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Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 13 (2), 251-266

Agronomic properties and characterization of rice husk and

wood biochars and their effect on the growth of water spinach
in a field test

O.Varela Milla¹, Eva B. Rivera1, W.-J. Huang2,* , C.-,C. Chien3, Y.-M. Wang4
Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology,
Pingtung 91201, Taiwan. 2Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science
and Technology, Pingtung 91201, Taiwan. 3Industrial Technology Research Institute Tainan 734, Taiwan. 4Department of Civil
Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung 91201, Taiwan. *Corresponding author:


This study compared the agronomic properties of rice husk biochar (RHB) and wood biochar (WB) and investigated
their effect on the growth rate of water spinach in a field experiment. Each biochar type was tested at 5 different
rates of 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0 and 0.5 kgm3, respectively. The results detailing the growth of water spinach showed that
the application of rice husk biochar improves biomass production. The WB added to soil increased the plant weight
of water spinach by increasing the root size and leaf width, whereas RHB added to soil increased plant weight
by increasing the stem size and leaf length of the water spinach. In addition, the stem size of water spinach was
proportional to the WHC/silt ratio; whereas the root size of water spinach was proportional to the OM/OC ratio of soil.
We also proposed that the working mechanism of WB and RHB in soil would be such, that the decomposition of OC
in biochar-added soil to OM resulted in increased WHC and decreased silt in biochar-added soil. The decomposition
of WB biochar was faster than RHB under a lower dosage amount (< 1.5 kgm3), but this trend was inversed with a
higher dosage ( > 3.0 kgm3).

Keywords: soil fertility, biochar, water spinach, wood, soil amendments, rice husk

252 Varela et al.

1. Introduction

Rice husks, wood remains, nut shells, manure and carbon from incompletely burned (i.e. carbonized) rice
crop residues are regarded as agricultural waste, but residues could be an important source of organic matter
recently such solid wastes have been transformed in rice soils, as been previously shown for a range of
into biochar for the purpose of carbon sequestration. other soil types (Schmidt and Noavk., 2000)
Biochar is commonly defined as charred organic
The effects of the addition of biochar may vary from soil
matter, produced with the intent of being deliberately to soil. However, the following effects have been seen
added to soil to improve its agronomic properties. On in experiments: a) the rice husk charcoal increases the
average, one ton of dry biomass can create 400 kg of soil pH, thereby increasing available phosphorus (P),
biochar containing 80 to 90% pure carbon (Lehmann b) improved aeration in the crop root zone, c) improved
et al., 2009) at 300 to 700 ºC, under low (preferably soil water - holding capacity and d) increased levels
zero) oxygen concentrations. Rice husk contains a of exchangeable potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg)
high content of silicon and potassium, nutrients which (FFTC, 2001). There is a need to highlight the agronomic
have great potential for amending soil, while those properties and the effects of rice husks biochar on the
with a relatively higher carbon content (e.g. wood or growth of crops, to promote biochar use in the field by
nut shells) are currently used for the production of small landholders. With several Asian countries applying
activated carbon. the carbonized rice residues, their real outcome has not
been clarified. More field work is required to indicate
The use of rice straw and rice husks in the field has the relationship between the amount of biochar applied
been practiced for some time (Ponamperuma, 1982). and the growth rate of crops. Therefore, in this study,
Research has shown that incorporation of rice straw we examined the effects of rice husk biochar application
and rice husks can significantly improve soil properties and compared these results to wood biochar applied to
by decreasing soil bulk density, enhancing soil pH, increase the growth of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)
adding organic carbon, increasing available nutrients in field conditions. Water spinach is a fast growing plant
with strong system development. It originates from
and removing heavy metals from the system, mainland China and is now widely grown worldwide.
ultimately increasing crop yields (Williams et al., This study assumed that rice husk biochar could act as
1972). Similar studies on cowpea, soybean, and a soil conditioner, enhancing water spinach growth by
maize (Yamato et al., 2006) have also supported supplying and retaining nutrients and thus improving the
the application of biochar as a way to increase soil’s physical and biological properties. Our aim was
crop yields. Asia, a principal rice growing region, to explore whether rice husk biochar (RHB) and wood
has abundant rice residues, estimated at about 560 biochar (WB), in combination with fertilizers, could
million tons of rice straw and 112 million tons of increase the biomass yield of water spinach. Soil analysis,
rice husks, respectively. These residues could be a shared use of a scanning electron microscope, and heavy
valuable resource for the production of biochar to metal analysis were used to identify the properties of rice
increase soil fertility. husk biochar. We hope that the results of our work may
help to determine which of the biochars is more beneficial
Carbonized rice husks consist of a very light in boosting the production of water spinach.
material with a micro-porous structure and a bulk
density of about 0.150g cm−3 (Haefele et al., 2009). 2. Materials and Methods
The carbonization process also improves the water-
In a study made by Hossain et al., (2011) concerning
holding capacity of the rice husks (Oshio et al.,
the influence of pyrolysis temperature on production
1981). Additionally, the widespread old practice of
and the nutrient properties of biochar, researchers
burning rice straw in the field indicates that black

