2011 291 Eu PDF
2011 291 Eu PDF
2011 291 Eu PDF
Volume 54
II Non-legislative acts
★ Commission Decision of 26 April 2011 concerning a technical specification for interoperability
relating to the rolling stock subsystem — ‘Locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ of the
trans-European conventional rail system (notified under document C(2011) 2737) (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Price: EUR 8
(1) Text with EEA relevance
Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters, and are generally valid for a
limited period.
The titles of all other acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk.
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/1
(Non-legislative acts)
of 26 April 2011
concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the rolling stock subsystem —
‘Locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ of the trans-European conventional rail system
(notified under document C(2011) 2737)
(Text with EEA relevance)
THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, should cover the rolling stock subsystem in order to
meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoper
ability of the rail system.
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European
(4) The TSI on rolling stock to be set up by this Decision
does not fully deal with all essential requirements. In
Having regard to Directive 2008/57/EC of the European accordance with Article 5(6) of Directive 2008/57/EC,
Parliament and the Council of 17 June 2008 on the interoper technical aspects which are not covered should be
ability of the rail system within the Community (1), and in identified as open points.
particular Article 6(1) thereof,
(2) By Decision C(2006) 124 final of 9 February 2007, the (6) In accordance with Article 17(3) of Directive
Commission gave a mandate to the European Railway 2008/57/EC, Member States are to notify to the
Agency (hereinafter ‘the Agency’) to develop technical Commission and other Member States the technical
specifications for interoperability (TSIs) under Directive rules, the conformity assessment and verification
2001/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the procedures to be used for the specific cases, as well as
Council of 19 March 2001 on the interoperability of the bodies responsible for carrying out these procedures.
the trans-European conventional rail system (2). Under
the terms of that mandate, the Agency was requested
to draw up the draft TSIs related to passenger carriages
and locomotives and traction units, related to the rolling (7) Commission Decision 2008/163/EC of 20 December
stock subsystem of the conventional rail system. 2007 concerning the technical specification of interoper
ability relating to ‘safety in railway tunnels’ in the trans-
European conventional and high-speed rail system (4),
(3) Technical specifications for interoperability (TSIs) are includes in its scope some requirements of the rolling
specifications adopted in accordance with Directive stock running in the conventional rail system.
2008/57/EC. The TSI to be set up by this Decision Therefore Decision 2008/163/EC should be amended
(8) The TSI on rolling stock should be without prejudice to (c) rolling stock of an existing design, as referred to in clause
the provisions of other relevant TSIs which may be of the TSI set out in the Annex.
applicable to rolling stock subsystems.
Article 3
(9) The TSI on rolling stock should not impose the use of
specific technologies or technical solutions except where 1. With regard to those issues classified as open points set
this is strictly necessary for the interoperability of the rail out in the TSI set out in the Annex, the conditions to be
system within the European Union. complied with for the verification of the interoperability
pursuant to Article 17(2) of Directive 2008/57/EC shall be
the applicable technical rules in use in the Member State
(10) In accordance with Article 11(5) of Directive which authorises the placing in service of the subsystems
2008/57/EC, the TSI on rolling stock should allow, for covered by this Decision.
a limited period of time, for interoperability constituents
to be incorporated into subsystems without certification
if certain conditions are met.
2. Each Member State shall notify to the other Member
States and to the Commission within six months of the notifi
cation of this Decision:
(11) To continue to encourage innovation and to take into
account the experience acquired, this Decision should be
subject to periodic revision.
(a) the applicable technical rules referred to in paragraph 1;
2. Until 1 June 2017, the application of this TSI shall not be 2. Each Member State shall notify to the other Member
compulsory for the following rolling stock: States and to the Commission within six months of the notifi
cation of this Decision:
(c) the bodies it appoints for carrying out the conformity Article 8
assessment and checking procedures of the specific cases
referred to in paragraph 1. Amendments to Decision 2008/163/EC
Decision 2008/163/EC is amended as follows:
Article 5
1. the following text is inserted after the second paragraph of
The procedures for assessment of conformity, suitability for use point Material properties for rolling stock:
and EC verification set out in Section 6 of the TSI set out in the
Annex shall be based on the modules defined in Decision
2010/713/EU. ‘In addition, the requirements of clause (Material
requirements) of the CR LOC & PAS TSI shall apply to CR
rolling stock.’;
Article 6
1. An EC certificate of verification for a subsystem that 2. point is replaced by the following:
contains interoperability constituents not holding an EC
declaration of conformity or suitability for use may be issued
during a transition period of six years from the date of appli
‘ Fire barriers for passenger rolling stock
cation of this Decision, on the condition that the provisions set
out in Section 6.3 of the Annex are met.
— The requirements of clause (Fire
resistance) of the high-speed RST TSI apply to
2. The production or upgrade/renewal of the subsystem with HS rolling stock.
use of the non-certified interoperability constituents must be
completed within the transition period, including the placing
in service. — The requirements of clause (Fire
resistance) of the high-speed RST TSI and the
requirements of clause (Fire barriers)
3. During the transition period Member States shall ensure of the conventional LOC & PAS TSI apply to
that: CR rolling stock.’;
(b) the details of the non-certified interoperability constituents — The requirements of clause (Public
and the reasons for non-certification, including the appli address system) of the high-speed RST TSI
cation of national rules notified under Article 17 of apply to HS rolling stock.
Directive 2008/57/EC, are included by the national safety
authorities in their annual report referred to in Article 18 of
Directive 2004/49/EC of the European Parliament and of — The requirements of clause (Public
the Council (1). address system: audible communication system)
of the conventional LOC & PAS TSI apply to CR
rolling stock.’;
4. After the transition period and with the exceptions
allowed under Section 6.3.3 of the Annex on maintenance,
interoperability constituents shall be covered by the required 4. point is replaced by the following:
EC declaration of conformity and/or suitability for use before
being incorporated into the subsystem.
‘ Emergency brake override
Article 7
— The requirements in clause (Passenger
With regard to the rolling stock concerned by projects at alarm) of the high-speed RST TSI apply to HS
advanced stage of development, each Member State shall rolling stock.
communicate to the Commission within one year of entry
into force of this Decision a list of projects that are taking
place within its territory and are at an advanced stage of devel — The requirements in clause (Passenger
opment. alarm: functional requirements) of the conven
tional LOC & PAS TSI apply to CR rolling
(1) OJ L 164, 30.4.2004, p. 44. stock.’;
L 139/4 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1. The rolling stock subsystem as part of the conventional rail system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2. Elements of the rolling stock subsystem corresponding to the essential requirements . . . . . . . 21
4.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.1.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.1.2. Description of the rolling stock subject to the application of this TSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.1.3. Main categorisation of the rolling stock for application of TSI requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.2.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Page Gangways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Gauging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Rolling stock characteristics for the compatibility with train detection systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Rolling stock characteristics for compatiblility with train detection system based on track circuits 35 Rolling stock characteristics for compatiblility with train detection system based on axle counters 36 Wheelsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.2.4. Braking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Page General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Exterior doors: passenger access to and egress from rolling stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
L 139/8 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
Page Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Maximum power and current from the overhead contact line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Page General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Windscreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Page Labelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Requirements applicable to all units, except freight locomotives and OTMs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.2.11. Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5. INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.1. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.3.2. Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.3.7. Horns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.3.8. Pantograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.1.4. Constituent requiring EC declarations against the HS RST TSI and against TSI . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Page Maximum power and current from the overhead contact line (clause . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6.2.5. Units requiring EC certificates against the HS RST TSI and against this TSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.2.8. Particular case: Assessment of units intended to be included in an existing fixed formation 103
7. IMPLEMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Page Interfaces for water refilling ( and toilet discharge ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
7.5. Aspects that have to be considered in the revision process or in other activities of the Agency 122
7.5.2. Aspects not related to a basic parameter in this TSI but are subject to research projects . . . . 123
7.5.3. Aspects relevant for the EU railway system but out of the scope of TSIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
1.1. Technical scope
This technical specification for interoperability (TSI) is a specification by which a particular subsystem is
addressed in order to meet the essential requirements and ensure the interoperability of the trans-European
conventional rail system as described in Directive 2008/57/EC.
The particular subsystem is the rolling stock of the trans-European conventional rail system referred to in
Annex I Section 1 of Directive 2008/57/EC.
This TSI also includes the rolling stock subsystem as defined in Annex II Section 2.6 of Directive
2008/57/EC and the related parts of the energy subsystem (‘onboard part of the electric consumptions
measuring equipment’ as defined in Annex II Section 2.2 of Directive 2008/57/EC) which corresponds to
the onboard part of the energy structural subsystem.
— which is (or is intended to be) operated on the rail network defined in the Section 1.2 ‘Geographical
scope’ of this TSI,
— which is of one of the following types (as defined in Annex I Section 1.2 of Directive 2008/57/EC):
— passenger carriages,
More information about the rolling stock in the scope of this TSI is given in Section 2 of this Annex.
— The requirements for high speed rolling stock designed to operate on the Trans European High-Speed
Rail system as provided for in Annex I (2.2) of Directive 2008/57/EC, at maximum speed intended for
this high-speed network, are not covered in this TSI.
L 139/16 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
— The additional requirements to this TSI that may be necessary for safe operation on high-speed
networks of conventional rolling stock of maximum speed lower than 190 km/h which are in the
scope of this TSI (as defined in clause 2.3 below) are identified as an open point in the current version
of this TSI.
(b) lays down essential requirements for the concerned rolling stock domain and for its interfaces vis-à-vis
other subsystems (Section 3);
(c) establishes the functional and technical specifications to be met by the subsystem and its interfaces vis-
à-vis other subsystems (Section 4);
(d) determines the interoperability constituents and interfaces which must be covered by European spec
ifications, including European standards, which are necessary to achieve interoperability within the
trans-European conventional rail system (Section 5);
(e) states, in each case under consideration, which procedures are to be used in order to assess the
conformity or the suitability for use of the interoperability constituents, on the one hand, or the
‘EC’ verification of the subsystems, on the other hand (Section 6);
(f) indicates the strategy for implementing this TSI (Section 7);
(g) indicates for the staff concerned, the professional qualifications and health and safety conditions at
work required for the operation and maintenance of the subsystem, as well as for the implementation
of this TSI (Section 4).
In accordance with Article 5(5) of Directive 2008/57/EC, provision may be made for specific cases for each
TSI; such provisions are indicated in Section 7.
— Directive 2008/57/EC.
— Conventional Rail Control, command and signalling TSI: Commission Decision 2006/679/EC (1),
amended by Commission Decisions 2006/860/EC (2), 2007/153/EC (3), 2008/386/EC (4),
2009/561/EC (5) and 2010/79/EC (6).
— Accessibility for people with reduced mobility (PRM) TSI: Commission Decision 2008/164/EC (8).
— Conventional rail freight wagons TSI (CR WAG TSI): Commission Decision 2006/861/EC (2), amended
by Commission Decision 2009/107/EC (3).
— Conventional rail traffic operation and management (OPE) TSI: Commission Decision 2006/920/EC (4),
amended by Decision 2009/107/EC.
According to Directive 2008/57/EC, the rolling stock subsystem of the trans-European high-speed rail
system includes trains designed to operate on the trans-European high speed rail network (HS TEN),
composed of lines either dedicated high-speed lines or lines upgraded for high speed (i.e. speed of the
order of 200 km/h or more) indicated as such in Annex 1 of Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council (6).
Note: The HS RST TSI Section 1.1 sets a speed threshold of 190 km/h for the rolling stock in its technical
According to Directive 2008/57/EC, the rolling stock subsystem of the trans European conventional rail
system includes all trains likely to travel on all or part of the conventional lines of the TEN; the maximum
operational speed of these trains is not specified.
The conventional rail system has been broken down into subsystems as defined in Annex II (section 1) to
of Directive 2008/57/EC and listed as follows.
Structural areas:
— infrastructure,
— energy,
— rolling stock.
Functional areas:
— maintenance,
With the exception of maintenance, each subsystem is dealt with in specific TSI(s).
The rolling stock subsystem dealt with in this TSI (as defined in Section 1.1) has interfaces with all other
subsystems of the conventional rail system mentioned above; these interfaces are considered within the
frame of an integrated system, compliant with all relevant TSIs.
— two TSIs describing specific aspects of the railway system and concerning several subsystems, the
conventional rail rolling stock being one of them:
(c) noise;
The requirements concerning the rolling stock subsystem expressed in these four TSIs are not repeated in
this TSI.
Train formation:
— A ‘unit’ is the generic term used to name the rolling stock which is subject to the application of this
TSI, and therefore subject to a certificate of ‘EC’ verification.
A unit may be composed of several ‘vehicles’, as defined in Directive 2008/57/EC, Article 2(c);
considering the scope of this TSI, the use of the term ‘vehicle’ in this TSI is limited to the rolling
stock subsystem.
— A ‘fixed formation’ is a train formation that can only be reconfigured within a workshop environment.
— A ‘predefined formation(s)’ is a train formation(s) of several units coupled together, which is defined at
design stage and can be reconfigured during operation.
— trainsets are designed so that several of them (of the type under assessment) are capable of being
coupled together to operate as a single train controlled from 1 driver’s cab,
— locomotives are designed so that several of them (of the type under assessment) are capable of being
included in a single train controlled from 1 driver’s cab.
— ‘General operation’: a unit is designed for general operation when the unit is intended to be coupled
with other unit(s) in a train formation which is not defined at design stage.
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/19
Rolling stock:
A ‘trainset’ is a fixed formation that can operate as a train; it is by definition not intended to be recon
figured, except within a workshop environment. It is composed of only motored or of motored and non-
motored vehicles.
‘An electric and/or diesel multiple unit’ is a trainset in which all vehicles are capable of carrying passengers
or luggage/mail.
A ‘railcar’ is a vehicle that can operate autonomously and is capable of carrying passengers or luggage/mail.
A ‘locomotive’ is a traction vehicle (or combination of several vehicles) that is not intended to carry a
payload and has the ability to uncouple in normal operation from a train and to operate independently.
A ‘shunter’ is a traction unit designed for use only on shunting yards, stations and depots.
Traction in a train can also be provided by a powered vehicle with or without driving cab, which is not
intended to be uncoupled during normal operation. Such a vehicle is called a ‘power car’ in general or a
‘power head’ when located at one end of the trainset and fitted with a driving cab.
A ‘coach’ is a non-traction vehicle in a fixed or variable formation capable of carrying passengers (by
extension, requirements specified to apply to coaches in this TSI are deemed to apply also to restaurant
cars, sleeping cars, couchettes cars, etc.). A coach may be equipped with a driver’s cab; such a coach is then
named a ‘driving coach’.
A ‘van’ is a non-traction vehicle capable of carrying payload other than passengers, e.g. luggage or mail,
intended to be integrated into a fixed or variable formation which is intended to transport passengers. A
van may be fitted with a driver’s cab and as such is known as a ‘driving van’.
A ‘car carrier’ is a non-traction vehicle capable of carrying passenger motor cars without their passengers
and which is intended to be integrated in a passenger train.
D — Mobile railway infrastructure construction and maintenance equipment (or on-track machines)
‘On track machines (OTMs)’ are vehicles specially designed for construction and maintenance of the track
and infrastructure. OTMs are used in different modes: working mode, transport mode as self-propelling
vehicle, transport mode as a hauled vehicle.
‘Infrastructure inspection vehicles’ utilised to monitor the condition of the infrastructure are considered as
OTMs as defined above.
Thermal or electric traction equipment is installed in some vehicles of the train, and the train is fitted with
a driver’s cab.
L 139/20 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
Rolling stock designed to operate primarily on urban tramway or light rail networks and intended to carry
passengers in urban and suburban areas is not in the scope of this TSI in its version.
Railcars or electric and/or diesel multiple units intended to operate on explicitly identified local (suburban
or regional) networks which are not parts of TEN lines are not in the scope of this TSI in its current
When these types of rolling stock are intended to operate over very short distances on the TEN lines, due
to the local configuration of the railway network, Articles 24 and 25 of Directive 2008/57/EC (referring to
national rules) are applicable.
This type includes traction vehicles that are not capable of carrying a payload, such as thermal or electric
locomotives or power heads.
The concerned traction vehicles are intended for freight or/and passenger transport.
Shunters, which are as defined not intended to operate on the main lines of the TEN, are not in the scope
of this TSI in its current version.
When they intended to operate shunting movements (short distances) on the main lines of the TEN,
Articles 24 and 25 of Directive 2008/57/EC (referring to national rules) are applicable.
— Passenger carriages:
This type includes non-traction vehicles carrying passengers, and operated in a variable formation with
vehicles from the category ‘thermal or electric traction units’ defined above to provide the traction
— Non-traction vehicles included in passenger trains (e.g. luggage or postal vans, car carriers, vehicles
for service…) are in the scope of this TSI, by extension of the concept of passenger carriages.
— Freight wagons are not in the scope of this TSI; they are covered by the ‘freight wagons’ TSI even
when they are included in a passenger train (the train composition is in this case an operational
— Vehicles intended to carry road motor vehicles, with persons onboard these road motor vehicles, are
not in the scope of this TSI.
This type of rolling stock is in the scope of the TSI only when:
— it is designed to be detected by a track based train detection system for traffic management, and
3.1. General
According to Article 4(1) of Directive 2008/57/EC, the trans-European conventional rail system, its
subsystems and its interoperability constituents shall fulfil the essential requirements set out in general
terms in Annex III of Directive 2008/57/EC.
In the scope of this TSI, compliance with the specifications described in Section 4 for the subsystems, or
Section 5 for the interoperability constituents and demonstrated by a positive result of the assessment
described in Section 6.1 for the conformity and/or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or
Section 6.2 for the verification of the subsystems, ensures fulfilment of the relevant essential requirements
quoted in Section 3.2.
Nevertheless, if part of the essential requirements are covered by national rules because of open points
declared in the TSI or specific cases described in Section 7.3, the corresponding national rules shall include
the conformity assessment, which shall be carried out under the responsibility of the relevant Member
3.2. Elements of the rolling stock subsystem corresponding to the essential requirements
Regarding the rolling stock subsystem, the following table indicates the essential requirements, as defined
and numbered in Annex III of Directive 2008/57/EC, that are met by the specifications set out in Section 4
of this TSI.
Staff access for coupling and uncoupling 1.1.5 2.5.1 2.5.3
Rolling stock parameters which influence CCS subsystem 1.1.1 2.4.3
Exterior doors: access to and egress from Rolling stock 2.4.1
Note: Only clauses of the Section 4.2 which contain requirements are listed.
The essential requirements that are not covered within the scope of this TSI are the following:
1.4.3. ‘The rolling stock and energy-supply systems must be designed and manufactured in such a way as
to be electromagnetically compatible with the installations, equipment and public or private
networks with which they might interfere.’
1.4.4. ‘Operation of the rail system must respect existing regulations on noise pollution.’
1.4.5. ‘Operation of the rail system must not give rise to an inadmissible level of ground vibrations for the
activities and areas close to the infrastructure and in a normal state of maintenance.’
This essential requirement is covered by the CR Infrastructure TSI (open point in the current
2.5. Maintenance
These essential requirements are relevant within the scope of this TSI according to Section 3.2 of
this TSI only for the technical maintenance documentation related to the rolling stock subsystem;
they are not in the scope of this TSI regarding maintenance installations.
2.6. Operation
These essential requirements are relevant within the scope of this TSI according to Section 3.2 of
this TSI for the operation documentation related to the rolling stock subsystem (essential
requirements 2.6.1 and 2.6.2), and for technical compatibility of the rolling stock with operating
rules (essential requirements 2.6.3).
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The requirements on the rolling stock subsystem which contribute to the fulfilment of these essential
requirements are mentioned in the Section 3.2 of this TSI, and are those set out in Sections 2.2.3 and 2.3.2
of Annex III to Directive 2008/57/EC.
Other essential requirements are not covered within the scope of this TSI.
The basic parameters of the rolling stock subsystem are defined in the present Section 4 of this TSI.
Except where this is strictly necessary for the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail
network, the functional and technical specifications of the subsystem and its interfaces described in
Sections 4.2 and 4.3, do not impose the use of specific technologies or technical solutions.
Innovative solutions, which do not fulfil the requirements specified in this TSI and/or which are not
assessable as stated in this TSI, require new specifications and/or new assessment methods. In order to
allow technological innovation, these specifications and assessment methods shall be developed by the
process ‘innovative solution’ described in Section 6.
Characteristics that need to be listed in the ‘European register of authorised types of vehicles’ are identified
in Section 4.8 of this TSI.
4.1.2. Description of the rolling stock subject to the application of this TSI
Rolling stock subject to the application of this TSI (designated as a unit in the context of this TSI) shall be
described in the certificate of ‘EC’ verification, using one of the following characteristics:
— Trainset in fixed formation and, when required, predefined formation(s) of several trainsets of the type
under assessment for multiple operation.
— Single vehicle or fixed rakes of vehicles intended for general operation and when required, predefined
formation(s) of several vehicles (locomotives) of the type under assessment for multiple operation.
Note: Multiple operation of the unit under assessment with other types of rolling stock in not in the scope
of this TSI.
Definitions related to train formation and units are given in Section 2.2 of this TSI.
When a unit intended for use in fixed or predefined formation(s) is assessed, the formations for which such
assessment is valid shall be defined by the party asking for assessment, and stated in the certificate of ‘EC’
verification. The definition of each formation shall include the type designation of each vehicle, the number
of vehicles and their arrangement in the formation. Details are given in Section 6.2.
Some characteristics or some assessments of a unit intended to be used in general operation, will require
defined limits regarding the train formations. These limits are laid down in Section 4.2 and in clause 6.2.6.
4.1.3. Main categorisation of the rolling stock for application of TSI requirements
A rolling stock technical categorisation system is used in the following clauses of this TSI to define relevant
requirements applicable to a unit.
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The technical category(ies) relevant for the unit subject to the application of this TSI shall be identified by
the party asking for assessment. This categorisation shall be used by the notified body in charge of the
assessment, in order to assess the applicable requirements from this TSI, and shall be stated in the
certificate of ‘EC’ verification.
— Electric unit, defined as a unit supplied with electric energy by an electrification system specified in the
CR energy TSI.
Unless stated otherwise in the clauses of the Section 4.2, requirements specified in this TSI apply to all
technical categories of rolling stock defined above.
The unit operational configuration shall also be considered when it is assessed; a distinction shall be made
— a unit that cannot be operated alone, and that has to be coupled with other unit(s) to be operated as a
train (see also clauses 4.1.2, 6.2.6 and 6.2.7).
In line with the HS RST TSI and SRT TSI, all rolling stock in the scope of this TSI shall be classified into (at
least) one of the categories:
— Braking
— Environmental conditions
— Servicing
For particular technical aspects, the functional and technical specification makes an explicit reference to a
clause of an EN standard or other technical document, as allowed by Article 5(8) of Directive 2008/57/EC;
these references are listed in the Annex J of this TSI.
Information needed on board for the train staff to be aware of the operational state of the train (normal
state, equipment out of order, degraded situation …) are described in the clause dealing with the relevant
function, and in clause 4.2.12 ‘documentation requested for the operation and maintenance’.
