaquah WA 98027 (425) 837-0229 (425)837-0229 kcrow@ais-seattle.ccMr. Ken Crow
7 Kristof Analysis & Investig' 602877420 Mr. John Kristof 7326 46th. Seattle WA 98115 (206) 262-2382 (206) 473-8736 jkristof@leo.gov Ms. John Kristof
8 Intelligence Acumen Mr. James Ward 7008 258tr Graham WA 98338 (253) 232-6378 James Ward
9 Centra Technology Inc. 52-1405842 Ms. Eileen O'Sullivan 25 Burlingt Burlington MA 1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osullivane@centram, Ms. Amy Kanawi
9c Centra Technology Inc. Ms. Olivia Goodman
9d Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Nathan Miller
ge Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Michael Steinberg
9f Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Evan Waidley
9g Centra Technology Inc. Ms. Victoria Allen

10a Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Larm 4227 Soutt Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564 doug.larm@ol2eratior Mr. Dennis Gerber
10b Operational Applications Ms. Sara Lacy
10c Operational Applications Ms. Kathleen Almquist
10d Operational Applications Ms. Kia Graham
10e Operational Applications Ms. Neoma Skye
11 The Confluence Group Inc 20-4527781 602589963 Mr. Luis Vega 2829 Ruck Everett WA 98201 (425) 212-3500 (425)212-3535 Ivega@confluencecaIMr. David Malinowski
11a The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Brinkley Harrell
11b The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Bob Korter
11c The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Francisco .olivarez
11d The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Carlos Alvarez
11e The Confluence Group Inc Ms. Alice Switzer

No. Company UBI POC Title POC First POC Last Address City State Zip Phone Fax E-mail Tm Title Tm First Tm Last
1 Network Transport Engine, 602580868 Mr. Micheal Dorsey 3300 NE 11 Ridgefield WA 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167 Mr. Nicholas Jones
8 Intelligence Acumen Mr. James Ward 7008 258tr Graham WA 98338 (253) 232-6378 .(Mr. James Ward
9 Centra Technology Inc. 52-1405842 Ms. Eileen O'SUllivan 25 Burlingt Burlington MA 1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osullivane@centram'Ms. Amy Kanawi
9a Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Steve Mazel
9b Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Scott Whippo
10 Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Larm 4227 Soutt Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564 doug.larm@operatiorMr. Bill Evans
' ..

Responsive Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost Pis (' Eval 1 Eval2 Eval3 Quest Rav Quest {70 Ref 1
Yes $44.00 $44.00
Ref 2
$44.20 $44.20 $44.10 13.54
Yes 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 56.00 45.00 50.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94
Yes 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 38.00 40.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94
Yes $50.00 $50.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 0.00 0.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 41.00 47.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 7.00 7.00 49.00
Yes 7.00 7.00 47.00 42.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94
.Yes 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 44.00 44.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 7.00
Yes $37.50 $39.00
6.00 6.00 _ 6.33 44.33 44.00 45.00
$40.56 $42.18 $39.81 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 50.00 50.00
$48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $50.76
$48.34 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $50.76
$48.34 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDR EW $50.76
$48.34 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27
Yes $50.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 47.00 47.00
$52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27
Yes $48.00
8.00 8.00 7.00 7.67 53.67 50.00 0.00
$50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71
Yes 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 50.00 46.00
$48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71 7.00
Yes $50.00
7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 50.00 46.00
$52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27
No 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.33 51.33 0.00 43.00

Responsi\ Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost Pts (15)

Evall Eval2 Eval3 Quest Rav Quest (70 Ref 1 Ref2
Yes $51.00 $51.00 $52.00 $52.00 $51.50 17.48
Yes $40.50 $42.12 $43.80 $45.56 $43.00 20.93
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 45.00 50.00
Yes 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 28.00 50.00 50.00
$58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDR EW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00 $64.50 13.95
8.00 7.00 8.00 7.67 53.67 50.00 50.00
Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 p Total Seorl
47.00 47.33 14.20 83.74
37.00 38.33 11.50 58.44
0.00 0.00 0.00 46.94
49.00 45.67 13.70 67.64
45.00 44.67 13.40 74.34
28.00 38.67 11.60 58.54
47.00 45.33 13.60 69.88
47.00 49.00 14.70 78.70

45.00 46.33 13.90 60.17

44.00 31.33 9.40 74.33
46.00 47.33 14.20 67.91
0.00 32.00 9.60 70.31
42.00 28.33 8.50 71.10

Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 pt Total Scar.

47.00 47.33 14.20 56.20
47.00 49.00 14.70 42.70
50.00 50.00 15.00 68.67

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Exhibit B


One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted
with the Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances
were signed by a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.

@ 4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

@ Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00pm on November 14, 2008.

@ The Consultant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington.

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any
proposed Consultant Team Member(s):

Has previously served as an intelligence analyst for a minimum of two (2) years either in
a Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement
intelligence unit; or, has a Bachelor's degree or higher college degree in criminal justice,
law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field that substitutes for the work
experience requirement; arid

Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline

proficiency in intelligence analYSis and production. .

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates
that any proposed Consultant Team Member: .

Has four years of progressively responsible work experience in either in a Federal

intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit;

Possess a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; or, an Associates'

degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or related field from an
accredited college or university; and

Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline

proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed
Consultant Team Members does not exceed $50.00.

@ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services the hourly reimbursement rate for
proposed Consultant Team Member does not exceed $60.00.

@ The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for every
Consultant Team Member proposed for work. The form is Signed by each respective
proposed Consultant Team Member.

Proposal provided 90 days of acceptance of its terms from the due date of proposals.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

@ operational
APplications Inc
Submitted In Response to State of WashingtonlWashington State Patrol
Request for Qualifications/Quotations (RFQQ) No. C090433PSC

Criminallnteliigence Analyst Services

MUV 1 ~ ?n08

',:;. -, '-.; - ,: -
; ~-- .. ~,"
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Table of Contents

Section Page

Table of Contents...... .......................................................................................... 2

1.0 - Letter of Submittal.............................. ......................................................... 3

2.0 - Certifications and Assurances (Exhibit A to RFQQ) ...................... " ...... ... ... ...... ... 5

3.0 - Response to Questionnaire (Exhibit C to RFQQ)........................................... ...... 6

3.1 - Team Members Qualifications/Experiences with Resumes ................................. 6

3.2 - Team Member Qualifications/Experiences: Lead Service with Resume........... ... 27

3.3 - References........................................................................................... 34

3.4 - Related Information.................................................................................. 40

3.5 - Waiver and Authorization to Release Information .... " ... ... ... ...... ............ ...... ..... 40

4.0 - Quotation (Exhibit D to RFQQ) .......................................................................... 41

5.0 - Waiver and Authorization to Release Information (Exhibit E to RFQQ) ....................... 42

Tab A - Tea~ Member's Certificates of Intelligence Analyst Training ....... , ........................ .48

Criminallhteliigence Analyst Services

2 @ Qperational
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 1.0


Ms. Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator

Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia, Washington 98504-2602

Operational Applications Incorporated is pleased to submit this proposal in response to the

State of WashingtonlWashington State Patrol Request for Qualifications/Quotations (RFQQ)
Number C090433PSC soliciting consultants that can provide criminal intelligence analyst
services at the Washington Joint Analytical Center housed in the Seattle Field Office of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Operational Applications Incorporated is currently a sole-proprietorship company established in

2006. As an emerging consulting enterprise, Operational Applications focuses on effects-based
planning and operations bringing vision, innovation and solutions to contemporary intelligence
and analytical challenges. The approach offered under this proposal encompasses a six-
member team-based criminal intelligence analyst service involving military intelligence expertise
under wartime operations, law enforcement experience, counterintelligence credentials,
intelligence operations' planning proficiency and extensive operational training in all-source and
single source intelligence disciplines supporting fusion analyses.

Operational Applications Incorporated will administratively support the proposed six-member

criminal intelligence analyst team with a project management expert to ensure the contract
business processes do not encumber or distract from the daily work performances expected of
the intelligence analysts. This single-point-of-contact offers WSP with the maximum flexibility in
achieving streamline efficiency in financial reimbursements and contract administration.
Further, there is no cost impact to WSP for this administrative project management.

As a team concept, the proposed criminal intelligence analyst-lead service is empowered by

Operational Applications Incorporated as the company's Director of Intelligence Operations to
gain and maintain continuity of operations with the company's analysts. This approach provides
WSP with maximum intelligence production efficiency and knowledge management.

Submitted this day by Doug Larm, Proprietor, Operational Applications Incorporated:

Signatur!iat4t~' __- -

Title P{2(j;fI{)CJAf/ Date (DDIMMIYY)

SI tJ;: -JILtJt£i~~ !?/;~r

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

3 @
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 1.0


1.1 - Attachment

Mr. Doug Larm, Proprietor

Operational Applications Incorporated
4227 South Meridian
Mailing Address Suite C366
Puyallup, Washington 98373
13405 1591h Street Court East
Physical Address
Puyallup, Washington 98374
Telephone Number (253) 226-9564
E-Mail Address doug.larm@operationalapplications.com
FederallD Number or EIN30-0369267
UBI 602632122
Consultant Status Sole Proprietorship

. Operational Applications Incorporated is proud to identify the company employees proposed for
work as criminal intelligence analysts:

Bill Evans Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Service

Dennis Gerber Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Sara Lacy Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Kathleen Almquist Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Kia Graham Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Neoma Skye Criminal Intelligence Analyst

Submitted this day by Doug Larm, Proprietor, Operational Applications Incorporated:

Title ,i)1ti%!MJVI Date (DDIMMIYY)

JI tE ~lltrJj>t2/&"lE- 1Jj;Ij&t

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

4 @ Qperational
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 2.0


l/we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance
with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. IIwe declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However,
I/we may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 90 days following receipt, and it may be
accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of
certainty in key terms) at any time within the 90-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, I/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the
state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract,
and who was assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these
assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5. IIwe understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of
this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and I/we claim no proprietary right to
the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have
not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by himlher
prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7. I/we agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation
contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. If there are
any exceptions to these terms, I/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached
to this document.

8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to
submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

9. l/we certify that neither the Proposer nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in any
contract resulting from this procurement by any federal department or agency. Further, if
awarded a contract the Proposer agrees not to enter into any arrangements or other contracts
with any party that is on the "General Service Administration List of Parties Excluded from
Federal Procurement or Non-procurement Programs" which can be found at www.epls.gov.

S<J"'.~"'_=' ~~__
Title p;l.(?J'/j)r;;V7 Date (DDIMMfYY)

SOU? -;MO,.4(I~;tJ-< r$1J/dY

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit A)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

5 @ operatiOnal .
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0


3.1 - Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst


Our team members possess special qualifications, unique personal attributes and measurable
knowledge, skills and abilities required to succeed in supporting intelligence efforts by local,
regional and federal agencies. Our team-based approach integrates individual skills, training
and experiences into a high performing, mature and cohesive work unit focused on common
. goals: collaborate, cooperate, communicate and achieve. Our team-based approach benefits
Washington State by building a stronger workplace community ready to initiate professional
criminal intelligence analytical service and support at the start of contract work beginning day
. one.

All of the Operational Applications intelligence analysts meet, and with most of the
reqUirements, exceed the minimal standards established by the RFQQ. A further enhancement
of our team-based approach is our demonstrative work history, training and experience
surpassing the Department of Justice Minimum Criminal Intelligence Training Standards
Findings and Recommendations dated October 2007. For example, our proposed team
cumulatively consists of:

• Direct interrogation experience dealing with suspected terrorists

• Extensive intelligence support to US military combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
• Comprehensive knowledge, understanding and experience with federal, state and local
law enforcement agencies and with private businesses and public organizations security
• Consistent and proven work history in intelligence analysis, collection management and
dissemination, and in using advanced analytical techniques, processes and assessment
• Well-rounded experience with international, national, strategic, operational and tactical
level intelligence agencies, organizations and systems
• Over 57 years of direct, relevant work experience in collecting, interpreting, analyzing,
and processing raw data and information from multiple sources, disciplines and agencies
• Substantiated expertise in writing, collating, and disseminating intelligence reports, daily
briefs and periodic assessments
• Proven background in developing web-based information and knowledge portals
• Credentialed counter-intelligence special agents
• Operational insights and established contacts with other fusion center analysts, security
specialists, and officials in other state, local and federal agencies, private industry and
public resources
• Full spectrum of experience at adapting and utilizing military intelligence analytical tools
and methodology to non-traditional military operations such as combating terrorism and
organized crime
• Power users and program experts in Microsoft Office applications, software
programming languages, visualization and geographic information programs
• All team members possessing current federal level security clearances based on
favorable background checks

.Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

6 @ Qperational
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.1.1 - Dennis Gerber

Background: Dennis Gerber is a professional intelligence operations

analyst with an extensive law enforcement background encompassing
over twenty-four years in Washington State culminating with thirteen
years as Renton Police Commander. As a former King County Regional
Intelligence Analyst, he merged law enforcement operational insights with
ongoing intelligence research, investigations and special projects. He
assisted other regional intelligence analysts with research, investigative
leads and liaison with outside individuals, organizations and agencies.
He established contacts with fusion center analysts, security speCialists,
and officials in other state, local and federal agencies, private industry
and public resources to obtain and exchange information. He analyzed
information to determine relevance, significance and applicability to ongoing King County law
enforcement operations. He developed additional clarifying information in order to provide
precise, specialized or customized information to meet both stated and unrealized analytical
needs of the county. He researched, reviewed, interpreted and integrated a variety of finished
and unfinished intelligence into a structured, multi·layered analytical product enhancing King
County's situational awareness and understanding of contemporary and potential terror acts
and emerging organized crime activities against regional jurisdictions, critical infrastructure,
services and the county at large.

• Formal education: Master in Public Administration and MBA; BA in Political Science
(application courses in statistical analysis and research)
• National security work experience: three years as a King County regional intelligence
analyst supporting the Washington Joint Analytical Center
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: two years as adjunct instructor for
Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs basic intelligence course (Role of
Intelligence Analyst); completed WASPC basic intelligence course, Foundations of
Intelligence Analysis Training and Drug Intelligence Analysis in 2006
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over fifteen years daily proficiency in
substance, organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication
developed through Microsoft Office suite applications

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

7 @ operational
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Dennis Gerber's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an MEETS Requirement Served three years as an intelligence analyst supporting
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two King County Regional Intelligence Group
years either in a federal intelligence agency,
the military or state and/or local law
enforcement intelligence unit
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCeEDS Requirement. Completed basic intelligence analyst training sponsored
training to ensure baseline proficiency by Washington Association of Sheriff's and Police Chiefs (WASPC); served two
years as adjunct instructor for basic WASPC intelligence course (Role of
Intelligence Analyst); completed the Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training.
sponsored by IALEIA and LEIU, the Drug Intelligence Analysis training through the
National Drug Intelligence Center and i2 Analysts Notebook training in 2006; also
completed Law Enforcement Intelligence Toolbox training sponsored by the School
of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University and the Department of Homeland
Security in 2007 and completed Call Analysis Training through Pen-Link in 2008
ProfICient in the use of Microsoft Office EXCeeDS Requirement. Over fifteen years hands-on experience with Microsoft
Suite applications Office products in stand-alone and networked environments; demonstrable
proficiency using PowerPoint, Access/Excel and Word for intelligence and criminal
investigative presentations, studies, analyses, and briefings

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement Possesses a current Department of Justice Top Secret
security cfearance level security clearance

Resume: Dennis Gerber is a dedicated intelligence analyst combining extensive law

enforcement background with three years of specialized experience in searching, extracting and
analyzing raw data and information for relevance, significance and applicability to King County's
regional intelligence work objectives. His background enables him to bridge the intelligence
gaps with detectives, sheriffs and other investigative officers throughout statewide law
enforcement agencies. He is suited to provide the intelligence analyst team with case
management awareness and with coordinating information needs ariSing from project activities.
Over the last three years as an intelligence analyst, he has conducted research using various
organizations internal databases and shared resulting data in order to clarify, substantiate or
discover investigative leads.

• Professional Experience

Intelligence Analyst, King County Sheriff's Office/Criminallnvestigations Division, 2005~9/08

Performed as one of three intelligence analysts supporting the Washington Joint Analytical
Center's Regional Intelligence Group 6. Responsible for infusing an all crimes approach with
emerging analytical processes to determine potential links and connections to terrorism,
organized crime and all other criminal acts. Collected information, synthesized relevant data
and established situational evidence into potential criminal investigative facts in order tei
determine trends and provide intelligence feedback.

Investigator, Yarmuth, Wilsdon & Calfo PLLC, 2002-2005

Performed as an Investigator for a Seattle-based attorney's firm. This firm focused on trial and
appellate work, dispute resolution, and counsel and advice in both civil and white-collar criminal
cases_ As an Investigator, worked on illegal satellite piracy for DircTV, utilizing the Digital
Millennium Act. Also worked on the illegal downloading and file sharing of copyrighted music for
the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) under the Federal Copyright Act.

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Police Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Patrol Services Division, 1995-2000

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for all motorcycle officers, accident

reconstruction investigators, fatality accident investigations, animal control and parking
enforcement. Commanded 21 man multi-agency Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT).
Commanded one of four SWAT teams implemented during the 1999 World Trade Organization
conference in Seattle. Provided venue security for Heads of State and world diplomats.
Provided leadership and direction for law enforcement action under extreme riot like conditions.
Implemented and managed Police Services contract for the City of Newcastle. Interim Police
Chief for the City of Newcastle overseeing all aspects of the police department. Worked closely
with the Newcastle City Manager and council members.

Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Administrative Services Division, 1993-1995

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for coordinating and providing all aspects of
training for the police department. Commanded the department's crime prevention program that
provided numerous community outreach programs. Commanded the Drug Abuse Resistance
Education (DARE) and Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT) programs. This
required a close working relationship with all educators and school administrators alike. These
programs provided drug and gang training to thousands of school children. Supervised all
recruitment for the agency and provided all background investigations on new police
candidates. Provided research and development on new equipment and technologies.
Directed a volunteer staff of over 50 personnel.

Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Patrol Operations Division, 1989-1993

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for First Watch, Second Watch and Third
.Watch patrol shifts, directing over 60 uniformed officers. Commanded the K-9 Units as well as
the Bicycle Patrol Unit. Served as an Administrative Member on the Renton Police Department
Review Board. Participated in the oversight and review of all officer-involved shootings, motor
. vehicle accidents and other problematic officer-involved incidents.

Acting Deputy Chief, City of Renton Police Department, Support Services Bureau, 1992-1993

Performed as Bureau Commander responsible for the Administrative Services Division,

AUXiliary Services Division and the Records Division. Support Services Bureau responsibilities
included Training, Crime Prevention, DAR.E., Recruitment, Records, Jail, Evidence, and
Accreditation (Both State & National). Served as an Administrative Member on the Renton
Police Department Review Board.

Commander, City of Renton Police Department, Auxiliary Services Division, 1987-1989

Performed as a Division Commander responsible for Jail, Inmate Health and Welfare, Weapons
Permits, Fingerprints and Evidence. Commanded a jail that provided over 30 outside agency
contracts for jail services. This included federal, state, tribal and local agencies. Responsible
for providing and processing all weapon permit requests as well as providing background
investigations on weapon permit applicants. Provided fingerprint processing on all bookings
and arrests as well as all school teachers within the district as required by law and all other
license applicants such as masseuses. Responsible for the evidence collection and processing
of all crime scenes.

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• Education

Master of Public Administration/MPA, City University, Seattle, WA, 1982

Master of Business Administration/MBA, City University, Seattle, WA, 1982

Bachelor of Arts - Political Science, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, 1979

• Job-Related Training

Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, Executive Level Certificate, Seattle,
WA, 1995

NW Law Enforcement.Executive Command College, Port Ludlow, WA, 1995

Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy, Quantico, VA, 1994

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3.1.2 - Sara Lacy

Background: Sara Lacy is a West Point graduate and a professional

intelligence analyst with over ten years of military intelligence experience
encompassing human intelligence, counter-intelligence and technical
aviation operations in support of Army intelligence programs in Iraq,
Korea, Germany and stateside assignments. She has performed as a
senior intelligence analyst with responsibility for cross-functional
intelligence cycle processes including synchronizing requirements,
analyzing raw data and disseminating timely information in a clear and
understandable format. As a senior intelligence officer supporting Army
operations in Iraq, she has tracked Iraqi ground forces, analyzed the Sara Lacy
placement of units, and provided substantive input to the senior military
. collection manager for synchronizing tactical reconnaissance operations and national
intelligence assets in northern Iraq. This support, called Operation Northern Watch, enforced
the no-fly zone after the first Gulf War in 1991. She was responsible for identifying, confirming
and informing US Air Force and Allied pilots on potential surface-to-air missile or anti-air attack
sites. She developed a fusion process merging Top Secret human intelligence reports with
databases of other intelligence agencies mindful of emerging information security protection
requirements unfolding through her innovative use of classified, highly controlled information.
She quickly developed a professional rapport with foreign military liaisons and was so
successful in developing intelligence briefs for Turkey's General Staff Officers she was selected
by-name to repeat her short-tour assignment. As a result, the US and Allied military forces were
able to identify and quickly target hostile military positions in northern Iraq thereby saving the
lives of many transiting pilots.

• Formal education: BS in Spanish/German with minor in environmental engineering;
slated to complete BS in Information TechnologyNisual Communication spring 2009
• National security work experience: over ten years in US Army intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: graduate of US Army military intelligence
officer basic course; selected to perform as an observer/controller in US Army Europe
training center responsible for coaching, teaching and mentoring junior and senior
intelligence officers in all aspects of intelligence operations
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over ten years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications--considered expert/power-user; proficient in
MS Visio and Project; skilled in HTML and Javascript; and able to program in Java and

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Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Sara Lacy's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an EXCEEDS Requirement Over ten years progressive military intelligence service
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two with two years analytical support to Operation Northern Watch and military combat
years either in a federal intelligence agency. service in Iraq from Jan - Dec 2004
the military or and/or local law

have Army i basic I

training to ensure baseline proficiency li~~:~~~s::;::t~~~~~;~~~ri in Army Europe i center responsible for
coa,china. te and mentoring junior and senior intelligence officers in all

security clearance SecreVSpecial Background Investigation·levet security clearance

Resume: Sara Lacy is an innovative thinker and a professional intelligence analyst with over
ten years experience including wartime intelligence operations. She has performed as a
national level intelligence analyst responsible for producing country studies and other strategic
intelligence reports, as an operational level intelligence analyst responsible for finding,
identifying and locating hostile military air attack sites in northern Iraq, and as a tactical level
intelligence analyst in Korea responsible for analyzing problematic indications and warning
associated with ongoing US Forces peacekeeping operations on the Korean peninsula. Her
background supports critical work requirements for assessing information needs, identifying
analysis techniques, identifying risks, evaluating alternative solutions, identifying information
. gaps and establishing work priorities. Her wartime service contributes significant intelligence
experience in writing, collating and disseminating analytical reports, daily briefs and periodic

• Professional Experience

Company Commander [Captain (CPT), Military Intelligence (MI)], 345'h MI Battalion, Military
Intelligence Reserve Command, Jasper, AL, 2/07-3/08

Commanded the Theater Ground Intelligence Center (TGIC) support company. Responsible for
providing two combat-ready multi-discipline intelligence fusion teams which supported wartime
operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. The TGIC fusion teams are responsible for maintaining
situational awareness and situational understanding on emerging conditions existing within
assigned countries of studies in our region. We developed and maintained intelligence
preparation of the battlefield products, analytical assessments, and developed indications and
warning. Further, a major fusion team responsibility was to find and screen data potentially
indicating the presence or activities of terrorist groups that may have been operating in our
assigned region.

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Intelligence Staff Officer [CPT/MI], 345'h MI Battalion, Military Intelligence Reserve Command,
Fort Gordon, GA, 7/06-2/07

As the Intelligence Officer, responsible for ensuring personnel security and physical security of
classified documents within the battalion's area of responsibility. As part of ensuring personnel
security my team con'ducted preliminary investigations for personnel requesting security .
clearances, as well as starting the process for periodic reviews for personnel already in
possession of a valid security clearance. My team provided oversight for the maintenance oftwo
different locations secured for use with processing, transmitting and storing Secret classified
information. I conducted regular inspections to ensure that the storage facilities conformed to
published regulations and reported monthly on the status of all classified documents and
systems in these two facilities. Provided oversight for two subordinate units that maintained
Secret classified document storage safes outside of these facilities and ensured that their
procedures and storage equipment also conform.ed to published regulations.

Intelligence Staff Officer [CPT/MI], 504'h MI Brigade, Fort Hood, TX, 1/03-4/05

As an Intelligence Officer, served in Iraq from January to December 2004. Responsible for daily
reporting of personnel accountability formore than 2000 Soldiers and civilians stationed in
numerous cities, operating bases and enclaves positioned throughout Iraq. Coordinated the
Rest and Relaxation (R&R) program for the entire Brigade, ensuring that no unit fell below 90%
strength. Responsible for all casualty reporting within the Brigade. This report included all
Soldiers listed as Wounded In Action 0NIA) , Killed in Action (KIA) and Missing in Action (MIA).
My team tracked the movement of Soldiers andlor remains until final destination in the US.

Intelligence Staff Officer [CPT/MI], 4'h Brigade, 151 Infantry Division, Ansbach, Germany 9/01-

Two days before 9/11, I assumed staff duties as the senior intelligence officer in the brigade
with responsibility for keeping the commanders and senior officers informed on emerging
events, indications and warning and potential applications to our mission readiness. As the
senior brigade intelligence officer, performed as the commander's representative during the
. Force Protection Working Group meetings. These meetings, developed in the days following
9/11, focused on force protection measures for th~ee US military installations located in
Germany. These installations housed US military forces and family members as well as serving
as the garrison command locations for divisional units. Responsible for establishing the force
protection plans for these installations, for determining physical security guard rotations and for
standardizing operating procedures for guard forces at five different locations in the German
community. Additionally responsible for coaching, teaching and mentoring other intelligence
officers in the intelligence process and cycle with special emphasis on intelligence production
and dissemination focused on Army aviation operations during assignment as an
observer/controller at the largest combat maneuver training center in Germany.

Intelligence Staff Officer [CPT/MI], Iraqi Ground Forces Order of Battle Section, Operation
Northern Watch 3/01-7/01 and 4/02-5/02

Responsible for tracking Iraqi Ground Forces, analyzing the placement and movement of units,
providing input to the collection manager to facilitate the use of Tactical Reconnaissance and
National assets in Northern Iraq. Conducted weekly meetings with the senior intelligence officer
responsible for collection management as well as providing a "focus" meeting before each
mission in order to emphasize special interest ground targets. These meetings were important

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because national intelligence assets would exploit these targets. Provided detailed information
about the disposition, strength and location of Iraqi ground forces. Responsible for supporting a
section of political and military analysts coordinating with foreign military embassies in Turkey in
order to maintain situational awareness of any political situation that niight adversely, or
positively, impact Allied aviation missions over Northern Iraq. Conducted daily mission briefs for
the senior commanders and staff as well as detailed intelligence briefings for the pilots.
Exploited multiple national agency databases and monitored different classified message traffic
to synthesize current, real-time information on national imagery products. These products were
extremely useful in conjunction with various intelligence reports and data feeds to help visualize
the ground order of battle situation for the other staff members.

Platoon Leader [LieutenantlMI], B Company, 102nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 2nd Infantry
Division, Camp Essayons, Republic of Korea, 1/99-1/00

Platoon leader or officer-in-charge of a 10 Soldier team of intelligence analysts known as an

Analysis and Control Team (ACT). The ACT mission is to provide immediate, timely analysis of
battlefield events and information to a senior commander. Assisted in the development of Army
intelligence doctrine for the forming, fielding and deploying of an ACT. Responsible for .
developing training framework for the ACT that transformed into a multi-discipline extension of
an Army ground command unit in order to conduct missions in peacetime, conflict and war
against threats ranging from regional powers, warring factions, and guerilla teams. As a platoon
leader for one of the first Army ACT teams, I was responsible for creating a training structure for
the team to later include unmanned aerial vehicle imagery specialists.

• Education

University of Phoenix, BS Information TechnologyNisual Communication, spring 2009; Fort

Lewis, WA

United States Military Academy at West Point, BS Spanish/German with minor in environmental
engineering; West Point, NY, 1998

• Job-Related Training

Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course, Fort Huachuca, AZ, 1998

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3.1.3 - Kia Graham

Background: Kia Graham is a professional intelligence analyst with

over five years of military intelligence experience encompassing regional
fusion analyses including support to wartime operations in Iraq as well as
direct analytical support to over 100 strategic interrogations of high-value
human intelligence targets as a senior intelligence analyst with Joint
Task Force Guantanamo Bay-Cuba. She has progressive experience in
intelligence positions ranging from a supervisor of human intelligence
collection operations to lead intelligence analyst in a fusion analysis
section. She assisted in the creation and facilitation of an Intelligence
Information Upload Project with US Southern Command. This effort
proved critical to the management and archive storage of all information
related to detainees at Guantanamo Bay-Cuba. She possesses comprehensive knowledge of
Defense Department and Intelligence Community organizations, missions and functions. Her
experience has proven invaluable in providing her with context in understanding and working
with the inter-relationship maze associated with national and Defense Department intelligence

• Formal education: slated to complete BA in Intelligence Studies with a focus on
Terrorism in summer 2009; currently maintaining 4.0 GPA
• National security work experience: over five years in intelligence with positions in
tactical and national level organizations including as an intelligence analyst supporting
US Special Operations in Iraq in 2004-2005; experience as lead intelligence liaison with
federal law enforcement agencies, major military commands, international committees,
and other government agencies
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: graduate of US Army Counter-Intelligence
SpeCial Agent course and Joint Interrogation certification course; completed US Army
Intelligence Support in Counter-Terrorism course and US Army basic intelligence analyst
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over five years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of writlencommunication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications

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Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Kia Graham's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an ExceEDS Requirement. Over fIVe years progressive military intelligence service
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two in positions of tactical and national strategic organizations including as an
years either in a federal intelligence agency I intelligence analyst in Iraq and as a strategic analyst of all-source and finished
the military or state and/or local law intelligence products addressing transnational, international terrorism and terror-
enforcement intelligence unit related activities in support of Joint Task Force Intelligence and Interrogation

i II
training to ensure baseline proficiency Support in Counter-Terrorism Course and US Army basic
analyst course; completed jOint intelligence training on asymmetric

Office ; over years

on experience with Microsoft Office in stand-alone and networked
environments; demonstrable proficiency using PowerPoint, Access/Excel and Word
for intelligence and criminal investigative presentations, studies, analyses, and

i Background Investigation-level security clearance

Resume: Kia Graham is a US Army Reserve Counter-Intelligence Special Agent with over five
years of progressive wartime intelligence operations experience. She has supported over 100
strategic interrogations of high-value human intelligence targets as a senior intelligence analyst
with Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay-Cuba. She has created and disseminated over 100 in-
depth all-source analytical products to law enforcement, intelligence agencies and foreign
governments in her wartime support role. Her professional experience and innovative mind
enabled her to exceed the required analytical production rate three-fold. She has liaised on a
daily basis with the US military criminal investigative task force, combatant commands, Federal
Bureau of Investigation and other governmental agencies as well as with Defense Department
and Justice Department. One of her most significant wartime service contributions included the
development of over thirty terrorist targeting packets in support of collection operations and
direct action missions which resulted in the apprehension of al-Qaeda operatives, foreign
fighters, and members of the former Saddam regime.

• Professional Experience

Lead Intelligence Analyst, Fusion Analysis Section, Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
10106 - 02/08

Consistently provided timely and accurate analysis of all-source information and finished
intelligence products addressing transnational, international terrorism and terrorism-related
activities to support Joint Task Force intelligence and interrogation operations. Created and
disseminated over 100 fused in-depth all-source intelligence analysis products to law
enforcement, intelligence agencies and foreign government services. Maintained situational
awareness and understanding of emerging events described in message traffic and intelligence
products. Liaised on a regular basis with criminal investigative task force, combatant
commands, Federal Bureau of Investigation, other governmental agencies and a myriad of other
Defense Department and Justice Department organizations.

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Intelligence Analyst, Fusion Analysis SectionlGulf States Regional Team, Joint Task Force-
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 01/06 -10/06

Provided relevant, accurate and timely analy1ical support to ten human intelligence collection
teams assigned to the Gulf States region. Attended weekly coordination meetings and was a
contributing analyst to collection strategy sessions. Provided analy1ical comments on over 30
in-production intelligence information reports. Created intelligence summaries for over 80
intelligence information reports created by the Gulf States team. She reviewed and updated
over 100 detainee analy1ical support packages. Liaised with respective regional commands;
maintained collaborative processes with other fusion analysis sections.

Human Intelligence Collection Operations Supervisorllntelligence Analyst, Interrogation

Control Element North AfricalEurope Regional Team, Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, 07/04 - 11/05

She was responsible for intelligence requirements management. Provided analy1ical input for
over 50 interrogation control plans. Performed liaison and coordination planning with federal
law enforcement agencies, major military commands, international committees and other
governmental agencies. She developed all-source analy1ical products in support of North
AfricalEurope Regional Team's collection efforts. Assisted in the creation of and facilitation for
an Intelligence Information Upload Project. This project managed and archived relevant
detainee intelligence information. Selected to teach this project to senior officers. Served as a
senior military analyst for a visiting foreign delegation from an African Union member state.
Provided assessments, analyses and informational updates on selected high-value detainees.

Intelligence Operations Supervisorllntelligence Analyst, Joint Special Operations Command

Task Force 6-26, Iraq, 11/04 - 05/05

She performed specialized duties as a counter-terrorism analyst and as the Intelligence

Operations Manager for a Joint Special Operations team. Provided analy1ical support to answer
time-sensitive and critical priority information requirements. Developed over 30 terrorist
targeting packets in support of collection operations and direct action missions. This support
resulted in the apprehension of al-Qaeda operatives, foreign fighters and members of the former
Saddam regime. Generated over 2,000 intelligence-based assessments in support of tactical
planning. Developed and maintained' an all-source intelligence database in support of future
targeting operations. Performed collection management functions to include handling requests
for information, disseminating intelligence to internal and external agencies and generating
analy1ical evaluations. Lead liaison officer with federal law enforcement agencies and military
magistrates. Established document explOitation priorities and supervised accountability of all
captured enemy media, equipment and currency. Managed all movement of detainees and.
associated case evidence. Daily briefed the command and staff on all operational and
intelligence collection operations. .

• Education

American Military University, BA in Intelligence Studies with a focus on Terrorism in summer

2009; Fort Lewis, WA

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• Job-Related Training

Joint Interrogation Certification Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Huachuca,
AZ., Oct 2008

US Army Counter-Intelligence Special Agent Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School,
Fort Huachuca, AZ., Jul 2008

Intelligence Support in Counter-Terrorism Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort
Huachuca, AZ., Jun 2004

Intelligence Analyst Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., Sep

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3.1.4 - Kathleena Almquist

Background: Kathleena Almquist is an intelligence analyst with over

four years of US Army military intelligence experience and training; with
fifteen months operational experience in support of Operation Iraqi
Freedom as a member of Third Stryker Brigade Second Infantry
Division's brigade level intelligence team based out of Fort Lewis,
Washington. She will graduate with high honors and receive an
Associate in Arts and Sciences degree next month, with concentrations
in writing intensive and multicultural investigative courses. She has
received military training from the Department of Defense in intelligence
analysis and mobile warning analysis. She has completed programs in Kathleena Almquist
security management and is a graduate of the US Army Counter-Intelligence course.

• Formal education: AAS - Dec 2008 (elements of Asian Language and Culture,
intensive writing, and mathematical reasoning)
• National security work experience: over four years in US Army Intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: completed intelligence training such as the
Mobile Warning Analysis Course from the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center and
US Army Counter-Intelligence course
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over four years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications

Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant ReqUirements Kathleena Almquist's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an EXCEEOS Requirement. Over four years progressive military intelligence service
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two including over 2 years active analytical support for 3-2 Stryker Brigade in garrison,
years either in a federal intelligence agency, military combat service in Mosul, Baghdad, and 8aqubah Iraq from Jun 2006 - Sep
the military or state and/or local law 2007, and current reserve service since Feb 2008
enforcement intelliaence unit
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCEEDS Requirement. Completed US Army military intelligence advanced
training to ensure baseline proficiency individual training course; intelligence training in Mobile Warning Analysis-
indicators and warning analysis; and US Army Counter-Intelligence course

Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office MEETS Requirement. Over four years of daily PowerPoint, Access/Excel and
Suite applications Word use for intelligence presentations, studies, analyses, and briefings

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement. Possesses current Defense Department Top
security clearance Secret/Special Background Investigation-level security clearance

Criminallntelligenc" Analyst Services

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Resume: Kathleena Almquist is a US Army Reserve Military Intelligence Sergeant with over 4
years of military intelligence service. Her experience includes all-source intelligence analysis at
. the tactical level while interacting and sharing information with adjacent commands and
specialized organizations. She is confident, resourceful, and intelligent, and exceeds
expectations and requirements when accomplishing tasks. As a professional intelligence
analyst, she is capable of making timely decisions with minimal supervision. Additionally, she
communicates complex ideas in an understandable, efficient, and professional manner. She
has demonstrated the ability to create, integrate, and improve intelligence products and
procedures. Her technical expertise covers a range of intelligence functions including human
intelligence, signals intelligence, and imagery intelligence. She uses her exceptional analytical
abilities, coupled with excellent written and oral communications skills, to translate information
into a synthesized intelligence product.

• . Professional Experience

Intelligence Sergeant [Sergeant (SGT), Military Intelligence (MI)], 301 5 ' Maneuver
Enhancement Brigade (US Army Reserve), Fort Lewis, WA, 2/08 - Present

Incorporating lessons learned and knowledge acquired from real world analysis experience into
reserve intelligence analysis training and operations. Coordinating related intelligence training.
Oversees the implementation and improvement of information, operations, communications,
and personnel security procedures for the brigade. Improved security readiness immensely, with
a vast change in security awareness and a higher level of respect for security regulations and
requirements. Created and implemented Standard Operation Procedures for derogatory
information reporting and clearance processing and tracking.

Intelligence Sergeant [Specialist (SPC)/MI], 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Mosul,
Baghdad, and Baqubah, Iraq, 06/06 - 09/07

Evaluated all-source intelligence in support of counter-insurgency operations for 15 months in

Mosul, Baghdad, and Baqubah, Iraq, as the Intelligence Operations Noncommissioned Officer
in the Brigade Tactical Operations Center, contributing to exemplary mission planning and
execution. Analyzed and disseminated human, signal, and imagery intelligence of immediate
value to eight separate battalions with over four thousand soldiers, resulting in the neutralization
of numerous explosive devices and the capture of several hundred terrorist and insurgent high
value targets. Continually coordinated the production of intelligence products, and the analysis
and dissemination of current operational intelligence. Prepared and conducted thousands of
intelligence.updates to both the Brigade Deputy Commanding Officer and the Commanding
Officer, providing the necessary extensive, accurate situational awareness needed to make
decisions regarding current and future operations. Designed a daily intelligence product fusing
national, local, and special agency human intelligence reporting in a summarized and graphical
format thereby improving the platform for answering the Brigade Commanding Officer's priority
intelligence requirements. Adapted all daily intelligence operations and products to succeed in 3
separate and distinct operational environments, contributing to the security of 3 large cities in
Iraq, including Baghdad, with a population of 6.5 million. Assumed the role of S2 Battle Captain
while training and preparing incoming S2 Battle Captains and Noncommissioned Officers during
the Relief in Place and Transfer of Authority in both Mosul and Baghdad, Iraq.

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Intelligence Analyst [SPC/MI], 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team - Fort Lewis, WA, 12/04-
06/06, 09/07 - 02/08

Assisted both the Brigade Security Manager and Brigade Special Security Officer in fields as
varied as Physical Security, Information Security, Operational Security and Personnel Security.
Coordinated training for 8 battalion intelligence teams, resulting in an efficient, knowledgeable,
and compliant organization. Trained 5 soldiers to continue security operations following the
transition of all experienced intelligence analysts from the S2, ensuring the continuous security
standards within the 3 rd Stryker Brigade, 2 nd Infantry Division. Established a system for tracking
security issues, including derogatory information handling, requests for Personnel Security
Investigations, and mandatory security awareness training for the Brigade.

• Education

Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, WA, Associate's Degree - 12/2008, Major: Four-Year

Troy University, Troy, AL, 9 hours -10/2007, Major: Political Science

• Job-Related Training

Mobile Warning Analysis Course, Joint Military Intelligence Training Center, Fort Lewis, WA,

Intelligence Analyst Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort Huachuca, AZ, 2004

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3.1.5 - Neoma Skye

Background: Neoma Skye is a senior intelligence professional with

over fifteen years of progressive and diversified intelligence, counter-
intelligence, force protection and law enforcement liaison experience.
She has demonstrated expert proficiency in database research, query
creation and interpretation, and in organizing link and timeline analyses
in order to substantiate analytical conclusions. She has extensive
experience in creating and briefing over 200 force protection and
situational and threat assessment reports for deploying military
personnel. Her detailed integration for analytical mapping of terrorism
events was acknowledged as an innovative training method and was
adopted into the required intelligence briefing procedures. She has Neoma Skye
served as a senior Intelligence analyst for the Joint Task Force-
Homeland Defense where she provided counter-terrorism expertise in developing scenario
inputs for multi-agency exercises. She has led a small training team focused on anti-terrorism
and force protection tactics, techniques and procedures and was responsible for teaching
intelligence analysis methods, report writing skills and presentation techniques. She has
revised operating procedures, policies and plans; created new office forms and tracking
spreadsheets; enhanced document archiving techniques to an online collaboration library and
managed access for users of shared server files.

• Formal education: BS in Business Management (application courses in statistical
analysis and research)
• National security work experience: over 15 years in military intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: US Army credentialed Counter-Intelligence
Special Agent; completed advanced intelligence training such as Intelligence in
Combating Terrorism, Criminal Intelligence Analysis, Anti-Terrorism, Signals
Intelligence, and numerous Analysis Software Programs
• Microsoft Office software proficiency. over fifteen years daily proficiency in
substance, organization, style and correctness in all forms of written and graphic
communication developed through Microsoft Office suite applications

Meets or Exceeds Minimum RFQQ Criminallnteliigence Analyst Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Neoma Skye's Qualifications

Must have previously served as an EXCeeDS Requirement. Over 15 years progressive military and Defense
intelligence analyst for a minimum of two Department intelligence experience including three years as a defense contractor
years either in a federal intelligence agency, intelligence instructor and counter-terrorism/force protection consultant
the military or state and/or local law
enforcement intelligence unit
Must have completed intelligence analyst EXCeeDS Requirement Specialized US Army training in security, terrorism,
training to ensure baseline proficiency counter-terrorism and force protection; credentialed Counter-Intelligence Special
ProfiCient in the use of Microsoft Office EXCEEDS Requireme'nt. Considered product Power-user with over 15 years of
Suite applications daily PowerPoint, Access/Excel and Word use for intelligence presentations,
studies, analyses, and briefings in stand-alone and networked environments

Be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level MEETS Requirement Possesses current Defense Department Top
security clearance Secret/Special Background Investigation-level security clearance

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Resume: Neoma Skye is a US Army Reserve Military I ntelligence Sergeant with over 15 years
of military intelligence service including three years of defense contracting intelligence support.
She is a credentialed US Army Counter-Intelligence Special Agent. Her analytical experience
includes situation-specific, non-traditional terrorism and asymmetrical threats. She served as a
team leader for the US Army Pacific's Homeland DefenselForce Protection analysis team
responsible for fusing and interpreting intelligence, analysis and reports from numerous military,
civilian and government sectors. Additionally, as the team leader, she was responsible for
developing innovative methods for obtaining information. Her fused intelligence summary was
produced using standard military and agency analytical collaboration techniques along with non-
traditional intelligence information providers such as private security companies supporting local
retail and critical infrastructure. She researched, authored and disseminated daily analytical
reports summarizing potential terrorism related incidents and possible impacts on military
operations. In addition to situation-specific analyses, she produced general capability threat
assessments. She assisted senior military officers in writing intelligence outlook reports for
specific countries or political regions. These in-depth country reports included biographies,
conventional military threats, terror-related threats and socio-economic conditions. She was
responsible for creating and maintaining a tracking database of terrorism and counter-terrorism
incidents. This spreadsheet was used by the US Army for long-term threat analysis and was
incorporated in the intelligence portion of the senior commander's annual force protection and
risk assessment report.

• Professional Experience

Senior Counter-Intelligence Agent, 373'd Military Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve),
Tlimwater, WA, 1/08 - Present

Serves as Counterintelligence team leader in a Reserve Component Military Intelligence

Company. She is responsible for individual and team-based multi-discipline intelligence .
collection and counterintelligence support for operational and tactical military operations. She is
responsible for mission execution, training, personnel and logistics readiness of her team and
other subordinates ensuring they are prepared for world-wide deployments in support of the
nation's effort to fight terrorism. She also assists with coordination of mission"related training for
intelligence personnel to increase their understanding of intelligence operations, processes and
systems. Due to her analytical background and instruction skills, her peers and senior leaders
often acknowledge her as a subject matter expert within the company on counterintelligence
analysis and systems training.

Senior Counter-Intelligence Agent, 500th Military Intelligence Brigade, Schofield Barracks, HI


Developed 2-hour in-depth security briefing (to include topics on subversion and espionage,
operational security and terrorism awareness) for yearly training requirement. Presented briefing
over 20 times to over 1800 soldiers and civilians within six months. Assisted in personal security
background investigations, national security crime investigations, vulnerability assessments,
and other authorized counter-intelligence operations. Reviewed and edited counterintelligence
reports for accuracy, content and validity. Developed course curriculum and conducted
beginning and advanced counter-intelligence investigation and counter-terrorism analysis
training for Army Reserve soldiers. Served as Counterintelligence Special Projects NCO and
assisted senior executives with personnel management analysis, reports reviews and liaison
with subordinate counterintelligence offices. Designed, coordinated, and executed two separate
soldier knowledge and skills competitions for Hawaii and the Pacific Region; winners advanced

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to national region competition. Organized a filing and documentation system in the training
section in order to increase processing and tracking of training requests and completions for
500 solders in subordinate units. Requested by Special Security Office to tailor existing MS
Access database to meet changing needs of security section and allow for tracking of security
clearance information and training records for over 800 soldiers and civilians in the unit. As the
Brigade counter-intelligence and training representative, attended planning conference for Joint
US, Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada counter-intelligence/human intelligence exercise.

Training Developer 1 Intelligence Instructor (Corporate), The Sytex Group, Incorporated,

Camp H.M. Smith, HI, 12104-04/05

. Conducted training development analysis through panels and surveys to ascertain end-user
needs, increase usability and determine relevance of training materials and testing criteria.
Developed and revised job qualification requirement handbooks, training modules and exams
for nine Pacific Command intelligence watch officer positions. Redesigned training website
homepage to include designing webpage materials, links and graphics.

Counter-Terrorism and Force Protection Analyst (Corporate), Science Applications

International Corporation, 205'" MI BN Analysis & Control Element, Ft. Shafter, HI, 10/03-11/04

Led and instructed a five-person Anti-terrorism 1 Force Protection team; prepared and instructed
soldiers in beginning and advanced counterintelligence methods, use of technology systems,
analytical tools and methods, and presentation 1 reporting skills. Performed the collection,
analysis, processing and dissemination of information derived from multiple resources to answer
intelligence requirements specifically focused on the homeland defense, force protection, and
asymmetric threats posed by foreign intelligence services, unconventional warfare forces,
terrorist organizations and other extremist groups. Performed research and analysis on terrorist
groups in the US Pacific Command's Area of Responsibility (USPACOM AOR) for Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield purposes to support US Army Pacific's (USARPAC) operational
planning directives. Compiled and presented over 200 country intelligence and situational
awareness and force protection briefings, project status briefings, special situational reports and
threat assessment decision briefs for deploying USARPAC personnel and senior staff.
Researched, compiled and updated weekly force protection, threat and incident reports for 33
countries in support of USARPAC deployed forces within the USPACOM AOR. Served as
counterintelligence watch officer at the USARPAC Crisis Action Center; provided weekly
incident threat briefings and force protection reports to combined directorate watch office
personnel. Collaborated with general intelligence analysts to developed country update
briefings, assess recent events or political changes in relation to terrorism threats. Gathered
intelligence and developed country-specific reports and briefings of terrorist threats in the
USPACOM AOR to support Anti-terrorism 1 Force Protection and counter-terrorism operations.
Completed 160 hours of USPACOM AOR-specific intelligence operations and analysis training

Counter-Intelligence Agent, US Army Pacific (USARPAC), Intelligence Directorate, Fort

Shafter, HI, 9/01-10103

Developed and maintained USARPAC Counter-intelligence/Counter-terrorism incident database

and conducted comparative statistical analysis and research to facilitate threat reporting and
force protection assessments. Wrote counterterrorism input scenarios for mUlti-agency
exercises and provided intelligence support to USARPAC and PACOM exercises. Performed

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as the USARPAC liaison to the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force-Pacific (JTIF-P); facilitated the
smooth transfer of intelligence and community threat awareness reporting responsibilities from
the Joint Rear Area Coordination-Hawaii to the JTIF-P. Established working relationships with
over 20 JTIF-P member agencies including Honolulu Police Department, State Civil Defense,
US Attorney's Office 1 Anti-terrorism Task Force, Department of Public Safety, US Secret
Service, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE), TSA, FBI and Defense
Department's sister intelligence agencies. Assisted Defense Department analysis team at JTIF-
P in daily counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism analysis and reporting. Ensured maximum
intelligence sharing between Defense Department, state, local and foreign agencies by creating
and updating web-based open-source intelligence products; maintained website dissemination
lists and new member enrollments to maximize dissemination. Served as the HUMINT
operations cell officer for one of the region's largest military exercises, coordinating three
HUMINT team's collection operations, creating intelligence reports and submitting requests for
information to lluPport exercise-related intelligence analYSis and production. Completed a 40
hour Collection Management overview training course, integrating knowledge into daily
intelligence gathering abilities and production tasking requests.

Senior Counter-Intelligence Agent, 368th Military Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve),
Fort Shafter, HI, 10/95-10101

Served as a senior team leader for assigned counter-intelligence personnel. Conducted initial
and refresher training on counter-intelligence operations, report writing and analYSis for
subordinates and peers. Selected as primary briefer for all security-related briefings to outside
units and senior personnel. Attended both Basic and Advanced level Non-Commissioned
Officers Courses for military intelligence disciplines. Completed Basic course as Honor
Graduate and Advanced course with cumulative score of 95%. Acknowledged by instructors in
both courses for superior research ability, analytical approach to problems and small group
leadership skills. Completed counter-intelligence special agent course that taught the basic
skills, concepts, principles and techniques required to perform tactical and strategiC counter-
intelligence investigations and operations. As Honor Graduate exceeded course standards by
graduating in the top 10% of the class and was certified by the Department of the Army as a
credentialed Counter-Intelligence Special Agent.

Electronic Warfare & Signals Intelligence Analyst 1 Cambodian Linguist, US Army, 733rd
Military Intelligence Battalion, Schofield Barracks, HI, 9/92-12194

Excelled as Mission Manger and linguistic expert during a highly volatile Southeast Asian
political situation of global interest. Continually recalled outside normal working hours to guide
mission efforts and translate messages. Kept US policy makers informed, allowing them to
make intelligentand timely decisions regarding US foreign policy to Southeast Asia. Performed
as a signals intelligence analyst for Southeast Asia Air Operations section, writing over 100
national-level and critically sensitive reports. Served on a special intelligence project committee
composed of national level experts. Provided valuable advice and linguistic expertise, ensuring
a successful'conclusion to the project. Honored as the first junior enlisted soldier to certify as
an intelligence analyst in newly created joint-service analysis branch and further trained three
senior non-commissioned officers to assume analyst pOSitions. Performed research and
analysis with continual adherence to US Army and Joint intelligence time-sensitive reporting
requirements, regulations and handbooks. Trained and mentored both Army and Air Force
personnel on the use of joint service computer programs, intelligence analysis and reporting

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• Education

University of Phoenix, Maui, HI, Bachelor's Degree - 3/01, Major: Business Management

Advanced Non-Commissioned Officers Course, US Army Intelligence School, Fort Huachuca,


• Job-Related Training

The Starlight Operator's Course (Information Visualization System), 40 Hrs, Battelle

Corporation, Fort Shafter, HI, 2004

ArcGIS (Geographic Mapping) Software Certified User Course, 40 Hrs, Battelle Corporation,
Fort Shafter, HI, 2004 .

National Intelligence Familiarization Conference, 40 hrs, Intelligence and Security Command,

Washington, DC, 2003

Anti-Terrorism Officer'S Course - ATIFP Level II, 40 hrs, United States Army Military Police
School, Ft. Leonard Wood, MS 2003

Intelligence Analysts' Online Tools, 32 hrs, Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific, San
Diego, CA, 2002

Criminal Intelligence Analysis Training Course, 40 hrs, The Alpha Group Center, Montclair, CA,

Mobile Collection Managers Course, 40 hrs, Joint Military Intelligence Training Center,
Washington, DC, 2002

Intelligence in Combating Terrorism Course, 80 hrs, US Amy Intelligence Center and School,
Fort Huachuca, AZ, 2002

Pacific Intelligence Analysis Curriculum, 40 Hrs, Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific, San
Diego, CA, 2001

US Army Counter-Intelligence SpeCial Agent Course, 6 weeks, US Army Intelligence Center &
School, Fort Huachuca, AZ, 1997

US Army Signals Intelligence Analyst Course, 16 weeks, US Air Force, 3480'h Technical
Training Wing, Goodfellow Air Force Base, TX, 1992

US Army Cambodian Basic Language Course, 47 weeks, Defense Language Institute, Presidio
of Monterey, CA, 1992

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3.2 - Team Member QualificationslExperience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-

Lead Service

3.2.1 - Bill Evans

Our intelligence analyst-lead service is a strong and visionary leader. Our approach is to have
our senior intelligence analyst lead by doing, coaching, teaching and mentoring. He has a
proven track record for transformational leadership-motivating a team to be efficient and
effective in an emerging and challenging environment.

Background: Bill Evans is a professional senior intelligence analyst

and intelligence supervisor with over twenty years of US Army military
intelligence experience and training; with over four yearsas a counter-
intelligence specialist overseas and in support of First Corps'
intelligence staff at Fort Lewis, Washington. He possesses a BA in
Political Science and is a Distinguished Graduate of the US Army's
Basic Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence, and Advanced Intelligence
Analysis and Operations courses. He has received advanced military
training as a strategic counter-intelligence officer and is a graduate of
several Department of Defense strategic operations and plans courses.
He has completed extensive special training programs in security
management, interviewing and interrogation, terrorism and counter-terrorism. At Fort Lewis, he
supervised a large group of intelligence analysts handling a myriad of complex issues and
provided expert input to First Corps' intelligence program management and policy decisions.
He planned and directed intelligence analytical activities to support First Corps' mission and
work priorities. He determined goals and objectives; prepared short and long-range work plans
and schedules. He assisted the First Corps' senior intelligence staff officer and military brigade
commander by identifying, prioritizing and establishing deadlines of work to be completed by
subordinate intelligence analysts. He provided direction and guidance to analysts in resolving
issues and other problems encountered during aSSigned projects: He reviewed intelligence
reports, daily briefs and periodiC assessments for relevance, significance, validity and potential
applications to countering terrorism acts and organized crimes against Fort Lewis, First Corps
and Defense Department jurisdictions, critical infrastructure, services and the Army community
at large. In this capacity, he supported the Army's chain of command in developing First Corps'
intelligence poliCies and procedures to accomplish necessary improvements for enhancing
routine or highly specialized intelligence work performance requirements.

• Formal education: BA in Political Science (application courses in statistical analysis
and research)
• National security work experience: over twenty years in US Army intelligence
• Specialized intelligence analysis training: US Army credentialed Counter-Intelligence
Special Agent; completed advanced intelligence training such as Intelligence in
Combating Terrorism, Strategic Approaches to Counter-Intelligence, Advanced
Applications of Intelligence Techniques, Senior Cryptologic Course at National Security
Agency and Reserve Component National Security Course at the National Defense
• Microsoft Office software proficiency over ten years daily proficiency in substance,
organization, style and correctness in all forms of written communication developed
through Microsoft Office suite applications

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Meets or Exceeds RFQQ Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Service Requirements:

RFQQ Consultant Requirements Bill Evans' Qualifications

Four years of progressively responsible EXCEEDS Requirement. Over 20-years distinguished progressive military
work experience in either a federal intelligence service with over four years as counter-intelligence special agent at
intelligence agency, the military or state Fort Lewis and with over two years experience supervising investigative activities
and/or local Jaw enforcement intelligence of 100 US Army Special Agents overseas

training to ensure baseline proficiency

i use
Suite applications

Top Secret level

security clearance Background rev"lid"ted in 2008

Resume: Bill Evans is a professional intelligence analyst, a credentialed Counter-Intelligence

Special Agent, and a US Army Reserve Military Intelligence Officer with over 20 years of military
service. His experience includes management and staff assignments at the tactical, operational
and strategic levels in locations around the world including Egypt, Germany and Africa. He is
personable, persuasive, and confident in interacting with joint, national and international
agencies. He has a demonstrated ability to design and implement organizational, operational
and management problem solving techniques. His technical expertise covers a wide range of
intelligence functions including counter-intelligence, human intelligence and signals intelligence.
He uses his exceptional analytical abilities, coupled with excellent written and oral
communications skills, to translate information into an actionable intelligence product.

• Professional Experience

Battalion Commander [Lieutenant Colonel (LTCl. Military Intelligence (Mil]. 373rd Military
Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve), Tumwater, WA, 8/07 - Present

Bill Evans commands a Reserve Component Military Intelligence Battalion. He is responsible

for providing combat-ready multi-discipline intelligence collection and counterintelligence
support for operational and tactical military operations. He is responsible for mission execution,
training, personnel and logistics readiness of four subordinate companies; ensures soldiers an"
units are maintained at a high state of readiness and prepared for world-wide deployments in
support of the nation's effort to fight terrorism. He also coordinates specialized mission-related
training opportunities for intelligence personnel to increase their understanding of intelligence
operations, processes and systems. Ultimately, he is responsible for the morale, welfare, and
professional development of all assigned and attached soldiers. He maintains liaison with
active component and reserve component Army organizations, and jOint and national
intelligence agencies. Further, he develops and maintains community-based relations

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Senior Intelligence Operations/Research Specialist [LTC/Mlj. 201 st Military Intelligence

Brigade, Fort Lewis, WA, 7/04 - 09/07

Led and trained functional teams in the analysis and correlation of single source information into
a timely. synthesized intelligence product to support of Army and Joint Force military decision
makers across the full spectrum of military operations. Directed the research, analysis, and
production of information pertaining to terrorist activities, indications and warnings of regional
conflicts, political instability and emerging military technologies throughout the Pacific-theater.
Provided guidance and oversight in the production of daily intelligence read files and weekly
update briefings for Senior Military Executives. Planned, prepared and supervised intelligence
support to training exercises in Korea, Japan and Thailand. Formulated training strategies to
test and integrate complex intelligence procedures. Worked extensively with intelligence and
operations planners, systems and networking technicians, and simulations specialists to
develop exercise concepts, design intelligence architectures, and build and test databases.
Deployed and led Intelligence Support Elements during these joint and international exercises.
Coordinated intelligence operations and training with intelligence professionals from Thailand,
Japan, and Korea. Served as an instructor/ facilitator for a US Army Pacific Command Subject
Matter Expert Exchange Program with the Royal Thai Army.

Joint Counter-Intelligence/Human Intelligence Officer [Major (MAJ)/Mlj. Combined Joint

Task Force - Horn of Africa, Camp Lemonier, Djibouti, 6/03 - 6/04

Directed regional counter-intelligence and human intelligence activities for a 1,aOO-person task
force with the mission to detect, disrupt and defeat transnational terrorist groups posing an
imminent threat to the US, its allies or their interests. Provided staff supervision of counter-
intelligence operations, investigations, collections and analysis for the task force. Synchronized
all Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Operations counter-intelligence units and activities in an
area equal in size to 50% of the US and including the countries of Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan,
Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen. Conducted senior executive-level classified and highly
sensitive briefings on terrorist and foreign intelligence collection activities. Planned and
executed the conversion of the task force's local confidential informant registry into a centralized
source operations database, resulting in improved functionality and compatibility within the
CENTCOM Theater of Operations. Routinely liaised with host nation and coalition intelligence
and security professionals, US Embassy country teams, and other US intelligence and law
enforcement agencies including the FBI, CIA, DIA and Defense Human Intelligence Service. His
interpersonal skills and subject matter expertise led to strengthened relationships with
Djiboutian, French and German officials and facilitated an increase in the intelligence
exchanges between the parties.

Counter-Intelligence Officer [MAJ/Mlj. 502nd Military Intelligence Battalion, Fort Lewis, WA,
1/02 - 5/03

Directed the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of information derived from
human resources to answer intelligence requirements specifically focused on asymmetric
threats posed by foreign intelligence services, unconventional warfare forces, terrorist
organizations and other extremist groups. Experienced at adapting and utilizing military
intelligence analytical tools methodology and tools to non-traditional military operations such as
combating terrorism. Ensured the fusion of human intelligence with technical intelligence
sources to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intelligence product. Established and
maintained databases on threat capabilities, intentions, and friendly vulnerabilities; prepared
threat estimates for contingency plans and operations; and coordinated analytical support for

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major training exercises. Provided technical advice and assistance to commanders on counter-
intelligence and human intelligence capabilities, operations and training. Worked with staff
professionals to integrate counter-intelligence considerations into operations security,
information operations and force protection plans. Commanded a detachment of 39 reservists
providing intelligence in support of the Global War on Terrorism. Planned and executed
specialized training to prepare these soldiers for follow-on deployments to US Central
Command Headquarters, Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa.

Regional Operations Manager, Northwest Protective Services, Inc., Tacoma, WA, 3/98 - 6/02

Managed operations for a 175-person division providing unarmed security services to

commercial, residential and industrial clients. Conducted assessments of client facilities,
developed site instructions and implemented security operations in accordance with contractual
agreements. Oversaw staffing, training and scheduling of personnel by the human resources
and customer service departments. Served as a liaison between the corporation, the division
and the clients on all security related issues. Prepared and presented security
recommendations, negotiated service rates, and prepared contracts for clients.

Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Officer [Captain (CPT)/MI], 368th Military

Intelligence Battalion (US Army Reserve), Tumwater, WA, 3/98 - 12/01

Directed the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of information derived from
human resources to answer intelligence requirements specifically focused on asymmetric
threats posed by foreign intelligence services, unconventional warfare forces, terrorist
organizations and other extremist groups. Experienced at adapting and utilizing military
intelligence analytical tools methodology and tools to non-traditional military operations such as
combating terrorism. Ensured the fusion of human intelligence with technical intelligence
sources to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intelligence product. Established and
maintained databases on threat capabilities, intentions, and friendly vulnerabilities; prepared
threat estimates for contingency plans and operations; and coordinated analytical support for
major training exercises. Provided technical advice and assistance to commanders on counter-
. intelligence and human intelligence capabilities, operations and training. Worked with staff
professionals to integrate counter-intelligence considerations into operations security,
information operations and force protection plans. Trained personnel on various intelligence
functions with specific emphasis on analysis and production, counter-intelligence techniques
and procedures, and human intelligence operations.

Intelligence/Counter-lntelligence Officer [CPT/MI], US Army Intelligence and Security

Command, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 8/94 - 2/98

Coordinated strategic and operational intelligence, counter-intelligence, and information warfare

concepts,.doctrine, material development and training issues with the US Army Intelligence
Center and School. Participated in requirements determination boards and provided subject
matter expertise to the development of concepts which identified and defined the roles,
functions and operational employment of military intelligence assets for the US Army in 2010.
Supervised the interactions between US Army organizations and civilian contractors on the
development of counter-intelligence automation initiatives including software development
decisions, acceptance testing, and site surveys for.the Department of Defense Counter-
intelligence Integrated Information System. Planned, coordinated and executed specialized jOint
and national intelligence agency training courses to expand the professional development of US
Army intelligence officers.' Managed an Adjunct Faculty Program to enhance the relevance of

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the institutional instruction by bringing senior intelligence professionals from strategic military
units and national intelligence and law enforcement agencies to present information briefings on
current operations to students and faculty. Expanded the program to include senior executives
from the Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Managed the US Army Counter-intelligence Badge and
Credentials Program on behalf of the Department of the Army. Assumed command of the
organization for 60 days.

Counter-intelligence/lntelligence Officer [CPT/Mil. 205th Military Intelligence Brigade,

Frankfurt, Germany, 7/91 - 7/94

Commanded 100 counter-intelligence specialists dispersed among seven cities in central and
southern Germany. Supervised the conduct of personal security background investigations,
national security crime investigations, vulnerability assessments, and other authorized counter-
intelligence operations. Reorganized personnel and assets to more efficiently handle an
increased investigation workload, resulting in a 50% reduction in pending investigations and
increased support to community security agencies. Recognized by the Defense Investigative
Service and the Commanding Generals of V Corps and US Army Europe for top.quality and
quantity of investigations. Provided counter-intelligence support to the protection of US
personnel, organizations and facilities through the collection and reporting of threat information,
and liaison with US and German intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Trained and
deployed personnel to provide counter-intelligence, security and intelligence support to
peacekeeping operations in Turkey and Croatia. Served as an Adjunct Faculty Instructor for
courses at the NATO School and German Army Signal School. As a counter-intelligence
research and analysis specialist, directed the processing, analysis and dissemination of
intelligence and security information pertaining to threats posed to soldiers, family members and
installations by foreign intelligence services, terrorist organizations and extremist groups.
Established and maintained databases on indigenous, transnational and international terrorists
groups operating on the European continent, as well as in the Middle East and North Africa.
Developed comprehensive profiles on terrorist organizations and key personalities to increase
situational understanding of their methods of operation and target selection. Provided threat
assessments to protective details escorting VIPs traveling throughout Germany. Prepared and
presented weekly counter-intelligence and intelligence briefings to Senior Military Executives.
Maintained routine liaison with French, German and Canadian military intelligence agencies.
Served as a primary planner for the US ceremonies commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the
Normandy Invasion. Coordinated the transportation of personnel and equipment to France,
ceremonial support and logistics for five National and countless local French village ceremonies,
and lodging for approximately 2,500 ceremonial participants. Worked closely with military pOlice,
law enforcement agencies and the US Secret Service on security operations for the national
ceremonies that were attended by foreign heads of state and dignitaries including President

Student [CPT/Mll. US Army Intelligence Center and School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., and US Army
Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 7/90 - 6/91

Attended the Military Intelligence Officer Transition Course (MIOTC), the Military Intelligence
Officer Advanced Course (MIOAC), the Counter-intelligence (CI) Officer, the Intelligence in
Combating Terrorism (lCT) Course and the Combined Arms and Services Staff School (CAS3).
The Military Intelligence Officer training curriculum covered subjects necessary to fully
understand military and national Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (lEW) organizations,
systems and operations. As the Honor Graduate for MIOTC and MIOAC, exceeded course

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standards by achieving cumulative scores of 99.31% and 99.35%. The CI Officer Course taught
the basic skills, concepts, principles and techniques required to manage and perform tactical
and strategic CI investigations and operations. Graduated the CI Officer Course with a
cumulative score of 98.46% and was certified by the Department of the Army as a Counter-
intelligence Special Agent. The ICT curriculum covered the skills and knowledge required to
conduct comprehensive terrorist threat assessments. It included detailed information on the
dynamics of terrorism, ideological motivations, terrorism structures and linkages, and terrorist
tactics, goals and strategies. CAS3 is a rigorous staff officer's management training program
designed to improve student's ability to: analyze and solve military problems; interact and
coordinate as a member of a staff; write and brief effectively; and understand Army
organization, operations, and procedures.

52, Intelligence and Security Officer [CPT/MIl, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, Fort
Lewis, WA, 5/89 - 6/90

Advised the commander on all aspects of intelligence and security. Duties included directing,
supervising and coordinating the planning, collection, analysis, production and dissemination of
all source intelligence; supervising and performing intelligence preparation of the battlefield; and
informing the commander and subordinate units on the enemy situation, their capabilities,
weather and terrain. Trained personnel assigned to the intelligence staff to become superior
analysts. Developed and published intelligence handbooks and created intelligence products.
As the Battalion's Security Manager, had overall responsibility for information systems security,
personnel and information security, physical security, crime prevention, and classified material
control and accountability. Conducted training for and inspections of subordinate units' security
programs. Achieved scores in excess of 90% on every higher-headquarters directed inspections
of intelligence and security programs. Served as the Intelligence Oversight Officer.

• Education

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Bachelor's Degree - 8/85, Major: Political Science

Command and General Staff Officers Course, US Army Command & General Staff College, Fort
Leavenworth, KS,2005

Combined Arms and Services Staff School, US Army Command & General Staff College, Fort
Leavenworth, KS, 1991

. Military Intelligence Officer Transition Course, Military Intelligence Officer Advanced Course, US
Army Counter-intelligence Special Agent Course, US Army Intelligence Center & School, Fort
Huachuca, AZ, 1991

Infantry Officer Basic Course, US Army Infantry Center & School, Fort Benning, GA, 1986

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• Job-Related Training

Reserve Component National Security Course, 80 hrs, National Defense University, Fort
McNair, Washington, DC, 2008

Senior Cryptologic Reserve Officers Course, 80 hrs, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD,

Military Intelligence Brigade/Battalion Pre-Command Course, 80 hrs, US Army Intelligence

Center & School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 2008

Intelligence Collection Battle Management Course, 32 hrs, Joint Intelligence Training Activity
Pacific, Fort Lewis, WA, 2005

Theater and National Support to the Combined Joint Task Force CJ2X, 40 hrs, Joint Military
Intelligence Training Center, Fort Lewis, WA, 2004

Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation (Basic & Advanced), 40 hrs, John E. Reid &
Associates, 1999 & 1995

Special Counter-intelligence Training Seminar on Advanced Applications of Intelligence

Techniques, 40 hrs, Phoenix Consulting Group, Inc., Huntsville, AL, 1997

Army Operations Security Course, 40 hrs, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Department of
the Army, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 1997, 1996 (40 hours)

Strategic Approaches to Counter-intelligence, 32 hrs, National Counter-intelligence Center,

Washington, DC, 1997

Joint Military Planners Course, 40 hrs, Director of Operations, Joint Staff, Washington, DC,

Army Military Planners Course, 40 hrs, Director of Operations, Army Staff, Washington, DC,

Supervisor Development Course, 40 hrs, Army Training Support Center, Fort Eustis, VA, 1996

Joint Counter-intelligence Staff Officers Course, 40 hrs, Defense Intelligence Agency, Fort
Lewis, WA, 1995

Company Commander's Course, 80 hrs, 7th Army Training Command, Vilseck, GE, 1992

Intelligence in Combating Terrorism, 80 hrs, US Amy Intelligence Center and School, Fort

US Army Counter-intelligence Special Agent Course, 8 weeks, US Army Intelligence Center &
School, Fort Huachuca, AZ., 1991

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Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3 - References

Operational Applications Incorporated grants permission to WSP to contact each and every
listed reference.

3.3.1 - Dennis Gerber

Sergeant Ray Green (retired King County Sheriffs Office)


Address 2

Telephone Number

Fax Number

Sergeant Green was my direct supervisor during my three years as an intelligence analyst in the
Type service provided King County Regionalintelilgence Group

Don Perrson (Renton City Councilman); retired Deputy Chief, Renton Police Department
538 Renton Avenue South
Address Renton, Washington 98055

Telephone Number
Fax Number

Supported Don Perrson as a police commander; I supervised over 100 full-time personnel;
Type service provided conducted employee training, workflow coordination, scheduling, evaluation and discipline

Denis Law (Mayor, City of Renton)

Renton City Hall
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, Washington 98055

Telephone Number

Fax Number

Supported Denis Law on city, community and Rotary projects
Type service provided

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.2 - Sara Lacy

COL Todd O'Bradovich, Commander, 345m MI Battalion
Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment
34Slh Military Intelligence Battalion
Fort Gordon, Georgia 30905

Telephone Number
Fax Number
Performed as company commander under COL O'8radovich's battalion command
Type service provided

COL Steve Carney, Executive Officer, 504 MI Brigade

158 Harmon Drive
Address Northfield, Vennont 05663

Telephone Number
Fax Number
Performed as the brigade personnel and administrative officer under COL Carney during
Type service provided deployment to Iraq

COL Joseph McNeill, Executive Officer, 504'" MI Brigade

208 Turtle Creek Drive
Address Killeen, Texas 76542

Telephone Number
Fax Number
Performed as the brigade personnel and administrative officer under COL McNeill during
Type service provided garrison command in Texas and during brigade deployment to Iraq

- Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

35 @ operatlo,nal
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.3 - Kia Graham

Ron Compton, analyst

Joint Intelligence Group
Joint Task Force-Guantanamo Bay

Telephone Number
Fax Number

Co-worker with Ron Compton in both Guantanamo Bay Cuba and Iraq. He was an analyst on
the Gulf States regional team within the Interrogation Control Element (ICE), while I was on the
Type service provided
North Africa/Europe regional team

CW3 Richard Sundstrom, master analyst

Company A
373 Military Intelligence Battalion
Tumwater, Washington 98511

Telephone Number
Fax Number

Mentor since I was a private; we both deployed to Korea in 2004 and to Guantanamo Bay
!ype service provided

SFC David Schoonmaker

Company A
373 Military Intelligence Battalion
Tumwater, Washington 98511

Telephone Number
Fax Number
I am assigned to Company A, 373 MI Battalion and SFC Schoonmaker is the company First
Sergeant; he is the unit senior Non-Commissioned Officer and I support him as one of the
Type service provided
company's Non-Commissioned Officers

Crimina-I Intelligence Analyst Services

36 @ operationai
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.4 - Kathleena Almquist

MAJ Jon Clausen, Brigade 82 (Senior Intelligence Officer)

4103 Cavalry Court
Address leavenworth, Kansas 66048

Telephone Number

Fax Number

MAJ Clausen depended upon me for timely intelligence products, thorough analysis, and my
ability to identify and fill information gaps before pushing products and information on to others.
Type service provided MAJ Clausen reJied on my team to convey intelligence to him and the brigade command group
while they were operating in and around Iraq

MAJ Michael Edwards, Brigade S2X (Senior Counter-Intelligence Officer)


8408 205th Street Court East

Address Spanaway, Washington 98387

Telephone Number

Fax Number
Major Edwards served as the Brigade S2X: the counterintelligence hub of the Stryker Brigade.
He often utilized many of my intelligence products, requested analysis to corroborate HUMINT
Type service provided
rt?Porting, and observed my work ethic in a real world environment

Sergeant Robert Flores, Brigade S2 Non-Commissioned Officer



Telephone Number

Fax Number

As my direct supervisor during my deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 2006-

2007, Sergeant Robert Flores observed my professional perfonnance, attitude, and leadership
Type service provided abilities in an operational environment. SGT Flores relied on me to relay accurate, complete,
and timely intelligence products to intelligence professionals and commanders at the brigade
level; hiQher, adjacent, and subordinate commands

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

37 @ Qperational
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.5 - Neoma Skye

Colonel Gary Royster, US Army retired; Deputy Director of Intelligence, Joint Inter-Agency Task
Name Force West

Camp HM Smith, Hawaii 96861

Telephone Number
Fax Number
COL Royster was my senior supervisor while working in the USARPAC G-2 as the JTTF-P
Type service provided liaison and can attest to my diligence. analytical and briefing skills, and overall job performance

Lieutenant Colonel Gary Smith, US Army retired; Intelligence Analyst, South Sound Regional
Name Intelligence Group, Tacoma Police DepartmenVPierce County Sheriffs O,!!partment

Tacoma Police Department

3701 South Pine Street
Tacoma, Washington 98409

Telephone Number
Fax Number
LTe Smith was my immediate supervisor while working in the USARPAC G-2 as the JTTF-P
Type service provided
liaison and can attest to my liaison, analytical and briefing skills, and overall job performance

Vance Whippo; First Sergeant. 373 Military Intelligence Battalion

7020 60'" Drive Northeast
Address Marysville, Washington 98270

Telephone Number
Fax Number

First Sergeant Whippo is my senior leader in my current US Army Reserve unit (373 MIBN, B
Type service provided Co.) and can attest to my leadership, training skills and general professionalism

Criminallnteliigence Analyst Services

38 @ Qperatlonal
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.3.6 - Bill Evans

Brigadier General Leslie A. Purser, Commanding General

Name Military Intelligence Readiness Command

8831 John J Kingman Rd

Address Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060

Telephone Number
Fax Number
I serve as a commander under Brigadier General Purser and am responsible for providing multi-
discipline intelligence and counterintelligence support for contingency operations worldwide.
Type service provided Responsible for the management, training, and readiness of 290 authorized personnel and
millions of dollars in organizational equipment

Lieutenant Colonel Roger Fortier, US Army retired; former Chief G2 Plans, First Corps, Fort
Name Lewis

8703 109th ST CT SW
Address Lakewood, Washington 98498

Telephone Number
Fax Number
roger. fortier@us.army.mil
I supported LTC Fortier by directing the research, analysis, and production of information
pertaining to terrorist aC?tivities, indications and warnings of regional conflicts, political instability
and emerging military technologies throughout the Pacific-theater. Provided guidance and
Type service provided oversight in the production of daily intelligence read files and-weekly update briefings for Senior
Military EXecutives. Planned, prepared and supervised intelligence support to training exercises
in Korea, Japan and Thailand. Formulated training strategies to test and integrate complex
intelliQence procedures

Colonel Harvey Crockett, US Army retired; fOOTler G2, First Corps, Fort Lewis
Elk Grove, California 95758
Telephone Number
Fax Number
I supported COL Crockett as the Senior Intelligence Research and Analysis Specialist for the
Corps Intelligence Directorate during several multi-agency and multi-national intelligence
operations in Korea and Japan. Led and trained functional teams in the analysis and correlation
Type service provided of single source information into a timely, synthesized intelligence product to support of senior
military decision makers. Developed professional and personal relationships with foreign
military officers to foster to enhance bi-Iateral partnerships and increase security cooperation

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

39 @ Qperatlonal .
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 3.0

3.4 - Related Information

3.4.1 - Prior contractual work with Washington State

Operational Applications Incorporated has successfully provided criminal intelligence analytical

services from July 2006 to September 2008 under a WSP task order generated by RFQQ No.
C060226PSC. Doug Larm performed as the intelligence analyst with the Seattle Police
Department under provisions of this state contract. Additionally, Dennis Gerber, an independent
contractor at the time, provided criminal intelligence analytical services under the same task
order from 2005-2008 as a King County Regional Intelligence Group analyst.

3.5 - Waiver and Authorization to Release Information

Original-signed copies of one Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form is

submitted from each proposed team member. They are attached in Section 5 of this proposal.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

40 @ operational
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 4.0


. 4.1 - Identification of Costs

Hourly rate for criminal intelligence analyst services:

Analyst Initial- 9/30/09 10/1109 - 9/30/10 10/1/10-9/30/11 10/1/11-9/30/12

Dennis Gerber $50 $52 $54 $56
Sara Lacv $50 $52 $54 $56
Neoma Skye $50 $52 $54 $56
Kia Graham $48 $50 $52 $54
Kathleena Almquist $48 $50 $52 $54

Hourly rate for criminal intelligence analyst-lead service:

Lead Anal st Initial- 9/30/09 10/1109 - 9/30/10 10/1/10-9/30/11 10/1/11-9/30/12

Bill Evans $60 $63 $66 $69

4.2 - Basis for Determining Rates

Operational Applications submits hourly rate quotations as including all costs associated with
providing services, including team member salaries and benefits, industrial insurance and
applicable federal, state and local taxes.

Out year hourly rate increases is based on Amendment 1 to RFQQ No. C090433PSC dated
October 31, 2008. This amendment allows up to a 5% annual increase. Operational
Applications proposes an under 5% average increase for each federal fiscal year starting
October 1,2009.

Operational Applications understands WSP will reimburse for a maximum one hundred seventy-
three (173) hours per month for each team member providing services under contract resulting
from this RFQQ.Further, Operational Applications acknowledges provisions for worksite, office
supplies, personal computer and communications shall be provided to the team members and
any such goods andlor services obtained, developed andlor provided shall remain the property

Operational Applications understands when team member services are required by WSP at
locations other than the worksite, WSP will reimburse for authorized lodging, subsistence and
business vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates.
These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM) available
at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC {Exhibit DJ

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

41 @ Qperational
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant.

.L) t:=. ..... .....; ,.". -

'c::- - G e:.~G,E:4':-
Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last)

Other names vou have been know bv, includina Drior marriaae(s) or nickname(s)

\ State Zip Code

Address Citv

Social Securitv Number· Date of Birth

.\ 'I "
Applicant Sianature
\C h.~" h, /1 - { z
- 7 ac "l( I

Washin9ton State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

42 @ Qperational
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the'Washington State Patrol in determiningmy qualifications.
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol:

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

I Savc,-
A licant Name First, Middle, Last

Other names

Address State

Date of Birth


Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

43 @ Qperationai
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, in~luding any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

\tl t"Vm ( \0, CUVl

AOOlicant Name (First, Middle, Last) I
Other names vou have been know by, inciudinQ prior marriaQe(s) or nickname(s)

Address Crty State Zip Code

iY3 Fl bnAIl WI le1 V::;

Social Securitv Number Date of Birth

Washington State Patrol RFQQ NoC090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligimce Analyst Services

44 @ operatiOnal
APplications InC
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State "Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested .

. A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

Other names


Date of Birth

12. 'r, ... L..l~


Washington State Patrol RFQQ No.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

45 @ operational'
APplications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To who~ it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in tletermining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

Cit State

C1 .-zD -72
I Social Security Number Date of Birth


Washington State Patrol RFQQ NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

46 @ QperatiOnal
Applications Inc
Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status .. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

\....- ~ {,-' C. ~
AOOlicant NamelFirst, Middle, Last) I
1."2:. \L'-... '\=':J \ lL 'i
Other names you have been know by, includina prior marriaae(s) or nickname(s)

Address City State Zip Code.

.22. Iv 0 v Ev'vlij Et2 Ie, I.;z..

Social Security Number Date of Birth

!_~Litf:t:, . , -


II J v (: v E 1,.-"'1 l-si--,~.: ~O?;
i Applicant Signature Date

Washington State Patrol RFOO NO.C090433PSC (Exhibit E)

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

47 @ Qperational
APplications Inc

Department of Defense
Human Intelligence Training Joint Center Of Excellence (HT-JCOEJ


This is to attest that

SSG Kia Graham
has been fully certified as a

Department of Defense Interrogator

By the Department of Defense
This certification is based upon the successful completion of

Joint Interrogation Certification Course 08-505 .

23 Jul2008 - 6 October 2008

SFC Gregory A. Orr

Course Director·
For use of this form, see AR 623-3; the proponent agency is DeS, G-1. 20081001

2. SSN
Joint Interrogation Certification Course 241-F4 (CT) 08-505 HT-1COE, Fori Huachuca, AZ, 85613 . USAR

n YES n NO
From: 20080723
Thru: 20081006


(Limited to 20% of class enrollment) b. ORAL COMMUNICATION

0 {gl o
0 d.
o o
0 o o
"Rating must be supported by comnients in ITEM 14. (SUPERIORIUNSATrating must be supported by comments in ITEM 14

n n
!5(l YES NO N/A (A "NO"iesponse must be supported by comments in ITEM 14) .

14. COMMENTS (This item is 'intended to obtain a word picture of each stuc}~nt that wi'll accurately and completely portray academic
performance, intef/ectual qualities, and communication skills and abilities. "The narrative should also discuss broader aspects of the student's
potential, leadership capabilities, moral and overall professional qualities. In particular, comments should be made if the student failed to
respond to recommendations for improving academic or personal affairs.)
The Joint Interrogation Certification Course (lICC) is a 10 week course that consists of four weeks of classroom instruction focusing on common
core curriculum and critical skill tasks. Six weeks of the course are dedicated to practical exercises that culminate in an Interrogation Practical Test.
The curriculum focuses on the basic qualification skills to conduct Intelligence Interrogation Collection operations, screening human intelligence
sources and documents to establish priorities for exploitation, and preparing appropriate intelligence and administrative reports. The primary focus of
the course is the application of proper interrogation techniques to extract the largest amount ofintelJigence infonnation from a human source in the
least amount of time. The function of the course is to train interrogators in the skills necessary for combating the threat associated with· the global war
on terrorism.
12a. SSG Graham passed eight out of twelve Intelligence Information Rep·ort practical exercises. An average student passes three out of twelve
Intelligence Information Report practical exercises.
12b. SSG Graham's abiJityto communicate emotions and logical arguments was clearly demonstrated by passing eleven of the twelve approaches
practical exercises and nine of the twelve termination practical exercises. An average student passes the approach phase on four out of twelve
practical.exercis(fs. An average student passes the tennination phase on eight out of twelve practical e~ercises.
12d. SSG Graham actively contributed to the group briefing project by no! only recording intelligence gathered during interrogation practical exercises
and daily INTSUM data, but by tasking individuals and organizing the final briefing. She went out her way to assist fellow classmates by showing
them how to use the Analyst's Notebook software. SSG Graham actively contributed to the positive atmosphere of the small group.
12e. SSG Graham used avaiJable resources to identify control questions from analytical products for use in interrogation practical exercises.

SSG Graham is a certified DOD Interrogator and there~ore is trained and certified to employ the Restricted Interrogation Technique - Separation
lAW Appendix M, FM 2-22.

DANIEL R. DENNIS, CIV ...---------
?-k /L ~

, 20081001
q'---1 -

DA FORM 1059, MAR 2006

20081001 .
6/3 - 2</-(lIZS-

, "

Joint Forces COrri>rnand 'I

Joint Transformation Command- Intelligence

, .;

This is ,to certi'fy tb~t

Kia Graham

has suc:cessfulfy completed

:,:': ' . -"- ,-: ,:, ,: i::: ~::;, ., ",:>''-,' '

20 October 2006


----""'"--"'." ..
(. ,0 ' ;M

Howard Hart
Commander, U.S. Navy

'-'_'1F ,.-"'",,,..


:::::£::~':.20:~~c:::::2.:':2:~=::::!::;0_,,:.;:;;=_=_"'____''__'c.;~''____~==:._'=_''''''::.:c:::'':-~' : ' " ,

613-2</- 0(2"{

~ot1tt ~iCitary Ittte[[igence Traini1Tg Ce7zter

.:'Jia.IIL""IIIIiII!" __ ~'. -.,..........-

Certificate" ojrrraining
<Tliis is to certify tliat
.Kia Graham .
lias successfid{g compfeted the
Mobile Asyrnmetric Warfm-e Intelligence Analysis Course
-------- .
during tlie periOd

• 'A**,. Q~.
r;; i''fQ-

6 - 9 November 2006
~. *~
,., .. -j(

. "-'., V" ('1 ( __----
Joint Milita.ry Intelligence Training Center
_," .............. __.~
.._o-~._"'".""""= .."'._,.:...,.."'""""'",."""="..._".,,~"',,~,."""'_'~,,'''<, ,.~=",="=,,,::":"' "'","_".""=_""",,,.,,,,::,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,-=."1'_~'!::"'_~~'"""_"Q.::t:.:r,':o;=,,~=;"J;..==~.==..""""_"",,,,,,,;,,,"~~ __ ,,_.,, _____~_:!',.n~~.,,'-·"~",,,~,'~'I:~':;':~,::C::::;;7:'" ." ,'.' ,,"_~ .. , -'=:-;.~~~~"''''''''-'~-'8''_ '0.-' ':" -~~.;.
\!Co all wuo %uall %ee tue%e pre%ent% greeting
~e it lmown tuat SGT Kia Graham 613-24-0125 uauing %uccessfuUp fulfilleD
tue requirement% of i1l%trtlction pre%rriueb for tue
Counterintelligence Agent Course (301-35L20)
21 April- 02 July 2008

i% uereup bedareb a
~ . @rahuate ~

3ln te%timonp Wuereof, mrD Up autuoritp besteD in n%,

We bo confer upon tue inbil.liDual tui%
~ 1lBiploma ~

@ilJen at $ort ~ua(uum, %lri?ona tui% 2nd Dap of July 2008

~ 13. I3~Jl 7JJ.'M.~

V jlff~ep )8. )8rHrl'
Q[: QJ;l J!., JIlIl]
r jlo!ln JIlIl. ([l1%trr
JIlIlQ1i, ([Ollll11all bt11 II
([!lief of ~tfff!

FH Form 672-4-R, March 99

For use of this form, see AR 623~3; the proponent agency is DeS, G-1. 20080527
Graham, Kia M E-6 96B30
Counterintelligence Agent Course, 30 1-35L20 2008-001 51104, IstBde (MI), 80th Tng Cmd (TASS) USAR

n n
From: 20080504
Thru: 20080524

(Limited to 20% of class enrollment) b. ORAL COMMUNICATION
*Rating must be supported by comments in ITEM 14. (SUPERIORIUNSAT rating must be supported by comments in ITEM 14

c><:l YES n NO n NIA (A "NO" response must be suppot1ed by comments in ITEM 14)
14. COMMENTS (This item is intended to obtain a word picture of each student that will accurately and completely portray academic
performance, intel/ectual qualities, and communication skiffs and abilities. The narrative should also discuss broader aspects of the student's
potential, leadership capabilities, moral and overall professional qualities. In particular, comments should be made if the student failed to
respond to recommendations for improving academic or personal affairs.)
SSG Graham has successfully completed Phase 2 of 4 of the 35L20 Course at the TASS Training Center (TTC), Conducted by the 5/104th MI BN at
Ft. Devens, MA.
SSG Graham successfully completed course work in Rights Advisment, SAEDA Walk-In, and Source Advisment.
SSG Graham had an overall Grade Point Average 0[97.70% for Phase 2.
Item 12a,b,e: SSG Graham received superior ratings for written and oral communication as well as his research ability for maintaining above a 90%
average on all exams during Phase 2 of the 35L20 Course.

Soldiers Data:

HeightIWeight: 571168: Within Army Standards, 20080421

U.S. Army Human Resources Command
1 Reserve Way
S1. Louis, MO 63132-5200


..-:--- /"
William Kyler, E6, TIC 35L20 NCOIC
Douglas C. Williams, 03, MI, 35L20 Course Manager


r:2I:& (iJ CZJli~
.1002'0S21 ~«~~ APD PE v1.00ES
For use of this form, see AR 623-3; the proponent agency is DeS, G-1. 20080506
Graham, Kia M E-6 96B30
Counterintel'ligence Agent Course, 301-35L20 2008-001 511 04, 1st Bde (MI), 80th Tng Cmd (TASS) USAR


n n
From: 20080421
Thru: 20080503

(Limited to 20% of class enrollment) b. ORAL COMMUNICATION
*Rating must be supporled by comments in ITEM 14. (SUPERIOR/UNSAT rating must be supported by comments in ITEM 14

C><1 YES NO N/A (A "NO" response must be supported by comments in ITEM 14)
14. COMMENTS (This item is intended to obtain a word picture of each student that will accurately and completely portray academic
performance, intellectual qualities, and communication sl<ills and abilities. The narrative should also discuss broader aspects of the student's
potential, leadership capabilities, moral and overall professional qualities. In particular, comments should be made if the student failed to
respond to recommendations for improving academic or personal affairs.)
SSG Graham has sllccessflllly completed Phase I of4 of the 35L20 Conrse at the TASS Training Center (TTC), Conducted by the 5/104th MI BN at
Ft. Devens, MA.
SSG Graham successfully completed course work in Open Source, Security Programs, Coullterintelligence Jurisdiction, Acquisition and Processing of
Evidence, and Counterintelligence Investigations.
SSG Graham had an overall Grade Point Average of 92.11% for phase l.
SSG Graham maintained alevel of excellence by consistently achieving exam scores at or near the top of her crass.

Soldiers Data:

HeightlWcig.ht: 571168 : Within Army Standards, 20080421

U.S. Army Human Resources Command
I Reserve Way
SL Louis. MO 63132-5200


Williams J Kyler, E6, TTC 35L20 NCOIC
Douglas C. Williams, 03, MI, 35L20 Course Manager
20080506 !flTU~ {? (5rIJ/~
20D1;0507 k{/yLtL~ Jv,---
For use of this form, see AR 623~3; the proponent agency is DeS, G~1. 20080609
Graham, Kia M . E-6 96B30
Counterintelligence Agent Course, 301-35L20 2008-001 5/104, lsi Bde (MI), 80th Tng Cmd (TASS) USAR

n n
From: 20080526
Thru: 20080609

(Limited to 20% of class enrollment) b. ORAL COMMUNICATION
0 o
"'Rating must be supported by comments in ITEM 14. (SUPERIOR/UNSAT rating must be supported by comments in ITEM 14

n n
C><IYES NO N/A (A "NO" response must be supported by comments in ITEM 14)
14. COMMENTS (This item is intended to obtain a word picture of each student that will accurately and completely ponray academic
performance, intellectual qualities, and communication skills and abilities. The narrative should also discuss broader aspects of the student's
potential, readership capabilities, moral and overall professionat qualities. In particular, comments should be made if the student failed to
respond to recommendations for improving academic or personal affairs.)
SSG Graham has successfully completed Phase 3 of 4 of the 35L20 Course at the TASS Training Center (TTC), Conducted by the 5/104th MI BN at
Ft. Devens, MA.
SSG Graham successfully completed course work in Terrorism, Ana,lytical Tools, Force Protection, and Surveillance Operations.
SSG Graham achieved an overall Grade Point Average of97.73% for Phase 3.
Item 12b: SSG Graham received a superior rating for Oral Communication for demonstrating her technical and tactical ability during all military briefs
and practical exercises.
Item 12d: SSG Graham received a superior rating for Contribution to Group Work for her excellent p~icipation and assistance during CIPB·Practical

Soldiers Data:

HeightIWeight: 571168 : Within Army Standards, 20080421

U.S. Army Human Resources Command ;
1 Reserve Way
St. Louis, MO 63132-5200

William Kyler, E6, TIC 35L20 NCOIC
~< -.
Douglas C. Williams, 03, MI, 35L20 Course Manager


;lOG 3 00(0 , 'If '),J\.

A .L' I'L_______
For use of this form, see AR 623-3; the proponent agency is DeS, G-1. 20080630
Graham, Kia M
4. BR
Counterintelligence Agent Course, 301-35L20 2008-00 I 5/104, 1st Bde (MI), 80th Tng Cmd (TASS) USAR

n n
From: 20080610
Thru: 20080702

(Umited to 20% of class enrollment) b. ORAL COMMUNICATION
"Rating must be supported by comments in {TEM 14. (SUPERIORIUNSAT rating must be supported by comments in ITEM 14

YES NO n N/A n
(A "NO" response must be supported by comments in ITEM 14)
14. COMMENTS (This item is intended to obtain a word picture of each student that will accurately and completely portray academic
performance, intellectual qualities, and communication skills and abilities. The narrative should also discuss broader aspects of the student's
potential, leadership capabilities, moral and overafl professional qualities. ·'n particular, comments should be made if the student failed to
respond to recommendations for improving academic or personal affairs.)
SSG Graham has successfully completed Phase 4 of 4 of the 35L20 Course at the TASS Training Center (TTC), Conducted by the 51l04tb MI BN at
Ft. Devens, MA.
SSG Graham successfully completed course work in eliciting information, lead deVelopment, report writing, recruitment; conducting liaison..
SSG Graham achieved an overall Grade Point Average of 97.87% for Phase 4.
SSG Graham achieved an overall Grade Point Average of 96.50% for Phase 1 though Phase 4 of the 35L20 Course.
SSG Graham maintained the highes.t overall performance in the class during all phases. SSG Graham completed the course of instruction in an
outstanding manner and is "Strongly recommended for further military schooling within the 35L MOS.
Item 12a, 12b: SSG Graham received a superior rating for Oral and Written Communication for demonstrating her technical and tactical ability during
source operations and subsequent reports.
Item 12d, 12e: SSG Graham received a superior rating for Contribution to Group Work and his Research Ability ~or her excellent application of
subject matter.

Soldiers Data:

Height/Weight 571I68 : Within Army Standards, 20080421

U.S. Army Human Resources Command
1 Reserve Way
St. Louis, MO 63132-5200


William Kyler, E6, TIC 35L20 NCOIC
2008063~ /U )

l!. qJt!I!
SIGNA)T#/ .' "-

£~,~ (J
Douglas C. Williams, 03, MI, 35L20 Course Manager
20080630 f/ -
:JO O 0701 ~A;;;rl:~
Washington State Patrol 6/12/20094:28:26 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

wsPcontractNo·IC090623 ~ Ipsc Program Information: Program IlAD

I IInvestigative Assistance Division
Category p-person~l, s~~ic-e~ Program:
Amendment No. Program Contact: Bureau: IISB
Title '"IC"""'im::"i""n-al:""A:'"n-a":"ly-s':'t"'-W:":::A-:J-::A~C:-­ ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff
Other Party Chad Melton

Other No.1 Processing Status:

Start Date "'1"""1/"'2"6/"2"0"09::- End Date
I 9/30/2012
Amountl $402,000 User 10 jcf-i AmdAmount
I ($75,000)

Contract Status IActive Amd Status ICompleted

Contract Notes: Date document was sent to:
See C090433PSC for RFQQ. Word Processing
Attorney General ,

Bureau Cdr IOC

BFS Notification 1/21/2009
BFS Review 1/28/2009
Chiefs Office 1/29/2009
Transmittal Letter 213/2009
Mailed to Other Part 1121/2009
Received Back 1/28/2009
Distributed 2/312009

Amd Amount
I $402,000
Amd Status fcomPleted
Date document was sent to:
Word- Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS -Notification 1/16/2009
BFS Review 1/28/2009
Chiefs Office 1/29/2009
Transmittal Letter 2/312009
Mailed to Other Part 1/21/2009
Received Back 1/28/2009
Distributed 2/312009
!j ~
\\ (\
I- in
,) 0
. . In
#0 ~ ;
rI) -..:
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 1 of4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
WSP Contract Number
BFS Contracts Specialist


1. Description of Services:
~ £1('(\'.vttJ :(,..,,1'11 \\'6'''' <C"-

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision I Comments
Funding source (account coding) and Amount 001- n/"JI.-FnA'J/ f I iA-.\ R'
Has an authorized manager approved the
~Yes 0 No
Type of appropriation (federal, state, other)
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties List System been ~Yes 0 No
checked? .

Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? t",-Pv Il~' .n. l n..l.- ,. 1/U" \ r. hi..,
• Agency resources Yes 0 No
• Other public (governmental) resources Yes 0 No
Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performed/is performed by WSP
o Yes f2g No
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? o Yes ONo l)/lI.
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
proceed with the contract?
o Yes ONo ~) Jp,.
Is contractor a current or former state employee? o Yes ~ No
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board o Yes 0 No
approval? ~lJ A-
• If former, provide last date of employment. t-.1} p,.
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate methodes) of &l Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? o Fixed Price
o Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 2 of4

If the contract is federally funded, is the Contractor a

subrecipient or vendor? NO
If a subrecipient, are audits required? If yes, evaluate
coverage provided bv existing and anticipated audits.


1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

~ Competitive D Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

tQ Formal (>$20,000) D Informal «$20,000)

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintained.
--eN cfllV\m dr f,\e,

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting

4. Advertised? 1%1 Yes D No D N/A (less than $20,000)

If yes, where and when was the advertisement placed?

\1)€£S- \DQ£,bi~ru fJpeA'{\)j\],C Q,P,,11\?('3.5 Solo=bQ{\)S

Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? ~ Yes D No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? DYes ® No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?D Yes D No tl jA

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point =O. Unknown, risk point = 5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 3 of4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= Lower Risk; Yes = Higher Risk bl.
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 = Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 = Medium Risk
>$100,000 = HiQh Risk lj
Complexity of services ::.
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s) did you use? What
experience do you have with the method(s)?
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
. ~ Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
Fixed Price (score 1-3))
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1-3)

Procurement method:
Competitive (score 1 to 3)
Sole Source (score 3 to 5)

2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points !
Size and source of fundinq J..
Length of time in business 1.1
Experience and past performance /
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
proof?) \
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition good or poor?) 2
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the
Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?) -
Organizational changes (is orqanization stable or does it have frequent turnover?)
Management structure and adequacy (/s organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?) \
Legal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) 1
Background of individuals (do you have resumes?) I

3. Total Risk Points


D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
~Yes 0 No
2. Does the risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?
[jlYes 0 No
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
~Yes 0 No
4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity periodic reports
Review of entity invoices and other
docu mentatio n
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetinQs, etc.) -
Maintain other periodic contract with
contractor (telephone, email, etc.) \fes

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
example, A133 audits)? NIp.
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure appropriate spending of state funds? 1\.' (f'+
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed? 1--.) IA
Is corrective action necessary? Were
questioned costs resolved? flJlA
Are audit findings, if any, resolved? I\J I A


Any activities need follow-up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
Follow-up on audit findinQs needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

Search ~ Current Exclusions

EPLS Search
I Resources

> Search Help

> Advanced Search Search Results for Parties > Public User's Manual

> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

> Exact Name and SSNfTlN Partial Name: Melton, or Chad > Acronyms
Exact Name: Melton, Chad R. > Privacy Act Provisions
As of 04·Mar·2009 2:54 PM EST > News
> Recent Updates
Save to MyEPLS

View Cause and Treatment Code Reports

Descriptions Your search returned no results.

> Reciprocal Codes It is further recommended that you perform a

L -_ _ ..--l11II
> Advanced Reports
Partial Name search on any word of the name
> Procurement Codes > Recent Updates
to further confirm the eligibility status of the
> Nonprocurement Codes party. An additional Partial Name search might > Dashboard
be necessary because an Exact Name match
will not be found if the spelling or format of the
Agency & Acronym Information Archive Search - Past Exclusions
name you are searching for is different than the
name of the exclusion in EPLS.
> Agency Contacts
> Agency Descriptions L-.._ _ --.JIIII
Back New Search Printer-Friendly > Advanced Archive Search
> State/Country Code Descriptions
> Multiple Names
> Recent Updates

> Debar Maintenance Contact Information

> Administration
> Email: supoort@epls.gov
> Upload Login
> Phone: 1·866·GSA·EPLS

https:llwww.epls.gov/epls/search.do 3/4/2009
Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 10:12 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 1/22/2009.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after a decision was made by OFM on
this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 39095-00

Contractor Legal Name: Melton, Chad R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090623PSC
Filed Date: 1/22/2009
Start Date: 1/26/2009
Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $402,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist with filing an amendment to the
contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at
ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:18 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 1/22/2009 10:18:00 AM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 65150

Contractor Legal Name: Melton, Chad R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090623PSC
Filed Date: 1/22/200910:18:00 AM
Start Date: 1/26/2009 Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $402,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during processing and to access the filing in
the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in
PSCD. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By: Cindy Haider
OFM Decision
Contractor information
Legal Name Melton, Chad R.
UBI 602558289
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint
federal, state and local law enforcement environments such as joint and regional
criminal intelligence centers.
Fund Source

Filing Number Federal State Other Total

This Filing $402,000 $402,000
Contract Total $402,000

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

01/22/2009 01/26/2009 09/30/2012


Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/filinglPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVProc 1/22/2009
Page 2 of3

Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to
address and which makes the services necessary.
The Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau
of Investigations (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies
by organizing and disseminating threat information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies,
first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, two-way flow of
intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies includes the FBI; US Immigration and Customs
Enforcement; the Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law
enforcement agencies. The Contractor's criminal analyst services are critical to the efforts of WAJAC in an
effort to prevent terrorism.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's office. This contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security. WSP is contractually obligated to the federal government to provide these services.
These services are critical to WSP to fulfill their mission of "enhancing the safety and security of our state"
which includes sharing information with other local, state and federal law enforcement organizations. In light
of the Personal Service contract freeze, this contract is approved by Deputy Chief Paul S. Beckley.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Cornpetitive Solicitation Process
GA WEBS and Related Competetive Information
Posted to GA WEBS on 10/23/2008. Posted on Internet. 6 firms were notified directly.
Explain the baSis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or
the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation
process or what differentiated this contractor from others.
The Contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work
experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of panel members from
the WAJAC as well as a written assignment.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
Network Transport Engineering Nighthawk Analytical Dan K. Melton Michael R. Chamness Chad R. Melton
KSNK Enterprise Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services Intelligence Acumen Operational Applications Inc.
Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection
committee made the award decision, etc).

Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/filing/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVProc 1/2212009
Page 3 of3

Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center to score vendor education, training and work experience. Cost
points were awarded based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all
vendors. The highest scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local jurisdictions
participating in the regional intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant team member
would work. The final selection was based on the outcome of these interviews and written assignment.
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
The hourly rate is comparable to other contractors submitting proposals for these services. WSP considers
this to be a convenience contract where the contractor provides services on an as-needed basis and the
dollar value referenced is a maximum amount available.
CMelton090623.doc - 154112kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/fiiing/PrintFiiingSummary.aspx?menuSeiect=mnuVProc 1/22/2009
Results Page 1 of2

tspafic'] I PycCKd:: I 'iE!':::~Cl I Ta';;lElloq I Tieng '.jj';'t I ?it"]

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http://dor.wa.gov/content/doingbusinesslregistennybusiness/brdlResults.aspx?RequestTy ... 11/13/2008

Date 1/21/09
Washington State Patrol
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable o Other:
wSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
C090623PSC (1)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
JANUARY 26, 2009 SEPTEMBER 30, 2009

Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Chad Melton .

Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Chad Melton 206-661-7851
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
WSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name

Contract Amount Position /\ Signatu~a9d Date

!-O'6::::~en.::~~c::~U:",c~"-A",m.::o",un,,,t-+$_ _ _ _ _ _-+-G_r_a_nt_s_an_d_C_o_n_tra_ct_s_M_a_n_a_ge-"rf71t~-tIl'J.-.~ / ~ ./2. ~ f/9S'

rflfl 'f
~_ ~
Amount $ Business Office Mana~er ./ V (I I - ."
Revised Total
Amount $75,000
B d tM
u ge anager
I 1//\
I II t::;J
,'1 r.
V '1
Allot: DYe~No
Una~ticipated Receipt: DYes ~No
Indirect Costs % Accounting Manager' ~Y L I //16/clf
Revenue Co(je
Sub PercenV
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Maj~_ Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source

WAJ8 001 01' 00271 WAJ8 CE 100%

Billable Contracts Only.


Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage On~ DNo

Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo specia~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo _______________ . oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to~ontract: DYes DNo AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo . Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type..of.-Rl3c"eipt: DRevenue 0 Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
- Distribution: ~ Project Manager' ~ Accountant ~Budget Analyst ~ Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090623PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance January 26, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor shall provide criminal intelligence analyst services
during the time of the period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The local worksite for the Contractor during this
Task Order is the WAJAe.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for travel

costs approved in advance by WSP according to
the terms ofWSP Contract No. C090623PSe.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $75,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton, (206) 661-7851

Telephone Number:


(-'fo -0 I/Z5/ 0 Q
Date Signature Date

Printed Name

Page 1 of 1
Date 1/21/09
Washington State Patrol
d t an dFIscaIS ervlces
. Cont ractN o ff
Ilcaf Ion Form ---
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 [8] Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
January 26, 2009 September 30,2012
Contract Title CFDANo. I QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes ONo
Contractor Name
Chad Melton
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Mr. Chad Melton 206-661-7851
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
Tanya Pierce
wSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner
Remarks: Requires separate task orders - do not encumber.

Contract Amount . Position Signature jll}d Date'

Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manager ~/./;A /2 zu. %7
-1, 7
TI ,t; 71' "/ -
Business Office M~n3ger
Revised Total
$402,000 Budget Manager
VJ/\ iJJ.~1 3tu, Allot: OY~~o
Una ticipated Receipt: DYes No
./:S'",/ L/
Indirect Costs %
Accounting Manager
J"""'SX(" /I/uk§-
Sub I Revenue Coofe II Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Sub TAR Code
Grou Source Source

WAJ8 001 01' 00271 WAJ8 CE 100%


Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes ONo Mileage Only: DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes ONo Special Mileage R per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes ONo oluntary OfT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes ONo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes ONO ______________ ------ AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
Overtim~ DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost es ONo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code' Other Org Codes.
Type~eipt: ORevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: [8] Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
[8] Accountant -[8]Budget Analyst [8] Other: Captain Braniff
WSP Contract No.
Other Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW. .

CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)

Chad R. Melton
Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number

Contact Name Contact Telephone

Mr. Chad Melton 206-661-7851
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address
WSP Contact Information
WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
WSP Investigative Assistance Division
Lieutenant Randy Drake
PO Box 2347,01 mpia WA 98507-2347
(360) 704-2393
(360) 704-2973
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts ManaQer Olympia WA 98504-2602
(360) 596-4052
(360) 596-4077
E-mail Address

Contract Start Date I Contract End Date I Maximum Contract Amount

January 26, 2009 September 30,2012 $402,000
AITACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
[8J Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
[8J Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
[8J Additional Exhibits as specified: Exhibit C, Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement
This Contract, including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing
below warrant that they .have read "nd understand this.. Contract and have the authority to enter into this Contract.

. jfl,
Date Date
WSP smS:,~p (- JtJ-o'! rn~a;~~~ 1/25/0<[
Printed Name and Title I ' Printed Name and Title .
John R. Batiste, Chie~JL\ ~::~f.\<.t",.M ;Denl!k,,(1\'iJ c,I-IAD ME.\.::fON GRII,Jllr-ifll- ItJTlZ.i-l..lGIBIJCI!--/>IN~ST

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:

• Raw intelligence classification and analysis

• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies
• Effective communication to help others learn, understand and apply specific criminal
intelligence analysis principles, techniques or information.
• Effective identification, collection, organization and documentation of criminal
intelligence data and information in ways that make the information most useful for
subsequent assessment, analysis and investigation.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Chad Melton WAJAC

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
Signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must maintain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol.in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. -Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performa[lce may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is
not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

5. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Initial- 9130109 1011109 - 9130110 1011110 - 9130111 1011111 - 9130112
Chad Melton $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00

WSP PersonaJ Service Contract Page 3 of 11


When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

6. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability ariSing out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page4of11

2/12/02 -
Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of perforrnance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may rnutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County.
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
. negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract. Page 60f 11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) SUbstantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom,. shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
-by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the reqUirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 11

29. Termination for Default WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are nQt exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession .

.c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11

to the Contractor under the terms of this
31. Treatment of Asset s. Title to all property furnished by WSP
to the Contractor under the terms of
Contra ct shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP
ct. The Contractor shall be
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contra
Contractor by WSP resulting from the
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the
that property in accordance with sound
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer
of WSP property, the Contractor shall
manag ement practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage
loss or damage. upon the termination
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further
WSP property to the WSP Project
or completion of this Contract the Contra ctor shall surrender all
Manag er indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract .
ct shall not preclude WSP from
32. Waive r. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contra
of any other rights under this
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver
by an author ized representative of WSP and
Contra ct unless stated to be such in writing and signed
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract
Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C090623PSC or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

011\1:1 Me.t.:fOH 1C-aIMINAt-INTEU-lGte.NCiZ-IWAL-YST

Printed Name and Title

~ ..

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of 11


TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C090623PSC and Task Order No. I

DATE: February 3, 2009

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract and task order between the
Washington State Patrol and Mr. Chad Melton. Funding for this contract will be encumbered
under separate task orders.

Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this'contract has a copy
of this contract to ensure the payment documents are filled out correctly.

The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number noted
above; please use this number on all correspondence and payment documents associated with this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget and Fiscal
Services, at Micro 12, ext. 11071.

c,J..:r{ JRH:clh
fk1' I Attachment
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget Section
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Assistance Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcemeru services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

February 3, 2009

Mr. Chad R. Melton

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C090623PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed with this letter are two fully executed originals of the referenced agreement
and task order between you and the Washington State Patrol. Please keep these
originals for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number are the agreement numbers
referenced above; please use these numbers on all correspondence regarding these
agreements. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596·4071.


II Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

1].\ New
Period of o Amendment
Contract No. C.09CXod-2 Jjlsc.., Performance: 1!;}.(o(D9 - 9 bO(09 0 Recurring
Contract Title: ex ""i(\)(\ ( 'j .. ,-\g \ \ i 3
I Q DC Q fh;a 1.{,s,J.. S-esvi c.e..s .= LOA-j AC
Other Party: C b" cC (bo ,\-toN
IN Payable
o Receivable
Amount: ~ YOd-.. cOO o Other:

Scope of Work: ~ 5e _ Q8-!'€()CMJ- Il+'dl ±tasK orrUn

Grants and Contract Manager:

BFS Administrator:

Management Services Bureau Director: .+~!-.::»-_I.1..lv_1-1-___--'________

Page I 01 )

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:39 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Cindy, for your files ......... .

From: Beckley, Paul (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:35 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Cc: Maki, Bob (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts


Paul Beckley
Deputy Chief
Washington State Patrol
Service With Humility

From: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:28 PM
To: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Cc: Maki, Bob (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Deputy Chief Beckley,

Since these are personal service contracts, not a request to hire FTEs the request needs to go through BFS to
solicit an exemption from OFM. To process this request from Captain Braniff, BFS needs your approval (As the
Acting Chief) to "approve the requested exemption and provide purchase approval."

If you approve, Mr. Maki's shop will handle.


Captain Marc Lamoreaux

Human Resource Division
(360) 704-2324

From: Hattell, Curt (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4: 11 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Subject: Fw: WAJAC - Analysts

rage L or )

Marc, please advise on next steps.

Captain Curt Hattell

Office of Professional Standards
(360) 704-2333

Note: To ensure compliance with all administrative requirements and retention guidelines, please delete any e-
mails regarding OPS cases after your review. When responding to any e-mails regarding OPS cases please
delete the senle-mail immediately.

From: Beckley, Paul (WSP)

To: Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Sent: Mon Dec 22 16:09:34 2008
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts
They need to be run through HRD in the proper format for submission to DOP.

Paul Beckley
Deputy Chief
Washington State Patrol
Service WitJiHumilitg

From: Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:23 PM
To: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Subject: FVI/: WAJAC - Analysts

Chief, I am walking into this movie when it is almost over. This looks like something that should
have your approval. Please let me know if this is something I can do or if it needs your
blessing_ Thanks, Curt

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22,20082:17 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Ce: Gurley, Traci (WSP)
Subject: Re: WAJAC - Analysts


AC approved it; however, we have all erased the email and Cindy Haider needs a copy in the file.
Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)

To: Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Ce: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Mon Dec 2213:43:22 2008
Subject: FVI/: WAJAC - Analysts
Acting Assistant Chief Hattell - We are unsure if this got forwarded to AC Ursino last week for approval, and with

Page j ot :,

Acting Captain Drake needs to get this process

Geri out today I am hoping you can check or give your approval.
hl and Bob Maki to make it happen. These
moving and we just need the AC's approval forwarded to Jeff Hugda
. If you need any more info, just give me or Randy
are grant funded contract analysts who will work at the WAJAC
a call.

Thanks, T raci

From: Maki, Bob (WSP)

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 8:40 AM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP); Haider, Cindy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts
needs to approve the exemption
Randy: The Chief doesn 't necessarily need to see the contracts. He just
of them from the spending freeze and provide purchase approval ..
d to me/Jeff Hugdahl. We'll
You can forward this to him and ask that he review/approve and forwar
take it from there.

Thx, Bob

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 6:27 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Maki, Bob (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

Jeff and/or Bob,

provided answers to the questions as per

Captain Braniff is on vacation for the remainder of the year. I have
of the contracts. Cindy, do you know if AC Ursino
Cindy Haider's email found below. I do not have a copy
has received these contracts?

1. Purpose
s of hiring a total of six intelligence analysts (1
The Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) is in the proces
n has already been approved. These are
Lead Analys t and 5 Intelligence Analysts). The Lead Analys t positio
d due to the nature and sensitivity of
contractor pOSitions. Background investigations will be require
information available to analysts.

2. Fund Source and Amoun t

and Security's State Homel and Security
Contractors will be paid with funds from the Depart ment of Homel
Grant. One million dollars has been allotted to fund these positio

3. Does the purchase ....

loss of life?
• Prevent material loss or damag e to property, bodily injury, or
to Washington State's Statewide
The project provides a critical compo nent(in telligen ce analysts)
and intent of the SWIIS is to protect the citizens of
Integrated Intelligence System Plan (SWlIS ). The spirit
capabi lity focuse d on terrorism prevention .
Washington State by providing an intelligence

• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?


rage'! or J

• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?

Federal funds are available to fund the hiring of these contractors. An investment justification submitted to
the Department of Homeland Security specifies that these funds will be used to fund intelligence analysts .

• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a project will
encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?

The WSFC enhancement project is dependent upon the acquisition of intelligence analysts and
continuation of the contracting process including background investigations on successful proposers.

4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

If not approved, the WSP will not be able to successfully secure the services of the above-described
proposers and will not be in compliance with the WSP's own contractor proposal requirements.

Lt. Randy Drake, 88

Washington State Patrol
Washington State PatrollnteHigence Section
Washington State Fusion Center
Work: 206-262-2418

From: Haider, Cindy (W5P)

Sent: Wed 12/17/2008 2:52 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (W5P)
Cc: Drake, Randy (W5P); Hugdahl, Jeff (W5P); Maki, Bob (W5P)
Subject: WAJAC - Analysts

Captain Braniff,

The chosen candidates for the Criminal Intelligence Analysts to be located at WAJAC with the effective dates of
January 15, 2009 through September 30,2012 are the following:

Ms. Kathleen Almquist, Operational Applications Inc.

Ms. Kia Graham, Operational Applications Inc.
Ms, 83f'B lacy, e~8rati; 81 Ajijilh ati,,!!. lire: ~", CJ..-aJ ~ \w
Mr. John Kristof, Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services
Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen

Due to the recent spending freeze please pass these pending personal services agreements to Assistant Chief
Ursino for his approval. If he approves these contracts he needs to forward to either Jeff Hugdahl or Bob Maki for
DC Beckley's approval. They will need the following questions answered:

1. Purpose
2. Fund Source and Amount
3. Does the purchase ....
• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?
• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?
• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?
• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a
project will encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?
4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved? .

Once approval through the chain of command has been received the contract can be then be processed and
routed for signature as well as the approval may be needed by HRD to complete the background check.

Page:' ot:,

Please let rile know if you have any questions.

Cindy Haider
H'ST' COn/ranI'
cindy. haider@wsp. wa. gov

01/26/2009 11: 43 t'AX 2062622014 'i!J UUl

To: Ms. Cindy Haider FAX: (360) 596-4077

Date: 01126/09

From: Chad Melton Phone: (206) 661-7851

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C090623PSC and Task Order No.1

Total number of pages, including this cover sheet: 7


*** WARNING: The contents of this transmission is CONFIDENTIAL,

imd is intended for the intended recipient only_ If you have received
this in error, please destroy the contents of this transmission, and
notify the sender immediately_
Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

January 21,2009

Mr. Chad Melton

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C090623PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed are two sets of the referenced agreement and task order between you and the
Washington State Patrol. Once you have signed these originals, please fax a copy of
both signed originals to my attention at fax number (360) 596-4077 and return all
originals to the following:

Ms. Cindy Haider

Budget and Fiscal Services
WaShington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602

One fully executed original of each will be returned to you for your records. The
Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is referenced above; please use this
number on all correspondence regarding this agreement. If you need further
aSSistance, please contact Ms. Haider at (360) 596-4071.



~) Mr. Jeffrey R.. Hugdahl .
. Budget and Fiscal Services

~:~ .f=r:, ~ ~'-. c·' - ~.~
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090623PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance January 26, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor shall provide criminal intelligence analyst services
during the time of the period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The local worksite for the Contractor during this
Task Order is the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for travel

costs approved in advance by WSP according to
the terms ofWSP Contract No. C090623PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $75,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton, (206) 661-7851

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name

Page 1 of 1
WSP Contract No.
Other Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
Chad R. Melton
Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number

Contact Name Contact Telephone

Mr. Chad Melton 206-661-7851
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address
WSP Contact Information
WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
WSP Investigative Assistance Division
Lieutenant Randy Drake
PO Box 2347,01 mpia WA 98507-2347
(360) 704-2393
(360) 704-2973
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts Manager Olympia WA 98504-2602
J360) 596-4052
(360) 596-4077
E-mail Address

Contract Start Date I Contract End Date I Maximum Contract Amount

January 26, 2009 September 30, 2012 $402,000
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
[8J Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
[8J Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
[8J Additional Exhibits as specified: Exhibit C, Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement
This Contract, including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing
below warrant that they have read and understand this Contract and have the authority to enter into this Contract
WSP Signature Date Contractor Signature Date

Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:

• Raw intelligence classification and analysis

• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies
• Effective communication to help others learn, understand and apply specific criminal
intelligence analysis principles, techniques or information.
• Effective identification, collection, organization and documentation of criminal
intelligence data and information in ways that make the information most useful for
subsequent assessment, analysis and investigation.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Chad Melton WAJAC

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must maintain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performa[1ce may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is
not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

5. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Initial- 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9130/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 10/1/11 - 9/30/12
Chad Melton $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 11


When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

6. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page4of11

Exhibit 8


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, Which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
inforrnation that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a rnember to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a mernber to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent ofthe required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) SUbstantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom,. shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid prOVision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any SUbcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 11

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under .this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 11

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C090623PSC or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source- code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, Violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of 11

\ Page 1 of5
Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 20088:39 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Cindy, for your files _________ _

From: Beckley, Paul (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:35 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Cc: Maki, Bob (WSP); Hatteli, Curt (WSP); Hugdahi, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

Washington State Patrol
SertJice With Humility

From: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP) ,
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:28 PM I
To: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Cc: Maki, Bob (WSP); Hatteli, Curt (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Oeputy Chief Beckley,

Since these are personal service contracts, not a request to hire FTEs the request needs to go through BFS to
solicit an exemption from OFM_ To process this request from Captain Braniff, BFS needs your approval (As the
Acting Chief) to "approve the requested exemption and provide purchase approval."

If you approve, Mr. Maki's shop will handle_


Captain Marc Lamoreaux

Human Resource Division
(360) 704-2324
From: Hatteli, Curt (WSP)
Sent: Monday, December 22, 20084:11 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Subject: Fw: WAJAC - Analysts

Page 4 of5

• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?

Federal funds are available to fund the hiring of these contractors. An investment justification submitted to
the Department of Homeland Security specifies that these funds will be used to fund intelligence analysts .

• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a project will
encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?

The WSFC enhancement project is dependent upon the acquisition of intelligence analysts and
continuation of the contracting process including background investigations on successful proposers.

4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

If not approved, the WSP will not be able to successfully secure the services of the above-described
proposers and will not be in compliance with the WSP's own contractor proposal requirements.

Lt. Randy Drake, 88

Washington State Patroi
Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center
Work: 206-262-2418

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wed 12/17/20082:52 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Maki, Bob (WSP)
Subject: WAJAC - Analysts

Captain Braniff,
The chosen candidates for the Criminal Intelligence Analysts to be located at WAJAC with the effective dates of
January 15, 2009 through September 30, 2012 are the following:

Ms. Kathleen Almquist, Operational Applications Inc.

