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Memento Mori: March/April 2020

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You Must Die
The Making of
Memento Mori
2020 ICCFA
& Expo
Onsite Issue

Remembering the Titanic
San Antonio’s Mission Park
Life Center
Strategies for Business
Robert Boetticher, Sr.:
Legacy Impact Awardee

Remember You Must Die!
The Making of
Memento Mori
by Jay D. Dodds, CFSP

Recovery of the Dead:
I’m Not Suggesting You Write a Blog, but …
Blogging About Deathcare
by Welton Hong
The Titanic’s Final Voyage
by Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE

Prose for the Quietus of Life:
There Is No Death 
by J. L. McCreery

Not Just for Funerals Anymore: San
Antonio’s Mission Park Celebrates
Life’s Milestones
by Susan Cushing

2 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

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VOL. 80 | N0. 3 MAR | APR 2020 DEPARTMENTS
ICCFA Officers PRESIDENT’S LETTER�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
PRESIDENT Don’t Just Live in It: Create Your Own World
Jay D. Dodds, CFSP by Jay D. Dodds, CFSP
Gary M. Freytag, CCFE WASHINGTON REPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
VICE PRESIDENT ‘That Was a Close One!’ Takeaways from Those ‘Almost’ Lawsuits
Shawna de la Cruz by Poul Lemasters, Esq.
Lee Longino CELEBRATING WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
VICE PRESIDENT Famous Women and Where They Are Buried
Mitch Rose, CCFE, CCrE
DID YOU KNOW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Chris Keller Celebrities Who Died on March 30
Robbie L. Pape CEMETERY IMPOSSIBLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Q&A: The Transfer of a Cemetery to a Key Person
Nadira Baddeliyanage by Daniel M. Isard, MSFS
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Poul Lemasters, Esq.
poul@iccfa.com Plan, Execute, Succeed: Strategies to Move Your Business Forward
by Chris Cruger
Magazine Staff
Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq. Will You Be in Attendance? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
tatia@iccfa.com | 571.323.2983, ext. 1222 Official Notice: Annual Meeting of Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
SUPPLIER RELATIONS MANAGER Exhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Rick Platter
rplatter@iccfa.com | 800.645.7700, ext. 1213 And the Award Goes to the ‘Rock Star of Requiems!’ Bob Boetticher, Sr.. . . . . . . . . . . 74
by Susan Cushing
Katherine Devins An Interview with the Doyenne of Death: Gail Rubin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
kd@iccfa.com | 800.645.7700, ext. 1218 by Susan Cushing
Technology and Changing Demographics Driving the Future (Tribucast). . . . . . . . . . 80
Jason Brown by Tanya Scotece
jason@iccfa.com | 800.645.7700, ext. 1224 Grandpa Went Out with a Splash! (Resomation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
by Nicki Mikolai
Nadira Baddeliyanage
nadira@iccfa.com | 1.800.645.7700, ext. 1225 INDUSTRY UPDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
MEMBER NEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Daniel Osorio
danielo@iccfa.com | 800.645.7700, ext. 1215
ICCFA NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
DEAD Talks 2020 is SUCCESS Talks 2020. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
BonoTom Studio, Inc.
info@bonotom.com | bonotom.com | 703-276-0612
by Ann Marie St. George
Memento Mori (ISSN 1936-2099) is published by
‘Honored to Share’ Video Project Experiences Exponential Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Membership Benefit Spotlight: Hertz Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Association®, 107 Carpenter Drive, Suite 100, Sterling,
VA 20164-4468; 703.391.8400; FAX 703.391.8416; www. Welcome New ICCFA Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
iccfa.com. Published 10 times per year, with combined
issues in March-April and August-September. Periodicals
Congratulations to the 2019 KIP Awards Winners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
postage paid at Sterling, VA, and other offices. Copyright
2020 by the International Cemetery, Cremation and EVENTS CALENDAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Funeral Association. Subscription rates: In the United
States, $39.95; in Canada, $45.95; overseas: $75.95. One AD INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
subscription is included in annual membership dues.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Memento Mori,

There’s something about death that

107 Carpenter Drive, Suite 100, Sterling, VA 20164-4468.

is comforting. The thought that you

Individual written contributions, commentary and
could die tomorrow frees you to
advertisements appearing in Memento Mori do not necessarily
reflect either the opinion or the endorsement of the
appreciate your life now.
International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association. —Angelina Jolie, actor

4 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

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Don’t Just Live in It:

Create Your Own World
by Jay D. Dodds, CFSP

S THE CRESCENDO OF MY PRESIDENTIAL YEAR PEAKS at this Scattering of cremated remains is also
year’s annual convention in San Antonio, it is appropriate that I focus on the not “secured,” as the memory of the scatter-
future rather than reflect on the past. Our goals for the year were to increase ing will only last two, maybe three gener-
membership, improve member benefits, and highlight permanent placement. These are ations, leaving the person lost forever. We
goals that do not end with a presidential year; they continue to build well into the future. give our consumers many strong reasons to
inurn in our cemeteries by creating place-
During our 2019 strategic planning brochure that outlines the most important ment areas that are not only meaningful
meeting, we set a future goal of a 10-per- reasons why people should join the asso- but easily identified as “special cemeteries”
cent gain in membership over the next ciation, a handy tool to bring to conven- within cemeteries.
three years. As the only association that tions that we attend throughout the year. A unique method of looking at crema-
caters directly to all aspects of the profes- In addition, it reminds us all of the great tion memorialization and permanent place-
sion, we remain bullish that our growth will benefits of belonging to such a prestigious ment is to explore the term “destination.”
come both locally and internationally. organization. Destination is defined as “a place to which
Being a member of ICCFA allows me the The brochure does a fantastic job of one is journeying to or which something is
opportunity to learn and grow in a profes- simplifying our many benefits by catego- sent.” It is an interesting term, as it encapsu-
sion that has such a lasting impact on the rizing them: (1) government and legisla- lates placement and memorialization in one
world that we serve. ICCFA has something tive oversight and advice; (2) networking word. As our life journey comes to an end,
to offer everyone, whether you are a ceme- and educational opportunities; (3) and we must allow for a final resting place—the
tery professional, funeral professional, cre- business enhancement discounts and “destination” of our humanly remains.
mationist, professional supplier, or all four! offers. To operate a first-class firm while
The advantage of a larger membership leveraging our dues dollars, we all should Acknowledgments
allows for continued peer development op- take advantage of each category. Doing so I am looking forward to a great year with
portunities, and it provides a stronger voice will truly set our firms apart from others Gary Freytag as our next president. Gary’s
on legislative and regulatory issues, while in our industry. commitment and service to the association
facilitating the sharing of ideas across many cannot be questioned. He has volunteered
cultures. Learning is a lifelong process; and My Focus on Permanent Placement for numerous leadership roles, such as board
as society continues to demand more from Throughout my year as president, I spoke member, vice president, and treasurer. He
the profession, the progressive members of about permanent placement and received a has served on many committees, including
ICCFA gladly accept the challenge! lot of head nods from the audience—even a chairing the recent strategic planning update.
few standing ovations! One of the greatest But most importantly, Gary serves as dean
Experimentation in Outreach opportunities for not only the health of the of the College of Leadership, Management
Communication is key when trying to es- cemetery business but the health of our & Administration of the ICCFA University.
tablish a useable knowledge base composed consumer is securely placing the cremated Gary’s boundless energy, sense of humor, and
of the many benefits that the association remains of a loved one in a cemetery. business acumen will serve the association
offers to its membership. Through coor- The profession is only scratching the sur- well for the upcoming year.
dination with the staff and Jim Price (our face of the generational issue of not placing
resident film producer), we created an ed- family members in a cemetery. Many fam- Congratulations, Gary.
ucational video that speaks to the benefits ilies have skipped the cemetery for two or There are many people who contribute to the
of being a member. This short video can be three generations, instead opting for what growth of this association and provide value to
used during our ambassador visits, our ori- they consider to be a “secure” environment. its membership. I would love to name them all
entation program of new board members, If a family chooses to place their loved ones but only have space to highlight a few. ICCFA
in recruiting new members to the associ- anywhere but a cemetery, I would argue Executive Director Nadira Baddeliyanage
ation, and mostly by our members when that they are not “secure.” A church, school, and Operations Director Kirsten Kase provide
speaking about ICCFA. or personal property can always be sold, strong leadership to the staff and have com-
We also have created a communication leaving the loved one unsecured. piled a team of not only solid performers, but

6 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com


very good people. Poul Lemasters took over as and support during my time not only this tional opportunities with some incredible
general counsel when Bob Fells retired last July. year, but in prior years. Each vice president programming; Andres Aguilar was our
Poul had big shoes to fill and has done a great has served the association well in their re- “internal” vice president and made sure that
job of not only taking on the role but also main- spective areas of responsibility. Shawna de our staff had the tools and resources to do
taining his personality and sense of humor! la Cruz did a great job with marketing and their jobs; finally, Lee Longino made sure
I am grateful for Immediate Past Pres- membership by growing our membership that our government and legislative efforts
ident Christie Toson-Hentges’ direction base; Mitch Rose was on top of our educa- were supported.
ICCFA Treasurer Chris Keller and
Secretary Robbie Pape did a great job of
keeping track of our money and keeping
us all organized and recorded. Much
appreciation goes to Jeff Kidwiler, who
served as chancellor of the ICCFA Univer-
sity, for his tireless work continuing the
growth and excellence of our education
Darin Drabing and Fred Lappin served
me well as past presidents on my executive
committee, giving me great advice and
perspective. And all the committees and
committee chairs did an outstanding job of
addressing the needs of our members and
pushing the association forward.
Thanks to all our members for supporting
me this year and for taking advantage of your
benefits as members of ICCFA. Most of all,
thank you for putting permanent placement
in the forefront of your thinking. As our pro-
fession continues to evolve, being a member
of ICCFA will give you the tools and resources
to meet all challenges. It is important to take
control of your future, and as I always say,
“You create your own world.”

Jay D. Dodds, CFSP, is president

of ICCFA (2019–20) and COO of
Park Lawn Corporation, with more
than 35 years’ experience in the
funeral and cemetery profession.
Jay is a licensed funeral director
and embalmer in both Texas and
New Mexico and is a certified cremation operator.
Jay previously served as founder, owner, and
president/COO of the Signature Group. Prior to
founding Signature, he served as executive vice
president and chief operating officer of another
U.S. publicly traded company for 17 years. Jay
currently serves as trustee for the Funeral Service
Foundation and the ICCFA Educational
Foundation, while also serving as a board
member of the Pierce Mortuary Colleges. He can
be reached at jaydodds@parklawncorp.com.

8 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com


‘That Was a Close One!’

Takeaways from Those ‘Almost’ Lawsuits
by Poul Lemasters, Esq.

LOVE A GOOD STORY. In fact, I truly believe that we learn more from real stories you know it won’t happen again unless you
than we learn from anything else. When there is a lesson to be learned in the story, it analyze the problem, so you know why and
allows us to build practices to prevent (hopefully) those same stories from becoming how it happened in the first place?
our own. Get a full detail of what happened and
consider human, physical, and operation-
After every speaking engagement, al elements. Typically, I hear the same
several people typically pull me aside and But when the close responses from business owners, “we just
ask if they can share a story with me. My weren’t paying attention” or “we overlooked
response is always a resounding, “Yes!” call happens, don’t take this one.” Neither of these is a reason.
because I am always looking for new ma- If these are your answers, then you
terial! I also like to hear the stories because
it for granted. Don’t tell have to do further analysis and answer the
I am continuing to learn, just as we all are. yourself that it won’t questions:
By hearing others’ stories, it allows me to
happen again. Make • Why weren’t we paying attention?
understand more, prepare more, and share • Why did we overlook this one?
more. sure it won’t happen • Is it human error? If so, why this time?
I have also recognized a common • Is it a physical issue?
theme. Most of the stories I hear are “close again … • Is it that someone simply didn’t know
call” stories—a situation where something that there was a request?
almost happened, but for one reason or What to Do After a Close Call • Is it operational? Why did your process
another, the problem either got resolved, Needless to say, there are multiple things allow cremation to happen despite
got fixed, or didn’t get noticed and didn’t get that can be done if you experience a close the request for services prior to the
reported. call. There are many steps to take, and any cremation?
The person who has told me the story step is at least a step in the right direction. Many times, we are afraid to analyze
typically smiles or even laughs, acknowl- The point is, do not ignore the problem. a problem because of what it may reveal.
edges that it was a close call, then shows Consider cremation services, for ex- We may discover that we do not have the
appreciation for nothing having actually ample. Many providers are offering more right people; or we don’t have a thorough
happened. Many of us have “close calls” services to families that choose cremation. process. As a business we typically rely on
and we typically smile when it works out Families are reacting positively and are a single person to recognize a problem;
for us; then we move on, hoping it never choosing more services—many of which determine how it may affect the business;
happens again. This is not the appropriate happen prior to cremation. One particular and then fix the problem.
reaction! family chooses to have a final viewing prior Analysis is not all about questions and
A close call should be a wake-up call, to cremation. Another family wishes to answers; you need discussion as well. A
and it should push your business toward place something in the casket before cre- brainstorming session with several individ-
a response plan. In the realm of risk man- mation. Both are wonderful additional ser- uals can open up unseen risks and out-
agement, there is no difference between a vices; both happening prior to cremation. comes to a problem. Unfortunately, when
close call and a lawsuit. Actually, if there However, in this story, the cremation one person is left to analyze a situation,
was a difference, I would suggest that the occurs before the requested services are that person might see only a certain path of
close call rank higher on the list because provided. Don’t worry, the families were issues. This can lead to a view that is biased
it is the time where we can fix, prevent, understanding so it was never an issue. But and harmful to the business, despite the
change, modify, and do something pos- what can you as the business owner learn best intentions of the person analyzing. It
itive with the situation—maybe before a from this and do moving forward? is through multiple individuals that a broad
lawsuit arises. view of the issue is seen.
Yet so many business owners just move Analyze the Problem One of the last steps in analysis is an
on, never seizing the opportunity to make a Oftentimes, a business owner dismisses a assessment of the issue. Is there a likelihood
change and never initiating positive action situation like this by calling it a fluke and of this occurring again? If it is likely to
after a potential negative event. hoping it won’t happen again. But how do happen again, what is the potential impact?

10 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Businesses shouldn’t simply acknowledge
the close call. Assessing the situation
requires asking how much worse it could
have been. Your assessment can help you
realize that maybe the risk is so low that it
outweighs the cost of any potential changes;
or you may realize that the risk is so high
that you can’t afford not to fix the problem.

Take Action
The next takeaway is the hardest. Once
you know the problem, you need to take
action and fix it. This is so difficult because
sometimes we may know there is a problem
but just don’t know how to fix it. Solutions
are tough.
Let’s agree on what a solution isn’t.
First, a solution is not simply agreeing that
it won’t happen again. If that worked, I
wouldn’t be writing this article. We prob-
ably wouldn’t need attorneys, yet, here we
Second, ignoring the problem is not a
solution either. Arguably, it is a solution;
it’s just a really bad one because more than
likely the issue will occur again. While find-
ing the solution can be difficult, it is worth
the effort. Failing to try to fix the problem
leaves you in the position to simply suffer it
Every problem will dictate what a solu-
tion might be, but let’s consider our story.
The problem was cremating prior to certain
services being done. So, was this due to bad
paperwork? Was it marked down improp-
erly? Was this a procedural issue? Was the
body placed in a position to be cremated
despite having other services requiring
completion? I can share with you a few
solutions I have seen incorporated to try
and solve this problem.
If it is a flaw in your paperwork, consider
a change to highlight when a service or op-
eration has to occur before cremation. First,
make sure your cremation authorization



form has an area for identifying services could give the operator a clear indication of A business needs to monitor all of its
prior to cremation. If you already have this who can or cannot be cremated—or at least processes and review them to make sure
and still see an issue, consider adding a it would make the operator question the that there are no holes that could lead
separate document that shows there is an bodies’ placement. to the “close call.”
additional service. Lastly, consider adding a signoff between While every business should review
In fact, consider making this additional arranger, manager, and/or operator. This its processes annually, specific attention
document a different color from your other signoff could indicate any special services should go to a close call, especially once
paperwork so that others will clearly see and require that all persons sign before changes have been made. Depending on
that there is an additional service. Perhaps cremating. the potential risk of the issue, you may
a neon yellow form is used when something “Even if I implement these ideas, how want to review the solution a month out;
must be done prior to cremation, therefore do I know people will follow them?” you three months out; or no later than six
acting as a clear indicator to make sure ask. Sadly, any solution is only as good as months from implementation. Don’t be
the additional services are done prior to the people who are willing to follow it. If afraid to scrutinize the new process and
cremation. you don’t have buy-in, then anything can possibly make adjustments.
If this is procedural error, perhaps a fail. But a problem like that requires you When you are in the monitor and review
change in the process must occur. Many to start a new analysis and assessment stage of a close call, watch how this could
times, a crematory stores all bodies in one process. be affecting other areas. For example, based
refrigeration unit. This can lead to an issue on the issue and changes you may have in-
when an operator believes all the paper- Monitor and Review the Issue corporated, does this have an effect on your
work is complete. Consider segregating a Sometimes things work; sometimes policies and procedures? Do those need to
portion of your storage area for bodies that things have to be adjusted. Businesses be changed to reflect your new operational
are ready for cremation—with all docu- sometimes fall into complacency when strategy?
mentation complete but there are other there are no issues. “No issues” does If you changed or added documentation,
reasons they cannot be cremated yet. This not equate to a trouble-free business. is it reflected in all other documentation?

12 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Lastly, has this affected your insurance
coverage? A call to your insurance company
could be worthwhile.

**it Happens …
Overall, know this. We all have close calls.
Even the best businesses have situations
where something doesn’t work the way it’s
supposed to. Hopefully, you have proce-
dures in place to catch the close calls and
prevent catastrophes. But when the close
call happens, don’t take it for granted. Don’t
tell yourself that it won’t happen again.
Make sure it won’t happen again by taking
a look at the entire situation to understand
the issue; and do not be afraid to implement
Next time you share your “close call”
story with me, be sure to have the follow-up
that I want to hear, which should start with,
“Here’s what we did about it.”

Poul Lemasters, Esq., serves as

ICCFA general counsel and
cremation programs coordinator.
He also serves on the Government
and Legal Affairs Committee. Poul
is an attorney and a funeral
director/embalmer with degrees
from the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science
and the Northern Kentucky University Chase
College of Law. He is a licensed funeral director/
embalmer in Ohio and West Virginia and is
admitted to practice law in Ohio, Kentucky, and
As principal of Lemasters Consulting, a Jeff Kidwiler John Bolton
deathcare consulting company, Poul Lemasters
offers ICCFA members in good standing a free CCE, CSE CCE, CCrE, CSE, CXE
one-hour consultation relating to cremation; in 714.549.2477 423.439.9181
addition, members are entitled to a free GPL
review to check for Funeral Rule compliance. jeff@oneblackstone.com john@oneblackstone.com

2020 ICCFA Annual Contact us today

Convention & Expo for a free
Don’t miss
Poul Lemasters, Esq.
Thursday, April 2, 9:00 am
“A Wrongful Pet Cremation
Mock Trial”
The Making of
Memento Mori
by Jay D. Dodds, CFSP

14 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Typography styles draw attention and readership. Trusted columnists
add integrity and depth to all articles. Pops of color, enticing images,
and infographics add to the whole experience. Creating a first-class publication
incorporates all of the above; they were
key considerations when producing this Courageous tears embrace an unknown life
inaugural issue of Memento Mori. Before Reflection whispers a foretold farewell
you find yourself immersed in the pages of Between these thoughts ... I remember to live
this issue, I want to take a moment to share —Author Unknown

what’s behind the name.

A committee of ICCFA members and staff reviewed many names

before picking the one that best describes our point in time. For
those of you keeping track, the association’s magazine, as well as the
association’s name, has undergone many transformations over the
years, always adapting to reflect our members and their interests.
The ACOA Operator, which served the members of the Amer-
ican Cemetery Owners Association back in 1941, was replaced by
the National Association of Cemeteries Correspondent in 1958;
then it transformed into Cemetery Management in 1980. As the ACOA Operator NAC Correspondent
association grew in size and mission to include funeral homes March 1941 January 1968
and other related businesses and extended its reach beyond U.S.
borders, the magazine reflected that change and its name became
International Cemetery and Funeral Management in 1996. Then
in 2007, “cremation” was added to the association’s name to once
again reflect the operations and goals of our membership; and the
ICCFA Magazine was born.
The purpose of this trip down memory lane is to show that as
a professional trade association, ICCFA has never rested on its
laurels (even though we are awfully fond of our laurel branch!). We Cemetery Management International Cemetery
March 1980 and Funeral Management
embrace the growth that comes with change and constantly look for December 1999
new ways to meet the current needs of our members while antici-
pating the future without forgetting our past.
And when we think about it, that’s exactly what ICCFA mem-
bers do—they adapt to the needs of an ever-changing and modern
society while preserving the legacy of the past and guiding the way
toward growth and healing.
With this brief history lesson behind us, let’s get to the nitty grit-
ty of our new magazine name. While all the previous name changes
reflected a change in the association’s name as well, why change the ICCFA Magazine ICCFA Magazine
name now? It’s simple really—we wanted the name of our flagship January 2007 December 2019
member magazine to better reflect the ICCFA membership and the
meaningful work we do.
“Memento mori” translated in English means “remember you

must die.” It is a reminder to create priority and meaning in life,

to treat each day as a gift, and to not waste time on the trivial and
vain. Think of it as an inspiring message to live life large and under-
stand the importance of each day, each relationship, and each person.
The goal of Memento Mori is to inspire you to innovate, mo-
tivate you to never be satisfied with the status quo, and clarify the Memento Mori
importance of our chosen profession. We hope that you find the March/April 2020
name fits.


of the

The Titanic’s Final Voyage


16 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

by Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE

the sinking of the Titanic,
we are reminded of the selfless
work performed by those silent
sentinels who responded to a
catastrophic event that caused
the loss of hundreds of lives. It
is the role of the funeral director
that is celebrated here.

According to History.com, there were 2,240

passengers and crew aboard the Titanic on its
maiden voyage when it began to sink in the
early morning hours of April 15, 1912; 1,535
people died under color of darkness in the icy
waters of the Atlantic, 705 survived.
Interest in the Titanic has never abated
since it sank to the bottom of the North
Atlantic. Books, seminars, videos, souvenirs,
traveling exhibits and, of course, the movie,
abound and this frenzy shows no signs of
slowing down.
The sinking has been hashed, rehashed,
and re-rehashed by people ranging
from scientific experts to rank amateurs.
With all the theories, investigations, and
speculations surrounding the Titanic, it would
seem reasonable to think that every story
imaginable has been told about that fateful
voyage of the world’s largest ship.
Such, however, is not the case—for another
less spectacular story has lurked in the
shadows since the “unsinkable” ship sank 95
years ago. This story is about the efforts of
the funeral directors of the Maritime Provinces
in caring for the dead of the Titanic disaster.



Preparations and embalmer in the provinces of Nova Scotia, New

By 10:00 pm, Atlantic Time, on April 15, 1912, the Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.
magnitude of the Titanic disaster had become known in By April 16, 1912, more than 40 members of the
Halifax, Nova Scotia. Funeral Director’s Association of the Maritimes were
The White Star Line, owner of Titanic, already had on their way to Halifax. Among the group of embalmers
contracted with its Halifax agent, A.G. Jones and Com- en route to Halifax was one Mary Sodoskly Walsh, the
pany, and had chartered the Commercial Cable Com- wife of Arthur Walsh who was the owner and manager
pany’s ship, the MacKay-Bennett, for a very difficult of O’Neill Funeral Home in St. John, N.B.
assignment: Return to the site of the sinking and search Arthur Walsh also was a well-known actor and was
thoroughly the area, and whenever possible, recover the away in Boston on the stage at the time of the Titanic
bodies of passengers and crew. crash. Mary Walsh was assigned by Snow, Sr. to em-
The White Star agents also contracted with John balm all the women and children.
Snow and Co. Ltd., the largest undertaking firm in the At the Halifax waterfront, the embalmers were busy.
province of Nova Scotia, to oversee the recovery proj- Snow, Sr. had ordered several tons of ice, which were
ect. The undertaking concern was founded in 1883, and poured into the MacKay-Bennett’s tanks and holds.
by 1912, John R. Snow, Sr. and his sons, John R. Snow, Each embalmer was instructed by Snow, Sr. to bring
Jr. and W.H. (Will) Snow, had become the most notable their embalmers grip along with their instruments.
and successful funeral firm in the Maritimes. Cooling boards and hundreds of jugs of embalming
In view of the numbers expected, Snow, Sr. asked for chemical were also stored. Snow, Sr. also had more than
and received assistance from nearly every undertaker 100 plain wood caskets brought on board the vessel.

