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Copula Modeling: An Introduction For Practitioners: Pravin K. Trivedi and David M. Zimmer

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Foundations and Trends R

Vol. 1, No 1 (2005) 1–111

c 2007 P. K. Trivedi and D. M. Zimmer
DOI: 10.1561/0800000005

Copula Modeling:
An Introduction for Practitioners*

Pravin K. Trivedi1 and David M. Zimmer2

Department of Economics, Indiana University,Wylie Hall 105,
Bloomington, IN 47405, trivedi@indiana.edu
Western Kentucky University, Department of Economics, 1906 College
Heights Blvd., Bowling Green, KY 42101., dmzimmer@gmail.com,
formerly at U.S. Federal Trade Commission

This article explores the copula approach for econometric modeling of
joint parametric distributions. Although theoretical foundations of cop-
ulas are complex, this paper demonstrates that practical implementa-
tion and estimation are relatively straightforward. An attractive feature
of parametrically specified copulas is that estimation and inference are
based on standard maximum likelihood procedures, and thus copulas
can be estimated using desktop econometric software. This represents
a substantial advantage of copulas over recently proposed simulation-
based approaches to joint modeling.

* The authors are grateful to the Editor Bill Greene and an anonymous reviewer for helpful
comments and suggestions for improvement, but retain responsibility for the contents of
the present paper.

This article explores the copula approach for econometric modeling of

joint parametric distributions. Econometric estimation and inference
for data that are assumed to be multivariate normal distributed are
highly developed, but general approaches for joint nonlinear model-
ing of nonnormal data are not well developed, and there is a frequent
tendency to consider modeling issues on a case-by-case basis. In econo-
metrics, nonnormal and nonlinear models arise frequently in models
of discrete choice, models of event counts, models based on truncated
and/or censored data, and joint models with both continuous and dis-
crete outcomes.
Existing techniques for estimating joint distributions of nonlinear
outcomes often require computationally demanding simulation-based
estimation procedures. Although theoretical foundations of copulas are
complex, this paper demonstrates that practical implementation and
estimation is relatively straightforward. An attractive feature of para-
metrically specified copulas is that estimation and inference are based
on standard maximum likelihood procedures, and thus copulas can be
estimated using desktop econometric software such as Stata, Limdep,


or SAS. This represents a substantial advantage of copulas over recently

proposed simulation-based approaches to joint modeling.
Interest in copulas arises from several perspectives. First, econome-
tricians often possess more information about marginal distributions
of related variables than their joint distribution. The copula approach
is a useful method for deriving joint distributions given the marginal
distributions, especially when the variables are nonnormal. Second, in
a bivariate context, copulas can be used to define nonparametric mea-
sures of dependence for pairs of random variables. When fairly general
and/or asymmetric modes of dependence are relevant, such as those
that go beyond correlation or linear association, then copulas play a
special role in developing additional concepts and measures. Finally,
copulas are useful extensions and generalizations of approaches for
modeling joint distributions and dependence that have appeared in
the literature.
According to Schweizer (1991), the theorem underlying copulas was
introduced in a 1959 article by Sklar written in French; a similar arti-
cle written in English followed in 1973 (Sklar, 1973). Succinctly stated,
copulas are functions that connect multivariate distributions to their
one-dimensional margins. If F is an m-dimensional cumulative distri-
bution function (cdf ) with one-dimensional margins F1 , . . . , Fm , then
there exists an m-dimensional copula C such that F (y1 , . . . , ym ) =
C(F1 (y1 ), . . . , Fm (ym )). The case m = 2 has attracted special attention.
The term copula was introduced by Sklar (1959). However, the idea
of copula had previously appeared in a number of papers, most notably
in Hoeffding (1940, 1941) who established best possible bounds for these
functions and studied measures of dependence that are invariant under
strictly increasing transformations. Relationships of copulas to other
work is described in Nelsen (2006).
Copulas have proved useful in a variety of modeling situations. Sev-
eral of the most commonly used applications are briefly mentioned:

• Financial institutions are often concerned with whether

prices of different assets exhibit dependence, particularly
in the tails of the joint distributions. These models typi-
cally assume that asset prices have a multivariate normal
4 Introduction

distribution, but Ané and Kharoubi (2003) and Embrechts

et al. (2002) argue that this assumption is frequently unsat-
isfactory because large changes are observed more frequently
than predicted under the normality assumption. Value at
Risk (VaR) estimated under multivariate normality may lead
to underestimation of the portfolio VaR. Since deviations
from normality, e.g., tail dependence in the distribution of
asset prices, greatly increase computational difficulties of
joint asset models, modeling based on a copula parameter-
ized by nonnormal marginals is an attractive alternative; see
Bouyé et al. (2000), Klugman and Parsa (2000).
• Actuaries are interested in annuity pricing models in which
the relationship between two individuals’ incidence of dis-
ease or death is jointly related (Clayton, 1978). For example,
actuaries have noted the existence of a “broken heart” syn-
drome in which an individual’s death substantially increases
the probability that the person’s spouse will also experi-
ence death within a fixed period of time. Joint survivals of
husband/wife pairs tend to exhibit nonlinear behavior with
strong tail dependence and are poorly suited for models based
on normality. These models are prime candidates for copula
• Many microeconometric modeling situations have marginal
distributions that cannot be easily combined into joint distri-
butions. This frequently arises in models of discrete or lim-
ited dependent variables. For example, Munkin and Trivedi
(1999) explain that bivariate distributions of discrete event
counts are often restrictive and difficult to estimate. Fur-
thermore, joint modeling is especially difficult when two
related variables come from different parametric families. For
example, one variable might characterize a multinomial dis-
crete choice and another might measure an event count. As
there are few, if any, parametric joint distributions based on
marginals from different families, the copula approach pro-
vides a general and straightforward approach for construct-
ing joint distributions in these situations.

• In some applications, a flexible joint distribution is part of

a larger modeling problem. For example, in the linear self-
selection model, an outcome variable, say income, is only
observed if another event occurs, say labor force participa-
tion. The likelihood function for this model includes a joint
distribution for the outcome variable and the probability that
the event is observed. Usually, this distribution is assumed
to be multivariate normal, but Smith (2003) demonstrates
that for some applications, a flexible copula representation is
more appropriate.

Several excellent monographs and surveys are already available, par-

ticularly those by Joe (1997) and Nelsen (2006). Schweizer and Sklar
1983, ch. 6, provide a mathematical account of developments on copu-
las over three decades. Nelsen (1991) focuses on copulas and measures
of association. Other surveys take a contextual approach. Frees and
Valdez (1998) provide an introduction for actuaries that summarizes
statistical properties and applications and is especially helpful to new
entrants to the field. Georges et al. (2001) provide a review of copula
applications to multivariate survival analysis. Cherubini et al. (2004)
focus on financial applications, but they also provide an excellent cover-
age of copula foundations for the benefit of a reader who may be new to
the area. For those whose main concern is with modeling dependence
using copulas, Embrechts et al. (2002) provide a lucid and thorough
In econometrics there is a relatively small literature that uses cop-
ulas in an explicit manner. Miller and Liu (2002) mention the copula
method in their survey of methods of recovering joint distributions
from limited information. Several papers have modeled sample selec-
tion using bivariate latent variable distributions that can be interpreted
as specific examples of copula functions even though the term copula or
copula properties are not explicitly used; see Lee (1983), Prieger (2002)
and van Ophem (1999, 2000). However, Smith (2003) explicitly uses the
(Archimedean) copula framework to analyze the self-selection problem.
Similarly for the case of joint discrete distributions, a number of stud-
ies that explore models of correlated count variables, without explicitly
6 Introduction

using copulas, are developed in Cameron et al. (1988), Munkin and

Trivedi (1999), and Chib and Winkelmann (2001). Cameron et al.
(2004), use the copula framework to analyze the empirical distribu-
tion of two counted measures of the same event. Zimmer and Trivedi
(2006) use a trivariate copula framework to analyze a selection model
with counted outcomes. In financial econometrics and time series anal-
ysis, the copula approach has attracted considerable attention recently.
Bouyé et al. (2000) and Cherubini et al. (2004) cover many issues and
financial applications. A central issue is on the nature of dependence
and hence the interpretation of a copula as a dependence function dom-
inates. See Patton (forthcoming) for further discussion of copulas in
time series settings.
The purpose of this article is to provide practitioners with a use-
ful guide to copula modeling. Special attention is dedicated to issues
related to estimation and misspecification. Although our main focus is
using copulas in an applied setting, particularly cross sectional microe-
conometric applications, it is necessary to cover important theoretical
foundations related to joint distributions, dependence, and copula gen-
eration. Sections 2 and 3 primarily deal with these theoretical issues.
The reader who is already familiar with the basics of copulas and depen-
dence may wish to skip directly to Section 4, which highlights issues of
estimation and presents several empirical applications. Section 5 offers
concluding remarks as well as suggestions for future research. Through-
out the paper, various Monte Carlo experiments and simulations are
used to demonstrate copula properties. Methods for generating random
numbers from copulas are presented in the Appendix.
Copulas and Dependence

Copulas are parametrically specified joint distributions generated from

given marginals. Therefore, properties of copulas are analogous to prop-
erties of joint distributions. This Section begins by outlining several
important properties and results for joint distributions that are fre-
quently used in the context of copulas. Copulas are formally introduced
in Section 2.2, followed by specific examples in Section 2.3. The impor-
tant topic of characterizing and measuring dependence is covered in
Section 2.4.

2.1 Basics of Joint Distributions

The joint distribution of a set of random variables (Y1 , . . . , Ym ) is
defined as

F (y1 , . . . , ym ) = Pr[Yi ≤ yi ; i = 1, . . . , m], (2.1)

and the survival function corresponding to F (y1 , . . . , ym ) is given by

F (y1 , . . . , ym ) = Pr[Yi > yi ; i = 1, . . . , m]

= 1 − F (y1 ) for m = 1

8 Copulas and Dependence

= 1 − F1 (y1 ) − F2 (y2 ) + F1 (y1 )F2 (y2 ) for m = 2

= 1 − F1 (y1 ) − F2 (y2 ) − F3 (y1 ) + F12 (y1 , y2 )
+ F13 (y1 , y3 ) + F23 (y2 , y3 ) − F (y1 , y2 , y3 ) for m = 3;
the last equality does not hold for the independence case.

2.1.1 Bivariate cdf properties

The following conditions are necessary and sufficient for a right-
continuous function to be bivariate cdf:

(1) limyj →−∞ F (y1 , y2 ) = 0, j = 1, 2;

(2) limyj →∞∀j F (y1 , y2 ) = 1,
(3) By the rectangle inequality, for all (a1 , a2 ) and (b1 , b2 )
with a1 ≤ b1 , a2 ≤ b2 ,
F (b1 , b2 ) − F (a1 , b2 ) − F (b1 , a2 ) + F (a1 , a2 ) ≥ 0. (2.2)

Conditions 1 and 2 imply 0 ≤ F ≤ 1. Condition 3 is referred to as

the property that F is 2-increasing. If F has second derivatives, then
the 2-increasing property is equivalent to ∂ 2 F/∂y1 ∂y2 ≥ 0.
Given the bivariate cdf F (y1 , y2 ):

(1) univariate margins (or marginal distribution functions) F1

and F2 are obtained by letting y2 → ∞ and y1 → ∞, res-
pectively. That is, F1 (y1 ) = limy2 →∞ F (y1 , y2 ) and F2 (y2 )
= limy1 →∞ F (y1 , y2 );
(2) the conditional distribution functions F1|2 (y1 |y2 ) and F2|1
(y2 |y1 ) are obtained by ∂F (y1 , y2 )/∂y2 and ∂F (y1 , y2 )/∂y1 ,

The multivariate cdf F (y1 , y2 , . . . , ym ) has the following properties:

(1) limyj →−∞ F (y1 , y2 , . . . , ym ) = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , m;

(2) limyj →∞∀j F (y1 , . . . ., ym ) = 1.

The pseudo-generalized inverse of a distribution function is

denoted Fj−1 (t) which is defined as
Fj−1 (t) = inf[yj : Fj (yj ) ≥ t, 0 < t < 1]. (2.3)
2.2. Copula Functions 9

2.1.2 Frėchet–Hoeffding bounds

Consider any m-variate joint cdf F (y1 , . . . , ym ) with univariate marginal
cdfs F1 , . . . , Fm . By definition, each marginal distribution can take any
value in the range [0 , 1]. The joint cdf is bounded below and above by
the Fréchet–Hoeffding lower and upper bounds, FL and FU , defined as
 
FL (y1 , . . . , ym ) = max  Fj − m + 1, 0 = W,

FU (y1 , . . . , ym ) = min[F1 , . . . , Fm ] = M,
so that
 
W = max  Fj − m + 1 , 0 ≤ F (y1 , . . . , ym ) ≤ min[F1 , . . . , Fm ] = M,
where the upper bound is always a cdf, and the lower bound is a cdf
for m = 2. For m > 2, FL may be a cdf under some conditions (see
Theorem 3.6 in Joe, 1997).
In the case of univariate margins, the term Frėchet–Hoeffding class
refers to the class of m-variate distributions F(F1 , F2 , . . . , Fm ) in which
margins are fixed or given. In the case where the margins are bivariate
or higher dimensional, the term refers to the classes such as F(F12 , F13 ),
F(F12 , F13 , F23 ).

2.2 Copula Functions

Unless stated otherwise the discussion in this section is limited to the
case of one-dimensional margins. We begin with the definition of copula,
following Schweizer (1991).

2.2.1 Sklar’s theorem

Sklar’s Theorem states that an m-dimensional copula (or m -copula)
is a function C from the unit m-cube [0, 1]m to the unit interval [0, 1]
which satisfies the following conditions:

(1) C(1, . . . , 1, an , 1, . . . , 1) = an for every n ≤ m and all an in

[0, 1];
10 Copulas and Dependence

(2) C(a1 , . . . , am ) = 0 if an = 0 for any n ≤ m;

(3) C is m-increasing.

Property 1 says that if the realizations of m − 1 variables are known

each with marginal probability one, then the joint probability of the m
outcomes is the same as the probability of the remaining uncertain out-
come. Property 2 is sometimes referred to as the grounded property of
a copula. It says that the joint probability of all outcomes is zero if the
marginal probability of any outcome is zero. Property 3 says that the
C-volume of any m-dimensional interval is non-negative. Properties 2
and 3 are general properties of multivariate cdfs that were previously
It follows that an m-copula can be defined as an m-dimensional
cdf whose support is contained in [0, 1]m and whose one-dimensional
margins are uniform on [0, 1]. In other words, an m-copula is an m-
dimensional distribution function with all m univariate margins being
U (0, 1). To see the relationship between distribution functions and cop-
ulas, consider a continuous m-variate distribution function F (y1 , . . . ,
ym ) with univariate marginal distributions F1 (y1 ), . . . , Fm (ym ) and
inverse (quantile) functions F1−1 , . . . , Fm−1 . Then y = F −1 (u ) ∼ F , . . . ,
1 1 1 1
y m = Fm −1 (u ) ∼ F
m m where u1 , . . . , um are uniformly distributed vari-
ates. The transforms of uniform variates are distributed as Fi (i =
1, . . . , m). Hence
F (y1 , . . . , ym ) = F (F1−1 (u1 ), . . . , Fm
(um ))
= Pr [U1 ≤ u1 , . . . , Um ≤ um ]
= C(u1 , . . . , um ) (2.5)
is the unique copula associated with the distribution function. That is
if y ∼ F , and F is continuous then
(F1 (y1 ), . . . , Fm (ym )) ∼ C,
and if U ∼ C, then
(F1−1 (u1 ), . . . , Fm
(um )) ∼ F.

2.2.2 Practical implications of Sklar’s theorem

The above results imply that copulas can be used to express a multivari-
ate distribution in terms of its marginal distributions. Econometricians
2.2. Copula Functions 11

often know a great deal about marginal distributions of individual vari-

ables but little about their joint behavior. Copulas allow researchers to
piece together joint distributions when only marginal distributions are
known with certainty. For an m-variate function F, the copula associ-
ated with F is a distribution function C : [0, 1]m → [0, 1] that satisfies
F (y1 , . . . , ym ) = C(F1 (y1 ), . . . , Fm (ym ); θ), (2.6)
where θ is a parameter of the copula called the dependence param-
eter, which measures dependence between the marginals.
Equation (2.6) is a frequent starting point of empirical applications
of copulas. Although θ may be a vector of parameters, for bivariate
applications it is customary to specify it as a scalar measure of depen-
dence. Thus, the joint distribution is expressed in terms of its respec-
tive marginal distributions and a function C that binds them together.
A substantial advantage of copula functions is that the marginal dis-
tributions may come from different families. This construction allows
researchers to consider marginal distributions and dependence as two
separate but related issues. For many empirical applications, the depen-
dence parameter is the main focus of estimation. Note that because
copulas are multivariate distributions of U (0, 1) variables, copulas are
expressed in terms of marginal probabilities (cdfs).
If the margins F1 (Y1 ), . . . , Fm (Ym ) are continuous, then the corre-
sponding copula in Eq. (2.6) is unique, and otherwise it is uniquely
determined. The latter statement means that the uniqueness property
only holds on Ran(F1 ) × Ran(F2 ) × · · · × Ran(Fm ). The result can be
applied to the case of discrete margins and/or mixed continuous and
discrete margins. If F1 , . . . , Fm are not all continuous, the joint distri-
bution function can always be expressed as (2.6), although in such a
case the copula is not unique (see Schweizer and Sklar, 1983, ch. 6).
In view of (2.6) and the uniqueness property of the copula, it is often
viewed as a dependence function.
If F is discrete, then there exists a unique copula representation
for F for (u1 , . . . , um ) ∈ Ran(F1 ) × Ran(F2 ) × · · · × Ran(Fm ). How-
ever, the general lack of uniqueness of a copula representation for dis-
crete distributions is a theoretical issue which needs to be confronted in
analytical proofs but does not inhibit empirical applications. Finding
12 Copulas and Dependence

a unique copula for a joint distribution requires one to know the form
of the joint distribution. Researchers use copulas because they do not
know the form of the joint distribution, so whether working with contin-
uous or discrete data, a pivotal modeling problem is to choose a copula
that adequately captures dependence structures of the data without
sacrificing attractive properties of the marginals.
To summarize: the copula approach involves specifying marginal
distributions of each random variable along with a function (copula)
that binds them together. The copula function can be parameterized to
include measures of dependence between the marginal distributions. If
the copula is a product of two marginals, then independence is obtained,
and separate estimation of each marginal is appropriate. Under depen-
dence, efficient estimation of the joint distribution, by way of a copula,
is feasible. Since a copula can capture dependence structures regard-
less of the form of the margins, a copula approach to modeling related
variables is potentially very useful to econometricians.

2.2.3 Additional properties and survival copulas

Because copulas are multivariate distribution functions, the previously-
mentioned Frėchet–Hoeffding bounds also apply to copulas; that is,
 

W = max  Fj − m + 1 , 0 ≤ C(y1 , . . . , ym ) ≤ min[F1 , . . . , Fm ] = M.
Note that the upper bound is itself a distribution function and hence a
copula. So we denote the upper bound as CU (y1 , . . . , ym ). If the lower
bound is also a copula, then it is denoted as CL (y1 , . . . , ym ). This leads
to the Frėchet–Hoeffding bounds for copulas:

CL (y1 , . . . , ym ) ≤ C(y1 , . . . , ym ) ≤ CU (y1 , . . . , ym ). (2.8)

Knowledge of Frėchet–Hoeffding bounds is important in selecting

an appropriate copula. A desirable feature of a copula is that it should
cover the sample space between the lower and the upper bounds and
that as θ approaches the lower (upper) bound of its permissible range,
the copula approaches the Frėchet–Hoeffding lower (upper) bound.
2.2. Copula Functions 13

However, the parametric form of a copula may impose restrictions such

that the full coverage between the bounds is not attained and that one
or both Frėchet–Hoeffding bounds are not included in the permissible
range. Therefore, a particular copula may be a better choice for one
data set than for another.
A special case of the copula – the product copula, denoted C ⊥ , –
results if the margins are independent. A family of copulas that includes
CL , C ⊥ , and CU , is said to be comprehensive.
Several additional properties of copulas deserve mention due to
their attractive implications for empirical applications; it is conve-
nient to state these for the case m = 2. First, Y1 and Y2 are inde-
pendent iff C is a product copula, i.e., C(y1 , y2 ) = F1 (y1 )F2 (y2 ). In
contrast, perfect positive or negative dependence is defined in terms
of comonotonicity or countermonotonicity, respectively. For any
(y1j , y2j ), (y1k , y2k ) a comonotonic set is that for which {y1j ≤
y2j , y1k ≤ y2k } or {y1j ≥ y2j , y1k ≥ y2k }. The set is said to be counter-
monotonic if {y1j ≤ y2j , y1k ≥ y2k } or {y1j ≤ y2j , y1k ≥ y2k }. Second,
Y1 is an increasing function of Y2 iff C(·) = CU (·), which corresponds
to comonotonicity and perfect positive dependence. Third, Y1 is a
decreasing function of Y2 iff C(·) = CL (·), which corresponds to coun-
termonotonicity and perfect negative dependence. That is, the asso-
ciation is positive if the copula attains the upper Frėchet–Hoeffding
bound and negative if it attains the lower Frėchet–Hoeffding bound.
Fourth, copulas have an attractive invariance property by which
the dependence captured by a copula is invariant with respect to
increasing and continuous transformations of the marginal distribu-
tions; see Schweizer and Sklar (1983). This means that the same
copula may be used for, say, the joint distribution of (Y1 , Y2 ) as
(ln Y1 , ln Y2 ), and thus whether the marginals are expressed in terms
of natural units or logarithmic values does not affect the copula. The
properties of comonotonicity and invariance jointly make copulas a
useful tool in applied work.
If (U1 , U2 ) ∼ C, then there are also copulas associated with bivari-
ate uniform pairs (1 − U1 , 1 − U2 ), (U1 , 1 − U2 ), (1 − U1 , U2 ). These
are called associated copulas. Of these the first pair is of special
interest because it leads to survival copulas. If F1−1 (u1 ) ∼ F1 , then
14 Copulas and Dependence

F1−1 (1 − u1 ) ∼ F 1 , and F2−1 (1 − u2 ) ∼ F 2 , and hence (1 − U1 , 1 −

U2 ) ∼ C. In general

F (u) = F (F1−1 (1 − u1 ), . . . , Fm
(1 − um ))
−1 −1
= F (F 1 (u1 ), . . . , F m (um ))
= C(u1 , . . . , um ). (2.9)

An example where working with survival copulas is both more con-

venient and natural comes from actuarial studies (usually referred to
as duration analysis in econometrics and lifetime data analysis in bio-
statistics). Consider two possibly dependent life times, denoted T1 and
T2 . Then, for m = 2, the joint distribution function of survival times
is defined as the probability of the joint event (T1 ≤ t1 , T2 ≤ t1 ) and is
given by

F (t1 , t2 ) = Pr [T1 ≤ t1 , T2 ≤ t2 ] ,
= 1 − Pr [T1 > t1 ] − Pr [T2 > t2 ] + Pr [T1 > t1 , T2 > t2 ] .

