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About me
Adverbs of Frequency
100% always 90% usually 80% frequently 80% normally 70% often
50% sometimes 30% occasionally 10% rarely 10% seldom 0% never

Complete the sentences below with true information about yourself.

Subject + Be + Adverb + Adjective Subject + Adverb + Main Verb
I am always happy. I always pass my exams.

Name: ____________________________________

1. I am always _____________________________________________________________

I always __________________________________________________________________

2. I am usually _____________________________________________________________

I usually __________________________________________________________________

3. I am frequently __________________________________________________________

I frequently ________________________________________________________________

4. I am normally ____________________________________________________________

I normally _________________________________________________________________

5. I am often _______________________________________________________________

I often ____________________________________________________________________

6. I am sometimes __________________________________________________________

I sometimes _______________________________________________________________

7. I am occasionally _________________________________________________________

I occasionally ______________________________________________________________

8. I am rarely ______________________________________________________________

I rarely ___________________________________________________________________

9. I am seldom _____________________________________________________________

I seldom __________________________________________________________________

10. I am never _____________________________________________________________

I never ___________________________________________________________________
Teach-This.com ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
About me
This is a great activity to help students master the sentence structures used with adverbs of

Before class, make one copy of the worksheet for each student.


Hand out a copy of the worksheet to each student.

Ask the students to write their name at the top of the worksheet.

Draw the students’ attention to the structures and examples. Remind them that when a
sentence uses the 'verb to be', the adverb is followed by an adjective.

Then, tell the students to complete the sentences by writing true information about
themselves based on the adverbs of frequency on the worksheet.

When the students are writing their sentences, it is important that nobody else can see what
they are writing. So, ask them to keep their sentences secret.

When everyone has finished, collect the papers and read some of the sentences from each
worksheet to the class.

After reading each worksheet, ask the class to guess who is being described.

You can also do this exercise as a pairwork activity with students asking each other
questions and writing their partner’s answers on the worksheet.

Teach-This.com ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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