The Annex I mentions also if the open points relate to technical compatibility with the network; for this
purpose, the Annex I is split in 3 parts:
— Open points that relate to technical compatibility between the vehicle and the network.
— Open points that do not relate to technical compatibility between the vehicle and the network.
As required in Article 17(3) of Directive 2008/57/EC, open points shall be addressed by the application of
national technical rules.
Most of the safety requirements related to these functions are covered by the technical specifications
expressed in Section 4.2 (e.g. ‘passive safety’, ‘wheels’ …).
For the following safety related functions, the technical specifications need to be completed by
requirements expressed in terms of safety requirement, for which the demonstration of compliance may
use the principles described in the CSM on RA (similarity with reference system(s), application of codes of
practice, probabilistic approach):
— Emergency braking performance (including traction cut off), as specified in clause, clause
and clause; the safety requirements are specified in clause
— Parking braking, as specified in clause, clause and clause; the safety
requirements are specified in clause
— Fire barriers (other than full cross section partitions), as specified in clause
Where these functions, identified as safety related, have their safety aspects not sufficiently covered, or no
safety specified, this is identified as an open point in the corresponding clause specifying the function.
Software which is used to fulfil safety related functions shall be developed and assessed according to a
methodology adequate for safety related software.
This applies to software which has an impact on functions identified as safety related in the Section 4.2 of
this TSI.
Most of these requirements aim at ensuring the train’s mechanical integrity in operation and rescue
operation as well as protecting passenger and staff compartments in the event of collision or derailment.
— ‘Inner’ coupling (also called ‘intermediate’ coupling) is the coupling device between vehicles in order to
form a unit composed of several vehicles (e.g. a fixed rake of coaches or a trainset).
— End coupling (‘external’ coupling) of units is the coupling device used to couple together two (or
several) units to form a train. The fitting of end coupling at the end of units is not mandatory.
Where there is no coupling at any end of a unit, a device to allow a rescue coupling shall be
provided at such end of the unit.
In the context of this TSI, a ‘Manual’ coupling is an end coupling system which requires (one or several)
person(s) to stand between the units to be coupled or uncoupled for the mechanical coupling of these
— Rescue coupling is the coupling device that enables a unit to be rescued by a recovery power unit
equipped with a ‘standard’ manual coupling as per clause where the unit to be rescued is
equipped with a different coupling system or is not equipped with any coupling system.
Where the inner coupling system between vehicles has a lower longitudinal strength than the end
coupling(s) of the unit, provisions shall be made to rescue the unit in case of breakage of any such
inner coupling; these provisions shall be described in the documentation required in clause
Articulated units: The joint between two vehicles sharing the same running gear, shall comply with the
requirements of Sections 6.5.3 and 6.7.5 of the EN12663-1:2010.
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— End couplings shall incorporate a resilient coupling system, capable of withstanding the forces due to
the intended operational and rescue conditions.
— The type of mechanical coupling together with its nominal maximum design values of tensile and
compressive forces shall be recorded in the rolling stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI.
There is no further requirement for automatic and semi-automatic coupling systems in this TSI.
— The coupling system shall be designed so that no human presence between the units to be coupled/
uncoupled is required whilst either one is moving.
— Coaches with manual coupling systems shall be fitted with a buffer, draw gear and screw coupling
system complying with the requirements of the parts of EN15551:2009 and EN15566:2009 related to
passenger coaches; Units other than coaches with manual coupling systems shall be fitted with a buffer,
draw gear and screw coupling system complying with the relevant parts of EN15551:2009 and
EN15566:2009 respectively.
In all cases, the buffers and the screw coupling shall be installed according to clauses A.1 to A.3 of Annex
On all units designed to operate solely on the standard 1 435 mm gauge network, and equipped with
manual coupling and UIC pneumatic brake, the following requirements apply:
— The dimensions and layout of brake pipes and hoses, couplings and cocks shall meet the requirements
stated in the Annex I of the CR WAG TSI. The longitudinal and vertical location of brake pipes and
cocks from the buffer plate shall comply with the corresponding requirements set out in UIC leaflet
541-1:Nov 2003 Annex B2 figure 16b or 16c.
— The lateral location of brake pipes and cocks is permitted to comply with the requirements of UIC
648:Sep 2001.
(c) Manual coupling system — Compatibility between units designed to be operated on networks with
different track gauges
Units designed for operation on networks with several track gauges (e.g. 1 435 mm and 1 520/1 524 mm,
or 1 435 mm and 1 668 mm), equipped with ‘Manual’ coupling and UIC pneumatic brake system, shall be
compatible with both:
— The interface requirements in the clause ‘End coupling’ for 1 435 mm networks, and
— The associated specific case for the ‘other than 1 435 mm’ network as depicted in clause 7.3 of this TSI.
— Where the unit to be rescued is fitted with an end coupling: by means of a power unit equipped with
the same type of end coupling system, and
— By means of a recovery unit i.e. a power unit featuring at each of its ends intended to be used for
rescue purposes:
— lateral location of brake pipes and cocks according to UIC 648:Sep 2001,
— a free space of 395 mm above the centre line of the hook to allow the fitting of the rescue adaptor
as described below.
This is achieved either by means of a permanently installed compatible coupling system or through a
rescue coupler (also called rescue adaptor).
In such a case, the unit to be assessed shall be designed so that it is possible to carry the rescue coupler
— be designed to allow the rescue at a speed of at least 30km/h on railway lines which comply with the
— be secured after mounting onto the recovery unit in a way that prevents it coming off during the rescue
— be designed such that it does not require any human presence between the recovery unit and the unit
to be rescued whilst either one is moving,
— neither the rescue coupler nor any braking hose shall limit the lateral movement of the hook when
fitted onto the recovery unit.
The brake interface is covered by the requirements of clause of this TSI.
To comply with this requirement, units fitted with manual coupling systems as per clause shall
comply with the following requirements (the ‘Bern rectangle’):
— The required spaces shown in figure A2 of Annex A shall be free of fixed parts. For this requirement
the coupling gear components are in the central position laterally.
Connecting cables and flexible hoses as well as elastic deformable parts of gangways may be inside this
space. There shall be no devices under the buffers that hinder the access to the space.
— Where a combined automatic and screw coupler is fitted it is permissible for the auto coupler head to
infringe the Berne rectangle on the left hand side (as viewed on figure A2) when it is stowed and the
screw coupler is in use.
— There shall be a handrail under each buffer. The handrails shall withstand a force of 1,5 kN. Gangways
Where a gangway is provided as a means for passengers to circulate from one coach or one trainset to
another, it shall not expose passengers to undue risk.
Where operation with the gangway not being connected is foreseen, it shall be possible to prevent access
by passengers to the gangway.
Requirements related to the gangway door when the gangway is not in use are specified in clause
‘Passenger related items — Inter-unit doors’.
Additional requirements are expressed in the PRM TSI (clause of PRM TSI ‘Clearways’).
These requirements do not apply to the end of vehicles where this area is not intended for regular use by
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For mobile railway infrastructure construction and maintenance equipment (OTMs), alternative
requirements to those expressed in this clause for static load, category and acceleration are set out in
Annex C, clause C.1.
The static and dynamic strength (fatigue) of vehicle bodies is relevant to ensure the safety required for the
occupants and the structural integrity of the vehicles in train and in shunting operations.
Therefore, the structure of each vehicle shall comply with the requirements of EN 12663-1:2010 Structural
requirements of railway vehicle bodies — Part 1, Locomotives and passenger rolling stock (and alternative
method for freight wagons). The rolling stock categories to be taken into account shall correspond to
category L for locomotives and power units and categories PI or PII for all other types of vehicle within the
scope of this TSI, as defined in Section 5.2 of EN 12663-1:2010.
In particular, proof of the capacity of the vehicle body to resist lasting deformations and fractures may be
demonstrated by calculations or by testing, according to the conditions set up in the clause of EN
The load conditions to be considered shall be in accordance with clause of this TSI.
The assumptions for aerodynamic loading shall be those described in clause of this TSI.
Joining techniques are covered by the above requirements. A verification procedure shall exist to ensure at
the production phase that no defect may decrease the mechanical characteristics of the structure.
In addition, units which cannot operate up to the collision speeds specified under any of the collision
scenarios below are exempted from the provisions related to that collision scenario.
Passive safety is aimed at complementing active safety when all other measures have failed.
For this purpose, the mechanical structure of vehicles shall provide protection of the occupants in the event
of a collision by providing means of:
— limiting deceleration,
To meet these functional requirements, units shall comply with the detailed requirements specified in the
standard EN15227:2008 related to crashworthiness design category C-I (as per table 1 of EN15227:2008
Section 4), unless specified otherwise below.
— Scenario 3: An impact of the unit with a large road vehicle on a level crossing,
— Scenario 4: An impact of the unit into a low obstacle (e.g. car on a level crossing, animal, rock etc.).
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Within the scope of the present TSI, table 2 application rules are completed by the following:
— The application of requirements related to scenarios 1 and 2 to heavy haul locomotives used only for
freight operations and fitted with centre couplers conforming to the Willison (e.g. SA3) or Janney (AAR
standard) principle which are intended to operate on the CR TEN lines is an open point.
— The assessment of conformity of locomotives with central cabs with the requirements related to
scenario 3 is an open point.
The present TSI specifies crashworthiness requirements applicable within its scope; therefore, Annex A of
EN 15227:2008 shall not apply. The requirements of Section 6 of EN15227:2008 shall be applied in
relation to the above given reference collision scenarios.
To limit the consequences of hitting a track obstruction, the leading ends of locomotives, power heads,
driving coaches and trainsets shall be equipped with an obstacle deflector. The requirements with which
obstacle deflectors shall comply are defined in EN15227:2008 §5 table 3 and Section 6.5.
Provisions concerning the lifting and jacking of OTMs are specified in Annex C, clause C.2.
It shall be possible to safely lift or jack each vehicle composing the unit, for recovery purposes (following
derailment or other accident or incident), and for maintenance purposes.
It shall also be possible to lift or jack any end of the vehicle (including its running gear) with the other end
resting on the remaining running gear(s).
The geometry and location of the lifting points shall be compliant with Annex B.
The structure shall resist to the loads specified in EN 12663-1:2010 (section 6.3.2 and 6.3.3).
In particular, proof of the capacity of the vehicle body to resist lasting deformations and fractures may be
demonstrated by calculations or by testing, according to the conditions set up in clause of EN
Provisions concerning the structural strength of OTMs are specified in Annex C, clause C.1.
To reduce the consequences of an accident, fixed devices including those inside the passenger areas, shall be
attached to the car body structure in a way that prevents these fixed devices becoming loose and presenting
a risk of passenger injuries or lead to a derailment. To this aim, attachments of these devices shall be
designed according to Section 6.5.2 of the EN 12663-1:2010 for categories defined in clause above.
This clause addresses doors for freight use and for use of train crew other than cab doors.
Vehicles fitted with a compartment dedicated to train crew or freight shall be equipped with a device to
close and lock the doors. The doors shall remain closed and locked until they are intentionally released.
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The hypothesis taken for arriving at the load conditions above shall be in line with the standard EN
15663:2009 (long distance train, other train, payload per m2 in standing and service areas); they shall be
justified and documented in the general documentation described in clause
For OTMs, different load conditions (minimum mass, maximum mass) may be used, in order to take into
account optional onboard equipment.
For each load condition defined above, the following information shall be provided in the technical
documentation described in clause 4.2.12:
The load condition ‘design mass in working order’ shall be measured by vehicle weighing. It is permissible
to derive the other load conditions by calculation.
Where a vehicle is declared as conformant to a type (in accordance with clauses and 7.1.3), the
weighted total vehicle mass in the load condition ‘design mass in working order’ shall not exceed by more
than 3 % the declared total vehicle mass for that type which is reported in the type or design examination
certificate of ‘EC’ verification.
The design mass of the unit in working order, the design mass of the unit under normal payload and the
highest axle load of the individual axles for each one of the 3 load cases shall be recorded in the rolling
stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI.
The kinematic reference contour with its associated rules describes the outer dimensions of the unit; it shall
be within one of the reference profiles GA, GB or GC (according to clause 4.2.2 of the CR INF TSI). The
assumed sway (or flexibility) coefficient for the gauge calculation shall be justified by calculation or
measurements as set out in EN 15273-2:2009.
For electric units, the pantograph gauge shall be verified by calculation according to clause A.3.12 of EN
15273-2:2009 to ensure that the pantograph envelope complies with the mechanical kinematic
pantograph gauge which in itself is determined according to Annex E of CR ENE TSI, and depends on
the choice made for the pantograph head geometry: the two permitted possibilities are defined in clause of this TSI.
The voltage of the power supply is considered in the infrastructure gauge in order to ensure the proper
insulation distances between the pantograph and fixed installations.
The pantograph sway as specified in clause 4.2.14 of CR energy TSI and used for the mechanical kinematic
gauge calculation shall be justified by calculations or measurements as set out in EN 15273-2:2009.
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The reference contour (i.e. gauge) that the unit complies with (GA, GB or GC) shall be recorded in the
rolling stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI.
Any gauge, with a kinematic reference profile smaller than GC, may also be recorded in the register
together with the harmonised applicable gauge (GA, GB or GC), provided it is assessed using the
kinematic method.
The following characteristics to be used as an interface to the infrastructure shall be part of the general
documentation produced when the unit is assessed, and described in clause
— The mass per axle (for each axle) for the 3 load conditions (as defined and required to be part of the
documentation in clause
— The maximum design speed (as required to be part of the documentation in clause
Use of this information at operational level for compatibility check between rolling stock and infrastructure
(outside the scope of this TSI):
The axle load of each individual axle of the unit to be used as interface parameter to the infrastructure has
to be defined by the Railway Undertaking as required in clause of the CR OPE TSI, considering the
expected load for the intended service (not defined when the unit is assessed). The axle load in load
condition ‘design mass under exceptional payload’ represents the maximum possible value of the axle
load mentioned above.
The set of characteristics the rolling stock is compatible with shall be recorded in the rolling stock register
— Vehicle geometry
— The maximum distance between 2 consecutive axles is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix
1 clause 2.1.1.
— The maximum distance between buffer end and first axle is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A
Appendix 1 clause 2.1.2 (distance b1 in figure 6).
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— Vehicle design
— The minimum axle load in all load conditions is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix 1
clauses 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.
— The electrical resistance between the running surfaces of the opposite wheels of a wheelset is
specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix 1 clause 3.5.1 and the method to measure is
specified in the same Appendix clause 3.5.2.
— For electric units equipped with a pantograph and supplied with power supply 1 500 V DC or
3 000 V DC(see clause, the minimum impedance between pantograph and each wheel of
the train is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix 1 clause 3.6.1
— Isolating emissions
— The limitations of use of sanding equipment are given in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix 1 clauses
4.1.1 and 4.1.2.
— The use of composite brake blocks is an open point in the CR CCS TSI.
— The electromagnetic interference limit levels rising from traction currents are an open point in the
— Vehicle geometry
— The maximum distance between 2 consecutive axles is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix
1 clause 2.1.1.
— The minimum distance between 2 consecutive axles of the train is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A
Appendix 1 clause 2.1.3.
— At the end of a unit intended to be coupled, the minimum distance between end and first axle of
the unit is half of the value specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix 1 clause 2.1.3.
— The maximum distance between end and first axle is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix 1
clause 2.1.2 (distance b1 in figure 6).
— The minimum distance between end axles of a unit is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix 1
clause 2.1.4
— Wheel geometry
— The minimum wheel diameter (speed dependant) is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex A Appendix 1
clause 2.2.2.
— Vehicle design
— The metal-free space around wheels is an open point in the CR CCS TSI.
— The characteristics of the wheel material regarding magnetic field is specified in CR CCS TSI Annex
A Appendix 1 clause 3.4.1.
— The electromagnetic interference limit levels rising from the use of eddy current or magnetic track
brakes are an open point in the CR CCS TSI.
(1) Clauses 2 and 3 of Annex A Appendix 1 in Decision 2006/679/EC are numbered clauses 52006 and 6 in Decision 2006/860/EC
amending it.
— Vehicle design
This is permitted to be achieved either by onboard equipment or by using track side equipment.
In case of monitoring of axle bearing by trackside equipment, the rolling stock shall comply with the
following requirements:
— The zone visible to the trackside equipment on rolling stock shall be the area as defined in EN 15437-
1:2009 clauses 5.1 and 5.2.
For OTMs safety against derailment when running on track twists is permitted to be proved by an
approved calculation method. If this is not possible, tests according to the requirements of EN 14363:2005
shall be carried out.
For running on track twists the testing conditions according to EN 14363:2005, clause 4.1 apply for
machines with bogies as well as with individual wheel sets.
It is not applicable to OTMs (mobile railway infrastructure construction and maintenance equipment);
requirements for OTMs are set out in Annex C, clause C.3.
The dynamic behaviour of a vehicle has a strong influence on safety against derailment, running safety and
track loading. It is a safety related function, which is covered by the technical requirements of this clause;
when software is utilised, the safety level to be considered for developing the software is an open point.
(b) Requirements
In order to verify the running dynamic characteristics of a unit (running safety and track loading), the
process sets out in EN 14363:2005 clause 5 and in addition for tilting trains in EN 15686:2010 shall be
followed, with the amendments expressed below (in this clause and its sub clauses). The parameters
described in clauses and shall be assessed using criteria defined in EN 14363:2005.
As an alternative to performing on-track tests on two different rail inclinations, as set out in paragraph in EN 14363:2005 it is permitted to perform tests on only one rail inclination if demonstrated that
the tests cover the range of contact conditions defined below:
— The parameter equivalent conicity tan γe for tangent track and large radius curves shall be distributed so
that tan γe = 0,2 ± 0,05 occurs in a range of the amplitude (y) of the wheelset’s lateral displacement
between +/- 2 and +/- 4 mm for a minimum of 50 % of track sections.
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— The instability criterion in EN14363:2005 shall be assessed for low-frequency body motions on at least
two track sections with equivalent conicities less than 0,05 (mean value over the track section).
— The instability criterion in EN14363:2005 shall be assessed on at least two track sections with
equivalent conicities in accordance with the following table 1:
Table 1
Conditions for contact conditions in relation to on-track testing
In addition to the requirements concerning the test report given in clause 5.6 of EN 14363:2005, the test
report shall include information on:
— The track quality on which the unit was tested on, recorded by the monitoring of a consistent set of
some of the parameters set out in EN 13848-1:2003/A1:2008, the selected set of parameters
depending on available measurement means.
The test report shall be part of the documentation described in clause 4.2.12.
Regarding the track geometric quality, the specification of a reference track for tests, including limits of the
track quality parameters which are defined in EN 13848-1, is an open point. Therefore, national rules apply
for the definition of these limits, which shall be expressed in consistency with EN 13848-1, in order to be
able to evaluate if a test already performed is acceptable.
When the quotient of guiding force and wheel force (Y/Q) limit is exceeded, it is allowed to recalculate the
Y/Q estimated maximum value according to the following process:
— create an alternative test zone made up of all track sections with 300 m ≤ R ≤ 500 m,
— for the statistical processing per section, use xi (97,5 %) instead of xi (99,85 %),
— for statistical processing per zone, replace k = 3 (when using one-dimensional method) or student
coefficient t (N-2; 99 %) (when using two-dimensional method) by student coefficient t (N-2; 95 %).
Both results (before and after recalculation) shall be recorded in the test report.
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The quasi static guiding force Yqst limits are specified below.
The quasi-static guiding force Yqst limit value shall be evaluated for curve radii 250 ≤ R < 400 m.
The limit value for unrestricted operation of the rolling stock on the TEN network (as defined in TSIs) shall
be: (Yqst)lim = (30 + 10500/Rm) kN.
Where: Rm = mean radius of the track sections retained for the evaluation (in metres).
When this limit value is exceeded due to high friction conditions, it is permitted to recalculate the
estimated value of Yqst on the zone after replacing the individual (Yqst)i values on the track sections ‘i’
where (Y/Q)ir (mean value of Y/Q ratio on the inner rail over the section) exceeds 0,40 by: (Yqst)i -
50[(Y/Q)ir - 0,4].The values of the Yqst, Qqst and mean curve radius (before and after recalculation)
shall be recorded in the test report.
In case the Yqst value exceeds the limit value expressed above, the operational performance of the rolling
stock (e.g. maximum speed) may be limited by the infrastructure, considering track characteristics (e.g.
curve radius, cant, rail height).
Note: The limit values specified in EN 14363:2005 are applicable for axle loads in the range of those
mentioned in the clause 4.2.2 of the CR INF TSI; for track designed for higher axle loads, harmonised track
loading limits values are not defined.
The equivalent conicity shall be calculated in accordance with EN15302:2008 for the amplitude (y) of the
wheelset’s lateral displacement:
where TG is the track gauge and SR is the distance between the active faces of the wheelset ( see figure 1).
Units equipped with independently rotating wheels are exempt from the requirements in clause of
this TSI.
Wheel profile and the distance between active faces of the wheels (Dimension SR in figure 1, §
shall be selected to ensure that the equivalent conicity limit set out in table 2 is not exceeded when the
designed wheelset is modelled passing over the representative sample of track test conditions as specified in
table 3.
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Table 2
Equivalent conicity design limit values
Maximum vehicle
Test conditions
operating speed Equivalent conicity limit values
(see table 3)
≤ 60 N/A N/A
> 190 Values specified in the HS RST TSI Conditions specified in the HS RST TSI
apply apply
Table 3
Track test conditions for equivalent conicity representative of the TEN network
Test condition
Rail head profile Rail inclination Track gauge
The requirements of this clause are deemed to have been met by wheelsets having unworn S1002 or GV
1/40 wheel profiles, as defined in EN13715:2006 with spacing of active faces between 1 420 mm and
1 426 mm.
The ‘in-service values of the track conicity’ is an open point in the CR infrastructure TSI; therefore, the ‘in-
service values of wheelset conicity’ is an open point in this TSI.
When a unit is operated on a given line, the equivalent conicity in-service values shall be maintained
considering the specified limits for the unit (see clause and local conditions of the network.
In the application of the load cases referred to in the clauses of the standard mentioned above, the
exceptional payload shall be taken as the ‘design mass under exceptional payload’ and the service
(fatigue) load shall be taken as the ‘design mass under normal payload’ as set out in clause of
this TSI.
The hypothesis taken to evaluate the loads due to bogie running (formulas and coefficients) in line with the
standard EN 13749:2005 Annex C shall be justified and documented in the technical documentation
described in clause 4.2.12. Wheelsets
For the purpose of this TSI, wheelsets are defined to include main parts (axle and wheels) and accessories
parts (axle bearings, axle boxes, gearboxes and brake discs). The wheelset shall be designed and manu
factured with a consistent methodology using a set of load cases consistent with load conditions defined in
clause of this TSI.
The mechanical characteristics of the wheelsets shall ensure the safe movement of rolling stock.
— assembly,
The demonstration of compliance for assembly shall be based on EN13260:2009 clauses 3.2.1 and 3.2.2,
which define limit values for the axial force and for fatigue, and associated verification tests.