Ms. Kia Graham, Operational Applications Inc.
Ms. lOam baG;', OperatieRal A.pplisalieAs Inc. ehcul.c (\\e.,1.4-o.v
Mr. John Kristof, Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services
~~~iiI II '6m'm~

Due to the recent spending freeze please pass these pending personal services agreements to Assistant Chief
Ursino for his approval. If he approves these contracts he needs to forward to either Jeff Hugdahl or Bob Maki for
DC Beckley's approval. They will need the following questions answered:

1. Purpose
2. Fund Source and Amount
3. Does the purchase ....
• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?
• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?
• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?
• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a
project will encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?
4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

Once approval through the chain of command has been received the contract can be then be processed and
routed for signature as well as the approval may be needed by HRD to complete the background check.

Haider, Cindy (W5P)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 16,20099:03 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Analysts


I have reconvened the interview panel. We have decided to offer Mr. Chad Melton the available analyst position.

Can I call him to determine if he accepts the offer? Also, willi be able to have him start on Tuesday?
Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Organized Crime Intelligence Unit
Washington State Fusion Center

Haider, Cindy (W5P)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 9:03 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Analysts


I have reconvened the interview panel. We have decided to offer Mr. Chad Melton the available analyst position.

Can I call him to determine if he accepts the offer? Also, willi be able to have him start on Tuesday?
Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Organized Crime Intelligence Unit
Washington State Fusion Center

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

._._._---•..._. ._._--_.. _._-_._---
From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 11 :26 AM
To: 'chd.melton@gmail.com'
Subject: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Mr. Melton,
We appreciate the time and effort you provided in developing and submitting a response to the RFQQ, however,
other proposers were named Apparent Successful Proposers for this procurement.

If you would like a debriefing on your proposal, please contact me bye-mail no later than 4:30p.m. PST on
December 29, 2008. As stated in the RFQQ.

• Discussion will be limited to a critique of the requesting Consultant's proposal.

• Comparisons between proposals or evaluations of the proposals will not be allowed.
• Debriefing conferences may be conducted in person or on the telephone and will be scheduled for a
maximum of one hour.

I can be reached via e-mail at g.illht,haider@wsp.wa.gov. Please let me know if you have any questions
concerning this message.

Cind" Itaider
WSP RF(}(} ('oordinaior
cindy haider@wsp. W(/.gol'

No. Company UBI POC Title POC First POC Last Addr~ss City State Zip Phone Fax E-mail Tm Title Tm First Tm Last
1 Network Transport Engine, 602580868 Mr Micheal Dorsey 3300 NE 11 Ridgefield WA 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167 Mr. Nicholas Jones
2 Nighthawk Analytical 602117883 Mr Harry Hansen 27306 SE i Sammami, WA 98075 (206) 940·0235 nighthawkanalytical@Mr. Harry Hansen
3 Dan K. Melton 602559115 Mr. Dan Melton 1 Mr. Dan Melton
4 Michael R. Chamness 602111069 Mr. Michael Chamness 8280 NE B Bainbridge WA 98110 (360) 551-2183 mchamnes@leo.gov Mr., Michael Chamness
5 Chad R. Melton 602558289 Mr. Chad Melton . Chad Melton
6 KSNK Enterprise 602373741 Mr. Kenneth Crow PO Box 77 Issaquah WA 98027 (425) 837-0229 (425)837-0229 kcrow@ais-seattle.ccMr. Ken Crow
7 Kristof Analysis & Investig 602877420 Mr. John Kristof 7326 46th. Seattle WA 98115 (206) 262-2382 (206) 473-8736 jkristof@leo.gov Ms. John Kristof
8 Intelligence Acumen Mr. James Ward 7008 258tt Graham WA 98338 (253) 232-6378 (Mr. James Ward
9 Centra Technology Inc. 52-1405842 Ms. Eileen O'Sullivan 25 Burlingt Burlington MA 1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osullivane@centram'Ms. Amy Kanawi
9c Centra Technology Inc. Ms. Olivia Goodman
9d Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Nathan Miller
ge Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Michael Steinberg
9f Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Evan Waidley
9g Centra Technology Inc. Ms. Victoria Allen

10a Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Larm 4227 Soutl Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564 doug.larm@oQeratiorMr. Dennis Gerber
lOb Operational Applications Ms. Sara Lacy
10c Operational Applications Ms. Kathleen Almquist
10d Operational Applications Ms. Kia Graham
10e Operational Applications Ms. Neoma Skye
11 The Confluence Group Inc 20-4527781 602589963 Mr. Luis Vega 2829 Ruck Everett WA 98201 (425) 212-3500 (425)212-3535 Ivega@confiuencecaIMr. David Malinowski
11a The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Brinkley Harrell
11b The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Bob Korter
11c The .Confluence Group Inc Mr. Francisco .olivarez
11d The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Carlos Alvarez
11e The Confluence Group Inc Ms. Alice Switzer

No. Company TIN UBI POC Title POC First POC Last Address City State Zip Phone Fax E-mail Tm Title Tm First Tm Last
1 Network Transport Engine, 602580868 Me. Micheal Dorsey 3300 NE 11 Ridgefield WA 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167 Mr. Nicholas Jones
8 Intelligence Acumen 341-70-6409 Mr. James Ward 7008 258tt Graham WA 98338 (253) 232-6378 Mr. James Ward
9 Centra Technology Inc. 52-1405842 Ms. Eileen O'Sullivan 25 Burlingt Burlington MA 1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osullivane@centram, Ms. Amy Kanawi
9a Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Steve Mazel
9b Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Scott Whippo
10 Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Larm 4227 Soutt Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564 douq.larm@operatiorMr. Bill Evans
Responsive Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost·PIs (" Eval 1 Eval2 Eval3 Quest Rav Quest (70 Ref 1 Ref 2
Yes $44.00 $44.00 $44.20 $44.20 $44.10 13.54 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 56.00 45.00 50.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 38.00 40.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 0.00 0.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 41.00 47.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 47.00 42.00
Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 44.00 44.00
_Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 6.00 6.00 7.00 .6.33 44.33 44.00 45.00
Yes $37.50 $39.00 $40.56 $42.18 $39.81 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 50.00 50.00
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 llA6
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 llA6

Yes $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 47.00 47.00
Yes $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.67 53.67 50.00 0.00
Yes $48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 50.00 46.00
Yes $48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 50.00 46.00
Yes $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 7.00 7.00 8.00 7.33 51.33 0.00 43.00

Responsi, Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost Pis (15) Evall Eval2 Eval3 Quest Rav Quest (70 Ref 1 Ref 2
Yes $51.00 $51.00 $52.00 $52.00 $51.50 17.48 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 45.00 50.00
Yes $40.50 $42.12 $43.80 $45.56 $43.00 20.93 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 28.00 50.00 50.00
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00 $64.50 13.95 8.00 7.00 8.00 7.67 53.67 50.00 50.00
Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 p Total Scan
47.00 47.33 14.20 83.74
37.00 38.33 11.50 58.44
0.00 0.00 0.00 46.94
49.00 45.67 13.70 67.64
45.00 44.67 13.40 74.34
28.00 38.67 11.60 58.54
47.00 45.33 13.60 69.88
47.00 49.00 14.70 78.70

45.00 46.33 13.90 60.17

44.00 31.33 9.40 74.33
46.00 47.33 14.20 67.91
0.00 32.00 9.60 70.31
42.00 28.33 8.50 71.10

Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 pI Total Scar,

47.00 47.33 14.20 56.20
47.00 49.00 14.70 42.70
50.00 50.00 15.00 68.67

July 26, 2008

(U) New MS-13 Affiliated Group May Have Capacity for Increased

(U) The Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) has learned of anew MS-13
affiliated group dedicated to using violence. If this new MS-13 affiliated group has the
organization and violent nature that MS-13 is known for, then this group could become a
dangerous domestic threat. Law enforcement intelligence has indicated that a possible
new MS-13 group has formed. Open source intelligence indicates that MS-13 is well
organized, has propensity for violence, recruits heavily among school-aged youth,
expands into new areas quickly, is extremely flexible in its activity (will do any crime at
any time), and are known for killing cops.

• (U) According to a law enforcement source, on July 25,2006 Charlotte, NC

police responded to a murder scene where two Salvadorans were apprehended.
The subjects immediately began bragging about the murder, their involvement
with MS-13, and a new MS-13 group that had just formed. Intelligence also
indicates that approximately two months prior the same individuals had been at
the site probably casing the area in anticipation of a planned murder.

• Multiple open source intelligence indicates that MS-13 has a loose

organizational structure and is well organized. In addition, MS-13 is known to be
very violent, recruits heavily, expands into new areas ~uickly, is known to do
any crime at any time, and are known for killing cops.

(U) The WAJAC has no credible or specific information that this new MS-13 affiliated
group plans on conducting violence in Washington State, but it is important to remain
vigilant and report suspicious incidents. Suspicious incidents can be reported to W AJAC
at wajac@leo.gov or by calling our 24-hour tip-line at: 1-877-XXX-XXXX.

****Note: I would disseminate this bulletin via NWWARN to our 600+ law enforcement
partners which include WSP, tribal, and local law enforcement. Also, I would distribute
to state fusion centers, federal law enforcement, and federal intelligence agencies.

I would attach a W AJAC customer satisfaction survey asking our recipients to evaluate
our product. Questions I would ask are: (1) was the information timely and relevant; (2)

1 Office of the Governor of Maryland; Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13;

did the product increase your knowledge on a particular subject or issue; (3) did the
product make you decide on a course of action.

Vendor Name CJ~d (bd+O~ Vendor Number ....5....

Evaluator Name o..l'd.'1.rQ.lk.-

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

Signature _-+le~JJi=--!I-~!lL==--_ ___ Date.--'/:....../_-_f_Cl_-_o_8_

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
.approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed forWSP.
5 = 'The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. \ ....:+O~i\-'--______
for __C=-_h_"'"--=cA'-'----21fY\-=--_-e...-=-:..\

Reference Name __3.::::.:..._Q

_,_t>_-=e:..:....-=-..) ~_,--\"_~
______ --,~,...- ..
@~) Z.S!>~ &'Z 8'3
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone:~ob') -z,b-V- 2. S 4S'

2. Why did they c,hoose the proposed Analyst? Score: lO

Q5St-,j ...i..d

3. -Eropo~ed
i'r \.
Analyst perormance v~ E1xpect tion&...
...v <:- \ L-f\.e.r cJ.. \
r '>

6. Score: <Z

7. ~ttitude ef proposed Anal Score: \0

Yos- ,'1",-..1<.- "'-_ .....
(-/'2. .
Vendor Name C,bo J [bdtoN Vendor Number 5'

Evaluator Name Ro.",j1 Drcv\'<.--

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals

wHh my oom
LUX--- Date J /-( tj-~
Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
.approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The referenc.e indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o= The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. Z for ~.J"J>-J ~l-by\
Reference Name ____1=-o-={-'--~_=s"'__ __'S'~"Z.._"'_'_r._"·~,-,to/\.~-"P\..--""",,--_ _ __
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: ~O2-) nb - 7bCi I
1. What qid thelfJroposed AG-¥~ do for your company? Score: i
C~cA. cX.Oe.S

2. Why did they choose the proposed Analyst? Score: 10

3. Proposed Analyst performance vs. expectations ( Score:-S-

J:: 5 l,,)och"'J \ ue,.,\.\ OY'- \lG:.~ ~Od"'C-C../\

6. Abil~y of the proposed Analyst to meeJ sCh~~es rnd deadlines Score: ?

Nt> 0... \0+ ~. ~~ U:...5 ~"s€..- c!:>f'.-

7. ~ttitupe of proposed Al]alyst (friendly, adversarial, fltc.)

r'OS"i'-tw-e.. fJ-e.e..tJ.S ~ j,.\'t-u..-"\'tot\..

Lf d..D

Vendor Name ~C!......[~).f!,J*-...l.<b~Q...-~lkJCl.!!::>I...,o,___ Vendor Number ..2

Evaluator Name _2.L1-=-=-'-"'-'-'~~'1+-__D.-=:. :.r._Q. -.-!. .k-~= -_ _ _ __

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also

m '1121--
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

Signature , Date /)--1 '1-() 8>

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The referenc.e indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. 3 for CJ.,,,, c1 f'f\ -e.. -l +01'\
Reference Name _-,e=.:I,-,c..-:o..~-'--',r-_~_W-,,--_\d-~-dq--;=-------=-:---;.
;;t s "c>-30 I - oSID'I
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: U>(" - 2-"v 2.I./S3

1. Score: \~

2. Why did they choose the proposed Analyst? Score: \ 0

3. Score: S
\0 oe.

6. Score: B

7. Score: 5,
..........hJ.!lcui~-'Q0e"-"',!.l.\-k.l..\<..LrJ"--_ _ _ _ __
Vendor Name _-'C Vendor Number ::;

Team Member Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

oriQ Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
o Proposed for Both
Evaluator Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my compl ted eval~tion sheet.

Signature \JtL Date_,-,;I I-'-!1Jf ~Cl;fi,.L·_ __


Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional proquct.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 1 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Is)he Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
o Yes D No
Dojhe certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
[9'Yes D No
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on'
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) _-.J.7c.....___

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
DYes D No
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
DYes D No

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcemen~ statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 3 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name <!.baA mt., \%rJ Vendor Number~

Team Member Name ____________________________

~ Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
o Proposed for Both
Evaluator Name' I ;JZ t:\.: (A r1. v\..? r--


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent'conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests'. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

11111'10 _1>

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all reqUirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page I of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
-fJPres 0 No
~ the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
pYes ONo
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis Dr a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'. .

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) __ T-L-___

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name Chu c\ \;'f\d +010 Vendor Number2-

Team MemberName ____________________________

55:l Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
D Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
D Proposed for Both ~
Evaluator Name ~" /.&1:400
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased a!,d
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my partiCipation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the infor· law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed ev ·0 sheet.

Signature ----...£.4-AL-----,c;-,.,4"A.4.e:::.l.------- Date.---'-~'___//__8__-v.

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product. _
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 =The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 1 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet


/ One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted with the
Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances were signed by
a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.

/ 4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

~ Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 14, 2008.

/ The Consultant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington.

/ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any
proposed Consultant Team Member(s):
Has previously served as an intelligence analyst for a minimum of two (2) years e.ither in a
Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence
unit; or has a Bachelor's degree or higher college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement,
statistical analysis or a related field that substitutes
for the work experience requirement; and
Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any "
proposed Consultant Team Member
Has four years of progressively responsible work experience in either in a Federal intelligence
agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit; and
Possess a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; or, an Associate's
degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or related field from an
accredited college or university; and
Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed
Consultant Team Members does not exceed $50.00.

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed
Consultant Team Members does not exceed $60.00.

/ The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for every
Consultant Team Member proposed for work. The form is signed by each respective
proposed Consultant Team Member.

/ Proposal provided 90 days for acceptance of its terms from the due date of proposals.

W!,!shington.State Patrol Page 13 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

November 10,2008

Ms. Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator

Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia, WA 98504-2602 NUV 132006

Letter of Submittal
Request for Qualifications/Quotations No. C090433PSC
Project Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to indicate my interest in the above Request for Qualifications/Quotations.

Attached is a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services.


.r j Jji2)-
1. Name: Chad Russell Melton

Registered Trade Name: Criminal Intelligence Analyst for Washington State


Place of Business: Washington Joint Analytical Center/ FBI Field

Office, 1110 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101

Telephone Number: (206) 661-7851

Fax Number: (206) 262-2014

E-Mail Address:

2. Legal status of the Consultant: Sole Proprietorship

Year the entity was organized: 2005

3. N/A

4. Social Security Number:

WA Uniform Business Identification Number: 602 558 289

5. N/A

6. Chad Russell Melton is the Consultant Team Member proposed for work for
Criminal Intelligence Analysis Services.


IIwe make the following certifications and assurances as a required element olthe proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance
with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. Itwe declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices andlor cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However,
Ilwe may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 90 days following receipt, and it may be
accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of
certainty in key terms) at any time within the 90-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, Itwe have not been assisted by any current or former employee olthe
state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract,
and who was assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these
assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5. Itwe understand that WSP will not reimburse melus for any costs incurred in the preparation of
this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and IIwe claim no proprietary right to
the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices andlor cost data which have been submitted have
not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her
prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7. IIwe agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation
contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. If there are
any exceptions to these terms, Itwe have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached
to this document. .

8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to
submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

9. Itwe certify that neither the Proposer nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in any
contract resulting from this procurement by any federal department or agency. Further, if
awarded a contract the Proposer agrees not to enter into any arrangements or other contracts
with any party that is on the "General Service Administration List of Parties Excluded from
Federal Procurement or Non-procurement Programs" which can be found at www.epls.gov.

Si of Proposer

Ct"'min,,-I :l=nte.l\l~ Ar"\"aly~.fl, .... WaSk,""'31-oVl sT=i"e. il/l0/200~

Title Date

Washington State Patrol Page 12 RFQQ No. C090433PSC


1. Team Member QualificationslExperience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst


A. I, Chad Russell Melton, am the Consultant Team Member submitting the

proposal for work for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services.

I hold a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice, a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal

Justice, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. During the course of my
studies, I took several courses in research methodology and techniques,
and statistical analysis.

I have nearly nine years of experience in national security as an enlisted

Army Military Police Soldier, Army ROTC Cadet, and combat tested
Army Infantry Officer. I have spent the last three years as a contract
Criminal Intelligence Analyst for the Washington Joint Analytical Center
(WAJAC). At the WAJAC my general responsibilities include:

• the collection, exploitation, analysis, production, and

dissemination of intelligence information;

• writing and disseminating weekly intelligence briefs addressing all

crimeslterrorism in Washington State, nationally, and

• writing and disseminating' ad hoc' intelligence bulletins;

• preparing and participating in intelligence briefings/presentations;

• participating in the production of intelligence assessments.

Specialized intelligence analysis training includes:

• Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training (FIAT) (40 hrs),


• Law Enforcement Intelligence "Toolbox" training (20 hrs), 2006

• Geographic Information Systems training at the National

Geospatial-Intelligence College (40 hrs), 2007

• Introductory Analytic Tradecraft training (40 hrs), 2008

• Pen-link! Call Analysis training (24 hrs), 2008

• Critical Infrastructure Key Resource Asset Protection Technical
Assistance Program (CAPTAP) (36 hrs), 2008

I am proficient in Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Outlook, and


B. Please see attached resume and certificates of completion.

2. NIA

3. References

A. Detective J.R. Pewitt

King County Sheriffs Office
WAJAC, 1110 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Tel: (206) 262-2545
Cell: (206) 255-5283
Fax:. (206) 262-2014
E-mail: james-r.pewitt@kingcounty.gov

I provide assistance in the collection, exploitation, analysis, production,

and dissemination of intelligence information.

B. Senior Intelligence Officer James Szrama

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
WAJAC, 111 0 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Tel: (206) 262-2133
Cell: (202) 536-7691
Fax: (206) 262-2014
E-mail: janles.szrama@dhs.gov

I assist in the production of intelligence assessments and help in the

sharing of intelligence between WAJAC and DHS.

C. Ricky J. Twiggs
Counterdrng Task Force, National GuardlMilitary Department
WAJAC, 1110 3 rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
Tel: (206) 262-2453
Cell: (360) 301-0864
Fax: (206) 262-2014
E-mail: rickv.j.twiggs@us.army.mil

I provide assistance in the collection, exploitation, analysis, production,

and dissemination of intelligence information. I help in the sharing of
intelligence between W AJAC and the National Guard.
4. Related Information

A. Washington State Patrol, Washington Joint Analytical Center

Contract #: C060694PSC
Project Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst

B. N/A

C. N/A

D. No termination for default had been experienced by the Consultant in the

past five years.


The evaluation process is designed to award this procurement not necessarily to the Consultant of
least cost, but rather to the Consultant whose proposal best meets the requirements of this RFOO.
However, Consultants are encouraged to submit proposals which are consistent with State
government efforts to conserve state resources.

A. Identification of Costs (SCORED)

Identify the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed Consultant Team Members for services
through September 30, 2009; and each of the three optional years of a contract resulting from
this RFOO. If the hourly rate differs for each individual, please identify the specific rate for each
proposed ConSUltant Team Member.

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, WSP will accept proposals for hourly rates up to
$50.00; submission of a proposal with an houriy rate in excess of $50.00 for these services will
result in the rejection of your proposal as non-responsive.

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services, WSP will accept proposals for hourly rates up to
$60.00; submission of a proposal with an hourly rate in excess of $60.00 for these services will
result in the rejection of your proposal as non-responsive.-

Period Initial - 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9/30/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 1011/11 - 9130/12

$ 50.00 $ 50. DO $ 50. DD 1; SO,DO

B. Basis for Determining Rates.

1. The hourly rate must include all costs associated with providing services, including
Consultant Team Member salary and benefits, industrial insurance, and federal and state

2. WSP will reimburse for maximum one hundred and seventy-three (173) hours per month for
each Consultant Team Member providing services under contracts resulting from this RFOO.

3. The worksite, office supplies, personal computer, and communications shall be provided to
the Contractor. Any such goods andlor services shall remain the property of WSP.

4. When services are required by WSP at locations other than the Consultant Team Members
worksite, WSP will reimburse Contractors for authorized lodging, SUbsistence and business
vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual
is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

C. Computation. The score for the cost proposal will be computed by dividing the lowest average
hourly rate received by the Consultant's average hourly rate. Then the resultant number will be
multiplied by the maximum possible points for the cost section.

Washington State Patrol Page 16 RFOQ No. C090433PSC

Exhibit E


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, rny criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my rnilitary
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol,

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the. information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original,

To be completed by the applicant:


Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last) .

Other names YOU have been know by, inciudinQ prior marriaQe(s) or nickname(s)

Address City State Zip Code

3 jq /1"1/2
Social Security Number Date of Birth

C. ll-Q..1t 'YVlJi:> 1i lit> j20 0 'g

Applicant SiQnature ' Date

Washington State Patrol Page 17 RFQQ No. C090433PSC


(206) 661-7851



Accomplished professional with experience in law enforcement, national security, personnel

management, and criminal intelligence. An effective leader with superior analytical,
interpersonal, and communication skills. FBI Top Secret clearance.


• A successful record ofleadership and management experience in prolonged, intense, and

stressful situations.
• Recognized as a loyal and trusted staff member and an invaluable asset to the organization.
• Character is unequivocal and integrity is beyond reproach.
• Proficient in Internet applications and Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Outlook and Power
• Farniliar with the following Federal Bureau ofInvestigation systems: Guardian - Threat
Tracking System, Automated Case Support (ACS), Investigative Data Warehouse (IDW) and
Law Enforcement Online (LEO).
• Familiar with the following systems: Northwest Warning, Alert & Response Network
(NWWARN): Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS)! Western States Information
Network (WSIN); AutotrackXP; LexisNexis; Dunn and Bradstreet; ArcGIS 9.2(desktop
Geographic Information Systems software); Pen-Link v8.0 (desktop Telephone Record
Analysis software); and Automated Critical Asset Management System (ACAMS).


Washington State University, Spokane, WA, 2001

Master of Arts in Criminal Justice
50 total credits; Semester

Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 1996

B.A. in Criminal Justice and B.S. in Psychology
150 total credits; Semester

• Terrorism Workshop, 2008

• Critical Infrastructure Key Resource Asset Protection Technical Assistance Program
(CAPTAP) (36 hrs), 2008
• Pen-link! Call Analysis training (24 hrs), 2008
• FBI HQ sponsored Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO)
analysts' tools training (32 hrs), 2008
• Introductory Analytic Tradecraft training (40 hrs), 2008
• Rapid Responder training, 2008
• Domestic Terrorism Workshop, 2007
• Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit (LEIU) conference, 2007
• FBI HQ sponsored ArcGIS training at the National Geospatial-Intelligence College (40 hrs),
• Domestic Terrorism Workshop, 2006
• FBI! U.S. Army Combating Terrorism Center sponsored JTTF Education Session (24 hrs),
• Law Enforcement Intelligence "Toolbox" training (20 hrs), 2006
• Foundations ofIntelligence Analysis Training (FIAT) (40 hrs), 2006

Military Training

• Unit Movement Officer Course, 2003

• U.S. Army Bradley Fighting Vehicle Leader's Course, 2002
• U.S. Army Airborne School, 2002
• U.S. Army Infantry Officer Basic Course, 2002
• Washington State University Army ROTC program, 1999-2001
• U.S. Army Military Police School, 1997


• Army Commendation Medal (2nd Award)

• ArmyAchievement Medal (3rd Award)
• Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
• Iraq Campaign Medal
• National Defense Service Medal
• Army Service Ribbon
• Combat Infantryman Badge
• Parachutist Badge


Personnel Staff Officer (Captain, Infantry)

1st Battalion, 9th Cavalry Regiment, Fort Hood, TX
From: 10/2003 - 7/2005
Supervisor: Colonel Thomas D. Macdonald
Phone number: (717) 254-6607
Hours per week: 50+

I served as the Personnel Staff Officer for an Army mechanized infantry battalion, consisting of
700+ soldiers, at Fort Hood, TX and in Baghdad, Iraq: I was directly responsible for all
administrative actions and personnel issues within the battalion. I was in charge of the Battalion
Personnel Action Center consisting of 5 Non-Commissioned Officers and 3 enlisted soldiers,
who processed over 500 transactions a week. Key responsibilities included:

• Keeping the Battalion Commander and Executive Officer informed on the unit's personnel
status and administrative actions.
• Preparing and processing officer evaluation reports for 51 officers.
• Supervising all award, personnel evaluation, finance, leave, promotion, and legal processing
within the battalion.
• Ensuring mail was properly accounted for and distributed to soldiers.
• Collecting, managing and distributing unit funds.
• Planning and conducting all award and battalion ceremonies.
• Manifesting personnel for flights during deployment/re-deployment.
• Assisting in the casualty affairs process while serving in Baghdad, Iraq.
• Battalion History Officer while serving in Baghdad, Iraq.

Accomplishments Included:

• Smoothly and efficiently operating my administrative section during a Joint Readiness

Training Center (JRTC) mission rehearsal exercise at Fort Polk, LA.
• Meticulously tracking the battalion's personnel readiness, and keeping the Battalion
Commander informed of the unit's status and issues during the preparation and deployment
to Iraq.
• Developing and implementing the battalion leave policy in Iraq, which served as a model for
the brigade.
• Supervising the battalion leave program, that resulted in over 600 soldiers of the battalion
going home on rest and relaxation leave from Iraq.
• Developing, executing and refining an awards system that had processed near 200 Purple
Heart recommendations, 50 valor award recommendations and over 600 service award
• Drafted letters of condolence, and implemented procedures to return personal belongings to
families of soldiers that were critically injured and fatally wounded in combat.
• Arranging 1'or a finance and postal team to come on a regular basis to our remote Forward
Operating Base in Baghdad, so that soldiers could have access to basic services.
• Earning my Combat Infantryman Badge while serving in Baghdad, Iraq from March 2004 to
. March 2005.

Mechanized Infantry Platoon Leader (First Lieutenant, Infantry)

A Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Cavalry Regiment, Fort Hood, TX
From: 10/2002 - 10/2003
Supervisor: Captain Larry V. Geddings
Phone number: (337) 353-6187
Hours per week: 50+

Responsible for the training, tactical employment, and logistics of a 32 man Bradley Fighting
Vehicle equipped Infantry Platoon which deploys, with no notice, worldwide and executes
combat and non-combat missions in support of any contingency. In garrison environment,
responsible for the deployment and readiness of 4 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, and all platoon
equipment valued in excess of $12.5 million. Accomplishments included:

• Independently planning and executing training that better prepared my platoon for future
combat operations.
• My platoon being recognized as tbe most tactically proficient in Bradley Fighting Vehicle
mounted movement during a very taxing platoon external evaluation.
• Deploying to the National Training Center (Fort Irwin, CA) and leading my platoon through
four arduous missions successfully.
• Successfully leading my platoon through Bradley Fighting Vehicle Gunnery qualification,
which my platoon received the "Top Gun Platoon" award.

Gold Bar Recruiter (Second Lieutenant, Infantry)

Washington State University Army ROTC, Pullman, WA
From: 8/2001 - 1112001
Supervisor: Lieutenant Colonel James M. Zuba
Phone number: (509) 335-2591 is the number for tbe WSU Military Science Department.
Hours per week: 40

I assisted in the recruitment of university students in to tbe WSU Army ROTC program.
Accomplishments included:

• Assisting in tbe recruitment of 70 freshmen, 50 sophomores, and 24 juniors.

• Executing an aggressive on-campus marketing campaign. This included presentations to all
dormitories, Armed Forces Day/ Career Expo Day, and the high· school student welcome day.
• Working tirelessly telephoning prospects, mailing recruiting packets and 4-year scholarship
information to interested individuals.
• Planning and coordinating recruitment events on and off campus.

Specialist, Military Police

978th Military Police Company, Fort Bliss, TX
From: 8/1997-7/1999
Supervisor: Captain Dewey C. Haines
Phone number: (915) 568-1312 is the number for 978th Military Police Company
Hours per week: 50

In Garrison, protecting tbe lives and property on an Army base by enforcing military laws and
regulations, as well as controlling traffic, preventing crime and responding to emergencies.
While in the field, I was primarily responsible for providing support to tbe battlefield by
conducting area security, and prisoner of war/law and order operations. Law Enforcement duties

• Interviewing witnesses, victims and suspects in the course of investigating crimes.

• Arresting and charging criminal suspects.
• Patrolling areas by car and by foot; guarding entrances; directing traffic.

Additional duties included:

• M249/Squad Automatic Weapon Gunner while in the field.

• Company Commander Driver while in the field.
• Orderly Room Administrative Clerk while in Garrison.


Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst

Agency: Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC)
Address: Seattle FBI Field Intelligence Group, 1110 Third Ave Seattle, WA 98101
From: 1I2006-Present
Supervisor: Detective Sergeant Lance Ladines
Phone number: (206) 262-2175/ (360) 239-0793
Hours per week: 40+

Duties are to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to the Washington Joint Analytical
Center (WAJAC). WAJAC is co-located with the FBI's Seattle office; it is designated as the
State'sprimary fusion center and serves to collect, analyze and disseminate all crimes/terrorism
related intelligence to all law enforcement agencies in the state and to the national intelligence

Responsibilities are to provide the following products:

• Raw intelligence classification and analysis

• Weekly written intelligence briefs
• Written intelligence bulletins .
• Periodic intelligence briefings/presentations
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies, homeland security partners,
and goverrunent and private entities

Accomplishments include:

• Maintaining, and refming, a database of intelligence data to facilitate later retrieval and
• Tracking Terrorist Watch List encounters within Washington State - encounters are
researched and statistically assessed in an attempt to detect patterns and provide a baseline
for further analysis.
• Reviewing and vetting (using local, proprietary and federal electronic databases) incidents
and suspicious activity reports (SAR's) that have a potential nexus to international terrorism,
domestic terrorism, organized crime, and gang activity within Washington State. Referring
those incidents and SAR's deemed most suspicious to the Seattle FBI Joint Terrorism Task
Force, or to WAJAC Detectives.
• Involvement in the writing of several intelligence assessments:

- International and Domestic Terrorism 2006 Review. The assessment addressed the
Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front and their intent, capabilities,
and means to carry out an attack; it also highlighted their history of attacks in
Washington State and elsewhere. Furthermore, the assessment provided a heightened
situational awareness of identifiable trends and patterns of suspicious activities
reported to WAJAC that could have served as indicators of potential terrorist
operations within Washington.
- Washington - Canada Border: Potential Avenues through which law-enforcement
organizations can enhance participation in the border-security mission. The
assessment was written for Washington State and local law enforcement officials and
addressed historical examples of illegal border crossings and smuggling; identified
holes in the border; compared the Mexican and Canadian borders; highlighted
intelligence gaps; identified law enforcement, civilian, and military organizations
currently at work at the border; and provided potential solutions to enhance
participation in border secnrity.

- Based on the plot to attack the JFK Airport jet-fuel supply tanks and pipeline, WAJAC
assessed the relative vulnerability of the Seatac Airport jet-fuel supply tanks and
pipeline. The process involved conducting on-site visits and reviewing information to
ascertain all threat reporting. The assessments purpose was to inform decision makers
to vulnerability findings and to provide recommendations that could be nsed to harden

- Preventing Earth Liberation Front Actions. The paper mentioned efforts made by the
FBI to prevent ELF members from committing future attacks. The paper also pointed
out several areas of development that may be attractive to eco-terrorists as sites for
future attacks.

• Writing numerous weekly intelligence briefs and 'ad hoc' bulletins for WAJAC customers.
• Preparing and presenting numerous PowerPoint presentations for W AJAe.
• Supporting W AJAC leadership in preparing for executive presentations.
• Participating in two national level exercises where W AJAC disseminated critical information
addressing 'mock' terrorist attacks in Washington State.
• Preparing and presenting intelligence for a WASPC Tabletop exercise at Safeco Field.
• Participated in the drafting and disseminating of intelligence bulletins preceding the
shootings at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle advising the law enforcement
community of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the possible impact on the U.S.; and to pay
heightened attention to the safety and security surrounding locations of religious
significance. Immediately following the shooting assisted the FBI in running down leads, and
issued a bulletin detailing the events of the shooting and recommended law enforcement pay
special attention to suspicious inCidents or persons at or near Jewish facilities. Lastly, issued
a bulletin explaining the potential for reprisals against the Islamic community as a result of
the shooting.
• Identified a significant security threat to the Washington State Ferry System by analyzing
breach of security reports showing a distinct pattein of detailed surveillance of several ferry
vessels by two subjects. Intelligence analysis of the incidents resulted in a multi agency
operation, lead by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and the Washington State Patrol (WSP)
dubbed Operation Sound Shield. Operation Sound Shield was a four week surge of security
involving WSP, USCG, FBI, TSA Behavior Teams and Federal Air Marshals and effected
county and city police departments.
• Liaised with the Georgia Institute of Technology School ofInteractive Computing to provide
WAJAC a visual analytic system called Jigsaw. Jigsaw represents documents and their
entities (people, places, dates and organizations) visually in order to help analysts examine
reports more efficiently and develop theories about potential actions more quickly.
• Assisted the Bremerton Police Department in analyzing 345 incident reports pertaining to
graffiti. Jigsaw and geographic information system statistical tools were used to analyze and
map report information. W AJAC provided the department with a useful assessment ofthe
graffiti problem and a tool (Jigsaw) to help them expand on that assessment.


Title: Loss Prevention

Company: Nordstrom
Address: 100 Southcenter Shopping Center Tukwila, W A 98188
From: 811996-211997
Supervisor: ?
Phone number: (206) 246-0400
Hours per week: 40

I was responsible for controlling loss of merchandise, apprehension of shoplifters, investigating

fraudulent refund activity, and securing !be store.
This i.e') to Acknowledge that

, . Chad Melton
Has succes.ifully completed 40 hours of training in the
Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training (FIAT)

January 23·27, 2006

Seattle, Washington. USA

Lisn Pltlmi.,i, C. CA., [AUvA Pfesl(ienl

R".,...11 Port... lE1U C",,,al Ch"irpe"'tm
Certificate of Comp{etion
;' ,-: ",. :': ." :,.,c',·
,.~: ~~, ;_~'"


Critical I Protection
Techni"'~'i AP)

The CAPTAP serviceassist'sr,§fdt~iitllj;j{f'!q(1(laW~¢IJJf)lig~merjJ; Jtrs(responaers, emergency

management, and otherl'J9milfillld~~~'fJf;t'fji)¥!!Ji¢1~j'l!fii'~n,gi?st;ilJding
the steps necessary
to develop and implemenfapOlJl]lJngbenHiieTHKR p~().t&tiQripr&gram in their respective
,." _,"---_ ~t~, _ ",,"~.-,,<..c,",., __",',.- ,<;;:r -', '~"'

jurisdiction, through the fa6ilitated;shl!tfttlJ!'of'b'lf§t'vraaice§ 6nd lessons learned.

Shawn J. Fitch ~
C/ACAMS Senior Project Officer
n .. n"rlm"nl of Homeland
,II Intelligence :8; Hom~land
!! tJ .... ~h!~!!~~tice
III . . Michigan State University
~ SecurIty
Certificate oJCo1ftpfeted rrraining
. . :For tlieCourse

Law 'Enforcea:nentlnte{{igence ((fJ'oo{6o~J

.,!Pre'$entedto .

'11iis course is Certifiett by tfreDJfreofi.jran~'eJ!:q:raining andPresented by the
Scfwo{ of Crimina{Jus~ ~icIi1g~n .J~at~jf{Jnivi:tS'ity, '£ast.,pmsing, !M.icftigan, USYl
(jiven·tftisitay·/;&lpii{~OO6,SPo/Qlrte,·Wasliington .

fJ'raining Credit ftwa'rcfed f})avid L. CarteTj pli.f}),
f})irectoTj I nte[[igence Program

Be it known that
Chad R. Melton
has successfully completed the
Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems Course
During the period of 8 ~ 12 January 2007
and is therefore entitled to receive this
granted by the National Geospatial-Intelligence College,
The School ofGeospatial-Intelligence,
on this 12th day of January 2007
Analytic Advantage, Inc
Certificate of Completion

is hereby granted to certify to

Chad R. Melton
has completed to satisfaction

Introductory Analytic Tradecraft

Granted: May 2008

1cwtn .~~
Analytic Advantage Incorporated
Washington State Patrol 6/12/20094:28:05 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

WSP Contract No.lc090554 . H, rpsc~' Program Information: Program IIAD

Ip~pers~nal servi~~- - IInvestigative Assistance Division

Category Program:

Amendment No. Program Contact: Bureau: 118B

Title "IC"'r"im""'i'"n"'al"'A'"n-a""ly-s"'t."'W=.1>.""'J"'1>."'C-- ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff

Other Party Iintellig-~-n-~~-A~umen

Other No.1 Processing Status:

Star! Date 1.....1'"'/1"'5""/2..0-09- End Date 9/30/2012
Amendment r
Amountl $262.000 User 10 ICH Amd Amount ,,"'-""($"'6"'2"".0""00"')-

Contract Status IActive. Amd Status IComPleted

Contract Notes: Date document was sent to:

Word Processing
Analyst James Ward. See C090433PSC for RFQQ.
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 1/8/2009
BFS Review 1/14/2009
Chiefs Office 1/15/2009
Transmittal Letter 1/27/2009
Mailed to Other Part 1/812009
Received Back 1/14/2009
Distributed 1/27/2009.

Amendment r
Amd Amount i"1-"::$2"'6"'2"::.0"'00~
Amd Status IComPlet~cI
Date document was sent to:
Word Processing
Attorney General •

Bureau Cdr IOC 12/17/2008

BFS Notification 12/17/2008
BFS Review 1115/2009
Chiefs Office 1/15/2009
Transmittal Letter 1/27/2009
Mailed to Other Part 1/812009
Received Back
Distributed 1127/2009 •
.1 I
i r. ~

Personal Service Contr",_, Risk Assesment
Page 1 of4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
WSP Contract Number
BFS Contracts Specialist


1. Description of Services:
Cn m; "'" \ ::1A)-\< \L6wtE'- 61'-'~ 5 t-- \n &j A C ,

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision I Comments
Funding source (account coding) and Amount 00\- 0\.1- - COd-.'71 tD~Ja
Has an authorized manager approved the
~Yes DNo
Type of appropriation (federal, state, other)
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties Ust System been ~Yes DNo
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? \}.J s<?...- \l)!1,5 \? c /-Ji)} CUlQ..~ \,u,le
• Agency resou rces ~ Yes [J No
• Other public (governmental) resources 129 Yes D No
Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performed/is performed by WSP
DYes 1)9.No
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? DYes DNo NIp.
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
DYes DNo
proceed with the contract? ~1 J A
Is contractor a current or former state employee? DYes ~No
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board DYes DNo
approval? N)P,
• If former, provide last date of employment. 10IA
D Cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate methodes) of ~ Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? Fixed Price
D Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contrc._. Risk Assesment
Page 2 of4

If the contract is federally funded, is the Contractor a

subrecipient or vendor? NO
If a subrecipient, are audits required? If yes, evaluate
coverage provided by existing and anticipated audits.
DYes D No t;l[A


1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

1)g Competitive D Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

\)lJ Formal (>$20,000) D Informal «$20,000)

. Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintained.
';t", C....fu..gC ! .Q. \ ~

. 3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting
contractor. \

4. Advertised? ~ Yes D No D N/A (less than $20,000)

If yes, where and when was the advertisement placed?

\Of,SS - l12osbJ5=\:eN t\e..~\"m"hC (6VSiNf'SS ':bl"k,,,,s

Do you haife proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? Il9 Yes D No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? DYes ® No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?D Yes D No N IA

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5.000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point =O. Unknown, risk point =5.
1"2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contra~, Risk Assesment
Page 3 of4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= =
Lower Risk; Yes Higher Risk 01..
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 Medium Risk
>$100,000 HiQh Risk '-I
Complexity of services -:z,
Payment method (how complex is it?) What methodes) did you use? What
experience do you have with the methodes)?
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
. Fixed Price (score 1-3))
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1-3) "3
Procurement method:
~Competitive (score 1 to 3)
o Sole Source (score 3 to 5) 1
2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor I Points
Size and source of fundinQ .l..
Length of time in business Lf
Experience and past performance I
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
proof?) I
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition good or poor?) :3
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the
organization?) -
Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?) -
Organizational changes (is organization stable or does it have frequent turnover?)
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?) \
LeQal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) 1
Background of individuals (do you have resumes?) 1

3. Total Risk Points

D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
ogiYes 0 No
2. Does the risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?
'flYes 0 No
Personal Service Contra.. , Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
~Yes ONo

4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity periodic reports \f'(>s
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation L(es
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetings, etc.) ~

Maintain other periodic contract with

contractor (telephone, email, etc.) \{Ies
Other: f\1I -A. ,".~. "'$ !of,'\\'" InA-s Pr

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
example, A 133 audits)?
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure appropriate spendina of state funds?
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed?
Is corrective action necessary? Were
questioned costs resolved?
Are audit findinqs, if any, resolved?
to, fl-


Any activities need follow-up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
F'ollow-up on audit findinqs needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

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Exact Name; Ward, James Hunter > Acronyms

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As of 23·Dec·2008 7:14 PM EST > News
> Recent Updates
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Agency & Acronym Information Archive Search ~ Past Exclusions

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https://www.ep1s.gov/ep1s/search.do 12/23/2008
Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Monday, January 12, 20093:16 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 11912009.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after a decision was made by OFM on
this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 39079-00

Contractor Legal Name: James H. Ward

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090554PSC
Filed Date: 11912009
Start Date: 1/15/2009
Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $262,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist with filing an amendment to the
contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at
ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:34 AM
To: 'McMullen, Jan S. (OFM)'
Subject: RE: WSP Filings in PSCD

Yes - to all four contracts.

I thought that I had incorporated the language under Reasonableness of Cost but will ensure for future filings.
This is the last of the filings that are associated to a recent RFOO.

Thank-you for your assistance,

('indy Haider
IPS}' C;ontrac;s
360-596-·f()7 I
Cindy haider@ws]2. wa. gov
"'-"-_. . ......•.................- .....•..•.......• - .............................................................................................
From: McMullen, Jan S. (OFM) [mailto:Jan.McMullen@OFM.wA.GOVl
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 10:25 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: WSP Filings in PSCD
Importance: High

Does the following apply to all of your recent filings for criminal analyst services? (one James
Ward and three Doug Larm).

WSP considers this to be a convenience contract where the contractor provides services on an as-needed
basis and the dollar value referenced is a maximum amount available, because it cannot be known if the
total dollars will be used?

It would be appreicated if you would include this language, when applicable, in future filings.

As soon as I have your response to this e-mail, I will start to process your most recent filings.
Thank you. Jan

Haider. Cindy (W5P)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 11 :28 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 1/9/2009 11 :28:00 AM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 64985

Contractor Legal Name: James H. Ward

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C090554PSC
Filed Date: 1/9/2009 11:28:00 AM
Start Date: 1/15/2009 Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $262,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during processing and to access the filing in
the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in
PSCD. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofmwa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 10f3


Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision

Contractor Information
TIN 341706409
Legal Name James H. Ward
DBA Intelligence Acumen
Address 7008 258th St East, Graham, WA USA 98338
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint
federal, state and local law enforcement environments such as joint and regional
criminal intelligence centers.
Fund Source

Filing Number Federal State Other Total

This Filing $262,000 $262,000
Contract Total $262,000

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

01/15/2009 09/30/2012


Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees

Page 2 of3

None Identified

Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to
address and which makes the services necessary.
The Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau
of Investigations (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies
by organizing and disseminating threat information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies,
first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, two-way How of
intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies includes the FBI; US Immigration and Customs
Enforcement; the Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law
enforcement agencies. The Contractor's criminal analyst services are critical to the efforts of WAJAC in an
effort to prevent terrorism.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's office. This contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security. WSP is contractually obligated to the federal government to provide these services.
These services are critical to WSP to fulfill their mission of "enhancing the safety and security of our state"
which includes sharing information with other local, state and federal law enforcement organizations. In light
of the Personal Service contract freeze, this contract is approved by Deputy Chief Paul S. Beckley.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the service in the proposed contract.
Competitive Solicitation Process
Advertisement Information

Solicitation Notification
Number of SoliCited Documents: 6
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or
the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation
process or what differentiated this contractor from others.
The Contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work
experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of panel members from
the WAJAC as well as a written assignment.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
Network Transport Engineering Nighthawk Analytical Dan K. Melton Michael R. Chamness Chad R. Melton
KSNK Enterprise Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services Intelligence Acumen Operational Applications Inc.

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/Filing/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=rnnuFiling. .. 1/9/2009
Page 3 of3

Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, .selection
committee made the award decision, etc).
Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence
Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center to score vendor education, training and work experience. Cost
points were awarded based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all
vendors. The highest scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local jurisdictions
participating in the reg ional intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant team member
would work. The final selection was based on the outcome of these interviews and written assignment
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
The hourly rate is comparable to other contractors submitting proposals for these services. Work is assigned
by Task Orders on an as-needed basis. Contract references maximum amount available.
JWard090554.doc - 153088kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/FilinglPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=rnnuFiling. " 1/9/2009

Results Page 1 of2

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Vale ['cgisV3.;;on
Esp.:diol ! PYCCPlY, i 2.>';;01 ! Tagaio9 Tien';j '·}j4t : @.~
D'sc!8,mer if}20fJ? Washillgton State Di:pal7trleil! Of RSif6-I!Ue 3:'!d ds hcensors. Ali rights reserved (S2-cretary Of Si<'lte)

http://dor.wa.gov/contentldoingbusiness/registermybusinessIbrdlResults.aspx?RequestTy ... 11/14/2008

Date 1/8/09
Washington State Patrol
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form lDS -r-t
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 IZI Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C090554PSC (1)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
JANUARY f/2009 SEPTEMBER 30, 200'1
Contract Title CFDA No. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services I DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Contractor Contact Address
7008 258TH ST EAST, GRAHAM WA 98338
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
JAMES WARD 253-232-6378
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
WSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name

Contract Amount Position /J Signature~n9..Date

Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manager DA. / /it /7 'Z;;~ A-
$ Business Office Manage/f:Jlfll f /; / ~ _"
ReVised Total B d tM 1 /\ I k .",; v , Allot: DYe~ \.::lNo
u ge anage V \ / '/::;[ 16 ~ Unanticipated Receipt: DYes TINo

Indirect Costs %
Sub I Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Object M~jor Major Sub TAR Code
GrQtJll Source Source

001 01* 00271 100%

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only: DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R per mile
Travel.Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OfT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNo ____________ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtim~Allowed. DYes ~. Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OfT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes.

TypeflMceipt: DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure

Distribution: IZI Project Manager IZI Accountant IZIBudget Analyst IZI Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090554PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: James H. Ward dba Intelligence Acumen

Period of Performance January 15, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor shall provide criminal intelligence analyst services
during the time of the period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The local worksite for the Contractor during this
Task Order is the WAJAC .

. Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$37.50.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for travel

costs approved in advance by WSP according to
the terms of WSP Contract No. C090554PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $62,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. James Ward, (253) 232-6378

Telephone Number:


Printed Name

Page 1 of 1
Date 1/8/09
Washington State Patrol
Budget and Fiscal Servi~Contrapt Notification Form
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 ([8] PayabY D Other:
wSP Contract Number Other Contr . er NR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
January 11/2009 September 30, 20i~
Contract Title CFDA No. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Contractor Contact Address
7008 258 TH ST EAST, GRAHAM WA 98338
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EI N/SSN
Mr. JAMES WARD 253-232-6378
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner
Remarks: Requires seFarate task orders - do not encumber.

Contract Amount Position .....-. Sig9,ature ~j)ate

Contract Amount $ Grants and Contracts Manager
Amount $ Business Office ~ anjJ91(
Revised Total $262,000 Budget Manager IJj' I I I, 'I ' Allot: Dyes...~o
Amount I Lf J 67 Unanticipated Receipt: DYes '!UNo

Indirect Costs %
Accounting Manager

Master Index Fund AI PI Project I flub

Revenue Code
Major Sub
TAR Code Percent!
Ijlbject Group Source Source
WAJ8 001 01* 00271 WAJ8 CE 100%

Billable Contracts Only ____

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage on~DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special ~ per mile
Travel ~uthorized: DYes DNo ____________ . oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leaveto~ontract: DYes DNo AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo

Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: _ _ _ _ _--1
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: [8] Project Manager [8] Accountanf [8]Budget Analyst [g] Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Criminallnti!lligence Analyst Services

into this Contract by reference:

[gJ Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
[gJ Exhibit S, General Terms and Conditions
Additional Exhibits ~~".;~rI· ",,,t,ihit

WSP Personal;service_Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:

• Raw intelligence classification and analysis

• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly. and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies
• Effective communication to help others learn, understand and apply specific criminal
intelligence analysis principles, techniques or information.
• Effective identification, collection, organization and documentation of criminal
intelligence data and information in ways that make the information most useful for
subsequent assessment, analysis and investigation.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

James Ward WAJAC

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must maintain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page20f11


b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidentiallnformation"). Confidential Information includes, but is
not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Inforrnation. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

5. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the·Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Inilial- 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9130/10 10/1/10-9/30/11 10/1111 - 9/30/12

James Ward $37.50 $39.00 $40.56 $42.18

. WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 11


When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washi ngton approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

6. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 11

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

. 5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered .at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of rnediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 11

2/12/02 .
15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WS P's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of ProviSions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 11

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property ofWSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 100f11

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C090554PSC or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42. 17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

!J~ H. LUOtIi-L lvHe.ltr ~(V...s+/I v\{e.ll~c.JI.

Printed Name and Title

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of 11

Governor Chief

General Administration Building· PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

January 27,2009

Mr. James Ward

Intelligence Acumen
7008 258 th St East
Graham WA 98338

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C090554PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed with this letter are two fully executed originals of the referenced agreement
and task order between you and the Washington State Patrol. Please keep these
originals for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number are the agreement numbers
referenced above; please use these numbers on all correspondence regarding these
agreements. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596-4071.



o. C~~.~~
-f"1 Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services


-~---. --_,_~:-~_;,t1J!D

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. JeffHugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C090554PSC and Task Order No. I

DATE: January 27,2009

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract and task order between the
Washington State Patrol and Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen. Funding for this contract
will be encumbered under separate task orders.

Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this contract has a copy
of this contract to ensure the payment documents are filled out correctly.

The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number noted
above; please use this number on all correspondence and payment documents associated with this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget and Fiscal
Services, at Micro 12, ext. 11071.

c.&-,,-\ JRH:clh
} I Attachment
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget Section
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Assistance Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000·323·001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
( ,') Period of ~ Amendment
Contract No. CogD5S<ff'5Q. Performance: I I ,,>10'1- q/:=o/oq o Recurring
Contract Title: Cr=!("<'-\!vuJ ;;Wis H'<¥Nce (>,,\yr:...4* .
Other Party: :)(1UnfS lVo.sc\ d 6.... ::;Cut-cll (~W (' • G\ CPm g!V
lEt Payable
o Receivable
Amount: d=I bel.., tti) 0 Other:

Scope of Work: fc. s k Ord M \()).

Grants and Contract Manager:

BFS Administrator: -7<7~---"""~----;f--;-----------------

Management Services Bureau Director: f


Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Period of D Amendment
Contract No. c..0'105sL{ e6~ Performance: 1110109 - q 1~loq D Recurring
ContractTitle: c- !c<'-i~ \ (t\)\g \\;8 Q),J( ~ Pnv-u IIp!
Other Party: <'!lAM"-! tm..u\.. db, j",±gJ\\i8wCf f\ Come!>.)
00 Payable
o Receivable
Amount: d:J; dM, cP) D Other:

Scope of Work: 'Pqs€..- ([(g.reeC1YQlNt.

\b\\\ fe1>n irt.9 '2>~a....\O...-k -ksK orrfHS

Grants and Contract Manager:

BFS Administrator: _:7=Z:P1-_....!L_7#-,I'--_--'.If../.-'--1'7~/?-!6-"~"-LCZ-·-=--Q,..-~-~----

~ (I

Management Services Bureau Director: __resef:=,L.I--....c1c.:.1-=-,(,Ll

G:eflD::2f: =3¥b~,--......!./~- ,Ij'--"'C'--"-'.C?-t-C'f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Page 1 of5

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

-~---~~-. ----
From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:39 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Cindy, for your files ......... .

"-~-'-"'------- '-~---~""""-''''''--'--' ..... _..• __ .............. _ ................ .

From: Beckley, Paul (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:35 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Cc: Maki, Bob (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts


Paul Beckley
Deputy Chief
Washington State Patrol
Service With Humility

.....- - -..... - -
.. ........ ~- -
.... ...•- -
From: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:28 PM
To: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Cc: Maki, Bob (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Deputy Chief Beckley,

Since these are personal service contracts, not a request to hire FTEs the request needs to go through BFS to
solicit an exemption from OFM. To process this request from Captain Braniff, BFS needs your approval (As the
Acting Chief) to "approve the requested exemption and provide purchase approval."

If you approve, Mr. Maki's shop will handle.


Captain Marc Lamoreaux

Human Resource Division
(360) 704-2324
- - - - - - - - - - - -..- ... _ -
From: Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Sent: Monday, December 22,20084:11 PM
To: Lamoreaux, Marc (WSP)
Subject: Fw: WAJAC - Analysts

Page 2 of 5

Marc, please advise on next steps.

Captain Curt Hattell

Office of Professional Standards
(360) 704-2333

Note: To ensure compliance with all administrative requirements and retention guidelines, please delete any e-
mails regarding OPS cases after your review. When responding to any e-mails regarding OPS cases please
delete the sent e-mail immediately.

From: Beckley, Paul (WSP)

To: Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Sent: Mon Dec 22 16:09: 34 2008
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts
They need to be run through HRD in the proper fo~mat for submission to DOP.

Paul Beckley
Deputy Chief
Washington State Patrol
SerrJice With Humility

From: Hattell, Curt (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:23 PM
To: Beckley, Paul (WSP)
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts

Chief, I am walking into this movie when it is almost over. This looks like something that should
have your approval. Please let me know if this is something I can do or if it needs your
blessing. Thanks, Curt

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:17 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Cc: Gurley, Traci (WSP)
Subject: Re: WAJAC - Analysts


AC approved it; however, we have all erased the email and Cindy Haider needs a copy in the file.
Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)

To: Hattell, Curt (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Mon Dec 22 13:43:22 2008
Subject: FW: WAJAC - Analysts
Acting Assistant Chief Hattell - We are unsure if this got forwarded to AC Ursino last week for approval, and with

Page 3 of5

Geri out today I am hoping you can check or give your approval. Acting Captain Drake needs to get this process
moving and we just need the AC's approval forwarded to Jeff Hugdahl and Bob Maki to make it happen. These
are grant funded contract analysts who will work at the WAJAC. If you need any more info, just give me or Randy
a call.

Thanks, Traci

From: Maki, Bob (WSP)

Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 8:40 AM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP); Haider, Cindy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

Randy: The Chief doesn't necessarily need to see the contracts. He just needs to approve the exemption
of them from the spending freeze and provide purchase approval ..

You can forward this to him and ask that he review/approve and forward to me/JeffHugdahl. We'll
take it from there.

Thx, Bob

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 6:27 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Maki, Bob (WSP)
Subject: RE: WAJAC - Analysts

Jeff and/or Bob,

Captain Braniff is on vacation for the remainder of the year. I have provided answers to the questions as per
Cindy Haide~s email found below. I do not have a copy of the contracts. Cindy, do you know if AC Ursino
has received these contracts?

1. Purpose

The Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) is in the process of hiring a total of six intelligence analysts (1
Lead Analyst and 5 Intelligence Analysts). The Lead Analyst position has already been approved. These are
contractor positions. Background investigations will be required due to the nature and sensitivity of
information available to analysts.

2. Fund Source and Amount

Contractors will be paid with funds from the Department of Homeland Security's State Homeland Security
Grant. One million dollars has been allotted to fund these positions.

3. Does the purchase ....

• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?

The project provides a critical component (intelligence analysts) to Washington State's Statewide
Integrated Intelligence System Plan (SWIIS). The spirit and intent of the SWlIS is to protect the citizens of
Washington State by providing an intelligence capability focused on terrorism prevention .

• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?


Page 4 of5

• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?

Federal funds are available to fund the hiring of these contractors. An investment justification submitted to
the Department of Homeland Security specifies that these funds will be used to fund intelligence analysts.

• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a project will
encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?

The WSFC enhancement project is dependent upon the acquisition of intelligence analysts and
continuation of the contracting process including background investigations on successful proposers.

4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved?

If not approved, the WSP will not be able to successfully secure the services of the above-described
proposers and will not be in compliance with the WSP's own contractor proposal requirements.

Lt. Randy Drake, 88

Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
Washington Stale Fusion Center
Work: 206-262-2418

From: Haider, Cindy (W5P)

Sent: Wed 12/17/20082:52 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (W5P)
Cc: Drake, Randy (W5P); Hugdahl, Jeff (W5P); Maki, Bob (W5P)
Subject: WAJAC - Analysts

Captain Braniff,

The chosen candidates for the Criminal Intelligence Analysts to be located at WAJAC with the effective dates of
January 15, 2009 through September 30, 2012 are the following:

Ms. Kathleen Almquist, Operational Applications Inc.

Ms. Kia Graham, Operational Applications Inc.
Ms. Sara Lacy, Operational Applications Inc.
Mr. John Kristof, Kristof Analysis & Investigation Services
Mr. James Ward, Intelligence Acumen

Due to the recent spending freeze please pass these pending personal services agreements to Assistant Chief
Ursino for his approval. If he approves these contracts he needs to forward to either Jeff Hugdahl or Bob Maki for
DC Beckley's approval. They will need the following questions answered:

1. Purpose
2. Fund Source and Amount
3. Does the purchase ....
• Prevent material loss or damage to property, bodily injury, or loss of life?
• Stem from court orders or are required under the law?
• Secure the receipt of federal or other funds as required by a grant?
• Meet a mission-critical information technology requirement without which a system can fail, a
project will encounter costly delays, or key deadlines are missed and penalties are incurred?
4. What will happen if the purchase is not approved? .

Once approval through the chain of command has been received the contract can be then be processed and
routed for signature as well as the approval may be needed by HRD to complete the background check.

Page 5 of5

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Cindy Haider
FVSP ('on!ra us
361!-596-..f07 J
cindy. haider@wsp. wa. gQJI

Page 1 oD

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

- - - - ---------
From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:36 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: One more question and I'm sending out the contract

His bid does contain an increase of 4%_

$37_50 Initial to 9/30/09

$39_0010/09 to 9110
$40_5610/10 to 9111
$42_ 18 10/11 to 9/12

He isn't an employee so there aren't any options for a performance and rate review_

Ci/1dy Haider
WSP Contracts

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, January 13,20093:09 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Fw: One more question and I'm sending out the contract

What would the correct language be here? An increase wasn't in his bid ... could we do it after a year anyway? I
don't know_
Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Organized Crime Intelligence Unit
Washington State Fusion Center

From: James H. Ward

To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Tue Jan 13 15:05:11 2009
Subject: One more question and I'm sending out the contract
Lt. Drake,

How are you doing? I wanted to talk over the phone, but was unable to reach you the last
two days. I'm sure you've been busy. No big deal.

Before I sent out the signed contracts, I wanted to inquire if there are still possibilities for pay
increases based on good performance? IU never know unless I ask right?

If so, then after maybe four month, say May 29 th 2009, could we have a performance and
rate review? By that time we both should have a good idea of how everything is working out,
and then 111 perhaps plan to relocate a little closer.

Page 2 of3


James H. Ward
Cell: 253-232-6378
Mailing Address: 7008 258th St. East, Graham, WA 98338

From: Randy.Drake@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Randy.Drake@wsp.wa.gov]

Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 5:43 PM
Subject: RE: Questionnaire complete

I doubt she'll get them out this week given the holiday right in the middle of everything. Thanks for the
questionnaire. I have passed it on to the Human Resources people.

Lt. Randy Drake, 88

Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center
Work: 206-262-2418

From: James H. Ward

Sent: Man 12/29/2008 3:35 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: RE: Questionnaire complete

Lt. Drake,

Here is everything signed and ready for review. Is Cindy sending out the contract this week
for me to sign?

See you soon.


James H. Ward
Cell: 253-232-6378
E-mail: J
Mailing Address: 7008 258th St. East, Graham, WA 98338

From: Randy.Drake@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Randy.Drake@wsp.wa.gov]

Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2008 10:56 AM
Subject: RE: 99% complete

That will work. Thanks.

Page 3 of 3

Lt. Randy Drake, 88

Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section
Washington State Fusion Center
Work: 206-262-2418

From: James H. Ward

Sent: Fri 12/26/2008 11:23 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: 99% complete

Lt. Drake,

In order to provide the best and most air tight background form I am attempting to acquire
more addresses and phone numbers from some of my past supervisors that I have lost
contact with as well as a landlord back in the United Kingdom; it's especially hard to track
down some of these old military guys since they move around so much.

I have provided 4 of the 5 previous landlords that are possible and 3 of the 4
supervisors/superiors I've worked for that can potentially be reached and provide feedback.

If I can't get a hold of them by Monday would you like me to send it to you regardless before
Monday COB?


James H. Ward
Mailing Address: 7008 258th St. East, Graham, WA 98338

Congratulations and welcome to the team. We are extremely excited about working with you
taking the Fusion Center to the next level.

Please complete the attached Background Questionnaire and return it to me. This will be
used for the WSP background investigation. The process will begin once the form is returned.

Hope you have a great Holiday weekend. Take care.

Lt. Randy Drake, 88

Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol Intelligence Section Washington State Fusion Center
Work: 206-262-2418

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
I and the identified below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
H. Ward Intelligence men
I Employer Identification Number

WSP Investigative Assistance Division
PO Box 2347 WA 98507-2347

WSP Administrative Contact Address
PO Box 42602
WA 98504-2602

Contract Amount

ACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhi i are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
181 Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
181 Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
Additional Exhibits as I Exhibit Contractor Nondisclosure
Contract, including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other documents by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing
have have i this


and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid proVision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 11

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibiUhe Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property ofWSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property. the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 11

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C090553PSC or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, teleptlOne numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of 1..1

Page 1 of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: James H. Ward

Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 5:58 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ C090433PSC


Nice to hear from you.

Here are my updated rates without the range-estimate that was in the original bid.


Period Initial - 9/30109 10/1/09 - 9/30/10 1011110 - 9/30/11 10/1/11 - 9130/12


$40.50 $42.12 $43.80 $45.56


Period Initial - 9/30109 10/1/09 - 9/30/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 10/1/11 - 9/30/12

$37.50 $39.00 $40.56 $42.18

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks again for the opportunity to compete for
these Intel positions.


James H. Ward
Cell: 253-232-6378
Mailing Address: 7008 258th St. East Graham, WA 98338
Home E-mail:
Work E-mail: JWard@Ta.iJ()JedSolutions.ne!

From: Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.govl

Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:56 PM
Subject: RFQQ C090433PSC

Mr. Ward,
I need clarification on the quotation given for proposed hourly rate. You have provided the attached but it doesn't
state one rate per year. Please provide a new chart:

A. Identification of Costs (SCORED)

Identify the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed Consultant Team Members for services
through September 30, 2009; and each of the three optional years of a contract resulting from this

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090554PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: James H. Ward dba Intelligence Acumen

Period of Performance January 15, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor shall provide criminal intelligence analyst services
during the time of the period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The local worksite for the Contractor during this
Task Order is the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$37.50.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for travel

costs approved in advance by WSP according to
the terms of WSP Contract No. C090554PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $62,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. James Ward, (253) 232-6378

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 12:03 PM
Subject: FW: Criminal Analyst
Attachments: JWard090554.doc; task order C090554PSC.doc

It would help if I had included the attachments ......

('indy Naider
FVS'}' Con/racls
3 6i1-596-4(r 1
Cindy. haider@wsp. wa. gov

From: Haider, Cindy (W5P)

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 11:58 AM
Subject: Criminal Analyst

Hello James,
Yesterday I mailed the envelope containing your contract and task order and as much as I double checked my
"crossing my t's and dotting my i's" I inadvertently put the wrong Start Date.

I have attached the corrected contract and task order and would appreciate if you would print out two pages of the
first page of the contract and two each of the task order. The first page of the contract will replace the incorrect
page on the contract you will be receiving.

Please let me know if you have any questions and sorry for any inconvenience
Hope you are doing well in this continuing Washington winter weather.

Take care,
Cindy Haider
WSl' COiU/'iJcts
360-596-407 J

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

January 8, 2009

Mr. James Ward

Intelligence Acumen
7008 258 th St East
Graham WA 98338

Dear Mr. Ward:

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C090554PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed are two sets of the referenced agreement and task order between you and the
Washington State Patrol. Once you have signed these originals, please return all
originals to the following:

Ms. Cindy Haider

Budget and Fiscal Services
WaShington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602

One fully executed original of each will be returned to you for your records. The
Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is referenced above; please use this
number on all correspondence regarding this agreement. If you need further
assistance, please contact Ms. Haider at (360) 596-4071.



f'Mr. Jeffrey~. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services

JRH:clh ~---', .~,---. ~ ".,--y.g: !f??;':~>,

Enclosures ·-';:;"i,~:: ..;;,-:;}~
~_~Ir~ 1",-0°:1..'_ __
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C090554PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: James H. Ward dba Intelligence Acumen

Period of Performance January 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2009 End Date: 2009

Description of Service: The Contractor shall provide criminal intelligence analyst services
during the time of the period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The local worksite for the Contractor during this
Task Order is the WAJAC.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$37.50.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for travel

costs approved in advance by WSP according to
the terms ofWSP Contract No. C090554PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $62,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. James Ward, (253) 232-6378

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name

Page 1 of 1
WSP Contract No.
Other Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
James H. Ward Intelligence Acumen
Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Nu~ber
7008 258 St East
Graham WA 98338
Contact Name Contact Telephone
Mr. James Ward 253-232-6378
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address

WSP Contact Information

WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
WSP Investigative Assistance Division
Lieutenant Randy Drake
PO Box 2347,01 mpia WA 98507-2347
(360) 704-2393
(360) 704-2973
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts ManaQer Olvmpia WA 98504-2602
(360) 596-4052
(360) 596-4077
E-mail Address
jeff. hUQdahl@wsP.wa.Qov

Contract Start Date I Contract End Date I Maximum Contract Amount

January 1, 2009 September 30,2012 $262,000
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
[8J Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
[8J Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
[8J Additional Exhibits as specified: Exhibit C, Contractor Employee Nondisclosure AQreement
This Contract, including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference,
contains all of the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing
below warrant that they have read and understand this Contract and have the authority to enter into this Contract
WSP Signature Date Contractor Signature Date

Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


WSP Personal ~ervice Contract Page 1 of 11

2/12/02 .
Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:

• Raw intelligence classification and analysis

• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies
• Effective communication to help others learn, understand and apply specific criminal
intelligence analysis principles, techniques or information.
• Effective identification, collection, organization and documentation of criminal
intelligence data and information in ways that make the information most useful for
subsequent assessment, analysis and investigation.

Contractor Employee Location of Work

James Ward WAJAC

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must maintain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is
not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Inforrnation. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

5. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the-Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Initial- 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9130/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 10/1/11 - 9130/12
James Ward $37.50 $39.00 $40.56 $42.18

. WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 11

2/12/02 -

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

6. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Comoensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later
edition, or SUbstitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Pe(sonal Service Contract Page40f11

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential. to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim ariSing out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise speCified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) SUbstantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, December 22, 200811:26AM
Subject: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Mr. Ward,
Congratulations; you have been selected as an Apparent Successful Proposer for this procurement. The Start
Date for this contract will be January 15, 2009. Two original contracts and Task Order No.1 will be mailed out to
you for signature within the next two weeks. Please sign both sets and mail both sets back to my attention at the
address listed on the cover letter that will be enclosed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank-you and Merry Christmas,

Cindy llai der

{-liSP RFQQ Coordinator

No. Compa ny TIN UBI POC Title POC First POC Last Addres s City
State Zip Phone Fax
1 Network Transport Engine, 602580868 Mr. Micheal Dorsey
E~mail Tm Title Tm First Tm Last.
3300 NE l' Ridgefield WA 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167
2 Nighthawk Analytical 602117883 Mr. Harry Hansen Mr. Nicholas Jones
27306 SE i Sammami, WA 98075 (206) 940-0235
3 Dan K. Melton 602559115 Mr. Dan Melton nighthawkanal\1ical@ Mr. Harry Hansen
4 Michael R. Chamness 563 602111069 Mr. Michael Chamness 8280 NE B Bainbridge WA rMr. Dan Melton
5 Chad R. Melton 98110 (360) 551-2183 mchamnes@leo.gov Mr.:
7 602558289 Mr. Chad Melton Michael Chamness
6 KSNK Enterprise 20-0674694 602373741 Mr. Kenneth Crow Mr. Chad Melton
PO Box 77 Issaquah WA 98027 (425) 837-0229 (425)837-0229 kcrow@ais-seattle.ccMr.
7 Kristof Analysis & Investig, . 602877420 Mr. John Kristof Ken Crow
7326 46th, Seattle WA 98115 (206) 262-2382 (206) 473-8736 jkristof@leo.gov
8 Intelligence Acumen Mr. James Ward Ms. John Kristof
7008 258tr Graham WA 98338 (253) 232-6378
9 Centra Technology Inc. 52-1405642 Ms. Eileen O'Sullivan 25 Burlingt Burlington MA (Mr. James Ward
1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osullivane@centram'Ms.
9c Centra Technology Inc. Amy Kanawi
9d Centra Technology Inc. Ms. Olivia Goodman
ge Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Nathan Miller
9f Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Michael Steinberg
9g Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Evan Waidley
Ms. Victoria Allen
10a Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Larm 4227 Soult Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564
10b Operational Applications doug.larm@oQeratiorMr. Dennis Gerber
10c Operational Applications Ms. Sara Lacy
10d Operational Applications Ms. Kathleen Almquist
10e Operational Applications Ms. Kia Graham
11 The Confluence Group Inc 20-4527781 602589963 Mr. Luis Vega Ms. Neoma Skye
2829 Ruck Everett WA 98201 (425) 212-3500 (425)212-3535 Ivega@confluenceca,Mr.
11a The Confluence Group Inc David Malinowski
11b The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Brinkley Harrell
11c The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Bob Korter
11d The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Francisco .olivarez
11e The Confluence Group Inc Mr. Carlos Alvarez
Ms. Alice Switzer

No. Compa ny TIN UBI POC Title POC First POC Last Addres s City State Zip Phone
1 Network Transport Engine, 602580868 Mr. Fax ERmail Tm Title Tm First Tm Last
Micheal Dorsey 3300 NE 1. Ridgefield WA
8 Intelligence Acumen 98642 (425) 531-2735 (503)786-3167 Mr.
Mr. James Ward 7008 258tr Graham Nicholas Jones
9 Centra Technology Inc. WA 98338 (253) 232-6378
52-1405842 Ms. Eileen O'Sullivan 25 Burlingt Burlington Mr. James Ward
MA 1803 (781) 272-7892 (781) 272-7883 osulJivane@centram'Ms.
9a Centra Technology Inc. Amy Kanawi
9b Centra Technology Inc. Mr. Steve Mazel
10 Operational Applications 602632122 Mr. Doug Mr. Scott Whippo
Lamn 4227 Soult Puyallup WA 98374 (253) 226-9564 doug.larm@operatiorMr. Bill Evans
Responsive Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost Pts (' Eval 1 Eval2 Eval3 Quest Rav Quest (70 Ref 1
Yes Ref2
$44.00 $44.00 $44,20 $44.20 $44.10 13.54 8.00
Yes 8.00 8.00 8,00 56.00 45.00 50.00
$50,00 $50.00 $50.00 $50,00 $50.00 11.94 5.00
Yes 5.00 5.00 5,00 35.00 38.00 40.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50,00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5,00
Yes 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 0.00 0.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 6.00
Yes 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 41.00 47.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 7.00
Yes 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 47.00 42.00
$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 11.94 5.00
.Yes $50.00 $50.00 $50.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00 44.00 44.00
$50.00 $50.00 11,94 6.00 6,00 7,00 .6,33
Yes $37.50 44.33 44.00 45.00
$39.00 $40.56 $42.18 $39.81 15.00 7.00 7.00
Yes WITHDREW 7.00 7.00 49.00 50.00 50.00
$48,34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes WITHDREW $48.34 $50.76 $53.30 $55.97 $52.09 11.46
Yes $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 35.00
Yes $50.00 $52.00 47.00 47.00
$54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 8.00 8.00 7.00
Yes 7.67 53.67 50.00 0.00
$48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71 6.00
Yes 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 50.00 46.00
$48.00 $50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $51.00 11.71 7.00
Yes 7.00 7.00 7.00 49.00 50.00 46.00
$50.00 $52.00 $54.00 $56.00 $53.00 11.27 7.00
No 7.00 8.00 7.33 51.33 0.00 43.00

Responsh Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Avg Cost Pts (15)

Evall Eval2 Eval3 Quest Rav Quest (70 Ref 1 Ref 2
Yes $51.00 $51.00 $52.00 $52.00 $51.50 17.48
Yes $40.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 42.00 45.00 50.00
$42.12 $43.80 $45.56 $43.00 20.93
Yes $58.39 $61.31 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 28.00 50.00 50.00
$64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $58.39 $61.31 $64.38 $67.60 $62.92 14.30 WITHDREW
Yes $60.00 $63.00 $66.00 $69.00 $64.50 13.95
8.00 7.00 8.00 7.67 53.67 50.00 50.00
Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 p Total Seor,
47.00 47.33 14.20 83.74
37.00 38.33 11.50 58.44
0.00 0.00 0.00 46.94
49.00 45.67 13.70 67.64
45.00 44.67 13.40 74.34
28.00 38.67 11.60 58.54
47.00 45.33 13.60 69.88
47.00 49.00 14.70 78.70

45.00 46.33 13.90 60.17

44.00 31.33 9.40 74.33
46.00 47.33 14.20 67.91
0.00 32.00 9.60 70.31
42.00 28.33 8.50 71.10

Ref 3 Ref Raw A Ref (15 pt Total Seor,

47.00 47.33 14.20 56.20
47.00 49.00 14.70 42.70
50.00 50.00 15.00 68.67

• Assessment:
o Motive for the murder may be related to intimidation of wavering loyalty
among MS-13 members. Zero tolerance for leaving.
o Both Mr. Torres and Mr. Cabrera fit the profile of a MS-13 member as
described below (between age 13-30).
o Since they have provided further information about five other individuals,
they are at risk of retaliation from MS-13.
o MS-13 in local area may conceal appearance once they are aware of police
• Instead of 13 they will wear 67 or 76
• Possible COA
o Prevention: Better assist in integrating EI Salvadorian immigrants into
population (main cause for the gang origin was segregation)
o Reaction: Continue to police areas where MS-13 involvement exists

• Location: Park Rd. Hillside Ave, Charlotte, NC 28209
o July 25 th 2006 Police called to murder scene at Hillside Ave
o 2 Salvadorans were apprehended
• Javier Torres and
• DOB 3/21/85
• Male
• H 5'9"
• Weight 165lbs
• Hair: Brn
• EyeBrn
• MS-13 Tattoos on chest and back
• Alfonso Cabrera
• DOB 8/7/86
• Sex: M
• 5'8", weight 170lbs
• Hair Brn, Eyes Brn.
• MS-13 Tattoos on legs
• reside illegally in US attempting to flee on foot
o Suspects bragged about the murder
o Involved with Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) organization
o New group formed in Duplin county
o They provided info on five other members:
• David Espinosa,
• Franco Hernandez,
• John Salamone,
• Herbert Cochran,
• Edward Allegro
o The two suspects were here 2 months ago casing area planning for murder
Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13
• Risk to Public
o Murder, assaults, rape
o Recruits aggressively among school-age Latino youth
o Protection at prostitution houses, car theft, and property crimes
• Membership
o Dominantly El Salvadoran but includes Latino members from Central
o Recrutis school age youth in Latino communities
o Hang around high schools and lure prospects with "skip parties"
o Skip parties offer sex, alcohol, and drugs
o Hard to leave gang (unless starting a family)
o Typical member: 13-30yrs old and typically male
o Initiation via "jumped in" (group beating), duration is 13 seconds
o Females are "sexed" in with multiple members of the gang
• Size
o Loosely organized
o Vary 10-500 members
o 20-25 average gang size in Maryland
o Leadership visit multiple clique organization meetings to network
• Identification
o Adapt to police
• Stop wearing blue and white
• Instead of 13 they will wear 67 or 76
o Tattoos, clothing, graffiti, and hand signs
o Tattoo size indicates involvement
o Number 13 in Arabic numerals or roman numerals MSXIII
o Blue bandana sometimes black
o Worn around wrist, neck, forehead, pocket
o Wear sports clothing with 13,23, or 3 displayed
o Favorites (Allen Iverson and Kurt Wamer) 3 and 13
o Nike Air Jordan hats
o NY Yankees apparel
o Graffiti MS-13 territory
o Hand signs: devil's horns or gang's initials
o Call one another "southerner" abbreviated SUR
o Wear blue and while colors taken from national flag ofEI Salvador
• Overview
o Arrived as a result of civil ward in Salvador
o Objective to protect fellow members
o Considered outcasts in LA Latino communities
o 8,000 members total
o 27 states in and in District of Columbia and El Salvador
• Operations
o Smuggling
o Selling illegal drugs
o Provide protection for home-invasion robberies
o Weapons smuggling
o Car jacking
o Extortion
o Murder
o Rape
o Intimidation
o Illegal firearm sales
o Aggravated assault
o Grand theft (auto theft)
• Weapons
o Machetes
o Handguns
o Assault weapons
o Knives
o Baseball bats
• Significant Locations
o Montgomery and Prince George's counties
o Langley Park
o Takoma Park
o Howard County-auto theft
• Graffiti areas
o Baltimore City
o Baltimore
o Carroll county
o Frederick
o Harford
o WA counties
• Meeting Areas (Counties)
o Charles
o Calvert
o St. Mary's
o Wicomico
o Worcester
• Problem Areas
o Prince George's County
• Langley Park
• Assaults
• Murders
• Rapes
• Extortion
• Prostitution rings
• Thefts from autos
o Montgomery County
• Silver Spring
• Wheaton
• Rockville
• Gaithersburg
• Assults
• Rapes
• Homicides
• Allies and Rivals
o Biggest rivals 18th St Gang
o South Side Locos (SSL)
o Street Thug Criminals (STC)
o STC constantly fight MS-13

• Murder in Nassau County N.Y.
• MS-13 involvement
• Purpose: intimidate unfaithful members
• Territory expanding to Long Island
• Further organization efforts on East coast
• Leadership coming from California and El Salvador
• Gang activity and migration is spreading to suburban areas
• Arrested 16 leaders in Nasau County
• Hard to crack down because of zero tolerance policy for abandoning gang
• New turf in Maryland communities
• Estimating 5,000-6,000 MS-13 members in the metropolitan area


Debriefing: James Ward, Intelligence Acumen

Conducted by Lt. Drake and Cindy Haider - Q"",+u<w ~L (,0..1\

Applicant asked about questions from interview process and what he can improve for the
next interview. Lt. Drake used one in particular as an example to point out that Mr. Ward
needed to provide further details and in depth experience. Over all Mr. Ward did a great
job. He is looking forward to the Criminal Analyst position interview scheduled for this
3.3 Debriefing of Unsuccessful Proposers. Upon request, a debriefing conference will be
scheduled with an unsuccessful Proposer. The request for a debriefing conference must be
received by the RFQQ Coordinator within three (3) business days after the Notification of
Unsuccessful Consultant letter is faxed/e-mailed to the Consultant. The debriefing must be held
within three (3) business days of the request. Discussion will be limited to a critique of the
requesting Consultant's proposal. Comparisons between proposals or evaluations of the other
proposals will not be allowed. Debriefing conferences may be conducted in person or on the
telephone and will be scheduled for a maximum of one hour.

3.4 Protest Procedure. This procedure is available to Consultants who submitted a response to this
solicitation document and who have participated in a debriefing conference. Upon completing the
debriefing conference, the Consultant is allowed five (5) business days to file a protest of the
acquisition with the WSP Budget and Fiscal Services Administrator at the address below:

WSP Budget and Fiscal Services

AnN: Administrator
Mailing Address: Street Address:
PO Box 42602 210 - 11lh Avenue SW, Room 116
Olympia WA 98504-2602 Olympia, Washington 98501
Phone: (360) 596-4043 Fax: (360) 596-4078

Consultants protesting this procurement shall follow the procedures described below. Protests
that do not follow these procedures shall not be considered. This protest procedure constitutes
the sole administrative remedy available to ConSUltants under this procurement.

All protests must be in writing and signed by the protesting party. The protest must state the
grounds for the protest with specific facts and complete statements of the action(s) being
protested. A description of the relief or corrective action being requested should also be included.
All protests shall be addressed to the WSP Budget and Fiscal Services Administrator. Only
protests stipulating an issue of fact concerning the following subjects shall be considered:

• A matter of bias, discrimination or conflict of interest on the part of the evaluator;

• Errors in computing the score;
• Non-compliance with procedures described in the procurement document or WSP policy.

Protests not based on procedural matters will not be considered. Protests will be rejected as
without merit if they address issues such as: 1) an evaluator's professional judgment on the
quality of a proposal, or 2) WSP's assessment of its own and/or other agencies needs or

Upon receipt of a protest, a protest review will be held by WSP. The Chief of WSP or an
employee delegated by the Chief of WSP who was not involved in the procurement will consider
the record and all available facts and issue a decision within five business days of receipt of the
protest. If additional time is required, the protesting party will be notified of the delay. In the event
a protest may affect the interest of another Consultant which submitted a proposal, such
Consultant will be given an opportunity to submit its views and any relevant information on the
protest to theWSP Budget and Fiscal Services Administrator.

The final determination of the protest shall:

• Find the protest lacking in merit and uphold WSP's action; or
• Find only technical or harmless errors in WSP's acquisition process and determine the WSP
to be in substantial compliance and reject the protest; or
• Find merit in the protest and provide options to WSP, including correcting errors and
reevaluating all proposals; reissuing the solicitation document; or making other findings and
determining other courses of action as appropriate.

Washington State Patrol Page 9 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

If WSP determines that the protest is without merit, WSP will enter into a contract with the
apparently successful contractor(s). If the protest is determined to have merit, one of the
alternatives noted in the preceding paragraph will be taken.

Washington State Patrol Page 10 RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Page 1 of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: James H. Ward

Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:38 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Monday at 12:30pm sounds great. My phone number is 253-232-6378.


James H. Ward
Phone: 253-232-6378
Mailing Address: 7008 258th St. East Graham, WA 98338
Home E-mail:

From: Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov]

Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 4:53 PM
To: James.Ward@Juno.com
Subject: FW: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Actually how does 12:30pm on Monday. December 14th sound? Please confirm your cell phone number-

Cindy Ilcdder
j-f/SI' COYliJ'w.:I,\
36!i-596-4!P j

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 4:48 PM
To: '
Subject: FW: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Mr. Ward - We hope to schedule the conference call on Monday or Tuesday of next week. I w,jl cali you on
Monday morning to confirm a good time.

Cindy f[oil}Ci
H',\P <. '(in/rm'/.'
36{}~59n-·.,t(;:-: I
cindy. haider@wsp.wa.gQl'

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:58 AM
To: 'James H. Ward'
Subject: RE: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Sorry for the delay, I have been out of the office. I will arrange a conference call time with Lt. Drake and get back

Page 20f2

to you with this information.

Cindy Iiaider
IrSI' RFQQ Coordinafor
cindy. haider@wsp. wa. gov

From: James H. Ward [mailto:James.Ward@Juno.coml

Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 11:08 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC


My cell phone is the best way to reach me for the debriefing.

Thank you very much for the offer.


James H. Ward
Cell: 253-232-6378
Mailing Address: 7008 258th St. East Graham, WA 98338
Home E-mail:
Work E-mail: IWard@IailoredSo1utiogs.net

From: Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Cindy .Haider@wsp.wa.govl

Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:31 PM
Subject: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Mr. Ward,
We appreciate the time and effort you provided in developing and submitting a response to the RFQQ for the
Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst, however, another proposer was named the Apparent Successful Proposer for
this Lead position. You have been or will be contacted for an interview for the Criminal Intelligence Analyst.

If you would like a debriefing on your proposal in regards to the Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst, please contact
me bye-mail no later than 4:30p.m. PST on December 9, 2008. As stated in the RFQQ.

• Discussion will be limited to a critique of the requesting Consultant's proposal.

• Comparisons between proposals or evaluations of the proposals will not be allowed.
• Debriefing conferences may be conducted in person or on the telephone and will be scheduled for a
maximum of one hour.

I can be reached via e-mail at cin..Qj(.haider@wsp.wa.gov. Please let me know if you have any questions
concerning this· message.

('indy HaidO'
IV:;!' RFQQ Courdinator
cindy>haidcr:it~1VSp. WL/,gOF

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, December 04,20082:31 PM
Subject: WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC

Mr. Ward,
We appreciate the time and effort you provided in developing and submitting a response to the RFQQ for the
Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst, however, another proposer was named the Apparent Successful Proposer for
this Lead position. You have been or will be contacted for an interview for the Criminal Intelligence Analyst.

If you would like a debriefing on your proposal in regards to the Lead Criminal Intelligence Analyst, please contact
me bye-mail no later than 4:30p.m. PST on December 9,2008. As stated in the RFQQ.

• Discussion will be limited to a critique of the requesting Consultant's proposal.

• Comparisons between proposals or evaluations of the proposals will not be allowed.
• Debriefing conferences may be conducted in person or on the telephone and will be scheduled for a
maximum of one hour.

I can be reached via e-mail at cindy.haider~wa.gov. Please let me know if you have any questions
concerning this message.

Ow!\, Haider
IV<"!, RFQQ C'oordinalor
cj;u~v_Ju)ider@}wsp. H-'Ll.gUF

~es U)osd,
Vendor Name :fay~&.f{\)Ce..- ~!J'Q N Vendor Number L
Evaluator Name 0-.,...6 rovk.-
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals

::~e;i':;~ D,~ Ihf-08

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. I --:r0-rrve...~ Wa.; d.
for ----~~~~~--~~----------------

Reference Name _.o..N\.

Point of Contact Name ___________________ Phone: ;;1,53- qB:l - YSB'I

1. What did the proposed Analyst do for your company? Score: to

2. ...'" Why did,they choose the propo ed A~alyst?A

1" A ~h>" 0 SA

Analyst vs. expectations / Score: to

7!!l.i;l fA 1'»)-->
3. F1~posed perfollJlan~
/{/Ct-</ ." ...6/ beAk., to do

6. Ability of the proposed Analyst to meet schedules and deadlines Score} ()

Score: _____
7. Attitude of proposed Analyst (friendly, adversarial, etc.)

~~ -f+~ '7 S-e,J.~+5

( 0.. +k r; "€- (\A e...,{ J.e.rSO>'l)

~ "- +k foDfV\ wk~ ~

c.-p+ VV\ Co. JJ-erso(\ ,
j ~~
Vendor Name '""L k~ Nce !\r \)'£ N Vendor Number JL
Evaluator Name 0..", J1 Ie>...- b
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

Signature --v-t2L~fJt----'----'-ilJ....rL-U--
__ Date /I-{'I-OS

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
approach that resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
~ = The referenc.e indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractual requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. Z for __ J-""..=.o...;:.,~~:::,s",,-_W=-=:...o..r=...!J~________
Reference Name _c..~e~t-_~Q.,.;=~---'.~-=.!....:.,-,-~=_.....!j'i\~e\.::...:..::..M-=->-e("-=..:.-=So=-,-,n
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: 255 - qBt. -I..jSBS-
1. company? 004.-. \

2. -J!'Jhy did they choose the prqR,osed Analyst? (\~ $core: /0
\--'os;~tv~ f:\'5.Q{\, \-r~r ":U:_:\'''-I7 cJ-....... ~ I'\.. ~, AI L()

3. / / Score: 10

6. Abilityl.?f the proposed nalyst to meet sc

W-e...u s:..\~ ~l""<.

7. 'tude qf proposed An
0".::. t '\--'V.e- •

~k ll~ bac.L .'\1\. ~ W-1ed-
Vendor Name :t...teJL(f .Nee. & umeN Vendor Number L
Evaluator Name f?o.,..J'1 Uo.- \«--
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals

::::m~e;z;';; Dol' , ' - ' q-P8

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 based on the reference's response to each of the following
questions. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should score
responses according to the following scale:

10 The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst provided a new and revolutionary
.approachthat resulted in a great deal of efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 The reference indicates the proposed Analyst used sound methods to provide a better than
average product.
5 = The reference indicates that the proposed Analyst met its contractual requirements.
3 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst partially met its contractual requirements.
1 = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst met very few of its contractuai requirements.
o = The reference indicates the proposed Analyst did not meet any of its contractual


10 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst is the same work proposed for WSP
7 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst for the reference is fully relative to the work
proposed for WSP.
5 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has some relevance for the work proposed for
3 = The work performed by the proposed Analyst has minimal relevance towards the work
proposed by WSP.
o The work performed by the proposed Analyst has no relevance towards the work proposed
Reference Check No. 3 for J~~ (~C4rJ..
Reference Name Ge.orj e So..ro....+5 is.
Point of Contact Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone: ;?Sl- q82..~ Y~B8


2. did they choose the proposed Analyst? Score: to

3. $core: \0
-.v-e..... "\-0

A~ chedules and deadlines Score: -g

7. Score: '1

, :/..
Vendor Name :kke~ \ i~ Q Nt e. f\ C.uffiW Vendor Number1

Team Mem ber Name _--,~...'\""C>..rn""-,-"e,-,,s,,--,l.Al-,):..>.Q....f'-'~+-_ _ __

o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
~ Proposed for Both

Evaluator Name _----"S"",A~L!:U-'_"(;;'_7~__"~~~""'~"''at=·.!.:.M'_'_!::4L_____

To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evalu on sheet.

Signature _-+~==~~:::::::::=-- ________ Date_l"-jI!I-'!"'{-rh=-_ __

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 10f3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Is me Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
IIIYes 0 No
D<ythe certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
o Yes ONo .
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services. identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) __ 7<--__

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is tj)e Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
GYVes 0 No
D0he certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
tlYes 0 No .

A If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Raw Score (1-10)

t· .
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 3 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name J..I!\A.g.\ \\5wce, l\('(}M~,J Vendor Number~

Team Member Name A<V!\Q S' (0 2l1.rA

o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
~Proposed for Both

Evaluator Name "~-----c-

! <?c -----
I Vlt'l,4W'"",-


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest, I certifY that I am not aware
of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate 011 the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests, In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In antiCipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation, I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet

Signature '
=---::::= -,",,---- ' Date __
I_I/_/_f_ft._o_,_ _

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire, Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ,
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page I of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
.I§tfhe Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
~Yes ONo .
~the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
pYes 0 No
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) -:r-

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is tl)e Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?

1SlYes 0 No
Do the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
~es ONo

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience
Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 3 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name -:c.N±e..\ \ 'I~ LNee. l\ c.u MieN Vendor Number~
Team Member Name ;.\G..~Q5 lDos-&
o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
o Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services
gj Proposed for Both ~..;J ;/I. \
Evaluator Name ~ .... fS,@vto 0
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I have
carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I am not aware
ofany issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in an unbiased and
objective matter, or wliich would place me in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest between
my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other interests. In making this certification, I
have considered all financial interests and employment arrangements (past, present or under

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation rocess a an subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the' rm' by law 0 regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed e et.

Signature --_~4.L~.....L--~,4.4"'-'-''-''''-''!-- Date_L-/!--,---/~!l--,-,[}y,,--

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 1 00

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services?
JA'Yes 0 No
2?_the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
~~ D~ . .
A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant
Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10) 7

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 2 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services
Is the Team Member Proposed for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Lead Services?
~Yes 0 No
~the certificates of completion/proof of training match the claimed experience?
~es ONo

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal I ntelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify
Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the
responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on
proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:
• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Specialized intelligence analysis training
• Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'

Criminal Intelligence Analyst ead Services Team Member Qualifications/Experience

Raw Score (1-10)

WSP RFQQ No. C090433PSC Page 3 of3

Evaluation Score Sheet
Maj Craig S. Miller
352 Operations Support Squadron
RAF MildenhaIJ, UK
PSC 37 Box 315
APO, AE 09459


It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. James Ward for a position within your organization. James worked for
me while in the US Air Force. He was an all-source intelligence analyst within our Air Force Special
Operations Group. During his time. working for me he served in many capacities: briefing commanders,
training software applications, as a first line supervisor, and countless other duties.

I relied on James to train my new troops and further the training of my older analysts. He built a training
program for our primary aviation'planning software suite. James was able to show how to overlay multiple
data streams to build a coherent analytical tool that our analysts and crews could use in training and while
flying combat missions in Southwest Asia. To do this he had to use multiple software applications and
intranets to build his coursework. We still use his lessons as our benchmark for computer based training.

James also took on the challenge to organize a three day Africa course for our Group as a whole. He was
able to fmd a college professor to teach the course. James then coordinated across our Air Force Base to
arrange facilities, video taping services, attendance from mUltiple organizations, etc. In three days James
was able to get over 40 people the equivalent of approximately 2 credit hours of undergraduate training on
our Group's primary area of responsibility. The course was a huge success and he was personally thanked
by our group commander for his efforts.

James was one of my front line supervisors who were responsible for every aspect of his young troops
work. He trained them up to be combat mission ready and pushed them to excel. He was very successful,
and as a result many of his troops won awards across our squadron. James was also able to deal with my
most difficult troop. The young man ran into trouble with the authorities. James' maturity and
professionalism helped tremendously as I had to separate James' young charge from the military.

James is the total package: technical skills, analytical ability, academic interest, managerial and people
skills. I relied heavily on James for my organization to complete our highly classified and worldwide
mission. James was able to meet every challenge that I handed him. For me the bottom line is that if I
owned my own business I'd hire James, because he makes great things happen.

If you would like to contact me to further discuss James's qualifications and capabilities please contact me
at craig.miller@mildenhall.af.mil. If you would prefer to talk viaj'hone please e-mail me and we can set
up a time to talk. I'm currently deployed to Cyprus with the 352" and phone contact is difficult, but needs
to be arraigned ahead of time.

APOAE 09459

Douglas E. Strouth
PSC 37 BOX 3741
APOAE 09459

September 19, 2006


The purpose of this letter is to recommend James H. Ward for employment. I worked with James
for three years while he was assigned to the 352d Special Operations Group. He always displayed a
high degree of integrity, responsibility, and professionalism and is definitely a leader rather than a
James possesses excellent office and administrative skills necessary to administer a project, while
motivating his co-workers to excel. The intelligence he developed using multiple classified
networks for five unit commanders and over 1,000 personnel was accurate, concise, and delivered
ahead of schedule. His good judgment and mature outlook ensured practical solutions to complex
problems; in just one example saving over $5,000 in operational funds.
A unique individual with a positive attitude, he smoothly executed such diverse responsibilities as
writing employee performance reports; tracking deployment expenses; training new analysts; and
managing equipment inventories with almost no oversight or direction necessary. He was
recognized for demonstrated superior performance that ensured successful accomplishment of
Special Operations missions on two continents. James would be an asset to any organization, and I
am happy to give him my wholehearted endorsement.


Douglas E. Strouth, Master Sergeant, USAF

Intelligence Superintendent


David Amar, Capt, USAF
DOD Human Spaceflight Payload Manager
211-02 75 th Ave, Apt 6L
Oakland Gardens, NY 11364


I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing James Ward for over two years. James and I served
in the USAF together while we were assigned to the 352 Special Operations Group at RAF
Mildenhall, United Kingdom. When James worked for me he was responsible for briefing the
Group Commander on the Current Intelligence within the European and African Areas of
Responsibilities. Additionally, he was responsible for ensuring intelligence information flowed
to our subordinate units utilizing various intelligence and telecommunication systems.

As James' supervisor I had first hand experience witnessing almost all of his distinct skills. By
far he was the best briefer that I have seen. His ability to capture a room's attention when giving
a brief is mesmerizing. This was confirmed by our commanders and other supervisors. The
commanders would praise his briefing skills and performance over and over again. Furthermore,
I saw the sacrifices he made and diligent work that he put in leading up to the briefs. He would
come in at 430 in the morning to update the brief and make sure the commander had the most
current intelligence. Another example of James' dedication: when James got to the unit, he
found that no one really had a good way to convey the important topics of Africa to the new
personnel. Additionally, he realized he didn't understand Africa as well as he needed to for the
job. James went out and meticulously researched, crafted and edited a presentation on the
important and significant parts of Africa. Not only did he research this information so he could
learn, he then made sure to prepare and present it in a format that others could learn from. This
presentation is so good that it is still being used even after he has left the unit to educate dozens
of new personnel.

Furthermore, James Ward is the most knowledgeable person I know when it comes to MS
PowerPoint and other MS office products. He could create a presentation in half the time as
most of his colleagues. Sometimes he would finish his work and then take time to help others
with their products. However, this is not the essentially unique aspect of James. What sets
James above the rest is his ability to learn quickly and teach himself when necessary. If James
does not understand or know something he will research it, find the answer, train himself and
then prepare materials to train others so that he can share what he learned. This trait of sharing
his knowledge is very characteristic of James and important in fostering a good and developing
work environment.

James was also one of the best supervisors/leaders I have met. James was the epitome of AF
leadership when he led his subordinates. He made sure that everything his subordinate needed to
accomplish the mission was there for him. He paid more attention to his subordinates needs then
his own personal needs." Ifit wasn't available James made sure to inunediately go out and get it
so that the mission could be accomplished. James' concern over his subordinates first
exemplifies the USAF Core Value of "Service Before Self."
James Ward will make a great addition to your workforce and/or company. While at the 352
SOG he was a major contributor and the entire leadership sorely misses him and his expertise.
Whatever employer takes him on next will be gaining a key asset to their business that will have
the opportunity to grow with him.


DoD Human Spaceflight Payload Manager
DoD Space Test Program
September 17, 2006


I arn happy to write a letter of recommendation for James Ward. I have had the
pleasure of being James' instructor for Introduction to Psychology. He is one of the best
students I have taught demonstrating excellent understanding of the concepts presented in
class, a strong motivation to do his best in all things and a clear empathy for other people.
While I can not speak directly to his abilities related to computer skills and accounting
abilities, I have no doubt that he will be dedicated to his work, motivated to do his best
and responsible in all decisions that need to be made. James demonstrated a willingness
to learn new things and challenged himself in all areas that I generally do not see in the
average student. James also never backed-down from a challenge and always
demonstrated important critical thinking skills when evaluating a class assignment or
lecture topic. In addition, James' ability to understand and apply what he has learned is in
the top 10% of all students I have taught. Lastly, James' easy marmer and happy
demeanor made him an enjoyable student to have in class. In conclusion, I highly
recommend James Ward for this position and have no doubt that he will be an asset to
your company. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. I
can be reached via email at: Ibrooks8@faculty.ed.umuc.eduorby phone:
Dr. Lisa R. Brooks
Associate Professor
University of Maryland
University College Europe
Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or knowledge in
connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number _ C090433PSC (Contract) or its performance may
consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under either
chapter 42.56 RCW or other state or federal statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail
addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or information identifiable to
an individual that relates to any of these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential Information for
any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell,
disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without the Washington State Patrol's express written
consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to
Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the Contractor, I shall
surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Vendor for its disposition according to the
terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97,
violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

James H. Ward I Intelligence Analyst

Printed Name and Title

Friday, November 14,2008


Exhibit F, Sample Contract

WSP RFOO No. _C090433PSC


mnnbtt. title and ~ fIlId

speaa/fy. list numb«$ ~M titles Invdvltls ~ I1f
oil!!: ()f' inan years.) .

13, , BADGES,
RIBBONS AWARDED OR AUTHORIZED (Alfpdil>ds of8f1tVioeJ y",_pktedJ
Air Force Achievenunt Medal, Air Basic Military Training, 6
Force Training Ribbon, National wk., Oct 99; Operations
Defens. Service Medal, Air Foree Intelligence Apprentice, 22
Longevity Service Award, USAF NOD wk., Jun 00, {SEE REMARKS)
Pro f e s • ion a I Mil ita r y (S EE REMARKS)




SSGT E5 2000 AUGal

ITEM 14: 32 hr., Noy 03; Airman Leadership. School, 5 wk., May 04.11
Member has completed firs~ full t~rm of servi~e.
Subject to Recall to active duty and/or aUAual screeulu ••


Supt, Re)lX<ationa llJla l1:mploymeuts

speda/ry. List IIdaftiooai sp«itJty number$ ;mq titles. " .."""""""""
on~ Of mort! years.)

~AMf'AlGN 14.. lI'$,number ofw(!t/{s, md month and

RIBBONS AWARDED OR I\UTHORIZSl (AJlp-. .f..,.,;.q ,,,, "'IIP/«edj
Air Force Achievement Medal, Air Ba.ic Military T~aining, 6
Force Training Ribbon, National wks, Oct 99: Operation.
Defense Service Medal, Air Forc" Intelligence Appr"ntice, ~2
Longevity Service Award, USAF NOO wks, lun 00; (SEE REMARKS)
Profe.sional Military (SEE REMAltKS)





ITEM 14: S2 hro, Nov 03; Airnlan Leadership School, 5 wk., May 04;//
Merobe r has G orop let e d fir s t full term 0 t $ e n· i <: e .
Subiect to Recall to active duty and/or anAual eare,nln,.
////////I///////////////////NOTHINC FO'tL<»ISI///IIJIIIIIIIII////llf/////////

Supt, Reloc;j,l;iom! ana Employments

_I><t. tim
spedalry. . numfJ'et$ Mltl titfeJ InvcM1t1 p«kHJ~ tsf

u. ~AMPAlGN 14.
RIBBONS AWARDED OR AUTHORIZED fIJI! peDods of"","", yw"""p"""l
Air Force Achiev .. nLent M~d"l, Air Baoic Milib"ry Tr"ining, 6
Force Training Ribbon, National wks, Oct 99; Op.~ations
Defense Service Medal, Ai: Force Intelligence Apprentice) 22
Longevity Service Award, USAF NOO wk., Juu 00; (SEE REMARKS)
Professional Military (SEE REMARKS)



SSGT E5 2006 AU081

ITEM 14: 32 hrs, Nov 03; Airman Leadership SChool, 5 wI.. , May 04·11
Member has completed first full term ot ser'li~e.
Suhject to Recall to aetive duty and/or annual ~~r.enln~.
:. . SA1'EGUARO 11

number. :md yem

specialty, Ltg additiOllaJ specialty (Jtlmb~ aM titles invoNiM pt!1Wds- /!f
one or mt'lfe yea{s.) ..

RfB60NS AWARDED OR AUTKORfZEO year completed}
Air Force Achievement Basic Military Training J 6
Force Training Ribhon, wks, Oct 99; Operations
p"fense Service Medal, Air F'qrce Intelligence Apprentice, 22
Longevity Service Award, USAF NOO wk., Jun 00; (SEE REMARKS)
Professional Military (SEE REMARKS)

SSGT E 5 . 2 ( > 0 0 AUG31

ITEM 14: 32 hrs, Nay 03; Airman Lead".tship School, 5 wk., May 04./1
Member has completed first full '.rm gf servic •.
Sullject to Recall to active duty and/or annual se~eeld.ng-.
////////////////IIII/I/llllINOTH1NG FOLLOWS/III/IIIII/I/ii////i///////////l
(!t~... GtnUtgt nf Ult 1m...

jfames 1!). Warb


in ~pplieb ~tience
<!Communications ~ppIications m:ecbnolo gp

~~~~~eaI'r/~ ~+amdoa/)~a?X7~~

~. Ov.uC.~
u,".. ~t
Gm.... U.S.Ak " . ,
Cornmande~ AirUl!iversity
't" Chairman
Air UniYelsity Board of Visitors

Colonel, U.S. Ail FOICfl
Cummllndlll\t, Community COllege oflhe Air Fc.i\'.e
O~~2~ Chief AcademW
Community College () cthe
All Force

- _____ J
Page I ot I

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TI1 181 8 to certifY tba t

SSgt James Ward

hllS sllcce.s:,'dizl~y com ple ted

JKDDC - Homeland Security and Defense


,/!"lI' r June 'll tht' 1 1/ 2006

('01J /eJ"l n! till:" 3rd , I"{';]!

ident=C00487 &kc ident=kcOOO l&login=W AROJ08 J 6/3/2006

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AI ' Till S 1S to cer tify tilat
SSgt Jame s Ward

11118 sllccesslllll}T conlpleted

AF • DOD Combating Trafficking in
Perso ns (CTIP)

CO!J /(,/'/( 'J {IIi,' 2nd (l/,I' (1/ June in t ,~.(, )" ','/I (1/ 2006


..... , ,,-_._-- --" "'M ~;I/L-oI"~riit~"~t~l~ptr rprt r"rtif" sn"crs ident=C00344&kc ident=kcOOOl &login=WARDJ081
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USAF Specitll


This is to certify that
Mr. James H. Ward, 34 1-7 0-6 40 9
Has successfully completed


CLASS 07-705,04 - OB DECEMBER 2006 (40 hours)
U.S Army Intelligence
Cente r & Fort Huachuca
,\ \' I! I,;r I
", Fort Huachuca, Arizona Barba ra G. Fast
" \ \ \ I 1(,'/" , MG, Comm andin g
'l '" I'

' \"
',' "':; ,\I;h/,\ ("
\,)/ , I( [l,[ ( ,
"", (

Air Force

AIRM AN JAM ES H. WARD, 341-70-6409



Certificate "

4 Octob er 2000
Comm ander
~iCitary Inte{{igence Trainin
~01;1tt . , • , '9 Ce7Zl'er

Certificate ofrrraining
%i s is to cer tifu tlia t
SSgt James tr.W ard
lias successful{y com pfe ted tlie
Mobile Intelligence Collection Cou rse
dur ing tlie per iod
28 Ma rch -1 Ap ril 20~(
Je . Jacob n, CDR, USN
.loint Militarv Intelliaence Training Center
gv(iCitary InteC{igence Trainin
~01;r\-t " • , tg Ce7zt-er

Ce rti fic at e of'Training

'ITiis is to cer tify tlia t
Jam es HW ard
lias successfoCCy compCetea tlie
Asy mm etri c Wa rfar e Inte llige nce Ana lysi s Cou rse (AW IAC )
dur ing tlie per iod
13 Sept emb er 2004 - 17 Sept emb er 20V -- 1.
qJi rec tor
~'¥' °4
(.;0 :;>9,
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f;J;l l"l
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~ ftii
V t, EoRJITF ,,-.i!'-

Certificate of Completion
This is to certify that
SrA James Ward
has completed the EUCOM Regional Joint
Intelligence Training Facility course in:
C2PC / Intel Office
23 January 2003 ~~r4-
Suzanne Henderson, GG-13
Chief, E-RJITF
USAF Specilll
Opeftltio "s S ch
Ce rtI fie s.. ...
ii. )·:.:"-~-'-·'· --"'';'~::::: I :!:,,,,j :~:!:~~L:~,.
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,:~~:., , .


~y.r °4
"'l !"l
..... ~
I-' "'"
~VI>, E-RJITF ~~

Certificate of Completion
This is to certify that
SSgt James H Ward
has completed the EUCOM Regional Joint
Intelligence Training Facility course in:
The Middle East / North Africa Seminar
7 to 10 November 2005

TimothV. Carr, GG-12
Area Studies Instructor
NUV 142008
W~p .
Prepared for
Washington State Patrol

ATTN: RFQQ Coordinator

Request for Qualifications/Quotations
No. C090433PSC

James H. Ward I Intelligence Analyst

Friday, November 14, 2008

Page intentionally left blank

7008 25S ST. GRAHAM, WA 98338

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ms. Cindy Haiderl RFQQ Coordinator
210 _11th Avenue SW, Room 116
Olympia WA 98501
Fax Number: (360) 596-4077
E-Mail Address: Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov

Dear Ms. Haider,

The Criminal Intelligence Analyst and Lead Analyst openings that you have posted online at WEBS are
exactly what I am looking for, and what I have done for the last eight and a half years! Since this
position needs someone qualified, my background in military intelligence working with WAJAC ANG/J2,
AFSOC, ACC, and most recently on McChord AFB at NORAD's Western Air Defense Sector can be a great
asset to your organization. I worked and provided intelligence, research, and analysis in nearly every
major terrorist attack in the past eight years from the USS Cole bombing in Yemen, and even during the
horrifying events of Sep 11th.

There is always a need for individuals to already have a current TS/SCI clearance, understand the
intelligence process, and know how to provide in-depth analysis and satisfy customer requirement, and I
meet all of these requirements. I am ready to step up and join your team. Intelligence support I have
provided includes support to Spain's most horrific terrorist attack, during the Madrid railway station
bombing on March 11th, 2004, and the Beslan crisis in Russian when around 335 hostages were killed by
Chechnya rebels on September 3,d, 2004. Working fast, thinking fast, and providing support at times
when lives are at stake is what I have been trained to do. In addition to my Associates degree in
Communication Technology, I have over 406hrs of formal education related to counterterrorism. For
instance, the international terrorism course, the force protection course, and the terrorism warfare
analysis course taken at the Defense Intelligence Agency in Washington D.C. add a great knowledge base
for this career.

I am extremely interested in this position and look forward to discussing with you any questions or
concerns you may have. Thank you for your time and consideration.


James H. Ward I Intelligence Analyst

Intelligence Acumen
Address: 7008 25S St. East, Graham WA 98338
Cell: 253·232·6378
Page intentionally left blank

Table of Contents

Letter of Transmittal ............................................................................................... iii

Letter of Submittal .................................................................................................. vi
Certifications and Assurances .................................................................................... 7
Questionnaire ..........................................................................................................8
Quotation ............................................................................................................. 11
Waiver and Authorization to Release Information ....................................................... 12
Appendix A (Resume) ............................................................................................ 13

Letter of Submittal

Name: James H. Ward Address: 7008258'" SI. Graham WA 98338

Principal Place of Business: Puyallup WA Telephone Number: 253-232-6378
Fax: N/A Email: J
Legal Status: Sole Proprietorship Year Organized: 2008
Tax IO/SSN #: State Employees: N/A

Proposed Position(s): Criminal Intel Analysis Services & Criminal Intelligence Analysis-Lead Services

Printed name:

Intelligence Acumen
Business fum name (doing business as):

Friday, November 14,2008


Certifications and Assurances

IIwe make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance with these
requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. I/we declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation, communication,
or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However, I/we may freely join with
other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single proposal.

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 90 days following receipt, and it may be accepted by
WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of certainty in key terms) at any
time within the 90-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, I/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the state of
Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract, and who was
assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these assurances are
described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5. IIwe understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of this
proposal. All proposals become the property ofWSP, and I/we claim no proprietary right to the ideas,
writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have not been
knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her prior to opening,
directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7. I/we agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation contents
and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. If there are any exceptions
to these terms, I/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached to this document.

8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to submit
or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

9. I/we certify that neither the Proposer nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for
debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in any contract resulting from this
procurement by any federal department or agency. Further, if awarded a contract the Proposer agrees
not to enter into any arrangements or other contracts with any party that is on the "General Service
Administration List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non-procurement Programs" which
can be found at www.epls.gov.

igence Analyst Friday, November 14, 2008

Title: Date:


1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services (SCORED).

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, identify Consultant Team
Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the responsibilities and
qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on proposed Consultant Team
Member experience and training in the following areas: REPLY: Mr. Ward is the sole team member
submitting on behalf of Intelligence Acumen.


Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement,

statistical analysis or a related field:

Work experience in national security or criminal

intelligence analysis

Specialized intelligence analysis training

PmvA,IP, i , Prc,iec:t.
Outlook, Internet Explorer (NIPR ET,
Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software
SIPRNET, JWICS), M3, , and multiple

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'. Please reference Appendix A for full resume.

2. Team Member Qualifications/Experience for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services (SCORED).

A. If you are submitting a proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services, identify Consultant Team
Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract, indicating the responsibilities and
qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide information on proposed Consultant Team
Member experience and training in the following areas: REPLY: Mr. Ward is the sole team member
submitting on behalf of Intelligence Acumen.


Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement,

statistical analysis or a related field:

Work experience in national security or criminal

intelligence analysis
Specialized intelligence analysis training

MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Prc)iec~.
Outlook, Internet Explorer (NIPRNET,
Ability to use Microsoft Office Suite software
SIPRNET, JWICS), M3, , and multiple

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information on the
individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, significant accomplishments and
any other pertinent information. Please provide certificates of completion or other proof of specialized
intelligence analyst training with the resumes'. Please reference Appendix A for full resume.

3. . References (SCORED) - List names, addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers/e-mail addresses of
three business references for which work has been accomplished and briefly describe the type of service
provided. The Consultant must grant permission to WSP to contact the references. Do not include current
WSP staff as references.

(1) Full Name: Maj. Matthew cannady I Provided:

Job Title: Intellioence Commander
Companv: WADS/ANG
E-mail: matthew.cannady@wads.mcchord.af. (3) Full Name: MSgt George Saratsis
mil Job Title: Superintendent
E-mail 2: matthew.cannady@amc.af.smil.mil Company: WADS/ANG
E-mail 3: matt.cannadv@conr.ic.oov E-mail: george.saratsis@wads.mcchord.af.mil
Business Western Air Defense Sector Business Western Air Defense Sector
Address: Address:
. ,,- 852 Lincoln Blvd 852 Lincoln Blvd
McChord AFB WA 98438 McChord AFB WA 98438
Business Phone: Comm: (253) 982-4584 Business Phone: COM 253-982-4588
Business Phone DSN: 382-4584 Business Phone DSN 382-4588
2: 2:
Business Fax: Unclass Fax: 4843 Type of Service Co-Worker
Type of Service Intelligence commander while Provided:
Provided: working as government contractor for
Western Air Defense Sector (WADS)
McChord AFB

1.2) Full Name: Capt. Catherine Madderson

Job Title: Intelliqence Officer
E-mail: cathertne.madderson@wads.mcchord.
E-mail 2: catherine.madderson@amc.af.smil.mil
E-mail 3: catherine.madderson@conr.iC.Oov
Business Western Air Defense Sector
852 Lincoln Blvd
McChord AFB WA 98438
Business Phone: (253) 982-4585
Business Phone DSN: 382-4585
Business Fax: Unclass Fax: 4843
Other Phone: Ops: (253) 982-4634
TYpe of Service Co-Worker

4. Related Information (MANDATORY)

A. If the Consultant contracted with the State of Washington during the past 24 months, indicate the name of
the agency, the contract number and project description and/or other information available to identify the

B. If the Consultant's team member was an employee of the State of Washington during the past 24 months,
or is currently a Washington state employee, identify the individual by name, the agency previously or
currently employed by, job title or position held and separation date. CONSULTANT'S REPLY: N/A

C. If the Consultant has had a contract terminated for default in the last five years, describe such incident.
Termination for default is defined as notice to stop performance due to the Consultant's non-performance
or poor performance and the issue of performance was either (a) not litigated due to inaction on the part
of.the Proposer, or (b) litigated and such litigation determined that the Proposer was in default.

D. Submit full details of the terms for default including the other party's name, address, and phone number.
Present the Consultant's position on the matter. WSP will evaluate the facts and may, at its sole
discretion, reject the proposal on the grounds of the past experience. If no such termination for default
has been experienced by the Consultant in the past five years, so indicate. CONSULTANT'S REPLY: No
such terminations for default has been experienced in past five years nor has any termination or default
occurred in consultant's career.

5. Waiver and Authorization to Release Information (MANDATORY) - Any proposed Consultant Team
Member must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance, and must pass a criminal
history background check conducted by WSP. Please provide one Waiver and Authorization to Release
Information form (Exhibit E) for each Consultant team member proposed. This form must be signed by the
respective Consultant team member. REPLY: Applicant already has a current Top Secret clearance and was
renewed in 2008.


The evaluation process is designed to award this procurement not necessarily to the Consultant of least cost,
but rather to the Consultant whose proposal best meets the requirements of this RFQQ. However,
Consultants are encouraged to submit proposals which are consistent with State government efforts to
conserve state resources.

A. Identification of Costs (SCORED)

Identify the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed ConSUltant Team Members for services through
September 30, 2009; and each of the three optional years of a contract resulting from this RFQQ. If the
hourly rate differs for each individual, please identify the specific rate for each proposed Consultant Team

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, WSP will accept proposals for hourly rates up to $50.00;
submission of a proposal with an hourly rate in excess of $50.00 for these services will result in the
rejection of your proposal as non-responsive.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Period Initial - 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9/30/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 10/1/11 - 9/30/12

Hourly $36.50-$40.50 $37.96-$42.12 $39.48-$43.80 $41.06-$45.56

Rate Per hour Per hour Per hour Per hour

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services, WSP will accept proposals for hourly rates up to $60.00;
submission of a proposal with an hourly rate in excess of $60.00 for these services will result in the
rejection of your proposal as non-responsive.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead
Period Initial - 9/30109 10/1/09 - 9/30/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 10/1/11 - 9/30/12
Hourly $38.50-$43.50 $40.04-$45.24 $41.64447.05 $43.31-$48.93
Rate Per hour Per hour Per hour Per hour

Waiver and Authorization to Release Information

To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including any
arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs investigations and
discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or sealed, my medical records,
my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military service records, and my financial
status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of 1974), and
waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by the Washington
State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may result
from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

James Hunter Ward

Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last)

Other namesyouhave been know by, inciudinQ prior marriage(s) or nickname(s)

7008 258TH St. East Graham WA 98338

Address City State Zip Code

vC./\..1. "-y
Social Security Number /' Date of Birth
/ "\ ('
/ -'\. A./"'- A-- Friday, November 14, 2008
(. Applicant': ;iQnature/ Date


James H. Ward
Cell: (253) 232-6378 Email:
Address: 7008 258'" St. E. Graham WA 98338
Appendix A (Resume)


EDUCATION AND TRAINING SUMMAItY(detailed list at bottom)

• Associates in Communication Application Technology, c.c. of the Air Force, Maxwell AFB AL, Dec 04, 64hrs
• Certificate Information Systems/Information Technology Project Management, Villanova Univ., Oct 08, 60hrs
• Intelligence Applications Apprentice Course, Goodfellow Air Force Base, May 00, 878hrs
• MS Excel Intermediate and Advanced courses, Pima Community College, AZ, 16hrs
• An additional 600+ hrs of advanced tr~g in computers, business admin, political science, and analysis


Eight years/nine months as expert research specialist (almost two years supporting WAJAC ANG/J2 and four years
with Special Ops Command) in military intelligence providing a wide range of functions, statistical summaries,
prepared reports, materials for publications, forecasts, and assessments to convey crisis situations to senior leadership.
An accomplished public speaker, delivered over 350 Intelligence oral presentations while maximizing the benefits of
computer technology and wrote numerous meeting minutes, surveys, after action reports seen by top military officials
in war-time, revamped policies, multiple proposals, and a 28 page assessment report on US/MX Border (requested by
WAJAC ANG/J2) packed with analysis and reasoning used to aid OPERATION JUMP START a 6,000 personnel
strong operation!

