Rainbow Trout As A Model For Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism Studies
Rainbow Trout As A Model For Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism Studies
Rainbow Trout As A Model For Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism Studies
15 1,193
3 authors:
Françoise Médale
French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Sadasivam Kaushik on 15 February 2018.
Chapter 8
The rainbow trout [Oncorhynchus mykiss] is a carnivorous [piscivorous] species that
shows many particularities with respect to nutrition. The rainbow trout is a poor user of
dietary carbohydrates illustrated by a clear glucose intolerance phenotype after
carbohydrate intake. Moreover, rainbow trout have a high requirement for protein (the
major macronutrient in diet), with amino acids being largely used for energy production
by catabolism or through the production of fatty acids and glucose. Finally, trout energy
metabolism is related to their poikilothermic lifestyle as with most aquatic animals. This
chapter will focus primarily on protein, energy and glucose metabolism as related to the
nutritional regulation of intermediary metabolism in tissues including liver, muscle, fat
and intestine. In addition, one potential nutritional strategy to improve the efficiency of
nutrient utilization in rainbow trout will be detailed.
Salmonids are amongst the most highly cultured fish groups worldwide. For fish
aquaculture to be successful and sustainable, fish nutrition is one of the main criteria to be
improved [1, 2]. It is the intent of this chapter to summarize what features are specific to the
nutrition of salmonids with a specific focus on the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. This
chapter will not provide an extensive description of trout nutrition, but it will describe
specific metabolic and nutritional criteria which characterize the salmonids with respect to the
feed utilization.
E-mail address: panserat@st-pee.inra.fr
132 Stéphane Panserat, Sadasivam Kaushik and Françoise Médale
Rainbow trout, as all organisms, need energy for maintaining vital functions and
renewing tissues, for physical activity, for growth and the development of specific tissues
such as the gonads. These energy needs are met under aerobic conditions by the oxidative
catabolism of organic compounds (carbohydrates, fats and proteins). When animals are
fasted, they draw energy from body reserves provided during times of feeding. When fed,
energy is provided by the macromolecules derived from the digestion of ingested foods.
When energy supplied by food exceeds maintenance needs it is stored as body reserves, and
ultimately leads to growth. Once absorbed, amino acids arising from protein digestion, fatty
acids and glycerol from the digestion of dietary lipids and glucose resulting from digestion of
polysaccharides are either incorporated into cell structures after biosynthesis, or catabolized
in exergonic reactions thereby producing energy that is used to meet energy needs. The
potential energy of organic molecules is released by oxidative pathways that transform the C-
Rainbow Trout as a Model for Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism Studies 133
C bonds of these molecules to CO2 and H2O. Pathways of energy production are common to
all animals:
formation of acetyl-CoA from fatty acid oxidation or the breakdown of amino acids
or pyruvate from glycolysis;
incorporation of acetyl-CoA into the tricarboxylic acid cycle with the production of
CO2, reduced nucleotides and hydrogen atoms; and,
the oxidation of reduced nucleotides by the electron transport chain to molecular
oxygen, a process that is accompanied by capturing the energy of electron transport
in the phosphorylation of ADP, generating ATP, the cellular fuel.
Despite these common pathways, energy metabolism of rainbow trout differs from that of
mammals in several aspects and in particular in terms of both the quantitative requirements
and the specific substrates used for energy production. In addition, while the routes are
common, their regulation by nutrients is often specific.
Energy needs in the fasting trout are about 30-80 kJ/kg body weight/day depending
mainly upon water temperature. Because fish are poikilothermic animals [i.e., body
temperature vary close to that of the surrounding water], their metabolic rate is strongly
affected by water temperature [13]. When water temperature decreases, fish body temperature
decreases accordingly so that basal energy expenditure is reduced. Maintenance energy
requirements of trout are estimated as 75 to 100 kJ/kg/day [14]; i.e., about 10- to 20-fold
lower than those of endothermic terrestrial vertebrates [15]. The fact that poikilothermic
animals do not maintain internal body temperatures above ambient temperatures represents a
major savings of energy. Thus, rainbow trout are a relevant model for comparative studies
regarding the role of proteins involved in non-shivering thermogenesis such as uncoupling
proteins (UCP) [16]. Excretion of nitrogen wastes directly in the form of ammonia (more than
75% of the total nitrogen wastes) mainly through passive processes contributes also to the
low metabolic rate of fish compared to terrestrial animals and birds that expend significant
energy for the synthesis and excretion of urea and uric acid.
