Living As A Disciple of Jesus in Society: Scope & Sequence
Living As A Disciple of Jesus in Society: Scope & Sequence
Living As A Disciple of Jesus in Society: Scope & Sequence
Living as a Disciple
of Jesus in Society
Note: The following is a provisional Scope and Sequence for
Elective 2 in the Credo series, Living as a Disciple of Jesus in Society.
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COURSE Overview 2:5—3:24; Exodus 3:6, 12, 34:5-6, 9;
The purpose of this course is to introduce Deuteronomy 4:37, 7:8, 10:15;
students to the Church’s social teaching, 2 Samuel 7:28; 1 Kings 19:11-13; Psalms
which reflects Christ’s concern for others, 16:1, 23:1, 63:1—8, 119:160; Isaiah 49:15,
especially the poor and needy, and is a key 54:8
element of the Church’s mission. New Testament: Luke 11:11–13, 15:11—
32; John 3:16, 8:28, 10:10, 13:34, 17:21;
cHAPTER 1 1 Corinthians 15:20–21, 35-58;
God’s Master Plan for Humanity Ephesians 1:5; Philippians 2:1—11;
Focus question: What is God’s desire 1 John 3:1, 4:8, 9, 16, 19, 5:1—3, 20
for every person? Key Catechism Sources: 221, 315, 1880
Content Summary: God desires Faith Words: society, beatitude,
what is best for every person / Human society
beings are made for God and for one Learn by Heart: 1 John 3:1
another / The fall: Adam and Eve reject Learn by Example: St. Alphonsus de
God’s plan / God’s steadfast loyalty / Liguori
Hope for community out of disunity /
The way to happiness in this life and Chapter 2
life after death / Fleeting pleasures: The Family of God: One People, One
an empty sort of happiness / Life in Mission
relationship with God: a more enduring focus question: What does it mean to
happiness / God calls us to partake in be ‘family’?
his life of love / Through the Paschal Content Summary: God is always
Mystery God has reconciled us with working with humanity to heal the
himself and made us sharers in the life brokenness of our human condition
and love of the Holy Trinity / Saved by / God uses families as the instrument
God’s persistent love / All of us at some for bringing people back into loving
time repeat the sin of Adam and Eve relationship with him and one another
and reject God’s love / The prodigal / The Church: bound together as the
love of God: when we turn our back on family of God / The Church: God’s
God’s love and sin, God longs for our family from the beginning / Our family
return / The redeeming work of God name: Christian / A pilgrim people
continues in and through the Church / journeying toward our eternal home
Called together by God to the good life / The Church is the Body of Christ /
/ Children of God, born for one another Many members, all vital and essential /
/ Human society: all for one, one for The Church uses the term ‘sacrament’
all / Socialites promote the good life / in many ways / The Seven Sacraments:
One God – a unity and communion of celebrating newness of life in Christ
three divine persons / The Church – a / Jesus’ threefold ministry of priest,
divinely instituted society / Example of prophet and ruler continues in the
St. Alphonsus de Liguori. Church / A royal priesthood – a holy
SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: nation / A community of prophets –
Old Testament: Genesis 1:26–31, Jesus called his followers to share in
