ERP Unit 4
ERP Unit 4
ERP Unit 4
ERP Market
The ERP market is a very competitive and fast growing market. According to
AMR Research Inc., the leading industry and market analysis firm specializing
in enterprise applications and enabling technologies, the Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) software market will grow at a compound annual growth rate
of 37 per cent over the next five years. According to the firm's Enterprise
Resource Planning Software Report, 1997-2002, total company revenue will
top $52 billion by the year 2002. This conclusion is in marked contrast to
other forecasters, who believe that ERP demand has been artificially stimu-
lated by Year 2000 concerns.
AMR Research attributes the continued growth to three primary factors.
These are:
• ERP vendors are continuing to expand market presence by offering
new applications such as supply chain management, sales force auto-
mation, customer support and human resources.
• To sustain their rapid growth, ERP vendors will try to sell more licenses
into their installed base. Currently, ERP vendors have a 10-20 per cent
penetration (i.e. percentage of total employees currently using the ERP
system). This will grow to 40-60 per cent within the next five years.
• While ERP originated in the manufacturing market, ERP usage has
spread to nearly every type of enterprise including retail, utilities, the
public sector and healthcare organizations. Most will purchase new
ERP systems over the next five years, often for the first time.
The vendors in the ERP market are segmenting into two tiers. and are
focusing on expanded product functionality, new target markets and higher
134 Enterprise Resource Planning
penetration rates. The top tier consists of five vendors-SAP AG, Baan,
PeopleSoft, Oracle Applications and J.D. Edwards. These companies-The Big
5-account for 64 per cent of the ERP market revenue and have grown over
the past year at a furious pace of 61 per cent. In addition, Baan, J.D.
Edwards, Oracle and People Soft are each expected to approach 'or exceed
$1 billion in total revenue in 1998, while SAP will approach $ 5 billion. The
top five ERP vendors, on the basis of the total projected company revenue for
1998, are shown in Fig. 7.1.
J.D. Edwards
Others $4,800M
0 2 3 4 5
In US$ millions
>- Fig. 7.1 Top five ERP vendors by total projected company revenue, 1998
(Source: AMR Research)
AMR Research predicts that the ERP market will reach $14.8 billion in
total company revenue in 1998. In addition, when third party services, hard-
ware, databases and networking are considered, AMR Research estimates
that the ERP infrastructure is worth over $ 42 billion. This market will con-
tinue to be one of the largest, fastest growing and most influential in the
applications industry, and is poised for steady growth into the new millennium.
Figure 7.2 shows the global market share of the major ERP vendors.
The Indian scenario is slightly different, with the Indian ERP package-
Ramco's Marshal accounting for 9% of the market share as shown in Fig. 7.3.
JBA 2%
SSA 4% Maream QAD
Applications SAP AG
10% 29%
According to the. Dataquest survey (Dataquest, April 15, 1999), in India also,
SAP is the market leader with a 20% market share. According to the survey,
ERP does not appear to be new to the Indian market. This is indicated by the
proliferation of solutions, which have been implemented.
While SAP R/ 3 and 'QAD's MFG /PRO continue to dominate the Indian
market scene, there is also an undeniable presence of lesser-known breeds
like J.D. Edwards and SSA's BPCS. Other familiar stalwarts like Oracle
Financials, Ramco Marshal and Baan also dominate the second and third
rungs of the domestic ERP market.
There is also an extensive list of ERP solutions being implemented in much
smaller numbers. Reinforcing the baseline of ERP familiarity in Indian orga-
nizations is the fact that close to 35% of organizations have been using ERP
136 Enterprise Resource Planning
Oracle 7% 4% Others
7% 23%
Ram co
JD Edwards
10% QAD 20%
for 24 months and longer, while the remaining organizations have used ERP
for less than 24 months. Assuming an average implementation process of
18 months, 35% of organizations have therefore, been grappling with ERP
issues for close to 4 years and longer. Amongst the organizations planning to
implement ERP in the future, SAP still remains the number one preferred
solution. This is followed by Oracle Financials, Baan and MFG/PRO. Home-
grown solutions like Marshal and MakESS have also been indicated as pre-
ferred options.
