Main Abbrevations 12
Main Abbrevations 12
Main Abbrevations 12
ABCD rating (a staging system for prostate cancer) acute coronary syndrome
ABCs acute chest syndrome
ADLs activities of daily living aromatase inhibitors
amniotic fluid androgen insensitivity syndrome
appropriate gestational age (see birth weight) acute lung injury
Amb ambulate assessment and plan]]
Arg arginine AT‐III antithrombin III
ASPECTS Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score, ASPECT Score
Ass assessment
AST aspartate transaminase
ASX asymptomatic
BAD Bipolar affective disorder b.i.d. twice a day (from Latin bis in die)
blood culture breast milk
BPM beats per minute BTP breakthrough pain
chemical dependency
serum, potassium test, serum sodium, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, total CME continuing medical education
protein, uric acid)
CML chronic myelogenous leukemia, also called chronic myeloid
CHE cholinesterase leukaemia
Carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaceae cathode ray tube
CPKMB creatine phosphokinase heart
cytidine triphosphate D5 5% dextrose
CTZ Chemoreceptor trigger zone
costovertebral angle discontinue
DHR dihydrorhodamine D/O died of, disorder
DX effective dose
Dx emotional distress
EDH epidural hematoma
EMG electromyography
ER emergency room
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ERM epiretinal membrane
FDP fibrin degradation product
FM fetal movement
FMF fetal movements felt
FMP first menstrual period (that is, menarche)
GBC gallbladder carcinoma GNRH gonadotropin‐releasing hormone
Graduated compression stockings Goodpasture's syndrome
GIA A model of surgical staple (GI: Gastro‐Intestinal)
GIB gastrointestinal bleed
GIS GastroIntestinal Surgeon
GIFT gamete intrafallopian transfer
HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy HCV hepatitis C virus
hematopoietic cell transplantation (including numerous subtypes such as HHV8)
HIDA hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid hr hour or hours
HOB head of bed (usually followed by number of degrees of elevation,
e.g., HOB 10°)
HOCM hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
HONK hyperosmolar nonketotic state
IA intra‐arterial
HOPI History of present illness
HoTN Hypotension
H&P history and physical examination (which very often are considered
as a pair) IAA insulin autoantibody
IPPV intermittent positive pressure ventilation (see mechanical IVP intravenous pyelogram
IVPB intravenous piggyback (i.v. short‐term infusion)
IPS intraperitoneal sounds
IVPG Intravenous pyogenic granuloma
IQ intelligence quotient
IVSS Intravenous Soluset[1]
IR insulin resistance
IVU intravenous urogram
Interventional radiology
IVUS intravascular ultrasound
IRDS infant respiratory distress syndrome
Ix Investigation(s)
IRIDA inherited iron‐refractory iron deficiency anemia
IRIS Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
IS Incentive Spirometry
ISA intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
JCV JC virus (named after the initials of an anonymous patient)
ISDN isosorbide dinitrate
JEV Japanese encephalitis virus
ISH isolated systolic hypertension
JIA juvenile idiopathic arthritis
ISMN isosorbide mononitrate
JMS junior medical student, aka MS‐3
ISQ no change (from Latin, in status quo)
JODM juvenile‐onset diabetes mellitus
IT immature teratoma
JP Jackson‐Pratt {drain}
JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (now called juvenile idiopathic
ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura arthritis)
IUCD intrauterine contraceptive device
IU international units
IUD intrauterine death—sometimes confused with intrauterine
contraceptive device—use FDIU or IUFD instead.