The joint survival probability that (T1 > t1 , T2 > t2 ) is

S(t1 , t2 ) = Pr [T1 > t1 , T2 > t2 ] ,

= 1 − F (t1 ) − F (t2 ) + F (t1 , t2 ),
= S1 (t1 ) + S2 (t2 ) − 1 + C (1 − S1 (t1 ), 1 − S2 (t1 )) , (2.10)

where C(·) is called the survival copula. Notice that S(t1 , t2 ) is now a
function of the marginal survival functions only; S1 (t1 ) is the marginal
survival probability. Given the marginal survival distributions and the
copula C, the joint survival distribution can be obtained. The symmetry
property of copulas allows one to work with copulas or survival copulas
(Nelsen, 2006). In the more general notation for univariate random
variables Eq. (2.10) can be written as

C(u1 , u2 ) = u1 + u2 − 1 + C (1 − u1 , 1 − u2 ) = Pr[U1 > u1 , U2 > u2 ].

2.3 Some Common Bivariate Copulas

Once a researcher has specified the marginal distributions, an
appropriate copula is selected. Because copulas separate marginal
2.3. Some Common Bivariate Copulas 15

distributions from dependence structures, the appropriate copula for

a particular application is the one which best captures dependence
features of the data. A large number of copulas have been proposed
in the literature, and each of these imposes a different dependence
structure on the data. Hutchinson and Lai (1990), Joe (1997, ch. 5),
and Nelsen (2006: 116–119) provide a thorough coverage of bivariate
copulas and their properties. In this section, we discuss several
copulas that have appeared frequently in empirical applications,
and we briefly explain dependence structures of each copula. A
more detailed discussion of dependence is given in Section 2.4, and
graphical illustrations of dependence are provided in Section 2.5.
Here we write copulas in terms of random variables U1 and U2 that
have standard uniform marginal distributions. Table 2.1 summarizes
several bivariate copula functions.

2.3.1 Product copula

The simplest copula, the product copula, has the form

C(u1 , u2 ) = u1 u2 , (2.11)

where u1 and u2 take values in the unit interval of the real line. The
product copula is important as a benchmark because it corresponds to

2.3.2 Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula

The Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern (FGM) copula takes the form

C(u1 , u2 ; θ) = u1 u2 (1 + θ(1 − u1 )(1 − u2 )) . (2.12)

The FGM copula was first proposed by Morgenstern (1956). The FGM
copula is a perturbation of the product copula; if the dependence
parameter θ equals zero, then the FGM copula collapses to indepen-
dence. It is attractive due to its simplicity, and Prieger (2002) advocates
its use in modeling selection into health insurance plans. However, it is
restrictive because this copula is only useful when dependence between
the two marginals is modest in magnitude.
Table 2.1 Some standard copula functions.
Copula type Function C(u1 , u2 ) θ-domain Kendall’s τ Spearman’s ρ
Product u1 u2 N.A. 0 0
16 Copulas and Dependence

2 1
FGM u1 u2 (1 + θ(1 − u1 )(1 − u2 )) −1 ≤ θ ≤ +1 9
θ 3
2 6
Gaussian ΦG [Φ−1 (u1 ), Φ−1 (u2 ); θ] −1 < θ < +1 π
arcsin(θ) π
arcsin( θ2 )
−θ −1/θ θ
Clayton (u−θ
1 + u2 − 1) θ ∈ (0, ∞) θ+2
(e−θu1 − 1)(e−θu2 − 1) 4 12
Frank − θ1 log 1 + −θ
θ ∈ (−∞ , ∞) 1− θ
[1 − D1 (θ)] 1− θ
[D1 (θ) − D2 (θ)]
e −1
Ali-Mikhail-Haq u1 u2 (1 − θ(1 − u1 )(1 − u2 ))]−1 −1 ≤ θ ≤ 1 ( 3θ−2
) *
− 23 (1 − θ
)2 ln(1 − θ)
Note: FGM is the Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern copula. The asterisk entry indicates that the expression is complicated.
Notation Dk (x) denotes the “Debye” function k/xk 0x (ett −1) dt, k = 1, 2.
2.3. Some Common Bivariate Copulas 17

2.3.3 Gaussian (Normal) copula

The normal copula takes the form
C(u1 , u2 ; θ) = ΦG Φ−1 (u1 ), Φ−1 (u2 ); θ ,
 Φ−1 (u1 )  Φ−1 (u2 )
−∞ −∞ 2π(1 − θ2 )1/2

−(s2 − 2θst + t2
× dsdt (2.13)
2(1 − θ2 )
where Φ is the cdf of the standard normal distribution, and ΦG (u1 , u2 ) is
the standard bivariate normal distribution with correlation parameter θ
restricted to the interval (−1 , 1). This is the copula function proposed
by Lee (1983) for modeling selectivity in the context of continuous
but nonnormal distributions. The idea was exploited by others without
making an explicit connection with copulas. For example, Van Ophem
(1999) used it to analyze dependence in a bivariate count model. As the
dependence parameter approaches −1 and 1, the normal copula attains
the Fréchet lower and upper bound, respectively. The normal copula
is flexible in that it allows for equal degrees of positive and negative
dependence and includes both Fréchet bounds in its permissible range.

2.3.4 Student’s t-copula

An example of a copula with two dependence parameters is that for the
bivariate t-distribution with ν degrees of freedom and correlation ρ,
 t−1  t−1 (u2 )
θ (u1 )
1 θ2 1
C (u1 , u2 ; θ1 , θ2 ) =
−∞ −∞ 2π(1 − θ22 )1/2

−(θ1 +2)/2
(s2 − 2θ2 st + t2
× 1+ dsdt, (2.14)
ν(1 − θ22 )

where t−1
θ1 (u1 ) denotes the inverse of the cdf of the standard univariate
t-distribution with θ1 degrees of freedom. The two dependence parame-
ters are (θ1 , θ2 ). The parameter θ1 controls the heaviness of the tails. For
θ1 < 3, the variance does not exist and for θ1 < 5, the fourth moment
does not exist. As θ1 → ∞, C t (u1 , u2 ; θ1 , θ2 ) → ΦG (u1 , u2 ; θ2 ).
18 Copulas and Dependence

2.3.5 Clayton copula

The Clayton (1978) copula, also referred to as the Cook and Johnson
(1981) copula, originally studied by Kimeldorf and Sampson (1975),
takes the form:

C(u1 , u2 ; θ) = (u−θ −θ
1 + u2 − 1)

with the dependence parameter θ restricted on the region (0, ∞). As θ

approaches zero, the marginals become independent. As θ approaches
infinity, the copula attains the Fréchet upper bound, but for no value
does it attain the Fréchet lower bound. The Clayton copula cannot
account for negative dependence. It has been used to study correlated
risks because it exhibits strong left tail dependence and relatively weak
right tail dependence. Anecdotal and empirical evidence suggests that
loan defaults are highly correlated during recessionary times. Similarly,
researchers have studied the “broken heart syndrome” in which spouses’
ages at death tend to be correlated. When correlation between two
events, such as performance of two funds or spouses’ ages at death, is
strongest in the left tail of the joint distribution, Clayton is an appro-
priate modeling choice.

2.3.6 Frank copula

The Frank copula (1979) takes the form:

−1 (e−θ u1 − 1)(e−θ u2 − 1)
C(u1, u2 ; θ) = −θ log 1 + .
e−θ − 1
The dependence parameter may assume any real value (−∞, ∞). Values
of −∞, 0, and ∞ correspond to the Fréchet lower bound, independence,
and Fréchet upper bound, respectively. The Frank copula is popular for
several reasons. First, unlike some other copulas, it permits negative
dependence between the marginals. Second, dependence is symmetric
in both tails, similar to the Gaussian and Student-t copulas. Third, it is
“comprehensive” in the sense that both Fréchet bounds are included in
the range of permissible dependence. Consequently, the Frank copula
can, in theory, be used to model outcomes with strong positive or neg-
ative dependence. However, as simulations reported below illustrate,
2.4. Measuring Dependence 19

dependence in the tails of the Frank copula tends to be relatively weak

compared to the Gaussian copula, and the strongest dependence is cen-
tered in the middle of the distribution, which suggests that the Frank
copula is most appropriate for data that exhibit weak tail dependence.
This copula has been widely used in empirical applications (Meester
and MacKay, 1994).

2.3.7 Gumbel copula

The Gumbel copula (1960) takes the form:

C(u1, u2 ; θ) = exp −(ũθ1 + ũθ2 )1/θ ,

where ũj = − log uj . The dependence parameter is restricted to the

interval [1, ∞). Values of 1 and ∞ correspond to independence and
the Fréchet upper bound, but this copula does not attain the Fréchet
lower bound for any value of θ. Similar to the Clayton copula, Gum-
bel does not allow negative dependence, but it contrast to Clayton,
Gumbel exhibits strong right tail dependence and relatively weak left
tail dependence. If outcomes are known to be strongly correlated at
high values but less correlated at low values, then the Gumbel copula
is an appropriate choice.

2.4 Measuring Dependence

Given a bewilderingly wide range of copulas, how should one choose
between them in empirical work? What is the nature of dependence
that is captured by the dependence parameter(s) in different copulas?
How does the dependence parameter relate to the more familiar concept
of correlation? These issues, as well as those of computational conve-
nience and interpretability, are relevant to the choice among different
copulas. A key consideration is the ability of a model to capture the
dependence between variables in a contextually satisfactory manner.
A proper discussion of this issue requires discussion of dependence in
greater detail; see, for example, Drouet-Mari and Kotz (2001).
In this section, we restrict the discussion to the bivariate case
although generalization to higher dimensions is possible. Further, we
20 Copulas and Dependence

denote this pair as (X, Y ) rather than (Y1 , Y2 ) in order to ensure nota-
tional consistency with statistical literature on dependence.

2.4.1 Desirable properties of dependence measures

The random variables (X, Y ) are said to be dependent or associated
if they are not independent in the sense that F (X, Y ) = F1 (X)F2 (Y ).
In the bivariate case let δ(X, Y ) denote a scalar measure of depen-
dence. Embrechts et al. (2002) list four desirable properties of this

(1) δ(X, Y ) = δ(Y, X) (symmetry);

(2) −1 ≤ δ(X, Y ) ≤ +1 (normalization);
(3) δ(X, Y ) = 1 ⇔ (X, Y ) comonotonic; δ(X, Y ) = −1 ⇔ (X, Y )
(4) For a strictly monotonic transformation T : R → R of X :

δ(Y, X)T increasing
δ(T (X), Y ) =
−δ(Y, X)T decreasing.
Cherubini et al. (2004: 95) note that association can be measured
using several alternative concepts and examine four in particular: lin-
ear correlation; concordance; tail dependence; and positive quadrant
dependence. We shall consider these in turn.

2.4.2 Correlation and dependence

By far the most familiar association (dependence) concept is the cor-
relation coefficient between a pair of variables (X, Y ), defined as
cov[X, Y ]
ρXY = ,
σX σY
where cov[X, Y ] = E[XY ] − E[X]E[Y ], σX , σY > 0, σX and σY denote
the standard deviations of X and Y , respectively. This measure of
association can be extended to the multivariate case m ≥ 3, for which
the covariance and correlation measures are symmetric positive definite
It is well known that: (a) ρXY is a measure of linear depen-
dence, (b) ρXY is symmetric, and (c) that the lower and
2.4. Measuring Dependence 21

upper bounds on the inequality −1 < ρXY < 1 measure perfect neg-
ative and positive linear dependence (a property referred to as
normalization), and (d) it is invariant with respect to linear
transformations of the variables. Further, if the pair (X, Y ) follows
a bivariate normal distribution, then the correlation is fully infor-
mative about their joint dependence, and ρXY = 0 implies and is
implied by independence. In this case, the dependence structure
(copula) is fully determined by the correlation, and zero correlation
and independence are equivalent.
In the case of other multivariate distributions, such as the multi-
variate elliptical families that share some properties of the mul-
tivariate normal, the dependence structure is also fully determined
by the correlation matrix; see Fang and Zhang (1990). However, in
general zero correlation does not imply independence. For example, if
X ∼ N (0, 1), and Y = X 2 , then cov[X, Y ] = 0, but (X, Y ) are clearly
dependent. Zero correlation only requires cov[X, Y ] = 0, whereas zero
dependence requires cov[φ1 (X), φ2 (Y )] = 0 for any functions φ1 and
φ2 . This represents a weakness of correlation as a measure of depen-
dence. A second limitation of correlation is that it is not defined for
some heavy-tailed distributions whose second moments do not exist,
e.g., some members of the stable class and Student’s t distribution
with degrees of freedom equal to 2 or 1. Many financial time series
display the distributional property of heavy tails and nonexistence of
higher moments; see, for example, Cont (2001). Boyer et al. (1999)
found that correlation measures were not sufficiently informative in
the presence of asymmetric dependence. A third limitation of the
correlation measure is that it is not invariant under strictly increas-
ing nonlinear transformations. That is ρ[T (X), T (Y )] = ρXY for T :
R → R. Given these limitations, alternative measures of dependence
should be considered. Finally, attainable values of the correlation
coefficient within the interval [−1, +1] between a pair of variables
depend upon their respective marginal distributions F1 and F2 which
place bounds on the value. These limitations motivate an alternative
measure of dependence, rank correlation, which we consider in the
next section.
22 Copulas and Dependence

2.4.3 Rank correlation

Consider two random variables X and Y with continuous distribution
functions F1 and F2 , respectively, and joint distribution function F.
Two well-established measures of correlation are Spearman’s rank cor-
relation (“Spearman’s rho”), defined as

ρS (X, Y ) = ρ(F1 (X), F2 (Y )), (2.16)

and Kendall’s rank correlation (“Kendall’s tau”) defined as

ρτ (X, Y ) = Pr[(X1 − X2 )(Y1 − Y2 )>0] − Pr[(X1 − X2 )(Y1 − Y2 ) < 0],

where (X1 , Y1 ) and (X2 , Y2 ) are two independent pairs of random vari-
ables from F. The first term on the right, Pr[(X1 − X2 )(Y1 − Y2 ) > 0],
is referred to as Pr[concordance], the second as Pr[discordance], and

ρτ (X, Y ) = Pr[concordance] − Pr[discordance] (2.18)

is a measure of the relative difference between the two.

Spearman’s rho is the linear correlation between F1 (X) and F2 (Y ),
which are integral transforms of X and Y. In this sense it is a mea-
sure of rank correlation. Both ρS (X, Y ) and ρτ (X, Y ) are measures of
monotonic dependence between (X, Y ). Both measures are based on the
concept of concordance, which refers to the property that large val-
ues of one random variable are associated with large values of another,
whereas discordance refers to large values of one being associated with
small values of the other.
The following properties of ρS (X, Y ) and ρτ (X, Y ) are stated and
proved by Embrechts et al. (2002; Theorem 3):
Both ρS (X, Y ) and ρτ (X, Y ) have the property of symmetry, nor-
malization, co- and countermonotonicity, and assume the value zero
under independence. Further,

ρS (X, Y ) = ρτ (X, Y ) = −1 iff C = CL ,
ρS (X, Y ) = ρτ (X, Y ) = 1 iff C = CU .
2.4. Measuring Dependence 23

Both ρS (X, Y ) and ρτ (X, Y ) can be expressed in terms of copulas

as follows:
 1 1
ρS (X, Y ) = 12 {C (u1 , u2 ) − u1 u2 } du1 du2 , (2.19)
0 0
 1 1
ρτ (X, Y ) = 4 C (u1 , u2 ) dC (u1 , u2 ) − 1 (2.20)
0 0

see Joe (1997) or Schweizer and Wolff (1981) for details. There are
other equivalent expressions for these measures. For example, (2.19)
1 1
can be expressed as ρS = 3 0 0 [u1 + u2 − 1]2 − [u1 − u2 ]2 dC(u1 u2 );
see Nelsen (2006: 185). It is also possible to obtain bounds on
ρS (X, Y ) in terms of ρτ (X, Y ), see Cherubini et al. (2004, p. 103).
Also ρS (X, Y ) = ρτ (X, Y ) = 1 iff C = CU iff Y = T (X) with T increas-
ing; and ρS (X, Y ) = ρτ (X, Y ) = −1 iff C = CL iff Y = T (X) with T
Although the rank correlation measures have the property of
invariance under monotonic transformations and can capture perfect
dependence, they are not simple functions of moments and hence com-
putation is more involved; see some examples in Table 2.1. In some
cases one can use (2.19) or (2.20).
The relationship between ρτ and ρS is shown by a pair of inequalities
due to Durbin and Stuart (1951) who showed that
3 1 1 1
ρτ − ≤ ρs ≤ + ρτ − ρ2τ for ρτ ≥ 0,
2 2 2 2
1 2 1 3 1
ρ + ρτ − ≤ ρs ≤ ρτ + for ρτ ≤ 0.
2 τ 2 2 2
These inequalities form the basis of a widely presented 4-quadrant dia-
gram that displays the (ρs , ρτ )-region; see Figure 2.1. Nelsen (1991)
presents expressions for ρS and ρτ and their relationship for a number
of copula families. He shows that “. . . While the difference between ρ
[ρS ] and τ [ρτ ] can be as much as 0.5 for some copulas, . . . for many
of these families, there is nearly a functional relationship between the
For continuous copulas, some researchers convert the dependence
parameter of the copula function to a measure such as Kendall’s tau
or Spearman’s rho which are both bounded on the interval [−1 , 1],
24 Copulas and Dependence



0.0 0.5 1.0

M(u,v) Pi(u,v)

W(u,v) = t

W(u,v) M(u,v) = t

Fig. 2.1 Clockwise: upper bound; independence copula; level sets; lower bound.

and they do not depend on the functional forms of the marginal


Dependence Measures for Discrete Data. Dependence mea-

sures for continuous data do not, in general, apply directly to discrete
data. Concordance measures for bivariate discrete data are subject to
constraints (Marshall, 1996, Denuit and Lambert, 2005). Reconsider
(2.17) in the context of discrete variables. Unlike the case of contin-
uous random variables, the discrete case has to allow for ties, i.e.,
2.4. Measuring Dependence 25

Pr[tie] = Pr[X1 = X2 or Y1 = Y2 ]. Some attractive properties of ρτ for

continuous variables are consequently lost in the discrete case. Several
modified versions of ρτ and other dependence measures exist that han-
dle the ties in different ways; see Denuit and Lambert (2005) for discus-
sion and additional references. When (X, Y ) are nonnegative integers,

Pr[concordance] − Pr[discordance] + Pr[tie] = 1,


ρτ (X, Y ) = 2 Pr[concordance] − 1 + Pr[tie],

= 4 Pr[X2 < X1 , Y2 < Y1 ] − 1 + Pr[X1 = X2 or Y1 = Y2 ].

This analysis shows that in the discrete case ρτ (X, Y ) does depend
on the margins. Also it is reduced in magnitude by the presence of
ties. When the number of distinct realized values of (X, Y ) is small,
there is likely to be a higher proportion of ties and the attainable
value of ρτ (X, Y ) will be smaller. Denuit and Lambert (2005) obtain
an upper bound and show, for example, that in the bivariate case with
identical P oisson(µ) margins, the upper bound for ρτ (X, Y ) increases
monotonically with µ.