In this chapter, we will see the profile of some of the top vendors of the ERP
market, their profile, their product offerings and product features. The com-
panies featured here are SAP AG, Baan Company, Oracle Corporation, People
Soft, J.D. Edwards and SSA. The information provided here has been col-
lected from the Internet and printed media. For further details, you are
directed to contact the companies directly.
ERP Market 137
Er R/3-An Overview
R/3 does more than just opening up completely new IT solutions within
your company. Its applications also link your business processes with those
of customers and suppliers to create complete logistical chains, covering the
entire route from supply to delivery. R/3 lets you integrate banks and other
business partners into inter-company communications, both nationally and
for a smoother flow of information at all levels and between all parts of the
organization. With integrated workflow management and access to up-to-the-
minute information, R/3 lets employees assume greater responsibility and
work more independently.
Er R/3 Modules
R/3's applications are modules. They can either be used alone or in combi-
nation with other solutions. From a process-oriented perspective, greater
integration of applications increases the benefits derived. The following are
the R/3 modules:
• Financial Accounting Collects all the data in your company relevant to
accounting, provides complete documentation and comprehensive in-
formation, and is at the same time an up-to-the-minute basis for
enterprise-wide control and planning.
• Treasury A complete solution for efficient financial management that
ensures the liquidity of your company worldwide, structures financial
assets profitably and minimises risks.
• Controlling A complete array of compatible planning and control in-
struments for company-wide controlling systems, with a uniform re-
porting system for coordinating the contents and procedures of your
company's internal processes.
• ·Enterprise Continuously monitors your company's success
factors and performance indicators on the basis of specially prepared
management information.
• Investment Management Offers integrated management and process-
ing of investment measures and projects from planning to settlement,
including pre-investment analysis and depreciation simulation.
• Production Planning Provides comprehensive processes for all types of
manufacturing: from repetitive, make-to-order and assemble-to-order
production, through process, lot and make-to-stock manufacturing,
to integrated supply chain management with functions for extended
MRP-II and electronic Kanban, plus optional interfaces for PDC, pro-
cess control systems, CAD and PDM.
• Materials Optimises all purchasing processes with
workflow-driven processing. functions, enables automated supplier
ERP Market 143
Er Distributed Applications
R/3's innovative technologies do more than just ensure an optimal flow of
information within your R/ 3 System. SAP Application Link Enabling (ALE)
permits the seamless incorporation of autonomous application systems and
components in a business communications network. How does .that help
you? You can, for example, install R/3 Systems at corporate headquarters,
or in plants, branch offices, or subsidiaries so that they can perform their
own tasks independently. When business messages are exchanged between
these. systems, the ALE services ensure time-controlled and event-driven
communication. This means, for example, that master data can be updated,
periodic results from sales offices can be transmitted to headquarters, or
planning data and inventory information can be exchanged between local and
central areas of the company. The same applies for the integration of busi-
ness processes and information from R/2® applications, third-party solutions
and independent R/3 components.
The openness of R/3 sets the pace in the market for client/server software.
You can:
• Link together R/3 systems or loosely couple distributed R/3 applica-
ERP Market 145
For efficient implementation and use of R/3, the Business Engineer lets you
install and customise R/3 quickly and smoothly, at minimum cost and with
maximum reliability. Fully integrated into the R/3 System, the Business
Engineer supports you in analysing, designing and configuring your business
processes. As a result, you· not only save considerable time in implementing
R/3 and in subsequently customising the system as business needs change,
but it also greatly reduces the cost.
The Business Engineer delivers a complete toolkit that greatly facilitates
the implementation of R/ 3 and the engineering of your business processes.
For example, the R/3 Procedure Model guides you through the different
project phases step-by-step-from project generation to going live. So you can
be sure that you're always on the right track. A wide range of tried-and-true,
graphically portrayed business scenarios and processes are stored in the R/ 3
Reference Model. From this wealth of experience, you can choose the best
possible processes for your company. At the same time, you can use the
model to test the complete suite of options yourself in a real-world environ-
ment. The processes you select, then automatically determine the contents of
your individual Implementation Guide, which leads you through all the ac-
tivities, which are essential for optimum custom system configuration.
The Business Engineer ensures quick and high-quality customiastion of R/3.