his work / Servant-leaders / We too are Last Judgment / As the one family of
called to be servants / One family with God, we have a responsibility to care
one mission: to advance God’s reign in for all of God’s children / The Church
the world /Example of Pope Pius XII. carries on Jesus’ work of justice and
SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: charity / God’s message of good news
Old Testament: Genesis 1:28, 3:15, 4:1–2, to the poor and vulnerable / Works
22:17–18, 37:25–28, 45:4–7; 2 Samuel of mercy – acts of justice and charity
7:12–16; Psalm 96; Isaiah 1:12-20, 61:1–2 / The corporal works of mercy / The
New Testament: Matthew 5:14–15, spiritual works of mercy / The many
17, 16:18, 23:1-39; Mark 9:5, 35, faces of justice / Swimming against the
10:35–45, 11:21, 14:5; Luke 4:16–30, current of injustice / Different types of
5:17, 6:19, 8:46; John 1:49, 4:31, 6:25, justice: distributive, legal, restorative,
48, 53, 56, 60, 66, 11:18, 14:2–3, 20–21, commutative / Example of St. Mary
17:20–24; Acts 2:43–47, 4:32–35, 9:2, Bernard BÜtler
11:26; Romans 6:4, 8:14–17, 12:4–8; SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:
1 Corinthians 1:2-3, 12:4-7, 12-13; Old Testament: Genesis 4:9; Exodus
Ephesians 1:1, 4, 2:19–22; 22:21; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Psalm
1 Thessalonians 4:3; 1 Timothy 1:14; 103:1-10; Isaiah 1:12-20, 29:13, 58:6;
1 Peter 2:9; 2 Peter 3:13 Amos 5:24; Micah 6:8
Key Catechism Sources: 760, 761, 775, New Testament: Matthew 4:4, 5:1–7:29;
779, 780, 783, 810, 1116, 1396 5:7, 20–48, 6:14, 7:21, 24-29, 38-41,
Faith Word: Body of Christ 12:1–14, 15:1–9, 18:15, 25:31–46; Mark
Learn by Heart: 1 Corinthians 12:4 12:28-31; Luke 4:18–19, 10:31–32; John
Learn by Example: Pope Pius XII, 6:51, 10:10; Acts 4:34–35, 6:1–6;
priest, prophet and pope 1 Corinthians 13:1–3, 16:1–4; Ephesians
2:4; James 2:14-26
Chapter 3 Key Catechism Sources: 1944, 2258
The Church’s Legacy of Justice Faith Words: charity (love); justice
focus question: Who is my sister and Learn by Heart: Micah 6:8
my brother? Learn by Example: St. Mary Bernard,
Content Summary: Recognizing that Franciscan sister and missionary
every person is our brother and sister,
we strive to fulfill the responsibility Chapter 4
of the law of Christ through a life of Justice for all
compassion rooted in the virtues of focus question: Do changing times
charity (love ) and justice / The divine really affect the way we live?
command for justice and charity: Content Summary: Addressing the
Amos; Isaiah; Micah / Jesus Christ: the signs of the times / New opportunities
fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets and challenges / Rerum Novarum
/ Jesus demands a greater justice / (1891): The first social encyclical and
Justice written on the heart / We are the cornerstone of Catholic Social
to go the extra mile / Judgment rooted Teaching / Quadragesimo Anno (1931):
in one’s deeds: Jesus’ teaching on the Leo XIII’s analysis of issues underlying
social and economic inequalities / Chapter 5
Mater et Magistra (1961): Pope Saint The Foundations of Social Justice
John XXIII calls for Christians to work focus question: How do we know our
for human dignity for all / Pacem in words and actions are good?