In addition to the requirement on the assembly above, the demonstration of compliance for mechanical
resistance and fatigue characteristics of the axle shall be based on EN13103:2009 clauses 4, 5 and 6 for
non-powered axles, or EN13104:2009 clauses 4, 5 and 6 for powered axles.
The decision criteria for the permissible stress is specified in EN 13103:2009 clause 7 for non-powered
axles, or EN 13104:2009 clause 7 for powered axles.
The fatigue characteristics of the axle (considering the design, the manufacturing process and the different
critical axle areas) shall be verified by a fatigue type test of 10 million load cycles.
A verification procedure shall exist to ensure at the production phase that no defects may decrease the
mechanical characteristics of the axles.
The tensile strength of the material in the axle, the resistance to impact, the surface integrity, the material
characteristics and the material cleanliness shall be verified.
The verification procedure shall specify the batch sampling used for each characteristic to be verified.
The axle box shall be designed with consideration of mechanical resistance and fatigue characteristics.
Temperature limits reached in service shall be defined and recorded in the technical documentation
described in clause 4.2.12 of this TSI.
The geometric dimensions of the wheelsets, as defined in figure 1 shall be compliant with limit values
specified in table 4. These limit values shall be taken as design values (new wheelset) and as in-service limit
values (to be used for maintenance purposes; see also clause 4.5).
Table 4
In-service limits of the geometric dimensions of wheelsets
The dimension AR is measured at the height of the top of rail. The dimensions AR and SR shall be complied
with in laden and tare conditions. Smaller tolerances within the above limits may be specified by the
manufacturer in the maintenance documentation for in-service values.
Figure 1
Symbols for wheelsets
Mechanical behaviour:
The mechanical characteristics of the wheel shall be proven by mechanical strength calculations, taking into
account three load cases: straight track (centred wheelset), curve (flange pressed against the rail), and
negotiating of points and crossings (inside surface of flange applied to the rail), as specified in EN
13979-1:2003 clauses 7.2.1 and 7.2.2.
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/43
For forged and rolled wheels, the decision criteria are defined in EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009 clause 7.2.3;
where the calculation show values beyond the decision criteria, a bench test according EN 13979-
1:2003/A1:2009 clause 7.3 is required to be performed to demonstrate compliance.
For forged and rolled wheels, the fatigue characteristics (considering also the surface roughness) shall be
verified by a fatigue type test of 10 million load cycles with a fatigue stress in the web of less than 450
MPa (for machined webs) and 315 MPa (for unmachined webs), with a probability of 99,7 %. The fatigue
stress criteria are applicable to steel grades ER6, ER7, ER8 and ER9; for other steel grades the decision
criteria shall be extrapolated from the known criteria of the other materials.
Other types of wheels are permitted for vehicles restricted to national use. In that case the decision criteria
and the fatigue stress criteria shall be specified in national rules. Those national rules shall be notified by
Member States in accordance with Article 3.
Thermo-mechanical behaviour:
If the wheel is used to brake a unit with blocks acting on the wheel running surface, the wheel shall be
thermo mechanically proven by taking into account the maximum braking energy foreseen. A type test, as
described in EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009 clause 6.2 shall be performed in order to check that the lateral
displacement of the rim during braking and the residual stress are within tolerance limits specified.
For forged and rolled wheels the decision criteria for residual stresses are specified for wheel material grades
ER 6 and ER 7 in EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009 clause 6.2.2; for other steel grades the decision criteria for
residual stresses shall be extrapolated from the known criteria of the materials ER 6 and ER 7. A second
test according to EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009 clause 6.3 is permitted to be performed if the design residual
stress is exceeded in the primary test. In this case, a field braking test according to EN 13979-
1:2003/A1:2009 clause 6.4 shall also be performed.
Other types of wheels are permitted for vehicles restricted to national use. In that case the thermo-mech
anical behaviour due to the use of brake blocks shall be specified in national rules. Those national rules
shall be notified by Member States in accordance with Article 3.
A verification procedure shall exist to ensure at the production phase that no defects may decrease the
mechanical characteristics of the wheels.
The tensile strength of the material in the wheel, the hardness of the running surface, the fracture
toughness, resistance to impact, the material characteristics and the material cleanliness shall be verified.
The verification procedure shall specify the batch sampling used for each characteristic to be verified.
Geometrical dimensions:
The geometrical dimensions of the wheels as defined in figure 2 shall be compliant with limit values
specified in table 5. These limit values shall be taken as design values (new wheel) and as in-service limit
values (to be used for maintenance purposes; see also clause 4.5).
Table 5
In-service limits of the geometric dimensions of wheel
Figure 2
Symbols for wheels
Units equipped with independently rotating wheels shall, in addition to the requirements in this clause
dealing with wheels, meet the requirements in this TSI for geometrical characteristics of wheelsets defined
in clause
The changeover mechanism of the wheelset shall ensure the safe locking in the correct intended axial
position of the wheel.
External visual verification of the state of the locking system (locked or unlocked) shall be possible.
If the wheelset is equipped with brake equipment, the position and locking in the correct position of this
equipment shall be ensured.
The conformity assessment of the requirements specified in this clause is an open point.
The wheels shall be protected against damages caused by minor items on the rails. This requirement can be
met by life guards in front of the wheels of the leading axle.
The height of the lower end of the life guard above the plain rail shall be:
If an obstacle deflector specified in clause has its lower edge at less than 130 mm above the plain
rail in all conditions, it fulfils the functional requirement of the life guards and therefore it is permissible
not to fit life guards.
A life guard shall be designed to withstand a minimum longitudinal force without permanent deformation
of 20 kN. This requirement shall be verified by a calculation.
A life guard shall be designed so that, during plastic deformation, it does not foul the track or running gear
and that contact with the wheel tread, if it occurs, does not pose a risk of derailment.
4.2.4. Braking General
The purpose of the train braking system is to ensure that the train’s speed can be reduced or maintained on
a slope, or that the train can be stopped within the maximum allowable braking distance. Braking also
ensures the immobilisation of a train.
The primary factors that influence the braking performance are the braking power (braking force
production), the train mass, the train rolling resistance, the speed, the available adhesion.
Individual unit performance for units operated in various train formations is defined so that the overall
braking performance of the train can be derived.
The braking performance is determined by deceleration profiles (deceleration = F (speed) and equivalent
response time).
Stopping distance, brake weight percentage (also called ‘lambda’ or ‘braked mass percentage’), braked mass
are also used, and can be derived (directly or via stopping distance) from deceleration profiles by a
The braking performance could vary with the load of the train or vehicle.
The minimum train braking performance required to operate a train on a line at an intended speed is
dependent on the line characteristics (signalling system, maximum speed, gradients, line safety margin) and
is a characteristic of the infrastructure.
The train or vehicle main data characterising the braking performance is defined in the clause of
this TSI.
This interface between Infrastructure and Rolling stock is covered by the clause of the CR OPE
— a main brake function used during operation for service and emergency braking,
— a parking brake function used when the train is parked, allowing the application of a brake force
without any available energy on board for an unlimited period of time.
— continuous: the brake application signal is transmitted from a central command to the whole train by a
control line,
— automatic: an inadvertent disruption (loss of integrity) of the control line leads to brake activation on
all vehicles of the train.
The main brake function may be complemented by additional brake systems described in clause
(dynamic brake — braking system linked to traction system) and/or clause (braking system inde
pendent of adhesion conditions).
L 139/46 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
The dissipation of the braking energy shall be considered in the design of the braking system, and shall not
cause any damage to the components of the braking system in normal operation conditions; this shall be
verified by a calculation as specified in clause of this TSI.
The temperature reached around the brake components shall also be considered in the design of the rolling
The design of the brake system shall include means for monitoring and tests as specified in clause
of this TSI.
The requirements below in this clause apply to units that can be operated as a train.
The braking performance shall be ensured in consistence with safety requirements expressed in clause in case of inadvertent disruption of the brake control line, and in the event of the braking energy
supply being disrupted, the power supply failing or other energy source failure.
In particular, there shall be sufficient braking energy available on board the train (stored energy), distributed
along the train consistent with the design of the brake system, to ensure the application of the required
brake forces.
Successive applications and releases of the brake shall be considered in the design of the braking system
In case of unintentional train separation, the two parts of the train shall be brought to a standstill; the
braking performances on the two parts of the train are not required to be identical to the braking
performance in normal mode.
In the event of the braking energy supply being disrupted or the power supply failing, it shall be possible
to hold in a stationary position a unit with maximum load (design mass under exceptional payload) on a
35‰ gradient by using the friction brake of the main brake system alone, for at least two hours.
The unit braking control system shall have three control modes:
— emergency braking: application of a predefined brake force in the shortest time in order to stop the
train with a defined level of brake performance,
— service braking: application of an adjustable brake force in order to control the speed of the train,
including stop and temporary immobilisation,
— parking braking: application of a brake force to maintain the train (or the vehicle) in permanent
immobilisation in a stationary position, without any available energy on board.
A brake application command, whatever its control mode, shall take control of the brake system, even in
case of active brake release command; this requirement is permitted not to apply when intentional
suppression of the brake application command is given by the driver (e.g. passenger alarm override,
uncoupling …).
For speeds higher that 5 km/h, the maximum jerk due to the use of brakes shall be lower than 4 m/s3.
The jerk behaviour may be derived from the calculation and from the evaluation of the deceleration
behaviour as measured during the brake tests.
— In particular, the emergency braking system and performance are rolling stock characteristics used by
the CCS subsystem.
The functional requirements expressed in clause contribute to ensure safe functioning of the
braking system; nevertheless, a risk approach is necessary to evaluate the braking performance, as many
components are involved.
The hazards considered, and the corresponding safety requirements that shall be met are expressed in the
table 6 below.
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/47
Table 6
Braking system — safety requirements
Minimum allowable number of combi
Hazard quence to be
nations of failures
Additional brake systems shall be considered in the safety study under the conditions specified in clauses and
This requirement is set to ensure technical compatibility of the brake function between vehicles of various
origins in a train.
There is no requirement on the type of brake system for units (trainsets or vehicles) assessed in fixed or
predefined formation.
L 139/48 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
At least two independent emergency brake command devices shall be available, allowing the activation of
the emergency brake by a simple and single action from the driver in his normal driving position, using
one hand.
The sequential activation of these two devices may be considered in the demonstration of compliance to
the safety requirement No 1 of table 6 of clause
One of these devices shall be a red punch button (mushroom push button).
The emergency brake position of these two devices when activated shall be self locking by a mechanical
device; unlocking this position shall be possible only by an intentional action.
The activation of the emergency brake shall also be possible by the Control-Command and signalling
onboard system, as defined in the CR CCS TSI.
Unless the command is cancelled, the emergency brake activation shall lead permanently, automatically and
in less than 0.25 seconds to the following actions:
— transmission of an emergency brake command along the train by the brake control line at a defined
transmission speed, which shall be higher than 250 metres/second,
— cut-off of all tractive effort in less than 2 second; this cut-off shall not be able to be reset until the
traction command is cancelled by the driver,
The service brake function shall allow the driver to adjust (by application or release) the brake force
between a minimum and a maximum value in a range of at least 7 steps (including brake release and
maximum brake force), in order to control the speed of the train.
Only one service braking command shall be active in a train. To meet this requirement, it shall be possible
to isolate the service braking function of the other service braking command(s) of the unit(s) part of a train
formation, as defined for fixed and predefined formations.
When the speed of the train is higher than 15 km/h, the service brake activation shall lead automatically to
the cut-off of all tractive effort; this cut-off shall not be reset until the traction command is cancelled by the
Note: A friction brake may be used intentionally at speed higher than 15 km/h with traction for specific
purpose (de-icing, cleaning of brake components …); it shall not be possible to use these particular
functionalities in case of service brake activation.
The direct brake system shall allow the application of a brake force on the concerned unit(s) only, with
other unit(s) of the train remaining without brake applied.
— It shall be possible for the driver to prevent the use of regenerative braking on electric units so that
there is no return of energy to the overhead contact line when driving on a line which does not allow
that (see CR ENE TSI clause 4.2.7).
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— It is permitted to use a dynamic brake independently from other brake systems, or together with other
brake systems (blending).
The parking braking command shall lead to the application of a defined brake force for an unlimited
period of time, during which a lack of any energy on board may occur.
It shall be possible to release the parking brake at standstill in any situation, including for rescue purposes.
For units assessed in fixed or pre-defined formations, and for locomotives assessed for general operation,
the parking brake command shall be activated automatically when the unit is switched off.
For other units, the parking brake command shall be either activated manually, or activated automatically
when the unit is switched off.
Note: The application of the parking brake force may depend on the service brake status; it shall be effective
when the energy on board to apply the service brake is going to decrease or is lost.
Each calculation shall be performed for wheel diameters corresponding to new, half-worn and worn wheels,
and shall include the calculation of the required wheel rail adhesion level (see clause
The friction coefficients used by friction brake equipments and considered in the calculation shall be
justified (see standard EN14531-1:2005 clause
The braking performance calculation shall be performed for the two control modes: emergency brake and
maximum service brake.
The braking performance calculation shall be performed at design stage, and shall be revised (correction of
parameters) after the physical tests required in the clauses and, in order to be consistent
with test results.
The final braking performance calculation (consistent with test results) shall be part of the technical
documentation specified in clause 4.2.12.
The maximum average deceleration developed with all brakes in use, including the brake independent of
wheel/rail adhesion, shall be lower than 2,5 m/s2; this requirement is linked to the longitudinal resistance of
the track (interface with infrastructure; see CR INF TSI clause
For units assessed in fixed formation(s) or pre-defined formation(s), the equivalent response time (*) and the
delay time (*) evaluated on the total emergency braking force developed in case of the emergency brake
command shall be lower than the following values:
For units designed and assessed for general operation, the response time shall be as specified for the UIC
brake system (see also clause the brake system shall be compatible with the UIC brake system).
For all units, the emergency braking performance calculation shall be performed in accordance with
standard EN 14531-6:2009; the deceleration profile and stopping distances at the following initial
speeds (if lower than the maximum speed): 30 km/h; 80 km/h; 120 km/h; 140 km/h; 160 km/h; 200
km/h shall be determined.
The standards EN 14531-1:2005 clause 5.12 specifies how other parameters (brake weight percentage
(lambda), braked mass) can be derived from the calculation of the deceleration or from the stopping
distance of the unit.
For units designed and assessed for general operation, the brake weight percentage (lambda) shall also be
The emergency braking performance calculation shall be performed with a brake system in two different
— Normal mode: no failure in the brake system and nominal value of the friction coefficients (corre
sponding to dry conditions) used by friction brake equipment. This calculation provides the braking
performance normal mode.
— Degraded mode: corresponding to the failures considered in clause, hazard No 3, and nominal
value of the friction coefficients used by friction brake equipment. Degraded mode shall consider
possible single failures; to that end, the emergency braking performance shall be determined for the
case of single point failures leading to an increase of the brake distance of more that 5 %, and the
associated single failure shall be clearly identified (component involved and failure mode, failure rate if
— Degraded conditions: In addition, the emergency braking performance calculation shall be performed
with reduced values of the friction coefficient, with consideration of limit values for temperature and
humidity (see standard EN14531-1:2005 clause
Note: These different modes and conditions have to be considered particularly when advanced control
command and signalling systems (such as ETCS) are implemented, aiming at optimising the railway system.
The emergency braking performance calculation shall be performed for the three load conditions defined in
clause as:
For each load condition, the lowest result (i.e. leading to longest stopping distance) of the ‘emergency
braking performance in normal mode’ calculations at the design maximum speed (revised according to the
results of tests required below) shall be recorded in the rolling stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this
For all units, the service braking performance calculation shall be performed in accordance with standard
EN 14531-6:2009 with a brake system in normal mode, with nominal value of the friction coefficients
used by friction brake equipment for the load condition ‘design mass under normal payload’ at the design
maximum speed.
When the service braking has higher design performance capability than the emergency braking, it shall be
possible to limit the maximum service braking performance (by design of the braking control system, or as
a maintenance activity) at a level lower than the emergency braking performance.
Note: A Member State may ask the emergency braking performance to be at a higher level than the
maximum service braking performance for safety reasons, but in any case it cannot prevent the access
to a railway undertaking using a higher maximum service braking performance, unless that Member State is
able to demonstrate that the national safety level is endangered.
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For OTMs, it is allowed to verify this requirement by temperature measurements on wheels and brake
The brake energy capacity shall be verified by calculation showing that the braking system is designed to
withstand the dissipation of the braking energy. The reference values used in this calculation for the
components of the braking system that dissipate energy shall either be validated by a thermal test or
by previous experience.
This calculation shall include the scenario consisting of 2 successive emergency brake applications from the
maximum speed (time interval corresponding to the time needed to accelerate the train up to the
maximum speed) on level track for the load condition ‘design mass under exceptional payload’.
In case of unit that cannot be operated alone as a train, the time interval between 2 successive emergency
brake applications used in the calculation shall be reported.
The maximum line gradient, associated length and operating speed for which the brake system is designed
in relation with brake thermal energy capacity shall also be defined by a calculation for the load condition
‘design mass under exceptional payload’, with the service brake being used to maintain the train at a
constant operating speed.
The result (maximum line gradient, associated length and operating speed) shall be recorded in the rolling
stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI.
The following ‘reference case’ for the slope to be considered is suggested: maintain the speed of 80 km/h
on a slope of 21 ‰ constant gradient over a distance of 46 km. If this reference case is used, the rolling
stock register shall only mention the compliance to it.
A unit (train or vehicle) in load condition ‘design mass in working order’ without any power supply
available, and stationary permanently on a 35 ‰ gradient, shall be kept immobilised.
Immobilisation shall be achieved by means of the parking brake function, and additional means (e.g.
scotches) in case where the parking brake is unable to achieve the performance on its own; the
required additional means shall be available on board the train.
The unit (train or vehicle) parking brake performance shall be calculated as defined in the standard
EN14531-6:2009. The result (gradient where the unit is kept immobilised by the parking brake alone)
shall be recorded in the rolling stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI.
— 0,15 for locomotives, for units designed to carry passengers assessed for general operation, and for
units assessed in fixed or pre-defined formation(s) having more than 7 and less than 16 axles,
— 0,13 for units assessed in fixed or pre-defined formation(s) having 7 axles or less,
— 0,17 for units assessed in fixed or pre-defined formation(s) having 20 axles or more. This minimum
number of axles may be reduced to 16 axles if the test required in Section related to the
efficiency of the WSP system provides positive result; otherwise 0,15 shall be used as limited value of
wheel rail adhesion between 16 and 20 axles.
L 139/52 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
The above requirement shall also apply for a direct brake command described in clause
The design of a unit shall not assume wheel/rail adhesion higher than 0,12 when calculating the parking
brake performance.
These limits of wheel rail adhesion shall be verified by calculation with the smallest wheel diameter, and
with the 3 load conditions considered in clause
— Units designed for maximum service speed higher than 150 km/h shall be fitted with a wheel slide
protection system.
— Units equipped with brake blocks on wheel running surface with a brake performance which assumes a
calculated wheel/rail adhesion higher than 0,12 shall be fitted with a wheel slide protection system.
Units not equipped with brake blocks on wheel running surface with a brake performance which
assumes a calculated wheel/rail adhesion higher than 0,11 shall be fitted with a wheel slide protection
— The requirement on the wheel slide protection system above shall apply to the two brake modes:
emergency brake and service brake.
It shall also apply to the dynamic brake system, which is part of the service brake, and can be part of
the emergency brake (see clause
— For units equipped with a dynamic braking system, a WSP system (if present according to the point
above) shall control the dynamic brake force; when this WSP system is not available, the dynamic brake
force shall be inhibited, or limited in order not to lead a wheel/rail adhesion demand higher than 0,15.
— The wheel slide protection system shall be designed according to EN 15595:2009 clause 4, and verified
according to the methodology defined in EN 15595:2009 clauses 5 and 6; when reference is made to
the clause 6.2 of EN 15595:2009 ‘overview of required test programmes’, only the clause 6.2.3 applies,
and it applies to all types of units.
If a unit is equipped with a WSP, a test shall be done to verify the efficiency of the WSP system (maximum
extension of the stopping distance compared to stopping distance on dry rail) when integrated in the unit.
The relevant components of the wheel slide protection system shall be considered in the safety analysis of
the emergency brake function required in clause
— commanded by the main brake system control line (see clause,
— included in the safety analysis required by the safety requirement No 3 set out in clause for
the emergency brake function,
— subject to a safety analysis covering the hazard ‘after activation of an emergency command, complete
loss of the brake force’.
Note: For electric units, this analysis shall cover failures leading to absence onboard the unit of the
voltage delivered by the external power supply.
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It is permissible to include the contribution of brakes independent of wheel/rail adhesion in the braking
performance in normal mode defined in clause for the emergency brake; in such a case, the brake
system independent of adhesion condition shall be:
— commanded by the main brake system control line (see clause,
— included in the safety analysis required by the safety requirement No 3 set out in clause for
the emergency brake function,
— subject of a safety analysis covering the hazard ‘after activation of an emergency command, complete
loss of the brake force’.
A magnetic track brake is allowed to be used as an emergency brake, as mentioned in the CR INF TSI,
The geometrical characteristics of the end elements of the magnet in contact with the rail shall be as
specified for one of the types described in Appendix 3 of UIC 541-06:Jan 1992.
Requirements on eddy current track brakes specified by the CCS subsystem are referenced in clause of this TSI.
According to the CR INF TSI, clause, the conditions for use of eddy current track brake are not
Therefore, requirements to be met by eddy current track brake are an open point.
To that end, it shall be possible at certain phases during operation for the train staff to identify the status
(applied or released or isolated) of the main (emergency and service) and parking brake systems, and the
status of each part (including one or several actuators) of these systems that can be controlled and/or
isolated independently.
If the parking brake always depends directly on the state of main brake system, it is not required to have an
additional and specific indication for the parking brake system.
The phases that shall be considered during operation are standstill and running.
When at a standstill, train staff shall be able to check from inside and/or outside of the train:
— the status of the main brake and parking brake systems and the status of each part (including one or
several actuators) of these systems that can be controlled and/or isolated separately (as described above
in the first paragraph of this clause), excepted for dynamic brake and braking system linked to traction
When running, the driver shall be able to check from the driving position in the cab:
— the status of the dynamic brake and braking system linked to traction system if it is taken into account
in the brake performance,
— the status applied or released of at least one part (actuator) of the main brake system which is
controlled independently (e.g. a part which is installed on the vehicle fitted with an active cab).
The function providing the information described above to the train staff is a safety related function, as it is
used for the train staff to evaluate the braking performance of the train. Where local information is
provided by indicators, the use of harmonised indicators ensures the required safety level. Where a
centralised control system allowing the train staff to perform all checks from one location (i.e. inside
the drivers cab) is provided, the safety level for this control system is an open point.
Only functionalities that are relevant to the design characteristics of the unit (e.g. presence of a cab, …)
shall be considered.
The signals transmission required (if any) between the unit and the other coupled unit(s) in a train for the
information regarding the brake system to be available at train level shall be documented, taking into
account functional aspects.
This TSI does not impose any technical solution regarding physical interfaces between units.
It shall be possible to rescue a train with no energy available on board by a rescue power unit equipped
with a pneumatic brake system compatible with the UIC brake system (brake pipe as braking control
command line), and to have a part of the brake system of the rescued train controlled by means of an
interface device.