With the support of the Business Engineer, your project teams and external
ERP Market 147
E) SAP Advantage
R/ 3 unlocks the client/ server world for you. In these open architectures,
applications are distributed across a number of computers that communicate
with each other through a network. R/3 offers integrated solutions for client/
server information processing that combine a variety of products and ser-
vices, to create a smoothly functioning communications network. R/ 3 incor-
porates not only system management, but also network administration and
backup solutions. SAP's partnerships with hardware manufacturers, data-
base providers and technology and service companies play a significant role
here. In client/ server architectures, database systems take care of managing
enterprise data. They communicate with application servers that coordinate •·.,
the actual applications and control communication with the database. At the
client level, where the end users work, the cycle of tasks is appropriately
distributed across various computers and concludes with a presentation of
the results on the desktop.
The benefit: cooperative client/ server processing distributes applications
and computing capabilities almost at will across multiple levels, and system-
atically takes advantage of the strengths of different hardware and software
components. Whether you use R/3 in two- or three-tier client/server archi-
tectures, locally or worldwide choose the best solution for your needs. The
number of workstations you include with R/3 in your client/server solution
is determined solely by your particular needs. R/ 3 is infinitely expandable,
and can be used in client/ server architectures with anywhere between 30
and several thousand end users. This scalability ensures that R/ 3 can al-
ways grow with your requirements.
148 Enterprise Resource Planning
Er Company Profile
Baan Company is a leading global provider of enterprise business software.
Baan Company offers a comprehensive portfolio of best-in-class, component-
based applications for front office, corporate office and back office automa-
tion. These applications are in use at over 7 ,000 customer sites worldwide.
Baan Company products reduce complexity and cost, improve core business
processes, are faster to implement and use, are more flexible in adapting to
business changes and optimise the management of information throughout
the entire value chain.
Baan Company's product family offers on-going delivery of open compo-
nents for enterprise applications, including a comprehensive and flexible
suite of year 2000-compliant software solutions and best-in-class business
modeling tools. These tools are based on a flexible, multi-tier architecture
which can scale to meet the needs of small, medium and large enterprises.
Baan Company makes this possible with its open architecture, which enables
customers to migrate to new technologies and product releases at their own
pace. Referred to within Baan Company as Dynamic Enterprise Modeling Strat-
egy Execution (BaanDEMSE), this unique approach puts business require-
ments at the heart of the implementation process.
Founded in the Netherlands in 1978 by brothers Jan and Paul Baan, Baan
Company has dual headquarters in Barneveld, The Netherlands and Reston,
Virginia, United States of America. Since 1995, the Company has significantly
expanded its sales and service presence in North America, Latin America,
Europe and Asia.
Company applications from a single view, helping to ensure that the Baan
Company enterprise application accurately reflects a company's most current
organizational structure, business practices and operational procedures.
Baan's product line features multi-tiered architecture for maximum
scalability and flexible configuration. Applications are isolated from the sys-
tems environment, enabling support of new hardware, operating systems,
databases, networks and user interfaces without any modification to the
application code. Baan Company supports popular Unix platforms as well as
Microsoft NT, and was the first solution provider in its class to earn the
'Designed for Microsoft® BackOffice' logo certification. Products also support
major relational database systems (Oracle, Informix, DB2, Sybase and
Microsft SQL Server), and are Year 2000 compliant.
Built on a commitment to reduce the complexity of IT solutions, the Baan
product portfolio assembles best-of-class components, keeps them "ever-
green" through on-going release cycles, and enables enterprises to update
their information infrastructure in manageable, incremental initiatives. Three
advantages distinguish each component element within the BaanSeries-based
family of products including: best-in-class components; evergre~n delivery;
and version independent integration.
The BaanSeries-based product family includes Baan Enterprise Resource
Planning (BaanERP); BaanFrontOffice; BaanCorporateOffice Solutions; and
BaanSupplyChain Solutions.
Ev Serving Vertical Industries
Aerospace and Defense (A&D): Baan offers specific vertical industry solu-
tions for aerospace and defense companies engaging in multi-level projects
and contracts. Baan's A&D offering includes BaanProject to enable the effec-
.tive management of key functional business process areas. This unique,
industry specific approach solves the problems faced by organizations en-
gaged in large, extensive projects. Today, Baan is recognised as the leader in
the Aerospace and Defense industry segment for ERP.