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Field test for water spinach grown with biochard 253

concluded that pyrolysis temperature has a significant voltage was set at 15- 40 kV; 200, 300 and 600 times
effect on the chemical properties of the biochar magnification were selected. A Perkins-Elmer EA
produced. There are important implications regarding analyzer determined the elemental composition of
the suitability of biochar as a soil amendment. In this the biochar, such as the biomass that would be ideal
study, all biochars tested were produced at relatively for application as biochar for carbon sequestration. A
low temperatures (250-300 oC) and were slightly Bruker Vector-22 FT-IR spectrometer identified the
alkaline. sample to determine the organic functional groups
present for each biomass, especially carbons. Volatile
2.1. Biochar preparation and characterization matter in biochar was determined following the
ASTM D 3175 -07 standard test method. In order to
Production of rice husk biochar (RHB) was carried determine the surface area of each biochar, samples
out by the Industrial Technology Research Institute were ground and sieved using a No. 60 mesh. A
(ITRI), located in Hsinchu, Taiwan. RHB was Beckman Coulter SA 3100 BET analyzer containing
pyrolysized using a small-scale reactor at 300-350ºC approximately 0.1000 g to 0.2000 g of each biochar
with a residence time of 1 hour. These temperatures sample was then used at a temperature of 50Cº for 60
may be applicable for small scale farmers who lack min. Electrical conductivity and total dissolved solid
access to credit and cannot afford high-scale pyrolysis analysis are theoretically the best measure of salinity
plants. In order to observe the performance of both to indicate the actual salinity level experienced by
biochars in their original shapes, we avoided the use of the plant root (Corwin and Lesch, 2003). Hence,
grinders or sieves to reduce the particle size in the soil electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids
applications. Wood biochar (WB) was purchased in an were measured using a SUNTEX SC-110 portable
agricultural shop near the experimental site and WB conductivity-meter. Samples were prepared at a ratio
was prepared by open-burn (the proposed temperature of 1:10 (sample: distilled water), mixed in a HMS-
was 250-300 ºC). 212 stirrer for 30 min, and then left to stand for 4
Several analyses, including use of scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) equipped with an energy To evaluate the heavy metals present in the biochars,
dispersion X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), elemental we used a leaching extraction procedure which
analysis of biochars (EA), Fourier transform infrared follows the USA EPA method No.1311 with minor
spectroscopy (FT-IR), volatile matter (VM), surface modifications; 5 g of ground and weighted biochar
area analysis (BET), electrical conductivity (EC), were added into a volumetric flask together with 1000
total dissolved solids (TDS) analysis, water-holding ml of distilled water and 5.7 mL of acetic acid. After
capacity (WHC), and heavy metal analysis (ICP), were samples were left for 18 h in a toxicity characteristics
used to characterize the properties of the biochars. leaching procedure (TCLP) rotator, they were filtered
By using an SEM S-3000N HITACHI production and poured into 100 mL containers. The trace metals
microscope, the morphology of both WB and RHB analysis in the samples was realized by using a Perkin-
samples was examined. The sample powder was Elmer 3000-XL inductively coupled plasma (ICP-
sprinkled as a thin layer on an adhesive tape placed AES) spectrometer.
on the brass sample holder. Excess amounts of the
sample were removed with a small manual air blower. 2.2. Field trial
The adhered sample was then coated with gold
powder using a sputtering device, the Ion Sputter The experiment was carried out between December
E-1010 HITACHI, and then transferred into the 2010 and February 2011 on the campus of National
JEOL sample chamber for analysis. The accelerating Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 13 (2), 251-266

