Memento Mori: March/April 2020
Memento Mori: March/April 2020
Memento Mori: March/April 2020
You Must Die
The Making of
Memento Mori
2020 ICCFA
& Expo
Onsite Issue
Remembering the Titanic
San Antonio’s Mission Park
Life Center
Strategies for Business
Robert Boetticher, Sr.:
Legacy Impact Awardee
Remember You Must Die!
The Making of
Memento Mori
by Jay D. Dodds, CFSP
Recovery of the Dead:
I’m Not Suggesting You Write a Blog, but …
Blogging About Deathcare
by Welton Hong
The Titanic’s Final Voyage
by Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE
Prose for the Quietus of Life:
There Is No Death
by J. L. McCreery
Not Just for Funerals Anymore: San
Antonio’s Mission Park Celebrates
Life’s Milestones
by Susan Cushing
patent pending
THE THIN NICHE LINE: From unusable areas to immediate inventory: patent pending
ONLY 4” DEEP turning blank walls into elegant cremation space.
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Delivering projects
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and under budget.
Specializing in inventory for today’s
funeral consumers from Asia,
South America and Europe.
S THE CRESCENDO OF MY PRESIDENTIAL YEAR PEAKS at this Scattering of cremated remains is also
year’s annual convention in San Antonio, it is appropriate that I focus on the not “secured,” as the memory of the scatter-
future rather than reflect on the past. Our goals for the year were to increase ing will only last two, maybe three gener-
membership, improve member benefits, and highlight permanent placement. These are ations, leaving the person lost forever. We
goals that do not end with a presidential year; they continue to build well into the future. give our consumers many strong reasons to
inurn in our cemeteries by creating place-
During our 2019 strategic planning brochure that outlines the most important ment areas that are not only meaningful
meeting, we set a future goal of a 10-per- reasons why people should join the asso- but easily identified as “special cemeteries”
cent gain in membership over the next ciation, a handy tool to bring to conven- within cemeteries.
three years. As the only association that tions that we attend throughout the year. A unique method of looking at crema-
caters directly to all aspects of the profes- In addition, it reminds us all of the great tion memorialization and permanent place-
sion, we remain bullish that our growth will benefits of belonging to such a prestigious ment is to explore the term “destination.”
come both locally and internationally. organization. Destination is defined as “a place to which
Being a member of ICCFA allows me the The brochure does a fantastic job of one is journeying to or which something is
opportunity to learn and grow in a profes- simplifying our many benefits by catego- sent.” It is an interesting term, as it encapsu-
sion that has such a lasting impact on the rizing them: (1) government and legisla- lates placement and memorialization in one
world that we serve. ICCFA has something tive oversight and advice; (2) networking word. As our life journey comes to an end,
to offer everyone, whether you are a ceme- and educational opportunities; (3) and we must allow for a final resting place—the
tery professional, funeral professional, cre- business enhancement discounts and “destination” of our humanly remains.
mationist, professional supplier, or all four! offers. To operate a first-class firm while
The advantage of a larger membership leveraging our dues dollars, we all should Acknowledgments
allows for continued peer development op- take advantage of each category. Doing so I am looking forward to a great year with
portunities, and it provides a stronger voice will truly set our firms apart from others Gary Freytag as our next president. Gary’s
on legislative and regulatory issues, while in our industry. commitment and service to the association
facilitating the sharing of ideas across many cannot be questioned. He has volunteered
cultures. Learning is a lifelong process; and My Focus on Permanent Placement for numerous leadership roles, such as board
as society continues to demand more from Throughout my year as president, I spoke member, vice president, and treasurer. He
the profession, the progressive members of about permanent placement and received a has served on many committees, including
ICCFA gladly accept the challenge! lot of head nods from the audience—even a chairing the recent strategic planning update.
few standing ovations! One of the greatest But most importantly, Gary serves as dean
Experimentation in Outreach opportunities for not only the health of the of the College of Leadership, Management
Communication is key when trying to es- cemetery business but the health of our & Administration of the ICCFA University.
tablish a useable knowledge base composed consumer is securely placing the cremated Gary’s boundless energy, sense of humor, and
of the many benefits that the association remains of a loved one in a cemetery. business acumen will serve the association
offers to its membership. Through coor- The profession is only scratching the sur- well for the upcoming year.
dination with the staff and Jim Price (our face of the generational issue of not placing
resident film producer), we created an ed- family members in a cemetery. Many fam- Congratulations, Gary.
ucational video that speaks to the benefits ilies have skipped the cemetery for two or There are many people who contribute to the
of being a member. This short video can be three generations, instead opting for what growth of this association and provide value to
used during our ambassador visits, our ori- they consider to be a “secure” environment. its membership. I would love to name them all
entation program of new board members, If a family chooses to place their loved ones but only have space to highlight a few. ICCFA
in recruiting new members to the associ- anywhere but a cemetery, I would argue Executive Director Nadira Baddeliyanage
ation, and mostly by our members when that they are not “secure.” A church, school, and Operations Director Kirsten Kase provide
speaking about ICCFA. or personal property can always be sold, strong leadership to the staff and have com-
We also have created a communication leaving the loved one unsecured. piled a team of not only solid performers, but
very good people. Poul Lemasters took over as and support during my time not only this tional opportunities with some incredible
general counsel when Bob Fells retired last July. year, but in prior years. Each vice president programming; Andres Aguilar was our
Poul had big shoes to fill and has done a great has served the association well in their re- “internal” vice president and made sure that
job of not only taking on the role but also main- spective areas of responsibility. Shawna de our staff had the tools and resources to do
taining his personality and sense of humor! la Cruz did a great job with marketing and their jobs; finally, Lee Longino made sure
I am grateful for Immediate Past Pres- membership by growing our membership that our government and legislative efforts
ident Christie Toson-Hentges’ direction base; Mitch Rose was on top of our educa- were supported.
ICCFA Treasurer Chris Keller and
Secretary Robbie Pape did a great job of
keeping track of our money and keeping
us all organized and recorded. Much
appreciation goes to Jeff Kidwiler, who
served as chancellor of the ICCFA Univer-
sity, for his tireless work continuing the
growth and excellence of our education
Darin Drabing and Fred Lappin served
me well as past presidents on my executive
committee, giving me great advice and
perspective. And all the committees and
committee chairs did an outstanding job of
addressing the needs of our members and
pushing the association forward.
Thanks to all our members for supporting
me this year and for taking advantage of your
benefits as members of ICCFA. Most of all,
thank you for putting permanent placement
in the forefront of your thinking. As our pro-
fession continues to evolve, being a member
of ICCFA will give you the tools and resources
to meet all challenges. It is important to take
control of your future, and as I always say,
“You create your own world.”
LOVE A GOOD STORY. In fact, I truly believe that we learn more from real stories you know it won’t happen again unless you
than we learn from anything else. When there is a lesson to be learned in the story, it analyze the problem, so you know why and
allows us to build practices to prevent (hopefully) those same stories from becoming how it happened in the first place?
our own. Get a full detail of what happened and
consider human, physical, and operation-
After every speaking engagement, al elements. Typically, I hear the same
several people typically pull me aside and But when the close responses from business owners, “we just
ask if they can share a story with me. My weren’t paying attention” or “we overlooked
response is always a resounding, “Yes!” call happens, don’t take this one.” Neither of these is a reason.
because I am always looking for new ma- If these are your answers, then you
terial! I also like to hear the stories because
it for granted. Don’t tell have to do further analysis and answer the
I am continuing to learn, just as we all are. yourself that it won’t questions:
By hearing others’ stories, it allows me to
happen again. Make • Why weren’t we paying attention?
understand more, prepare more, and share • Why did we overlook this one?
more. sure it won’t happen • Is it human error? If so, why this time?
I have also recognized a common • Is it a physical issue?
theme. Most of the stories I hear are “close again … • Is it that someone simply didn’t know
call” stories—a situation where something that there was a request?
almost happened, but for one reason or What to Do After a Close Call • Is it operational? Why did your process
another, the problem either got resolved, Needless to say, there are multiple things allow cremation to happen despite
got fixed, or didn’t get noticed and didn’t get that can be done if you experience a close the request for services prior to the
reported. call. There are many steps to take, and any cremation?
The person who has told me the story step is at least a step in the right direction. Many times, we are afraid to analyze
typically smiles or even laughs, acknowl- The point is, do not ignore the problem. a problem because of what it may reveal.
edges that it was a close call, then shows Consider cremation services, for ex- We may discover that we do not have the
appreciation for nothing having actually ample. Many providers are offering more right people; or we don’t have a thorough
happened. Many of us have “close calls” services to families that choose cremation. process. As a business we typically rely on
and we typically smile when it works out Families are reacting positively and are a single person to recognize a problem;
for us; then we move on, hoping it never choosing more services—many of which determine how it may affect the business;
happens again. This is not the appropriate happen prior to cremation. One particular and then fix the problem.
reaction! family chooses to have a final viewing prior Analysis is not all about questions and
A close call should be a wake-up call, to cremation. Another family wishes to answers; you need discussion as well. A
and it should push your business toward place something in the casket before cre- brainstorming session with several individ-
a response plan. In the realm of risk man- mation. Both are wonderful additional ser- uals can open up unseen risks and out-
agement, there is no difference between a vices; both happening prior to cremation. comes to a problem. Unfortunately, when
close call and a lawsuit. Actually, if there However, in this story, the cremation one person is left to analyze a situation,
was a difference, I would suggest that the occurs before the requested services are that person might see only a certain path of
close call rank higher on the list because provided. Don’t worry, the families were issues. This can lead to a view that is biased
it is the time where we can fix, prevent, understanding so it was never an issue. But and harmful to the business, despite the
change, modify, and do something pos- what can you as the business owner learn best intentions of the person analyzing. It
itive with the situation—maybe before a from this and do moving forward? is through multiple individuals that a broad
lawsuit arises. view of the issue is seen.
Yet so many business owners just move Analyze the Problem One of the last steps in analysis is an
on, never seizing the opportunity to make a Oftentimes, a business owner dismisses a assessment of the issue. Is there a likelihood
change and never initiating positive action situation like this by calling it a fluke and of this occurring again? If it is likely to
after a potential negative event. hoping it won’t happen again. But how do happen again, what is the potential impact?
Take Action
The next takeaway is the hardest. Once
you know the problem, you need to take
action and fix it. This is so difficult because
sometimes we may know there is a problem
but just don’t know how to fix it. Solutions
are tough.
Let’s agree on what a solution isn’t.
