Besides its high level of β-glucan soluble fibre, barley is an excellent source of insoluble fibre important in maintaining digestive
health and protecting against colon cancer10. Barley also has high levels of tocotrienols, phenolic compounds and lignans, which
have been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Barley is a good source of many
essential vitamins and minerals including thiamin, niacin, folate, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and selenium—all
of which are important in maintaining good health. Barley contains similar levels of fat to other cereal grains, with the exception of
oats, which has higher levels than all other cereal grains11.
The most common method of processing hulled barley involves the gradual removal of the outer tissues of the kernel by
abrasion—a process referred to as pearling. Through this process, the tough, fibrous and largely indigestible hull is removed along
with the bran layer and germ. As a result, pot and pearl barley are not considered whole-grains but they are still high in β-glucans
making them a healthy choice. Products that are whole-grain include barley flakes, grits and flour, provided the bran and germ
have not been removed in the milling process. Recent research suggests that whole grains can reduce cholesterol levels and the
risk of heart disease7. Studies have also shown that whole grains appear to play an important role in reducing the risk of type 2
diabetes and certain cancers12. Whole grains are important to overall bowel health by supporting the growth of healthy bacteria in
the gut and promoting regularity12.
Canada grows both hulled and hulless barley. Hulless barley has a weaker
attachment of the hull to the seed kernel than regular or hulled barley, allowing for the
hull to be removed during harvesting and eliminating the need to remove the hull prior
to processing the grain. This is particularly beneficial in the production of barley flour.
Goodness of Barley
Barley ingredients, including pot and pearl barley, barley flour, flakes and grits, can be
used to make nutritious and delicious products including side dishes, salads, snacks,
hot and cold breakfast cereals, baked goods, pasta and noodles. Besides barley’s
nutritional advantages, barley also has a great taste. Barley offers versatility along with
desirable functional properties, making it a good choice in the creation of healthier-for-
you foods.
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