Phenomenal technical skill and speed operating computers, program operations, and intelligence software: Multi
Media Messaging system (M3), Command and Control PC (C2PC), MS Oudook, Internet Explorer, Power Point,
Word, Excel, and geospatial or geographical information systems (GIS) software: ArcView, SkyView, and
FalconView. A natural team builder and effective leader selected number one out of thirteen supervisors by
Intelligence flight commander. Two of four subordinates received "performer of the month" and another became
number two "employee of the quarter" with less than 60 days job experience. A passionate worker dedicated to
bettering the office, established several training programs saving offices amounts valued at $81,800.

Software Project Manager I Jun OS-Present ITailored Technology Solutions Corp. I Puyallup, WA
-Authored five functional requirement documents; helped clients/software development teams identify concise,
measurable, and traceable deliverables to improve scope, time, and budget control

- Praised by multiple customers as remarkable facilitator; CEO recognized outstanding performance

- Managed/ oversaw 20+ software development meetings; ensured teams collaborated for success

- Superior strategic and tactical analytical skills-conducted several risk analysis assessments evaluating up to 42
different project attributes effecting project success to identify roadblocks and organize risks by impact and
probability to establish contingency funds and increase project success

- Aided HR in hiring/filtering out candidates by identifying potential obstacles in the long run that effected the big-
picture regarding availability and dedication to drive the project forward
- Monitored team productivity and progress daily; identified critical development shortages and reallocated resources
working on float tasks to rebalance workloads on critical path to prevent deadline overruns

- Proactive Quality Assurance monitoring during software development; guided team to demonstrate accuracy,
thoroughness, and orderliness in performing work assignments

Intelligence Analyst I Oct 06-Jun 08 I CUBIC Applications (Gov. Contr.) I McChord Air Base, WA

- Successful analytical writer; authored and presented to WAJAC-ANG/J2 clear and concise findings in an in-dep!],
28 page Intelligence Assessment entitled "Threat to Air Operations: US-Mexico Border"- first of it's kind; enabled the
Intelligence Community worldwide a comprehensive research paper with over 30 citations synthesized, collated,
organized, and analyzed from top intelligence agencies such as CIA, FBI, DHS, DIA, NGA, NORTHCOM, ACIC,
and SOUTHCOM-two month project praised by peers and superiors

. Ability to analytically assimilate disparate data and render knowledgeable and accurate assessments in conjunction
with high caliber presentation skills resulted in earlier than anticipated addition to shop's briefing rotation for the
weekly Command Current Intel Brief; increased experts qualified to present briefing and alleviated high demands on
Intel team

- Jumps at the chance for professional development- attended two training courses on terrorism-learned how to
analyze message traffic, compile link diagrams, and build association matrixes on suspected terrorists while utilizing
inductive and deductive reasoning during prolonged scenarios requiring concentration on highly complex problems;
earned three college credits

- Designed innovative argument diagram of Osama Bin Laden's video release in September 2007 -diagram clarified the
evidences used by al-Qaida to justify attacks against the West; better enabled analysts to understand and dissect al-
Qaida's viewpoint and future intentions

_ Coordinated complex counterintelligence-related data mining projects with data mining engmeers to extract, transfer,
prepare, process, and exploit large data repositories for counterintelligence analysis initiatives-first analysts in
NORAD's Western Sector to obtain Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certification and gain access CIA's data
repository for analysis; increased speed to obtain close hold Intel by 24 hours

- Expert knowledge of the principles, concepts, and methodologies of intelligence analysis-created 44 slide training
. presentation of the Psychology of Intelligence Analysis enhanced office's understanding of how to improve analysis,
the analytical process, intelligence training, strategies for generating and evaluating assessments, and structuring
analytical problems

- Unquenchable thirst for knowledge; read books "Analytic Thinking" and "Asking Essential Questions"
recommended by Intelligence instructor-improved intelligence writings, research methods, exploitation techniques,
critical thinking, analytic thought processes, and information dissecting skills-significantly enhanced ability to extract
data while analyzing and writing Threat to Air Operations Intelligence Assessment

- Created first ever classified website from scratch with 17 value added webpages packed with over 713 files-praised
by the sector and flying wing Senior Intelligence Officers and Superintendents as "great" and "outstanding";
significantly improved user-friendly interface for all 96 Intel professionals across 8 units in the United States' Western
Sector and enabled entire DoD Community global access to office's products

_ ,Continuously makes improvement to unit; created new "current Intel" page on unclassified website- increased
accessibility from 65 to 418 personnel

_ Completely reliable and thorough in all assignments; improved library's content by adding an additional 58 rare

documents on Asymmetric Warfare - an increase of 252%

- Read through 15-20 classified/unclassified publications each day to create 70+ daily readfiles tailored to meet
customers needs; saved Intel shop 134hrs of research/analysis and lauded by National Guard J2 for Washington

Intel Research Team Supervisor IJul 05 - Aug 061 US Air Force Special Operations IUnited Kingdom

- Stationed in England during London train bombings; sprung into action while under considerable pressure-lead
three man team to build 3'5' city graphic depicting chain of events; helped give commander clarity on possible

- Provided assessment requested by Pentagon Intel Agency on potential outcome during civil unrest in West Africa;
forecasted outcome was briefed to Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Secretary of the Air Force; forecasted outcome
occurred and prevented unnecessary planning, preparation, and Olovement of multi-million dollar assets

- Supervised five man team to carry out project from inception through completion; team analyzed and assessed
intelligence information on Italian anarchist/separatist groups and transnational terrorists organizations; prepared
commanders and staff for crisis response during Torino, Italy 2006 Wmter Olympics

- Special Operations Commander praised ability to use innovation in working non-routine assignment-coordinated
between University professor and six corporate divisions; provided free instruction valued at $2,500 per person for 58

- Briefed Special Ops three star General during special visit with information on counterterrorism threats to his
personnel in deployed locations; presentation complimented by the General

- Time management skills prevented over-staffmg and over-working employees by developing efficient manning
schedule; decrease duty day by four hours for 12 personnel during two week military exercise-solved non-routine

- Taught European Command's computer trainer new uses on software program; enabled over 200 Air Force
personnel to produce three dimensional imagery videos

- Taught 17hr in-house mission planning software class to Special Tactics Intel operators; saved $5,800 of department
j:taining costs

- Hosted meeting which involved multiple analysts/ collectors, law enforcement, doctors, and operators during
deployment exercise; ensured maximum flow of intelligence between departments

~ A passionate worker dedicated to bettering the office; established several training programs-saved offices amounts
valued at $81,800. .

~ A natural team builder and effective leader selected number one out of thirteen supervisors by IN-two of four
subordinates received "performer of the monthn and another became number two Uemployee of the quarter" with
less than 60 days job experience. .

Mission Support Trend Analyst Supervisor I Mar 05 - Jul 051 USAF Special Operations IUnited Kingdom

- Maintained metrics database on over 130,000 maps and charts; helped identify inventory shortages to management

- Redesigned and continually updated webpage, posted over 500 links, photos, and daily briefs used by geographically
separated units

- Managed cost/benefit analysis and removal of 2,000 outdated Raindrop cassette tapes; freed 25brs per month in

- Revised 10 outdated manuals, regulations, local policies, and procedures for office; improved continuity binders and
reflected organizational changes

Current Intelligence Analyst 1Sep 02 - Mar 051 US Air Force Special Operations 1Urtited Kingdom

- Built Iraqi presentation with team of analysts to determines characteristics, capabilities, and limitations of foreign
commuuications networks for assigned AOR; assessment improved commander and key staffs knowledge of the
battelspace environment

- Helped key reconnaissance unit with key research tool renowned as most-comprehensive language inventory;
empowered unit to develop analytical and exploitation techniques with graphical depictions and provide politically
sensitive real-time foreign communication intelligence data vital to national foreign policy

- Knowledge of security directives ensured intelligence data was properly inventoried and that guidelines and all
products and working materials reflected appropriate classification and handling markings while securing Intelligence
Reference Library; organized 585 classified documents, ensured 100% accountability

- Excellent oral communication skills; presented situational briefing to Commanders during American evacuation
operations in Liberia, West Africa and maintained city/ aerial maps; aided in the rescue of 497 American citizens

- Superbly accomplished concurrent tasking from multiple customers to write, conduct, and disseminate 22
intelligence debriefing reports on aircraft commanders returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom missions, assured all
essential points were covered-two debrief reports viewed by high level Commanders when two aircraft crews
observed potential missile firings

- Spearheaded political conflict training program covering trends, patterns, promes, estimates, and studies of unit's
area of responsibility; saved management over $55,000 dollars in training costs for over 15 personnel

- Quickly notified Special Operations Commander of discovered threats to US Embassy, Romania; recommended
solution prevented potential hostile incident to deployed forces

- Examined 66 non-combatant evacuation maps and charts with 20 plus items in each folder; ensured documents met
confonnance standards

- Achieved high productivity output while maintaining high morale; effectively trained three shift managers; enabled
continuous 24br operations for 19days duting intelligence support to Athens 2004 Olympic Games

- Effectively analyzed and briefed daily intelligence situation update briefings to the commander, senior staff, and
batde sta:ff on over 70 current events affecting organization; ensured leadership armed with assessments needed for
hard decisions

- Saved $1,142 by identifying and canceling numerous duplicate periodical subscriptions from Intelligence Library

Intel Mission Planning Software Trainer 1Jun 00- Sep 021 US Air Force Air Command 1Tucson, Arizona
- Took understanding of US Intel community and intelligence collecting techniques and jumped into action after the
USS Cole terrorist attack; authored a study of hostile organizations throughout South West Asia
- Developed creative in-house geographical information systems (GIS) software FalconView training program
according to customer timelines and requirements; saved $21,000 in training costs

- Disseminated analyzed intelligence information, and published intelligence products; supported deployed forces with
reach-back intelligence needed to perform the mission

- Performed authoritative and complex threat analysis of terrorist groups; resulted in a deVeloped and publish
intelligence products that heightened installation security prior 9-11

- Talented with graphics software; requested to prepare visual graphics for top intelligence general; general
complimented the graphics and requested a second view of products

- Built airfield vulnerability product depicting flight proflles of military and civilian airports; aided police and special
investigators to better secure airfield following 9-11


- Associates in Applied Science Communications Application Technology, Community College of the Air Force,
Maxwell AFB AL, Dec 2004, 64hrs
- Certificate in Information Systems/Information Technology Project Management, Villanova Univ., Oct 08, 60hrs


- Homeland Security and Defense (HSD) , Air Force Advanced Distributed Learning Center, Jun 06
- Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP), Air Force Advanced Distributed Learning Center, Jun 06

- Intelligence Applications Apprentice Course, 315th TRS, Goodfellow Air Force Base, May 2000, 878hrs
- Sub-Saharan Africa Orientation Course, JMITC, Feb OS, 40hrs
-Russia/Eurasia Orientation Course, JMITC, Jan OS, 40hrs - Mobile Intelligence Collection Course,JMITC, Apr OS,

- Improved Asymmetric Warfare Intel Analysis Course, JMITC, Apr 07, 40hrs
- Intelligence in Combating Terrorism/Link analysis, US Army Intel, Jan 07, 36hrs
- USAF Special Operations Intelligence Training, AFSOC, 80hrs
- Dynrurucs of International Terrorism Course, AFSOC, Nov 03, 40hrs
- Asymmetric Warfare Intel Analysis Course,JMITC, Sep 04, 40hrs
- Force Protection Level II, AFSOC, Nov 03, 40hrs
- Combat Survival Training, 22D Training Squadron, Oct 00, 90hrs
- SERE Level B, Director ofISR., Dec 04, 40hrs

-Distinguished Graduate: Airman Leadership School, USAF, 160hrs
: Advanced Leadership training; Leadership styles, mentoring, time management, and anger management 9hrs
- Airman Leader Course, 17th Training Group, Feb 00, 5hrs

- Ms Excel Intermediate and Advanced courses, Piroa Community College, 16hrs
- Command and Control PC (C2PC/ Intel Office Course), EUCOM Regional Joint Intelligence Training Facility, Jan

- Learning Theory, Student Motivation, Learning Objectives, Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific, Aug-Sep 05,


- Psychology of Intelligence Analysis
- The Thinker's Guide to Analytic Thinking
- The Miniature Guide to the Art of Asking Essential Questions

-:1~teJ\'§-(,N CQ. A(u (Y"'tN


! One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted with the
Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances were signed by
a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.

/ 4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

7' Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00p.m. on November 14, 2008.

7 The Consultant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington .

./ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any
proposed Consultant Team Member(s):
Has previously served as an intelligence analyst for a minimum of two (2) years either in a
Federal intelligence agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence
unit; or has a Bachelor's degree or higher college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement,
statistical analysis or a related field that substitutes for the work experience requirement; and
Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
/ For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any
proposed Consultant Team Member
Has four years of progressively responsible work experience in either in a Federal intelligence
agency, the military, or State and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit; and
Possess a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; or, an Associate's
degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or related field from an
accredited college or university; and
Has provided proof of completion of Intelligence Analyst Training to ensure baseline
proficiency in intelligence analysis and production.
For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed
Consultant Team Members does not exceed $50.00.

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst - Lead Services the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed
Consultant Team Members does not exceed $60.00.

The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for every
Consultant Team Member proposed for work. The form is signed by each respective
proposed Consultant Team Member.

/ Proposal provided 90 days for acceptance of its terms from the due date of proposals.

, State Patrol Page 13 RFQQ No. C090433PSC
Page I of2

Haider, Cindy (W5P)

From: James H. Ward
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 5:58 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ C090433PSC


Nice to hear from you.

Here are my updated rates without the range-estimate that was in the original bid.


Period Initial - 9/30109 10/1109 - 9130/10 10/1/10 - 9/30/11 10/1/11-9/30/12

$40.50 $42.12 $43.80 $45.56


Period Initial - 9/30/09 10/1109 - 9/30/10 10/1110 - 9/30/11 10/1/11 - 9130/12

$37.50 $39.00 $40.56 $42.18

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks again for the opportunity to compete for
these Intel positions.


James H. Ward
Cell: 253-232-6378
Mailing Address: 7008 258th St. East Graham, WA 98338
Home E-mail:
Work E-mail: JWard@TailoredSolutions.net

From: Cindy. Haider@wsp.wa.gov [rna ilto: Ci ndy. Haider@wsp.wa.govl

Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:56 PM
Subject: RFQQ C090433PSC

Mr. Ward,
I need clarification on the quotation given for proposed hourly rate. You have provided the attached but it doesn't
state one rate per year. Please provide a new chart:

A. Identification of Costs (SCORED)

Identify the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed Consultant Team Members for services
through September 30, 2009; and each of the three optional years of a contract resulting from this

Page 2 of2

RFQQ. If the hourly rate differs for each individual, please identify the specific rate for each
proposed Consultant Team Member. .

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services, WSP will accept proposals for hourly rates up to
$50.00; submission of a proposal with an hourly rate in excess of $50.00 for these services will
result in the rejection of your proposal as non-responsive.

For Criminal Intelligence Analyst-Lead Services, WSP will accept proposals for hourly rates up to
$60.00; submission of a proposal with an hourly rate in excess of $60.00 for these services will
result in the rejection of your proposal as non-responsive.


Period Initial - 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9130/10 10/1/10 - 9130/11 10/1/11 - 9130/12

$40.50 $42.12 $43.80 $45.56


Period Initial - 9/30/09 10/1/09 - 9/30/10 10/1110 - 9/30/11 10/1/11 - 9130/12

$37.50 $39.00 $40.56 $42.18


Cindy Ilaider
IrsI' RFQQ Coordinator
cindy haider(iiJwsp. wa. gov

Washington State Patrol 6/12/20094:24:52 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

WSP Contract No.1 CIJ80747 Program Information: Program JIAD

IInvestigative Assistance Division

Category 1:~-f>~~~n~1 S-ervic~s Program:

Amendment No. Program Contact: Bureau: IISB

Title "11-nt""e""IA"".·-na"ly-s"t"S"~-;"-
.• - - - - - - - ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff

Other Party Castana_ri;, Do~

Other NO.' Processing Status:

Start Date 11"""'''3~/1''''/2'"'0'''08''" End Date 110/23/2008 Amendment
Amountl $275.000 User 10 ICH AmdAmount I $54.100

Contract Status Clo_sed Amd Status ICompleted
Contract Notes: Date document was sent to:
Region 3 Criminal Intelligence Analyst. Terminated Word Processing
by letter 9/23/08 JRH. Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification
BFS Review
Chiefs Office
Transmittal Letter
Mailed to Other Part
Received Back
Distributed 4/9/2008

Amd Status ICompleted
Date document was sent to:
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 1/3/2008
BFS Review
Chiefs Office
Transmittal Letter
Mailed to Other Part
Received Back
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 1 of 4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
WSP Contract Number
BFS Contracts Specialist


1. DescriPtio~services:
';;t ~h SRbJre,

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision I Comments
Fundina source'iaccount codino) and Amount /9,-r-P.p i1'),,' 0< <;\5 COl O,J.DC1 ~
Has an authorized manager approved the
~Yes ONo
Tvoe of appropriation (federal, state, other) Po.,t Of aJ,
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties List System been ~Yes 0 No
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? \l'):,t=> <t- ltJG\5 t> c.. ",",* cura.;, \ Pble.
• Aaencv resources Ii5! Yes 0 No
• Other pUbliclaovernmentaD resources ~Yes 0 No
Comoetitive Contractina
Has this work been performed/is performed by WSP
DYes ~No
liVes, has the WSP Labor Attornev been contacted? DYes rJ No ~IA
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
DYes ONo
proceed with the contract? NIA
Is contractor a current or former state emplovee? DYes 'hilNo
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board DYes 0 No
approval? N\ Il
• If former, provide last date of emplovment. ,,\ I~
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate method(s) of ~Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? Fixed Price
o Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 2 of4

If the contract is federally funded, is the Contractor a

subrecipient or vendor?
If a subrecipient, are audits required? If yes, evaluate
DYes D No

coverage provided by existing and anticipated audits. ~Io.


1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

Dlt Competitive D Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

¥l Formal (>$20,000) D Informal «$20,000)

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals,proof of advertisement, etc.) will

be maintained.
't..u I"Qlt.roC! ~ \~

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting

4. Advertised? [)g Yes D No D N/A (less than $20,000)

If yes, where and when was the advertisemllnt placed?

Sec.M.\e '00:...."1 ..:k>vr.vrJ ~ ~Ce.. -

Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? ~ Yes D No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? D Yes ~ No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?D Yes D No ~\'"

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point =O. Unknown, risk point =5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 3 of4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= =
Lower Risk; Yes Higher Risk J..
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 Medium Risk
>$100,000 High Risk 'i
Complexity of services 3
Payment method (how complex is it?) What methodes) did you use? What
experience do you have with the methodes)?
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
o Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
o Fixed Price (score 1-3)) .
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1-3) 3
Procurement method:
o Competitive (score 1 to 3)
o Sole Source (score 3 to 5) i

2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of fundinQ .:J.
Length of time in business 'J
Experience and past performance \
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
proof?) \
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition Qood or poor?) ...
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the
organization?) n
Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?) b
OrQanizational chanQes (is orQanization stable or does it have frequent turnover?) 0
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?)
Legal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?)
BackQround of individuals (do you have resumes?)

3. Total Risk Points

D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contrad.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into. a contract?
~Yes ONo

2. Does the risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?
KI Yes 0 No
Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
~Yes DNo

4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity periodic reports 1fI.-;
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation CPDS
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetings, etc.)
Maintain other periodic contract with
contractor (telephone, email, etc.) tf~s
Other: l ... '""'00 l.. . l."ll~ Il,C\~{J(' )

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
example, A 133 audits)? i"ll A
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure appropriate spending of state funds? r\) Jp.,
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed? ~ll'\
Is corrective action necessary? Were
questioned costs resolved? NIp,
Are audit findings, if any, resolved? N/A


Any activities need follow-up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
Follow-up on audit findinQs needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

· Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

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Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 200B 2:21 PM
To: 'castand@co.thurston.wa.us'
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP); 'CHAMBEJ@co.thurston.wa.us'
Subject: WSP Contract No. COB0747PSC
Attachments: castanares Itr 090B.pdf

Mr. Castanares -

The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) has asked regional law enforcement to
determine whether regional federal fiscal year 200~ funding will go to support local analysts; they also asked
whether the regions would like the State Patrol to continue managing analyst contracts for each region or whether
the regions would like to competitively bid analysts and manage the analyst contracts themselves. We have been
informed by Region 2 that they wish to use their homeland security funding for other purposes, and requested that
we terminate your contract. The attached letter terminates your contract for convenience effective October 23,
2008; however, funding for your services terminates at the end of your current task order on September 30, 2008,
which will be the final day of billable services under your contract.

I can be reached at (360) 596-4052 or via e-mail at jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov if you have any questions
concerning this letter.

Governor Chid

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

September 23, 2008

Mr. Don Castanares

Bastion Research LLC
2112 Tina Court SE
Olympia WA 98513

Dear Mr. Castanares

Subject: WSP Contract No. C080747PSC

The purpose of this letter is to terminate the referenced contract between your firm and
the Washington State Patrol per Section 28, Termination of Convenience, of the general
terms and conditions clause of the contract. The contract will terminate on October 23,

Please contact me at (360) 596-4052 or e-mail jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov if you have

any questions concerning this letter.



Budget and Fis al Services

cc: Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Assistance Division
Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:40 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Cc: Solie, Arel (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: Region 3

I spoke with Chief Pearsal from Thurston and their chiefs and sheriffs group elected not
to use the patrol to contract their analyst. They will stay engaged, but want to do their
own contracting.

They will be forwarding it in writing. We can proceed with terminating notification with
Region 3.


Captain Timothy P. Braniff

Investigative Assistance Division
Washington State Patrol

Date 3/18/08
Washington State Patrol
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $1 0,000 IZl Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C080747PSC (1)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
March 24, 2008 September 30, 2008
Contract Title CFDA No. I QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Don Castanares dba Bastion Research LLC
Contractor Contact Address
2112 Tina Ct SE, Olympia WA 98513
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Mr. Don Castanares 360-459-9246
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
- Tanya Pierce'
WSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner

Contract Amount . Position .§!gnatu~ ~d Date


(I' J~
$ Grants and Contracts Manager
'// 0~
Contract Amount
tI(J /
r /
$ Business Office Manager

5/ fr/~1
Revised Total

fi ""Y! 3/2-<> /B <?

$54,100 Budget Manager Allot: DYe~~
Amount ~ nticipated Receipt: DYes 0

Indirect Costs % Accounting Manage1!l:::P1

'Sub Revenue Code Percent!

Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Sub TAR Code
Objed,-- v~ajor Amount
GrouP Source Source
5156 001 020 00272 5156 CE 100

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only: DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNO __________ ------- AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYe~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typepf-R9ceipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: IZl Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
IZl Accountant· 'IZlSudget Analyst IZl Other: Captain Braniff
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C080747PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Don Castanares dba Bastion Research, LLC

Period of Performance March, 24, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor shall provide criminal intelligence analyst services
during the time of the period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The local worksite for the Contractor during this
Task Order is Region 3.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $49.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C080747PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $54,100.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Don Castanares, (360) 459-9246

Telephone Number:


Signature Date

l>o"'AL-D H. CP.6TAr-OA(2..eS I " ' .... AC"5\"

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Date 3/18/08
Washington State Patrol
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 !:8J Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
March 24, 2008 September 30, 2011
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelliqence Analvst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Don Castanares dba Bastion Research, LLC
Contractor Contact Address
2112 Tina Ct SE, Olympia WA 98513
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EINISSN
Mr. Don Castanares 360-459-9246
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
Tanya Pierce -
WSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivisionlBureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner
Remarks: Requires separate task orders - do not encumber.

Contract Amount Position ___ Signat~,!,Date

$ Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
$ Business Office Mana~,t1 ,'1-\

/1)' \.
Revised Total
Budget Manager
? It "1' I Allot: DYes'\'Sl No
J / J l'l'lftfclnticipated Receipt: DYes "SINo

Indirect Costs %
Accounting Managey '(:IU
/ v Revenue Code
Sub Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project !"'Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source

001 020 00272 100%

Billable Contracts Onlv

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage on~ DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special ~, per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo _____________ _oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo
Prorate Leave to~ontract: DYes DNo AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes ONo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: - - - - - - 1
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: DRevenue 0 Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: t2l Project Manager !:8J Accountant !:8JBudget Analyst - !:8J Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
WSP Contract No.
Other Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
governed by chapter 39.29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
Don Castanares Bastion Research, LLC
Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number
2112 Tina Ct SE
Olympia WA 98513
Contact Name Contact Telephone
Mr. Don Castanares 360-459-9246
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address

WSP Contact Information

WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
WSP Investigative Assistance Division
Lieutenant Randy Drake
PO Box 2347,01 mpia WA 98507-2347
(360) 704-2393
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts Manager Olympia WA 98504-2602
(360) 753-0602
(360) 664-0657
E-mail Address


Contract Start Date Contract End Date Maximum Contract Amount

March 24, 2008 September 30, 2011 $275,000.00
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
I2l Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
I2l Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
I2l Additional Exhibits as speCified: Exhibit C, Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement
This Contract, including the attached r erms and Conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference,
contains all of th.e terms and conditions. agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings or representations, oral or
otherwise, regarding thesi;lpject matter of this Contracts hall be oeem13d to existocbindthe parties. Theparties signing
belowwarrant.thattheYhaVereao.and.understandthis Contract and have the au!l"lori\v to enter intothis Contr<;lc\.

WS~~~Ou~. ?,_,1 a.
~tractor Signature L Date
"'!.2...(. Df (~L \-\.O-=> :2bHAl2.D<O
Printed Name and Title f ~ Printed Name and Title
John R Batiste, Chief""t><tu.\ 5".""Beck\ec.., Ie DONAL..D \-\ _ CASTAf'C'A(2..E:S ANAL'-/Sl

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:
• Raw intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Don Castanares Region 3

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance;
and must provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst
Notebook application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from
the date of contract execution.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance, WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee SFY08 Rate SFY09 Rate SFY10 Rate

Don Castana res $49.00 $49.50 $50.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 11


7. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page4of11

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for serviCes
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assign·ment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well 'as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution rnethod.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager althe
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jOintly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's p lace of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that suffiCiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. I n the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

2/12/02 .
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of11

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated .
a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11

2/12/02 . ,
32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 11

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number COB0065PSC or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

vo,,",AL...\> \--1- C'ASTANAP-ES, f>,NA-C'JST

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of11

Governor Chief

General Administration Building· PO 80x 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

April 9, 2008

Mr. Don Castanares

Dba Bastion Research, LLC
2112 Tina Ct SE
Olympia WA 98513

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C080747PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed with this letter are two fully executed originals of the referenced agreement
and task order between you and the Washington State Patrol. Please keep these
originals for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number are the agreement numbers
referenced above; please use these numbers on all correspondence regarding these
agreements. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 753-0692.



c~cI %D~
~ Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services



TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C080747PSC and Task Order No.1

DATE: April 9, 2008

Attached is a fully executed copy ofthe above-listed contract and task order between the
Washington State Patrol and Mr. Don Castanares dba Bastion Research, LLC. Funding for this
contract will be encumbered under separate task orders.

Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this contract has a copy
of this contract to ensure the payment documents are filled out correctly.

The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number noted
above; please use this number on all correspondence and payment documents associated with this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget and Fiscal
Services, at Micro 11, ext. 208.

cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget Section
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Assistance Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

~\~' ,~~- -/'- ->:::.--.:.;-,;-~


3000-323-001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

C \') Period of 129 Amendment
Contract No. l'030J,={l-fi-s(, Performance: 3/)''/108 Jl 3OboliD Recurring
Contract Title: _c.,~-'-' iV""""cS""---,Av"",,,,\d-'-""CLI!,l4ip~~C.,,-~f!suDb!J.!iald.j l-'-',SCL\----"'....2t I'.>..:\)"-!i-'oCce"-'S"--_ _ _ __
!.!:<'<'>1.', lj1!

Other Party: 'Uorv C";rs ·h:"_NCl. f<:'-s c~LxL Qp,s\-, uN QQS eO-!~ b Ue,
Cl9 Payable
o Receivable
Amount: o Other:

Scope of Work: _J..t.lr....S2.:h=--.l..nL>CcLdLOQ;.!,,--!r_--,-I_ _-'-_ _ _ _-'-_ _~_ _ __

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

Management Services Bureau Dlr or. }-_~_ _'-f...:....L('f~_D-=-'{_ _ _ _ _ _ __

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

[2Sl New
Period o f . 0 Amendment
Contract No. CDSO'1Lf ') PoG Performance: 3/;:;.Y Ii) 'II - "t lCD/ :JDl \ 0 Recurring
ContractTitle: L.n" . ,.oJd
~\u\\;~c..oL A-,v<tJ'tot- Serv;~e.s
Other Party: 'itfu) C $+-0 rJ cLre5 dl, Co. 6~ bON .Res e.arcL LG6

I2Sl Payable
o Receivable
Amount: o Other:

Grants and Contract Manager: ~G'''"-::J1?t..J..-I-I....L:{:'..---1-r£~l--(------------

Business Office Manager:

BFS Administrator: _--<,;:ee;.~~?:~(_k.ArLll-~&i;..!!Llt~t0-='IIA/_·---L?&--~____

Management Services Bureau Director: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

March 18, 2008

Mr. Don Castanares

dba Bastion Research, LLC
2112 Tina Ct SE
Olympia WA 98513

Dear Mr. Castanares:

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C080747PSC and Task Order No.1

Enclosed are two sets each of the referenced agreement and task order between you
and the Washington State Patrol. Once you have signed these originals, please return
all originals to the following:

Ms. Cindy Haider

Budget and Fiscal Services
Washington State Patrol
P.O. Box 42602
Olympia, WA 98504-2602

One fully executed original of each will be returned to you for your records. The
Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is referenced above; please use this
number on all correspondence regarding this agreement. If you need further
assistance, please contact Ms. Haider at (360) 753-0692.



fl Mr. Jeffre~ Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 8:47 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Re: Don Castanares

SIS7 please. Thank you.

Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

---- Original Message -----

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
To: Tucker, Rhonda (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Aschenbrenner, Susan (WSP)
Sent: Tue Apr 01 15:29:412008
Subject: RE: Don Castanares

I had SIS6 but now in relooking at it I am not sure.

Lt - What budget code do you want this too? SIS7 or WAJ7?

Cindy Haider

WSP Contracts



From: Tucker, Rhonda (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, April 01,20083:11 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Don Castanares


Can you tell me what project code to use when processing Don Castanares's pay voucher? Is it SIS7 or WAJ?


Rhonda Tucker

Washington State Patrol

Investigative Assistance Division

Organized Crime Intelligence Unit


rhonda.tucker@wsp.wa.gov <mailto:rhonda.tucker@wsp.wa.gov>

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: Ursino, Brian (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 5:23 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Attachments: intel analyst080747.doc; task order C080747PSC.doc

intel task order

ystOS0747.doc (154)S0747PSC.doc (44
Approved. Thanks.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

----- Original Message -----

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
To: Ursino, Brian (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Tue Mar 18 15:58:43 2008
Subject: RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Assistant Chief,

Please provide your approval on the attached Contract and Task Order No.1 for Mr. Don Castanares. He is the chosen
proposer for the Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Region 3.


Cindy Haider

WSP Contracts



Haider. Cindy (W5P)

From: Ursino, Brian (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 5:23 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Attachments: intel analysto80747.doc; task order C080747PSC.doc

intel task order

ystOS0747.doc (154JS0747PSC.doc (44
Approved. Thanks.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

----- Original Message -----

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
To: Ursino, Brian (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Tue Mar 1815:58:432008
Subject: RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Assistant Chief,

Please provide your approval on the attached Contract and Task Order No.1 for Mr. Don Castanares. He is the chosen
proposer for the Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Region 3.


Cindy Haider

WSP Contracts


Cindy. Haider@wsp.wa.gov

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: Ursino, Brian (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 5:23 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Attachments: intel analyst080747.doc; task order C080747PSC.doc

intel task order

ystOS0747.doc (154lS0747PSC.doc (44
Approved. Thanks.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

----- Original Message -----

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
To: Ursino, Brian (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Tue Mar 18 15:58:43 2008
Subject: RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Assistant Chief,

Please provide your approval on the attached Contract and Task Order No.1 for Mr. Don Castanares. He is the chosen
proposer for the Criminallnteliigence Analyst, Region 3.


Cindy Haider

WSP Contracts


Cindy. Haider@wsp.wa.gov

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:59 PM
To: Ursino, Brian (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ No. C080747PSC
Attachments: intel analyst080747.doc; task order C080747PSC.doc

Assistant Chief,
Please provide your approval on the attached Contract and Task Order No.1 for Mr. Don Castanares. He is the
chosen proposer for the Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Region 3.

Cindy Ilaider
WSP Contract.I'
Cinch:. Haider@I1'sJ!.wII.gov

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 1:01 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 3/25/2008 3:54:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after a decision was made by OFM on
this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 38332-00

Contractor Legal Name: Castanares, Don

Contractor TIN: 539868540

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C08074 7PSC
Filed Date: 3/25/2008 3:54:00 PM
Start Date: 3/24/2008
Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $275,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist with filing an amendment to the
contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at
ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 11 :24 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Contract Comment: Agency 225 - Filed Date 3/25/2008 3:54:00 PM.

Laura Wood made the following comment about this contract: Please remember to type individual contractor names in
with the Last Name, First Name format. I made the change to this contractor's name. Thanks!

Contract Reference Number: 61121

Contractor Legal Name: Castana res, Don

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C08074 7PSC
Filed Date: 3/25/2008 3:54:00 PM
Start Date: 3/24/2008
Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $275,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during processing and to access the filing in
the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in
PSCD. If you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360~725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 3:54 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 3/25/2008 3:54:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 61121

Contractor Legal Name: Don Castanares

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C080747PSC
Filed Date: 3/25/2008 3:54:00 PM
Start Date: 3/24/2008 Filed By: Cindy Haider

Contract Value: $275,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during processing and to access the filing in
the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in
PSCD. II you have any questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at olm.contracting@olm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office 01 Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

----------.- ..-

Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 1 of2

PSCDHome Filing
Personal Service Contracts Database

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Filina Summary
Filing Ori(llnal Filina
Original Filinq Summary F:Uinq Justification Original FiIlnq Justification Correspondence Attachments

Your answer was sent to OFM.

Currently Processing <= To Main Correspondence '

Filing Number: Not Yet Available
Reference Number: 61121
Date: By:

Legal Name:Castanares, Don 412!2008

4f2f200a \flood
Laura V'/omi

QU0stion; Status ~
The fiilng indicatf:S tilat this is federal money, how"ver i don'! se,) any d,,02nn:)ntfslJspeosion
Section has Changed
~ !al'1(J(J."}j0 in your contract (contractor certifles ,'";(;)1 they are no\ dHtnUf'ed Of' SL;{~pendetl !Hml

Info Required To Complete (10ing work unde' contracts using feders1! rnr)f)eyi is this.:~ re<.;uhement for the re(j
..}ral money
.I~ Filing \;,,8{j tior9 or WfiS it hf,t(ldled ollother \vay (corilractor Stoned a ;,c)(:lW",Hf01 cG!tficmion f\)nn,

'T1C1yt;~"':;) Shouicl ih(, contraet bt~ mvised to mduoc lne delv"m,,'nUSllSpeI1S!lm !ZW!(J\,ag,,? !f the
In Process - Being
0. Ana!yzed
cNilract ;"G~~ ;;lh'-'ady b:'en siflned by the GOlllC;ll;:lor pk~;,wr'_' Le HC'IC!f(: of tt,'s i'Ss;;e for future

(>ontf<1cl~- with t'e0efBl fUfielil1g You might 0:$0 Vf<1nt to 3'Y1cnd lh,'~ cOIltr'act to 8<-iti this
In Process - Request
0.1 language
Further Info

.. File Failed Virus Check

Answer Dato: By:

4(8 f 2008 Cindy HC'lIr.]f,r

... 4/8/2008
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 2 of2

File Passed Virus Check

In Process Contact
For persona! serJice contracts. WSP checks the Contractors against the
Excluded Parties List System a.nd documents on a Persona! SelVlC" COn1r8\~t
Risk Assessment forrn.

Processed Contact


Fi1ianCtfl,1 Ma,nagement

htto:llcontracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/Corresoondence/ModifvOuestion.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVProc&subMenuSelect=mnuVPCorr... 4/8/2008
Page 1 of 4


Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Reference Number: 61121
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision Date:

Contractor Information
Legal Name Don Castanares
DBA Bastion Research LLC
UBI 602758083
Address 2112.Tina Ct SE, Olympia, WA USA 98513
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
Service Description CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint federal, state and local law
enforcement environments such as joint and regional criminal intelligence centers.
Fund Source

Filing Number Federal State Other Total

This Filing $275,000 $275,000
Contract Total $275,000

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

htto:llcontracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummarv.asox?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew 3/25/2008
Page 2 of4

03/24/2008 09/30/2011


Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy. haider@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Cindy Haider (360)753-0692 cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
I apologize for inadvertently neglecting to file this contract with OFM in the proper timeframe.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
I will be making a checklist for this type of personal service contracts to ensure the entire process is completed.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to address and which makes the
services necessary.
The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint federal, state and local law enforcement environments such as
joint and regional criminal intelligence centers. The Washington Joint Analytical Center is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies by organizing and disseminating threat
information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies, first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-
time, accurate, two-way flow of intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies including the FBI; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement;
the Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law enforcement agencies. Nine Regional Intelligence Groups (RIGs)
have been created to provide criminal intelligence services in an effort to prevent terrorism. The RIGs are located regionally throughout Washington
State, and are comprised of representatives of local and state law enforcement agencies. The RIGs serve to provide regionally-focused intelligence
analysis products, and well as a conduit for information to and from the WAJAC.
Describe how the agerlcy determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities or operations and/or whether the
services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State Legislature.
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State Homeland Security Strategic Plan as
published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded
through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/Filing/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew 3/25/2008
Page 3 of4

Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available WITHIN YOUR AGENCY,NOT JUST
WITHIN AN AGENCY DIVISION, to perform the service.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees from performing the services in the
proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES)
OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees from performing the services in the
proposed contract.
Competitive SoliCitation Process
Advertisement Information
Name of the newspapers the advertisement was published in: Daily Journal of Commerce
Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 9. This document was posted on the Internet.
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or the scores, but rather explain your
analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation process or what differentiated this contractor from others.
The Contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work experience and proposed hourly rate.
Final selection was based on the consensus of local jurisdictions that will be receiving the services
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
Mantis Consulting Service
Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection committee made the award decision, etc).
Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee conSisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence Unit and Washington JOint Analytical
Center staff to score vendor education, training and work experience. Cost points were awarded based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest
hourly rate proposed for all vendors. Proposed consultant team members were separated by work location availability; the highest scorers from the
evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local jurisdictions participating the regional intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed
consultant team members would work. The final selection was based on the outcome of these interviews. .
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
The hourly rate is comparable to other contractors submitting proposals for these services.
intel analysto80747.dqc - 150528kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?

http://contracts. ofm. wa. gOVIPSCD/F iling/PrintFilingSummarv. aspx 7menuSelect=mnuFilingN ew 3/25/2008

Page 4 of4

Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts. ofm. wa. gOY IPSCD/F ilinglPrintF ilingS ummary. aspx?menuSelect=mnuF ilingN ew 3/25/2008
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 1 of4

PSCD Home Filing
Personal Service Contracts Database
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J- AqenQi J Contractor J State Emp!oyee J Contract Attachments Filing Summary

Your changes have been made successfully.

File New Contract for

To Contract information
Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Agency: WSP
[!] Filing Justification
Reference Number: 61121
Select the filing justification section to view or edit
legal Name:Don Castana res
Speciiic Prot)je.m or Need Other Public Resources Comgetitive Solicitation
Agency Contract #: C080747PSC
...fl ...fl Process ..J/

IiiilI Evaluation-' Reasonableness of Cost

Procurement: Competitive I Contract: $20,000 +

Legend EValuatIon

...fl Info Entered In Section

Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. 00 not simply list the evaluation

~ '
,H.", Info Required To Submit criteria or the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well

IiiilI Saved Filing

in the evaluation process or what differentiated this contractor from others.

~ Submitted Filing

II File Passed Virus Check

11 File Failed Virus Check

httn: IIcontracts. ofm. wa. gOY IPSCD/ContractlF ilingJustification.asnx?menuSelect=mnuF ilingN ew&subMenuSelect=mnuFN Cont... 3/25/2008
Washington State> Office of Financiai Management> PSCD Page 2 of4

In Process Contact ,The contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their
education, training, work experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was
based on the consensus of local jurisdictions that will be receiving the services
Processed Contact

Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.

httn:llcontracts.ofm. wa.gov/PSCD/ContractiFiiingJustification.aspx?menuSeiect=mnuFiiingNew&subMenuSeiect=mnuFNCont... 3/25/2008

Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 3 of4

Mantis Consulting Service

Describe the evaluation process (e.g .• evaluation committees scored the responses,
selection committee made the award decision, etc).

httn:llcontracts.ofm.wa.l!ov/PSCD/ContractiFilin\!Justification.asnx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew&subMenuSelect=mnuFNCont... 3/25/2008
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 4 of 4

Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of '"

wsp Criminal Intelligence Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center staff to
score vendor education, training and work experience. Cost points were awarded
<'based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all
vendors. Proposed consultant team members were separated by work location
availability; the highest scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and
local jurisdictions participating the regional intelligence centers and the WAJAC
where the proposed consultant team members would work. The final selection was
based on the outcome of these interviews.

Save Answers

f.i~~'a;\X;J! .M8!1agem@rr\
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J AoenGY J Contractor J State EmQloyee J Contract Attachments Filing Summary

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T<l Contrael Illfcrmation

Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Agency: WSP
III Filing Justlfication
Reference Number: 61121

Select the filing justification section to view or edit
Legal Name:Don Castanares
Specific Problem or Other Public COInQeU[:Ve Solicitation
Agency Contract #: C080747PSC
Need.J! Resources Process
Reasonableness of I
IIliJI Evaluation
------ ~~--

Procurement: Competitive I Contract: $20,000 +

Specific Problem Of Need
.J! Info Entered In Section

itLl Info Required To Submit
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract

IIliJI Saved Filing is intended to address and which makes the services necessary.

~ Submitted Filing

File Passed Virus Check

iI File Failed Virus Check

hthv IIf'Antl"':lf'tc< Afrn UT'.:I (Tf'''\l/Pc;;;:rn/rAntr~,....tlP;11n(J Tlld;fi,....~t-iAn ~~ny?mpmlS.P:1P:r.t=mnll Fil inoNp:wRr<m hM p:nll~f':lf':c:t=mn1J FNC.ont... 1/25/200R
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 2 of3

In Process Contact The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at A

!joint federal, state and local law enforcement environments such as joint and
regional criminal intelligence centers.
Processed Contact The Washington Joint Analytical Center is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts
by local, regional, and federal agencies by organizing and disseminating threat
information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies, first
responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time,
accurate, two-way flow of intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies
including the FBI; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; the Washington
National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law enforcement

Nine Regional Intelligence Groups (RIGs) are being created to provide criminal
intelligence services in an effort to prevent terrorism. The RIGs are located
regionally throughout Washington State, and are comprised of representatives of
local and state law enforcement agencies. The RIGs serve to provide regionallYM
focused intelligence analysis products, and well as a conduit for information to and
from the WAJAC.

Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency
responsibilities or operations andfor whether the services are mandated or authorized
by the Washington State Legislature•

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/ 0 0 3/2512008
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 3 of3

The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of
the Washington State Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the
Washington State Military Department for the State of Washington and approved by
the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement
Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security.

SaVe Ariswers

Fit!~.ir\c'ai Mi9!1<'t~ernent
~t'dj' ,t:')/.~,., !'4t1"

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J Aqency J Contractor J State Employee J Contract Attachments Filing Summary

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T<l Contraellnform9tion
Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Agency: WSP
[!J Filing JUstification
Reference Number: 61121

Select the filing justification section to view or edit
Legal Name:Don Castan8res
Specific Problem or NGod Other Public ~:;~)nlf;ctitive So!icitatio:,
Agency Contract #: COaO? 47PSC
J Resources-' Proce%
t:vahW!!Ofl Reasonableness of Cost

Procurement: Competitive I Contract: $20,000 +

Legend OUwr PucHe R(t$ources

J Info Entered In Section

Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not
,ill Info Required To Submit available WITHIN YOUR AGENCY, NOT JUST WITHIN AN AGENCY DIVISION, to perlorm

I\liJI Saved Filing the service.

~ Submitted Filing

II File Passed Virus Check

!I File Failed Virus Check

'ht+ ..... ·II,....l"\nt't"'l,....t~ I"\fl'"Y\ U/g orv'II/PQrn/rflntrg ..... tlP,l,nCT Tl1d.jfi ..... ~tl{'\n ~c:nv?rnpnll~plp.{'.t=rnml Fl1 tnaNpwRr<;:ll hM f".nllSf":lpC'.t=mm IFN ront.... 1/25/2008
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 2 of3

.Ill;; In Process Contact WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other
governmental agency employees from performing the services in the proposed

Processed Contact

Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL


are not available to perform the service more efficiently or more cost effectively.

hit,,· Ilrontror.to ofm W~ ao"/P"('n/('ontr~rtlFil ina T".oti fir.~tion ~on"?mpml"P]pr.t=mml Filin"New&suh M enuSelect=mnuFNCont... 3/25/2008
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 3 of3

WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other
governmental agency employees from performing the services in the proposed

Sav'e An,sWe,rS-

r'l'n'ii{,:;:;";' Managem~mt
~!M~ ,.~ '''',,':-0'1;!-/

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Attachments Filina Summary

- " Aqencv - " Contractor - " State EmQloyee - " Contract

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To Contract InfotmaU()o
Filing Number: Not Yet Available

Agency: WSP
I±l Filing Justification
Reference Number: 61121

Select the filing justification section to view or edit
Legal Name:Don Castanares
Soedfic Problem or Other Public Resources Competitive Solicitation
Agency Contract #: C080747PSC
Need .JJ .JJ Process..Jl
Reasonableness of Cost
Ii!I Evniuatlon

Procurement: Competitive I Contract: $20,000 +

Legend Competitive Solicitation Process

.JJ Info Entered In Section

Advertisement Information

% Info Required To Submit

Ii!I Saved Filing

(i' Advertisement Required
~ Submitted Filing

File Passed Virus Check

File Failed Virus Check

r. Name of the newspapers the advertisement was published in .

17' Daily Journal of Commerce

r Seattle Times

httn:llcontracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/Contract/FilingJustification.asDx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew&subMenuSelect=mnuFNCont.., 3/25/2008
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 2 of3

In Process Contact
r Seattle PosHntelligencer

Processed Contact r Tacoma News Tribune

r- Wall Street Journal

r Spokesman Review

r If published in a publication, in
addition to one of the six above,
include below.

r····-- :H
r Services will be provided entirely outside WA, OR or 10 but in the U.S.,
and the advertisement was published in:

r :H
r Services will be provided primarily outside the U.S., and the advertisement

was published in:


Failed to Publish. Explain why below.



htto:llcontracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/Contract/Filing]ustification.aspx?menuSelect=nmuFilingNew&subMenuSelect=nmuFNCont... 3/25/2008
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 3 of3

r Exception. Advertisement not Required.

r GA WEBS Notification Used

r Award based on 2nd-tier competition for IT services through GA Master

Personal Service Contracts.

Solicitation Notification

Bidder Notification - Provide the number of firms that were either directly sent the

solicitation document or notice of the solicitation (per OFM Policy 15.20.30.c.)


P" Notification regarding the solicitation was also posted on the Internet

~"_m~;.=: '::' __'"W",-';;,",u~. ,

F;;:,~;::;,;;;, Manageml£"t
~;;.i), '" ,""'j- "I:!''''

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/Contract/FilingJustification.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew&subMenuSelect=mnuFNCont... 3/25/2008
Date 3/18/08
Washington State Patrol
LDS - /-/-
B ulge
d t an dF"IscaIS ervlces Cont ractN o ff
Ilcaf Ion Form
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 [gl Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C080747PSC (1)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
March 24, 2008 September 30, 2008
Contract Title CFDANo. I QFSR
Criminallnteliigence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Don Castanares dba Bastion Research LLC
Contractor Contact Address
2112 Tina Ct SE, Olympia WA 98513
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Mr. Don Castanares 360-459-9246
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner


Contract Amount Position Signature and Date

$ Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
Amendment Business Office Manager
Revised Total Allot: DYes DNo
$54,100 Budget Manager
Amount Unanticipated Receipt: DYes DNo
Accounting Manager
Indirect Costs %
Sub Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
8156 001 020 00272 8186 CE 100

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage on~ DNo ---
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R -:0 per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OfT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract:

Overtime Allowed:
DNo ________ ------ AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
Contract Pays Only~eS DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Type~eipt: DRevenue

Distribution: [gl Project Manager [gl Accountant [glBudget Analyst [gl Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C080747PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Don Castanares dba Bastion Research, LLC

Period of Performance March,24, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor shall provide criminal intelligence analyst services
during the time of the period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The local worksite for the Contractor during this
Task Order is Region 3.

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$49.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C080747PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $54,100.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (360) 704-2393

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Don Castanares, (360) 459-9246

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Date 3/18/08
Washington State Patrol
d t an dF iscaI Services
Bulge . Contract Notl Ication Form LOS
- /- -
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 IZI Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
March 24, 2008 September 30, 2011
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Don Castanares dba Bastion Research, LLC
Contractor Contact Address
2112 Tina Ct SE, Olympia WA 98513
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Mr. Don Castanares 360-459-9246
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
Tanya Pier-ce .

WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name

Lt. Randy Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner
Remarks: Requires separate task orders - do not encumber.

Contract Amount Position Signature and Date

$ Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
Amendment Business Office Manager
Revised Total Allot: DYes DNo
$275,000 Budget Manager
Amount Unanticipated Receipt: DYes DNa
Accounting Manager
Indirect Costs %
Sub Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
5156 001 020 00272 5156 CE 100%

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNa Mileage Only: DNa
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNa
Special Rules: DYes DNa

Prorate Leave to Contract: Dye~ --------- AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNa
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNa
Contract Pays Only~es DNa Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
DistriBution: IZI Project Manager IZI Accountant IZIBudget Analyst IZI Other: Captain Braniff
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
I and the Contractor identified below,

Don Castanares
2112 Tina Ct SE

March 2008
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the Exhibits are
into this Contract by reference:
IZI Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
IZI Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
Additional Exhibits as


Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief

WSP Personal S_ervice Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:
• Raw intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Don Castanares Region 3

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance;
and must provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst
Notebook application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from
the date of contract execution.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance, WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee SFY08 Rate SFY09 Rate SFY10 Rate

Don Castana res $49.00 $49.50 $50.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service COD tract Page 3 of 11


7. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 11

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("SUbcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW' means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work,
for work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services
rendered shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not
more often than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to
WSP's satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the
project, fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.
5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon Signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor..

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

2/12/02 .
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any prOVision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 11

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
. Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are usefUl to WSP. .

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract P~ge 9 of 11

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 1.:1

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C080065PSC or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers; financial profiles, credit card information,
driver'S license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of 11 -

Washington State Patrol 6112120094:23:40 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

WSP Contract No·IC070061~ Ipsc Program Information: Program IIAO

IpwP~rs~,~~,I, ~ervices IInvestigative Assistance Division

Category Program:

Amendment No. Program Contact: Bureau: 118B

Title ~11"n"'te~1':CA-na-'l-ys~t":S::'v~c~s- - - - - - ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff

Other partylLarm, Doug"

Othor No.1 Processing Status:

Start Oato",-7"'1'"1"2"'1"'20"'0"'6" End Oato I 6130/2009 Amendment

Amountl $295,000 Us~r 10 jJH AmdAmount I ($24,600)

Contract Status I~ctive Amd Status IComPleted

Date document was sent to:

Contract Notes:
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 612112006
BFS Review 7/6/2006
Chiefs Office 71612006
Transmittal Letter 6/2112006
Mailed to Other Part 612112006
Received Back 7/6/2006
Distributed ! 7/24/2006.

AmdAmount I $295,000

Amd Status IC~I11Pleted

Date document was sent to:
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC 6/21/2006
BFS Notification 6/2112006
BFS Review 7/6/2006
Chiefs Office 7/6/2006.
Transmittal Letter 6121/2006
Mailed to Other Part 6121/2006
Received Back 7/612006
Distributed 7/24/2006

AmdAmount I . ($97,000)
Date 9/20/07
Washington State Patrol
LDS / /
Budget ana Fiscal Services Contract Notifll.i",tlon Form·
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 IZl Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C070061 PSC (3)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
October 1, 2007 September 30, 2008
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Douglas Larm dba: OJl.erational Applications
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Zeller lAD Shawn Eckhart
Remarks: Period of performance and amount is for this Task Order onlv. Reimburses Contractor at hourly rate of
$44.00, and for travel costs at state rates when approved by WSP.

Contract Amount Position ......, Signature a!ld ,Pate

Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manager /l / A/7 ~ fl r
Revised Total
$97,OOO Budget Manager / A' : I b17V t1l I Allot: DYes~No
Amount V" .I V( UTIan{idipated Receipt: DYes ISINo
Accounting Manager
Indirect Costs %
Sub v Revenue Code PercenU
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Object Major Major Sub TAR Code
Group Source Source
SIS6 001 020 00272 SIS6 CE

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage on~ DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R ~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OfT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNo ____________ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYe~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OfT Co~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: _ _ _ _ _--1
Primary Org Code: ___________ Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: IZl Project Manager IZl Accountant !ZfBudget Analyst D Ottrer: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C070061PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: Douglas LarmlOperational Applications

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Doug Larm) shall provide criminal
. " mtelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King County/Seattle Police

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
. rate of $44.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee traveL costs approved in
advance by WSP according'to
. ,
the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C070061PSC. .

Maximum Task Order Amount: $97,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm

Telephone Number:


John R. BatisteXhle'fj Date

))r.Rt/V ~ ,;J43S/J!Jz,7 &f-//I?!,

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Task Order 3 to WSP Contract No. C070061PSC
DATE: October 26,2007

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Douglas Larm. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget
code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.. Please take
the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this contract has a
copy of this contract to ensure the payment documents are filled out correctly.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this


cc: Mr. Shawn Eckhart, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

October 26, 2007

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications
13405 - 159th Street Ct E
Puyallup WA 98374

Dear Mr. Larm:

Subject: Task Order 3 to WSP Contract No. C070061 PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of each of the referenced
contracts between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep these
originals for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o ew
Period of Amendment

Contract Title: .•- Ui$£;tlc£' .tI,;f 2:;67

Other Party: D"", LAe/"'? 'J
V ~ayable
o Receivable
Amount: :/ 97../J(J() 0 Other:

Scope of Work: __-.~~~~~t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adm;"'",,",, ~P-

I---_~--j'-/ -----LJ_tJ--;;6'---L'--______________________
__ ___

09/24/2007 MON 6:27 FAX


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C070061PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: Douglas LarmlOperational Applications

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Doug Lann) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst serVices during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King County/Seattle Police

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
. rate of $44.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C070061PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $97,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larrn

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date SKnaure


lJdc19 ~Aw5'/J~ &f-//ti!.

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
09/24/2007 MON 6:27 FAX ~0011002

Operational Applications Incorporated

13405 l59th Street Court East

Puyallup WA 98374 .

------------------------Facsimile Cover Sheet------;.------------

Date Sent: 24 September 2007

TO: JeffHugdahl FROM: Doug Larm

WSP Budget and Fiscal Services Operational Applications Inc.
PO Box 42602 253-226-9564
Olympia WA 98504-2602

Facsimile number: 360-664-0657

This is page 1 of 2 pages


Attention-JEFF HUGDAHLlWSP Budget and Fiscal Services

Signed copy of Washington State Patrol Task Order 3/Contract Number C07006lPSC
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C070061PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: Douglas LarmlOperational Applications

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Doug Larm) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King County/Seattle Police

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
, rate of $44.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C070061PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $97,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date ~ Date

,/;rli/9 ~ At'EVJcnr t1"f-~

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 2:51 PM
To: 'Doug Larm'
Cc: Zeller, Kevin (WSP)
Subject: RE: Criminal intelligence analyst contract extension
Attachments: task order 3 - operational appl.doc

Mr. Larm-

Attached is a task order for your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for
one additional year.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the task
order, fax the task order to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the task order with the original signature to
me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive the task order
via fax no later than Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the document with your
firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of the task order to you for
your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Date 10/27/06
Washington State Patrol
d t an d FIscaI S
Bulge '
ervlces IlcafIon Form
Cont ract NotT LDS
-1- -
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 [gI Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
C070061 PSC (2)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
October 1, 2006 September 30, 2007
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes oNo
Contractor Name
Douglas Larm dba: Operational Applications
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Period of performance and amount is for this Task Order only. Reimburses Contractor at hourly rate of
$44.00, and for travel costs at state rates when approved by WSP.

Contract Amount Position Signature an9.Date

$ Grants and Contracts Manager
/j/y-/?~ ~>
Contract Amount
$ Business Office Mana e r1AJ 'j/ ;7 /
Revised Total
$97,000 Budget Manager / f.J .;, 'om...JI"111""
11 ~.M ~'lat-- Allot: DYes !d No
Un~ntici ated Receipt: DYes oNo

Accounting Manag~r
Indirect Costs % ~\ \ -£-
Sub Revenue Code
Fund AI PI Project TAR Code Percent!
Master Index Object Major Major Sub Amount
Group . Source Source
SIS6 001 020 00270 8186 CE

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes oNo Mileage on~ oNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes oNo ~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes oNo oluntary OIT: DYes oNo
Special Rules: DYes oNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes oNO.---------- ------ AFRS Code Assigned:

Overtime Only (On Day Off):
DYes oNo
Overtim~ DYes oNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es oNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typ~eipt: oRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: [gI Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
[gI Accountant [gIBudgetAnalyst oOther:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
09/27/2006 WED 06:27 FAX 206 684 8014 SEATTLE PD INTELLIGENCE il1l 002/002


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C070061PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: Douglas Larm

Period of Performance October I, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2006 End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Doug Lann) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King County/Seattle Police

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at following

hourly rate (s):
October 1,2006 - June 30, 2007: $44.00
July 1,2007 - September 30, 2007: $44.00

Other Costs: . WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance.by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C070061PSC. .

Maximum Task Order Amount: $97,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Hlintley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Lann

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Task Order 2 to WSP Contract No. C070061PSC

DATE: November 3, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Douglas Larm. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget
code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take
the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this contract has a
copy of this contract to ensure the payment documents are filled out correctly.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000·323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building· PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540. www.wsp.wa.gov

November 3, 2006

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications
13405 - 159th Street Ct E
Puyallup WA 98374

Dear Mr. Larm :

Subject: Task Order 2 to WSP Contract No. C070061 PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of each of the referenced
contracts between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep these
originals for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fis I Services

610 Fifth Avenue, Unit 348, P.O. Box 34986
Seattle, Washington 98124-4986


Date Sent: :t7 5Gj> e)ti?

TO: ;JE;=;= !/c/61)/t/ft FROM:
Wei! .?tJd<;r;-r 1- PfltA-C. 6GiZrfl63 Criminal Intelligence Section
;Jc 1)&X </24(J}2 610 5 th Avenue, Unit 348
&[YMP//} ttI.1 9t'S&Y-t-c;tJ2. P.O. Box 34986
Seattle, W A 98124-4986
Facsimile number: (J~tJ) ffrEr.{- eJ~S-7
Telephone number:~) Facsimile telephone number: (206) 684 8014
Office telephone number: (206) 684 8770

This is page I of i- pages


U/J;J ell NT/U-Wr A/tJ < (!. 0 Til (7ttl!ifC

r4t$1L (Jl(j>G-/( /1/1. ~
COA/i7~'£': lJ C/~U{d' U;x#

CONFIDENTIALITY - This facsimile transmISSIOn and accompanying documents may contain confidential
information. This facsimile transmission and all accompanying attachments are intended solely for the above named
recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the
taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
facsimile in error, please contact the sender at the voice phone number listed above to arrange for the return of the
documents. -
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C070061PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: Douglas Larm

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

. for Task Order: Start Date: 2006 End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Doug Larm) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King County/Seattle Police

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at fallowing

hourly rate (s):
October 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007: $44.00
July 1,2007 - September 30, 2007: $44.00

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance.by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C070061PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $97,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date

~~-- Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Contract No.

Contract Title: _-,;,e..a.~'I-...t..ffl~~w.::~-6{d:~~~~P:1~·~?---_

other Party:


Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

e nt Services Bureau ~--\JCK"".

IgJ uUJ./ UV",
09/27/2006 WED 06: 27 FAX 206 684 8014 SEATTLE PD INTELLIGENCE


610 Fifth Avenue, Unit 348. P.O. Box 34986
Seattle. Washington 98124-4986


Date Sent: :17 fGP dtf:'

TO: j t~/:'~ /-Je/6 () /l/..Ji- FROM:
c(/cf;J ?1M t;r;;:- 1- ;;;:fJMe 6 G£<.rJ/(lG5 Criminal Intelligence Section
;)0 15GY </24f!J2 610 5 th Avenue, Unit 348
<9t.-'I;{fN,4 itI/1 7rf'Sdr/-2kClZ P.O. Box 34986
Seattle, WA 98124-4986
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09/27/2006 WED 06: 27 FAX .2U6 6ts4 tsU14 1::H£ATl'L):!; I'll 11'fl'.t<..LLlu~r\j\j.Jj, I¥:I VV~I vv~


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C070061PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: Douglas Larm

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

. for Task Order: Start Date: 2006 End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Doug Larm) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King County/Seattle Police

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at following

hourly rate (s):
October 1, 2006 - June 30,2007: $44.00
July 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007: $44.00

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance.by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C070061PSC. .

Maximum Task Order Amount: $97,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith HUntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date

"ature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:25 PM
To: 'doug.larm@us.army.mil'
Cc: Huntley, Keith (WSP); Ladiries, Lance (WJAC)
Subject: RE: Criminal intelligence analyst contract extension
Attachments: larm task order 2 0906.doc

Attached is a task order for your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for
one additional year.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Friday, September 29, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of the
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C070061PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: Douglas Larm

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2006 End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Doug Larm) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services dnring the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee dnring this Task Order is the
Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King County/Seattle Police

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at following

hourly rate (s):
October 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007: $44.00
July 1, 2007 - September 30,2007: $44.00

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C070061PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $97,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Date 6/21106
Washington State Patrol
LDS / /
BudQet ana Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C070061PSC (1)
Contract Start Da~ _ / Contract End Date AFRS End Date
SeE 7/1:1//;;; September 30, 2006
Contract Title CFDA No. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
DouQlas Larm dba: Operational Applications
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Period of performance and amount is for this Task Order only. Reimburses Contractor at hourly rate of
$44.00, and for travel costs at state rates when approved by WSP.

Contract Amount Position Signature !;nt} Date

Contract Amount $ Grants and Contracts Manager / ~L,/' U ;j// ~ %/
Amount $ Business Office ManagJl r e.,/lA tI i:7. -7
Revised Total / !'VV" / YY. ~J1M//"IfJ.A/{.-1/.-h>Allot:DYes DNo
Amount $24,600 Budget Manager I I "" ../ I 'k;:;I. v~l!f!1arfticip;(Effi ·ReCllipt: DYes DNo

Indirect Costs %
Accounting Managerl ~1'1I· ---60 (J-/
S b Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
SIS4 001 020 00270 SIS4 CE

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage on~ DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage"" per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNa oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNo _________ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYe~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Co~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: - - - - - - - - t
Primary Org Code: __________ Other Org Codes:
o Recovery of Expenditure
Type~ipt: DRevenue 0 Interagency Reimbursement

Distribution: ~ Project Manager ~ Accountant ~Budget Analyst o Otfler:_ _ _ _ _ _ __

300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C070061PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Douglas LarmlOperational Applications

Period of Performance Date of September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: Execution End Date: 2006

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Doug Larm) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King County/Seattle Police

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $44.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C070061PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $24,600

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm,

Telephone Number:


~~ 1?:~ 7-/2- -Ob

John R. B~tiste~ Date Date

/)J7tl~1.kf U&VI'
j#L§' /U/FZ/~~
Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Date 6/21/06
Washington State Patrol
d t ana FIscaI S
8 uige '
ervlces Contract No ff
IlcafIon Form -/-/-
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 o Payable D Other: .

WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number PJR Number

Contract Sta~ %h"c Contract End Date AFRS End Date

SeE, 7. June 30, 2009
Contract Title (
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Douglas Larm dba: Operational Applications
Contractor Contact Address
13405 - 159th Street Ct E, Puyallup WA 98374
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
. Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Requires separate task orders - do not encumber.

Contract Amount Position /I / Signatur~w~

Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manager
[dftx/ZZ&/6 ~
Mana~# /J!d !/~ /
I, ct;
$ Business Office
Amount I /
Revised Total
$295,000 Budget Manager 1~m-
~.. .o'PLJv
}A~6lr:af:/RfAIIOt: DYes DNo
ti I a / Receipt: DYes ONo
. Manager' l!J '"'1/
Indirect Costs % Accounting
. . .<a
ISub Revenue Code PercenV
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major· Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Groll!' Source Source
SIS4 001 020 00270 SIS4 CE

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed:
Std Mileage Rate:
Mileage on~ DNo
Special Mileage ~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo .. oluntary OIT: DYes ONo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNO _________ ------ AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
DYes DNo
Overtim~ DYes ONo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typept.Mceipt: DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure

Distribution: 0 Project Manager 0 Accountant 0Budget Analyst D Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

300-365-522 (R 6/03)
WSP Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

Contractor Num

Proiect M"naaer Address

WSP Investigative Assistance Division
PO Box 2347 WA 98507-2347

Administrative Contact Address

PO Box 42602
W A 98504-2602

Exhibits are attached to and

Printed Name i
John R. Batiste, Chief

WSP Personal Service Contract Page-1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:
• Raw intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written Intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Doug Larm Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King
County/Seattle Police Department)

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance;
and must provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst
Notebook application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from
the date of contract execution.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or

WSP Personal Service Contract Page2of11


gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card inform<.ltion, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Year 1 Rate Year 2 Rate Year 3 Rate

Doug Larm $44.00 $44.00 $44.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page30f11


7. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalent coverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page4of11 -

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 50f11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution rnethod.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

-WSP Personal Service Contract Page6of11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys,

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract. .

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page8of11

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending retum to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page90f11

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 11

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number 5 (Contract) or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of 11


TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C070061PSC and Task Order 1

DATE: July 24,2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Mr. Douglas LarmlOperational Applications. Funding for this contract has been
encumbered under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract
Notification Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this contract has a
copy of this contract to ensure the payment documents are fIlled out correctly.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this


cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing proJessionallaw enforcement services

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504.2600 • (360) 753·6540. www.wsp.wa.gov

July 24, 2006

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications
13405 - 159th Street Ct E
Puyallup WA 98374

Dear Mr. Larm :

Subject: WSP Contract No. and Task Order 1

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of each of the referenced
contracts between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep these
originals for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

Management Services Bureau Director: f-~---'iin¥-".UVVO"------l'+-_----------


TO: Assistant Chief David J. Karnitz, Investigative Services Bureau

FROM: Mr. Robert L. Maid, Budget lUld Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: WSP Agreement No. C070061PSC
DATE: June 21,2006

Attached is a copy of the above-listed draft agreement between the Washington State Patrol and
Operational Applications. Please note this agreement:

IZIExceeds $25,000 D Has no n escape n clause

DExceeds 5 years D Other:

Please review the agreement and indicate your approval/disapproval or suggested revisions or
comments in the space provided below, and return this IOC and the attached agreement to
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl by June 28,2006.

The Budget and Fiscal Services agreement tracking number is the Agreement Number noted
above. This number should be used on all correspondence regarding the agreement. If you
have ~~estions or concerns, please contact Mr. Hugdahl at Micro 11, ext. 179.


Approve: _~
_ _ _ _ _ __
Disapprove: _ _ _ _-,--_ _ __


Signature: f\-<) L. 0 JJ ~~
Date: ~"2-I/ l,

3000·323·001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement seroices
General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, \VA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540

June 21, 2006

Mr. Doug Larm

Operational Applications
13405 - 159th Street Ct E .
Puyallup WA 98374

Dear Mr. Larm:

Subject: WSP Contract No. C070061 PSG; and Task Order 1 under WSP Contract No.

Enclosed are two originals of each of the referenced contractual documents between the
Washington State Patrol and your firm. Once an approved representative of your firm has
signed and dated these originals, please return all originals to me at the following address:

Budget and Fiscal Services

Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia W A 98504-2602

Please have your employee providing services under this Contract sign and date one copy of
Exhibit C, Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, and return it with the contractual

A fully executed original of each document will be returned to you for your records. The
Washington State Pat~ol contract tracking number is the contract number referenced above;
please use this number on all correspondence regarding the contract. If you need further
assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



!.( ~,/V'I-
Mr. e y R. Hug
Budge and Fisca

cc: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

Date Date

Printed Name
John R. Batiste, Chief


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 11

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:
• Raw intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written Intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Doug Larm Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King
County/Seattle POlice Department)

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that
2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the
Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance;
and must provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst
Notebook application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from
the date of contract execution.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating -
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11


gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card informatiof], driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee( s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Year 1 Rate Year 2 Rate Year 3 Rate

Doug Larm $44.00 $44.00 $44.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 11


7. Insurance Requirements.

a. Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all
applicable workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health
and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not
be held responsive in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees
for services performed under the terms of this contract.

b. Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto
liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less
than $500,000 per accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any
Auto." Business auto coverage shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later
edition, or substitute liability form providing equivalenlcoverage. The Contractor
shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance meeting contract
requirements at the request of WSP.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 11

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page50f11

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSp, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
cornpliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jOintly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indernnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

wEiP Personal Service Contract Page6of11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys,

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 11

studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP Personal Servi<;eContract Page8of11

· WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract_ Page 9 of 11

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of11

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number 5 (Contract) or its
performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations,
including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 11 of 11

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C070061PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Douglas LarmlOperational Applications

Period of Performance Date of September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: Execution End Date: 2006

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Doug Larm) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Region 6 Regional Intelligence Group (King County/Seattle Police
Department) .

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $44.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C070061PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $24,600

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Doug Larm,

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Personal Service Contr,,_, Risk Assesment
Page 1 of4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
WSP Contract Number
BFS Contracts Specialist


Description of 2;~ AA~ ,"',QUa-?

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision I Comments
Funding source (account coding) and Amount Le:7"PP W4I , , , ErL"5. -. \
Has an authorized manager approved the
~esD~o !..... ../
Type of appropriation (federal, state, other) z::""..... /
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties List System been ~esDNo
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? IJftI
• AQency resources DY~~ DNa
• Other public (Qovernmental) resources DYel fL] No
Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performed/is performed by WSP
DYes ~No
. employees?
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? DYes DNo /V/A
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
DYes DNo
proceed with the contract? '/
Is contractor a current or former state employee? DYesKNo
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board DYes 1)(1 No
• If former, provide last date of employment.
%;cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate method(s) of Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? Fixed Price
D Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contra~( Risk Assesment
Page 2 of4

If the contralc~ . "unded, is the Contractor a

subrecipient vendor?~
If a subrecipient; are audits required? If yes, evaluate
coverage provided bv existinQ and anticipated audits.
DYes DNo


1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

'6l Competitive D Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

Jil Formal (>$20,000) D Informal «$20,000)

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintaine~ RElla ./:!~

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting

4. Advertised? gVes D No D N/A (less than $20,000)

If yes, where and w~as the a~vj'rtise~ placed) f.- /I

:tg DA. !~ _r,tJI'dR #1- UI7~
Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? !&yes D No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? D Yes ~o

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?D Yes D No N~

C. RISK ASSESSMENT· Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodicaJly throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk pOint =O. Unknown, risk point =5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contr.. v( Risk Assesment
Page 3 of4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
=LowerRisk; Yes =HiQher Risk -;;;
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 =Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 =Medium Risk
>$100,000 =High Risk
Complexity of services :l
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s) did you use? What
experience do you have with the method(s)?
Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
~Time and materials (Hourly) {score 3-5)
Fixed Price (score 1-3))
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1-3)
Procurement method:
~ Competitive (score 1 to 3)
o Sole Source (score 3 to 5)
2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of funding J
Length of time in business ~
Experience and past performance V
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition good or poor?)
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the

Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?)
Organizational changes (is organization stable or does it have frequent turnover?) 2
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?) ~
Legal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) ~
Background of individuals (do yoU have resumes?) :;t

3. Total Risk Points

D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
I:i'"Yes 0 No
2. Does tl)e risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?
JlfYes ONo
Personal Service Contrc._. Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
lXfVes 0 No
4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity periodic reports X
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation X
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetings, etc.) X
Maintain other periodic contract with
contractor (telephone, email, etc.)

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
example, A133 audits)?
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure appropriate spending of state funds?
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed?
Is corrective action necessary? Were
questioned costs resolved?
Are audit findings, if any, resolved?


Anyactivities need follow-up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
Follow-up on audit findings needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

Search - Current Exclusions

EPLS Search Resources
'" ,"~co"~,"~, > Search Help

> Advanced Search Search Results for Parties > Public User's Manual.

> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

Partial Name: Larm > Acronyms

> Exact Name and SSNfflN
State: WASHINGTON > Privacy Act Provisions
Save to MyEPLS > News

View Cause and Treatment Code

Descriptions Your search returned no results.

> Reciprocal Codes

> Procurement Codes
> Advanced Reports
> Nonprocurement Codes

Archive Search - Past Exclusions

Agency & Acronym Information

> Agency Contacts

'--_ _--'I.
> Advanced Archive Search
> Agency Descriptions
> Multiple Names
> State/Country Code Descriptions

Contact Information

> Email: support@epfs.gov

> Debar Maintenance
> Administration
> Upload Login > Phone: 1·866·GSA·EPLS

http://www.epls.gov/epls/search.do 9/20/2007
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 1:25 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 6/20/2006 4:10:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 35837-00

Contractor Legal Name: Larm, Douglas

Contractor TIN: 568982103

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C070061PSC
Filed Date: 6/20/2006 4:10:00 PM
Start Date: 7/1/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value: $295,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)
From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 11 :23 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Contract Comment: Agency 225 - Filed Date 6/20/2006 4:10:00 PM.

Jan McMullen made the following comment about this contract: OFM Policy 15.20.30.c
states: In order to provide further assurance that contractors are aware of the State's
competitive solicitations, agencies must directly notify/contact firms, businesses and/or
individuals about the bidding opportunities. Therefore, the competitive solicitation
document or notification regarding the document must be issued or sent directly to
mUltiple firms or businesses. "Multiple II firms mean a reasonable number of firms
depending upon the type of services being solicited, but six is a minimum to satisfy this
requirement. 1I The filing referenced 4 being notified. In future procurements, please
notify a minimum of 6.

Contract Reference Number: 52038

Contractor Legal Name: Larm, Douglas

Contractor TIN: 568982103

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C070061PSC
Filed Date: 6/20/2006 4:10:00 PM
Start Date: 7/1/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value: $295,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 20064:10 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 6/20/2006 4:10:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 52038

Contractor Legal Name: Larm, Douglas

Contractor TIN,

Agency, 225
Agency Contract #' C070061PSC
Filed Date, 6/20/2006 4,10,00 PM
Start Date, 7/1/2006 Filed By, Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value, $295,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 00


PSCD ... Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Larm, Douglas
DBA Operational Applications
UBI 602556875
Address 13405 - 159th Street Ct E, Puyallup, WA USA 98374
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose Criminal intelligence analyst services.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State 'Other Total
This Filing $295,000 $295,000
Contract Total $295,000

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
07/01/2006 06/30/2009


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Filing Justification

http://contracts.ofin.wagovIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFilin... 6/20/2006
Page 2 of3

Specific Problem or Need

Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to
address and which makes the services necessary.
The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint federal, state and local
law enforcement environments such as joint and regional criminal intelligence centers. The Washington Joint
Analytical Center is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). WAJAC
builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies by organizing and disseminating
threat information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies, first responders, and key
decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, two,way flow of intelligence information.
WAJAC participating agencies including the FBI; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; the
Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law enforcement agencies. Nine
Regional Intelligence Groups (RIGs) are being created to provide criminal intelligence services in an effort to
prevent terrorism. The RIGs are located regionally throughout Washington State, and are comprised of
representatives of local and state law enforcement agencies. The RIGs serve to provide regionally-focused
intelligence analysis products, and well as a conduit for information to and from the WAJAC.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Prograrn through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Competitive Solicitation Process
Advertisement Information
Name of the newspapers the advertisement was published in: Daily Journal of Commerce
Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 4. This document was posted on the Internet.·
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or
the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation
process or what differentiated this contractor from others.
The contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work
experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of local jurisdictions that
will be receiving the services.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
Operational Applications SecureCorp, Inc. Setracon, Inc. Northwest Analysis
Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses,selection
committee made the award decision, etc).

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCDlFiiing/PrintFiiingSummary.aspx?menuSeiect=mnuFilin... 6/20/2006
Page 3 00

Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence
Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center staff to score vendor education, training and work experience.
Cost points were awarded based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all
vendors. Proposed consultant team members were separated by work location availability; the highest
scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local jurisdictions participating the regional
intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant team members would work. The final
selection was based on the outcome of these interviews.
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
For proposed consultant team members on previous procurements for these services, the average hourly rate
has been $48.04 per hour. The contractor proposed $44 per hour.
larm 0606.doc - 124928kb
WSP RFQQ No. C061 066PSC.doc - 261120kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.gov/PSCDfFiling/PrintFilingSumrnary.aspx?menuSelect==rnnuFilin... 6/20/2006
WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

CONTRACTOR NAME 1'>",,_ /",/"n

WSP Project Manager LTHunttd
Has the WSP Project Manager
DYes l2kf.Io
completed contract training?
WSP Contract Number ed 7(Me;· ~-<Sc'
BFS Contracts Specialist Jeff Huadahl


1. Description of Services: Criminal intelligence analyst services.

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision Comments
Funding LETPP FFY04
Fundina source(account codirlOl A/i(·d"?l'J. ,
(ff):?7/J _ ~/-sd
Has an authorized manager approved the Yes
Tvpe of aoorooriation (federal, state, other) Federal oass-thru from EMD
Havevouoerformed a cosUbenefit analYsis? Yes
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are N/A
available for this work?

• Aaencv resources
• Are DublicTo-overnmental) resources
Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performed/is performed by WSP
DYes IZl No
liVes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? DYes IZl No
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
proceed with the contract? DYes IZl No
Is contractor a current or former state employee? D Yesk!"No
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board
• If former, orovide last date of emolovment.
Does an indeoendent contractor relationshlD exist?
DYes ~No

_ .

Have you determined the appropriate method(s) of

compensation and billing? Explain.
D Cost Reimbursement (Budget)
IZl Time and materials (Hourly)
D Fixed Price
D Performance Based (valuation of deliverables)
Federallv funded Contracts - subrecipient or vendor? N/A
Are audits required? DYes IZl No
If yes, evaluate coverage provided by existing and
anticioated audits.


1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

Competitive D Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

Formal (>$20,000) D Informal «$20,000)

2 -tier process with RFQQ response evaluated by WSPIWAJAC representatives, with

final award decision for finalists made b local 'urisdictions receivin the service.

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement,

etc.) will be maintained.

I RFQQ No. C061066PSC file.

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for.
selecting contractor.

4. Advertised? ~ Yes D No D NIA (less than $20,000)

If yes, where and when was the advertisement placed?

I Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce

Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? ~ Yes D No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? D Yes ~ No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?D Yes ~ No

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is
dynamic and should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not
required on contracts less than $5,000.

Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.

If factor is not applicable, risk point = O. Unknown, risk point = 5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
C~t~tract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit 2
Contract dollar amount 4
$5,000 to <$25,000 = Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 = Medium Risk
>$100,000 = Hioh Risk
Complexitv of services ~
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s) did you use? 4 .

What experience do you have with the method(s)?

D Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
~ Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
D Fixed Price (score 1-3))
D Performance Based (~aluation of deliverables) (score 1-3\

Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 3 of4

Procurement method: 2
~ Competitive (score 1 to 3)
D Sole Source (score 3 to 5)
2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of fundina 2
Number of contracts with State-{includirl!:l OSpj) 2
Lenath of time in business 2
Exoerience and oast oerformance 2
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do 2
yOU have oroof?)
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition good or 2
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the 0
Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring 0
function to oversee subcontractors?)
organiza;;onal changes (is organization stable or does it have frequent 2
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or 2
decentralized - how much control over decentralized functions?)
Leaal actionsrhas there been anvfor the last 12 months? - if so, what?) 2
Backaround of individuals (do yOU have resumes?) 2

D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity

that measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and
requirements of a contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of
the contractor's role in delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the
terms of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?

~Yes DNo
2. Does the risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?

~Yes DNo
3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of
monitoring and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?

~Yes DNo
4. What monitaring activities are in your plan?

Monitorina Activities Comments

Review of entitv oeriod ic reoorts Yes
Review of entitY invoices and other documentation Yes
I ~onduct onsit~/eviews or other observations Yes
meetinas, etc.
~aintain other periodic contract with contractor
teleohone, email, etc.)