First, a solution is not simply agreeing that
it won’t happen again. If that worked, I
wouldn’t be writing this article. We prob-
ably wouldn’t need attorneys, yet, here we
Second, ignoring the problem is not a
solution either. Arguably, it is a solution;
it’s just a really bad one because more than
likely the issue will occur again. While find-
ing the solution can be difficult, it is worth
the effort. Failing to try to fix the problem
leaves you in the position to simply suffer it
Every problem will dictate what a solu-
tion might be, but let’s consider our story.
The problem was cremating prior to certain
services being done. So, was this due to bad
paperwork? Was it marked down improp-
erly? Was this a procedural issue? Was the
body placed in a position to be cremated
despite having other services requiring
completion? I can share with you a few
solutions I have seen incorporated to try
and solve this problem.
If it is a flaw in your paperwork, consider
a change to highlight when a service or op-
eration has to occur before cremation. First,
make sure your cremation authorization
form has an area for identifying services could give the operator a clear indication of A business needs to monitor all of its
prior to cremation. If you already have this who can or cannot be cremated—or at least processes and review them to make sure
and still see an issue, consider adding a it would make the operator question the that there are no holes that could lead
separate document that shows there is an bodies’ placement. to the “close call.”
additional service. Lastly, consider adding a signoff between While every business should review
In fact, consider making this additional arranger, manager, and/or operator. This its processes annually, specific attention
document a different color from your other signoff could indicate any special services should go to a close call, especially once
paperwork so that others will clearly see and require that all persons sign before changes have been made. Depending on
that there is an additional service. Perhaps cremating. the potential risk of the issue, you may
a neon yellow form is used when something “Even if I implement these ideas, how want to review the solution a month out;
must be done prior to cremation, therefore do I know people will follow them?” you three months out; or no later than six
acting as a clear indicator to make sure ask. Sadly, any solution is only as good as months from implementation. Don’t be
the additional services are done prior to the people who are willing to follow it. If afraid to scrutinize the new process and
cremation. you don’t have buy-in, then anything can possibly make adjustments.
If this is procedural error, perhaps a fail. But a problem like that requires you When you are in the monitor and review
change in the process must occur. Many to start a new analysis and assessment stage of a close call, watch how this could
times, a crematory stores all bodies in one process. be affecting other areas. For example, based
refrigeration unit. This can lead to an issue on the issue and changes you may have in-
when an operator believes all the paper- Monitor and Review the Issue corporated, does this have an effect on your
work is complete. Consider segregating a Sometimes things work; sometimes policies and procedures? Do those need to
portion of your storage area for bodies that things have to be adjusted. Businesses be changed to reflect your new operational
are ready for cremation—with all docu- sometimes fall into complacency when strategy?
mentation complete but there are other there are no issues. “No issues” does If you changed or added documentation,
reasons they cannot be cremated yet. This not equate to a trouble-free business. is it reflected in all other documentation?
**it Happens …
Overall, know this. We all have close calls.
Even the best businesses have situations
where something doesn’t work the way it’s
supposed to. Hopefully, you have proce-
dures in place to catch the close calls and
prevent catastrophes. But when the close
call happens, don’t take it for granted. Don’t
tell yourself that it won’t happen again.
Make sure it won’t happen again by taking
a look at the entire situation to understand
the issue; and do not be afraid to implement
Next time you share your “close call”
story with me, be sure to have the follow-up
that I want to hear, which should start with,
“Here’s what we did about it.”
the sinking of the Titanic,
we are reminded of the selfless
work performed by those silent
sentinels who responded to a
catastrophic event that caused
the loss of hundreds of lives. It
is the role of the funeral director
that is celebrated here.
A Timeline of the
April 3–10, 1912 April 10, 1912 April 11, 1912
The Titanic is loaded with 9:30 am to 11:30 am Passengers board the ship.
supplies and her crew is hired. 12:00 pm The Titanic leaves the dock at Southhampton, England,
for its maiden voyage, stopping first in Cherbourg, France.
Highway 281 in San Antonio, Dick and Kristin Tips, owners of Mission Park
Funeral Chapels and Cemeteries, were informed that the state of Texas would
be exercising its right of eminent domain. The state’s taking meant that the Tipses’
funeral chapel alongside the highway would have to come down.
The Tipses acquiesced to the state’s highway expansion plans that’s a wedding, an anniversary or recognizing a loved one’s life.”
so as not to get in the way of progress. But instead of abandoning The expansive three-story, 80,000 square-foot architectural won-
San Antonio’s Northside altogether, Dick and Kristin set out to der located on Highway 281 comprises two world-class chapels,
build a new facility to serve the needs of families in that area. Out visitation suites complete with private restrooms and kitchens, and
of the razing of one came the construction of another—a new “Life two private cremation chapels with adjacent crematories.
Center”—in conjunction with a new philosophy that focuses on the In addition, the new complex will feature full catering and
meaning and value of life’s many celebratory moments. banquet facilities, reception rooms, and family-friendly amenities
“With our Life Centers, we’re attempting to change the old to accommodate every type of event imaginable. Other Mission
concept of funeral homes and embrace all milestones of life, not Park locations are already the preferred destination for wedding
just the end,” says Kristin. “We truly want these to be special places receptions, anniversary and birthday celebrations, and many social
where people can celebrate and create lasting memories, whether and community events.
The crowning jewel of this remarkable “Life Center” is a cop- Kristin and Dick
per-clad dome that sits atop the new structure as a beacon of hope Tips are transition-
and majesty in tribute to the families Mission Park serves. The ing their more than 27
dome was constructed on the ground and recently lifted into place Mission Park locations
by crane, setting a new record as the heaviest architectural lift ever to “Life Centers,” and
attempted in the city of San Antonio. All this is being done to create have all but eradicated the
an uplifting environment where everyone can feel at home while words “mortuary” and “funer-
celebrating a life well lived. al home” from their branding.
The couple’s newest and soon-to-be
Transitioning from Death to Life largest Life Center is expected to house a very unique feature and
We open our doors to grief, tears, and sometimes even rage. We one that, to some, might seem unexpected. Geared toward health
embrace, comfort, and provide the most thoughtful and respectful and improving and extending life, the Mission Park Life Center will
services possible for those experiencing life’s darkest hour. However, include a Longevity Spa. This in-house boutique is designed to offer
ours are not places that people aspire to visit, but rather do so only specialized anti-aging services to appeal to a demographic that can
after suffering loss. appreciate the Tipses’ dedication to make every season of life the
Mission Park Funeral Homes and Cemeteries is as familiar a name best it can be.
as The Alamo to the citizens of this sprawling Texas community and “We’ll promote a healthy lifestyle, help offset aging naturally,
recognized as an integral part of its colorful history. Now in its fourth and utilize new technology to address a vast range of physical and
and fifth generations, this family-owned company has embraced and cosmetic concerns,” Kristin explains. “Massage, facials, and other
built upon a concept that is both revolutionary and uplifting. soothing and life-extending services will be available here, so that
You’re a bit skeptical about this blogging thing, I bet. most businesses will find it more efficient to outsource
Don’t worry, I’m used to it. I consult with deathcare the writing.
clients every day of the work week. They include many
very smart businesspeople, men and women who are Finding Topics to Discuss
open to all sorts of ideas to generate more revenue for Most people in the deathcare industry automatically
their businesses. think there is nothing to blog about. It’s obvious to
They’re all ears when I tell them about the benefits ofthem what topics other business types might blog
pay-per-click ads, the enduring importance of SEO, and about, but the very idea of writing several times a week
how critical it is to generate excellent online reviews. about cremation, cemetery plots, or funerals strikes
They’re engaged and excited. them as absurd.
Then I mention that they should start blogging, and Here’s the thing: You can (and should) write about
everything comes to a screeching halt. aspects of your business that would be interesting to
So really, it’s a good thing that some deathcare readers. Here are some ideas:
professionals may have stopped reading this article •
Share news you find online about alternative funer-
after the headline, because if that group includes your als or green policies in deathcare.
competitors, you have a massive advantage. •
Talk about new ideas for pet memorials
Discuss creative concepts in cremation urns
Outsourcing Your Blog (sports, movies, music, etc.).
You run a funeral home, or a direct cremation service, You can easily think of 75 to 100 ideas with just a
or a cemetery. Or you have another business closely little brainstorming. But you’re actually not limited to
related to deathcare. deathcare topics. Frankly, your blog will be more inter-
You don’t run a publishing company. You’re not a esting to potential readers if you offer plenty of variety:
journalist. You’re not a writer. •Your audience: You know the target demograph-
Granted, some of you probably do enjoy writing at ics of the families and individuals you serve.
times, but I’m sure most of you would rather focus on Most often, your clientele will be older. Statisti-
the main job at hand. And that’s fine. cally, you might also work a little more often with
Just like you contract out for work you either can’t women. With that in mind, many of your posts
do yourself or don’t have time to do, you can do that should cover topics of interest to older women.
for your blog. There are lots of great online resources •
Health: You can post plenty of content about
to find freelance writers who can write three, five, healthcare—specifically, how to live a healthy life
even 10 blog posts for you every week. as you age. It’s the type of content you’ll see in
Granted, you should take publications such as AARP
your time in finding the right magazine or Prevention
person for the job. Make sure
Think about anything a magazine. In fact, you can
to review clips of the writer’s person over age 60 might find use those as resources.
previous work. Make sure he or interesting and write about • Reposting: Don’t reinvent
she writes well, spelling every- it—or direct your freelance the wheel every time you
thing correctly. The last thing come across source mate-
you want to worry about is
writer to do so! rial. You can simply write a
having to correct your blogger’s few lines providing context
grammar and punctuation. and then link to the source article. You’ll always
You always should review the work before allowing get better SEO from your blog if you’re regularly
it to be published to your website, at least for the first linking out to authoritative sites.
several months. But remember that you’ll ultimately be •
Lifestyle: Consider writing about money and estate
responsible for everything published on your blog. If management, vacation ideas for seniors, caregiv-
your freelancer posts something offensive, profane, or ing, technology for seniors, and so on. Think about
simply inappropriate in a deathcare context, that will anything a person over age 60 might find interest-
come back on you. ing and write about it—or direct your freelance
That’s why I recommend most deathcare business writer to do so.
owners review everything before it’s published. Only •
Deathcare: You’ll want at least 25 percent of your
once you trust the writer 100 percent should you even posts (but preferably more) to mention themes
consider letting him or her publish directly to your blog. related to your industry. That’s because Google
Technically, you could save money by DIY blog- and other search engines will notice those terms
ging. But you’re also using up time and energy that in your posts and their headlines, providing your
way. If you or your staff happen to have enough down- website more authority (in Google’s eyes) for
time during the week, sure, try blogging in-house. But deathcare. Consequently, you will rank much
Famous Women
and Where
They Are
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896)
buried Phillips Academy Cemetery,
Andover, MA; born Litchfield, CT
Harriet Beecher Stowe was an
American writer and philanthropist,
most notably known for her novel,
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which contribut-
ed to the movement against slavery
and is cited among the causes of the
American Civil War.