Automotive: Baan also offers specific vertical industry solutions for au to-
motive companies. Many of the world's leading automotive companies use
Baan's business applications to support worldwide manufacturing, distribu-
tion and financial operations. Baan's product suite offers automotive compa-
nies next-generation information technology across manufacturing, supply
chain and front office operations. With Baan, businesses choose best-of-
breed components, add functionality without complex and costly upgrades
·150. Enterprise Resource Planning
and integrate Baan Company enterprise applications with existing and third-
party applications. The BaanSeries-based family of products delivers real-
time information across the entire value chain, from engineering design to
manufacturing, distribution and financial reporting.
Er BaanERP Modules
Er BaanERP Tools
Run-time Tools
The purpose of the run-time tools is to make BaanERP packages independent
from computing-environment-specific issues, such as platform, operating
system, middleware, databases and user interfaces. The run-time tools are
developed in C/C++ and/or Java. Run-time tools:
• Allows Baan application developers to focus on application-specific
issues only.
• Removes the overhead of developing and generating a native applica-
tion code for each combination of platform, operating ,system, database
and so on.
• Greatly reduces the complexity of providing and maintaining applica-
tion product updates.
• Reduces the overhead of ensuring cross-platform compatibility by bun-
dling and maintaining computer-environment-specific .code. separately
from the BaanERP applications.
Baan Company and its partners work closely with customers to insure the
success of every installation, and to enable customers to achieve the highest
level of self-reliance desired. Baan Company is committed to providing solu-
tions that meet the unique needs of all major vertical markets. The company's
blue chip customer base includes industry leaders such as Boeing, Philips,
Mercedes Benz, Nortel, Fujitsu Network Communications and Motorola. Baan
ERP Market 153
Company aims to ensure that every interaction its customers have, is in line
with its "Three I" philosophy:
1. Integrity: In its interactions with its customers, colleagues, partners
and shareholders
2. Innovation: In what it builds and how it delivers
3. Initiative: In the speed and focus it brings to all aspects of its market
Baan Company has marketing and development partnerships with leading
consulting, hardware and software companies including Microsoft, IBM Cor-
poration, Intel, Compaq Computer Corporation, Hewlett-Packard and Silicon
Graphics. Through its alliances, Baan Company offers packaged, pre-tested
solutions, and ensures interoperability with optimisation for the most popular.
databases, middleware and hardware systems, while accelerating the devel-
opment of next-generation capabilities.
Baan Company's software alliances bring added openness, robustness and
flexibility to Baan Company's software solutions and give Baan Company's
customers a high level of interoperability with complementary software appli-
cations. The Baan Certified Applications Provider Program provides its cus-
tomers with alliance software solutions that are truly connected to the Baan
Company's enterprise application, are reusable, and are generally available
for a wide variety of customers.
~ Technology
Oracle software runs on network computers, personal digital assistants, set-
top devices, PCs, workstations, minicomputers, mainframes and massively
parallel computers. Oracle Si, the latest version of Oracle industry's leading
database, is the database for Internet Computing. Oracle's family of data-
base, networking and gateway products enable corporations to access any
data, on any server, over any network, from any client device.
Oracle's Warehouse Technology Initiative (WTI),one of the fastest grow-
ing and most comprehensive alliance programs in the data warehousing in-
dustry, provides customers with a complete data warehousing solution, ·based
on the industry-leading Oracle database and more than 60 complimentary
third-party software products and services. WTI is designed to increase the
quantity and quality of Oracle-based data warehousing solutions, provide
customers with greater choice, 'specialised tools, Oracle-optimised products
and streamlined support as they build data warehouses.
Oracle's integrated Business Intelligence solutions deliver powerful capa-
bilities to users anywhere in the enterprise, at any time. End users benefit
from intuitive tools that provide easy access to business data and fast an-
swers to any question. Oracle's Business Intelligence family of products in-
cludes integrated releases of Oracle Reports, Oracle's enterprise reporting
tool; Oracle Discoverer, Oracle's award-winning ad-hoc query and analysis
tool; and Oracle. Express, Oracle's industry-leading enterprise online analyti-
cal processing (OLAP)engine. Oracle also offers pre-built OLAPapplications-
Oracle Financial· Analyser and Oracle Sales Analyser-to further reduce
implementation time and costs.
