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Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 1, Number 3; August, 2014 pp. 66-70
© Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Gurbir Singh1, Hemant Kumar2
M.Tech, Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi university, Patiala
Deptt. of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi university, Patiala

Abstract: In this paper, the shell and tube heat exchanger is 1. INTRODUCTION
considered in which hot water is flowing inside one tube and cold
water runs over that tube. Computational fluid dynamics Heat exchangers are one of the mostly used equipments in the
technique which is a computer based analysis is used to simulate process industries. Heat exchangers are used to transfer heat
the heat exchanger involving fluid flow, heat transfer. CFD
between two process streams. Heat exchanger is required in
resolve the entire heat exchanger in discrete elements to find the
temperature gradients, pressure distribution and velocity vectors.
process which involves cooling, heating, condensation, boiling
The turbulence model k-ε is used for accurate results from CFD. or evaporation.
The temperature variations are calculated from experiment for
parallel and counter flow by varying the mass flow rate of fluid of 1.1 Shell and tube heat exchangers: Shell and tube heat
2L/min and 3L/min which is controlled by rota meter and the exchangers consist of a series of tubes. One set of these tubes
temperature variations are noted by the sensors attached at the contains the fluid that must be either heated or cooled. The
inlets and outlets of tube. The solid geometry is made in SOLID second fluid runs over the tubes that are being heated or
WORKS software and then imported into GAMBIT which is the cooled so that it can either provide the heat or absorb the heat
pre-processor of the ANSYS 13.0 for meshing the model
required. A set of tubes is called the tube bundle and can be
geometry. Using the post processor FLUENT, the simulated
results are computed i.e. temperature contours, pressure made up of several types of tubes: plain, longitudinally finned,
contours and velocity vectors. Then, simulated results are etc. Shell and tube heat exchangers are typically used for high-
validated with the experimental values. The analysis shows that pressure applications. This is because the shell and tube heat
there is a difference between temperatures values computed from exchangers are robust due to their shape. Heat exchangers are
the experiment and the simulation by ANSYS 13.0. CFD helps to widely used in industry both for cooling and heating large
design the heat exchanger by varying the different variables very scale industrial processes. The type and size of heat exchanger
easily otherwise it is very difficult if done practically. CFD used can be made to suit a process depending on the type of
models or packages provides the contours and data which predict fluid, its phase, temperature, density, viscosity, pressures,
the performance of the heat exchanger design and are effectively
chemical composition and various other thermodynamic
used because it has ability to obtain optimal solutions and has
work in difficult and hazardous conditions. properties.

Keywords: Shell and tube heat exchanger, CFD, Simulation,


Fig: 1. Shell and tube heat exchanger

Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Shell and Tu
Tube Heat Exchanger 67

1.1.1 Parallel flow: In a parallel-flow exchanger

exchanger, as the name flexibility, solving the flow problems. These results are
suggests, the two fluid streams (hot and cold) travel in the validated with the experimental results.
same direction. The two streams enter at one end and leave at
the other end. The flow arrangement of the fluid streams in
case of parallel flow heat exchangers are shown in Fig. 2.1.
The heat exchanger is performing at its best when the outlet
temperatures are equal.

1.1.2 Counter flow: In counter flow heat exchangers the fluids

enter the exchanger from opposite ends. Counter flow heat
exchangers are more efficient than parallel flow heat
exchangers because they create a more uniform temperature
difference between the fluids, over the entire length of the
fluid path. Counter flow heat exchangers can allow the cold
fluid to exit with a higher temperature than the exiting hot
fluid. The flow arrangement for such a heat exchanger is
shown schematically in Fig. 2.2.

Fig: 3. Apparatus

Length of pipe = 1610 mm
Inner tube: Material =SS of inner diameter = 9.5 mm and outer
diameter = 12.7 mm
Outer tube: Material GI of inner diameter = 28 mm and outer
Fig: 2.1 Parallel flow HE diameter = 33.8 mm
Minimum distance of cold water nozzle from pipe end = 20
Cold water nozzle inner diameter = 16.8 mm

The experiment is performed for parallel flow and counter

flow. In parallel flow, the flow of hot and cold water is in one
direction whereas in counter flow, the flow is in opposite
direction. The flow rate of hot and cold water is controlled by
rota meter. The readings are taken for the flow rate of 2L/min
and 3L/min for both parallel and counter flow as shown in
Fig: 2.2 Counter flow HE
table 1 and table 2 respectively.
2. Experimental details: This setup is available in heat transfer
Table1. Calculation for parallel flow
lab of Punjabi university, Patiala shown in fig 3. The required
parameters will be calculated in heat transfer lab through
following heat exchanger. After that simulation is done in Temp. Temp. Flow rate
ANSYS. CFD analysis of heat exchanger will be done in sensor no
ANSYS V.13 which is a useful CFD code currently used by
most of the researchers. As explained earlier, grid generation 2L/min 3L/min
will be done in GAMBIT which is pre processor of ANSYS.
This includes the setting boundary conditions, defining fluid S1 Thi 57.2°C/330.2K 57.6°C/330.6K
properties and refining the grid. Then mesh file will be
exported to FLUENT which works as solver for ANSYS. The S2 Tho 47.5°C/320.5K 48.8°C/321.8K
CFD analysis will be done in FLUENT using difference
models. Then temperature contours, velocity vectors and S3 Tci 20.8°C/293.8K 20.8°C/293.8K
pressure drop contours will be obtained in post processor
which is FLUENT itself. FLUENT provides complete mesh S4 Tco 28.8°C/301.8K 28.2°C/301.2K

