??ICSE German
??ICSE German
??ICSE German
(Under Group I)
Interrogative Pronouns Possessive articles in Nominati, Akkusativ, Dative
Possessive Pronouns “meine” and”deine” in Possessive article sein/ihr
Nominative in Nominative and Akkusativ
Personal pronouns er, sie, es Definite Article in Dativ
Personal Pronouns in Akkusativ Demonstrative articles in Nominative, Akkusativ,
Dativ Personal pronoun Dative
Personal Pronouns in Dative and Akkusativ
Interrogative Pronouns in Dative Comparison using wie and als
Personal Pronouns in Dative Subordinate clauses with weil
Interrogative pronouns Welcher/es/e in Temporal infos- vor/nach + Dative
Nominative and Akkusativ
Subordinate clause with dass
Woher: Aus/Aus der Main clause with deshalb-trotzdem
Wo: In/In der Subordinate clauses with “wenn”
Woher” and “Wo?
“W” Questions Prepositions- an, bei, in, von,zu,mit + Dative
Ja/Nein” Questions Prepositions für-ohne
W- Questions- Was?Wen? Prepositions- inter, auf,über,unter,vor,neben +
Past tense with haben and sein Dative
Negative question: Ja- nein-Doch
The polite form “Sie” Adjectives in Nominative
Negation with “nicht” Adjectives in Akkusativ
“sein”in Singular and Plural Adjectives in Dative
CLASSES IX AND X The assessment will be conducted jointly by the subject
teacher and the external examiner who will each assess
the candidate. (The External Examiner may be a
Aural: Listening to a conversation/talk/reading of a
teacher nominated by the Head of the School who could
short passage and then writing down the relevant or be from the faculty but not teaching the language in
main points in the specified number of words and the section/class. For example, a teacher of French of
answering the given questions. Class VIII may be deputed to be an External Examiner
Oral: Prepared speech/declamation; impromptu for Class X Language projects).
speech/debate/discussion; report/interview; elocution;
role-play / general conversation on selected topics. AWARD OF MARKS
Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
Creative Writing: Students are to write short
External Examiner 10 marks
compositions, the stimuli may be:
The total marks obtained out of 20 (Listening Skills:
• a piece of recorded music.
5 marks; Speaking Skills: 5 marks and Creative
• a series of recorded sounds. Writing: 10 marks) are to be sent to the Council by the
• a picture/photograph. Head of the School.
• an opening sentence or phrase. The Head of the School will be responsible for the
• a newspaper/magazine clipping or report. online entry of marks on the Council’s CAREERS
• one piece of factual writing which should be portal by the due date.
informative or argumentative. Schools are required to maintain a record of all
• one piece of expressive writing which is assessments conducted in Listening, Speaking and
descriptive and imaginative. Creative Writing Skills for candidates of Classes IX
and X. These include copies of the assessments tests,
• preparation of film/book review.
topics for presentation and marks awarded. This record
will be maintained for a period of up to 2 months after
It is also suggested that students be made aware of the declaration of the results of ICSE (10) examinations
contemporary forms of written communication, such as of the candidates concerned.
fax, memo, etc.
Grade Content/Analysis of Idea, Expression/ Effective Structure/ Organisation Vocabulary/ Use of Originality/ Marks
Thought/ Feeling Expression of Idea of Material Words, Phrases Imaginative/
I The candidate analyses the ideas, The candidate expresses The work is very well The use of vocabulary The work is 4
feelings and experiences the ideas, thoughts and structured an introduction, exhibits a high level of imaginative
effectively. feelings effectively. body and conclusion, competence in handling interesting and
Reasoning is logical and effective. paragraphing and language. engrossing.
appropriate sentence
II The candidate analyses the ideas, The candidate expresses The work is very well The vocabulary exhibits The candidate's 3
feelings and experiences with the ideas thoughts and structured with some competence of word work is quite
well-defined explanations, feelings well and with sense of conclusion and of usage; correctness of interesting and
reasoning is logical and clarity. paragraph lengths. grammar and spelling. engrossing.
