100% Online: MSC and LLM Courses Offered in Exclusive Partnership With Robert Kennedy College
100% Online: MSC and LLM Courses Offered in Exclusive Partnership With Robert Kennedy College
100% Online: MSC and LLM Courses Offered in Exclusive Partnership With Robert Kennedy College
The Programmes
The Programmes at a Glance
Applicant Profile
The suite of Salford online Masters programmes is ideal
for graduates and working professionals across sectors,
who would like to increase their academic credentials
with a postgraduate qualification recognized worldwide
while pursuing their career. Applicants must be able to
demonstrate a high level of flexibility and appreciation
of blended learning methods, which will contribute to
their success on the course.
The University of Salford Online Masters Programmes
Salford Business School enjoys an excellent national The University of Salford received a Royal Charter in
and international reputation for its courses, teaching 1967 from Her Majesty the Queen.
quality and the progression of students into responsible
positions across a variety of industries. The University of Salford is fully recognised by the Brit-
ish Government and is duly listed on the United King-
Through an Exclusive Partnership with the dom’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Robert Kennedy College, the Salford Business School list of recognised UK awarding institutions.
Masters programmes are now available 100% online. All
programmes can be completed in as little as one year. After successfully completing your studies online you
will receive a degree from the University of Salford that
is recognised Worldwide.
MSc Global Management
If you are already working as a manager, you will seri- International Financial Management
ously enhance your capabilities, improve your career Examine the impact of such factors as exchange rates,
prospects, and achieve a highly-regarded management inflation rates and interest rates on the management of
qualification. firms in an international/global context. You will be able
to devise and evaluate a risk management strategy for
the uncertain world of international financial markets
using financial instruments such as swaps, options and
futures. Emphasis is placed on factors that differentiate
multinational from domestic financial management. This
module also offers the opportunity to develop practical
analytical and presentational skills by applying theory
and concepts to international financial databases.
MSc Global Management
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendation
MSc Project Management
MSc Project Management
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
MSc Financial Services Management
The fast-paced subject of financial services manage- Digital Marketing Analytics and Strategy
ment also offers significant opportunities in banking The module combines two interesting topics in the field
and finance as these arenas have recognised the need of digital marketing:
to re-think their strategies. The chance to develop long i. Digital Marketing strategies
and profitable client and customer relationships is open ii. Marketing/Digital Analytics
to firms which are thinking and acting strategically, by
embracing new approaches, working creatively and The first part of the module looks at digital marketing
innovating to effectively manage costs and improve the strategy development, the critical components of a
understanding of individual customer’s needs. digital marketing strategy and its strategic significance.
Interesting topics like buyer persona development,
customer journey mapping etc. will form this part of the
module. At the end of the first part of the module you
will be required to develop a digital marketing strategy
for a firm of your choice. This ties into what you have
learned and provides a platform to apply the principles
and frameworks that you have learned. The second
part of the module looks at digital analytics. In this
part we work on a google analytics data set and try to
conduct advanced data analysis to bring out interest-
MSc Financial Services Management
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
MSc Marketing
MSc Marketing
MSc Marketing
MSc Marketing
Marketing Management
This module aims to enhance your understanding of
the theory and practice of marketing management. You
will learn to deploy the marketing mix to contemporary
brands both theoretically and practically as well as
developing your ability to make strategic observations
and recommendations for marketing management. The
module is assessed by a 5000 word case study analysis
of a specified real life company where students are en-
couraged to undertake secondary research based on a
country market of their choice to support their analysis.
MSc Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MSc Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
MSc Human Resource Management and Development
MSc Human Resource Management and Development
MSc Information Systems Management
This course gives you an opportunity to develop a de- Digital Marketing Analytics and Strategy
tailed understanding of the role of information systems The module combines two interesting topics in the field
and technology (IS/T) in businesses around the world, of digital marketing:
along with a critical awareness of current and emerging i. Digital Marketing strategies
issues in this continually developing sector. ii. Marketing/Digital Analytics
You will learn from our expert team and external guest The first part of the module looks at digital marketing
speakers, renowned for their specialist knowledge. You strategy development, the critical components of a
will also enjoy the programme’s emphasis on debate, digital marketing strategy and its strategic significance.
critique and interaction with other students and staff. Interesting topics like buyer persona development,
customer journey mapping etc. will form this part of the
On completion of your course you will have the neces- module. At the end of the first part of the module you
sary skills to become an effective IS/T manager with will be required to develop a digital marketing strategy
strategically valuable capabilities in IS/T. for a firm of your choice. This ties into what you have
learned and provides a platform to apply the principles
and frameworks that you have learned. The second
part of the module looks at digital analytics. In this
part we work on a google analytics data set and try to
conduct advanced data analysis to bring out interest-
ing patterns and messages. Ultimately all marketing is
data driven and hence a marketer should have a good
grasp for data analysis. The main aim of this part of
the module is to develop an ability to spot patterns in
data, conduct basic data analysis and to appreciate
how data analysis could inform and enrich marketing
MSc Information Systems Management
decision making. leadership and other key processes. All of these quali-
ties will develop your ability to lead complex projects.