254 Varela et al.

(22°38’N, 120°36’E) in Pingtung County in the 2.3. Soil analysis

southern part of Taiwan. The climate in this area
is humid and tropical with predominantly summer Soil was sampled from a 0 to 20 cm horizon on a clayey
rainfall. The rainy season from May to September Ultisol, which is typically used for vegetable and fruit
accounts for 90% of the annual precipitation with the production in southern Taiwan. There were eleven
remainder falling between October and April. With an treatments for rice husk biochar and wood biochar,
annual average of 24ºC, the temperature ranges from along with one control group. Four soil samples from
10ºC during the coldest months, January to March, to each treatment were dried in a precision oven at 35ºC,
38ºC in the hottest months, June to August. homogenously mixed, ground and passed through a 2mm
sieve. A 20:20 (soil: distilled water) solution ration was
Water spinach plants were germinated for two weeks prepared for the determination of pH. Organic carbon
and later transplanted into plots. Each plot was 1.94 m (OC) and organic matter (OM) were determined using
x 1.10 m. Five different treatments were assigned to the Walkley-Black method (Walkley and Black, 1934).
each of the biochars and to one control group. RHB Soil texture and characteristics were also obtained using
and WB were weighted and added to each plot. Every the hydrometer method (Milford, 1997).
plot was mixed with the assigned quantity of biochar
using a top soil mixing technique (Major, 2009). The water-holding capacity (WHC) of biochars was
Before transplanting, each plot was irrigated for 20 measured, following procedures for soil analysis as
min. Plants were transplanted 15 cm apart, with 22 outlined in a manual (Lee, 2007). Soil samples where
plants per plot. A perforated pipe system was used oven dried for 24 h at 105ºC; then 5 g of each sample
to water the plants every 2 days for 10 min. Soluble were poured into a 100mL beaker and distilled water
N-P-K fertilizer 20-20-20 was applied to the crops; was added until the saturation point was reached and
1 g of the fertilizer was dissolved in 2 liters of water the weight loss could be counted for the water-holding
and the procedure was repeated for each of the plots. capacity of the sample. ANOVA was implemented
The application was made only ONE time during the using the SAS GML procedure. Both biochar treatments
growth of the plants during the second week. After were compared using least significant differences at the
eight weeks of growth, the plants were harvested Plant significance level of P < 0.05 to determine the main
morphological characteristics measured included: effect of both biochars on plant growth properties.
leaf number, leaf length, leaf width, stem number,
stem size, fresh plant weight, root growth and the
chlorophyll content of the leaves. The effect of biochar
3. Results and Discussion
on root growth was measured to compare the effects
of the different types and quantities of rice husk and 3.1. Characteristics of biochar
wood biochars used. Ten water spinach plants were
randomly selected from each treatment; their roots The SEM-EDX analysis showed that the microstructure
were washed to avoid loose soil and blotted to remove of the rice husk biochar was highly heterogeneous. Rice
any free surface moisture. After plants were harvested husk biochar particles consisted of higher silicon (Si)
and their roots measured, each was weighed; plants mineral agglomerates on lower carbon content fibers
were collected and grouped by treatment in order to with structures typical of its biomass origin. They
obtain their total fresh weight. Relative chlorophyll exhibited a large degree of macro-porosity in the 1 to
content (Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD)) 10 micron scale, with contents of carbon (C), oxygen
was measured every two days using a Minolta (O) and potassium (K). On the other hand, SEM-EDX
chlorophyll meter (model SPAD 502). analysis for WB indicated that the biochar particles

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Field test for water spinach grown with biochard 255