Oracle Applications is a leading provider of packaged and integrated front
office and ERP solutions for the enterprise and a division of Oracle Corpora-
tion, the world's second-largest software company and the largest supplier of
software for information management. Oracle Applications' strategy is to offer
all the enterprise solution components-proven applications, advanced tech-
nologies, business expertise and partnerships required-to enable customers
to execute strategies quickly, manage the risk of change and lead their re-
spective industries.
Oracle Applications is the only suite of enterprise business applications
from a major Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) vendor that follows the
Internet Computing model. Each of the over 45 modules for financials, human
resources, manufacturing, supply chain and front office automation is web-
enabled, allowing it to be deployed on corporate intranets with no software,
156 Enterprise Resource Planning
and service solutions provide deep integration with the entire enter-
prise suite of applications, and enable you to attract and retain prof-
itable customers through a unified set of deployment channels, includ-
ing Web mobile and call centre.
~ Vertical Solutions
Oracle also provides vertical solutions with a full line of modular product
components aimed at the unique requirements of many major industries,
including automotive, aviation, aerospace and defense, communications, con-
sumer packaged goods, energy downstream, energy upstream, financial ser-
vices, high-tech, public sector and utilities.
Company Profile
PeopleSoft Inc. was established in 1987 to provide innovative software solu-
tions that meet the changing business demands of enterprises worldwide. It
employs more than 7 ,000 people worldwide. The annual revenue for the year
1998 was $ 1.3 billion. PeopleSoft's mission is to provide innovative software
solutions that meet the changing business demands of organizations world-
People Soft develops markets and supports enterprise-wide software solu-
tions to handle core business functions including human resources manage-
ment, accounting and control, project management, treasury management,
performance measurement and supply chain management. PeopleSoft pro-
vides industry-specific enterprise solutions to customers in select .markets,
including communications, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing,
higher education, public sector, services, retail, transportation, US federal
government and utilities. The company also offers PeopleSoft Select, a com-
plete packaged solution including software, hardware and ser:vices to address
the needs of medium-sized organizations.
PeopleSoft's innovative use of technology empowers individuals to. make
informed decisions and delivers the flexibility that allows dynamic organiza-
tions to . manage constant change. Based on a multi-tier client/ server
tecture and using advanced workflow technology, PeopleSoft products sup-
port clients running both Microsoft Windows and popular Web browsers, as
ERP Market 159
D Commercial Solutions
Supply Chain Management-PeopleSoft has the industry's only complete
enterprise resource planning solution that. is built around supply chain
160 Enterprise Resource Planning
~ Industry Solutions
PeopleSoft supports industry-specific market initiatives in many business
sectors. The initiatives include industry-specific products, customisation of
existing applications, and sales and marketing support through direct chan-
nels and business alliances.
PeopleSoft has 11 distinct business units, which provide software solutions
specific to a broad range of public and private sector industries. Industry
partners help make the solutions comprehensive, spanning the enterprise
from the back office to the front lines. From service and manufacturing to
education and government, PeopleSoft solutions are global, enterprise-wide,
and tailored to unique industry requirements. The different business units
1. Communications
2. Federal Government
3. Financial Services
4. Healthcare
5. Higher Education
6. Manufacturing
7. Public Sector
8. Retail
9. Service Industries
10. Transportation
11. Utilities
ERP Market 161
Er PeopleTools
PeopleTools is an integrated set of client/ server business application devel-
opment and customisation tools from PeopleSoft. These tools enable custom-
ers to implement, tailor and maintain PeopleSoft applications as well as to
extract, analyse and manipulate data. PeopleTools includes several tools for
reporting, customisation and workflow.