Stowe began to write a long tale
of slavery, based on her reading of
abolitionist literature and on her
personal observations in Ohio and
Kentucky. Her tale was published se-
rially (1851–
52) in the National Era, an antislavery paper
in Washington, D.C.; in 1852, it appeared
in book form as Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The
book, along with its author, was vehemently
denounced in the South, where reading or
possessing the book became an extremely
dangerous enterprise.
With sales of $300,000 in the first year,
the book exerted an influence equaled by few
other novels in history, helping to solidify
both pro- and antislavery sentiment. The
book was translated widely and several times
dramatized (the first time, in 1852, without
Stowe’s permission), where it played to capac-
ity audiences. In 1853, she published A Key to
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a compilation of docu-
ments and testimonies in support of disputed
details of her indictment of slavery.
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—J. L. McCreery
Transferring a Cemetery
to a Key Person
by Daniel M. Isard, MSFS
Dear Dan, It is the net present value of this income otent. The biggest thing the buyer must give
I own the cemetery that has been in my stream. It is an income stream only of the is his or her signature to the bank and the
family for three decades. When my father profits, not the sales. There are substantial check to the seller.
passed, he left it to me in his will. I have costs in operating a cemetery. The valuation 3. Financing. This is where the difficulty
a solid key person who oversees sales and must be performed by someone who has will be. Banks don’t understand that they
some of the general administration. He seen these things actually sell, not just use cannot secure a lien on cemeteries. Most
is committed to this business and I don’t their guesstimate to tell a buyer or seller at state laws do not allow a lien on graves. As
want to lose him. I am 58 years old and what value to transact. a cemetery, you can’t go to the bank and get
would like to retire by the time I am 64. 2. Deal Terms. While all parts of the a release of a plot each time you sell a grave,
My key person is 35 years old. Can you contract are important, the representations crypt, or niche. The bank can secure its loan
give me an outline of how to transfer a and warranties (R/Ws) are the big part of on the business of the cemetery, but most
business to a key person without having to the sales contract that lawyers focus on. R/ banks are tangible-asset lenders. They look
die to make it happen? Ws are given by both the buyer to the seller at a cemetery as if it is real estate. All that
Signed, and the seller to the buyer. By definition, a acreage looks like real estate, but it is really
Living Cemetery Representation is a statement given that the inventory.
other side can rely on. The Warranty is the Banks have trouble with cemetery loans
Dear Living Cemetery, security underwriting those statements. in general. If they loan to a hamburger
There are four key steps to follow when Some R/Ws that buyers ask of the seller stand, there might be cash flow, equipment,
planning to transfer the ownership of a are basic. You, the seller, represent that you and a building as collateral. If that burger
cemetery. can sell the assets as contemplated by the shop operator defaults, the banker can seize
1. Valuation. You need to have a qualified agreement. Of course, you would know what assets to sell or find another burger
valuation performed of the business. A that. It is simple if you are the 100 percent shop operator for a period of time. A ceme-
qualified valuation is not performed by shareholder. tery is a different kind of asset.
someone who claims to have valued cem- Some R/Ws are more complicated. Only a cash-flow lender can make a
eteries before. Most generic valuations are For example, you might represent that all loan to a cemetery. The cash-flow lender
treated like real estate valuations, and they liabilities are going to be paid off at closing. has two difficulties in making a loan to a
are not. To confirm this, you could employ title cemetery. The first is determining earnings
I have valued more than 800 cemeter- searches and other credit-checking tools to and the second is determining cash flow.
ies. Someone who doesn’t understand how make sure you are paying off everything. The difference is the quantity of installment
these things are sold will inevitably reach an Some R/Ws are very difficult to make payments.
incorrect conclusion. but must be given. For example, you may To do both of these calculations, you
Picture the appraisal in upstate Min- represent that there are no environmental start with revenue. Imagine a cemetery with
nesota of a 40-acre cemetery with 40,000 hazards on the property. The parties can $1 million in sales. This is accrual account-
graves. During its first five years of exis- engage a third party to check this out, but ing. If half of those sales are “at need” and
tence, 300 graves were sold. The appraiser suppose you only owned this property half advance sales, what is the revenue? In
said, “Each grave sells for $1,000 and there for 10 years? The job of an experienced most progressive cemeteries, all of the “at
are 39,700 graves remaining. Therefore, the transactional lawyer is to know how to fairly need” is paid in full, but usually only about
appraised value is $39,700,000.” What is compromise the representations and how to 33 percent of the advance sales are paid
worse, a bank loaned $5 million based on limit the exposure of the person offering the now. The balance is paid over time. The
that appraisal. warranty (the Warrantee). difference in revenue between the Accru-
A cemetery is an income stream, but the The buyer has some R/Ws to give to the al Method and the Cash Method could
appraised value is not the total future value. seller, but they are usually much less omnip- be $330,000 (66 percent of the $500,000
percent break even, and 30 percent are consistently losing money. I’m not sure A mission statement is the overall, lasting
about you, but these are some frightening statistics. purpose of why your company exists. It de-
fines the standard you are working toward
I have been in the deathcare profession There is an overwhelming disparity and how you hope to accomplish the goals
for 25 years. I have walked the grounds between planning, execution, and success. of the organization.
of more than a thousand cemeteries and I’m not here to suggest that your plan needs For example, Southwest Airlines says:
funeral homes on five different continents. to be anything exotic or extraordinary, but
The mission of Southwest Airlines is
I have seen what makes the successful busi- it needs to be written down and clearly
dedication to the highest quality of cus-
nesses successful and the not-so-successful understood by your entire team.
tomer service delivered with a sense of
ones underperform. It revolves around the Why in writing? This is an informal
warmth, friendliness, individual pride,
ability to implement a strategic plan. “contract” between you and your busi-
and company spirit.
I am often amazed at how frequently I re- ness, between you and your staff, and
ceive a blank stare from a “successful” owner eventually a promise to your service This mission statement reflects the team
in our industry after I ask to see a copy of his community. And contracts need to be in philosophy to the core. The company strives
or her strategic plan. It seems so simple and a writing; otherwise, you may forget what for top-quality customer service by being
common practice, right? Wrong! you promised to do. friendly and showing off its company pride
with a smile.
Southwest continues its statement with:
We are committed to provide our em-
SWOT is a look at yourself and your competitors. It’s ployees a stable work environment with
like taking your business to the doctor for an annual equal opportunity for learning and per-
sonal growth. Creativity and innovation
check-up. It is necessary and vital for the overall are encouraged for improving the effec-
health of your business. tiveness of Southwest Airlines. Above
all, Employees will be provided the same
concern, respect, and caring attitude
within the organization that they expect
to share externally with every Southwest
Let me begin by asking how many of you What is a Strategic Plan?
can answer in the affirmative to the follow- In simplest terms, a strategic plan is a
ing four questions: document that is used to communicate the Do you have any doubt as to where
• Do you have a strategic plan? organization’s goals to your team and it Southwest is placing the success of its
• If you have a strategic plan, is it in includes all the critical elements necessary business? It’s all about the employees
writing? to achieve those goals. and providing the best possible customer
• Is your strategic plan updated A strategic plan provides a sense of direc- service in an industry that can be often
annually? tion, outlines measurable goals, and provides fraught with frustration. It might not be the
• Does your staff know of the plan’s exis- day-to-day guidelines for your entire team. funeral or cemetery business, but think for
tence and what is in that plan? Most importantly, it creates a sense of collabo- a moment about what the most important
If you can answer these four simple ration and ensures that every member of your factor of success is in your business. Is it
questions in the affirmative, congratula- organization is working toward the same result. your people?
tions. You are in the minority. If you are not A strategic plan includes five major Your mission statement needs to be
able to answer these questions in the affir- parts: Mission and vision, core values, a combined with your vision statement. Your
mative, I suggest you not waste any more SWOT analysis, strategy and objectives, vision should be concise and understood
time—start putting one together. and success measurement. by every member of your organization. It
We’ve been bringing clarity, simplicity, and insight
Armbruster Stageway #2022
to the Cemetery operations for 20 years, with
#3095 Bass-Mollett is celebrating its 65th year of
state-of-the art technology and solutions. Axiom
At Armbruster Stageway, we proudly build the supplying the funeral profession. Its mission is to
has all the tools to optimize your operations,
most elegant funeral cars in the industry today. provide customized solutions to funeral directors
assisting you to make informed decisions about
With our line of classically designed funeral using excellent quality, value, and service so that
your Cemetery’s strategic directions and future
coaches and our best-in-class limousines, our each family served may memorialize their loved
business planning. Axiom is your partner of
goal is to introduce you to a new standard of one with dignity. In its fourth generation of family
choice when it comes to effective and high-per-
excellence. With world-class customer service ownership, Bass-Mollett will continue to proudly
forming Cemetery management.
and our direct buying process, let Armbruster serve funeral directors for decades to come.
Stageway show you how buying a funeral car
should be.
Service for Directors
#2115 Axis Corporation
Behar Mapping
ASD blends state-of-
the-art technology with Since 1958, Axis Corp. has been manufactur-
Behar Mapping specializes in digital mapping
an extensive, six-month ing cemetery equipment, including: vault and
services for cemeteries, implementing GIS
training program focused monument handlers, the Axis self-propelled
(Geographic information Systems) using cloud-
on the funeral profession. dump trailer, our crane models and the Path-
based technology with the ability to integrate
The family-owned com- Track II (which gives you the most versatility in
with existing record management systems. A
pany’s custom-built communication systems and handling vaults/monuments). All Axis equipment
family-owned and operated business, Behar Map-
mobile tools were designed specifically to meet is one-man-operated, self-propelled, towable at
ping serves cemeteries across North America,
the needs of funeral homes. By offering directors highway speeds, and won’t track up grass.
providing in-ground mapping and above-ground
unmatched protection for their calls, ASD has
B&L Cremation 3D mapping of mausoleums.
redefined the role of an answering service for
Systems, Inc
funeral homes.