consisted of high potassium, chlorine (Cl) and calcium 1999). Si nutrition plays an important role in the water
mineral agglomerates. This analisys further demonstrates spinach nutrition. The nutrient condition of the Ultisol
high carbon content and a large degree of macro-porosity was increased and it boosted mass production of the
in the 1 to 10 micron scale, with contents of Potassium plant, showing differences when compared with the
(K), Carbon (C), Chlorine (Cl) and Calcium (Ca). mass production of water spinach where wood biochar
was applied. Rice husks are unique. They contain
The results of FT-IR and elemental analysis showed approximately 20% opaline silica in combination with
that rice husk biochar has relatively higher complexation a large amount of the phenyl propanoid structural
ability on the surface than does wood biochar. Results polymer called lignin.
from several analyses, including: EA, BET surface area,
EC, TDS, and ICP heavy metal analysis, revealed the 3.2. Effect of biochar application in soil properties
applicability of rice husk and wood biochars on soil. Table
1 shows a list of important elements contained in biochar A review by Glaser et al., (2002) suggested that biochar
that could be beneficially incorporated into soils. Results added to soils may not only change its chemical
from EA tests show a high percentage of carbon in wood properties but also affect physical properties such as
biochar. According Stoylle (2011), a high percentage of soil water-holding and aggregation. These effects
carbon means the biochar can absorb more atmospheric may enhance water availability to crops and decrease
C from the environment. Rice husk had a higher VM erosion. Results in Table 2 indicate that the addition
content as compared to rice husk and wood biochars. In of both biochars to soil did not drastically affect the
comparison with rice husk, wood exhibits a larger BET pH of testing soil. In addition, the OC content was
surface area/m². Rice husk biochar has a significantly increased with the addition of rice husk and wood
higher EC value than wood biochar, meaning greater biochar, with the highest content shown in wood
quantities of dissolvable ions are present in rice husk biochar (WB-2). The percentage of OM was not much
biochar than in wood (Basile-Doelsch et al., 2007). affected after the biochar addition, as compared to
CT. In our study, the water-holding capacity (WHC)
Concentrations of heavy metals in the tested biochars were increased to a maximum value and then decreased
all far below the ICP detection limits. Major differences as the application of biochar was increased. The
between wood and rice biochar were in the content of highest ratio of RHB biochar had the same WHC
Na and Mn. RHB had slightly alkaline properties with a within the CT and FS groups. Soil from the NPUST
pH of 8.02; this was relatively higher than wood biochar campus field was found to be medium acidic with a
due to the high ash content. The former also had higher pH between 5.02 and 6.69 (classified as very strong
elemental Si and Mg but a lower content of Ca compared acid-medium acid soil). Chan et al., (2007) showed
to the wood biochar. In addition, characterization of that biochar application improved some physical soil
biochar showed contents of potassium (K), and a high properties, such as: increased soil aggregation, water
concentration of silicon (Si). Silicon (Si) is not yet classed holding capacity and decreased soil strength. Rice husk
as an essential nutrient but it exists in all plants grown in alone has a percentage water-holding capacity of 251
soil, and is recognized as a functional nutrient. Benefits that is enhanced by the carbonization process, resulting
of silicon include: increased pest and pathogen resistance, in up to 353% water retention in rice husk biochar.
drought and heavy metal tolerance, and improved quality RHB could decrease moisture retention in clayey soils.
and yield of agricultural crops. Si is taken up at levels Increased moisture retention and water bioavailability
equal to or greater than levels of essential nutrients such as is thought to be a critical factor in achieving greater
Nitrogen and Potassium in certain plants such as rice and yields with biochar amended fields. Generally, water
sugarcane. As a result, it is considered agronomically retention is increased as the amount of organic matter in
essential for sustainable crop production (Savant et al., achieving greater yields with biochar amended fields.

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 13 (2), 251-266

256 Varela et al.

Table 1. Properties of fresh rice husk biochar and wood biochar used in this experiment

Pyrolysis temperature of wood biochar was not determined due to its unknown origin. Oxygen content was calculated: O =100 – (C + H + N + Ash).
TDS and salt are directly proportional to EC

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Field test for water spinach grown with biochard 257

Table 2. Effect of biochar in some soil properties

RHB= Rice husk biochar, WB= Wood biochar, CT= Control treatment, FS= Field soil

Generally, water retention is increased as the amount of types. The addition of fertilizer and biochar gives a
organic matter in soil is increased. Sohi et al., (2009), positive outcome in terms of plant growth. A greater
hypothesized that the addition of biochar to soils may increase in biomass production was observed with
lead to increased levels of organic content. This may the application of fertilizer and rice husk biochar
partially explain improved water retention, while to the Ultisoil soil. Little response in the CT group
Glaser et al., (2002), found that Terra Preta soils rich without fertilizer was observed. Ultisols is acidic in
in charcoal had an 18% greater water retention than nature and is considerably productive under good
did neighboring soils that did not contain significant management (Brady and Weil, 1999). However,
charcoal deposits. In this study little increase in WHC high acidity and relatively low availability of
was observed. The WHC of soil containing applied calcium, magnesium and potassium make these
biochar was found to increase by only about 10%. soils poorly suited for continuous agriculture
without the addition of fertilizer and lime. RHB is
3.3. Effect of biochar in plant morphology shown to provide special benefits to Ultisol soils,
resulting in improved biomass production. Plants
Results from this study reveal that the response of water grown with 1.0 kg (RHB-4) had the maximum
spinach to biochar application varied between biochar average leaf number.

