"Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh What A Reaction Is ": Effect of Temperature On Rate of Reaction
"Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh What A Reaction Is ": Effect of Temperature On Rate of Reaction
"Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, Oh What A Reaction Is ": Effect of Temperature On Rate of Reaction
A chemical reaction occurs when there is a chemical change in one or more substances.
Alka-Seltzer® has been helping people cure indigestion and upset stomach since 1931. The TV
commercials featured the jingle “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is®” because the tablets
effervesce, or fizz, when dropped into water. This chemical reaction releases CO 2 bubbles.
The fizziness happens when baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and citric acid react chemically in water.
They yield sodium citrate, water and carbon dioxide gas, which causes bubbles.
In a chemical reaction, reactants (starting materials) yield (change into) products (new chemical
substances) when molecules collide with enough energy to break old bonds and make new ones.
Peabody Fellows Investigators. ©2013 Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.
As temperature increases, molecules of water collide with each other faster, allowing reactions to occur
faster. What effect might increased or decreased temperature have on the rate of the effervescence
reaction? Do you think that the tablet might dissolve faster or slower with temperature change?
Create a hypothesis:
In this experiment, you will measure the time it takes for one effervescent tablet to react completely. In
this case, consider “reaction time” as the time it takes for the tablet to dissolve. You will test how
reaction time changes with temperature and determine whether the results support your hypothesis.
1. Measure 200mL of warm water, room temperature water, and cold water.
2. Pour the water into 3 separate glass beakers.
3. Measure the water temperature in each beaker and record it in the Data Table.
4. Remove one effervescent tablet from the package for each beaker.
USE ONLY WHOLE TABLETS! Do not use broken or crushed ones.
5. For each temperature, drop one effervescent tablet into the beaker. Start timing immediately
with the stopwatch.
6. Stop the timer when the tablet has dissolved completely.
7. Record the reaction times (in minutes) in the Data Table.
Data Table
Reaction Time
Condition Temperature (oC) (minutes and seconds)
Room Temperature
Peabody Fellows Investigators. ©2013 Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.
Graph the reaction time (minutes) on the y-axis against the water temperature (degrees Celsius) on the
x-axis for the entire class.
Experimental Design:
If some tablets are whole and some are broken, would the temperature experiment still be valid? Why
or why not?
If some students stirred the water while their tablets were dissolving, would the temperature
experiment still be valid? Why or why not?
If everyone in the class used a different water temperature, could you average the results? Why or why
If you used different brands of antacid tablets, would the results be valid? Why or why not?
Peabody Fellows Investigators. ©2013 Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.
Teacher Notes
Hints and Tips for Teachers:
Relevance of this activity to the mosquito life cycle: Mosquitoes and the pathogens they transmit are
directly impacted by changes in weather and climate. All vector-borne pathogens spend a part of their life
cycle in cold-blooded arthropods and are subject to environmental factors. Marginal changes in
temperature can have potentially large biological effects on disease transmission.
If your students are not familiar with the Alka-Seltzer® commercials, several versions are
available on YouTube.
You can also use generic brand effervescent tablets.
You might like to introduce this activity with a review of physical and chemical changes.
Comparing tearing paper with burning paper is a good example. Sugar also shows a physical
change when dissolved in water, but a chemical change when burned. However, it is both a
physical and chemical change to dissolve salt in water. Even though you can recover salt crystals
by evaporating the water, the Na + and Cl– ions dissociate when dissolved.
This lab can be done without timing the reaction. For a quick demonstration, drop the tablets
into each of the three water temperature beakers simultaneously and just observe the difference
in reaction times.
Calculate the standard deviation of the reaction times for each temperature. Add error bars to your
graph to show the amount of variance in the data.
Is reaction rate predictable over a larger temperature range? Use higher and lower temperatures to test
reaction rate.
Peabody Fellows Investigators. ©2013 Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.