Information Systems and Digital Transformation
Most businesses are undergoing some form of digital
Research Methods Live Class
transformation, this module has been designed with
One week intensive live lectures online to prepare for
business leaders to take a critical overview of the pro-
your final dissertation.
cesses that are involved. You will develop a theoretical
and practical understanding of the needs of organisa-
Dissertation Work
tions when strategically planning transformation and
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
integrating business information systems. You will also
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
achieve a holistic knowledge of the critical role of IS/T,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
both at corporate and business levels, enabling you to
be ready to support and deliver professional, ethical
and legal services in IS/T transformation.
MSc International Banking and Finance
MSc International Banking and Finance
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
MSc Accounting and Finance
You will be equipped with the advanced level skills and Equity Valuation and Financial Statement Analysis
understanding necessary to effectively and efficiently This module involves the evaluation of the theoreti-
perform tasks relevant to the corporations or organisa- cal basis of modern equity valuation and the concepts
tions involved with accounting and finance. behind financial reporting. You will examine the impact
of market and accounting based factors on the per-
You will be able to work effectively in teams and inde- formance of firm equity value and devise strategies to
pendently, to evaluate critically, think creatively and minimise the risks associated with equity valuation.
communicate effectively with respect to issues in differ-
ent areas of accounting and finance; and to recognise Financial and Management Accounting
good practice in the analysis, planning and manage- This module gives you a theoretical and practical
ment of accounting policies and corporate financial introduction to financial accounting and management
strategies. accounting. Upon completion, you will have an under-
standing of basic financial and management accounting
You also develop an advanced level of understanding of methods, financial statements and the major problems
research methods and their application to a wide range associated with interpreting accounting information us-
of accounting reporting, accounting policies and corpo-
MSc Accounting and Finance
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
MSc International Business with Law
MSc International Business with Law
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
MSc International Corporate Finance
MSc International Corporate Finance
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
MSc International Events Management
You can choose to enjoy the challenges of a six-month Principles and Practices of International Events Manage-
industrial placement in the UK or overseas, as part of a ment
work experience option in the events industry. Through this module, you will develop an in-depth
understanding of the concept, range, significance, roles,
dimensions and characteristics of contemporary inter-
national events through a balance of virtual and physi-
cal environments. You will work on real event problems
and enhance your project planning, problem solving
and communication skills.
MSc International Events Management
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
MSc Digital Business
MSc Digital Business
gic analysis of social media platforms from a communi- rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
cations perspective, key metrics, tools, techniques and research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
strategy development frameworks. The module also
aims to develop capabilities in search engine optimisa-
tion and search engine marketing, site audit, content
optimization etc. A comprehensive coverage of market-
ing communication through social media is achieved
through intensive case discussion sessions, group
activities, practitioner lectures and insightful study
materials. This module is accredited by the Institute of
Direct and Digital Marketing (IDM).
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
MSc Fraud and Risk Management
MSc Fraud and Risk Management
MSc Finance and Investment Management
Your studies will cover modern finance and investment Course Details
theory to provide you with solid foundations and practi-
cal business techniques so that you are fully aware of At Salford we integrate marketing theory and practice
the implications and assumptions in use. You will learn through four core modules in order to provide you with
to critically appreciate the limitations of modern finance a critical understanding of marketing in both com-
and investment methodologies and to apply them in mercial and non commercial sectors. We are approved
different contexts. and accredited by the Chartered Institute of Market-
ing (CIM), which means that as graduates you will be
The programme is industry-focussed and makes exten- eligible for direct entry onto the CIM’s Professional
sive use of real-world examples to examine the applica- Postgraduate Diploma, subject to you also obtaining
tion of your learning. In the final semester, you will work appropriate senior marketing management experience.
on the Industry Collaboration Project, a live industry
brief either for your own employer or with another or- Risk, Portfolio and Investment Analysis
ganisation. You will choose one of four options to look Risk Portfolio and Investment Analysis aims to help you
at a real industry problem and provide researched solu- understand and apply the general principles behind
tions, helping you put your learning into practice. modern risk management approaches. In this mod-
ule, you will devise strategies to use modern portfolio
management approaches and critically evaluate the
limitations of modern statistical techniques in making
financial decisions.
