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ECB 2243-06-GPS-Neza

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Global Positioning System

Introduction to GPS
Prof.Madya Dr. Kamaluddin Hj. Talib
What Is GPS?

GPS is short form for NAVSTAR GPS.

Navigation system with time and ranging global
positioning system.
Satellite-based system that uses a constellation
of 27 satellites (+ 3 spares) to give a user an
accurate position.
Definition of accurate:
To a hiker or soldier in the desert, accurate means
To a ship in coastal waters, accurate means ±5m.
To a land surveyor, accurate means 1cm or less.
What Does GPS Do?

GPS can be used to achieve different accuracies

in various applications. (Depends on type of GPS receiver
used and the technique employed).
Originally: designed for military use at any time
anywhere on the surface of the earth.
Later: civilians use in personal positioning,
marine navigation and surveying.
Nowadays: in-car navigation, truck fleet
management system to automation of
construction machinery.
GPS System Overview

The space segment:

Satellites orbiting the earth.
The control segment:
Stations positioned on the earth’s equator to control
the satellites.
The user segment:
Anybody that receives and uses the GPS signal.
GPS System Overview
The Space Segment

Designed to consist of 24 satellites orbiting the

earth at approximately 20200km above earth’s
surface in six orbital plane (6 satellites in each
plane) at 5° inclination angle with one complete
revolution every 12 hours.
The Space Segment (Cont.)

Simplified representation of nominal GPS

The Space Segment (Cont.)

There will be a minimum of 4 satellites

visible above a 15° cut-off angle at any
point of the earth’s surface at any one
Each GPS satellite has several very
accurate atomic clocks on board operating
at a fundamental frequency of 10.23 Mhz
to generate the signals that are broadcast
from the satellite.
GPS Signal Structure

Satellites broadcast two L- Band (used for radio)

carrier waves constantly and travel at the speed
of light.
Carrier waves: derived from the fundamental
frequency, generated by a very precise atomic clock:
The L1: Broadcast at 1575.42 MHz
(10.23 x 154)
The L2: Broadcast at 1227.60 MHz
(10.23 x 120)
GPS Signal Structure (Cont.)
GPS Signal Structure (Cont.)

The L1 carrier:
Has two codes modulation:
C/A Code or Coarse/Acquisition Code: modulated
at 1.023MHz (10.23/10)
P-code or Precision Code: modulated at
The L2 carrier:
Has one code modulation:
P-code is modulated at 10.23 MHz.
GPS Signal Structure (Cont.)
GPS Signal Structure (Cont.)

Codes (C/A and P) are unique for every

GPS receivers use the different codes to
distinguish between satellites.
The codes can also be used as a basis for
making pseudo range measurements and
therefore calculate a position.
GPS Signal Structure (Cont.)
The Control Segment

1 master control station, 5 monitor stations and

4 ground antennas distributed roughly on the
earth’s equator.
Tracks the GPS satellites.
Updates their orbiting position.
Calibrates and synchronizes their clocks.
The Control Segment (Cont.)
The User Segment

Comprises of anyone
using a GPS receiver
to receive the GPS
signal and determine
their position and / or
Recreation, Space,
Surveying, Agriculture,
Aviation, Marine, Etc.
How GPS Works

GPS positions are based on measuring the

distance from the satellites to the GPS receiver
on the earth.
From the distance to one satellite we know that
the position of the receiver must be at some
point on the surface of an imaginary sphere
which has it’s origin at the satellite.
By intersecting three imaginary spheres the
receiver position can be determined.
How GPS Works (Cont.)
How GPS Works (Cont.)

 Here’s how GPS works in five basic logical

1. The basis of GPS is "triangulation" from satellites.
2. To "triangulate," a GPS receiver measures distance
using the travel time of radio signals.
3. To measure travel time, GPS needs very accurate
timing which it achieves with some tricks.
4. Along with distance, you need to know exactly
where the satellites are in space. High orbits and
careful monitoring are the secret.
5. Finally you must correct for any delays the signal
experiences as it travels through the atmosphere.
How GPS Works (Cont.)

Problem: only pseudo-

ranges and time at which
the signal arrived at the
receiver can be determined
but not the signals’ travel
Four unknowns: X,Y,Z and
Observing to four satellites
produces four equations to
solve for four unknowns.
Triangulating from satellites

The whole idea behind GPS is to use satellites in

space as reference points for locations here on
By very accurately measuring our distance from
three satellites we can triangulate our position
anywhere on the earth.
Calculating the Distance to the

Newton’s laws of motion:

Distance = velocity x time.
Radio waves travel at the speed of light,
290,000,000 m per second.
Time, is the time taken for the radio signal to
travel from the satellite to the GPS receiver.
Time is a little harder to calculate, since we
need to know when the radio signal left the
satellite and when it reached the receiver.
Calculating the Distance to the
Calculating the Time

The C/A code is a digital code that is pseudo

random or appears to be random. In actual fact
it is not random and repeats one thousand
times every second. In this way, the time taken
for the radio signal to travel from the satellite to
the GPS receiver is calculated.
Getting the Perfect Timing

Accurate timing is the key to measuring distance

to satellites.
If timing is off by just a thousandth of a second, at
the speed of light, will translates into almost 300 km
of error.
Satellites are accurate because they have
atomic clocks on board.
Receiver clocks don't have to be too accurate
because an extra satellite range measurement
can remove errors.
Getting the Perfect Timing (Cont.)
Knowing Where Are the Satellites in

Satellites are reference: need to know exactly

where they are.
GPS satellites are so high up their orbits are very
Minor variations in their orbits are measured by the
Department of Defense.
Information is sent to the satellites and retransmitted
along with the timing signals as Navigation Message.
Navigation Message is known as Broadcast
Source of Error

 There are several sources of error that degrade

the GPS position from a theoretical few meters
to tens of meters.
 These error sources are:
 Ionosphere and atmospheric delays
 Satellite and receiver clock error
 Multipath
 Dilution of precision (DOP)
 Selective Availability (S/A)
 Anti spoofing (A-S)
Ionospheric & Tropospheric Delay
Satellite & Receiver Clock Error
Multipath Error
Dilution of Precision
SA and AS

 Selective Availability (S/A)

 Denial of civilian and hostile foreign powers to the
full accuracy of GPS by by DOD.
 Dithering of satellite clocks which alters their time
slightly and broadcast ephemeris
 Anti-Spoofing (A-S)
 Denial of civilian and hostile powers access to the
P-code by encryptions (except US and it’s allies).
GPS Positioning Techniques

 There are several different methods for

obtaining a position using GPS. The method
used depends on the accuracy required by the
user and the type of GPS receiver available.
Broadly speaking, the techniques can be
broken down into three basic classes:
 Autonomous navigation
 Differential corrected position
 Differential phase position
Autonomous Navigation
Differentially Corrected Positioning
Carrier Phase DGPS / Relative


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