A Timeline of the
April 3–10, 1912 April 10, 1912 April 11, 1912

The Titanic is loaded with 9:30 am to 11:30 am Passengers board the ship.
supplies and her crew is hired. 12:00 pm The Titanic leaves the dock at Southhampton, England,
for its maiden voyage, stopping first in Cherbourg, France.

8:10 pm The Titanic heads to Queenstown, Ireland.

1:30 pm The Titanic leaves

Queenstown to begin its
fateful journey across the
Atlantic to New York.


18 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

All the volunteer undertakers from the group tude 49 degrees 13’ W. As the MacKay-Bennett headed
assembled by Snow, Sr. and headed by chief embalmer for that position, the liner, Bremen, reported three ice-
John T. Snow, Jr. came on board. Each embalmer settled bergs and bodies at latitude 42 degree 00’ N, longitude
in a room and awaited the departure of the ship. From 49 degree 20’ W.
Halifax’s All Saints Cathedral came Canon Kenneth O. The two sightings seemed conclusive. After passing
Hind, who would conduct all the burials at sea. numerous towering icebergs, the MacKay-Bennett arrived
At 12:35 pm, on Wednesday, April 17, 1912, the larg- in the area at 8:00 pm, too late to begin recovery efforts.
est floating embalming facility on earth left the Halifax
Harbor. The MacKay-Bennett’s captain, F. H. Lardner, Sunday, April 21, 1912
was not happy about the assignment, for he had to pay At dawn, the somber task of caring for the dead began.
his all-volunteer crew double wages in order to attract The embalmers set up their preparation stations on the
sailors for this terribly unpleasant assignment. deck of the boat as the MacKay-Bennett’s dinghies were
lowered into the ocean. In spite of the heavy seas, 51
Saturday, April 20, 1912 bodies were recovered.
The wireless operator on the MacKay-Bennett sent out On this day, one child, perhaps 2 years old with
a request for vital information to all ships that had seen blond hair, and four women were recovered. The rest
wreckage or bodies. were men. On board the MacKay-Bennett, the Titanic
Soon a message came in from the North German dead were treated with absolute dignity and respect;
Lloyd liner, Rhein, to the effect that the crew had passed and all the embalmers carried out a carefully planned
wreckage and bodies at latitude 42 degrees 01’N, longi- procedure that John R. Snow, Jr. had developed.

Sinking of the Titanic

April 14, 1912 April 15, 1912


9:20 pm The Titanic’s captain, Edward Smith,

retires to his room.
12:00 am Captain Smith learns the ship can stay afloat for only
9:40 pm: The last of 7 warnings about icebergs two hours and gives orders to make first radio calls for help.
is received in the wireless room. This warning
never makes it to the bridge. 12:05 am Captain Smith orders the crew to prepare the lifeboats
and get the passengers and crew on deck. There is only room in
11:40 pm Ship lookout Frederick Fleet spots an the lifeboats for about half the passengers and crew onboard.
iceberg directly in the path of the Titanic. First Women and children are placed in the lifeboats first.
officer Lt. William McMaster Murdoch orders a
hard starboard (left) turn, but the Titanic’s right 12:45 am The first lifeboat is lowered into the freezing water.
side scrapes the iceberg. Only 37 seconds passes 2:05 am The last lifeboat is lowered into the Atlantic. More than
between sighting the iceberg and hitting it. 1,500 people are still on the Titanic, now sitting at a steep tilt.
11:50 pm Water has entered the front part of the 2:18 am The last radio message is sent and the Titanic snaps in half.
ship and has risen to a level of 14 feet.
2:20 am The Titanic sinks.



The Plan At 4:30 pm after steaming for 19 miles in and out

Snow, Jr.’s plan went as follows: As each body was of the line of wreckage, the MacKay-Bennett came
recovered, a piece of canvas with a stenciled number upon additional victims as light was fading. A buoy was
on it was attached. In a ledger book, a description cropped to mark the spot where the next day’s work
entry was made on the numbered page corresponding would begin. The day closed as they all did with Canon
to the assigned number. Hair color, height, weight, Hind presiding as 15 were committed to the sea, “some
and age, obvious markings such as scars, tattoos or of them very badly smashed and bruised,” according to
birthmarks, and other details of physical description Cecil Zink, an embalmer from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
were recorded.
With a witness present in each case, a full inventory Tuesday, April 23, 1912
of the deceased’s pockets, money belts, jewelry, and By this point, the mortuary supplies had begun to
clothing was compiled in meticulous detail. First–, run out. The MacKay-Bennett sent a message to the
second–, and third-class passengers were more easily Allan liner, the Sardinian, early in the morning asking
identified this way. The plan was very simple and direct: if it could spare any canvas and burlap. Several hours
First-class passengers would be embalmed first, right on later, the two ships met cautiously in the fog and a
the deck of the ship; second– and third-class passengers small boat was dispatched to meet the ship with the
would be frozen and embalmed in Halifax; some bodies needed materials.
recovered would be buried at sea. By Tuesday, some 80 bodies were on board. About
The Halifax Harbor Authority would allow only midnight, the fog had lifted and Captain Lardner set a
embalmed or frozen bodies into port. Snow, Jr. decided course for the sightings of additional victims.
who would be embalmed or frozen.
Addresses on letters, names on passports, number Thursday, April 25, 1912
of passage tickets, legends on key tags, descriptions At 4:30 am, a body was found, which was a prelude of
of personal photographs found in billfolds—all were what would prove to be an arduous day for the em-
recorded to assist in identifying the deceased either on balmers. During the next 14 hours that followed, 87
board or later ashore. Personal property was placed in victims were recovered, searched, and tagged. All were
canvas bags, each bearing the number corresponding to embalmed and kept on board.
its content’s owner. It was apparent that the fa-
At 5:00 pm, the day’s work cilities, equipment, and people
was at a close and the dinghies
“Apparently, people had lots on the MacKay-Bennett were
were hauled back on board. of time and discipline, for being severely taxed. Captain
Snow, Jr. and the rest of the em- some had on the pajamas, two Lardner wired for help and A.
balmers on board prepared 20 or three skirts, two pairs of G. Jones & Company chartered
bodies that night with another a second vessel, the Minia, to
six first-class passengers left for
pants, two vests, two tickets, aid in the support effort.
the following morning. At 8:15 and an overcoat.” Captain Lardner also wired
pm, Canon Hind officiated at — John R. Snow, Jr. Snow, Sr. in Halifax that they
the moving burial service on the were running out of caskets
deck of the MacKay-Bennett. and embalming chemicals.
Some 24 bodies, mostly crew but none identified and all Snow, Sr. immediately notified the James Dempster
badly disfigured, were committed to the deep. Co. LTD casket manufacturers, which kept its factory
running through the afternoon and evening to supply
Monday, April 22, 1912 150 more caskets.
The ship recovered 27 bodies. Among this group was The Rev. H.W. Cunningham of St. George’s Church
New York millionaire John Jacob Astor. As Snow, Jr. in Halifax and undertaker W.H. Snow boarded the
later observed: Minia and departed for Halifax at midnight. Stowed on
Everybody had on a lifebelt and bodies floated very board were 150 caskets and 20 tons of ice.
high in the water in spite of sodden clothes and things The Minia arrived at the disaster site at about 12:45
in pockets. Apparently, people had lots of time and am on Friday, April 26, 1912. At 6:15 am, the Minia
discipline, for some had on the pajamas, two or three sent a supply of embalming chemicals across by life-
skirts, two pairs of pants, two vests, two tickets, and boat, and the two ships began searching for additional
an overcoat. In some pockets we found quantities of bodies. By noon, they had found 14 more; these were
meat and biscuits. In most every man’s pocket were placed aboard the MacKay-Bennett, which then de-
found quite a bit of tobacco and matches and vials of parted for Halifax having on board all the bodies that
whiskey. Many people still had keys to their state- could be cared for.
rooms and lockers. Snow, Sr. had established an information bureau for

20 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

the relatives and friends of the lost at the Halifax Hotel. deaths to be stationed at
He had the latest news about the recoveries and move- the dock yard wharf to
Snow, Sr. had established
ments of the MacKay-Bennett and the Minia, which issue the necessary certif- an information bureau for
was still out to sea continuing the search. icates of death and burial the relatives and friends of
permits to the next of kin. the lost at the Halifax Hotel.
Tuesday, April 30, 1912
Between bad weather and northerly gales, which Final Count He had the latest news
scattered the rest of the bodies into the Gulf Stream, The MacKay-Bennett found about the recoveries and
the Minia did not recover many remains. Meanwhile in 306 bodies; of those, Snow, movements of the MacKay-
Halifax, as the MacKay-Bennett drew closer to home Jr. decided that 116 had to Bennett and the Minia …
port, Snow, Sr. had all procedures in action to ensure a be buried at sea because
dignified and carefully controlled arrival. they were too badly decom-
It had been decided that the MacKay-Bennett would posed to be brought into
not dock at her own pier, with its limited space, but Halifax Harbor. The ship returned to Halifax with 190
would instead sail about a mile up the harbor toward bodies on board, almost twice as many as the original
the Narrows and Bedford Basin to use the dock at the casket order had called for.
Royal Canadian Navy pier north of the coaling wharf
number 4. The location was heavily guarded and sur- Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE, is one of the most sought-after
speakers and educators in funeral service. He serves as
rounded by the dock yard’s concrete wall. This afforded
director of continuing education for John A. Gupton College in
better crowd control and ensured some privacy for the
Nashville, and as dean of ICCFA University’s College of Funeral
unloading proceedings. Home Management. In 2014, Todd received the first-ever
Snow, Sr. had hired a transfer company to bring Lasting Impact Award from the ICCFA Educational Foundation.
the additional caskets off the ship to the Mayflower Todd has written numerous books, among them, Exploring
Curling Rink on Agricola Street, which Snow, Sr. had the Heart of Funeral Service; Reverence for the Dead: The
set up as a temporary morgue. Snow, Sr. also had Unavoidable Link; and The Genius of Frank E. Campbell, all of
arranged for the coroner and the deputy registrar of which are on Amazon.


Not Just for Funerals
San Antonio’s Mission
Park Celebrates
Life’s Milestones
by Susan Cushing

Highway 281 in San Antonio, Dick and Kristin Tips, owners of Mission Park
Funeral Chapels and Cemeteries, were informed that the state of Texas would
be exercising its right of eminent domain. The state’s taking meant that the Tipses’
funeral chapel alongside the highway would have to come down.

The Tipses acquiesced to the state’s highway expansion plans that’s a wedding, an anniversary or recognizing a loved one’s life.”
so as not to get in the way of progress. But instead of abandoning The expansive three-story, 80,000 square-foot architectural won-
San Antonio’s Northside altogether, Dick and Kristin set out to der located on Highway 281 comprises two world-class chapels,
build a new facility to serve the needs of families in that area. Out visitation suites complete with private restrooms and kitchens, and
of the razing of one came the construction of another—a new “Life two private cremation chapels with adjacent crematories.
Center”—in conjunction with a new philosophy that focuses on the In addition, the new complex will feature full catering and
meaning and value of life’s many celebratory moments. banquet facilities, reception rooms, and family-friendly amenities
“With our Life Centers, we’re attempting to change the old to accommodate every type of event imaginable. Other Mission
concept of funeral homes and embrace all milestones of life, not Park locations are already the preferred destination for wedding
just the end,” says Kristin. “We truly want these to be special places receptions, anniversary and birthday celebrations, and many social
where people can celebrate and create lasting memories, whether and community events.

22 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Mission Park’s new three-story
Life Center is under construction
and expected to open in 2021.

Kristin and Dick Tips

overseeing construction
of the new Life Center.

The crowning jewel of this remarkable “Life Center” is a cop- Kristin and Dick
per-clad dome that sits atop the new structure as a beacon of hope Tips are transition-
and majesty in tribute to the families Mission Park serves. The ing their more than 27
dome was constructed on the ground and recently lifted into place Mission Park locations
by crane, setting a new record as the heaviest architectural lift ever to “Life Centers,” and
attempted in the city of San Antonio. All this is being done to create have all but eradicated the
an uplifting environment where everyone can feel at home while words “mortuary” and “funer-
celebrating a life well lived. al home” from their branding.
The couple’s newest and soon-to-be
Transitioning from Death to Life largest Life Center is expected to house a very unique feature and
We open our doors to grief, tears, and sometimes even rage. We one that, to some, might seem unexpected. Geared toward health
embrace, comfort, and provide the most thoughtful and respectful and improving and extending life, the Mission Park Life Center will
services possible for those experiencing life’s darkest hour. However, include a Longevity Spa. This in-house boutique is designed to offer
ours are not places that people aspire to visit, but rather do so only specialized anti-aging services to appeal to a demographic that can
after suffering loss. appreciate the Tipses’ dedication to make every season of life the
Mission Park Funeral Homes and Cemeteries is as familiar a name best it can be.
as The Alamo to the citizens of this sprawling Texas community and “We’ll promote a healthy lifestyle, help offset aging naturally,
recognized as an integral part of its colorful history. Now in its fourth and utilize new technology to address a vast range of physical and
and fifth generations, this family-owned company has embraced and cosmetic concerns,” Kristin explains. “Massage, facials, and other
built upon a concept that is both revolutionary and uplifting. soothing and life-extending services will be available here, so that



Mission Burial Park was

the scene of a well-
attended 5K Walk-Run
hosted by the Tipses as
part of the Dia de los
Muertos celebration.

coming to a Life Center becomes a welcoming and Sharing the Love

rewarding experience.” To outsiders, it might seem an unlikely pairing between
Beyond the extraordinary array of amenities all Kristin and Dick, but to anyone who has spent even a
under one roof, Mission Park believes in the value of few moments in their presence, it becomes abundantly
vertical integration in every aspect of its operations. obvious they are like two halves of the same whole.
“By being both family-owned and having oversight over As Kristin will tell you, the family business began as
every aspect of our business, we don’t have to deal with a love story between her husband’s great-great-grand-
corporate red tape or outside suppliers when we need father, Will Harry Chambers, and his wife, Clara Mab-
to make on-the-spot decisions one Chambers. A wedding gift
to better care for our families,” “When families have the of acres of undeveloped land
Dick explains.
wisdom and foresight to plan along the San Antonio river
“That’s why we own our became the first perpetual care
own insurance company,” he their funerals in advance, we cemetery in Texas.
adds. “When families have the know we can offer them the Today, that same kind of
wisdom and foresight to plan best insurance coverage to love and commitment not only
their funerals in advance, we exists between this visionary
underwrite their plans now
know we can offer them the husband and wife team, but
best insurance coverage to and for years to come.” they extend to the next gener-
underwrite their plans now and —Dick Tips ation and beyond. With huge
for years to come.” hearts and incredible generos-
It’s clear that everything at Mission Park is based ity, the Tipses are the kind of folks who’ve never met
on providing the highest level of service with an a stranger and are always seeking new ways to help
eye toward the future. “We have big visions, but we where they can. “Community is very important to us,”
also have big ears,” quips Dick. “We’ve been doing says Kristin. “My husband’s family roots are very deep
this a very long time. My family, starting with my here and we honor that, we cherish it.”
great-great-grandfather, began all this in the 1800s, but Beyond the funeral and cemetery business, the
that doesn’t mean we just keep doing the same things.” Tipses are generous and vital members of their com-
Dick adds that the growing and changing needs of munity. Last year, Kristin and Dick hosted a 5K run
the people they serve have helped their business model as part of their city’s Dia de los Muertos celebration.
evolve over time. Hundreds of San Antonio family members walked and

24 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

ran through the Mission Park Cemetery in south San
Antonio, honoring the legacy of loved ones who came
before them, keeping their memories alive. The well-at-
tended event was dubbed the “Celebrating Life 5K Run
and Walk,” featuring a live Mariachi band heralding
the participants from a marigold strewn altar to the
starting line.
Kristin and Dick are involved in so much more—
from working with the Children’s Museum to hon-
oring veterans with Wreaths Across America. Their
outreach includes visits to local schools to encourage
young people to complete their education, regularly
scheduled events that invite the community to honor
and celebrate the lives of friends and family members
who have passed, and even a therapy and bereavement
program featuring “comfort dogs,” fostered primarily by
the couple’s 7-year-old twins, Robert and Peggy. The copper-clad dome sits atop the new Life Center and
serves as a tribute to families served by Mission Park.
Puppy Power
After rescuing a Labrador in 2004, quite literally from Hands On
death’s door, the Tipses turned “Luke the Labrador” While Dick is busy overseeing all facets of development
into Mission Park’s official greeter and “Pet Relations and construction, meeting with architects, carpenters,
Director.” His duties and responsibilities included visit- designers, and other employees (they do not sub-out
ing hospitals and providing care and comfort to every- the work on any of their projects, everything is part
one he came in contact with. Recently, when the family of the Mission Park company), and dreaming up new
had the opportunity to adopt a puppy from a new litter ideas, Kristin holds down the fort at headquarters.
of Goldendoodles, they came home with a surprise. As company president, Kristin runs the day-to-day
“We knew that our children were going to be very operations, contributes ideas and solutions to upcoming
involved in the care and training of these soon-to-be projects, while still maintaining a very active and nurtur-
therapy dogs,” Dick explains, “so, I asked Kristin if we ing role as wife and mother. Frequently described as the
should adopt more than one. In true Kristin fashion, we “ultimate Energizer Bunny,” Kristin serves as a trustee
didn’t just adopt one … we adopted three!” for the Texas Biomedical Research Institute Forum, a
With the aid of a professional bereavement trainer, trustee for the World Affairs Council of San Antonio,
the children are helping to groom these adorable pups and serves on the board of directors for the Ecumenical
into the kind of ambassador that “Luke” was while the Center for Health, Education and Counseling.
children learn the importance of providing comfort and Given her intelligence, work ethic, and dedication, it
reassurance wherever possible. came as no surprise to anyone when she was the young-
est woman ever appointed by the governor as a com-
missioner on the Texas Funeral Service Commission.
Luke, Mission Park’s Pet Relations Director, “Everything that we do, every decision we have to
taking a breather from his greeter duties.
make, it always comes down to what’s best for the com-
munity and what’s best for the family,” Kristin says. “If
we’re ever at an impasse or are having trouble making
a decision, we just go back to our core values and that
guides us, not only for today, but also for the future.”
For both Kristin and Dick, everything they do, both
professionally and personally, comes down to family.
With deep San Antonio roots, they are people who first
and foremost honor the values of caring for their family
and their community.
“At work and at home we try to live out the words
that our company is built on,” Kristin says. “It’s not
just a slogan; it’s a way of life. At Mission Park, it’s our
mission to care.”

Susan Cushing is a freelance writer for Memento Mori.


I’m Not Suggesting You
Blogging About Deathcare
Sure, it seems strange. Many people think there’s
no way to properly blog about deathcare;
they’re just incompatible concepts. You
might very well think the same.
However, you’ve read this far, which means
you—like most of my clients—decided to give
me a shot at convincing you that deathcare
blogging is a worthwhile initiative.

So let me just lay out two important concepts right

from the top:
1. You absolutely can blog about deathcare,
and doing so provides a wealth of benefits,
including better search-engine optimization
(SEO), website conversions, and a more
positive online reputation.
2. The fact that your local competitors
probably don’t blog is even
better for you, because you
can corner the market
on great content
while increasing

your authority and



26 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Write the Blog, but…
by Welton Hong



You’re a bit skeptical about this blogging thing, I bet. most businesses will find it more efficient to outsource
Don’t worry, I’m used to it. I consult with deathcare the writing.
clients every day of the work week. They include many
very smart businesspeople, men and women who are Finding Topics to Discuss
open to all sorts of ideas to generate more revenue for Most people in the deathcare industry automatically
their businesses. think there is nothing to blog about. It’s obvious to
They’re all ears when I tell them about the benefits ofthem what topics other business types might blog
pay-per-click ads, the enduring importance of SEO, and about, but the very idea of writing several times a week
how critical it is to generate excellent online reviews. about cremation, cemetery plots, or funerals strikes
They’re engaged and excited. them as absurd.
Then I mention that they should start blogging, and Here’s the thing: You can (and should) write about
everything comes to a screeching halt. aspects of your business that would be interesting to
So really, it’s a good thing that some deathcare readers. Here are some ideas:
professionals may have stopped reading this article •
Share news you find online about alternative funer-
after the headline, because if that group includes your als or green policies in deathcare.
competitors, you have a massive advantage. •
Talk about new ideas for pet memorials

Discuss creative concepts in cremation urns
Outsourcing Your Blog (sports, movies, music, etc.).
You run a funeral home, or a direct cremation service, You can easily think of 75 to 100 ideas with just a
or a cemetery. Or you have another business closely little brainstorming. But you’re actually not limited to
related to deathcare. deathcare topics. Frankly, your blog will be more inter-
You don’t run a publishing company. You’re not a esting to potential readers if you offer plenty of variety:
journalist. You’re not a writer. •Your audience: You know the target demograph-
Granted, some of you probably do enjoy writing at ics of the families and individuals you serve.
times, but I’m sure most of you would rather focus on Most often, your clientele will be older. Statisti-
the main job at hand. And that’s fine. cally, you might also work a little more often with
Just like you contract out for work you either can’t women. With that in mind, many of your posts
do yourself or don’t have time to do, you can do that should cover topics of interest to older women.
for your blog. There are lots of great online resources •
Health: You can post plenty of content about
to find freelance writers who can write three, five, healthcare—specifically, how to live a healthy life
even 10 blog posts for you every week. as you age. It’s the type of content you’ll see in
Granted, you should take publications such as AARP
your time in finding the right magazine or Prevention
person for the job. Make sure
Think about anything a magazine. In fact, you can
to review clips of the writer’s person over age 60 might find use those as resources.
previous work. Make sure he or interesting and write about • Reposting: Don’t reinvent
she writes well, spelling every- it—or direct your freelance the wheel every time you
thing correctly. The last thing come across source mate-
you want to worry about is
writer to do so! rial. You can simply write a
having to correct your blogger’s few lines providing context
grammar and punctuation. and then link to the source article. You’ll always
You always should review the work before allowing get better SEO from your blog if you’re regularly
it to be published to your website, at least for the first linking out to authoritative sites.
several months. But remember that you’ll ultimately be •
Lifestyle: Consider writing about money and estate
responsible for everything published on your blog. If management, vacation ideas for seniors, caregiv-
your freelancer posts something offensive, profane, or ing, technology for seniors, and so on. Think about
simply inappropriate in a deathcare context, that will anything a person over age 60 might find interest-
come back on you. ing and write about it—or direct your freelance
That’s why I recommend most deathcare business writer to do so.
owners review everything before it’s published. Only •
Deathcare: You’ll want at least 25 percent of your
once you trust the writer 100 percent should you even posts (but preferably more) to mention themes
consider letting him or her publish directly to your blog. related to your industry. That’s because Google
Technically, you could save money by DIY blog- and other search engines will notice those terms
ging. But you’re also using up time and energy that in your posts and their headlines, providing your
way. If you or your staff happen to have enough down- website more authority (in Google’s eyes) for
time during the week, sure, try blogging in-house. But deathcare. Consequently, you will rank much

28 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Just be sure that once you start,
you’re committed to updating the
blog regularly. If you can’t keep
up, honestly, then it’s better to not
have a blog at all.

better in organic search listings in your area. Some

•Etiquette: You could do a series of posts about fu-
neral/visitation etiquette. The posts could include
what to wear, how to address the family, how to
handle certain religious and cultural customs, etc.
•Support: Grief support is another topic with lots of
potential. Many funeral home sites include a page
of links to resources, but in a blog, you can directly
provide grief education and support.
•Local programs: If you have relationships with local
grief programs/support groups, do a post on each. Which blog has more credibility with both potential
You can even have a local expert provide guest clientele and Google? That’s right, it’s Blog B.
posts for you, either directly paid or for exposure. So don’t bite off more than you can chew. Start off
•Preplanning: Another possible topic is preplanning slow. Publish small posts a couple of times a week. You
services, regardless of whether your particular need at least two, but don’t feel the need to ramp up
business is involved with prearrangement. right away. Include an image with each post whenever
Remember, not everything has to directly connect possible, because that increases human engagement
to something you do. It just has to relate to deathcare and generates more SEO.
themes. Just be sure that once you start, you’re committed to
You might want to brainstorm ideas in-house and updating the blog regularly. If you can’t keep up, hon-
direct a contract writer to execute them, or you could estly, then it’s better to not have a blog at all.
direct the freelancer to do the brainstorming and If you blog and reach a point where you just can’t
include that as part of the pay per post. It’s really up to continue for whatever reason, you should remove the
you. The key is simply to ensure you’re posting strong blog from your website—either permanently or tempo-
content and doing so regularly. rarily. Or you might be able to deactivate it until you’re
ready to restart, and that’s fine. Just don’t leave it up
Once You Start, You Can’t Stop there with nothing but outdated posts.
Speaking of regularity, I’ll admit this is one potential But let’s assume you’ve been posting twice a week
downside to starting a blog. It’s kind of like starting a for a few months and you’re ready to ramp it up. Just
family. You can’t decide after a couple of years that it’s add one day a week for the foreseeable future. But never
just not right for you. Once you’re in, you’re in for the go too fast. You always want to keep the quality high.
long haul. You need to be as detail-oriented in your blog posts as
Here’s why: Nothing looks worse for a business (in you are in your normal day-to-day duties, because your
deathcare or otherwise) than having a blog that hasn’t blog will reflect on how you do business.
been updated for a long time. If people today pull up A blog is a major undertaking, but adding a blog to
your blog and see that the last post was in 2018, you your marketing efforts will deliver excellent ROI (return
might as well be hanging up a “Business Closed” sign on on investment) for your deathcare business.
your website. The nature of a blog is that it’s consistent- And believe it or not, you might even enjoy it.
ly updated. You must keep feeding the beast.
Look at it this way: Blog A has 750 posts, each one Welton Hong, is the founder of Ring Ring Marketing® (www.
funeralhomeprofits.com) and an expert in case generation
at least 500 words, and it was being updated five times a
from online to the phone line. He is also the author of Making
week—but there have been no new posts for 18 months.
Your Phone Ring with Internet Marketing for Funeral Homes.
Blog B has 50 posts, most of them only 200 words, and He can be reached at welton@ringringmarketing.com.
it posts twice a week—but it’s been posting consistently.