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 13 (2), 251-266

258 Varela et al.

Table 3. The effects of biochar type on water spinach growth parameters

RHB= Rice husk biochar, WB= Wood biochar, CT= Control treatment, FS= Field soil

a, b. Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level, according to Fisher LSD test.

A combination of biochar with fertilizer showed a weight. RHB-4 treatment (1.0 kg) showed the highest
significant effect in increasing leaf width in all plants. No number of leaves and larger stem size (40.81 and 215.50
observable difference resulted from treatments when 4.0 mm respectively). RHB-2 (3.0 kg) and RHB-3 (2.0 kg)
kg (RHB-1) and 3.0 kg (RHB-2) were added. Differences treatments resulted in a higher mean leaf width. For leaf
in leaf length were found only with the control group, length, all treatments with rich husk biochar resulted in
whereas the RHB-3 and RHB-4 treatments, showed significantly higher (p< 0.05) values than were observed
higher values for stem number and size, respectively. in the control group. Regarding the number of stems, both
RHB-3 and RHB-4 treatments showed good performance.
3.4. Effect of biochar on plant growth Treatment RHB-4 also had the best effect on fresh plant
weight (617.5 g). Compared with rice husk biochar,
Table 3 shows the comparative effects of biochar on plant however, wood biochar appeared to be less effective in
growth parameters, such as leaf number, leaf width, leaf affecting the growth of water spinach, particularly in terms
length, stem number, stem size, root size and fresh plant

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition ,2013, 13 (2), 251-266

Field test for water spinach grown with biochard 259

of fresh plant weight. Increments between plants grown years, chlorophylls, the most abundant pigments in
in rice husk and wood biochars were 124.6% for biomass green plants, have been gaining increasing recognition
production, 52.1% for leaf width, 37.7% for leaf length, as an essential part of the human diet, not only as
32.76% for leaf number, 30.17% for stem size, 21.3% for food colorants, but also as healthy food ingredients.
root size and 13.4% for stem number. Chlorophyll content or leaf greenness is affected by a
number of factors, one being the N status of the plant
According to the Least Significant Difference test, the (Peterson et al., 2010).
rice husk biochar treatment showed a significantly higher
effect on biomass growth than did wood biochar according 3.6. Effect of Si content in rice husk biochar.
to every parameter measured. The results suggest that the
efficiency of RHB is higher than that of WB. Silicon oxide forms the main component (90-97%) of
the rice husk ash with trace amounts of CaO, MgO, K2O
3.5. Effect of biochar on chlorophyll content and Na2O. The melting point of SiO2 is 1410–1610°C,
while those of K2O and Na2O are 350°C and 1275°C,
Leaf chlorophyll content for each group treated was respectively. It has been suggested that at higher
measured for 8 weeks (40 days approximately) during the temperatures, the low-melting oxides fuse with silica
experiment. Between day 1 and 17, a considerable increase on the surface of the rice husk char and form glassy
in chlorophyll content was observed, while the levels or amorphous phases, preventing the completion of a
of chlorophyll tended to gradually decrease during the reaction (Bharadwaj et al., 2004). An analysis of the
remaining days. This result may be related to differences fresh rice husks (CT) used in this test to obtain biochar
in daily chlorophyll collection times and the stage of showed high levels of Si, Ca and Mg (Table 1). After
plant growth which varied among the plant groups being the pyrolysis process, the same elements were found
treated. Noticeably, RHB-3 treatment containing 2.0 kg of to increase in the rice husk biochar. WB was found
rice husk biochar, achieved the highest value (47.15) of to have a higher content of K and surface area when
chlorophyll level. No significant differences were found compared with RHB, but had a lower content of Si and
between treatments for the WB-2, WB-5 and the control ash content (Table 1 and Figure 1).
group. It can be noted that application of wood biochar
resulted in only a minimal difference in chlorophyll 3.7. Effect of soil structure on the plant physiology of
content as compared to rice husk biochar treated plants, water spinach growth.
and had no significant differences with the CT group.
In terms of crop production, the application of
The addition of RHB to an Ultisols soil showed better biochar should be beneficial to the plant weight
results than those supplemented with wood biochar, not of landscape-grown plants, but we cannot derive
only in terms of the chlorophyll content of leaves but further new information from Figure 1. As indicated
also in biomass production. It is widely known that leaf in Figure 2a, the WB added soil increased the plant
chlorophyll content is an important parameter for testing weight of water spinach by increasing the root size
plant status. For example, chlorophyll content can be and leaf width; while the RHB added soil increased
used as an index of photosynthetic potential as well as the plant weight of water spinach by increasing the
an index of plant productivity (Carter, 1998). In addition, stem size and leaf length, as seen in Figure 2b. In
chlorophyll gives an indirect estimation of the nutrient Figure 3a, the stem size of water spinach is shown
status since much of the leaf nitrogen is incorporated to be proportional to the WHC/silt ratio, while the
within the chlorophyll. Furthermore, leaf chlorophyll root size of water spinach is proportional to the
content is closely related to various types of plant OM/OC ratio, as shown in Figure 3b.
stresses and senescence (Carter et al., 1996). In recent