Personal Service Contract Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4


1. Will this contractor need technical assistance?

DYes rgj No

If yes, what are the indicators?

2. How will technical assistance be provided to this contractor?


Have audits been completed on this contract (for N/A
example, A 133 audits)?
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to assure
appropriate spending of state funds?
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed?
Is corrective action necessary? Were questioned
costs resolved?
Are audit findings, if any, resolved?


Any activities need follOW-Up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
Follow-up on audit findinQs needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
evaluated/assessed? Please describe.

Provide evaluation of contractor performance:

.tJ)" 0rr'/-ollAl 4;1~7 (LAm ) EXHIBIT B


One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted with the
Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances were signed by
a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.

4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00 p.m. on May, 5, 2006.

The ConSUltant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington.

At a minimum, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed ConSUltant Team

Has a two year college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a
related field (two years experience as a criminal intelligence analyst or as a commissioned law
enforcement officer may substitute for each year of college);
Has two years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis, or five
years work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer; and
Is proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite.
Will be trained in i2's Analyst Notebook application and Penlink no later than 120 days from
contract execution
The proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed ConSUltant Team Member has two
years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis; or five years work
experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer.

The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for every
Consultant Team Member proposed for work. The form is signed by each respective
proposed Consultant Team Member.

Proposal provided 90 days for acceptance of its terms from the due date of proposals.

Washington State Patrol Page 12 RFQQ No. C061066PSC

Page 1 of 1

Washington State Department of Revenue

State Business Records Database DetaR
UBI: 602556B75


13405 159TH STREET CT E 13405 159TH ST CT E

PUYALLUP, WA 98374-964B PUYAllUP, WA 98374-0000


ACCOUNT OPENED: 01/01/2006
NAICS CODE: 541690 05/09/20063:02 PM


http://dor.wa.gov/contentlbrdlimages/BRDlmage.aspx?tra=gBPyeFRlHoUkE9HQBVocNr... 519/2006
Operolionol RECElV 0

licolions Z006

APR 282006


Submitted In Response to State of Washington/Washington

State Patrol Request for Qualifications/Quotations (RFQQ)
No. C061066PSC


Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services for Washington State

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C061066PSC Section 1.0

Section Page

Table of Contents ......................................................................................... 2

1.0 - Letter of Submittal ............................................................................... 3

2.0 - Certifications and Assurances (Exhibit A to RFQQ) ............................ 4

3.0 - Response to Questionnaire (Exhibit C to RFQQ) ................................ 5

3.1 - [Qualifications and Experience] ...................................................... 5
3.2 - [Resume] ........................................................................................ 5
3.3 - (Availability] .................................................................................... 9
3.4 - [References] ................................................................................... 9
3.5 - [Related Information] ...................................................................... 10

4.0 - Quotation (Exhibit D to RFQQ) ............................................................ 11

5.0· Waiver/Authorization to Release Information (Exhibit E to RFQQ) ...... 12

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst SerVices For Washington State 2

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C061066PSC Section 1.0


Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, RFQQ Coordinator

Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602

Operational Applications is pleased to submit this proposal in response to the State

of WashingtonlWashington State Patrol Request for Qualifications/Quotations (RFQQ)
No. C061066PSC sOliciting a consultant that can provide criminal intelligence analyst
services at regional criminal intelligence centers serving federal, state and local law
enforcement organizations within Washington State.

As an emerging consulting enterprise established in 2006, Operational Applications

focuses on effects-based planning and operations bringing vision, innovation and
solutions to contemporary intelligence and analytical challenges. My approach to
providing Washington State with criminal intelligence analyst services extends from my
extensive military background, training, professional education and defense contracting
intelligence and project management services performed for the US Army's First Corps
intelligence staff in Fort Lewis, Washington.

For this RFQQ SOlicitation, I propose myself as the Operational Applications consultant:

Name Mr. Doug Larm

Mailing Address 13405 159'h Street Court East
Puyallup, Washington 98374
Business Address Same as mailing address
Telephone Number (253) 226-9564

E-Mail Address doug.larm@us.army.mil

UBI 602556875

Consultant Status Sole Proprietorship; est. 2006

Submitted this day by Doug Larm, Operational Applications:

Date (DDIMMfYY) c:?ICJ;?~

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No: C061066PSC Section 2.0


l/we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to
which it is attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the
continuing compliance with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or
continuation of the related contract(s):

1. l/we declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition.
However, IIwe may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of
presenting a single proposal.

3. ThEi attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 90 days following receipt, and it may
be accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack
of certainty in key terms) at any time within the 90-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, l/we have not been assisted by any current or former
employee of the state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or
prospective contract, and who was aSSisting in other than his or her official, public
capacity. (Any exceptions to these assurances are described in full detail on a separate
page and attached to this document.)

5. l/we understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the
preparation of this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and l/we claim
no proprietary right to the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted
have not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed
by him/her prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any

7. l/we agree that submiSSion of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the
solicitation contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and
Conditions. If there are any exceptions to these terms, IIwe have described those
exceptions in detail on a page attached to this document.

8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person
or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

Date (DDIMMlYV) ~ f c),()f
Washington State Patrol (Exhibit A to RFQQ No. C061066PSC)

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State 4

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C061066PSC Section 3.0


3.1 - Qualifications and Experience

Our consultant possesses special qualifications, unique personal attributes and
measurable knowledge, skills and abmties required to provide regionally-focused
intelligence analysis products as well as performing as a conduit for information and
coordination with the Washington Joint Analytical Center.

3.2- Resume
Background - Doug Larm is a professional intelligence analyst with
over 20 years of US Army military intelligence experience and training
and over four years' as a defense contractor supporting the US Army's
First Corps' intelligence staff at Fort Lewis, Washington. He is a
Distinguished Military Graduate with a SA in Political Science and
holds an AA in Criminal Justice as a Distinguished Military Student.
He is a graduate of the US Army War College's Defense Strategy
Course analyzing national security challenges. At Fort LewiS, he is a
senior intelligence analyst responsible for providing continuity on First Larm
Corps' responsibilities for responding to potential or actual threats and is a corporate
force protection and anti-terrorism program manager and quality control task monitor
responsible for maintaining information relevance in terrorism, counterterrorism, force
protection, and criminal activities.

Meets or Exceeds Consultant Team Member Requirements

, RFQQ Consultant Requirements ,,' Mr. Doug Larm's Qualifications '."
Two year college degree in criminal justice, EXCEEDS ReqUirement. AA in Criminal Justice, SA in Political Science,
law enforcement or statistical analysis US Army War College Defense Strategy certificate, high honors US Army
level imagery/technical intelligence course and advanced

• Master Certificate, IS/IT Project Management, Villanova University, March 2004
• Master Certificate, Applied Project Management, Villanova University, July 2003
• SA Political Science, University of Hawaii, Distinguished Military Graduate, 1980
• AA Criminal Justice, New Mexico Military Institute, High Honors/Distinguished
Military Student, 1977

Washington State Patrol (Exhibit C to RFQQ No, C061066PSC)

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State 5

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C061066PSC Section 3.0

Military Education and Special Qualifications

• Certificate, Defense Strategy Course, US Army War College, 1997
• Diploma, Command and General Staff College, US Army, 1995
• Certificate/MI identifier 6A, Defense Sensor Interpretation and Training Program,
US Air Force, Honor Graduate, 1990
• Certificate/MI identifier 5M, Electronic Warfare Staff Officer Course, US Army, 1987
• Certificate, Combined Arms Staff Service School, US Army, 1987
• Certificate/MI identifier 35C, Military Intelligence Officer Advance Course and
Imagery ExplOitation Course, US Army, Honors Graduate, 1985
• Certificate/MI identifier 35A1D, Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course and
Tactical Surveillance Course, US Army, 1981

Summary of Qualifications
Doug Larm is a professional intelligence analyst. He is a former US Army Military
Intelligence Officer with over 20 years of military experience in applying art and science
of reconnaissance and surveillance missions, human and electronic intelligence
operations, security and force protection planning across a spectrum of peacetime
conditions tied to potential conflict situations.
As a former strategiC intelligence officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency, he has
contributed organizational, analytical and specialized technical skUls in supporting US
defense strategy promoting military-ta-military cooperation and intelligence sharing in a
jOint, combined national intelligence and analYSis center.
A defense contractor since 2002, he has demonstrated specialized knowledge of
jOint and combined intelligence applications across entire spectrum of conflict and
contingency situations challenging First Corps by deSigning comprehensive solutions in
training environments to mirror real-world intelligence capabilities or developing
processes to mitigate shortfalls.

Relevant Professional Experience

Senior Intelligence Analyst, Science Applications International Corporation, 2002-Present

Primary responsibility as a senior intelligence analyst is to monitor, assess, evaluate
and prioritize contemporary conditions and emerging threat developments for relevance,
Significance, validity and potential applicatiOns to First Corps' intelligence operations and
to transform operational and contingency plans data into useful information for staff
planners and commanders. Facilitate a coherent, relevant and shared-knowledge
environment framing Corps' understanding of potential threats within the Pacific Theater
using a system of systems approach or operational net assessment as the catalyst for
decision superiority. Support with products and processes (example: interpretative
graphics, descriptive summaries and collaborative analyses using Falcon View, C2PC,
IWS) intended to enhance both deliberate and crisis-action effects-based planning.
Support as an exercise planner and as a functional expert on US intelligence
sensors, intelligence systems architecture and combat simulations. Primary
responsibility as an exercise planner is to develop a competitive training strategy
supporting exercises and mission rehearsals linked to a Corps/Joint Task Force-level
intelligence readiness in conventional, joint and combined contingency situations.
Provide timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage and
disposition of intelligence information; identify who needs what information, when and in
what format. Write senior-level staff memorandums, executive-level fact sheets and
analytic studies. Determine research methodology and use analytiC tools for collecting,

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State 6

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C061066PSC Section 3.0

processing, measuring and testing of intelligence reporting capabilities ofthe Stryker

Brigade in a simulation exercise.
As a program manager for SAIC, provide management and quality control oversight
for corporate First Corps staff task orders: ACofS/G2 Exercise, ACofS/G3 Readiness,
ACofS/G3 Information Management, 201st MI Brigade Intelligence Operations and 42nd
MP Brigade Force Protection.
Intelligence OffICer, US Annyl Military Intelligence, Fort Lewis, WA ./997-2001
Served as an Army-designated functional expert on combat and intelligence
simulations. Performed as a G2/G3 and contingency Joint Task Force J2IJ3 intelligence
and operations officer. In G3, supervised a combined team of 4 military and 21
contractors; oversaw an annual $1.5 million contract task order process, accountable for
operational readiness of technology equipment in excess of $4 million and conducted
monthly contractor performance evaluations.
Created a coherent operational training environment across broad spectrum of war
from high intensity to peacekeeping operations realistic in context of specific training
objectives. Planned, prepared, supervised and executed simulation-supported training
for seven major exercises; developed training schedules, wrote master simulation
training plans, site support orders and briefed operations updates. Designed, directed
and implemented applicable information and physical security guidelines before, during
and immediately following all exercises; no accountability losses nor security breaches
Demonstrated a highly effective application of substance, organization, style and
correctness in all forms of communication (verbal, written, visual); delivered information
in clear, concise format to senior staff officers and commanders. Briefed complex issues
in easily understandable language regardless the medium (desk-side, formal slide or
informal stand-up) or whomever the audience (senior officers, commanders or small
through large groups of soldiers in classrooms or in the field). Developed and wrote
training plans, exercise briefings, status reports, information papers and after action
reviews. Demonstrated expert proficiency in plans, resource decisions and
management oversight in applications involving Army's training doctrine, security
guidelines and property accountability poliCies and procedures.
In G2, researched and analyzed a G2 initiative to employ in an exercise an emerging
operational concept called intelligence reach-small forward operating base linked to a
home station or sanctuary knowledge center. Designed, planned and demonstrated
First Corps' first intelligence reach architecture in Japan and Thailand exercises;
achieved proof-of-concept for First Corps' reach transformation efforts to respond faster,
use smaller deployed intelligence element and leverage near real time collaborative
information from home station, theater or national-level intelligence agencies. Proved
this concept enhanced First Corps and Headquarters/Joint Task Force-level mission
readiness; served as basis for designation of First Corps as Army's reach test-bed
center. Translated First Corps' wartime and contingency Joint Task Force J2 operations
requirements into simulation-supported training; documented, tracked, prOjected
intelligence training requirements for active, reserve and' National Guard intelligence
components. Demonstrated full-range of military exercise planning tools, techniques,
best practices and procedures; provided immediate information and operational
relevancy for First Corps intelligence support to Pacific-theater military exercises. Wrote
mission training plans, intelligence synchronization plans and intelligence sensors and
systems capabilities reports. Provided direct planning and operational experience with
all First Corps supported exercises; enhanced in-depth understanding of the missions,
capabilities and cultures within the Pacific-theater.

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State 7

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C061066PSC Section 3.0

Senior InteUigence Officer, US ArmylMilitary InteUigence, Germany, 1994-1997

Supervised a jOint staff of 20 intelligence analysts, communication technicians and
aerospace control specialists in the Warrior Preparation Center or WPC (Defense
Department's largest, distributed computer wargaming center facilitating relevant and
responsive training of US and NATO battle staffs). Responsible for planning, preparing,
instructing and defining a realistic enemy force to test US and NATO battle staff
readiness and for researching intelligence issues, supervising data collection, evaluating
staff interpretations and disseminating intelligence reports to WPC and senior-level US
and NATO commanders and battle staffs.
Portrayed potential enemy operations in a broad spectrum of conflict situations for
simUlation supported exercises. Developed training strategies in over 20 contingency
exercises linked to real-world mission rehearsals. Researched and wrote analytiC
reports of emerging threats and contemporary conditions effecting US and NATO forces'
mission readiness that served as baSis for scenario and enemy battle plans in 25
theater-level exercises. Augmented NATO planning staff and a US joint task force
intelligence staff. Contributed intelligence solutions in planning the rehearsal for
extracting forces from Bosnia, for conducting the evacuation of non-combatants from
Liberia and for rehearsing the evacuation of US citizens from Zaire. Supported unique
Partnership-for-Peace program; planned and led first-ever joint contact intelligence
seminar with Croatia, Poland, Macedonia and Romania. Shaped direction and focus for
partnership nations military training strategy performing as liaison officer to Turkey's
largest General Staff exercise, liaison officer to US Forces Korea during world's largest
command post exercise, intelligence liaison to Swedish Defense Academy planning for
Sweden's first simUlation exercise, and intelligence planner to NATO staff preparing to
assume peacekeeping mission in Bosnia.
Strategic Intelligence OfFICer, US ArmylMilitary Intelligence, DIA Liaison Japan, 1990-1994
Served as strategic intelligence analyst in Japan for the Defense Intelligence Agency
(a US Army nominated intelligence position). Contributed organizational, analytical,
technical and specialized intelligence skills supporting US defense strategy promoting
military-to-military cooperation and intelligence sharing on contemporary conditions and
emerging threats effecting security in the Pacific theater. Supervised 13 Japanese air,
maritime and ground intelligence analysts in a joint, combined, multiple agency, national-
level intelligence and analysis center; responsible for daily training management,
analytical development and intelligence process improvement. Confronted daily with
analytic challenges on gathering, interpreting, processing, evaluating, and reporting
specialized intelligence used in defining military aspects of Japan's defense strategy and
foreign policy agenda. Developed operational program and taught technical instruction
on identifying unique threat systems and analyzing force development trends within the
Pacific theater. Planned and coordinated intelligence reqUirements with US agenCies for
national-level systems support. Served as liaison for translating US and Japan's
operational goals and objectives into intelligence themes and work threads for Japanese
analysts. Supervised preparation and presentation of oral scripts, visual aids and written
reports for eight intelligence briefings to Japan's equivalent Defense Secretary and Joint
Chiefs of Staff officials. Performed center-wide responsibility for production
management, quality control, operations security, logistiCS and personnel administration;
reported directly to multiple US agenCies' senior military and civilian executives.
Developed concept, planned and implemented office automation upgrades greatly
reducing time required for data retrieval, document production and inventory control of
sensitive classified material.

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State 8

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. ~061066PSC Section 3.0

3.3 - Availability

Region RIG Location

3 Olympia
5 Tacoma
6 Seattle

3.4 - References
The contractor grants unrestricted permission for WSP to contact references.

LTC Roger Fortier, Chief of G2 Plans and Exercise

First (US) Army Corps

Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACofS/G2)
Fort Lewis, Washington 98433

Business: (253) 967-0357

Email: rogerJortier@us.army.mil

Service provided: provided expert application of project management knowledge, skills,

tools and techniques. Provided planning continuity on Corps' responsibilities for
responding to potential or actual threats. Provided timely and appropriate generation,
collection, dissemination, storage and disposition of intelligence information. Designed
comprehensive solutions in training environments to mirror real-world intelligence
capabilities or developed and implemented processes to mitigate shortfalls effecting First
Corps operational responsibilities within the Pacific theater.

LTC Stephen Gomillion, Battalion Commander

502nd Military Intelligence Battalion
Fort Lewis, Washington 98433

Business: (253) 967-4497

Email: stephen.gomillion@us.army.mil

Service provided: coordinated exercise and training issues within I Corps staff, with
training support agencies, intelligence agencies and throughout the U.S. Army force
structure of active, reserve and National Guard components. Provided operational
experience and expertise in battalion through corps and higher combat· and intelligence

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C061066PSC Section 3.0

COL Cindy Connally, Assistant Chief of Staff for Inteiligence/G2

First (US) Army Corps

Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACofS/G2)
Fort Lewis, Washington 98433

Business: (253) 967-0741

Email: cindy.connally@us.army.mil

Service provided: developed, portrayed and instructed process-oriented, training

objectives-based realistic opposing forces' operational art for exercises and mission
rehearsals linked to I Corps and to a Headquarters/Joint Task Force-level mission
readiness in conventional, jOint and combined contingency situations. Monitored,
assessed, evaluated and prioritized contemporary conditions and emerging threat
developments for relevance, significance, validity and potential applications to First
Corps' intelligence operations and overall impact on mission readiness.

3.5 - Related Information

Neither Operational Applications nor Doug Larm has contracted with or ever been an
employee of the State of Washington. Further, neither Operational Applications nor
Doug Larm has had a contract terminated for default.

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State 10

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C061066PSC Section 4.0

Proposed hourly rate for consultant for services through June 30, 2007:
$44.00 $84,480 bid quotation (hourly rate multiplied by 1920 billable hours)

Basis of cost estimate:

• 40 hours work week (maximum)
• 40 hours times 52 weeks for 2080 possible labor hours in one man-year:
o 80 hours (10 days) Federal holiday
o 80 hours (10 days) annualleave/sick leave
• 1920 billable hours (2080 possible hours reduced by 160 hours) in one man-year
• hourly rate includes all costs associated with providing services, including
consultant's salary and benefits, industrial insurance, and federal and state taxes
• costs associated with worksite, office supplies, personal computer, .
communications and any such goods and/or services shall be provided to the
consultant and shall remain the property of WSP
• consultant assumes all costs associated with training for i2's Analyst Notebook
application, Penlink and Microsoft Office Suite
• consultant shall seek reimbursement for authorized lodging, subsistence and
business vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved
reimbursement rates if services are required by WSP at locations other than the
consultant's worksite

Proposed hourly rate for consultant for services option year one ending June 30, 2008:

Proposed hourly rate for consultant for services option year two ending June 30, 2009:

Washington State Patrol (Exhibit 0 to RFQQ No. C061066PSC)

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State 11

Proposal to WSP RFQQ No. C061066PSC Section 5.0


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that
you have concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history
record, including any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any
internal affairs investigations and diSCipline, including any files which are deemed to be
confidential and/or sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and
recommendation, my military service records, and my financial status. Information of a
confidential or privileged nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my
qualifications. I understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a
(The Privacy Act of 1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that
information furnished will be used by the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which
may result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

Douglas - Larm
Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last)

Other names you have been know by, including prior marriage(s) or nickname(s)

Address City State Zip Code

28 July 1956
Social Security Number Date of Birth

Miff ciY$~Ch
. ;'fi(Signature Date

Washington State Patrol (Exhibit E to RFQQ No. C061066PSC)

Operational Applications Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services For Washington State 12

Letter of Submittal Certifications and Response to Quotation Waiver/Authorization to
Assurances Questionnaire Release Information
(Exhibit A1RFQQ) (Exhibit C/RFQQ) (Exhibit DlRFQQ) (Exhibit ElRFQQ)
Washington State Patrol 6/12/20094:23:23 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

WSP Contract NO.' C060694 . Ipsc Program Information: Program IIAD

IInvestigative Assistance Division

categorylp~Pers~~al_ Servi~es Program:
Amendment No. Program Contact: Bureau: IISB
Title 1r:I::nt:':e':'"IA'::'n::a::ly~s:-:t":'s~v::cs::·.- - - - - ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff

Other partylMelton. Chad R.

Other No.1 Processing Status:
Start Date 1r-:1:';'/1"'9"'/2:-;:0~06;:- End Date 112/31/2008
Amountl $264.600 User 10 IJH AmdAmount
I $76,000

Contract Status I-Acti~e Amd Status ICompl~ted

Contract Notes: Date document was sent to:
From RFQQ C060226PSC. Amd 2 - ext. T01 thru Word Processing
5/31/06. Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 11/17/2005
BFS Review
Chiefs Office
I: 1/1812006
Transmittal Letter 12/1/2005
Mailed to Other Part 12/1/2005
Received Back I 12/13/2005
I 112012006

Amendment [0'
I $0

Amd Status IComplel<>cI

Date document was sent to:
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 11/17/2005
BFS Review 1/1812006
Chiefs Office 1/18/2006
Transmittal Letter 12/1/2005
Mailed to Other Part 121112005
Received Back 12113/2005
Distributed 112012006

I $0
Date 11/18/08
Washington State Patrol
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 t8J Payable o Other:
WSP vor." en" N/~~ber Other v""" en" AIR
\jUo~ L; \U)
ContrCu' Start Date AFRS End Date

vomrCu' Title CFDA No. QFSR

Criminal I -,-'" DYes DNo
vor."cu,u. Name
I Chad R. Melton

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail voro" ,"",u. vC" OlCu' Fax BFS AI'Otonuntant Name
Tanya ni
WSP Project Manager WSP BFS .1,. Name
"" ""'"''
LT Drake lAD Sue" orenner
Remarks: Extends of mce for one month.

Contract Amount Position ~~,,~.~ apd Date

$257,600.00 Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
$7,000 Business Office
Revised Total
Budget Manager 'I

Accounting Manager '\
Indirect Costs %

AI Sub Percent!
Master Index Fund PI Project Maior M~ior TAR Code
Object <':"h
Gr;;~p -<:4;'r~ S;~~e
WAJ7 001 01' 00271 WAJ7 CE

i Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage On~ ~DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mi~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo ~ "nt"ry OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: ~yesDNo --------- AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: _ _ _ Other Org Codes:

Typ~ r ,uc
[ " of ,c

-- Distribution: t8J Project Manager

300-365-522 (R 6/03)
t8J Accountant t8JBudget Analyst 0 Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
11/21/2008 11:00 FAX 2062622014 14]002

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31,2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $7,000 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $264.600.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



Date Date •

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Amendment 6 to WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
DATE: December 3,2008

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Chad R. Melton. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget
code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take
the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract: .
• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.
• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The fmal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 12, ext. 11052 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this


cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building· PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

December 3, 2008

Mr. Chad Melton

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: Amendment 6 to WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 596-4052.


Mr. eft y R. Hu
Budget and Fisc

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
Period of ~ Amendment
- 1..1!¥?1fD
, Recurring
Contract Title: _J...-.L...~r4.I-----;"'-f/;L!L1---L::t'LldtJt-2I.---'L.!LL:N.~.cL·J:L~ _ _ _ _ _ __
Other Party:


Grants and Contract Manager:

BFS Administrator:

Management Services Bureau Director: --<--=OJ--.r--_---"'H""'--''''----_j)_'---P


Chief/Deputy Cfiief: ~ {2 "'z--o~

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $7,000 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $264.600.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

NC\JB-MB~ 21 , 2co8
Date Date '

Page 1 of 1
LgJ VVl.

To: Jeff BugdahIl WSP Budget & Fiscal Services

FAX: (360) 596~4078

Date: 11121/08

From: Chad MeltonIWAJAC Phone: (206) 262~2075

Subject: WSP Contract Amendment for No. C060694PSC

Total number of pages, including this cover sheet: 2


*** WARNING: The contents of this transmission is CONFIDENTIAL,

and is intended for the intended recipient only. If you have received
this in error, please destroy the contents of this transmission, and
notify the sender immediately.
11/21/2008 11:00 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31,2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $7,000 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $264.600.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature'

NOVe:-MB~ 2.1 1 2-003

Date Date '

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, November 20,20084:37 PM
To: 'Chad Melton'
Subject: RE: WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Attachments: melton chad amd 6.doc

Chad, the attached amendment will fund your contract at WAJAC through December 31,2008. If you could sign
this amendment, fax it to me no later than Wednesday, November 26 and mail the original I'd appreciate it.

From: Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa,gov [mailto:Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov]

Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:37 PM
To: jkristof@leo,gov; cmeltonl@leo,gov
Cc: Tim,Braniff@wsp.wa.gov
Subject: WSP Contract No. C051032PSC

Attached is an amendment to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for
two additional months.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 596-4078, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31,2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $7,000 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $264.600.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

Sent: Friday, November 21,20088:07 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 11/18/20084:18:00

-----Original Message-----
From: ofrn.contracting@ofrn.wa.gov [mailto:ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov]
Sent, Thursday, November 20, 2008 3,45 PM
To, Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject, PSCD, Filing Decision, Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision, 11/18/2008
4,18,00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number, 35265-04

Contractor Legal Name: Melton, Chad R.

Contractor TIN,

Agency, 225
Agency Contract #, C060694PSC
Filed Date, 11/18/2008 4,18,00 PM
Start Date, 11/30/2008
Filed By, Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date, $260,600

Amendment Value, $7,000
New Total Contract Value: $267,600

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM 'at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 20084:18 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 11/18/20084:18:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 64565

Contractor Legal Name, Melton, Chad R.

Contractor TIN,

Agency, 225
Agency Contract #, C060694PSC
Filed Date, 11/18/2008 4,18,00 PM
Start Date; 11/30/2008
Filed By, Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date, $260,600

Amendment Value, $7,000
New Total Contract Value, $267,600

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Shawn Eckhart

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed, Shawn Eckhart

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3


P5CD ... . Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Melton, Chad R.
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law
enforcemenl agencies through the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC). The
amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal
intelligence analyst services 10 local, state and federal law enforcement organizations
for one additional month.
Fund Source

Filing Number Federal State Other Total

35265 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
35265 - 01 $83,800 $83,800
35265 - 02 $83,800 $83,800
35265 - 03 $14,000 $14,000
This Filing $7,000 $7,000
Contract Total $267,600

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

11/30/2008 12/31/2008


http://contracts.olin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFA. .. 11/18/2008
Page 2 of3

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The program anticipated completing a procurement for these services in time to allow this contract to end on
November 30; and new contracts providing services effective December 1. The procurement process is taking
longer than originally anticipated.
Action taken to prevent futilre Late Filings:
The agency will plan on a longer time period for the procurement of these services in the future.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional month. WSP is required
to provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The services assist the State Patrol, federal agencies,
and local law enforcement by providing criminal intelligence analysis for law enforcement missions. The
contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military
Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. WSP is contractually obligated to the federal
government to provide these services. These services are critical to WSP to fulfill their mission of "enhancing
the safety and security of our state" which includes sharing information with other local, state and federal law
enforcement organizations. In light of the Personal Service contract freeze, this amendment was approved by
executive management, the deputy chief and chief.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.

Page 3 of3

The contractor was selected through a two-tJer process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at WAJAC while the agency conducts a competitive
procurement of these services. A new RFQQ for these services was issued on October 31,2008; the agency
is currently conducting an evaluation of proposals but will not be completed with the procurement process by
the time this contract ends on November 30, 2008. Should this contractor become an apparent successful
proposer under the new RFQQ they will be placed under a new contract; this current contract will not be
extended after this amendment.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would be available beyond November 30, 2008.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through December 31, 2008 while the
agency conducts a competitive procurement of these services. A waiver was granted by the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security for the use of $1 million dollars of federal fiscal year 2008 funds to continue funding
contracted intelligence analysts; rather than continue to extend this contract the agency is conducting a new
procurement for these services and allowing all previous contracts for this service to expire.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
Funding was made available for an additional month by leaving an agency employee position also funded by
this grant vacant; and by terminating the majority of contracts for these services.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
melton chad amd 6.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSunnnary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFA. .. 11118/2008
Date 9/26/08
Washington State Patrol
Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 IZI Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C060694PSC (5J
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
November 30, 2008
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DVes DNo
Contractor Name
Chad R. Melton
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Drake lAD Shawn Eckhart
Remarks: Extends period of performance for two months.

Contract Amount Position ~ Signature ~nd/Date

$243,600.00 Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
$14,000.00 Business Office M nager
Revised Total
$257,600.00 Budget Manager VI
Indirect Costs % Accounting Manageyr] ~"J~

, I~Sub \~~~~~~~v~en~u~e~CTo~d~e~z-~ PercenU

Master Index Fund AI PI Project Object Major( }IIajor Sub TAR Code
Group' --Source Source
WAJ7 001 01* 00271 WAJ7 CE

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DVes DNo Mileage on~DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DVes DNo Special Mileage R ~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DVes DNo oluntary OfT: DVes DNo
Special Rules: DVes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DVes DNo _____________ AFRS Code Assigned: DVes DNo
Overtime Allowed: Dve~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DVes DNo
Contract Pays Only OfT Co~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: _ _ _ _ _--1
Primary Org Code: ~_ Other Org Codes:
TypeftREiCeipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expend iture
Distribution: IZI Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
IZI Accountant IZIBudget Analyst o Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
09/24/2008 14: 4U hU ~Uij~ij~~Ul'

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC




The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $14,000.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $257.600.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


Date Date '

Page 1 of 1
U~I 241 zuu~ 14: 4ts r"JU. ~Uts~tsZ~U14


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 4

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, Novembcr 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP sha1l reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate 0[$38,00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $14,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (206) 262-2418

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075



Printed Name ana Title

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Task Order 4, Amendment 5 to WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

DATE: October 8,2007

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed task order and amendment between the
Washington State Patrol and Chad R. Melton. Funding for this contract has been encumbered
under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification
Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract.

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider,
Budget and Fiscal Services, within fifteen days from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with
your assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact Ms. Haider at Micro 12, ext. 11071 if you have any questions or concerns
regarding this contract.

&'" JRH:clh
~ ~ Attachment .
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget and Fiscal Services
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Services Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building· PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 596·4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

October 6, 2008

Mr. Chad Melton

Subject: Amendment 5 & Task Order 4 to WSP Agreement No. C060694PSC

Enclosed with this letter are one fully executed amendment and one fully-executed Task
Order of the referenced agreement between you and the Washington State Patrol.
Please keep this original for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further aSSistance, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596-4071.



f/Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services


r- ,~- F' _ f_z:L~n;;D

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
~ Amendment
-'.L..Ofr£JI---:---'-'-t~~1<.. 0 Recu rring

Other Party:
o Receivable
Amount: o Other:

Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

. BFS Adminstrator:~

Management Services Bureau Director: ---1IUOff+ll-Q::.J{"'4+-----------

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Amendment 5



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $14,000.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $257.600.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signa

Sep±em ber 2 Lj J 200"g

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 4

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, November 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee dnring this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimbnrse the Contractor at the honrly
rate of$38.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $14,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (206) 262-2418

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Date 'gnature Date •

Printed Name ana Title

Page 1 of 1
09/24/2008 14:46 FAX 2062622014 LgJ UU.1

To: JeffHugdahllWSP FAX: (360) 596-4078

Date: 09/24/08

From: Chad MeltoniWAJAC Phone: (206) 262-2075

S.ubject: WSP Contract Amendment, WSP Task Order

Total number of pages, including this cover sheet: 3


*** WARNING: The contents of this transmission is CONFIDENTIAL,

and is intended for the intended recipient only. If you have received
this in error, please destroy the contents of this transmission, and
notify the sender immediately.
09/24/2008 14:46 FAX 2062622014 I{!J uuz

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 5



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $14,000.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $257.600.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/24/200~ 14:4U FAX 2UU2U22U14 LgjUUJ


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 4

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, November 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor'S Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
perfomlance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$38,00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $14,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (206) 262-2418

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Date

Printed Name ana Title

Page 1 of 1
WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Amendment 5



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $14,000.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $257,600.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 4

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, November 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$38.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $14,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (206) 262-2418

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 7:51 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Cc: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
- Decision: 9/24/2008.
Subject: FW: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved

I am plowing through my eight days of e-mails ... see below ...

-----Original Message-----
From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov [mailto:ofm.contracting@ofm
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 20086 :10 PM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
ed - Decision: 9/24/20 08.
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approv
to be contacted after a decision was made by OFM on
This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person
this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 35265-03

Contractor Legal Name: Melton, Chad R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060694PSC
Filed Date: 9/24/20 08
Start Date: 9/30/20 08
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contra ct Value To Date: $246,600

Amend ment Value: $14,000
New Total Contract Value: $260,600

Decision Comments:
purposes or to assist with filing an amendment to the
Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query
ns about this filing, please contact OFM at
contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or concer
or 360-72 5-5262 .
ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at 360-725-5257

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contra

- ••• -_ V" " u.al l"l" l Ma nag em ent > PSCD
Page 1 0[2

•.... ,
Personal Service Contracts Da tab ase >Logout
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1 reco rds foun d.

_~ J?m~~r~ ~~jtl::)
Filed Con tract Search Results

Filed Con tract Search Criteria:

Get all fired contracts by Referenc
e Number: 63937

f Glick on a contract filing number below to see additional details. Amend 'A' ident
ifies amendments.

Fi/e # File Date Age ncy Age! ]c)l Con tract

Lega l Nam e TIN Serv
Ame nd Value OFM i
Dese Desn I
Melton, Chad
9/24/2008 WSP
03 C060694PSC
R. $14.000


1:Ml Approved

i;l Reviewed

f~ Acknowledged

~j Disapproved

1 " Ie ,,...,... ,, ....
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 2:01 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/24/2008 2:01 :00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 63937

Contractor Legal Name: Melton, Chad R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060694PSC
Filed Date: 9/24/2008 2:01:00 PM
Start Date: 9/30/2008
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $246,600

Amendment Value: $14,000
New Total Contract Value: $260,600

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Shawn Eckhart

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Shawn Eckhart

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

PS CD .. .
Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Melton, Chad R.
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through the Washington Joint Analytical
Center (WAJAC). The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing
uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law
enforcement organizations for two additional months.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
35265 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
35265 - 01 $83,800 $83,800
35265 - 02 $83,800 $83,800
This Filing $14,000 $14,000
Contract Total $260,600

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
09/24/2008 09/30/2008 11/30/2008


http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCD/filingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVProc 9/2412008
Page 200

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
WSP contract no. C051 032PSC was mistakenly amended instead of this contract.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The contract manager will verify the contract number before proceeding with the amendment process.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for two additional months. WSP is required
to provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The services assist the State Patrol, federal agencies,
and local law enforcement by providing criminal intelligence analysis for law enforcement missions. The
contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorisrn Prevention Program through the Military
Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The agency considers this contract to be of an
"emergent" nature and has been approved by an agency executive with the delegated authority for filing.
Other PubliC; Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.

The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCD/filingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect==mnuVProc 9/2412008
Page 3 of3

processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at WAJAC. This amendment is funded by dollars
remaining from the state's 2007 LETPP allocation. Although the state has determined that $1 million dollars of
federal fiscal year 2008 funds are available to continue funding contracted intelligence analysts, using these
funds for this purpose requires a waiver to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's grant guidance
document. This waiver was requested in April 2008 and is still pending.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would be available beyond September 30, 2008.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through November 30, 2008. Although
the state has determined that $1 million dollars of federal fiscal year 2008 funds were available to continue
funding contracted intelligence analysts, we require a waiver to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's
grant guidance document to allow that use. This waiver was requested in April 2008 and is still pending.
Because this waiver request has not been granted we cannot extend this contract beyond the two months of
remaining funding. Should the waiver not be granted this contract will terminate with no further extensions on
November 30, 2008.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
Funding was made available for two additional months by leaving an agency employee position also funded
by this grant vacant. A number of contracts providing these services statewide will cease work and/or
terminate pending the waiver decision noted above, and the decision by local jurisdictions to continue
providing funds for local LETPP allocation - funded contracts.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
melton c amd 5.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCD/filing/PrintFilingSurnmary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVProc 9/2412008
Date 11/9/07
Washington State Patrol
RI ..I. .• and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 IZI Payable o Other:
WSP Cor,,, eM Other C('""av< "u,""~, AIR Number
C060694PSC (4)
AFRS End Date
;~~~;~ ~~.rt2~~~ ~~' '" ~v:LEnd3~~~008
Conuav< Title CFDANo. QFSR
Crll'"'' 11 ,~Iy~, V'''''-'' DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Chad R. Melton
COl '" av<~" Contact ~uu, v~,

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone ~~""~v"

Contractor E-Mail Contractor Contact Fax ~FS n ,( Name

I anyar,,,,,,,,,,
WSP VJ"V .~. WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS R"rlnpt , "",( Name
C'L -~
LT Zeller lAD ;:,nav..,

Remarks: Extends of mee for one year.~ l " .

Contract Amount Position .......... / Signature ~n~ate

Contract Amount
$159,800.00 Granls and Contracts
"- ~ fM //~~V'
f/(j ,
A~n"nt '" $83,800 Business Office ... a"a~c
I -,
Revised Tolal
$243,600 Budget Manager /'Itt J /Ilii/bu, Allot: El~:~~~
•Costs. %
Accounting Manager
;i}:/1/3 o/f) )
Sub R"'van"~ Code
Master Index Fund AI PI Project TAR Code PercenV
~r~~~ s~~r~~ ,,~ub Amount

... ,,,
001 020 00272
"',..,.., 1

I ;Onlv
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage On~ ~DNo ---
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo OfT: DYes DNo


Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: ~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo

Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OfT Cost: I , ~~ DNa Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: ---------- Other Org Codes:
Tyoe -, I [ [ ] ""~, al!~ncy "~I,,, [J ,>' of ure
Distribution: IZI Project Manager IZI Accountant IZIBudget Analyst o Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
09/25/2007 15:18 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of perfonnance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $83,800 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $243,600.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other tenns and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief \ Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/25/2007 15:18 FAX 2062622014


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of SelVice: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Wasrungton Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: SelVice Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $38.00.

Other Costs~ WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $83,800.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature Date

Cl-\Ptt> R MEt:roN crimi nal Irrle.llip1C'Jl. Anruy*

Printed Name ~nd Title

Page 1 of 1 _

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Amendment 3 to WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
DATE: October 26,2007

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Chad R. Melton. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget
code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take
the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

11{' Attachment
cc: Mr. Shawn Eckhart, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internatioYUllly accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building • PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 753·6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

October 26, 2007

Mr. Chad Melton

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: Amendment 3 to WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Shee t

Contract No.
?;r-t-_~McCl 4L---­
Contract Title: --l.....e.c.(lJI.~~4i-~~~U--'&pUi'-'
Other Party:
'5!"Pa yable

Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

Management Services Bureau Director: _----1i52d-'-_t_U).1-'1~1-'-__ __ __ __ ___

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $38.00.

Other Costs~ WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $83,800.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Date


CHf\t> R ME[fON I Crlmtnal-Jrrlell !p<a.. Analyst

. Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1-
WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $83,800 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $243,600.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/25/2007 15:18 FAX 2062622014 'iilUUl



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, , " ': ,'." , , : , .. ," "TO,
Name of Office:
(.Us P 81.ld
dah I
AtI;n: Room: Telephone Number:

.' , I,
,', •
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FROM' ".
N~me of Office: Number' of pages: (Including cover)

Or glnator's Name: Originator's Telephone Number: Origin~or'~ F;;u;.sfrnile Number:

"lOV) ~z..-U>IS- (1-Oe.. Uo"L- 201

': .. ',. :. , . DETAILS


Sp~aal Handling Instru~ons:

SHer D~C:r'iption of Communicatiotl Faxed:

attac:hed to the c:ove!" sheet is U.S. Gove.rnment Property. If you are not the Intended recipient of thIs information disclosure,
reproduction. distribution, or use of this inform~tlon Is prohibited (lS.USC, § 041). Plt!'ase notifY the Or'igir'lator Or iOQlJ FBI Office
immediately to ClCT""ange fOr prap!:!r dispOSition.

FD .. 448 (Revised 10-27-2004) Page 1 of 1 F~D~RAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION

09/25/2007 15:18 FAX 2062622014 Lf!:IUU.i::

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $83,800 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $243,600.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/25/2007 15:18 FAX 2062622014 Ig1 UUJ


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of SelVice: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide crinlinal
intelligence analyst selVices during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$38.00.

Other Costs~ WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $83,800.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

C.H~1> jl MEo-oN crifl1,nalIrrlcll!?<ll- Analys+

Printed Name ~nd Title

Page 1 of 1 .
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm .contracting@ofm.wa.gov

Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 12:35 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (W SP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/27/200712:35:00 PM.

Your filing has been received, by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 58718

Contractor Legal Name: Melton, Chad R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060694PSC
Filed Date: 9/27/2007 12:35:00 PM
Start Date: 10/1/2007
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $162,800

Amendment Value: $83,800'
New Total Contract Value: $246,600

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Shawn Eckhart

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Shawn Eckhart

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

PS CD . .
Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington Slale Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Melton, Chad R.
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through regional intelligence centers co-
located with local law enforcement jurisdictions; or at the Washington Joint Analytical
Center. The amendment allows the contractor for provide continuous services for the
next federal fiscal year.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
35265 - 00 $79,000 $79.000
35265 - 01 $83,800 $83,800
This Filing $83,800 $83,800
Contract Total $246,600

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
10/01/2007 09/30/2008


Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/27/2007
Page 2 of3

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Cu rrent State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The agency only recently learned that it would receive additional federal funding for these services; the
agency has yet to receive the funding agreement from the Military Department but is proceeding in
anticipation of the agreement.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will continue to work with the Military Department in order to secure funding earlier in order to
facilitate the filing process.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional year. WSP is required to
provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.

The contractor was selected through a two-tier proces·s: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSurnmary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/27/2007
Page 3 of3

investigations, and train up any other contractor.

Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an e)(isting contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services. Additionally, the agency has conducted seven procurements for these
services over the past 2.5 years, and is finding it increasingly difficult to identify qualified contractors to
provide these services. The agency is currently in the process of conducting another procurement to provide
these services to local jurisdictions where services are not currently being provided.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond September 30, 2007.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through September 30, 2007 when the
agency received an extension of funding from the Military Department. The agency's intent is to continue to
conduct procurements for the services as contractors terminate services at different locations throughout the
state. The agency has almost continuously been conducting procurements for these services since in
inception of the project in 2005.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
This contract has been funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program (LETPP) federal fiscal year 2004 funds provided to WSP through the Washington State
Military Department. The agency was recently notified that it would receive federal fiscal year 2007 funds from
this grant program:
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
melton amd 4 0907.doc - 29696kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.gov/PSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSurnmary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/27/2007
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 2:12 PM
To: 'Chad Melton'
Cc: Zeller, Kevin (WSP)
Subject: RE: Criminal intelligence analyst contract extension
Attachments: melton amd 4 0907.doc; melton task order 3 0907.doc

Mr. Melton-

Attached is an amendment and task order to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund
the contract for one additional year.

If this amendment and task order are acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and
date these documents, fax the documents to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the documents with the
original signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must
receive the both documents via fax no later than Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I
receive these documents with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed
original of these documents to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

From: Chad Melton [mailto:cmelton1@leo.gov]

Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 10:07 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Cc: cmelton1@leo.gov
Subject: Criminal intelligence analyst contract extension

Mr. Hugdahl,

Please send the amendment to my criminal intell igence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for one
additional year. Amendment can be sent to cmelton1@leo.gov

Thank you,

Chad Melton

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $83,800 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $243,600.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $38.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $83,800.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Date 10/27/06
Washington State Patrol
d t an dFIscaIS ervlces Cont ractN off
Bulge Ilcaf Ion Form -I-I-
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 IZl Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C060694PSC (3)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
January 19, 2006 September 30, 2007
Contract Title CFDANo. I QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes ONo
Contractor Name
Chad R. Melton
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce .
WSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas

Remarks: ExtendsJleriod of performance for one year.

Contract Amount Position Signature and j?ate

Li~- --17 ~~ ~?
$76,000.00 Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
Revised Total
$83,800.00 Business Office Manag '7" AA
V' hl'1~
t/lj /
Allot: DYes DNo
$159,800.00 Budget Manager /
~ '/I I!() '(fr
J. -
Amount 'jifr-onanticipated Receipt: DYes DNo
Accounting Manage ~lIV
Indirect Costs % 1\
Sub Revenue Code PercenU
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
SIS6 001 020 00270 SIS6 CE
vv, v<.v vv," , VV"JO VC

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only: ..J-¥eS DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo ~,~
oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo
Prorate Leave to Contract: DYe~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only ~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typ~eipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
-- -
Distribution: IZl Project Manager
IZl Accountant IZlBudget Analyst o Other:._ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
09/2612006 12:41 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows: .

'a. The period of performance is extended through September 30,2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $83,800.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $159,800.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/26/2006 12:41 FAX 2062622014 I@UU3


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2006 End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
perfOl1Jlance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shaI1 reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$38.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
ContrlJ.Ct No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $83,800.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number. (206) 262-2075


PtlM ~. 2
John R. Batiste, Cllief Date Date

C-HAD ~ MgJ..:TON 501e. P....oprietor

Printed Name and itle

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

DATE: November 3, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Chad R. Melton. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget
code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take
the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

. I f you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The fmal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing projessionallaw enforcement services

Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 753·6540' www.wsp.wa.gov

November 3, 2006

Mr. Chad Melton

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fi I Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Period of
Contract No. cIICdC?lRc(J' erformance:
Contract Title: ~
Other Party:


Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:
I (

Management Services Bureau Director: -ii-tb,L4-------------

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2006 End Date: 2007

Description of SeNice: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: SeNice Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$38.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $83,800.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Date'

C.HAD ~ MgLToN Sole. -rl P("op("Id-oi

Printed Name and itle

Page 1 of 1
WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

. a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $83,800.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $159,800.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Sign~~~

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/26/2006 12:41 FAX 2062622014 IgJUUL

FD-44E (Rev. 6-2-97)



o Immediate o Top Secret Time Transmitted:
Dyriority o Secret Sender's Initi~s: ctM
~Routine o Coilfideutial Number of Pages: -,-_.,-3....L..____
Djensitive (including cover slleet)

To: Date: Cj)I Uu ,16&

Facsimile Number:

Name Room Telephone

Name of Office


Special Handling Instructions: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Originator's Name: Telephone: (?.C(p) "24'2.- Z07S'

Originator's Facsimile Number: _ _ _ _ _-'-(_2=-O-"(p"")~2..=f.R"'-'~=---=2=-O:::...l/_...'if_---------


BdefDescription of Communication Faxed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Informarion attached to the cover sheet is U.S. Government Property. If you are not the intended recipient Of this
information. disclosure. reproduction, distribu.tion. Qr use ofIhis information is prohibhcd (IS.USC. § 641). Please notify the
originator or the local FBI Office: immediately to arrange for proper disposition.
09/26/2006 12:41 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol r.yvSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

, a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $83,800.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $159,800.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Sign~~YL~

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/26/2006 12:41 FAX 2062622014 I(!J UUJ


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2006 End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time ofthe period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$38.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contr1).Ct No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount $83,800.00

WSP Contact Name and Ueutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Date

C.HAD ~ Mg~oN , Sole. r . .opdd-or

Printed Name and ritle

Page 1 of 1
09/26/2006 12:43 FAX 2062622014 Igj IJ U J.

FD-448 (Rev. 6·2·97)



D Immediate D Top Secret Time Trallsmitted:
DYriori!y o Secret Sender's Initials:
GrRo~tine o Confidential . Number of Pages: -,-_:--3-'-_ _ __
Dyensitive (including cover sheet)

To: Date: 'i rJUP I/tAp

Facsimile Number: _ _.."(,........3...,,lR"'-=O:.-.)/--v,:::.'-'(p"---Y.J-------'O"-"'W"-'S>e.-'J-'--_ __

Name Room Telephone

Name of Office

Subj ecr: _-'<D

. .l:.<-loO!l .....T5.>:lp'--'C....o><Jn±m!.L.U""""'*oJ-...l.A..!J!'I"l.g.Y1!<..:....>o:;:!...>d::!.!.l!'VUU=:<..1.....+L--___
GJ W6 P ("i1S k.. 0 ~dg,r

Special Handling Instructions: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Originator's Name: Telephone: ('2.0(0) "242- Z07~

Originator's Facsimile Number: _ _ _ _ _--'('-''2=O-''(p''-,,)~2=(Q'''-2..=--2=='O::::...1I__;'_II_----------


Briof Description of Communication Faxed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Informa[iot1 attached to the cover sheet is U.S. Government Property. If you are not th~ intc;nded recipient of this
information. disclosure. reproductioD distribution, or usc; of this informadon is prohibited (1S.USC, § 641). Please notify the

originator or the local FBI Office immediately 1:0 arntrISe for proper disposition.
09/26/2006 12:43 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

. a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $83,800.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $159.800.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R Batiste, Chief Sign~l..~

Date Date

Page 1 of1
09/26/2006 12:43 FAX 2062622014 t.eJUU3


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: Chad R Melton

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2006 End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order.. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$38.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount $83,800.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R Batiste, Chief Date Date'

CHAD ~ M~t.:TQN ,Sale. P('opr-iaor .

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11 :47 AM
To: 'Chad Melton'
Cc: Huntley, Keith (WSP); Ladines, Lance (WJAC)
Subject: RE: Criminal intelligence analyst contract extension
Attachments: melton amd 3 0906.doc; melton task order 2 0906.doc

Attached is an amendment and task order for your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund
the contract for one additional year.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Friday, September 29, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of the
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Chad
R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30,2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $83,800.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $159.800.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: Chad R. Melton

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2006 End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Chad Melton) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time ofthe period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$38.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060694PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $83,800.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad Melton

Telephone Number: (206) 262-2075


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Washington State> Offi.ce of Financial Management> PSCD Page 1 of2

PSCD Home Filing

Personal Service Contracts Database

Reporting Queues Admin Search Contact Us Links Help

2 records found.

,CD Search Again." J

i1'JkiW? .. ; w" 11, 1 ,11ffl1i'H/It)!;RJllV

Filed Contract Search Results

Filed Contract Search Criteria:

Get all filed contracts by TIN:

;,:~if Click on a contract filing number below to see additional details. Amend 'A' identifies amendments.

Agency: Contract Serv OFM

File # File Date Agency Legal Name TIN Amend Value
ft Desc Desn

35265- Melton, Chad
9/28/2006 WSP C060694PSC A $83,800 CE
01 R.

35265- Melton, Chad

11/17/2005 WSP
C060694PSC $79,000 CE
0 0 ,



~ Reviewed

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCD/Query/SimpleQueryResults.aspX 10127/2006
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 2 of2

_ Acknowledged

rIG! Disapproved

~ Returned

Flnartc,QI Mart.gement

http://contracts,ofm,wa,govIPSCD/Query/SimpleQueryResults,asPX 1012712006
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:53 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/28/2006 2:53:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 53437

Contractor Legal Name: Melton, Chad R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060694PSC
Filed Date: 9/28/2006 2:53:00 PM
Start Date: 10/1/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $79,000

Amendment Value: $83,800
New Total Contract Value: $162,800

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Shawn Eckhart

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Shawn Eckhart

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal services Contracts

Page 1 of3

PS. CD Personal Service Contracts Database


Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed 8.y:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Melton, Chad R.
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through regional intelligence centers co-
located with local law enforcement jurisdictions; or at the Washington Joint Analytical
Center. The amendment allows the contractor for provide continuous services for the
next federal fiscal year.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
35265 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
This Filing $83,800 $83,800
Contract Total $162,800

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
10/01/2006 09/30/2007


Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSunnnary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/28/2006
Page 2 of3

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The agency only recently learned that it would receive additional federal funding for these services, and was
unable to file the amendment in time.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will continue to work with the Military Department in order to secure funding earlier in order to
facilitate the filing process.
Filing Justific$ltion
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional year. WSP is required to
provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2006 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.
The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, replace and train up any
other contractor.
Contract Amendment

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/2812006
Page 3 of3

State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services. Additionally, the agency has conducted four procurements for these services
over the past 1.5 years, and is finding it increasingly difficult to identify qualified contractors to provide these
services. The agency is currently in the process of conducting another procurement to provide these services
to local jurisdictions where services are not currently being provided.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond September 30, 2006.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through September 30, 2006 when the
agency received an extension of funding from the Military Department. The agency's intent is to conduct a
procurement for the services provided through this contract and issue a new competitively procured contract
once this contract expires on September 30, 2007.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
melton amd 3 0906.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/2812006
Date 6/2/06
Washington State Patrol
LOS - I-I-
d t ana FIscaIServlces Con t ractNn
Bulge a IICaf Ion Farm
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 [gi Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C060694PSC (2)
., Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
January 19, 2006 September 30, 2006
Contract Title CFDANo.
Criminallnteliigence Analyst Services DYes ONo
Contractor Name
Chad R. Melton
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas

.Remarks: Ex1ends period of performance for four months.

Contract Amount Position Signature.3nj Date

Contract Amount
$76,000.00 Grants and Contracts Manager
//A /~U~~·
$0.00 Business Office Mana~r51" P' /1 /
~ I' ;ritl

f."e VI; ~
Revised Total ~v Allot: DYes ONo
$76,000.00 Budget Manager/,

Amount ',1lfnamici t d Receipt: DYes ONo

Indirect Costs %
Accounting Managel 01Cb IV -5f!;; :--~
Sub Revenue Code PercenV
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
SIS4 001 020 00270 SIS4 CE

Billable Contracts Only ~

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage on~ ONo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo ~

per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OfT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNO __________ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtim~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes ONo
Contract Pays Only OfT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
TypefoR!lceipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
_. ___ j)jst(ittution:[gil'rojectManager.[giAcCD!lntant [giBudgetAllalyst 0 Other.~_~~~=~_~
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
05/25/2006 14:03 FAX 2062622014 I(!J uuz

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Chad R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $32,700.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


Date Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

DATE: June 13, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Chad R. Melton. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget
code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take
the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.
• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment
• The [mal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this


cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing projessiolUlllaw enjorce111f!nt services

General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540

June 13, 2006

Mr. Chad Melton

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your
records--:-------------------- - - - - ---------- -------------- ---------------

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Mr. e ey R. Hu
Budget and Fis

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

January 19, 2006 - D

Period of September 30, ~ Amendment
Contract No. C060694PSC (2) Performance: -,2,,-,0-,-0_6_ _ _ _ _ D
Contract Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Other Party: Chad R. Melton
~ Payable
D Receivable
Amount: $76,000.00 D Other:

Scope of Work: Extends and adds sufficient funds for 4 additional months.
Funded via LETPP FFY04 grant from the Military Department.

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC
Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Chad R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $32,700.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 10f 1
05/25/ 2006 14:03 FAX 206262 2014 I{g UU.l




o Immed iato o Tor Secret Time Transmitted:
Il:! Prierie)' o Secret Sender 's Initials:
Numbe r of Pages: _ _,---"2~___
o Routin e ~ Confidential
o Sensitive (includ ing co \o'er Shco;l).
o Unclassified

Date: s-/zs

me of Office

Fac5irn ile Numbe r: (3(,, 0) ~w L{ - 'D(P 5'7

Attn: ::re-Pr' HVjdZLh 1 Room Teleph one

Nam~ of Office

Subjec c:

___________ _ _ _ _ __
Speda l Handli ng Inslruc tions: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Origin ator's Name: c.nM (L fYk'tvV1 Telephone: (Zolt» iRk 1-76~/ __ _

Origin ,,'or's F~csimile Numbe r: (1IJ( ;) "}.f.:t>2- 2-D I Y

Approv ed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

________________ _
Bric:fDescripcion tJfCommunic:l..I::ion Faxed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _

." :¥-----~.",
05/25/2006 14:03 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr_
Chad R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $32,700.00_

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:16 PM
To: 'cmelton@leo.gov'
Cc: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: Criminal intelligence analyst services contract extension

We still haven't received an extension to the funds for your contract from the Military Department. In anticipation
of an extension, I've attached a task order amendment to this e-mail that will extemd the task order through
September 30, 2006.

Please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the task order amendment, fax the task
order amendment to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the task order amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the task order amendment via fax no later than Wednesday, May 31,2006 at 4:00 p.m. local time.

If we do not receive an extension to your contract's funds the task order will end at midnight on May 31, 2006. I
will inform you of the status of this extension via e-mail no later than noon on May 31,2006. Should the funding
for your task order lapse, it is our intent to enter into a new task order for your services as soon as funding can be

Please let me know if you have any questions concerning this e-mail.

Second Task Order Amendment

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 1
Contractor: Chad R. Melton
Revision Date: May 25,2006

The above-referenced Task Order between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Chad R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance for this Task Order is extended through September

All other terms and conditions of this Task Order remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Page 1 of 1
Date 4/11/06
Washington State Patrol
LOS - /-/-
d t an dFIseaI S '
ervlces Con tract No ff
Ilcaf Ion Form
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
1/19/2006 5/31/06
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Chad R. Melton
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-~ail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Revises Task Order 1 to extend theperiod of performance for one month.

Contract Amount Position Signatur~n9 D~te

Contract Amount
$76,000 Grants and Contracts Manager
~~~/<. ~ ~
0 Business Office Manager rYll , f/ 'j
Revised Total
$76,000 Budget Manager A~ /JA JIJ /yx/, --bff1 Allot: DYes DNo
Amount ' '17'= Un . ated Receipt: DYes DNo
Accounting Manager \ ~~
Indirect Costs %
v Revenue Code
Master Index Fund Project Sub Percent!
AI PI Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source


00270 SIS4

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo . Mileage O~DNO ---
Std Mileage Rate: DVes DNo ~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo

Special Rules: DVes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DVes DNO _______ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtim~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
TypeJ)f-REiCeipt: o Revenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
---Distribution: ~ Project Manager ~ Accountant ~Budget Analyst o Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
300·365-522 (R 6103)
Task Order Amendment

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 1
Contractor: Chad R. Melton
Revision Date: April 11, 2006

The above-referenced Task Order between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and
Chad R. Melton (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a.. The period of performance for this Task Order is extended through May 31,2006.

b. The Contractor's address is revised to:

All other terms and conditions of this Task Order remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



John R. Batiste, Chief ~ Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Amendment to Task Order 1, WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

DATE: April 21, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Chad R. Melton. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget
code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take
the following steps to' ensure the correct payment of this contract:
• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.
• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment
• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this


cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000~323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency proViding professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administrative Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

April 21 • 2006

Mr. Chad Melton

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: Amendment to Task Order 1, WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The WaShington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Mr. Jeff y R. Hu
Budget and Fisca

Budget'and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
Contract No. _-~'l1I-~~~~' 0 Recurring
Contract Title: --Q~~~-.24J~-..£.1'dl~:tL.-d.I£L~Z::::;L ______
Other Party:
o Receivable
Amount: . .
VC.,MO o Other:

Grants and Contract Manager: _~~_1k3t-.x:_Z~V_""'I-/-~~f'1f-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

Eon,s:::SZ O"""oc - - # H l - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chief: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Governor Chief

General Administrative Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

April 11, 2006

Mr. Chad Melton

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: Amendment to Task Order 1, WSP Contract No. C060694PSC

Enclosed are two originals of the referenced amendment to the agreement between the
Washington State Patrol and your firm. Once an approved representative of your firm
has signed these originals, please return both originals to my attention at the following

Budget and Fiscal Services

Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602

The Washington State Patrol agreement tracking number is referenced above; please
use this number on all correspondence regarding the contract. If you need further
assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fisc Services


(Rev. 1/91) INVOICE VOliEj~d!

(new online version 12101)

Washington State Patrol



:210 0<>1 o:l.o '27/ C(.

Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 2:50 PM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: RE: Chad Melton

Can you confirm his mailing address for me? It just came back as undeliverable.

From: Huntley, Keith (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9: 16 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: Chad Melton

Yes. He's good to go.

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol
Washington Joint Analytical Center
(360) 704-2422

.----.--- --.
From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:58 AM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: Chad Melton

Just to confirm, Chad has passed his background check and it's OK to sign his task order, right?

Washington State Patrol Date JL!JlJOl>"
Budget a,,~ Fiscal Services Contract Notitlc;ation Form LOS - / 7
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 ~ayable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
(C) "067,/P~C. U)
eolltFclct Start Date CeaUact'End Date la51::: 0,.1,,- AFRS End Date
~F- /r/f1~t
-, 7C 'ItJo/O,"
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
J;,4e/b<lM ~ AI\.. /yst- ~r.'''''<: DYes DNa
Contractor Name
C/.J cR., t1ef~.
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

CY R. I"i t H.... (;:;lor. ) 6' 1- 785"1
Contractor E-Mail Address
Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
lJ. f/.."tj,'I lAO J ISB G;/nt> ~ ••
Remarks: ' I.. lieO,J.r .D.,.. ... ""
10 (./;\ cr.+r· Se .. lJk
I-!'t. ~L eQ/i "- ,. 3B .... -!;z:vt I
7,.i O&~CoAIf8et Amount Position
L""\/ S~atur:.an9-D~e
Contract Amount
$ Grants and Contracts Manager
(r~7£"'(/.. 7%h f3g'
$ Business Office ManagK(tMJ t/(/, ·'1
Revised Total
'U,OCJJ """ ~ Budget Manager I ~
i/"V m~ .Ilia<.: Allot: DYes DNa
Unan!fcip, ed Receipt: DYes DNa

Indirect Costs -% Accounting Manager ~L (JV

Sub \/ Revenue Code PercenU
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount

{.J A 'Jif 00/ rJA..O 1003. ?-, IAr'J'-I rJ~

Group Source Source

- loo.a

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNa Mileage Only: DYes DNa
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNa ~MileageRate$ per mile

Travel Authorized: DYes DNa Voluntary OIT: DYes DNa
Special Rules: DYes DNa

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes a AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNa

Overtime Allowed: es DNa Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNa
Contract Pays Only 0 ost: DYes DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:

Type of Receipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure

Distribution: ~roject Manager j8'Accountant ~udget Analyst - 0 Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060694PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: Mr. Chad R Melton

Period of Performance Date of

for Task Order: Start Date: Execution End Date: April 30, 2006

Description of Service: The Contractor shall provide Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
. to WSP during the time period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The Local Worksite during this Task Order shall
be the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) in Seattle,

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate identified under Section 5, Fees, in the
Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for travel
related costs per Section 5, Fees, in the
Maximum Task Order Amount: $76,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 753-0315, ext 139
Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Chad R. Melton, (206) 661-7851

Telephone Number:


0d..v cJJ, Date

John R. Batiste, c h 4

Printed Name and TItle

Washington State Patrol
Budget anl.A fiscal Services Contract Notification Form LOS t I
D Billable over $10,000 D Billable under $10,000 !2rPayable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
r ",-r,r.,c, I-/t;>s C-
Contract Start Date Contract c7nd Date AFRS End Date
, '/301177-
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
.T1/~ell";M ~ AMl. <t- <);,/v,.... " • DYes DNo
Contractor Name

Contractor Contact Address

C4aJ f. /1t(~

ci.AJ f..
contract0 Contact Name

Contractor E-Mail Add6lS

Contractor Contact Phone
Contractor Contact Fax
6(;,/- 18>7
Contractor EIN/SSN

BFS Accountant Name

WSP SectionlDiVjiOn/BUreau BFS Budget Analyst Name
/:J. H"I'I.~),1 tlrD IS~ £ 1t..F- t;J<J .f.,v __ •
Remarks: -t1\ <; It /N~ F i2 (2_&(;:, v,l2E 0 /l:;Wo&-
J.j. Il l)c:: -a ':<J:\ + -f.rn ,/p {

Contract Amount Position Signaturejjng, g,ate

//zp rvz.. /5<{

$ Grants and Contracts Manager / IL
.. f/ II
Contract Amount /7""'71" /
Amount $ Business Office Managem~1 "/
f)J~ ,.'/10 /.. '-tdt
Revised Total
Amount $ 1, WJ M~\( Budget Manager / ' I }fVV Allot: DYes DNo
',{ /1Jn~ticipate Receipt: DYes DNo
Accounting Manager \
Indirect Costs - %
V Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
GroUD Source Source

..,\ IriO DE fLY


Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only: DYes DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo SpecialJlllileage Rate $ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo Voluntary OfT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Con DYes DNo AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtim lIowed: DYes DNo Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Iy OfT Cost: DYes DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:

Type of Receipt: DRevenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure

Oistribution:~Project Manager g Accountant ~udget Analyst D Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

300-365-522 (R 6/03)
WSP Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract 'is 'between the, State of Washington,Washington State Patrol,and the Contractor identified
below,andisgoyerned by chapter 39.29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
Mr. Chad R. Melton
Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number (mandatory. for
tax purposes)

Contact Name Contact Telephone

Mr. Chad R. Melton (206) 661-7851
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address

wSP contact Information ,

WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
Keith Huntley, Lieutenant WSP Investigative Assistance Division
PO Box 2347,01 mpiaWA 98507-2347
(360) 753-0315 ext 139
(360) 586-8231
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts Manager Olymoia WA 98504-2602
, Telephone
(360) 753-0602
(360) 664-0657
E-mail Address
,(, ,

contract Start Date

Date of Execution
I Contract End Date
September 30, 2007
IMaximum Contract Amount
$76,000 '
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
I:8J Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
I:8J Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
I:8J Additional Exhibits as specified: Contractor Employee Nondisclosure AQreement
Thi~Cjjntrilct.,inciuding," the attached" Terms and',Conditions and.ar~(.'othej'.docUrrientsi?cOrporated"'~Y·refilrenpej
c()n!ains all of theterms, and conditions agreed upon by the parties. 'Noolber .understanciingsprtepresel'lla!iOnS,Orl'llpr
belpwwammtthattheYhavereadandunoerstandthis Contractand'have.theauthoritv10 enterintoJnis·Contract. ' "
WSP Signatur~ Date 0~ractor Signatue---... Date
cPp-,~ '1r9(0(, j...Q".-1?-~ i:>I'CIIMSt::12- 'I 2.DDS'
Printed Name and Title U Printed Name and Title

& l'\Iohn R. Batiste, Chief CHAD R. Me:t.::rON , ANAL;'IST


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 10

2112/02 -
Exhibit A

1. General.

a) Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be signed
by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that location. Each Task
Order, once accepted by WSP and the Contractor, shall be an amendment to this
b) As assigned by WSP and after execution of a Task Order, the Contractor shall provide
criminal intelligence analyst services to provide the following products:
• Raw Intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance; and must
provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst Notebook
application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of
contract execution.
3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Contract, the Contractor must
follow these basic rules of conduct while providing services:

a) Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work while
under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The Contractor
shall not possess, use or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP facility or Local
Worksite. The Contractor shall not use or possess any narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance except at the direction of a physician, dentist, or other medical
authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor is directed by competent medical
authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance, he/she shall not
use such medication to the extent that their performance is affected while at any WSP
facility or Local Worksite.
b) Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of his/her
duties, shall control his/her temper and exercise the utmost patience and discretion, and
shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of his/her duties, the
Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or gestures, and
shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics, national origin,
. lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.
c) Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when
providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

yvSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 10

2112/02 -
4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into his or her possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either Chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or
federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information. The
Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make
use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract,
and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to
any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.
The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to
prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that the
Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate the
use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through this
Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into the
Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of this
Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal
5. Fees. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor under this Contract.

Contractor Hourly Rate

Chad R. Melton $38.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the Local Worksite identified in
the Task Order, WSP will reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and
business vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement
rates. These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual
(SAAM). This manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 10

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is obligated
to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. . Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
. assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Servi<;e Contract Page 4 of 10

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgementin obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW. .

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief ofWSP shall appoint a member to the· Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make
a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding to all
parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by negligent
acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contragt Page50f10.

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Coniractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Contract.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents' of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

.17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract, the
Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by statute,
regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its organization's
structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting procedures,
practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to WSP and all
expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the
following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 10

computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any prOVision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 10

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for defauli, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it is
determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
ariSing out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage ofWSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract .

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 10

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 10

Exhibit C

I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C060694PSC (Contract)
or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either Chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers,
e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license
numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency
security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential
Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release,
divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without
WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized
access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the Contractor,
I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Contractor for its
disposition according to the terms of this Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

c"lf f\-l> \2. \'II ELaof{ I ANAL.'1ST

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 ofl0


TO: Sergeant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C060694PSC and Task Order 1
DATE: January 20, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Chad Melton. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget
code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take
the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:
• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.
• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment
• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504.2600 • (360) 753·6540

January 20, 2006

Mr. Chad Melton

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: WSP Contract No. C060694PSC and Task Order 1 to WSP Contract No.

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of each of the referenced
contracts between the Washington State Patrol and you. Please keep these originals
for your records.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the contract number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
contract. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Mr. Je ey R. Hu ahl
Budget and Fisc I Services

Budgefimd Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

~ew ..
Period of 77f,' tJ~"", I: 'D
Contract No. CIltdt:1,f1'1 c. Performance: /)()C . ~"h'~ o Recurring

Contract Title: _~7A""'/'ZL~IU<---)j~~r.t4..l.!'U~.--<A~IUM~'G4.r~;>--I____________

Other Party: ~
o Receivable
Amount: ur~ ,I7c., I/dO D Other:
Scope of Work: _· _ _

"A.j~d L
Grants and Contract Manager:

l3usiness Office Manager:

Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:16 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: Chad Melton

Yes. He's good to go.

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol
Washington Joint Analytical Center
(360) 704-2422

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:58 AM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: Chad Melton

Just to confirm, Chad has passed his background check and it's OK to sign his task order, right?

General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540

December 1, 2005

Mr. Chad R. Melton ....",0"".' ''-''.''. 'y;.; .; "

_---I.I'-<I'JJ-=P-5' ---

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C060694PSC - WSP Criminal Intelligence

Analyst Services

Enclosed are two originals of the referenced agreement' between you and the
Washington State Patrol, as well as two originals of Task Order 1 to the same. Once
you have signed these originals, including both the base agreement and Task Order 1,
as well as at least one copy of Exhibit C in the base agreement, please return all
originals to the following:

Mr. Shawn Eckhart

Budget and Fiscal Services
Washington State Patrol
P.O. Box 42602
Olympia, WA 98504-2602

WSPwili hold the agreements unexecuted until notification internally that your requisite
background check has been passed. Once executed, you will receive one original. The
Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the contract number referenced
above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding the agreement. If you
need further assistance, please contact Mr. Eckhart at (360) 570-3125.



Budget and Fiscal ervices

General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 753·6540

November 17, 2005

Mr. Chad R. Melton

Dear Mr. Melton:

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C060694PSC - WSP Criminal Intelligence

Analyst Services

Enclosed are two originals of the referenced agreement between you and the
Washington State Patrol, as well as two originals of Task Order 1 to the same. Once
you have signed these originals, including both the base agreement and Task Order 1,
as well as at least one copy of Exhibit C in the base agreement, please return all
originals to the following:

Mr. Shawn Eckhart

Budget and Fiscal Services
Washington State Patrol
P.O. Box 42602
Olympia, WA 98504-2602

WSP will hold the agreements unexecuted until notification internally that your requisite
background check has been passed. Once executed, you will receive one original. The
Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the contract number referenced
above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding the agreement. If you
need further assistance, please contact Mr. Eckhart at (360) 570-3125.



Budget and Fisc Services

Personal Service Contre; Risk Assesment
Page 1 of4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
WSP Contract Number
BFS Contracts Specialist


1. Description of serviC?!
.:z:?-nrt- A4,/,1':L i1"sMa-?
/ /

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision Comments
FundinQ source (account codinQ) and Amount £.e:7""PP tJA7 II-- :1'/-4,
Has an authorized manager approved the
expenditure? ~esD~o
Type of appropriation (federal, state, other) 7":". /
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties List System been ~es DNo
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? /J#I
• Agency resources o Vel# 0 No
• Other public (governmental) resources o Vell,[] No
Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performedlis performed by WSP
DVes ~No
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? DVes DNo IV/A
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
DVes DNo
proceed with the contract? 1/
Is contractor a current or former state employee? DVes 0
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board o Ves I)(t No
• If former, provide last date of employment.
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate method(s) of S':Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? Fixed Price
o Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contra Risk Assesment
Page 2 of4

If the contratc~ ijUnded, is the Contractor a

subrecipient vendor?
If a subrecipienf, are audits required? If yes, evaluate
coverage Drovided bvexistina and anticiDated audits.
DYes DNo


1 . What was the process used to select this contractor?

g Competitive D Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

Ji§ Formal (>$20,000) D Informal «$20,000)

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintained. l- / /
-z;, RF~& +.t46"iV

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting

4. Advertised? gYes D No D NIA (less than $20,000)

Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheel and affidavit)? cgYes D No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? DYes I}J-No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?D Yes D No N~

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point =O. Unknown, risk point =5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contro. Risk Assesment
Page 3 of4

1 . Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= =
Lower Risk; Yes Hiaher Risk ?
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 Medium Risk c/
>$100,000 Hiah Risk
Comoiexitv of services :1.
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s) did you use? What
experience do you have with the method(s)?

o Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
f!Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
Fixed Price (score 1-3))
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1-3)
Procurement method:
~ Competitive (score 1 to 3) ;;Z
Sole Source (score 3 to 51

2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of fundinQ ::J
Lenath of time in business '?

Exoerience and oast oerformance lJ
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
Financial health and oractices (is contractor's financial condition aood or Door?) ~
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the
Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?)
Oraanizational chanaes (is oraanization stable or does it have freauent turnover?) ~
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?) ~
Leilal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) '3
Backaround of individuals Ido you have resumes?) :;l

3. Total Risk Points

D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
~Yes oNo

2. Does tbe risk assessment form the basis af the monitoring plan?
~es oNo
Personal Service Contn. Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
j&fYes D No
4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitorina Activities Comments

Review of entitVPeriodic reports X
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation X
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetings, etc.) )t'
Maintain other periodic contract with
contractor (telephone, email, etc.)

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
exam ole, A133 audits)?
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure aoo-rooriate spendina of state funds?
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed?
Is corrective action necessary? Were
ouestioned costs resolved?
Are audit findings, if any, resolved?


Any activities need follow-uo?
All invoices have been received andl)aid?
Follow-up on audit findinQs needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

Search - Current Exclusions

EPLS Search
I Resources

F' ',c, ," ,"," =, ' •. ,," > Search Help

> Advanced Search Search Results for Parties > Public User's Manual

> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

Partial Name: Melton > Acronyms
> Exact Name and SSNfTlN
State: WASHINGTON > Privacy Act Provisions
Save to MyEPLS > News

View Cause and Treatment Code

Descriptions Reports
Your search returned no results.

> Reciprocal Codes

Back Ne~ S.~arch printer.FriendIY"" ••• ;
'-----_ _-'I.
> Procu rement Codes > Advanced Reports
> Nonprocurement Codes
Archive Search - Past EXclusions
Agency & Acronym,lnformation

> Agency Contacts '-----_ _--'I.

> Advanced Archive Search
> Agency Descriptions
> Multiple Names
> State/Country Code Descriptions

Contact Information

> Email: support@epls.gov

> Debar Maintenance
> Administration
> Upload Login > Phone: 1-866-GSA-EPLS

http://www.epls.gov/epls/search.do 111912007
Eckhart. Shawn (WSP)
From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 1:04 PM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decisio.n: 11/17/20052:14:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 35265-00

Contractor Legal Name: Melton, Chad R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060694PSC
Filed Date: 11/17/2005 2:14:00 PM
Sta.rt Date: 11/17/2005
Filed By: Shawn Eckhart

Contract Value: $79,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of 4

. . . . ..
Persona! Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By: Shawn Eckhart
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Melton, Chad R.
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
Service CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the
Washington Analytical Center (WAJAC) in Seattle, Washington, andlor for regional
intelligence groups (RIGs). Work accomplished under the Contract is by mutually
executed task order and the first task order under this agreement is for work at the
WAJAC in Seattle, Washington, through 4-30-06.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
This Filing $79,000 $79,000
Contract Total $79,000

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
11/17/2005 11/17/2005 09/30/2007


Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified

http://contracts.ofin.wa.gov/PSCD/Filing/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVP... 11/23/2005
Page 2 of4

Former State Employees

None Identified
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to
address and which makes the services necessary.
The Washington Joint Analytical Center is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional. and federal agencies by
organizing and disseminating threat information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies,
first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time. accurate. two-way flow of
intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies include the FBI. U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement, the Washington National Guard, the Washington State Patrol, and several local law
enforcement agencies. Nine Regional Intelligence Groups (RIGs) are being created to provide criminal
intelligence services in an effort to prevent terrorism. The RIGs are comprised of representatives of local and
state law enforcement agencies, and serve to provide regionally-focused intelligene analysis products, as well
as to serve as a conduit for information to and from the WAJAC.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsillilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Competitive Solicitation Process
Advertisement Information
Name of the newspapers the advertisement was published in: Daily Journal of Commerce
Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 9
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or
the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation
process or what differentiated this contractor from others.
The contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work
experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of jurisdictions that will be
receiving the services. Mr. Melton has a masters degree in Criminal Justice from Washington State
University. The RFQQ required: "A four-year or higher college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement,
statistical analysis or a related field may be substituted for the work experience requirement." His
qualifications exceed the minimum qualifications required by the RFQQ.

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/Filing/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVP... 11/23/2005
Page 3 of 4

Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.

Matthew Black, Keith Stringfellow, SAIC, KSNK Enterprises, Tom Kolega. The Masters Touch, Setracon,
Kristin Norton
Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection
committee made the award decision, etc).
Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence
Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center staff to score vendor education, training and work experience.
Cost points were awarded based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all
vendors. Proposed consultant team members were separated by work location availability. The highest
scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local jurisdictions participating in the regional
intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant team members would work. The final
selection was based on the outcome of these interviews.
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
For proposed consultant team members, the average hourly rate was $59.95 per hour. The contractor
proposed $38.00 per hour. $3,000 per contractor employee has been added to the maximum contract amount
for travel costs. These costs are not included in the maximum dollar amount of the contract itself, but are paid
separately above that amount.
060694.doc - 95232kb
060694(1 ).doc - 36352kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes
Correspondence Questions
Shawn: The additional information helps a little, but other candidates must have masters degrees. (?) I was
actually looking for more explanation of his experience and expertise which resulted in the evaluators
conSidering him better qualified than others. We need as much information as you can provide. Thanks.
This is the answer that was received: In the selection for the position within WAJAC, Melton was compared to
four other applicants and it was determined that he would be the best fit for that particular position. The
decision to select him was based on his military experience, his proficiency using certain software programs,
the positions of trust he recently held and his education. Of the four positions within WAJAC, three are filled
by contractors who have retired from law enforcement in King County. The evaluators thought it best to select
a contractor for the final position who has recent military experience and who can provide a different analytical
Shawn: Please provide further explanation re: Mr. Melton's background and experience that supports the fact
that he has strengths in those areas.
Mr. Melton has a masters degree in Criminal Justice from Washington State University. The RFQQ states: "A
four-year or higher college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field
may be substituted for the work experience requirement." His qualifications exceed the minimum
qualifications required by the RFQQ.
The filing indicates the contract maximum as $79,000, but the attached contract document indicates $76,000.
Which is correct? If the filing, please revise the contract and re-attached to PSCD. If the contract is correct, I
will change the total in PSCD for you.

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCDlFilinglPrintFilingSunnnary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVP ... 11123/2005

Page 4 of4

Both are correct. The contract itself excludes travel costs under the maximum contract amount, however, your
office wanted travel costs included in the filed amount. We estimated those costs to be $3,000 per contractor
employee, and filed 11 previous contracts at $79,000 per contractor employee vs. the $76,000 per contractor
employee on the contractual documents. We will do this either way, but we thought we would continue in this
manner for consistency.

http://contracts.ofm.wa .gov/PSCD/FilinglPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVP...11/23/2005
Eckhart. Shawn (WSP)
From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Thursday, November 17,20052:14 PM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 11/17/20052:14:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 49347

Contractor Legal Name: MeltoD, Chad R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060694PSC
Fiied Date: 11/17/2005 2:14:00 PM
Start Date: 11/17/2005 Filed By: Shawn Eckhart

Contract Value: $79,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofrn.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 00

Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By: Shawn Eckhart
OFM Decision

Contractor Information
Legal Name Melton, Chad R.
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the
Washington Analytical Center (WAJAC) in Seattle, Washington, andlor for regional
intelligence groups (RIGs). Work accomplished under the Contract is by mutually
executed task order and the first task order under this agreement is for work at the
WAJAC in Seattle, Washington, through 4-30-06.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State other Total
This Filing $79,000 $79,000
Contract Total $79,000

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
11/17/2005 11/17/2005 09/30/2007


Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified

http://contracts.ofin.wa.gov/PSCD/filing/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=rnnuVPr... 11117/2005
Page 20f3

Former State Employees

None Identified

Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to
address and which makes the services necessary.
The Washington Joint Analytical Center is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies by
organizing and disseminating threat information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies,
first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, two-way flow of
intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies inclucje the FBI, U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement, the Washington National Guard, the Washington State Patrol, and several local law
enforcement agencies. Nine Regional Intelligence Groups (RIGs) are being created to provide criminal
intelligence services in an effort to prevent terrorism. The RIGs are comprised of representatives of local and
state law enforcement agencies, and serve to provide regionally-focused intelligene analysis products, as well
as to serve as a conduit for information to and from the WAJAC.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources·
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively. .
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Competitive Solicitation Process
Advertisement Information
Name of the newspapers the advertisement was published in: Daily Journal of Commerce
Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 9
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or
the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation
process or what differentiated this contractor from others.
The contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work
experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of jurisdictions that will be
receiving the services.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.

Matthew Black, Keith Stringfellow, SAIC, KSNK Enterprises, Tom Kolega, The Masters Touch, Setracon,

Page 300

Kristin Norton
Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection
committee made the award decision, etc).
Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence
Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center staff to score vendor education, training and work experience.
Cost points were awarded based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all
vendors. Proposed consultant team members were separated by work location availability. The highest .
scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local jurisdictions participating in the regional
intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant team members would work. The final
selection was based on the outcome of these interviews.
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
For proposed consultant team members, the average hourly rate was $59.95 per hour. The contractor
proposed $38.00 per hour. $3,000 per contractor employee has been added to the maximum contract amount
for travel costs. These costs are not included in the maximum dollar amount of the contract itself, but are paid
separately above that amount.
060694.doc - 95232kb
060694(1 ).doc - 36352kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

Page 1 of1

Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

From: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, November 17, 20051:36 PM
Subject: RFQQ No. C060226PSC - Apparent Successful Proposer

Mr. Chad R. Melton,

Congratulations - you have been tentatively selected as an apparent successful proposer under WSP RFQQ No.
C060226PSC, contingent on you passing a background check conducted by WSP.

You will be receiving a contract and work task order from WSP through postal mail within the next few days.

In addition to passing a background check, remaining under contract will require that you fUlfill other RFQQ
conditions, such as being licensed to do business in Washington State within 10 business days of this
announcement if not already so; and formal training in i2's Analyst Notebook application and Penlink within 120
days of contract execution if not already proficient in those applications.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (360) 570-3125 or at shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov

Shawn Eckhart
Washington State Patrol
Budget & Fiscal Services
(360) 570-3125

Eckhart. Shawn (WSP)

From: Huntley, Keith (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 9:27 AM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: Contractors

Hi Shawn,

Corona, Crow and Gerber passed their background investigations so they should be starting to provide services this week
or next.

We selected Chad Melton to provide services at the WAJAC in Seattle. I will forward his background to HRD today.

Other selections are still pending.


Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol
Washington Joint Analytical Center
(360) 704-2422

WSP Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified
below, and is governed by chapter 39.29 RCW,
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
Mr. Chad R. Melton
Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number (mandatory, for
tax purposes)

Contact Name Contact Telephone

Mr. Chad R. Melton (206) 661-7851
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address
WSPContact Information
WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
Keith Huntley, Lieutenant WSP Investigative Assistance Division
PO Box 2347; 01 mpia WA 98507-2347
(360) 753-0315 ext 139
(360) 586-8231
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts Manager Olympia WA 98504-2602
(360) 753-0602
(360) 664-0657
E-mail Address

Contract Start Date

Date of Execution
I Contract End Date
September 30, 2007
I Maximum Contract Amount
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
~ Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
~ Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
~ Additional Exhibits as specified: Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement
ThisCdntrac~including the attached Terms and Conditions and any other ddcumentsdr\cdrporated~y referenpe,
contains all oftheterms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandingsorrepresent'!tidns, or~dor
otherwise, regarding the subject matterofthis Co~tractshallbe deemed to exist or bindthep<\rties. The parties signing
"b.elowwarraOIJhatthey have read and ,understandtnisContractand 'have the authority to enter intothisC.ontrac\.
WSP Signature Date Contractor Signature Date

Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


. WSP Personal Service Qontract Page 1 of 10

Exhibit A

1. General.

a) Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be signed
by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that location. Each Task
Order, once accepted by WSP and the Contractor, shall be an amendment to this
b) As assigned by WSP and after execution of a Task Order, the Contractor shall provide
criminal intelligence analy~t services to provide the following products:
• Raw Intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance; and must
provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst Notebook
application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of
contract execution.
3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Contract, the Contractor must
follow these basic rules of conduct while providing services:

a) Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work while
under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The Contractor
shall not possess, use or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP facility or Local
Worksite. The Contractor shall not use or possess any narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance except at the direction of a physician, dentist, or other medical
authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor is directed by competent medical
authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance, he/she shall not
use such medication to the extent that their performance is affected while at any WSP
facility or Local Worksite.
b) Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of his/her
duties, shall control his/her temper and exercise the utmost patience and discretion, and
shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of his/her duties, the
Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or gestures, and·
shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics, national origin,
lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.
c) Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when
providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

WSP Personal Service Contra~t Page 2 of 10

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into his or her possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either Chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or
federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, .agencysecurity data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information. The
Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make
use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract,
and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to
any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.
The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to
prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that the
Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate the
use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through this
Contract. .
Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into the
Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of this
Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal
5. Fees. ·WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor under this Contract.

Contractor Hourly Rate

Chad R. Melton $38.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the Local Worksite identified in
the Task Order, WSP will reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, sUbsistence and
business vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement
rates. These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual
(SAAM). This manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract . Page 3 of 10

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
. ("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is obligated
to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes:

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall.be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of10

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This C-ontract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor. '

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. Th,e Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make
a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding to all
parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by negligent
acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 10

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the·
performance of duties and services under this Contract.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract, the
Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by statute,
regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) SUbstantiate the Contractor's statement of its organization's
structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting procedures,
practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to WSP and all
expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the
following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

. Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this'Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws .. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 10

computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal.
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, ifWSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 10

WSP shall notify the Contractor iii writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it is
determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies ofWSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be .
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion ofthis Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 10

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract P"ge 9 of 10



I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C060694PSC (Contract)
or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either Chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information"). .

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers,
e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license
numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency
security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential
Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release,
divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without
WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized
access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the Contractor,
I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Contractor for its
disposition according to the terms of this Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of!O

Washington State Patrol 6/12120094:22:52 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

WSP Contract NO., (;060490 IpSC Program Information: Program IIAD

Category P-Pers~nal ,Services Program: Eestigative Assistance Division
Amendment No. r Program Contact: Bureau: IISB I
Title ~11~n~te~I':::A~na~l~ys:":t":S~v~c~s----- ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff ..J
Other Party IKSNK~Enterprises
Other NO., Processing Status:

Start Date Fr""1"11"'21"1"'20"'O"'5" End Date 112/3112008

Amountl $213.950 User 10 ISE AmdAmount $76.000

Contract Status IActiv~ Amd Status ICompleted

Contract Notes: Date document was sent to:
from RFQQ C060226PSC
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 10/6/2005
BFS Review 11/17/2005
Chiefs Office
Transmittal Letter 912112005
Mailed to Other Part 9/23/2005
Received Back 9/26/2005
Distributed 11/23/2005

I $0
Amd Status ICompleted
Date document was sent to:
Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 10/6/2005
BFS Review 11/17/2005
Chiefs Office 11/18/2005
Transmittal Letter 912112005
Mailed to Other Part 9/23/2005
Received Back 9/26/2005
Distributed 11/23/2005

AmdAmount I ($76.000)
Date 11/18/08
Washington State Patrol
Rt and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 [8J Payable o Other:
Other vv, '" av' Number AIR Number

Contract Start Date I,A,,, " a~~~~~ ?a~';,,,o AFRS End Date
uecemIJ", ." , «uuo
vv"" av' Title CFDANo, QFSR
Criminal II I A ,h Services I DYes DNo

Contractor Contact ,",uu, ,,~~

von" av'u, Contact Name Contractor EIN/SSN

( , E-Mail BFS Accountant Name

I anya Pierce
WSP _" Manager WSP ,~,.,~,v",u~rea~ BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner
. Ex -" of . for one ,~

Contract Amount Position /I SignaturJ~1J,P Date

a, ,t $204,750.00 Grants and Contracts Manager ~!';r~/? ~ I'~/

$9,200 Business Office /') (/I / -"
Revised Total
$213,950.00 Budget Manager 'j 1/ I 1//;'/ I) <./ L" '."iPated n. Allot: ~~:~~
Accounting '.'a' 'o~~
I : Costs %
Sub f Ie Code • " Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project M'\inr I I M~inr _ """h TAR Code
Object ;:''"''- 1.1 ;"'-'- S~~;;'e Amount

WAJ7 001 01* 00271 WAJ7 CE

Mileage Allowed:
Std Mileage Rate:
Travel Authorized:
iI ,Only

Mileage Only:

.v,i.mtary OIT:
..IlI'eS -DNo -
per mile
DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: D~es DNo -------- AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: '1'i ,,~ DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: - - - - - - 1
Primary Org ;;.;:-' _ _ _ Other Org Codes:
Typ~' []I,,,.,,,lUe [I" "d" ,uu, ~"" '''''' [] of

Distribution: [8J Project Manager [8J Accountant [8JBudget Analyst o Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

300-365-522 (R 6103)
11/25/2008 13:23 FAX 2062622014 II!l 002

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
(Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $9,200 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $213,950.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


~~~J.o, Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Amendment 3 to WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
DATE: December 3,2008

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and KSNK. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget code listed
on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take the
following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal yearend balances.