Biondan North
B&L Cremation Sys-
America Inc.
tems, Inc. is a world
From Ideas to Reality:
leader in the manu-
Biondan, leaders in inno-
facturing of human
vative, high-quality me-
and animal cremation
morialization. Come see
equipment. Our com-
Assurance Funeral Funding mitment to research
our glass-fronted niches,
#2036 space-saving Thin Niches, and full array of memo-
and development is unsurpassed. We are an
A Nationwide Insurance Assignment Funding rialization: lettering, emblems, vases, EZ Safety
American-based crematory company, and all of
Company assisting Funeral Homes with Insurance plaques and lights. See Kosmolux, our incredibly
our products & accessories are made in the USA
Verification and FUNDING. As Funeral Directors durable cast-marble art, designed to withstand
in our manufacturing plant in Largo, Florida. We
and Funeral Home Owners, we understand the the demanding North American environment.
set the standard that others attempt to follow.
need of processing insurance claims quickly and Always original—quality with integrity, since 1956.
accurately.; 1.877.290.6703;
Carved in
Carved in Memory
takes a sample The Champion Co.
Bio-Response Solutions of a loved one’s #2034
#1010 handwriting—the The Champion Co. is the leading manufacturer
Our family-owned and operated company helps love note from a late focused exclusively on embalming solutions.
businesses add alkaline hydrolysis to the list of husband, a birthday With a full line of specialty embalming products
choices they offer families. Where it is available, card from a sibling or grandma’s famous pie for difficult cases as well as general embalming
over 80 percent of families choose water over recipe, or even hand or footprint—and creates products, Champion is the right choice for all
fire. We believe that people deserve to have this a 3D wood carving and jewelry. Our wood
Cemetery Funeral
C&J Financial Supply
#2100 #1125
As the leading provider of assignment funding in Cemetery Funeral Church & Chapel Metal Arts Inc.
Supply is a manufac- #1053
North America, C&J works with more than 3,000
turer and distributor Church & Chapel Metal Arts, serving the funeral
funeral homes funding 50,000+ funerals and
of products for the industry since 1933. We offer a complete line of
providing $375 million annually. Let us show you
deathcare industry. supplies to the funeral industry, including torch-
why nearly twice as many funeral homes choose
We continue to be a iere lamps, lecterns, kneelers, cremation urns and
C&J for their assignment funding needs and why
leader in the tent, funeral home, burial vault and many other products necessary to the delivery
many associations, accounting firms and industry
cemetery equipment market. The quality of our of funeral service. 2616 W. Grand Ave., Chicago,
leaders recommend C&J to their clients and
merchandise is superior to any and our prices are IL 60612; 773.489.3700; Fax: 773.489.3434; toll
competitive. Our guarantee is complete customer free: 1.800.992.1234; Fax: 1.800.626.3299. Visit our
Carrier Mausoleums satisfaction. website:; e-mail: info@
Offering the best in
mausoleums, niche
buildings, glass-front Cemetery360
niches, columbaria, #2109 CLAIMCHECK
Cemetery360 offers the ultimate sales platform #2062
cremation equipment and bronze accessories,
through immersive technology. Our 360-player CLAIMCHECK offers fast and reliable advance
we also build a legacy of quality, craftsmanship
allows you to showcase your business virtually payment on life insurance assignments. CLAIM-
and reliability. No matter the size of your project,
anywhere. Our fully integrated cemetery listing CHECK helps you get your cash flowing again,
we’ll handle it efficiently, elegantly and cost
service offers you the ability to manage available minimizes risk from lost assignments, and frees
effectively. For more information, visit us at booth
location listings with your team in real-time. Visit up your time to do more of what you love: serv-
#2114; 1.800.663.7954; ;
us at and www.cemetery360. ing families in their time of need. To learn more,
com for further information. visit us online at
800-426-0165 •
Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition
Columbarium by Design
#5097 Core Scientific Design Mart
We Manufacture the Most Versatile and Profitable #4104 #1011
COMPLETELY MADE IN AMERICA niche system Core Scientific Precious Metals Recycling Design Mart celebrates 50 years of service to the
in the market. We Offer the Largest Capacity and program is committed to refining a wide range monument industry with a variety of prod-
Most Durable Niches in the Industry, the Only of non-organic, post-cremation materials and ucts and services that help funeral homes and
True In-Ground Niche in the Industry and the pacemakers. Visit us at booth #4104. cemeteries design and sell personal monuments,
Most Efficient and Lightweight Mausoleum Crypt including: Online Monument Designer, Online
Shelving System available. Sales and Consulting Custom Air Trays
Catalog, sales brochures, catalogs, CAD systems,
with Gerardo G. Garcia (505) 660-7819 / g.gar- #3103
custom design work, web sites, fonts, and pre-cut Custom Air Trays is an
stencil. Please visit
industry leader in the
Columbian manufacturing and
Financial Group supplying of human
#6045 remains shipping
Columbian’s pre- containers. We have four locations that cover the
need program was entire country. We also carry an impressive line of
built around the leak-resistant cremation products. Our trays meet The Dodge Company
expertise of our valued funeral service associates. or exceed the various state safety requirements #1040
We know that simplicity and service are two for protective and leak-resistant containers. Come Dodge is the world’s largest manufacturer and
of the most important features of a successful by and see us at booth #3103. distributor of funeral home and cemetery sup-
program—that is what we provide. Our priority is plies. We offer a complete line of domestic and
turning your business around quickly and easily imported urns, vaults, and cremation supplies.
so that you can focus on your most important Dodge partners include Glass Remembrance,
priority—your clients. Capture Bead Keepsakes and Dodge Portraits.
Our technology partner, CFS, provides revenue
generating websites for over 5,000 funeral
homes. Visit
Empower Sound
You can’t scream
compassionately, Everdays
and without sound, #3020
Donate Life America Everdays is modernizing conversations around
#5114 loved ones in the
back can’t hear. I know, you hate microphones. end of life with the first mobile platform that
Donate Life America is a nonprofit organization
Come see the amazing amp, your all-in-one, easy- empowers the surviving family and friends to
leading its national partners and recovery part-
to-use solution. Get one at no cost for 30 days. If support one another in a time of loss. Everdays
ners across the country to increase the number
it isn’t everything you hoped and dreamed, send puts funeral homes at the center of these conver-
of donated organs, eyes and tissue available to
it back. Love it? Keep it and we will bill you. info@ sations by building communities for each at-need
save and heal lives. DLA manages and promotes; family, creating trusted relationships to market
Donate Life, the national brand for donation;
preplanning and growing the home’s pre-need
motivates the public to register as donors; and Ensure-A-Seal sales.
works to remove barriers to donation. www. #2038 Ensure-A-Seal
Doric Products provides consis-
#2029 tently performing
Doric Products casket protection
products proven Express Funeral Funding
Inc. has been a #5050
leader in the vault to contain fluid and odor and greatly reduce
Express Funeral Funding is the “FASTEST.
industry since infestation. Our newest product, the Westminster
EASIEST” and largest privately held insurance
1955. Doric is com- Inflatable Lowering Device, is a single-use air bag
assignment funding company in the nation.
mitted to quality products and services. Products that provides the controlled lowering of a casket
We eliminate the challenges of working with
include concrete burial vaults, metal air seal into a Westminster crypt. Minimize risk and save
insurance companies by limiting administration,
vaults from classic metal vaults, and a full line of time by making below-ground entombments
providing immediate payment and advancing
cremation products. Call 1.888.55.DORIC or visit with confidence and dignity.
complete policy funds. Since 2002, we have
us at to discover which of Eternity’s been providing funeral homes and cemeteries
our 130 dealers is closest to you. Touch nationwide with the ultimate funding experience.
Eagle Coach #5099 812.949.9011;;
Co. & Federal Eternity’s Touch,
Coach Co. a family-owned
and operated personalized keepsake company Family Bronze
#4003 #1013
Eagle Coach since 2009, provides comfort to grieving families
Our growth has been
Co. & Federal by creating unique fingerprint keepsakes, with
based on word-of-mouth
Coach Co. are dedicated to producing the highest exceptional quality and service. Our exclusivity to
from one cemeterian to
quality professional vehicles, to reflect positively the funeral profession, coupled with our pioneer-
the next. We are praised
on the funeral homes that use them. Combining ing process that digitally captures, transfers, and
for stunning quality,
attractive styling and reliable construction with creates an exact replication of a person’s finger-
immediate response and
the most sought-after features, our specialty print makes us the premier fingerprint keepsake
consistent fair pricing.
vehicles are some of the best-selling models in partner.
We are willing to take the extra step to help make
America. your customers more than satisfied with your
services and pass the word along to their friends
as well.
We ensure higher
than the highest value
for your business!
Full-Circle Funeral
Aftercare Service
#1037 Foundation
Full-Circle After- #2025
Fenimore Asset Management care is a concierge The Funeral Ser-
#3113 service that helps vice Foundation
Providing investment management services to families navigate has helped the
cemeteries for more than four decades. Fenimore the complexities profession build meaningful relationships with
Asset Management, advisor to FAM Funds focus- of settling personal and estate matters after the families and communities since 1945. We fuel
es on capital preservation and long-term capital loss of a loved one. Most families take 14 months careers through scholarships, offer resources for
appreciation. We adhere to a distinct, time-test- to wrap up an estate. FCA clients are done on families via our Youth & Funerals Initiative, and
ed, consistent investment process. average in three weeks. FCA also introduces award grants to organizations that share our vi-
Funeral Services
Flowers For Cemeteries Inc.
#3038 #2071
Flowers For Cemeteries, Inc. (Marietta, GA) – We Funeral Services
offer a full selection of beautiful silk flowers for Inc. (FSI) is a
ground vases, mausoleum vases, niche vases, Funeral Directors Life Insurance Company
pre-need and per-
monument saddles, holiday wreaths, holiday (FDLIC)
petual care trust record-keeping company that
trees, the patented Stay-In-The-Vase® Christmas #2065
provides trust solutions to funeral homes, ceme-
tree, and custom designs. No minimums—Free At Funeral Directors Life (FD), we understand
teries, associations and financial institutions. With
Brochures. We are the best in service, selection, that being a funeral director today is harder than
more than 40 years of experience, FSI offers ex-
and satisfaction! Come by and say hello to David ever, which is why we provide a one-stop-shop
pert knowledge of the funeral service profession
and Ruby at booth #3038. solution for every area of your business, from pre-
and web-based technology designed specifically
need, to at-need, and beyond. With FD, funeral
for pre-need and perpetual care programs. For
FORESIGHT directors are saving time, growing their business,
and increasing profitability in a rapidly changing
more information, visit
ROOSEVELT marketplace. Learn more at www.funeraldirec-
The Foresight Companies
Foresight Roosevelt Wealth Management
(FRWM) is revolutionizing holistic wealth Funeralocity
management for business owners. Many wealth #2009
managers provide inclusive planning, but only Funeralocity is the nation’s burial and cremation
advise clients on liquid wealth, which may pale Funeral Home Gifts provider comparison site. Undecided families turn
in comparison to the true value of their business. #6035 to Funeralocity to learn about all their local pro-
FRWM provides holistic resources for business Funeral Home Gifts is the premier provider of viders in one place. While all providers’ services
management, personal investments, asset pro- woven and printed Tribute Blankets, custom cap and prices are listed, our “excellence providers”
tection, succession & estate planning. panels, photo urns and personalization products enjoy higher ranking and more customization
to funeral homes worldwide. Delivered next day, features to help them get more business, higher
our products comfort families, generate reorders revenue, greater market share—all risk-free.
and provide vision to transition families from di-
rect cremation to personalized memorial services.