Terris (1963): Pope Saint John XXIII’s Content Summary: What was it that
plea that conflict should be resolved made the Samaritan “good”? / Natural
with negotiation not weapons and moral law: A law written on our hearts
war / The Second Vatican Council / Thanks to the shared understanding
(1962-1965) / Gaudium et Spes (1965): of moral law, we have a common
A vision of radical openness to the ground upon which people of every
world / Dignitatis Humanae (1965): culture and religion can build a social
Championing the theme of religious order founded on the pillars of justice
freedom for all / Populorum Progressio and charity / The advantage of Christ
(1967): Blessed Pope Paul VI’s vision and his Church / True authority serves
of how the economy should serve the justice / All legitimate authority comes
neediest in society / Laborem Exercens from God / Respect for legitimate
(1981): Pope Saint John Paul II reminds authority / Give to God what is God’s
us that “work is ‘for man’ and not man / Civil disobedience / The common
‘for work’” / Sollicitudo Rei Socialis good / The universal common good /
(2001): The need for a preferential love Rights everyone can agree on / Rights
for the poor / Centesimus Annus (1991): imply duties and responsibilities /
Delivered on the 100th anniversary Prosperity and peace for one and for all
of Rerum Novarum / Encyclicals of / Respect for the fundamental rights of
Pope Benedict XVI: Deus Caritas Est the person / Prosperity in the common
(2006) and Caritas in Veritate (2009) / good / Peace in the common good
Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis: / Resisting violence / Example of U
Evangelii Gaudium / Example of Pope Thant
SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Old Testament: Genesis 1:28; 2:15–18;
Old Testament: Isaiah 10:1-2, 58:3, 6–7, Exodus 31:18; Leviticus 19:18, 26:6;
61:1; Ezekiel 34:4, 7:9-10; Jeremiah Deuteronomy 6:4-5; 1 Samuel 9:2,
22:13; Micah 4:3 13:5–14; Psalm 9:7–8; New Testament:
New Testament: Matthew 8:1-4, Matthew 5:17-20, 7:12; Mark 12:17;
10:40–42, 12:1-8, 25:40; Mark 10:17-22; Luke 4:4, 10:25, 29-37, 12:13–21; John
Luke 12:13-21, 16:19-31; John 17:18; 10:1–18, 20:19-21; Acts 5:29; Romans
1 Timothy 4:12 2:15, 3:31, 10:4, 3:1-2; Galatians 3:23–29;
Key Catechism Sources: 778, 1883, 1 Peter 2:13-17; 1 John 4:7-8
1944 Key Catechism Sources: 1892, 1895,
Faith Words: Encyclical; social 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1906, 1920,
teaching (social doctrine) of the church 1925, 1926, 1944, 1947, 1959, 1977, 1978,
Learn by Heart: Matthew 25:40 1980, 1981, 2070, 2242
Learn by Example: Pope Francis, “The Faith Words: common good; moral
People’s Pope” law
Learn by Heart: John 10:10 Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death
Learn by Example: U Thant, Secretary (2005) / Sister Marie Augusta Neal
General of the United Nations and SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:
promoter of prosperity and peace for Old Testament: Isaiah 11:6-9
all people New Testament: Matthew 5:9, 10-11,
7:12, 13:24-30, 36-43; Mark 4:31–32;
Chapter 6 Luke 4:16–30;
Justice for All Begins at Home Key Catechism Sources: 1935, 2267
focus question: Do small beginnings Faith word: discrimination
matter? Learn by Heart: Matthew 7:12
Content Summary: We don’t need to Learn by Example: Sister Marie
travel far to find opportunities to sow Augusta Neal, SND
the seeds of justice: justice begins ‘at
home’ / It is our duty to build upon the Chapter 7
‘seeds’ of truth we find in our culture Living in the Divine Image
and society and to work to eliminate Three themes of Catholic Social Teaching:
the ‘weeds’ / The USCCB supports • Life and Dignity of the Human
American Catholics in living their faith Person
in the midst of the prevailing culture • Call to Family, Community, and
/ Fighting against discrimination: and Participation
economic inequality in the United • Rights and Responsibilities
States / US Bishops’ promote racial focus question: What’s the meaning
equality and a just society: USCCB of human life?