2.4.4 Tail dependence

In some cases the concordance between extreme (tail) values of random
variables is of interest. For example, one may be interested in the prob-
ability that stock indexes in two countries exceed (or fall below) given
levels. This requires a dependence measure for upper and lower tails of
the distribution. Such a dependence measure is essentially related to the
conditional probability that one index exceeds some value given that
another exceeds some value. If such a conditional probability measure
is a function of the copula, then it too will be invariant under strictly
increasing transformations.
The tail dependence measure can be defined in terms of the joint
survival function S(u1 , u2 ) for standard uniform random variables u1
and u2 . Specifically, λL and λU are measures of lower and upper tail
26 Copulas and Dependence

dependence, respectively, defined by

C(v, v)
λL = lim , (2.22)
v→0+ v
S(v, v)
λU = lim . (2.23)
v→1− 1 − v

The expression S(v, v) = Pr[U1 > v, U2 > v] represents the joint sur-
vival function where U1 = F1−1 (X), U2 = F2−1 (Y ). The upper tail
dependence measure λU is the limiting value of S(v, v)/(1 − v), which
is the conditional probability Pr[U1 > v|U2 > v] (= Pr[U2 > v|U1 > v]);
the lower tail dependence measure λL is the limiting value of the
conditional probability C(v, v)/v, which is the conditional probability
Pr[U1 < v|U2 < v] (= Pr[U2 < v|U1 < v]). The measure λU is widely
used in actuarial applications of extreme value theory to handle the
probability that one event is extreme conditional on another extreme
Two other properties related to tail dependence are left tail decreas-
ing (LTD) and right tail increasing (RTI). Y is said to be LTD in x
if Pr[Y ≤ y|X ≤ x] is decreasing in x for all y. Y is said to be RTI in
X if Pr[Y > y|X > x] is increasing in x for all y. A third conditional
probability of interest is Pr[Y > y|X = x]. Y is said to be stochastically
increasing if this probability is increasing in x for all y.
For copulas with simple analytical expressions, the computation of
λU can be straight-forward, being a simple function of the dependence
parameter. For example, for the Gumbel copula λU equals 2 − 2θ .
In cases where the copula’s analytical expression is not available,
Embrechts et al. (2002) suggest using the conditional probability repre-
sentation. They also point out interesting properties of some standard
copulas. For example, the bivariate Gaussian copula has the property
of asymptotic independence. They remark: “Regardless of how high
a correlation we choose, if we go far enough into the tail, extreme
events appear to occur independently in each margin.” In contrast,
the bivariate t-distribution displays asymptotic upper tail dependence
even for negative and zero correlations, with dependence rising as the
degrees-of-freedom parameter decreases and the marginal distributions
become heavy-tailed; see Table 2.1 in Embrechts et al. (2002).
2.5. Visual Illustration of Dependence 27

2.4.5 Positive quadrant dependence

Another measure of dependence is positive quadrant dependence
(PQD). Two random variables X, Y are said to exhibit PQD if their
copula is greater than their product, i.e., C(u1 , u2 ) > u1 u2 or, simply
C C ⊥ , where C ⊥ denotes the product copula. In terms of distribution
functions PQD implies F (x, y) ≥ F1 (x)F2 (y) for all (x, y) in R2 . Sup-
pose x and y denote two financial losses or gains. The PQD property
implies that the probability that losses exceed some specified values is
greater when (x, y) is a dependent pair than when the two are indepen-
dent for all x and y. Positive quadrant dependence implies nonnegative
correlation and nonnegative rank correlation. But all these properties
are implied by comonotonicity which is the strongest type of positive
dependence. Note that the LTD and RTI properties imply the property
of PQD.

2.5 Visual Illustration of Dependence

One way of visualizing copulas is to present contour diagrams with
graphs of level sets defined as the sets in I2 given by C(u, v) = a con-
stant, for selected constants; see graphs shown in Figure 2.1, taken
from Nelsen (2006), which show level curves for the upper and lower
bounds and the product copula. The constant is given by the boundary
condition C(1, t) = t. The hatched triangle in the lower right quadrant
gives the copula level set {(u, v) ∈ I2 | C(u, v) = t} whose boundaries
are determined by the copula lower and upper bounds, W (u, v) and
M (u, v), respectively. Equivalently, the information can be presented
in 3-dimensions.
Unfortunately, this is not always a helpful way of visualizing the
data patterns implied by different copulas. If the intention is to high-
light quadrant or tail dependence, the level curves are not helpful
because they may “look” similar even when the copulas have different
properties. One alternative is to present two-way scatter diagrams of
realizations from simulated draws from copulas. These scatter diagrams
are quite useful in illustrating tail dependence in a bivariate context.
The capacity of copulas to generate extreme pairs of observations can
be further emphasized by drawing a pair of lines parallel to the axes
28 Copulas and Dependence

Fig. 2.2 Simulated samples from five copulas.

and noting the relative frequency of observations to the right or left

of their intersection. Armstrong (2003) provides an interesting copula
catalogue containing scatter plots for uniform pairs (u, v) drawn from
specified copulas, and transformed normal pairs (Φ−1 (u), Φ−1 (v)).
Can scatter plots help in choosing a copula that is appropriate
for modeling given data? When modeling is in terms of conditional
marginals, that is, marginals that are conditioned on some covariates,
2.5. Visual Illustration of Dependence 29

the raw scatter diagrams have limited usefulness, as we shall see in

Section 4.5. For example, the scatter diagrams for pairs of variables
used in empirical applications (see, for example, Figure 2.2, top left
panel) give us no clues as to which copula would work well. A better
approach would be to first fit the marginals and derive marginal proba-
bilities corresponding to (u, v), by employing the probability transform.
Two-way scatter plots of these might be potentially useful in suggesting
suitable copulas; see Figure 4.3.
To demonstrate dependence properties of different copulas, we fol-
low an approach similar to that of Armstrong (2003). Nelsen (2006)
also uses a similar graphical device. We simulate 500 pairs of uni-
form random variates from the Gumbel, Frank, Clayton, Gaussian, and
FGM copulas using the approaches outlined in the Appendix. The uni-
form variables are converted to standard normal variables via the stan-
dard normal quantile function, yi = Φ−1 (ui ) for i = 1, 2. The pairs of
standard normal variates are plotted in order to illustrate dependence
properties of the copulas. For four of the five copulas, the dependence
parameter θ is set such that ρτ (y1 , y2 ) equals 0.7. For the remaining
copula, FGM, θ is set such that ρτ (y1 , y2 ) equals 0.2, because FGM
is unable to accommodate large dependence. Figure 2.3 displays five
two-way scatters generated from simulated draws from the respective
Simulated variables from the Gaussian copula assume the famil-
iar elliptical shape associated with the bivariate normal distribution.
Dependence is symmetric in both tails of the distribution. Similarly,
variables drawn from the Frank copula also exhibit symmetric depen-
dence in both tails. However, compared to the Gaussian copula, depen-
dence in the Frank copula is weaker in both tails, as is evident from the
“fanning out” in the tails, and stronger in the center of the distribution.
This suggests that the Frank copula is best suited for applications in
which tail dependence is relatively weak.
In contrast to the Gaussian and Frank copulas, the Clayton and
Gumbel copulas exhibit asymmetric dependence. Clayton dependence
is strong in the left tail but weak in the right tail. The implication is
that the Clayton copula is best suited for applications in which two
outcomes are likely to experience low values together. On the other
30 Copulas and Dependence

Fig. 2.3 Simulated samples from five conditional copulas.

hand, the Gumbel copula exhibits strong right tail dependence and
weak left tail dependence, although the contrast between the two tails
of the Gumbel copula is not as pronounced as in the Clayton copula.
Consequently, as is well-known, Gumbel is an appropriate modeling
2.5. Visual Illustration of Dependence 31

choice when two outcomes are likely to simultaneously realize upper

tail values.1
Finally, the FGM copula exhibits symmetry in both tails, but it can-
not accommodate variables with large dependence. The FGM copula is
popular in applied settings due to its simplicity and because it allows
negative dependence, but it is only appropriate for applications with
weak dependence. The implication of these graphs is that multivariate
distributions with similar degrees of dependence might exhibit sub-
stantially different dependence structures. Understanding dependence
structures of different copulas is imperative in empirical applications.

1 For Gumbel, the degree of upper tail dependence is given by 2 − 2θ . When Kendall’s tau is
0.7, the Gumbel dependence parameter is θ = 3.33. Thus, upper tail dependence is −8.06.
Generating Copulas

Copulas are useful for generating joint distributions with a variety of

dependence structures. Because the selected copula restricts the depen-
dence structure, no single copula will serve the practitioner well in all
data situations. Hence it is desirable to have familiarity with a menu of
available choices and their properties. So far in this article, we have cov-
ered a number of copulas that can be used to combine marginals. How-
ever, it is also desirable to avoid treating copulas in a blackbox fashion
and to understand how copulas are related to other methods of gen-
erating joint distributions based on specified marginals. This requires
an understanding of how copulas are generated. It is also useful to
know how new families of copulas may be generated. In this section,
we address this issue by considering some common approaches for gen-
erating copulas; for a deeper analysis based on characterizations of joint
distributions see de la Peña et al. (2003).
A number of copulas were originally developed in specific con-
texts. A widely known example generates copulas through mixtures
and compound distributions, e.g., Marshall and Olkin (1967, 1988),
Hougaard (1987). Such mixtures arise naturally in specific contexts
such as life times of spouses, twins, pairs of organs and so forth. Often

3.1. Method of Inversion 33

these approaches generate dependence between variables through the

presence of common unobserved heterogeneity. This seems attractive
in most applications because it is impossible for observed covariates to
cover all relevant aspects of an economic event. Because some copulas
were developed for specific applications, they often embody restrictions
that may have been appropriate in their original context but not when
applied to other situations. It is often helpful, therefore, to know how
the copulas are derived, at least for some widely used families.
Section 3.1 begins with the simplest of these, the method of
inversion, which is based directly on Sklar’s theorem. This method
generates the copula from a given joint distribution. The examples
illustrating inversion are not useful if our concern is to begin with
marginals and derive a joint distribution by “copulation.” This topic
is discussed in Section 3.3. Section 3.4 introduces Archimedean copu-
las, and Section 3.5 considers issues of extending copulas to dimensions
higher than two.

3.1 Method of Inversion

By Sklar’s theorem, given continuous margins F1 and F2 and the joint
continuous distribution function F (y1 , y2 ) = C(F1 (y1 ), F2 (y2 )), the cor-
responding copula is generated using the unique inverse transforma-
tions y1 = F1−1 (u1 ), and y2 = F2−1 (u2 ),

C(u1 , u2 ) = F (F1−1 (u1 ), F2−1 (u2 )),

where u1 and u2 are standard uniform variates. The same approach

can be applied to the survival copula. Using, as before, the nota-
tion F for the joint survival function, and F 1 and F 2 for the
marginal survival functions, the survival copula is given by C(u1 , u2 ) =
−1 −1
F (F 1 (u1 ), F 2 (u2 )).

3.1.1 Examples of copulas generated by inversion

With a copula-based construction of a joint cdf, a set of marginals
are combined to generate a joint cdf. Conversely, given a specifica-
tion of a joint distribution, we can derive the corresponding unique
copula. Consider the following bivariate example from Joe (1997: 13).
34 Generating Copulas

Beginning with the joint distribution, the two marginal distributions

are derived as

F (y1 , y2 ) = exp{−[e−y1 + e−y2 − (e−θy1 + e−θy2 )−1/θ ]},

− ∞ < y1 , y2 < ∞, θ≥0 (3.1)
lim F (y1 , y2 ) = F1 (y1 ) = exp(e ) ≡ u1 ;
y2 →∞

lim F (y1 , y2 ) = F2 (y2 ) = exp(e−y2 ) ≡ u2 ;

y1 →∞

hence y1 = − log(− log(u1 )) and y2 = − log(− log(u2 )). After substitut-

ing these expressions for y1 and y2 into the distribution function, the
copula is

C(u1 , u2 ) = u1 u2 exp{[(− log u1 )−θ + (− log u2 )−θ ]−1/θ }.

This expression can be rewritten as

C(u1 , u2 ) = u1 u2 φ−1 {[(−φ(u1 ))−θ + (−φ(u2 )−θ )]−1/θ }, (3.2)

which will be seen to be a member of the Archimedean class. Begin-

ning with the three joint distributions given in column 2 of the Table 3.1
given below and following a similar procedure, we can derive the three
copulas in the last column. All three satisfy Properties 1 and 2 above.
For Cases 1 and 2, setting θ = 0 yields F (y1 , y2 ) = F (y1 )F (y2 ) and
C(u1 , u2 ) = u1 u2 , which is the case independence. That is, θ is a param-
eter that measures dependence. In Joe’s example given above θ = 0
implies independence and θ > 0 implies dependence. In Case 3 the spe-
cial case of independence is not possible.

Table 3.1 Selected joint distributions and their copulas.

Case Joint distribution: F (y1 , y2 ) Margins: F (y1 ), F (y2 ) Copula: C(u1 , u2 )
1 1 − (e−θy1 + e−2θy2 − F (y1 ) = 1 − e−y1 1 − {(1 − (1 − u2 )θ )
e−θ(y1 +2y2 ) )1/θ (1 − u1 )θ
θ≥0 F (y2 ) = 1 − e−2y2 +(1 − u2 )θ }1/θ
2. exp{−(e−θy1 + e−θy2 )1/θ } F (y1 ) = exp(−e−y1 ) ; exp{−(− ln u1 )θ
+ (− ln u2 )θ }1/θ
−∞ < y1 , y2 < ∞, θ ≥ 1 F (y2 ) = exp(−e−y2 )
3. (1 + e−y1 + e−y2 )−1 F (y1 ) = (1 + e−y1 )−1 ; u1 u2 /(u2 + u1 − u1 u2 )
F (y2 ) = (1 + e−y2 )−1
3.2. Algebraic Methods 35

An unattractive feature of the inversion method is that the joint

distribution is required to derive the copula. This limits the usefulness
of the inversion method for applications in which the researcher does
not know the joint distribution.

3.2 Algebraic Methods

Some derivations of copulas begin with a relationship between
marginals based on independence. Then this relationship is modified
by introducing a dependence parameter and the corresponding cop-
ula is obtained. Nelsen calls this method “algebraic.” Two examples of
bivariate distributions derived by applying this method are the Plack-
ett and Ali–Mikhail–Haq distributions. Here we show the derivation for
the latter copula.
Example 3 in Table 3.1 is Gumbel’s bivariate logistic distribution,
denoted F (y1 , y2 ). Let (1 − F (y1 , y2 ))/F (y1 , y2 ) denote the bivariate
survival odds ratio by analogy with the univariate survival function.

1 − F (y1 , y2 )
= e−y1 + e−y2
F (y1 , y2 )
1 − F1 (y1 ) 1 − F2 (y2 )
= + ,
F1 (y1 ) F2 (y2 )

where F1 (y1 ) and F2 (y2 ) are univariate marginals. Observe that in this
case there is no explicit dependence parameter.
In the case of independence, since F (y1 , y2 ) = F1 (y1 )F2 (y2 ),

1 − F (y1 , y2 ) 1 − F1 (y1 )F2 (y2 )

F (y1 , y2 ) F1 (y1 )F2 (y2 )
1 − F1 (y1 ) 1 − F2 (y2 ) 1 − F1 (y1 ) 1 − F2 (y2 )
= + + .
F1 (y1 ) F2 (y2 ) F1 (y1 ) F2 (y2 )

Noting the similarity between the bivariate odds ratio in the

dependence and independence cases, Ali, Mikhail, and Haq pro-
posed a modified or generalized bivariate ratio with a dependence
36 Generating Copulas

parameter θ:
1 − F (y1 , y2 ) 1 − F1 (y1 ) 1 − F2 (y2 )
= +
F (y1 , y2 ) F1 (y1 ) F2 (y2 )
1 − F1 (y1 ) 1 − F2 (y2 )
+ (1 − θ) .
F1 (y1 ) F2 (y2 )
Then, defining u1 = F1 (y1 ), u2 = F2 (y2 ), and following the steps given
in the preceding section, we obtain
1 − C(u1 , u2 ; θ) 1 − u1 1 − u2 1 − u1 1 − u2
= + + (1 − θ) ,
C(u1 , u2 ; θ) u1 u2 u1 u2
u1 u2
C(u1 , u2 ; θ) = ,
1 − θ(1 − u1 )(1 − u2 )
which, by introducing an explicit dependence parameter θ, extends the
third example in Table 3.1.

3.3 Mixtures and Convex Sums

Given a copula C, its lower and upper bounds CL and CU , and the
product copula C ⊥ , a new copula can be constructed using a convex
sum. Since, as was seen earlier, the upper Fréchet bound is always a
copula, then for constant π1 , 0 ≤ π1 ≤ 1, the convex sum of the upper
bound and independence copulas, denoted C M ,
C M = π1 C ⊥ + (1 − π1 )CU (3.3)
is also a copula. This mixture copula is a special case of the class of
Fréchet copulas, denoted C F , defined as
C F = π1 CL + (1 − π1 − π2 )C ⊥ + π2 CU , (3.4)
where 0 ≤ π1 , π2 ≤ 1, and π1 + π2 ≤ 1.
A closely related idea considers copulas derived by averaging over
an infinite collection of copulas indexed by a continuous variable η with
a distribution function Λθ (η) with parameter θ. Specifically, the copula
is obtained from the integral

Cθ (u1 , u2 ) = Eη [Cη (u1 , u2 )] = Cη (u1 , u2 )dΛθ (η).
3.3. Mixtures and Convex Sums 37

This algebraic operation is usually referred to as mixing (with respect

to η), leading to the mixture Cθ (u1 , u2 ), which is also referred to as a
convex sum (Nelsen, 2006).
Similarly, Marshall and Olkin (1988) consider the mixture

H(y) = [F (y)]η dΛ(η), η > 0. (3.5)

They show that for any specified pair {H(y), Λ(η)}, Λ(0) = 1, there
exists F (y) for which Eq. (3.5) holds. The right hand side can be
written as ϕ [− ln F (y)], where ϕ is the Laplace transform of Λ, so
F (y) = exp[−ϕ −1 H(y)].
A well known example from Marshall and Olkin (1988) illustrates
how convex sums or mixtures lead to copulas constructed from Laplace
transforms of distribution functions. Let ϕ(t) denote the Laplace trans-
form of a positive random (latent) variable η, also referred to as the

mixing distribution Λ, i.e., ϕ (t) = 0 e−ηt dΛ(η). This is the moment
generating function evaluated at −t. An inverse Laplace transform is
an example of a generator. By definition, the Laplace transform of a
positive random variable ν is
L(t) = Eη [e−tη ], η > 0

= e−ts dFη (s) = ϕ(t),

hence ϕ[−1] L(t) = t. L(0) = 1; L(t) is decreasing in t and always exists

for t ≥ 0.
Let F1 (y1 ) = exp[− ϕ −1 (H1 (y1 ))] and F2 (y2 ) = exp[−ϕ −1 (H2 (y2 ))]
be some bench mark distribution functions for y1 and y2 . Let the con-
ditional distributions given a random variable η, η > 0, be F1 (y1 |η) =
[F1 (y1 )]η and F2 (y2 |η) = [F2 (y2 )]η . Then the mixture distribution,
H(y1 , y2 ; θ) = [F1 (y1 )]η [F2 (y2 )]η dΛθ (η), (3.6)

= exp[−η[ϕ−1 (H1 (y1 )) + ϕ−1 (H2 (y2 )]dΛθ (η),

= ϕ[ϕ−1 (H1 (y1 )) + ϕ−1 (H2 (y2 )); θ],
(where the last line follows from the definition of the Laplace trans-
form) is shown by Marshall and Olkin to be the joint distribution
38 Generating Copulas

of (y1 , y2 ) and it is also a (Archimedean) copula. H1 (y1 ) and H2 (y2 )

are the marginal distributions of H(y1 , y2 ; θ). Observe that the copula
involves the parameter θ, which measures dependence.
This method is often referred to as the “Marshall–Olkin method,”
and Joe (1997) refers to this as the mixture of powers method. An
interpretation of this method is that it introduces an unobserved het-
erogeneity term η in the marginals. This is also referred to as “frailty”
in the biostatistics literature. In the bivariate example given above,
the same term enters both marginals. The distribution function of η
depends upon an unknown parameter θ, which controls the dependence
between y1 and y2 in their joint distribution.
The approach can be used more generally to derive higher dimen-
sional Archimedean copulas. There are at least two possible variants,
one in which the unobserved heterogeneity is common to all marginals,
and another in which this term differs between marginals but the terms
are jointly dependent. That is, the scalar η is replaced by a vector whose
components (say η1 and η2 ) have a joint distribution, with one or more
parameters that characterize dependence.

3.3.1 Examples
We give three examples of copulas generated by mixtures.

Dependence between stock indexes. Hu (2004) studies the

dependence of monthly returns between four stock indexes: S&P
500, FTSE, Nikkei, and Hang Seng. She uses monthly averages from
January 1970 to September 2003. She models dependence on a pair-wise
basis using a finite mixture of three copulas (Gaussian (CG ), Gumbel
(CGumbel ) and Gumbel-Survival (CGS )):

Cmix (u, v; ρ, α, θ) = π1 CGauss (u, v; ρ) + π2 CGumbel (u, v; α)

+ (1 − π1 − π2 )CGS (u, v; θ).