Call 1.800.233.0439 for a free sample for your
next service.
FT the Americas (Facultatieve #3039, 3001
Technologies) funeralOne is transforming how the world
#5061 honors life and deals with loss. We help funeral
Facultatieve Technologies, now known as FT the
Funeral Innovations professionals innovate, connect with their families
#1030 in new ways and become more profitable. Our
Americas, is your partner in providing cremation
Funeral Innovations is the leading provider of solutions include f1Connect, the profession’s
system equipment. Our innovations provide maxi-
digital marketing for funeral homes. We help you leading website platform, The Sympathy Store
mum energy and operational savings and most
build relationships with your community by syn- eCommerce plugin, Life Tributes Personalization
importantly, operator safety, providing recom-
chronizing your website, social media, SEO, and Software and more; 8,000 clients and counting.
mendations for “Total Cremation Solutions.” Our
email marketing to seamlessly deliver the right; 1.800.798.2575.
customer care unit provides technical support
message at the right time. Our Growth Engine
and FT cremators are equipped with broadband
software allows 500+ firms and cemeteries to
connection for 24/7 technical.
connect with more families wherever they are on
life’s journey.
Introducing Legacy Estates™, a new family estate program
from the memorialization industry leader. As a full-service
manufacturer, Matthews Granite provides exceptional
craftsmanship and comprehensive support from initial
concept drawings through final installation. Matthews’
expert guidance, combined with an extensive project
portfolio, provides families inspiration to create a one-of-a-
kind tribute and helps cemeteries to sell more Legacy Estates.
CP-7050-2020 © 2020 Matthews International Corporation, all rights reserved.
MATTHEWS® and MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL® are registered trademarks of Matthews International Corporation.
Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition
Increase Sales by
20% or More!
Call Lists
Appointment Reminders
Cloud Based Software
Pop-Up Scripts with Objections
Capture & Monitor All Sales Activities Pre-Written Emails & Letters
For PC, Mac, Android, iPhone & Tablets Family Service Opportunities
Innovations, Inc.
Since 1987, Infinite
Innovations has been
servicing the funeral Intera USA Johnson Consulting Group
car manufacturers. #1097 #3070
Our parts are already Founders of the cemetery grave-locater kiosk and Johnson Consulting Group is a funeral home and
on your funeral car, so if wear and tear happens, serving as the industry’s GIS mapping special- cemetery consulting firm specializing in mergers
and you need to replace a part, call us. We carry ists, Intera’s broad range of services continue and acquisitions, business valuations, bank lend-
casket rollers, bier pins, landau bars, windows, to evolve cemetery operations toward a more ing, accounting services, strategic planning, busi-
and moldings and much more. Save time and connected and secure future. Our award-winning ness performance analysis, business performance
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP
money and buy direct! 800.362.6224. www. kiosk, management software, WEB and mobile improvement, customer survey/sales analysis applications have made Intera an ideal partner for program and incentive compensation programs.
America’s best cemeteries for over 25 years. Visit Contact us today at 1.888.250.7747 or visit us at
Ingram Construction us at
Ingram Construction Co. Intuitive Solution Group Journeys End
Inc. specializes in mauso- #1067 #2054
leum and columbarium Intuitive Solution Group journeys end has
design and construction. (#1067 Enhancing the created single and
Since 1978, we have built prestige of funeral homes dual cavity keepsake
over 672 projects in 38 for 15 years. Portraits, Video urns, made of cast
states. We are a design/ Tributes, Marquees and pewter and made in the USA. Whether honoring
build firm with a staff consisting of engineers, Personalized Stationery. 8301 our veterans, showing the love symbolized by a
master planners, construction managers and NW 101 Terr. Suite 13 Kansas single rose, or selecting a style from our original
craftsmen who perform or direct every aspect of City, Missouri 64153 Phone: 816-255-2551 Email: core line, we provide dignified creative keepsakes
design and construction. We can be reached at Web: www. to memorialize a loved one. Visit us to see our
1.800.346.3395 or 601.856.4906. complete line in booth #2054.
Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition
JST Architects
JST Architects spe-
cializes in the unique
requirements of the
funeral and cemetery KMI Columbaria Inc. LA ads—A MARKETING AGENCY
industry. Whether #2047 #2055
it is funeral home In 1999, KMI Columbaria invented the all-alumi- The RIGHT message compelling told CHANGES
design—which must num engineered niche system. Quality of the everything! We believe what you say and how
include special knowledge of funeral home oper- grade of aluminum and advanced designs set you say it matters above all else, regardless of
ations, preparation/dressing facilities, merchan- us apart. KMI columbarium gives you premium media, whether digital, social or traditional. At LA
dising center and reception centers or cemetery value that you can trust. Beauty and reliability. ads, our clients succeed because we’re focused
© 2019 IncredibleBank
All Rights Reserved.
and more. Matthews for the tools and technology you need. fied presentation. Over 150,000 original and MP units are in place. Visit www.mausoleumsupply.
McCleskey Mausoleums
Since 1961, McCleskey has
Mabrey Handcrafted Urns Matthews Memorialization been a trusted partner with
#3083 #3023
knowledgeable personnel
We hand craft personal memories daily. Hand- Matthews Memorialization is an industry leader
who have designed/con-
made in our woodshop in Chico, California, by with the most comprehensive suite of solutions
structed over 1,000 custom
craftsmen (and women), our urns are built with for cemeteries and funeral homes, including:
mausoleums in over 40
solid hardwoods and feature personal photogra- bronze and granite memorials and monuments,
states. As market condi-
phy, laser engraved personalization, exotic wood cremation memorialization, mausoleums, statu-
tions changed, McCleskey developed innovative
inlays and custom care. We’re proud of the high ary, the highest quality caskets, urns, memorial
concepts that better served clients, creating a
quality urns we produce the old-fashioned way, jewelry and stationery. Matthews offers programs,
personal approach that resulted in outstanding
one at a time in America by people who care. products and services designed to help you grow
repeat customers. McCleskey professionals are
your business and help families move from griev-
now ready to discuss your next project. Corporate
ing to remembrance.
office: 1.800.622.5759.
Memory Glass
McLean, Koehler, Sparks & Hammond #3080
#2098 Memory Glass, the original glass keepsake
MKS&H is a CPA firm specializing in accounting, company, remains the market leader since 2002.
Mekus Tanager
tax and business consulting for cemeteries, funer- Skilled artists create memorial keepsakes utilizing
al homes and their trust funds. Services include a small amount of cremated remains suspended
Mekus Tanager is an architecture, planning and
due diligence related to pre-need contract data within solid glass (soil or sand can also be used).
interior design firm serving the cemetery and
and investments, audits (entity, trust, excess-in- Fingerprints can be laser engraved directly onto
funeral home industry for over 35 years. We have
come), reviews, compilations, tax returns (entity/ any piece, creating a more uniquely personal
completed over 275 projects for cemeteries and
Mid-States Recycling
Mid-States Recycling is the
Merendino Cemetery Care industry leading precious
#5072 metal recycler dating back
Merendino Cemetery Care continues to offer out- to1982. You are invited to
sourcing, cremation gardens, niche installation, visit our 19,000 square- National Funeral Directors Association
master plan development and construction. foot, EPA-permitted facility #2076
to witness the processing National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) is
of your metallic recyclables the leading and largest funeral director associa-
from start to finish with our open-door policy. We tion in the world. NFDA is the strongest advocate
offer free collection containers as well as insured for the funeral service profession. We offer
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP
shipping options. Stop by booth #2027 or visit us comprehensive educational resources and access
Messenger @ to the largest network of funeral service experts.
#4049 Join us in New Orleans, LA, October 18-21, 2020,
Messenger has served the funeral industry since for the NFDA International Convention & Expo.
1913, and is the leading manufacturer of funeral Visit
stationery products including register books,
service folders, acknowledgments, prayer cards, Nelson Granite
and laminated bookmarks. We offer technology #1082
solutions, and leading personalization solutions Nelson Granite is
in our Make It! Personal printing software and the a fifth-generation
new Signature Service and Remembering With family-owned business,
Love programs. specializing in 100%
granite memorial and
landscaping products. We are the largest quarrier
and manufacturer of memorial products in Cana-
da and one of the largest in North America.
Triple H Company
P.O. Box 5790
Ventura, CA 93005-0790
Triple H
r (805) 650-6944 (800) 252-3444 Company
Fax (805) 650-6444
Cemetery, Crematory and Mausoleum Supply Since 1950
Cremation Design
Rollers Design
Peace White
Antique Gold
Excellent for
Cremation Vases
Gray Granite Green Velour
Lined • Tongue Identification Discs
Committal Services
and Groove • Solid Jewelers Bronze
INFANT & CHILD • Gold, Oxidized and Nickel Finishes
32, 78 &125 Cubic In.
Plastic Urn White
Oversized Solid Gray Granite texture
inside and out for Consistent
9” x 13” x 14.5” Appearance
AUTh feature the exclusive
Green and Gold Triple H Company Logo Floral Plastic Mausoleum
Lawn Vases Vases and Holders
Original Hi-Impact Plastic SHEET BRONZE URNS
Resists UV Discoloration
5 Sizes – Dozens of Styles
‘utility urns’ ®
Vase Lifters for
All Manufacturers
TO ALL NEEDS Dozens of Options Vases
Triple H Company Original Hi-Impact Plastic ®
Exclusive Originals Urns and Vases ‘utility urns’ ®
Plastic Mausoleum Vases
with Keeper’s Suite
of Digital
Memorialization Tools
• Online Memorials
• Walk-to-Grave App
• Kiosks, and More!
