Respcare 05961 Full
Respcare 05961 Full
Respcare 05961 Full
BACKGROUND: High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) use has greatly increased in recent years. In
non-neonatal pediatric patients, there are limited data available to guide HFNC use, and clinical
practice may vary significantly. The goal of this study was to evaluate current HFNC practice by
surveying practicing pediatric respiratory therapists. METHODS: A survey instrument was posted
on the American Association for Respiratory Care’s AARConnect online social media platform in
March 2017. Paper versions of the survey were also distributed at the annual Children Hospitals
Association meeting. RESULTS: There were 63 responses, of which 98% used HFNC. HFNC was
defined as any heated gas delivered by nasal cannula by 49% of respondents, whereas 21% defined
HFNC as heated gas delivered via nasal cannula at flow greater than or equal to the patient’s
inspiratory demand, and 16% defined HFNC as any gas delivered via nasal cannula above pre-
defined thresholds. Initial flow was set per provider orders by 34% of respondents, per respiratory
therapist-driven protocol by 28%, per patient weight by 15%, per patient age by 15%; 5% of
respondents used other methods. Noninvasive ventilation or CPAP was used by 88% of respondents
as the next step for patients who failed HFNC, with 7% opting for intubation and 5% using other
interventions. Aerosol therapy was delivered by 75% of respondents during HFNC, with 77% of
these respondents delivering aerosol via vibrating mesh nebulizer. During aerosol therapy, 13% of
respondents decreased HFNC flow, while 23% removed patients from HFNC. CONCLUSION:
There was no consensus on the definition of HFNC, how to set initial flow, or how to make
adjustments. Aerosols were delivered by 75% of respondents, predominantly via a vibrating mesh
nebulizer placed on the dry side of the humidifier. The definition of HFNC, how to set flow, and
aerosolized medication delivery are areas in which more research is needed. Key words: high-flow
nasal cannula; pediatrics; aerosol therapy; children. [Respir Care 0;0(0):1–•. © 0 Daedalus Enterprises]
Respondents, n 36 27 63
Number of beds, mean ⫾ SD 84 ⫾ 91 346 ⫾ 127 198 ⫾ 169 ⬍.001
Number of PICU beds, mean ⫾ SD 21 ⫾ 26 130 ⫾ 121 66 ⫾ 96 ⬍.001
Standalone children’s hospital, n (%) 10 (28%) 27 (100%) 37 (59%) ⬍.001
Tertiary/academic center, n (%) 23 (64%) 22 (81%) 45 (71%) .10
Role, n (%)
Manager/director 16 (44%) 24 (89%) 40 (63%) .001
Supervisor/clinical specialist 9 (25%) 1 (4%) 10 (16%)
Other 2 (13%) 2 (7%) 4 (6%)
Staff therapist 9 (25%) 0 (0%) 9 (14%)
Use HFNC, n (%) 35 (97%) 27 (100%) 62 (98%) .38
Neonates 31 (85%) 27 (100%) 58 (86%) .044
Pediatrics 32 (89%) 27 (100%) 59 (94%) .07
Adults 28 (78%) 12 (44%) 40 (63%) .007
Where HFNC is used, n (%)
Emergency department 29 (81%) 26 (96%) 55 (87%) .063
Regular floors 21 (58%) 20 (74%) 41 (65%) .20
Step-down or intermediate care 27 (75%) 19 (70%) 46 (73%) .68
ICU 33 (92%) 27 (100%) 60 (95%) .12
Table 2. Patient Characteristics and Frequency of RT Assessments Table 3. Respondent Survey Responses
were used by the providers to determine initial flow. Con- members with access to the AARConnect Neonatal/Pedi-
ceptually, using patient weight seems reasonable, but older atric, Management, and Help Line sections were surveyed,
children may not tolerate flows of 2 L/kg/min. In addition, and these respondents may not be representative of RTs as
some children may be significantly under or over their a whole. Questions may not have been worded clearly, and
predicted body weight, thus making flow based on weight by their nature surveys cannot evaluate nuances in clinical
suboptimal. Using age instead of weight is another strat- practice. Finally, to keep the survey focused, we did not
egy, but many patients are underweight or overweight based ask any questions regarding HFNC weaning methods or
on their age, especially children with chronic respiratory strategies. These topics are also debated and are deserving
illnesses who tend to be below their predicted body of further study.
weight.17 Direct comparisons of different methods for set-
ting and adjusting flow are needed. Individual inspiratory Conclusion
flows also likely vary substantially between disease states,
even for patients who are the same age, height, and weight. There was no consensus on the definition of HFNC,
Device limitations prevent delivering ⬎ 2 L/kg/min for how to set initial flow, or how to make adjustments. Fail-
larger children because most devices have a maximum ure of HFNC resulted in escalation to NIV or CPAP for
flow of 60 L/min. 88% of respondents. Aerosols were delivered by 75% of
Most of our respondents indicated that NIV or CPAP respondents, predominantly via a vibrating mesh nebulizer
was the next intervention for patients who did not respond placed on the dry side of the humidifier. The definition of
well to HFNC. We did not ask respondents what criteria HFNC, how to set flow, and aerosolized medication de-
were used to determine HFNC failure; however, it is im- livery are areas in which more research is needed.
portant to recognize when HFNC is failing and escalate to
appropriate level of support. When starting HFNC, clear
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