Such a mixture imparts additional flexibility and also allows one to

capture left and/or right tail dependence. Hu uses a two-step semi-
parametric approach in which empirical CDFs are used to model the
marginals and maximum likelihood is used to estimate the dependence
parameters ρ, α, and θ. Note that pairwise modeling of dependence can
3.3. Mixtures and Convex Sums 39

be potentially misleading if dependence is more appropriately captured

by a higher dimensional model.

Dependence in lifetime data. Marshall and Olkin (1967) intro-

duce the common shock model in which the occurrence of a shock or
disaster induces dependencies between otherwise independent lifetimes.
Many of the earliest empirical applications to use copulas were in the
area of survival analysis. An early example was Clayton (1978) who,
in his study of joint lifetimes of fathers and sons, derives the joint sur-
vival function with shared frailty described by the gamma distribution.
Dependence of lifetimes on pairs of individuals (father–son, husband–
wife, twins) is well established. Oakes (1982) presents similar results in
a random effects setting, and thus joint survival models of this form are
often referred to as Clayton–Oakes models. Clayton and Cuzick (1985)
develop an EM algorithm for estimating these models. In related work,
Hougaard (1986) models joint survival times of groups of rats inflicted
with tumors. Recent frailty models focus on joint survival times of
family members, with particular interest devoted to annuity valuation.
Frees et al. (1996) study joint- and last-survivor annuity contracts using
Frank’s copula. In a recent application, Wang (2003) studies survival
times of bone marrow and heart transplant patients.
Many of these studies are based on the following specification. Con-
sider the Cox proportional hazard regression model with the hazard
rate h(t|x) = exp(x β)h0 (t), where h0 denotes the baseline hazard. Let
η, η > 0, represent frailty (or unobserved heterogeneity) and denote the
conditional survival function as S(t | η). Then
S(t | η) = exp[−H(t)]η ,
where H(t) denotes the integrated baseline hazard. Let T1 and T2
denote lifetimes that are independent conditional on η. That is,
Pr[T1 > t1 , T2 > t2 |η] = Pr[T1 > t1 |η] Pr[T2 > t2 |η]
= S1 (t1 |η)S2 (t2 |η)
= (exp(−H1 (t1 ))η (exp(−H2 (t2 ))η .
Integrating out η yields the bivariate distribution
Pr[T1 > t1 , T2 > t2 ] = E[(exp(−H1 (t1 ))(exp(−H2 (t2 ))]η .
40 Generating Copulas

Different joint distributions are generated using different distributional

assumptions about the conditionals and η. Hougaard et al. (1992)
analyze joint survival of Danish twins born between 1881 and 1930
assuming Weibull conditionals and the assumption that η follows a
positive stable distribution. Heckman and Honoré (1989) study the
competing risks model.

Default and Claims Analysis. Financial analyses of credit risks are

concerned with the possibility that a business may default on some finan-
cial obligation. If several firms or businesses are involved, each may be
subject to a stochastic default arrival process. One way to model this is
to consider time to default as a continuous random variable that can be
analyzed using models for lifetime data, e.g., the Cox proportional haz-
ard model. However, firms and businesses may face some common risks
and shocks that create a potential for dependence in the distributions of
time to default. Copulas can be used to model dependent defaults.
Li (2000) proposes the use of the Gaussian copula to analyze the
joint distribution of m default times, denoted T1 , . . . , Tm . The joint sur-
vival distribution can be expressed as a copula using Sklar’s theorem:
S(t1 , . . . , tm ) = Pr[T1 > t1 , . . . , Tm > tm ]
= C(S1 (t1 ), . . . , Sm (tm )),
where C denotes the survival copula, see Section 2.2.
Suppose a random claims variable Y is exponentially distributed,
conditional on a risk class ν,
Pr[Y ≤ y] = 1 − e−νy ,
and let the risk class parameter ν be a gamma distributed variable with
parameters (α, λ). Then the marginal distribution function for y is the
Pareto distribution F (y) = 1 − (1 + y/λ)−α . For Y1 and Y2 in the same
risk class, the joint distribution is
F (y1 , y2 ) = 1 − Pr[Y1 > y1 ] − Pr[Y2 > y2 ] + Pr[Y1 > y1 , Y2 > y2 ]
= F1 (y1 ) + F2 (y2 ) − 1 + [(1 − F1 (y1 ))−1/α
+ (1 − F2 (y2 ))−1/α − 1]−α . (3.7)
Observe that the right hand side is now a function of marginals and can
be expressed as a copula. The right hand side can also be expressed
3.4. Archimedean copulas 41

in terms of marginal survival functions S1 (y1 ) = 1 − Pr[Y1 > y1 ] and

S2 (y21 ) = 1 − Pr[Y2 > y2 ].

3.4 Archimedean copulas

A particular group of copulas that has proved useful in empirical model-
ing is the Archimedean class. Several members of this class have already
been introduced above. Archimedean copulas are popular because they
are easily derived and are capable of capturing wide ranges of depen-
dence. This section discusses further aspects of Archimedean copulas
and their properties, presents examples of popular Archimedean copu-
las, and illustrates their dependence characteristics.

3.4.1 Some properties of Archimedean copulas

Consider a class Φ of functions ϕ : [0, 1] → [0, ∞] with continuous
derivatives on (0, 1) with the properties ϕ(1) = 0, ϕ (t) < 0 (decreas-
ing) and ϕ (t) > 0 (convex) for all 0 < t < 1, i.e., ϕ(t) is a convex
decreasing function. Further, let ϕ(0) = ∞ in the sense that limt→0+
ϕ(t) = ∞. These conditions ensure that an inverse ϕ−1 exists. Any
function ϕ that satisfied these properties is capable of generating a
bivariate distribution function; thus ϕ is referred to as a “generator
function.” For example, ϕ(t) = − ln(t), ϕ(t) = (1 − t)θ , and ϕ(t) = t−θ ,
θ > 1, are members of the class. If ϕ(0) = ∞, the generator is said to be
strict and its inverse exists. For strict generators C(u1 , u2 ) > 0 except
when u1 = 0 or u2 = 0. If ϕ(0) < ∞, the generator is not strict and
its pseudo-inverse exists. In this case the copula has a singular com-
ponent and takes the form C(u1 , u2 ) = max[(.), 0]. For example, con-
sider ϕ(t) = (1 − t)θ , θ ∈ [1, ∞); this generates the copula C(u1 , u2 ) =
max[1 − [(1 − u1 )θ + (1 − u2 )θ ]1/θ , 0]. For a comparison of strict and
non-strict generators, see Nelsen (2006: 113).
The inverse of the generator is written as ϕ−1 and its pseudo-inverse
is written as ϕ[−1] . The formal definition is

ϕ−1 (t) 0 ≤ t ≤ ϕ(0)
ϕ[−1] (t) =
0 ϕ(t) ≤ t ≤ +∞
42 Generating Copulas


ϕ[−1] (ϕ(t)) = t.

Bivariate Archimedean copulas without a singular component take

the form:

C(u1 , u2 ; θ) = ϕ−1 (ϕ(u1 ) + ϕ(u2 )) , (3.8)

where the dependence parameter θ is imbedded in the functional form

of the generator. Archimedean copulas are symmetric in the sense
C(u1 , u2 ) = C(u2 , u1 ) and associative in the sense C(C(u1 , u2 ), u3 ) =
C(u1 , C(u2 , u3 )).
The density of the bivariate Archimedean copula is
ϕ (C(u1 , u2 ))ϕ (u1 )ϕ (u2 )
cu1 u2 = , (3.9)
[ϕ (C(u1 , u2 ))]3
where the derivatives do not exist on the boundary ϕ(u1 ) + ϕ(u2 ) =
ϕ(0); see Genest and Mackay (1986) for a derivation.
The conditional density of the Archimedean copula is
∂ ϕ (u2 )
C(u1 , u2 ) = , (3.10)
∂u2 ϕ (C(u1 , u2 ))
which is obtained by differentiating (3.8) with respect to u2 and rear-
ranging the result.
Different generator functions yield different Archimedean copulas
when plugged into Eq. (3.8). For example, consider the generator
ϕ(t) = − ln(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1; then ϕ(0) = ∞, ϕ[−1] (t) = exp(−t). Then (3.8)
reduces to C(u1 , u2 ) = uv, the product copula. Consider the generator
ϕ(t; θ) = ln(1 − θ ln t), 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1; then ϕ[−1] (t) = exp((1 − et )/θ). Then
(3.8) reduces to C(u1 , u2 ; θ) = uv exp(−θ ln(u1 ) ln(u2 )). For economet-
ric modeling it is not clear that nonstrict generators have any specific
advantages. Some authors only use strict generators, e.g., see Smith
The properties of the generator affect tail dependency of the
Archimedean copula. If ϕ (0) < ∞ and ϕ (0) = 0, then C(u1 , u2 ) does
not have the RTD property. If C(·) has the RTD property then
1/ϕ (0) = −∞. See Cherubini et al. (2004, Theorem 3.12). Marshall
3.4. Archimedean copulas 43

and Olkin (1988) results given in the preceding section show that
Archimedean copulas are easily generated using inverse Laplace trans-
formations. Since Laplace transformations have well-defined inverses,
ϕ−1 serves as a generator function.
Quantifying dependence is relatively straightforward for
Archimedean copulas because Kendall’s tau simplifies to a func-
tion of the generator function,
τ =1+4 (t)
dt, (3.11)
0 ϕ
see Genest and Mackay (1986) for a derivation.

3.4.2 Archimedean copulas extended by transformations

In some cases additional flexibility arising from a second parameter in
the copula may be empirically useful. The method of transformations
has been suggested as a way of attaining such flexibility; see Durrleman
et al. (2000) and Junker and May (2005). Additional flexibility results
from the presence of a free parameter in the transformation function.
The essential step is to find valid new generators, and this can be
accomplished using transformations.
Junker and May (2005) prove the following result. Let ϕ be a gener-
ator and g : [0, 1] → [0, 1] be a strictly increasing concave function with
g(1) = 1. Then ϕ ◦ g is a generator. Let f : [0, ∞] → [0, ∞] be a strictly
increasing convex function with f (0) = 0, then f ◦ ϕ is a generator.
Here f and g are transformations applied to the original generator ϕ.
Examples of transformations given by Junker and May, some of which
have previously appeared in the literature, include:

g(t) = tν , ν ∈ (0, 1)
ln(at + 1)
g(t) = , a ∈ (0, ∞)
ln(a + 1)
e−θt − 1
g(t) = , θ ∈ (−∞, ∞)
e−θ − 1
f (ϕ) = ϕ , δ ∈ (1, ∞)
f (ϕ) = aϕ − 1, a ∈ (1, ∞)
f (ϕ) = a−ϕ − 1, a ∈ (0, 1).
44 Generating Copulas

As an example, the Frank copula is derived from the generator ϕ(t) =

− log (e−θt − 1)/(e−θ − 1) . This copula can be extended by using the
transformed generator [ϕ(t)]δ , so the Frank copula is a special case
when δ = 1.

3.4.3 Examples of Archimedean copulas

The appeal of Archimedean copulas and the reason for their popular-
ity in empirical applications is that Eq. (3.8) produces wide ranges
of dependence properties for different choices of the generator func-
tion. Archimedean copulas are also relatively easy to estimate. There
are dozens of existing Archimedean copulas (see Hutchinson and Lai
(1990) for a fairly exhaustive list), and infinitely more that could be
developed (if some assumptions are relaxed). Table 3.2 lists three that
appear regularly in statistics literature: Frank, Clayton, and Gumbel.
For Clayton, two cases are listed, corresponding to strict and non-
strict generators, the latter with analytic continuation at the origin,
which makes it comprehensive. These three copulas, as discussed in
Section 2.3, are popular because they accommodate different patterns
of dependence and have relatively straightforward functional forms.
Table 3.3 shows several copula densities.

3.5 Extensions of Bivariate Copulas

With a few exceptions, copulas are usually applied to bivariate data,
and only one dependence parameter is estimated. We briefly discuss
methods for estimating systems with three or more dependent variables,
and copulas with more than one dependence parameter.
Ideally, an m-variate copula would have m(m − 1)/2 dependence
parameters, one for each bivariate marginal. The most obvious choice
is the Gaussian copula discussed by Lee (1983), which can be extended
to include additional marginal distributions. The covariance structure
of the multivariate normal distribution has m(m − 1)/2 dependence
parameters. However, implementing a multivariate normal copula
requires calculation of multiple integrals without closed form solutions,
which must be approximated numerically. Husler and Reiss (1989),
Joe (1990), and Joe (1994) propose multivariate copulas with flexible
Table 3.2 Selected Archimedean copulas and their generators.
C(u1, u2 ; θ) ϕ(t) Range of θ
−θ −1/θ
Clayton (u−θ
1 + u2 − 1) θ−1 (t−θ − 1) (strict) (0, ∞)
−θ −1/θ
Clayton [max(u−θ
1 + u2 − 1, 0)] θ−1 (t−θ − 1) (nonstrict) (−1, ∞)\{0}
(e−θ u1 − 1)(e−θ u2 − 1)  
Frank − θ1 log 1 + −θ − 1
− log (e−θt − 1)/(e−θ − 1) (−∞, ∞)
Gumbel exp −(ũθ1 + uθ2 )1/θ where ũj = − log uj (− log t)θ [1, ∞)
3.5. Extensions of Bivariate Copulas
Table 3.3 Selected copula densities.
46 Generating Copulas

Copula C(u1 , u2 ) C12 (u1 , u2 )

FGM u1 u2 (1 + θ(1 − u1 )(1 − u2 )) 1 + θ(1 − 2u1 )(1 − 2u2 )

Gaussian ΦG Φ−1 (u1 ), Φ−1 (u2 ); θ (1 − θ2 )−1/2 exp − 12 (1 − θ2 )−1 x2 +y 2 −2θxy

× exp 12 x2 +y 2 where x = Φ−1 (u1 ), y = Φ−1 (u2 )

−1/θ −2−1/θ
−θ −θ
Clayton u−θ1 + u2 − 1 (1 + θ) (u1 u2 )−θ−1 u−θ
1 +u2 −1
(e−θu1 − 1)(e−θu2 − 1) −θ(e−θ − 1)e−θ(u1 +u2 )
Frank − θ1 log 1 + −θ
e −1 ((e−θu1 − 1)(e−θu2 − 1) + (eθ − 1))2
1/θ  θ−1 1/θ
1u 2) θ θ
Gumbel exp − u 1 θ +
u2 θ C(u1 , u2 )(u1 u2 )−1 θ θ 2−1/θ u1 + u
 2 + θ − 1 ,
1 +u 2 )

where u
1 = − ln u1 , and u
2 = − ln u2
3.5. Extensions of Bivariate Copulas 47

dependence, but their models either require Monte Carlo numerical

integration or they perform poorly in empirical applications.

3.5.1 Multivariate extensions using Marshall–Olkin’s

Consider an extension of the Marshall–Olkin method to dimensions
> 2. The following statement follows Marshall and Olkin (1988) Theo-
rem 2.1.
Let H1 , . . . , Hm be univariate distribution functions, and let Λ be
an m-variate distribution function such that Λ(0, . . . , 0) = 1 with uni-
variate marginals Λ1 , . . . , Λm . Denote the Laplace transform of Λ and
Λi , respectively, by ϕ and ϕi (i = 1, . . . , m). Let K be an m-variate
distribution function with all marginals uniform on [0, 1].
If Fi (y) = exp[−ϕ −1 i Hi (y)], then
H(y1 , . . . , ym ) = . . . K([F1 (y1 )]η1 , . . . , [Fm (ym )]ηm )dΛ(η1 , . . . , ηm )

is an m-dimensional distribution function with marginals H1 , . . . , Hm .

A special case of this theorem occurs when
η 1 η m m η i
K([F1 (y1 )] , . . . , [Fm (ym )] ) = Πi=1 Fi (yi )] and the yi (i = 1, . . . , m)
are uniform [0, 1] variates. In this case the application of the theorem
yields the m-dimensional copula
H(y1 , . . . , ym ) = ϕ[ϕ−1 −1
1 H1 (y1 ), . . . , ϕm Hm (ym )].

A further specialization occurs if we assume, in addition, that all uni-

variate marginals Λ1 , . . . , Λm are identical and have an upper Frėchet–
Hoeffding bound Λ1 , with Laplace transform ϕ. In this case the joint
distribution function is
H(y1 , . . . , ym ) = ϕ[ϕ−1 −1
1 H1 (y1 ) + · · · + ϕm Hm (ym )],

which extends the Archimedean form to m-dimensions. This result also

extends to the case in which the marginals are univariate survival func-
tions. Thus, the extension to higher dimensions requires the assumption
that all conditional distributions depend on a common random variable
which enters the conditional as a power term. Then a single parame-
ter will characterize dependence between all pairs of variables. This is
clearly restrictive in the context of fitting copulas to data.
48 Generating Copulas

Different choices of Hi and Λ lead to different generators ϕ and to

different copulas. Marshall and Olkin (1988) give examples covering
five alternative sets of assumptions. Genest and Mackay (1986) explain
that, for the case of m = 2, ϕ can be a function different from a Laplace
transform. However, for extension to higher dimensions, due to a result
of Schweizer and Sklar (1983) (see Marshall and Olkin, 1988: 835), the
generator must be proportional to a Laplace transform. Thus, from
the viewpoint of one who wants to fit copulas to data, the use of the
mixtures method for the m > 2 case involves significant restrictions.

3.5.2 Method of nesting

Archimedean copulas can be extended to include additional marginal
distributions. Focusing on the trivariate case, the easiest method by
which to include a third marginal is
C(u1 , u2 , u3 ) = ϕ ϕ−1 (u1 ) + ϕ−1 (u2 ) + ϕ−1 (u3 ) . (3.12)
This construction can be readily used in empirical applications, but it
is restrictive because it is necessary to assume that ϕ−1 is completely
monotonic (Cherubini et al., 2004: 149), and because the specification
implies symmetric dependence between the three pairs (u1 , u2 ), (u2 , u3 ),
and (u1 , u3 ), due to having a single dependence parameter. This restric-
tion becomes more onerous as the number of marginals increases. It is
not possible to model separately the dependence between all pairs.
The functional form of an Archimedean copula will be recognized
by those familiar with the theory of separable and additively separable
functions. A function f (u1 , u2 , . . . , um ) is (weakly) separable if it can be
written as
f (u1 , u2 , . . . , um ) = φ{φ1 (u1 ), . . . , φQ (uQ )},
and additively separable if
 
Q 
f (u1 , u2 , . . . , um ) = φ φ (uq ) ,
 

where (u1 , . . . , uQ ) is a separation of the set of variables (u1 , u2 , . . . , um )

into Q nonoverlapping groups. A function may be separable but
3.5. Extensions of Bivariate Copulas 49

not additively separable. Many Archimedean copulas are addi-

tively separable. Under separability variables can be nested. For
example if m = 3, then the following groupings are possible:
(u1 , u2 , u3 ; θ); (u1 , [u2 , u3 ; θ2 ]; θ1 ); (u2 , [u1 , u3 ; θ2 ]; θ1 ); (u3 , [u1 , u2 ; θ2 ]; θ1 ).
When fitting copulas to data, the alternative groupings have different
implications and interpretations. Presumably each grouping is justi-
fied by some set of assumptions about dependence. The first grouping
restricts the dependence parameter θ to be the same for all pairs. The
remaining three groupings allow for two dependence parameters, one,
θ1 , for a pair and a second one, θ2 , for dependence between the singleton
and the pair. The existence of generators φq that lead to flexible forms
of Archimedean copulas seems to be an open question. Certain types
of extensions to multivariate copulas are not possible. For example,
Genest et al. (1995) considered a copula C such that
H(x1 , x2 , . . . , xm , y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) = C(F (x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ), G(y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ))
defines a (m + n)-dimensional distribution function with marginals F
and G, m + n ≥ 3. They found that the only copula consistent with
these marginals is the independence copula. Multivariate Archimedean
copulas with a single dependence parameter can be obtained if restric-
tions are placed on the generator. For multivariate generalizations of
Gumbel, Frank and Clayton, see Cherubini et al. (2004: 150–151). Cop-
ula densities for dimensions higher than 2 are tedious to derive; how-
ever, Cherubini et al. (2004, Section 7.5) gives a general expression for
the Clayton copula density, and for the Frank copula density for the
special case of four variables.
We exploit the mixtures of powers method to extend Archimedean
copulas to include a third marginal. For a more detailed exposition of
this method, see Joe (1997, ch. 5) and Zimmer and Trivedi (2006). The
trivariate mixtures of powers representation is
 ∞ ∞
C(u1 , u2 , u3 ) = Gβ (u1 )Gβ (u2 )dM2 (β; α)Gα (u3 )dM1 (α),
0 0
where G(u1 ) = exp(−φ−1 (u1 )), G(u2 ) = exp(−φ−1 (u2 )), G(u3 ) =
exp(−ϕ −1 (u3 )), and ϕ is a Laplace transformation. In this formula-
tion, the power term α affects u1 , u2 , and u3 , and a second power term β
50 Generating Copulas

affects u1 and u2 . The distribution M1 has Laplace transformation ϕ(·),

and M2 has Laplace transformation (ϕ−1 ◦ φ)−1 (−α−1 log(·)) .
When φ = ϕ, expression (3.13) simplifies to expression (3.12). (The
mathematical notation f ◦ g denotes the functional operation f (g(x)).)
When φ = ϕ, the trivariate extension of (3.8) corresponding to
(3.13) is
C(u1 , u2 , u3 ) = ϕ ϕ−1 ◦ φ[φ−1 (u1 ) + φ−1 (u2 )] + ϕ−1 (u3 ) . (3.14)
Therefore, different Laplace transformations produce different families
of trivariate copulas.
Expression (3.12) has symmetric dependence in the sense that
it produces one dependence parameter θ = θu1 u2 = θu1 u3 = θu2 u3 .
But the dependence properties of three different marginals are
rarely symmetric in empirical applications. The trivariate represen-
tation of expression (3.14) is symmetric with respect to (u1 , u2 )
but not with respect to u3 . Therefore, (3.14) is less restrictive
than (3.12).
The partially symmetric formulation of expression (3.14) yields two
dependence parameters, θ1 and θ2 , such that θ1 ≤ θ2 . The parame-
ter θ2 = θu1 u2 measures dependence between u1 and u2 . The param-
eter θ1 = θu1 u3 = θu2 u3 measures dependence between u1 and u3 as
well as between u2 and u3 , and the two must be equal. Distribu-
tions greater than three dimensions also have a mixtures of pow-
ers representations, but this technique yields only m − 1 dependence
parameters for an m-variate distribution function. Therefore, the
mixtures of powers approach is more restrictive for higher dimen-
sions. While this restriction constitutes a potential weakness of the
approach, it is less restrictive than formulation (3.12) which yields
only one dependence parameter. Moreover, the multivariate represen-
tation in Eq. (3.14) allows a researcher to explore several dependence
patterns by changing the ordering of the marginals. For example,
instead of (u1 , u2 , u3 ), one could order the marginals (u3 , u2 , u1 ),
which provides a different interpretation for the two dependence
As an example, we demonstrate how the Frank copula is extended
to include a third marginal. If φ(s) = exp(−s1/θ ) and (ϕ −1 ◦ φ)(s)
3.5. Extensions of Bivariate Copulas 51

= sθ1 /θ2 , then expression (3.14) becomes

C(u1 , u2 , u3 ; θ1 , θ2 )
 −1 −θ2 u1 )

−1 1 − [1 − c2 (1 − e −θ1 u3
= −θ1 log 1 − c1 (1 − e ) ,
× (1 − e−θ2 u2 )]θ1 /θ2

where θ1 ≤ θ2 , c1 = 1 − e−θ1 , and c2 = 1 − e−θ2 . (The proof is com-

plicated; see Joe (1993).) Despite the ability of some bivariate
Archimedean copulas to accommodate negative dependence, trivari-
ate Archimedean copulas derived from mixtures of powers restrict θ1
and θ2 to be greater than zero, which implies positive dependence. This
reflects an important property of mixtures of powers. In order for the
integrals in Eq. (3.13) to have closed form solutions, then power terms
α and β, which are imbedded within θ1 and θ2 , must be positive.