Trout [as many fish species] differ from terrestrial vertebrates in that they oxidize a large
proportion of the amino acids supplied by the digestion of dietary protein [or breakdown of
body protein when trout are fasted] for energy production and that the main end product of
nitrogen catabolism is ammonia. Nitrogen is removed through the process of transdeami-
nation that involves amino transferases [aspartate and alanine amino transferase being
quantitatively the most important] and glutamate dehydrogenase that plays a major role in the
oxidation of amino acids. The amino acid is transformed into an α-ketoacid with the
concomitant synthesis of glutamate from α-ketoglutarate. The α-ketoglutarate is then
regenerated by the deamination of glutamate by glutamate dehydrogenase. Glutamate, being
transaminated by many amino acids, represents a crossroad of the use of amino acids for
energy production. The liver is the main site of this process in trout and other teleosts.
Glutamate dehydrogenase is present in higher activities in the liver of fish than in mammals
[17]. Ammonia (NH3) from the deamination of amino acids is converted into the less toxic
ammonium ion (NH4+) which is excreted across the gills [75%] and in the urine (25%) [18].
N-ammonia excretion is measured as a relevant indicator of protein catabolism. The
regulation of this pathway is described in section 4 below. The carbon skeleton remaining
after nitrogen removal can be used for gluconeogenesis via oxaloacetate or be oxidized within
the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Due to the major role of α-ketoglutarate, the activity of the
tricarboxylic acid cycle is regulated not only by the activity of citrate synthase [that controls
the entry of acetyl-CoA into the cycle] but also by entry at the level of α-ketoglutarate.
Consequently, isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) that produces α-ketoglutarate through the
oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate while converting NADP+ to NADPH and NAD+ to
NADH is a key-enzyme in the process. In trout liver as in other tissues, activity of NADP+-
IDH exceeds that of NAD+-IDH; activities of NAD+-IDH are present but low possibly as a
result of the instability of this enzyme [19]. Because amino-acid catabolism diverts amino
acids from protein synthesis and generates nitrogen waste, major efforts have been made to
limit this pathway. In rainbow trout this has been achieved by increasing the dietary supply of
non-protein energy in the form of lipids [20].
Most of the basic pathways of lipid metabolism including digestion and absorption, lipid
transport, lipogenesis and β-oxidation are essentially the same in trout as they are in mammals
[21, 22]. The main products of dietary lipid digestion are free fatty acids along with partial
acylglycerols, lyso-phospholipids, cholesterol, and fatty alcohols. Once solubilized or
emulsified in bile salt micelles, these products diffuse mainly by passive process to the
intestinal mucosa where uptake into the enterocytes occurs. In these intestinal mucosal cells,
the predominant fate of the absorbed free fatty acids is re-esterification with glycerol and
lyso-phospholipids to form triacylglycerols and phospholipids. Free cholesterol is transported
from the mucosal cells and fatty alcohols are oxidized into the corresponding fatty acids in
the epithelial cells.
Although some free fatty acids can be transported bound to albumin-like proteins, the
majority of lipids are transported in the blood in the form of lipoproteins that are similar to
Rainbow Trout as a Model for Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism Studies 135
those found in mammals. These include the chylomicrons that transport the majority of
absorbed dietary lipid away from the intestine, the very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) that
have a high lipid:protein ratio, the low density lipoprotein (LDL), and the high density
lipoproteins (HDL) that have a low lipid:protein ratio.
Clearance of lipoproteins from the plasma is mediated by their respective receptors.
Activity and expression of LDL-R are modulated by the dietary fatty acids [23].