The braking performance developed by the rescued train in this particular operating mode shall be
evaluated by a calculation, but is not required to be the same as the braking performance described in
clause The calculated braking performance shall be part of the technical documentation specified
in clause 4.2.12.
This requirement does not apply to units which are operated in a train formation of less than 200 tons
(load condition ‘design mass in working order’).
— wheelchair spaces,
— toilets,
— clearways,
— lighting,
— customer information,
— handrails,
— step position for vehicle access and egress, including steps and boarding aids.
The passenger related parameters which are specified in the SRT TSI clauses (Communication
means on trains) and (Emergency brake override), differ from some of the requirements in the
present TSI. For this, the TSIs shall be applied as follows:
— SRT TSI clause (Communication means on trains) shall be substituted by clause (Public
address system: audible communication system) of the present TSI for conventional rolling stock.
— SRT TSI clause (Emergency brake override) shall be substituted by (Passenger alarm:
functional requirements) of the present TSI for conventional rolling stock.
Note: Refer to clause of the present TSI for other interface information between the present TSI
and the SRT TSI.
Sanitary systems (toilets, washrooms, bar/restaurant facilities) where fitted shall not allow the release of any
material that may be detrimental to the health of people or to the environment.
Released materials (treated water) shall be conformant to the applicable European regulations under the
Water Framework Directive:
— The bacterial content of water discharged from sanitary systems shall not at any time exceed the
bacterial content value for Intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli bacteria specified as ‘good’ for
inland waters in European Directive 2006/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (2)
concerning the management of bathing water quality.
— The treatment processes shall not introduce substances that are identified in annex I of Directive
2006/11/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (3) on pollution caused by certain
dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community.
To limit the dispersion of released liquid on the trackside, uncontrolled discharge from any source shall
take place downwards only, under the body frame of the vehicle in a distance not greater than 0,7 metres
from the longitudinal centre line of the vehicle.
The following shall be provided in the technical documentation described in clause 4.2.12:
— the nature of the treatment system for released water and the standards against which conformity has
been assessed.
This clause applies to all units designed to carry passengers and units designed to haul passenger trains.
— for the train crew and ground control to communicate between each other.
Note: The specification and assessment of this function are part of the CR CCS TSI, clause 4.2.4 ‘EIRENE
— for internal communication between the train crew and in particular between the driver and staff in the
passenger area (if any).
The equipment shall be able to remain on standby independently of the main energy source for at least
three hours. During the standby time the equipment shall be able to actually function at random intervals
and periods during an accumulated time of 30 minutes.
The communication system shall be designed in such a manner that it continues to operate at least half
(distributed throughout the train) of its loudspeakers in the event of a failure in one of its transmission
elements or, as an alternative, another means shall be available to inform the passengers in the event of a
Provisions for passengers to contact train crew are prescribed in clause (passenger alarm) and (communication devices for passengers).
Only functionalities that are relevant to the design characteristics of the unit (e.g. presence of a cab, of a
crew interface system, …) shall be considered.
The signals transmission required between the unit and the other coupled unit(s) in a train for the
communication system to be available at train level shall be implemented and documented, taking into
account functional aspects.
This TSI does not impose any technical solution regarding physical interfaces between units.
This clause shall substitute SRT TSI clause (Emergency brake override) for conventional rolling stock.
This clause is applicable to all units designed to carry passengers and units designed to haul passenger
The passenger alarm is a safety related function, for which the requirements, including safety aspects, are
set out in this clause.
General requirements:
(b) or alternatively, with the provisions described below, which then replace the provisions of the HS RST
TSI 2008 for application to units in the scope of this CR LOC & PAS TSI.
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/57
— With the exception of toilets and gangways, each compartment, each entrance vestibule and all other
separated areas intended for passengers shall be equipped with at least one clearly visible and indicated
alarm device to inform the driver in the event of a danger.
— The alarm device shall be designed so that once activated it cannot be cancelled by passengers.
— At the triggering of the passenger alarm, both visual and acoustic signs shall indicate to the driver that
one or more passenger alarms have been activated.
— A device in the cab shall allow the driver to acknowledge his awareness of the alarm. The driver’s
acknowledgement shall be perceivable at the place where the passenger alarm was triggered and shall
stop the acoustic signal in the cab.
— On the driver’s initiative, the system shall allow a communication link to be established between the
driver’s cab and the place where the alarm(s) was/were triggered. The system shall allow the driver to
cancel this communication link on his initiative.
— When the train is stopped at a platform or departing from a platform, activation of a passenger alarm
shall lead to a direct application of the service brake or the emergency brake, resulting in a complete
stop. In this case, only after the train has come to a complete stop, system shall allow the driver to
cancel any automatic braking action initiated by the passenger alarm.
— In other situations, 10 +/- 1 seconds after activation of the (first) passenger alarm, at least an automatic
service brake shall be initiated unless the passenger alarm is acknowledged by the driver within this
time. The system shall allow the driver to override at any time an automatic braking action initiated by
the passenger alarm.
A train is deemed to be departing from a platform during the period of time elapsing between the moment
when door status is changed from ‘released’ to ‘closed and locked’ and the moment when the last vehicle
has left the platform.
This moment shall be detected by an onboard device. If the platform is not physically detected, the train is
deemed to have left the platform when:
Safety requirements:
The passenger alarm is considered to be a safety related function, for which the required safety level is
deemed to be satisfied by the following requirements:
— A control system shall permanently monitor the ability of the passenger alarm system to convey the
As alternative, a passenger alarm system with no control system (as described in this bullet point) shall
be accepted if it is demonstrated to be compliant with the required safety level; the value of the required
safety level is an open point.
— Units fitted with a driver’s cab shall be fitted with a device which allows authorised staff to isolate the
passenger alarm system.
L 139/58 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
— If the passenger alarm system is not functioning, either after intentional isolation by staff, due to a
technical failure, or by coupling the unit with a non-compatible unit, application of the passenger alarm
shall result in a direct application of brakes. In this case, the provisions to enable the driver to override
the brake is not mandatory.
— If the passenger alarm system is not functioning, this shall be permanently indicated to the driver in the
active driver’s cab.
A train with an isolated passenger alarm system does not meet the minimum requirements for safety and
interoperability as defined in this TSI and shall therefore be regarded to as being in degraded mode.
Only functionalities that are relevant to the design characteristics of the unit (e.g. presence of a cab, of a
crew interface system, …) shall be considered.
The signals transmission required between the unit and the other coupled unit(s) in a train for the
passenger alarm system to be available at train level shall be implemented and documented, taking into
account functional aspects; it shall be compatible with both solutions (a) and (b) mentioned under ‘General
This TSI does not impose any technical solution regarding physical interfaces between units.
Instructions shall be given to passengers on the use of emergency exits, the activation of passenger alarm,
about passenger doors locked out of service, etc. These instructions shall be given according to the
provisions of the PRM TSI clauses and
Units designed for operation without staff onboard (other than driver) shall be equipped with a ‘call for aid’
device for passengers to communicate to the driver in case of emergency. In this case the system shall allow
the communication link to be established on the initiative of the passenger. The system shall allow the
driver to cancel this communication link at his initiative. The requirements to the position of the ‘call for
aid’ device are the ones applicable for the passenger alarm as defined in clause ‘Passenger alarm:
functional requirements’.
The ‘call for aid’ devices shall be compliant with the information and indication requirements as set out for
the ‘Emergency call device’ in the PRM TSI clause ‘Interoperable constituent requirements’.
Only functionalities that are relevant to the design characteristics of the unit (e.g. presence of a cab, of a
crew interface system, …) shall be considered.
The signals transmission required between the unit and the other coupled unit(s) in a train for the
communication system to be available at train level shall be implemented and documented, taking into
account functional aspects.
This TSI does not impose any technical solution regarding physical interfaces between units. Exterior doors: passenger access to and egress from rolling stock
This clause applies to all units designed to carry passengers and units designed to haul passenger trains.
Doors intended for staff and freight are dealt with in clauses and of this TSI.
The control of external passenger access doors is a safety related function; the functional requirements
expressed in this clause are necessary to ensure the safety level required; the safety level required for the
control system described in points D and E below is an open point.
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/59
A — Terminology used:
— In the context of this clause a ‘door’ is an external passenger access door, intended primarily for
passengers to enter and leave the unit.
— A ‘door locked out of service’ is a door immobilised in a closed position by a manually operated
mechanical locking device.
— A door ‘released’ is a door that is able to be opened by operating the local or, central door control,
(where the latter is available).
— For the purpose of this clause, a train is at a standstill when the speed has decreased to 3km/h or less.
When the centralised door closing and locking is activated from a local control, adjacent to a door, it is
permissible for this door to remain open when the other doors close and lock. The door control system
shall allow the staff to close and lock this door subsequently before departure.
The doors shall be kept closed and locked until they are released in accordance with subsection E ‘Door
opening’ of this clause. In the event of loss of power to the door controls, the doors shall be kept locked
by the locking mechanism.
It shall be possible to indicate a door locked out of service by a clear marking according to PRM TSI
§ ‘Customer Information’.
If one or more doors are not locked, this shall be continuously indicated to the driver.
An Indication shall be provided to the driver of any fault of a door closing and/or locking operation.
Audible and visual alarm signal shall indicate to the driver, an emergency opening of one or more doors.
A ‘door locked out of service’ is permitted to be by-passed by the ‘doors-closed proving system’.
E — Door opening
A train shall be provided with door release controls, which allow the crew or an automatic device
associated with the stop at a platform, to control the release of doors separately on each side, allowing
them to be opened by passengers or, if available, by a central opening command when the train is at a
At each door, local opening controls or opening devices shall be accessible for passengers from both the
outside and the inside of the vehicle.
L 139/60 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
The traction interlock system shall be provided with a manual override, intended to be activated by the
driver in exceptional situations, to apply traction even when not all of the doors are closed and locked.
Only functionalities that are relevant to the design characteristics of the unit (e.g. presence of a cab, of a
crew interface system, …) shall be considered.
The signals transmission required between the unit and the other coupled unit(s) in a train for the door
system to be available at train level shall be implemented and documented, taking into account functional
This TSI does not impose any technical solution regarding physical interfaces between units.
Doors shall be fitted with transparent windows to allow passengers to identify the presence of a platform.
The outside surface of passenger units shall be designed in such a way that they do not give the possibility
for a person to ‘train surf’ when the doors are closed and locked.
As a measure to prevent ‘train surfing’, handholds on the outside surface of the door system shall be
avoided or designed so that they cannot be gripped when the doors are closed.
Handrails and handholds shall be fixed so that they can withstand the forces exerted on them during
Where a unit is equipped with inter-unit doors at the end of coaches or at unit-ends, they shall be fitted
with a device that allows them to be locked (e.g. where a door is not connected by a gangway for use of
passengers to an adjacent coach or unit, etc.).
A ventilation system shall maintain an acceptable interior CO2 level under operational conditions.
— The CO2 level shall not exceed 5 000 ppm in all normal operating conditions.
— In case of interruption of the ventilation, due to an interruption of the main power supply or to a
breakdown of the system, an emergency provision shall ensure the supply of outside air into all
passenger and staff areas.
If this emergency provision is ensured through battery supplied forced ventilation, measurements shall
be performed in order to define the duration in which the CO2 level will remain below 10 000 ppm,
assuming a passenger load derived from the load condition ‘design mass under normal payload’. The
duration shall be recorded in the rolling stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI and shall not be
less than 30 minutes.
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— Train staff shall have the possibility of preventing passengers being exposed to environmental fumes
that may be present, especially in tunnels. This requirement shall be satisfied by compliance to clause of the HS RST TSI.
The design of rolling stock, as well as its constituents shall take into account the environmental conditions
to which this rolling stock will be subjected to.
The environmental parameters are described in the clauses below; for each environmental parameter, a
nominal range is defined, which is the most commonly encountered in Europe, and is the basis for
interoperable rolling stock.
For certain environmental parameters, ranges other than the nominal one are defined; in that case, a range
shall be selected for the design of the rolling stock.
For the functions identified in the clauses below, design and/or testing provisions taken to ensure that the
rolling stock is meeting the TSI requirements in this range shall be described in the technical documen
The selected range(s) shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI, as a
characteristic of the rolling stock.
Depending on the ranges selected, and on provisions taken (described in the technical documentation),
relevant operating rules could be necessary to ensure the technical compatibility between the rolling stock
and environmental conditions that can be met on parts of the TEN network.
In particular, operating rules are necessary when rolling stock designed for the nominal range is operated
on a particular line of the TEN network where the nominal range is exceeded at certain periods of the year.
The ranges, if different than the nominal one, to be selected to avoid any restrictive operating rule(s) linked
to a geographical area and climatic conditions, are specified by the Member States and are listed in the
clause 7.4. Altitude
Rolling stock shall meet the requirements of this TSI for the selected range as defined in EN 50125-1:1999
clause 4.2. Temperature
Rolling shall meet the requirements of this TSI within one (or several) of the climatic zones T1 (– 25 °C to
+ 40 °C; nominal), or T2 (– 40 °C to + 35 °C) or T3 (– 25 °C to + 45 °C) as defined in EN50125-1:1999
clause 4.3.
The selected temperature zone(s) shall be recorded in the rolling stock register.
The temperature to consider for design purpose of rolling stock constituents shall take into account their
integration in the rolling stock.
L 139/62 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011 Humidity
Rolling stock shall meet the requirements of this TSI without degradation for humidity levels as defined in
EN 50125-1:1999 clause 4.4.
The effect of humidity to consider for design purpose of rolling stock constituents shall take into account
their integration in the rolling stock. Rain
Rolling stock shall meet the requirements of this TSI considering a rate of rain as defined in EN 50125-
1:1999 clause 4.6.
The effect of snow, ice and hail to consider for design purpose of rolling stock constituents shall take into
account their integration in the rolling stock.
Where more severe ‘snow, ice and hail’ conditions are selected, rolling stock and the parts of the subsystem
shall then be designed to meet TSI requirements considering the following scenarios:
— Snowdrift (light snow with low water equivalent content), covering the track up to 80 cm continuously
above top rail level.
— Powder snow, snowfall of large quantities of light snow with low water equivalent content.
— Temperature gradient, temperature and humidity variation during one single run causing ice build-ups
on the rolling stock.
— Combined effect with low temperature according to the temperature zone chosen as defined in clause
In relation with clause (climatic zone T2) and with the present clause (severe conditions
for snow, ice and hail) of this TSI, the provisions taken to meet TSI requirements in these severe conditions
shall be identified and verified, in particular design and/or testing provisions that are required for the
following TSI requirements:
— Obstacle deflector as defined in this TSI clause additionally, capability to remove snow in front
of the train.
Snow shall be considered as an obstacle to be removed by the obstacle defector; the following
requirements are defined in clause (by reference to EN 15227):
‘The obstacle deflector needs to be of sufficient size to sweep obstacles clear of the path of the bogie. It
shall be a continuous structure and shall be designed so as not to deflect objects upwards or
downwards. Under normal operating conditions, the lower edge of the obstacle deflector shall be as
close to the track as the vehicle movements and gauge line will permit.
In plan view the deflector should approximate to a “V” profile with an included angle of not more than
160°. It can be designed with a compatible geometry to function also as a snow plough.’
The forces specified in clause of this TSI are deemed to be sufficient in order to remove the
— Running gear as defined in the TSI clause considering snow and ice build up and possible
consequence on running stability and brake function.
— Brake function and brake power supply as defined in the TSI clause 4.2.4.
— Signalling the presence of the train to others as defined in the TSI clause 4.2.7.
— Providing a view ahead as defined in the TSI clause (head lights) and (front
visibility), with windscreen’s equipment as defined in clause functioning.
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— Providing the driver with acceptable climate for working as defined in the TSI clause
The provision adopted shall be documented in the technical documentation described in clause of
this TSI.
The selected range for ‘snow, ice and hail’ (nominal or severe) shall be recorded in the rolling stock register.
The effect of solar radiation to consider for design purpose of rolling stock constituents shall take into
account their integration in the rolling stock.
— Grasses and leaves, pollen, flying insects, fibres etc. (design of ventilation ducts)
Note: Reference to standards in this clause is relevant only for the definitions of substances having a
polluting effect.
The polluting effect as described above has to be evaluated at the design stage.
The combined effect of train speed and air speed causes an aerodynamic rolling moment that can affect the
stability of rolling stock.
The train formation to be used for test is specified below for different types of rolling stock:
The full length of the fixed or the maximum length of the pre-defined formation (i.e. the maximum
number of units permitted to be coupled together)
— Unit assessed for use in general operation (train formation not defined at design stage): open point
L 139/64 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
The train formation to be used for test is specified below for the different types of rolling stock:
The full length of the fixed or the maximum length of the pre-defined formation (i.e. the maximum
number of units permitted to be coupled together)
— Unit assessed for use in general operation (train formation not defined at design stage): open point
Rolling stock running with a speed higher than 160 km/h in the open air shall not cause the maximum
peak-to-peak pressure of changes to exceed a value Δp2σ of 720 Pa as measured over the range of height
between 1,5 m and 3,3 m above the top of rail, and at a distance of 2,5 m from the track centre, during
the passage of the head.
The formation to be verified by a test is specified below for different types of rolling stock:
A single unit of the fixed formation or any configuration of the pre-defined formation.
— Unit assessed for use in general operation (train formation not defined at design stage)
Note: Operating conditions of rolling stock in tunnels have to be considered when necessary (outside of the
scope of this TSI).
Assessment method: standards under development in order to harmonise these methods are not yet
available (open point).
Note: In order to have the necessary information available to define operating conditions (outside the scope
of the TSI), the characteristics of the cross wind (speed) considered in the design of the rolling stock and
the assessment method used (as required by the national rule in the concerned Member State, if any) shall
be reported in the technical documentation.
Operating conditions may include measures at the level of infrastructure (protection against wind areas) or
operation (speed limitation).
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/65
Two white headlamps shall be provided at the front end of the train in order to give visibility for the train
These headlamps shall be arranged on the horizontal axis at the same height above the rail level,
symmetrical about the centre line, and at a minimum of 1 000 mm apart. Headlights shall be mounted
between 1 500 and 2 000 mm above the rail level.
The colour of headlamps shall be in accordance with the ‘White class A’ or ‘White class B’ colour, as
defined in the standard CIE S 004.
Headlamps shall provide 2 luminous intensity levels: ‘dimmed headlamp’ and ‘full-beam headlamp’.
For ‘dimmed headlamp’, the luminous intensity of headlamps measured along the optical axis of the head
lamp shall be in accordance with the values specified in the standard EN 15153-1:2007, clause 5.3.5, table
2, first line.
For ‘full-beam headlamp’, the minimum luminous intensity of headlamps measured along the optical axis
of the lamp shall be in accordance with the values specified in the standard EN 15153-1:2007, clause
5.3.5, table 2, first line.
Three white marker lamps shall be provided at the front end of the train in order to make the train visible.
Two marker lamps shall be arranged on the horizontal axis at the same height above the rail level,
symmetrically about the centre line, and at a minimum of 1 000 mm apart; they shall be mounted
between 1 500 and 2 000 mm above the rail level.
The third marker lamp shall be arranged centrally above the two lower lamps, with a minimum vertical
separation of 600 mm.
It is permitted to use the same component for both head lights and marker lights.
The colour of marker lamps shall be in accordance with the ‘White class A’ or ‘White class B’ colour, as
defined in the standard CIE S 004.
The luminous intensity of marker lamps shall be in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, clause 5.4.4.
For units assessed for general operation, the lamps may be portable lamps; in that case, the type of portable
lamp to be used shall be described in the technical documentation and the function shall be verified by
design examination and type test at component level (portable lamp), but it is not required to provide the
portable lamps.
The tail lamps shall be arranged on the horizontal axis at the same height above the rail level,
symmetrically about the centre line, and at a minimum of 1 000 mm apart; they shall be mounted
between 1 500 and 2 000 mm above the rail level.
The colour of tail lamps shall be in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, clause 5.5.3 (values).
The luminous intensity of tail lamps shall in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, clause 5.5.4 (value).
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It shall be possible for the driver to control the head, marker and tail lamps of the unit from the normal
driving position; this control may use independent command or combination of commands.
Note: It is not required to control the lights in a particular combination to display an emergency warning
signal in case of emergency situation.
Trains shall be fitted with warning horns in order to make the train audible.
The notes of the audible warning horns are intended to be recognisable as being from a train and not be
similar to warning devices used in road transport or as factory or other common warning device.
The operation of the warning horns shall emit at least one of the following separate warning sounds below:
— Sounding 1: the fundamental frequency of the separately sounded note shall be 660 Hz ± 30 Hz (high
— Sounding 2: the fundamental frequency of the separately sounded note shall be 370 Hz ± 20 Hz (low
note). Protection
Warning horns and their control systems shall be designed or protected, so far as is practicable, to maintain
their function when impacted by airborne objects such as debris, dust, snow, hail or birds.
Unit performance for units fitted with traction equipment, and operated in various train formations shall be
defined so that the overall traction performance of the train can be derived.
The traction performance is characterised by the maximum service speed and by the traction force profile
(force at wheel rim = F(speed)).
The maximum service speed, the traction force profile and the running resistance are the unit contributions
necessary to define a timetable allowing a train to slot into the overall traffic pattern on a given line, and
are part of the technical documentation related to the unit.
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Unit traction force profiles (force at wheel rim = F(speed)) shall be determined by calculation; the unit
running resistance shall be determined by a calculation for the load case ‘design mass under normal
payload’, as defined in clause
Unit traction force profiles and running resistance shall be recorded in the technical documentation (see
The design maximum speed shall be defined from the data above for the load case ‘design mass under
normal payload’ on a level track.
The design maximum speed shall be recorded in the rolling stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI.
Requirements regarding the traction cut-off required in case of braking are defined in the clause 4.2.4 of
this TSI.
Requirements regarding availability of the traction function in case of fire on board are defined in the SRT
TSI, clause (freight train) and clause (passenger train).
The CR energy TSI defines the AC 25 kV 50 Hz system as a target system, and allows the use of the AC 15
kV 16,7 Hz system and of the DC 3 kV or 1,5 kV systems. As a consequence, requirements defined below
are related to these 4 systems only, and references to standards are valid for these 4 systems only.
The CR energy TSI allows the use of catenary systems compatible with pantograph heads geometry of
lengths 1 600 mm or 1 950 mm (see clause
The actual value of the line voltage shall be available in the driver cab in driving configuration.
The systems ‘voltage and frequency’ for which the rolling stock is designed shall be recorded in the rolling
stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI. Maximum power and current from the overhead contact line
Electric units with power higher than 2 MW (including the declared fixed and predefined formations) shall
be equipped with current limitation function as required in clause 7.3 of EN 50388:2005.
Electric units shall be equipped with automatic regulation of the current within abnormal operation
condition regarding voltage as required in clause 7.2 of EN 50388:2005.
The maximum current assessed here above (rated current) shall be recorded in RST register defined in
clause 4.8 of this TSI.
L 139/68 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
Limit values are specified in clause 4.2.6 of the CR energy TSI; higher values than those limits shall be
recorded in the rolling stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI.