Trivariate example. Zimmer and Trivedi (2006) develop a trivari-

ate model in which y1 and y2 are counted measures of health care use
by two spouses and y3 is a dichotomous variable of insurance status.
One group consists of couples who are insured jointly, and a second
group consists of married couples where wife and husband are sepa-
rately insured. The interest is in determining the impact of y3 on y1 and
y2 . They exploit the mixtures of powers representation to extend the
(Frank) copula to include a third marginal. Specifically they use (3.14)
which is somewhat less restrictive than the trivariate Archimedean cop-
ula φ φ−1 (u1 ) + φ−1 (u2 + φ−1 (u3 )). The latter has symmetric depen-
dence in the sense that it produces one dependence parameter for all
pairs of marginals. The nested Archimedean form has symmetric with
respect to (u1 , u2 ), but not with respect to u3 .

3.5.3 Copulas with two dependence parameters

Although they are rarely used in empirical applications, it is possible to
construct Archimedean copulas with two dependence parameters, each
of which measures a different dependence feature. For example, one
parameter might measure left tail dependence while the other might
measure right tail dependence. The bivariate Student’s t-distribution
52 Generating Copulas

was mentioned earlier as an example of a two-parameter copula. Trans-

formation copulas in Section 3.4 are a second example. Two parameter
Archimedean copulas take the form:

C(u1 , u2 ) = ϕ − log K e−ϕ(u1 ) , e−ϕ(u2 ) , (3.16)

where K is max-id and ϕ is a Laplace transformation. If K assumes

an Archimedean form, and if K has dependence parameter θ1 , and ϕ
is parameterized by θ2 , then C(u1 , u2 ; θ1 , θ2 ) assumes an Archimedean
form with two dependence parameters. Joe (1997: 149–154) dis-
cusses this calculation in more detail. As an example, we present one
Archimedean copula with two parameters, and we direct the interested
reader to Joe (1997) for more examples.
If K assumes the Gumbel form, then (3.16) takes the form:
C(u1 , u2 ; θ1 , θ2 ) = ϕ ϕ−1 (u1 ) + ϕ−1 (u2 ) ,

where ϕ(t) = (1 + t1/θ1 )−1/θ2 , θ2 > 0 and θ1 ≥ 1. For this copula,

2−1/(θ1 θ2 ) measures lower tail dependence and 2 − 21/θ1 captures upper
tail dependence.
Copula Estimation

Copulas are used to model dependence when the marginal distributions

are conditional on covariates, i.e., they have a regression structure, and
also when they are not. Sometimes the investigator’s main interest is
in efficient estimation of regression parameters and only incidentally in
the dependence parameter. In models which do not involve covariates,
the main interest is, of course, in the nature of dependence.
Simultaneous estimation of all parameters using the full maximum
likelihood (FML) approach is the most direct estimation method.
A second method is a sequential 2-step maximum likelihood method
(TSML) in which the marginals are estimated in the first step and the
dependence parameter is estimated in the second step using the cop-
ula after the estimated marginal distributions have been substituted
into it. This method exploits an attractive feature of copulas for which
the dependence structure is independent of the marginal distributions.
This second method has additional variants depending upon whether
the first step is implemented parametrically or nonparametrically, and
on the method used to estimate the variance of the dependence param-
eter(s) at the second stage. A third method that is in principle feasible,
but not yet widely used in practice, is to estimate the parameters using
the generalized method of moments (GMM); this, however, requires
54 Copula Estimation

one to first derive the moment functions. (See Prokhorov and Schmidt,
2006, for a discussion of theoretical issues related to copula estimation.)
In the remainder of this section we will concentrate on the FML and
TSML methods.
In what follows we will treat the case of copulas of continuous vari-
ables as the leading case. For generality we consider copulas in which
each marginal distribution, denoted as Fj (yj |xj ; βj ), j = 1, . . . , m, is con-
ditioned on a vector covariates denoted as xj . In most cases, unless speci-
fied otherwise m = 2, and Fj is parametrically specified. In most cases we
will assume that the dependence parameter, denoted θ, is a scalar.
Sections 4.1 and 4.2 cover the full maximum likelihood and the two-
step sequential maximum likelihood methods. Section 4.3 covers model
evaluation and selection. Monte Carlo examples and real data examples
are given in Sections 4.4 and 4.5.

4.1 Copula Likelihoods

Having chosen a copula consider the derivation of the likelihood for
the special case of a bivariate model with uncensored failure times
(y1 , y2 ) . Denote the marginal density functions as fj (yj |xj ; βj ) = ∂Fj
(yj |xj ; βj )/∂yj and the copula derivative as Cj ((F1 |x1 ; β1 ), (F2 |x1 ; β1 );
θ)/∂Fj for j = 1, 2. Then the copula density is
c (F1 (·), F2 (·)) = C (F1 (·), F2 (·))
dy2 dy1
= C12 (F1 (·), F2 (·)) f1 (·)f2 (·), (4.1)
C12 ((F1 |x1 ; β1 ), (F2 |x2 ; β2 ); θ) = ∂C((F1 |x1 ; β1 ), (F2 |x2 ; β2 ); θ)/∂F1 ∂F2 ,
and the log-likelihood function is
LN (y1 |(x1 ; β1 ), (y2 |x2 ; β2 ); θ)

= ln fji (yji |xji ; βj )
i=1 j=1

+ C12 [F1 (y1i |x1i ; β1 ), F2 (y2i |x2i ; β2 ); θ] . (4.3)
4.1. Copula Likelihoods 55

The cross partial derivatives C12 (·) for several copulas are listed below.
It is easy to see that the log-likelihood decomposes into two parts, of
which only the second involves the dependence parameter.
LN (β1 , β2 , θ) = L1,N (β1 , β2 ) + L2,N (β1 , β2 , θ). (4.4)
FML estimates are obtained by solving the score equations ∂LN /∂Ω =
0 where Ω =(β1 , β2 , θ). These equations will be nonlinear in general,
but standard quasi-Newton iterative algorithms are available in most
matrix programming languages. Let the solution be Ω  FML . By standard
 FML is consistent for the
likelihood theory under regularity conditions, Ω
true parameter vector Ω0 and its asymptotic distribution is given by
√ 1 ∂ 2 L (Ω)  −1
 FML − Ω0 ) → N 0, − plim
N (Ω
d N  . (4.5)
N ∂Ω∂Ω  Ω0
In practice the more robust consistent “sandwich” variance estimator,
obtained under quasi-likelihood theory, may be preferred as it allows
for possible misspecification of the copula.

4.1.1 Likelihood maximization by parts

There is an alternative computational strategy for obtaining Ω  FML .
In view of the structure of the log-likelihood, see (4.4), one can use
the maximization-by-parts (MBP) algorithm recently suggested
by Song et al. (2005). This involves starting from an initial estimate of
(β1 , β2 ) based on maximization of L1,N (β1 , β2 ), and then using Eq. (4.4)
to solve for θ. The initial estimate ignores dependence, and hence is
not efficient. An iterative solution for (β1 , β2 ) given an estimate θ,
and then for θ given revised estimates of (β1 , β2 ), yields efficient esti-
mates because the procedure takes account of dependence. If there is
no dependence, then the first step estimator is efficient. Song et al.
(2005) illustrate the MBP algorithm by estimating a bivariate Gaus-
sian copula.
Likelihoods also may be expressed in alternative forms using asso-
ciated copulas, e.g. survival copulas, as defined in Section 2.2. Such
alternative expressions are often convenient when handling models with
censored observations (see Frees and Valdez, 1998: 15–16, Georges
et al., 2001).
56 Copula Estimation

4.1.2 Copula for discrete variables

To illustrate the case of discrete random variables, we consider the
case in which y1 and y2 are nonnegative integer (count) variables and
F1 and F2 are discrete cdfs. The joint probability mass function (pmf)
is formed by taking differences. For economy, we use the abbreviated
notation Fj (yj ) for Fj (yj |xj , βj ). For the bivariate case, the probability
mass function (pmf) is
c (F1 (y1i ), F2 (y2i ); θ) = C (F1 (y1i ), F2 (y2i ); θ)
− C (F1 (y1i − 1), F2 (y2i ); θ)
− C (F1 (y1i ), F2 (y2i − 1); θ)
+ C (F1 (y1i − 1), F2 (y2i − 1); θ) . (4.6)
For the trivariate case the pmf is
c (F1 (y1i ), F2 (y2i ), F3 (y3i ); θ)
= C (F1 (y1i ), F2 (y2i ), F3 (y3i ); θ)
− C (F1 (y1i − 1), F2 (y2i ), F3 (y3i ); θ)
− C (F1 (y1i ), F2 (y2i − 1), F3 (y3i ); θ)
− C (F1 (y1i ), F2 (y2i ), F3 (y3i − 1); θ)
+ C (F1 (y1i − 1), F2 (y2i − 1), F3 (y3i ); θ)
+ C (F1 (y1i ), F2 (y2i − 1), F3 (y3i − 1); θ)
+ C (F1 (y1i − 1), F2 (y2i ), F3 (y3i − 1); θ)
− C (F1 (y1i − 1), F2 (y2i − 1), F3 (y3i − 1); θ) . (4.7)
Focusing on the bivariate case, the log likelihood function for FML
estimation is formed by taking the logarithm of the pdf or pmf copula
representation and summing over all observations,

LN (θ) = log c(F1 (y1i ), F2 (y2i ); θ). (4.8)

As was discussed in Section 2.4, the interpretation of the dependence

parameter θ in the context of discrete data is not identical to that in
the corresponding continuous case. If there is special interest in esti-
mating and interpreting the dependence parameter, an alternative to
4.2. Two-Step Sequential Likelihood Maximization 57

estimating the discrete copula is to apply the continuation transforma-

tion to the discrete variable and then base the estimation of parameters
on the likelihood function for a family of continuous copulas. Specifi-
cally, the discrete variables are made continuous by adding a random
independent perturbation term taking values in [0, 1]. This approach
was used by Stevens (1950), and, as was mentioned above, by Denuit
and Lambert (2005) to derive bounds for Kendall’s ρτ measure, and
by Machado and Santos Silva (2005) to extend quantile regression to
count data.
In our experience, maximization of likelihood with discrete margins
often runs into computational difficulties, reflected in the failure of the
algorithm to converge. In such cases it may be helpful to first apply the
continuation transformation and then estimate a model based on copu-
las for continuous variables. For example, count variables can be made
continuous and then suitable margins inserted in a specified copula.
Examples are given in Sections 4.4.2 and 4.5.2.

4.1.3 Bayesian analysis of copulas

There is now growing interest in Bayesian analysis of copulas. A recent
example is Pitt et al. (2006), who use a Gaussian copula to model the
joint distribution of six count measures of health care. The multivari-
ate density of the Gaussian copula has been given by Song (2000).
The paper by Pitt et al. (2006) develops a Markov chain Monte Carlo
algorithm for estimating the posterior distribution for continuous or
discrete marginals. In their application the marginal densities are spec-
ified to be zero-inflated geometric distributions. The authors show how
one might handle the additional complications resulting from discrete

4.2 Two-Step Sequential Likelihood Maximization

The TSML method separates the estimation of the marginals from that
of the dependence parameter. We shall consider two cases. In the first
the marginal distributions do not involve covariates and the density
is not parametrically specified either because it is preferred to avoid
doing so, or because this step is too difficult.
58 Copula Estimation

4.2.1 Nonparametric first step

Consider the case of continuous random variables. A nonparamet-
ric kernel density is used to estimate the univariate marginal den-
sities, denoted fj (yj ), j = 1, 2. This usually requires one to choose
a bandwidth parameter. This is used to compute the empirical dis-
tribution function F j (yj ), j = 1, 2, which may be treated as realiza-
tions of uniform random variables u1 and u2 , respectively. Given
{ 2i , i = 1, . . . , N }, and a copula, the dependence parameter θ can
u1i , u
be estimated as follows:

θTSML = arg max ln ci ( 2i ; θ).
u1i , u

There are two issues to consider. First, the approach is straight-

forward if the yj are iid. This may be a reasonable assumption with
cross section data, but may be more tenuous in time series applica-
tions. Second, because this method of estimating θ uses u 2i , which
1i , u
are generated (rather than observed) variates, valid estimation of the
variance of θTSML requires going beyond the standard likelihood calcu-
lation based on the (Fisher) information matrix.

4.2.2 Parametric sequential approach

Suppose that the appropriate marginal distributions are parametrically
specified and are conditioned on covariates. Again we can separate the
estimation of marginal and dependence parameters. This approach is
computationally attractive if the dimension of θ is large so that the
application of FML is problematic. Joint estimation is further encum-
bered if certain choices of marginal distributions contribute to a flat
likelihood function. The method also has an advantage that the speci-
fication of the marginals can be tested using diagnostic tests to ensure
that they provide an acceptable fit to the data. Appropriate marginals
should produce more precise estimates of the dependence parameter.
For the case of continuous random variables, the log likelihood func-
tion has the structure given in (4.4). As discussed by Joe (1997), it is
4.2. Two-Step Sequential Likelihood Maximization 59

often easier to consider the log likelihood of each univariate margin,

Lj (βj ) = log fj (yij |xij , βj )

and maximize these likelihoods to obtain βj for each margin j. Then
treating these values as given, the full likelihood function based on
Eq. (4.4) is maximized with respect to only the dependence parameter
θ. Following a convention in the statistics literature, Joe refers to this
estimation technique as inference functions for margins (IFM).
Under regularity conditions, IFM produces estimates that are con-
sistent with full maximum likelihood (FML), albeit less efficient.
Comparing efficiency of IFM and FML is difficult because asymptotic
covariance matrices are generally intractable, but for a number of mod-
els, IFM may perform favorably compared to ML. However, if efficiency
is a concern, then consistent standard errors can be obtained by using
the following bootstrap algorithm:

(1) Obtain β1 , β2 , and θ by IFM.

(2) Randomly draw a sample of observations (with replacement)
from the data. The randomly drawn sample may be smaller,
larger, or the same size as the number of observations in the
(3) Using the randomly drawn sample, reestimate β1 , β2 , and θ
by IFM and store the values.
(4) Repeat steps (2) and (3) many times and denote each repli-
cated estimate as β1 (r), β2 (r), and θ(r)
 where r is the
(5) Standard errors for parameters Ω  = (β1 , β2 , θ)
 are calcu-
lated using the variance matrix R r=1 (Ω(r) − Ω)
(Ω(r) − Ω) where R is the number of replications.

FML and TSML both produce consistent estimates of the depen-

dence parameter θ. The dependence parameter is often the primary
result of interest in empirical applications. For example, in financial
studies, portfolio managers are often interested in the joint probability
that two or more funds will fail during a recession. In these applications,
60 Copula Estimation

the dependence parameter indicates correlation between fund perfor-

mances, and the Frėchet–Hoeffding bounds (discussed in Section 2.1)
provide bounds on possible correlation.

4.2.3 Example: Copula-based volatility models

Chen and Fan (2006) consider estimation and model selection of semi-
parametric copula-based multivariate dynamic (SCOMDY) models. An
example of such a model is the generalized autoregressive conditional
heteroskedastic (GARCH) model with errors generated by a Gaussian
copula or a Student’s t-copula. Different choices of the distributions
in the copulas generate different nested or non-nested models. The
log-likelihood function has a structure similar to (4.4), so Chen and
Fan propose a two-step estimator in which the non-copula parameters
are estimated first and the copula parameters are estimated condi-
tional on those. Given two or more models estimated in this way, each
based on a different copula, a practical issue is how to choose between
them. They develop model selection procedures, under the assump-
tion of misspecified copulas, based on a pseudo likelihood ratio (PLR)
criterion. Following Vuong (1989) they use the minimum of Kullback–
Leibler information criterion (KLIC) over the copulas to measure the
closeness of a SCOMDY model to the true model. They establish the
asymptotic distribution of the PLR for both the nested and non-nested
cases. For non-nested models the PLR criterion has an asymptotic nor-
mal distribution and for the nested case it is a mixture of chi-square
For specificity, consider the example of a GARCH (1,1) with errors
from the Gaussian copula. For j = 1, . . . , m

yjt = x jt βj + hjt εjt ,
hjt = kj + αj hj,t−1 + δj (yjt − x jt βj )2 ,

where kj > 0, αj > 0, δj > 0, and αj + δj < 1. The εjt are zero mean,
unit variance, serially uncorrelated errors generated from a Gaussian
copula with covariance matrix Σ; the covariate vectors are assumed to
be exogenous. The estimation procedure of Chen and Fan is ordinary
least squares for the parameters βj and quasi-MLE for (kj , αj , δj ).
4.3. Copula Evaluation and Selection 61

Using · to denote sample estimates, let θj = (βj ,  kj , αj , δj ) and θ =
(θ1 , . . . , θm ). Given these estimates, the empirical distribution function
of the εjt (θ)  can be obtained. This is denoted as Fj (εjt (θ)),
 j = 1, . . . , m.
At the final stage the likelihood based on a Gaussian copula density
c(F1 (ε1t (θ)), . . . , Fm (εmt (θ)))
 is maximized to estimate the dependence
A similar procedure can be applied to estimate GARCH(1,1) models
with other copulas. Chen and Fan establish the asymptotic distribu-
tion of the dependence parameter and provide an estimation procedure
for the variances under possible misspecification of the parametric cop-
ula. One interesting result they obtain is that the asymptotic distribu-
tion of the dependence parameters is not affected by the estimation of
parameters θ. 

4.3 Copula Evaluation and Selection

In empirical applications of copulas, one wants to know how well the
model fits the data. It is especially useful to know if there are indica-
tors of misspecification. For example, data may exhibit the type of tail
dependence that the selected copula cannot capture. Further, if sev-
eral copulas are tried, one wants to know which one provides the best
fit to the data. This section will discuss these practical issues using
Monte Carlo experiments for exposition and illustration. We will also
present two empirical examples to demonstrate copula estimation of
microeconometric models for which parametric joint distributions are
not readily available.