Uptake of fatty acids by tissues is mediated by lipoprotein lipase (LPL) that hydrolyzes
triacylglycerols of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (chylomicrons and VLDL) and generates
fatty acids that are taken up by tissues. Intracellular transport of fatty acids is facilitated by
tissue-specific cytoplasmic fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) that bind long-chain fatty acids
Fatty acid catabolism is a major source of energy in trout through -oxidation that occurs
in peroxisomes and ultimately mitochondria of all cells whereas lipogenesis occurs mainly in
the liver. After activation, fatty acids are transported into the mitochondria in the form of fatty
acylcarnitine esters formed through the action of the carnitine acyltransferase complex,
converted back into fatty acyl-CoA derivatives that then enter a round of dehydrogenation,
hydration, and cleavage steps to produce acetyl-CoA and NADH. Several steps within this
process are tightly regulated by nutrient and hormones. However, the key step seems to be the
entry of fatty-acyls into mitochondria that is controlled by carnitine-acyltransferase 1 and the
second dehydrogenation step that is mediated by the hydroxy-acyl CoA dehydrogenase
Acetyl-CoA generated through fatty-acid -oxidation can then be metabolized via the
tricarboxylic acid cycle to produce more NADH which then provides metabolic energy in the
form of ATP through the processes of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. In
vivo studies investigating fatty acid deposition show that, generally, the higher the
concentration of a fatty acid in the diet, the lower its retention, suggesting that increased
concentrations lead to increased oxidation except for C22:6 n-3 [DHA] that is preferentially
retained in tissues [27, 28].
Salmonids including rainbow trout are among the animals that can consume the highest
quantity of fat (as much as humans). Excess dietary lipid is deposited in adipose cells of the
intraperitoneal [perivisceral] adipose tissue, and to some extent as a layer between the skin
and flesh [subcutaneous adipose tissue] and in the muscle (intramuscular fat).
The majority of body lipid depots arise from dietary lipids, the contribution of lipogenesis
being limited [24, 29]. However new lipids can be synthetized from acetyl-CoA itself formed
in the mitochondria from the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate [carbohydrate source] or
the oxidative degradation of some amino acids (protein source). The lipogenic pathway is
catalyzed by the cytosolic fatty acid synthetase (FAS) multi-enzyme complex which produces
the saturated fatty acids 16:0 and 18:0. Monounsaturated fatty acids are then produced by
microsomal stearoyl CoA desaturase (SCD) or 9 desaturase, generating 18:1n-9.
Fatty acid elongases produce longer chain saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids,
such as 20:0 and 20:1n-9. However, the polyunsaturated C18 fatty acids cannot be
synthesized de novo by any vertebrate and must be obtained in the diet.
Rainbow trout are able to synthesize the long chain highly unsaturated fatty acids such as
EPA and DHA from linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) contrary to some marine species, despite the
genes coding for 5-6 desaturases and elongase have been reported [30].