Please contact me at Micro 12, ext. 11052 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

December 3, 2008

Mr. Ken Crow

22727 SE 27th St
Sammamish WA 98075

Dear Mr. Crow:

Subject: Amendment 3 to WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number isthe agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 596-4052.


Mr. e ey R. H
Budget and Fis

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
Period of ~ Amendment
Contract No. CIlCdtft!(Jf!fc{5)performance: ~ 12;1#(0 Recurring
Contract Title: Ce. i'l,It.. 1 L k ( 447:/"/ .:Jg-.A/. Cc5
Other Party: ~
U Receivable
Amount: /J 1'3. r~ 0 Other:

. -,{ ~ l:. ~ aU't- ('tM~ .

;n;;::rrE:Z;~ (;;m5 - ~4:::Jr

Grants and Contract Manager:

Management Services Bureau Director: ~ ~ Df

Chief/Deputy Cni~f:~ 12-- -z.....-O "

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNi(
(Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $9,200 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $213,950.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief


Date Date

Page 1 of 1
11/25/2008 13: 23 f<'AX
4:!:J UV.1.

FAX: 206-262w2014

From: ~
Subject: CbYrf~ ~K;~r;"
Total number of pages, including this cover sheet:

M,_" i~ if" n~ ~~,:.;.teJ f~,e

l.i7f VVL.( kvw-J - Uf"ljl h~ 16 I~ cJ(e /h tiJ ,

*** WARNING: The contents of this transmission is CONFIDENTIAL,

and is intended for the intended' recipient only. If you have received
this in error, please destroy the contents of this transmission, and
notify the sender immediately.
11/25/2008 13:23 FAX 2062622014 Il1J uuz

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
(Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $9,200 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $213,950.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, Who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.

John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 4:41 PM
To: 'kcrow1@leo.gov'
Subject: WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
Attachments: ksnk amd 3.doc

Ken, the attached amendment will fund your contract at WAJAC through December 31, 2008. If you could sign
this amendment, fax it to me no later than Wednesday, November 26 and mail the original I'd appreciate it.

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:31 PM
To: 'kcrow1@leo.gov'
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: FW: WSP Contract No, C051041PSC

Attached is an amendment and task order to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund
the contract for two additional months.

If this amendment and task orders are acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign
and date both documents, fax the documents to my attention at (360) 596-4078, and send the documents with the
original signatures to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must
receive the fax no later than Tuesday, September 30,2008 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive theses
documents with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original each
document to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSr~) and f<Si'~i<
(Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $9,200 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $213,950.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 8:07 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 11/18/20084:12:00


-----Original Message-----
From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov (mailto:ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov]
Sent, Thursday, November 20, 2008 3,45 PM
To, Eckhart, Shawn (W8P)
Subject' PSCD, Filing Decision, Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision, 11/18/2008
4,12,00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified"as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number, 35079-03

Contractor Legal Name: KSNK Enterprise

Contractor TIN, 200674694

Agency, 225
Agency Contract #' C060490PSC
Filed Date, 11/18/2008 4,12,00 PM
Start Date, 11/30/2008
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $207,750

Amendment Value: $9,200
New Total Contract Value: $216,950

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 20084:12 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 11/18/20084:12:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 64564

Contractor Legal Name: KSNK Enterprise

Contractor TIN: 200674694

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060490PSC
Filed Date: 11/18/2008 4:12:00 PM
Start Date: 11/30/2008
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $207,750

Amendment Value: $9,200
New Total Contract Value: $216,950

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Shawn Eckhart

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Shawn Eckhart

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofrn.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3


Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 200674694
Legal Name KSNK Enterprise
UBI 602373741
Address 22727 SE 27th Street, Sammanish, WA USA 98075
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law
enforcement agencies through the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC). The
amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal
intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations
for one additional month.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
35079 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
35079 - 01 $110,250 $110,250
35079 - 02 $18,500 $18,500
This Filing $9,200 $9,200
Contract Total $216,950

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
11/30/2008 12/31/2008


Page 2 of3

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The program anticipated completing a procurement for these services in time to allow this contract to end on
November 30; and new contracts providing services effective December 1. The procurement process is taking
longer than originally anticipated.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will plan on a longer time period for the procurement of these services in the future.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional month. WSP is required
to provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic' Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The services assist the State Patrol, federal agencies,
and local law enforcement by providing criminal intelligence analysis for law enforcement missions. The
contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Prograrn through the Military
Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. WSP is contractually obligated to the federal
government to provide these services. These services are critical to WSP to fulfill their mission of "enhancing
the safety and security of our state" which includes sharing information with other local, state and federal law
enforcement organizations. In light of the Personal Service contract freeze, this amendment was approved by
executive management, the deputy chief and chief.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more effiCiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.

http;//contracts.ofin.wa.gov/PSCDfFiling/PrintFilingSurnmary. aspx?menuSelect=mnuFA... 111 1812008

Page 3 of3

The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at WAJAC while the agency conducts a competitive
procurement of these services. A new RFQQ for these services was issued on October 31,2008; the agency
is currently conducting an evaluation of proposals but will not be completed with the procurement process by
the time this contract ends on November 30, 2008. Should this contractor become an apparent successful
proposer under the new RFQQ they will be placed under a new contract; this current contract will not be
extended after this amendment.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would be available beyond November 30, 2008.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through December 31, 2008 while the
agency conducts a competitive procurement of these services. A waiver was granted by the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security for the use of $1 million. dollars of federal fiscal year 2008 funds to continue funding
contracted intelligence analysts; rather than continue to extend this contract the agency is conducting a new
procurement for these services and allowing all previous contracts for this service to expire.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
Funding was made available for an additional month by leaving an agency employee position also funded by
this grant vacant; and by terminating the majority of contracts for these services.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
ksnk amd 3.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFA. .. 11/18/2008
. Date 9/23/08
Washington State Patrol
d t an dFIscaI S
Bulge '
ervlces ContractNtTt'
o Ilca Ion Form -/-/-
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C060490PSC (2)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
November 30, 2008
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

- Tanya Pierce -
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Drake lAD Shawn Eckhart

Remarks: Extends period of performance for two months.

Contract Amount Position Signature and D)lte

/)t ~~ //~h. U"7

$186,250.00 Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
18,500.00 Business Office M't'a~er
?It /
Revised Total
$204,750.00 Budget Manager '1 fJ--7 () VIUnanticipated
..A-.o. L ' Receipt:
/; DY~~~
Allot: DYes
Accounting Managerfftfll'
Indirect Costs % ~" ..--- f~b //
jub '- f /R~venue Code PercenV
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major{,,/ Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
WAJ7 001 01' 00271 WAJ7 CE

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo

Billable Contracts Only
. . Mileage on~ DNo ---

Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo SpeCial Mileage R per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNo AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo
Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type...Dl-RElceipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
~ Project Manager
~ Accountant [gJBudgetAnalyst o Other:_- _ _ _ _ _ __

300-365-522 (R 6/03)
09/2412008 09: U4 t'M 2UU2U22U14

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
(Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b, The maximum contract amount is increased by $18,500.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $204,750.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


Signature -k e I/\, (;..J. C ro vJ

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/24/2008 09:04 FAX 2062622014 I&J VVJ


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 4

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance October I, November 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
·intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order, The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $18,500.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (206) 262-2418

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Nanie and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


~~ ~.Ja "f. Jd-of ~ 9-;2.~-~

John R. Batiste, Chief ( Date Signature. Date

Printed Name and Title
.- -'(!"'- v._t)(Aj. : . . .-. .l. -'-Pre~SI ~Mi ~

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Task Order 4, Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

DATE: October 8, 2007

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed task order and amendment between the
Washington State Patrol and KSNK. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the
budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.
Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract.

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider,
Budget and Fiscal Services, within fifteen days from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with
your assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact Ms. Haider at Micro 12, ext. 11071 if you have any questions or concerns
regarding this contract.

(}/...+\ JRH:clh
~, Attachment
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget and Fiscal Services
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Services Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000·323·001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing proJessionallaw enforcement seroices


600 • (360) 596.4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov
General Administration Buildin g· PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2

October 6, 2008

Mr. Ken Crow

22727 SE 27th St
Sammamish WA 98075
Subject: Amendment 6 & Task Order 4 to WSP Agreement No.
one fully-executed Task
Enclosed with this letter are one fully executed amendment and
Patrol and your firm.
Order of the referenced agreement between the Washington State
Please keep this original for your records.
ment number
The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agree
regard ing this
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence
Cindy Haider, Budget
agreement. If you need furthe r assistance, please contact Ms.
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596-4071.


o~J. ~~
~ Mr. Jeffr eP. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
Period of g- Amendment
Contract No. CdC(J r/wetcC':l) Performance: ~"I.JL"-:-.....l.!,~'P'-..IL 0 Recurring
Contract Title: _-L..e..,."/L.t'
Other Party: ,KiAII(' ~ W,.,)~
D Receivable
Amount: D Other:
Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

Management SeNices Bureau Director: -...!.b9~--,~-'.M~-----------

Attorney Investigative Services
A premier private investigation agency providing members of the legal community with the infonnation they need
Washington State License Number 2399
P.O. Box 779 (425) 837-0229
Issaquah, W A 98027 www.AIS-SeattIe.com

FAX Transmittal Cover Sheet

TO: JeffHugdahl FAX Number: 360-596-4078

.FROM: Ken Crow Phone: 425-503-5974

SUBJECT: Contract Extension

Number of pages, including cover sheet: 3


The originals will be in the mail later today. If you need anything more,
please let me know.

A. L S.: Where confidentially is an obsession, integrity a must, and professionalism a given

Licensed - Bonded - Insured
Member: International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators (IABTI), Washington Association of Legal Investigators
(WALL), National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI), and others -
WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
(Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $18,500.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $204.750.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2.008.

AII.other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Signature e II\, V->. C ro vJ

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 4

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance October 1, November 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $18,500.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (206) 262-2418

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


/ /...---./

;L::6~ 9-;2.~-o;r
John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
If!:J UV.1.
09/24/2008 09:04 FAX 2062622014

Attorney Investigative Services

A premier private investigation as~cy providing members of the leSal community with the infonnation they need
Washinston State License Number 2399
P.O. Box 779 (425) 837-0229
Issaquah, WA 98027 www·AIS-Seattle.com

FAX Transmittal Cover Sheet

TO: Jeff Hugdahl FAX Number: 360-596-4078

FROM: Ken Crow Phone: 425-503-5974

SUBJECT: Contract Extension

Number of pages, including cover sheet: 3


The originals will be in the mail later today. If you need anything more,
please let me know.

A. L S.; Where confidentially is an obsession, integrity a must, aDd profeSSionalism a given

Licensed - Bonded.-lnsured
Membt=r. International Association of Bomb lechnicians and Invtstigators (lABTI)~ Washingron Association ofLegnl InvcstigalotS
(WALI), NstiQnai Association of Legal Investigator.; (NALI). and olhe~
09/24/2008 09:04 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
(Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $18,500.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $204,750.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature {<etl\ (..J. CroV1

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/24/2008 09:04 FAX 2062622014 l.(tJ UUJ


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 4

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance October 1, November 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services -during the -time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order, The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $18,500.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (206) 262-2418

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


John R. Batiste, Chief Date


Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 23,20083:31 PM
To: 'kcrow1@leo.gov'
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: FW: WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
Attachments: ksnk crow amd 2.doc; crow 1006 task order 4.doc

Attached is an amendment and task order to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund
the contract for two additional months.

If this amendment and task orders are acceptable, please have an authorized jndividual for your company sign
and date both documents, fax the documents to my attention at (360) 596-4078, and send the documents with the
original signatures to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must
receive the fax no later than Tuesday, September 30,2008 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive theses
documents with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original each
document to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 4

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance October 1, November 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2008 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time ofllie period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $18,500.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Randy Drake, (206) 262-2418

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 11 :41 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP); Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: FW: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 9/15/2008 4:29:00


--~--Original Message-----
From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov [mailto:ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 11:39 AM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 9/15/2008
4:29:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 35079-02

Contractor Legal Name: KSNK Enterprise

Contractor TIN: 200674694

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060490PSC
Filed Date: 9/15/2008 4:29:00 PM
Start Date: 9/30/2008
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $189,250

Amendment Value: $18,500
New Total Contract Value: $207,750

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office· of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 4:29 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/15/2008 4:29:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 63850

Contractor Legal Name: KSNK Enterprise

Contractor TIN, 200674694

Agency, 225
Agency Contract #' C060490PSC
Filed Date, 9/15/2008 4,29,00 PM
Start Date, 9/30/2008
Filed By, Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date, $189,250

Amendment Value, $18,500
New Total Contract Value, $207,750

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Shawn Eckhart

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed, Shawn Eckhart

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3


Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 200674694
Legal Name KSNK Enterprise
UBI 602373741
Address 22727 SE 27th Street, Sammanish, WA USA 98075
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through the Washington Joint Analytical
Center (WAJAC). The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing
uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law
enforcement organizations for two additional months.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
35079 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
35079 - 01 $110,250 $110,250
This Filing $18,500 $18,500
Contract Total $207,750

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
09/30/2008 11/30/2008


Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

http;1!contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSunnnary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/15/2008
Page 2 of3

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified

Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for two additional months. WSP is required
to provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The services assist the State Patrol, federal agencies,
and local law enforcement by providing criminal intelligence analysis for law enforcement missions. The
contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military
Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.
The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.

Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at WAJAC. This amendment is funded by dollars
remaining from the state's 2007 LETPP allocation. Although the state has determined that $1 million dollars of
federal fiscal year 2008 funds are available to continue funding contracted intelligence analysts, using these

http://contracts.ofin. wa.gov/PSCDlFiJingIPrintFilingSnnnnary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF '" 9/15/2008

Page 3 of3

funds for this purpose requires a waiver to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's grant guidance
document. This waiver was requested in April 2008 and is still pending.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would be available beyond September 30, 2008.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through November 30, 2008. Although
the state has determined that $1 million dollars of federal fiscal year 2008 funds were available to continue
funding contracted intelligence analysts, we require a waiver to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's
grant guidance document to allow that use. This waiver was requested in April 2008 and is still pending.
Because this waiver request has not been granted we cannot exlend this contract beyond the two months of
remaining funding. Should the waiyer not be granted this contract will terminate with no further extensions on
November 30, 2008.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
Funding was made available for two additional months by leaving an agency employee position also funded
by this grant vacant. A number of contracts providing these services statewide will cease work and/or
terminate pending the waiver decision noted above, and the decision by local jurisdictions to continue
providing funds for local LETPP allocation - funded contracts.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
ksnk crow amd 2.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin. wa.govIPSCDlFilinglPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/15/2008

Date 11/9/07
Washington State Patrol
d t an dFIsca S
8 ulge I ' es Cont ract Na ffi
ervlc IIC~at"Ion Farm ---
o Billable over $10,000 o
Billable under $10,000 [8j Payable Other: o
Other Contract Number NRNu mber
WSP Contract Number
C0604 90PSC (1) AFRS End Date
Contract Start Date Contract End Date
Novem ber 11,20 05 Septe mber 30, 2008
Contract Title DYes ONo
Crimin al Intellig ence Analys t Servic es
Contractor Name
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor Contact Name

Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Contractor E-Mail Address
Tanya Pierce

WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name

WSP Project Manager
lAD Shawn Eckha rt
LT Zeller
Remarks: Extend s period of perfor mance for one 'lealJ:£,!lilJii§;c~

Contract Amount Position Signature ~ 9~

\/~-%'0 ~0 /tV
1\ ....... A

Previous $76,000.00 Grants and Contracts Manr"(e~

Contract Amount ,
11(7, :J5() Business Office Manag r P l/~ £
Revised Total I Budget Manager ~. Lt I r:J
"t., d Receip
~/IDjunantlcipate Allot: DYe
t: DYes
Amount f1t,~~
Indirect Costs %
Accounting Manager
//;;010 /'
Revenue Code Percent!
Sub Sub TAR Code
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Object Major Major Amount
Group Source Source


<""~ n01 .v~'~ ~.~V

WAJ6 001 020 00271 WAJ6 CE

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage On~ONo
Special Mileage R ~ per mile
Std Mileage Rate: DYes ONo
oluntary OfT: DYes DNo
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes
..----- AFRS Code Assigned: DYes ONo
Prorate Leave to Contract: Oye~
Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes ONo
Overtime Allowed: DYes
Minimum Call Out Hours:
Contract Pays Only~eS ONo
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:

Type~ipt: OReve nue o Interagency Reimb.ursement o Recovery of Expenditure


-- -
Distribution: [8j Project Manager [8j Accountant
[8jBudget Analyst o Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
09/26/2007 10:55 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
Enterprises (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $110,250 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $186.250.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chie Si~


Page 1 of 1_
09/26/2007 10:55 FAX 2062622014


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number. 3

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

De~cription of Service: The Contractor'S Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reinlburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reinlburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $110,250.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


John R. Batiste, C~ ef . Date


KeY! CrovJ)
Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Amendment to WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
DATE: October 26, 2007

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and KSNK. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget code listed
on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take the
following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Mr. Shawn Eckhart, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building • PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

October 26, 2007

Mr. Ken Crow

22727 SE 27th St
Sammamish WA 98075

Dear Mr. Crow:

Subject: Amendment to WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Contract No.
Contract Title: _~Kh..h~..L.t,tjFtL.~~L-4~~(#--<I£.~;.aGL ___
Other Party:

oo Receivable

Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:
'~ . t

Management Services Bureau Director: _----'WCLli--_'_9....,I.Ll_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
Enterprises (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $110,250 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $186.250.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief s~

Date Datf/~k;

Page 1 of 1
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $110,250.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


John R. Batiste, Chief· Date


Ket/l (:rouJ )
Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
09/20 '2007 10: 55 FAX 2062622014 IgJ UUl

To: JeffHugdahl FAX: 360-664-0657 Date: 9/26/07

From: Ken Crow Phone: 206-262-2257

Subject: Contract Amendment

Total number of pages, including this cover sheet: 3


The originals will be in the mail later today to you at PO Box 42602, Olympia.

If you need anything else, please let me know.

***WARNING: The contents of this transmission is CONFIDENTIAL,

and is intended for the intended recipient only. If you have received
this in error, please destroy the contents of this transmission, and
notify the sender immediately.
09/2f / 2007 10:55 FAX 2062622014


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance October I, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reinlburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $50.00.

Other Costs: wsp shall rein1burse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms of WSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $110,250.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


John R. Batiste, Chief' Date


KeY! CrolAl )
Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
09/2~/2007 10:55 FAX 2062622014 tgj vu""

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
Enterprises (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of perfonnance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $110,250 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $186.250.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2007.

All othertenns and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief s~


Page 1 of 1
Page I of I

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 2:35 PM
To: 'ken crow'
Cc: Zeller, Kevin (WSP)
Subject: RE: contract
Attachments: crow 1006 amd 1.doc; crow 1006 task order 3.doc

Mr. Crow-

At this time the project manager and the Investigative Assistance Division commander have reviewed the funds
available for these contracts and have determined that no funding is available for any rate increases,

Attached is an amendment and task order to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund
the contract for one additional year.

If this amendment and task order are acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and
date these documents, fax the documents to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the documents with the
original signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must
receive the both documents via fax no later than Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I
receive these documents with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed
original of these documents to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

From: ken crow [mailto:kcrow.wajac@yahoo.com]

Sent: Monday, September 24,2007 10:22 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: contract

As the end of my contract approaches, and you are sending out amendments, I'm wondering what
procedure exists for amending the hourly rate. I have become aware of a great disparity in hourly rate,
not justified by qualifications or responsibility. And, regardless, I would think that WSP would expect
and plan for some rate increase as contracts are extended. Please let me know if this is the case, and
how I should go about re-negotiating my hourly rate. I look forward to hearing back. Thanks!

KenW. Crow
KSNK. Enterprises

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
Enterprises (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $110,250 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $186,250.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $50. 00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $110,250.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 1 of2

PSCD Home Filing

Personal Service Contracts Database
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2 records found.

Filed Contract Search Results

Filed Contract Search Criteria:

Get all filed contracts by Agency Contract Number: C060490PSC

'fCliCk on a contract filing number below to see additional details. Amend 'A' identifies amendments.

Agency: Contract Serv OFM

File # File Date Agency Legal Name TIN Amend Value
~ Desc Desn

3~979- ~
~ ... 1,
," WSP

200674694 C060490PSC A $110,250 CE "'iI'


~-ii' .' 9/23/2005 WSP


200674694 C060490PSC $79,000 CE m-


'1i:-:·':~;;~n;1trNE~r~:~lt;:;m:-::):;:.~~'.::: ' ,
m- Reviewed

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCD/Query/SimpleQueryResults.aspX 111912007
Washington State> Office of Financial Management> PSCD Page 2 of2

Iii:] Acknowledged

~ Disapproved

a Returned

F1nancia' Managem~nt

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCD/Query/SimpleQueryResults.aspX 111912007
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 12:04 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/27/200712:04:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 58715

Contractor Legal Name: KSNK Enterprise

Contractor TIN: 200674694

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060490PSC
Filed Date: 9/27/2007 12:04:00 PM
Start Date: 10/1/2007
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $79,000

Amendment Value: $110,250
New Total Contract Value: $189,250

Contact(s} When Filing is in Process: Shawn Eckhart

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Shawn Eckhart

P.lease retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofrn.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management I WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 200674694
Legal Name KSNK Enterprise
UBI 602373741
Address 22727 SE 27th Street, Sammanish, WA USA 98075
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through regional intelligence centers co-
located with local law enforcement jurisdictions; or at the Washington Joint Analytical
Center. The amendment allows the contractor for provide continuous services for the
next federal fiscal year.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State other Total
35079 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
This Filing $110,250 $110,250
Contract Total $189,250

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
10101/2007 09/30/2008


Shawn Eckhart . (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

http://contracts.ofrn.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/27/2007
Page 2 of3

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The agency only recently learned that it would receive additional federal funding for these services; the
agency has yet to receive the funding agreement from the Military Department but is proceeding in
anticipation of the agreement.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will continue to work with the Military Department in order to secure funding earlier in order to
facilitate the filing process.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional year. WSPis required to
provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more effiCiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.
The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/2712007
Page 3 of3

State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services. Additionally, the agency has conducted seven procurements for these
services over the past 2.5 years, and is finding it increasingly difficult to identify qualified contractors to
provide these services. The agency is currently in the process of conducting another procurement to provide
these services to local jurisdictions where services are not currently being provided.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know iffunding fo~ this project would continue beyond September 30,2007.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through September 30, 2007 when the
agency received an extension of funding from the Military Department. The agency's intent is to continue to
conduct procurements for the services as contractors terminate services at different locations throughout the
state. The agency has almost continuously been conducting procurements for these services since in
inception of the project in 2005.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
This contract has been funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program (LETPP) federal fiscal year 2004 funds provided to WSP through the Washington State
Military Department. The agency was recently notified that it would receive federal fiscal year 2007 funds from
this grant program.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
crow 1006 amd 1.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF ... 912712007

Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 2:35 PM
To: 'ken crow'
Cc: Zeller, Kevin (WSP)
Subject: RE: contract
Attachments: crow 1006 amd 1.doc; crow 1006 task order 3.doc

Mr. Crow-

At this time the project manager and the Investigative Assistance Division commander have reviewed the funds
available for these contracts and have determined that no funding is available for any rate increases.

Attached is an amendment and task order to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund
the contract for one additional year.

If this amendment and task order are acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and
date these documents, fax the documents to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the documents with the
original signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must
receive the both documents via fax no later than Sunday. September 30, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I
receive these documents with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed
original of these documents to you for your records.

, Please let me know if you have any questions.

From: ken crow [mailto:kcrow.wajac@yahoo.com]

Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 10:22 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Su bject: contract

As the end of my contract approaches, and you are sending out amendments, I'm wondering what
procedure exists for amending the hourly rate. I have become aware of a great disparity in hourly rate,
not justified by qualifications or responsibility. And, regardless, I would think that WSP would expect
and plan for some rate increase as contracts are extended. Please let me know if this is the case, and
how I should go about re-negotiating my hourly rate. I look forward to hearing back. Thanks!

KSNK Enterprises

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and KSNK
Enterprises (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $110,250 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $186,250.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 3

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance October 1, September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: 2007 End Date: 2008

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $110,250.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Kevin Zeller, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Page 1 of 1
Washington State Patrol Date "p/ /P/~

Bud1get and Fiscal s e

ervices t Notif ication Form
ontrac lOS /--1
D Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 8Payable o Other:
WSP Contract,~~mber /'~ ' ) Other Contract Number AIR Number
~ t1 t: Pit "oJ' C .~ .
., AFRS End Date
Contract Start Date
I:> 111''' ., '() "?
Contract Ti~
II:;. (; AL.; 4~:./ -t:,A/'",.,r ~
DYes ONo
p N;~ I
Contractor Contact Address

.Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax .BFS Accountant ~e

. 7.;;;..., ~ ,
WSP Section/Division/Bureau
WSP project,l.an<y/
£.7' /, ':r7?f-> BFS ~~';IY~~~LA-4C:
__ L ,
Remarks: Pnl6c1 .. I' J!7rN Lp f ./ .t:. .L''/ ".r ~_~p
lilA L . . . Ahl£::"£
.:f'p;'A' v. ~.." ~.? A .. /' /
Contract Amount Position
-. §ignature lj,nd Date

$ Grants and Contracts Manager

/f4./7~ ~t7
/ -
Contract Amount
Business Office Manag IV! t1j 'f! f

Revised Total
Amount $ 76 11)0 BUdgetManager/(p?~ V mx~ A.
~~IOt: DYes
nl'ilflDate eceiot: DYes
Accounting Manag r \0\ U IC\U(jU
Indirect Costs %
S~b V Revenue Code Percent!
. Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code . Amount
Grouo Source Source
tJor II!:)/) 011:;71 WATt: CF' (IlO

Billable Contracts Only -

Mileage Allowed: DYes ONo Milea n n DYes DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes ONo age Rate $ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes ONo
~~L Voluntary OIT: DYes DNo

Special Rules: DYes ONo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes ~ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo

Overtime Allowed:'-" ONo Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract pa~DYes ONo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary~ e: Other Org Codes:
TYPe of Receipt: ORevenue o Interagency Reimbursement
o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: ~ Project Manager Ji'(AcCQuntant ~udget Analyst 0 Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
_ • v • _Iv
f'. ~


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance Date of Final September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: Signature End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
peiformance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $76,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 39\-1330


FOR THE/~...IOR: 1 I .
~s= /o!3j:JLJOb
Date Signature Date "

kt/l 0.), eltJuJ Pre.:;{ktvf

Printed Name and Title J

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Task Order 2 to WSP Contract No. C060490PSC
DATE: October 11,2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and KSNK. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the budget code listed
on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form. Please take the·
following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:
• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• Please ensure that the WSP employee preparing payment documents for this contract has a
copy of this contract to ensure the payment documents are filled out correctly.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The fmal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Mary Thygesen, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000~323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enfarcemem services
General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540

October 11, 2006

Mr. Ken Crow

22727 SE 27th St
Sammamish WA 98075

Dear Mr. Crow:

Subject: Task Order 2 to WSP Contract No. C060490PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

This task order was executed with the understanding that no work was performed under
the first task order to this contract.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fi al Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
Period of R-Amendment

~:~:~::: ~i~I~: _C_~""~o..ip:4U1"'-I~Z~~~f#L;l~°:f-£.,r/La_n~oLce....~Cl£..I)<C.~..e~'c:;;i>-~_A_,_h

__ D_R_e_cu_rr_in_g_ _

Other Party: K~dKT

o Receivable
Amount: L ZC, IIIJ()

0 Other:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator: ~---L-.---f--/--D(iJ4tr....:,~'I-~!.<22-.------------

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance Date of Final September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: Signature End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of $50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $76,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


FOR~ I~b~
John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date'

~/11 0.) (3(()uJ P Lkwt

l (1&:;
Printed Name and Title )

Page 1 of 1
Oct 03 06 04:45p p.2

Attorney Investigative Services Washington State Lic:ensc Number 2399

POBox 779 (425) 837-0229

Issaquah, Washington 98027 www.ais-seattle-com

FAX Cover Sheet

Date: October 3, 2006

To: Lt. Hugdahl

FAX Number: 360 664-0657

From: Ken Crow

Subject: Task Order

Number of pages (including Cover Sheet): 2

Message: Thank you, sir, it will be a pleasure to be on board. I'm

putting the original of this document in US Mail this afternoon. If you need
anything else, just let me know. /

AIS: Where conftdendality is an obsession, Integrity a must, and professionalism a given

Licensed - Bonded - Insured
Oct 03 06 04:45p p. 1


Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 2

Contractor: KSNK

Period of Performance Date of Final September 30,

for Task Order: Start Date: Signature End Date: 2007

Description of Service: The Contractor's Employee (Ken Crow) shall provide criminal
intelligence analyst services during the time of the period of
performance indicated above for this Task Order. The local
worksite for the Contractor Employee during this Task Order is the
Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle).

Fees: Service Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate of$50.00.

Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for

Contractor Employee travel costs approved in
advance by WSP according to the terms ofWSP
Contract No. C060490PSC.

Maximum Task Order Amount: $76,000.00

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 704-2422

Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow

Telephone Number: (425) 391-1330


FOR THE,~OR: 7 I .
~s= !o!jj:2LJ06
John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date',

t:et/l 0.). ea)u) Prr!';Lktvt

Printed Name and Title )

Page 1 of 1
Washington State Patrol
BUdIget at h ... , IscaIS ervlces
. e Notli'vduon
ontract ' Form LOS 1
'1 I

o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 Q-Payable o Other:

WSP Contract Number r') Other Contract Number AIR Number
C/J GO '1 'ioPSc. U
~i1t1act S~ Date Cl'a~".~-7 C9Fttrac~/~d ;j~e c..,...~ t o-cY,j AFRS End Date
....... - _HLZI/Cl 4. ~O (J(,
+ 5vcs
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Iide (/'j(1\ Q' IfI'1Q(t s DVes DNo
Contractor Name
~SNIc( bft-k-"}lIi">< .s
Contractor Contact Address
p.,p., 1R 1- S£. ;71 th. 5~ SaWlWl"fW/'S/" evA- qgO-:;~
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
K.cl'\. Crow ef~) ;311- /;;d ;20 - Db '1 'If::, 94-
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
Ken Vol Cf"""'~ c.:>. (e"""" ill 1'1 'f 4-
wSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LI f/w"tJ,y lADD5~ EfC,££tJ
Remarks: '71rlL Dlrky -t.v a>s~", .J. -:6; GvAo-Ac-C'·.t1I·
H:..,L /?"k = .lt50/HIL
, +TIQV.t (

'j2;is I(;O~~ Amount Position ...... J

Signatur'tand Date
Contract Amount
$ -... Grants and Contracts Manager
/J/J.. /7 ~ ,,~~
$ Business Office Manager ..AU ( (f fib<:- [D1/1

7h .',(UJ ALbgiar~
Revised Total
Amount $ 000 1( /II~'I- Budget Manager / Ifj) ~ .. d, unaMi
Allot DVes g~o
at d Receipt; DVes DNo
I"-"" ~ / ' k.~
Accounting Manage
Indirect Costs -% i><tl'
Sub Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Object Major Major Sub TAR Code
Group Source Source
G-JA.:r"f rol OOLO rn;l..'1-f WA')'1- c.E.. /00.0

Billable Contracts Only_

Mileage Allowed: DVes DNo Mileage Only: DVes DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DVes DNo ~cial Mileage Rate $ per mile

Travel Authorized: DVes DNo Voluntary OIT: DVes DNo
Special Rules: DVes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contrac . Ves DNo AFRS Code Assigned: DVes DNo
Overtime AI ed: DVes DNo Overtime Only (On Day Off): DVes DNo
Contract Pays Only IT Cost; DVes DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:

Type of Receipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure

. Oislribution~ 0 Project Manager 0 Accountant DBudget Analyst - 0 Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: KSNK Enterprises

Period of Performance Date of

for Task Order: Start Date: Execution End Date: April 30, 2006

Description of SeNice: The Contractor shall provide Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
to WSP during the time period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The Local Worksite during this Task Order shall
be the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) in Seattle,

Fees: SeNice Cost: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate identified under Section 5, Fees, in the
Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for travel
related costs per Section 5, Fees, in the
Maximum Task Order Amount: $76,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 753-0315, ext 139
Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow, (425) 391-1330

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief~
11/2.110 r
Date s;goa~
Printed Name and Title I

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Task Order 1 to WSP Contract No. C060490PSC - Intelligence Analyst
DATE: November 22, 2005 MIlLED

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and KSNK Enterprises for Ken Crow. Funding for this contract has been encumbered
under the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification
Form. Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact Mr. Shawn Eckhart,
Budget and Fiscal Services, within fifteen days from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The fmal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact Mr. Eckhart at Micro 11, ext. 245 if you have any questions or concerns
. ~ this contract.

cc: Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section
Ms. Mary Thygesen, Budget Section

3000·323'{){)1 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Page 1 of 1

Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

From: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, November 22,2005 12:07 PM
To: 'kenwcrow@cs.com'
Subject: RE: RFQQ No. C060226PSC - Apparent Successful Proposer

You agreement and task order were executed as of 11/21/2005. An original of both is being sent to you via mail.

From: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 3:04 PM
To: 'kenwcrow@cs.com'
Subject: RFQQ No. C060226PSC - Apparent Successful Proposer

Mr. Ken Crow,

Congratulations - you have been tentatively selected as an apparent successful proposer under WSP RFQQ No.
C060226PSC, contingent on you passing a background check conducted by WSP.

You will be receiving a contract and work task order from WSP through postal mail within the next few days.

In addition to passing a background check, remaining under contract will require that you fulfill other RFQQ
conditions, such as being licensed to do business in Washington State within 10 business days of this
announcement if not already so; and formal training in i2 's Analyst Notebook application and Penlink within 120
days of contract execution if not already profiCient in those applications.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (360) 570-3125 or at shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov

Shawn Eckhart
Washington State Patrol
Budget & Fiscal Services
(360) 570-3125

Washington State Patrol
, ,
Budget an" t-Iscal Services Contract NotificC1tion Form LDS r I

o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 [315'"ayable o Other:

WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
ro r r,d.tiOP:>c--
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
,... - (lL2~d':;- ""/30 ,/o?-

ContracrTitle 'I CFDANo. QFSR
:.J41/·rfI i ('U(
1 DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Contractor Contact Address
;J.1....1P1 se.
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN I

f5{e~ Cra.v (4:2'7)) :3i /- /3;0 .20- O'~'f~?<f-

Contractor E·Mail A~ress Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
l'kMwU"~"'(""-<:.5 . e.o...., -rAf'I'( A
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
l...:I. f/w.,l/,v {AD /IS(3. c,(JoFA/

Contract Amount Position Signature and Date
Previous Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount $
$ Business Office Manager
Revised Total ~' ~ Allot DYes DNo
$1-{' &00 f'\4"- Budget Manager I /J H:rr1anticipa d Receipt: DYes DNo
Accounting Manager
Indirect Costs %
Sub Revenue Code PercenV
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source

TPr'ilL -
Billable Contracts Onlv
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only: DYes DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage Rate $ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo Voluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract es DNo AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNo

Overtime Allowe . DYes DNo Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only on: ost: DYes DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: - - - - - - 1
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type of Receipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: 0 Project Manager 0 Accountant-DBudget Analyst 0 Other:..;.._ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
WSP Contract No.
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
This. Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol and the. Contractor identified
below, and is governed by chapter 39;29 RCW.
CONTRACTOR NAME Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)
KSNK Enterprises
Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number (mandatory, for
22727 SE 27111 Street tax purposes)
Sammamish WA 98075
Contact Name Contact Telephone
Mr. Ken Crow (425) 391-1330
Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address
WSP Contact Information
WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address
Keith Huntley, Lieutenant WSP Investigative Assistance Division
PO Box 2347,01 mpia WA 98507-2347
(360) 753-0315 ext 139
(360) 586-8231
E-mail Address
WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address
Mr. Jeff Hugdahl PO Box 42602
Grants and Contracts Manager Olvmpia WA 98504-2602
(360) 753-0602
Fax I
(360) 664-0657
E-mail Address

Contract Start Date I Contract End Date I Maximum Contract Amount.

Date of Execution September 30, 2007 $76,000
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
IZI Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
IZI Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
IZI Additional Exhibits as specified: Contractor Employee Nondisclosure AQreement
Thiscontract,including the attached Terms and Conoitionsano anyothElrdo¢lJmElnts incorporated by reference,
containsalioNheterms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. NootherunOerstand.ings or representations, oral or
otherwise.> regiarq ing .·thesubject· matter olthis ·.Contract shall'bedeemed toexist.orbind· the parties. The parties signing
belowwarranHhat.thev, have read and· und.erstand. this COntract and ·have:thea.uthoritYJo enter into th is Contra.ct. .. ...
WSP Signature
~.n r~~A'
tf /2.//oS
I ,

Printed Name and Title 0 pri~ Name and Title
John R. Batiste, Chief e"V] IAI, ~rlJvJ i


WSP Personal Service Contract

Exhibit A

1. General.

a) Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be signed
by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that location. Each Task
Order, once accepted by WSP and the Contractor, shall be an amendment to this
b) As assigned by WSP and after execution of a Task Order, the Contractor shall provide
criminal intelligence analyst services to provide the following products:
• Raw Intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance; and must
provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst Notebook
application and Pen link no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of
contract execution.
3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing services:

a) Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work while
under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The Contractor
shall not possess, use or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP facility or Local
Worksite. The Contractor shall not use or possess any narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance except at the direction of a phYSician, dentist, or other medical
authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor is directed by competent medical
authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance, he/she shall not
use such medication to the extent that their performance is affected while at any WSP
facility or Local Worksite.
b) Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of his/her
duties, shall control his/her temper and exercise the utmost patience and discretion, and
shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of his/her duties, the
Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or gestures, and
shallnot"express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics, national origin,
lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.
c) Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when
providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 10

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into his or her possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either Chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or
federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes. but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information. The
Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make
use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract,
and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to
any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.
Th€l Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to
prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that the
Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate the
use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through this
Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into the
Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of this
Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal
5. Fees. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor under this Contract.

Contractor Hourly Rate

Ken Crow $50.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the Local Worksite identified in
the Task Order, WSP will reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and
business vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement
rates. These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual
(SAAM). This manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 10

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is obligated
to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, .for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 10

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgernent in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief ofWSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make
a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding to all
parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the peri'ormance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by negligent
acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent ofWSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 10

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the req uired insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract, the
Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by statute,
regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its organization's
structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting procedures,
practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to WSP and all
expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconSistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the
following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 10

computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, ifWSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 10

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it is
determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies ofWSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage ofWSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 10

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract. .

WSP Personal Sel"l(ice Contract Page 9 of 10



I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C060490PSC (Contract)
or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either Chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers,
e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license
numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency
security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential
Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release,
divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without
WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized
access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the Contractor,
I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Contractor for its
disposition according to the terms of this Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 10


Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C060490PSC (Contract)
or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either Chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers,
e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license
numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency
security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential
Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release,
divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without
WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized
access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the Contractor,
I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Contractor for its
disposition according to the terms of this Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


: WSP.Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 10


TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SuBJECT: WSP Agreement No. C060490PSC, Criminal Intelligence Analyst Servic

DATE: November 22,2005 lil!!~D

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed agreement between the Washington State
Patrol and KSNK Enterprises. Task Orders are required for the other party to work under this

The agreement tracking number for Budget and Fiscal Services is C060490PSC. This number
should be used on all correspondence regarding this agreement.

If you need further assistance, please contact Mr. Shawn Eckhart, Budget and Fiscal Services,
at Micro 11, ext. 245. Thank you.

cc: Ms. Tanya Pierce, Accounts Payable Section
Ms. Mary Thygesen, Budget Section

3000·323.()QI (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540

November 22,2005

Mr. Ken Crow

KSNK Enterprises
22727 SE 27'h Street
Sammamish WA 98075

Dear Mr. Crow:

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C060490PSC - WSP Criminal Intelligence

Analyst Services, and Task Order 1 to the same

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your organization, as well as one fully
executed original of Task Order 1 to the same. Please keep these originals for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact Mr. Shawn Eckhart, Budget
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 570-3125.



Budget and Fisc Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

DOE - Cf I '10/0 + ~W +-7a4:. O,./,.,-

C. 0'"'0 '¥to P> c. Period of T. 0 _ /)01:t _ t/15D/Of. 0 Amendment
Contract No. C«.. 0 q<joPscfI) Performance: -. - 0 Recurring
Contract Title: _ _~:t.~I\:!lk~I~'~~"!l..!!.<t.---l.r2!"~~~s:t:,,--~S;.2.!v!!.c~>,-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
Other Party: K5/111< E..-Ir"tl!:,...s (1&" Crq.+)
<It • [B"Payable
7.0.:!: i&(or;c) 0 Receivable
Amount: (~t--- tt 76,.OCD 0 Other:
Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

c e n t Se",;oos B"~)--_ _ ...!:::!!......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Personal Service Contra •. Risk Assesment
Page 1 of4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
WSP Contract Number
BFS Contracts Specialist


1. Description of SerViC?: / / /
.:z:4:ta;L AA1~ .1'€7'IAa:?

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision I Comments
Fundin!:l source (account codin!:l) and Amount t..e:7"PP EJA7 6 J- _"1'/.e..
Has an authorized manager approved the
expenditure? ~esD~o
Type of appropriation (federal. state. other) ~ I
If the contract obligates $25.000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties List System been ~esDNo
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? /JPl
• Agency resources DYe4D No
• Other public (governmental) resources D YeY/[] No
Competitive Contracting
Has this work been perforrnedlis performed by WSP
DYes ~No
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? DYes DNo N ,/A
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
DYes D No
proceed with the contract? '/
Is contractor a current or former state emplO}'ee? DYes~o
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board DYes DaNo
• If former, provide last date of employment.
~cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate methodes) of Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? Fixed Price
D Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contra~> Risk Assesment
Page 2 of4

unded, is the Contractor a

DYes ONo


1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

y Competitive 0 Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

Jil Formal (>$20,000) 0 Informal «$20,000)

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintained. '- / /
:r;, gt2& t-.(4c1'-r'

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting

4. Advertised? gYes 0 No 0 NIA (less than $20,000)

Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? l8Yes 0 No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? 0 Yes I}J-No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?O Yes 0 No N~

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point = O. Unknown, risk point = 5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contra~. Risk Assesment
Page 3 of 4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= =
Lower Risk; Yes Hiaher Risk ";)
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 Medium Risk c/
>$100,000 Hiah Risk
Comolexitv of services :I..
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s) did you use? What
experience do you have with the method(s)?
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
.j3'Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
Fixed Price (score 1-3»
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1-3)
Procurement method:
~ Competitive (score 1 to ~)
Sole Source {score 3 to 5
2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of fundirlQ ::>-
Lemrth of time in business ~
Exoerience and oast oerformance .:J
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
Financial health and practices lis contractor's financial condition aood or poor?)
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the
Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?)
Oraanizational chanaes lis oroanization stable or does it have frequent turnover?}
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentralized functions?) ":f
Leoal actions(has there been anv for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) "7
Backaround of individuals (do you have resumes?) ::l

3. Total Risk Points

D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract.. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
~Yes ONo

2. Does the risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?
Dnes ONo
Personal Service Contra __ Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
]8fYes 0 No
4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity period ic reports X
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation X
Cond uct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetinqs, etc.) X
Maintain o~er periodic contract ~ith
contractor teleohone, email, etc.

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
examole, A133 audits)?
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure approoriate spendinq of state funds?
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed?
Is corrective action necessary? Were
questioned costs resolved?
Are audit findinqs, if anY, resolved?


Anv activities need follow-uo?
All invoices have been received and!Jaid?
Follow-uo on audit findinQs needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

Search - Current Exclusions

EPLS Search
I Resources

> Search Help

> Advanced Search Search Results for Parties > Public User's Manual

> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

> Exact Name and SSNrrlN Partial Name: KSNK > Acronyms

> MyEPLS State: WASHINGTON > Privacy Act Provisions

Save to MyEPLs > News

View Cause and Treatment Code

Descriptions Your search returned no results. Reports

>·Reciprocal Codes
> Procurement Codes Back New Search Printer~~r~e~,~,ly
> Advanced Reports
> Nonprocurement Codes

Archive Search - Past Exclusions

Agency & Acronym Information

> Agency Contacts '--_ _....JI.

> Advanced Archive Search
> Agency Descriptions
> Multiple Names
> State/Country Code Descriptions

Contact Information

> Debar Maintenance > Email: support@epls.gov

=> Administration
> Upload Login > Phone: 1-866-GSA-EPLS

http://-www.ep1s.gov/ep1s/search.do 1119/2007
Excluded Parties List System Page 1 ofl

Search· Current Exclusions

EPLS Search
I Resources

L -_ _ ---1I. E' ,'," " ." .. ~', :> Search Help

:> Advanced Search I Search Results for Parties > Public User's Manual

> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

> Exact Name and SSNfTlN Partial Name: Crow > Acronyms

> MyEPLS State: WASHINGTON :> Privacy Act Provisions

Save to MyEPLS > News

View Cause and Treatment Code

Descriptions Your search returned no results.

> Reciprocal Codes

> Procurement Codes Back New Search Printer-Friendly
L - -_ _ -'I.
:> Advanced Reports
> Nonprocurement Codes

Archive Search - Past Exclusions

Agency & Acronym Information

> Agency Contacts L -_ _ ---1I.

:> Agency Descriptions :>Advanced Archive Search
> Multiple Names
> State/Country Code Descriptions

Contact Information

:> Debar Maintenance > Email: support@epfs.gov

:> Administration

> Upload Login > Phone: 1-866·GSA·EPLS


http://wWVV.epls.gov/epls/search.do 1119/2007
Eckhart. Shawn (WSP)
From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 4:53 PM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 9/23/2005 1: 16:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Jan McMullen
Filing Number: 35079-00

Contractor Legal Name: KSNK Enterprise

Contractor TIN: 200674694

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060490PSC
Filed Date: 9/23/2005 1:16:00 PM
Start Date: 9/23/2005
Filed By: Shawn Eckhart

Contract Value: $79,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • o'lympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540

September 27, 2005

Mr. Ken Crow

KSNK Enterprises
22727 SE 2th Street
Sammamish WA 98075

Dear Mr. Crow:

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C060490PSC - Criminal Intelligence Analyst


Enclosed is a copy of Exhibit C to the above-referenced agreement. To prevent a delay

in the processing of your Agreement, please sign and date this form and return it to the

Mr. Shawn Eckhart

Budget and Fiscal Services
Washington State Patrol
P.O. Box 42602
Olympia, WA 98504-2602

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is referenced above; please use
this number on all correspondence regarding this agreement. If you need further
assistance, please contact Mr. Eckhart at (360) 570-3125. Thank you.



Budget and Fisc Services

Eckhart. Shawn (WSP)

From: KenWCrow@cs.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 7:09 PM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ No. C060226PSC - Apparent Successful Proposer

Thank you. I'm sorry I missed it the first time!

<Shawn.Eckhart@w'm sp.wa.gov> wrote:

>I am sending back to you Exhibit C of the Intelligence Analyst

>agreernent for your signature. This is the form entitled "Contractor
>Employee Nondisclosure Agreement." Please sign and retu+n when you receive it.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: KenWCrow@cs.com [mailto:KenWCrow@cs.com]
>Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 11:17 AM
>To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
>Subject: RE: RFQQ No. C060226PSC - Apparent Successful Proposer
> ,
>The EIN for KSNK Enterprises, my Washington State registered business
>entity, is 20-0674694. If you need anything more, please don't
>hesitate. I will be out of the state from next Monday (9-26) through
>Fridayevening (9-30), but I will peri.odically be checking e-mail, or
>you can reach me at 425 503-5974 anytime. Thanks, again.
><Shawn.Eckhart@wsp.wa.gov> wrote:
»Mr. Crow,
»In addition to your successful passing of a ba-ckground check t another
»step that I need to have accomplished before WSP will be able to route
»your contract for signature is a successful filing with the State's
»Office of Financial Management in their Personal Services Contract
»Database. You do not need to do anything during that step. WSP does
»the filing. One of the variables needed in the filing is a taxpayer
»10 number for you - either a Federal Employer Identification Number or
»a Social Security Number. I was unable to locate either on your
»Can you provide me with either of those numbers so that I can proceed
»with the filing and preempt that from being the cause of a delay in
»the processing of your agreement? Thanks.
»-----Original Message-----
»From: KenWCrow@cs.com [mailto:KenWCrow@cs.com]
»Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 3:21 PM
»To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
»Subject: RE: RFQQ No. C060226PSC - Apparent Successful Propo?er
»Thank you. I feel honored by this selection and look forward to
»<Shawn.Eckhart@wsp.wa.gov> wrote:
»>Mr. Ken Crow,
»>Congratulations - Y.0':1 have been tentatively selected as an apparent
»>successful proposer un~er WSP RFQQ No. C060226PSC, contingent on you
»>passing a background check conducted by WSP.
»>You will be receiving a contract and work task order from WSP through
»>postal mail within the next few days.
»>In addition to passing a background check, remaining under contract
»>require that you fulfill other RFQQ conditions, such as being
»>licensed to do business in Washington State within 10 business days
»>of this announcement if not already so; and formal training in i2 ' s
»>Analyst Notebook application and Penlink within 120 days of contract
»>execution if not already proficient in those applications.
»>If you have any questions, please contact me at (360i 570-3125 or at
»>Shawn Eckhart
»>Washington State Patrol
»>Budget & Fiscal Services
»>(360) 570-3125

Page 1 of3

P5CD . ..
Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By: Shawn Eckhart
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
TIN 200674694
Legal Name KSNK Enterprise
UBI 602373741
Address 22727 SE 27th Street, Sammanish, WA USA 98075
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
Service CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the
Washington Analytical Center (WAJAC) in Seattle, Washington, andlor for regional
intelligence groups (RIGs). Work accomplished under the Contract is by mutually
executed task order and the first task order under this agreement is for work at
WAJAC through 4-30-06.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
This Filing $79,000 $79,000
Contract Total $79,000

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
09/23/2005 09/23/2005 09/30/2007


Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Shawn Eckhart (360)570-3125 shawn.eckhart@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCD/filing/PrintFilingSurnmary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVProc 9123/2005
Page 20f3

Former State Employees

None Identified
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to
address and which makes the services necessary.
The Washington Joint Analytical Center is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies by
organizing and disseminating threat information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies,
first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, two-way flow of
intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies include the FBI, U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcemen~ the Washington National Guard, the Washington State Patrol, and several local law
enforcement agencies. Nine Regional Intelligence Groups (RIGs) are being created to provide criminal
intelligence services in an effort to prevent terrorism. The RIGs are comprised of representatives of local and
state law enforcement agencies, and serve to provide regionally-focused intelligene analysis products, as well
as to serve as a conduit for information to and from the WAJAC.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as .published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governo~s Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees to
perform the services of the proposed contract.
Competitive Solicitation Process
Advertisement Information
Name of the newspapers the advertisement was published in: Daily Journal of Commerce
Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 9
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or
the scores, but rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation
process or what differentiated this contractor from others.
The contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work
experience and proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of jurisdictions that will be
receiving the services.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
Matthew Black, Keith Stringfellow, SAIC, Setracon, Tom Kolega, Chad Melton, Dennis Gerber, Kristin Norton

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCD/filinglPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuVProc 9/2312005
Page 3 of3

Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection
committee made the award decision, etc). .
Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence
Unit and Washington Joint Analytical Center staff to score vendor education, training and work experience.
Cost ppint were awarded based on the propsoed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all
vendors. Proposed consultant team memebrs were separated by work location availability; the highest
scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP and local jurisdictions participating in the regional
intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant team members would work. The final
selection was based on the outcome of these interviews.
Reasonableness of Cost
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
For proposed consultant team members, the average hourly rate was $59.95 per hour. The contractor
proposed $50 per hour. $3,000 per contractor employee has been added to the maximum contract amount for
travel costs. These costs are not included in the maximum dollar amount of the contract itself, but are paid
separately above that amount.
060490.doc - 95744kb
060490(1 ).doc - 36352kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofm.wa.gov/PSCD/filing!PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=nmuVProc 9/23/2005
Eckhart. Shawn (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Friday, September 23, 20051:16 PM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/23/2005 1: 16:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

contract Reference Number: 48538

Contractor Legal Name: KSNK Enterprise

Contractor TIN: 200674694

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C060490PSC
Filed Date: 9/23/2005 1:16:00 PM
Start Date: 9/23/2005 Filed By: Shawn Eckhart

Contract Value: $79,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofrn.contracting@ofm,wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504"2600 • (360) 753-6540

September 21, 2005

Mr. Ken Crow

KSNK Enterprises
22727 SE 2yth Street
Sammamish WA 98075

Dear Mr. Crow:

Subject: WSP Agreement No. C060490PSC - WSP Criminal Intelligence

Analyst Services

Enclosed are two originals of the referenced agreement between you and the
Washington State Patrol, as well as two originals of Task Order 1 to the same. Once
you have signed these originals, including Exhibit Cof each, please return all originals
to the following:

Mr. Shawn Eckhart

Budget and Fiscal Services
Washington State Patrol
P.O. Box 42602
Olympia, WA 98504-2602

WSP will hold the agreements unexecuted until notification internally that your requisite
background beck has been passes. Once executed, you will receive one original. The
Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the contract number referenced
above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding the agreement. If you
need further assistance, please contact Mr. Eckhart at (360) 570-3125.



Budget and Fisc Services

Eckhart. Shawn (WSP)

From: KenWCrow@cs.com
Sent: Thursday, September 22,200511:17 AM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ No. C060226PSC - Apparent Successful Proposer

The EIN for KSNK Enterprises, my Washington State registered business entity, is
20-0674694. My SSAN is 537-42-3381, If you need anything more, please don't hesitate. I
will be out of the state from next Monday (9-26) through Friday evening (9-30), but I will
periodically be checking e-mail, or you can reach me at 425 503-5974 anytime. Thanks,

<Shawn.Eckhart@wsp.wa.gov> wrote:

>Mr. Crowl
>In addition to your successful passing of a background check, another
>step that I need to have accomplished before WSP will be able to route
>your contract for signature is a successful filing with the State's
>O£fice of Financial Management in their Personal Services Contract
>Database. You do not need to do anything during that step. WSP does
>the filing. One of the variables needed in the filing is a taxpayer ID
>number for you - either a Federal Employer Identification Number or a
>Social Security Number. I was unable to locate either on your proposal.
>Can you provide me with either of those numbers so that I can proceed
>with the filing and preempt that from being the cause of a delay in the
>processing of your agreement? Thanks.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: KenWCrow@cs.com [mailto:KenWCrow@cs.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 3:21 PM
>To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
>Subject: RE: RFQQ No. C060226PSC - Apparent Successful Proposer
>Thank you. I feel honored by this selection and look forward to
><Shawn.Eckhart@wsp.wa.gov> wrote:
»Mr. Ken Crow,
»Congratulations - you have been tentatively selected as an apparent
»successful proposer under WSP RFQQ No. C060226PSC, contingent on you
»passing a background check conducted by WSP.
»You will be recelvlng a contract and work task order from WSP through
»postal mail within the next few days.
»In addition to passing a background check, remaining under contract
»require that you fulfill other RFQQ conditions, such as being licensed
»to do business in Washington State within 10 business days of this
»announcement if not already so; and formal training in i2's Analyst
»Notebook application and Penlink within 120 days of contract execution
» i f not a~ready proficient in tho~e applications.
»If you have any questions, please contact me at (360) 570-3125 or at
»Shawn Eckhart
»Washington State Patrol
»Budget & Fiscal Services
»(360) 570-3125

Page lof2

Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

From: Huntley, Keith (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 20054:00 PM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: RE: Crow and Norton

Great. Thanks,

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol
Washington Joint Analytical Center
(360) 753-0315 x139
keith. huntley@wsp.wa.gov

From: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 3:54 PM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: RE: Crow and Norton

For the max amount on the base agreement - how about I put $76,000 for that as well? If we have another task
order beyond 4-30-06, then if heeded we can also amend the max amount on the overall agreement.
._--_....•.•.. __.__ ...... _-._-_.._---- ... _--_....• _- •.. _--------
From: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 3:42 PM
To: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)
Subject: RE: Crow and Norton


The end date for the task order is 4-30-06 and the maximum amount should remain the same as the other
analysts, $76,000.

Lieutenant Keith Huntley

Washington State Patrol
Washington Joint Analytical Center
(360) 753-0315 x139

From: Eckhart, Shawn (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 1:47 PM
To: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: Crow and Norton
Importance: High



The RFQQ advertised the establishment of contracts through 9-30-07, so I plan to put that end date on the

Work will be accomplished under Task Orders associated with the contract. The variables mentioned in the task
order are 1) where the work will be; 2) start and end dates; and 3) max dollar amount.

1) Per your e-mail, the where for Norton and Crow is WAJAC in Seattle.
2) What is the when for them? Date of Execution to what end date for the TASK ORDER? 4-30-06?
3) What is the maximum dollar amount for the TASK ORDER? Again, this is only for the task order - the
work done at WAJAC from the date of execution of the task order until the end date that you give me
under 2) above.



Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
is between the State of identified

",u""u", (mandatory, for

22727 SE 2ih Street tax purposes)

Sammamish WA 98075 20-0674694

PO Box 42602
WA 98504-2602

I an X, the ex, "U'l~ are attached to and incorporated


Date Date

Printed Name Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


WSP Personal Service Contract

Exhibit A

1. General.

a) Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be signed
by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that location. Each Task
Order, once accepted by WSP and the Contractor, shall be an amendment to this
b) As assigned by WSP and after execution of a Task Order, the Contractor shall provide
criminal intelligence analyst services to provide the following products:
• Raw Intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance; and must
provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst Notebook
application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of
contract execution.
3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance ofthis Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing services:

a) Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work while
under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The Contractor
shall not possess, use or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP facility or Local
Worksite. The Contractor shall not use or possess any narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance except at the direction of a phYSician, dentist, or other medical
authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor is directed by competent medical
authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance, he/she shall not
use such medication to the extent that their performance is affected while at any WSP
facility or Local Worksite.
b) Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of his/her
duties, shall control his/her temper and exercise the utmost patience and discretion, and
shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of his/her duties, the
Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or gestures, and
shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics, national origin,
lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.
c) Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when
providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 11

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into his or her possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either Chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or
federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information. The
Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make
use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract,
and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to
any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.
The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to
prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that the
Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate the
use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through this
Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into the
Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of this
Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal
5. Fees. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor under this Contract.

Contractor Hourly Rate

Ken Crow $50.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the Local Worksite identified in
the Task Order, WSP will reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, SUbsistence and
business vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement
rates. These rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual
(SAAM). This manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 11

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, Which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is obligated
to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on. the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4.0111

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW. .

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return-all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief ofWSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make
a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding to all
parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by negligent
acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 11

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall' maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract, the
Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by statute,
regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its organization's
structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting procedures,
practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to WSP and all
expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the
following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,

WSP.Personal Service Contract _Page 6 of 11

computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination. .

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination. .

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

. WSP Personal. Service Contract Page 7ofJ1

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of ihe need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it is
determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract tenmination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct aSSignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the tenms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only ·for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance'with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract .

WSP Personal Service C.ontract Page8of11

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 11



I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C060490PSC (Contract)
or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other
unauthorized persons under either Chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes
("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers,
e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license
numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency
security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential
Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release,
divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without
WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized
access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the Contractor,
I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Contractor for its
disposition according to the terms of this Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP PersQJlai Service Contract Page 10 of 11

Task Order

WSP Contract Number: C060490PSC

Task Order Number: 1

Contractor: KSNK Enterprises

Period of Performance Date of

for Task Order: Start Date: Execution End Date: April 30, 2006

Description of Service: The Contractor shall provide Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
to WSP during the time period of performance indicated above for
this Task Order. The Local Worksite during this Task Order shall
be the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) in Seattle,

Fees: Service Cost:

WSP shall reimburse the Contractor at the hourly
rate identified under Section 5, Fees, in the
Other Costs: WSP shall reimburse the Contractor for travel
related costs per Section 5, Fees, in the
Maximum Task Order Amount: $76,000

WSP Contact Name and Lieutenant Keith Huntley, (360) 753-0315, ext 139
Telephone Number:

Contractor Contact Name and Mr. Ken Crow, (425) 391-1330

Telephone Number:


John R. Batiste, Chief Date Signature Date

Printed Name and Title

Washingtoh State Patrol 6/12/20094:29:17 PM
Budget and Fiscal Services
Contracts Database

WSP Contract No. (C051 041 Program Information: Program 11110

Category P-P~~o-n~_I- Services - Program: Investigative Assistance Division

Amendment No. Program Contact: Bureau: IISB

Title 1r.I~nt~e:-1A:-n-a-:ly-s~t"::S:-v-cs--------- ICaptain II Timothy J. II Braniff

Other Party I_G~_amness, -Mi~~-~_el -~-~~-­

otherNo·1 Processing Status:

Start Date rl-6~/::"16~/::20;;:0;';;5'" End Date 12/31/2008
Amount I $339,200 User ID Amd Amount I $76,000

Contract Status IAC~iV~ Amd Status jcompleted

Contract Notes: Date document was sent to:

Word Processing
Attorney General
Bureau Cdr IOC
BFS Notification 5/27/2005
BFS Review
Chiefs Office
Transmittal Letter 5/27/2005
Mailed to Other Part 5/27/2005
Received Back 6/212005
Distributed 6/27/2005

Amd Amount
Amd Status rC~~pleted
Date document was sent to:

:::~n:~O:,~:i:~ ~
Bureau Cdr IOC ~
BFS Notification 4/12/2006
BFS Review
Chiefs Office
Transmittal Letter
Mailed to Other Part
Received Back 4/19/2006
Distributed 4/24/2006

AmdAmount 1$32.700
Date 11/18/08
Washington State Patrol
LOS -/- -
d t an dFIsca IS ervlces
' Con t ractN o ff
Ilcaf Ion Form
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C051041PSC (6)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
December 31, 2008
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Mr. Michael R. Chamness
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Drake lAD Sue Aschenbrenner

Remarks: Extends period of performance for one month.

Contract Amount Position /"I.. Signature ~3ate

Contract Amount
$330,900.00 Grants and Contracts Manager • /,JIt /2 ZIJ//-> /.2/'
$8,300 Business Office Manager ./
rJL17IJ{I (; / -
Revised Total
$339,200.00 Budget Manager Vl il)I/d'Unanticipated
\JJ~ f DY~~~0
Allot: DYes

Indirect Costs %
Accounting Manager !%LA

- { ~ venue Code r
Sub PercenU
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Sub TAR Code
Object MaJ~ H "'ajor
Grou Duree Source

WAJ7 001 01' 00271 WAJ7 CE

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage on~ DNo ---
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special Mileage R -:> per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Overtime Allowed: DYes
----- AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typepl-RBceipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
~ Project Manager ~ Accountant ~Budget Analyst o Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
11/21/2UU8 lU: U7 FAX 2UU2U22U14.

WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (W8P) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $8,300 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $339.200.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Amendment 6 to WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
DATE: December 3,2008

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Mr. Michael R. Chamness. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under
the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.
Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The·final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 12, ext. 11052 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

~r· Attachment
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 596-4000 • www.wsp.wa.gov

December 3, 2008

Mr. Michael R. Chamness

8280 NE Baker Hill Road
Bainbridge Island WA 98110

Dear Mr. Chamness:

Subject: Amendment 6 to WSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 5964052.


Mr. J ff R. Hugd
Budget and Fiscal

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Period of ~ Amendment
Contract No. Co JfOl/(pjc(i; - 1..7;¥y1fO Recurring
Contract Title: ~....l(.....cI'.J.''LL1.<'!L--f..A..1'4-~(::Ujut....f#-"I---<LJ~w.~•.t.'G...;>-------~
Other Party:


Grants and Contract Manager:

BFS Administrator: /~.-_-.t1t{_ _; ),z.£

( .

Management Services Bureau Director~ /:z17~ (!Jk

ChieflDeputy Cnief: 4"") /2. - '}.. -0 8'

WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31,2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $8,300 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $339.200.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief


Page 1 of 1
11/21/2008 10:07 FAX 2062622014

DATE; 11/2112008

TO: Jeff Hugdahl

AGENCY: WSP Budget and Fiscal Services


Mike Chamness
WAJAC 1 FBI Field Intelligence Group
11l03rd Ave
Seattle, WA 98110

Subject: Contract Amendment


Total number of pages, including this cover sheet:

*** WARNING: The contents of this transmission is CONFIDENTIAL,

and is intended for the above recipient only. If you have received this
accidentally, please destroy the contents of this transmission, and
notify the sender immediately.
Lli Z.LI ZUU~ .LU: U"' .t<"A.A. ZUDZDZZU.L4

WSP Contract No. C051041 PSC

Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (W8P) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $8,300 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $339.200.00.

C. This amendment is effective on November 30,2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief


Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 4:38 PM
To: 'Mike Chamness'
Subject: RE: WSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC
Attachments: chamness amd 6.doc

Mike, the attached amendment will fund your contract at WAJAC through December 31, 2008. If you could sign
this amendment, fax it to me no .Iater than Wednesday, November 26 and mail the original I'd appreciate it.

----- Original Message -----

From: Jeff.Hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov
To: mchamnes@leo.gov
Cc: Tim.Braniff@wsp.wa.gov
Sent: Tuesday, September 23,20083:23 PM
Subject: WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

Attached is an amendment to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract
for two additional months.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 596-4078, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Tuesday, September 30,2008 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

WSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC
Amendment 6



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through December 31, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $8,300 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $339,200.00.

c. This amendment is effective on November 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 20083:45 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 11/18/20084:03:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34392-06

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 11/18/2008 4:03:00 PM
Start Date: 11/30/2008
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $333,900

Amendment Value: $8,300
New Total Contract Value: $342,200

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 4:03 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 11/18/20084:03:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the -information below.

Contract Reference Number: 64563

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 11/18/2008 4:03:00 PM
Start Date: 11/30/2008
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $333,900

Amendment Value: $8,300
New Total Contract Value: $342,200

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Managemen-t, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

•. ..
Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Chamness, Michael R.
Address 8280 NE Baker Hill Road, Bainbridge Island, WA USA 98110
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law
enforcement agencies through the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC). The
amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal
intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations
for one additional month.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34392 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
34392 - 01 $7,300 $7,300
34392 - 02 $32,700 $32,700
34392 - 03 $99,200 $99,200
34392 - 04 $99,200 $99,200
34392 - 05 $16,500 $16,500
This Filing $8,300 $8,300
Contract Total $342,200

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

http://contracts.ofin.wa.gov/PSCDlFilinglPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFA. .. 1111812008
Page 2 of3

11/30/2008 12/31/2008


Jeff Hugdahl (360)596-4052 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)596-4052 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The program anticipated completing a procurement for these services in time to allow this contract to end on
November 30; and new contracts providing services effective December 1. The procurement process is taking
longer than originally anticipated.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will plan on a longer time period for the procurement of these services in the future.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional month. WSP is required
to provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The services assist the State Patrol, federal agencies,
and local law enforcernent by providing criminal intell igence analysis for law enforcement missions. The
contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military
Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. WSP is contractually obligated to the federal
government to provide these services. These services are critical to WSP to fulfill their mission of "enhancing
the safety and security of our state" which includes sharing information with other local, state and federal law
enforcement organizations. In light of the Personal Service contract freeze, this amendment was approved by
executive managernent, the deputy chief and chief.
Other Public Resources
Explain wh.at effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.

http://contracts.ofin.wa.gov/PSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFA... 11/1812008
Page 3 of3

Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.
The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at WAJAC While the agency conducts a competitive
procurement of these services. A new RFQQ for these services was issued on October 31 , 2008; the agency
is currently conducting an evaluation of proposals but will not be completed with the procurement process by
the time this contract ends on November 30, 2008. Should this contractor become an apparent successful
proposer under the new RFQQ they will be placed under a new contract; this current contract will not be
extended after this amendment.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original soliCitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would be available beyond November 30, 2008.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through December 31, 2008 while the
agency conducts a competitive procurement of these services. A waiver was granted by the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security for the use of $1 million dollars of federal fiscal year 2008 funds to continue funding
contracted intelligence analysts; rather than continue to extend this contract the agency is conducting a new
procurement for these services and allowing all previous contracts for this service to expire.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
Funding was made available for an additional month by leaving an agency employee position also funded by
this grant vacant; and by terminating the majority of contracts for these services.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the origina I contract?
chamness amd 6.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilinglPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFA. .. 11/1812008
Date 9/23/08
Washington State Patrol
LOS - /- /-
BUd1get an dFIscaIS ervlces Cont ract Noff
IlcafIon Form
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 I:8l Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
C051041 PSC (5)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
November 30, 2008
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes ONo
Contractor Name
Mr. Michael R. Chamness
. Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce .
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Drake lAD Shawn Eckhart

Remarks: Extends period of performance for two months.

Contract Amount Position Signature and !jete

Contract Amount
$314,400.00 Grants and Contracts Manager
/A'r-/.? Z/frv %f
16,500.00 Business Office Manager fI(; / - "-
Revised Total
$330,900.00 Budget Manager i j (dlr,1.
' 1-_'i.1 i.
Allot OYe~
nanticipated Receipt DYes §~o

Indirect Costs % Accounting Manager /1(J.I 11 (15 / / r/24~~

Master Index Fund AI PI Project
Uts.J iL evenue coae
TAR Code PercenV
Object 'Majok Major Sub Amount
Group Source Source
WAJ7 001 01* 00271 WAJ7 CE

Billable Contracts Only .
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage on~DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo ~ per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo . oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract:

Overtime Allowed:
------- AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
Contract Pays onl~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type..of-R€ceipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
-- -
Distribution: I:8l Pro1ect Manager - I:8l Accountant
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
'I:8lBudget Analyst o Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
U9/24nUUH UH: 47 r'M 2UU2U22U14

wSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC

Amendment 5



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $16,500.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $330.900.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


Date Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 5 to WSP Contract No. COSI041PSC

DATE: October 8, 2007

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed amendment between the Washington State
Patrol and Mr. Michael R. Chamness. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under the
budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.
Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract.

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact Ms. Cindy Haider,
Budget and Fiscal Services, within fifteen days from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with
your assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact Ms. Cindy Haider at Micro 12, ext. 11071 if you have any questions or concerns
regarding this contract.

~ 'Attachment
cc: Ms. Sue Aschenbrenner, Budget and Fiscal Services
Captain Tim Braniff, Investigative Services Division
Ms. Tanya Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000·323·001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement sel1lices

600 • (360) 596·400 0 • www.wsp.wa.gov
General Adminislration Buildin g· PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2

October 6, 2008

Mr. Michael R. Chamness

8280 NE Baker Hill Rd
Bainbridge Island WA 98110

Subject: Amendment 5 to WSP Agreement No. C051 041 PSC

referenced agreement
Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed amendment of the
original for your
between you and the Washington State Patrol. Please keep this
ment number
The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agree
regarding this
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence
Ms. Cindy Haider, Budget
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact
and Fiscal Services, at (360) 596-4071.