Famous Women
and Where
They Are
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896)
buried Phillips Academy Cemetery,
Andover, MA; born Litchfield, CT
Harriet Beecher Stowe was an
American writer and philanthropist,
most notably known for her novel,
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which contribut-
ed to the movement against slavery
and is cited among the causes of the
American Civil War.
Stowe began to write a long tale
of slavery, based on her reading of
abolitionist literature and on her
personal observations in Ohio and
Kentucky. Her tale was published se-
rially (1851–
52) in the National Era, an antislavery paper
in Washington, D.C.; in 1852, it appeared
in book form as Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The
book, along with its author, was vehemently
denounced in the South, where reading or
possessing the book became an extremely
dangerous enterprise.
With sales of $300,000 in the first year,
the book exerted an influence equaled by few
other novels in history, helping to solidify
both pro- and antislavery sentiment. The
book was translated widely and several times
dramatized (the first time, in 1852, without
Stowe’s permission), where it played to capac-
ity audiences. In 1853, she published A Key to
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a compilation of docu-
ments and testimonies in support of disputed
details of her indictment of slavery.

30 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Charlotte E. Ray (1850–1911)
buried Cypress Hills Cemetery,
Brooklyn, NY; born Manhattan, NY
Charlotte E. Ray studied at the Institution for the Edu-
cation of Colored Youth in Washington, D.C.; by 1869,
she was teaching at Howard University. Her ambition
was to attend the university’s law school. Howard Uni-
versity’s Law School, however, discouraged women
from enrolling and Ray was forced to apply under the
name, “C.E. Ray,” to disguise her gender.
University officials reluctantly accepted her appli-
cation and she attended classes while continuing to
teach in the Preparatory and Normal Department.
Ray concentrated on commercial law. Upon com-
pletion of the program in 1872, Ray became the first
black woman to graduate from an American law
school and receive a law degree. Her admission that
Emily Dickinson (1830–1886), year to the District of Columbia bar made her the first
woman admitted to practice in the District of Colum-
buried West Cemetery, Amherst, MA; bia and the first black woman certified as a lawyer in
the United States.
born Tuckahoe Springs, Caroline County, MD Ray opened a law office in Washington, D.C., but
racial prejudices proved too strong, and she could not
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, from a young age, was
obtain enough legal business to maintain an active
troubled by and consumed with the idea of death.
practice. By 1879, she had returned to New York City,
Losses throughout her life—beginning with her
where she taught in the public schools. By this point,
cousin and close friend, Sophia, when she was
Ray had become an advocate for women’s suffrage.
14—forced Dickinson to withdraw more and more
She served as a delegate to the 1876 conference of the
from social life as the decades went on. She was
National Woman’s Suffrage Association.
known later in life as a recluse who corresponded
copiously with friends and relatives both near and
far—some of whom she never met in person.
Her mother’s poor health meant that Emily
spent much of her adult life caring for her and
the homestead in which the family lived. She
baked. She cultivated gardens. And she wrote. She wrote a lot. In addition to the
thousands upon thousands of extravagant letters she penned to those in her life,
Emily also wrote poetry, something she had long been fascinated with. She pur-
sued a few options for publication, but mainly used her poems as gifts or shared
them privately.
In her lifetime, she published about a dozen poems. But it was after her death,
at the age of 55, that her younger sister discovered nearly 1,800 additional poems
that Emily had written. The family argued over how to publish the poems, but
was able to release some first editions in 1890, just a few years after her death.
Some 50 years later, her complete works were finally assembled and Emily Dick-
inson became the noted poet that she is known as today.

“Because I could not stop for Death

He kindly stopped for me
The Carriage held but just Ourselves
And Immortality …”



Hazel Johnson-Brown (1927–2011)

buried Arlington Cemetery, Arlington, VA;
born West Chester, PA
Hazel Johnson-Brown became the first Johnson-Brown was extremely educated,
black female general in the U.S. Army in earning her bachelor’s degree in nursing
1979 and was the first black chief of the U.S. from Villanova University in 1959, her mas-
Army Nurse Corps. ter’s degree in nursing education from Co-
Johnson-Brown, as a young woman lumbia University in 1963, and a doctorate
in the 1940s, applied to the West Chester in education administration from Catholic
School of Nursing but was rejected because University of America in 1978.
she was black. This did not stop her from During the Vietnam War, she worked
her dream of nursing. In 1947, she moved to to train surgical nurses who were prepar-
New York City and enrolled in the Harlem ing to deploy to Southeast Asia. John-
Hospital School of Nursing. son-Brown also served as director of the
In 1955, right after President Harry Tru- Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing in general, and the first black woman to serve
man banned segregation in the armed ser- the 1970s as well as assistant dean of the as the Army’s senior nurse.
vices, Johnson-Brown enlisted in the Army. University of Maryland School of Nursing In 1983, Johnson-Brown retired from
By 1960, she had become a first lieutenant from 1976 to 1978. the army and worked as a professor of nurs-
and joined the Army Nursing Corps where In 1979, Johnson-Brown was promoted ing at George Mason University. She died
she served as a staff nurse in Japan and chief to brigadier general as head of the Army of complications from Alzheimer’s at her
nurse in Korea. Nurse Corps, the Army’s first black woman home in Wilmington, DE.

32 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

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States (President (Yankee Doodle Queen Mother, dies of writer, dies at 79 radio host, dies of
Millard Fillmore’s wife) Dandy), dies of a pneumonia at 101 cancer at 95
dies of pneumonia heart attack at 86
at 55


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34 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Prose for the Quietus of Life
There Is No Death 
There is no death! The stars go down There is no death! Although we grieve
To rise upon some other shore, When beautiful, familiar forms
And bright in heaven’s jeweled crown That we have learned to love are torn
They shine forevermore. From our embracing arms–
There is no death! The forest leaves Although with bowed and breaking heart,
Convert to life the viewless air; With sable garb and silent tread,
The rocks disorganize to feed We bear their senseless dust to rest,
The hungry moss they bear. And say that they are “dead,”
There is no death! The dust we tread They are not dead! They have but passed
Shall change, beneath the summer showers Beyond the mists that blind us here
To golden grain, or mellowed fruit, Into the new and larger life
Or rainbow-tinted flowers. Of that serener sphere.
There is no death! The leaves may fall, They have but dropped their robe of clay
And flowers may fade and pass away– To put their shining raiment on;
They only wait, through wintry hours, They have not wandered far away–
The warm, sweet breath of May. They are not “lost” nor “gone.”
There is no death! The choicest gifts Though disenthralled and glorified
That heaven hath kindly lent to earth They still are here and love us yet;
Are ever first to seek again The dear ones they have left behind
The country of their birth. They never can forget.
And all things that for growth or joy And sometimes, when our hearts grow faint
Are worthy of our love or care, Amid temptations fierce and deep,
Whose loss has left us desolate, Or when the wildly raging waves
Are safely garnered there. Of grief or passion sweep,
Though life becomes a desert waste, We feel upon our fevered brow
We know it’s fairest, sweetest flowers, Their gentle touch, their breath of balm;
Transplanted into Paradise, Their arms enfold us, and our hearts
Adorn immortal bowers. Grow comforted and calm.
The voice of birdlike melody And ever near us, though unseen,
That we have missed and mourned so long, The dear, immortal spirits tread–
Now mingles with the angel choir For all the boundless universe
In everlasting song. Is Life—there are no dead!

—J. L. McCreery



Transferring a Cemetery
to a Key Person
by Daniel M. Isard, MSFS

Dear Dan, It is the net present value of this income otent. The biggest thing the buyer must give
I own the cemetery that has been in my stream. It is an income stream only of the is his or her signature to the bank and the
family for three decades. When my father profits, not the sales. There are substantial check to the seller.
passed, he left it to me in his will. I have costs in operating a cemetery. The valuation 3. Financing. This is where the difficulty
a solid key person who oversees sales and must be performed by someone who has will be. Banks don’t understand that they
some of the general administration. He seen these things actually sell, not just use cannot secure a lien on cemeteries. Most
is committed to this business and I don’t their guesstimate to tell a buyer or seller at state laws do not allow a lien on graves. As
want to lose him. I am 58 years old and what value to transact. a cemetery, you can’t go to the bank and get
would like to retire by the time I am 64. 2. Deal Terms. While all parts of the a release of a plot each time you sell a grave,
My key person is 35 years old. Can you contract are important, the representations crypt, or niche. The bank can secure its loan
give me an outline of how to transfer a and warranties (R/Ws) are the big part of on the business of the cemetery, but most
business to a key person without having to the sales contract that lawyers focus on. R/ banks are tangible-asset lenders. They look
die to make it happen? Ws are given by both the buyer to the seller at a cemetery as if it is real estate. All that
Signed, and the seller to the buyer. By definition, a acreage looks like real estate, but it is really
Living Cemetery Representation is a statement given that the inventory.
other side can rely on. The Warranty is the Banks have trouble with cemetery loans
Dear Living Cemetery, security underwriting those statements. in general. If they loan to a hamburger
There are four key steps to follow when Some R/Ws that buyers ask of the seller stand, there might be cash flow, equipment,
planning to transfer the ownership of a are basic. You, the seller, represent that you and a building as collateral. If that burger
cemetery. can sell the assets as contemplated by the shop operator defaults, the banker can seize
1. Valuation. You need to have a qualified agreement. Of course, you would know what assets to sell or find another burger
valuation performed of the business. A that. It is simple if you are the 100 percent shop operator for a period of time. A ceme-
qualified valuation is not performed by shareholder. tery is a different kind of asset.
someone who claims to have valued cem- Some R/Ws are more complicated. Only a cash-flow lender can make a
eteries before. Most generic valuations are For example, you might represent that all loan to a cemetery. The cash-flow lender
treated like real estate valuations, and they liabilities are going to be paid off at closing. has two difficulties in making a loan to a
are not. To confirm this, you could employ title cemetery. The first is determining earnings
I have valued more than 800 cemeter- searches and other credit-checking tools to and the second is determining cash flow.
ies. Someone who doesn’t understand how make sure you are paying off everything. The difference is the quantity of installment
these things are sold will inevitably reach an Some R/Ws are very difficult to make payments.
incorrect conclusion. but must be given. For example, you may To do both of these calculations, you
Picture the appraisal in upstate Min- represent that there are no environmental start with revenue. Imagine a cemetery with
nesota of a 40-acre cemetery with 40,000 hazards on the property. The parties can $1 million in sales. This is accrual account-
graves. During its first five years of exis- engage a third party to check this out, but ing. If half of those sales are “at need” and
tence, 300 graves were sold. The appraiser suppose you only owned this property half advance sales, what is the revenue? In
said, “Each grave sells for $1,000 and there for 10 years? The job of an experienced most progressive cemeteries, all of the “at
are 39,700 graves remaining. Therefore, the transactional lawyer is to know how to fairly need” is paid in full, but usually only about
appraised value is $39,700,000.” What is compromise the representations and how to 33 percent of the advance sales are paid
worse, a bank loaned $5 million based on limit the exposure of the person offering the now. The balance is paid over time. The
that appraisal. warranty (the Warrantee). difference in revenue between the Accru-
A cemetery is an income stream, but the The buyer has some R/Ws to give to the al Method and the Cash Method could
appraised value is not the total future value. seller, but they are usually much less omnip- be $330,000 (66 percent of the $500,000

36 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

advance sales)! While all of the expenses diligence, including operating manuals, Then, confirm the value of the assets to
are generally paid, that means the cash flow internal accounting, tax filing, insurance, secure each of those liabilities.
result could be highly impaired on the Cash and credit reviews. In the cemetery busi- The time it takes to close a transaction
Method. ness, due diligence explores the issues of with a key person might take a little longer
Making the purchase via bank financing the trusts for perpetual care, merchandise, than if you were to sell to someone who has
is not simple. It requires an experienced regulatory compliance, and inventory. a history of buying funeral homes. This is
lender or broker to get this accomplished. In funeral service, one of the main points because the buyer may not be as savvy nor
4. Compliance and Review. There is great of due diligence is pre-need. Pre-need is a have a trained team to assist. Ultimately,
benefit to having a strong key person be liability and the objective is to do the best selling to a key person is life changing for
your successor. After all, literally and figura- you can to confirm the value of that liability. everyone.
tively, that person knows where the bodies
are buried. Dan Isard, MSFS, is president of
The Foresight Companies LLC, a
That key person will probably know if
something is out of compliance. He or she 2020 ICCFA Annual Phoenix-based business and
management consulting firm
will also be able to efficiently accomplish Convention & Expo specializing in mergers and
“due diligence.” Due diligence describes the acquisitions, valuations,
comprehensive investigation a prospective
Don’t miss Dan Isard
accounting, financing HR services
buyer typically performs before closing on Monday, March 30 and family surveys. He is the author of several
the purchase. All properties with physical books and hundreds of published articles in
3:00 pm
plants and land will have similar points of industry magazines, including “The Director’s
due diligence. These points of due diligence “How Do We Thrive Finance 101” column. He can be reached at
focus on the property’s title, any environ- 800.426.0165 or danisard@
in the Next Decade?” theforesightcompanies.com.
mental issues, and the operating assets.
All businesses will have similar due



Plan, Execute, Succeed:

Strategies to Move Your Business Forward
by Chris Cruger

percent break even, and 30 percent are consistently losing money. I’m not sure A mission statement is the overall, lasting
about you, but these are some frightening statistics. purpose of why your company exists. It de-
fines the standard you are working toward
I have been in the deathcare profession There is an overwhelming disparity and how you hope to accomplish the goals
for 25 years. I have walked the grounds between planning, execution, and success. of the organization.
of more than a thousand cemeteries and I’m not here to suggest that your plan needs For example, Southwest Airlines says:
funeral homes on five different continents. to be anything exotic or extraordinary, but
The mission of Southwest Airlines is
I have seen what makes the successful busi- it needs to be written down and clearly
dedication to the highest quality of cus-
nesses successful and the not-so-successful understood by your entire team.
tomer service delivered with a sense of
ones underperform. It revolves around the Why in writing? This is an informal
warmth, friendliness, individual pride,
ability to implement a strategic plan. “contract” between you and your busi-
and company spirit.
I am often amazed at how frequently I re- ness, between you and your staff, and
ceive a blank stare from a “successful” owner eventually a promise to your service This mission statement reflects the team
in our industry after I ask to see a copy of his community. And contracts need to be in philosophy to the core. The company strives
or her strategic plan. It seems so simple and a writing; otherwise, you may forget what for top-quality customer service by being
common practice, right? Wrong! you promised to do. friendly and showing off its company pride
with a smile.
Southwest continues its statement with:
We are committed to provide our em-
SWOT is a look at yourself and your competitors. It’s ployees a stable work environment with
like taking your business to the doctor for an annual equal opportunity for learning and per-
sonal growth. Creativity and innovation
check-up. It is necessary and vital for the overall are encouraged for improving the effec-
health of your business. tiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above
all, Employees will be provided the same
concern, respect, and caring attitude
within the organization that they expect
to share externally with every Southwest
Let me begin by asking how many of you What is a Strategic Plan?
can answer in the affirmative to the follow- In simplest terms, a strategic plan is a
ing four questions: document that is used to communicate the Do you have any doubt as to where
• Do you have a strategic plan? organization’s goals to your team and it Southwest is placing the success of its
• If you have a strategic plan, is it in includes all the critical elements necessary business? It’s all about the employees
writing? to achieve those goals. and providing the best possible customer
• Is your strategic plan updated A strategic plan provides a sense of direc- service in an industry that can be often
annually? tion, outlines measurable goals, and provides fraught with frustration. It might not be the
• Does your staff know of the plan’s exis- day-to-day guidelines for your entire team. funeral or cemetery business, but think for
tence and what is in that plan? Most importantly, it creates a sense of collabo- a moment about what the most important
If you can answer these four simple ration and ensures that every member of your factor of success is in your business. Is it
questions in the affirmative, congratula- organization is working toward the same result. your people?
tions. You are in the minority. If you are not A strategic plan includes five major Your mission statement needs to be
able to answer these questions in the affir- parts: Mission and vision, core values, a combined with your vision statement. Your
mative, I suggest you not waste any more SWOT analysis, strategy and objectives, vision should be concise and understood
time—start putting one together. and success measurement. by every member of your organization. It

38 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

paints the picture for the future. By making You must evaluate everything—the institute a regular process of measuring
your organization’s purpose and values things you are doing well, the things you are performance against your targets.
concrete, you will be setting the framework not doing well, and the different elements In order to be able to create the mea-
of your plan. affecting your future. You need the entire surement and accountability, you need to be
So how does Southwest translate its mis- organization to be aware and consciously sure that you have quality information avail-
sion statement into a vision statement? It working toward improving every element of able on a timely basis. This step is critical to
reads, “Our Vision: To become the World’s what you do as an organization. the success of your strategic plan. You need
Most Loved, Most Flown, and Most Profit- If you cannot objectively look at your to make decisions on a timely basis. You
able Airline.” business, hire someone to help you with simply cannot create an environment of
that. If you cannot impartially focus on accountability and empowerment, and still
2. Core Values your competitors for analysis, again, hire expect to drive success without incentiviz-
Once you’ve begun the process of defining someone. SWOT is not about the compar- ing the right behavior.
the mission and vision statement for your ative pricing of your business versus your Your strategic plan is an essential part of
business, you need to establish the core competitor. It is about the values of the mapping out the success of both yours and
values of the organization. organization being implemented. your organization’s future. The plan does
The core values are the heart and soul not need to be complex or glamorous. This
of an organization. They are your guiding 4. Strategy & Objectives isn’t about creating a multi-page disserta-
principles. You must clearly define the ab- When defining your strategies and ob- tion for publication. This is a well-crafted
solutes of your organization. They are at the jectives, you can break them down into document that keeps everyone in the
core of your business and absolutely must different timeframes. You need to focus on organization focused on common goals. It’s
exist in everything that you do. the objectives that would allow you to make about making sure that the people who help
Cemeteries: As a cemetery business, your your vision a reality. Typically, you’ll want define your success are embodying a unified
core values may be focused on providing to begin with objectives that have a longer approach toward common goals.
comfort to families that have entrusted you timeframe. A good example is a timeframe One of my favorite quotes about plan-
with the stewardship of their loved one’s of three to five years. ning is from an accomplished author and
bodies or cremated remains. Once you’ve defined your longer-term personal development guru by the name of
Funeral homes: As a funeral home objectives and the strategy to accomplish Brian Tracy. Brian Tracy speaks to public
business, your core values might focus on them, you will then break these down into and corporate audiences on the subjects
service to the living and the deceased. For shorter-term, measurable priorities. How of personal and professional development
each business type, every member of your are you going to use your resources to and has addressed more than five million
staff should know exactly what your core achieve the who, what, and when? This is people through 5,000 talks and seminars
values are and repeat it to themselves as a where you’ll need to get very specific and all over the world. He says, “Every minute
daily reminder. drill down on accountability. you spend in planning saves 10 minutes in
You’ll also need to include budgeting and execution; this gives you a 1,000 percent
3. SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, forecasting of the financial performance of the return on energy!”
Opportunities and Threats) business. Beyond the simple financial elements
of the objectives, you must also take into con- Chris Cruger is the chief operating officer and a
Most of us are familiar with the SWOT
partner at The Foresight Companies, LLC. Prior to
concept, but the majority of us fail to use sideration everything that impacts the health
his joining Foresight, Chris provided independent
the simplicity of the exercise to chart our of the business and its long-term success. This
consulting to companies in the funeral and
path forward. The SWOT analysis is a sim- includes sales, personnel, and all other consid- cemetery professions worldwide. Chris started
ple evaluation. It should be objective and erations that will ensure the success on both a in this business at SCI, where he eventually
should be done by all stakeholders involved short-term and long-term timeframe. became vice president of business development,
in the success of your organization. SWOT overseeing the departments of Corporate
is a look at yourself and your competitors. 5. Measurement of Success Development, Real Estate, Construction, and
It’s like taking your business to the doctor Once you have clearly defined your objec- Operations. Chris can be reached at his office
for an annual check-up. It is necessary and tives, the means to accomplishing them, in Phoenix at 602.274.6464 or chriscruger@
vital for the overall health of your business. and the accountability, you will need to theforesightcompanies.com.


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Will You Be in Attendance?

Your Name Tag Will Be Waiting for You at the
2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Expo, March 30–April 2
Continuous Free Food & Drink in the Expo Hall; More than 40 Events & Seminars to
Attend; Hundreds of Exhibitors to Meet; Thousands of Potential Takeaways
If you were to guess, what do you Today’s consumers are looking
think is the reason why industry for ways to reduce their impact on

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

professionals keep returning to the our environment—this goes beyond
ICCFA Annual Convention & Expo? paper straws and recycling bins.
Is it the Expo Hall, full of the latest Many families are choosing foot-
products and services? Maybe it’s the print-conscious burials and prod-
networking events where you can ucts. Sam’s session will explore ways
meet first-time attendees, catch up to make options accessible to the
with old friends, talk with suppliers, eco-conscientious, and he will help
or relax with colleagues at the various attendees gain a new perspective
receptions? on what consumers are looking for
Without a doubt, one reason that today.
tops the list for many an attendee is To learn more about Samuel
the countless takeaways offered by the many “Thinking Outside the Casket: Ed- Perry’s and other educational breakout
educational breakout sessions. With more ucating the Green Burial Family,” to be sessions, and to register for the Annual
than 40 events and sessions being offered presented on Monday, March 30, at 2:00 Convention, visit www.iccfaconvention.
this year, you’ll be sure to return home with pm, by Samuel Perry of the Green Burial com. Don’t forget to book your room at the
many takeaways that you can implement in Council is one such example. You’ll walk host hotel, the Grand Hyatt San Antonio.
your deathcare business right away. away knowing how to help your families ICCFA attendees receive a discounted rate
One of the many takeaways you’ll return choose what’s best for them. of $234 a night.
home with is how to go about educating
your client families to help them make
choices that will align with their beliefs;
and, in doing so, you become a valuable
resource to whom they will return again
and again.
Official Notice: Annual Meeting of Members
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Members of the International
Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association will be held at the Henry B. González
Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas, on Tuesday, March 31, at 8:30 am, to
transact all business as properly comes before the membership, including the elec-
tion of directors for the ensuing year.

ICCFA Board Meeting

On Monday, March 30, from 8:30 am until 10:30 am, a meeting of the Board of
Directors will be held for such business as may properly come before the Board.

