The National Law Institute University, Bhopal: Synopsis Topic:-Understanding The Scope of Volenti Non Fit Injuria
The National Law Institute University, Bhopal: Synopsis Topic:-Understanding The Scope of Volenti Non Fit Injuria
The National Law Institute University, Bhopal: Synopsis Topic:-Understanding The Scope of Volenti Non Fit Injuria
Topic:-Understanding the Scope of Volenti non fit injuria
To Understand and explain the meaning of Volenti non fit injuria.
To understand and explain the development of Volenti non fit injuria.
To explore scope and nature of Volenti non fit injuria.
To understand necessity of this defence.
Method of study-
The proposed piece of work is based on Doctrinal Method. Largely based on
Secondary and Electronic sources of data.
Review of Literature- This project could not have been completed without referring
to the following resources:
Body of project-
1. Introduction
1.1 Torts.
1.2 Defences.
2. The Meaning of Volenti non fit injuria.
3. Elements of volenti non fit injuria.
4. Origin and development of Volenti non fit injuria.
5. Types of consent:-
5.1 Free consent.
5.2 Consent obtained by fraud.
5.3 Consent under compulsion.
5.4 Consent to illegal act.
5.5 Consent by minor and person of unsound mind.
6. Knowledge of the risk-no consent.
7. Negligence of defendant.
8. Limitations to scope of Volenti non fit injuria.
8.1 Rescue cases.
8.2 By the Unfair Contract Terms Act, 1977 .
9. Contributory negligence and Volenti non fit injuria.