A compatibility assessment shall be done in accordance with the methodology defined in the clause 10.3 of
EN 50388:2005. The steps and hypothesis described in table 6 of EN50388:2005 have to be defined by
the applicant (column 3 not applicable), taking into consideration input data given in Annex D of the same
standard; the acceptance criteria shall be as defined in clause 10.4 of EN 50388:2005.
All hypotheses and data considered for this compatibility study shall be recorded in the technical docu
mentation (see clause
The fitment of an energy measuring system shall be recorded in the rolling stock register defined in clause
4.8 of this TSI.
Note: Where the location function is not necessary for billing purposes in the Member State concerned, it is
permissible to not install the components dedicated to that function. In any case, any such system shall be
designed with consideration of the possible future use of the location function.
— 4 800 mm and 6 500 mm above rail level for tracks designed in accordance with the gauge GC,
— 4 500 mm and 6 500 mm above rail level for tracks designed in accordance with the gauge GA/GB.
The type(s) of pantograph head geometry that an electric unit is equipped with shall be recorded in the
rolling stock register defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI.
Pantograph heads fitted with contact strips having independent suspensions shall remain compliant to the
overall profile with a static contact force of 70N applied to the middle of the head. The permissible value
for pantograph head skew is defined in EN 50367:2006 clause 5.2.
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Contact between contact wire and pantograph head is permitted outside the contact strips and within the
whole conducting range over limited line sections under adverse conditions, e.g. coincidence of vehicle
swaying and high winds.
An analysis shall demonstrate that the pantograph is able to carry the rated current; this analysis shall
include the verification of the requirements of clause 6.13.2 of EN50206-1:2010.
Pantographs for DC systems shall be designed for the maximum current at standstill (as defined in clause of this TSI).
For contact strips used on AC lines only, plain carbon shall be permitted. For AC systems, the use of other
material than those specified above is an open point.
For contact strips used on DC lines only, plain carbon, impregnated carbon with additive material or
impregnated carbon with cladded copper shall be permitted; where a metallic additive material is used, the
metallic content of the carbon contact strips shall not exceed a content of 40 % by weight. For DC systems,
the use of other material than those specified above is an open point.
For contact strips used on both AC and DC lines, plain carbon shall be permitted. For use on both AC and
DC systems, the use of other material than those specified above is an open point.
Note: This open point is not safety related, and it is therefore acceptable that the operating documentation
(as specified in clause allow the use of carbon with additive material on AC lines in degraded
conditions (i.e. in case of failure of the control circuit of one of the pantographs, or other failure affecting
the onboard power supply) in order to continue a journey.
The static contact force exerted by the pantograph on the contact wire, as defined above, shall be adjustable
within the following ranges:
The factors which influence the mean contact force are the pantograph itself, its position in the train
consist, its vertical extension, and the rolling stock on which the pantograph is mounted.
Rolling stock and pantographs fitted on rolling stock are designed to exert a mean contact force Fm on the
contact wire in a range specified in clause 4.2.16 of the CR energy TSI, in order to ensure current
collection quality without undue arcing and to limit wear and hazards to contact strips. Adjustment of
the contact force is made when dynamic tests are performed.
The verification at interoperability constituent level shall validate the dynamic behaviour of the pantograph
itself, and its capability to collect current from a TSI compliant overhead contact line (see clause
The verification at rolling stock subsystem level shall allow to adjust the contact force, taking into account
aerodynamic effects due to the rolling stock and the position of the pantograph in the unit or train fixed or
predefined formation(s) (see clause
The number of pantographs and their spacing shall be designed taking into consideration the requirements
of current collection performance, as defined in clause above.
Where the spacing of 2 consecutive pantographs in fixed or pre-defined formations of the assessed unit is
less than the spacing shown in clause 4.2.17 of the CR energy TSI for the selected OCL design distance
type, or where more than 2 pantographs are simultaneously in contact with the overhead contact line
equipment, it shall be demonstrated by testing that the current collection quality as defined in clause above is met for the poorest performing pantograph.
The OCL design distance type (A, B or C as defined in the clause 4.2.17 of the CR energy TSI) selected (and
therefore used for the test) shall be recorded in the technical documentation (see clause
When running through phase separation sections, it shall be possible to bring the power consumption of
the unit to zero as required in the clause 4.2.19 of the CR energy TSI. The infrastructure register gives
information on the permitted pantographs position: lowered or raised (with permitted pantograph
arrangements) when running through systems or phase separation sections.
Rolling stock designed for several power supply systems shall, when running through system separation
sections, recognise automatically the voltage of the power supply system at the pantograph.
When lowering the pantograph, the main circuit breaker shall previously be opened automatically.
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If an electric unit is equipped with an automatic dropping device (ADD) that lowers the pantograph in case
of a collector head failure, the ADD shall meet the requirements of clause 4.8 of EN50206-1:2010.
Mandatory requirement for electric units designed for a maximum speed higher or equal to 100 km/h to be
equipped with an ADD is an open point.
The location of the main circuit breaker shall be such as to protect the onboard high voltage circuits,
including any high voltage connections between vehicles. The pantograph, the main circuit breaker, and the
high voltage connection between them shall be located on the same vehicle.
In order to prevent electric hazards, any unintentional energisation shall be avoided; the control of the
main circuit breaker is a safety related function; the safety level required is an open point.
Electric units shall protect themselves against short over-voltages, temporary over-voltages and maximum
fault current. To meet this requirement, electrical protection coordination design shall comply with the
requirements defined in the standard EN 50388:2005, clause 11 ‘coordination of protection’; table 8 of this
clause shall be replaced by Annex H of the CR energy TSI.
The maximum noise level allowed in the cab is specified in the noise TSI.
It is permissible for this access to be either directly from the exterior, using a cab external door, or through
a compartment (or area) at the rear of the cab. In the latter case, requirements defined in this clause shall
apply to external accesses located in that compartment (or area) on either side of the vehicle.
The means for the train crew to access in and to egress out of the cab, such as footsteps, handrails or
opening handles, shall allow safe and easy usage by being of adequate dimensions (pitch, width, spacing,
shape); they shall be designed with consideration of ergonomic criteria in relation with their use. Footsteps
shall have no sharp edges causing obstacles for the shoes of the train crew.
Rolling stock with external walkways shall be equipped with handrails and foot bars (kicking strips) for
driver safety when accessing the cab.
Driver’s cab external doors shall open in such a way that they remain within the gauge (as defined in this
TSI) when opened.
Driver’s cab external doors shall have a minimum clearance of 1 675 × 500 mm when accessible by foot-
steps, or of 1 750 × 500 mm when accessible on floor level.
L 139/72 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
Interior doors used by the train crew to access the cab shall have a minimum clearance of 1 700 ×
430 mm.
The driver’s cab and its access shall be designed so that the train crew is able to prevent the cab being
accessed by non-authorised persons, whether the cab is occupied or not, and so that a cab occupant is able
to go outside of a cab without having to use any tool or key.
Access to the driver’s cab shall be possible without any energy supply available on board. Cab external
doors shall not open unintentionally.
In all cases, the emergency exit means shall provide a minimum clearance (free area) of 2 000 cm2 with a
minimum inner dimension of 400 mm to allow the release of trapped persons.
Front position driver’s cabs shall have at least an interior exit; this exit shall give access to an area of a
minimum length of 2 metres, of a minimum clearance of height 1 700 mm x width 430 mm, and its floor
shall be free of any obstruction; the above area shall be located onboard the unit, and can be an interior
area or an area opened to the outside.
The above requirement shall also be met from the standing driving position under conditions defined in
the Annex F, on locomotives and driving coaches intended to be used in a train composition with a
For locomotives with central cab and for OTMs, in order to ensure the visibility of low signals, it is
permitted that the driver moves to several different positions in the cab in order to meet the above
requirement; it is not required to meet the requirement from the seated driving position.
In case of opening side windows or panel, the opening shall be sufficiently large for the driver to put his
head through the aperture.
Freedom of movement of personnel in the cab interior shall not be inhibited by obstructions.
The cab floor corresponding to the working area of the driver (access to the cab excluded) shall be without
any step.
The interior layout shall allow both seated and standing driving positions on locomotives and driving
coaches intended to be used in a train formation with a locomotive.
The cab shall be equipped with at least one driver’s seat (see clause and additionally with a
forward facing seat not considered as a driving position for possible accompanying crew.
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It shall be possible for the driver to adjust the seat position in order to meet the reference position of eyes
for external visibility, as defined in clause
The seat shall not constitute an obstacle for the driver to escape in case of emergency.
Ergonomics and health aspects shall be considered in the design of the seat, its mounting and its use by the
The mounting of the driver’s seat in locomotives and driving coaches intended to be used in a train
formation with a locomotive shall allow adjustment to get the necessary free space needed for the standing
driving position.
To allow the display on the driver’s desk surface of paper documents required during driving, a reading
zone of minimum size 30 cm width per 21 cm high shall be available in front of the driver’s seat.
Operating and control elements shall be clearly marked, so that they are identifiable by the driver.
If the traction and/or braking effort is set-up by a lever (combined one or separated ones), the ‘tractive
effort’ shall increase by pushing the lever forwards, and the ‘braking effort’ shall increase by drawing the
lever towards the driver.
If there is a notch for emergency braking, it shall be clearly distinguished from those of the other positions
of the lever.
At the seated driving position (as defined in the clause of the driver’s head and shoulders, there
shall be no air flows caused by the ventilation system having an air velocity exceeding the limit value
recognised to ensure a proper working environment.
Independent lighting of the driver’s desk reading zone shall be provided on driver’s command, and shall be
adjustable up to a value higher than 150 lux.
If provided, lighting of instruments shall be independent of the general lighting and shall be adjustable.
In order to prevent any dangerous confusion with outside operational signalling, no green lights or green
illumination are permitted in a driver’s cab, except for existing class B cab signalling systems (as defined in
the CR CCS TSI). Windscreen Mechanical characteristics
The dimension, location, shape and finishes (including maintenance) of the windows shall not inhibit the
drivers external view (as defined in clause and shall support the driving task.
The driver’s cab windscreens shall be able to resist impacts from projectiles as specified in the standard EN
15152:2007 clause 4.2.7 and shall resist spalling as specified in EN 15152:2007 clause 4.2.9.
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The angle between primary and secondary images in the installed position shall be as specified in EN
15152:2007 clause 4.2.2. Equipment
The windscreen shall be equipped with de-icing, de-misting and external cleaning means, under control of
the driver.
The location, type and quality of windscreen cleaning and clearance devices shall ensure that the driver is
able to maintain a clear external view in most weather and operating conditions, and shall not inhibit the
drivers external view.
Protection shall be provided from the sun without reducing the drivers’ view of external signs, signals and
other visual information when this protection is in its stowed position.
Specification of the means to monitor (and detect a lack of) the driver’s activity:
The driver’s activity shall be monitored when the train is in driving configuration and is moving (criterion
for movement detection is at a low speed threshold); this monitoring shall be done by controlling the
action of the driver on dedicated devices (pedal, push buttons, sensitive touches …) and/or his action on
the train control and monitoring system.
When no action is monitored during more than a time of X seconds, a lack of driver’s activity shall be
The system shall allow for the adjustment (at workshop, as a maintenance activity) of the time X within the
range of 5 seconds to 60 seconds.
When the same action is monitored continuously for more than a time not higher than 60 seconds, a lack
of driver’s activity shall also be triggered.
Before triggering a lack of driver’s activity, a warning shall be given to the driver, in order for him to have
the possibility to react and reset the system.
The detection of the lack of the driver’s activity is a safety related function; the safety level required is an
open point.
The system shall have the information ‘lack of driver’s activity triggered’ available for being interfaced to
other systems (i.e. the radio system).
Specification of actions triggered at train level when a lack of driver’s activity is detected:
A lack of driver’s activity when the train is in driving configuration and is moving (criterion for movement
detection is at a low speed threshold) shall lead to a full service brake or an emergency brake application
on the train.
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In case of application of a full service brake, its effective application shall be automatically controlled and in
case of non-application, it shall be followed by an emergency brake.
Note: It is allowed to have the function described in this clause fulfilled by the CCS subsystem.
It is also allowed to install a system of a fixed time X (no adjustment possible) provided that the time X is
within the range of 5 seconds to 60 seconds. A Member State may ask for a maximum fixed time for
safety reasons, but in any case it cannot prevent the access to a railway undertaking that using a higher
time Z (within the range specified), unless that Member State is able to demonstrate that the national safety
level is endangered.
ERTMS information and commands, including those provided on a display unit, are specified in the CR
For functions in the scope of this TSI, the information or commands to be used by the driver to control
and command the train, and given by means of display units or screens, shall be designed to allow proper
use and reaction from the driver.
All indicator lights shall be designed so that they can be read correctly under natural or artificial lighting
conditions, including incidental lighting.
Possible reflections of illuminated indicators and buttons in the windows of the driver’s cab shall not
interfere with the line of sight of the driver in his normal working position.
In order to prevent any dangerous confusion with outside operational signalling, no green lights or green
illumination are permitted in a driver’s cab, except for existing class B cab signalling system (according CR
Audible information generated by onboard equipment inside the cab for the driver shall not be lower than
6 dB(A) above the median received noise level in the cab, measured as defined in the noise TSI. Labelling
The following information shall be indicated in the driving cabs:
— Emergency exit.
Harmonised pictograms shall be used to mark controls and indicators in the cab.
The design of the remote control function, including safety aspects, shall be assessed according to
recognised standards.
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— Scotches, if the parking brake performance is not sufficient depending on track gradient (see clause ‘Parking brake’).
— On manned traction units of freight trains: a respirator, as specified in the SRT TSI (see SRT TSI clause
— A free space for storing a suitcase or bag of size 300 mm x 400 mm x 400 mm.
The means to record this information is in the scope of the present TSI; pending the definition of the list of
information to be recorded is completed, the specification of the recording device is an open point.
Rolling stock intended for use on the CR TEN shall be designed such that it protects passengers and
onboard staff in case of hazard e.g. fire on board and to allow an effective evacuation and rescue in case of
emergencies. This is deemed to be fulfilled by complying with the requirements of this TSI.
The compatibility between the categories of rolling stock and operations in tunnels is set out in the SRT
The design fire category shall be recorded in the rolling stock register, as defined in clause 4.8 of this TSI. Requirements applicable to all units, except freight locomotives and OTMs
Category A:
— the requirements applicable to category A rolling stock as depicted in SRT TSI, and
Category A rolling stock is the minimum category for rolling stock operated on the TEN infrastructures.
The compatibility between category A rolling stock and sections of tracks where detraining is dangerous
other than tunnels (e.g. elevated sections, embankments, trenches, etc.) up to 5 km length is covered by this
Category B:
— the requirements applicable to category B rolling stock as depicted in SRT TSI, and
Category B rolling stock is designed to be operated on all parts of the TEN infrastructures (including long
tunnels and long elevated sections).
— SRT TSI clauses applicable to freight locomotives (including those clauses applicable to rolling stock in
general), and
— the requirements in clauses Material requirements and Specific measures for
flammable liquids, of this TSI.
— SRT TSI clauses: Material properties for rolling stock, Onboard fire detectors, and Communication means on trains,
— the requirements in clauses Material requirements, and Specific measures for
flammable liquids, of this TSI. Additional measures for running capability of passenger rolling stock with a fire on board
The clauses marked with (1) are affected by the contents of clause 4.2.10 of the present TSI.
Since the present TSI differs from the SRT TSI on certain requirements, the TSIs shall be applied as follows:
— SRT TSI clause (Material properties for rolling stock) shall be supplemented by clause
(Material requirements) of the present TSI for conventional rolling stock.
— SRT TSI clause (Fire barriers for passenger rolling stock) shall be supplemented by clause (Fire barriers) of the present TSI for conventional rolling stock.
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— SRT TSI clause (Passengers’ emergency exits) shall be substituted by clause
(Passenger evacuation) of the present TSI for conventional rolling stock.
The clauses marked with (2) are affected by the contents of clause 4.2.5 of the present TSI (see this clause
4.2.5 for details).
In addition to the provisions in SRT TSI (referring back to the HS RST TSI) and pending the publication of
EN45545-2, the requirements relating to the fire behaviour properties of materials and the selection of
components is also permitted to be satisfied by the verification of conformity in accordance with TS
45545-2:2009, using the appropriate operation category as specified in TS 45545-1:2009.
This clause substitutes SRT TSI clause ‘Passengers’ emergency exits’ for conventional rolling
Through route: Area in the train which can be entered and left from different sides and which does not
obstruct the movement of passengers and staff, along the longitudinal axis of the train. Interior doors on
the through route which cannot be locked are considered not to obstruct the movement of passengers and
Passenger area: Area to which passengers have access without particular authorisation.
Compartment: Passenger area or staff area, which cannot be used as a through route for passengers or staff
Emergency exits shall be provided and indicated.
An emergency exit shall be able to be opened by a passenger from inside the train.
Once opened, each emergency exit shall have an opening which is sufficient in size to allow the release of
persons. This requirement is deemed to be met when the opened emergency exit includes a rectangular
open and free area of at least 700 mm x 550 mm.
Seats or other passenger amenities (table, bed etc.) may be located on the route towards an emergency exit
as long as they do not prevent the use of the emergency exit and do not obstruct the free area as defined
under the previous point here-above.
All external passenger doors shall be equipped with emergency opening devices allowing them to be used
as emergency exits.
From each place inside a through route, an external door shall be reachable within 16m, measured along
the longitudinal axis of the vehicle; sleeper and restaurant cars are exempt from this requirement.
For restaurant cars, an emergency exit shall be located within 16 m from each place inside the restaurant
car, measured along the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.
For sleeper cars, each sleeping compartment shall have an emergency exit.
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Except for toilets and luggage areas, no place inside a passenger compartment shall be located at a distance
of more than 6m from an emergency exit, measured along the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. For
emergency exits in passenger compartments, additional means to aid a safe and swift evacuation shall
be provided if the distance between the lowest point of the emergency exit and the top of rail exceeds 1,8
Each vehicle designed to contain up to 40 passengers shall have at least two emergency exits.
Each vehicle designed to contain more than 40 passengers shall have at least three emergency exits.
Each vehicle intended to carry passengers shall have at least one emergency exit on each vehicle side.
In addition to the provisions in the SRT TSI, for category B fire safety rolling stock, the requirement for full
‘cross section partitions within passenger/staff areas’ is permitted to be met by fire spreading prevention
measures (FSPM):
If FSPM are used instead of full cross section partitions, it shall be demonstrated that:
— they ensure that fire and smoke will not extend in dangerous concentrations over a length of more than
28 m within the passenger/staff areas inside a unit, for at least 15 minutes after the start of a fire,
— they are installed in each vehicle of the unit, which is intended to carry passengers and/or staff,
— they provide at least the same level of safety to persons on board as full cross section partitions, with
an integrity of 15 minutes, which are tested in accordance with the requirements of EN 1363-1:1999
partition test and assuming the fire can start from either side of the partition.
If the FSPM relies on reliability and availability of systems, components, or functions, their safety level shall
be taken into account in the demonstration; in that case the global safety level to be met is an open point.
4.2.11. Servicing General
Servicing and minor repairs necessary to ensure safe operations between maintenance interventions shall be
able to be carried out while the train is stabled away from its normal servicing home base.
This part gathers requirements for provisions relating to the servicing of trains during operation or when
stabled on a network. Most of these requirements aim at ensuring that rolling stock will have the
equipment necessary to meet the provisions required in the other sections of this TSI and of the Infra
structure TSI.
It shall be possible for the front windows of drivers’ cabs to be cleaned from outside the train without need
to remove any component or covering.
Interface with discharge system: The provisions of clause of the HS RST TSI shall be applied.
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The water supplied to the train, up to the filling-interface with the rolling stock, on the interoperable
network is deemed to be drinking water in accordance with Directive 98/83/EC, as specified in the clause of the CR INF TSI.
The onboard storage equipment shall not induce any additional risk for the health of people to the risks
associated with the storage of water filled in accordance with the above provisions.
This requirement is deemed to be met by assessment of piping and sealing material and quality. The
materials shall be suitable for transport and storage of water fit for human consumption.
The provisions of HS RST TSI clause apply to ‘inlet connection for water tanks’.
Different functional levels: Provisions of HS RST TSI Clause apply to CR RST vehicles
If a unit is equipped with a power supply to be used while stabled, it shall be compatible with at least one
of the following power systems:
— Power supply contact line (see clause ‘Requirements linked to pantograph’).
— ‘UIC 552-type’ train power supply line (AC 1 kV, AC/DC 1.5 kV, DC 3 kV).
Where rolling stock is equipped with a refuelling system, e.g. trains using diesel fuel, this equipment shall
comply with the requirements of UIC 627-2:Jul 1980 §1.
Open point: Nozzles for alternative fuels (bio fuel, CNG etc.). General
This clause 4.2.12 of the TSI describes the documentation requested in clause 4 sub-paragraph 2 of Annex
VI of Directive 2008/57/EC (clause titled ‘Technical file’):
‘— for the other subsystems: general and detailed drawings in line with execution, electrical and hydraulic
diagrams, control-circuit diagrams, description of data-processing and automatic systems, operating and
maintenance manuals, etc.;’
This documentation, being part of the technical file, is compiled by the notified body and has to
accompany the EC declaration of verification.
This documentation, being part of the technical file, is lodged with the applicant, and is kept by the
applicant throughout the service life of the subsystem.
The documentation requested is related to the basic parameters identified in this TSI. Its content is
described in the clauses below.
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— General drawings.
— Electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams, control-circuit diagrams necessary to explain the function
and operation of the concerned systems.
— Weight balance with hypothesis on load conditions considered, as required in clause
— Test report concerning running dynamic behaviour, including the test track quality recording, as
required in clause
— The hypothesis taken to evaluate the loads due to bogie running, as required in clause
— The presence and type of toilets in a unit, the characteristics of the flushing medium, if it is not clean
water, the nature of the treatment system for released water and the standards against which conformity
has been assessed, as required in clause
— Provisions taken in relation with the selected range of environmental parameters if different than the
nominal one, as required in clause 4.2.6.
— Hypothesis and data considered for the compatibility study for AC systems, as required in clause
— The number of pantographs simultaneously in contact with the overhead contact line equipment (OCL),
their spacing and the OCL design distance type (A, B or C) used for assessment tests, as required in
The following information necessary to undertake maintenance activities on rolling stock shall be provided:
— The maintenance design justification file: explains how maintenance activities are defined and designed
in order to ensure that the rolling stock characteristics will be kept within acceptable limits of use
during its lifetime.
The file shall give input data in order to determine the criteria for inspection and the periodicity of
maintenance activities.
— The maintenance description file: explains how maintenance activities shall be performed.
— precedents, principles and methods used to design the maintenance of the unit,
— utilisation profile: Limits of the normal use of the unit (e.g. km/month, climatic limits, authorised types
of loads etc.),
— relevant data used to design the maintenance and origin of these data (return of experience),
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Resultant means (facilities, tools …) needed for the maintenance are described in clause ‘Main
tenance documentation’.
Maintenance activities include all activities necessary such as inspections, monitoring, tests, measurements,
replacements, adjustments, repairs.