Quarter and Half Century Club

Those members who have become eligible for ICCFA Quarter Century Club or Half
Century Club membership will receive their certificates during the 2020 Annual
Convention, March 30–April 2, 2020. To be eligible, a member must have been
employed by an ICCFA member organization(s) for at least 25 (Quarter Century)
or 50 (Half Century) years (and the organization has maintained its membership
status throughout the 25 or 50 years). Those who consider themselves eligible should
promptly notify ICCFA to be assured recognition.
Samuel Perry

40 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Thank you To our 2020

AnnuAl Convention & exposition


answering Service for Forest Lawn Memorial-parks Mid-States recycling &

Directors (aSD) & Mortuaries refining

argent Trust Foundation partners Group a Mortuary Cooler by

assurant Funeral Directors Life
national Guardian Life
Batesville Gaffney Group Insurance Company

Biondan north america Global atlantic Financial noMIS publications, Inc.

Blackstone Cemetery park Lawn Corporation
Development Guerra & Gutierrez Mortuary
physicians Mutual
C&J Financial heritage Flower Co.
Cairn partners hillside Memorial park &
Mortuary precoa
Carriage Services
homesteaders Life Company professional Cemetery
Cherokee Casket Co. Services
Chosen payments Service Corporation
Inglewood park Cemetery International
Clearpoint Federal Bank &
Trust Inman Shipping Spring Grove Cemetery &
Coldspring Johnson Consulting Group
Core Scientific Legacy Funeral Group
Cypress Lawn Loveurns, LLC
The Tribute Companies
Davey Tree Madelyn Co.
Eckco products Matthews Environmental
Solutions Wilbert Funeral Services
Matthews Memorialization The Woodlawn Cemetery
Express Funeral Funding
Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

See Who’s Exhibiting at the

2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Expo
Exhibit Hall Hours:
Monday March 30: 4:00 pm–7:00 pm
Tuesday, March 31: 12:00 pm–5:00 pm
Wednesday, April 1: 10:00 am–1:00 pm

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

58 Funding Following up with families after the funeral is the
#1005 best way to strengthen relationships and build
Dixon Edwards has been involved in the funeral customer loyalty. The problem is most funeral
industry for a long time. He is a former starting directors just don’t have time. Aftercare.com is a
linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys’ three Super done-for-you program that uses a traditional card American Cemetery Supplies
Bowl teams and wore 58 throughout most of his program as well as text messaging to follow up #5076
career. Dixon brings that same winning attitude with your families, offer free expert grief support, American Cemetery Supplies is a full service
to at-need funeral financing. See what new and generate online reviews. source for Burial Vault, Cemetery, and Funeral
innovations Dixon brings and how he will improve Home companies of all sizes, supplying tents, tent
your cash flow. Also, see his three Lombardi accessories, and all essential deathcare industry
Trophies and super bowl ring. needs. As a team, we are committed to quality
products and customer satisfaction regularly
monitoring cost of goods along with overhead to
provide the lowest possible price in the industry.
A Mortuary Cooler by American Algordanza Memorial Diamonds
#3046/4041 #2020
American Mortuary Coolers & Equipment: The Algordanza memorial diamonds are as unique as
nation’s leader in mortuary refrigeration. you are. For more than 15 years, we have created
genuine diamonds from the carbon in cremated
Academy of Professional remains and hair. Algordanza guarantees the American Crematory Equipment Co.
Funeral Service Practice weight, cut, color, and carbon source of each me- #5009
#5118 morial diamond transformation. We pay you the American Crematory manufactures an extensive
The academy offers a vol- commission; it’s as simple as that! Stop by booth line of human and pet cremation equipment.
untary certification program #2020 for your retail brochures and take home a Our equipment has been engineered using our
for funeral directors who beautiful diamond display. vast knowledge and experience in the industry
are interested in earning the starting early in the 1960s. From conception to
professional designation of Certified Funeral Ser- completion, our equipment is designed with the
vice Practitioner (CFSP), the highest professional utmost integrity. We also pride ourselves in pro-
designation awarded in the funeral profession. viding the best service and repair following your
Information is available at www.apfsp.org. equipment purchase.
American Airlines
#1007 American
American Airlines offers customers 6,800 daily Pre-Arrangement
flights to more than 365 destinations in 61 coun- Services, Inc.
tries from its hubs. Suffering the loss of a loved #6112
AFP Horizon APASI’s Guaranteed
#4084 one is one of the most difficult and trying times in
life. Our specialists are available 24/7 to help you. Travel Assurance
AFP Horizon, serving the funeral profession Plan creates peace
with honesty and integrity since 1997. We offer Call 800-228-7878 (or 1-817-355-6712 if interna-
tional) or email us any time at tlc@aa.com to start of mind, because we
the best pre-need products to help your funeral do it all. Through our world-wide coverage, we
home, as well as digital, print & direct mail making arrangements.
provide assistance at time of need, eliminating
marketing programs designed for your area’s confusion and language barriers, managing doc-
demographics. Contact us today for a complete uments and transportation, no cap on expenses,
list of our services, or visit us at https://www. other than the cost of membership. Learn how
afphorizon.com. We will be happy to design a we can better your Pre-Need program at www.
plan specifically for you! APASIplan.com.

42 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

Atlantic Coast Life

Meet the key deci-
sion-makers of this
95-year-old pre-need
AP Lazer life insurance company,
The Bancorp Inc.
#5003 #2094
expanding its opera-
Meet the needs of today’s families and increase The Bancorp Inc. serves the unique needs of the
tions across the United
your market share with a laser machine. Create funeral industry nationwide by offering various
States. Learn firsthand about its innovative and
meaningful memorial keepsakes, custom en- financing options. Its subsidiary, The Bancorp
diverse pre-need product line and about how
graved urns, high-resolution photos on cremation Bank (member FDIC, equal housing lender), an
simple pre-need with Atlantic Coast Life can be!
memorials and custom engraved caskets. We SBA national preferred lender, a leading provider
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

Superior customer service, claims processing, and

offer a priceless business relationship with onsite of securities-backed lines of credit, and one of
multiple growth options to choose from. 1-843-
training, 24/7/365 U.S.-based tech support, and the few bank-owned commercial vehicle leasing
573-3045; www.atlanticcoastlife.com.
an unprecedented warranty. groups in the U.S. Contact: Teresa Carlson, VP
310.902.4050 or tcarlson@thebancorp.com.

We’ve been bringing clarity, simplicity, and insight
Armbruster Stageway #2022
to the Cemetery operations for 20 years, with
#3095 Bass-Mollett is celebrating its 65th year of
state-of-the art technology and solutions. Axiom
At Armbruster Stageway, we proudly build the supplying the funeral profession. Its mission is to
has all the tools to optimize your operations,
most elegant funeral cars in the industry today. provide customized solutions to funeral directors
assisting you to make informed decisions about
With our line of classically designed funeral using excellent quality, value, and service so that
your Cemetery’s strategic directions and future
coaches and our best-in-class limousines, our each family served may memorialize their loved
business planning. Axiom is your partner of
goal is to introduce you to a new standard of one with dignity. In its fourth generation of family
choice when it comes to effective and high-per-
excellence. With world-class customer service ownership, Bass-Mollett will continue to proudly
forming Cemetery management.
and our direct buying process, let Armbruster serve funeral directors for decades to come.
Stageway show you how buying a funeral car
should be.

Service for Directors
#2115 Axis Corporation
Behar Mapping
ASD blends state-of-
the-art technology with Since 1958, Axis Corp. has been manufactur-
Behar Mapping specializes in digital mapping
an extensive, six-month ing cemetery equipment, including: vault and
services for cemeteries, implementing GIS
training program focused monument handlers, the Axis self-propelled
(Geographic information Systems) using cloud-
on the funeral profession. dump trailer, our crane models and the Path-
based technology with the ability to integrate
The family-owned com- Track II (which gives you the most versatility in
with existing record management systems. A
pany’s custom-built communication systems and handling vaults/monuments). All Axis equipment
family-owned and operated business, Behar Map-
mobile tools were designed specifically to meet is one-man-operated, self-propelled, towable at
ping serves cemeteries across North America,
the needs of funeral homes. By offering directors highway speeds, and won’t track up grass.
providing in-ground mapping and above-ground
unmatched protection for their calls, ASD has
B&L Cremation 3D mapping of mausoleums.
redefined the role of an answering service for
Systems, Inc
funeral homes.
Biondan North
B&L Cremation Sys-
America Inc.
tems, Inc. is a world
From Ideas to Reality:
leader in the manu-
Biondan, leaders in inno-
facturing of human
vative, high-quality me-
and animal cremation
morialization. Come see
equipment. Our com-
Assurance Funeral Funding mitment to research
our glass-fronted niches,
#2036 space-saving Thin Niches, and full array of memo-
and development is unsurpassed. We are an
A Nationwide Insurance Assignment Funding rialization: lettering, emblems, vases, EZ Safety
American-based crematory company, and all of
Company assisting Funeral Homes with Insurance plaques and lights. See Kosmolux, our incredibly
our products & accessories are made in the USA
Verification and FUNDING. As Funeral Directors durable cast-marble art, designed to withstand
in our manufacturing plant in Largo, Florida. We
and Funeral Home Owners, we understand the the demanding North American environment.
set the standard that others attempt to follow.
need of processing insurance claims quickly and Always original—quality with integrity, since 1956.
accurately. www.AssuranceFuneralFunding.com; 1.877.290.6703; www.BiondanBronze.com.


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Carved in
Carved in Memory
takes a sample The Champion Co.
Bio-Response Solutions of a loved one’s #2034
#1010 handwriting—the The Champion Co. is the leading manufacturer
Our family-owned and operated company helps love note from a late focused exclusively on embalming solutions.
businesses add alkaline hydrolysis to the list of husband, a birthday With a full line of specialty embalming products
choices they offer families. Where it is available, card from a sibling or grandma’s famous pie for difficult cases as well as general embalming
over 80 percent of families choose water over recipe, or even hand or footprint—and creates products, Champion is the right choice for all
fire. We believe that people deserve to have this a 3D wood carving and jewelry. Our wood

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

your embalming needs. When you only have one
option available, and we have over 20 years of carving signs and urns are a unique design to be chance, choose the embalming solution experts—
alkaline hydrolysis experience to share. Our cus- displayed as home décor so the writing of a loved Champion. To learn more, call 1.800.328.0115 or
tomers love their equipment! 317.386.3500; www. one can be cherished as an heirloom forever. Our visit www.thechampioncompany.com.
bioresponsefuneral.com. jewelry ranges in style and elegance. Each piece
is handcrafted to replicate a loved one’s hand-
writing. Carved in Memory was the recipient of
the 2019 NFDA Innovative Product Award for our
carved wood sign line.
Chosen Payments
Blackstone Cemetery Development #1038
#4065 Chosen Payments is the most trusted credit card
Easy to work with, knowledgeable and profes- processor in the industry. We participate in all
sional in every way, Blackstone is a full-service Catholic Extension funeral industry events and have an understand-
cemetery development company specializing in #2057 ing of the needs of funeral care providers. Funeral
every scope of cremation garden master plan- Catholic Extension supports poor Americans payments program is dedicated to providing the
ning. On top of providing product, we have full building vibrant and transformative Catholic faith lowest cost, fastest funding solutions. We help
design, planning, construction and training teams communities. Our calendar sale profits go to improve cash flow while increasing profitability.
at your service, making us your go-to resource for Catholics living on the margins in 87 U.S. dioces- We provide check guarantee services.
cremation garden planning. es. Last year, through calendar sales, other pro-
grams and benefactors, we raised $25 MILLION in
support of those we serve.

Cemetery Funeral
C&J Financial Supply
#2100 #1125
As the leading provider of assignment funding in Cemetery Funeral Church & Chapel Metal Arts Inc.
Supply is a manufac- #1053
North America, C&J works with more than 3,000
turer and distributor Church & Chapel Metal Arts, serving the funeral
funeral homes funding 50,000+ funerals and
of products for the industry since 1933. We offer a complete line of
providing $375 million annually. Let us show you
deathcare industry. supplies to the funeral industry, including torch-
why nearly twice as many funeral homes choose
We continue to be a iere lamps, lecterns, kneelers, cremation urns and
C&J for their assignment funding needs and why
leader in the tent, funeral home, burial vault and many other products necessary to the delivery
many associations, accounting firms and industry
cemetery equipment market. The quality of our of funeral service. 2616 W. Grand Ave., Chicago,
leaders recommend C&J to their clients and
merchandise is superior to any and our prices are IL 60612; 773.489.3700; Fax: 773.489.3434; toll
members. www.CJF.com.
competitive. Our guarantee is complete customer free: 1.800.992.1234; Fax: 1.800.626.3299. Visit our
Carrier Mausoleums satisfaction. website: www.church-chapel.com; e-mail: info@
Construction church-chapel.com.
Offering the best in
mausoleums, niche
buildings, glass-front Cemetery360
niches, columbaria, #2109 CLAIMCHECK
Cemetery360 offers the ultimate sales platform #2062
cremation equipment and bronze accessories,
through immersive technology. Our 360-player CLAIMCHECK offers fast and reliable advance
we also build a legacy of quality, craftsmanship
allows you to showcase your business virtually payment on life insurance assignments. CLAIM-
and reliability. No matter the size of your project,
anywhere. Our fully integrated cemetery listing CHECK helps you get your cash flowing again,
we’ll handle it efficiently, elegantly and cost
service offers you the ability to manage available minimizes risk from lost assignments, and frees
effectively. For more information, visit us at booth
location listings with your team in real-time. Visit up your time to do more of what you love: serv-
#2114; 1.800.663.7954; info@cmc-carrier.com ;
us at www.CemLS.com and www.cemetery360. ing families in their time of need. To learn more,
com for further information. visit us online at www.claimchecknow.com.

44 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

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Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

ClearPoint Federal Bank & Trust Continental Computer

#3042 The Davey Tree Expert Co.
ClearPoint Federal Bank & Trust is a federally #3005
Recognized as the industry leader, Continental
chartered savings bank dedicated solely to the The Davey Tree Expert Co.’s 9,000 employ-
Computer provides superior products and service
funeral home and cemetery industry. Inde- ees provide diversified tree services, grounds
to the deathcare industry. The Directors Assistant
pendently owned and operated, ClearPoint has maintenance, and environmental consulting
is globally recognized as the premier funeral
provided funeral home and cemetery trust and services for the residential, utility, commercial
home management software package. This
related services since 1998, which are available in and government markets throughout the U.S. and
recognition has enabled Continental Computer

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

over 43 states and the District of Columbia. Visit Canada. Davey has provided proven solutions for
to establish TDAW as a recognized brand among
www.clearpointfederal.com to learn more. a growing world since 1880 and has been em-
deathcare professionals. www.continentalcom-
ployee-owned for 38 years. For more information,
call 954.303.3333 or visit www.davey.com.
The Davis Whitehall
Funeral Fund,
Coldspring Co.
#1107 #3052
Elegant, lasting memorials are just one way Davis Whitehall creates
Cooperative Funeral
Coldspring helps you take care of the families one-of-a-kind custom-
Fund, Inc. (CFF)
you serve. We offer a wide variety of products ized cremation urns.
is a pre-need and
and solutions, including: Bronze and granite Handcrafted in America,
cemetery care fund
memorials, columbariums, community and using domestic and
management company established in 1989 and
private mausoleums, cremation memorials, and exotic hardwoods,
designed especially for the deathcare industry
more. With Coldspring, you’ll find something for each urn is designed to
to manage the investment, accounting, compli-
every budget backed by unmatched expertise honor and memorialize the uniqueness of every
ance and payout. No start-up costs or account
and service. individual. “When preserving a memory, it must
minimums, free personalized agreement forms.
be perfect.”—Terry School, president of The Davis
Account info online 24/7. Claims are simple and
Whitehall Co. Contact us at 1.800.818.8414 or
payout is quick. www.CFFINC.com; 800-336-1102.
design@davis-whitehall.com. Visit our website at

Columbarium by Design
#5097 Core Scientific Design Mart
We Manufacture the Most Versatile and Profitable #4104 #1011
COMPLETELY MADE IN AMERICA niche system Core Scientific Precious Metals Recycling Design Mart celebrates 50 years of service to the
in the market. We Offer the Largest Capacity and program is committed to refining a wide range monument industry with a variety of prod-
Most Durable Niches in the Industry, the Only of non-organic, post-cremation materials and ucts and services that help funeral homes and
True In-Ground Niche in the Industry and the pacemakers. Visit us at booth #4104. cemeteries design and sell personal monuments,
Most Efficient and Lightweight Mausoleum Crypt including: Online Monument Designer, Online
Shelving System available. Sales and Consulting Custom Air Trays
Catalog, sales brochures, catalogs, CAD systems,
with Gerardo G. Garcia (505) 660-7819 / g.gar- #3103
custom design work, web sites, fonts, and pre-cut
cia@columbariumbydesign.com. Custom Air Trays is an
stencil. Please visit www.designmart.com.
industry leader in the
Columbian manufacturing and
Financial Group supplying of human
#6045 remains shipping
Columbian’s pre- containers. We have four locations that cover the
need program was entire country. We also carry an impressive line of
built around the leak-resistant cremation products. Our trays meet The Dodge Company
expertise of our valued funeral service associates. or exceed the various state safety requirements #1040
We know that simplicity and service are two for protective and leak-resistant containers. Come Dodge is the world’s largest manufacturer and
of the most important features of a successful by and see us at booth #3103. distributor of funeral home and cemetery sup-
program—that is what we provide. Our priority is plies. We offer a complete line of domestic and
turning your business around quickly and easily imported urns, vaults, and cremation supplies.
so that you can focus on your most important Dodge partners include Glass Remembrance,
priority—your clients. www.cfglife.com. Capture Bead Keepsakes and Dodge Portraits.
Our technology partner, CFS, provides revenue
generating websites for over 5,000 funeral
homes. Visit www.shop.dodgeco.com.

46 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

The traditional
customer isn’t
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Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Eagle Granite EverArk

#1004 #4125
Eagle owns and op- EverArk is a cemetery
erates several granite management software and
quarries and manufac- digital legacy app. It is the
tures memorials in 16 first integrated software
beautiful granite colors. that meets all the needs
Domanicare is the award-winning, text mes-
In addition, Eagle houses of cemeteries and its
sage-based aftercare and grief support program
a large inventory of customers—dashboards,
that allows you to take better care of your
popular import designs interactive plot mapping, inventory management,
families and generate online reviews for your
for faster delivery on invoicing, work orders, record management,
business; 97% of Domanicare-partnered funeral
many standard monuments. Large mausoleum eCommerce integration and a customer app with

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

homes are the highest-rated, most-reviewed
and columbarium designs are also hand-crafted augmented reality. It is an affordable, robust and
firms in their market. This strong online presence
in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. easy-to-use software that can be self-implement-
helps them strengthen relationships with existing
Call 1.888.357.8452 or visit our website at www. ed—get your free trial.
families and grow at-need volume.

Empower Sound
You can’t scream
compassionately, Everdays
and without sound, #3020
Donate Life America Everdays is modernizing conversations around
#5114 loved ones in the
back can’t hear. I know, you hate microphones. end of life with the first mobile platform that
Donate Life America is a nonprofit organization
Come see the amazing amp, your all-in-one, easy- empowers the surviving family and friends to
leading its national partners and recovery part-
to-use solution. Get one at no cost for 30 days. If support one another in a time of loss. Everdays
ners across the country to increase the number
it isn’t everything you hoped and dreamed, send puts funeral homes at the center of these conver-
of donated organs, eyes and tissue available to
it back. Love it? Keep it and we will bill you. info@ sations by building communities for each at-need
save and heal lives. DLA manages and promotes
empowersound.com; www.empowersound.com. family, creating trusted relationships to market
Donate Life, the national brand for donation;
preplanning and growing the home’s pre-need
motivates the public to register as donors; and Ensure-A-Seal sales.
works to remove barriers to donation. www. #2038
DonateLife.net. Ensure-A-Seal
Doric Products provides consis-
#2029 tently performing
Doric Products casket protection
products proven Express Funeral Funding
Inc. has been a #5050
leader in the vault to contain fluid and odor and greatly reduce
Express Funeral Funding is the “FASTEST.
industry since infestation. Our newest product, the Westminster
EASIEST” and largest privately held insurance
1955. Doric is com- Inflatable Lowering Device, is a single-use air bag
assignment funding company in the nation.
mitted to quality products and services. Products that provides the controlled lowering of a casket
We eliminate the challenges of working with
include concrete burial vaults, metal air seal into a Westminster crypt. Minimize risk and save
insurance companies by limiting administration,
vaults from classic metal vaults, and a full line of time by making below-ground entombments
providing immediate payment and advancing
cremation products. Call 1.888.55.DORIC or visit with confidence and dignity. 
complete policy funds. Since 2002, we have
us at www.doric-vaults.com to discover which of Eternity’s been providing funeral homes and cemeteries
our 130 dealers is closest to you. Touch nationwide with the ultimate funding experience.
Eagle Coach #5099 812.949.9011; Contact@expff.com; www.express-
Co. & Federal Eternity’s Touch, funeralfunding.com.
Coach Co. a family-owned
and operated personalized keepsake company Family Bronze
#4003 #1013
Eagle Coach since 2009, provides comfort to grieving families
Our growth has been
Co. & Federal by creating unique fingerprint keepsakes, with
based on word-of-mouth
Coach Co. are dedicated to producing the highest exceptional quality and service. Our exclusivity to
from one cemeterian to
quality professional vehicles, to reflect positively the funeral profession, coupled with our pioneer-
the next. We are praised
on the funeral homes that use them. Combining ing process that digitally captures, transfers, and
for stunning quality,
attractive styling and reliable construction with creates an exact replication of a person’s finger-
immediate response and
the most sought-after features, our specialty print makes us the premier fingerprint keepsake
consistent fair pricing.
vehicles are some of the best-selling models in partner. www.eternitystouch.com.
We are willing to take the extra step to help make
America. your customers more than satisfied with your
services and pass the word along to their friends
as well.

48 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

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Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Full-Circle Funeral
Aftercare Service
#1037 Foundation
Full-Circle After- #2025
Fenimore Asset Management care is a concierge The Funeral Ser-
#3113 service that helps vice Foundation
Providing investment management services to families navigate has helped the
cemeteries for more than four decades. Fenimore the complexities profession build meaningful relationships with
Asset Management, advisor to FAM Funds focus- of settling personal and estate matters after the families and communities since 1945. We fuel
es on capital preservation and long-term capital loss of a loved one. Most families take 14 months careers through scholarships, offer resources for
appreciation. We adhere to a distinct, time-test- to wrap up an estate. FCA clients are done on families via our Youth & Funerals Initiative, and
ed, consistent investment process. average in three weeks. FCA also introduces award grants to organizations that share our vi-

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

pre-need (70% interest on average), gets vital sion of improved end-of-life experiences. Explore
feedback and differentiates the funeral home. initiatives and opportunities at FuneralService-

Funeral Services
Flowers For Cemeteries Inc.
#3038 #2071
Flowers For Cemeteries, Inc. (Marietta, GA) – We Funeral Services
offer a full selection of beautiful silk flowers for Inc. (FSI) is a
ground vases, mausoleum vases, niche vases, Funeral Directors Life Insurance Company
pre-need and per-
monument saddles, holiday wreaths, holiday (FDLIC)
petual care trust record-keeping company that
trees, the patented Stay-In-The-Vase® Christmas #2065
provides trust solutions to funeral homes, ceme-
tree, and custom designs. No minimums—Free At Funeral Directors Life (FD), we understand
teries, associations and financial institutions. With
Brochures. We are the best in service, selection, that being a funeral director today is harder than
more than 40 years of experience, FSI offers ex-
and satisfaction! Come by and say hello to David ever, which is why we provide a one-stop-shop
pert knowledge of the funeral service profession
and Ruby at booth #3038. solution for every area of your business, from pre-
and web-based technology designed specifically
need, to at-need, and beyond. With FD, funeral
for pre-need and perpetual care programs. For
FORESIGHT directors are saving time, growing their business,
and increasing profitability in a rapidly changing
more information, visit www.fsitrust.com.
ROOSEVELT marketplace. Learn more at www.funeraldirec-
The Foresight Companies
Foresight Roosevelt Wealth Management
(FRWM) is revolutionizing holistic wealth Funeralocity
management for business owners. Many wealth #2009
managers provide inclusive planning, but only Funeralocity is the nation’s burial and cremation
advise clients on liquid wealth, which may pale Funeral Home Gifts provider comparison site. Undecided families turn
in comparison to the true value of their business. #6035 to Funeralocity to learn about all their local pro-
FRWM provides holistic resources for business Funeral Home Gifts is the premier provider of viders in one place. While all providers’ services
management, personal investments, asset pro- woven and printed Tribute Blankets, custom cap and prices are listed, our “excellence providers”
tection, succession & estate planning. panels, photo urns and personalization products enjoy higher ranking and more customization
to funeral homes worldwide. Delivered next day, features to help them get more business, higher
our products comfort families, generate reorders revenue, greater market share—all risk-free.
and provide vision to transition families from di-
rect cremation to personalized memorial services.
Call 1.800.233.0439 for a free sample for your
next service.
FT the Americas (Facultatieve #3039, 3001
Technologies) funeralOne is transforming how the world
#5061 honors life and deals with loss. We help funeral
Facultatieve Technologies, now known as FT the
Funeral Innovations professionals innovate, connect with their families
#1030 in new ways and become more profitable. Our
Americas, is your partner in providing cremation
Funeral Innovations is the leading provider of solutions include f1Connect, the profession’s
system equipment. Our innovations provide maxi-
digital marketing for funeral homes. We help you leading website platform, The Sympathy Store
mum energy and operational savings and most
build relationships with your community by syn- eCommerce plugin, Life Tributes Personalization
importantly, operator safety, providing recom-
chronizing your website, social media, SEO, and Software and more; 8,000 clients and counting.
mendations for “Total Cremation Solutions.” Our
email marketing to seamlessly deliver the right www.funeralOne.com; 1.800.798.2575.
customer care unit provides technical support
message at the right time. Our Growth Engine
and FT cremators are equipped with broadband
software allows 500+ firms and cemeteries to
connection for 24/7 technical.
connect with more families wherever they are on
life’s journey.