~'Mr. JeffreYR. Hugdahl
Budget and Fiscal Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

o New
~ Amendment
Contract No. ~~2...;...L4.~~L 0 Recurring
Contract Title: _-L~(L..L'l.Jf.J.:......,.t.fl..!.Yi~VR~-t:iU/.!.~'J..2l~LiLf!0..~...2. _ _ _ __
Other Party:
o Receivable
Amount: o Other:

Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator: ~ ~,/i/;r

Management Services Bureau Director: -~t#~-'l--'...:M-I-----------

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 1:24 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 9/15/2008 4:24:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number, 34392-05

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN,

Agency, 225
Agency Contract #, C051041PSC
Filed Date, 9/15/2008 4,24,00 PM
Start Date, 9/30/2008
Filed By, Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date, $317,400

Amendment Value, $16,500
New Total Contract Value, $333,900

Decision Comment's:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofrn.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

09/24/2008 08:47 FAX 2062622014

DATE: 24 Sept. 2008

TO: JeffHugdahl


Mike Chamness
W AJAC I FBI Field Intelligence Group
1110 3 rd Ave
Seattle, WA 98110

Subject: Contract Amendment


Total number of pages, including this cover sheet: 2

*** WARNING: The contents of this transmission is CONFIDENTIAL,

and is intended for the above recipient only. If you have received this
accidentally, please destroy the contents of this transmission, and
notify the sender immediately.
I{1j UUZ
09/24/2008 08:47 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

Amendment 5



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $16,500.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $330.900.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:24 PM
To: 'mchamnes@leo.gov'
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
Attachments: chamness amd 5.doc

Attached is an amendment to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for
two additional months.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 596-4078, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Tuesday, September 30,2008 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
Amendment 5



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through November 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $16,500.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $330,900.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2008.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 1:24 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 9/15/2008 4:24:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34392-05

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed pate: 9/15/2008 4:24:00 PM
Start Date: 9/30/2008
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $317,400

Amendment Value: $16,500
New Total Contract Value: $333,900

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm .contracting@ofm.wa.gov

Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 4:24 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/15/2008 4:24:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 63849

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 9/15/2008 4:24:00 PM
Start Date: 9/30/2008
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $317,400

Amendment Value: $16,500
New Total Contract Value: $333,900

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

PS CD ..
Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Chamness, Michael R.
Address 8280 NE Baker Hill Road, Bainbridge Island, WA USA98110
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through the Washington Joint Analytical
Center (WAJAC). The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing
uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst services to local, state and federal law
enforcement organizations for two additional months.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34392 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
34392 - 01 $7,300 $7,300
34392 - 02 $32,700 $32,700
34392 - 03 $99,200 $99,200
34392 - 04 $99,200 $99,200
This Filing $16,500 $16,500
Contract Total $333,900

Contract Dates

Filed Date Start Date End Date

09/30/2008 11/30/2008

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Page 2 of3


Jeff Hugdahl (360)596-4052 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)596-4052 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for two additional months. WSP is required
to provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The services assist the State Patrol, federal agencies,
and local law enforcement by providing criminal intell igence analysis for law enforcement missions. The
contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military
Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.
The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment

State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSunnnary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/15/2008
Page 3 of3

effectively achieve the agency's purpose.

Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at WAJAC. This amendment is funded by dollars
remaining from the state's 2007 LETPP allocation. Although the state has determined that $1 million dollars of
federal fiscal year 2008 funds are available to continue funding contracted intelligence analysts, using these
funds for this purpose requires a waiver to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's grant guidance
document. This waiver was requested in April 2008 and is still pending.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would be available beyond September 30, 2008.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through November 30, 2008. Although
the state has determined that $1 million dollars of federal fiscal year 2008 funds were available to continue
funding contracted intelligence analysts, we require a waiver to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's
grant guidance document to allow that use. This waiver was requested in April 2008 and is still pending.
Because this waiver request has not been granted we cannot extend this contract beyond the two months of
remaining funding. Should the waiver not be granted this contract will terminate with no further extensions on
November 30, 2008.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
Funding was made available for two additional months by leaving an agency employee position also funded
by this grant vacant. A number of contracts providing these services statewide will cease work and/or
terminate pending the waiver decision noted above, and the decision by local jurisdictions to continue
providing funds for local LETPP allocation - funded contracts.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
chamness amd 5.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF ... 9/15/2008

Date 11/9/07
Washington State Patrol
LOS / /
Budget and Fiscal Services ContractNotifica'tion Form
o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 ~ Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
C051041P8C (4)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
June 16, 2005 . September 30, 2008
Contract Title CFDA No. QFSR
Criminal IntelliQence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Mr. Michael R. Chamness
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Zeller lAD Shawn Eckhart

Contract Amount Position Signature andjljlte

Contract Amount $215,200.00 Grants and Contracts '\\ J'. . \.
$99,200 Business Office Mana ~r \ ~ 'I 'f/1 / / _ / "
Revised Total
$314,400 Budget Manager
I) /;)(IO/unantici~ted Re~:~:~ B~~~
Accounting Manager I
Indirect Costs %
" Revenue Code
Fund AI PI Project Sub TAR Code PercenV
Master Index Object Major Major Sub Amount
Group Source Source
SIS6 001 020 00272 SI86 CE
lAO A vv, ,ALA. ""

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage O~ ONo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo Special ~l per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo ___________ . oluntary OfT: DYes ONo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes gNo __________ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes ONo
Overtime Allowed: DYe~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes ONo
Contract Pays Only OfT Co~es ONo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: __________ ' Other Org Codes:
Type..of-RBceipt: DRevenue 0 Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
- -
Distribution: ~ Project Manager ~ Accountant
. L6JBudget Analyst o Other:_-_ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
VQ!_"t1 _VV' VV.V'" "'4~ .. VV .. V ..... V ......

WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington St~te Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $99,200 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $314.400.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


Date Date

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Randy Drake, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services
SUBJECT: Amendment 4 to WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
DATE: October 26,2007

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Mr. Michael R. Chamness. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under
the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.
Please take the following steps to ensur~ the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The [mal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Mr. Shawn Eckhart, Budget and Fiscal Services
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Budget and Fiscal Services

3000-323-001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building • PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753·6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

October 26, 2007

Mr. Michael R. Chamness

8280 NE Baker Hill Road
Bainbridge Island WA 98110

Dear Mr. Chamness:

Subject: Amendment 4 to WSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Mr. J rey R. Hu ahl

Budget and Fis I Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Contract No.
Contract Title: --£-.e..h..~:L-J.,.C{j~4«'~L-6(M~#___I£.~;aGL_ _-
Other Party:

ao Other:

Scope of Work:

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

Management Services Bureau Director: __tw-b''-'--_I_bf'--I-'1c.....-__________

(0- 7.. '3- 07

· WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $99,200 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $314.400.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
09/24/2007 08:32 FAX 2062622014 IgJ UUl

FAX: 206-262-2014

To: .Jeff Hugdahl FAX: 360-664w0657

Date: 7)d?/I!.::9.0o:;.
From: Mike Chamness Phone: 206-262-2433

Subject: Contract Amendment

Total number of pages, including this cover sheet: 2


*** WARNING: The contents of this transmission is CONFIDENTIAL,

and is intended for the above recipient only. If you have received this
accidentally, please destroy the contents of this transmission, and
notify the sender immediately.
09/24/2007 08:32 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C051 Q41 PSC

Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $99,200 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $314.400.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 10:40 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 9/27/2007.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34392-04

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 9/27/2007
Start Date: 9/30/2007
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $218,200

Amendment Value: $99,200
New Total Contract Value: $317,400

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofrn.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 11 :08 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/27/2007 11 :08:00 AM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 58708

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 9/27/2007 11:08:00 AM
Start Date: 10/1/2007
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $218,200

Amendment Value: $99,200
New Total Contract Value: $317,400

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm'.contracting@ofrn.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3


Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Chamness, Michael R.
Address 8280 NE Baker Hill Road, Bainbridge Island, WA USA 98110
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through regional intelligence centers co-
located with local law enforcement jurisdictions; or at the Washington Joint Analytical
Center. The amendment allows the contractor for provide continuous services for the
next federal fiscal year,
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34392 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
34392 - 01 $7,300 $7,300
34392 - 02 $32,700 $32,700
34392 - 03 $99,200 $99,200
This Filing $99,200 $99,200
Contract Total $317,400

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
10101/2007 09/30/2008


http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... ·9/2712007
Page 20f3

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The agency only recently learned that it would receive additional federal funding for these services; the
agency has yet to receive the funding agreement from the Military Department but is proceeding in
anticipation of the agreement.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will continue to work with the Military Department in order to secure funding earlier in order to
facilitate the filing process.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary. .
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional year. WSP is required to
provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2007 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
'WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.

The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to

http://contracts.ofin. wa.govIPSCDfFilingIPrintFilingSurnmary.aspx?menuSelect=nmuFAF '" 9/2712007

Page 3 of3

their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work
processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, conduct background
investigations, and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services. Additionally, the agency has conducted seven procurements for these
services over the past 2.5 years, and is finding it increasingly difficult to identify qualified contractors to
provide these services. The agency is currently in the process of conducting another procurement to provide
these services to local jurisdictions where services are not currently being provided.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond September 30,2007.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through September 30, 2007 when the
agency received an extension of funding from the Military Department. The agency's intent is to continue to
conduct procurements for the services as contractors terminate services at different locations throughout the
state. The agency has almost continuously been conducting procurements for these services since in
inception of the project in 2005.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
This contract has been funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program (LETPP) federal fiscal year 2004 funds provided to WSP through the Washington State
Military Department. The agency was recently notified that it would receive federal fiscal year 2007 funds from
this grant program.
Are rates .the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
chamness amd 4.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 912712007
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11 :24 AM
To: 'mchamnes@leo.gov'
Cc: Zeller, Kevin (WSP)
Subject: Criminal intelligence analyst contract extension
Attachments: chamness amd 4.doc

Mr. Chamness -

Attached is an amendment to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for
one additional year.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
Amendment 4



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2008.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $99,200 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $314.400.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2007.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Date 1 0/27/06
Washington State Patrol
LOS - /- /-
d t ana Iscal Services Contract Notificdtion Form
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 IZI Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
C051041PSC (3)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
June 16, 2005 September 30, 2007
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminallnteliigence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Mr. Michael R. Chamness
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas

Remarks: Extends period of performance for one year.


Contract Amount

Contract Amount

Grants and Contracts Manager

Signature a'!2 D}~

V'4 %?
Revised Total
$99,200.00 Business Office Manager (. ~ )
I/{/ /
"I:,r -
$215,200.00 Budget Manager ~~ .A;(A'11nanricioa ed Receiot: DYes
A.I Allot: DYes DNo
Accounting Manager \l'v ~Vv
Indirect Costs %
Sub Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
SIS6 001 020 00270 SIS6 CE
,~ ~~

Billable Contracts Only

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only:
Special Mileage R
DNo ---
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo oluntary OIT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNa

Prorate Leave to Contract: DYes DNO ____________ ------ AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
Overtim~ DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typepf-Receipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: IZI Project Manager IZI Accountant -
iZlBudget Analyst o Other:..:._ _ _ _ _ _ __
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
09/26/2006 10:59 FAX 2062622014

WSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC

Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr,
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extende.d through September 30,2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $99,200.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $215.200.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeff Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 3 to WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

DATE: November 3,2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Mr. Michael R. Chanmess. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under
the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.
Please take the following steps to' ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.

• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact me at Micro II, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this
cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000*323-001 (5196) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
Governor Chief

General Administration Building. PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 753·6540- www.wsp.wa.gov

November 3, 2006

Mr. Michael R. Chamness

8280 NE Baker Hill Road
Bainbridge Island WA 98110

Dear Mr. Chamness:

Subject: Amendment 3 to WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fi cal Services

Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

Contract No.

Contract Title: --'..t-...a.~'L..~14:;LL.~~r&--..L:.~~~~.dJ.S'"Ll~'~~--­

Other Party:


Scope of Work: _ _1.~~'4:.Lh~J,tli!!==--A';rU,L.L#~~~_ _--,,«--

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:
7 (

Management Services Bureau Director: --I{j~d--------------

WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $99,200.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $215.200.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30,2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief


Page 1 of 1
09/26/2006 10:59 FAX 2062622014 I{!I UUl

F044S (KtiV. 15-2..97)



o ImmediaIe o Top Secl'et Time Trnnsmitted: ,/0,5 -s-

Z Priority o Secret Sender's Initials:
D Routine ...a- Confidential Number ofpages: -":?("'--'::.....____
o Sensitive (including cover shea)
o Unclassified

To: JlEff h{~6 I De!",


Faosimil.Number: %0 b6l../- 065 l'

Nllffie Room Telephone

From; ~rn(-.r:-<s

Special Handling Instructions:

Originator's Name: ~$ ~a=n7f.:;r Telephone: G?O~ ~'a <i 5'J

Originator'S f'acsimi1~ Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


BriefDescrlpIion of Communication Faxed:


Inf>nnation attached. ro the cover shea is U.s. Government ProperLY- Ifyoll ere not the intended recipient ofthis inilrma.rjo-n
disclosure, reproduction, distribution, Or use ofthis infOrmation is prohibited (18.usc, § 641). Please notiw the originatOr Or
locs! FBI Office immediately to arrange Dr proper disposition.
09/26/2006 10:59 FAX 2062622014 ~vv ..

WSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC

Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington state Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $99,200.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $215,200.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons Signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R Batiste, Chief


Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday. October 11. 2006 7 :39 AM
To: Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 9/28/2006.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34392-03

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 9/28/2006
Start Date: 9/30/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $119,000

Amendment Value: $99,200
New Total Contract Value: $218,200

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:35 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 9/28/2006 2:35:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 53435

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 9/28/2006 2:35:00 PM
Start Date: 10/1/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $119,000

Amendment Value: $99,200
New Total Contract Value: $218,200

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Chamness, Michael R.
Address 8280 NE Baker Hill Road, Bainbridge Island, WA USA 98110
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of the contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services to local,
state and federal law enforcement agencies through regional intelligence centers co-
located with local law enforcement jurisdictions; or at the Washington Joint Analytical
Center. The amendment allows the contractor for provide continuous services for the
next federal fiscal year.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34392 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
34392 - 01 $7,300 $7,300
34392 - 02 $32,700 $32,700
This Filing $99,200 $99,200
Contract Total $218,200

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
10/01/2006 09/30/2007


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Page 2 of3

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
The agency only recently learned that it would receive additional federal funding for these services, and was
unable to file the amendment in time.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will continue to work with the Military Department in order to secure funding earlier in order to
facilitate the filing process.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The amendment allows the contractor to continue providing uninterrupted criminal intelligence analyst
services to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations for one additional year. WSP is required to
provide these services under its agreement with the Military Department for federal fiscal year 2006 Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program funds.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.

The contractor was selected through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee
qualifications; and the selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence
center where the contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to
their intelligence center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSunnnary.aspx?menuSelect=nmuFAF... 9/28/2006
Page 3 of3

processes to the point where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, replace and train up any
other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services. Additionally, the agency has conducted four procurements for these services
over the past 1.5 years, and is finding it increasingly difficult to identify qualified contractors to provide these
services. The agency is currently in the process of conducting another procurement to provide these services
to local jurisdictions where services are not currently being provided.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond September 30, 2006.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The contract has been amended to extend the period of performance through September 30, 2006 when the
agency received an extension of funding from the Military Department. The agency's intent is to conduct a
procurement for the services provided through this contract and issue a new competitively procured contract
once this contract expires on September 30, 2007.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
This contract has been funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program (LETPP) federal fiscal year 2004 funds provided to WSP through the Washington State
Military Department. The agency recently received federal fiscal year 2006 funds from this grant program.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
chamness amd 3 0906.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 9/28/2006
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, September 26,2006 10:12 AM
To: 'mchamnes@leo.gov'
Cc: Huntley, Keith (WSP); Ladines, Lance (WJAC)
Subject: Criminal intelligence analyst contract extension
Attachments: chamness amd 30906.doc

Attached is an amendment to your firm's criminal intelligence analyst contract to extend and fund the contract for
one additional year.

If this amendment is acceptable, please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the
amendment, fax the amendment to my attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the amendment with the original
signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive
the amendment via fax no later than Friday, September 29, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. local time. Once I receive the
document with your firm's original signature through the postal mail I will send one fully executed original of the
amendment to you for your records.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

WSP Contract No. C051041 PSC
Amendment 3



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30,2007.

b. The maximum contract amount is increased by $99,200.00 for a revised maximum

contract amount of $215,200.00.

c. This amendment is effective on September 30, 2006.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Date 6/2/06
Washington State Patrol
d t an d FIscaIServlces
Bulge . Ilcaf Ion Form
Cont ractN o ff LDS
- I- -
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 131 Payable D Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number PJR Number
C051041PSC (2)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
June 16, 2005 September 30, 2006
Contract Title CFDANo. I QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Mr. Michael R. Chamness
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP SectionlDivision/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Extends period of performance for four months.

Contract Amount Position ./""1/ S~nature a~ I}lte

/.IA /7. ~~ 0
$83,300.00 Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
$32,700.00 Business Office Manag II' f)J ) (I/! I
Revised Total
$116,000.00 Budget Manager / ~ I{; tJ f!l~fdF
(y Icipa
Allot DYes DNo
Receipt DYes DNo

Indirect Costs %
Accounting Manager b , ;i;-I {/V

Sub Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
SIS4 001 020 00270 SIS4 CE
vv, V<.V

Mileage Allowed:
Std Mileage Rate:
Travel Authorized:
Billable Contracts Only

. Mileage O~

oluntary OIT:

per mile
DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leave to Contract

Overtime Allowed:
------ AFRS Code Assigned:
Overtime Only (On Day Off):
Contract Pays Only ~es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type..of-RSCeipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement o Recovery of Expenditure
___ Distribution:.I3I.ProjectManager ..[2jAccountant ~BjJdget Analyst Dother:~~~~~~~~~
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
WSP Contract No. C051041 PSC
Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $32,700.00.

All other terms and. conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.



Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

DATE: June 13, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Mr. Michael R. Chamness. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under
the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.
Please take the following· steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.
• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The [mal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.

Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540

June 13, 2006

Mr. Michael R. Chamness

8280 NE Baker Hill Road
Bainbridge Island WA 98110

Dear Mr. Chamness:

Subject: Amendment 2 to WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your
records:-----~··· -----.--. - -... .. ..
-~-.----.-----.- -~~.--

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

June 16,2005 - D New

Period of September 30, C8J Amendment
Contract No. C051041PSC (2) Performance: ...:2:..:0:..::0.::.6_ _ _ _ _ D Recurring
Contract Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
Other Party: Mr. Michael R. Chamness
C8J Payable
D Receivable
Amount: $116,000.00 D Other:

Scope of Work: Extends and adds sufficient funds for 4 additional months.
Funded via LETPP FFY04 grant from the Military Department.

Grants and Contract Manager: _.M~C.<>.."l-'l/_..,.~,-,'f(=-______________

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator: ~~~

Management Services Bureau Director: f-+\~-------------


WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $32,700.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, June 07,20067:48 AM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Approved - Decision: 6/2/2006.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Approved
By: Susan Johnsen
Filing Number: 34392-02

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 6/2/2006
Start Date: 5/31/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $86,300

Amendment Value: $32,700
New Total Contract Value: $119,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofrn.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management I WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 2:34 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 6/2/2006 2:34:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 51760

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 6/2/2006 2:34:00 PM
Start Date: 5/31/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $86,300

Amendment Value: $32,700
New Total Contract Value: $119,000

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the. Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofrn.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Approval - Amendment should be filed a minimum of 10 working days prior to the proposed start date of
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Chamness, Michael R.
Address 8280 NE Baker Hill Road, Bainbridge Island, WA USA 98110
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To continue providing criminal intelligence analyst services for four additional months.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34392 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
34392 - 01 $7,300 $7,300
This Filing $32,700 $32,700
Contract Total $119,000

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
05/31/2006 09/30/2006


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified

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Page 2 of3

Former State Employees

None Identified
Late Filing Justification
Reason for Late Filing:
Despite the agency's efforts to resolve funding issues with the Military Department well in advance of the filing
period, the agency received notification of the funding extension during the afternoon of May 31, 2006 and
was unable to file the amendment in time.
Action taken to prevent future Late Filings:
The agency will continue to work with the Military Department in order to secure funding earlier in order to
facilitate the filing process.
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the amendment is
intended to address and which makes the services necessary.
The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint federal, state and local
law enforcement environments such as joint and regional criminal intelligence centers. This contracto
provides services to the Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC). WAJAC is housed at the Seattle Field
Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local,
regional, and federal agencies by organizing and disseminating threat information and other intelligence
efforts to law enforcement agencies, first responders, and key decision makers throughout the state, allowing
real-time, accurate, two-way flow of intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies including the FBI;
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; the Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol;
and several local law enforcement agencies.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities
or operations and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State
Homeland Security Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of
Washington and approved by the Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law
Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the Military Department from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL,
STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the
service more efficiently or more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees
from performing the services in the proposed contract.
Contractor's Qualifications
Provide an explanation of the contractor's qualifications, abilities, or expertise to meet the agency's
specific needs for the services under the amendment.

The contract provides a criminal intelligence analyst to WAJAC in Seattle. The contractor was selected
through a two-tier process: the initial evaluation of proposed contractor employee qualifications; and the
selection through an oral interview process with member agencies of the intelligence center where the
contractor employee would provide services. The contractor has been providing services to their intelligence
center over the last several months and has been integrated into the center's work processes to the point

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Page 3 of3

where it would take several months to procure, evaluate, replace and train up any other contractor.
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
It is not efficient to conduct a competitive procurement solely for four months of contract performance.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services. Additionally, the agency has conducted four procurements for these services
over the past year, and is finding it increasingly difficult to identify qualified contractors to provide these
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Additional services were not included in the terms of the original contract or solicitation document. Explain:
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond April 30, 2006. The contract has been amended to
extend the period of performance through May 31 , 2006 when the agency received an extension of funding
from the Military Department.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
The option to extend the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not
know if funding for this project would continue beyond April 30, 2006. The contract has been amended to
extend the period of performance through May 31 , 2006 when the agency received an extension of funding
from the Military Department.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
This contract is funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program (federal fiscal year 2004 funds) provided to WSP through the Washington State Military
Department. WSP's funding agreement with the Military Department was originally scheduled to end on April
30, 2006; the Military Department had extended the period of performance of the funding agreement through
May 31, 2006. The Military Department extended the period of performance once again at the request of the
agency through November 30, 2006.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
chamness amd 2 0506.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDfFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAFil... 6/2/2006
05/25/2006 11:19 FAX 2062622014 I(!J UUl

roMS (R~v. 6..2.97)



0 lmmediate 0 Top Secret Time Transmitted: //.2.0

)r Priority 0 Secre< Sendets Initials: /.W/'?C'
0 Routine :l(1' Coniidemial Number ofpages: 2.
0 Sensitive (including oover sheet)
0 Unclassi:lied

To: WSt:> lX!J.~t'- ! ;:;;;'Q{. i§...eVl"H Date: ~/-i? C;ht>.?L

,/ Name ofOffice

5' &6 t:..6 '-i - 06 S- tz.

Hurda 6 I
Facsimile Number: ~

Attn: J6 if
Name Room Telephone

From; ~cG"" ~77i?£S"S


Subject; a·,f;,eBcP /-,Jd7-;:oc!lVl. rn -t

Special Handling Instructions:

Originator's Name: Telephone:

Originators Facsimile Number. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Brief Description ofCOmrnuniCll!ion Faxed;


Innnnmion attached 10 the cover sh~ is U.S. Government Propr;rt.y. Ifyou arr: not the intended recipient ofthis inxumarion
disclosureJ reproduction, distribution, or use ofthis inflrmation is prohibited. (18.USC, § 641). Please notiiY the originator Or
local FBI Office immediately to arrange fOr proper disposition.
WSP Contract No. C051041 PSC
Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $32,700.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief


Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1

Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

From: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:52 AM
To: 'mchamnes@leo.gov'
Cc: Huntley, Keith (WSP)
Subject: Criminal intelligence analyst services contract extension

We still haven't received an extension to the funds for your contract from the Military Department. In anticipation
of an extension, I've attached an amendment to this e-mail that will extend your contract and provide funding
through September 30, 2006.

Please have an authorized individual for your company sign and date the amendment, fax the amendment to my
attention at (360) 664-0657, and send the amendment with the original signature to me at WSP Budget and Fiscal
Services, PO Box 42602, Olympia WA 98504-2602. I must receive the amendment via fax no later than
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. local time.

If we do not receive an extension to your contract's funds the contract will end at midnight on May 31, 2006. I will
inform you of the status of this extension via e-mail no later than noon on May 31, 2006. Should the funding for
your contract lapse, it is our intent to enter into a new contract for your services as soon as funding can be

Please let me know if you have any questions concerning this e-mail.

WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
Amendment 2



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through September 30, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $32,700.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Batiste, Chief Signature

Date Date

Page 1 of 1
Uate 4/"1 L/VO
Washington State Patrol
Budget ar,· .-Iscal Services Contract Notifl ,don Form
o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 !8l Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NRNumber
C051041PSC (1)
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
6/16/2005 5/31/06

Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelliqence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Mr. Michael R. Chamness
Contractor Contact Address

Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN

Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name

Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
LT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Extends period of performance for one month.

Contract Amount Position /l Signature...al}d £?.ate

$76,000 Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount .

Amount $7300 Business Office Manage'D1t 1
Revised Total $83,300

Indirect Costs %
Accounting Manager \ 1/ d- tJ!
Sub '-' Revenue Code PercenU
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
SIS4 001 020 00270 SI84 CE
vvnv' vv,

Billable Contracts Only ___

Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage O~ DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo special~'" per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes DNo _____________ "oluntary OfT: DYes DNo
Special Rules: DYes DNo

Prorate Leaveto~ontract: DVes DNo AFRS Code Assigned: DVes DNo

Overtime Allowed: DVes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DVes DNo
Contract Pays Only OfT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours: - - - - - - 1
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt: o Revenue D Interagency Reimbursement D Recovery of Expenditure

Distribution: !8l Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
!8l Accountant - !8lBudget Analyst D Other:-'."_ _ _ _ _ _-'--
WSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC
Amendment 1



The above-referenced Contract between the Washington State Patrol (WSP) and Mr.
Michael R. Chamness (Contractor) is hereby amended as follows:

a. The period of performance is extended through May 31, 2006.

b. The maximum dollar amount is increased by $7,300.00.

All other terms and conditions of this Contract remain in full force and effect.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed by the persons signing below, who warrant that they
have the authority to execute this Amendment.


John R. Ba Iste, Chief sj9fli u r . . · · .

Date Date 7

Page 1 of 1

TO: Lieutenant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: Amendment I to WSP Contract No. C051041PSC
DATE: April 21, 2006

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Mr. Michael R. Chamness. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under
the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.
Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.
• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment
• The final payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this

• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances. .
Please contact me at Micro II, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Eileen Nashleanas, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing projessionallaw enforcement services

Governor Chief

General Administrative Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov.

April 21, 2006

Mr. Michael R. Chamness

8280 NE Baker Hill Road
Bainbridge Island WA 98110

Dear Mr. Chamness:

Subject: WSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


M:: feff~ R. Hugd
Budget and Fiscal

Budget'and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

. . . 0 New .
. . Period of . JSt'Amendment
Contract No. Ct)~ /ot/t;:rC Performance: ~ - :5""~D Recurring

~;:~a;:::e: U:drir;i~,2Ova::;
o Receivable
Amount: 13, !JJdl D Other:

Scope of Work:' --I04~-----t.~t/;"L.A~~~L1--.l.~~~~&tz:.;~_----,

Grants and Contract Manager:

Business Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

Management Services Bureau Dire:ctor' ---ti~------------

Governor Chief

General Administrative Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504·2600 • (360) 753-6540 • www.wsp.wa.gov

April 12, 2006

Mr. Michael R. Chamness

8280 NE Baker Hill Road
Bainbridge Island WA 98110

Dear Mr. Chamness:

Subject: Amendment 1 to WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

Enclosed are two originals of the referenced amendment to the agreement between the
Washington State Patrol and your firm. Once an approved representative of your firm
has signed these originals, please return both originals to my attention at the following

Budget and Fiscal Services

Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602

The Washington State Patrol agreement tracking number is referenc~d above; please
use this number on all correspondence regarding the contract. If you need further
aSSistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fiscal

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm. contracting@ofm.wa.gov

Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 2:30 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 4/12/2006.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Jan McMullen
Filing Number: 34392-01

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 4/12/2006
Start Date: 4/30/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $79,000

Amendment Value: $7,300
New Total Contract Value: $86,300

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:28 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 4/12/2006 2:28:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 51104

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 4/12/2006 2:28:00 PM
Start Date: 4/30/2006
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value To Date: $79,000

Amendment Value: $7,300
New Total Contract Value: $86,300

Contact(s) When Filing is in Process: Jeff Hugdahl

Contact(s) When Filing is Completed: Jeff Hugdahl

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofrn.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of2

PS CD . .
Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Amendment is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision
Contractor Information
Legal Name Chamness, Michael R.
Address 8280 NE Baker Hill Road, Bainbridge Island, WA USA 98110
Amendment Information
Procurement Competitive
CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose To continue providing criminal intelligence analyst services for one additional month.
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
34392 - 00 $79,000 $79,000
This Filing $7,300 $7,300
Contract Total $86,300

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
04/30/2006 05/31/2006


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified

http://contracts.ofin. wa.gov/PSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSurnmary. aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF... 4/12/2006

Page 2 of2

Filing Justification
Contract Amendment
State the rationale for executing an amendment to an existing contract rather than competitively
procuring the services and awarding a new contract. Include how executing the amendment can most
effectively achieve the agency's purpose.
It is not efficient to conduct a competitive procurement solely for one month of contract performance.
Amending this contract will allow uninterrupted service at the local regional intelligence group where the
contractor is providing services.
Are the proposed services within the scope of the original contract?
Options for Extension
Option to extend the contract was included in the solicitation. List what optional periods: The option to extend
the contract was not included in the original solicitation because the agency did not know if funding for this
project would continue beyond April 30, 2006.
Explain why the services were not included in the terms of the original contract.
This contract is funded through the Department of Homeland Security's Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program provided to WSP through the Washington State Military Department. WSP's funding
agreement with the Military Department was scheduled to end on April 30, 2006; the Military Department has
extended the period of performance of that funding agreement through May 31,2006.
Explain what conditions have changed since the award and other applicable information that clearly
justifies the decision to amend the contract.
See above.
Are rates the same as that negotiated under the original contract?
chamness amd 1.doc - 29184kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofm.wa.govIPSCDlFilinglPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFAF .,. 4/12/2006

Date 5/27/05
Washington State Patrol
Budget all0 Fiscal Services Contract NotiflCc:ltion Form
o Billable over $10,000 0 Billable under $10,000 [gi Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number NR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
DOE April 30, 2006
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes ONo
Contractor Name
Mr. Michael R. Chamness
Contractor Contact Address
8280 NE Baker Hill Road, Bainbridge Island WA 98110
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Michael R. Chamness
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
wSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
SGT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Reimbursed at an hourly rate up to the maximum contract amount; travel costs in addition to the maximum
contract amount must be authorized by WSP in advance, Hourly rate: Michael Chamness $45.00

Contract Amount Position / ' I ~ Signa~re a~Dyt~

Contract Amount $ Grants and Contracts Manager I //..-v/Z ~ 1/'517
Amount $ Business Office Manager. ~)(, 'S fill
Revised Total
$76,000 Budget Manager
• tYH
rn ~.A..;IAb ,/I/OfJlotOYesQNo
{ II~' V'7//fI:1I1antf&'pa'iWReceiPt DYes 'Ell'fo

Indirect Costs % Accounting Manage; j--f1 ()J /,--V ¥ t, ~

Sub v Revenue Code
Master Index Fund AI PI Project TAR Code PercenU
Object Major Major Sub Amount
Group Source Source
SI84 001 020 00270 SIS4 cC' /IJO
"". ""In -"'=
Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes ONo Mileage O~ ONo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes ONo .special~~. per mile
Travel Authorized: DYes ONo _________ . oluntary OIT: DYes ONo
Special Rules: DYes ONo

Prorate Leave to Contract DYes ONo _________ AFRS Code Assigned: DYes ONo
Overtime Allowed: OYe~ Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes ONo
Contract Pays Only OIT Co~es ONo Minimum Call Out Hours: - - - - - - - f
Primary Org Code: ~_ Other Org Codes:
Type~eipt DRevenue 0 Interagency Reimbursement . 0 Recovery of Expenditure
Distribution: 129 Project Manager
300-365-522 (R 6/03)
[gi Accountant [giBudget Analyst 0 Other:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

(mandatory, for
tax purposes)


WSP Investigative Assistance Division

PO Box 2347 WA 98507-2347

PO Box 42602

End Date
Date of Execution 2006
ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and i
into this Contract by reference:
Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
Additional Exhibits as Exhibit


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of10

Exhibit A


1. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall provide
criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to provide the
following products:
• Raw intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written Intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Michael Chamness . Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle)

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance;
and must provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst
Notebook application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from
the date of contract execution.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good
condition. .

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 10

.~ TATEMENT OF WORK (Continut;._;

Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or
federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSI:"s option: (I) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) retum all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into the
Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of this
Contract and demand for retum of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below hour for
services provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Hourly Rate

Michael Chamness $45.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These rates
are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual is
available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 10

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work"means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontracf' means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is obligated
to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

'WSP" means'the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document'to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 10


its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make
a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding to all
parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims ariSing out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by negligent
acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington_ The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 10


withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract, the
Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by statute,
regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its organization's
structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting procedures,
practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to WSP and all
expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the
following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Stateml'lnt of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations,. and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 10

GENE:. __ AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (C\,. .• iinued)

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the dati?-
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 10


29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it is
determined that the Contractor We,S not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and' are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
. Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable forand shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 10

GEN£:. . .~L TERMS AND CONDITIONS (C,,-.iinued)

management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 10

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C051041PSC
(Contract) or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal
statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of
Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Si ctor Employee

~ha.JRaalT7a;;<:'"c) jJ...z.. 16~

Printed Name and Title

JUN 022005

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 10

2112102 -

TO: Sergeant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

FROM: Mr. Jeffrey R. Hugdahl, Budget and Fiscal Services

SUBJECT: WSP Contract No. C051041PSC

DATE: June 27,2005

Attached is a fully executed copy of the above-listed contract between the Washington State
Patrol and Mr. Michael R. Chamness. Funding for this contract has been encumbered under
the budget code listed on the attached Budget and Fiscal Services Contract Notification Form.
Please take the following steps to ensure the correct payment of this contract:

• If you feel the indicated budget code is incorrect, please contact me within fifteen days
from the date of this IOC.
• The Budget and Fiscal Services contract tracking number is the WSP Contract Number
noted above. Please ensure that all persons preparing payment documents for this contract
reference this WSP Contract Number and use the indicated budget code on all payment

• The fmal payment document for the contract must be marked "Final Payment" so the
Accounts Payable Section can liquidate the remaining encumbrance balance for this
• If the contract period of performance crosses fiscal year boundaries, please work with your
assigned budget analyst to address any fiscal year end balances.
Please contact me at Micro 11, ext. 179 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this

cc: Ms. Mary Thygesen, Budget Section
Ms. Tanya G. Pierce, Accounts Payable Section

3000-323-001 (5/96) An internationally accredited agency providing professional law enforcement services
General Administration Building, PO Box 42600 • Olympia, WA 98504-2600 • (360) 753-6540

June 27, 2005

Mr. Michael R. Chamness

8280 NE Baker Hill Road
Bainbridge Island WA 98110

Dear Mr. Chamness:

Subject: WSP Contract No. C051 041 PSC

Enclosed with this letter is one fully executed original of the referenced agreement
between the Washington State Patrol and your firm. Please keep this original for your

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the agreement number
referenced above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this
agreement. If you need further asSistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.



Budget and Fisc Services

cc: Sergeant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division
Budget'and Fiscal Services
Contract Routing Face Sheet

J;g- New
Period of 0 Amendment

Contract No. (;05"'11) 11P1L Performance: DO£. ¢~d, 0 Recurring

~:;~~a;::~:e: ---'-5i~.LJ6'----.LL/l4-4L~-i""E~~w:~
o Receivable
Amount: ;I 7e. ~dO 0 Other:
Scope of Work: _ _ -L!;-'~'-L...._-'t.",h"'~"",~l-'(~-"r:=_~-<-,,j;'-"Q1.cz..u&
'1-'.~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'-

Grants and Contract Manager:

l3usiness Office Manager:

BFS Adminstrator:

~~"'~ __-"=W"'-____________

Personal Service Contn Risk Assesment
Page 1 of4

WSP Personal Service Contract Risk Assessment

WSP Project Manager
Has the WSP Project Manager
completed contract training?
WSP Contract Number
BFS Contracts Specialist


Description of S~¥ "'A~d :r~a:'7

2. Document the following pre-contract decisions:

Decision Comments
Funding source (account coding) and Amount t..e:7"PP tl4T ,,", ,-r/""
Has an authorized manager approved the
W"es DNo
expenditure? I
Type of appropriationJfederal, state, other) C_ /
If the contract obligates $25,000 or more in federal
funds has the Excluded Parties List System been ~es DNo
Public Resources
How have you assessed if other public resources are
available for this work? ;<J/A
• Agency. resources DYe DNo
• Other public (Qovernmental) resources DYel fI.J No
Competitive Contracting
Has this work been performed/is performed by WSP
DYes ~No
If yes, has the WSP Labor Attorney been contacted? DYes LJ No IV/A
Has the WSP Labor Attorney given approval to
DYes DNo
proceed with the contract? '/
Is contractor a current or former state employee? DYesJilNo
• If current, does contractor require Ethics Board DYes D(tNo
• If former, provide last date of employment.
~cost Reimbursement (Budget)
Have you determined the appropriate methodes) of Time and materials (Hourly)
compensation and billing? Fixed Price
D Performance Based (valuation of
Personal Service Contr<.· Risk Assesment
Page 2 of4

unded, is the Contractor a

DYes ONo


1. What was the process used to select this contractor?

~ Competitive 0 Sole Source

2. If competitive, describe the process used.

]il Formal (>$20,000) 0 Informal «$20,000)

Please document where competitive documentation (proposals, proof of advertisement, etc.) will
be maintaine':z;, g()(J ./:,I~

3. If sole source, describe why competition was not appropriate. Explain reasons for selecting

4. Advertised? gYes 0 No 0 N/A (less than $20,000)

Do you have proof of advertisement (tear sheet and affidavit)? cgYes 0 No

5. Does the contractor require accreditation and licensure? 0 Yes [)}No

If yes, have you received proof from contractor?O Yes 0 No AI~

C. RISK ASSESSMENT - Please respond to the following questions with regards to the risks
associated with this contract. Risk inherent in a contractor's potential performance is dynamic and
should be updated periodically throughout the term of the contract. Not required on contracts less
than $5,000.
Score on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 representing the lowest risk.
If factor is not applicable, risk point =O. Unknown, risk point =5.
1-2 = Low Risk 3= Medium Risk 4-5 = High Risk
Personal Service Contr, Risk Assesment
Page 3 of4

1. Contract Risk
Risk Factor Points
Contract monitoring is required by law or regulation (such as Single Audit Act): No
= =
Lower Risk; Yes HiQher Risk ";)
Contract dollar amount
$5,000 to <$25,000 Low Risk
>$25,000 to <$100,000 Medium Risk c/
>$100,000 High Risk
Complexity of services ;I"
Payment method (how complex is it?) What method(s} did you use? What
experience do you have with the method(s}?
o Cost Reimbursement (Budget) (score 3-5)
~Time and materials (Hourly) (score 3-5)
Fixed Price (score 1-3))
o Performance Based (valuation of deliverables) (score 1-3)
Procurement method:
~ Competitive (score 1 to 3)
o Sole Source (score 3 to 5)
2. Contractor Risk
Risk Factor Points
Size and source of funding "J
Length of time in business ";;'
Experience and past performance V
Accreditation and licensure (Is contractor subject to either and if so, do you have
Financial health and practices (is contractor's financial condition good or poor?)
Board of Directors (for Non-profits only - do they take an active role in the

Subcontracting activities (does the contractor have an effective monitoring
function to oversee subcontractors?)
Organizational changes (is organization stable or does it have frequent turnover?) "?
Management structure and adequacy (Is organization centralized or decentralized
- how much control over decentrafized functions?) ;
Legal actions (has there been any for the last 12 months? - if so, what?) ~
Background of individuals (do you have resumes?) ;;t

3. Total Risk Points

D. CONTRACT MONITORING - Monitoring means any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that
measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a
contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor's role in
delivering services and the contractor's ability to deliver under the terms of the contract.

1. Were contract and contractor risks assessed prior to entering into a contract?
!X Yes 0 No

2. Does t~e risk assessment form the basis of the monitoring plan?
wYes ONo
Personal Service Contr. Risk Assesment
Page 4 of4

3. Was the risk assessment used to determine the scope, frequency, and methods of monitoring
and/or auditing to be used to ensure sufficient oversight?
]8fYes 0 No
4. What monitoring activities are in your plan?

Monitoring Activities Comments

Review of entity periodic reports X
Review of entity invoices and other
documentation X
Conduct onsite reviews or other
observations (meetinQs, etc.) )('
Maintain other periodic contract with
contractor (telephone, email, etc.)

E. AUDITS (for subrecipients of federal funds)

Have audits been completed on this contract (for
example, A 133 audits)?
What, if any, audit coverage is necessary to
assure appropriate spendingof state funds?
Was a risk assessment completed to determine
whether an audit was needed?
Is corrective action necessary? Were
questioned costs resolved?
Are. audit findings, if any, resolved?


Any activities need follow-up?
All invoices have been received and paid?
Follow-up on audit findings needed?
Program objectives and outcomes have been
Are there any issues regarding contractor
performance? If any, describe:

Excluded Parties List System Page 1 of 1

Search ~ Current Exclusions

EPLS Search
I Resources

'" , > Search Help

> Advanced Search Search Results for Parties > Public User's Manual

> Multiple Names Excluded by >FAQ

Partial Name: chamness > Acronyms
> Exact Name and SSNITIN
State: WASHINGTON > Privacy Act Provisions
> MyEPLS '.
Save to MyEPLS > News
View Cause and Treatment Code
Descriptions Reports
Your search returned no results.

> Reciprocal Codes

> Procurement Codes Back New Search
I > Advanced Reports
> Nonprocurement Codes

Archive Search - Past Exclusions

Agency & Acronym Information

> Agency Contacts

'----_ _-'I.
> Advanced Archive Search
> Agency Descriptions
> Multiple Names
> State/Country Code Descriptions

Contact Information

> Email: support@epls.gov

> Debar Maintenance
> Administration
> Upload Login > Phone: 1·866·GSA-EPLS

http://www.epls.gov/epls/search.do 9/2112007
Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 2: 13 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Decision: Agency 225 - Filed Date Reviewed - Decision: 6/8/2005 3:15:00 PM.

This e-mail is being sent because you were identified as the person to be contacted after
a decision was made by OFM on this filing.

Decision: Reviewed
By: Jan McMullen
Filing Number: 34392-00

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 6/8/2005 3:15:00 PM
Start Date: 6/8/2005
Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value: $79,000

Decision Comments:

Please retain the Filing Number listed above for any later query purposes or to assist
with filing an amendment to the contract in the PSCD system. If you have any questions or
concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov or at
360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Hugdahl. Jeff (WSP)

From: ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 20053:15 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: PSCD: Filing Received: Agency 225 - Filed Date 6/8/2005 3:15:00 PM.

Your filing has been received by OFM. Please see the information below.

Contract Reference Number: 46530

Contractor Legal Name: Chamness, Michael R.

Contractor TIN:

Agency: 225
Agency Contract #: C051041PSC
Filed Date: 6/8/2005 3:15:00 PM
Start Date: 6/8/2005 Filed By: Jeff Hugdahl

Contract Value: $79,000

Please retain the Contract Reference Number listed above for any questions during
processing and to access the filing in the PSCD system prior to OFM decision. After
decision has been made use the OFM Filing Number to access data in PSCD. If you have any
questions or concerns about this filing, please contact OFM at ofm.contracting@ofm.wa.gov
or at 360-725-5257 or 360-725-5262.

Thank You
Office of Financial Management, WA State Personal Services Contracts

Page 1 of3

Personal Service Contracts Database
Filing Summary
Review - Contract is to be filed no later than the proposed start date of services.
Agency: 225 - Washington State Patrol
Filing Number:
Reference Number: 46530
Agency Contract
Filed By:
OFM Decision Date:

Contractor Information
Legal Name Chamness, Michael R.
Address 8280 NE Baker Hill Road, Bainbridge Island, WA USA 98110
Contract Information
Procurement Competitive
Service Description CE Social Research Services
Contract Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at joint federal,
state and local law enforcement environments such as joint and regional criminal intelligence
Fund Source
Filing Number Federal State Other Total
This Filing $79,000 $79,000
Contract Total $79,000

Contract Dates
Filed Date Start Date End Date
06/08/2005 04/30/2006


Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov In Process

Jeff Hugdahl (360)753-0602 jeff.hugdahl@wsp.wa.gov Processed

Current State Employees

None Identified
Former State Employees
None Identified
Filing Justification
Specific Problem or Need
Identify and fully describe the specific problem, requirement or need which the contract is intended to address and
which makes the services necessary.

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFiling/PrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew 6/812005
Page 2 of3
The Washington Joint Analytical Centel IS housed at the Seattle Field Office of the I-"deral Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local, regional, and federal agencies by organizing and disseminating threat
information and other intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies, first responders, and key decision makers throughout
the state, allowing real-time, accurate, two-way flow of intelligence information. WAJAC participating agencies including the
FBI; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; the Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several
local law enforcement agencies. Nine Regional Intelligence Centers (RICs) are being created to provide criminal intelligence
services in an effort to prevent terrorism. The RICs are located regionally throughout Washington State, and are comprised
of representatives of local and state law enforcement agencies. The RICs serve to provide regionally-focused intelligence
analysis products, and well as a conduit for information to and from the WAJAC.
Describe how the agency determined the services are critical or essential to agency responsibilities or operations
and/or whether the services are mandated or authorized by the Washington State Legislature.
The services provided through this contract are essential for the implementation of the Washington State Homeland Security
Strategic Plan as published by the Washington State Military Department for the State of Washington and approved by the
Governor's Office. The contract is funded through the federal Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program through the
Military Department from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Other Public Resources
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that sufficient staffing or expertise is not available WITHIN YOUR
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees from performing
the services in the proposed contract.
Explain what effort has been taken to conclude that OTHER GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES (LOCAL, STATE OR
FEDERAL AGENCIES) OUTSIDE OF YOUR AGENCY are not available to perform the service more efficiently or
more cost effectively.
WSP is prohibited by the federal funding source from using WSP or other governmental agency employees from performing
the services in the proposed contract.
Competitive Solicitation Process
Advertisement Information
Name of the newspapers the advertisement was published in: The RFQQ was published on the internet at WSP's website,
announced through the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs to their rnember organizations, and advertised
on the Law Enforcement Analyst Mailing List website (http://www.leanalyst.info/).
Solicitation Notification
Number of Solicited Documents: 90. This document was posted on the Internet.
Explain the basis on which the contractor was selected. Do not simply list the evaluation criteria or the scores, but
rather explain your analysis of why the contractor scored well in the evaluation process or what differentiated this
contractor from others.
The contractor was initially selected for an interview based on the strength of their education, training, work experience and
proposed hourly rate. Final selection was based on the consensus of local jurisdictions that will be receiving the services.
Names of Firms Responding With Proposals.
Gary L. Smith (dba Northern Watch) William J. Joslin (dba Joslin Consulting) Kelly Miller Dan L. Collier (dba Collier &
Associates) Ronald Knapp (dba Shadow Enterprises) Leah J. Belshay (dba Analysis Contracting Services) Crystal L. Van
Meter Shawna Gibson Robert C. Orth (dba Strait Solutions) Michael R. Chamness Mike Sweeney (Matrix Public Sector
Services) William J. Giannetti Robert C. Thurston Science Applications International Corporation Security and Investigations
Inc. Setrecon Inc. . '
Describe the evaluation process (e.g., evaluation committees scored the responses, selection committee made the
award decision, etc).
Proposed consultant team members were evaluated by a committee consisting of WSP Criminal Intelligence Unit and
Washington Joint Analytical Center staff to score vendor education, training and work experience. Cost points were awarded
based on the proposed hourly rate versus the lowest hourly rate proposed for all vendors. Proposed consultant team
members were separated by work location availability; the highest scorers from the evaluation were interviewed by WSP
and local jurisdictions participating the regional intelligence centers and the WAJAC where the proposed consultant team
members would work. The final selection was based on the outcome of these interviews.
Reasonableness of Cost

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDfFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew 6/8/2005
Page 3 of3
How was it determined that costs are fair and reasonable, or within the competitive range?
For proposed consultant team members, the average hourly rate was $48.04 per hour. The contractor proposed $45 per
hour. $3,000 per contractor employee has been added to the maximum contract amount for travel costs. These costs are
not included in the maximum dollar amount of the contract itself, but are paid separately above that amount.
chamness0505.doc - 101376kb
RFQQ No. C050836PSC.doc - 188416kb
amendment 1 to RFQQ No C050836PSC.doc - 60928kb

Are any documents being sent that are not attached via this system?
Is the contract or amendment document attached or listed above? Yes

http://contracts.ofin.wa.govIPSCDlFilingIPrintFilingSummary.aspx?menuSelect=mnuFilingNew 6/8/2005
General Administration Building, PO Box 42600'Olympia, WA 98504-2600'(360) 753-6540

May 27, 2005

Mr. Michael R. Chamness

8280 NE Baker Hill Road
Bainbridge Island WA 98110

Dear Mr. Chamness:

Subject: WSP Contract No. C051041PSC, Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

Enclosed are two originals of the referenced contract between the Washington State Patrol and
you. Once you have signed these originals and noted your federal taxpayer identification
number in the appropriate spaces, please return both originals to my attention at the following

Budget and Fiscal Services

Washington State Patrol
PO Box 42602
Olympia W A 98504-2602

It appears that you are not currently registered to do business in Washington State. Please
contact the Department of Licensing's Master License Service at telephone (360) 664-1400 in
order to initiate the registration process. Also, please complete and sign Exhibit C, Contractor
Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, and return it with the signed original contracts.

The Washington State Patrol contract tracking number is the contract number referenced
above; please use this number on all correspondence regarding this contract. If you need
further assistance, please contact me at (360) 753-0602.


Mr. Jeffr R. Hugd I

Budget and Fiscal

cc: Sergeant Keith Huntley, Investigative Assistance Division

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

(mandatory, for
8280 NE Baker Hill Road

John R. Batiste, Chief



WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 10

Exhibit A


1. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall provide
criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to provide the
following products:
• Raw intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written Intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

Contractor Employee Location of Work

Michael Chamness Washington Joint Analytical Center (Seattle)

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance;
and must provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's Analyst
Notebook application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days from
the date of contract execution.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance Of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or
gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Gonfidentiallnformation. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and

information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 2 of 10


Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or
federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security d~ta, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of, these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into the
Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of this
Contract and demand for return of all Confidentiallnforrnation, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below hour for
services provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee Hourly Rate

Michael Chamness $45.00

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These rates
are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual is
available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 3 of 10

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

·Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontracf' means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is obligated
to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. . Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or
section of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 4 of 10


its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgement in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the
Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to,
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and
Chapter 49.60 RCW.

8. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information to the WSP Program Manager a1 the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature
by the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in
compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52
RCW throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute
Board in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make
a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding to all
parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from tihe performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by negligent
acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 5 of 10


withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.

15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
. of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract, the
Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by statute,
regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its organization's
structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting procedures,
practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to WSP and all
expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required byttiis Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the
following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
. state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 6 of 10


. 21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be ''works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies,
computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor. .

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid prOVision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical,
fire or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for
any of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 7 of 10


29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has
a reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

WSP shall notify the 'Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is
not taken within five (5) .calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it is
determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The 'rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a sum from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP determines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property fumished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 8 of 10


management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

WSP Personal Service Contract Page 9 of 10

· \ \ '
Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or
knowledge in connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number C051041PSC
(Contract) or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the
public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal
statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security
numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information,
driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records, agency source code or object
code, agency security data, or information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of
these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidentiallnformatlon in strictest confidence and not to make use of

Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to
release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party
without the Washington State Patrol's express written consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent

unauthorized access to Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the

Contractor, I shall surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the
Vendor for its disposition according to the terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including
RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 10 of 10

Date 5/27/05
Washington State Patrol
d t
8uige and FIscaIServlces
. Con t ractN o ffIlcaf Ion Form -/-/-
o Billable over $10,000 o Billable under $10,000 [gI Payable o Other:
WSP Contract Number Other Contract Number AIR Number
Contract Start Date Contract End Date AFRS End Date
DOE April 30, 2006
Contract Title CFDANo. QFSR
Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services DYes DNo
Contractor Name
Mr. Michael R. Chamness
Contractor Contact Address
8280 NE Baker Hill Road, Bainbridge Island WA 98110
Contractor Contact Name Contractor Contact Phone Contractor EIN/SSN
Michael R. Chamness
Contractor E-Mail Address Contractor Contact Fax BFS Accountant Name
Tanya Pierce
WSP Project Manager WSP Section/Division/Bureau BFS Budget Analyst Name
SGT Huntley lAD Eileen Nashleanas
Remarks: Reimbursed at an hourly rate UP to the maximum contract amount; travel costs in addition to the maximum
contract amount must be authorized by WSP in advance. Hourly rate: Michael Chamness $45.00

Contract Amount Position Signature and Date

$ Grants and Contracts Manager
Contract Amount
$ Business Office Manager
Revised Total Allot: DYes DNo
$76,000 Budget Manager
Amount Unanticipated Receipt: DYes DNo
Accounting Manager
Indirect Costs %
Sub Revenue Code Percent!
Master Index Fund AI PI Project Major Major Sub TAR Code
Object Amount
Group Source Source
SIS4 001 020 00270 SIS4 CF
WAJ4 001 020 00271 WAJ4 CF

Billable Contracts Only
Mileage Allowed: DYes DNo Mileage Only: ~ DNo
Std Mileage Rate: DYes DNo per mile
Travel Authorized:
Special Rules:
DNo - ~ oluntary OIT: DYes DNo

p-~~~ ---------- AFRS Code Assigned: DYes DNa

Overtime Allowed: DYes Overtime Only (On Day Off): DYes DNo
Contract Pays Only OIT Cost: es DNo Minimum Call Out Hours:
Primary Org Code: Other Org Codes:
Typept..Receipt: DRevenue o Interagency Reimbursement .0 Recovery of Expenditure

Distribution: [gI Project Manager [gI Accountant [gIBudget Analyst o Other:._ _ _ _ _ _ __


300-365-522 (R 6/03)
Consultant Name: {f -Jutl CIt-4t1thf7'7
RFQQ No. C050386P ~Crimincliintelligence Analyst Services
Number: --'l'{:()I--__

I One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted
with the Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and
Assurances were signed by a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.

4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00 p. m. on Monday, April 4, 2005.

Proposal contains:

Letter of Submittal

Certifications and Assurances (Exhibit A to the RFQQ)

( The Consultant's response to Exhibit C, Questionnaire

L Resume(s) for proposed ConSUltant Team Member(s)

I Waiver and Authorization to R.elease Information for proposed ConSUltant Team

Member(s) (Exhibit E)

~ The Consultant's Quotation (Exhibit 0)

At a minimum, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed Consultant Team Member:

Has a two year college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical
analysis or a related field (two years experience as a criminal intelligence analyst or
as a commissioned law enforcement officer may substitute for each year of college);

x Has two years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis,
or five years work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer


Michael R. Chamness
8280 NE Baker Hill Road
Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110

Criminal Intelligence Analyst

APR 042005


The attached Biography and direct responses to those questions

posed in Exhibit C will support my qualifications as a Criminal
Intelligence Analyst as described in the request for
Qualifications/Quotations No. C050836PSC.

I am a retired Police Detective having served thirty years with the

Seattle Police Department, June 1970 to July 2000. Twenty of those
years were in the Investigations Bureau in the Juvenile, Gang,
Special Assault and Domestic Violence Unit. I was also an Advanced
Training Instructor for Sexual Assault training, Child Abuse,
Interrogation and Interview and advanced First Aid issues.

I currently provide Police Security for the Washington State Ferry

System at the Coleman dock. I contract through Puget Sound
Executive Security. I have an Extended Authority Commission with
the Seattle Police Department.

From November, 2002 thru November, 2003, I served with the United
Nations, in Kosovo, as a civilian police officer. I supervised an
international and local team of police investigators interdicting in
human trafficking in the Peje region of Kosovo.

I have extensive investigative experience and training and have

worked with local and international intelligence units. I am skilled in
the management and organization of complex criminal cases.

For the purposes of this proposed consultant position I would be a

sole proprietor of a business. *

* If this proposal is accepted I would immedialely apply for an obtain a Washington State Business license under my
name and social security # 532-48-0563


Education: Bachelor of Science Degree ( 1970 )

Washington State University

Lambda Alpha Epsilon, National Police Science Honorary

Graduate Studies: Seattle University

Professional Experience: Seattle Police Department: June, 1970-

July, 2000
Patrol Division 1970-1977
Criminal Investigations 1977-1992, 1995-2000
Juvenile Section 1977-1986
Gang Unit 1986
Special Assault ( sexual crimes and
child abuse) 1986-1992
Domestic Violence Unit 1995-2000

Mountain Bike Patrol 1992-1994

Advanced Training Unit 1994-1995

United Nations CIVPOL 2002-2003

Professional Training Child Abuse & Sexual Exploitation of Children

Advanced Techniques of Child Sexual Abuse
Reid Technique of Interview and Interrogation
Advanced Interview and Interrogation 1994
Reid Technique of SpeCialized Interrogation
Scientific Content Analysis 1995
National Conference on Domestic Violence
International Police Assessment and Training

LectureslTraining Given: Child Abuse, Criminal Justice Training Center

Sexual Assault Investigation, CJCT, 1989-2000
Interview and Interrogation, CJCT, 1994-2000
Exhibit C (2) King, Kitsap, Pierce, Jefferson, Mason Counties, State Wide when

Exhibit C (3) References:

Bill Lennox, United Nations CIVPOL, on station, Peje, Kosovo


Jim Dyment, Field Intelligence Support Team, US Coast Guard, 915 Second Ave.
Room 3562, Seattle, WA 98174-1067 Tel. 206-217-6927

Monty Moss, Criminal Intelligence Section! Seattle FBI Field Intelligence Unit,
PO Box 34986, Seattle, WA 98124 Tel: 206-684-8559

Exhibit C (4)

From August 2000 to November 2002 and from December 2003 to present I have
provided Security on a part-time basis for the Washington State Ferry System as
a uniformed Seattle Police Officer. The contract for this service is currently held
by Puget Sound Executive Services, Inc., PO Box 77462, Seattle, WA 98177-
0462. We are not under any direct supervision but respond to requests for
service from dock personnel and the on duty dock Agent or supervisor.



1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience (SCORED).

A. Identify Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract,
indicating the responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide
information on proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following

• Formal edjucation in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer
• . Specialized intelligence analysis training.
• Ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook application, Pen link and Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include
information on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience,
Significant accomplishments and any other pertinent information.

2. Availability (MANDATORy) - Please list those counties within Washington State where the
proposed Consultant Team Member is available for work. If the proposed Consultant Team Member
is available state-wide, please state so.

3. References (SCORED) - List names, addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers/e-mail
addresses of three business references for whom work has been accomplished and briefly describe
the type of service provided. The Consultant must grant permission to WSP to contact the
references. Do not include current WSP staff as references. References will be contacted for the
top-scoring proposal(s) only.

4. Related Information (MANDATORy)

A. If the Consultant contracted with the State of Washington during the past 24 months, indicate the
name of the agency, the contract number and project description and/or other information
available to identify the contract.

B. If the Consultant's team member was an employee of the State of Washington during the past 24
months, or is currently a Washington state employee, identify the individual by name, the agency
previously or currently employed by, job title or position held and separation date.

C. If the Consultant has had a contract terminated for default in the last five years, describe such
incident. Termination for default is defined as notice to stop performance due to the Consultant's
non-performance or poor performance and the issue of performance was either (a) not litigated
due to inaction on the part of the Proposer, or (b) litigated and such litigation determined that the
Proposer was in default.

D. Submit full details of the terms for default including the other party's name, address, and phone
number. Present the Consultant's position on the matter. WSP will evaluate the facts and may,
at its sole discretion, reject the proposal on the grounds of the past experience. If no such
termination for default has been experienced by the Consultant in the past five years, so indicate.

5. Waiver and Authorization to Release Information (MANDATORy) - Any proposed Consultant

Team Member must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance, and must pass a
criminal history background check conducted by WSP. Please provide one Waiver and Authorization

Washington State Patrol 'Page 12 RFQQ No. C050386PSC

to Release Information form (Exhibit E) for each Consultant team member proposed. This form must
be signed by the respective Consultant team member.

Washington State Patrol Page 13 RFQQ No. C050386PSC



l!we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance
with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. l/we declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However,
l/we may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 60 days following receipt, and it may be
accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of
certainty in key terms) at any time within the 60-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, l/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the
state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract,
and who was aSSisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these
assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5. l/we understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of
this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and l/we claim no proprietary right to
the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have
not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by himlher
prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7. l/we agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation
contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. If there are
any exceptions to these terms, l/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page
attached to this document.

8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to
submit or not to the purpose of restricting competition.

Washington State Patrol Page 10 RFQQ NO.-C050386PSC



The evaluation process is designed to award this procurement not necessarily to the Consultant of
least cost, but rather to the ConsuHant whose proposal best meets the requirements of this RFQQ.
However, Consultants are encouraged to submit proposals which are consistent with State
govemment efforts to conserve state resources.

A. Identification of Costs (SCORED)

Identify the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed team members. If the hourly rate differs
from each individual, please identify the specific rate for each proposed team member.

Hourly rate for services: $

B. Basis for Determing Rates.

1. The hourly rate must include all costs associated with providing services, including
Consultant Team Member salary and benefits, industrial insurance, and federal and state

2. You should base your hourly rate on providing services at a maximum of forty (40) hours per

3. The worksite, office supplies, personal computer, and communications shall be provided to
the Contractor. Any such goods and/or services shall remain the property of WSP.

4. All costs aSSOCiated with training for i2's Analyst Notebook application, Pen link and Microsoft
Office Suite are solely the responsibility of the Consultant.

5. When services are required by WSP at locations other than the Consultant Team Members
worksite, WSP will reimburse Contractors for authorized lodging, SUbsistence and business
vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual
is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

B. Computation. The score for the cost proposal will be computed by dividing the lowest average
hourly rate received by the Consultant's average hourly rate. Then the resultant number will be
multiplied by the maximum possible points for the cost section.

Washington State Patrol Page 14 RFQQ No. C050386PSC

Exhibit E


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

Other names or nickname s

Zi Code.

a I~
Date of Birth

03-3/- ooS--

Washington State Patrol Page 15 RFQQ No. C050386PSC

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 3:47 PM
Subject: WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Mr. Castanares,
Congratulations; you have been selected as the Apparent Successful Proposer for this procurement The Start
Date for this contract will be March 24, 2008. Two original contracts and Task Order No.1 will be mailed out to
you for signature. Please sign both sets and mail both sets back to my attention at the address listed on the
cover letter that will be enclosed.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank-you, .

Cindy fiaide r
WSf' RFQQ Coordinatol'
cindy. haider(ii;wsp. WII.WlV

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Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, March 13,20082:59 PM
To: 'innovab@comcast.net'
Subject: WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Mr. Rivers;
We appreciate the time and effort you provided in developing and submitting a response to the RFQQ, however,
another proposer Was named the Apparent Successful Proposer for this procurement.

If you would like a debriefing on your proposal, please contact me bye-mail no later than 4:30p.m. PST on March
18, 2008. As stated in the RFQQ.

• Discussion will be limited to a critique of the requesting Consultant's proposal.

• Comparisons between proposals or evaluations of the proposals will not be allowed.
• Debriefing conferences may be conducted in person or on the telephone and will be scheduled for a
maximum of one hour.

I can be reached via e-mail at cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov. Please let me know if you have any questions
concerning this message.

('indy Haider
WSP RF(}Q ( 'oordinator
cindy.haider((i).wsp. W(l.gov

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 9:47AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Re: RFQQ C080747PSC

No. We are still coordinating schedules

Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section I WAJAC

----- Original Message -----

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Wed Mar 05 09:46: 11 2008
Subject: RFQQ C080747PSC

Lt. - is there a status yet on the Region 3 interviews?

Cindy Haider

WSP Contracts



Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 20083:11 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Subject: Region 3 Analyst

Please move forward on the selection process and interviews for the Region 3 Analyst. At this time we will only look at
selecting one applicant unless the forecast improves.


Captain Tim Braniff

Washington State Patrol _

Investigative Assistance Division

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 20083:20 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: Region 3 Analyst

Yes, and after the interviews are completed, I will need to have the questions/answers from each panel member for each
candidate along with the chosen candidate's name.


Cindy Haider
WSP Contracts
Cindy. Haider@wsp.wa.gov

-----Original Message-----
From: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 3:18 PM
To: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Haider, Cindy (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: Re: Region 3 Analyst


I assume alii need to do is arrange the interview.

Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section / WAJAC

----- Original Message -----

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Cc: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Wed Feb 2715:10:322008
Subject: Region 3 Analyst

Please move forward on the selection process and interviews for the Region 3 Analyst. At this time we will only look at
selecting one applicant unless the forecast improves.


Captain Tim Braniff

Washington State Patrol

Investigative Assistance Division

f.iIe ~di1: ~leW -: _Insert FQ.rmat lools actions tleIp
; ,,~8.eply ;~~ReplytOA~, ':.~Forl1ard:;~ ~ :~. 'f" : \0'.{J X: 4t- ... <t _... N ~_I
from: Sent:, Tue 2{?-6{2oo8 3:56 PM
To: Haider, CiOdy:{wsP)
Scc:: BraniFF~ Trrti (WS:P);'-Drakej"p.andy (WSP)j ,Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP);- ~nno,vab@eonicast.net'
subject: FW: RFQQ C08,Q747PSC

The intelView process for Region 3 is on hold until further notice.

Thank-you for your patience

,?.J/f/Q Com',:ii.)ta.~cr
Cr.d1'. Iia,d'<.'?(;P.)W;!p. ~h:;·lSoV

From: Haider, Cindy (MISP)

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 11:50 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (MISP)
Subject: RFQQ C080747PSC

Per Section 3.1.1, First Tier Evaluation, of the referenced Request for QUalifications/Quotation, the top proposers for REGION 3
are the following:

Mr. Kenneth Rivers, Mantis Consulting Service

Mr. Donald Castanares, Bastion Research

These top proposers will be contacted to schedule an interview.


~VStar,tl ;,:'? Sent Items-- Mlcr.. 11_3 FW: RFQ~ C080... ,:.;:] CONTRACTXP: 0 ••. 1~-hmContract2 I ClIOC',
Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, February 26,200812:14 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP); Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ C080747PSC

As the RFQQ coordinator I will issue an email stating that the scheduling of the interviews has been postponed until further

Cindy Haider
WSP Contracts

-----Original Message-----
From: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Tuesday, February 26,2008 12:08 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: Re: RFQQ C080747PSC

No. We might not be able to hire them. Cpt Braniff will be making that decision today ot tomorrow.
Lieutenant Randy Drake
Washington State Patrol
Intelligence Section / WAJAC

----- Original Message -----

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Sent: Tue Feb 26 10:59:052008
Subject: FW: RFQQ C080747PSC


Have the interviews been schedu led?

Cindy Haider

WSP Contracts



From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 11 :50 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ C080747PSC

Per Section 3.1.1, First Tier Evaluation, of the referenced Request for Qualifications/Quotation, the top proposers for

REGION 3 are the following:

Mr. Kenneth Rivers, Mantis Consulting Service

Mr. Donald Castanares, Bastion Research

These top proposers will be contacted to schedule an interview.


Cindy Haider

RFOO Coordinator

Cindy. haider@wsp.wa.gov

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 200B11:16 AM
To: 'innovab@comcast.net'
Subject: RE: RFQQ COB0747PSC

Mr. Rivers,
I was under the impression that interviews had been scheduled. I will do some checking and get right back to you.


-----Original Message-----
From: innovab@comcast.net [mailto:innovab@comcast.netJ
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 200B 10:53 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
SUbject: Re: RFQQ COB074 7PSC

Hello Ms. Haider,

I was following up to see if there had been a change in the RFQQ schedule for interviews and contract starting dates if
I/we are accepted for the positions. If an amendment was issued which modified the interview process or contract start
date I was not informed. If this was the case could you please provide both myself and Mr. Castanares the changes and
new amendment information.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and response.


Kenneth Rivers
Mantis Consulting Service
"A New Way of Thinking!"
"Remove Your Current Limitations!"

-------------- Original message ----------------------

From: <Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov>
> Per Section 3.1.1, First Tier Evaluation, of the referenced Request
> for Qualifications/Quotation, the top proposers for REGION 3 are the
> following:
> Mr. Kenneth Rivers, Mantis Consulting Service
> Mr. Donald Castanares, Bastion Research
> These top proposers will be contacted to schedule an interview.
> Thank-you,

> Cindy Haider
> RFQQ Coordinator
> Cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Braniff, Tim (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 20081:10 PM
To: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Cc: Haider, Cindy (WSP); Drake, Randy (WSP); Tucker, Rhonda (WSP); Gurley, Traci (WSP)
Subject: Regional 3 Analyst


The WAJAC Advisory Board voted to continue with the hiring process for the two Region 3 analyst. We will continue with
the current process in place and wait for results of the interviews.

Thank you, Tim

Captain Tim Braniff

Washington State Patrol

Investigative Assistance Division

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 11 :50 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RFQQ C080747PSC

Per Section 3.1.1, First Tier Evaluation, of the referenced Request for Qualifications/Quotation, the top proposers
for REGION 3 are the following:

Mr. Kenneth Rivers, Mantis Consulting Service

Mr. Donald Castanares, Bastion Research

These top proposers will be contacted to schedule an interview.


Cindy Haider
RFQQ Coordinator

Per Section 3.1.1, First Tier Evaluation, of the referenced Request for QUalifications/Quotation, the top proposers for REGION
3 are the following:

Mr. Kenneth Rivers, Mantis Consulting Service

Mr. Donald Caslanares, Bastion Research

These lop proposers will be contacted to schedule an interview.


Cindy Haid<ir
RPQQ Coordinr:ztor


One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted with the
Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances were signed by
a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.
/ 4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

J Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00 p.m. on January 31,2008.

L The ConSUltant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington.

At a minimum, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed Consultant Team

Has a two year college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a
related field (two years experience as a criminal intelligence analyst or as a commissioned law
enforcement officer may substitute for each year of college);
Has two years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis, or five
years work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer; and
Is proficient in the use of Microsoft Office SUite.
Will be trained in i2's Analyst Notebook application and Penlink no later than 120 days from
contract execution
The proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed Consultant Team Member has two
years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis; or five years work
experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer.

The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for every
ConSUltant Team Member proposed for work. The form is signed by each respective
proposed Consultant Team Member.

Proposal provided 90 days for acceptance of its terms from the due date of proposals.

Washington State Patrol Page 12 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

No. Company TIN UBI poe Title poe Firs1 poe Last Address City Siale Zip Phone Fax E-mail Tm ntle Tm First Tm Last Responsiv Reg 3 Reg Reg Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Avg Cost Pts ( Evatt 7:a12 EvalS Quest Quest (10 ptsl Ref (15 pt Total SCOI'II
1 Bastion Research 602758083 Mr. Donald Castanares 2112 TIna Olympia WA 98513 (360) 459-9246 Mr. Donald Castanares Yes X $49.00 $49.50 $50.00 $49.50 12.12 7.00 6.80'/9.00'" p.60 39.20 15.00 66. 32 1
2 Manfis Consulting $elVice 602518300 Mr. Kennett! Rivers 19918 13U Spanaway WA 98387 (360) 701.0480 innovab@comcasl.n,Mr. Kenneth Rivers Yes X $44.75 $44.75 $44.75 $44.75 13.41 5.00\1'8.40 ,f7.00.o/ 6.S0 41.60 15.00 76.01
JAN 152008

Proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst

Services for Washington State

Washington State Patrol Contract Number C080747PSC

January 11, 2008

letter of Submittal

Proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services for

Washington State

Washington State Patrol Contract Number C080747PSC

Bastion Research, LLC
2112 Tina CT SE
Olympia, WA 98513

Letter of Submittal

January 11, 2008

Ms. Cindy Haider

Budget and Fiscal Services
P.O. Box 42602
Olympia, WA 98405-2602
Washington State Patrol


Dear Ms. Haider,

Enclosed for your consideration are 4 copies of the proposal submitted in order to provide contract
analytical services under the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) grant. In
accordance with the letter of submittal requirements, information regarding my business is a follows:

Business Name: Bastion Research, LLC

Business Address: 2112 Tina CT SE, Olympia, WA 98513
Name and address of Bastion Research, LLC members:
Donald H. Castanares, Member
2112 Tina CT SE, Olympia, WA, (360) 459-9246

Judy L. Castanares, Member

2112 Tina CT SE, Olympia, WA, (360) 459-9246
Contact Name: Don Castanares
Contact Telephone: (360) 459-9246
Legal Status: Limited Liability Company
Social Security Number:
FEIN: 26-1543581
UBI Number: 602758083

I certify that I am authorized to enter into a contractual relationship with Washington State Patrol should
my proposal be approved.
If you have any questions regarding this submission, please feel free to call me at (360) 459-9246 or e-
mail me at . I look fOlward to discussing this proposal with you in the near


Donald H. Castanares
Bastion Research, LLC
Certifications and Assurances

Proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services for

Washington State

Washington State Patrol Contract Number C080747PSC


l!we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance
with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. IIwe declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However, IIwe
may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single proposal.

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 90 days following receipt, and it may be
accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of certainty
in key terms) at any time within the gO-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, IIwe have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the
state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract, and
who was assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these
assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document)

5. l!we understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of
this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and IIwe claim no proprietary right to the
ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have
not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her prior
to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7. IIwe agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation
contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. If there are
any exceptions to these terms, IIwe have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached
to this document.

8. No attempt has been made or will be madeby the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to
submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

Signature of Proposer

CEO. Bastion Research. LLC Januarv 11. 2008

Title Date
The Consultant's Response to Exhibit C,

Proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services for·

Washington State

Washington State Patrol Contract Number C080747PSC


I, Donald H. Castanares, will be the only person providing services under this potential contract. The
following paragraphs outline my formal education, work experience, specialized training, and ability to use
the required software applications.

Formal Education and Specialized Intelligence Training

- Basic Reserve Police Officer Academy, Snohomish Police Department, September 1984
- U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Course, U.S. Army Intelligence School, August 1985
- Security Locks and Devices, 902nd Military Intelligence Group, June 1989
- Technical Intelligence Analyst Course, Foreign Material Intelligence Group, September 1989
- Intelligence Analyst BaSic NCO Course, U.S. Army Intelligence SChool. May 1990
- Combating Terrorism on Military Installations, U.S. Army O'rdnance Center & School, July 1991
- Mobile Sensitive Compartmented Information Course, Defense Intelligence College, December
- Integrated Database Retrieval Course, Joint Intelligence Center Pacific, January 1995
- Integrated Database Maintenance Basic Course, Joint Intelligence Center Pacific, January 1995
- Integrated Database Maintenance Advanced Course, Joint Intelligence Center Pacific, October 1995
- Basic Instructor Training Course, U.S. Arm~ Intelligence School, May 1996
- Remote Workstation Training Course, 326' Military Intelligence Battalion, August 1996
- Military Intelligence Advanced NCO Course, U.S. Army Intelligence School, December 1996
- Master Driver Course. 2 Infantry Division. October 2000
- Hazardous Materials Handlers Instructor Course, 2 Infantry Division, October 2000
- Antiterrorism Course. U.S. Army Forces Command, May 2002
- Operational Information Systems Security Course, October 2003
- Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training (FIAT), January 2006
- Pen-Link Call Analysis Training Course, October 2007


- Military Intelligence Analyst, August 1985

- Technical Intelligence Analyst, September 1989
- U.S. Army Antiterrorism Instructor, July 1992
- Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility Manager, December 1991
- U.S. Army Basic Instructor, May 1996
- U.S. Army Senior Instructor, April 1997
- U.S. Army Master Instructor, October 1997
- Master Driver, October 2000
- Hazardous Materials Handlers Instructor, October 2000
- Criminal Intelligence Analyst, January 2006

Work experience in national security and criminal intelligence analysis

1985 -1989, Intelligence Analyst, 2 nd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Light), Schofield Barracks, HI
1989 -1990, S2 NCOIC, Military Intelligence Battalion (Counterintelligence)(Security), 902nd Military
Intelligence Group, Fort Meade, MD
1990 - 1991, Intelligence Analyst, 101 st Infantry Division (Airbome)(Assault), Deployed to SW Asia
1991 -1993. Intelligence Operations Sergeant. Foreign Intelligence Command. Fort Meade. MD
1993 - 1994, Merchant Watch NCO, Joint Intelligence Center (Pacific), Pearl Harbor, HI
1994 - 1996, Korean Analyst, Joint Intelligence Center (Pacific), Pearl Harbor, HI
Work experience in national security and criminal intelligence analysis (continued)

1996 - 2000, Senior InstructorlWriter, Intelligence Analyst Course, 309th Military Intelligence Battalion,
Fort Huachuca, P;z
2000 - 2001, Analysis and Control Element (ACE) NCOIC, 2nd Infantry Division, South Korea
2001 - 2003, S2 NCOIC, 4th Brigade, 91st Division (Training Support), Fort Lewis, WA
2003 - 2005, Securily Manager, 4th Brigade, 91 st Division (TS), Fort Lewis, WA
2005 - 2006, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC) Region 4,
Vancouver, WA
2006 - 2007, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, WAJAC Region 3 and the Washington State Patrol (WSP)
Organized Crime Intelligence Unit (OCIU), Olympia, WA

Ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook application, Penlink and Microsoft Office Suite software

I am fully capable of using Microsoft Office Suite applications and have 'taught many classes on the use of
Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. I am formally trained on Pen-Link and informally trained on Analyst
Notebook. I am currently using Analyst Notebook to provide analytical support to the FBI and Pen-Link to
support DHSIlCE.


I am available to work in WAJAC Region 3 and for the WSP OCIU.


• Alaina Corona, Intelligence Analyst, coronawine@yahoo.com, (719) 648-0577 - As an intelligence

analyst for WAJAC Region 3 and the WSP OCIU, I provided analytical support to analyst Corona when
she worked for WAJAC Region 9 in 2006. Multiple association matrices and pattern analysis charts were
created to identify and track gang activity in Spokane and its surrounding area. The use of these charts
led to several gang related arrests. Tactical support was also provided to the Secret Service when Vice
President Cheney visited Spokane in 2006. Analyst Corona and I ran background checks on individuals
at the request of the Secret Service prior to and during the event.

• Chris Adamson, Detective, Pierce County Sheriff's Office, cadamso@co.pierce.wa.us, (253)

377-8430 - Analytical support, provided to the Tacoma Police Department and the Pierce County
Sheriffs Office, included the identification of multiple individuals involved in various illegal activities,
research, organizational analysis, and gang graffiti and white supremacist/Celtic symbols translations.

• Dave Johnson, Captain, Aberdeen Police Department, djohnson@apdinfo.com, (360) 533-3043

- As an intelligence analyst for WAJAC Region 3 and the WSP OCIU, I created a training package for the
Aberdeen Police Department in support of their port security operations. The package included anarchist
protest tactics and threat assessments for upcoming anti-war protests.

• Tacoma FBI Office (Tama-Derby McCurtain, Special Agent, FBI, tderbymc@leo.gov, (253) 552-
4045 and Gary France, Special Agent, FBI, gfrance@leo.gov, (253) 250-2615 - As an il)telligence
analyst for WAJAC Region 3 and the WSP OCIU, I provided analytical support to the FBI during two large
projects. I identified approximately 70 previously unknown individuals, provided organizational analysis,
toll analysis of several thousand phone calls, computer analysis of a seized hard drive, and created
several analytical products.

lAW RCW 43.43.856, all of the information and data collected and processed by the organized crime intelligence unit shall be
confidential and not subject to examination or publication pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW.
Related Information

Between July 20, 2005 and December 28,2007, I have been a subcontractor for SETRACON working as
an Intelligence Analyst in both WAJAC Regions 3 and 4 under the LETPP grant. SETRACON's contract
(C051038PSC) with WSP was terminated for convenience on December 30, 2007.