III The candidate analyses the idea, The candidate expresses The work is fairly well The candidate uses The candidate 2
feelings and experiences with a the ideas, thoughts and structured; straightforward demonstrates the
fair degree of detail and feelings fairly well and candidate follows simple vocabulary and fairly ability to sustain the
explanation. Reasoning is fairly with a fair degree of paragraphing . good pattern of interest of the
logical and persuasive. clarity. spellings. reader.
IV The candidate attempts to analyze The candidate expresses The work shows some The candidate's The candidate is, to 1
ideas, feelings and experiences the idea, thoughts and understanding of vocabulary is limited some extent, able to
with simple explanation and feelings intelligibly and paragraphing and and the spelling, sustain the interest
detail. Reasoning and arguments in simple language. structure. punctuation and of the reader.
are not very convincing. grammar is sometimes
V The candidate attempts a basic The candidate is unable The candidate does not There is consistent The candidate is 0
analysis of ideas, feelings and to expresses the ideas, display an understanding weakness in spelling, unable to sustain the
experiences with few simple thoughts and feelings, of structure and punctuation and interest of the
explanations and few details. Is uses simple language paragraphing. grammar. reader.
unable to present proper and work is not very
arguments. intelligible.
Grade Understanding/ Recall Vocabulary Context/ Correlation to Other Marks
Comprehension Main Idea, Areas
Central Theme
I The candidate accurately The candidate recalls all the The candidate uses appropriate The candidate clearly 3
understands the central idea of important points made (written/ and correct vocabulary while understands the context and can
the passage as well as the verbal). recalling the points made. widely correlate the passage to
relevant points in the selected the other areas.
passage/ talk.
II The candidate gives ideas fairly The candidate recalls some of the The candidate uses correct but The candidate can moderately 2
close to the central / main idea of important points made (written/ simple vocabulary while understand the context of the
the passage as well as understand verbal). recalling the points made. passage and can moderately
some of the relevant points heard correlate the passage to the other
in the selected passage/ talk. areas.
III The candidate cannot fully The candidate recalls very few of The candidate makes various The candidate can only faintly 1
comprehend the passage and the important points made errors in vocabulary while understand the context of the
gives only a few ideas related to (written/verbal). recalling the points made. passage and relate it to the other
the central theme of the passage. areas.
IV The candidate is neither able to The candidate is unable to recall The candidate uses incorrect The candidate is unable to 0
understand the central/main idea the important points made vocabulary while recalling the understand the context of the
of the passage; nor able to (written/verbal) points made. passage and is unable to correlate
understand relevant points heard the passage to the other areas.
in the passage/talk.
Grade Fluency of Language Subject Matter Organization Vocabulary/ Understanding Gesture Marks
I Speaks with fluency and Matter is relevant, Content is well Uses appropriate While speaking, the Uses natural and 3
has full operational rich in content sequenced and well vocabulary and candidate emphasizes spontaneous
command over the and original. organized. pronounces words the important points. gestures that are
language. correctly. not out of place.
II The candidate speaks The subject matter The content is The candidate While speaking the Uses some natural 2
with fairly good fluency is mostly relevant, satisfactorily pronounces most candidate emphasizes gestures.
and has reasonable consisting of a sequenced and well words correctly and most important points.
operational command of few original ideas. organized. uses simple
the language. vocabulary.
III The candidate speaks The subject matter The subject content The candidate While speaking, the Uses very few 1
with poor fluency and is irrelevant and is very poor and pronounces many candidate emphasizes natural gestures.
does not communicate lacks originality. lacks organisational words incorrectly and some important
except for the most basic structure. uses inappropriate points.
information. vocabulary.
IV The candidate cannot The subject matter The subject content The candidate is While speaking, the Uses no natural 0
communicate even the is negligible. comprises of mere unable to correctly candidate is unable to gestures.
most basic information. words with no pronounce most words emphasize important
structured sentences. and has a limited points.