50 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Help Families Establish A Legacy That Will Last For

Introducing Legacy Estates™, a new family estate program
from the memorialization industry leader. As a full-service
manufacturer, Matthews Granite provides exceptional
craftsmanship and comprehensive support from initial
concept drawings through final installation. Matthews’
expert guidance, combined with an extensive project
portfolio, provides families inspiration to create a one-of-a-
kind tribute and helps cemeteries to sell more Legacy Estates.

Contact Matthews at LegacyEstates@matw.com to learn how to get started.

CP-7050-2020 © 2020 Matthews International Corporation, all rights reserved.
MATTHEWS® and MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL® are registered trademarks of Matthews International Corporation.
Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Garfield Refining Granville Urns

#5083 #2083
For over 125 years, Granville Urns,
Garfield Refining Co. a family-owned
Halcyon Death Care Management
has specialized in company, offers
providing recycling premium Italian
Halcyon provides management software for
and refining solutions wood inlaid urns and
crematories and funeral homes around the world.
for the dental, jewelry cremation products.
Our solutions are powerful and easy to use
and deathcare in- Each memorial is an individual work of art, hand-
allowing you to focus on serving your families.
dustries. With generations of satisfied customers made with single pieces of wood using a 60-step
Halcyon’s innovative Crematory Management
worldwide, Garfield has thrived in both bull and process. All pieces are individually numbered,
features human and pet cremation and aquama-
bear markets, providing a stable and reliable include a personalized brass nameplate and ship

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

tion capabilities for both trade and at-need. Visit
marketplace for the recycling and refining of immediately. Please stop by to see our new prod-
www.HalcyonDCMS.com or call 770.877.1158 to
scrap metals. Please visit our website for more ucts and visit us at www.granvilleurns.com.
arrange a free demonstration.
information. www.GarfieldRefining.com.

Great Western Insurance Company Hauck Enterprises Ltd.

Gather #2028 #1076
#2078 Great Western Insurance Co. is a pre-need For over 25 years, Hauck Enterprises has been
The Gather team has been working tirelessly for funding company founded by a fifth generation dedicated to consistently exceeding expectations
years to reimagine funeral home software. Our funeral home family. This funeral home back- in providing turn-key cemetery land care and
vision is to give funeral directors a world-class, ground provides the insight necessary for the burial services. As a single source provider, we
easy-to-use solution that helps both the funeral most effective policy design available. We bring offer unparalleled efficiency and industry exper-
home and the family. Gather makes the funeral pre-need products and marketing strategies to tise, while ensuring consistent alignment with our
director the hero by providing a joyful experi- your funeral home that will help mold your firm clients’ values that comes with the honor, respect
ence that consumers expect. It is unlike anything into the type of pre-need program and success and selfless service that is vital to our industry.
you’ve ever seen. you want and expect. www.gwic.com.
Heirloom Bible
G.H. Forbes Associates Publishers
Architects #3028
#3058 We have been a
Since 1967, G.H. Forbes Asso- leader in supply-
ciates Architects has provided Grever & Ward Inc. ing the deathcare
architectural, engineering and #3111 industry with the
planning services to a variety of Grever & Ward, Inc. is a design firm specializing highest quality Protestant and Catholic family
cemeteries, funeral homes and completely in cemetery planning. With over bibles for over 50 years. The gold-stamping ser-
other clients. The combination 4,000 cemetery projects completed since 1939, vice and valuable supplemental material provided
g.h. forbes of an intimate knowledge of the
associates deathcare industry coupled with we provide responsive services to all types of with every order will set your business apart in
cemeteries, including property reviews, master creating a treasured personalized keepsake for
an innovative, problem-solving design approach planning, site plans, section plans, cremation the families you serve. Visit us at www.heirloom-
has created numerous lasting and cost-effective garden design, space recovery programs, special bibles.com or call 1.800.676.2448.
facilities that enhance cemetery and funeral sales. features, landscape design, and sales mapping.
Find us at booth #3111.
GriefPlan w/Dr.
Only $2/Day!  Jason Troyer
Global Atlantic Financial Group #5112
#3015 For only $2/day, Heritage Flower Company
Through our subsidiaries, Global Atlantic offers Done for You! Dr. Troyer provides #2017
a broad range of retirement, life and reinsurance www.GriefPlan.com/funeral/
Facebook content A family-owned and operated company that has
products designed to help Americans customize that is posted for you. The content includes grief provided quality silk floral arrangements to the
a strategy for their protection, accumulation, in- support, Baby Boomer nostalgia, inspiration, ben- funeral industry since 1956. Our in-house produc-
come, wealth transfer and end-of-life needs. Our efits of preplanning, holidays, the value of funeral tion team prides itself on the quality and services
success is driven by a unique heritage, combining rituals, pet-related inspiration, requests for 5-star of our products. We have a vast array of beautiful
deep product and distribution knowledge with reviews, religious inspiration, and branded con- floral pieces including monument saddles, hearts,
investment management expertise and highly tent; 1 month free trial, no contracts, and no work vases, and Sympathy items. We conduct business
integrated risk management. for you. Visit www.GriefPlan.com/funeral/. nationwide and serve customers with pleasure.

52 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Visit Booth #3501 Next To The ICCFA Plaza

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Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Huntington National Bank

Huntington National Bank is a federally regulated, In Lieu Of Flowers
Homesteaders Life nationally chartered bank with a dedicated team #2118
#2004 of trust professionals that provide solutions for ILOF.com is a platform built to create a new
Homesteaders Life Co. is a national leader in deathcare professionals. Huntington serves the funeral tradition for today’s generation, In Lieu of
providing life insurance products and services funeral, crematory and cemetery industries as Flowers. Extended family and friends make online
to promote and support the funding of advance a trustee, depository, custodian, escrow agent, memorials and share memories with families that
funeral planning and end-of-life expenses. Our have experienced the loss of a loved one. Please

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

and investment manager. Contact Denise Stone
customers benefit from the support provided by at 866.737.4590 or FuneralAndCemeteryTrust@ stop by and learn how www.ilof.com can benefit
knowledgeable account executives, relationships huntington.com. your business and the families that you serve.
with America’s top-producing pre-need market- Changing the way of memorization.
ing organizations, superior customer service and
innovative business management tools. Rated
A-(excellent) by A.M. Best Co.
ICCFA Educational Foundation
#3088 IncredibleBank
The ICCFA Educational Foundation is a nonprofit #2070
501(c)(3) entity. The Foundation awards up to IncredibleBank is a small-business–focused bank
150 scholarships annually to attend the ICCFA offering boutique, white glove, lending services
“University” and DEAD Talks Focus on Success to entrepreneurs operating within the funeral
Conference. Our mission is to make education services industry. We provide financing for small
accessible to our profession’s future leaders. business owners, nationwide, assisting with the
purchase of a business, refinancing high interest
debt, succession planning, and capital support
expansion. Call now to speak with one of our

54 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

Innovations, Inc.
Since 1987, Infinite
Innovations has been
servicing the funeral Intera USA Johnson Consulting Group
car manufacturers. #1097 #3070
Our parts are already Founders of the cemetery grave-locater kiosk and Johnson Consulting Group is a funeral home and
on your funeral car, so if wear and tear happens, serving as the industry’s GIS mapping special- cemetery consulting firm specializing in mergers
and you need to replace a part, call us. We carry ists, Intera’s broad range of services continue and acquisitions, business valuations, bank lend-
casket rollers, bier pins, landau bars, windows, to evolve cemetery operations toward a more ing, accounting services, strategic planning, busi-
and moldings and much more. Save time and connected and secure future. Our award-winning ness performance analysis, business performance
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

money and buy direct! 800.362.6224. www. kiosk, management software, WEB and mobile improvement, customer survey/sales analysis
Infparts.com. applications have made Intera an ideal partner for program and incentive compensation programs.
America’s best cemeteries for over 25 years. Visit Contact us today at 1.888.250.7747 or visit us at
Ingram Construction us at www.intera.us. www.JohnsonConsulting.com.
Ingram Construction Co. Intuitive Solution Group Journeys End
Inc. specializes in mauso- #1067 #2054
leum and columbarium Intuitive Solution Group journeys end has
design and construction. (#1067 Enhancing the created single and
Since 1978, we have built prestige of funeral homes dual cavity keepsake
over 672 projects in 38 for 15 years. Portraits, Video urns, made of cast
states. We are a design/ Tributes, Marquees and pewter and made in the USA. Whether honoring
build firm with a staff consisting of engineers, Personalized Stationery. 8301 our veterans, showing the love symbolized by a
master planners, construction managers and NW 101 Terr. Suite 13 Kansas single rose, or selecting a style from our original
craftsmen who perform or direct every aspect of City, Missouri 64153 Phone: 816-255-2551 Email: core line, we provide dignified creative keepsakes
design and construction. We can be reached at Info@IntuitiveSolutionGroup.com. Web: www. to memorialize a loved one. Visit us to see our
1.800.346.3395 or 601.856.4906. IntuitiveSolutionGroup.com. complete line in booth #2054.


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

JST Architects
JST Architects spe-
cializes in the unique
requirements of the
funeral and cemetery KMI Columbaria Inc. LA ads—A MARKETING AGENCY
industry. Whether #2047 #2055
it is funeral home In 1999, KMI Columbaria invented the all-alumi- The RIGHT message compelling told CHANGES
design—which must num engineered niche system. Quality of the everything! We believe what you say and how
include special knowledge of funeral home oper- grade of aluminum and advanced designs set you say it matters above all else, regardless of
ations, preparation/dressing facilities, merchan- us apart. KMI columbarium gives you premium media, whether digital, social or traditional. At LA
dising center and reception centers or cemetery value that you can trust. Beauty and reliability. ads, our clients succeed because we’re focused

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

design including master planning, cremation facil- We invite you to see how a KMI columbarium on just one objective: growing their business
ity design and mausoleum design—JST Architects can easily fit within your available space, existing through identifying the most meaningful messag-
has the knowledge and experience to do the job. architecture and budget while providing an above ing and telling it powerfully, unforgettably. Give
average rate of return. us a call.

Keeper KNS, LLC—Aquaphalt Legacy Touch

#5107 #3054
Keeper is a digital memorialization solution for
Ideal for the many miles of cemetery roads. Legacy Touch creates superior custom Finger-
funeral professionals and cemeterians. Empower
Introducing the cutting-edge, eco-friendly answer print Jewelry and Keepsakes, bringing comfort to
families to contribute to their loved one’s online
to asphalt and concrete repairs—AQUAPHALT! families and residual revenue to partnering funer-
memorial, add images, videos, tributes, guest-
Originally created for speedy asphalt repair on al homes. Many Keepsakes can be shipped within
book, genealogy and more, directly on your
the Autobahn 25 years ago now in the U.S. since 24 hours, in time for funeral services, creating a
business website. Keeper’s suite includes online
2007. Convenient, easy, applicable year-round, touching moment for families as they pay tribute
memorials, interactive kiosks, website integration,
all-weather and PERMANENT. to their Loved Ones. Provide heartfelt Keepsakes
walk-to-grave mobile app, email marketing, gene-
while gaining a new revenue source, only through
alogy and more.
Legacy Touch.

Small Business Loan Experts

with Incredible Experience in
the Funeral Home Industry.
Home to the Exclusive
Concierge-Level Boutique Service

Stephanie Castagnier Dunn We offer the funeral industry a boutique

SBA President approach to small business lending where
our seasoned industry experts work closely
Contact Stephanie to get started today.
with you in a thoughtful, transparent and
highly communicative manner. We are
dedicated to offering loan solutions with a
Shane Pierson highly-skilled, nationally-acclaimed team that
Senior Vice President | SBA National Sales Manager has a minimum of 15 years of direct small
business lending experience.
Contact Shane to get started today.
805.551.7184 We promise your loan closings in less than 6
spierson@incrediblebank.com weeks with a complete package submission.

© 2019 IncredibleBank
All Rights Reserved.

56 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

Live Oak Bank Mausoleum

#2010 Supply Inc.
Live Oak Bank’s #1054
mission is to Matthews Environmental Solutions The Mausoleum
create a simple #3033 Protector (MP) is
and clear banking Matthews is the proven global leader in creating the most advanced
experience for better ways to run a crematory. With more than casket enclosure
business owners. Our team is dedicated to the fu- 5,000 installations on six continents, no one can available. MPs are
neral profession and your long-term success. We match our experience and expertise in helping engineered to withstand crypt temperature/cli-
are ready to help you with our customized loan cremation businesses succeed. Whether your mate changes, the major reason other enclosures
products for acquisitions, expansions, refinances, goal is to be more profitable, more productive fail. Lifting handles facilitate a safer entombment
inventory construction projects, working capital or more environmentally friendly, count on process. The clear upper cover provides a digni-
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

and more. Matthews for the tools and technology you need. fied presentation. Over 150,000 original and MP
www.MatthewsEnvironmental.com. units are in place. Visit www.mausoleumsupply.

McCleskey Mausoleums
Since 1961, McCleskey has
Mabrey Handcrafted Urns Matthews Memorialization been a trusted partner with
#3083 #3023
knowledgeable personnel
We hand craft personal memories daily. Hand- Matthews Memorialization is an industry leader
who have designed/con-
made in our woodshop in Chico, California, by with the most comprehensive suite of solutions
structed over 1,000 custom
craftsmen (and women), our urns are built with for cemeteries and funeral homes, including:
mausoleums in over 40
solid hardwoods and feature personal photogra- bronze and granite memorials and monuments,
states. As market condi-
phy, laser engraved personalization, exotic wood cremation memorialization, mausoleums, statu-
tions changed, McCleskey developed innovative
inlays and custom care. We’re proud of the high ary, the highest quality caskets, urns, memorial
concepts that better served clients, creating a
quality urns we produce the old-fashioned way, jewelry and stationery. Matthews offers programs,
personal approach that resulted in outstanding
one at a time in America by people who care. products and services designed to help you grow
repeat customers. McCleskey professionals are
your business and help families move from griev-
now ready to discuss your next project. Corporate
ing to remembrance. www.matw.com.
office: 1.800.622.5759.


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Memory Glass
McLean, Koehler, Sparks & Hammond #3080
#2098 Memory Glass, the original glass keepsake
MKS&H is a CPA firm specializing in accounting, company, remains the market leader since 2002.
Mekus Tanager
tax and business consulting for cemeteries, funer- Skilled artists create memorial keepsakes utilizing
al homes and their trust funds. Services include a small amount of cremated remains suspended
Mekus Tanager is an architecture, planning and
due diligence related to pre-need contract data within solid glass (soil or sand can also be used).
interior design firm serving the cemetery and
and investments, audits (entity, trust, excess-in- Fingerprints can be laser engraved directly onto
funeral home industry for over 35 years. We have
come), reviews, compilations, tax returns (entity/ any piece, creating a more uniquely personal
completed over 275 projects for cemeteries and

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

trust), tax planning, bookkeeping, cash flow man- memorial. Become a vendor by emailing info@
funeral homes across the U.S. and internationally,
agement and merger and acquisition reporting. memoryglass.com or call 1.866.488.4554.
and have developed innovative concepts to ac-
Contact us at 1.866.649.1903 or www.mksh.com. complish our clients’ goals. Our professionals are
ready to discuss your next project. 312.661.0778;
www.mekustanager.com; info@mekustanager.
Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC
The Mercedes-Benz Corporate Sales Program
Memoriams extends a full incentive offering (from $1,000 to
#2018 $8,000) to companies with three or more vehi-
Memoriams is a free service that allows you to cles that utilize their own source of funding. This
place obituaries in thousands of newspapers in upfront savings, combined with a very strong and
North America. You can immediately see the competitive back-end residual, provides an ex-
price, send a proof to the family and submit and tremely competitive total cost of ownership. For
pay in one simple process. Designed with funeral more information, visit www.mbusa.com/fleet.
directors and newspapers, Memoriams allows you
to focus on the families you serve.

58 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

Mid-States Recycling
Mid-States Recycling is the
Merendino Cemetery Care industry leading precious
#5072 metal recycler dating back
Merendino Cemetery Care continues to offer out- to1982. You are invited to
sourcing, cremation gardens, niche installation, visit our 19,000 square- National Funeral Directors Association
master plan development and construction. foot, EPA-permitted facility #2076
to witness the processing National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) is
of your metallic recyclables the leading and largest funeral director associa-
from start to finish with our open-door policy. We tion in the world. NFDA is the strongest advocate
offer free collection containers as well as insured for the funeral service profession. We offer
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

shipping options. Stop by booth #2027 or visit us comprehensive educational resources and access
Messenger @ www.cremationrecycling.com. to the largest network of funeral service experts.
#4049 Join us in New Orleans, LA, October 18-21, 2020,
Messenger has served the funeral industry since for the NFDA International Convention & Expo.
1913, and is the leading manufacturer of funeral Visit www.nfda.org.
stationery products including register books,
service folders, acknowledgments, prayer cards, Nelson Granite
and laminated bookmarks. We offer technology #1082
solutions, and leading personalization solutions Nelson Granite is
in our Make It! Personal printing software and the a fifth-generation
new Signature Service and Remembering With family-owned business,
Love programs. specializing in 100%
granite memorial and
landscaping products. We are the largest quarrier
and manufacturer of memorial products in Cana-
da and one of the largest in North America.

Triple H Company
P.O. Box 5790
Ventura, CA 93005-0790
Triple H
r (805) 650-6944 (800) 252-3444 Company
Fax (805) 650-6444
Cemetery, Crematory and Mausoleum Supply Since 1950
Cremation Design
Rollers Design

Peace White
Antique Gold
Excellent for
Cremation Vases
Gray Granite Green Velour
Lined • Tongue Identification Discs
Committal Services
and Groove • Solid Jewelers Bronze
INFANT & CHILD • Gold, Oxidized and Nickel Finishes
32, 78 &125 Cubic In.
Plastic Urn White
Oversized Solid Gray Granite texture
inside and out for Consistent
9” x 13” x 14.5” Appearance
AUTh feature the exclusive
Green and Gold Triple H Company Logo Floral Plastic Mausoleum
Lawn Vases Vases and Holders
Original Hi-Impact Plastic SHEET BRONZE URNS
Resists UV Discoloration
5 Sizes – Dozens of Styles
‘utility urns’ ®
Vase Lifters for
All Manufacturers
TO ALL NEEDS Dozens of Options Vases
Triple H Company Original Hi-Impact Plastic ®
Exclusive Originals Urns and Vases ‘utility urns’ ®
Plastic Mausoleum Vases


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Noble Metals Northeast

Solutions Mausoleum
#6047 #1080
Noble Metal Solu- Northeast Mausoleum
tions is an indus- is a full service general
OpusXenta provides Funeral Home, Ceme-
trial refiner serving contractor specializing
tery and Crematorium software solutions. Our
the deathcare in the cemetery industry, with over a combined
advanced technology empowers our clients to
profession by applying accurate and transparent fifty years in the industry. Northeast Mausoleum
reduce admin, increase productivity, and drive
refining procedures for post-cremation metals. has the experience and expertise to handle all
revenue with higher profit. We offer complete
Noble has an open-door policy and provides free your construction needs, from a small cremation
end-to-end solutions, including Sales and CRM,
collection containers and shipping labels. Noble wall to a complete design build chapel mausole-
Financials, Mapping, Cemetery and Funeral Home
handles recycling with the same dignity and um. We are a service-oriented company whose

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

management. www.opusxenta.com.
respect that funeral homes already demonstrate goal is to build long term relationships.
to decedents and their families. 
NUTRON Outdoor
Nomis Signs & Markers
Publications #1021
#1084 Manufacturer of ceme-
Parting Pro
Nomis Publications tery signage designed
Parting Pro is the #1 all-in-one software that helps
Inc. publishes the in coordination with
funeral homes grow their cremation business. In-
most widely circulat- industry executives, legal
novative funeral homes are making more money
ed media for the funeral and cemetery industries. and communication
with less staff. Families who expect a modern,
Annual publications include the Funeral Home experts. Let us show
yet dignified, provider choose Parting Pro funeral
& Cemetery Directory and Buyer’s Guide, and you the benefits of our
homes. “Traditional” is changing. Are you keeping
Funeral Home & Cemetery News, a trade newspa- premise liability, entrance
up? Visit www.PartingPro.com or email at hello@
per, is published monthly. and wayfinding products. Professional, durable,
colorful, cost effective, easily maintained. Made
in U.S.A. Member: CCA, ICCFA, ANSI. Toll free:
1.888.737.5052. Visit our booth or online, www.

with Keeper’s Suite
of Digital
Memorialization Tools
• Online Memorials
• Walk-to-Grave App
• Kiosks, and More!

Visit us at booth
#1099 1-844-970-7900
at the

60 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

Passages PETS LLC

International, Inc #1095
#2053 PETS LLC provides
Passages has been a proven online
at the forefront of tracking software
the rapidly evolving Pet Loss Professionals Alliance that electronically tracks every individual
funeral industry since 1999. Focused on creating #3062 pet and offers an established methodology for
sustainable product lines and solutions to The Pet Loss Professionals Alliance’s (PLPA) business. Bringing a new standard to the industry,
exceed the demands of families, we help funeral mission is to be an educational and profession- this software helps pet cremation companies
professionals navigate the changing market to al resource to its members. The membership, improve customer satisfaction, increase sales,
remain profitable by offering alternative urns and including pet loss suppliers and pet deathcare streamline the implementation of business ser-
caskets that better align with the needs of today’s facility operators, is dedicated to the respectful vices and establish credibility with new clientele.
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

families. and dignified treatment of those pets entrusted Visit www.trustedpetcremation.com.

to them. They will do this through the creation of
programs to profitably meet the changing needs Physicians
of the pet deathcare industry and our process Mutual
partners in the areas of cemeteries, crematories, #6021
Passare and pet loss facilities, as well as the creation of Innovative prod-
#2063 standards to willfully meet the expectations of ucts, proven solu-
Without effective funeral home software, your the families they serve. Visit www.myplpa.com. tions: That’s what
business suffers, your staff gets frustrated, and you’ll get when you join the Physicians Mutual
your families don’t get the care they deserve. To family. Through our collaboration with Precoa,
help you stay ahead of the curve, Passare offers with its comprehensive ProActive Preneed sys-
the funeral profession’s only collaboration soft- tem, we provide funeral home owners with real
ware. Start saving time, streamlining processes, results and top-of-the-line products. Let us help
and enhancing your service to families today with you grow, maximize and protect your pre-need
Passare. For a free demo, visit www.passare.com. business. Call us today at 1.800.974.1802 or visit

Let us show you how a great preneed program can grow
your business and your profits too! Our lead generation
programs and experienced support team could be just
what you need to bring your business to a new level.
Let SNL show you a better way.
Visit us at ICCFA Booth #2099


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Institute of
Pierce Chemical Polyguard & Co continues its industry leading
In its 80th year, the
#3004 product innovation for Polymer burial products.
Pittsburgh Institute
“Pierce started in 1935 in Dallas. Pierce continues We are pleased to announce the release of the
of Mortuary Science (PIMS), recognized as a
to manufacture its own line of fluids in Dallas all new “Maximus eco crypt” providing all the
“Top 25 Career School” in the country by Forbes
along with Duotronic embalming machines, benefits of lightweight containers, combined with
Magazine, continues to prepare students for the
aspirators, water control units and 1,800 other the strength of steel and concrete burial vaults.
challenges they will encounter in contemporary
supplies and products. For more information, Visit booth #5071 to view the future of burial
funeral service. With core values of diversity,

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

visit www.piercedirect.com and follow us on containers. See you in San Antonio!
integrity, and kindness, PIMS provides an ethical
Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. and inclusive learning environment, online or on Precious Memories
Pierce Mortuary campus, for all. #1078
Schools Precious Memories is a
#3090 family owned and operated
Comprehensive U.S. registered jewelry
funeral service manufacturer, making fine
education positioning
PlotBox Inc. jewelry for over 40 years.
#3016 All of our prices are fixed
graduates for successful careers while providing
PlotBox is the international deathcare manage- and all displays, brochures,
employers with thoroughly prepared individu-
ment solution that facilitates cemeteries in oper- and order forms are at no
als. On-campus and online curriculum includes
ating to world-class standards through integrated cost. Offer your families a
Associate of Applied Science, Bachelor of Science
software and georectified mapping modules. The quality keepsake to help
in Funeral Service Management, Funeral Director
number and scope of problems this innovation them cherish the memory of their loved ones. Call
Certificates and more. Colleges in Dallas, TX,
solves revolutionizes the way deathcare facilities for your free start-up kit today: 1-800-774-0306.
Atlanta, GA, and Jeffersonville, IN.
both operate and grow.