— corrective maintenance.
— Component hierarchy and functional description: The hierarchy sets up the boundaries of the rolling
stock by listing all the items belonging to the product structure of that rolling stock and using an
appropriate number of discrete levels. The lowest item of the hierarchy shall be a replaceable unit.
— Parts list: The parts list shall contain the technical descriptions of the spare parts (replaceable units) and
their references, in order to allow identification and procurement of the correct spare parts.
The list shall include all parts specified for changing on condition, or which may require replacement
following electrical or mechanical malfunction, or which will foreseeable require replacement after
accidental damage (e.g. windscreen).
— The limit values for components which shall not be exceeded in service shall be stated; the possibility of
specifying operational restrictions in degraded mode (limit value reached) is permitted.
— European legal obligations: where components or systems are subject to specific European legal obli
gations these obligations shall be listed.
— The structured set of tasks that include the activities, procedures, means proposed by the applicant to
carry out the maintenance task.
— Maintenance criteria
— Necessary tests and procedures to be undertaken after each maintenance operation before re-entry into
service of rolling stock.
— Troubleshooting (fault diagnosis) manuals or facilities for all reasonably foreseeable situations; this
includes functional and schematic diagrams of the systems or IT-based fault finding systems.
— a description of operation in normal mode, including the operational characteristics and limitations of
the unit (e.g. vehicle gauge, maximum design speed, axle loads, brake performance …),
— a description of the various reasonably foreseeable degraded modes in case of safety significant failures
of equipment or functions described in this TSI, together with the related acceptable limits and
operating conditions of the unit that could be experienced.
— a description of procedures for use of emergency measures and related necessary precautions to be
taken, as e.g. use of emergency exits, entrance to RST for rescue, isolation of brakes, electrical earthing,
— a description of effects when the described emergency measures are taken, e.g. reduction of brake
performance after isolation of brakes.
Table 7
Reference in the conventional rail LOC & PAS TSI Reference in the conventional rail energy TSI
Operation within range of voltages and frequencies Voltage and frequency 4.2.3
Energy consumption measuring function Electric energy consumption measuring 4.2.21
— Gauge
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Reference in the conventional rail LOC & PAS TSI Reference in the conventional rail energy TSI
Pantograph contact force and dynamic behaviour Dynamic behaviour and quality of current 4.2.16
Arrangements of pantographs Pantograph spacing used for the design of OCL 4.2.17
— phase 4.2.19
— system 4.2.20
Electrical protection of the train Electrical protection coordination arrangements 4.2.8
System energy disturbances for AC systems Harmonics and dynamic effects 4.2.9
Table 8
Reference in the conventional rail LOC & PAS TSI Reference in the conventional rail infrastructure TSI
Running dynamic limit values for track loading Track resistance to vertical loads
Geometrical characteristics of wheels Rail head profile for plain line
Variable gauge wheelsets In-service geometry of switches and crossings
Reference in the conventional rail LOC & PAS TSI Reference in the conventional rail infrastructure TSI
Maximum pressure variations in tunnels Piston effects in underground stations
Exterior cleaning through a washing plant Train external cleaning facilities,
Special requirements for stabling of trains Electric shore supply
Table 9
Reference in the conventional rail LOC & PAS TSI Reference in the conventional rail operation TSI
Table 10
Reference in the conventional rail LOC & PAS TSI Reference in the conventional rail CCS TSI
Rolling stock characteristics compatible with train Vehicle geometry Annex A App 1
detection system based on track circuits Vehicle design
Isolating emissions
Rolling stock characteristics compatible with train Vehicle geometry Annex A App 1
detection system based on axle counters Wheel geometry
Vehicle design
Rolling stock characteristics compatible with loop Vehicle design Annex A App 1
Hot axle box detection Requirements on hot-axle box detection Annex A App 2
Emergency braking performance Guaranteed train braking performance and char
Table 11
— Clause 4.3.3 ‘Interface with operation subsystem’, which refers to the relevant clauses of this TSI in
Section 4.2,
Operating rules are developed under the railway undertaking safety management system.
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In particular, operating rules are necessary to ensure that a train stopped on a gradient as specified in
clauses and of this TSI (requirements related to braking) will be immobilised. The
operating rules for use of the public address system, the passenger alarm, the emergency exits, the
operation of the access doors are elaborated with consideration of the relevant provisions of this TSI
and of the documentation for operation.
The safety rules for trackside workers or passengers on platforms are developed with consideration of the
relevant provisions of this TSI and of the documentation for operation.
The technical operating documentation described in clause gives the rolling stock characteristics to
be considered in order to define the operating rules in degraded mode.
Procedures for lifting and rescue are established, including the method as well as the means of recovering a
derailed train or a train that is unable to move normally with consideration of the provisions for lifting and
jacking are described in clause and of this TSI; provisions related to the braking system for
rescue are described in clause and of this TSI.
Other provisions in the Section 4.2 (clauses and specify for particular characteristics the
limit values that have to be verified during maintenance activities.
From the information mentioned above and provided in the clause 4.2, the appropriate tolerances and
intervals to ensure compliance with the essential requirements throughout the lifetime of the rolling stock
are defined at operational level (not in the scope of the assessment against this TSI); this activity includes:
— the definition of the in-service values where they are not specified in this TSI, or where operating
conditions allow the use of different in-service limit values than those specified in this TSI,
— the justification of the in-service values, by providing the equivalent information to those required in
clause ‘The maintenance design justification file’.
On the basis of the information mentioned above in this clause, a maintenance plan is defined at oper
ational level (not in the scope of the assessment against this TSI), consisting in a structured set of main
tenance tasks that include the activities, tests and procedures, means, maintenance criteria, periodicity,
working time required to carry out the maintenance tasks.
In particular, the following provisions of the Section 4.2 specify provisions for health and safety of staff:
The main characteristics of the rolling stock to be recorded in the European register of authorised types of
vehicles are shown in table 12.
Information to be included in the European register required for other subsystems are set in the other
relevant TSIs.
Table 12
Data to be recorded in the European register of authorised types of vehicles
Condition of use (the defined formations the rolling stock is 4.1.2 The formation, unit, fixed or predefined formation, multiple
certified for) operation
End coupling Type of mechanical coupling and the nominal maximum design
value of tensile and compressive forces
Rolling stock gauge The reference kinematic gauge (GA, GB or GC) the rolling stock
complies with including national gauges smaller than GC
Rolling stock characteristics for the compatibility with train compatibility with train detection system based on track circuits or
detection systems compatibility with train detection system based on axle counters or
compatibility with loop equipment
Quasi-static guiding force and Estimated value (after test and recalculation if relevant)
Braking performance in emergency brake for normal and Deceleration profile (deceleration = F(speed))
degraded conditions (lowest performance for each on load Equivalent response time
Additional brake systems installed 4.2.4 Regenerative brake, magnetic track brake, eddy current track brake
Internal air quality/emergency ventilation The duration the forced ventilation is able to keep the carbon
dioxide level below 10 000 ppm
(registration only required if ventilation is ensured through battery
Power supply The system voltage and frequency the rolling stock is designed for
Maximum current The maximum current the rolling stock is limited to draw
Maximum current at standstill for DC systems The maximum current at standstill per pantograph
(if higher than what is specified in clause 4.2.6 of the CR ENE TSI)
Energy consumption measuring function The presence of a measuring unit (yes/no)
Type of Pantograph The type(s) of pantograph head geometry the rolling stock is
equipped with
5.1. Definition
According to Article 2(f) of Directive 2008/57/EC, the interoperability constituents are ‘any elementary
component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or
intended to be incorporated into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the trans-European
conventional rail system depends on directly or indirectly.’
The concept of a ‘constituent’ covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software.
— Whose specification refers to a requirement defined in Section 4.2 of this TSI. The reference to the
relevant clause of the Section 4.2 is given in Section 5.3; it defines how the interoperability of the
trans-European conventional rail system depends on the particular constituent.
When a requirement is identified in Section 5.3 as being assessed at IC level, an assessment for the
same requirement at subsystem level is not required.
— Whose specification may need additional requirements, such as interface requirements; these additional
requirements are also specified in Section 5.3.
— And whose assessment procedure, independently of the related subsystem is described in Section 6.1
The area of use of an interoperability constituent shall be stated and demonstrated as described for each of
them in Section 5.3.
A rescue coupler shall comply with the requirements expressed in clause of this TSI. These
requirements shall be assessed at IC level.
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5.3.2. Wheels
A wheel shall be designed and assessed for an area of use defined by:
— mechanical characteristics: maximum vertical static force, maximum speed and service life,
A wheel shall comply with the requirements on geometrical, mechanical and thermo mechanical char
acteristics defined in clause; these requirements shall be assessed at IC level.
Note: The WSP is not considered as an IC for other types of brake system such as hydraulic, dynamic
and mixed braking systems, and this clause does not apply in that case.
A WSP system shall comply with the requirements related to the wheel slide protection system expressed in
clause of this TSI.
A head light shall comply with requirements concerning the colour and the luminous intensity defined in
clause These requirements shall be assessed at IC level.
A marker light shall comply with requirements concerning the colour and the luminous intensity defined in
clause These requirements shall be assessed at IC level.
A tail light shall comply with the requirements concerning the colour and the luminous intensity defined in
clause These requirements shall be assessed at IC level.
5.3.7. Horns
A horn is designed and assessed without any limitation concerning its area of use.
A horn shall comply with the requirements concerning the soundings of signals defined in clause
These requirements shall be assessed at IC level.
5.3.8. Pantograph
A pantograph shall be designed and assessed for an area of use defined by:
— one of the 2 gauges defined by the pantograph head geometry specified in clause,
— the maximum current at standstill per contact wire of the overhead contact line for DC systems,
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Note: The maximum current at standstill, as defined in clause, shall be compatible with the
value above, considering the characteristics of the overhead contact line (1 or 2 contact wires).
— the maximum operating speed: assessment of the maximum operating speed shall be performed as
defined in clause
The working range in height of pantograph specified in clause, the pantograph head geometry
specified in clause, the pantograph current capacity specified in clause, the
pantograph static contact force specified in clause and the dynamic behaviour of the
pantograph itself specified in clause shall also be assessed at IC level.
Contacts strips shall be designed and assessed for an area of use defined by:
In addition, for contact strips made of carbon or of impregnated carbon, a conformity assessment as
specified in clause shall be carried out.
— the current capacity, as defined in clause (maximum current) and in clause
(maximum fault current).
The tripping shall be immediate (no intentional delay) as specified in the Annex K of the CR ENE TSI
referred to in clause (maximum acceptable value are given in Note 2 of Annex K); it shall be
assessed at the IC level.
A toilet discharge connection shall comply with requirements concerning the dimensions as defined in
An inlet connection for water tanks shall comply with requirements concerning the dimensions as defined
in clause
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The assessment of conformity or suitability for use of an interoperability constituent shall be performed
according to the prescribed module(s) of that particular constituent specified in clause 6.1.2 of this TSI.
Module CA1 Internal production control plus product verification by individual examination
Module CA2 Internal production control plus product verification at random intervals
Module CD Conformity to type based on quality management system of the production process
Module CH1 Conformity based on full quality management system plus design examination
Where a particular procedure shall be used for the assessment, in addition to the requirements expressed in
the clause 4.2 of this TSI, this is specified in the clause below.
Notified bodies eligible to assess the interoperability constituents specified in this TSI shall be authorised to
assess the conventional rail rolling stock subsystem and/or the pantograph.
(*) Modules CA1, CA2 or CH may be used only in the case of products placed on the market, and therefore developed, before the entry into force of this TSI, provided that
the manufacturer demonstrates to the notified body that design review and type examination were performed for previous applications under comparable conditions, and
are in conformity with the requirements of this TSI; this demonstration shall be documented, and is considered as providing the same level of proof as module CB or
design examination according to module CH1.
The luminous intensity of headlamps shall be tested in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007 clause 6.2.
The luminous intensity of marker lamps shall be tested in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, clause 6.2.
The luminous intensity of tail lamps shall be tested in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, clause 6.2.
— the pantograph shall apply a static contact force as defined in clause 7.1 of EN 50367:2006,
and the temperature of the contact point monitored continuously during a test of 30 minutes shall not
exceed the values given in clause 5.1.2 of EN 50119:2009.
For all pantographs, the static contact force shall be verified in accordance with clause 6.3.1 of EN 50206-
The dynamic behaviour of the pantograph regarding current collection shall be assessed by simulation
according to EN50318:2002.
The simulations shall be made using at least two different TSI compliant (1) types of overhead contact line
for the appropriate speed (2) and supply system, up to the design speed of the proposed Interoperability
Constituent pantograph.
L 139/94 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
It is permitted to perform the simulation using types of overhead contact line that are under the process of
IC certification, provided that they fulfil the other requirements of CR ENE TSI.
The simulated current collection quality shall be in accordance with clause for uplift, mean
contact force and standard deviation for each of the overhead contact lines.
If the simulation results are acceptable, a site dynamic test shall be made using a representative section of
one of the two types of overhead contact line used in the simulation.
The tested pantograph shall be mounted on a rolling stock producing a mean contact force within the
upper and lower limits as required by clause up to the design speed of the pantograph. The tests
shall be conducted in both directions of travel and shall include track sections with low contact wire height
(defined as between 5,0 to 5,3 m) and track sections with high contact wire height (defined as between 5,5
to 5,75 m).
The tests shall be performed for a minimum of 3 speed increments up to and including the design speed of
the tested pantograph.
The measured current collection quality shall be in accordance with clause for uplift, and either
mean contact force and standard deviation or percentage of arcing.
If all the assessments above are passed successfully, the tested pantograph design shall be considered as
compliant to the TSI regarding quality of current collection.
For the use of a pantograph holding an EC declaration of verification on various designs of rolling stock,
additional tests required at rolling stock level regarding quality of current collection are specified in clause
(1) i.e. overhead contact lines holding a declaration as an interoperability constituent according to CR or HS TSIs.
(2) i.e. the speed of the two types of overhead contact line shall be at least equal to the design speed of the simulated
— Type test: test to verify the design, if and as defined in the Section 4.2.
The entity in charge of the assessment of the routine tests is determined according to the assessment
module chosen.
The Annex H is structured according to the Section 4.2; the requirements and their assessment applicable
to the interoperability constituents are identified in the Section 5.3 by reference to certain clauses of the
Section 4.2; where relevant, a reference to a sub-clause of the clause above is also given.
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In case the analysis results in a favourable opinion, the appropriate functional and interface specifications as
well as the assessment method which are necessary to be included in the TSI in order to allow the use of
this constituent will be developed.
The appropriate functional and interface specifications and the assessment methods so produced shall be
incorporated in the TSI by the revision process.
By the notification of a decision of the Commission, taken in accordance with Article 29 of Directive
2008/57/EC, the innovative solution may be permitted to be used before being incorporated into the TSI
by the revision process.
6.1.4. Constituent requiring EC declarations against the HS RST TSI and against this TSI
This clause covers the case of an interoperability constituent subject to assessment against this TSI, and:
— which has already been granted an EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use against the HS
The parameters specifying the interoperability constituents which are covered in both TSIs, and are equally
specified, are identified in the clause 6.2.5 of this TSI.
In that case, the interoperability constituents do not need to be reassessed according to this TSI; the
assessment performed against the HS RST TSI is deemed to be recognised as valid for both TSIs.
— head lights,
— marker lights,
— tail lights,
— horn,
— pantograph, provided that the condition stipulated in the clause 6.2.5 is met,
The EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use to this TSI may refer to the EC declaration of
conformity or suitability for use to the HS RST TSI for the interoperability constituents listed above.
— wheels,
Prior to commencing in-service tests, a suitable module (CB or CH) shall be used to certify the design of the
L 139/96 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
The EC verification process of a RST unit shall be performed according to one or a combination of the
following modules, as defined in clause 6.2.2 of this TSI.
Module SH1 EC verification based on full quality management system plus design exam
Where a particular procedure shall be used for the assessment, in addition to the requirements expressed in
the clause 4.2 of this TSI, this is specified in the clause below.
When a first step assessment covering the design stage or the design and production stages is applied for
by the applicant, the notified body of his choice shall issue the intermediate statement verification (ISV) and
the EC declaration of intermediate subsystem conformity shall been drawn up.
(SB + SD) or (SB + SF) or (SH1) for each concerned subsystem (or part of subsystem).
The assessment shall then be performed according to the combination of modules chosen.
Where several EC verifications (e.g. against several TSIs addressing the same subsystem) require verification
based on the same production assessment (module SD or SF), it is allowed to combine several SB module
assessments with one production module assessment (SD or SF). In this case, ISVs shall be issued for the
design and development phases according to module SB.
If module SB is used, the validity of the type examination certificate shall be indicated in accordance with
the provisions for phase B of clause 7.1.3 ‘Rules related to EC verification’, of this TSI.
— The scope of this assessment shall be strictly limited to the rolling stock design, considering that
operation, test and maintenance are performed according to the rules defined by the applicant (as
described in the technical file).
Note: When defining the test and maintenance requirements, the safety level to be met has to be taken
into account by the applicant (consistency); the demonstration of compliance covers also test and
maintenance requirements.
— All assumptions considered for the mission profile shall be clearly documented in the demonstration.
The compliance with the requirement specified for the hazards No 1 and No 2 of the table 6 in clause shall be demonstrated by one of the two following methods:
1. Application of a harmonised criterion expressed in a tolerable hazard rate of 10-9 per hour.
This criterion is in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 352/2009 (hereafter called ‘CSM on RA’) Annex
I, clauses 2.5.4.
The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the harmonised criterion by applying Annex I-3 of the
CSM on RA. The following principles may be used for the demonstration: similarity with reference
system(s); application of codes of practice; application of the probabilistic approach.
The applicant shall designate the assessment body supporting the demonstration he will provide:
notified body selected for the RST subsystem or assessment body as defined in the CSM on RA.
The assessment shall be documented in the EC certificate issued by the notified body, or in the EC
declaration of verification issued by the applicant.
The EC declaration of verification shall mention the compliance to this criterion, and shall be recognised
in all Member States.
In the case of additional authorisations for placing in service of vehicles, the Article 23(1) of Directive
2008/57/EC applies.
2. Application of a risk evaluation and assessment in accordance with the CSM on RA.
The applicant shall designate the assessment body supporting the demonstration he will provide, as
defined in the CSM on RA.
A safety assessment report shall be provided documenting the risk evaluation and assessment which has
been performed; the report shall include:
— risk analysis,
— risk acceptance principle, risk acceptance criterion and safety measures to be implemented,
— demonstration of compliance with the risk acceptance criterion and with the safety measures to be
The safety assessment report shall be taken into account by the national safety authority in the
concerned Member State, in accordance with Section 2.5.6 of Annex I and Article 7(2) of the CSM
on RA.
In the case of additional authorisations for placing in service of vehicles, Article 7(4) of the CSM on RA
applies for the recognition of the safety assessment report in other Member States.
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Tests shall be carried out on dry rails at the following initial speeds (if lower than the maximum speed): 30
km/h; 80 km/h; 120 km/h; 140 km/h; 160 km/h; 200 km/h; maximum design speed of the unit.
Tests shall be carried out for the load conditions of the unit ‘design mass in working order’ and ‘design
mass under normal payload’ (as defined in clause
Test results shall be evaluated by a methodology that takes into account the following aspects:
— repeatability of the test: in order to validate a test result, the test is repeated several times; the absolute
difference between results and the standard deviation are evaluated.
Tests shall be carried out on dry rail at the initial speed equal to the maximum design speed of the unit, the
load condition of the unit being one of those defined in the clause
Test results shall be evaluated by a methodology that takes into account the following aspects:
— repeatability of the test: in order to validate a test result, the test is repeated several times; the absolute
difference between results and the standard deviation are evaluated.
— The results of the in-service tests were obtained on types of equipment which have an identical
treatment method.
— The conditions of test are similar as the ones that may be assumed for the unit under assessment, with
regard to loading volumes, environmental conditions, and all other parameters which will influence the
efficiency and effectiveness of the treatment process.
If suitable in-service testing results are lacking, type tests shall be performed. Maximum power and current from the overhead contact line (clause
Conformity assessment shall be carried out in accordance with clause 14.3 of EN 50388:2005.
The tests, for each installed pantograph, shall be conducted in both directions of travel and shall include
track sections with low contact wire height (defined as between 5,0 to 5,3 m) and track sections with high
contact wire height (defined as between 5,5 to 5,75 m).
The tests shall be performed for a minimum of 3 speed increments up to and including the design speed of
the unit. The interval between successive tests shall be no greater than 50 km/h.
The measured results shall be in accordance with the clause for either mean contact force and
standard deviation or percentage of arcing.
— Type test: test to verify the design, if and as defined in the Section 4.2.
The entity in charge of the assessment of the routine tests is determined according to the assessment
module chosen.
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The Annex H is structured according to the Section 4.2, which defines the requirements and their
assessment applicable to the rolling stock subsystem; where relevant, a reference to a sub-clause of the
clause above is also given.
In particular, where a type test is identified in the Annex H, the Section 4.2 shall be considered for the
conditions and requirements related to this test.
Where several EC verifications (e.g. against several TSIs addressing the same subsystem) require verification
based on the same production assessment (module SD or SF), it is allowed to combine several SB module
assessments with one production module assessment (SD or SF). In this case, ISVs shall be issued for the
design and development phases according to module SB.
If module SB is used, the validity of the EC declaration of intermediate subsystem conformity shall be
indicated in accordance with the provisions for phase B of clause 7.1.3 ‘Rules related to the EC verification’,
of this TSI.
In case the analysis results in a favourable opinion, the appropriate functional and interface specifications as
well as the assessment methods which are necessary to be included in the TSI in order to allow this
solution will be developed.
The appropriate functional and interface specifications and the assessment methods so produced shall then
be incorporated in the TSI by the revision process.
By the notification of a decision of the Commission, taken in accordance with Article 29 of Directive
2008/57/EC, the innovative solution may be permitted to be used before being incorporated into the TSI
by the revision process.
The notified body shall verify only that the documentation requested for operation and maintenance, as
defined in clause 4.2.12 of this TSI, is provided. The notified body is not required to verify the information
contained in the documentation provided.
6.2.5. Units requiring EC certificates against the HS RST TSI and against this TSI
This clause covers the case of a unit type subject to assessment against this TSI, and:
— which has already been granted an EC certificate of verification against the HS RST TSI.
The parameters which are covered in both TSIs, and are equally specified, are listed in the table below;
these parameters do not need to be reassessed by the notified body appointed to perform the assessment
according to this TSI; the assessment performed against the HS RST TSI is deemed to be recognised as valid
for both TSIs.
The EC certificate of verification drawn up by the notified body to document the compliance of the unit
type to this TSI may refer to the EC certificate of verification stating the compliance to the HS RST TSI for
the following clauses of this TSI, provided that the condition stated below for the corresponding clause is
Running dynamic behaviour Assessment has to include tests at operating speed on
the CR network
Equivalent conicity: Design values for new wheel Simulations have to be performed for the 3 additional
profiles rail profiles specified in the CR LOC & PAS TSI
Braking 4.2.4
Emergency braking performance Assessment has to include tests at operating speed on
the CR network
Service braking performance Assessment has to include tests at operating speed on
the CR network
Requirements linked to pantograph to 3.8 Assessment has to include tests at operating speed on
the CR network
Servicing 4.2.11
The area of use in terms of type of RST which, coupled with the unit to be assessed, ensures that the train
is compliant with the TSI is not verified by the notified body.