Visit us at booth
#1099 1-844-970-7900
at the
Let us show you how a great preneed program can grow
your business and your profits too! Our lead generation
programs and experienced support team could be just
what you need to bring your business to a new level.
Let SNL show you a better way.
Visit us at ICCFA Booth #2099
Institute of
Pierce Chemical Polyguard & Co continues its industry leading
In its 80th year, the
#3004 product innovation for Polymer burial products.
Pittsburgh Institute
“Pierce started in 1935 in Dallas. Pierce continues We are pleased to announce the release of the
of Mortuary Science (PIMS), recognized as a
to manufacture its own line of fluids in Dallas all new “Maximus eco crypt” providing all the
“Top 25 Career School” in the country by Forbes
along with Duotronic embalming machines, benefits of lightweight containers, combined with
Magazine, continues to prepare students for the
aspirators, water control units and 1,800 other the strength of steel and concrete burial vaults.
challenges they will encounter in contemporary
supplies and products. For more information, Visit booth #5071 to view the future of burial
funeral service. With core values of diversity, 800.826.9406
w w w. k r y p r o t e k . c o m
One way valve
prevents gas build up 800-826-9406 Krypturn with
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#4019 Ready Capital is a national direct lender that specializes in providing customized loan structures for
At Precoa, we’re different. We believe a pre-need veterinary practices. Our focus is to help veterinarians grow their practices and increasing cash flow.
partner should be committed to your success, We provide financing for practice acquisitions, real estate acquisitions and debt consolidations. Our
which is why the entire program rests on our team of lending specialists have developed a streamlined lending process. Call today to learn more.
shoulders. Lead generation, appointment setting,; 1.888.987.2001
sales, management—Precoa handles it all. With a
system proven to expand market share, we prom-
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PSM—The Picture
Specialist for
M E M O R I A L P O RT R A I T S 866-810-9500
Honesty, transpar-
ency and commitment to your satisfaction and
success have been our guiding values for more
than 30 years. PSM proudly offers the biggest
selection of memorial portraits in the industry.
Ceramic, Slim-Enameled Steel, Dedo Classic,
Ceracut, Cast-Bronze Frames and more for
people and pets. Proven quality and outstanding
customer service makes us the choice you won’t
ShivaShade Skyways Media #5089
#2035 #4035 Strassacker
ShivaShade eco-friendly products made in U.S.A.: Skyways Media is the leading supplier of individu- Bronze America
Absorb-It (for purging), Blood BeGone soap ally designed funeral planning guides. Our guides represents 100 years of high quality bronze cast-
(removes dried blood, makeup and fingerprint are an invaluable resource for your community ing. The fourth-generation family-owned foundry
ink), Very Berry or Lavendar (room deodorizer to and are an excellent marketing tool for your busi- in Germany proudly commits to creativity,
neutralize de-com). Gel caps for coolers. Biomint ness. The most interesting fact, however, is that craftsmanship and customer service. Incorporat-
used for viewing, shipping and cremations. they are free to your business. That’s right, no ing bronze, stainless steel and aluminum in the
innovative design of Sacred Art, Strassacker’s
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Suture BeGone adhesive bonds skin or cranium cost. Come and see us and find out more. www.
(dries clear; put makeup over it). BodySealer, a; 1.646.810.5748. product line offers endless possibilities. For more
hermetically sealed biocontainment pouch. information, please visit our online shop at www.
SinoSource has proudly
been serving the funeral in- SCCFA—Southern Cemetery Cremation &
dustry since 1994. We take Funeral Association
pride in our high standards #2096
of quality and personalized We cherish our Southern traditions while being
service, supplying a line focused on the future. The SCCFA serves our
of products including cremation urns, caskets members through enhancing our profession, net-
and memorial items. We fully stand behind our working and educational programs. We invite you
products, and are confident to serve funeral to come by our booth, as well as joining us on June
professionals with an exceptional selection of 28–30, 2020, at our annual convention at the Hyatt
merchandise at the best value. Regency Atlanta. “Life’s Short, Be Southern.”
Sunset Memorial
& Stone
Sunset is an
custom columbar- TadBlu USA
ium manufacturer. #6027
The System University & LeadTrak TadBlu Memorial Jewelry is presenting a new and
Raising the bar in industry standards, Sunset is
#3051 modern, high quality collection to cherish the
recognized for its innovative engineering, skilled
ICCFA’s The System University offers complete memories of one’s loved one forever. Key words
craftsmanship and producing custom columbaria
pre-need training for your company, with all the are: patented designs—bigger filling space/
at a competitive price. Sextons appreciate our
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100 percent granite exteriors, simplified granite
Tecstone Granite
For over 30 years, Tecstone has been a leading
provider of granite memorials, columbaria, mau-
solea and artistic lawn features to America’s top
retail memorialists and cemeteries. From simple
flush markers to towering obelisks, we not only
provide granite—we help you sell it! For more
information, please call us at 1.800.562.0777 or
TERRAVAS . . . Cemetery Flower Vases & Re-
BEST CHOICE FOR RECYCLING placements. The IONIC Vase: the best bronze
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th e ultimate in
The TribuCast™ Remote Attendance System™ is
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CALL: 800.886.2417 • FAX: 352-861-2473
Since 1967, U.S. Metalcraft has been manufac-
turing memorial flower vases in its facility in
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upright memorial by any of our four fasteners,
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see our complete product line including urns,
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com. We’re standing by to answer any questions,
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Go to to learn more
Creating Legacies 2020 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition
UTERNEL conceives and
creates funerary monuments
to honour the memory of Vision Engraving & Routing Systems
Vantage Products Corp #2061
loved ones with its memory
boxes. Our personalized Made in the USA since 1983, Vision Engraving &
Vantage Products Corp. is a premier manufac-
funerary urns can be fixed Routing Systems is the largest engraving ma-
turer and provider of a wide range of funeral and
to all tombstones. They can chines manufacturer in North America. Offering
death care interment products.
be accompanied by a personalized memory box, best in class pricing, Vision’s low-maintenance
in which precious souvenirs can be placed, a machines give you an in-house solution to your
discreet keepsake that can be kept close to you. memorial engraving needs. Engrave Plaques,
Visit booth
WebCE / FuneralCE
WebCE, formerly FuneralCE, offers a large
selection of online state-approved continuing ed-
ucation courses for funeral service professionals.
Our courses cover state-specific requirements as
well as specialty topics like communications, pro-
fessional development, and specialized services.
Insurance CE and multi-state ordering options are
also available.
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hen presidents, heads of state, titans of business, or adored celebrities are laid
This year, Bob is being formally recog- erously points out that none of these events
nized as a rock star of this industry with the could have been staged successfully without
ICCFA Educational Foundation’s Lasting the help and contributions of “many fine
Impact Award. Created in order to rec- funeral directors from across the country.”
ognize those individuals who have made school, Bob decided to visit various funeral
significant contributions to furthering pro- Cars and Caskets homes in hopes of landing a job.
fessional development and lifelong learning Ironically, Bob was not originally drawn to “Of course, I had no experience,” he says.
in the funeral, cemetery, and cremation his chosen profession in a way one might “So, not surprisingly I met with one rejec-
profession, this prestigious award will be expect. That is to say, many in the funeral tion after another.” Finally, the last funeral
presented to Bob at the foundation’s recep- business are prompted by an emotional home he approached gave him a chance.
tion scheduled during the ICCFA Annual epiphany or scientific interest. For him, it But his initial experience was not what he’d
Convention & Expo on Tuesday, March 31. was the lure of classic cars. expected.
“I was surprised, humbled, and incred-
ibly honored to have been selected by my
peers,” says Bob. A professional whose repu-
“If it wasn’t for my father, I wouldn’t be in the funeral
tation and career are esteemed worldwide, business. I think I’ve strived very hard to show my
Bob is probably best known for planning
and implementing memorial services for parents that I could do this, that I’m good at this.”
notables, including Presidents George H. —Robert Boetticher, Sr.
W. Bush, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan,
as well as First Ladies Nancy Reagan, Betty
Ford, and Lady Bird Johnson. “When I was a kid, I used to go to the lo- “I went on my very first removal and I
Other well-known figures for whom Bob cal movie theater and sneak out early to walk came back, and the more I thought about
has had the pleasure of serving during their down the alley to where there was the Kings it, I made myself sick,” he says. “So, I called
time of need: U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, ley Gates funeral home because Mr. Gates my parents and said, ‘This is not for me.’ My
Admiral James Stockdale, Reverend Billy kept antique cars in his garage,” Bob recalls. dad said, ‘He was the only one that would
Graham, Eunice Kennedy Shriver (sister to “Of course, I’d have to get back to the theater hire you and this is the way you pay him
JFK), journalist Tim Russert, author Tom before my mother came to pick me up.” back? This is just another example of some-
Clancy, television celebrity Merv Griffin, This tenuous tie to the funeral business thing you started but never completed.’”
actresses Farah Fawcett and Anna Nicole was somewhat validated later, when while Bob remembers how angry he was at his
Smith, NBA player Moses Malone, and attending a private boarding school in father’s words. “He really made me mad.”
MLB pitcher Jose Fernandez. Carlsbad, CA, Bob took an aptitude test But then things turned around. “Just then,
Indeed, a quick Google search reveals that sealed the deal. “My three highest another removal call came in, and I grabbed
pages upon pages of impressive achieve- predictors [from the test results] were a test the call out of the dispatcher’s hand and
ments. Bob is responsible for the coordi- pilot, but I’m afraid of heights; a real estate said, ‘I’ll do it.’ And, it’s been 55 years since.
nation and direction of some of the most agent, and a funeral director.” If it wasn’t for my father, I wouldn’t be in
visible and highly publicized funerals in His class advisor subsequently took him the funeral business. I think I’ve strived very
recent history; yet, he modestly describes to visit a local funeral home, which sparked hard to show my parents that I could do
himself as “just a funeral director” and gen- a genuine interest. Upon graduating high this, that I’m good at this.”
alking about sex won’t make you pregnant; talking about funerals won’t make with a hearty laugh. “We wore cowboy
you dead.” It’s an example of the classic, one-liner that celebrated speaker boots and encouraged our guests to dress
Gail Rubin, CT, is pictured here at the 2019 National Speakers Association convention posing in a casket at the Primeau Productions booth.