136 Stéphane Panserat, Sadasivam Kaushik and Françoise Médale
Glycolysis, which converts glucose to pyruvate with the formation of ATP, is the route of
glucose catabolism in trout tissues. Glycolytic reactions are reversible and can therefore
operate in the direction of gluconeogenesis (3 carbon conversion to 6 carbon glucose) with
the exception of three steps catalyzed by hexokinase (formation of glucose-6-P),
phosphofructokinase (formation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate) and pyruvate kinase
(conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate). These three enzymes are considered to be
the limiting and unidirectional steps in glycolysis. Under aerobic conditions, pyruvate, after
decarboxylation to acetyl-CoA, supplies carbon to the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Under
anaerobic conditions, which prevail in the white muscle of trout during intense activity,
pyruvate is converted to lactate by the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). This
route of pyruvate utilization is of paramount importance for energy production in the white
muscle of trout that supports high-speed swimming White muscle that represents
approximately 95% of the total skeletal muscle mass of trout is composed of anaerobic
glycolytic fibers. The reversible conversion of pyruvate to lactate allows quick bursts of
anaerobic energy supported by muscle glycogen reserves [31]. LDH generates lactate
ensuring the re-oxidation of NADH generated within glycolysis thus allowing such activities
as pursuing and catching prey, chasing competitors, escaping predators [in the wild] to
continue [32]. As in most vertebrates, LDH is present as several isozymes that are tissue
specific. However, the isozymes of trout have particular characteristics. The temperature
required for maximum activity is much lower than that required for the mammalian enzyme
and the enzyme-substrate binding is different [33, 34]. In contrast, aerobic energy production
through oxidative pathways prevails in the red muscle. This tissue [less than 5% of the total
skeletal muscle mass of trout] is composed of aerobic, oxidative fibers that are recruited for
supporting sustained moderate swimming. According to Richards et al. [35], ATP used for
contraction in the red muscle of rainbow trout under sustained swimming is generated by the
oxidation of approximately 45% glucose, 35% lipid and 20% protein. The high energy yield
of oxidative pathways (compared to anaerobic energy production), allows a more effective
use of muscle reserves. In addition some recent studies with trout muscle cells in primary
culture support the idea that mechanisms regulating the entry of glucose into skeletal muscle
may be stimulated by AMPK activation [36]. Activities of the mitochondrial enzymes citrate
synthase (CS) and cytochrome oxidase have been shown to reflect the aerobic pathway in fish
muscles [31, 37] and are measured to assess the contribution of the aerobic pathways to
energy production in the tissues. Although all enzymes of glycolysis have been detected in
trout tissues, in the liver, the major role of glycolysis is to provide precursors for the
biosynthesis of various molecules over the production of pyruvate for oxidation. It may be
that the species that have evolved on high-lipid food sources are more likely to have a poor
utilization of dietary carbohydrate.
Rainbow Trout as a Model for Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism Studies 137
Rainbow trout, as most fish known today, have a dietary requirement for the same ten
IAA as almost all terrestrial animals including humans. A comparison of data between IAA
requirements of juvenile rainbow trout and that of a pure terrestrial carnivore such as the cat
(see Table 1) shows that while the total IAA requirements of rainbow trout are lower than that
of the kitten, when expressed per unit DE the requirements of rainbow trout are much higher
than that of the kitten. This has indeed been recognized for some time and much effort has
been put into optimizing the DP/DE ratio in trout (Cho and Kaushik, 1990).
From a practical point of view, the ideal dietary protein appears to be the one that has the
IAA profile closely resembling that of the whole body of the fish. Since the whole body
amino acid profile does not seem to vary as a function of age in rainbow trout [41], little
differences in the IAA requirements over the growth cycle would be expected. The
observation that the ideal amino acid profile for trout (in fact, fish in general), is that of the
whole body of trout has practical implications in formulating feeds with ideal amino acid
138 Stéphane Panserat, Sadasivam Kaushik and Françoise Médale
This also possibly explains why fishmeal has remained the most appropriate and the
major dietary protein source in the feeds for farmed rainbow trout. Knowledge on the IAA
needs also provides objective data for supplementing diets with adequate amounts of the
potentially limiting amino acids in developing diets in which a large portion of the dietary
fish meal is substituted with other protein sources be they plant or animal. Much progress has
been made in developing feeds for trout with very low levels of fish meal [39, 42, 43]. The
importance of the ratio between indispensable to dispensable amino acids (IAA/DAA ratio)
has also been stressed and a ratio of 55:45 appears optimal for rainbow trout [44].
When we consider the relative proportions of protein used for maintenance and growth,
data available to date indicate that the maintenance component of the protein requirement for
growth of fish is low (15 to 30% of total protein need), compared to that of terrestrial
vertebrates (>50%), leaving more scope for growth for a given protein intake in the case of
fish. With regard to the IAA requirements for maintenance, the most complete set of data
available today for any fish is that for the rainbow trout [45].
Data on sulphur amino acids of rainbow trout were found to be about two-fold higher
than those recorded for terrestrial omnivores [46]. This possibly also explains the higher need
for exogenous amino acid supply for growth and protein accretion in fish in comparison to
terrestrial monogastrics. The maintenance requirements for arginine were found to be low in
several teleosts including rainbow trout [47].