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 13 (2), 251-266

260 Varela et al.

Figure 1. Differences in morphology evaluated in water spinach, where rice husk biochar and wood biochar was
applied and beneficial elements present in tested materials

Figure 2a. The relations between root size and leaf wide and plant weight of WB

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition ,2013, 13 (2), 251-266

Field test for water spinach grown with biochard 261

Figure 2b. Relations between stem size and leaf length and plant weight of RHB added plant samples.

Figure 3a. The relations between and WHC/silt ratio and stem size of RHB and WB added plant samples

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 13 (2), 251-266

262 Varela et al.

Figure 3b. relations between and OM/OC ratio and root size of RHB and WB added plant samples.

Figure 4a. Changes of sand and silt content in the WB added soil

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition ,2013, 13 (2), 251-266

Field test for water spinach grown with biochard 263

Figure 4b, changes of sand and silt content in the RHB added soil.

Table 4. The LSD test of biochar effect on plant growth parameters

RHB= Rice husk biochar, WB= Wood biochar, CT= Control treatment, FS= Field soil

a, b: Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level, according to Fisher LSD test.

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2013, 13 (2), 251-266

264 Varela et al.

The existing literature (Haefele et al., 2011; Rawat et spinach is proportional to the water holding capacity/
al., 2010) has also illustrated that the soil OM increases silt ratio, while the root size of water spinach is
the WHC of sandy loam while increasing aeration in proportional to organic matter/organic carbon ratio
silt and clay loam. It also indicates the releasing of OC of soil. We also propose that the working mechanism
and NPK to soil OM through decomposition reaction. of wood biochar and rice husk biochar in soil would
In this study, changes in the silt and sand content in the be such that the decomposition of organic carbon in
test soils described in Table 2 and Figure 4a and 4b have biochar to soil organic matter resulted in the increased
been found; we can conclude that the decomposition water holding capacity and decreased silt of biochar-
of OC in biochar to soil OM resulting in the increase added soil. The decomposition reaction of wood
in WHC and the decreasing in silt is the mechanism biochar is faster than that of rice husk biochar under a
of WB and RHB application in this study. Based on lower dosage amount (< 1.5 kgm3) whereas this process
the study of Lehmann (Kimetu and Lehmann, 2010), is inversed when the dosage is increased ( > 3.0 kgm3).
the stability of biochar is affected by pre-existing soil
OM; therefore, the results of 4a and 4b illustrate that
the decomposition reaction of WB biochar is faster
than that of RHB under a lower dosage amount (< 1.5 Acknowledgments
kgm3), while this reaction is inversed with an increased
The authors would like to acknowledge the Industrial
dosage ( > 3.0 kgm3).The Si and ash content are much
Technology Research Institute for financing this
richer in RHB than in WB, while K and surface area
research. Also would like to acknowledge Ms. R. Y.
content is much higher in WB than in RHB. Although
Chang for the ICP and EA operational help.
the detailed effects of Si, ash, K and surface area on
soil structure have not been well studied, we believe
that these four chemical properties of WB and RHB
biochars actually change the soil structure and also References
provide a proper fertilizing capacity for the test plant.
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