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RESPIRATORY CARE Paper in Press. Published on March 13, 2018 as DOI: 10.4187/respcare.


High-Flow Nasal Cannula in Pediatric Patients:

A Survey of Clinical Practice
Andrew G Miller RRT RRT-ACCS RRT-NPS, Michael A Gentle MBA RRT FAARC,
Lisa M Tyler MHS RRT RRT-NPS, and Natalie Napolitano MPH RRT RRT-NPS FAARC

BACKGROUND: High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) use has greatly increased in recent years. In
non-neonatal pediatric patients, there are limited data available to guide HFNC use, and clinical
practice may vary significantly. The goal of this study was to evaluate current HFNC practice by
surveying practicing pediatric respiratory therapists. METHODS: A survey instrument was posted
on the American Association for Respiratory Care’s AARConnect online social media platform in
March 2017. Paper versions of the survey were also distributed at the annual Children Hospitals
Association meeting. RESULTS: There were 63 responses, of which 98% used HFNC. HFNC was
defined as any heated gas delivered by nasal cannula by 49% of respondents, whereas 21% defined
HFNC as heated gas delivered via nasal cannula at flow greater than or equal to the patient’s
inspiratory demand, and 16% defined HFNC as any gas delivered via nasal cannula above pre-
defined thresholds. Initial flow was set per provider orders by 34% of respondents, per respiratory
therapist-driven protocol by 28%, per patient weight by 15%, per patient age by 15%; 5% of
respondents used other methods. Noninvasive ventilation or CPAP was used by 88% of respondents
as the next step for patients who failed HFNC, with 7% opting for intubation and 5% using other
interventions. Aerosol therapy was delivered by 75% of respondents during HFNC, with 77% of
these respondents delivering aerosol via vibrating mesh nebulizer. During aerosol therapy, 13% of
respondents decreased HFNC flow, while 23% removed patients from HFNC. CONCLUSION:
There was no consensus on the definition of HFNC, how to set initial flow, or how to make
adjustments. Aerosols were delivered by 75% of respondents, predominantly via a vibrating mesh
nebulizer placed on the dry side of the humidifier. The definition of HFNC, how to set flow, and
aerosolized medication delivery are areas in which more research is needed. Key words: high-flow
nasal cannula; pediatrics; aerosol therapy; children. [Respir Care 0;0(0):1–•. © 0 Daedalus Enterprises]

Introduction dries the nasal mucosa and increases upper-airway resis-

tance.2 Technological advances, ease of use, and relative
High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) use has greatly in- low cost, combined with the widespread availability of
creased in recent years. High-flow gas is defined as a flow commercial systems, has contributed to the increased use
that meets or exceeds the patient’s inspiratory flow.1 With- of HFNC. HFNC has been shown to have several benefi-
out heated humidity, the amount of gas flow delivered via cial physiologic effects, including washout of anatomic
nasal cannula is limited due to poor patient tolerance as it dead space, more consistent FIO2 delivery, improved pa-
tient tolerance, and low levels of PEEP.3,4
Mr Miller and Mr Gentle are affiliated with Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, North Carolina. Ms Tyler and Ms Napolitano are affil-
iated with The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Penn-
Correspondence: Andrew G Miller RRT RRT-ACCS RRT-NPS, Duke
The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest. University Medical Center, Respiratory Care Services, PO Box 3911,
2301, Erwin Rd, Durham, NC 27710. E-mail: andrew.g.miller@duke.edu.
Supplementary material related to this paper is available at http://
www.rcjournal.com. DOI: 10.4187/respcare.05961


Copyright (C) 2018 Daedalus Enterprises ePub ahead of print papers have been peer-reviewed, accepted for publication, copy edited
and proofread. However, this version may differ from the final published version in the online and print editions of RESPIRATORY CARE
RESPIRATORY CARE Paper in Press. Published on March 13, 2018 as DOI: 10.4187/respcare.05961