Since obligatory nitrogen or amino acid losses under protein-free feeding conditions can
be assumed to reflect the minimum physiological needs for IAA, based on data from whole
body amino acid losses in rainbow trout fed a protein-free diet over 4 weeks Fournier et al.
[47] were able to calculate the endogenous losses in amino acids in rainbow trout to be about
350 mg/kg/day providing data on body protein degradation rates.
Rainbow Trout as a Model for Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism Studies 139
One explanation for the high dietary protein requirements of rainbow trout, as in almost
all teleosts, is that a significant amount of energy is derived from nitrogenous compounds
[48] and amino acids that serve as preferential oxidative substrates [49]. Although rainbow
trout have an apparent high dietary protein requirement for expressing their maximum growth
potential, the efficiency with which dietary protein is converted into edible tissue protein is
generally higher in rainbow trout than in most food producing animals. Since under farming
conditions, the major objective is to increase the supply of proteins for human consumption,
over the past two decades specific strategies have been adopted to enhance protein retention:
by optimizing the quantitative supply of dietary proteins, by improving the amino acid
balance of the diets, and by increasing the supply of DE from non-protein sources.
As regards the nutritional control of protein and amino acid metabolism, some general
concepts put forward very early prevail even today. Rainbow trout, when confronted with
changes in dietary protein levels, appear not to show changes in their amino acid catabolism.
In trout, the activities of enzymes of amino acid catabolism are only slightly affected by
changes in dietary protein levels; data available today suggest that there is more an effect of
dietary protein levels or of overall protein intake on intermediary metabolism [50-52] rather
than on direct amino acid catabolism per se.
This situation is somewhat similar to what is seen in terrestrial carnivores such as the cat
which also exhibits a high dietary protein requirement, high obligatory nitrogen losses and a
limited capacity to control amino acid catabolism [53]. This lack of control of amino acid
catabolism as affected by dietary protein levels is indeed considered to be one major reason
for the high protein requirements of fish [54].
Data based on studies on N balance as well as protein synthesis rates as affected by water
temperature show that any effect on protein accretion is mainly mediated through an increase
in voluntary feed intake and the proportion of the different segments of N balance remain the
same [55]. An increase in the supply of some of the dietary IAA is known to increase protein
synthesis and/or deposition in terrestrial animals. No such proteogenic effect has so far been
demonstrated in rainbow trout receiving an excess dietary leucine [56].
nitrogen utilization through non-protein nitrogen sources such as urea have not been
successful. Dietary urea for instance is readily absorbed in the digestive tract of juvenile trout
but is totally excreted with no beneficial effect on nitrogen balance [60]. Unlike other
vertebrates, urea excretion in rainbow trout is considered to be a reflection of the maintenance
turnover of arginine [61] and nucleic acids rather than the end product of the ornithine-urea
cycle. Besides the liver which is generally recognized as the active site of ureagenesis, it has
also been shown that urea cycle enzyme activities in skeletal muscle tissue can account for a
significant portion of total urea excretion in juvenile and adult trout [62].
Increased N utilization will decrease nitrogenous wastes into the environment. Based on
studies with rainbow trout, models relating N excretion to N intake have also been proposed,
very much applicable to farming conditions in order to reduce environmental impacts [63].
While ammoniotelism confers some advantages to fish from the energetic point of view,
excess ambient ammonia has adverse effects in all aquaculture systems. Hence, there is a
necessity to optimize the amino acid supply for the reduction of ammonia excretion into the
environment, since the excess supply of amino acids is more likely to increase ammonia
excretion, without having any beneficial effect on protein growth.