El Technology
PeopleSoft continually adds and refines technology to optimise their custom-
ers' information systems. They help customers take advantage of new and
emerging technologies, giving them more choices and freedom to develop
their own innovative business processes. Some of them are given below:
0 Self-Service Applications To improve productivity throughout the orga-
nization, PeopleSoft focuses on providing the occasional user with easy
access to information and functionality specific to their role. They have
developed a set of self-service applications to help companies quickly
and cost-effectively distribute functionality throughout the enterprise
over the Internet, intranets and extranets. Built with an intuitive inter-
face based on a standard Web browser-such as Netscape Navigator or
Microsoft Explorer-these Java-based, cross-platform applications en-
able employees, customers, suppliers and other occasional users to
perform self-service administrative tasks easily. Self-service applica-
tions are linked to PeopleSoft core product lines, including PeopleSoft
Accounting and Control, Human Resources Management and Materials
0 Web Client Self-service applications use the PeopleSoft Web Client.
The Web Client is downloadable on demand and runs on a Web browser
across multiple platforms. Its affordability, open architecture and sim-
plicity provides an ideal framework for delivering enterprise solutions
to a large number of people. Applications don't need to be installed at
every desktop; they are accessed easily through a browser. In addition
to supporting self-service applications, the PeopleSoft Web Client has
a Worklist and Query interface to help incorporate occasional users in
the flow of a company's business processes and improve access to in-
formation. Furthermore, all data transmitted between the Web Client
and the application server is encrypted for added security. Because the
Web Client takes advantage of PeopleTools, self-service applications can
162 Enterprise Resource Planning
Er Partnerships
PeopleSoft has established global consulting agreements with Andersen Con-
sulting, Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group, KPMG Consulting (a part of
KPMG Peat Marwick LLP) and Price Waterhouse LLP, four: of the world's
leading consulting and systems integration firms. PeopleSoft also maintains
relationships with more than 150 industry-leading third-party vendors
through its six Partnership Programs-Application, Database, Hardware,
Implementation, System Integration and Workflow.
Company Profile
1977, Denver, Colorado. Three men left the accounting world to form a soft-
ware company that would specialise in midrange computing solutions. Each of
ERP Market 165
n Technology
JD Edwards offers its solutions primarily for the AS/ 400 platform. JD
Edwards's two application suites, OneWorld and WorldSoftware/WorldVision,
provide comprehensive supply chain management functionality across the
technology continuum, from host-centric, to thin-client, to network-centric
computing. All three can run concurrently on the same AS/400, share data
and interact with each other as a unified solution.
Er OneWorld
JD Edwards OneWorld is flexible enough to support an extended solution by
integrating with legacy, best-of-breed and third-party products. All this with-
out sacrificing the security, integrity, or consistency of the existing systems
or data. OneWorld's own APis, as well as such industry standards as CORBA,
ODBC and other packaged integration solutions and processware options,
ensure that you won't be locked into limited functionality and out of future
OneWorld embraces change with its modular architectural foundation. The
information processing is segmented into five functional elements-database,
data warehouse, business objects, reporting and GUI. The users can link
these elements in a variety of configurations-from one tier, with every ele-
ment running on a stand-alone PC, to five tiers or more .. One can also
distribute the elements geographically, departmentally, or administratively
and can configure and reconfigure in the field, as requirements change.
There are provisions to add new servers, even Web servers, without having
to rewrite applications for the new machine.
One World has the tools and technologies that will quickly bring archived
data to light. And you can extend and supplement those technologies with
solutions offered by leading industry data warehousing and decision support
specialists. The customer has the option to choose the data warehousing
solution that he wants, rather than be satisfied with a proprietary. system.
OneWorld provides alternatives, so that you can choose the most appropriate
solution based upon your own requirements.
With OneWorld, you can distribute your enterprise applications to employ-
ees, business partners and customers using web-based technology, without
rewriting your applications-vone software version supports both client/ server
and Internet modes. This results in an extended enterprise that works to-
gether to support the same business tasks.
168 Enterprise Resource Planning
ERP Market 169
n Industries
JD Edwards offers highly flexible and integrated solutions that allow organiza-
tions to use information efficiently throughout the entire enterprise, easily tai-
loring applications to meet changing business needs. JD Edwards' enterprise
ERP Market 171
Er Company Profile
SSA was founded in December 1981 and has its headquarters in Chicago,
USA. SSA has its presence in 91 countries and employees more than 2000
employees. The 1998 revenues of the company was $ 420.8 Million. The
Company's product line, BPCS Client/Server V6, is currently live or being
implemented in more than 1,000 major industrial sector firms in over 4,000
sites worldwide.