Mom wanted a casket,

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62 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

Ready Capital
Precoa #2060
#4019 Ready Capital is a national direct lender that specializes in providing customized loan structures for
At Precoa, we’re different. We believe a pre-need veterinary practices. Our focus is to help veterinarians grow their practices and increasing cash flow.
partner should be committed to your success, We provide financing for practice acquisitions, real estate acquisitions and debt consolidations. Our
which is why the entire program rests on our team of lending specialists have developed a streamlined lending process. Call today to learn more.
shoulders. Lead generation, appointment setting, www.readycapital.com; 1.888.987.2001
sales, management—Precoa handles it all. With a
system proven to expand market share, we prom-
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

ise to 2X your pre-need and sustain your funeral

home’s growth. Learn more at Precoa.com.

Progressive Environmental Services

With over 40 years of experience in the precious
metal refining industry, Progressive Environ-
mental is an industry leader in the recycling of
post-cremation metallic implants and dental
alloys, while doing so in a transparent, ethical and
environmentally conscious manner.

PSM—The Picture
Specialist for
psmportraits.com 866-810-9500
Honesty, transpar-
ency and commitment to your satisfaction and
success have been our guiding values for more
than 30 years. PSM proudly offers the biggest
selection of memorial portraits in the industry.
Ceramic, Slim-Enameled Steel, Dedo Classic,
Ceracut, Cast-Bronze Frames and more for
people and pets. Proven quality and outstanding
customer service makes us the choice you won’t

Quick and Simple

Quick and Simple Imports
is a direct importer with an
extensive network of manu-
facturers around the world.
We specialize in sourcing
both custom and standard
products, helping our customers enhance their
product lines and place themselves above the
rest in a competitive industry. Our knowledge
and experience can optimize your supply chain
and ultimately improve your bottom line. info@

(267) 535 - 1490 or (267) 348 - 5059

46 West Ferry Street, New Hope, PA


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Sauder Funeral Security National

Products Life
#2064 #2099
Resomation America In 2007, we We provide life
#2120 applied 85 years insurance and annuity
Resomation—also known as water cremation– is of furniture man- products to fund pre-
the new alternative to flame cremation and burial. ufacturing expertise to create a line of beautiful arranged and prepaid
Using water instead of flame, this new end-of-life high-quality caskets with incredible value that funerals. We believe the
option offers people a gentler, more environmen- cost less to produce, for burial or cremation. pre-need industry is as service-oriented as our
tally friendly alternative for their funeral arrange- You don’t have to sacrifice profit to succeed funeral home client base. Our goal is providing
ments as well as more choice. Resomation Ltd is in a changing market. Sauder: America’s Best client relationships with competitive pre-need
the company behind this innovation in the funeral Engineered Wood Caskets. 866.419.3010, www. products and services. Our strategy is educating

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

industry. To find out more visit our website. sauderfuneralproducts.com. clients on how our service approach to marketing
increases their ability to serve families.
Rolzur TLP
in under- SecuriGene DNA Labs
ground #3107 SEP Technologies, Inc.
solutions. DNA is lost forever after cremation or burial, so #2084
Led by Arik Glazer, an underground works inno- it is important for families to make an informed SEP Technologies is a manufacturer of special-
vator, Rolzur develops dedicated projects such decision about DNA preservation before it is too ized LED lighting products for columbarium and
as reviving burial in tunnels. The “underground late. SecuriGene’s post-mortem DNA services are mausoleum. We offer a full range of LED Lights
cemetery in Jerusalem” brings back the concept available in over 3,200 funeral homes world- bulbs replacement available on the market.
of burial in tunnels and features 23,000 burial lots wide, and rapidly growing to become one of the RELAMPING is made much easier with our DO IT
underneath an existing “full cemetery.” When a most popular & innovative memorial options for YOURSELF kits and instruction. Engineered and
lack of burial space is a problem—Rolzur is the families. 100% free to join. Learn more at www. made in North America. Come visit us at booth
solution. SecuriGene.com/video. #2084 to learn more about our products.

Brass Cremation Urns

LOVEURNS.COM Silver 925 Ashes Jewelry

CANA_HP_APR2019.indd 1 23/04/19 8:17 PM

64 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com
March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

ShivaShade Skyways Media #5089
#2035 #4035 Strassacker
ShivaShade eco-friendly products made in U.S.A.: Skyways Media is the leading supplier of individu- Bronze America
Absorb-It (for purging), Blood BeGone soap ally designed funeral planning guides. Our guides represents 100 years of high quality bronze cast-
(removes dried blood, makeup and fingerprint are an invaluable resource for your community ing. The fourth-generation family-owned foundry
ink), Very Berry or Lavendar (room deodorizer to and are an excellent marketing tool for your busi- in Germany proudly commits to creativity,
neutralize de-com). Gel caps for coolers. Biomint ness. The most interesting fact, however, is that craftsmanship and customer service. Incorporat-
used for viewing, shipping and cremations. they are free to your business. That’s right, no ing bronze, stainless steel and aluminum in the
innovative design of Sacred Art, Strassacker’s
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

Suture BeGone adhesive bonds skin or cranium cost. Come and see us and find out more. www.
(dries clear; put makeup over it). BodySealer, a skyways-media.com; 1.646.810.5748. product line offers endless possibilities. For more
hermetically sealed biocontainment pouch. information, please visit our online shop at www.
SinoSource has proudly
been serving the funeral in- SCCFA—Southern Cemetery Cremation &
dustry since 1994. We take Funeral Association
pride in our high standards #2096
of quality and personalized We cherish our Southern traditions while being
service, supplying a line focused on the future. The SCCFA serves our
of products including cremation urns, caskets members through enhancing our profession, net-
and memorial items. We fully stand behind our working and educational programs. We invite you
products, and are confident to serve funeral to come by our booth, as well as joining us on June
professionals with an exceptional selection of 28–30, 2020, at our annual convention at the Hyatt
merchandise at the best value. Regency Atlanta. “Life’s Short, Be Southern.”




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Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Sunset Memorial
& Stone
Sunset is an
custom columbar- TadBlu USA
ium manufacturer. #6027
The System University & LeadTrak TadBlu Memorial Jewelry is presenting a new and
Raising the bar in industry standards, Sunset is
#3051 modern, high quality collection to cherish the
recognized for its innovative engineering, skilled
ICCFA’s The System University offers complete memories of one’s loved one forever. Key words
craftsmanship and producing custom columbaria
pre-need training for your company, with all the are: patented designs—bigger filling space/
at a competitive price. Sextons appreciate our
tools you need to make the sale. TSU has dozens ease—mens bracelets! Designed and produced in
100 percent granite exteriors, simplified granite

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

of interactive online sales courses with compan- Europe, TadBlu jewelry is available in nine coun-
door system, “key locked” inner aluminum
ion online written modules, and all the materials tries in Europe and Australia. To serve the North
security door, distinctive Ascension model and
you need to meet with families in our Pre-Need American Funeral Homes, TadBlu USA is now also
aluminum/nylene advantage. www.sunsetstone.
Superstore. Plus, LeadTrak is our Funeral and based in Chicago.
com; 1.800.363.3393.
Cemetery CRM. Learn more at www.thesystemu-

Tecstone Granite
For over 30 years, Tecstone has been a leading
provider of granite memorials, columbaria, mau-
solea and artistic lawn features to America’s top
retail memorialists and cemeteries. From simple
flush markers to towering obelisks, we not only
provide granite—we help you sell it! For more
information, please call us at 1.800.562.0777 or
visit www.tecstonegranite.com.

TERRAVAS . . . Cemetery Flower Vases & Re-

BEST CHOICE FOR RECYCLING placements. The IONIC Vase: the best bronze
replacement vase in the world! High quality

POST-CREMATION METALS! injection molded & embossed vase replicas. Full

UV protection resists deterioration, extreme
temperatures and impact resistant. Color incor-
porated throughout material. Wholesale prices.
fre e
ba & Visit: https://www.terravas.com. Contact: (831)
Gra Glass t! 444-5915 or sales@terravas.com.
i n e ke
Visit us at W k Tic
r i n
the Annual
Convention in
San Antonio! Thumbies, Inc.
BOOTH 537 Seeing is believing—touching is transformative!
Thumbies®—the print keepsake originators—leads
the way in hand-crafted, highest-quality print
keepsakes, many of which incorporate cremated
remains. Come experience our latest innovative
products, unavailable from any other vendor, and
learn about our unmatched custom capabilities!
CALL US TODAY! Help families celebrate their loved ones (and
pets)! www.thumbies.com.
MELISSA POLIS Business Development GarfieldRefining.com/Crematory
Sales Director

66 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Tile Artisans
Tile Artisans, a Florida-based company, is one of
America’s largest providers of memorial portraits
in porcelain and steel. The company has recently
introduced granite urns and flat markers. The
company is the leading fabricator of sacred art
murals, art in public places murals and histor-
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

ical murals in porcelain tile or hand-cut glass

mosaic. 1.800.601.4199; memorials@tileartisans.
com; www.artisanmemorialportraits.com; www.

Tillamook Rock Lighthouse Columbarium

Famous Oregon Lighthouse Columbarium
without a sales license, which can hold 300,000
cremains, seeking industry partners for its
fundraising projects to restore Lighthouse and
Support Keepersofthewild.org via manufacturing
the First Titanium Urns in the World. Our Project
is to make money, do good and have fun. Inquire
to join us for this worthy and lucrative venture.

th e ultimate in
The TribuCast™ Remote Attendance System™ is
an easy-to-use private, personalized and portable
pay-per-use system that enables families and
loved ones to attend funeral and memorial
services remotely; 9 out of 10 services have loved
ones who are unable to attend. When they can’t

be there in person, help them be there with
TribuCast. To learn more, call us at 800-782-0104
or visit www.TribuCast.com.
A state-of-the-art casket
The Tribute enclosure for your
Your success begins
with Tribute. For
over 40 years,
our company has PATENT 6,253,503
provided cemeteries with quality solutions to
meet their management and development needs.

Our divisions include: cemetery professionals TM
offering generations of experience; design and
construction creating value through custom-build
services; precast products, mausoleum crypts, A low-cost “insurance”
cremation niches, lawn crypts and burial vaults. for your mausoleum
Contact us for your quality solution. 262.367.9991;
VKM International Inc.
CALL: 800.886.2417 • FAX: 352-861-2473


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Trigard Vaults, Unity Financial

Memorials & Life Insurance
Cremation #6092
#3076 Unity Financial
Trigard is fami- Life in Cincinnati
ly-owned and has over 40 years of experience Tukios has been serving
in the manufacturing, funeral and cemetery #6049 families since 1964. We are a family owned and
industries, making them industry experts. Trigard Tukios is the largest tribute video software in the operated business. We offer pre-need insurance
manufactures burial vaults, bronze memorials and industry. Thousands of funeral homes create a and irrevocable funeral trust products. Value
provides innovative funeral and cemetery solu- video in less than 10 minutes. Sick of scanning added services include: Unity Funding Company,
tions. Partner with Trigard for custom literature, photos and burning DVDs? Stop by and see how Unity Rewards, Marketing Services, Funeral Home
free wall graphics, digital sales tools, continuing to save time and money. Tukios is also seamlessly Lending Program, Child Grandchild and Great

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

education opportunities, sales training and more. integrated with Batesville, Messenger, CFS, Funer- Grandchild Protection Program and Guaranteed
al Innovations, FuneralTech, Bass-Mollett, MKJ, Travel Assurance.
LeapTie, Tributes, and Keepr.
UPD Urns
UPD Urns offers
cremation urns, jew-
elry and memorials
to funeral homes
and cemeteries
worldwide. UPD Urns was founded 17 years ago,
and greatly values integrity and service to their
customers. Alongside offering bestselling urns,
UPD Urns focuses on having a unique collection
to cater to the ever-changing needs of crema-
tion. UPD Urns has offices in Dallas, Texas, and
Manassas, Virginia.

U.S. Cremation Equipment

A manufacturer of high-quality human and pet
cremation systems specifically designed for the
demands of your business. Our company also of-
fers a full range of services related to the zoning,
permitting, installation, operation and service of
our cremation equipment. We also offer a com-
plete line of urns and memorial products. We look
forward to meeting you. Enjoy the conference!

Since 1967, U.S. Metalcraft has been manufac-
turing memorial flower vases in its facility in
Delphos, Ohio. All vases can be mounted to an
upright memorial by any of our four fasteners,
or available in a lawn/flush ground system. To
see our complete product line including urns,
memorial light, etc., visit us at www.usmetalcraft.
com. We’re standing by to answer any questions,
call 800.633.1190.

Call/email to request your complimentary sample!


Dedicated and focused, Bill’s
knowledge and experience of the
death care industry provides you
with value added services, enabling
you to focus on what truly matters
in such challenging times.

Bill Newman, CPA


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Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

UTERNEL conceives and
creates funerary monuments
to honour the memory of Vision Engraving & Routing Systems
Vantage Products Corp #2061
loved ones with its memory
boxes. Our personalized Made in the USA since 1983, Vision Engraving &
Vantage Products Corp. is a premier manufac-
funerary urns can be fixed Routing Systems is the largest engraving ma-
turer and provider of a wide range of funeral and
to all tombstones. They can chines manufacturer in North America. Offering
death care interment products.
be accompanied by a personalized memory box, best in class pricing, Vision’s low-maintenance
in which precious souvenirs can be placed, a machines give you an in-house solution to your
discreet keepsake that can be kept close to you. memorial engraving needs. Engrave Plaques,

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

Please contact us: contact@uternel.com. Plates, Tags, Urns, Memorial Stones, Wood &
more! Visit Vision at the ICCFA Convention Booth
#2061 or at www.visionengravers.com.

Visit booth
WebCE / FuneralCE
WebCE, formerly FuneralCE, offers a large
selection of online state-approved continuing ed-
ucation courses for funeral service professionals.
Our courses cover state-specific requirements as
well as specialty topics like communications, pro-
fessional development, and specialized services.
Insurance CE and multi-state ordering options are
also available.

Private Personalized ·
Portable Pay-per-use webCemeteries
www.tribucast.com Raise the bar for your family service with our tier
TribuCast@LIVECLOUDTV.com one cloud-based solutions for cemetery records
(800) 782 - 0104 management, marketing and sales. Our award
winning software includes contracts, mapping,
online burial search, memorial pages, enter-
prise sale app and more. We can convert your
electronic records and/or come on-site to scan
your paper documents. Stop by to see our new
electronic contracts module!

Wilbert Funeral Service

The Wilbert Group offers diverse products and
services, including burial vaults and cremation
products through the Wilbert Funeral Services
network of licensees; Pierce chemicals and
related supplies; Signet Supply caskets; granite
products through Wilbert Cemetery Construction;
monuments through Wilbert Memorials; and fu-
neral service education through Pierce Colleges.
Commemorating life with respect is the essence
of what we do. Visit www.wilbert.com.

70 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com


Want the only service team that knows your Matthews cremator from the inside out?
You’re in the right place. More than 30 people strong, with more than 400 combined
years of experience – we’re the only team that can fix your high-tech Matthews cremator
the same way it was built.


Now we’re better and faster than ever, with more people and resources to keep your cremation business going strong.
With new leaders, tools and technology we’ve cut the lead time for our service jobs by up to 75%. We’ve invested
more than $1 million to make sure we deliver a world-class service experience every time you call.


Our new national
network of service
If you haven’t tried our team lately then you’re in
for an extra bonus. From now through June 30, * hubs keeps people
tools and technology
when our team does any major repair, we’ll close at hand, so our
throw in a $250 credit for our online technicians spend
Cremation Marketplace. Use it for urns, less time in the air
supplies, parts or anything else you need to
run your cremation business. ** and more time on
your job.

*Some restrictions apply. See our website for full details:
matthewsenvironmentalsolutions.com/service Additional Locations Coming in 2020

Withum is a full-service public accounting and consulting firm serving
private and publicly-held companies, with specialized support to more than
a dozen major industry sectors, including deathcare services. The team of
1,200+ staff across 14 offices brings a unique level of quality to every client
engagement, providing greater assurance, increased profitability and long-
term growth.

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

Xiamen Olympia Stone Co., Ltd.
Olympia Stone is a leading manufacturer and supplier of public monuments
and memorials with a family-owned factory located in Xiamen, China. We
offer a wide variety of standard and custom designed monuments, grass
markers, slants and bevels, benches, statues, vases, columbariums, and mau-
soleums. Welcome to contact us at mail@theolympiastone.com.

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ing the tax consequences of their investment activities. Investment return and principal will fluctuate, so that a client’s initial investment
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72 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

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Preneed and cemetery trust records,
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Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

And the Award Goes to the

‘Rock Star of Requiems!’
Robert Boetticher, Sr. Receives the Lasting Impact Award
by Susan Cushing

hen presidents, heads of state, titans of business, or adored celebrities are laid

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

to rest, they call upon a heavyweight—a proven leader within the deathcare
industry who respects and honors the profession and the people it serves. They
call upon Robert Boetticher, Sr. It is a true indication of the trust and respect this man has
earned over the course of his vast and varied 55-year career.

This year, Bob is being formally recog- erously points out that none of these events
nized as a rock star of this industry with the could have been staged successfully without
ICCFA Educational Foundation’s Lasting the help and contributions of “many fine
Impact Award. Created in order to rec- funeral directors from across the country.”
ognize those individuals who have made school, Bob decided to visit various funeral
significant contributions to furthering pro- Cars and Caskets homes in hopes of landing a job.
fessional development and lifelong learning Ironically, Bob was not originally drawn to “Of course, I had no experience,” he says.
in the funeral, cemetery, and cremation his chosen profession in a way one might “So, not surprisingly I met with one rejec-
profession, this prestigious award will be expect. That is to say, many in the funeral tion after another.” Finally, the last funeral
presented to Bob at the foundation’s recep- business are prompted by an emotional home he approached gave him a chance.
tion scheduled during the ICCFA Annual epiphany or scientific interest. For him, it But his initial experience was not what he’d
Convention & Expo on Tuesday, March 31. was the lure of classic cars. expected.
“I was surprised, humbled, and incred-
ibly honored to have been selected by my
peers,” says Bob. A professional whose repu-
“If it wasn’t for my father, I wouldn’t be in the funeral
tation and career are esteemed worldwide, business. I think I’ve strived very hard to show my
Bob is probably best known for planning
and implementing memorial services for parents that I could do this, that I’m good at this.”
notables, including Presidents George H. —Robert Boetticher, Sr.
W. Bush, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan,
as well as First Ladies Nancy Reagan, Betty
Ford, and Lady Bird Johnson. “When I was a kid, I used to go to the lo- “I went on my very first removal and I
Other well-known figures for whom Bob cal movie theater and sneak out early to walk came back, and the more I thought about
has had the pleasure of serving during their down the alley to where there was the Kings­ it, I made myself sick,” he says. “So, I called
time of need: U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, ley Gates funeral home because Mr. Gates my parents and said, ‘This is not for me.’ My
Admiral James Stockdale, Reverend Billy kept antique cars in his garage,” Bob recalls. dad said, ‘He was the only one that would
Graham, Eunice Kennedy Shriver (sister to “Of course, I’d have to get back to the theater hire you and this is the way you pay him
JFK), journalist Tim Russert, author Tom before my mother came to pick me up.” back? This is just another example of some-
Clancy, television celebrity Merv Griffin, This tenuous tie to the funeral business thing you started but never completed.’”
actresses Farah Fawcett and Anna Nicole was somewhat validated later, when while Bob remembers how angry he was at his
Smith, NBA player Moses Malone, and attending a private boarding school in father’s words. “He really made me mad.”
MLB pitcher Jose Fernandez. Carlsbad, CA, Bob took an aptitude test But then things turned around. “Just then,
Indeed, a quick Google search reveals that sealed the deal. “My three highest another removal call came in, and I grabbed
pages upon pages of impressive achieve- predictors [from the test results] were a test the call out of the dispatcher’s hand and
ments. Bob is responsible for the coordi- pilot, but I’m afraid of heights; a real estate said, ‘I’ll do it.’ And, it’s been 55 years since.
nation and direction of some of the most agent, and a funeral director.” If it wasn’t for my father, I wouldn’t be in
visible and highly publicized funerals in His class advisor subsequently took him the funeral business. I think I’ve strived very
recent history; yet, he modestly describes to visit a local funeral home, which sparked hard to show my parents that I could do
himself as “just a funeral director” and gen- a genuine interest. Upon graduating high this, that I’m good at this.”

74 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

families you served. That was your job.

Now, everything is human resources, laws,
regulations—and sometimes you feel that
you’ve been taken out of funeral services.”
In fact, as Bob recalls, in the 1960s and
’70s, many funeral homes ran their own
ambulance service. “I was on ambulance,”
he says, “but, of course, we don’t do that
anymore. There are only a few of us around
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

who started on the ambulance. Today, it’s all

computerized and there are so many other
responsibilities a funeral director has to be
concerned with. I have to admit, I enjoyed it
more back then.”
But in the advent of change, Bob says the
industry is doing an excellent job of keeping
up. “Families have changed. Our grandpar-
ents dictated what happened in the past
with church and visitations. Now, there’s
a celebration of life, people bring personal
items to the funeral service, they have ser-
vices in parks. It’s more personalized, which
we didn’t have back in the ’60s.”
Times, and even the industry, may have
changed over the past five decades but
today at 73 years of age, Bob still shows up
every day and gives his all to the profession
The Boetticher Family Europe in Frankfurt, where he served as a he chose so many years ago. And, despite
Bob proved his father wrong about sticking supply sergeant and embalmer, and met his missing some aspects of the “good old days,”
with commitments. Not only did he con- wife. he still enjoys it.
tinue his foray into the funeral business, he The couple has three sons: Robert, “I love what I’m doing,” Bob says. “Every
also met and married his lovely wife, Jaro- Keven and John. And after many moves that day is something. The families I’ve been
slava or “Jarka,” with whom he recently cele- took them around the globe and across the honored to serve are just very special peo-
brated their golden wedding anniversary. United States, the Boettichers have now ple, and I work with so many great funeral
“She’s been there through thick and thin called Houston home for more than 20 directors that I’m just not ready to give all
for 50 years,” he says. “There have been years. that up yet.”
good times and bad times, but she’s always
Susan Cushing is a freelance writer for Memento
been right there by my side.” A Look Back, a View Ahead
Bob met Jarka, a physical therapist, in Over the course of a 55-year career, one
Germany while serving in the U.S. Army. is bound to see changes in the profession.
After completing his high school career at “When we started back in the 1960s, the
the Army and Navy Academy, he enrolled funeral service was very different,” Bob says. 2020 ICCFA Annual
at the California College of Mortuary “We didn’t have OSHA to worry about, Convention & Expo
Science to become a licensed embalmer and didn’t have the Federal Trade Commission.
funeral director. However, the Vietnam War Your job was to wait on families and to con- Don’t miss the “Lasting
interrupted his growing career when he was duct funerals. Now, a manager of a funeral Impact” Award honoring
drafted. home has to have so many other skills.”
After his required service was complete, Bob recounts that when he first started
Bob Boetticher, Sr. at
Bob opted to enlist for another year in order in the business, it was more laid back. “You the ICCFA Educational
to attend the army’s Grave Registration would work in the funeral home, cut the
Foundation Reception,
School at Army Mortuary System Europe in grass, go down to the local café and have
Virginia. It was then that he was reassigned pie in the afternoon, and do your public Tuesday, March 31, 5:30 pm
to the Army Mortuary Affairs System relations—and your main focus was the


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

An Interview with the

Doyenne of Death: Gail Rubin
by Susan Cushing

alking about sex won’t make you pregnant; talking about funerals won’t make with a hearty laugh. “We wore cowboy
you dead.” It’s an example of the classic, one-liner that celebrated speaker boots and encouraged our guests to dress

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

and award-winning author Gail Rubin, CT, aka the Doyenne of Death©, in western wear. Our reception was held in
uses to help people get the conversation going on a topic they’d rather avoid. Or, as she so a converted horse barn with a barbecue buf-
eloquently puts it, “Bringing a light touch to what many consider a dark topic.” fet and a western swing band, and everyone
had such a great time that I wanted to write
And, for those unfamiliar with the at times, but always undeniably effective. a book about creative lifecycle events.”
term “doyenne,” it refers to a woman who’s This former, and highly successful, public At that time, Gail was a featured colum-
considered senior in a group and knows relations/event planner made a quick and nist in a local Albuquerque newspaper writ-
a lot about a particular subject. Gail is inspired right turn in her career after or- ing about weddings, births, and funerals. “I
also referred to as the “Joan Jett of death chestrating her second, somewhat uncon- realized that it was the stories about death
educators,” because her style is entertaining, ventional wedding reception. “It was a very and funerals that received the greatest read-
thought-provoking, and even irreverent creative Jewish/western theme,” Gail recalls er response. So, I thought, there are already

Gail Rubin, CT, is pictured here at the 2019 National Speakers Association convention posing in a casket at the Primeau Productions booth.