Under the current global context of stagnation of world fishery catches and increasing
demands for fishmeal for fish farming, replacement of fishmeal with other protein sources in
aquatic animal feeds is an important issue. When dealing with fish meal replacement, it is
worth looking into possible alternative protein sources which are sufficiently rich in protein
as is fishmeal. Such fishmeal substitutes are limiting in one or more IAA [11]. There is clear
evidence now that dietary amino acid supplementation can reduce the overall protein level in
the feeds of rainbow trout, provided proper attention is paid to the IAA profile. Our
knowledge of the interactions between different amino acids, their roles in other metabolic
pathways beyond protein accretion and as signaling molecules are little known and research
along these lines are warranted from a comparative perspective between different fish and
other terrestrial monogastrics.
Glucose metabolism and glucose homeostasis are highly dependent of the feeding status
of the animal. In fed as well as unfed animals, glucose will be used directly as an energy
source in many tissues through glycolysis. But in fed animals dietary glucose in excess will
be either stored as glycogen mainly in muscle and liver or converted into fatty acids in liver
and fat tissue in order to be used latter [during the fasted state] for energy purposes. Feeding
rainbow trout with carbohydrates [highly present in plant ingredients] has been studied
primarily for aquaculture purposes [10, 64, 65]. However it is generally accepted that rainbow
trout do not have a specific requirement for dietary glucose [2] because they are able to
survive and grow with diets devoid of carbohydrates. It is interesting to study dietary
carbohydrates in rainbow trout because it is theoretically a good strategy to incorporate
dietary glucose as ingredients in order to decrease levels of fishmeal [rich in proteins] and
Rainbow Trout as a Model for Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism Studies 141
fish oil [rich in lipids] in new aquafeeds. Carbohydrates are found as a major component of
many plant products, generally in the form of starch. Unfortunately, even though the level of
incorporation of digestible dietary carbohydrates has been largely tested in rainbow trout, it is
always limited at a level lower than 20% (20 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of diet) [64, 66].
Indeed, carbohydrate inclusion in pellets is limited due to a significant decrease in growth
parameters associated with a postprandial persistent hyperglycemia (up to 20 mM) in rainbow
trout fed with more than 20% carbohydrates [10, 66, 67]. Sometimes a detrimental effect on
liver (―fatty liver‖) is also observed [10, 66, 68]. These data suggest a problem in metabolic
use of dietary glucose in rainbow trout.
The first step in the nutrition process is the intestinal digestion of nutrients. Carbohydrate
sources can be arranged schematically into two categories: the digestible saccharides
(monosaccharide, disaccharides, polysaccharides (such as starch)) and the nondigestible
polysaccharides [non-starch polysaccharides (NSP)or dietary fiber) Rainbow trout (as many
fish species in aquaculture) cannot use NSP efficiently due to the absence of an adequate gut
microbiota for their digestion [69].
Concerning the others types of carbohydrates, monosaccharides [such as glucose] or
dissacharides (such as sucrose) can be incorporated directly in rainbow trout diets. Even
though they are efficiently absorbed by the gut, this is not a good practical solution for
aquafeed formulation in aquaculture due to their costs [64].
This is why the common source of dietary carbohydrates for fish nutrition is starch which
is common in plant product [10]. Actually, starch is highly digested by rainbow trout after
technological treatments of the pellets (such as extrusion and gelatinization). This process
produces a starch highly accessible to digestive enzymes expressed in trout including amylase
and maltase producing a nutrient that is more than 90% digestible [10, 64, 69].
5.3. Poor Use of Dietary Glucose by Rainbow Trout: Is It True for All Fish
Dietary carbohydrates are effectively digested and absorbed by the gut, but the challenge
for scientists is to understand and to improve the poor metabolism of dietary glucose by
rainbow trout [10, 64].
There is clearly a metabolic inability to use the level of dietary carbohydrates usually
found in mammalian diets [50% of carbohydrate in the diet for the rat, for example].
Importantly the low glucose use in rainbow trout fed carbohydrates is not observed for all fish
species; indeed, species at a low trophic level (such as the omnivorous common carp,
Cyprinus carpio and the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus) are able to use higher levels of
carbohydrates (50% in the diets)in contrast to the fish at the higher trophic level [the
piscivores or carnivores] fish such as the salmonids and many marine species [64, 66, 68].