I do not employ any person who has been an employee of the State of Washington during the past 24

I have not been party to any contract with WSP that has been terminated for default in the last five years.
Resume for Donald H. Castanares

2112 Tina CT SE, Olympia, WA 98513 • ) •

Intelligence Analyst
Highly self-motivated and goal-oriented professional committed to pursuing a long-term career in the
security and inieiiigence fieid. Offers a 22-year irack record demonsirating strong analytical and probiem-
solving skills, computer proficiency, and ability to follow through with projects from inception to

Qualifications Summary
• 22 Years Experience as a Military, Technical, and Criminal Intelligence Analyst
• Certified 000 Master Instructor
• Level" Certified Antiterrorism/Force Protection Instructor
• Black Belt Martial Arts Instructor
• Certified Master Driver
• Certified Information Assurance Security Officer
• Basic Reserve Officer Police Academy Trained
• Holds a 000 Top Secret SCI Security Clearance

Employment History

2005 - 2007, Criminal Intelligence Analyst, Washington Joint Analytical Center (WAJAC):
Criminal Intelligence Analyst for Regions 3, 4, and the Washington State Patrol's Organized Crime
Intelligence Unit providing raw intelligence classification and analysis, daily intelligence briefings, weekly
and monthly written intelligence bulletins, periodic intelligence assessments, and information
dissemination to local law enforcement agencies. Provides analytical support to nine WAJAC regions
and various agencies including ICE, FBI, 000, and local law enforcement.

2003 - 2004, Security Manager, 4th Brigade, 91st Division (TS), Fort Lewis, WA: Senior security and
intelligence advisor on antiterrorismiforce protection, physical security, information security, operations
security, and personnel security issues; provides threat assessments and security assessments;
maintains multiple intelligence databases; observer/controller/trainer responsible for training reserve and
national guard soldiers throughout the west coast; manages the security and intelligence effort by
developing processes and reviews that ensure compliance with established government guidance and
directives; develops and conducts briefings on international and domestic terrorism, subversion and
espionage, and other various security and intelligence-related topics; assists in the development of the
security and intelligence budget and tracks its expenditures; manages 10 subordinate security offices.

2001 - 2003, Office Manager (Security and Intelligence), 4th Brigade, 91st Division (TS), Fort Lewis,
WA: Security and intelligence advisor on antiterrorism/force protection, physical security, information
security, operations security, and personnel security issues; ensures personnel are properly trained by
creating and providing briefings on international and domestic terrorism, subversion and espionage, and
other various security and intelligence-related topics; observer/controlleritrainer responsible for training
reserve and national guard soldiers throughout the west coast; maintains multiple intelligence databases;
manages the security and intelligence effort by developing processes and reviews that ensure
compliance with established government guidance and directives.
2000 - 2001, Office Manager, Analysis and Control Element (ACE), 2 Infantry Division, South
Korea: Senior enlisted intelligence advisor responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of
intelligence on North Korean activities; manages the information and physical security effort; responsible
for the daily activities and administrative actions of 80 personnel, 23 vehicles, and numerous classified
intelligence systems and controlled cryptographic items worth in excess of 7 million dollars.

1996 - 2000, Senior InstructorlWriter, Intelligence Analyst Course, 309'" Military Intelligence
Battalion, Fort Huachuca, AZ.: Senior Instructor and administrator of the US Army Intelligence Analyst
Course responsible for the Army-wide training of soldiers with the 96B Intelligence Analyst military
occupational specialty; approves course lesson plans and associated handouts and slides; ensures
curriculum reflects current intelligence processes; responsible for supply and equipment procurement,
building maintenance, class scheduling, and the overall annual course budget; supervises 50 instructors
training over 700 students annually.

1994 -1996, Korean Analyst, Joint Intelligence Center (Pacific), Pearl Harbor, HI: Intelligence
Analyst responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of national and intemational
information and intelligence relating to North Korean activities; works closely with all national intelligence
organizations, including the CIA and NSA, writes reports and special executive-level information papers;
reports, as necessary, to various outside organizations, to include Department of State and Special .
Congressional committees.

1993 - 1994, Merchant Watch NCO, Joint Intelligence Center (Pacific), Pearl Harbor, HI: Intelligence
Analyst and Maritime Support Analyst responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of
classified national and international information and intelligence relating to North Korean ground force
activities; works closely with all national intelligence organizations, writes reports and special executive-
level information papers; reports, as necessary, to various outside organizations, to include Department
of State and special congressional and Senatorial committees.

1991 - 1993, Intelligence Operations Sergeant, Foreign Intelligence Command, Fort Meade, MD:
Conducts intelligence operations throughout the continental United States; assists in the management of
intelligence operations worldwide; works closely with national and foreign intelligence organizations
including the CIA and NSA; responsible for physical security, information security, operations security,
and personnel security issues; develops and conducts briefings on international and domestic terrorism,
subversion and espionage, and other various security and intelligence-related topics; manages the
security and intelligence effort by developing processes and reviews that ensure compliance with
established government guidance and directives; procures and maintains office automated data
processing eqUipment.

1989 -1991, Office Manager (security and Intelligence), Military Intelligence Battalion (CI)(S), 9020 •
MI Group, Fort Meade, MD: Conducts counterintelligence and counterespionage operations throughout
the continental United States; security and intelligence advisor on antiterrorism/force protection, phYSical
security, information security, operations security, and personnel security issues; works closely with all
national intelligence organizations; develops and conducts briefings on international and domestic
terrorism, subversion and espionage, and other various security and intelligence-related topics; maintains
intelligence databases; manages the security and intelligence effort by developing processes and reviews
that ensure compliance with established government guidance and directives; maintains intelligence
databases; inspects subordinate offices to ensure compliance with current Army policy.

1985 -1989, Intelligence Analyst, 25'" Infantry Division (L), Schofield Barracks, HI: Intelligence
Analyst responsible for security and intelligence-related activities for a 1500-person unit. Maintains the
personnel, information, and physical security programs; interprets current Army policy and writes brigade
standard operating procedures; processes personnel security clearances; maintains intelligence
databases; inspects subordinate units to ensure compliance with current Army directives; conducts
security and intelligence related training; maintains office automated data processing equipment.

Current Volunteer Positions

• Scoutmaster, Troop 62, Boy Scouts of America
• "Train-the-Trainer" Instructor, Boy Scouts of America
Consultant's Quotation

Proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services for

Washington State

Washington State Patrol Contract Number C080747PSC


Fees. Bastion Research, llC requests reimbursement at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee.

Contractor Employee SFY08 Rate SFY09 Rate SFY10 Rate

Donald H. Castanares $49.00 $49.50 $50.00

Time Period: March 1, 2008 - June 30, 2008
Maximum Amount: $33,320
Notes: Maximum amount is based on a standard 8 hour day multiplied by the 85 work days
available during the contract period.

Time Period: July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
Maximum Amount: $103,356
Notes: Maximum amount is based on a standard 8 hour day multiplied by the 261 work days
available during the contract period.

Time Period: July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Maximum Amount: $104,400
Notes: Maximum amount is based on a standard 8 hour day multiplied by the 261 work days
available during the contract period.

Reimbursements. When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite.
Bastion Research, LlC will request reimbursement for authorized lodging, subsistence and business
vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates.

Worker's Compensation Coverage. Bastion Research, LLC will at all times comply with all applicable
workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health and safety laws, statutes, and
regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not be held responsible in any way for claims filed by
Bastion Research, LlC or their employees for services performed under the terms of this contract.

Business Auto Policy. As applicable, Bastion Research, lLC shall maintain business auto liability and,
if necessary. commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less than $1.000,000 per accident.
Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of "Any Auto."

lAW RFQQ No. C080747PSC, the worksite, office supplies, personal computer, and communications
shall be provided by WSP to the Contractor. Any such goods and/or services shall remain the property of
Waiver and Authorization to Release

Proposal for Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services for

Washington State

Washington State Patrol Contract Number C080747PSC


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you have
concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record, including
any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential andlor
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my military
service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged nature may
be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications. I
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last)

Donald Henry Castanares

Other names you have been know by, including prior marriage(s) or nickname(s)


Address City State Zip Code

2112 Tina CT SE Olympia WA 98513

Social Security Number Date of Birth

Applicant Signature Date

10 0~\,C'~L ~\ ~A...J a~
Vendor Name mAi\\~'5 CO)o)~?u \tsr-lt'J 5!CDJ i (,R~ Vendor Number__

Team Member Name ¥-e NN eo!\\. ~',\lRf5

Evaluator Name Ufcll uti ,rf2I1CC &772IC - te6 D


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in' a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

Date 2-h
, I
/2 =8

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page 10f2

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience (SCORED).

A. Identify Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract,
indicating the responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide
information on proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following

10 /. Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
if /
Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
Work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer

p.r·'0 Specialized intelligence analysis training.

Ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook application, Penlink and Microsoft Office Suite software

ill Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include
information on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience,
significant accomplishments and any other pertinent information.

Team Member Qualifications/Experience Raw Score (1-10)


WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page 2 of2

EvaluationScore Sheet
Vendor Number_ _

Team Member Name Sn~)",,\A 6!1r=A:;e,NN'6

Evaluator Name 3\('(\ ~\\!Y\\wU~\t-.lI~\tJ-:~\I..-\:'jl Rso


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my cornpleted evaluation sheet.

Signature --f-'t-..:..:..="==d:::.""""'=-.c....:::....._.L---- Date,_d<::::....p~'+P'd"--"-_·_

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff rnet requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page I of2

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience (SCORED).

A. Identify Consultant Team Member{s) who will provide services under the potential contract,
indicating the responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide
information on proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following

• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer
• Specialized intelligence analysis training.
• Ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook application, Penlink and Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member{s), which include
information on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience,
significant accomplishments and any other pertinent information.

Te.am Member Qualifications/Experience Raw Score (1-10) 3


WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page 2 0[2

EvaluationScore Sheet
Vendor Name m"'N-bS CONSIi \ht'J~ 5e ni", ce.- Vendor Number__

Team Member Name hi! ~)l\lvMa R, vfCS

Evaluator Name Q,h~r,;DCQu-\~-;:s\1h Qbl\f{\\~fl'\l\ \~ ,C.SO


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial·interestsand employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

Signature -+<!~'->-'::~~C').J..O~_~I>I£"'A..JL~:m,,,,---__
Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the reqUirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page I of2

Evaluation Score -Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience (SCORED).

A. Identify Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract,
indicating the responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide
information on proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following

J. Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.

Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
Work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer
Specialized intelligence analysis training.
Ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook application, Penlink and Microsoft Office Suite software

B. -Please !,fovider€stlmes'-fer-the I'ro!,oseEl-Gonsultant Team-Member(s),.-wllic;l-i-include.

information on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience,
significant accomplishments and any other pertinent information.

Team Member Qualifications/Experience Raw Score (1-10) ~ 7 ,


WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page 2 of2

Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name 'b(J§-\-~' ON ¥,<LS€ ue.h , LL C- Vendor Number_ _

Team Member Name ---'\1A~O:="~N""-'="~~lll~"--->..0"!;'t",;;;:,,-,\=-,,,~,,,,-,,,,~,,-,re..;::,s­

Evaluator Name _ _ --'k~~"'~>C>.i,~Z.».,~'\'\--IJJc,...=-=-<~::s..-~-----


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also

wHh my romP?:?",/;i:/
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals

Signature ~tuf!--- Date 2 -11-08

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements,

WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page 1 of2

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience (SCORED).

A. Identify Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract,
indicating the responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide
information on proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following

• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer
• Specialized intelligence analysis training.
• Ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook application, Penlink and Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include
information on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience,
significant accomplishments and any other pertinent information.

Team Member Qualifications/Experience Raw Score (1-10) 7


WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page 2 of2

Evaluation Score Sheet
Vendor Name ~)+,,,, ('ON'S\) Ibrvg ~v'i tIC, Vendor Number_ _

Team Member Name ,f2.Y;,Q N{))V+b:D;' 1/I2.rS

Evaluator Name 0.....--)",
To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will retum all copies of the proposals
with my complet~ J;~atiol/D1
Signature ,J;l( f.lJ,!-- Date 2~r (-0 25

Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staff meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQNo. C080747PSC Page I of2

Evaluation Score Sheet -
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience (SCORED).

A. Identify Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract,
indicating the responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide
information on proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following

• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer
• Specialized intelligence analysis training.
• Ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook application, Penlink and Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include
information on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience,
significant accomplishments and any other pertinent information.

Team Member Qualifications/Experience Raw Score (1-10)


WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page 2 of2

Evaluation Score Sheet
Page 1 of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: ITO Web Support

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:37 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ Posting


The RFQQ amendment has been posted to the Vendor page and is now on-line:

Kent Hernandez
lTD Web Support
Information Technology Division
itdwebsu pport@wsp.wa.gov

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 2:58 PM
To: ITO Web Support
Subject: RE: RFQQ Posting

Please post the attached amendment for RFQQ No. C080747PSC to the WSP vendor page at


Cindy Haider
WSP Contracts

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1:50 PM
To: ITD Web Support
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: FW: RFQQ Posting

Would you please post this on the WSP vendor page at bJlg:llwww.wsp.wa.goylbusinesslvendor.htm..

The project schedule is:

Issue Request for Proposals January 7, 2008

Consultant Questions Due January 18, 2008
Issue Addendum to RFQQ (if applicable) January 22, 2008
Proposals Due January 31, 2008

Page 2 of2

Announce First Tier Apparent Successful Proposers February 15, 2008

Please let me know when it's been added to the webpage.

Cindy Haider
WSP Contracts

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: ITO HEAT Self Service

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:37 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Work Order - Reference #00016820


Work Order #00016820 has been resolved.

Issue Description: Please post the attached amendment for RFQQ No. C080747PSC to the WSP vendor page at:
Iittp:llwww.wsp.wa.gov/business/vendor.htm.Thank-you. Cindy HaiderWSP Contracts360-7S3-0692

If you feel this issue has not been resolved, please click this linle

Work Order Not Resolved

If the issue is resolved, no action is necessary.


lTD Customer Services

Washington State Patrol

Request for Qualifications/Quotations No. C080747PSC

Amendment 1

January 22, 2008

Project Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services

RFQQ Proposals:
Due date: No later than 4:00 p.m. PST on January 31, 2008
Send to: Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator
Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602
210 - 11th Ave SW, Room 116
Olympia WA 98504

The following is an amendment to RFQQ No C080747PSC. All other terms and conditions of
the RFQQ that have not been revised by this amendment remain in full force and effect.

a. Exhibit B, Checklist for Responsiveness, is revised and replaced by Exhibit B.1, Revised
Checklist for Responsiveness, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.

b. Exhibit D, Quotation, is revised and replaced by Exhibit D.1, Revised Quotation, which is
attached hereto and incorporated herein.

Page 1 of 1


One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted
with the Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances
were signed by a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant

4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00 p.m. on September 21,2007.

:rhe Consultant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington.

At a minimum, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed Consultant

Team Member:

Has a two year college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical
analysis or a related field (two years experience as a criminal intelligence analyst or
as a commissioned law enforcement officer may substitute for each year of college);
Has two years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis,
or five years work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer; and
Is proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite.
Will be trained in i2's Analyst Notebook application and Penlink no later than 120
days from contract execution
The proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed Consultant Team Member has
two years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis; or five
years work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer.

The hourly reimbursement rate for proposed Consultant Team Members does not
exceed $50.00.

The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for
every ConSUltant Team Member proposed for work. The form is signed by each
respective proposed ConSUltant Team Member.

Proposal provided 90 days for acceptance of its terms from the due date of

Washington State Patrol Page 12 RFQQ No. C080747PSC



The evaluation process is designed to award this procurement not necessarily to the
Consultant of least cost, but rather to the Consultant whose proposal best meets the
requirements of this RFQQ. However, Consultants are encouraged to submit proposals
which are consistent with State government efforts to conserve state resources.

A. Identification of Costs (SCORED)

Identify the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed Consultant Team Members for
services through June 30, 2008; and each of the two optional years of a contract resulting
from this RFQQ. If the hourly rate differs for each individual, please identify the specific
rate for each Proposed Consultant Team Member.

WSP will accept proposals for hourly rates up to $50.00; WSP shall reject any proposal
that proposes rates in excess of $50.00 per hour.

Hourly rate for services: $_ _ _ _ __

B. Basis for Determining Rates.

1. The hourly rate must include all costs associated with providing services, including
Consultant Team Member salary and benefits, industrial insurance, and federal and
state taxes.

2. You should base your hourly rate on providing services at a maximum of forty (40)
hours per work week.

3. The worksite, office supplies, personal computer, and communications shall be

provided to the Contractor. Any such goods and/or services shall remain the
property of WSP.

4. All costs associated with training for i2's Analyst Notebook application, Pen link and
Microsoft Office Suite are solely the responsibility of the Consultant.

5. When services are required by WSP at locations other than the Consultant Team
Members worksite, WSP will reimburse Contractors for authorized lodging,
subsistence and business vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington
approved reimbursement rates. These rates are published in the State Accounting
and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual is available at the Office of
Financial Management's SAAM website:
http://www.ofm.wa.gov/policy/saamintro.htm .

B. Computation. The score for the cost proposal will be computed by dividing the lowest
average hourly rate received by the Consultant's average hourly rate. Then the resultant
number will be multiplied by the maximum possible points for the cost section.

Washington State Patrol Page 14 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

(Rev. 1191) ICOOE



Daily Journal of Commerce

PO Box 11050
Seattle WA 98111 PO BOX 42602
OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2602

,eOERALI.D.NO.UK 'NU. ,p""03I, -I'///~/. DATE I

'J f/"
91-0193790 1/15/2008
u.e .PACe "eCOW ~ 'eMLAI, He' ;ON BACK

Invoice #3199160 advertisement for Contract No. C080747PSC, Criminal ~Ii' I 'v"" Analysis.

Cindy Haider 360 753_0'692" 1/;5/2008

1. .t;1. .0 i
~'" 'U'AL , ",U,"OO"

; I DAle $85.80
I '

(Rev_ 1191)- AGENCY NUMBER



Daily Journal of Commerce

PO Box 11050
Seattle WA 98111 PO BOX 42602
OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2602
. NU. URSUCIAL (NU. ,,<,,coport"9 I 'c'""'~ p'ym,m,"' LK.>.) 7-jJ ~BU/i. UAlc'

' t-/' ·)rL -<.

(J '!
91-0193790 1/15/2008
U>c lA' IV U.vcLVP ,~vvu>, r PLc INVV cd ON BACK

Invoice #3199160 advertisement for Contract No. C080747PSC, Criminal Iigence Analysis.

Cindy Haider


(Rev. 1/91)

VENDOR NAME "0"'" r.n.'


Daily Journal of Commerce

PO Box 11050
Seattle WA 98111 PO BOX 42602
OLYMPIA, WA 98504-2602

FEDERAL 1.0. NU. UK .UO>AL • I ,",

r NV. '''''' , 0 ..." "OI.K.'.'

91-0193790 1/15/2008

Invoice #3199160 advertisement for Contract No. C080747PSC, Criminallnteliigence Analysis.

ID ~~M )ix:>b

Cindy Haider
DOC, DATE PM' VU"UA'" ounno", uu' .NV. I K">. 000. NU. ,o",uun, I ¥~ "' NVMBER

~;~ ~~~~o ';i~:I .• '*····f'~=t~~--.:A=U.OC=-t_-~UNIT-t-.::M=-osi-j-r~,./.~,.,1F:u~'.;~·,mf~~'•.•.~.•.,•.• AM_OU_NTS8V;5~.8Ri01t-3;'N~1(0;:;(~).jN~M-;:; :r;~- l

::: ,t·,·_ _ _


'1<:>; "" • "•. '

".•.•. !..• : '.·,'.,',·····./1)·.'·.· ?<.


01106108 - 01107/08 WSP:BUDGET & FISCAL SERVICES
85.80 3199160 I Net 30
PO BOX 11050, SEATTLE, WA 98111
206-622-8272 FAX 206-622-8416 __~'.. " ... 1.""\
Federall.D. #91-0193790 ADVERllSING,·INIf"DiC,,:·' J'"
\ '-..,.,. -.:'..,1
.l[\~\ i \\ (Due' 1 I 01107/08
. <0SE1 &. rlse!»\
,'rJ',,;~ . \J;!,;}:" 7127


PO BOX 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602


01/07 219062 CN:CRIMINAL INTELLIG SVCS 1x44L 1 85.80

01107 CINDY HAIDER 44L 1.95


i I
Daily Journal of Commerce
J ~~P'"''

PO BOX 11050, SEATTLE, WA 9811 7127 '''' FISCAL , 85.80


219062 No.
Affidavit of Publication
The undersigned, on oath states that he is an authorized representative of The Daily Journal of
Commerce, a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and it is now
and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in
the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in Seattle, King County, Was1riogton, and it is now
and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of pUblication of this
newspaper. The Daily Journal of Commerce was on the 12th day ofJune, 1941, approved as a legal
newspaper by the Superior Court of King County.

The notice in the exact form annexed, was published in regular issues of The Daily Journal of
Commerce, which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed
notice, a


was published on


lie for the State of Washington,

residing in Seattle
State of Washington, King County
State of
Crimillal Intelligence
., Analyst Services
. ·~\t~~pos.als Due:- Jan. 31
Th~ ~Was~ing.ton State Pl1trol
{'Ws:.r)<h:a.,~:. rl;!l~a,sed ,a Request
~~i:_,": ~;; l;': !'.Qpa:F~ic.ations/Quotation
(REg:Q)·to._sohc1t proposa.1s from'
OJlh~#;lJftnt~ :utQ· )PJ;9yi.cle , cri l11i -
nal,'intelligence analyst services
. at "i-egfb'hal 'criminal intelligence
~I}.ter's·',s.ei.yulg'Washington State.
,PropO's_ers',must be able to obtain
afedeHil''rop-S'ecret level security
cle~~p~;'a\!a pass a criminal his-
toty>b;ai::kground check conducted
brWSP'_a:;tid/or local law enforce-
yd1i: -may -obtain a copy of the
RFQQ frqm. the WSP webpage
locafe~ at::'ht'tp:!lwww.wsp.wa.gov!
buslriesslv'en'dqr.htm. Proposals'
are>(r~e;by'4:ba p.m., local time,
on _Thitrs.d~jr. 'J&nuary 31, 2008 at
the'ilaOiess listed below.
\y,SP \s."'an'_equal opportuni-
ty _~wployet ,and minority and
wO~~¥:~:iw.necl _businesses are
en~sNr~~¢d tQ ~reply.
P.le.a~e" .. ,re~erence RFQQ No.
COaO_1~?,PSC in any communica-
tion~, ,~~g~l;aing _this RFQQ. For
fUt:.t)i~rJhf9rJP~.tion contact:
YV;~~,,-;_".I};\l.gget _ and Fiscal
-Se:t'd1:<-~s~""2)."'¥ffN:· Cindy Haider,
RF~\f9o'c?~!Ilila\or 210 - 11th
Avfl,p.W~, /?AW,_ (~oom 116 PO Box
426P;.2,}?!;'R'.lJl~ WA 98504-2602
Fa~;{~(i016!l4-065Te-mail: cindy.

L____ haid~@WsP-.wll·gov
"Q4~~,,;, -~·:<?L. publicatipn
the . Se~tt~e_ ,paily Journal of

COl::p.ll1.el,'c.~.,January 7, 2008 .
. 117(219062)

Page 2 of affidavit
The Washington Stdte Patrol (WSP) has released a Request for Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) to solicit
prollosals from Consultants to provide criminal Intelligence .lllillyst selvices at regional criminal intelligence
centers selving Washington State. Proposers must be able to obtain a federal T(1) Secret level security clearance
and Ilass a criminal history background check conducted by WSP and/or local law enforcement.
You may obtain a COI)Y of the RFQO from the WSP webpage located at:
http://www.ws... wa.govlbusiness.ivendor.hlm.Proposalsaredueby4:001).Ill .• local time. 011 Thmslhw. Janual'y
31,2008 at the address listed below.

WSP is an equal OfJlloltunity employer ;'Jnd minority and women-owned bUsinesses aI'e encouraged 10 rel)ly.

Please reference RFQQ No_ C080747PSC in any communications regarding this RFQQ_ For flilther information

WSP Budget and Fiscal Selvices

ATTN: Cindy Haider. RFQQ Coordinator
210 _11th Avenue SW. Room 116
Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 9:48 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: WSP RFQQ C080747PSC

The Washington State Patrol (WSP) has released a Request for Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) to solicit
proposals from ConSUltants to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at regional criminal
intelligence centers serving Washington State. Proposers must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret
level security clearance and pass a criminal history background check conducted by WSP and/or local
law enforcement.
You may obtain a copy of the RFQQ from the WSP webpage located at:
http://www.wsp.wa.gov/business/vendor.htm. Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m., local time, on Thursday,
January 31, 2008 at the address listed below.

WSP is an equal opportunity employer and minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to

Please reference RFQQ No. C080747PSC in any communications regarding this RFQQ. For further
information contact:

WSP Budget and Fiscal Services

ATTN: Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator
210 _11th Avenue SW, Room 116
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602
Fax: (360) 664-0657
e-mail: cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1 :47 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: RE: Region 3

Thanks Cindy.

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Fri 1/4/2008 1 :40 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: Region 3

Attached is the RFQQ proposal that specifies the anticipation of filling Region 3 Consultant Team Member
positions. The advertisement goes out through the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce on Monday, January 7,
2008 and should be posted on the WSP web site on Monday. I will also be sending out an email (per OFM rules)
to notify certain sources directly. The following will be included on the notification list:



If there are any other sources that you wish to be included, please let me know.

Cindy Haider
WSP RFQQ Coordinator

Page 1 of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: DJC Legals [Iegals@djc.com]

Sent: Friday, January 04,20082:24 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ Advertisement

I'm confirming that your RFQQ will be published on Jan 7th for one day.
Thank you

Melissa Dowd
Public Notice Department
Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce
83 Columbia St. Seattle
(206) 622-8272 Phone
(206) 622-8416 Fax

From: Cindy. Haider@wsp.wa.gov [mailto:Cindy.Haider@wsp.wa.gov]

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1:45 PM
To: legals@djc.com
Subject: RFQQ Advertisement

Please run this advertisement in your Public Notices section for one day, and forward the bill to my attention at
the address indicated in the advertisement.

The Washington State Patrol (WSP) has released a Request for Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) to solicit
proposals from Consultants to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at regional criminal
intelligence centers serving Washington State. Proposers must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret
level security clearance and pass a criminal history background check conducted by WSP and/or local
law enforcement.
You may obtain a copy of the RFQQ from the WSP webpage located at:
http://www.wsp.wa.gov/business/vendor.htm. Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m., local time, on Thursday,
January 31, 2008 at the address listed below.

WSP is an equal opportunity employer and minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to

Please reference RFQQ No. C080747PSC in any communications regarding this RFQQ. For further
information contact:

WSP Budget and Fiscal Services

ATTN: Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator
210 _11th Avenue SW, Room 116
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602
Fax: (360) 664-0657
e-mail: cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov


Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1:45 PM
To: 'DJC Legals'
Subject: RFQQ Advertisement

Please run this advertisement in your Public Notices section for one day, and forward the bill to my attention at
the address indicated in the advertisement.

The Washington State Patrol (WSP) has released a Request for Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) to solicit
proposals from Consultants to provide criminal intelligence analyst services at regional criminal
intelligence centers serving Washington State. Proposers must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret
level security clearance and pass a criminal history background check conducted by WSP and/or local
law enforcement.
You may obtain a copy of the RFQQ from the WSP webpage located at:
http://www.wsp.wa.gov/business/vendor.htm. Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m., local time, on Thursday,
January 31, 2008 at the address listed below.

WSP is an equal opportunity employer and minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to

Please reference RFQQ No. C080747PSC in any communications regarding this RFQQ. For further
information contact:

WSP Budget and Fiscal Services

AnN: Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator
210 _11th Avenue SW, Room 116
PO Box 42602
Olympia WA 98504-2602
Fax: (360) 664-0657
e-mail: cindy.haider@wsp.wa.gov


Cindy Haider
TYSP RFQQ Coordinator

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: ITO Web Support

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 3:03 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: RE: RFQQ Posting


The RFQQ and schedule have been added to the Vendor page:

Kent Hernandez
ITO Web Support
InformatIon Technology Division

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1:50 PM
To: ITO Web Support
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: FW: RFQQ Posting

Would you please post this on the WSP vendor page at http://www.wsp.wa.gov/business/vendor.htm.

The project schedule is:

Issue Request for Proposals January 7, 2008

Consultant Questions Due January 18, 2008
Issue Addendum to RFQQ (if applicable) January 22, 2008
Proposals Due January 31, 2008
Announce First Tier Apparent Successful Proposers February 15, 2008

Please let me know when it's been added to the webpage.

Cindy Haider
Tt~5P Contracts

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: ITO HEAT Self Service

Sent: Friday, January 04,20082:57 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: Work Order - Reference #00015341


Work Order #00015341 has been resolved.

Issue Description: Would you please post this on the WSP vendor page at
ht!p:llwww.wsp.wa.gov/business/vendor.htm.The project schedule is:Issue Request for Proposals January 7,
2008Consultant Questions Due January 18, 2008Issue Addendum to RFQQ (if applicable) January 22, 2008Proposals
Due January 31, 2008Announce First Tier Apparent Successful Proposer February 15,2008 Please let me know when
it's been added to the webpage.Thanks,Cindy HaiderWSP Contracts

If you feel this issue has not been resolved, please click this link:

Work Order Not Resolved

If the issue is resolved, no action is necessary.

Thank you.

lTD Customer Services

Page 1 of 1

Haider. Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1:50 PM
To: ITO Web Support
Cc: Hugdahl, Jeff (WSP)
Subject: FW: RFQQ Posting
Attachments: WSP RFQQ.doc

Would you please post this on the WSP vendor page at http://www.wsp.wa.gov/business/vendor.htm.

The project schedule is:

Issue Request for Proposals January 7, 2008

Consultant Questions Due January 18, 2008
Issue Addendum to RFQQ (if applicable) January 22, 2008
Proposals Due January 31,2008
Announce First Tier Apparent Successful Proposers February 15, 2008

Please let me know when it's been added to the webpage.

Cindy Haider
WSP Contracts

Page 1 of 1

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 1:40 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP); Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: Region 3
Attachments: WSP RFQQ.doc

Attached is the RFQQ proposal that specifies the anticipation of filling Region 3 Consultant Team Member
positions. The advertisement goes out through the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce on Monday, January 7,
2008 and should be posted on the WSP web site on Monday. I will also be sending out an email (per OFM rules)
to notify certain sources directly. The following will be included on the notification list:



If there are any other sources that you wish to be included, please let me know.

Cindy Haider
WSP RFQQ Coordinator

Washington State Patrol

Request for Qualifications/Quotations No. COS0747PSC

Project Title: Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services for Washington State

Estimated Schedule fo'r Procurement Activities:

Issue Reguest for Proposals January 7, 200S
Consultant questions due January1S,200S
Issue addendum to RFQQiif applicable) January22, 200S
Proposals due January31 2008
Announce first tier apparent successful proposers February 15, 200S
Conduct proposer interviews February 1S, 200S until
WSP reserves the right to revIse the above schedule.

Expected Time Period for Contract: March 1, 200S through September 30, 2011

Consultant Eligibility: This procurement is open to those consultants that satisfy the
minimum qualifications stated herein, and that are available to work in Washington

Contents of the Request for Qualifications/Quotation:

1. Introduction
2. General Information for Consultants
3. Evaluation and Award
4. Exhibits
A. Certifications and Assurances
B. Checklist for Responsiveness
C. Questionnaire
D. Quotation
E. Waiver and Authorization to Release Information
F. Sample Contract
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................... '" ............................... 3
1.2 Background ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Objective .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Minimum Qualifications ............................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Period of Performance ............................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 4

2. General Information for Consultants ............................................................................................... 5

2.1 RFQQ Coordinator. .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Consultant Questions and Answers ........................................................................................... 5
2.3 Submission of Proposals ........................................... .. ..................................... 5
2.4 Proprietary Information/Public Disclosure.................................................................................. 5
2.5 Revisions to the RFQQ .............................................................................................................. 6
2.6 Minority & Women-Owned Business Participation .................................................................... 6
2.7 Acceptance Period ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.8 Responsiveness ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.9 Most Favorable Terms ............................................................................................................... 6
2.10 Contract and General Terms & Conditions ................................................................................ 6
2.11 Costs to Propose ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.12 No Obligation to Contract .......................................................................................................... 7
2.13 Rejection of Proposals ............................................................................................................... 7
2.14 Commitment of Funds ............................................................................................................... 7
2.15 Insurance Requirements ........................................................................................................... 7
2.16 Background Checks .................................................................................................................. 7

3. Evaluation and Contract Award ....................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Evaluation Procedure ................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Notification to Proposers ............................................................................................................ 8
3.3 Debriefing of Unsuccessful Proposers ...................................................................................... 8
3.4 Protest Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 8

4. Proposal Format ................................................................................................................................ 9

4.1 Proposal Contents ..................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Letter of Submittal Requirements .............................................................................................. 9

5. RFQQ Exhibits ............................................................................................................................... 10

Exhibit A Certifications and Assurances
Exhibit B Checklist for Responsiveness
Exhibit C Questionnaire
Exhibit D Quotation
Exhibit E Waiver and Authorization to Release Information
Exhibit F Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose. The Washington State Patrol, hereafter called "WSP," is initiating this Request for
Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) to solicit proposals from Consultants that can provide criminal
intelligence analyst services at regional criminal intelligence centers serving federal, state and
local law enforcement organizations within Washington State.

1.2 Background. The Washington Joint Analytical Center is housed at the Seattle Field Office of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). WAJAC builds on existing intelligence efforts by local,
regional, and federal agencies by organizing and disseminating threat information and other
intelligence efforts to law enforcement agencies, first responders, and key decision makers
throughout the state, allowing real-time, accurate, wo-way flow of intelligence information.
WAJAC participating agencies including the FBI; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; the
Washington National Guard; the Washington State Patrol; and several local law enforcement

Nine Regional Intelligence Groups (RIGs) are being created to provide criminal intelligence
services in an effort to prevent terrorism. The RIGs are located regionally throughout Washington
State, and are comprised of representatives of local and state law enforcement agencies. The
RIGs serve to provide regionally-focused intelligence analysis products, as well as a conduit for
information to and from the WAJAC. The nine RIGs are:

ReQion RIG Location Counties Served

1 Everett Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, Island, San Juan
2 Port Orchard Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap
3 Olympia Grays Harbor, Mason, Thurston, Pacific, Lewis
4 Vancouver Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania
5 Tacoma Pierce
6 Seattle King
7 Wenatchee Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Grant
8 Richland Yakima, Klickitat, Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla
Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Lincoln, Spokane, Adams,
9 Spokane
Whitman, Columbia, Garfield, Asotin

1.3 Objective. The objective of this RFQQ is to contract with vendor(s) to provide a local presence at
WAJAC and/or RIGs in order to provide the following products:

• Raw intelligence classification and analysis

• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written Intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

WSP anticipates filling the Region 3 Consultant Team Member positions through this

The purpose of this RFQQ is to identify qualified firms, place those firms who have successfully
completed the RFQQ process under contract, and to negotiate separate task orders with
contracted firms for specific services and maximum task order amounts. The award of a contract
as a result of this RFQQ is not a guarantee of work.

Washington State Patrol Page 3 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

1.4 Minimum Qualifications.

1.4.1 The Consultant will be required to have a license to conduct business in Washington State within
ten business days of your announcement as an "Apparent Successful Proposer" or you will not be
awarded a contract under this RFQQ. You may apply for a business license at Washington State
Department of Licensing office or online through the Department of Licensing's Master License
Service located at http://www.dol.wa.gov/mls/mlsinfo.htm.

1.4.2 At a minimum, each proposed Consultant Team Member must meet the following requirements:
• Must have a two year college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis
or a related field. Two years experience as a criminal intelligence analyst or as a
commissioned law enforcement officer may substitute for each year of college.
• Must have two years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis; or
five years work experience as a commissioned !aw enforcement officer.
• A four-year or higher college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or
a related field may be substituted for the work experience requirement.
• Must be proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite applications; and must have received
formal training in i2's Analyst Notebook application and Pen link no later than one hundred and
twenty (120) days from the date of contract execution.
• Must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance.
• Must pass a criminal history background check conducted by WSP and/or the lead law
enforcement agency for the RIG where the Consultant Team Member is proposed for work.
Proposed Consultant Team Members may be required to pass a polygraph examination by
the RIG lead law enforcement agency as a part of this background check.

1.4.3 WSP reserves the right to contract with multiple ConSUltants to ensure agency requirements are

1.4.4 WSP reserves the right to reject any proposed Consultant team member for any reason.

1.5 Period of Performance. The period of performance of any contract resulting from this RFQQ is
tentatively scheduled to begin on or about March 1, 2008 and to end on September 30, 2011.
Work is assigned through task orders detailing the Contractor Team Members providing services;
the location of the services; and the maximum dollar amount for the task order period of

Task orders and contracts resulting from this RFQQ are funded through a U.S. Department of
Homeland Security grant award to Washington State. The award of any work through task orders
is contingent on continued federal funding for the project

1.6 Definitions. Definitions for the purposes of this RFQQ include:

ConSUltant - Individual or company submitting a proposal in order to attain a contract with WSP.
Consultant Team Member- An employee of the Consultant who is proposed for work under any
contract resulting from this RFQQ.
Contractor - Individual or company whose proposal has been accepted by the WSP and has
been awarded a fully executed, written contract.
Proposal - A formal offer submitted in response to this solicitation.
Request for Qualifications/Quotation (RFQQ) - Formal procurement document in which a
service or need is identified but the evaluation of responses is limited to an analysis of the firm's
qualifications, experience and ability to perform the specified services and their costs.

Washington State Patrol Page 4 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

WSP- The Washington State Patrol is the agency of the State of Washington that is issuing this

2_ General Information for Consultants

2.1 RFQQ Coordinator. The RFQQ Coordinator is the sole point of contact in WSP for this
procurement. All communication between the Consultant and WSP upon receipt of this RFQQ
shall be with the RFQQ Coordinator. as follows:

Name Ms. Cindy Haider, RFQQ Coordinator

Mailing Address Budget and Fiscal Services
PO Box 42602
Olymj:lia WA 98504-2602
Physical Address 210-11'''AvenueSW, Room 116
Olympia WA 98501
Fax Number (360) 664-0657
E-Mail Address cindy. haider@wsp.wa.Qov

Any other communication will be considered unofficial and non-binding on WSP. Consultants are
to rely on written statements issued by the RFQQ Coordinator. Communication directed to parties
other than the RFQQ Coordinator may result in disqualification of the Consultant. The use of
facsimile transmission or e-mail communications with the RFQQ is acceptable except for the
submission of proposals; see Section 2.3 below.

2.2 Consultant Questions and Answers. A Bidders Conference will not be held. Specific questions
concerning this RFQQ should be submitted in writing via e-mail or fax to the RFQQ Coordinator at
the address specified in Section 2.1 of this RFQQ. Questions must be received by the RFQQ
Coordinator no later than 4:00 p.m. local time on Friday, Januarv 18,2008.

2.3 Submission of Proposals. Consultants are required to submit four (4) copies of their proposal.
One copy must have original signatures and three copies can have photocopied signatures. The
proposal, whether mailed or hand delivered, must arrive at WSP no later than 4:00 p.m. local
time on Thursday. January 31, 2008.

The proposal is to be sent to the RFQQ Coordinator at the address noted in Section 2.1. The
envelope should be clearly marked to the attention of the RFQQ Coordinator. Consultants mailing
proposals should allow normal mail delivery time to ensure timely receipt of their proposals by the .
RFQQ Coordinator. Consultants assume the risk for the method of delivery chosen. WSP
assumes no responsibility for delays caused by any delivery service. Proposals may not be
transmitted using electronic media such as facsimile transmission or via e-mail. Late proposals
will not be accepted and will be automatically disqualified from further consideration. All proposals
and any accompanying documentation become the property of WSP and will not be returned.

2.4 Proprietary Information/Public Disclosure. Materials submitted in response to this competitive

procurement shall become the property of WSP. All proposals received shall remain confidential
until the contract, if any, resulting from this RFQQ is signed by the Chief of the Washington State
Patrol and the apparent successful Contractor; thereafter, the proposals shall be deemed public
records as defined in RCW 42.17.250 to .340, "Public Records."

Any information in the proposal that the Consultant desires to claim as proprietary and exempt
from disclosure under the provisions of RCW 42.17.250 to .340 must be clearly designated. The
page must be identified and the particular exception from disclosure upon which the Consultant is
making the claim. Each page claimed to be exempt from disclosure must be clearly identified by
the word "Confidential" printed on the lower right hand corner of the page.

Washington State Patrol Page 5 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

WSP will consider a Consultant's request for exemption from disclosure; however, WSP will make
a decision predicated upon Chapter 42.17 RCW and Chapter 143-06 of the Washington
Administrative Code. Marking the entire proposal exempt from disclosure will not be honored.
The Consultant must be reasonable in designating information as confidential. If any information
is marked as proprietary in the proposal, such information will not be made available until the
affected proposer has been given an opportunity to seek a court injunction against the requested

A charge will be made for copying and shipping, as outlined in RCW 42.17.300. No fee shall be
charged for inspection of contract files, but twenty-four (24) hours' notice to the RFQQ
Coordinator is required. All requests for information should be directed to the RFQQ Coordinator.

2.5 Revisions to the RFQQ. In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFQQ,
addenda will be provided to all who received the RFQQ. For this purpose, the published questions
and answers and any other pertinent information shall be provided as an addendum to the RFQQ.
WSP also reserves the right to cancel or to reissue the RFQQ in whole or in part, prior to
execution of a contract.

2.6 Minority and Women's-Owned Businesses Participation. The State of Washington

encourages participation in all of its contracts by firms certified by the Office of Minority and
Women's Business Enterprises (OMWBE). However, no preference will be included in the
evaluation of proposals, no minimum level of MWBE participation shall be required as a condition
for receiving an award, and proposals will not be rejected or considered non-responsive on that
baSis. Bidders may contact OMWBE at (360) 753-9693 to obtain information on certified firms
and the certification process.

2.7 Acceptance Period. Proposals must provide 90 days for acceptance by WSP from the due date
for receipt of proposals.

2.8 Responsiveness. All proposals will be reviewed by the RFQQ Coordinator to determine
compliance with administrative requirements and instructions specified in this RFQQ. The
Consultant is specifically notified that failure to comply with any part of the RFQQ may result in
rejection of the proposal as non-responsive. WSP also reserves the right, however, at its sole
discretion to waive minor administrative irregularities.

Consultants may propose more than one Consultant Team Member in response to this RFQQ.
However, the submission of Consultant Team Members meeting the requirements of this RFQQ
with Consultant Team Members who do not meet those requirements may result in WSP holding
the entire proposal as non-responsive.

2.9 Most Favorable Terms. WSP reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of
the proposal submitted. Therefore, the proposal should be submitted initially on the most
favorable terms which the Consultant can propose. There will be no best and final offer
procedure. WSP does reserve the right to contact a Consultant for clarification of its proposal.

The Consultant should be prepared to accept this RFQQ for incorporation into a contract resulting
from this RFQQ. Contract negotiations may incorporate some or all of the Consultant's proposal.
It is understood that the proposal will become a part of the official procurement file on this matter
without obligation to WSP.

2.10 Contract Terms & Conditions. The apparent successful contractor will be expected to enter into
a contract which is substantially the same as Exhibit F. In no event is a Consultant to submit its
own standard contract terms and conditions in response to this solicitation. The Consultant may
submit exceptions as allowed in the Certifications and Assurances section, Exhibit A to this
soliCitation. WSP will review requested exceptions and accept or reject them at its sole discretion.

Washington State Patrol Page 6 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

2.11 Cost to Propose. WSP will not be liable for any costs incurred by the Consultant in preparation
of a proposal submitted in response to this RFQQ, in conduct of interviews, or any other activities
related to responding to this RFQQ.

2.12 No Obligation to Contract. This RFQQ does not obligate the State of Washington or WSP to
contract for services specified herein.

2.13 Rejection of Proposals. WSP reserves the right at its sole discretion to reject any and all
proposals received without penalty and not to issue a contract as a result of this RFQQ.

2.14 Commitment of Funds. The Chief of the Washington State Patrol or those with authority
delegated by the Chief of the Washington State Patrol are the only individuals who may legally
commit WSP to the expenditures of funds for a contract resulting from this RFQQ. No cost
chargeable to the proposed contract may be incurred before receipt of a fully executed contract.

2.15 Insurance Requirements.

2.15.1 Worker's Compensation Coverage. The Contractor will at all times comply with all applicable
workers' compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health and safety laws, statutes,
and regulations to the full extent applicable. WSP will not be held responsive in any way for
claims filed by the Contractor or their employees for services performed under the terms of this

2.15.2 Business Auto Policy. As applicable, the Contractor shall maintain business auto liability and, if
necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a limit not less than $1,000,000 per
accident. Such insurance shall cover liability ariSing out of "Any Auto." Business auto coverage
shall be written on ISO form CA 00 01, 1990 or later edition, or substitute liability form providing
equivalent coverage. The Contractor shall furnish evidence of Business Auto Policy insurance
meeting contract requirements at the request of WSP.

2.16 Background Checks. At its own discretion, WSP may complete background checks on any
proposed Consultant team member. You must submit a Waiver and Authorization to Release
Information form (Exhibit E) for all Consultant Team Member(s) proposed for work from any
contract resulting from this RFQQ.

RIG lead law enforcement agencies may require additional background checks or polygraph
examinations of proposed Consultant Team Members.

Consultants shall comply with WSP instructions on submitting fingerprints and other information to
WSP in order to complete these background checks. Failure of a Consultant, Consultant Team
Members or Consultant subcontractors to cooperate with WSP and RIG lead law enforcement
agencies during the background check process will result in WSP's rejection of the Consultant's

3. Evaluation and Contract Award

3.1 Evaluation Procedure. Responsive proposals will be evaluated strictly in accordance with the
requirements stated in this solicitation and any addenda issued. Proposals will be evaluated on a
two tier evaluation system: the first tier is an initial evaluation of proposals by an evaluation team;
the second tier consists of proposed Consultant Team Member interviews by RIG member
agencies from the region where the Consultant Team Member is proposed for work.

3.1.1 First Tier Evaluation. The first tier is initial evaluation of proposals by an evaluation team
conSisting of both WSP, federal and other law enforcement agencies to determine the top
proposed Consultant Team members for each of the RIGs.

Washington State Patrol Page 7 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Items in Exhibit B, Checklist for Responsiveness, marked "mandatory" must be included as part of
the proposal for the proposal to be considered responsive; however, these items are not scored.
Items marked "scored" are those that are awarded points as part of the evaluation conducted by
the evaluation team. Based on scores from the first tier evaluation, WSP will select the top-
scoring Consultant Team Members as finalists for the second tier evaluation.

The following weighting and points will be assigned to the proposal for evaluation purposes:

Section Possible Points

Consultant Team Member Education 25
Consultant Team Member Work Experience 35
Consultant Team Member Experience using i2's
Analyst Notebook application and Microsoft Office 10
Su ite software
Consultant Team Member References 15
Hourly Rate 15
Total Possible Points 100

3.1.2 Second Tier Evaluation. Top scoring Consultant Team Members selected during the first tier
evaluation shall be interviewed by RIG member agencies from the region where the Consultant
Team Member is proposed for work. The second tier evaluation will be conducted locally in the
vicinity of the respective RIG or at a WSP location. The second tier evaluation will determine the
Consultant Team Members that will be accepted for work under contracts resulting from this
RFQQ. Commitments made by the Consultant at the oral interview, if any, will be considered

3.2 Notification to Proposers. Firms whose proposals have not been selected for further
negotiation or award will be notified via FAX or bye-mail.

3.3 Debriefing of Unsuccessful Proposers. Upon request, a debriefing conference will be

scheduled with an unsuccessful Proposer. The request for a debriefing conference must be
received by the RFQQ Coordinator within three (3) business days after the Notification of
Unsuccessful Consultant letter is faxed/e-mailed to the Consultant. The debriefing must be held
within three (3) business days of the request. Discussion will be limited to a critique of the
requesting Consultant's proposal. Comparisons between proposals or evaluations of the other
proposals will not be allowed. Debriefing conferences may be conducted in person or on the
telephone and will be scheduled for a maximum of one hour.

3.4 Protest Procedure. This procedure is available to Consultants who submitted a response to this
solicitation document and who have participated in a debriefing conference. Upon completing the
debriefing conference, the Consultant is allowed five (5) bUSiness days to file a protest of the
acquisition with the WSP Business Office Manager at the address below:

WSP Budget and Fiscal Services

ATIN: Business Office Manager
Mailing Address: Street Address:
P.O. Box 42602 210-11 1h Street, Room 116
Olympia, WA 98504-2602 Olympia, Washington 98504
Phone: (360) 753-0592

Consultants protesting this procurement shall follow the procedures described below. Protests
that do not follow these procedures shall not be considered. This protest procedure constitutes
the sole administrative remedy available to Consultants under this procurement.

Washington'State Patrol Page 8 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

All protests must be in writing and signed by the protesting party. The protest must state the
grounds for the protest with specific facts and complete statements of the action(s) being
protested. A description of the relief or corrective action being requested should also be included.
All protests shall be addressed to the WSP Business Office Manager. Only protests stipulating an
issue of fact concerning the following subjects shall be considered:

• A matter of bias, discrimination or conflict of interest on the part of the evaluator;

• Errors in computing the score;
• Non-compliance with procedures described in the procurement document or WSP policy.

Protests not based on procedural matters will not be considered. Protests will be rejected as
without merit if they address issues such as: 1) an evaluator's professional judgment on the
quality of a proposal, or 2) WSP's assessment of its own and/or other agencies needs or

Upon receipt of a protest, a protest review will be held by WSP. The Chief of WSP or an
employee delegated by the Chief of WSP who was not involved in the procurement will consider
the record and all available facts and issue a decision within five business days of receipt of the
protest. If additional time is required, the protesting party will be notified of the delay. In the event
a protest may affect the interest of another Consultant which submitted a proposal, such
Consultant will be given an opportunity to submit its views and any relevant information on the
protest to the WSP Business Office Manager.

The final determination of the protest shall:

• Find the protest lacking in merit and uphold WSP's action; or
• Find only technical or harmless errors in WSP's acquisition process and determine the WSP
to be in substantial compliance and reject the protest; or
• Find merit in the protest and provide options to WSP, including correcting errors and
reevaluating all proposals; reissuing the solicitation document; or making other findings and
determining other courses of action as appropriate.

If WSP determines that the protest is without merit, WSP will enter into a contract with the
apparently successful contractor(s). If the protest is determined to have merit, one of the
alternatives noted in the preceding paragraph will be taken.

4. Proposal Format

4.1 Proposal Contents. Proposals must be submitted on eight and one-half by eleven (8 1/2 x 11)
inch paper with tabs separating the major sections of the proposal. The five major sections of the
proposal are to be submitted in the order noted below:

o Letter of Submittal;
o Certifications and Assurances (Exhibit A to this RFQQ);
o The Consultant's response to Exhibit C, Questionnaire;
o The Consultant's Quotation (Exhibit D); and
o A Waiver and Authorization to Release Information (Exhibit E) signed by proposed Consultant
Team Members

Proposals must provide information in the same order as presented in this document with the
same headings. This will not only be helpful to the evaluators of the proposal, but should assist
the Consultant in preparing a thorough response.

4.2 Letter of Submittal Requirements. The Letter of Submittal and the attached Certifications and
Assurances form (Exhibit A to this RFQQ) must be signed and dated by a person authorized to
legally bind the ConSUltant to a contractual relationship, e.g., the President or Executive Director if

Washington State Patrol Page 9 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

a corporation, the managing partner if a partnership, or the proprietor if a sole proprietorship.
Along with introductory remarks, the Letter of Submittal is to include by attachment the following
information about the Consultant and any proposed subcontractors:

1. Name, address, principal place of business, telephone number, and fax number/e-mail
address of legal entity or individual with whom contract would be written.
2. Legal status of the Consultant (sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership,
limited liability partnership, corporation, or limited liability company) and the year the entity was
organized to do business as the entity now substantially exists.
3. If the Consultant is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liabilitv partnership,
corporation, or limited liability company. the name, address, and telephone number of each
principal officer (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Chairperson of the Board of Directors,
4. The Consultant's Federal Employer Tax Identification number or Social Security number, and
the Washington Uniform Business Identification (UBI) number issued by the State of
Washington Department of Revenue.
5. Identify any State employees or former State employees employed or on the Consultant's
governing board as of the date of the proposal. Include their position and responsibilities
within the Consultant's organization. If following a review of this information, it is determined
by WSP that a conflict of interest exists, the Consultant may be disqualified from further
consideration for the award of a contract.

5. RFQQ Exhibits
Exhibit A Certifications and Assurances
Exhibit B Checklist for Responsiveness
Exhibit C Questionnaire
Exhibit D Quotation
Exhibit E Waiver and Authorization to Release Information
Exhibit F Sample Contract

Washington State Patrol Page 10 RFQQ No. C080?47PSC



I/we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is
attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance with
these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):

1. I/we declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct.

2. The prices and/or cost data have been determined independently, without consultation,
communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However,
I/we may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single

3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 90 days following receipt, and it may be
accepted by WSP without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of certainty
in key terms) at any time within the 90-day period.

4. In preparing this proposal, I/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the
state of Washington whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract,
and who was assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these
assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.)

5. I/we understand that WSP will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of
this proposal. All proposals become the property of WSP, and I/we claim no proprietary right to
the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal.

6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have
not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her prior
to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Proposer or to any competitor.

7. I/we agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation
contents and the attached Personal Service Contract General Terms and Conditions. If there are
any exceptions to these terms, I/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached
to this document.

8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to
submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

Signature of Proposer

Title Date

Washington State Patrol P-age11 HFQQ No. C080747PSC



One (1) original Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances was submitted with the
Consultant's proposal. Letter of Submittal and Certifications and Assurances were signed by
a person authorized to legally obligate the Consultant.

4 separately-bound copies of the proposal were submitted.

Proposal was submitted on or before 4:00 p.m. on January 31,2008.

The Consultant is licensed to do business in the State of Washington.

At a minimum, the proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed Consultant Team

Has a two year college degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a
related field (two years experience as a criminal intelligence analyst or as a commissioned law
enforcement officer may substitute for each year of college);
Has two years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis, or five
years work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer; and
Is proficient in the use of Microsoft Office SUite.
Will be trained in i2's Analyst Notebook application and Penlink no later than 120 days from
contract execution
The proposal clearly demonstrates that any proposed ConSUltant Team Member has two
years work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis; or five years work
experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer.

The proposal contains a Waiver and Authorization to Release Information form for every
Consultant Team Member proposed for work. The form is signed by each respective
proposed Consultant Team Member.

Proposal provided 90 days for acceptance of its terms from the due date of proposals.

Washington State Patrol Page 12- RFQQ No. C080747PSC



1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience (SCORED).

A. Identify Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract,
indicating the responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide
information on proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following areas:

• Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
• Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis
• Work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer
• Specialized intelligence analysis training.
• Ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook application, Penlink and Microsoft Office Suite software

B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include information
on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience, Significant
accomplishments and any other pertinent information.

2. Availability (MANDATORY) - Please list those RIGslWAJAC where the proposed Consultant Team
Member is available for work. If the proposed Consultant Team Member is available state-wide,
please indicate so.

3. References (SCORED) - List names, addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers/e-mail
addresses of three business references for which work has been accomplished and briefly describe
the type of service provided. The Consultant must grant permission to WSP to contact the
references. Do 'not include current WSP staff as references.

4. Related Information (MANDATORY)

A. If the Consultant contracted with the State of Washington during the past 24 months, indicate the
name of the agency, the contract number and project description and/or other information
available to identify the contract.

B. If the Consultant's team member was an employee of the State of Washington during the past 24
months, or is currently a Washington state employee, identify the individual by name, the agency
previously or currently employed by, job title or position held and separation date.

C. If the Consultant has had a contract terminated for default in the last five years, describe such
incident. Termination for default is defined as notice to stop performance due to the Consultant's
non-performance or poor performance and the issue of performance was either (a) not litigated
due to inaction on the part of the Proposer, or (b) litigated and such litigation determined that the
Proposer was in default.

D. Submit full details of the terms for default including the other party's name, address, and phone
number. Present the Consultant's position on the matter. WSP will evaluate the facts and may,
at its sole discretion, reject the proposal on the grounds of the past experience. If no such
termination for default has been experienced by the Consultant in the past five years, so indicate.

5. Waiver and Authorization to Release Information (MANDATORY) - Any proposed Consultant

Team Member must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security clearance, and must pass a
criminal history background check conducted by WSP. Please provide one Waiver and Authorization
to Release Information form (Exhibit E) for each Consultant team member proposed. This form must
be signed by the respective Consultant team member.

Washington State Patrol Page 13 RFQQ No. C080747PSC



The evaluation process is designed to award this procurement not necessarily to the Consultant of
least cost, but rather to the Consultant whose proposal best meets the requirements of this RFQQ.
However, Consultants are encouraged to submit proposals which are consistent with State
government efforts to conserve state resources.

A. Identification of Costs (SCORED)

Identify the hourly reimbursement rate for proposed Consultant Team Members for services
through June 30, 2008; and each of the two optional years of a contract resulting from this RFQQ.
If the hourly rate differs for each individual, please identify the specific rate for each proposed
C.onsultant Team Member.

Hourly rate for services: $._ _ _ _ __

B. Basis for Determining Rates.

1. The hourly rate must include all costs associated with providing services, including Consultant
Team Member salary and benefits, industrial insurance, and federal and state taxes.

2. You should base your hourly rate on providing services at a maximum of forty (40) hours per
work week.

3. The worksite, office supplies, personal computer, and communications shall be provided to
the Contractor. Any such goods and/or services shall remain the property of WSP.

4. All costs associated with training for i2's Analyst Notebook application, Pen link and Microsoft
Office Suite are solely the responsibility of the ConSUltant.

5. When services are required by WSP at locations other than the ConSUltant Team Members
worksite, WSP will reimburse Contractors for authorized lodging, subsistence and business
vehicle mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This manual
is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

B. Computation. The score for the cost proposal will be computed by dividing the lowest average
hourly rate received by the Consultant's average hourly rate. Then the resultant number will be
multiplied by the maximum possible points for the cost section.

Washington State Patrol Page 14 RFQQ No. C080747PSC

Exhibit E


To whom it may concern:

I authorize you to furnish the Washington State Patrol with any and all information that you
have concerning me, my work, my reputation, my driving record, my criminal history record,
including any arrest records, any information contained in investigatory files, any internal affairs
investigations and discipline, including any files which are deemed to be confidential and/or
sealed, my medical records, my psychological testing analysis and recommendation, my
military service records, and my financial status. Information of a confidential or privileged
nature may be included.

Your reply will be used to assist the Washington State Patrol in determining my qualifications.
understand my rights under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a (The Privacy Act of
1974), and waive these rights with the understanding that information furnished will be used by
the Washington State Patrol.

I hereby release to you, your organization, and others from any liability or damage which may
result from furnishing the information requested.

A photocopy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

To be completed by the applicant:

Applicant Name (First, Middle, Last)

Other names you have been know by, includinQ prior marriaQe(s) or nickname(s)

Address City State Zip Code

Social Security Number Date of Birth

Applicant SiQnature Date

Washington State Patrol Page 15 RFOO'No. C080747PSC



WSP Contract No.

Criminal Intelligence Analyst Services
this Contract is between the StateofWa.shingtolJ, Washington State Patrol and the Contractor identified below, and is
. Qovernedbv>chaoter3929 RCW. . ....... . ..• ....
CONTRACTOR NAME - Contractor Doing Business As (DBA)

Contractor Address Contractor Federal Employer Identification Number

(mandatory, for tax purposes)

Contact Name Contact Telephone

Contact Fax Contact E-mail Address

..... . ... ......... .....•... ....

WSP Contacf Information .

WSP Project Manager Name and Title WSP Project Manager Address

Telephone I Fax I E-mail Address

WSP Administrative Contact Name and Title WSP Administrative Contact Address

Telephone 1 Fax I E-mail Address

-c- -c-.__ ... ___ ........ .. ............
. . ....
I Contract End Date

I Maximum Contract Amount

. . .

Contract Start Date

ATTACHMENTS. When the boxes below are marked with an X, the following Exhibits are attached to and incorporated
into this Contract by reference:
tzl Exhibit A, Statement of Work.
tzl Exhibit B, General Terms and Conditions
tzl Additional Exhibits as soecified: Exhibit C, Contractor Emolovee Nondisclosure Agreement
This Contract,includingtheattachedterrnsandConditions ahdanyother documentsincorporll!ed by reference,
contains alloftbe terms.and conditions agreed upon by the parties; No other understandings or representptions, oral or
otherwise, regarding thesubje.ct.matterof tbis Cbntractshallbe deemed to exist or bind the parties; The parties signing
below warrantthatth~~ have readahd understand this Contract and have the authority to enter into this Gontract.
WSP Signature Date Contractor Signature Date

Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title

John R. Batiste, Chief


WSP Personal Service Contract Page 1 of 10

Exhibit A


1. Statement of Work.

a. General. As assigned by WSP, the Contractor Employee(s) identified below shall

provide criminal intelligence analyst services at the Location of Work in order to
provide the following products:
• Raw intelligence classification and analysis
• Daily intelligence briefings
• Weekly and monthly written Intelligence bulletins
• Periodic intelligence assessments
• Information dissemination to local law enforcement agencies

Contractor Employee Location of Work

b. Task Orders. Work shall be assigned by a negotiated Task Order and must be
signed by both parties. Each Task Order must identify the Contractor's Employee
assigned to do the work ("Contractor Employees"), the Local Worksite to which the
Contractor's Employee will be assigned and a start and end date for work at that

2. Contractor Qualifications. During the period of performance of this Contract, the

Contractor Employee must be able to obtain a federal Top Secret level security
clearance; and must provide proof to the WSP Project Manager of formal training in i2's
Analyst Notebook application and Penlink no later than one hundred and twenty (120)
days from the date of contract execution.

3. Rules of Conduct. During the period of performance of this Agreement, the Contractor
must follow these basic rules of conduct while providing instruction:

a. Alcohol and Drug Use. The Contractor shall not consume any alcohol or intoxicating
beverage while providing services under this Contract, and will not appear for work
while under the influence of alcohol or while having alcohol in their system. The
Contractor shall not possess, use, or store alcoholic beverages while at any WSP
facility or local worksite. Contractor employees shall not use or possess any
narcotic, dangerous drug, or controlled substance except at the direction of a
physician, dentist, or other medical authority for medical purposes. If the Contractor
is directed by competent medical authority to use a narcotic, dangerous drug, or
controlled substance, he/she shall not use such medication to the extent that their
performance is affected while at any WSP facility or local worksite.

b. Courtesy. The Contractor shall be courteous to WSP staff, other law enforcement
partners, and the public. The Contractor shall be tactful in the performance of their
duties, shall control their tempers and exercise the utmost patience and discretion,
and shall not engage in argumentative discussions. In the performance of their
duties, the Contractor shall not use coarse, violent, profane, or insolent language or

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 2 of 10_


gestures, and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, religion, sex, politics,
national origin, lifestyle, or similar personal characteristics.

c. Appearance. WSP expects the Contractor to present a professional image when

providing services under this Contract. Clothing shall be neat, clean, and in good

4. Confidential Information. The Contractor acknowledges that some of the material and
information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this
Contract or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to
the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.17 RCW or other state
or federal statutes ("Confidential Information"). Confidential Information includes, but is not
limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone
numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or
information identifiable to an individual that relates to any of these types of information.
The Contractor agrees to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to
make use of Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this
Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it
known to any other party without WSP's express written consent or as provided by law.

The Contractor agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to

prevent unauthorized access to Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or
termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall, at WSP's option: (i) certify to WSP that
the Contractor has destroyed all Confidential Information; or (ii) return all Confidential
Information to WSP; or (iii) take whatever other steps WSP requires of the Contractor to
protect Confidential Information. WSP reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate
the use of Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the Contractor through
this Contract.

Contractor Employees working under this Contract shall complete and sign Exhibit C,
Contractor Employee Nondisclosure Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated into
the Contract herein. Violation of this section by the Contractor may result in termination of
this Contract and demand for return of all Confidential Information, monetary damages, or
penalties. Furthermore, the Contractor is subject to all applicable state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97, violation of which may result in criminal

6. Fees. WSP will reimburse the Contractor at the hourly rate identified below for services
provided by the Contractor Employee(s) under this Contract.

Contractor Employee SFY08 Rate SFY09 Rate SFY10 Rate

When services are required by WSP at locations other than the local worksite, WSP will
reimburse the Contractor for authorized lodging, subsistence and business vehicle
mileage costs at current State of Washington approved reimbursement rates. These
rates are published in the State Accounting and Administrative Manual (SAAM). This
manual is available at the Office of Financial Management's SAAM website:

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 3 of 10

Exhibit B


1. Definitions.

"Contract" means this Personal Service Contract, including all documents attached or incorporated by

"Contractor" means the entity performing services to this Contract and includes the Contractor's
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents unless otherwise stated in this
Contract. For purposes of any permitted Subcontract, "Contractor" includes any Subcontractor and its
owners, members, officers, director, partners, employees and/or agents.

"General Terms and Conditions" means this Exhibit B.

"Statement of Work" means the Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract, which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A.

"Subcontract" means a separate contract between the Contractor and an individual or entity
("Subcontractor") to perform all or a portion of the duties and obligations that the Contractor is
obligated to perform pursuant to this Contract.

"RCW" means the Revised Code of Washington. All references in the Contract to RCW chapters or
sections shall include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"USC" means United States Code. All references in the Contract to USC chapters or sections shall
include any successor, amended or replacement statutes.

"WSP" means the State of Washington, Washington State Patrol, and its officers, directors, trustees,
employees and/or agents.

2. Payment. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor an amount not to exceed the Maximum Contract
Amount specified on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

3. Billing Procedure. WSP shall reimburse the Contractor according to Exhibit A, Statement of Work, for
work performed to the satisfaction of the WSP Project Manager. Compensation for services rendered
shall be payable upon receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted not more often
than monthly to the WSP Project Manager. The invoices shall describe and document to WSP's
satisfaction a description of the work performed, activities accomplished, the progress of the project,
fees and expenses, and WSP's contract number.

4. Advance Payments Prohibited. WSP shall not make any payments in advance or anticipation of the
delivery of goods or services provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract.

5. Assignment. The work to be provided under this Contract, and any claim arising thereunder, is not
assignable or delegable by the Contractor in whole or in part, without the express written consent of

6. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any litigation is brought to enforce any term, clause, provision or section
of this Contract or as a result of this Contract in any way, the prevailing party shall be awarded

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page4of10.

its reasonable attorney's fees together with expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including
necessary fees, costs and expenses for services rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as
subsequent to judgment in obtaining execution thereof. In the event that parties to this Contract
engage in arbitration, mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution forum to resolve a dispute in
lieu of litigation, both parties shall share equally in the cost of the alternative dispute resolution,
including the cost of mediation or arbitration services. .Each party shall be responsible for their own
attorney's fees incurred as a result of the alternative dispute resolution method.

7. Compliance with Civil Rights Laws. During the period of performance for this Contract, the Contractor
shall.comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, including, but not limited to, Title VII of
the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 12101 et seq.; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and Chapter
49.60 RCW.

S. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not use or disclose any information concerning WSP, or
information that may be classified as confidential, to any third party without the written permission of
WSP. The Contractor shall destroy or return all such information "to the WSP Program Manager at the
end of this Contract.

9. Contract Execution and Amendments. This Contract shall be binding on WSP only upon signature by
the Chief of WSP or designee. WSP and the Contractor may mutually amend this Contract. Such
amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind
WSP and the Contractor.

10. Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics. The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in compliance
with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, and will comply with Chapter 42.52 RCW
throughout the term of the Contract.

11. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this Contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute Board
in the following manner: The Chief of WSP shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The
Contractor shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Chief of WSP and the Contractor shall
jointly appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and
make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding
to all parties to this Contract.

12. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of
Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of
Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County,
State of Washington.

13. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP from and against all
claims arising out of or resulting from the performance of this Contract. The Contractor expressly
agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless WSP for any claim arising out of or incident to the
Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to
indemnify, defend and hold WSP harmless to the extent claim is caused in whole or in part by
negligent acts or omissions of the Contractor.

14. Independent Capacity. The Contractor acknowledges that the Contractor is an independent
contractor, and not an officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of Washington. The Contractor
shall not hold itself out as, nor claim status as, and officer, employee or agent of WSP or the State of
Washington. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold WSP harmless from all obligations to payor
withhold federal or state taxes or contributions on behalf of the Contractor or the Contractor's
employees unless otherwise specified in this Contract.
Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 5 of 10
15. Industrial Insurance Coverage. Prior to performing work under this Contract, the Contractor shall
provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for its employees, as may be required of an
"employer" as defined in Title 51 RCW, and shall maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the
period of performance for this Contract. WSP shall not be responsible for payment of industrial
insurance premiums or for any other claim or benefit for the Contractor, or any subcontractor or
employee of the Contractor, which might arise under the industrial insurance laws during the
performance of duties and services under this Agreement.

16. Insurance. The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage as set out in Exhibit A, Statement of
Work. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the State of Washington should there be any
claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any negligent or intentional act or
omission of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms
of this Contract.

17. Inspection; Maintenance of Records. During the term of this Contract and'for one year following
termination or expiration of this Contract, the Contractor shall give reasonable access to the
Contractor's place of business and records to WSP and any other employee or agent of the State of
Washington or the United States of America for the purpose of inspecting the Contractor's place of
business and its records, and monitoring, auditing and evaluating the Contractor's performance and
compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and this Contract.

During the term of this Contract and for six years following termination or expiration of this Contract,
the Contractor shall maintain records sufficient to document (i) performance of all acts required by
statute, regulation, rule, or this Contract; (ii) substantiate the Contractor's statement of its
organization's structure, tax status, capabilities and performance; and (iii) demonstrate accounting
procedures, practices and records that sufficiently and properly document the Contractor's invoices to
WSP and all expenditures made by the Contractor to perform as required by this Contract.

18. Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its
terms and any applicable statute or rule the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in
the following order to:

Applicable federal and state law, regulations and rules;

Exhibit A, Statement of Work;
Any other provision of this Contract; and
Any document incorporated by reference.

19. Overpayments to Vendors. Upon notice of an erroneous payment or overpayment to which the
Contractor is not entitled pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly refund to WSP the full
amount of any such payment or overpayment.

20. Personnel. WSP employees performing work under the terms of this Contract (if any) shall be under
the direct command and control of the Chief of WSP or designee, and shall perform duties required
under this Contract in a manner consistent with WSP policy and regulations, and applicable federal,
state and local laws. The assignment of WSP personnel under this Contract shall be at the discretion
of the Chief of WSP or designee.

21. Rights in Data. Unless otherwise provided, data that originates from this Contract shall be "works for
hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSP. Data shall include, but
not be limited to , reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys,

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 6 of 10

studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. Ownership includes the right to
copyrights, patent, register, and the ability to transfer these rights.

Material delivered by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, but which does not originate
therefrom, shall be transferred with a nonexclusive, royalty-free irrevocable license to publish, translate,
reproduce, deliver, performs, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, provided that such a license
shall be limited to the extent which the Contractor has a right to grant such a license. The Contractor
shall exert all reasonable efforts to advise WSP at the time of material delivery of all known or potential
invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such material which was not produce in
performance of this Contract. WSP shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim of
copyright infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any material delivered under this
Contract. WSP shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the data
by the Contractor.

22. Savings. In the event that funds WSP relied upon to establish this Contract are withdrawn, reduced or
limited, or if additional or modified conditions are placed on such funding, WSP may immediately
terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. This termination shall be effective
on the date specified in the notice of termination.

23. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by
reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which
can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of
applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this
Contract are declared to be severable.

24. Site Security. While on WSP's premises, the Contractor shall conform in all respects with physical, fire
or other security regulations communicated to the Contractor by WSP.

25. Subcontracting. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, the Contractor may subcontract for any
of the services provided under this Contract with the prior, written approval of WSP. The Contractor
shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor.

26. Survivorship of Provisions. Any terms, conditions and warranties contained in this Contract that by
their sense and context are intended to survive performance by the parties to this Contract shall so
survive the completion of the period of performance or termination of this Contract.

27. Taxes. WSP shall pay sales and use taxes imposed on services provided by the Contractor under this
Contract if required by state law. The Contractor shall pay all other taxes, including, but not limited to,
Washington State Business and Occupation Tax, taxes based on the Contractor's income, or personal
property taxes levied or assessed on the Contractor's personal property to which WSP does not own

28. Termination for Convenience. Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, either party may
terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notification. If this Contract is so
terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms oL
this Contract for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination.

29. Termination for Default. WSP may terminate the Contract for default, in whole or in part, if WSP has a
reasonable basis to believe that the Contractor failed to perform under any provision of this Contract;
violated any applicable law, regulation, rule or ordinance; or otherwise breached any provision or
condition of this Contract.

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 7 of 10

WSP shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is not
taken within five (5) calendar days, the Contract may be terminated. WSP reserves the right to
suspend all or part of the Contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring
additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged breach and pending corrective action
by the Contractor or a decision by WSP to terminate the Contract.

In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law
including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or
cover contract, and all administrative costs directly related to procuring the replacement contract. If it
is determined that the Contractor was not in default the termination shall be deemed a termination for
convenience. The rights and remedies of WSP provided under this Contract are not exclusive and are
in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.

30. Termination Procedure. The following provisions shall survive and be binding on the parties to this
Contract in the event this Contract is terminated.

a. The Contractor shall stop work under this Contract on the date specified in the notice of termination,
and shall comply with all instructions contained in the notice of termination.

b. The Contractor shall deliver to the WSP Project Manager identified on the Face Sheet of this
Contract, all WSP property in the Contractor's possession and any WSP property produced under
this Contract. The Contractor grants WSP the right to enter upon the Contractor's premises for the
sole purpose of recovering any WSP property that the Contractor fails to return within ten (10)
calendar days of termination of the Contract. Upon failure to return WSP property within ten (10)
calendar days of the Contract termination, the Contractor shall be charged with all reasonable costs
of recovery, including transportation and attorney's fees. The Contractor shall protect and preserve
any property of WSP that is in the possession of the Contractor pending return to WSP. The
Contractor shall provide written certification to WSP that the Contractor has returned all WSP
property in the Contractor's possession.

c. WSP may direct assignment of the Contractor's rights to and interest in any subcontract or orders
placed to WSP. WSP may terminate any subcontract or orders, and settle or pay any or all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.

d. WSP shall be liable for and shall pay for only those services authorized and provided through the
date of termination. WSP may pay an amount agreed to by the parties for partially completed work
and services, if work products are useful to WSP.

e. In the event of termination for default, WSP may withhold a surn from the final payment to the
Contractor that WSP deterrnines necessary to protect WSP against loss or additional liability.

31. Treatment of Assets. Title to all property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of this
Contract shall remain with WSP. Any property furnished by WSP to the Contractor under the terms of
this Contract shall be used only for the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any loss or damage of property provided to the Contractor by WSP resulting from the
failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound
management practices. Upon the discovery of loss or damage of WSP property, the Contractor shall
notify WSP and take all reasonable steps to prevent any further loss or damage. upon the termination
or completion of this Contract the Contractor shall surrender all WSP property to the WSP Project
Manager indicated on the Face Sheet of this Contract.

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 8 of 10

32. Waiver. A failure by WSP to exercise its rights under this Contract shall not preclude WSP from
subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this
Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSP and
attached to the original Contract.

Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 9 of 10

Exhibit C


I acknowledge that some of the material and information that may come into my possession or knowledge in
connection with Washington State Patrol Contract Number (Contract) or its performance may
consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under either
chapter 42.17 RCW or other state or federal statutes ("Confidential Information").

Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail
addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles, credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data,
law enforcement records, agency source code or object code, agency security data, or information identifiable to
an individual that relates to any of these types of information.

I agree to hold Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of Confidential Information for
any purpose other than the performance of this Contract, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell,
disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without the Washington State Patrol's express written
consent or as provided by law.

I also agree to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to
Confidential Information.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of this Contract or my employment with the Contractor, I shall
surrender any and all Confidential Information in my possession to the Vendor for its disposition according to the
terms of the Contract.

I understand that I am subject to all applicable state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including RCW 10.97,
violation of which may result in criminal prosecution.

Signature of Contractor Employee

Printed Name and Title


Exhibit F, Sample Contract Page 10 of 10

Kequest for & Platinum
RFQQ - C080747PSC Safety Team Meeting
- lAD Conf Rm
I~~!mcontracts staff ,
meeting (Jeffs office)

- Colleen /
meeting (Jeffs office)
iBllitQ1rIlllRFQQ ? Due

meeting (Jeffs

1 1/4/2008 2: 14 PM

meeting (Jeffs office)

& Platinum SAF (Exec Conf

Safety Team Meeting Rm) Apparent Successful
- lAD Conf Rm Proposers
l}iiQQarliContracts staff
meeting (Jeffs office)

to begin meeting (Jeffs office)

meeting (Jeffs office)

Halder, Cindy (WSP) 2 1/4/20082:14 PM

Page 1 of2

Haider, Cindy (WSP)

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 1:48 PM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)
Subject: RE:

Only one RFQQ will go out but I will state two positions within Region 3 to be available.

Here is the schedule I have drawn up:

RFQQ #C080747PSC
Issue Request for Proposals: January 7, 2008
Consultant Questions Due: January 18, 2008
Issue Addendum to RFQQ (if applicable) January 22, 2008
PROPOSALS DUE: January 31, 2008
Announce First Tier Apparent Successful Proposers: February 15, 2008
Conduct Proposer Interviews: February 18, 2008 until completed

Since Region 3 is on this side of the mountains I am assuming the scoring by panel members and the actual
interviews should be able to adhere to this schedule. If not please let me know so I can change the dates.

Are we using the original proposal language or is there a revision that needs to be put into place?

Cindy Haider
WSP Contracts

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 1:32 PM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Subject: RE:

Hi Cindy,

I just got off the phone with Captain Braniff. We have agreed on a slight change. We would now like the RFQQ
process started for both positions. Hope this doesn't cause too much extra work. Thanks.

From: Haider, Cindy (WSP)

Sent: Thu 1/3/20089:17 AM
To: Drake, Randy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, TIm (WSP)
Subject: RE:

I will start the RFQQ process for Region 3, one analyst. I will put a schedule of dates together and send for your
review later today.

Cindy Haider
WSP Contracts

Page 2 of2

Cindy. Haider@w.lp. wa gov

From: Drake, Randy (WSP)

Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 9:34 AM
To: Haider, Cindy (WSP)
Cc: Braniff, Tim (WSP)


Captain Braniff has approved that we move forward in filling one of the two recently vacated WAJAC analyst
positions. The vacant positions are in Region 3 (previously Kenn Rivers) and WSP (previously Don Castanares).
We would like to get an advertisement out for the position previously held by Don Castanares.

What.information do you need from me in order to get this process moving?

Vendor Number__

Team Member Name DON""\c\ C,,::,.\-AdVI"sS""g£

Evaluator Name tAPiA-IN rYl,ILt: ~'l- lZs6


To ensure a fair procurement process and to guard against protest by unsuccessful proposers, I
have carefully evaluated my position with regard to possible conflict of interest. I certify that I
am not aware of any issue that would reduce my ability to participate on the evaluation team in
an unbiased and objective matter, or which would place me in a position of real or apparent
conflict of interest between my responsibilities as a member of the evaluation team and other
interests. In making this certification, I have considered all financial interests and employment
arrangements (past, present or under consideration).

In anticipation of my participation in the evaluation process used to evaluate proposals, I certify

that I will not disclose any information about the evaluation of this RFQQ, during the
proceedings of the evaluation process or at any subsequent time, to anyone who is not also
authorized access to the information by law or regulation. I will return all copies of the proposals
with my completed evaluation sheet.

Signatur~ G)~
. Please provide a raw score of 0-10 for the Vendor's response to Question 1 of Exhibit C,
Questionnaire. Cost will be scored by the WSP Contracts Manager. Generally, you should
score proposed Team Members according to the following scale:

For Questions 1:
10 = The proposed staff exceeds all requirements with skill set that would result in great deal of
efficiencies while providing an exceptional product.
7 = The proposed staff meets or exceeds all requirements to provide a better than average
5 = The proposed staffmeets the requirements of the RFQQ.
3 = The proposed staff partially meets the requirements of the RFQQ.
1 = The proposed staff meets very few of the requirements of the RFQQ.
o = The proposed staff does not have any of the qualifications required by the RFQQ or did not
provide sufficient detail to determine if proposed staff met requirements.

WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page lof2

Evaluation Score Sheet
1. Team Member Qualifications/Experience (SCORED).

A. Identify Consultant Team Member(s) who will provide services under the potential contract,
indicating the responsibilities and qualifications of such personnel. In particular please provide
information on proposed Consultant Team Member experience and training in the following

g% Formal education in criminal justice, law enforcement, statistical analysis or a related field.
q ......-. Work experience in national security or criminal intelligence analysis

Work experience as a commissioned law enforcement officer
Specialized intelligence analysis training.
It?~ Ability to use i2's Analyst Notebook application, Penlink and Microsoft Office Suite software
--f\B. Please provide resumes' for the proposed Consultant Team Member(s), which include
information on the individual's particular skills related to this project, education, experience,
significant accomplishments and any other pertinent information.

Team Member Qualifications/Experience Raw Score (1-10) 10·5


WSP RFQQ No. C080747PSC Page 2 of2

Evaluation Score Sheet

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