THE BUCKET LIST: 100 Downsizing and DVD series, “A Good Goodbye,” and host
Organizing Things to Do Before You Die and of an internet radio program. She is a Life 2020 ICCFA Annual
Hail and Farewell: Cremation Ceremonies, Tribute professional personally trained by
Templates and Tips, have brought hundreds Doug Manning and Glenda Stansbury of Convention & Expo
of thousands of readers peace of mind and a the In-Sight Institute, the leading U.S. orga- Don’t miss Gail Rubin
newfound determination to make their final nization that trains funeral celebrants.
life event one without undue fear or a lack Most recently, Gail was honored by Thursday, April 2
of control. Albuquerque Business First when she re- 12:00 pm
ceived its 2019 Women of Influence Award.
“How to Grow Your
A Good, Goodbye To learn more about Gail Rubin, visit
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP
In addition to all her other achievements, Sales with ‘Before I Die’
Gail is the creator of The Newly-Dead Festivals”
Game®, the host of the award-winning TV/ Susan Cushing is a freelance writer for Memento
Also TS
Equipment and Supplies PE
E HAVE ALL SEEN AND HEARD THE STATISTICS ; cremations are Given that families and communities
on the rise, attendance at services is on the decline, full-service funerals and are now widely dispersed, this focus can
I was thrilled to hear and see the interaction students had with the product and
Bruce’s demonstration. Students quickly grasped the concept, its benefits, how to
use it, and how families can leverage it.
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP
Having spent more than 12 years in aren’t bogged down. All this makes teaching families, and it is the next step in the types
the industry, I am aware of the growing complex and intricate materials more chal- of services we need to be offering to survive
pressures on our livelihood and that most lenging—especially in a group environment and prosper.
funeral directors have so much to do during and when done over a Google Hangout
a service that the last thing they want to video conference call as this class was. Tanya Scotece, PhD, LFD, is a
professor in the Funeral Service
worry about is adding the complexity of live I was thrilled to hear and see the inter-
Education program at Miami
streaming or webcasting. action students had with the product and
Dade College. After nearly 20
However, after the TribuCast demon- Bruce’s demonstration. Students quickly years, she decided to change
stration, I was really impressed with how grasped the concept, its benefits, how to use careers and attended mortuary
easy it is to use, even for a person with- it, and how families can leverage it. school, graduating in 2005. She
out a technical background. TribuCast is Jhanelle A. Hayman, student: “As an then obtained a bachelor’s degree in criminal
somewhat like a final message video, but it international student, I was fascinated justice and a master’s in criminal forensics
is created in-house by the funeral director thinking about … TribuCast … allowing an followed by a PhD in adult education from the
or staff on an iPhone or iPad. interactive way for those overseas to observe University of South Florida. Tanya is a licensed
Mariana Scheetz, student: “No one the funeral, and in doing so, aid in the griev- funeral director and embalmer, a licensed
should have to feel bad about not being ing process.” pre-need insurance agent, and a trained funeral
celebrant through the ICCFA University College of
there for the ones they love in a time of I would strongly urge funeral directors
21st Century Funeral Services. She was chosen
need. TribuCast makes it possible.” to look at TribuCast™. It can help elevate
valedictorian upon graduation from ICCFAU in
It easily incorporates touching details their role in helping today’s families grieve 2011. Her students contributed to this article:
about the life being celebrated (called Inter- more effectively, makes a very nice keepsake Owen Chester, Hannah Weiss, Sandra Pierre,
active Touchpoints™) to give families unique and vital family memento for later viewing, Deondre Terry, Mariana Scheetz, Rina
opportunities to remember and reconnect and can generate considerable revenue for Duvigneaud, Jhanelle A. Hayman, Mikara Bell,
regardless of their location or life circum- funeral homes. Patrick Paul, DaNeil Christopher, Kaylah Brooks,
stances. It is not cumbersome, is super The day of the service can be over- and Zaira Garcia. She can be reached at
portable, and is a simple, hands-on tool that whelming for immediate family members. It
is easy to set up. would be very nice for them to have an en-
I invited Bruce to do a virtual demon- during tribute like this to watch in the com-
stration of TribuCast in my classroom fort of their homes at their convenience.
because I felt that it was important for my In addition, since many people are 2020 ICCFA Annual
students to learn about this technology.
Most funeral home owners, managers, and
seeking out 23andMe and to
learn more about their family histories, this
Convention & Expo
directors are hesitant about products like would add to their resources. For example, a Visit TribuCast
this because of the complexity and imper- young grandchild could have a live record- (2019 KIP Award
sonal nature of earlier webcam offerings. ing of a grandparent included as one of the
Patrick Paul, student: “This would be interactive touchpoints to look back on Honorable Mention) at
especially good for soldiers in different parts later in life. Booth 1093
of the world, who cannot attend the funeral.” Deondre Terry, student: “With most
Teaching a classroom of upcoming programs you would need a more high-end EXHIBIT HALL HOURS:
funeral directors can be challenging given all camera but with TribuCast all you need is a Monday, March 30: 4:00 pm–7:00 pm
the information they have to absorb, the dis- mobile device.” Tuesday, March 31: 12:00 pm–5:00 pm
tractions available to them, their propensity All in all, I think TribuCast™ and remote
Wednesday, April 1: 10:00 am–1:00 pm
to jump quickly between topics, and their attendance capabilities are wonderful
desire to grasp concepts quickly so they resources for both funeral homes and
ACK IN THE EARLY 1990S , I attended the University of Minnesota with the I was attracted to Resomation Amer-
dream of being a doctor. While studying pre-medicine, I discovered mortuary ica because the company has a 144-year
science. I was fascinated by end-of-life care and drawn to helping families in this history in the United Kingdom as manufac-
The Future
More and more people are realizing the
gentleness and the environmental benefits
moc.oinotnanas tisiv fo yset ruoc otohP
EVENTS an award-winning, Boston-based firm spe- the PA amplifier, AC recharging cord, and
Batesville has cializing in landscape architecture, planning, mounting hardware. AmpliVox also has
released its 2020 and urban design. The acquisition expands the upgraded its version of its powerful Digital
Education Series geographic footprint, capabilities, and sector Audio Travel Partner Plus wireless portable
webinar expertise of both firms, and offers clients a PA system with a 96-channel wireless receiver.
schedule. Each single-source, comprehensive solution to meet The new capability will help increase sound
webinar includes all their design and engineering needs. coverage and reduce wireless channel
a 30-minute interference. See for more
presentation NEW PRODUCTS details.
followed by an AmpliVox
interactive question-and-answer session: Sound CHARITABLE DONATIONS
“New Ways to Personalize Your Website Systems has The Funeral Service Foundation received a
Presence” presented by Bob Sheridan, introduced a record $1.25 million in contributions in 2019,
Director of Technology, Batesville, May 19, new re- which expands the foundation’s capacity to
2020; “Personalization of Meaningful chargeable help funeral service build relationships with
Funerals: Learning from Your Peers” battery that families and communities through education,
facilitated by Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Tuesday, is compatible initiatives, and grants. The donations under-
September 8, 2020. with its 150-watt Compact Amplifier, making it score the funeral service profession’s dedica-
capable of powering built-in wireless PA tion to providing healthy, healing memorializa-
MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS systems built into many AmpliVox lecterns, tion experiences. “These gifts cut to the heart
including such popular models as the of what the foundation is about: enriching the
Multimedia Computer Lectern, Coventry profession and making an impact in our com-
Lectern, Pinnacle Multimedia Lectern, munities,” said foundation Executive Director
Executive Column Lectern, and others. The Lee Wiensch, CFRE. “We take that role very
S1468 Rechargeable Battery Pack features a seriously and are grateful for the trust our
Tighe & Bond, a Northeast leader in engi- 24V, 5.5 Amp Hour SLA battery with an donors place in us to provide the educational
neering and environmental consulting, has eight-hour run time. It includes a six-foot opportunities, grants and tools that fulfill our
announced it has acquired Halvorson Design, cable with DC barrel connector to connect to mission.”
© 2020 Regions Bank. Some products and services are made available
through Regions Asset Management, a business unit within Regions Wealth
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»Written and spoken language is a medium
of thought and worldview per se.«
(Wilhelm von Humboldt, 1767–1835)
ON THE MOVE training C&J clients on proven methodologies account executives. Paul will serve customers
C&J Financial has announced the addition to improve their cashflow by increasing their in Virginia. “Paul’s long-standing background
of Jeff Harbeson as its new director of cash accounts payables. in the funeral profession makes him a valuable
flow solutions. Jeff is a widely known sales, addition to Homesteaders,” said VP-Field
financial, and marketing specialist within the Sales Dan Lodermeier. “He has a passion for
funeral profession, and a popular co-host of funeral service and a drive to help our funeral
the online video program, “Funeral Nation.” home customers succeed. I am confident he’ll
An entrepreneur and former owner of several be an asset to the funeral professionals he
successful funeral homes, he has blogged serves.” Paul is excited to continue his work
and contributed countless articles for many with funeral professionals. “I have worked in
funeral trade publications under the moniker, Homesteaders Life Company is pleased the funeral business most of my life. Helping
“The Funeral Commander.” At C&J, a sig- to announce that Paul Reukauf has joined funeral directors serve their families and be
nificant component of his work will include Homesteaders’ industry-leading team of profitable is both rewarding and gratifying
to me. I’m honored to be a small part of their
success.” | 800.785.0003
& You
simpliFi informs families
MEMBER NEWS on outer burial container
choices, including how
they can be used to create
a treasured tribute to their
conducting business online, they are also
becoming more mobile. Having a travel
Foundation Partners
Group, a leading
protectionloved one. component of
option is important provider of innovative
a complete advance funeral plan.” The Travel funeral and cemetery
Plan by Inman offers coverage to families experiences and
Simple time savings with
when a loved one dies away from home. A products, has
smart results.
one-time, $450 fee covers the cost of bringing
a loved one home for ceremony if that person
announced that the
company has purchased the Adair Funeral
Passare, Inc. has announced a new integra- dies more than 100 miles from home. Covered Homes and Desert Sunset Funeral Homes in
tion with Leap Tie, a marketing and web expenses could be as high as $15,000. Tucson. The acquisition includes three
development company with over 20 years of locations in the greater Tucson area and
experience in the funeral profession. With this ACQUISITIONS expands Foundation Partners Group’s
new integration, funeral directors can now rooftops in the market to six. “Adair Funeral
send the data gathered on a case—such as Homes and Desert Sunset Funeral Homes
the obituary, vital statistics, service informa- make great additions to our growing portfolio
tion, and much more—straight to the funeral of funeral operations in Tucson,” stated Bob
home’s Leap Tie website with just the click of Bukala, president and CEO of Foundation
a button. To learn more about Passare’s cloud- Park Lawn Corporation (PLC) has announced Partners Group. “The Adairs have set a high
based funeral home management software that it has acquired all the outstanding stock standard of service for their families and their
with built-in family collaboration tools, visit and membership interests of Family Legacy, community that perfectly matches ours. We Call your Wilbert provider or attend a webinar:
LLC, a business with 13 locations operating are very proud to have Martha, Ron, Hank and
in Nashville, as well as all of the outstand- their team join Foundation Partners and help
eFuneral, a ing membership interests in WG-TN, LLC us grow our presence in Arizona.”