pastoral letter Brothers and Sisters Content Summary: The human
to Us (1979) / US Bishops’ pastoral search for meaning / We are created
ministry to homosexual people: for divine life / Our life is a great
pastoral message ‘Always Our Children’ gift from God / God showed us our
(1988) / USCCB pastoral letter on the dignity and worth by creating us in
economy: Economic Justice for All (1986) God’s own image and by taking on our
/ The horror of nuclear war / USCCB human nature in the person of Jesus
promote the Christian vision of peace Christ / Prosperity and human dignity
in The Challenge of Peace: God’s Promise / Called to family, community and
and Our Response (1983) / In response participation in society / All families
to the global arms trade, and the role have the potential to benefit their
of the US in this, the USCCB issued own members and the wider society
Sowing Weapons of War (1995), which as well / Family and society must
condemned the culture of violence, set work hand in hand / Rights always
forth principles under which arms sales come with responsibilities / The most
might be permissible, and emphasized fundamental human right is the right
the duty to avoid war / US Bishops’ to life: We must protect life from the
opposition to capital punishment womb to the tomb / We live up to our
outlined in A Good Friday Appeal to the highest vocation when we choose to
End of the Death Penalty (1999) and A live as reflections of God / Our basic
responsibilities / Example of Joseph reveals the dignity of work / Certain
Cardinal Bernardin rights and responsibilities flow from
SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: our common calling to work / The
Old Testament: Genesis 1:26–27, 29–31, Church advocates for workers’ rights /
2:7, 18, 4:9; Deuteronomy 5:16, 26; We are to unite with others in a spirit
Psalm 42:2; Isaiah 43:1, 44:2; Jeremiah of solidarity / World peace depends
10:10 upon solidarity among nations / We are
New Testament: Matthew 12:50, 16:16, masters and stewards of creation / Our
25:40, 45; Mark 7:10-13; Luke 2:51–52, care for animals / We have an urgent
10:27; John 2:1–11, 10:10, 19:27; Acts and sacred responsibility to preserve
9:4; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Galatians 6:10; creation / Example of St. Philip Neri.
Ephesians 1:3-6, 5:1-2; Colossians 1:15- SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:
17; Hebrews 4:15 Old Testament: Genesis 1:28, 2:15, 19-
Key Catechism Sources: 44, 45, 229, 20, 9:1-4, 37:1-36, 44:18—45:1; Exodus
315, 1877, 2207, 2212, 2251, 2319 2:23–25; 14:1–31; 1 Samuel 17:1-58;
Faith Word: Image of God Proverbs 6:6-8; Isaiah 49:14-16
Learn by Heart: Genesis 1:27 New Testament: Matthew 6:25-34,
Learn by Example: Joseph Cardinal 14:13–21, 15:32–39, 25:34–40, 45; Mark
Bernardin, Archbishop of Chicago 2:16-17, 3:6, 6:30–44, 8:1–10; Luke 3:11,
9:10–17; John 5:17, 6:1–15; Romans 7:14–
Chapter 8 17; Philippians 2:4-11; James 2:15–16
Showing Respect for All God’s Creation Key Catechism Sources: 561, 1926,
More Themes of Catholic Social Teaching 1941, 1948, 2417
• Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Faith Word: Preferential option for the
• The Dignity of Work and the Rights poor and vulnerable
of Workers Learn by Heart: Matthew 25:40
• Solidarity Learn by Example: St. Philip Neri
• Care for God’s Creation
focus question: Does God take sides Chapter 9
and favor anyone? Sin and it’s Social Dimensions
Content Summary: The Scriptures focus question: Does personal sin
have many examples of God’s special have social consequences?
care and favor for the weak and Content Summary: The social nature
vulnerable / Compassion for those of sin / Social sin throughout Old
in need was the great hallmark of Testament / Social sin in the world
Jesus’ public ministry / Christians are today / The challenges of social sin
called to imitate Jesus’ example and / The subtlety of sin / Personal and
to show special care for the poor / social sin / Responsibility for social
Preferential option for the poor and sin / Foundations for social sin / The
vulnerable / Many forms of poverty / senselessness of sin / Attitudes that
God created the world and the goods foster unjust treatment of others /
in it for the benefit of all humankind / Social structures that foster injustice
Appropriate use of wealth / Scripture / Social sin down the ages / The life,
Death, Resurrection and Ascension the sake of serving the common good
of Jesus has conquered all sin, both / Citizens owe obedience to those