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404;
8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 1, Number 3; August, 2014
68 Gurbir Singh, Hemant Kumar

Table2. Calculation for counter flow

Temp. Temp. Flow rate

sensor no. Tube
2L/min 3L/min

S1 Thi 57.4°C/330.4K 57.2°C/330.2K

S2 Tho 47.1°C/320.1 K 48.8°C/321.8K

21.1°C/294.1K 21.0°C/294.0K face
S3 Tci
Fig: 5. Meshed face of tube
S5 Tco 29.5°C/302.5K 28.4°C/301.4K
After that the geometry is imported to GAMBIT where grid
Where, generation is done. In GAMBIT, the parasolid imported is a
Thi = Inlet temperature of hot water, Tho= outlet temperature of single volume. But the heat exchanger used is shell and tube
hot water, Tci = Inlet temperature of cold water, type i.e. there is a tube inside the shell in which hot water is
Tco = outlet temperature of cold water. flowing and cold water is flowing inside the shell. So the face
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 = Temperature sensors at inlets and outlets of of hot water tube of inner diameter 9.5mm and outer diameter
water. 12.7mm is made and another volume is made by sweeping the
faces and splitting it from the first volume. Another volume is
formed on the both sides of the tube of same diameter i.e. at
3. Simulation: The simulation of heat exchanger is done in
the inlet and the outlet end. The edge of tube has meshed by
ANSYS which is useful code used by researchers these days.
giving the interval count of 24. The boundary layer function is
ANSYS includes the pre processor called GAMBIT in which
used to get the precise elements near the wall of the tube
grid or mesh generation is done. Meshing means dividing or
because the temperature difference and heat transfer has
integrating the large volume into small finite elements. In
varied more there. Then face of tube has meshed with
computational fluid dynamics, meshing is a discrete
quadrilateral elements of pave type as shown in fig.5.
representation of the geometry that is involved in the problem.
Fluid dynamics simulations require very high
high-quality meshes
in both element shape and smoothness of sizes changes. Meshed
3.1 Meshing: Initially the part solid of heat exchanger is made
in solid works. In this, only solid geometry is formed as shown
in fig. 4.

Fig: 6. Meshed volume of tube


Fig: 4. Solid geometry of heat exchanger

Fig: 7. Meshed volume of shell

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404;
8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 1, Number 3; August, 2014
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 69

After that, volume of tube and thickness of the tube along the
length, meshing has done with hexahedral elements of copper
type as shown in fig.6.

After meshing the tube, shell has to be meshed. Again the

boundary layer is created on the outside edge of the tube to
mesh the face near the wall of the tube. Then the volume of
the shell is meshed by tetrahedral elements of type. In this step
the shell which includes the volume outside the surface of the
tube and inlet, outlet of the cold water has fully meshed as
shown in fig.7. In mesh generation 199725 nodes and 486394
elements are formed. Also 12 vertices, 12 edges, 15 faces and
3 volumes are created.

Now the mesh generated is imported to FLUENT which is a

post processor of ANSYS. In FLUENT, the temperature (c)
contours, pressure contours and velocity vectors are obtained
for parallel and cross flow. After importing the mesh, it is Fig: 8.Temperature contours
scaled in ‘m’ units and then materials are defined: fluid as
water-liquid and solid as steel. The temperature contours for Similarly the pressure contours and velocity vectors are
parallel flow obtained are shown in fig 8(a) concluded that the obtained shown in fig 9 and fig 10 respectively.
temperature variation occur at the inlet and outlet of the tubes
in fig 8(b) and fig 8(c) respectively. Similarly the contours for
counter flow are taken by varying the mass flow rate.



(b) (b)

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404;
8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 1, Number 3; August, 2014
70 Gurbir Singh, Hemant Kumar


Fig: 9. Pressure contours


Fig: 10. Velocity vectors

It is concluded that the difference between the temperature of

the experimental values and the simulated values are fair
agreement i.e. it is accepted. CFD helps to design the heat
exchanger by varying the different variables very easily
otherwise it is very difficult if done practically.CFD models or
packages provide the contours and data which predict the
performance of the heat exchanger design.

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404;
8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 1, Number 3; August, 2014

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