142 Stéphane Panserat, Sadasivam Kaushik and Françoise Médale
After carbohydrate intake and in order to initiate glucose use and/or storage in target
tissues such as liver, muscle and fat tissue, plasma insulin levels increase in mammals. In fed
rainbow trout regardless of the macronutrient composition, there is an induction of insulin
secretion [70-72]. However, glucose is a poor insulin secretagogue compared to some amino
acids (e.g. arginine) in many fish species (e.g., see 73, 74) The relatively low level of insulin
secretion after carbohydrate intake could be related to the concomitant high levels of
somatostatin secretion [from the pancreas] as described by some authors [75, 76],
somatostastin being an inhibitor of insulin secretion. Atypical molecular regulation of the
ATP-dependent inward rectifying potassium channels in the pancreas of rainbow trout fed
with carbohydrates could also be another explanation for the poor insulin secretion after
glucose intake [77]. Further studies are however necessary in order to better understand the
nutritional regulation of the secretion for some key (pancreatic) hormones (such as glucagon)
involved in regulation of nutrient (glucose) metabolism. However, the hypoglycemia effect of
insulin injection in the regulation of glycemia in rainbow trout appears to be similar to the one
observed in mammals and is linked to the induction of the insulin signalling pathways (IRS
phosphorylation, Akt phosphorylation) in liver and muscle [78-82].
The consequences of hormones and nutrients are ultimately the regulation of the
intermediary metabolism. A number of studies have detailed the effects of carbohydrate
intake on glucose metabolism especially in rainbow trout [10, 66].
Dietary glucose storage in liver. After feeding carbohydrates, there is an up-regulation of
the hepatic glycolytic pathway linked to increased activities of glucokinase(GK),
phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase in rainbow trout [87-89]. The induction of the
activity of hepatic GK after carbohydrate feeding is always associated with a dramatic
induction of glucokinase gene expression [similar to an on-off regulation] showing
unambiguously the possibility of trout adapting to carbohydrate intake. Surprisingly, and in
contrast to mammals, this induction is strictly linked to carbohydrate intake and not to insulin
levels in vivo [80, 81] or in vitro [80, 85]. The storage of glucose in excess as glycogen also
occurs in trout liver as demonstrated by the higher levels of glycogen and higher activities of
glycogen synthase in trout fed with carbohydrates compared to the fish fed without
carbohydrates [66]. The pentose phosphate pathway also responds at both molecular and
biochemical levels in trout liver [66, 90], suggesting that this metabolic pathway may
function for the production of NADPH required for anabolic pathways (including
lipogenesis). Even though lipogenesis is not directly linked to glucose metabolism,
lipogenesis plays an important role in glucose homeostasis for the conversion of glucose [in
excess] into fatty acids. However, the role of hepatic lipogenesis on glucose homeostasis is
marginal due to its low induction by carbohydrate intake [90] even though it is sensitive to
insulin treatment [26]. This poor induction of lipogenesis in rainbow trout fed carbohydrates
could be one explanation for the poor glucose homeostasis in these fish species: an induction
of lipogenesis in liver through a drug [metformin] [90, 91] or after genetic selection [92] is
associated with a lower postprandial glycemia in fed rainbow trout. Moreover, a recent study
has demonstrated that lipogenesis in white adipose tissue of rainbow trout is induced by
insulin suggesting a potential role for this tissue in the use of dietary glucose [26]. This area
needs further study.
Regulation by dietary carbohydrates of hepatic glucose production. In rainbow trout fed
with carbohydrates [87, 89], inhibition of key hepatic gluconeogenic enzymes is generally not
observed at either the molecular or activity levels in contrast to what is observed in mammals
144 Stéphane Panserat, Sadasivam Kaushik and Françoise Médale
[93] and in some glucose tolerant fish species [94]. The absence of a clear reduction in
hepatic gluconeogenesis is another possible explanation for poor dietary carbohydrate use by
rainbow trout [10].