4.3.1 Selection criteria

Different copula functions exhibit different dependence patterns. There-
fore, if a researcher wants to explore the structure of dependence,
he may estimate several copulas and choose one on the basis of best
fit to the data. Other methods for choosing copulas are presented in
Section 4.5.
The first step in copula estimation is to specify and estimate univari-
ate marginal distributions. This decision should be guided by economic
62 Copula Estimation

and statistical features of the data. The goodness of fit of the marginal

models can and should be evaluated using diagnostic and goodness of
fit tests. Many of these will be specific to the parametric form of the
marginal model. The better the fit of the marginal, the more precisely
we can model the dependence structure. We will illustrate some of these
in the section on empirical applications. The second step, potentially
more difficult, requires specification of a copula. Here prior informa-
tion plays a role. For example, if right tail dependence is expected to
be a feature of the data, choosing a copula functional form that does
not permit such dependence is not appropriate. Choosing a copula that
permits only positive dependence is also restrictive if one expects either
positive or negative dependence in the relevant data context. Thus, in
many empirical settings, choosing a relatively unrestrictive copula is a
sensible decision. In many empirical settings trying several copulas to
explore the dependence structure is a sound strategy.
The first model selection approach we consider is due to Gen-
est and Rivest (1993) who recommend a technique for choosing
among bivariate Archimedean copulas. Assume that two random vari-
ables (Y1i , Y2i ), i = 1, . . . , N, have a bivariate distribution F (Y1i , Y2i )
with corresponding copula C (F1 (Y1 ), F2 (Y2 ); θ). The researcher must
choose the appropriate functional form for C (·) from several avail-
able Archimedean copulas. Let the random variable Zi = F (Y1i , Y2i )
be described by distribution function K(z) = Pr (Zi ≤ z). Genest
and Rivest show that this distribution function is related to the
Archimedean generator function,
K(z) = z − .
ϕ (z)
Identifying the appropriate Archimedean copula is equivalent to iden-
tifying the optimal generator function. To determine the appropriate

• Calculate Kendall’s tau using the following nonparametric

ρτ = sign [(Y1i − Y1j ) (Y2i − Y2j )] .
4.3. Copula Evaluation and Selection 63

• Calculate a nonparametric estimate of K by defining the


Zi = {number of (Y1j , Y2j ) such that Y1j < Y1i

and Y2j < Y2i } /(N − 1)}

for i = 1, . . . , N . Then set K(z) = proportion of Zi ’s ≤ z.
• For ϕ, a given Archimedean generator, calculate a parametric
estimate of K using the equation

 ϕ (z) = z − ϕ(z) .
ϕ (z)
Generators for several popular Archimedean copulas are
listed in Table 3.2. Use the nonparametric estimate of τn to
calculate θn in each generator. For each generator function,
a different estimate of K  ϕ (z) is obtained. The appropriate
generator, and thus the optimal Archimedean copula, is the
one for which K  ϕ (z) is closest to the nonparametric estimate

K(z). This can be determined by minimizing the distance

function (K 
 ϕ (z) − K(z)) 2 dK(z).

Ané and Kharoubi (2003) also demonstrate a method for select-

ing copulas that involves comparing parametric and nonparametric
values, but unlike Genest and Rivest, their technique is not limited
to the Archimedean class. The idea is to compute a nonparametric
empirical copula and compare the values to estimates of parametric
copulas. Consider the bivariate case for which an empirical copula
Ce (F1 (Y1 ), F2 (Y2 )) may be calculated as

e (Y1 , Y2 ) =
C 1 {(Yj1 ≤ Yi1 ) and (Yj2 ≤ Yi2 )} , (4.9)
i=1 j=1

where 1 {A} is the indicator function that equals 1 if event A

occurs. Next, several parametric copulas are estimated, each denoted
Cp (F1 (Y1 ), F2 (Y2 )). The parametric copula that is closest to the empir-
ical copula is the most appropriate choice. The researcher may evaluate
closeness using a distance estimator, for which a simple example is the
64 Copula Estimation

sum of squares,

Distance = ei − C
(C pi )2 . (4.10)

Ané and Kharoubi (2003) also use distance measures based on the
concept of entropy and the Anderson–Darling test, the latter which
emphasize deviations in the tails, which is useful for applications in
which tail dependence is expected to be important.

4.3.2 Application of model selection to simulated data

As an example, we draw 500 simulated values from a particular copula
and calculate Ce and Cp (without explanatory variables, which means
only the dependence parameter is estimated for the parametric copu-
las). For the purpose of demonstration, we compare three copulas with
markedly different dependence structures: Clayton, Gumbel, and FGM.
The following Table 4.1 reports distance measures based on Eq. (4.10),
with asterisks denoting the values for parametric copulas that are clos-
est to the corresponding empirical copula.
For the Clayton DGP, the parametric Clayton copula is closest
to the nonparametric empirical copula. Similar results apply for the
Gumbel and FGM copulas. This finding is not surprising. Although
the distance measure provides a useful ranking of the models in terms
of goodness-of-fit, it does not test a hypothesis of model misspecifica-
tion. While these results attest to the usefulness of empirical copulas in
choosing appropriate copulas, approaches which compare empirical and
parametric values are currently rarely used in applied microeconometric

Table 4.1 Distance measures for three copulas.

Clayton Gumbel FGM
DGP: Clayton with θ = 3
0.0447∗ 0.4899 1.8950
DGP: Gumbel with θ = 3
0.8534 0.1305∗ 3.2755
DGP: FGM with θ = 0.8
0.1004 0.0998 0.0415∗
Note: The asterisks denote, the values for parametric copular that are closest to the corre-
sponding empirical copula.
4.3. Copula Evaluation and Selection 65

applications. The Genest and Rivest method does not consider non-
Archimedean copulas such as the Gaussian and FGM copulas, both of
which are popular in applied settings. Moreover, the method is com-
putationally more demanding than copula estimation itself. The Ané
and Kharoubi technique is also computationally demanding, because
one must estimate all copulas under consideration in addition to esti-
mating an empirical copula. If one is already committed to estimate
several different parametric copulas, the practitioner might find it eas-
ier to forgo nonparametric estimation and instead base copula selection
on penalized likelihood criteria discussed below.
As a part of an exploratory analysis of dependence structure,
researchers may graphically examine dependence patterns before esti-
mation by plotting the points (Y1i , Y2i ); of course, this approach is more
appropriate when no covariates are present in the marginal distribu-
tions. If the scatter diagram points to a pattern of dependence that is
similar to one of the “standard” models, e.g., see the simulated plots
in Section 2.5, then this may point to one or more appropriate choices.
For example, if Y1 and Y2 appear to be highly correlated in the left tail,
then Clayton might be an appropriate copula. If dependence appears
to be symmetric or negative, then FGM is an appropriate choice, but
if dependence is relatively strong, then FGM should be avoided.
In the standard econometric terminology, alternative copula mod-
els with a single dependence parameter are said to be non-nested.
One approach for choosing between non-nested parametric models esti-
mated by maximum likelihood is to use either the Akaike or (Schwarz)
Bayesian information criterion. For example, Bayes information crite-
rion (BIC) is equal to −2 ln(L) + K ln(N ) where ln(L) is the maximized
log likelihood value, K is the number of parameters, and N is the num-
ber of observations. Smaller BIC values indicate better fit. However, if
all the copulas under consideration have the same K then use of these
criteria amounts to choosing the model with the largest likelihood.
If, on the other hand there are several specifications of the marginal
models with alternative regression structures under consideration, then
penalized likelihood criteria are useful for model selection.
In our experience a combination of visual inspection and penalized
likelihood measures provides satisfactory guidance in copula selection.
66 Copula Estimation

Visual examination of (Y1i , Y2i ) provides useful prior indication of

choices that are likely to be satisfactory. An example of copula selection
is Frees and Valdez (1998) who examine insurance indemnity claims
data for which the two variables of interest are indemnity payments
and allocated loss adjustment expenses. Using the Genest and Rivest
method, they find that the Gumbel copula provides the best fit to the
data, although Frank’s copula also provides a satisfactory fit. A scatter
plot shows that the variables appear to exhibit right tail dependence
(Figure 2.1 in their paper), which offers further support for the Gumbel
copula. Since Clayton copulas exhibit strong left tail dependence, it is
not surprising that they find that Clayton provides a poor fit of the
data. Finally, they estimate several copulas and find that Gumbel pro-
vides the best fit according to an information criterion measure.

4.4 Monte Carlo Illustrations

This section presents Monte Carlo experiments in order to illustrate
the effects of copula misspecification. The following two subsections
consider cases in which dependent variables are continuous and discrete.

4.4.1 Bivariate normal example

For 500 simulated observations, i = 1, . . . , 500, two normally distributed
random variables are generated as

y1i = β11 + β12 x1i + η1i ,

y2i = β12 + β22 x2i + η2i ,

where x1 and x2 are independently uniform on (−0.5, 0.5). The terms

η1 and η2 are jointly distributed standard normal variates drawn from
a particular copula with dependence parameter θ using techniques pre-
sented in the Appendix.
We estimate five bivariate copulas of the form C(F1 (y1 |x1 ),
F2 (y2 |x2 ); θ) under the assumption that the marginal distributions F1
and F2 are standard normal cdfs,
1 yj − βj1 − βj2 xj
Fj (yj ) = φ dyj ,
σj σj
4.4. Monte Carlo Illustrations 67

where φ(t) = 1/ 2π exp(−t2 /2). Each copula is correctly specified; that
is, each has the same specification as the corresponding DGP. The
objective is to evaluate the properties of the FML estimator applied
under the assumption of correct specification of the copula.
The true values for the parameters are: (β11 , β12 , β21 , β22 , σ1 , σ2 ) =
(2, 1, 0, −0.5, 1, 1). The true value of θ for each copula is chosen so that
Kendall’s tau is approximately equal to 0.3, except for the FGM cop-
ula, which cannot accommodate dependence of this magnitude. For the
FGM case, θ is set equal to 0.5, which corresponds to a Kendall’s tau
value of 0.11. The true values of θ are shown in Table 4.2 across the top
row. Each Monte Carlo experiment involves 1000 replications. For each
replication, new realizations of η1 and η2 are randomly drawn which
yields new observations y1 and y2 , but x1 and x2 and the true values
of the parameters are held constant.
We also show two-way scatter diagrams for the dependent variables
using data from one replication of each Monte Carlo experiment. Fig-
ure 2.3 is for the case of continuous variables with Gaussian marginals;
Figure 4.1 is for the discrete case with Poisson marginals. In all cases,
because of the additional variability in the data due to the presence
of covariates in the dgp, the resulting scatters show higher dispersion
than the corresponding ones in Figure 2.3.
The estimation method is full maximum likelihood (FML), which
is executed by maximizing the log likelihood function given in
Eq. (4.3). The log likelihood function is maximized using a Newton–
Ralphson iterative module available in the IML platform of SAS. The
module requires the user to specify only the log likelihood function;
first derivatives are calculated numerically within the module. For
each copula, the Monte Carlo experiment with 1000 replications fin-
ished in less than 10 min on a standard desktop machine. However,
for larger experiments, the user may wish to provide analytical first
derivatives of the log likelihood function, which can greatly reduce
estimation times.
For two normally distributed continuous variables, it is unneces-
sary to estimate a copula function as econometric software can easily
estimate Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) models, but specify-
ing the Monte Carlo experiment in terms of normal marginals offers a
68 Copula Estimation

Table 4.2 Monte Carlo results for bivariate normal.

Clayton (θ = 0.86) Frank (θ = 5.40) Gumbel (θ = 1.43) Gaussian (θ = 0.45) FGM (θ = 0.50)
DGP Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev.
β11 2.00 1.999 0.044 1.999 0.041 1.998 0.043 1.999 0.047 1.999 0.044
β12 1.00 1.002 0.133 1.000 0.113 0.999 0.132 1.002 0.133 0.997 0.156
σ1 1.00 0.998 0.030 0.998 0.031 0.998 0.030 0.996 0.032 0.998 0.032
β21 0.00 −0.001 0.045 −0.001 0.043 −0.001 0.046 0.001 0.044 −0.001 0.046
β22 −0.50 −0.499 0.124 −0.501 0.109 −0.495 0.131 −0.502 0.131 −0.500 0.147
σ2 1.00 0.997 0.031 0.997 0.031 0.998 0.030 0.997 0.031 0.997 0.033
θ 0.870 0.100 5.429 0.356 1.434 0.055 0.449 0.037 0.504 0.131
4.4. Monte Carlo Illustrations 69

Fig. 4.1 Bivariate simulated data generated with Poisson marginals.

useful frame of reference. Table 4.2 reports the average estimates across
replications. The averages of the FML estimates, including estimates of
the dependence parameters, are virtually identical to the true values.
An attractive property of copulas is that dependence structures are
permitted to be nonlinear. Unfortunately, this also presents difficulties
in comparing dependence across different copula functions. Although
measures of linear correlation such as Kendall’s tau and Spearman’s rho
may be helpful in cross-copula comparisons, they are not directly com-
parable because they cannot account for nonlinear dependence struc-
tures. The following example illustrates this point.
Data are drawn from the Clayton copula using the same true val-
ues for β11 , β12 , β21 , β22 , σ1 , and σ2 that are used in the previous
experiment. However, the true value of the dependence parameter is
set equal to 4, which corresponds to a Kendall’s tau value of 0.67. We
then use these simulated data to estimate the Gumbel copula in order
70 Copula Estimation

Table 4.3 Monte Carlo results for continuous normal with data drawn from Clayton copula.
β11 β12 σ1 β21 β22 σ2 θ
Mean 2.042 1.000 1.071 0.042 −0.498 1.071 2.510
Std. Dev. 0.045 0.101 0.037 0.044 0.097 0.037 0.132

to determine whether the Gumbel copula is capable of accommodat-

ing high degrees of dependence generated from the Clayton copula. A
Kendall’s tau value of 0.67 translates to a dependence parameter value
of 3 for Gumbel’s copula. However, at such high levels of correlation,
Clayton and Gumbel exhibit different dependence structures, as shown
in Section 2.5. As Table 4.3 shows, the Monte Carlo estimates of the
Gumbel copula using Clayton data produce a dependence parameter
estimate that is smaller than 3.
For highly correlated Clayton variates, most of the dependence is
concentrated in the lower tail. However, lower tail dependence is rela-
tively weak for the Gumbel copula. Consequently, it is not surprising
that the Gumbel copula is unable to accurately capture dependence
generated from a Clayton copula.
The preceding example illustrates that it is difficult to compare
dependence parameters across different copulas. To address this com-
plication in interpreting dependence parameters, microeconometric
researchers typically estimate several copulas and convert the depen-
dence parameters, post estimation, into Kendall’s tau or Spearman’s
rho. Competing copula families are nonnested so model comparison
is not straightforward. Moreover, the dependence parameter in some
particular copula family may be estimated to be on the boundary of
the parameter space which may make the model comparison problem
“irregular.” When the competing copula models are “regular” one may
use the penalized log-likelihood criterion for model selection and make
inferences about dependence based on the “best model.” Tail probabil-
ity properties provide an indicator of another aspect of the dependence
structure, which in some applications is of major interest.

4.4.2 Bivariate Poisson example

The next experiment investigates the performance of copula estima-
tion when (y1 , y2 ) are discrete random variables. In general, gener-
4.4. Monte Carlo Illustrations 71

ating discrete variables is more difficult than simulating continuous

observations. We adapt the technique of Devroye (1986: 86) presented
in the Appendix to simulate two correlated discrete count variables
(y1 , y2 ). The realizations of (y1 , y2 ) are drawn from the copula func-
tion C(F1 (y1 |x1 ), F2 (y2 |x2 ); θ) where F1 and F2 are Poisson distribution
yjk −µj yjk
 e µj
Fj (yjk ) = for j = 1, 2
yjk !

where µj = exp(βj1 + βj2 xj ) denotes the conditional mean function,

and x1 and x2 are independently uniform on (−0.5, 0.5). For each repli-
cation, 500 new realizations of (y1 , y2 ) are drawn from the copula.
Estimation is by full maximum likelihood (FML) based on the joint
probability mass function given in Eq. (4.6). Similar to the exper-
iment using continuous data, the log likelihood function, calculated
by Eq. (4.8), is maximized using a Newton–Ralphson iterative proce-
dure in SAS/IML. The Monte Carlo experiments for 1000 replications
require similar computation times to the continuous experiments dis-
cussed above.
Table 4.4 reports the average estimates across 1000 replications.
The true values of the dependence parameters are the same as in the
continuous experiment, but the true values of the other parameters
are adjusted to ensure that exponential means are not unreasonably
large. The true values are: β11 = 0.7; β12 = 1.8; β21 = 0.3; β22 = −1.4.
For these true values, the mean values of y1 and y2 are 2.01 and 1.35
when calculated at the mean values of x1 and x2 .
As in the continuous case, averages of FML estimates are virtually
identical to the true values. The dependence parameter is slightly more
difficult to estimate compared to the continuous example. For example,
the true Frank dependence parameter is 5.40, but the average estimate
across all replications is 5.46, which means that the simulation misesti-
mates the true value by approximately 1%. Nevertheless, estimates of
the dependence parameters are close to their true values.
We experience computational difficulties in estimating the Gaussian
copula. Then the experiment was run after applying the continuation
72 Copula Estimation

transformation (as described in Section 4.1.2 to the generated counts,

and replacing the Poisson marginals by normal marginals for ln(y1 )
and ln(y2 ). The results shown in Table 4.4 indicate that the use of
the continuation transformation and normal marginals overcomes the
computational problem. But the estimates of slope and the dependence
are biased. Specifically, the dependence parameter estimate shows an
average downward bias of over 35%.

4.5 Empirical Applications

This section applies the copula methodology to three different bivari-
ate applications. The analysis is based on observational, not generated,
data. Clearly when working with observational data, there is uncer-
tainty about the DGP, and thus selection of an appropriate copula
is an important issue. An appropriate copula is one which best cap-
tures dependence features of the outcome variables. It is important to
note that some copulas that are popular in applied settings were orig-
inally developed for specific empirical applications; for example, the
Clayton copula was developed for survival analysis. However, because
copulas separate marginal distributions from dependence structures, a
copula which might have been motivated by a particular application
may still be useful for other applications. For example, the common
shock model may have wide applicability for discrete, continuous, and
mixed discrete-continuous models. The important consideration when
selecting an appropriate copula is whether dependence is accurately

4.5.1 Bivariate Tobit example

The well-known Seemingly Unrelated Regressions (SUR) model is one
of the most widely used in econometrics. The key idea is that, except in
some special cases, more efficient estimates are obtained by estimating
systems of linear equations simultaneously rather than separately if
the error terms are jointly related. Most statistical packages include
commands to estimate SUR models, especially the linear SUR model
and bivariate probit. Nonlinear versions of this model are less often
used in empirical work, although efficiency gains from joint estimation
Table 4.4 Monte Carlo results for bivariate poisson.
Clayton (θ = 0.86) Frank (θ = 5.40) Gumbel (θ = 1.43) Gauss (θ = 0.45) FGM (θ = 0.50)
DPG Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev.
β11 0.70 0.698 0.032 0.698 0.031 0.699 0.033 0.703 0.037 0.698 0.033
β12 1.80 1.801 0.105 1.801 0.086 1.803 0.097 1.714 0.122 1.799 0.111
β21 0.30 0.298 0.042 0.298 0.040 0.300 0.040 0.326 0.044 0.298 0.042
β22 −1.40 −1.399 0.118 −1.401 0.105 −1.397 0.114 −1.227 0.139 −1.399 0.128
θ 0.877 0.119 5.463 0.407 1.437 0.058 0.290 0.047 0.509 0.148
4.5. Empirical Applications
74 Copula Estimation

of such models are also to be expected. One variant of the nonlinear

SUR model that has been used is the multivariate Tobit model. Such a
model is relevant when some variables of interest might be subject to
censoring. Although there is an extensive literature on the estimation
of univariate Tobit models (Amemiya, 1973, Heckman, 1976, Greene,
1990, Chib, 1992), and the method is widely available in statistical
packages, it is less straightforward to estimate a SUR Tobit model.
Brown and Lankford (1992) develop a bivariate Tobit model, but their
technique is not easily generalized to higher dimensions. Difficulties
extending this model to higher dimensions are addressed in Wales and
Woodland (1983).1
In this section, we demonstrate how copula functions are used to
estimate a SUR Tobit model with relative ease. The copula approach
offers several advantages over existing techniques. First, the researcher
may consider models with wide ranges of dependence that are not fea-
sible under the Brown and Lankford (1992) bivariate normal specifica-
tion. Second, the model can be extended to three or more jointly related
censored outcomes using the techniques presented in Section 3.5. These
higher dimensional models can be estimated using conventional maxi-
mum likelihood approaches and do not require Monte Carlo integration
or Bayesian techniques.
For a sample of observations i = 1, . . . , N, consider two continuous
latent variables y1∗ and y2∗ which are specified as

yij = x ij β j + εij for j = 1, 2.

∗ > 0, then the variable y is observed, but if y ∗ ≤ 0, then y = 0.

