Narasimha Salagrama: There Are Twenty-Four Varieties of Narasimha-Salagrama
Narasimha Salagrama: There Are Twenty-Four Varieties of Narasimha-Salagrama
Narasimha Salagrama: There Are Twenty-Four Varieties of Narasimha-Salagrama
In addition to the Vigraha (Deity) form, Lord Narasimha also appears as the self-manifested Shalagrama-Shila.
Below are some
details of the Narasimha-salagrama from S.K. Ramachandra Rao's Salagrama-kosa.
There are twenty-four varieties of Narasimha-salagrama:
(1) Laksmi-narasimha (in three subvarieties)
(4) Yogananda-narasimha
(5) Bala-narasimha
(6) Vidyujjihva-narasimha
(7) Vibhisana-narasimha
(8) Adhomukha-narasimha
(9) Patala-narasimha
(10) Sarvati-mukha-narasimha
(11) Raksasa-narasimha
(12) Vidurarana narasimha
(13) Kukushi narasimha
(14) Bhitti-narasimha
(15) Vijaya-narasimha
(16) Kapila narasimha
(17) Jvala-narasimha (3 sub-varieties)
(20) Maha-jvala-narasimha
(21) Suddha-narasimha
(22) Buddha-chakra-narasimha
(23) Damsthra-karala-narasimha
(24) Vakra-damshtra-narasimha
The Narasimha salagrama-shilas' generally have four chakras, but sometimes there are only two.
They also may have a gaping
mouth with sharp teeth like structures. See image of Narasimha salagram above. Here are some
descriptions of four specific Narasimha-shilas:
(1) The Narasimha-salagrama has an elongated mouth, tawny hued, a longish cakra and a big
belly. This stone is suitable for
worship by ascetics.
(2) The Laksmi-narasimha-salagrama has a cakra on its left side, is black in color, and has spots.
Its worship makes for bhukti
(worldly prosperity) and mukti (emancipation).
(4) The Kapila-narasimha-salagrama has a large chakra at the place where the tusk would be
located; the color of the stone is
tawny, and there can be seen on the stone the mark of vanamala. This must be worshipped only
by celibates (brahmachari-s) for
worldly prosperity (bhukti) or salvation (mukti).