76 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

plenty of creative wedding planning books

on the market, but at the time there was not
much about creative funeral planning.”
That was how her first, highly acclaimed
book, “A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning
for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die,” came to
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

“It changed the course of my career,” she

says, “and I became a certified thanatolo-
gist, a designation awarded by the Associ-
ation for Death Education and Counseling
(ADEC).” Gail touts herself as uniquely
qualified and different from any other death
educator. “I take a very different approach
to getting people to talk about end-of-life
issues. I use humor and I have a license to
use film clips in my talks because images are
very powerful. People might not remember
exactly what you say, but they will remem-
ber those clips.”
She might take a light approach, but Gail
is very serious about her work. In addition
to her other credentials, she is certified
as a funeral celebrant and licensed to sell
Gail Rubin is the author of three books on end-of-life issues: KICKING THE BUCKET LIST, A Good
insurance in order to offer final expense Goodbye, and Hail and Farewell.
wrappers. In the end, Death gets his inevitable, but welcome and plan for that
Foreshadowed Future man, but as they walk into the sunset day with the same enthusiasm we reserve
Those who knew Gail during her college with Death’s arm around the knight, for birthdays and weddings.
days at the University of Maryland probably Death starts skipping. “I get sponsorships from funeral homes,
aren’t surprised at either her profession- Looking back at that prophetic bit of cemeteries, estate planning companies, and
al diversity or numerous successes. As a movie magic, Gail says, “I realized, ‘My attorneys,” she says. “We’re all going to die,
television and film major, she was assigned God, I’m doing what I was meant to do!” yet less than 30 percent of adults do any
a project to produce a three-minute, black end-of-life planning: wills or trusts, advance
and white “bubblegum” film. Gail recalls the Spanning the Divide medical directives, or pre-need funeral
project fondly: “I see myself as a bridge between the gener- planning. It’s better to talk about our wishes
al public and the funeral industry,” Gail says. well before death becomes a grim reality
While most of my classmates seemed
This comment segues to the other aspect and our loved ones can be informed.”
to choose to feature car chases, I opted
of her work for which Gail is probably Gail’s “Before I Die” Festivals attract lots
to produce a satire of Ingmar Bergman’s
best known—her inspiring “Before I Die” of baby boomers but she says, “They also
‘Seven Seals.’ In that, Death comes for a
Festivals. offer an opportunity to engage younger
knight, who challenges Death to a game
These events have drawn thousands to generations on end-of-life issues. Sponsors
of chess and as long as he keeps win-
gather in Cardiff, Wales (UK); Indianapolis, connect to participants through this unique
ning, he gets to live. In my bubblegum
IN; Bakersfield, CA; El Paso, TX; Phoenix, experiential festival that educates, excites,
film, when the knight challenges Death
AZ; Louisville, KY; and cities throughout and fosters planning for the inevitable.”
to a game of chess, Death responds
New Mexico, to reflect and openly discuss
that he never learned. Thinking quickly,
end-of-life issues. Utilizing field trips, art, For the Future
the knight whips out a piece of Bazoo-
movies, theater, panel discussions, and Contrary to what many might perceive as
ka bubblegum and asks, ‘Do you like
Death Café conversations (another Gail Ru- an obsession with death, Gail in fact is a
bubblegum?’ They subsequently agree
bin original), these festivals allow attendees champion of celebrating life and embracing
to abide by the fortunes found on the
the space and resources to not only face the the future. In fact, part of the proceeds from


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

her various festivals is donated to charitable

partner Fathers Building Futures, a 501(c)
(3) nonprofit social enterprise that empow-
ers formerly incarcerated parents. Providing
on-the-job workforce training and sup-
porting their ability to create sustainable
futures, this organization offers a hand-up
to some of our most overlooked citizens.

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

“It’s a wonderful organization,” says Gail.
“Part of their training involves wood-
working classes where they learn to make
all-natural pine caskets, wooden urns, and
handmade gifts in their workshop. Most
importantly, the end result is a parent who
can successfully transition back into society
and provide for his family.”
With humor, sensitivity, and clear un-
derstanding of the psychology behind the
fear of death, Gail has successfully wooed
thousands to her refreshing and healthy
approach to the inevitable.
Her books, which also include KICKING

Gail Rubin, CT, aka “The

Doyenne of Death,” wears
one of her signature pieces,
her latest pair of skull boots
from Old Gringo. Gail owns
five pair of cowboy boots
with skulls and uses them as
part of her brand.

78 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

THE BUCKET LIST: 100 Downsizing and DVD series, “A Good Goodbye,” and host
Organizing Things to Do Before You Die and of an internet radio program. She is a Life 2020 ICCFA Annual
Hail and Farewell: Cremation Ceremonies, Tribute professional personally trained by
Templates and Tips, have brought hundreds Doug Manning and Glenda Stansbury of Convention & Expo
of thousands of readers peace of mind and a the In-Sight Institute, the leading U.S. orga- Don’t miss Gail Rubin
newfound determination to make their final nization that trains funeral celebrants.
life event one without undue fear or a lack Most recently, Gail was honored by Thursday, April 2
of control. ­Albuquerque Business First when she re- 12:00 pm
ceived its 2019 Women of Influence Award.
“How to Grow Your
A Good, Goodbye To learn more about Gail Rubin, visit
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

In addition to all her other achievements, https://agoodgoodbye.com/. Sales with ‘Before I Die’
Gail is the creator of The Newly-Dead Festivals”
Game®, the host of the award-winning TV/ Susan Cushing is a freelance writer for Memento

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Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Technology and Changing

Demographics Driving the Future
by Tanya Scotece, PhD, LFD

E HAVE ALL SEEN AND HEARD THE STATISTICS ; cremations are Given that families and communities
on the rise, attendance at services is on the decline, full-service funerals and are now widely dispersed, this focus can

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

memorials are being replaced with social gatherings of remembrance, and no longer be local. It must become global.
margins are being squeezed. Why? Without this shift, as reported in The Econ-
omist last summer, funeral service profes-
Some say it’s because of the sionals will be competing on price
decline of organized religion. Others for smaller and smaller pieces of a
believe it may just be a shift in ven- pie that is decreasing in importance
ue. A study of U.S. Census Bureau to consumers.
and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Finding a way to allow fami-
data provides other clues. These data lies to attend remotely could be
show that Americans move more the solution to this ever-growing
than 11 times in their lives and change jobs reconnect with what is most meaningful challenge.
just as many times. to them in life. They strengthen bonds with
In fact, at any given time, more than family members and friends. They emerge Incorporating Remote Attendance
10 percent of the U.S. population is in the changed, more authentic, and purposeful. The As a professor of Mortuary Science at Mi-
process of moving. So, it may not be solely best funerals remind us how we should live. ami-Dade, I interact daily with the funeral
due to a decline in organized religion, or By shifting the funeral director’s focus directors of the future and am always on
that people don’t want to go to funerals and toward helping loved ones in their darkest the lookout for tools and resources I believe
memorials—it may simply be that people hours, regardless of whether they can be at will make them more successful and our
can’t be there in person. the service in person, it elevates the value industry stronger.
and importance of the funeral director’s I was first introduced to TribuCast™ at the
Elevating the Role of Funeral Directors role in helping transition loved ones from American Board of Funeral Service Education
This new reality provides an opportunity for grief to healing. conference in Miami in the spring of 2019
funeral homes and the directors where I met TribuCast co-founder
who service their local com- Bruce Likly. In the past, I had only
munities to stem the tide in the been privy to webcams that were
decline of services and margins by very difficult for funeral homes
shifting their primary focus from to assimilate into their practice,
transportation, paperwork, and so I was intrigued by this new
vanilla service details to helping product and their intense focus on
loved ones through the grieving helping families and communities
process—regardless of where in grieve more effectively regardless
the world they live or the circum- of where they live or what their
stances preventing them from circumstances were when a loved
attending the service. one passes away.
Dr. Alan Wolfelt of the Center What amazed me the most
for Loss and Life Transition during the demonstration was
reminds us why funerals are how simple it would be for funer-
important: al homes to use and how helpful
People who take the time and it would be for today’s families.
make the effort to create mean- Owen Chester, student: “I
ingful funeral arrangements when liked TribuCast because of the
someone loved dies often end up computer-age we live in; it takes
making new arrangements in their funeral services and memorials to
own lives. They remember and the next level.”

80 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

I was thrilled to hear and see the interaction students had with the product and
Bruce’s demonstration. Students quickly grasped the concept, its benefits, how to
use it, and how families can leverage it.
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

Having spent more than 12 years in aren’t bogged down. All this makes teaching families, and it is the next step in the types
the industry, I am aware of the growing complex and intricate materials more chal- of services we need to be offering to survive
pressures on our livelihood and that most lenging—especially in a group environment and prosper.
funeral directors have so much to do during and when done over a Google Hangout
a service that the last thing they want to video conference call as this class was. Tanya Scotece, PhD, LFD, is a
professor in the Funeral Service
worry about is adding the complexity of live I was thrilled to hear and see the inter-
Education program at Miami
streaming or webcasting. action students had with the product and
Dade College. After nearly 20
However, after the TribuCast demon- Bruce’s demonstration. Students quickly years, she decided to change
stration, I was really impressed with how grasped the concept, its benefits, how to use careers and attended mortuary
easy it is to use, even for a person with- it, and how families can leverage it. school, graduating in 2005. She
out a technical background. TribuCast is Jhanelle A. Hayman, student: “As an then obtained a bachelor’s degree in criminal
somewhat like a final message video, but it international student, I was fascinated justice and a master’s in criminal forensics
is created in-house by the funeral director thinking about … TribuCast … allowing an followed by a PhD in adult education from the
or staff on an iPhone or iPad. interactive way for those overseas to observe University of South Florida. Tanya is a licensed
Mariana Scheetz, student: “No one the funeral, and in doing so, aid in the griev- funeral director and embalmer, a licensed
should have to feel bad about not being ing process.” pre-need insurance agent, and a trained funeral
celebrant through the ICCFA University College of
there for the ones they love in a time of I would strongly urge funeral directors
21st Century Funeral Services. She was chosen
need. TribuCast makes it possible.” to look at TribuCast™. It can help elevate
valedictorian upon graduation from ICCFAU in
It easily incorporates touching details their role in helping today’s families grieve 2011. Her students contributed to this article:
about the life being celebrated (called Inter- more effectively, makes a very nice keepsake Owen Chester, Hannah Weiss, Sandra Pierre,
active Touchpoints™) to give families unique and vital family memento for later viewing, Deondre Terry, Mariana Scheetz, Rina
opportunities to remember and reconnect and can generate considerable revenue for Duvigneaud, Jhanelle A. Hayman, Mikara Bell,
regardless of their location or life circum- funeral homes. Patrick Paul, DaNeil Christopher, Kaylah Brooks,
stances. It is not cumbersome, is super The day of the service can be over- and Zaira Garcia. She can be reached at
portable, and is a simple, hands-on tool that whelming for immediate family members. It tscotece@mdc.edu.
is easy to set up. would be very nice for them to have an en-
I invited Bruce to do a virtual demon- during tribute like this to watch in the com-
stration of TribuCast in my classroom fort of their homes at their convenience.
because I felt that it was important for my In addition, since many people are 2020 ICCFA Annual
students to learn about this technology.
Most funeral home owners, managers, and
seeking out 23andMe and ancestry.com to
learn more about their family histories, this
Convention & Expo
directors are hesitant about products like would add to their resources. For example, a Visit TribuCast
this because of the complexity and imper- young grandchild could have a live record- (2019 KIP Award
sonal nature of earlier webcam offerings. ing of a grandparent included as one of the
Patrick Paul, student: “This would be interactive touchpoints to look back on Honorable Mention) at
especially good for soldiers in different parts later in life. Booth 1093
of the world, who cannot attend the funeral.” Deondre Terry, student: “With most
Teaching a classroom of upcoming programs you would need a more high-end EXHIBIT HALL HOURS:
funeral directors can be challenging given all camera but with TribuCast all you need is a Monday, March 30: 4:00 pm–7:00 pm
the information they have to absorb, the dis- mobile device.” Tuesday, March 31: 12:00 pm–5:00 pm
tractions available to them, their propensity All in all, I think TribuCast™ and remote
Wednesday, April 1: 10:00 am–1:00 pm
to jump quickly between topics, and their attendance capabilities are wonderful
desire to grasp concepts quickly so they resources for both funeral homes and


Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Engineering the Future of Water Cremation

Water Cremation Technology Driving Change in the Deathcare Industry
by Nicki Mikolai

ACK IN THE EARLY 1990S , I attended the University of Minnesota with the I was attracted to Resomation Amer-
dream of being a doctor. While studying pre-medicine, I discovered mortuary ica because the company has a 144-year
science. I was fascinated by end-of-life care and drawn to helping families in this history in the United Kingdom as manufac-

Photo courtesy of visitsanantonio.com

time of need. I decided I wanted to pursue a career in this field; and after graduating with a turing experts and has invented a number
bachelor’s degree in mortuary science, I began looking into my options. of engineering products used across the
I became a funeral director and Resomation seemed like the right
worked in a variety of roles within the option for grandpa, as he’d always
funeral industry—everything from been around water throughout his life.
training with the Minnesota Lions Eye He used to be a lifeguard, was an avid
Bank, to pre-need, and then onto sales swimmer, and his favorite place at our
with a casket company. cabin was by the water.
It was while I was working with I knew this would be the right deci-
Bradshaw’s Celebration of Life Cen- sion for grandpa; the process is so much
ter that I became aware of water crema- more gentle and better for the envi-
tion, which had been legal in Minnesota ronment. I truly believe he would have
since 2003. Bradshaw’s had its “Resoma- chosen this option himself.
tor” installed in 2012.
When I first heard about this natural The Service
process as an alternative to harsh flame Using a process known as alkaline
cremation, I was drawn to its gentle and hydrolysis, water cremation is creating a
eco-friendly qualities. I urge others to new “middle way” for people’s final fare-
consider it, and I even urged my family wells, providing more choice for those
to choose it to say goodbye to my grand- impassioned by green principles in life
pa, Donald. and for their death.
The gentle process, which takes just
Nicki Mikolai with her grandfather, Donald
My Grandpa a matter of hours, presents a lower carbon
I had a great relationship with my grandpa; footprint compared to the high CO2 emis-
we were close. He lived in the same part sions associated with flame cremation.
of the city, so I saw him a lot. I have great The more people I Water cremation does allow for embalm-
memories of going to our family cabin every
talk to within the ing, but that isn’t what my grandpa wanted.
summer. We both loved to swim and play We chose instead to have his urn present
cards. He was the one who taught me how industry and the general at the memorial service. With this process,
to fish. In the winter, he and I would go you actually end up with 30 percent more
cross-country skiing.
public, the more people I cremated remains than with flame crema-
My grandpa was very organized and see requesting this tion; and the ashes are pure white. We bur-
already had considered his funeral op- ied the urn next to my grandma and aunt in
tions before he died. While I worked at and asking where a local cemetery, which was his chosen final
Bradshaw’s, he and my family came in and they can get it. resting place.
pre-planned for his cremation followed by a For us, water made sense; it’s more
memorial service. However, water crema- respectful and natural. More people are
tion wasn’t yet available when he made his cremation to water cremation after I discov- choosing it as a preferred option because
pre-arrangements. ered Resomation. I am a strong believer in the idea of water is much more calming
Sadly, as my grandpa got older, he the environmentally friendly and peaceful than fire. As a society, we love escap-
developed dementia and my family relied nature of this process, so much so that I ing to swim in oceans and relax in spas
on me to make the decision about his final took a role as a sales manager at Resoma- and baths; we find water soothing and
disposition. I decided to switch grandpa’s tion America. peaceful.

82 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

March 30–April 2 | Henry B. González Conventioin Center | San Antonio, Texas

The Future
More and more people are realizing the
gentleness and the environmental benefits
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP

of water cremation. As a sales manager with

Resomation America, I am increasingly
meeting families who are requesting the
As an industry, we need to educate the
public, as there are so many misconcep-
tions. For example, some people believe the
water left after this process is sludgy, when,
in fact, it’s 100 percent sterile and complete-
ly safe.
Nicki Mikolai stands beside
I see water cremation only increasing the Resomator at LBBC
in popularity. The more people I talk to
within the industry and the general public,
the more people I see requesting this and
asking where they can get it.
The process will be permitted in 20
states by the end of this year. By summer
2020, Resomation will have installations
in renowned medical schools and funeral
homes spanning the States, with installa-
tions coming this year in California and

Nicki Mickolai is a licensed funeral director and

current sales manager for Resomation America.
For more information visit our website: www.
resomationamerica.com. She can be reached at

2020 ICCFA Annual

Convention & Expo
Visit Resomation
at Booth 2120 R E L A M PI N G
LED light bulbs
Monday, March 30: 4:00 pm–7:00 pm fo r C r y p t s & N i ch e s
Tuesday, March 31: 12:00 pm–5:00 pm
Wednesday, April 1: 10:00 am–1:00 pm
Continuous free food and drink s e p te ch n o l o g i e s .co m
during Expo Hall hours 1 8 7 7 5 1 5 - 4 67 2



EVENTS an award-winning, Boston-based firm spe- the PA amplifier, AC recharging cord, and
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presentation NEW PRODUCTS details.
followed by an AmpliVox
interactive question-and-answer session: Sound CHARITABLE DONATIONS
“New Ways to Personalize Your Website Systems has The Funeral Service Foundation received a
Presence” presented by Bob Sheridan, introduced a record $1.25 million in contributions in 2019,
Director of Technology, Batesville, May 19, new re- which expands the foundation’s capacity to
2020; “Personalization of Meaningful chargeable help funeral service build relationships with
Funerals: Learning from Your Peers” battery that families and communities through education,
facilitated by Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Tuesday, is compatible initiatives, and grants. The donations under-
September 8, 2020. with its 150-watt Compact Amplifier, making it score the funeral service profession’s dedica-
capable of powering built-in wireless PA tion to providing healthy, healing memorializa-
MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS systems built into many AmpliVox lecterns, tion experiences. “These gifts cut to the heart
including such popular models as the of what the foundation is about: enriching the
Multimedia Computer Lectern, Coventry profession and making an impact in our com-
Lectern, Pinnacle Multimedia Lectern, munities,” said foundation Executive Director
Executive Column Lectern, and others. The Lee Wiensch, CFRE. “We take that role very
S1468 Rechargeable Battery Pack features a seriously and are grateful for the trust our
Tighe & Bond, a Northeast leader in engi- 24V, 5.5 Amp Hour SLA battery with an donors place in us to provide the educational
neering and environmental consulting, has eight-hour run time. It includes a six-foot opportunities, grants and tools that fulfill our
announced it has acquired Halvorson Design, cable with DC barrel connector to connect to mission.”

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while at the same time letting us experience calm and comfort.
Like art and music, writing by means of characters can bring people
Lettering design on a grave marker has a special effect and fascination.
into a profound rapport with the world and their own reality. 321
In lettering, we are confronted with words and messages that can give
up support. Lettering creates the name on the grave marker. Thus, we
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The expressive power of writing thus opens up a moment of meeting

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The Season for Giving is All Year Round: Worsham College

Matches Money Raised for Kenyan Initiative
Worsham College of Mortuary Science has
contributed $2,500 to support the Kenyan
Embalming Education Initiative, a project
started by Dominick Astorino, CFSP, MBIE,
in 2019. The contribution of $1,250 from
students, students’ families, and Worsham
alumni was matched in whole by Worsh-
am College, for a total of $2,500 donated
to Dominick’s initiative. Worsham College
raised the funds for the mission to provide
embalming education and teach the funeral
workers of Kenya best practices for handling
The situation in Kenya is challenging—
there are only 300 mortuaries for a population
of 50 million, and the funeral industry has a
complete lack of oversight, regulation, and
support. The average Kenyan funeral profes-
sional is regularly exposed to deadly diseas-
es with no education, training, or personal
protective equipment.
Worsham students participated in a bake
sale, a pizza party, a pumpkin carving party,
t-shirt sales, and an instructor even dyed his Dominick Astorino holds the “big” check contributed by Worsham College.
hair green in support of Dominick’s Kenyan
project. Worsham Program Director Leili learning more about the goals of his mission Worsham students were excited about
McMurrough was very proud of the students and hearing his passion for this project, I the project and loved being able to support
coming together to support this worthy knew Worsham College needed to support a funeral director’s mission. “As an organiza-
project. “After speaking with Mr. Astorino, him and this very important work,” said Leili. tion, Worsham is committed to supporting
education and furthering standards of care
internationally,” added Leili. “Thanks to the
Pictured with generosity of our students and many others
Dominick who donated, we are able to help fund a
Astorino, Ben meaningful effort to bring embalming best
Schmidt sports
his new “do” practices to Kenya.”
as part of his Dominick Astorino is on faculty at Wayne
contribution State University School of Mortuary Science
to the Kenyan
Initiative. where he oversees the lecture and laboratory
of all the restorative art courses. He has been
a licensed funeral director and embalmer since
2003 and is the managing director at Wu-
jek-Calcaterra & Sons, Inc., a fourth-generation
family-owned firm handling 1,500 funerals a
year in the suburbs of Detroit.
Leili McMurrough is a licensed funeral
director and embalmer as well as a licensed
attorney. Not only is she the program director
at Worsham College, she is on staff at McMur-
rough Funeral Chapel in Libertyville, IL.

86 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com


ON THE MOVE training C&J clients on proven methodologies account executives. Paul will serve customers
C&J Financial has announced the addition to improve their cashflow by increasing their in Virginia. “Paul’s long-standing background
of Jeff Harbeson as its new director of cash accounts payables. in the funeral profession makes him a valuable
flow solutions. Jeff is a widely known sales, addition to Homesteaders,” said VP-Field
financial, and marketing specialist within the Sales Dan Lodermeier. “He has a passion for
funeral profession, and a popular co-host of funeral service and a drive to help our funeral
the online video program, “Funeral Nation.” home customers succeed. I am confident he’ll
An entrepreneur and former owner of several be an asset to the funeral professionals he
successful funeral homes, he has blogged serves.” Paul is excited to continue his work
and contributed countless articles for many with funeral professionals. “I have worked in
funeral trade publications under the moniker, Homesteaders Life Company is pleased the funeral business most of my life. Helping
“The Funeral Commander.” At C&J, a sig- to announce that Paul Reukauf has joined funeral directors serve their families and be
nificant component of his work will include Homesteaders’ industry-leading team of profitable is both rewarding and gratifying
to me. I’m honored to be a small part of their

St. Stephen’s Cemetery

Cremation Garden Phase 1 Brownyard Group, a provider of special-
(Hamilton, OH)
ized insurance coverage for select industry
groups, has announced the expansion of
Memorialpro®, an insurance program for
cemeteries and crematories, to six new states.
The program is now available in Maine, New
Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas,
and Virginia, in addition to states where it
had previously been available: Connecticut,
New Jersey, and New York. Memorialpro is
designed to meet the unique risks of cemeter-
ies, crematories, and cemetery management.
The program offers policyholders access to a
As we get ready to finish one, broad coverage package at competitive rates.

