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Monarch Butterflies

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Methods Student: Emily Harper Date: April 4th

Subject: Language Arts/ Science Lesson Topic: Monarch Butterflies

Grade: 5th Length of class: 25

Learning Objective (performance, conditions, criterion): Students will be able to recall

information from the reading.
Science: Students will learn about the physical features of a butterfly and how it adapts
to weather conditions.

Student Friendly Objective: I can understand the reading to be able to ask questions.

State Core Standard Alignment: Reading: Literature Standard 1

Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when
drawing inferences from the text.

Standard 5
Students will understand the physical characteristics of Utah's wetlands, forests, and
deserts and identify common organisms for each environment.

Core and Supplemental Materials:

Teacher Materials: Student Materials:
● Monarch Butterfly reading
● Pencil ● Pencil
● Monarch Butterfly reading
● Paper
● Question booklet
● Question/answer worksheet ● Paper

Context for Learning:

Organization of the Small group
students (e.g., small
groups, whole group,

Pre-Lesson Short discussion butterflies. “What do you know

Assessment Data about butterflies?” “Have you ever seen a butterfly?”
IEP Goal(s) Small group. For these three boys we will be reading the
(Also describe individual passage twice to help with their understanding. They will
student modifications & put their finger on each word and follow along.

Pre-Instructional Set: (Approximately 3 minutes)

Gain students’ I always ask about their day. “ How are #/minutes
attention (Activity and you?” “What did you learn about this week?”
Script) Thank you for letting me teach you this (30 seconds
to 1 minute)
lesson today.

Inform students of Today we will reading about Monarch #/minutes

learning objective(s) Butterflies.
(30 seconds
to 1 minute)

“This is important to We are going to work on our comprehension #/minutes

know because…” skills and being able to pull evidence from a
(Informed instruction) text. This is important because we will be (30 seconds
to 1 minute)
able to use this throughout our lives.

Preparing students for instructional content: (Approximately 6 - 15 minutes)

Prerequisite skills to na #/minutes
review, if applicable
(2 to 5

Review of prior Tell me what you know about butterflies? #/minutes

knowledge, if Have you ever seen a butterfly? What color
applicable are butterflies? Are they big or little? (2 to 5

Vocabulary to pre- Before the lesson begins I will go over the #/minutes
teach, if applicable words
nectar,pollinate,insect (2 to 5

Instruction: (Approximately 20 to 40 minutes – depending on length of class)

Explicit Modeling of “Let's read the title first.” I will ask them #/minutes
Skill (what cognitive what they think this is going to talk about I
steps should the
will go through definitions before the reading
students be using to
successfully perform to help them for when they come upon the
the skill?) word.. Those words are nectar, pollinate (10 to 15
(I DO IT) minutes)
,pollinators,insect. I will make sure they have
a concrete understanding of the vocabulary
words before continuing.

“What do you think this word means”

“ an example of __ is”

Guided Practice #/minutes

(WE DO IT) Next we will be reading the story twice.This
(5 to 25
is to help the boys with their comprehension minutes)
skills and accommodate their IEP. I will be
reading with them as a part of their IEP. The
first time we read through the passage I
stopped after each paragraph and ask what
we have learned. For example after the first
paragraph where it talks about what the
butterfly looks like I will ask the students “
What colors are a butterfly? They will be
able to use what we have just read.
Sometimes I will say how do you know that?
I do this for the simple fact of having them
point on the paper and saying “ right here!”
This shows a sense of learning to find

I will continue through each paragraph with

the cue of “put your finger on the first word,
ok go.”
I continue to ask questions until the passage
is over. At the end of the passage I ask for a
“Can someone tell me what happened to the
“What did we learn about the butterflies?”

Strategies to check When I ask them what we have learned

for understanding after each paragraph. I am seeing what they
remember or if more modeling is needed.

Independent Practice For independent practice I have a worksheet

(YOU DO IT) with questions about the passage.. They will
need to answer questions from the reading
and use the reading for evidence to the
questions. I will ask them to highlight for the
questions and prove their answers with
evidence. Afterwards I will collect and grade
their performance.

If needed, how will you address re-teaching of specific skills.

If needed, we will read through it again and do more stopping and modeling to
make sure they understand the passage.

Concrete and tangible I will know the students understand the reading by
assessment to know answering the assessment with 80% or greater score.
whether students Review what the objective was.
have met learning

Closure: (1 – 5 minutes)
Organization/transition Thank you all for participating in our lesson #/minutes
routines (e.g., put about butterflies. Great job thank you for
assignments in folders, working with me today. put anything away
prepare for bell, and get ready for the bell.
transition to next (1 – 5
lesson/activity Feedback from teacher/mentor. minutes)

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