personal and social / The social in social positions of authority / The
dimension of the Commandments / limits of civil obedience / Responsible
The Greatest Commandment / The resistance / “You shall not kill”: The
first three commandments: Love of most minimal possible expression of
God / Building a just society / Religious love for neighbor as oneself / The evil
liberty for all / Example of Fr. John of abortion / Offenses against personal
Courtney Murray, S.J . integrity and uniqueness / Protecting
SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: life after birth – euthanasia, suicide /
Old Testament: Genesis 2:2, 3:1–19; War: An offense against the dignity of
Deuteronomy 6:4-6; Isaiah 58:1-10; human life / ‘Just war’ theory / Capital
Ezekiel 36:26; punishment / Scandal / Example of the
New Testament: Matthew 22:34-40; Pax Christi movement (1945–present)
Mark 1:15; Luke 10:27; John 3:16; SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:
Romans 5:17, 7:23; 1 Corinthians Old Testament: Exodus 20:12, 13;
15:56–57; Philippians 2:9; 1 John 4:7–12, Leviticus 19:18; Deuteronomy 5:16–17,
20, 21 6:5
Key Catechism Sources: 1868, 1869, New Testament: Matthew 5:9, 23–24,
1872, 2134, 2190, 2193, 2194 18:6, 22:34–40; Mark 12:28–34; Luke
Faith word: social sin; structures of 2:41–52; John 5:21, 24–25, 13:31-35,
sin 14:15, 17:20-25; Romans 13:8, 10;
Learn by Heart: Luke 10:27 2 Corinthians 5:18; Galatians 5:1;
Learn by Example: Fr. John Courtney 1 Timothy 5:8; James 3:18
Murray, American Jesuit Priest and Key Catechism Sources: 2197, 2207,
theologian 2237, 2280, 2284, 2309, 2320, 2323
Faith Word: Just war
Chapter 10 Learn by Heart: Exodus 20:12–13
Loving our Neighbors – The Fourth and Learn by Example: Pax Christi
Fifth Commandments movement
focus question: What is the greatest
commandment? Chapter 11
Content Summary: Love of God and Respecting God’s Gifts – The Sixth and
love of neighbor are inseparable: This Seventh Commandments
is the greatest commandment / Jesus focus question: How do we respond
sought to free the people of his day to God’s gifts?
from a legalistic adherence to the Law / Content Summary: God loves us and
Following the Commandments is never wants nothing but the best for us / The
a purely private matter / God wants Sixth and Seventh Commandments
us to love and respect our parents give us guidance on how best to use
and civil authorities / Family as the the gifts of sexuality and possessions
school of society / Elected officials / We have no greater gift from God
and civil authorities have power for than our sexuality / Developing a
well-adjusted sexuality / The challenge and love / True love: more than a
and reward of chastity / Misuses feeling / Temperance and modesty /
of sexuality: Human trafficking, Exploitation of sexuality in the media /
concupiscence, free unions, adultery Natural desire and envy / When we put
and fornication / Pornography / God first, all our other desires fall into
Masturbation / Homosexual acts / their proper place / Living a simple and
Rape and prostitution / The Seventh generous life / Example of St. Cecilia.
Commandment forbids us from SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:
unjustly depriving our neighbors Old Testament: Exodus 20:16, 17;
of their goods / Stealing / Unjust Deuteronomy 5:20, 21; 2 Samuel 7:28,
economic policies / White-collar crime 12:1–9; Psalm 119:160; Proverbs 18:5;
/ Destruction of the environment / Sirach 18:30-31
Example of Mary Jo Leddy and Romero New Testament: Matthew 5:3, 8, 27,
House. 6:21, 24-34, 15:10-20, 19:23–26, 20:28;
SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Mark 9:35, 14:53-65; Luke 23:34; John
Old Testament: Genesis 1:27–31, 2:15, 8:31, 13:34-35, 14:6, 15:11-13, 16:13, 18:37-
24; Exodus 20:14, 15; Tobit 4:12; 38; 1 Corinthians 13:4–7, 13; Ephesians
Proverbs 6:32-33 4:29; 1 Timothy 2:9; 1 John 4:8, 16-21
New Testament: Matthew 2:1–12, 5:8, Key Catechism Sources: 2466, 2476,
27-30, 25:14–30; Luke 11:5–13; Acts 2505, 2519, 2521
2:44-45, 4:32; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:13b, Faith Words: envy, greed (avarice)
17-20 Learn by Heart: Exodus 20:16–17
Key Catechism Sources: 2358 Learn by Example: St. Cecilia, virgin,
Faith Words: celibacy; chastity wife and martyr
Learn by Heart: Exodus 20:14–15
Learn by Example: Mary Jo Leddy, and Chapter 13
Romero House Living the Blessed Life – The Social
Dimensions of the Beatitudes: Part
Chapter 12 One
Seeking the Best for One Another – focus question: Who are the truly
Commandments Eight, Nine and Ten happy?
