4.14 Budget Presentation Final
4.14 Budget Presentation Final
4.14 Budget Presentation Final
City of Detroit
Mayor Mike Duggan
America has never seen anything like the Coronavirus
Only 1 month ago, on March 13, Detroit had its first case
In the month since, the pain suffered by
our community has been enormous
We have lost 424 Detroiters to this disease.
We have lost 8 of our fellow city employees:
3 from Police Department
3 from BSEED
1 from Fire Department
We have lost 26 Detroiters living in nursing homes.
At first, Detroit got hit as hard and
as fast as any city in the country
And we quickly learned the average Detroiter couldn’t get tested.
Some thought we would be overwhelmed.
In March, there were only 125 Coronavirus lab tests being
done each day in the enSre State of Michigan
When they said there was no lab capacity in Michigan, Jamie Dimon and JP
Morgan Chase helped us strike a deal Bioreference Labs of New Jersey.
When they said there were no medical staff to take the tests, we partnered
with Henry Ford Hospital, DMC, Trinity Health (St. Joe’s and St. Mary’s), and
WSU Medical School
When they told us we couldn’t start because there were no lab kits for us,
Dr. Roberto Romero and the NIH made up special tesSng kits for us in the
prenatal care labs.
When they said there were no doctors to write prescripSons for the
uninsured, we recruited 30 Detroit offices to take new paSents.
When they said there was no way to test those without cars, we got Gary
Torgow and TCF to provide $2 rides to the test site.
And we’ve been operaSng one of the most successful
drive-thru test sites in America.
We Did Our 8,000th Drive Thru Test Today
When our police force was hit hard by the virus and had
more than 600 officers quaranSned
Detroit became the first city in the U.S. to get instant tests
Detroit has now done 2,000 instant tests in 2 weeks
Accenture InvestDetroit
Accounting Aid Academy JP Morgan Chase
Angel Share Metro Solutions
BioReference Laboratories Michigan Health Information Network
Black Theatre Network National Black MBA Association - Detroit
Central City Integrated Health (CCIH) Ramada by Wyndham Southfield
Community & Home Supports Detroit Salvation Army
Corporation of Supportive Housing (CSH) SEMHA (Southeastern Michigan Health
Detroit Area Agency on Aging Association)
Detroit Economic Growth Corporation Shopify
Detroit Food Policy Council Southwest Housing Solutions CAM
Detroit Medical Center TechTown
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries Trinity Health
DTE Foundation Wayne State Medical School
Flash Delivery Wayne State University Physicians Group
Forgotten Harvest Dr. Roberto Romero and the Wayne State
Henry Ford Health Systems University Perinatal Research Branch
Henry Ford Hospital Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties
Hilton Garden Inn Detroit
Homeless Action Network Detroit (HAND)
The people of Detroit have strongly supported our
social distancing message.
The 1,000 bed emergency field hospital opened last Friday
at the TCF Center, expecSng 250 paSents this week.
As of this acernoon, they have 8 paSents.
But while we are starSng to succeed right now, we
cannot let up and return to old habits.
As we bagle the Coronavirus itself, we also have to
bagle a major budget deficit
City of Detroit Budget Process
The State Financial Review Commission was set up by state law in 2014
and had power to approve all city budgets, labor agreements, major
contracts, debt issuance, and city policies.
The law allowed Detroit to get out of acSve oversight if we met
requirements for 3 straight years for balanced budgets, prompt bill
payment, proper accounSng, compliance with State laws, and balanced
four year plan.
In April, 2018, Detroit met those condiSons and
acSve state oversight was ended.
However, if we run a deficit in a single year, acSve state
oversight goes back into effect for 3 year minimum
Annual City Budget FY 19-20
Total General Fund Budget: $1,086 Billion
Total Employees: 8,000 Employees
(not including DWSD, 36th District Court and Library)
Budgeted Sources of General Fund Revenue
Income Tax $ 324 Million 30%
Revenue Sharing $ 204 Million 19%
Casino Taxes $ 184 Million 17%
Property Taxes $ 115 Million 10%
Fees, Other Rev. $ 259 Million 24%
Total $1,086 Billion
Other Funds $ 55 Million DDOT Bus fares, BSEED construcSon fund revenue
(shorjalls backed by General Fund)
What’s happening to those revenues?
Budgeted Sources of General Fund Revenue
Income Tax $ 324 Million Projected to drop 13%
Revenue Sharing $ 204 Million Sales tax share projected to drop 11%
FY 2020 FY 2021
16 Month Total
Income Tax -$ 49 Million -$101 Million -$150 Million
Revenue Sharing -$ 7 Million -$ 14 Million -$ 21 Million
Casino Taxes -$ 52 Million -$ 60 Million
-$112 Million
Property Taxes -$ 1 Million -$ 7 Million -$ 8 Million
Fees, Grants, Fares -$ 45 Million -$ 12 Million -$ 57 Million
-$194 Million -$348 Million
Total -$154 Million
The following plan applies to roughly 8,000
employees under the execuSve branch.
Does not apply to:
Detroit Land Bank
Detroit Water and Sewer Department
Detroit Public Libraries
Detroit Public LighSng Authority
The LegislaSve and Independent branches and
agencies will also have to make their own decisions:
City Council Detroit Auditor General
City Clerk Detroit Inspector General
How Do We Eliminate a $348 Million Revenue
Shorjall in 16 Months?