A recent systematic review and meta-analysis5 in adults

found HFNC to be associated with a reduction in intuba- QUICK LOOK
tion rates similar to noninvasive ventilation (NIV) when Current knowledge
compared with conventional oxygen therapy, but no
High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) use has greatly in-
changes in ICU length of stay or mortality were reported.
creased in recent years. In non-neonatal pediatric pa-
The authors concluded that HFNC is an acceptable alter-
tients, limited data are available to guide HFNC use,
native to NIV in certain clinical situations. A Cochrane
and clinical practice may vary significantly.
review of studies involving premature neonates found
HFNC to be equivalent to CPAP regarding mortality, de- What this paper contributes to our knowledge
velopment of chronic lung disease, and extubation failure,
although HFNC was associated with less nasal trauma.6 There was no consensus on the definition of HFNC,
However, a more recent randomized controlled trial7 found how to set initial flow, or how to make adjustments.
that infants receiving HFNC as primary support were more Failure of HFNC resulted in escalation to noninva-
likely to develop treatment failure within 72 h when com- sive ventilation or CPAP for 88% of respondents.
pared to those who received CPAP. A retrospective anal- Aerosols were delivered by 75% of respondents, pre-
ysis of a large premature neonatal database found that, dominantly via a vibrating mesh nebulizer placed on
compared to CPAP, HFNC was associated with an in- the dry side of the humidifier.
creased risk of death, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, de-
layed oral feeding, and increased hospital length of stay
for infants ⬍ 1 kg.8
ratory Care (AARC) AARConnect online social media
Randomized controlled trials in pediatric subjects are
platform in March 2017. Paper versions of the survey were
relatively limited, with a recent Cochrane review being
distributed at the annual Children Hospitals Association
unable to make any recommendations due to no studies
(CHA) meeting. Paper surveys were entered into REDCap by
meeting their entry criteria.9 There has been one random-
one of the authors. The survey was approved by the AARC
ized controlled trial in infants post cardiac surgery and
board of directors for distribution via AARConnect and ap-
several in infants with bronchiolitis.10-12 Testa et al,10 who
proved for exemption by the Children’s Hospital of Philadel-
studied infants post cardiac surgery, found no change in
phia’s Institutional Review Board. Responses from the AAR-
PaCO2 and an increase in PaO2 when HFNC was compared
Connect and CHA were analyzed for differences in clinical
to low-flow nasal cannula. In infants with bronchiolitis,
practice and are summarized in supplementary materials (see
Milesi et al11 found that HFNC performed worse than
the supplementary materials at http://www.rcjournal.com).
CPAP in infants admitted to the pediatric ICU. Kepreotes
More than one respondent was allowed per institution.
et al12 found that HFNC resulted in longer time spent on
The survey included questions about hospital and re-
oxygen therapy among infant subjects with mild to mod-
spondent demographics, initial HFNC flow setting, adjust-
erate bronchiolitis when compared to standard oxygen ther-
ments, locations where HFNC is used, frequency of as-
apy. Randomized controlled trials in other disease states
sessments, parameters evaluated during assessments, and
are currently unavailable.
aerosol delivery via HFNC if used (see the supplementary
Due to the limited availability of data to guide HFNC
materials at http://www.rcjournal.com). Data were ana-
use, we hypothesized that HFNC practice would vary sig-
lyzed using SPSS version 24 (IBM, Chicago, Illinois).
nificantly between respondents. In particular, the defini-
Chi-square tests and unpaired t tests were performed for
tion of HFNC, how to set flow, and how to deliver aero-
categorical and continuous data, respectively.
solized medications are areas in which more data are clearly
needed. We designed a survey administered to practicing
respiratory therapists (RTs) to evaluate current HFNC prac- Results
tices in pediatric patients.
There were 36 responses from AARConnect and 27
Methods paper surveys from the CHA; 98% of respondents in-
dicated use of HFNC. Respondent demographics are
After a literature review, we designed a survey instru- summarized in Table 1. There were no respondents with
ment using REDCap. The survey instrument was then sent identical demographic data. CHA respondents were more
to 5 colleagues from different centers with experience in likely to be from standalone children’s hospitals com-
HFNC use and survey research for feedback. Changes pared to respondents on AARConnect (100% vs 28%,
were made based on their feedback, and the survey was P ⬍ .001) or to be a manager/director (89% vs 44%,
then posted on the neonatal/pediatric, management, and P ⬍ .001). CHA respondents were more likely than
help line sections of the American Association for Respi- AARConnect respondents to use HFNC in neonates