focus question: What does it mean to Content Summary: God provides
love one’s self? us with the means of overcoming
Content Summary: To fulfill our sin and recovering our ability to live
vocation as people made in the “image in communion with God and our
and likeness of God” we must love neighbor / The meaning of ‘Beatitude’
each other as God loves us / Jesus lived / The challenges and joy of living in
his entire life as a way of love / We are community / The plight of people
called always to bear witness to the living in poverty / The dangers of
truth / Violations of truth: lying, rash wealth / Living in radical poverty /
judgement, detraction, calumny and Mourning / We don’t suffer alone /
perjury / Promoting truth in wider God offers comfort / The meaning of
society / Conditions for chastity “meek” / The mean and the meek /
As the Incarnate Son of God, no one the seeds of justice in the world today
knows the meaning of meekness will reap the fruit of their labors at the
better than Jesus / Humility is honesty end of time / What it means to be pure
/ God promises to raise up the meek / in heart / Distractions of many kinds /
Guideposts to Beatitude / Example of Fostering purity of heart / With purity
St. André Bessette of heart, we can come “to see God in all
SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: things” / From the beginning, humans
Old Testament: Psalms 22:1, 44:11, alienated themselves from God and
51:2–4, 79:4, 94:2–15, 113:7, 9, 130:1; from each other and destroyed the
Proverbs 3:34 harmony that God intended / Peace is
New Testament: Matthew 4:1-4, 5:1- a central feature of the ministry and
7:29, 10:37-38, 11:25-29, 19:16-30, 25:31- saving work of Jesus / Building peace
46, 27:46; Mark 10:17–22; Luke 2:46-51, in society / Building peace in individual
6:12, 17-49, 10:33-37, 12:13-21, 14:25-33; hearts / We act as children of God
Romans 6:5; Philippians 2:3–9; James when we bring Christ’s peace to the
4:6; Revelation 21:3-4 world / Example of Wangari Maathal
Faith Word: Beatitudes SCRIPTURE REFERENCES:
Learn by Heart: Matthew 5:3, 4, 5 Old Testament: Genesis 3:15, 4:1–16;
Learn by Example: St. André Bessette, Exodus 21:22-25, 33:18-19, 34:5-6;
“Miracle Man of Montreal” Leviticus 24:19-21; Deuteronomy
19:16-21; Isaiah 9:6, 11:6-9
Chapter 14 New Testament: Matthew 4:8-10, 5:6–
Living as Children of God – The Social 10, 38-41, 6:6-19, 25-34, 7:1-2, 10:37-39,
Dimensions of the Beatitudes: Part Two 13:31-33, 18:23-25, 26:49-53; Luke 2:8-
focus question: Who are the 11, 13-14, 7:36–50, 10:38–42, 23:34; John
merciful? 3:16, 14:27, 15:18–20, 17:14-26, 20:19,
Content Summary: The power of 21–22; Romans 1:7, 5:17; 1 Corinthians
mercy / Jesus modeled for us the “way” 13:12; 2 Corinthians 5:17–20 Galatians
of love / A world without mercy is a 5:22-23; Ephesians 2:4; 1 Peter 1:2
world trapped in perpetual hostility / Key Catechism Sources: 2519
Just as God forgives us, so God call us Faith Words: peace; purity of heart
to forgive / Jesus modeled forgiveness Learn by Heart: Matthew 5: 6–10
and mercy for all / We must deeply Learn by Example: Wangari Maathal,
desire righteousness and justice, and environmentalist, human rights activist
expect resistance / Those who plant and Nobel Peace Prize winner
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