Dietary glucose use in white muscle and adipose tissue. In white muscle, no clear
regulation of glucose metabolism (glycolysis, glycogenesis) by dietary carbohydrates is
detected in rainbow trout and other fish species [10, 66, 95]. Indeed, even though there is an
insulin-sensitive glucose transporter 4 (Glut4) in trout muscle [96, 97], glycolytic rates remain
constant and low as reflected by the absence of higher hexokinase and pyruvate kinase (PK)
enzyme activities in muscle of trout fed with compared to without carbohydrates [10, 64, 66,
90]. These data suggest a low adaptive capacity of fish muscle to accept dietary glucose even
though a small increase in glycogen content occurs in fish fed with carbohydrates and PK
activities seem always to be high. The low capacity to use dietary glucose in muscle is
supported by the fact that glucose phosphorylation [the first limiting step of glycolysis] is
always low as shown by the constant low activities of muscle hexokinase in rainbow trout
[10, 64, 66]. Moreover the low number of insulin receptors in muscle of the trout compared
with glucose tolerant fish such as the common carp [98] is also an indicator of a poor capacity
of muscle to use dietary glucose. On the other hand, after feeding carbohydrates, plasma
glucose can also be used by the perivisceral adipose tissue. A recent study in trout reported
glucose transport and glucose phosphorylation and lipogenesis are present in this tissue [26]
but to date, no study has examined the regulation of glucose metabolism by dietary
carbohydrates in this tissue.
Many studies have tried to suppress the (metabolic) bottlenecks that may decrease the
capacities of rainbow trout to adapt to new diets in aquaculture (see above). One such strategy
is to modify diet composition through new combinations of feed ingredients. In this context,
some targeted strategies have been developed. One example was to decrease as much as
possible the levels of proteins and fat which, at high levels, have negative impacts on dietary
glucose use by acting on hepatic gluconeogenesis (increasing it) and lipogenesis [decreasing
it] [99, 100]. Here, we will describe an approach that is promising for aquaculture and is
called nutritional programming.
Definition of the nutritional programming. Studies in some mammals and insects (bees)
show that dietary influences exerted at critical early life stages (neonatal nutrition, post-natal
(weaning]) nutrition) may have long-term consequences on physiological functions in later
life [101-103]. This phenomenon, known as nutritional programming, is largely studied in
mammals for the understanding of diseases such as the metabolic syndrome or diabetes [103,
104]. Development represents a period of rapid change in gene expression during which
environmental cues [such as nutrition] may induce persistent changes in the phenotype of an
organism. Variation in nutrition during early life induces different phenotypes that are
contingent on the timing, duration and nature of the nutritional challenge.
Rainbow Trout as a Model for Nutrition and Nutrient Metabolism Studies 145
« Commercial diet »
Very High Carbohydrates diet = 65% dextrin
During 2 months
First feeding: 3 days
In intestine In intestine
Genes Type of regulation Genes Type of regulation
α-amylase Up-regulation 4-fold α-amylase (GI) Up-regulation 1.7-fold
Maltase Up-regulation 2.2-fold Maltase (GI) Up-regulation 1.5-fold
Figure 1. Persistent higher gene expression of carbohydrate digestion enzymes compared to controls in
rainbow trout juvenile after a preliminary stimulus with high intake of carbohydrates [65% of dextrin]
at first feeding [adapted from 111].
This chapter has presented some of the main particularities of nutrient use in rainbow
trout, a very efficient user of dietary amino acids, a very poor user of dietary glucose
(carbohydrates), as well as some specificities linked to poïkilothermy(associated with low
energy use) and the aquatic environment (a reduced urea cycle, ammonium elimination across
the gills from the amino acid catabolism). It is clear that the rainbow trout is a very interesting
animal model to study nutrition. In particular, specific regulation of metabolism by amino
acids and glucose in this species could permit the development of new paradigms in
nutritional sciences. Moreover, and because the rainbow trout is also one of the main
aquaculture species, it is expected that this knowledge can improve the nutrition of fish in
aquaculture in the context of the development of new more sustainable diets for farmed fish.
Indeed, as an example, a new nutritional strategy based on nutritional programming could
improve the trout nutrition in the context of sustainable aquaculture.
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