Copyright (C) 2018 Daedalus Enterprises ePub ahead of print papers have been peer-reviewed, accepted for publication, copy edited
and proofread. However, this version may differ from the final published version in the online and print editions of RESPIRATORY CARE
RESPIRATORY CARE Paper in Press. Published on March 13, 2018 as DOI: 10.4187/respcare.05961


Table 1. Respondent Demographics

Demographics AARConnect Children’s Hospital Association Total P

Respondents, n 36 27 63
Number of beds, mean ⫾ SD 84 ⫾ 91 346 ⫾ 127 198 ⫾ 169 ⬍.001
Number of PICU beds, mean ⫾ SD 21 ⫾ 26 130 ⫾ 121 66 ⫾ 96 ⬍.001
Standalone children’s hospital, n (%) 10 (28%) 27 (100%) 37 (59%) ⬍.001
Tertiary/academic center, n (%) 23 (64%) 22 (81%) 45 (71%) .10
Role, n (%)
Manager/director 16 (44%) 24 (89%) 40 (63%) .001
Supervisor/clinical specialist 9 (25%) 1 (4%) 10 (16%)
Other 2 (13%) 2 (7%) 4 (6%)
Staff therapist 9 (25%) 0 (0%) 9 (14%)
Use HFNC, n (%) 35 (97%) 27 (100%) 62 (98%) .38
Neonates 31 (85%) 27 (100%) 58 (86%) .044
Pediatrics 32 (89%) 27 (100%) 59 (94%) .07
Adults 28 (78%) 12 (44%) 40 (63%) .007
Where HFNC is used, n (%)
Emergency department 29 (81%) 26 (96%) 55 (87%) .063
Regular floors 21 (58%) 20 (74%) 41 (65%) .20
Step-down or intermediate care 27 (75%) 19 (70%) 46 (73%) .68
ICU 33 (92%) 27 (100%) 60 (95%) .12

HFNC ⫽ high-flow nasal cannula

PICU ⫽ pediatric intensive care unit

(100% vs 85%, P ⫽ .044), and less likely to use HFNC Discussion

in adults (44% vs 78%, P ⫽ .007). There were no sta-
tistically significant differences in location of HFNC
In this survey of RTs, there was no consensus for the
use. There were no statistically significant differences
definition of HFNC in pediatric patients, or how to set or
in clinical practice between the AARC and CHA re-
adjust flow. Most respondents used CPAP or NIV when
spondents. Individual differences are included in the
patients failed HFNC. Most respondents indicated that RTs
online supplemental materials (see the supplementary
assessed patients every 4 h. More than three quarters of
materials at http://www.rcjournal.com).
respondents delivered aerosol therapy via HFNC, and most
Disease states, parameters monitored during RT assess-
used a vibrating mesh nebulizer placed on the dry side of
ments, and frequency of assessments based on patient lo-
the humidifier.
cation are summarized in Table 2. Data on the definition of
HFNC was defined as any heated gas delivered by nasal
HFNC, initial HFNC setting, adjustments, and what is
cannula for 49% of respondents, while 21% indicated they
generally done when the patient is failing HFNC are sum-
set the flow at or above the patient’s inspiratory flow.
marized in Table 3.
Importantly, no respondents indicated that they used a
Aerosol therapy was delivered by 75% of respondents
scientifically validated method to ensure set flow was
during HFNC. Of these, 77% delivered aerosols via a
greater than or equal to the patient’s inspiratory flow. Walsh
vibrating mesh nebulizer, 6% via a jet nebulizer, 13%
and Smallwood13 have put forth a method to approximate
decreased HFNC flow, and 23% took the patient off the initial flow setting for HFNC based on the patient’s
HFNC to deliver treatment with a metered-dose inhaler age and weight; to our knowledge, however, this method
or jet nebulizer. Medications delivered via aerosol ther- has not been validated in clinical practice.
apy included ␤2 agonists for 92% of respondents, cor- Clearly defining HFNC is important because a standard
ticosteroids for 50%, mucolytics for 44%, other medi- definition for HFNC would allow clinicians to compare pa-
cations for 4%, and one respondent indicated they tient outcomes across centers, to provide standard definitions
delivered all respiratory medications, including epopro- for clinical trials, and to provide program benchmarking. The
stenol, via aerosol therapy. The nebulizer was placed on use of a clear definition of HFNC has important patient safety
the dry side of the humidifier by 60% of respondents, on implications as well, because many centers require patients
the wet side of the humidifier by 6%, and between the on HFNC to be in the ICU environment. Determining which
circuit and the cannula by 17%. patient populations, set flows, and FIO2 requirements are safe