MSc Finance and Investment Management
MSc International Business
3 good reasons to study International At Salford we integrate marketing theory and practice
through four core modules in order to provide you with
Business at Salford: a critical understanding of marketing in both com-
mercial and non commercial sectors. We are approved
❙ Develop an appreciation of international influences and accredited by the Chartered Institute of Market-
on business ing (CIM), which means that as graduates you will be
❙ Enhance your employability with practical skills and eligible for direct entry onto the CIM’s Professional
knowledge Postgraduate Diploma, subject to you also obtaining
appropriate senior marketing management experience.
❙ Explore the international activities of business or-
ganisations Human Resource Management and Development in a
Global Context
This course is aimed at students with a background This module is designed to prepare you to undertake
in business or business-related studies, who wish to the role of a HR manager in an international context.
further their knowledge of international business. Each To enable you to do this, you will examine the chang-
module emphasises the global nature of business, so ing nature of organisations in a global context, and
you can gain a greater appreciation of cultural, social, the debates around whether HR policy and practice is
political, legal and sustainability factors affecting busi- becoming truly global or whether national and cultural
ness. sensibilities prevent this. You will also be equipped with
the skills needed to apply theoretical concepts relating
The programme is highly industry-focussed and cul- to organisation design and development in practice.
minates in the Industry Collaboration Project. You will
choose one of four options to look at a real industry International Relationship Management
problem and provide researched solutions, helping you Central to modern international business is the develop-
put your learning into practice. ment and maintenance of relationships with key stake-
holders such as customers and suppliers. This module
During your time with us, you’ll develop an integrated will develop your awareness of culture in international
and critically-aware understanding of the international marketing communications and business-to-business
activities of business organisations, at both the strategic relationships. In addition to traditional communications
and operational level. This understanding is necessary such as advertising, you will also look at how social me-
if you want to effectively develop and execute interna- dia can be used to engage with consumers from differ-
tional business strategy and operations. ent cultural backgrounds. You will also learn how global
supply chains across a range of organisations and sec-
You will also develop your personal skills for example tors can be managed responsibly and sustainably.
in team-working; collecting and evaluating information;
and developing and implementing strategies. International Strategic Management
In this era of globalisation it is essential for companies
to understand the different international environments
Course Details of the markets in which they may operate, and how
these influence value-adding activities and decision-
MSc International Business
Dissertation Work
A conventional dissertation of 12,000 to 15,000 words,
consisting of research question, aims and objectives,
rationale for undertaking the study, literature review,
research methodology, analysis of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
LLM International Commercial Law
3 good reasons to study International commercial law, including: International Sale of Goods,
International Intellectual Property Law, International
Commercial Law at Salford: Corporate Law and Governance, and Advanced Con-
tract Law and Negotiation.
❙ Offers the highly prestigious Master’s of Laws quali-
fication Delivery is concentrated on a contextual business bias,
❙ Gives law graduates the opportunity to take taught and students benefit from the networking and employ-
modules in advanced international commercial law ment prospects offered by a large and dynamic Busi-
subjects ness School.
❙ Learn in an internationally-orientated environment At the final stage of study students will have to pursue
with access to a global network of like-minded pro- a traditional research dissertation in order to complete
fessionals the programme.
This course provides law graduates with the opportu- Course Details
nity for advanced learning in key areas of international
LLM International Commercial Law
LLM International Commercial Law
MSc courses and LLM International Commercial
Please fill this form and send it together with: Send the form, Curriculum Vitae, statement and certificates to:
• Latest Résumé/Curriculum Vitae Telefax: + 41 58 122 1112
• A 300 words personal statement about your ambition and motivation to E-mail: salford@rkc.edu (scanned),
study in this Masters programme Airmail: Robert Kennedy College Zürich GmbH – Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005
• Copy of your degree certificates and/or diplomas. Zürich, Switzerland
Residence Address
Country Profession
The overall tuition fees including registration will amount to 15’000 Swiss Francs.
In case of admission you will need to pay the registration fee of 1’000 Swiss Francs as acceptance of the admission offer. Tuition
fees will usually be invoiced on a monthly basis over 12, 18 or 24 months.
Please note that we do not offer any scholarship or financial assistance.
Technoparkstrasse 1 – 8005 Zürich – Switzerland
T. +41 58 122 1111 – F. + 41 58 122 1112
www.salford.rkc.edu – salford@rkc.edu