K potassium (from Latin kalium)
intrauterine device—sometimes confused with intrauterine death—use IUCD
instead (intrauterine contraceptive device) KA ketoacidosis
IVH interventricular hemorrhage
IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin
LCM lymphocytic meningitis
LCMV lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
LCP Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient
lactate lupus erythematosus systemicus
leukocyte adhesion deficiency lower extremity (human leg)
low malignant potential LTAC long‐term acute care
LORTA loss of resistance to air (in anesthesiology; when placing epidural,
LORTA indicates entrance of needle to epidural space)
LOS length of stay
M murmur (heart murmur or heart attack that can cause death)
Lot lotion
MACE Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events
LOT left occiput transverse (fetal position)
MAC Mycobacterium avium complex
Lp lipoprotein
MAE moves all extremities
LP lumbar puncture
MAHA microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
LPH left posterior hemiblock (see heart block)
MAL midaxillary line
LPL lipoprotein lipase
MALT mucosa‐associated lymphoid tissue
LPP lichen planopilaris
MANOS minilaparoscopy assisted natural orifice surgery
LQTS long QT syndrome
MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor
L/S lecithin‐to‐sphingomyelin ratio
Mφ macrophage
LS lichen sclerosus
MAP mean arterial pressure
Lynch syndrome
MAR Medication Administration Record
LSA lichen sclerosis et atrophicus
MARSA methicillin‐ and aminoglycoside‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus
LSB left sternal border
MAS Morgagni–Adams–Stokes syndrome
LSIL low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
meconium aspiration syndrome
LST laterally spreading tumor
MAST Michigan alcohol screening test
LR lactated Ringer's solution
MAT multifocal atrial tachycardia
LRINEC Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections
Score microscopic agglutination test
MCAT Medical College Admission Test MIP Maximum intensity projection, a technique used to enhance CT,
MRI, MRA, and PET images
MCC MotorCycle Collision, Motor Cycle Crash
MIS Minimally Invasive Surgery
MCD minimal change diseaseharmful can cause cancer
Mullerian Inhibiting Substance
MCP metacarpophalangeal joint
MLC mixed lymphocyte culture
MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MLE midline episiotomy
MCH mean cell hemoglobin;
MM myeloid metaplasia
mean corpuscular hemoglobin
middle meningeal
MC&S microscopy, culture, and sensitivity (the investigation steps in
processing microbiology samples) multiple myeloma
MPV mean platelet volume MVPS mitral valve prolapse syndrome
mental retardation
mitral regurgitation
modified release (compare time release technology (medicine))
mental status (see mental status examination) no apparent distress
mitral stenosis (and many variations of the above)
Neg negative NPO nil per os (nothing by mouth)
not otherwise specified nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
NPC nasopharyngeal carcinoma
OPD outpatient department
OPPT oriented to person, place, and time
peripheral airspace disease Passively Acquired anti‐D polymerase chain reaction
phenylalanine hydroxylase polycythemia vera
positive airway pressure posterior descending artery
PGCS Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale PNA pneumonia
prolapsed intervertibral disc products of conception
perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage primary pulmonary hypertension
PPx prophylaxis PTA percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
PTHC percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
PTSS posttraumatic stress syndrome (see posttraumatic stress disorder)
progressive rubella panencephalitis PVC (VPC) premature ventricular contraction
Past surgical history Postvoid residual urine volume
Past medical history (see also medical history) pulmonary valve stenosis
physical therapy (physiotherapy) patient
PZA pyrazinamide room air
RAD reflex anal dilatation
right axis deviation
reactive airway disease
RhF rheumatoid factor RSB Right sternal border
rupture of membranes drug, or remedy
retinopathy of prematurity
ROS review of systems
ROSC return of spontaneous circulation
SAB staphylococcal bacteremia Sed sedimentation (rate) (see erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
SLL small lymphocytic lymphoma SPECT single‐photon emission computed tomography
submucosal SQ
spinal muscle atrophy Sinus rhythm
skilled nursing S/S
soft tissue injury TAB therapeutic abortion
stroke volume total body irradiation
TdT terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
TD Tardive dyskinesia
TE tracheoesophageal
TEB thoracic electrical bioimpedance (see impedance cardiography)
TF transfer TP total protein
TVC true vocal cord URI upper respiratory infection
USS ultrasound scan
UTI urinary tract infection
UUS upper uterine segment
UA urinalysis
unstable angina
U/A upon arrival
VEB ventricular ectopic beat VZIG varicella zoster immune globulin
VEE Venezuelan equine encephalitis
V‐fib ventricular fibrillation
VFSS videofluoroscopic swallow study
Von Willebrand disease Werner syndrome
Williams syndrome
Wolfram syndrome
wt weight (whether human weight or otherwise)
w/u Workup
WWI walking while intoxicated (ethanol or other drugs)
X‐AFP extended alpha‐fetoprotein
XR extended release (see time release technology)
x‐ray (see radiography)
XRT radiotherapy used in cancer treatment
y year or years
y/o years old
YPLL years of potential life lost
YST yolk sac tumor
yr year or years
ZD zinc deficiency
ZDV zidovudine
ZES Zollinger–Ellison syndrome
ZIFT zygote intrafallopian transfer
ZMC Zygomatico‐Maxillary Complex
Zn zinc