Copyright (C) 2018 Daedalus Enterprises ePub ahead of print papers have been peer-reviewed, accepted for publication, copy edited
and proofread. However, this version may differ from the final published version in the online and print editions of RESPIRATORY CARE
RESPIRATORY CARE Paper in Press. Published on March 13, 2018 as DOI: 10.4187/respcare.05961


Table 2. Patient Characteristics and Frequency of RT Assessments Table 3. Respondent Survey Responses

Respondents, Survey Responses n (%)

Patient Characteristics
n (%)
A. How do you define HFNC?
Diseases in which HFNC is used Any heated/humidified and blended gas 31 (49)
Bronchiolitis 59 (95) delivered via nasal cannula
Asthma 41 (66) Heated gas delivered via nasal cannula at flow 13 (21)
Pneumonia 47 (76) greater or equal to the patient’s inspiratory
Postoperative 33 (53) demand
ARDS 30 (48) Nasal cannula flow above predefined thresholds 10 (16)
Parameters monitored during RT assessments based on the patient’s age or weight
Breathing frequency 62 (100) Other/no response 6 (10)
Heart rate 48 (77) B. What method is used to set flow?
Heart rate via continuous ECG 41 (66) Per provider orders 21 (34)
Work of breathing 53 (85) Per RT-driven protocol 17 (28)
Blood pressure 12 (19) Weight-based (eg, 1 L/kg/min) 9 (15)
Pulse oximetry (SpO2) 60 (97) Age based (different flow for different ages) 9 (15)
Transcutaneous CO2 10 (16) Other 3 (5)
Near infrared spectroscopy 3 (5) C. How is flow adjusted?
Per RT-driven protocol 22 (36)
Frequency of RT Assessments
On the basis of vital signs (breathing frequency, 21 (34)
Emergency department
heart rate, work of breathing)
Every 2 h 22 (41)
Per provider orders 15 (25)
Every 4 h 19 (35)
Other 3 (5)
Every 6 h 1 (2)
D. In general, when a patient’s oxygenation on
Other 12 (22) HFNC is below goal, what do you do first?
Step-down or intermediate care Increase FIO2 34 (57)
Every 2 h 3 (7) Increase flow 18 (30)
Every 4 h 36 (80) Other 8 (13)
Every 6 h 5 (11) E. In general, what is the next step if a patient
Other 1 (2) fails HFNC?
General floors Noninvasive ventilation 37 (63)
Every 2 h 5 (13) CPAP 15 (25)
Every 4 h 26 (67) Intubation 4 (7)
Every 6 h 8 (21) Other 3 (5)
Other 0 (0)
ICU For A, N ⫽ 62; for B, N ⫽ 61; for C, N ⫽ 61; for D, N ⫽ 60; for E, N ⫽ 59.
HFNC ⫽ high-flow nasal cannula
Every 2 h 12 (20)
RT ⫽ respiratory therapist
Every 4 h 39 (66)
Every 6 h 6 (10)
Other 2 (8)
Optimal methods to determine initial flow and to adjust
RT ⫽ respiratory therapist
ECG ⫽ electrocardiogram
the flow for HFNC are unknown. Initial flows in clinical
trials have used 2 L/kg/min in infants post cardiac surgery
and in infants with moderate/severe bronchiolitis or pneu-
monia, 1 L/kg/min for infants with mild/moderate bron-
to be outside the ICU are important areas where additional chiolitis, and 1–3 L/kg/min for subjects in the pediatric
data are needed. Therapeutic goals also need to be taken into ICU with respiratory distress due to bronchiolitis and pneu-
consideration, as patients placed on HFNC to receive aerosol monia.10-12,14,15 Weiler et al16 recently evaluated HFNC
therapy or therapeutic gases, or decrease discomfort associ- titration in 21 children (median age 6 mo, median weight
ated with regular nasal cannula use, may not require ICU- 6.5 kg) and found the optimal flow to decrease work of
level care. The frequency of monitoring and assessments by breathing (as measured by the pressure rate product) was
RTs could be determined on the basis of therapeutic goals to 1.5–2 L/kg/min. Importantly, the authors did not increase
optimize therapy and to avoid unnecessary assessments. These flow above 2 L/kg/min due to concerns about air leak and
parameters will likely need to be determined according to the subject tolerance.16 Only 19% of our respondents indi-
needs of individual institutions and their comfort level utiliz- cated that a weight-based method was used to set initial
ing HFNC in areas with less frequent monitoring than the inspiratory flow. The most common response was per pro-
ICU or the emergency department. vider orders; we did not ask specifically what methods