Homesteaders (Harpeth Hills), a large combination business
Life Company located in Nashville. “Family Legacy and
subsidiary, has Harpeth Hills are preeminent funeral home
announced a new and cemetery businesses, which serve a large
collaboration with and attractive metropolitan market in middle
Travel Plan by Inman. Consumers who plan Tennessee,” stated Andrew Clark, Chairman
and fund their funerals through eFuneral can and CEO of PLC. “The acquisition of Family
now elect to add Inman’s Travel Plan to their Legacy and Harpeth Hills presents an exciting Wilbert Funeral Services, Inc. has announced
preneed policies. “Our goal is to provide our opportunity for Park Lawn to enter the Ten- it has entered into a definitive agreement to
funeral home customers and their client nessee market by acquiring two businesses acquire the licensed territory of Norwalk-Wil-
families the same options when conducting with long-standing reputations and leading bert Vault Company, LLC, based in Oakville,
funeral planning online as they would receive market share.” CT. Norwalk Vault has 15 locations and/or
when planning at the funeral home,” affirmed distributors providing services throughout
Luke Frieberg, president of eFuneral. “Just as Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
consumers are increasingly comfortable New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island.
+1 857 301-7810
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PlotBox is the international deathcare management solution that facilitates
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To find out about our range of packages or to book a demo, please contact:
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TIME-SAVINGS The International Order of the Golden Rule
(OGR) has announced that seven of its mem-
ber funeral homes participated in Operation
Toy Soldier in late 2019. Operation Toy Soldier
is a not-for-profit dedicated to collecting
new toys during the Christmas season and
distributing them to active-duty and veteran
families in their communities. Over 5,300 toys
were donated to deserving military families by
OGR member funeral homes. The participants
were: Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, FL;
Time is tight during funeral Barnett-Strother Funeral Home (Madisonville,
KY); Martin Funeral, Cremation & Tribute
arrangements, but you can’t be
Services (Grand Blanc, MI); Smith Funeral
tight with information families
& Memorial Services (Warren, RI); Lakeside
need to know. Wilbert’s simpliFi Memorial Chapel (Buffalo, NY); Michigan
program can help with Cremation & Funeral Care (Grand Rapids, MI);
both challenges. and Heartland Cremation & Burial Society
(Kansas City, MO). Operation Toy Soldier is
In just under 4 minutes, one of the many programs offered through
simpliFi informs families the Veterans Funeral Care providers network
and is a benefit of OGR membership. To
on outer burial container
become a part of the network, funeral homes
choices, including how must first attend a full day “How to Become
they can be used to create the Go-to Funeral Home for Veterans” work-
a treasured tribute to their shop, which takes place throughout the year.
loved one.
Simple time savings with Forest Lawn Museum, Forest Lawn–Glendale
smart results. and Judson Studios will present “Stained
Glass from Gothic to Street Style.” This exhi-
bition brings together two of Los Angeles’s
preeminent, century-old cultural institutions—
Judson Studios and Forest Lawn Museum—for
an exhibition that shines a new light on the
contemporary and historic practices of stained
glass through the pioneering work of Judson
Studios. The exhibition is on view at Forest
Lawn Museum from April 23–September 6,
Call your Wilbert provider or attend a webinar: 2020, with a press preview and public open- ing on the evening of April 23. Judson Studios
includes nearly 100 original stained glass
artworks, preparatory drawings, oil paintings,
watercolors, and archival photographs, as well
as collaborations with contemporary artists
that redefine traditional stained-glass art.
odeled after the well-known TED Talks model, ICCFA’s DEAD Talks (formerly Wide sity humor). After our little chat, we attend
World of Sales) has emerged as an event one should not miss. It provides that an opening networking reception where I
motivational kick in the pants at the beginning of the year that we sales folks need to observe lots of new introductions being made,
get on the right track. The 2020 event was titled “Focus on Success.” along with a few acquaintances catching up
from past events. Everyone looks to be “fired
What intrigued me most about the first Wednesday, January 15, 2020 up” for the next day.
event of the year was the possibility of teach- When I sign in on Wednesday, I receive my
ing this ole’ dog new tricks. I have been around very own DEAD Talks workbook with the Thursday, January 16, 2020
long enough to know that I do not know it all. schedule of speakers, space to take notes, Thursday morning has an early start. The day
Who doesn’t need some inspiration to stay along with a heap of valuable information. The is promised to be filled with a ton of stimulat-
excited about the deathcare profession? kickoff is held on Wednesday night with Gary ing information. I’m humming with antici-
Oh, and did I mention it is held in Vegas? O’Sullivan and his very famous “Fireside Chat.” pation. The event kicks off with a keynote
Can I get a, “whoop whoop?” Oops, that really It is an open forum where everyone can ask speaker, Matthew Pollard, “The Rapid Growth
wasn’t the reason I couldn’t wait to go. It was Gary questions that inquiring minds want to Guy.” Holy moly, I am writing notes down the
because of the collection of speakers who know to improve their sales techniques and sides of my pages; I am a major nerd that
were listed in the schedule I received before processes. way. The presentations are organized in a
the event. Honest!! A very lively discussion ensues with a step-by-step formula for a successful sales
All kidding aside, a lot of attention to detail ton of takeaways; and as Gary would say, it process: prospecting, presenting, objections,
went into the strategy for this event. is a “Merracle!” (just a little ICCFA Univer- and closing. Each subject area allows for
about the people who belong and attend ICCFA events—their will-
ingness to share ideas, unlike many organizations’ cultures that lean
toward keeping everything close to the chest.
The afternoon flies by; I am worn out and excited that there is still
another day of learning left. Thursday night is a free night, so what else
does one do while in Vegas? Yup, I go to see an Elvis impersonator—I
am all “Shook Up.” It’s a whole lotta’ fun. And now I can take it off my
bucket list.
Kenyon International Emergency Services. She can be PRE1460 (01-20) ©2020 Global Atlantic
reached at
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save time and skip the counter for pick-up and com or by calling 1.800.654.2200.
drop-off. You’ll also earn points that you can To see more ICCFA membership benefits
use toward free rental days. and services, visit, log in
Designed for small– and mid-size businesses, the Hertz Business with your username and password, and then click on Member Discount
Rewards is ideal for you and your employees to receive the everyday Programs.
As we were getting older, working 24/7/365 we worked hard to establish in our community
was not part of our retirement plan. More and a strong value we quickly recognized in
time with children and grandchildren was a Foundation Partners. They acknowledged and
higher priority. We’d been working on our honored the goodwill we’d created and wanted
succession plan for several years. However, to continue the high level of service we had
living in a small town, we had reservations established. We were pleased with the entire
about selling to just any company. The key to acquisition process. It was absolutely the best
our decision came down to trust – something decision for our family and community.
Best in Personalization
ICCFA Names 2019 “Keeping It Personal” Award Winners
ICCFA has named its 2019 Keeping It Person- (2) Events (4) M
ost Personalized Pet Service Or
al (KIP) Award winners, recognizing the best Memorial
in personalization in the cemetery and funeral
service profession.
Created by the ICCFA Personalization
Committee, the KIP program honors recipi-
ents in four categories: (1) Most Personalized
Service/Memorial; (2) Events; (3) Innovative
Personalized Product (suppliers only); and
(4) Most Personalized Pet Service/Memorial.
This year’s contest attracted 47 entries
from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Guatemala,
and the United States. Communications and First Place: Pet Pilgrimage Crematory & Me-
marketing professionals from outside the First Place: Historic Oakwood Cemetery,
morials, Mooresville, NC
cemetery and funeral service profession per- Raleigh, NC
“Honoring Mooresville Police K9 Division”
formed the judging. “The Death Letter Project”
The winners are as follows:
June 9, 2020
The Connecticut Cemetery Association Spring
Meeting and Scholarship Golf Outing
The Watertown Golf Club, Litchfield County, CT
Visit for more
American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants Inc. (ACMC). . . . . . . 98 International Memorialization Supplier Association (IMSA)������� C3
American Funeral & Cemetery Trust Services (AFCTS). . . . . . . . . 37 J. Stuart Todd, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Answering Service for Directors (ASD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Johnson Consulting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Aquamation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Keeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Axiom Business Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Kryprotek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Batesville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 LoveUrns, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Biondan North America Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Madelyn Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Blackstone Cemetery Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Matthews Cemetery Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Bogati Urn Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Matthews Enviormental Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
C&J Financial, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Mekus Tanager, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Cherokee Casket Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Merendino Cemetery Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Classic Plastics Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Mortuary Lift Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
ClearPoint Federal Bank & Trust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 National Guardian Life Insurance Company (NGL). . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Coldspring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 National Mortuary Shipping (NMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Columbarium by Design, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 National Museum of Funeral History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Confidential Funeral Home for Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Necessary Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Continental Computer Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C2 Nomis Publications Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Cooperative Funeral Fund Inc. (CFF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Northeast Mausoleum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Custom Air Trays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Obermayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Doric Products Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 PETS, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Eickhof Columbaria, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 PlotBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Ensure-A-Seal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Premier Columbaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Flowers for Cemeteries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Regions Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
The Foresight Companies, LLC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Saint Francis Cromo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Foundation Partners Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Security National Life Insurance Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Funeral Call Answering Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 SEP TECHNOLOGIES INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Funeral Services, Inc. (FSI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Springfield Coach Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
funeralOne��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� C4 Strassacker Bronze America, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Garfield Refining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Supply Link - Multiview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Garfield Refining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Global Atlantic Financial Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 TribuCast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Global Bronze Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Trigard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Grever & Ward Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Triple H Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Heritage Flower Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 U.S. Metalcraft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Holland Supply Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Vantage Products Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Holy Land Stone Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 VKM International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Homesteaders Life Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Wilbert Funeral Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
IncredibleBank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Withum, Smith & Brown, PC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Inman Shipping Worldwide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Zontec Ozone Generators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
IMSA members now get free consultation with Dan Katz & Rolf Gutknecht of LA ads, Jake Johnson
of Johnson Consulting, Ryan Thogmartin of Disrupt Media and Poul Lemasters of Lemasters Consulting.