If yij ij ij ij
If εij are normally distributed as N (0, σ 2 ), then the density function of
yij is
!  "  
xij β j yij − x ij β j
fj (yij |β j xij ) = 1−Φ φ ,
σj σj
yij =0 yij >0

1 Huang et al. (1987), Meng and Rubin (1996), Huang (1999), and Kamakura and Wedel
(2001) develop estimation procedures for SUR Tobit models. However, all of these
approaches are computationally demanding and difficult to implement, which may par-
tially explain why the SUR Tobit model has not been used in many empirical applications.
4.5. Empirical Applications 75

and the corresponding cdf Fj (yij |β j xij ) is obtained by replacing φ(·)

with Φ(·) in the second part of the expression.2 A bivariate Tobit rep-
resentation can be expressed using a copula function. For the censored
outcomes yi1 and yi2 , a SUR bivariate Tobit distribution is given by
F (y1 , y2 ) = C F1 (yi1 |x i1 β 1 ), F2 (yi2 |x i2 β 2 ); θ .

The log likelihood function is calculated as shown in Eq. (4.3), and

the estimated values are obtained using a Newton–Ralphson iterative
procedure in SAS/IML. Any econometric package that accommodates
user-defined likelihood functions, such as STATA or LIMDEP, could
also be used to estimate the model. As with conventional maximum
likelihood models, standard errors may be calculated from the likeli-
hood Hessian or outer-product of likelihood gradients. Standard errors
reported below were estimated using the robust sandwich formula based
on these two matrices. Our optimization procedure in SAS/IML did
not require analytical first derivatives of the log likelihood function, but
providing them might improve estimation efficiency, especially for large
data sets. For the application presented below, the models converged
in less than 2 min on a standard desktop machine without specifying
first derivatives.
We apply a copula-based SUR Tobit to model the relation-
ship between out-of-pocket (SLFEXP) and non-out-of-pocket medical
expenses (NONSLF) of elderly Americans, using 3206 cross-section
observations from the year 2000 Health and Retirement Survey
(HRS). Approximately 12% of these individuals reports zero out-
of-pocket expenses, and approximately 20% reports zero non-out-of-
pocket expenses. The outcome variables are rescaled as follows: y1 =
log(SLFEXP+1) and y2 = log(NONSLF+1).
Control variables are supplemental insurance, age, race, gender,
education, income, marital status, measures of self-reported health, and
spousal information.3 We include the same explanatory variables in

2 It is important to note that Tobit models of this form rely on correct specification of the
error term ε. Heteroskedasticity or nonnormality lead to inconsistency.
3 We treat insurance status as exogenous, although there is a case for treating it as endoge-

nous because insurance is often purchased in anticipation of future health care needs.
Treating endogeneity would add a further layer of complexity to the model.
76 Copula Estimation

Fig. 4.2 HRS expenditure example.

both x i1 and x i2 , although the two sets of covariates need not be iden-
tical. Even after conditioning on these variables, the two measures of
medical expenses are expected to be correlated. The potential source of
dependence is unmeasured factors such as negative health shocks that
might increase all types of medical spending, attitudes to health risks,
and choice of life style. On the other hand, having supplementary insur-
ance may reduce out-of-pocket costs (SLFEXP) and raise insurance
reimbursements (NONSLF). Therefore, it is not clear a priori whether
the dependence is positive or negative.
To explore the dependence structure and the choice of the appro-
priate copula, Figure 4.2 plots the pairs (y1 , y2 ). The variables appear
to exhibit negative dependence in which individuals with high SLF-
EXP (out-of-pocket) expenses report low NONSLF (non-out-of-pocket)
expenses, and vice versa. Therefore, copulas that do not permit nega-
tive dependence, such as Clayton and Gumbel, might be inappropriate.
4.5. Empirical Applications 77

Beyond the slight indication of negative dependence, the scatter graph

does not provide much guidance in the choice of an appropriate cop-
ula. It is important to note, however, that the model above measures
dependence after controlling for explanatory variables. Consequently,
dependence conditional on covariates might be different than uncon-
ditional dependence. A valid empirical approach is to estimate several
different copulas and choose the model that yields the largest penalized
log-likelihood value.
Another exploratory technique is to estimate the marginal models,
calculate the cumulative marginal probabilities, and generate a two-
way scatter plot. One can also examine the kernel density plots of
the marginal probabilities. The top right panel in Figure 4.2 provides
this information. The scatter plot of the marginal probabilities reveals
3 or 4 clusters of observations. Two of these clusters are quite size-
able, while the remaining two are much smaller. One interpretation
is that the clusters suggest a mixture specification. A two- or three-
component finite mixture of copulas may provide a better fit than any
single copula; within each mixture component, roughly corresponding
to a cluster of observations, the dependence structure may be different.
The bimodal pattern of individual marginal probabilities, revealed by
the kernel density plots, is also consistent with a mixture formulation.
While finite mixture copulas have been used in Hu (2004) and Chen
and Fan (2006), their use in regression contexts is not yet widespread,
so we do not pursue this issue here.
Table 4.5 shows bivariate Tobit results for four copulas: Clayton,
Gaussian, Frank, and FGM. Although there is some variation, the esti-
mates of coefficients are quite similar across the four copulas and con-
sistent with expectations. Therefore, for brevity the table reports only
estimates of the dependence parameter θ. Estimates of the Gaussian,
Frank, and FGM copulas indicate that dependence is negative, with
the Gaussian copula attaining the highest likelihood value. Because the
Clayton and Gumbel copulas do not permit negative dependence, we
experience computational problems in the estimation algorithm. The
Clayton estimate of the dependence parameter settles on the lower
bound of its permissible range (0.001), and the Gumbel model fails
to converge to any value. The fact that these two copulas fail to con-
78 Copula Estimation

Table 4.5 Results for bivariate Tobit.

Clayton Gaussian Frank FGM
Estimate St. Err. Estimate St. Err. Estimate St. Err. Estimate St. Err.
θ 0.001∗∗ 0.0001 −0.166∗∗ 0.028 −0.741∗∗ 0.197 −0.322∗∗ 0.072
θ (TSML) 0.001 0.028 −0.159∗∗ 0.025 −0.665∗∗ 0.146 −0.266∗∗ 0.061
log-like (FML) −4024.96 −15552.08 −15555.35 −15560.73
4.5. Empirical Applications 79

verge can be interpreted as further evidence of misspecification that

stems from using copulas that do not support negative dependence.
This example also indicates computational difficulties one might expe-
rience when using a misspecified copula.
The second from the last row of Table 4.5 presents estimates of
θ based on two-step maximum likelihood (TSML) in which the esti-
mates of the marginal models are used to generate probabilities that
are then substituted into a copula which is then used to estimate only
the dependence parameter. In this application both steps are paramet-
ric. The results for the estimated dependence parameter are similar
to those based on the full maximum likelihood (FML) procedure. An
exception is the result for the Gumbel copula for which the estima-
tion algorithm did not converge under full maximum likelihood. Under
TSML, however, the estimated value of θ is 1.031 (0.027), which is
close to the boundary value of 1.0. These results suggest that TSML is
not only a convenient estimation method, but it may also avoid some
of the computational problems of FML under misspecification. When,
however, the dependence parameter settles at a boundary value, mis-
specification should be suspected.
This example illustrates how models that were previously challeng-
ing to estimate using established methods can be handled with relative
ease using the copula approach. Without copulas, the only available
methods for estimating SUR Tobit models would involve complicated
simulation-based algorithms. In contrast, using copula methods, the
joint distribution can be expressed as a function of the marginals, and
estimation proceeds by standard maximum likelihood techniques.

4.5.2 Bivariate negative binomial example

Our second application is a bivariate model for discrete (count) data
with negative binomial marginals. The application is a model of the
number of prescribed and non-prescribed medications taken by indi-
viduals over a two-week period obtained from the Australian Health
Survey 1977–1978. The data and an early analysis based on the neg-
ative binomial regression are in Cameron et al. (1988). Outside of the
bivariate probit model, there are few, if any, bivariate representations
80 Copula Estimation

of jointly dependent discrete variables. This reflects the fact that mul-
tivariate distributions of discrete outcomes often do not have closed
form expressions, unless the dependence structure is restricted in some
special way. Munkin and Trivedi (1999) discuss difficulties associated
with bivariate count models. Extending an earlier model of Marshall
and Olkin (1990), they propose an alternative bivariate count model
with a flexible dependence structure, but their estimation procedure
relies on Monte Carlo integration and is computationally demanding,
especially for large samples.
We consider two measures of drug use that are possibly dependent:
prescription and non-prescription medicines. Although it is reasonable
to assume that these two variables are correlated, it is not clear whether
dependence is positive or negative, because in some cases the two may
be complements and in some cases substitutes. A 64 degrees-of-freedom
chi-square contingency test of association has a p-value of 0.82; about
58% of sample respondents record a zero frequency for both variables.
Let prescription and non-prescription medicines be denoted y1 and
y2 , respectively. We assume negative binomial-2 (NB2) marginals (as
Cameron et al. (1988) showed that this specification fits the data well):
# $ψj−1 # $yji
Γ(yji + ψj−1 ) ψj−1 ξij
fj (yji |x ij β j , ψj ) =
Γ(yji + 1)Γ(ψj−1 ) ψj−1 + ξij −1
ψj + ξij
for j = 1, 2 , (4.11)

where ξij = exp(x ij β j ) is the conditional mean, and the conditional

variance is var[yij | · ] = ξij + ψj ξij
2 , where ψ is the overdispersion
parameter. The corresponding cdf is calculated as

Fj (yji |x ij β j , ψj ) = fj (yji |x ij β j , ψj ).
yji =0

After the marginal distributions are specified, the joint distribution

of prescription and non-prescription drugs is obtained by plugging the
NB2 marginals into a copula function,
F (y1 , y2 ) = C F1 (y1 |x i2 β 2 , ψ1 ), F2 (y2 |x i2 β 2 , ψ2 ); θ .
4.5. Empirical Applications 81

The copula log likelihood function is calculated by taking differences as

shown in Eq. (4.6), and the estimated values are obtained by maximum
likelihood methods as previously discussed.
The data consist of 5190 observations of single-person households
from the Australian National Survey 1977–1978. See Cameron et al.
(1988) for a detailed description of the data. Explanatory variables
include age, gender, income, and five variables related to health status
and chronic conditions. Three insurance variables indicate whether the
individual is covered by supplementary private insurance and whether
public insurance is provided free of charge. For drug use, plotting the
(y1 , y2 ) pairs of counts is not informative in choosing an appropriate
copula function. In part this is due to a large number of tied (y1 = y2 )
values. There are 2451 ties, the overwhelming majority (2431) at 0
and 1. If the continuation transformation is applied by adding inde-
pendent pseudo random uniform (0, 1) draws to both y1 and y2 , then
the scatter diagram appears to indicate negative dependence. In the
absence of a clear indication of how to proceed, a sensible approach is
to estimate several different copulas and compare converged likelihood
As Table 4.6 reveals, Clayton and Gumbel both encounter conver-
gence problems similar to those in the previous empirical example.
Recall that these copulas are only suitable for modeling positive depen-
dence. The Gaussian copula also encounters convergence difficulties, as
is evident by its fitted estimated likelihood, which is considerably lower
than that for the FGM copula. Copulas with weaker tail dependence,
such as the Frank and FGM, seem to perform better. This suggests
weak negative dependence, because whereas FGM provides a satisfac-
tory fit, it only accommodates modest amount of dependence. The two
copulas that provide the best fit are Frank and FGM. Estimates of
β1 , β2 (not reported in the table) are robust across the Frank and FGM
copulas. These results show the importance of selecting copulas appro-
priate for given data. Failure of the estimation algorithm could be an
indication of mismatch (inconsistency) between the properties of the
data and the copula restriction on the dependence parameter.
For the three specifications which could not be estimated because
of convergence problems, we repeated the exercise after making two
82 Copula Estimation

Table 4.6 Results for copula model with negative binomial marginals.
Clayton Gumbel Gaussian Frank FGM
Estimate St. Err Estimate St. Err Estimate St. Err Estimate St. Err Estimate St. Err
θ (FML-NB) 0.001 0.0004 2.226** 0.042 0.956** 0.001 −0.966** 0.108 −0.449** 0.062
θ (TSML-NB) 0.001 0.004 2.427 0.061 0.949 0.001 −0.960 0.148 −0.446 0.058
θ (FML-Poisson) no conv. no conv. no conv. −0.414 0.051 −0.407 0.034
log-like (FML-NB) −9389.32 −13348.41 −16899.43 −9347.84 −9349.11
θ (FML-Normal) 0.000 0.009 1.001 0.014 −0.0595 0.014 – –
log-like (FML-Normal) −15361.38 −15361.48 −15352.51 – –
4.5. Empirical Applications 83

changes. First the original count data were replaced by continued data
obtained by adding uniform (0,1) random draws. This transformation
reduces the incidence of ties in the data. Second, we replaced the negative
binomial marginals by normal marginals, but with the same conditional
mean specification. These changes made it possible to estimate the Gaus-
sian copula; the estimated dependence parameter is −0.0595. The esti-
mation of Clayton and Gumbel copulas again failed with the dependence
parameter settling at the boundary values. These estimates at boundary
values are not valid maximum likelihood estimates.
Next we consider the effects of misspecifying the marginals. If the
marginals are in the linear exponential family, misspecification of either
the conditional mean or the variance will affect inference about depen-
dence. In the present example, negative binomial marginals fit the data
significantly better than Poisson marginals due to overdispersion, see
Table IV in Cameron et al. (1988). Further, in a bivariate model there is
potential for confounding overdispersion and dependence, see Munkin
and Trivedi (1999).
We also estimated the copulas under Poisson marginals using both
the FML and TSML methods. The estimation algorithms for FML and
TSML failed to converge for the Clayton, Gumbel, and Gaussian copu-
las. Given the analysis of the foregoing paragraphs, this result is not a
surprise – Clayton and Gumbel copulas do not support negative depen-
dence that is implied by the Frank and FGM copulas, for which more
satisfactory results were obtained. Under Poisson marginals, however,
convergence of the optimization algorithm was fragile for the Frank
copula, but was achieved for the FGM specification, which produced
results similar to those for the case of negative binomial marginals; see
Table 4.6, second from last row. Thus in the FGM case, where the cop-
ula model was computationally tractable, the neglect of overdispersion
did not appear to affect the estimates of the dependence parameter.
But in the case of Frank copula, the dependence parameter estimated
under Poisson marginals was less than half the value estimated under
negative binomial marginals.
Our results suggest that in estimating copulas – especially the Gaus-
sian copula – for discrete variables there may be some advantage in
analyzing “continued data” rather than discrete data. Applying the
84 Copula Estimation

continuation transformation introduces measurement error and this will

introduce some bias in the results, which may be substantial if the range
of data is limited. When the data are inconsistent with the restrictions
on the range of dependence parameter, this may be indicated by the
failure of the convergence of maximum likelihood algorithm or by esti-
mated value of the dependence parameter settling at the boundary of
the admissible interval. There is a role for specification tests of depen-
dence based on marginals.

4.5.3 Co-movement of commodity prices example

Modeling the joint behavior of asset or commodity prices is one of the
most common applications of copulas. Whereas we have mainly used
copulas in microeconometric settings, we next present an example of
how copulas may be used to model co-movement of prices in a finan-
cial time series setting. The example draws on Deb et al. (1996) which
used multivariate GARCH models to test a variety of hypotheses about
the co-movements in prices of largely “unrelated” commodities. As the
authors made clear, that paper concentrated mainly on linear depen-
dence measures, and found relatively limited evidence in support of the
hypothesis that herd like behavior in financial markets may account for
dependence between price changes of commodities that are essentially
unrelated in either consumption or production. Here we revisit the issue
using the copula methodology which permits us to test the hypothesis
of asymmetric or tail dependence. Unlike the Deb et al. (1996) study
we shall only report results for one pair of prices because our interest
in this example is only illustrative.
We consider monthly commodity price data from 1974–1992 of
maize and wheat. Let ∆y1t and ∆y2t denote the first-difference of
the log of U.S. prices of maize and wheat, respectively. The time
series characteristics of these variables are as follows. Maize prices
are more volatile than wheat prices; the average monthly percentage
change is 7.6% for maize and 4.9% for wheat. The range of variation is
(−22%, +29%) for maize and (−18%, 25%) for wheat. Both time series
display strong excess kurtosis and the joint test of zero skewness and
excess kurtosis is easily rejected. The evidence on serial correlation in
4.5. Empirical Applications 85

each time series is somewhat ambiguous. The Ljung-Box portmanteau

test of zero serial correlation is rejected if the test is based on 13 leading
autocorrelation coefficients, but not if we use 40 coefficients. The null
hypothesis of no ARCH effects is not rejected at the 5% and 10% signif-
icance if we consider the first three lags only. These features of our data
suggest that copula estimation is a reasonable exercise for these data.
The joint distribution of these prices is specified using a copula
function, C(F1 (∆y1t ), F2 (∆y2t ); θ). In view of the observed excess kur-
tosis in both time series, we assume that the marginal distributions fol-
low Student’s t-distribution with 5 degrees of freedom.4 In preliminary
analysis, macroeconomic variables such as inflation, money supply, and
exchange rates had minimal effects on the prices of these commodi-
ties, and therefore, the marginal distributions are estimated without
explanatory variables. Under this specification, the dependence param-
eter θ indicates whether changes in the prices of maize and wheat are
dependent over time.
The top two panels of Figure 4.3 show the two time series, ∆y1t
and ∆y2t ; their scatter plot is shown in the left panel in the bottom
row. The scatter plot is suggestive of positive dependence, and slightly
more points appear to lie northeast of the (0, 0) origin. This is some-
what indicative of upper tail dependence, although the graph does not
provide conclusive evidence. The bottom right panel shows the scat-
ter plot of the residuals from autoregression of ∆yjt on ∆yj,t−1 and
∆yj,t−2 , j = 1, 2. Comparison of the two bottom panels shows that the
two scatter plots look similar.
Table 4.7 shows estimates of dependence parameters and log likeli-
hood values for several copulas. The first row shows results based on
univariate marginals. Four of the five copulas reveal significant posi-
tive dependence in commodity prices, while the dependence parameter
for the Clayton copula settles on the lower bound of its permissible
range (0.001). The Gumbel copula produces the largest maximized like-
lihood value, which indicates that changes in maize and wheat prices
exhibit upper tail dependence. That is, months in which there are large

4 Thet-distribution allows for more mass in the tails compared to the more commonly used
normal distribution, and 5 degrees of freedom assures the existence of the first 4 moments.
86 Copula Estimation

Fig. 4.3 Comovements in wheat and maize price changes.

increases in maize prices also tend to have large increases in wheat

prices. This would be plausible if both crops are produced in regions
affected by similar weather patterns. The fact that maximum likeli-
hood estimation of the Clayton copula fails to converge indicates that
price changes in maize and wheat do not exhibit substantial lower tail
We repeated our calculations first by including covariates as in Deb
et al. (1996), and then also under the assumption that the marginal
distributions are Student’s t with 3 degrees of freedom. These results
are qualitatively similar to those mentioned above. A deeper study of
co-movements using copula methods may yield further useful insights.
Because the tests of serial correlation suggest that both price series
are serially correlated, we repeated the estimation exercise using, for
Table 4.7 Dependence parameter estimates for maize and wheat comovements.
Clayton Gumbel Gaussian Frank FGM
Estimate St. Err Estimate St. Err Estimate St. Err Estimate St. Err Estimate St. Err
θ (FML) 0.001 0.026 1.144∗∗ 0.027 0.260∗∗ 0.033 1.914∗∗ 0.360 0.520∗∗ 0.085
θ (TSML-AR2) 0.001 0.027 1.137∗∗ 0.025 0.247∗∗ 0.034 1.713∗∗ 0.343 0.488∗∗ 0.087
log-like (FML) −980.64 −1922.31 −1940.37 −1982.48 −1994.25
4.5. Empirical Applications
88 Copula Estimation

each time series, “pre-whitened” residuals from a second order autore-

gression for each series. These residuals were used in a two-step proce-
dure similar to that of Chen and Fan (2006) mentioned earlier. These
results are shown in the second row of Table 4.7. Once again, the pre-
vious conclusions about dependence, and especially upper tail depen-
dence are confirmed.
In many applied time series studies, the assumption of joint normality
is restrictive but fairly common. In contrast, by estimating several differ-
ent copulas with varying dependence patterns, one can potentially gain a
more detailed understanding of how commodity prices are related.
There are other settings in which the copula based modeling of
comovements has been a fruitful alternative. For example, Heinen
and Rengifo (2003a, 2003b) consider analyzing comovements between
counts in a time series setting. As demonstrated in Cameron and Trivedi
(1998) discrete time series modeling is quite awkward, and that of its
multivariate variants is even more so. Then copula based time series
modeling is potentially a very useful alternative specification.

4.6 Causal Modeling and Latent Factors

The causal effect of one variable on another is often of particular
interest in econometric modeling. In the copula framework, when the
causal effect concerns an exogenous variable, estimation is straight-
forward, as the marginal distributions can be parameterized by func-
tions of explanatory variables. However, complications arise when the
researcher’s interest lies in conditional statements such as Pr[u1 |u2 ]
rather than Pr[u1 , u2 ], as the arguments in copula functions are
marginal as opposed to conditional distributions.
This section briefly discusses conditional modeling using copulas
and provides an example based on the bivariate sample selection model.
This is followed by discussion of a closely related alternative to copula
modeling that has appeared in the literature, the latent factor model.