Copyright (C) 2018 Daedalus Enterprises ePub ahead of print papers have been peer-reviewed, accepted for publication, copy edited
and proofread. However, this version may differ from the final published version in the online and print editions of RESPIRATORY CARE
RESPIRATORY CARE Paper in Press. Published on March 13, 2018 as DOI: 10.4187/respcare.05961


were used by the providers to determine initial flow. Con- members with access to the AARConnect Neonatal/Pedi-
ceptually, using patient weight seems reasonable, but older atric, Management, and Help Line sections were surveyed,
children may not tolerate flows of 2 L/kg/min. In addition, and these respondents may not be representative of RTs as
some children may be significantly under or over their a whole. Questions may not have been worded clearly, and
predicted body weight, thus making flow based on weight by their nature surveys cannot evaluate nuances in clinical
suboptimal. Using age instead of weight is another strat- practice. Finally, to keep the survey focused, we did not
egy, but many patients are underweight or overweight based ask any questions regarding HFNC weaning methods or
on their age, especially children with chronic respiratory strategies. These topics are also debated and are deserving
illnesses who tend to be below their predicted body of further study.
weight.17 Direct comparisons of different methods for set-
ting and adjusting flow are needed. Individual inspiratory Conclusion
flows also likely vary substantially between disease states,
even for patients who are the same age, height, and weight. There was no consensus on the definition of HFNC,
Device limitations prevent delivering ⬎ 2 L/kg/min for how to set initial flow, or how to make adjustments. Fail-
larger children because most devices have a maximum ure of HFNC resulted in escalation to NIV or CPAP for
flow of 60 L/min. 88% of respondents. Aerosols were delivered by 75% of
Most of our respondents indicated that NIV or CPAP respondents, predominantly via a vibrating mesh nebulizer
was the next intervention for patients who did not respond placed on the dry side of the humidifier. The definition of
well to HFNC. We did not ask respondents what criteria HFNC, how to set flow, and aerosolized medication de-
were used to determine HFNC failure; however, it is im- livery are areas in which more research is needed.
portant to recognize when HFNC is failing and escalate to
appropriate level of support. When starting HFNC, clear
clinical goals and criteria for escalation should be defined
by the team, as well as whether the next step will be NIV, 1. Hess D. Respiratory care: principles and practice. Sudbury, MA:
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2. Williams R, Rankin N, Smith T, Galler D, Seakins P. Relationship
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sial.19,20 Bench studies to date indicate that aerosol is de- 3. Lee JH, Rehder KJ, Williford L, Cheifetz IM, Turner DA. Use of
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Copyright (C) 2018 Daedalus Enterprises ePub ahead of print papers have been peer-reviewed, accepted for publication, copy edited
and proofread. However, this version may differ from the final published version in the online and print editions of RESPIRATORY CARE
RESPIRATORY CARE Paper in Press. Published on March 13, 2018 as DOI: 10.4187/respcare.05961


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Copyright (C) 2018 Daedalus Enterprises ePub ahead of print papers have been peer-reviewed, accepted for publication, copy edited
and proofread. However, this version may differ from the final published version in the online and print editions of RESPIRATORY CARE

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