We start another !!! For more information regarding Memorial-

pro and the coverages it offers, please visit

Smith Life & Legacy Express Funeral Funding has announced a

The Grandview Legacy Trail
(Maryville, TN) major rebranding to reflect the company’s
evolution of becoming the largest privately
held funding company in the nation. Deanna
Dydynski, sales and marketing director at Ex-
press Funeral Funding, said, “Our new brand
design marks the start of a new era. Our goal
has always been to provide our partnering
funeral homes and cemeteries the ultimate
6 424 3 7
Click or Call 877-7Niches.com - funding experience and this year is going to
3212 Richards Ln, Ste B Santa Fe, NM 87507 be even greater.”
Gerardo G. Garcia - Direct 505-660-7819

88 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

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& You
simpliFi informs families
MEMBER NEWS on outer burial container
choices, including how
they can be used to create
a treasured tribute to their
conducting business online, they are also
becoming more mobile. Having a travel
Foundation Partners
Group, a leading
protectionloved one. component of
option is important provider of innovative
a complete advance funeral plan.” The Travel funeral and cemetery
Plan by Inman offers coverage to families experiences and
Simple time savings with
when a loved one dies away from home. A products, has

smart results.
one-time, $450 fee covers the cost of bringing
a loved one home for ceremony if that person
announced that the
company has purchased the Adair Funeral
Passare, Inc. has announced a new integra- dies more than 100 miles from home. Covered Homes and Desert Sunset Funeral Homes in
tion with Leap Tie, a marketing and web expenses could be as high as $15,000. Tucson. The acquisition includes three
development company with over 20 years of locations in the greater Tucson area and
experience in the funeral profession. With this ACQUISITIONS expands Foundation Partners Group’s
new integration, funeral directors can now rooftops in the market to six. “Adair Funeral
send the data gathered on a case—such as Homes and Desert Sunset Funeral Homes
the obituary, vital statistics, service informa- make great additions to our growing portfolio
tion, and much more—straight to the funeral of funeral operations in Tucson,” stated Bob
home’s Leap Tie website with just the click of Bukala, president and CEO of Foundation
a button. To learn more about Passare’s cloud- Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) has announced Partners Group. “The Adairs have set a high
based funeral home management software that it has acquired all the outstanding stock standard of service for their families and their
with built-in family collaboration tools, visit and membership interests of Family Legacy, community that perfectly matches ours. We
www.passare.com. Call your Wilbert provider or attend a webinar:
LLC, a business with 13 locations operating are very proud to have Martha, Ron, Hank and

in Nashville, as well as all of the outstand- their team join Foundation Partners and help
eFuneral, a ing membership interests in WG-TN, LLC us grow our presence in Arizona.”
Homesteaders (Harpeth Hills), a large combination business
Life Company located in Nashville. “Family Legacy and
subsidiary, has Harpeth Hills are preeminent funeral home
announced a new and cemetery businesses, which serve a large
collaboration with and attractive metropolitan market in middle
Travel Plan by Inman. Consumers who plan Tennessee,” stated Andrew Clark, Chairman
and fund their funerals through eFuneral can and CEO of PLC. “The acquisition of Family
now elect to add Inman’s Travel Plan to their Legacy and Harpeth Hills presents an exciting Wilbert Funeral Services, Inc. has announced
preneed policies. “Our goal is to provide our opportunity for Park Lawn to enter the Ten- it has entered into a definitive agreement to
funeral home customers and their client nessee market by acquiring two businesses acquire the licensed territory of Norwalk-Wil-
families the same options when conducting with long-standing reputations and leading bert Vault Company, LLC, based in Oakville,
funeral planning online as they would receive market share.” CT. Norwalk Vault has 15 locations and/or
when planning at the funeral home,” affirmed distributors providing services throughout
Luke Frieberg, president of eFuneral. “Just as Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
consumers are increasingly comfortable New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island.

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PlotBox is the international deathcare management solution that facilitates
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Recompose has raised $4 million toward its The International Order of
goal of a $6.75 million funding round, and will the Golden Rule (OGR)
power its progress toward opening Recom- In conjunction with has awarded Emeritus
pose|Seattle in the spring of 2021. A huge Cressy Memorial, membership status to
thank you to all investors and supporters! Re- Howard Miller, Robert “Bob” Shelby of
compose investors include early supporters known for its superior Shelby Funeral Home in
who have added to their initial investments, craftsmanship of Covington, IN. This elite
clients of a wonderful array of financial ad- memorial products, status is offered to a member “who has made
visors, individuals who wanted to be part of has introduced a new an extraordinary contribution to the advance-
this amazing venture, and investment groups series of Direct-Fill ment of the purpose of OGR and in the opinion
that share information and collaborate on urns at very attractive price points. The of and by unanimous vote of the board.” Bob
investment opportunities. Investors receive Direct-Fill urns are available in two stylings joins three other OGR members who have been
preferred equity with 6% cumulative annual and three wood finishes. The Cherish series is awarded emeritus status. Bob joined OGR in
dividends.  reminiscent of Howard Miller’s Devotion chest 1980 and attended many OGR events. His wife,
urn line, but with a twist, while the new Helen, served as the office manager at their
NEW PRODUCTS Embassy II has a unique square pillow-shaped funeral home for over 20 years and worked
In with the new, out with the old! Two styles design. Cherish and Embassy II urns are alongside her husband. After losing his beloved
of New Memorials Direct’s extensive jewelry bottom-loading and accommodate full adult wife last year, Bob still attended the OGR
line have been redesigned. The stainless steel capacity. They do not require a bronze or Annual Conference in Williamsburg, VA, and
versions of the ash-holding Teardrop Heart temporary container, which makes them even was warmly welcomed by his fellow members.
(Item Number: 3746) and the non-ash holding more cost-effective. To learn more about He has been an advocate for the value of
flat Peaceful Heart (Item Number: 3109) have Howard Miller urns, visit: www.howardmiller. association membership and learning new ways
been updated to match the precious metal com or contact your favorite Howard Miller to better serve families. “I enjoy the programs
versions of these styles. Contact New Memo- memorial distributor. To request a catalog or that OGR offers,” related Bob, “and I always
rials Direct by phone at 877.995.8767 or visit to locate a Howard Miller distributor near you, look forward to seeing the friends I have made
www.NewMemorialsDirect.com. please call: 866.763.0485. over the years at OGR events.”


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TIME-SAVINGS The International Order of the Golden Rule
(OGR) has announced that seven of its mem-
ber funeral homes participated in Operation
Toy Soldier in late 2019. Operation Toy Soldier
is a not-for-profit dedicated to collecting
new toys during the Christmas season and
distributing them to active-duty and veteran
families in their communities. Over 5,300 toys
were donated to deserving military families by
OGR member funeral homes. The participants
were: Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, FL;
Time is tight during funeral Barnett-Strother Funeral Home (Madisonville,
KY); Martin Funeral, Cremation & Tribute
arrangements, but you can’t be
Services (Grand Blanc, MI); Smith Funeral
tight with information families
& Memorial Services (Warren, RI); Lakeside
need to know. Wilbert’s simpliFi Memorial Chapel (Buffalo, NY); Michigan
program can help with Cremation & Funeral Care (Grand Rapids, MI);
both challenges. and Heartland Cremation & Burial Society
(Kansas City, MO). Operation Toy Soldier is
In just under 4 minutes, one of the many programs offered through
simpliFi informs families the Veterans Funeral Care providers network
and is a benefit of OGR membership. To
on outer burial container
become a part of the network, funeral homes
choices, including how must first attend a full day “How to Become
they can be used to create the Go-to Funeral Home for Veterans” work-
a treasured tribute to their shop, which takes place throughout the year.
loved one.
Simple time savings with Forest Lawn Museum, Forest Lawn–Glendale
smart results. and Judson Studios will present “Stained
Glass from Gothic to Street Style.” This exhi-
bition brings together two of Los Angeles’s
preeminent, century-old cultural institutions—
Judson Studios and Forest Lawn Museum—for
an exhibition that shines a new light on the
contemporary and historic practices of stained
glass through the pioneering work of Judson
Studios. The exhibition is on view at Forest
Lawn Museum from April 23–September 6,
Call your Wilbert provider or attend a webinar: 2020, with a press preview and public open-
wilbert.com/simplifi/webinars ing on the evening of April 23. Judson Studios
includes nearly 100 original stained glass
artworks, preparatory drawings, oil paintings,
watercolors, and archival photographs, as well
as collaborations with contemporary artists
that redefine traditional stained-glass art.

94 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

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To learn more about the memorial products we offer,

visit coldspringusa.com/memorial or stop by booth #1107 at ICCFA

DEAD Talks 2020 is SUCCESS Talks 2020

by Ann Marie St. George

odeled after the well-known TED Talks model, ICCFA’s DEAD Talks (formerly Wide sity humor). After our little chat, we attend
World of Sales) has emerged as an event one should not miss. It provides that an opening networking reception where I
motivational kick in the pants at the beginning of the year that we sales folks need to observe lots of new introductions being made,
get on the right track. The 2020 event was titled “Focus on Success.” along with a few acquaintances catching up
from past events. Everyone looks to be “fired
What intrigued me most about the first Wednesday, January 15, 2020 up” for the next day.
event of the year was the possibility of teach- When I sign in on Wednesday, I receive my
ing this ole’ dog new tricks. I have been around very own DEAD Talks workbook with the Thursday, January 16, 2020
long enough to know that I do not know it all. schedule of speakers, space to take notes, Thursday morning has an early start. The day
Who doesn’t need some inspiration to stay along with a heap of valuable information. The is promised to be filled with a ton of stimulat-
excited about the deathcare profession? kickoff is held on Wednesday night with Gary ing information. I’m humming with antici-
Oh, and did I mention it is held in Vegas? O’Sullivan and his very famous “Fireside Chat.” pation. The event kicks off with a keynote
Can I get a, “whoop whoop?” Oops, that really It is an open forum where everyone can ask speaker, Matthew Pollard, “The Rapid Growth
wasn’t the reason I couldn’t wait to go. It was Gary questions that inquiring minds want to Guy.” Holy moly, I am writing notes down the
because of the collection of speakers who know to improve their sales techniques and sides of my pages; I am a major nerd that
were listed in the schedule I received before processes. way. The presentations are organized in a
the event. Honest!! A very lively discussion ensues with a step-by-step formula for a successful sales
All kidding aside, a lot of attention to detail ton of takeaways; and as Gary would say, it process: prospecting, presenting, objections,
went into the strategy for this event. is a “Merracle!” (just a little ICCFA Univer- and closing. Each subject area allows for

96 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

three speakers to present for 18 minutes each followed by a 25-minute
In between the morning and afternoon sessions, there are two
lunches available: one for the business-to-consumer (B2C) salespeo-
ple and one for the business-to-business (B2B) salespeople, lovingly
known as the “vendors.” The fantastic part of the B2B lunch is that I
get the chance to hear Matthew Pollard speak again. It is a wonderful Thinking
about your
opportunity to learn while eating.
Lunch is another perfect occasion to meet new people and share
tricks of the trade. That is always the one thing that impresses me

about the people who belong and attend ICCFA events—their will-
ingness to share ideas, unlike many organizations’ cultures that lean
toward keeping everything close to the chest.

The afternoon flies by; I am worn out and excited that there is still
another day of learning left. Thursday night is a free night, so what else
does one do while in Vegas? Yup, I go to see an Elvis impersonator—I
am all “Shook Up.” It’s a whole lotta’ fun. And now I can take it off my
bucket list.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday morning is here, and I am sitting patiently with my pen and
We are.
DEAD Talks workbook waiting to fill in my blank pages. Today covers
the final stage of the sales process, “After Care,” followed by the “sniff-
sniff” wrap-up, which always leaves me inspired. I really don’t want to
leave; I want to keep on learning.
I have been given tools that will help ensure my success for 2020. I
have attended this event before and it keeps getting better each year.
They listen to suggestions and often implement ones that truly make
this event better. Another trademark of the ICCFA is actively listening
to its membership.
Learn • Plan • Grow
Act Now for 2021
Stop thinking about attending this event and actually take the time
to go. You will not be disappointed. It is so worth the money spent
because there is no other event like it. I cannot say enough about my Get a taste of what we’re thinking!
awe-inspiring experience. booth Come to our ICCFA booth, #3015,
If the only thing holding you back is the expense of attending, then #3015 for a tequila tasting.
apply for a scholarship. I have often heard that there are more scholar- Tues., 3/31, 1 - 4 p.m.
ships available than people applying for them, so no more excuses!!
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at DEAD Talks 2021. In the
words of Elvis Presley, “Never wait for tomorrow; what if tomorrow
never comes?” (866) 449-3722
Ann Marie St. George, CPC, a first-generation funeral
director, has worked for the past 20 years as a regional
manager for Cooperative Funeral Fund, a pre-need and Global Atlantic Financial Group (Global Atlantic) is the marketing name for
Global Atlantic Financial Group Limited and its subsidiaries, including
cemetery care fund management company. Thriving in the Forethought Life Insurance Company and Accordia Life and Annuity
industry for over 35 years as a funeral director/embalmer, she Company. Each subsidiary is responsible for its own financial and contractual
serves as Mortuary Officer for both DMORT Region II and obligations. These subsidiaries are not authorized to do business in New York.

Kenyon International Emergency Services. She can be PRE1460 (01-20) ©2020 Global Atlantic
reached at AnnMarie.StGeorge@cffinc.com.



‘Honored to Share’ Video Project

Experiences Exponential Growth
Three years, 9
questions, 126
videos, and 41
later, Jim Price

can say that

his idea has
finally become a
reality. “Honored
to Be Asked to
Share” is a video
project and the brainchild of Jim Price, presi- Share and Share alike
dent and chairman of the ICCFA Educational What is the one thing that keeps you going?
What do you wish you knew before entering the deathcare profession?
Foundation. Jim is also a senior vice president Industry leaders answer these questions and more in the Honored 2 Share video series,
courtesy of the ICCFA Educational Foundation.
with Park Lawn Corp., but in his role as head
of the foundation, Jim was tasked with the
responsibility of engaging current and future
funeral professionals.
“As a 501(c)(3) entity, our mandate is
to support our members and the profes-
sion through educational scholarships and
educational programs like this,” says Jim. And
from that broad and bold purpose came the
idea of gathering some of the best minds in
the industry, providing them with poignant
questions, and letting them loose in front of a
“While on-the-job experience and con-
tinued education are critical elements for large measure with those entering the profes- owner of GO LIVE Media Group, www.
preparing tomorrow’s leaders, the value of sion as mid-careerists who aspire to new and golivemediagroup.com, for believing in the
mentoring and learning from our profession’s greater leadership opportunities.” project’s mission and for providing much of
best cannot be overstated,” Jim notes. “The Jim attributes much of the proj- the technical help—lighting, staging, filming,
future of our end-of-life profession rests in ect’s success to Chris Vriezelaar, editing, and graphics.
“It is my desire that more of our current
and future profession’s newcomers will be
positively impacted and motivated by a grow-
ing library of our industry leaders sharing their
personal and business perspectives,” says Jim.
To meet the goals of the foundation each
year, Jim also oversees the awarding of edu-
cational scholarships to ICCFA members, asso-
ciates, and suppliers. This year, the foundation
will award an unprecedented 150 scholarships
to help deserving folks attend various ICCFA
educational offerings.
Visit www.honored2share.org to immerse
yourself in an abundance of industry knowl-
edge from some of deathcare’s top performers.
Quote excerpts originally featured in
American Funeral Director, December 2019.

98 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com


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With the Hertz Gold Plus Rewards, you can making your reservation online at www.hertz.
save time and skip the counter for pick-up and com or by calling 1.800.654.2200.
drop-off. You’ll also earn points that you can To see more ICCFA membership benefits
use toward free rental days. and services, visit http://users.iccfa.com, log in
Designed for small– and mid-size businesses, the Hertz Business with your username and password, and then click on Member Discount
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Welcome New ICCFA Members!

• Park Avenue Columbaria • PayRoc

Sinking Spring, PA Fernandina Beach, FL
• journeys end • Thomason Funeral Home
Uxbridge, MA San Marcos, TX
• City of Temple-Hillcrest Cemetery • Valle de los Cedros SA
Temple, TX San Luis Potosi, Mexico
• Sunset Memorial Lawns Cemetery
Northbrook, IL For more information
• Corido Ltd about ICCFA and
Haifa, Israel membership, visit
• Kosec Funeral Home & Crematory www.iccfa.com/
Port Townsend, WA membership
• Tadblu USA and download an
Rolling Meadows, IL
application form. Or
• Calvary Cemetery call 1.800.645.7700 to
Lexington, KY
speak to a membership
• Paws 2 Remember Pet Cremation
Humboldt, TN associate.

100 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com



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about selling to just any company. The key to acquisition process. It was absolutely the best
our decision came down to trust – something decision for our family and community.

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Best in Personalization

ICCFA Names 2019 “Keeping It Personal” Award Winners
ICCFA has named its 2019 Keeping It Person- (2) Events (4) M
 ost Personalized Pet Service Or
al (KIP) Award winners, recognizing the best Memorial
in personalization in the cemetery and funeral
service profession.
Created by the ICCFA Personalization
Committee, the KIP program honors recipi-
ents in four categories: (1) Most Personalized
Service/Memorial; (2) Events; (3) Innovative
Personalized Product (suppliers only); and
(4) Most Personalized Pet Service/Memorial.
This year’s contest attracted 47 entries
from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Guatemala,
and the United States. Communications and First Place: Pet Pilgrimage Crematory & Me-
marketing professionals from outside the First Place: Historic Oakwood Cemetery,
morials, Mooresville, NC
cemetery and funeral service profession per- Raleigh, NC
“Honoring Mooresville Police K9 Division”
formed the judging. “The Death Letter Project”
The winners are as follows:

(1) Most Personalized Service or


Honorable Mention: Sherwood Memorial Park,

Salem, VA
“A Light in the Darkness” Honorable Mention: Heart’s Companion Pet
First Place and Grand Prize Winner: Chapel of Memorial Center, Reno, Nevada
the Light Funeral Home, Fresno, CA (3) Innovative/Personalized Product “U.S. Marine Corp Canine Asur’s Story”
“Miss Alexandria’s Princess Memorial (Suppliers) The grand prize winner, Chapel of the Light
Service” Funeral Home, received a free registration to
the 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Expo,
March 30–April 2, at the Henry B. González
Convention Center in San Antonio. The win-
ners will be featured in future issues of the
ICCFA magazine, Memento Mori.
Honorable Mention: Robert Toale & Sons ICCFA congratulates this year’s winners for
First Place: Parting Stone, Santa Fe, NM
Funeral Home, Bradenton, FL their commitment to honoring the life stories
“Memorialized Stones”
“Playbill Starring Don Sleight” of the families they serve. More information on
the winners is available on the ICCFA website
at www.iccfa.com/kip.

Honorable Mention: TribuCast, Wilton, CT

“TribuCast Interactive Touchpoints”

102 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com


April 19–21, 2020 June 28–July 1, 2020

Order of the Golden Rule Annual Showcase Becoming an Effective Grief Educator
The Omni Grove Park Inn, Ashville, NC Fort Collins, CO
Visit www.ogr.org/annual-conference. Hosted by the Center for Loss and Life Transition
featuring Dr. Alan Wolfelt. To reserve a seat, visit
April 26–28, 2020
Texas Cemeteries & Crematories Association
Annual Convention July 17–22, 2020
Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel, Fort ICCFA University
Worth, TX Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Visit www.txca.us, call 817.339.8210, or email tca@ Stay tuned for more details.
txca.us for more information.
July 20–23, 2020
May 12–13, 2020 Becoming an Effective Grief Educator
The Center for Loss & Life Transition: Dr. Alan Fort Collins, CO
Wolfelt In-person Workshops Hosted by the Center for Loss and Life
Coeur d’Alene, ID Transition featuring Dr. Alan Wolfelt. To
Contact Nicole Duggan, Center for Loss and Life reserve a seat, visit www.centerforloss.com.
Transition, at 970.226.6050 for more information.
September 15–17, 2020
May 14–15, 2020 ICCFA Executive Leadership
The Center for Loss & Life Transition: Dr. Alan Summit 2020
Wolfelt In-person Workshops Mountain Shadows Resort in
Denver, CO Paradise Valley, AZ
Contact Nicole Duggan, Center for Loss and Life Stay tuned for more details.
Transition, at 970.226.6050 for more information.

May 19–20, 2020

The Center for Loss & Life Transition: Dr. Alan
Wolfelt In-person Workshops
Cambridge, ON
Contact Nicole Duggan, Center for Loss and Life
Transition, at 970.226.6050 for more information.

June 9, 2020
The Connecticut Cemetery Association Spring
Meeting and Scholarship Golf Outing
The Watertown Golf Club, Litchfield County, CT
Visit http://ctcemeteryassociation.org for more

June 29–July 1, 2020

CBCE 2020: The Cremation Society
Annual Conference
The Hilton Ageas Bowl, Southampton
Visit www.cremation.org.uk/Latest-news.



American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants Inc. (ACMC). . . . . . . 98 International Memorialization Supplier Association (IMSA)������� C3
American Funeral & Cemetery Trust Services (AFCTS). . . . . . . . . 37 J. Stuart Todd, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Answering Service for Directors (ASD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Johnson Consulting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Aquamation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Keeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Axiom Business Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Kryprotek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Batesville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 LoveUrns, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Biondan North America Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Madelyn Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Blackstone Cemetery Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Matthews Cemetery Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Bogati Urn Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Matthews Enviormental Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
C&J Financial, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Mekus Tanager, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Cherokee Casket Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Merendino Cemetery Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Classic Plastics Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Mortuary Lift Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
ClearPoint Federal Bank & Trust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 National Guardian Life Insurance Company (NGL). . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Coldspring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 National Mortuary Shipping (NMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Columbarium by Design, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 National Museum of Funeral History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Confidential Funeral Home for Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Necessary Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Continental Computer Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C2 Nomis Publications Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Cooperative Funeral Fund Inc. (CFF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Northeast Mausoleum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Custom Air Trays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Obermayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Doric Products Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 PETS, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Eickhof Columbaria, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 PlotBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Ensure-A-Seal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Premier Columbaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Flowers for Cemeteries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Regions Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
The Foresight Companies, LLC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Saint Francis Cromo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Foundation Partners Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Security National Life Insurance Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Funeral Call Answering Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 SEP TECHNOLOGIES INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Funeral Services, Inc. (FSI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Springfield Coach Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
funeralOne��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� C4 Strassacker Bronze America, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Garfield Refining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Supply Link - Multiview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Garfield Refining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Global Atlantic Financial Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 TribuCast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Global Bronze Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Trigard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Grever & Ward Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Triple H Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Heritage Flower Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 U.S. Metalcraft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Holland Supply Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Vantage Products Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Holy Land Stone Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 VKM International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Homesteaders Life Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Wilbert Funeral Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
IncredibleBank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Withum, Smith & Brown, PC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Inman Shipping Worldwide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Zontec Ozone Generators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

104 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2020 www.iccfa.com

Who Supplies
the Suppliers?
For funeral and cemetery suppliers, business
has never been more isolating. Often ideas
are done in a vacuum. What you know is only
what you know, which limits how far you can
go. IMSA membership can change that. We’ve
brought together some of the top industry
experts to offer our members free one-on-
one advice on marketing, business planning,
legal issues and more. We also bring to
our members insightful business-boosting
webinars, meaningful industry resources and
networking with other IMSA members. All this
for just $175 a year. We’re the only association
serving all funeral and cemetery suppliers.
Because what’s good for the suppliers is
good for the providers and that’s good for the
families. IMSA. Supplying opportunity.


IMSA members now get free consultation with Dan Katz & Rolf Gutknecht of LA ads, Jake Johnson
of Johnson Consulting, Ryan Thogmartin of Disrupt Media and Poul Lemasters of Lemasters Consulting.

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