SSA's vision is to be the best global partner to the world's industrial sector
companies. SSA's mission statement, which has been the same since SSA
was founded in December 1981, is to provide competitive advantage for
Clients through the implementation of their business enterprise information
system. This mission statement is underwritten by six, key goals: .
1. Best Client Satisfaction This means that the company wants their cli-
ents to achieve the greatest possible business benefit from their rela-
tionship with SSA.
2. Single Image Worldwide Means that the clients get the same high level
of support and expertise all around the world.
3. Enterprise Solutions Leadership It means that the company is focused
on building and delivering solutions, which bring together the entire
4. Proven Leading Technology This means that every piece of technology
applied by SSA will already be proven for high transaction volume
enterprise-wide applications.
5. Highly skilled and motivated professionals It means that SSA is com-
mitted to having the best professionals and resources in the applica-
tion software business.
172 Enterprise Resource Planning
6. Strong Financial Results This means that SSA can continue to invest
in the improvement of its software and professionals, and will be a
stable partner in the long run.
assembly, food and beverage, forest products and pharmaceuticals. SSA and
its strategic partners provide full implementation support for BPCS Client/
Server in over 90 countries worldwide.
The BPCS Client/Server solution delivers unparalleled agility and re-
configurability to meet changing market demands, through a quantum leap
forward in ERP technology that delivers significant business benefits, includ-
ing century dating.
With BPCS Client/Server version 6.0, SSA has successfully addressed the
most crucial issues facing the . ERP marketplace, the implementation and
integration of package applications. SSA has reduced time-to-benefit imple-
mentation cycles to 6-12 months, down from an industry average. of 12-24
months. At the core of BPCS Client/Server is its object-based architecture,
called DOCA (Distributed Object Computing Architecture), which' is specifi-
cally designed for enterprise-wide application in industrial sector companies.
DOCA is optimised to support high transaction volumes in a functionally rich,
distributed data processing, client/ server environment. DOCA's object-based
architecture provides inherent flexibility, enabling the rapid reconfiguration
of BPCS Client/Server applications. This allows organizations to quickly and
easily alter the solutions in response to new business and market challenges.
D Products
QAD offers a variety of supply chain and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
software products to manufacturing industries within the automotive, con-
sumer products, electronics, food and beverage, industrial products and
medical sectors. QAD software optimises your enterprise by increasing the
speed of internal processes and by synchronising distributed operations.
174 Enterprise Resource Planning
MFG/PRO software is one of the successful client/ server ERP applications as
it dramatically increases the internal efficiencies of distributed operations
within months of purchase. The software is comprehensive, open, flexible,
scalable, interactive, and designed to address the operations requirements of
today's manufacturers. It is available in 26 languages, is year-2000 compli-
ant, and supports multiple currencies including the Euro.
MFG/PRO includes an extensive set of solution components for manufac-
turing, distribution, financial, supply chain, and service/support manage-
ment. Configurable and interoperable, it is open to best-of-breed compo-
nents, uses either Oracle or Progress databases, and runs in UNIX,Windows,
and Windows NT environments.
MFG/PRO can be implemented at multiple sites and it easily scales to meet
the changing business requirements. MFG/PRO's user interface is an ultra-
thin Java browser. MFG/PRO is also available with a Windows graphical user
interface (GUI) or a character user interface.
ERP Market 175
1. According to AMR Research Inc., the ERP software market will grow at a
compound annual growth rate of per cent over the next five years.
2. The total revenue of the ERP vendors will cross billion dollars by
the year 2002.
3. The Big 5 ERP vendors account for per cent of the ERP market
revenue and have grown over the past year at a furious pace of----~-
per cent.
4. The market leader in the ERP market is _
5. R/2 and R/3 are the products of _
6. The Indian company, which is a world player m the ERP market is
·----- and its product is _
7. Oracle's is one of the fastest growing and most comprehensive
alliance programs in the data warehousing industry.
8. SSA stands for _
9. The ERP system of SSA is called _
10. MFG/PRO is the product of _
1. What are the predictions about the future of the ERP market?
2. Which companies are called the 'Big 5' in the ERP market and why?
3. Who are the major players in the global ERP market and what are their market
4. Who are the major ERP players in the Indian market and what are their market
5. What are the modules available in SAP RI 3?