4.6.1 Conditional copulas

For continuous random variables, a straightforward method for recov-
ering the conditional distribution, given the joint distribution, is to
4.6. Causal Modeling and Latent Factors 89

differentiate as follows:
∂C(u1 , u2 )
CU1 |U2 (u1 , u2 ) = ,
∂u2 (4.12)
∂C(u1 , u2 )
CU2 |U1 (u1 , u2 ) = .
For copulas with complicated parametric forms, differentiating
might be awkward. Zimmer and Trivedi (2006) demonstrate that Bayes’
Rule can also be used to recover conditional copula as follows:
C(u1 , u2 )
CU1 |U2 (u1 , u2 ) = .
Similarly, survival copulas are useful because the conditional probabil-
ity Pr[U1 > u1 | U2 > u2 ] can be expressed via survival copulas:
1 − u1 − u2 + C(u1 , u2 ) C(1 − u1 , 1 − u2 )
Pr[U1 > u1 | U2 > u2 ] = = .
1 − u2 1 − u2
At the time of this writing, examples of conditional modeling using
copulas are relatively rare in econometrics. The following example is
one such application.

4.6.2 Copula-based bivariate sample selection example

The bivariate sample selection model has been extensively used in eco-
nomics and other social sciences. There are a number of variants, one
of which has the following structure.
The model has two continuous latent variables with marginal distri-
bution functions Fj (yj∗ ) = Pr[Yj∗ ≤ yj ], j = 1, 2, and joint distribution
F (y1∗ , y2∗ ) = Pr[Y1∗ ≤ y1∗ , Y2∗ ≤ y2∗ ]. Let y2∗ denote the outcome of interest,
which is observed only if y1∗ > 0. For example, y1∗ determines whether
to participate in the labor market and y2∗ determines how many hours
to work. The bivariate sample selection model consists of a selec-
tion equation such that
y1 = 1[y1∗ > 0] (4.14)
and an outcome equation such that
y2 = 1[y1∗ > 0]y2∗ . (4.15)
90 Copula Estimation

That is, y2 is observed when y1∗ > 0 but not when y1∗ ≤ 0. One commonly
used variant of this model specifies a linear model with additive errors
for the latent variables,

y1∗ = x 1 β 1 + ε1 (4.16)
y2∗ = x 2 β 2 + ε2 .

Suppose that the bivariate distribution of (ε1 ε2 ) is parametrically

specified, e.g., bivariate normal. The bivariate sample selection model
therefore has likelihood function
% &y
L= {Pr[y ∗1i ≤ 0]}1−y1i f2|1 (y2i | y1i
∗ ∗
> 0) × Pr[y1i > 0] 1i , (4.17)

where the first term is the contribution when y1i∗ ≤ 0, since then y = 0,
and the second term is the contribution when y1i ∗ > 0. This likelihood

function is general and can be specialized to linear or nonlinear models.

The case of bivariate normality is well known in econometrics literature;
for details see, for example, Amemiya (1985: 385–387).
∗ > 0) in the
The presence of the conditional distribution f2|1 (y2i | y1i
likelihood presents complications in estimation, and thus conditional
copulas calculated by Eq. (4.12) might be useful. Heckman’s model
(1976) assumes a joint normal distribution. On the other hand, Lee
(1983) shows that the Gaussian copula can be used to relax the assump-
tion that the marginal distributions are normal, but he never explicitly
mentioned copulas. Lee’s idea was slow to gain acceptance, but recent
papers by Prieger (2002) and Genius and Strazzera (2004) have relaxed
the assumptions of marginal and joint normality. Smith (2003) provides
a general copula-based framework for this model by demonstrating that
copulas can be used to extend the standard analysis to any bivariate
distribution with given marginals.
First, observe that the conditional density can be written as follows
in terms of marginal densities and distribution functions:

f2|1 (y2 |Y1∗ > 0) = (1 − F1 (0))−1 [F2 (y2 ) − F (0, y2 )]
−1 ∂
= (1 − F1 (0)) f2 (y2 ) − [F2 (y2 )] ,
4.6. Causal Modeling and Latent Factors 91

where f2 (y2 ) = ∂[F2 (y2 )]/∂y2 , which after substitution into (4.17)

L= [F1 (0)]1−y1i [f2 (y2i ) − [F (0, y2i )]. (4.18)

Once the likelihood is written in this form it is immediately obvious, as

pointed out by Smith (2003), that we can generate analytical expres-
sions for the otherwise awkward-to-handle term ∂[F (0, y2i )]/∂y2 in the
likelihood using alternative specifications of copulas. For the bivariate
Archimedean class of copulas C(F1 (y1 ), F2 (y2 ); θ), with the generator
ϕ and dependence parameter θ, this term simplifies to
∂[F (0, y2 )] ϕ (F2 )
= × f2 . (4.19)
∂y2 ϕ (Cθ )
Smith (2003) provides an empirical analysis using eight different cop-
ulas. Moreover, he extends the copula-based selection model to other
variants, including the so-called “Roy model” (also called the “regimes
model”); see also Smith (2005). Smith’s extension of the bivariate nor-
mal selection model provides an important extension of the methods
available in the literature. The approach can also be used to model
selection in the context of discrete outcomes, e.g., event counts.

4.6.3 Copulas and latent factor models

We now consider another approach to modeling dependence in the con-
text of nonlinear regression models that arise in the context of analysis
of cross section survival data, event counts, jointly dependent continu-
ous and discrete variables and so forth. Latent factors have been used
to model conditional dependence, but they can also be viewed as a
general approach to joint modeling.
The latent factor approach that is considered has an important
similarity with the copula approach in that the joint model is built
using marginal (regression) models in which either common or corre-
lated latent factors enter the models in the same manner as regressors.
Their simultaneous presence in different marginals generates depen-
dence between variables. Such latent factor models have a long his-
tory in statistics. In the context of bivariate distributions they have
92 Copula Estimation

appeared under a variety of names such as the shared frailty model

in survival analysis (Hougaard, 2000), trivariate reduction model and
latent factor models (Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh, 2004). Generically
they are all mixture models and can also be interpreted as random
effects models, the difference being due to the structure placed on the
way the random effects are introduced into the model and the implicit
restrictions that are imposed on the dependence structure.
In choosing a statistical framework for modeling dependence, the
structure of dependence should be carefully considered. In the con-
text of regression, common observable variables in regression functions
usually account for some dependence. However, models may specify
additional dependence through common unobserved factors, usually
referred to as “frailty” in demography and “unobserved heterogene-
ity” in econometrics. Dependence induced by such factors can follow a
variety of structures. Hougaard (2000) discusses dependence in multi-
variate survival models under the headings of common events and com-
mon risks. In survival models random shocks may induce dependence
only for short durations or only for long durations. In bivariate event
count models dependence may be induced for low counts or high counts,
and not necessarily all counts. In longitudinal data models dependence
may be induced by persistent or transient random factors. Thus, how to
model dependence is not an issue that will elicit a mechanical response.

Marshall–Olkin Example. We now consider some specific exam-

ples. Marshall and Olkin (1990) generate bivariate distributions from
mixtures and convolutions of product families in a manner analogous
to Eq. (3.6). Consider the bivariate distribution
f (y1 , y2 |x1 , x2 ) = f1 (y1 |x1 , ν)f2 (y2 |x2 , ν)g(ν)dν, (4.20)

where f1 , f2 , and g are univariate densities, and ν > 0, may be inter-

preted as common unobserved heterogeneity affecting both counts. Let
f1 (y1 |x1 , ν) and f2 (y2 |x2 , ν) denote negative binomial marginal dis-
tributions for counted variables y1 and y2 , with conditional means
µ1 |ν = exp(x1 β1 + ν) and µ2 |ν = exp(x2 β2 + ν). Thus, a bivariate neg-
ative binomial mixture generated in this way will have univariate
4.6. Causal Modeling and Latent Factors 93

negative binomial mixtures. This approach suggests a way of speci-

fying or justifying overdispersed and correlated count models, based
on a suitable choice of g(.), more general than in the example given
above. Marshall and Olkin (1990) generate a bivariate negative bino-
mial assuming that ν has gamma distribution with parameter α−1 .
That is,
h(y1 , y2 |α−1 ) = [(µ1 ν)y1 exp(−µ1 ν)/y1 !] [(µ2 ν)y2 exp(−µ2 ν)/y2 !]
' −1 −1
× να exp(−ν)/Γ(α−1 ) dν
! "y1 ! "y2
Γ(y1 + y2 + α−1 ) µ1 µ2
y1 !y2 !Γ(α−1 ) µ1 + µ2 + 1 µ1 + µ2 + 1
! "α−1
× . (4.21)
µ1 + µ2 + 1
This model is straightforward to estimate by maximum likelihood.
However, because the model restricts the unobserved heterogeneity
to the identical component for both count variables, the correlation
between the two count variables,
µ1 µ2
Corr(y1, y2 ) =  2 , (4.22)
(µ1 + αµ1 )(µ22 + αµ2 )
must be positive. The model can only accommodate positive depen-
dence. Note further that α does double duty as it is the overdispersion
parameter and partly determines correlation.
Consider whether a more flexible dependence structure could be
introduced here. More flexible bivariate and multivariate paramet-
ric count data models can be constructed by introducing correlated,
rather than identical, unobserved heterogeneity components in models.
For example, suppose y1 and y2 are, respectively, P oisson(µ1 |ν1 ) and
P oisson(µ2 |ν2 )

µ1 |x,ν1 = exp(β 01 + λ1 ν1 + x 1 β 1 ), (4.23)


µ2 |x,ν2 = exp(β 02 + λ2 ν2 + x 2 β 2 ), (4.24)

94 Copula Estimation

where ν1 and ν2 represent correlated unobserved heterogeneity. Depen-

dence between y1 and y2 is induced if ν1 and ν2 are correlated. We
refer to (ν1 , ν2 ) as latent factors, and to (λ1 , λ2 ) as factor loadings.
For example, we could assume (ν1 , ν2 ) to be bivariate normal dis-
tributed with correlation ρ. However, maximum likelihood estimation
of (β01 , β1 , β02 , β2 ) is not straight-forward for several reasons. First,
because (ν1 , ν2 ) are latent factors, we need to fix the location and scale,
and introduce normalizations that allow identification of the factor
loadings. The usual solution is to fix the mean to equal 0, the vari-
ance to be 1, and one of the factor loadings, λ1 or λ2 , to equal 1, and
to leave the other as a free parameter, which determines the correlation
between the latent factors. Second, under the assumption of normality
there is no analytical form for the integral as was the case in Eq. (4.21),
so maximum simulated likelihood (MSL), rather than standard max-
imum likelihood is required. MSL estimation of such models requires
numerically intensive methods, such as numerical or Monte Carlo inte-
gration, see Munkin and Trivedi (1999). In applying MSL, each term
in the likelihood is of the form:

f (y1 , y2 |x1 , x2 , ν1 , ν2 ) = f1 (y1 |x1 , ν1 )f2 (y2 |x2 , ν2 )g(ν1 , ν2 )dν1 dν2 ,

(s) (s)
f1 (y1 |x1 , ν1 )f2 (y2 |x2 , ν2 ), (4.25)

where the second line is a numerical approximation to the integral

obtained by replacing ν1 , ν2 by their simulated values and averaging
over S pseudo-random draws from the assumed bivariate distribu-
tion. Maximizing this simulated likelihood function with respect to the
unknown parameters is called Maximum Simulated Likelihood (MSL).
Gourieroux and Monfort (1996) show that if S increases at a faster rate
than the square root of the sample size, then MSL is asymptotically
equivalent to maximum likelihood. Approaches for increasing the effi-
ciency of numerical integration are available and will likely need to be
employed if the joint distribution involves many parameters; see Train
The MSL estimation of a latent factor model has the theoretical
advantage that it can be generalized to higher dimensions, although at
4.6. Causal Modeling and Latent Factors 95

additional and nontrivial computational cost. Like the copula approach

it is based on marginals, which also is a potential advantage. Further-
more, Zimmer and Trivedi (2006) demonstrate that MSL produces sim-
ilar results to copula models. However, in the present case the depen-
dence structure will be restricted by the assumption of joint normality.
This is an important consideration if the main focus is on estimating the
dependence structure, whereas it is a lesser consideration if the main
focus is on the regression function where the dependence parameter is
treated as a nuisance parameter.

Copulas provide a potentially useful modeling toolkit in certain set-

tings. Sklar’s Theorem establishes that any multivariate distribution
function with continuous margins has a unique copula representation.
The result is the basis of the statement that “. . . much of the study of
joint distributions can be reduced to the study of copulas,” (Schweizer,
1991: 17). The result also indicates that copulas are a “recipe” for gen-
erating joint distributions by combining given marginal distributions
according to a specified form of a copula function. Copulas are espe-
cially appealing because they capture dependence more broadly than
the standard multivariate normal framework. A leading example is the
case where the marginals belong to different families of distributions.
Inference about dependence can be implemented in a fully paramet-
ric or a partially parametric framework. However, as Hougaard (2000:
435) has observed, “. . . strictly speaking, copulas are not important
from a statistical point of view. It is extremely rare that marginal dis-
tributions are known. Assuming the marginals are known is in almost
all cases in conflict with reality. Copulas make sense, however, in a more
broad perspective, first of all as part of the combined approach . . . where
the model is parameterized by means of the marginal distributions and


the copula. Second, they make sense for illustrating dependence. . . ”.

Consequently, modeling marginal distributions should be done with
care so that gross misspecification is avoided.
In certain empirical contexts, as we have illustrated, copulas are
computationally more attractive than the latent factor models to which
they are related. Latent factor models with errors generated by copulas
would appear to be a potentially attractive synthesis.
Several directions for future research on copula modeling could
be particularly helpful to practitioners. To deal with the standard
econometric issues of model misspecification, model diagnostics, and
model evaluation, diagnostic tests (e.g., score tests) based only on the
marginals would help narrow the set of copulas under consideration.
For example, one could test first for tail dependence of a specific type
and then narrow the range of copulas to be considered. More flexible
copula modeling would be possible if more flexible specifications for
higher dimensional copulas were to be developed.

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Copulas and Random Number Generation

Simulation is a useful tool for understanding and exhibiting depen-

dence structures of joint distributions. According to Nelsen (2006:
40), “one of the primary applications of copulas is in simulation
and Monte Carlo studies.” Draws of pseudo-random variates from
particular copulas can be displayed graphically, which allows one
to visualize dependence properties such as tail dependence. Meth-
ods of drawing from copulas are also needed when conducting Monte
Carlo experiments. This chapter presents selected techniques for draw-
ing random variates from bivariate distributions and illustrates them
with a few examples. In our experience, the appropriate method
for drawing random variables depends upon which distribution is
being considered; some methods are best suited for drawing vari-
ables from particular distributions. We do not claim that the meth-
ods outlined below are necessarily the “best” approaches for any given
application. Rather, in our experience, the following approaches are
straightforward to implement and provide accurate draws of random
Random variates can be plotted to show dependence between
variables. Many copula researchers rely on scatter plots to visualize

108 Copulas and Random Number Generation

differences between various copulas (Embrechts et al., 2002). Other

researchers report pdf contour plots (Smith, 2003), which are pre-
sumably easier to interpret than three-dimensional pdf graphs. Nev-
ertheless, some researchers report combinations of pdf contour plots
and three-dimensional graphs (Ané and Kharoubi, 2003), while others
report all three: scatter plots, contour graphs, and three-dimensional
figures (Bouyé et al., 2000). All three techniques convey the same
information, so whichever presentation one chooses is essentially
a matter of preference. We use scatter plots for several reasons.
First, scatter plots are easier to generate than pdf contour plots
or three-dimensional figures and do not require complicated graph-
ing software. Second, random draws used to create scatter plots
are also useful for generating simulated data in Monte Carlo exper-
iments. Third, scatter plots can be easily compared to plots of
real life data to assist in choosing appropriate copula functions.
Finally, we feel that interpretations are more straightforward for scat-
ter plots than they are for pdf contour plots or three-dimensional

A.1 Selected Illustrations

In this section, we sketch some algorithms for making pseudo-random
draws from copulas. These algorithms can be viewed as adaptations
of various general methods for simulating draws from multivariate

A.1.1 Conditional sampling

For many copulas, conditional sampling is a simple method of simulat-
ing random variates. The steps for drawing from a copula are:

• Draw u from standard uniform distribution.

• Set y = F (−1) (u) where F (−1) is any quasi-inverse of F .
• Use the copula to transform uniform variates. One such
transformation method uses the conditional distribution of
A.1. Selected Illustrations 109

U2 , given u1 .

cu1 (u2 ) = Pr[U2 ≤ u2 |U1 ≤ u1 ]

C(u1 + ∆u1 , u2 ) − C(u1 , u2 )
= lim
∆u1 →0 ∆u1

= C(u1 , u2 ).
By Theorem 2.2.7 in Nelsen (2006), a nondecreasing function
cu1 (u2 ) exists almost everywhere in the unit interval.1

In practice, conditional sampling is performed through the following


• Draw two independent random variables (v1 , v2 ) from U (0, 1).

• Set u1 = v1 .
• Set u2 = C2 (u2 |u1 = v1 ) = ∂C(u1 , u2 )/∂u1 .

Then the pair (u1 , u2 ) are uniformly distributed variables drawn from
the respective copula C(u1 , u2 ; θ). This technique is best suited for
drawing variates from the Clayton, Frank, and FGM copulas; see
Armstrong and Galli (2002). The following equations show how this
third step is implemented for these three different copulas (Table A.1).

A.1.2 Elliptical sampling

Methods for drawing from elliptical distributions, such as the bivariate
normal and bivariate t-distribution, are well-established in statistics.
Table A.1 Selected conditional transforms for copula generation.
Copula Conditional copula
Clayton u2 = v1−θ v2 −1 +1
1 v2 (1 − e−θ )
Frank u2 = − log 1 +
θ v2(e−θv1 − 1) − e−θv1

FGM u2 = 2v2 / B−A
A = θ(2u1 − 1); B = [1 − θ(2u1 − 1)]2 + 4θv2 (2u1 − 1)

1 See
Example 2.20 in Nelsen (2006: 41–42) which gives the algorithm for drawing from
C(u1 , u2 ) = u1 u2 /(u1 + u2 − u1 u2 ).
110 Copulas and Random Number Generation

These same methods are used to draw values from the Gaussian copula.
The following algorithm generates random variables u1 and u2 from the
Gaussian copula C(u1 , u2 ; θ):

• Generate two independently distributed N (0, 1) variables v1

and v2 .
• Set y1 = v1 .

• Set y2 = v1 · θ + v2 1 − θ2 .
• Set ui = Φ(yi ) for i = 1, 2 where Φ is the cumulative distri-
bution function of the standard normal distribution.

Then the pair (u1 , u2 ) are uniformly distributed variables drawn from
the Gaussian copula C(u1 , u2 ; θ).

A.1.3 Mixtures of powers simulation

To make draws from the Gumbel copula using conditional sampling,
we need to calculate C2 (u2 |v1 ) which requires an iterative solution,
which is computationally expensive for applications with many simu-
lated draws. Marshall and Olkin (1988) suggest an alternative algo-
rithm based on mixtures of powers. The following algorithm shows
how the technique is used to generate draws from the Gumbel copula:

• Draw a random variable γ having Laplace transformation

τ (t) = exp(−t1/θ ). See below for additional detail.
• Draw two independent random variables (v1 , v2 ) from U (0, 1).
• Set ui = τ −γ −1 ln vi for i = 1, 2.

Then (u1 , u2 ) are uniformly distributed variables drawn from the Gum-
bel copula.
However, to implement the first step we have to draw a random
variable γ from a positive stable distribution P S(α, 1). This is accom-
plished using the following algorithm by Chambers et al. (1976).

• Draw a random variable η from U (0, π).

• Draw a random variable w from the exponential distribution
with mean equal to 1.
A.1. Selected Illustrations 111

• Setting α = 1/θ, generate

sin((1 − α)η)(sin(αη)) 1−α
z= 1 .
sin(η) 1−α
• Set γ = (z/w)(1−α)/α .

Then γ is a randomly draw variable from a P S(α, 1) distribution.

A.1.4 Simulating discrete variables

Methods for drawing discrete variables depend upon which type of dis-
crete variate is desired. We focus on simulating discrete Poisson vari-
ables using a method based on Devroye’s technique of sequential search
(Devroye, 1986). The algorithm is as follows:

• Draw correlated uniform random variables (u1 , u2 ) from a

particular copula using any of the methods discussed above.
• Set the Poisson mean = µ1 such that Pr (Y1 = 0) = e−µ1 .
• Set Y1 = 0, P0 = e−µ1 , S = P0 .
• If u1 < S, then Y1 remains equal to 0.
• If u1 > S, then proceed sequentially as follows. While u1 > S,
replace (i) Y1 ← Y1 + 1, (ii) P0 ← µ1 P0 /Y1 , (iii) S ← S + P0 .
This process continues until u1 < S.

These steps produce a simulated variable Y1 with Poisson distribu-

tion with mean λ1 . To obtain draws of the second Poisson variable Y2 ,
replace u1 and µ1 with u2 and µ2 and repeat the steps above. Then
the pair (Y1 , Y2 ) are jointly distributed Poisson variables with means
µ1 and µ2 .

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