After such a unit has received the authorisation to be placed in service, its use in a train formation (whether
TSI compliant or not) shall be dealt with under the responsibility of the Railway Undertaking, according to
the rules defined in clause of the CR OPE TSI.
TSI requirements at train level shall be assessed with use of a reference train formation when and as
specified in this TSI.
After such a unit has received the authorisation to be placed in service, it may be coupled with other units
to constitute the formations mentioned in the EC certificate of verification.
6.2.8. Particular case: Assessment of units intended to be included in an existing fixed formation Context
This particular case of assessment applies in case of replacement of a part of a fixed formation, which has
already been placed in service.
Two cases are described below, depending on the TSI status of the fixed formation.
The part of the fixed formation subject to the assessment is called ‘unit’ in the text below.
During the transition period provided for in Article 6 of the Commission decision related to this TSI, a
notified body is permitted to issue an EC certificate of verification for a subsystem, even if some of the
interoperability constituents incorporated within the subsystem are not covered by the relevant EC declar
ations of conformity or suitability for use according to this TSI (non-certified ICs), if the following criteria
are complied with:
(a) the conformity of the subsystem has been checked against the requirements of Section 4 and in relation
to Sections 6.2 to 7(except ‘Specific cases’) of this TSI by the notified body. Furthermore the conformity
of the ICs to Sections 5 and 6.1 does not apply; and
(b) the interoperability constituents, which are not covered by the relevant EC declaration of conformity or
suitability for use, have been used in a subsystem already approved and put in service in at least one of
the Member States before the date of application of this TSI.
EC declarations of conformity or suitability for use shall not be drawn up for the interoperability
constituents assessed in this manner.
6.3.2. Documentation
The EC certificate of verification of the subsystem shall indicate clearly which interoperability constituents
have been assessed by the notified body as part of the subsystem verification.
(a) which interoperability constituents have been assessed as part of the subsystem;
(b) confirmation that the subsystem contains the interoperability constituents identical to those verified as
part of the subsystem;
(c) for those interoperability constituents, the reason(s) why the manufacturer did not provide an EC
declaration of conformity or suitability for use before its incorporation into the subsystem, including
the application of national rules notified under Article 17 of Directive 2008/57/EC.
In any case the ECM must ensure that the components for maintenance related replacements are suitable
for their applications, are used within their area of use, and enable interoperability to be achieved within
the rail system while at the same time meeting the essential requirements. Such components must be
traceable and certified in accordance with any national or international rule, or any code of practice widely
acknowledged in the railway domain.
7.1 General rules for implementation
7.1.1. Application to newly built rolling stock General
This TSI is applicable to all units of rolling stock in its scope which are placed in service after the date of
application of this TSI, except where the clause ‘Transition period’ or the clause ‘Application
to OTMs’ below apply.
This TSI does not apply to units of existing rolling stock which are already in service on the network (or
part of the network) of one Member State when this Decision applies, as long as they are not upgraded or
renewed (see clause 7.1.2).
Any rolling stock which is produced according to a design developed after the date of application of this
Decision shall be compliant with this TSI.
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As it is provided in Article 2(2) of this Decision, for the rolling stock concerned by that projects or
contracts, and in accordance with Article 5(3-f) of Directive 2008/57/EC, a transition period is defined,
during which the application of this TSI is not mandatory if that rolling stock is placed in service before the
end date of the transition period. The end date of that transition period is stipulated in Article 2(2) of the
Commission Decision related to this TSI.
During the transition period, if the applicant chooses not to apply this TSI, the vehicle may be authorised
to be placed in service in accordance with Articles 24 (first authorisation) or 25 (additional authorisation)
of Directive 2008/57/EC, instead of Articles 22 or 23.
Any rolling stock placed in service after the end date of the transition period described in this clause shall
fully comply with this TSI without prejudice to Article 9 of Directive 2008/57/EC which allows Member
States to request derogations under the conditions set out in that Article.
The application of this TSI to rolling stock which falls under this clause is not mandatory during the
transition period set out in clause, if that rolling stock is placed in service before the end of the
transition period, as it is provided in Article 2(2) of this Decision.
The applicant has to bring evidence of the date of signature of the original contract applicable. The date of
any addenda in the form of changes to an original contract shall not be taken into account when defining
the date of signature of the contract in question.
The application of this TSI to rolling stock which falls under this clause is not mandatory during the
transition period set out in clause, if that rolling stock is placed in service before the end of the
transition period, as it is provided in Article 2(2) of this Decision.
The application of this TSI to rolling stock which falls under this clause is not mandatory during the
transition period set out in clause, if that rolling stock is placed in service before the end of the
transitional period, as it is provided in Article 2(2).
For the purpose of this TSI, a rolling stock can be qualified as ‘built according to existing design’ when one
of the two following conditions is met:
— For ordering, or placing in service of rolling stock: the applicant can prove that the newly built rolling
stock will be produced according to a documented design that has already been used to produce a
rolling stock which has been authorised to be placed into service in a Member State before the date of
publication of this TSI in the Official Journal of the European Union.
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— For rolling stock of a type which is not produced under a contract, but on the manufacturer’s initiative:
the manufacturer or the applicant can prove that the project was in pre-production phase, or in series
production at the date of publication of this TSI. In order to prove this, at least one prototype shall be
in assembly phase with an existing identifiable body shell, and components already ordered from sub-
suppliers shall represent 90 % of the total value of components.
The applicant shall demonstrate to the NSA that the conditions spelled out under the respective bullet
point in this clause (depending on the situation at hand) are met.
For modifications to an existing design (not TSI compliant), the following rules apply during the transition
— In case of design modifications strictly limited to those necessary to ensure the technical compatibility
of the rolling stock with fixed installations (corresponding to interfaces with infrastructure, energy, or
control-command and signalling subsystems), the application of this TSI is not mandatory; the vehicle
produced according to the ‘modified’ design may be authorised in accordance with Article 24 or 25 of
Directive 2008/57/EC.
— In case of other design modifications, the present clause related to ‘existing design’ does not apply;
therefore, as the design is considered as a new one, the application of this TSI is required.
The conformity assessment process as described in the Section 6.2.1 may be used by applicants on a
voluntary basis in order to establish an EC declaration of verification; this EC declaration of verification
shall be recognised as such by Member States.
In case the applicant chooses not to establish an EC declaration of verification, the OTMs may be auth
orised in accordance with Article 24 or 25 of Directive 2008/57/EC.
In order to prevent misunderstanding between the implementation rules of these other TSIs and the
implementation rules of the present CR LOC & PAS TSI, the following applies in case these other TSIs
are referenced in the present TSI:
— Where an informative reference is made as a clarification for the reader of this CR LOC & PAS TSI, the
implementation rules of the other TSI applies (e.g. when pointing at a provision of the PRM TSI, SRT
TSI or the NOISE TSI as a reminder).
— Where a mandatory reference is made to avoid repeating the paragraph of another TSI (e.g. by
extending a provision of the HS RST TSI or of the SRT TSI to this CR LOC & PAS TSI), the
reference is a requirement of this CR LOC & PAS TSI and it is the implementation strategy of this
CR LOC & PAS TSI that applies. Renewal
The Member State shall use the following principles as a basis for determining the application of this TSI in
case of renewal:
— A new assessment against the requirements of this TSI is only needed for the basic parameters in this
TSI which have their performance influenced by the modification(s).
— For existing non-TSI compliant rolling stock, when during the renewal it is not economically feasible to
fulfil the TSI requirement, the renewal could be accepted if it is evident that a basic parameter is
improved in the direction of the TSI defined performance.
— The impact of national migration strategies resulting from the implementation of other TSIs.
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For a project including elements not being TSI conform, the procedures for the assessment of conformity
and EC verification to be applied should be agreed with the Member State.
For existing non-TSI compliant design of rolling stock, the replacement of a whole unit or (a) vehicle(s)
within a unit (e.g. a replacement after a severe damage; see also clause 6.2.8) does not require a conformity
assessment against this TSI, as long as the unit or the vehicle(s) are identical to the ones they replace. Such
units must be traceable and certified in accordance with any national or international rule, or any code of
practice widely acknowledged in the railway domain.
For the replacement of TSI conform units or vehicles, a conformity assessment against this TSI is required. Upgrade
The Member State shall use the following principles as a basis for determining the application of this TSI in
case of upgrade:
— Parts and basic parameters of the subsystem that have not been affected by the upgrading works are
exempt from conformity assessment against the provisions in this TSI.
— A new assessment against the requirements of this TSI is only needed for the basic parameters in this
TSI which have their performance influenced by the modification(s).
— When during the upgrade it is not economically feasible to fulfil the TSI requirement, the upgrade could
be accepted if it is evident that a basic parameter is improved in the direction of the TSI defined
— Guidance to the Member State for those modifications that are deemed to be upgrades is given in the
application guide.
— The impact of national migration strategies resulting from the implementation of other TSIs.
For a project including elements not being TSI conform, the procedures for the assessment of conformity
and EC verification to be applied should be agreed with the Member State.
The TSI assessment basis for a ‘type or design examination’ is defined in columns 2 and 3 (design and
development phase) of Annex H of this TSI.
Phase A
Phase A starts once a notified body, which is responsible for EC verification, is appointed by the applicant
and ends when the EC type examination certificate is issued.
The TSI assessment basis for a type is defined for a phase A period, with a duration of maximum seven
years. During the phase A period the assessment basis for EC verification to be used by the notified body
will not change.
When a revised version of this TSI comes into force during the phase A period, it is permissible but not
mandatory to use the revised version.
Phase B
The phase B period defines the period of validity of the type examination certificate once it is issued by the
notified body. During this time, units may be EC certified on the basis of conformity to type.
The type examination certificate of EC verification for the subsystem is valid for a seven year phase B
period after its issue date, even if a revision of this TSI comes into force. During this time, new rolling
stock of the same type is permitted to be placed in service on the basis of an EC declaration of verification
referring to the type certificate of verification.
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— The changes are permitted to be dealt with by only reassessing those modifications which influence the
basic parameters of the latest revision of this TSI in force at that time.
— In order to establish the certificate of EC verification, the notified body is permitted to refer to:
— the original type or design examination certificate for parts of the design that are unchanged, as far
as it is still valid (during 7 years phase B period),
— additional type or design examination certificate (amending the original certificate) for modified
parts of the design which influence the basic parameters of the latest revision of this TSI in force at
that time.
The type or design examination or suitability for use certificate is valid for a five year period. During this
time, new constituents of the same type are permitted to be placed into service without a new type
assessment. Before the end of the five-year period, the constituent shall be assessed according to the
latest revision of this TSI in force at that time, for those requirements that have changed or are new in
comparison to the certification basis.
Following this, the implementation methods and phases concerning rolling stock depend on the progress
of implementation of the conventional rail infrastructure, energy, control-command and signalling TSIs.
Furthermore, TSIs covering the conventional rail fixed installations allow for variants.
For rolling stock, these variants will be part of the technical characteristics to be recorded in the ‘European
register of authorised types of vehicles’, according to Article 34 of Directive 2008/57/EC.
For infrastructure, they will be part of the main features recorded in the ‘Register of infrastructure’,
according to Article 35 of Directive 2008/57/EC.
The specific cases, as listed in the following clause, describe special provisions that are needed and auth
orised on particular networks of each Member State.
‘T’ cases: ‘temporary’ cases, where it is recommended that the target system is reached by 2020 (an
objective set in Decision No 1692/96/EC, as amended by Decision 884/2004/EC of the European
Parliament and Council (1)).
Any specific case applicable to the rolling stock in the scope of this TSI shall be addressed in this TSI.
Certain specific cases are in interface to other TSIs. Where a clause in this TSI refers to another TSI to
which a specific case is applicable, or where a specific case is applicable to the rolling stock as a
consequence of a specific case declared in another TSI, these are re-stated in this TSI.
Moreover, some specific cases do not prevent the access to the national network to TSI compliant rolling
stock. In that case, it is explicitly stated in the concerned section of the clause 7.3.2 below.
Specific case Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia for 1 520 mm networks
(‘P’) The application of the TSI to rolling stock intended to be used on 1 520 mm networks is an open
Bilateral traffic with 3rd country 1 520 mm network: Specific case Finland
(‘P’) The application of national technical rules instead of the requirements in this TSI is allowed for third
countries’ rolling stock to be used on the Finnish 1 524 network in traffic between Finland and 3rd
countries 1 520 network.
Note: See also the specific case ‘Wheelsets’ for track gauge.
Note: See also the specific case ‘Wheelsets’ for track gauge.
This specific case does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock to the national network.
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With respect to kinematic gauge, the assessment of compliance shall be in accordance with the method
ologies set out in notified national technical rules.
For upgraded and renewed lines, pantographs of vehicles used in Great Britain shall remain within the
gauge defined in notified national technical rules.
This specific case does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock to the national network.
Note: The compatibility between the infrastructure and the NL1 and NL2 gauges for rolling stock must be
checked since not all lines are compliant to both gauges.
Note: See also the specific case ‘Wheelsets’ for track gauge.
The dimensions in clauses 5.1 and 5.2 of EN 15437-1:2009 are replaced respectively by the following
dimensions. There are two different target areas (I and II) including their prohibitive and measuring zones
— YTA = 1 176 ± 10 mm (lateral position of the centre of the target area relative to the centre line of the
— YPZ = 1 176 ± 10 mm (lateral position of the centre of the prohibitive zone relative to the centre line
of the vehicle)
— YTA = 1 000 mm (lateral position of the centre of the target area relative to the centre line of the
— YPZ = 1 000 mm (lateral position of the centre of the prohibitive zone relative to the centre line of the
The zone visible to trackside equipment underside an axle box/journal shall be free to facilitate vertical
— the lateral interval 842 to 882 mm relative to the centre of a pair of wheels,
L 139/112 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
— a minimum unbroken width of 40 mm within a minimum lateral distance relative to the centre of a
pair of wheels of 865 mm and a maximum lateral distance relative to the centre of a pair of wheels of
945 mm.
Prohibitive area:
Within a longitudinal length of 500 mm, centrally situated to the centre line of the wheel axle, no part or
component with a higher temperature than the axle box/journal shall be placed nearer than 10 mm to the
lateral intervals.
This adaptation must fulfil IE-CME technical standard 302 or the applicable technical rule in the UK
territory of Northern Ireland.
This applies to: Safety against derailment running on twisted track, Running dynamic
behaviour, Limit values for running safety. Track loading limit values,
Equivalent conicity, Design values for new wheel profiles, In-service values of
wheelset equivalent conicity.
Otherwise all other principles contained in the section and in EN14363 and other standards referred to
shall follow the approach defined in this TSI.
This specific case does not prevent the access to the national network to TSI compliant rolling stock.
Table 2
Equivalent conicity design limit values
≤ 60 N/A N/A
Table 3
Track test conditions for equivalent conicity representative of the Finnish TEN network
condition Rail head profile Rail inclination Track gauge
The requirements of this clause are deemed to have been met by wheelsets having unworn S1002 or GV
1/40 profiles, as defined in EN13715:2006, with spacing of active faces between 1 505 mm and
1 511 mm.
Table 2
Equivalent conicity design limit values
≤ 60 N/A N/A
Table 3
Track test conditions for equivalent conicity
condition Rail head profile Rail inclination Track gauge
The requirements of this clause are deemed to have been met by wheelsets having unworn S1002 or GV
1/40 profiles, as defined in prEN13715:2006 with spacing of active faces between 1 653 mm and
1 659 mm.
L 139/114 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
The dimensions for wheelsets and wheels related to 1 524 mm track gauges are given in the following
Minimum Maximum
Wheel diameter D Nominal value
Designation value value
(mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
Back to back distance (AR) D > 725 1 445 +/– 1 1 442 1 448
Minimum Maximum
Wheel diameter D Nominal value
Designation value value
(mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
(‘P’) For rolling stock to be used in traffic between Finnish 1 524 network and a third country 1 520
network it is allowed to use special wheelsets designed to accommodate the differences in track gauges.
For the nominal track gauge (1 668 mm), the specifics values for Ar and Sr of Portuguese rail network are:
— Sh ≤ 36 (mm)
(‘T’) Thickness of the flange (Sd) shall be 25 mm minimum for wheel diameters > 840 mm and 27,5 mm
for wheel diameters between 330 mm and 840 mm for vehicles intended to circulate on 1 668 mm track
This applies to the clauses: Wheelsets, Mechanical and geometrical characteristics of
wheelsets, Mechanical and geometrical characteristics of wheels.
This specific case does not prevent the access to the national network to TSI compliant rolling stock.
Rolling stock running in the open air at a maximum operating speed vtr > 160 km/h (100 mile/h), shall
not cause the air speed to exceed value u2σ = 11,5 m/s at a height of 1,2 m above the platform and at a
distance of 3,0 m from the track centre, during the passage of rolling stock.
Conformity shall be assessed on the basis of full-scale tests under conditions specified in EN 14067-
4:2005/A1:2009 clause 7.5.2. The measurements shall be performed on a platform of a height above
top of rail of 915 mm or lower.
This specific case does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock to the national network.
L 139/116 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
Rolling stock running with a speed higher than 160 km/h in the open air shall not cause the maximum
peak-to-peak pressure of changes to exceed a value Δp2σ of 665 Pa as measured over the range of height
between 1,5 m and 3,3 m above the top of rail, and at a distance of 2,5 m from the track centre, during
the passage of the head.
Trains intended for international use shall be compliant with the horn sound pressure levels as stipulated in
this TSI.
This specific case does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock to the national network.
Pantographs shall have a working range of 2 100 mm. When mounted on an electric unit, the pantograph
shall operate between 4 140 mm (the lower operating position, ref. EN50206-1, 3.2.13) and 6 240 mm
(the upper operating position, ref. EN50206-1, 3.2.13) above rail level.
In exceptional topographical circumstances where electrical clearances are limited by physical restrictions,
and a reduced maximum rolling-stock (static) height of 3 775 mm applies, pantographs on these vehicles
shall have a working range of 2 315 mm. When mounted on an electric unit, the pantograph shall operate
between 3 925 mm (the lower operating position, ref. EN50206-1, 3.2.13) and 6 240 mm (the upper
operating position, ref. EN50206-1, 3.2.13) above rail level.
In order to maintain compatibility with the existing infrastructure the profile of the pantograph head shall
be as depicted in EN 50367:2006, Annex B.7.
In order to maintain compatibility with requirements for running through phase or system separation
sections, pantograph heads shall have a maximum along track width of 250 mm, unless permitted by
arrangements set out in the Infrastructure Register.
On trains which are intended for national use only and traversing both lines compatible with pantograph
heads geometry of lengths 1 600 mm and 1 450 mm, it is allowed to install only pantographs with head
geometry of length 1 450 mm.
(‘P’) Trains intended to be operated in Italy and Switzerland, or on other lines outside the TEN with
catenary systems only compatible with 1 450 mm pantographs, shall be provided with 1 450 mm wide
pantographs heads. On these trains it is allowed to install only pantographs with head geometry of length
1 450 mm as long as they only traverse lines compatible with pantograph heads geometry of length
1 450 mm.
The profile of this pantograph head shall be as depicted in EN 50367:2006, Annex B.2.
The profile of this pantograph head shall be as depicted in EN 50367:2006, Annex B.2.
The gauge of the pantograph shall fulfil requirements according Swedish technical specifications JVS-FS
2006:1 and BVS 543.330.
— on lines with catenary system only compatible with pantographs head geometry of length 1 450 mm,
pantographs with head geometry of length 1 450 mm shall be installed, and it is allowed to install only
pantographs with head geometry 1 450 mm,
L 139/118 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
— on lines with catenary system compatible with pantographs head geometry of length 1 450 mm and
1 600 mm, it is allowed to install only pantographs with head geometry 1 450 mm as long as they
only traverse lines compatible with pantograph heads geometry of length 1 450 mm.
The profile of this pantograph head shall be as depicted in EN 50367:2006, Annex B.2.
The conformity assessment principles of the current quality collection are described in clause 4.2.16 of the
CR energy TSI.
For the purposes of clauses, and, on trains intended to be certified for use
in Great Britain and elsewhere, the tests shall additionally be conducted at a wire height between
4 700 mm and 4 900 mm.
For the purposes of clauses, and, on trains intended to be certified only for
use in Great Britain, it is permissible to verify compliance only within the range of 4 700 mm to
4 900 mm contact wire height.
The mean contact force of the pantograph shall fulfil requirements according Swedish technical specifi
cations JVS-FS 2006:1 and BVS 543.330.
The driver’s cab shall be designed to allow the driver at his seated driving position a clear and unobstructed
line of sight in order to distinguish fixed signals in accordance with the national technical rule, GM/RT2161
‘Requirements for driving cabs of railway vehicles’.
This specific case does not prevent the access to the national network to TSI compliant rolling stock. Interfaces for water refilling ( and toilet discharge (
Specific case Republic of Ireland and UK for Northern Ireland
(‘P’) Alternatively to, or in addition to what is specified in clause of this TSI, it is allowed to install
a nozzle type water refilling interface. This nozzle type refilling interface must fulfil the requirements of IE-
CME technical standard 307, Appendix 1 or the applicable technical rule in the UK territory of Northern
This specific case does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock to the national network.
This specific case does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock to the national network.
Figure AII1
The water filling adaptor
Specific definition in the standard SFS 3802 (sealing defined by each connector manufacturer
(‘P’) Alternatively to, or in addition to what is specified in clause, it is allowed to install
connections for toilet discharge and for rinsing of the sanitary discharge tanks, compatible with the
track side installations on the Finnish network in accordance with figures AI1 and AI2.
This specific case does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock to the national network.
L 139/120 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
Figure AI1
Figure AI2
This specific case does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock to the national network.
— Snow, ice and hail severe conditions as specified in clause, excluding the scenario ‘Snowdrift’
shall be selected.
— Regarding humidity, the requirements as specified in clause shall be met with the exception of
maximum temperature variation taken into consideration, which shall be equal to 60 K.
— Regarding the braking system, requirements of braking performance of this TSI shall be proved to be
available for winter-time conditions.
— at least one bogie is equipped with a magnetic track brake for trainset or passenger coach of
nominal speed exceeding 140 km/h,
— all bogies are equipped with a magnetic track brake for trainset or passenger coach of nominal
speed exceeding 180 km/h.
— Snow, ice and hail severe conditions as specified in clause shall be selected.
L 139/122 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
— the additional capability of the obstacle deflector to remove snow as specified for snow, ice and hail
severe conditions in clause shall be provided, and
Note: The relevant EN standard under drafting process will define particular provisions for the conformity
assessment of rolling stock (design and test) to the zone T3, in particular for safety related equipment
mounted on the roof or mounted under the train and affected by ‘hot ballast effect’.
7.5. Aspects that have to be considered in the revision process or in other activities of the Agency
Further to the analysis performed during the drafting process of this TSI, particular aspects have being
identified as of interest for the future development of the EU railway system.
1. Those already subject of a basic parameter in this TSI, with a possible evolution of the corresponding
specification when the TSI will be revised.
2. Those not considered in the current state of the art as basic parameter, but which are subject to research
3. Those relevant in the framework of on-going studies related to the EU railway system, which are not in
the scope of TSIs.
These aspects are identified below, classified according to the breakdown of the clause 4.2 of the TSI.
According to the CR INF TSI, the lines are classified as specified in the standard EN 15528:2008. This
standard specifies also a categorisation of railway vehicles, for freight wagons and particular types of
locomotives and passenger vehicles; it will be revised to cover all types of rolling stock.
When this revision will be available, it may be of interest to include in the EC certificate delivered by the
notified body the ‘design’ classification of the unit under assessment:
This aspect will have to be considered when revising this TSI, which already requires in its present version
to record all data necessary to determine these classifications.
It has to be noted that the requirement to the RU to define and control the operational load, as specified in
the clause of the CR OPE TSI will remain unchanged.
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/123
The limit values specified are applicable for axle loads in the range of those mentioned in the clause 4.2.2
of the CR INF TSI; for track designed for higher axle loads, harmonised track loading limits values are not
Regarding the quasi-static guiding force, in case the specified limit is exceeded, the operational performance
of the rolling stock (e.g. maximum speed) may be limited by the infrastructure, considering track char
acteristics (e.g. curve radius, cant, rail height).
The specification of these limit values may need to be complemented when revising this TSI.
Regarding the ‘quasi-static guiding force’, its value is required to be recording in the present revision of the
TSI; it will be included in the ‘European register of authorised types of vehicles’.
This speed threshold has been defined considering that the return of experience of train operated at higher
speed than 160 km/h in the environment of the conventional rail system is very limited.
The return of experience regarding the requirements themselves, and regarding their conformity assessment
is expected to increase significantly in the next years, further to the application of the HS RST TSI, and also
in the framework of European research projects (Aerotrain).
Therefore, it is planned when revising this TSI to review the requirements with 2 objectives:
— Ensure that they fit to the operational need of railway undertaking; for example, it may be of interest to
define how they may be used to define speed limitations in particular circumstances (train running
through a station, through a tunnel, crossing of trains …).
— Ensure that the conformity assessment can be performed with a good level of accuracy, with a limited
number of tests, and preferably by simulations.
7.5.2. Aspects not related to a basic parameter in this TSI but are subject to research projects Additional requirements for security reasons
The interior of vehicles interfacing with passengers and train crew should provide protection of the
occupants in the event of a collision by providing means of:
— minimising the risk of injury due to secondary impact with such furniture and interior fixtures and
Some EU research projects have been launched in 2006 to study the consequence of railway accidents
(collision, derailment …) on passengers, to evaluate in particular the risk and level of injuries; the objective
is to define requirements and corresponding conformity assessment procedures related to the railway
vehicles interior layouts and components.
This TSI already provides a number of specifications in order to cover such risks, for example, Sections,, and 4.2.5.
More recently, studies have been launched at Member State level and at European level (by the Commission
Joint Research Centre) regarding the protection of the passengers in the event of terrorist attack.
The Agency will follow these studies, and will consider their outcome to define if additional basic
parameters or requirements covering the risk of injuries of passengers in case of accident or terrorist
attack shall be recommended to the Commission. Where appropriate this TSI shall be amended.
L 139/124 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
Pending the revision of this TSI Member States may use national rules to cover such risks. In any case this
shall not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock operating across Member State borders onto
their national network.
7.5.3. Aspects relevant for the EU railway system but out of the scope of TSIs Track interaction (clause 4.2.3) — Flange or rail lubrication
During the drafting process of this TSI, it has been concluded that the ‘flange or rail lubrication’ is not a
basic parameter (no link to essential requirements as defined in the Directive).
Nevertheless, it appears that the actors of the railway sector (IMs, RUs, NSAs) need a support from the
Agency in order to move from the current practices to an approach that will ensure transparency and will
avoid any unjustified barrier to the circulation of rolling stock on the EU network.
To that end, the Agency has suggested to launch a study together with EIM, with the objective to clarify the
key technical and economic aspects of this function, considering the current situation:
— Lubrication may be provided by means of fixed installation designed by the infrastructure manager or
by means of onboard device to be provided by the railway undertaking.
— Environmental aspects have to be considered when releasing grease along the track.
In any case, it is planned to include in the ‘Infrastructure Register’ information on ‘flange or rail lubrication’,
and the ‘European register of authorised types of vehicles’ will mention if the rolling stock is fitted with
onboard flange lubrication. The study mentioned above will clarify operating rules.
In the meantime, Member States may continue to use national rules in order to cover this issue of the
vehicle-track interface. Those rules shall be made available either through notification to the Commission in
accordance with Article 17 of Directive 2008/57/EC or through the Infrastructure Register referred to in
Article 35 of the same Directive.
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/125
When buffers are fitted to a unit end, they shall be paired (i.e. symmetrical and opposite handed) and have the same
The height of the centre line of the buffers shall be between 980 mm and 1 065 mm above rail level in all loading
and wear conditions.
For car carriers under maximum load and locomotives, the minimum height of 940 mm is allowed.
The standard distance between buffer centrelines shall be nominally 1 750 mm ± 10 mm symmetrically about the
centreline of the vehicle. It is permitted for dual gauge units intended for running between standard gauge networks
and broad gauge networks to have a different value of the distance between buffer centrelines (e.g. 1 850 mm),
provided that full compatibility with buffers for standard 1 435 mm gauge is ensured.
Buffers shall be sized so that in horizontal curves and reverse curves, it is not possible for vehicles to lock buffers.
The minimum horizontal overlap between buffer heads in contact shall be 25 mm.
Assessment test:
The determination of the buffer size has to be made with two vehicles going through a S-curve of 190 m radius
without intermediate straight section (track gauge 1,458 m) and in a S-curve of 150 m radius with intermediate
straight section of at least 6 m (track gauge 1,470 m).
The height of the centre line of the draw hook shall be between 950 mm and 1 045 mm above rail level in all
loading and wear conditions.
For car carriers under maximum load and locomotives, the minimum height of 920 mm is allowed. The maximum
height difference of the hook centreline of the vehicle between ‘vehicle empty (design mass in working order) with
new wheels’ and ‘vehicle loaded (normal design payload) with fully worn wheels’ shall not exceed 85 mm for the
same vehicle. Assessment shall be done by calculation.
Each vehicle end shall have a facility for supporting a shackle when it is not in use. No part of the coupler assembly
shall reach below 140 mm above rail level in the lowest admissible position of the buffers.
— Screw coupling, draw hook and draw gear dimensions and characteristics shall be according to EN15566:2009.
— The maximum weight of the screw coupling shall not exceed 36 kg, not including the weight of the coupling
hook pin (item No 1 on figures 4 and 5 of EN15566:2009).
The distance between the front edge of a draw-hook opening and the front side of the fully extended buffers
shall be 355 mm + 45/– 20 mm in the new condition as shown in figure A1.
L 139/126 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
II Draw-hook opening
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Figure A2
Bern rectangle
I Top of rail
II Step
Note: The following data will be subject of an EN standard currently under drafting process.
B.1.1. Re-railing
Re-railing is the operation consisting in raising and translating a derailed railway vehicle in order to put it back on
rails. This operation is carried out at the site of the incident, by means of rescue equipment used by specialised
rescue teams.
B.1.2. Recovery
The process of clearing the railway line of a vehicle that has been immobilised as a result of collision, derailment,
accident or other incident.
Note: It is permitted to use these jacking/lifting points for other purposes (e.g. maintenance in workshops, etc.)
To this aim, suitable bodyshell interfaces shall be provided, which permit the application of vertical or quasi-
vertical forces.
Furthermore the vehicle shall be designed for complete lifting, including the running gear (e.g. by securing/
attaching the bogies to the bodyshell).
— Each jacking point and the structure surrounding it shall withstand without permanent deformation the forces
induced by raising the vehicle with the closest running gear secured to the bodyshell of the vehicle.
— Note: It is recommended to design jacking points so that they can be used as lifting points with all the running
gears of the vehicle linked to the underframe of the vehicle.
— Jacking/lifting points shall be located such as to enable the safe and stable lifting of the vehicle; sufficient space
shall be provided underneath and around each jacking point to allow an easy installation of rescue devices
(open point until the corresponding standard is available).
— Jacking/lifting points shall be designed such that staff is not exposed to any undue risk under normal operation
or when using the rescue equipment (open point until the corresponding standard is available).
When the lower structure of the bodyshell does not allow the provision of permanent built-in jacking/lifting
points, this structure shall be provided with fixtures which permit the fixation of removable jacking/lifting points
during the re-railing operation.
The detailed specification of the location of jacking/lifting points is an open point until the corresponding standard
is available.
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B.6.1. Marking of the points meant for lifting or jacking the whole vehicle with or without running gear:
B.6.2. Marking of the points meant for lifting or jacking the adjacent end of the vehicle with running gear:
B.6.3. Marking of the points meant for lifting or jacking the adjacent end of the vehicle without the adjacent running
— a longitudinal view of the vehicle showing the location and dimensions of jacking points with indication of the
mass at each of these locations,
— the description of the jacks and /or lifting apparatuses to be used at each location,
— any particular instruction needed by the rescue team to safely carry out the re-railing.
The machine frame shall be able to withstand either the static loads of EN 12663-1:2010, clauses 6.1 to 6.5 or the
static loads according to EN 12663-2:2010, clauses 5.2.1 to 5.2.4 without exceeding the permissible values given
there in.
To facilitate the work during repair or inspection or when on-tracking the machines, the machines shall be provided
on both long sides with at least two lifting points, at which the machines can be lifted in empty or loaded condition.
These lifting points must be identified, as described in Annex B of this TSI.
These lifting points should be provided where possible at a distance of 1 400 mm from the middle of the individual
To allow positioning of jacking devices, clearances shall be provided under the lifting points which shall not be
blocked by the presence of non-removable parts. The load cases shall be consistent with the ones chosen in Annex
C.1 of this TSI and shall apply for lifting and jacking under workshop and servicing operations.
— the test shall always be taken as the simplified method for this type of machines,
— when running tests according to EN 14363:2005 are done with wheel profile in new condition, these are valid
for a maximum distance of 50 000 km. After 50 000 km it is necessary to:
— or calculate the equivalent conicity of the worn profile and check that it does not differ more than 50 %
from the value of the test of EN 14363:2005 (with a maximum difference of 0,05),
— in general, stationary tests to determine the parameters of characteristic running gear in accordance with
EN 14363:2005, are not necessary,
— if the required test speed cannot be obtained by the machine itself, the machine shall be hauled for the tests,
— when test zone 3 (as described in table 9 of EN14363:2005) is used it is sufficient to have a minimum of 25
conformant track sections.
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Running behaviour can be proven by simulation of the tests described in EN14363:2005 (with the exceptions as
specified above) when there is a validated model of representative track and operating conditions of the machine.
A model of a machine for simulation of running characteristics shall be validated by comparing the model results
against the results of a running test when the same input of track characteristic is used.
A validated model is a simulation model that has been verified by an actual running test that excites the suspension
sufficiently and where there is a close correlation between the results of the running test and the predictions from
the simulation model over the same test track.
L 139/132 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
1. Introduction
1.1. The onboard energy measuring system (EMS) is the system for measurement of electric energy taken from or
returned (during regenerative braking) to the overhead contact line (OCL) by the traction unit, supplied from the
external electric traction system.
1.1.1. Energy measurement function (EMF), including voltage and current measurement and calculation of energy data;
1.1.2. Data handling system (DHS), merging data from the EMF with time data and geographical position, producing
and storing the complete series of data with true energy values (in kWh/kVarh) ready to be sent by a
communication system;
1.1.3. Onboard location function, giving geographical position of the traction unit;
The abovementioned function elements may be performed by individual devices or may be combined in one or
more integrated assemblies.
Figure 1
Energy measuring system functional diagram
2.1.2. The EMF shall measure energy supplied by all electric traction systems for which the traction unit is designed.
2.1.3. The EMF shall be connected in such a way that all energy (traction and auxiliary) supplied to the train from the
OCL and regenerated is recorded; for AC energy measuring system the reactive energy shall be recorded too.
2.1.4. The EMF shall have a total accuracy of 1,5 % for AC for active energy and 2,0 % for DC (or lower percentage of
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/133
εEMF ¼ ε2VMF þ ε2CMF þ ε2ECF
— εVMF = the maximum percentage error of the voltage measurement function (VMF),
— εCMF = the maximum percentage error of the current measurement function (CMF),
— εECF = the maximum percentage error of the energy calculation function (ECF). The abovementioned maximum percentage errors of the individual functions shall be fulfilled under the
following reference conditions:
— any voltage in between Umin1 and Umax2, with Umin1 and Umax2 as defined in EN 50163:2004 clause 4.1,
table 1,
— any current in between 10 % and 120 % of the rated primary current of the EMF,
— frequency ± 0,3 % relating to the frequencies of the permitted traction supply systems according to CR
energy TSI clause 4.2.3, The EMS rated current and voltage shall be matched to the traction unit rated current and voltage.
2.1.5. The elements used to implement the EMF are subject to legal metrological control, which shall be executed in
accordance with the following: Accuracy of each element shall be tested under reference conditions according to clause of the present
Annex D, to verify that they are within their declared maximum error. Each element which complies with clause of the present Annex D shall be marked, to indicate metro
logical control and the declared maximum error limit. The configuration of each element shall be documented as a part of the metrological control.
2.1.6. The EMF shall have a time reference period of 5 minutes defined by the UTC clock time at the end of each
reference period; one of the time reference period shall end at 24:00:00.
It is permitted to use a shorter time reference if the data can be aggregated into 5 minutes reference period.
2.1.7. The EMF shall be protected from non-authorised access to the system and data.
2.2.2. The DHS shall compile the energy measured data with other data without corrupting them;
2.2.3. The DHS shall use, as a time reference, the same source of clock as in the EMF;
L 139/134 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
2.2.4. The DHS shall incorporate a data storage with a memory capacity sufficient to store data of at least 60 days
(irrespective of the time reference used) continuous work and consisting of consumed/regenerated active and
reactive (if appropriate) energy, together with time reference and location data;
2.2.5. The DHS shall have a capability to be interrogated locally by authorised personnel on board the train using
appropriate equipment (e.g. laptop computer) in order to provide an opportunity for audit, and an alternative
method of recovering data.
2.2.6. The compiled data suitable for energy billing shall be stored ready to be transferred in chronological order
according to the end times of each 5 minutes time reference period in accordance with clause 2.1.6 of the
present Annex D and shall contain: end time of each elapsed measuring period for energy, defined as year, month, day, hour, minute and second; the location data as specified in clause 2.3.3 of the present Annex D at the end of each measuring period; consumed/regenerated active and reactive (if appropriate) energy in each time period.
2.3.2. The data from the location function shall be synchronised in accordance with UTC clock time and time period)
with the onboard EMF.
2.3.3. The location function shall provide the position expressed in latitude and longitude
2.3.4. In open air the location function shall have an accuracy of 250 m or less.
2.4.2. The data listed in clause 2.2.6 of the present Annex shall be retained even when the energy measuring system is
isolated from its power supply.
2.5.2. The declared maximum error limit for each element of an EMF, verified in accordance with clause of the
present Annex D, shall be inserted in the formula in clause 2.1.4 of the present Annex D, to check that the total
accuracy is within the stated limit.
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The following data represents the ‘state of the art’ and shall be used.
The following data represents the ‘state of the art’ and shall be used.
F.1. General
— The design of the cab shall support the drivers’ view of all external information that form part of the driving task
as well as protecting the driver from external sources of visual interference. This shall include the following:
— Flicker at the lower edge of the windscreen, which can cause fatigue, shall be reduced.
— Protection shall be provided from the sun and glare of headlights from oncoming trains, without reducing the
drivers’ view of external signs, signals and other visual information.
— Location of cab equipment shall not block or distort the drivers view of external information.
— The dimension, location, shape and finishes (including maintenance) of the windows shall not inhibit the
drivers external view and shall support the driving task.
— The location, type and quality of windscreen cleaning and clearance devices shall ensure that the driver is able
to maintain a clear external view in most weather and operating conditions, and shall not inhibit the drivers
external view.
— The driver’s cab shall be designed in such a way that the driver is facing forwards when driving.
— The driver’s cab shall be designed to allow the driver at his seated driving position a clear and unobstructed line
of sight in order to distinguish fixed signals set to both the left and right of the track, as defined in Appendix D
of the UIC 651(4th edition, July 2002).
Note: The position of the seat in the Appendix D mentioned here above has to be considered as an example; the
TSI does not impose the position of the seat (left, central or right) in the cab.
The rules expressed in the Annex above govern the conditions of visibility for each running direction along straight
track and in curves with a radius of 300 m and more. They apply to the position(s) of the driver.
Note: In case of cab fitted with 2 drivers’ seats, they apply to the 2 seated positions.
The supplies and payload shall be considered as defined in EN 15663:2009 and clause of this TSI.
The distance from the driver’s eyes in seating posture to the windscreen shall be higher than or equal to 500 mm.
L 139/138 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
H.1. Scope
This Annex indicates the assessment of conformity of the rolling stock subsystem.
Table H.1
Assessment of the rolling stock subsystem
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Braking 4.2.4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Servicing 4.2.11
Specific case Estonia, 7.3.2 All clauses of the TSI are open Open point to indicate that further
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland points work is needed for 1 520 mm
and Slovakia for system
1 520 mm system
Open points that relate to technical compatibility between the vehicle and the network
Axle bearing condition Range of working temperature Temperature limit recorded in the
monitoring for trackside equipment technical documentation. Compati
bility with concerned network to
be checked
Running dynamic Reference track for tests (track Test report includes the description
behaviour geometric quality) of the test track conditions. To be
examined to verify compatibility
with concerned network
Running dynamic The combination of speed, Test report includes the description
behaviour curvature and cant deficiency of the test track. To be examined to
according to EN 14363 verify compatibility with concerned
Braking system inde Eddy current track brake Equipment not mandatory.
pendent of adhesion Compatibility with concerned
conditions network to be checked
Pantograph lowering Mandatory presence of an ADD accepted on the CR TEN; not
automatic dropping device mandatory everywhere (national rule
Open points that do not relate to technical compatibility between the vehicle and the network
Safety related functions 4.2.1 Safety level not specified in — Design option (1)
— (dynamic behaviour;
design option with software)
Safety related functions 4.2.1 — (braking; option — Design option (1)
centralised control system)
L 139/146 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
Safety related functions 4.2.1 — (design option for — Design option (1)
Safety related functions 4.2.1 — (design option — Design option (1)
other than full partition)
Passive safety Application of scenarios 1 and If not closed before granting auth
2 to heavy haul freight loco orisation of placing in service (no
motives with centre couplers technical solution available),
possible restrictions at the level of
operation (3)
Passive safety Assessment of compliance of If not closed before granting auth
locomotives with centre cab orisation of placing in service (no
with requirements related to technical solution available),
scenario 3 possible restrictions at the level of
operation (3)
Jacking and lifting Annex B Location and geometry of the Described in the technical documen
equipment interfaces interfaces tation; to be considered for
operation and maintenance (2)
Axle bearing condition Option onboard equipment Design option (1)
Slipstream effect on Slipstream effects for units Train formation for assessment of
passengers on platform assessed for general operation the single unit not defined
(for speed higher than (train formation not defined) Possible restrictions at the level of
160 km/h) operation (3)
Slipstream effect on Slipstream effects for units Train formation for assessment of
workers at trackside (for assessed for general operation the single unit not defined
speed higher than (train formation not defined) Possible restrictions at the level of
160 km/h) operation (3)
Cross wind Cross wind effect for all CR To be closed before granting auth
rolling stock: harmonised char orisation of placing in service by
acteristics of wind to be indication of the cross wind
considered and assessment considered in the design (as
method required in this TSI)
Compatibility with operating
conditions to be checked; possible
measures at the level of infra
structure or operation (2)
Pantograph — Contact Other material to be used on If other material used, verification
strip material AC and/or DC lines by application of national rules
Described in the technical documen
tation; to be considered for
operation and maintenance (2)
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/147
Recording device Specification of the recording Open point in the revision of the
device and of its integration in Operation TSI (to be adopted)
the rolling stock See also Directive 2008/57/EC,
Article 23(3)(b)
Special requirements for Local external power supply Described in the technical documen
stabling of trains 400 V (waiting for conclusion tation; to be considered for
of Modtrain study) operation and maintenance (2)
Refuelling Nozzles for other fuels than Described in the technical documen
diesel fuel tation; to be considered for
operation and maintenance (2)
(1) Interoperability is ensured by the technical solution fully specified in the clause 4.2 of the TSI.
This open point relates to an alternative technical solution, for which there is not yet a harmonised specification. The use of this
alternative solution is a choice of the applicant.
(2) This open point relates to technical aspects that may have an impact on operation and/or maintenance; the technical solution used has
to be described in the technical documentation provided with the EC declaration of verification, in order to be taken into account at
operational level.
( ) This open point relates to technical aspects for which the current state of the art does not provide any technical specification for the
rolling stock subsystem; it shall be closed by national rules either before the authorisation of placing in service or by restricting the use
of the vehicle.
L 139/148 EN Official Journal of the European Union 26.5.2011
TSI Standard
Mandatory reference
Characteristics to be assessed Clauses
standard number
Inner coupling EN 12663-1:2010 Clauses 6.5.3 and 6.7.5 for articulated
Lifting and jacking EN 12663-1:2010 Clauses 6.3.2, 6.3.3 and
Annex B
Axle bearing condition moni EN 15437-1:2009 Clauses 5.1 and 5.2
TSI Standard
Mandatory reference
Characteristics to be assessed Clauses
standard number
Design values for new wheel EN 13674- Rail head profile for modelling
profiles 1:2003/A1:2007 equivalent conicity
Structural design of bogie frame EN 13749:2005 Clauses 7 and 9.2; Annex C
Mechanical and geometrical char EN 13260:2009 Clause 3.2.1 and 3.2.2
acteristics of wheelsets
EN 13103:2009 Clauses 4, 5 and 6
Mechanical and geometrical char EN 13979- Clauses 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.2 and 7.3
acteristics of wheels 1:2003/A1:2009
Braking 4.2.4
Type of brake system EN 14198:2004 Clause 5.4 ‘UIC brake system’
Braking performance EN 14531-1:2005 Clauses, 5.3.3, 5.11.3 and 5.12 EN 14531-6:2009
TSI Standard
Mandatory reference
Characteristics to be assessed Clauses
standard number
Maximum power and current EN 50388:2005 Clauses 7.2 and 7.3
from the overhead contact line EN 50388:2005 Clause 14.3
System energy disturbances for EN 50388:2005 Clauses 10.1, 10.3, 10.4, Annex D
AC systems
Pantograph head geometry EN 50367:2006 Clause 5.2, Annex A.2 figure A.7; Annex
B.2 figure B.3
26.5.2011 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 139/151
TSI Standard
Mandatory reference
Characteristics to be assessed Clauses
standard number
EN 50317:2002 All
EN 50119:2009 Table 2
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